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7lU INDEX. Abhott and Hill, 559, 561. ARMY-cont.. ilR:I1Y OFF1CERs--cont. ACT: picture of English soldier in L'tthU,ln, Lt. See. 8 Henry VI. f'. ii., 27. 1710, 224. Law, Col. See. 22 Edward IV., c. ii., 28. troops permanently stationed L3 l'rIarchant, Sir J. G. See. 11 Henry VII. c. xxiii., 28. at St. John's, 224. Lilburne, Lt., 224. 1 Henry VIII. c. 1.,27. failure of the, in America. 236. Lloyd, ~1ajor. See. 33 Henry VIII. c. xi., 33. ~loody's defence of St. John's, Maxse, .sir R., 513, 660. 2 & 3 Edward VI. c. vi., 53. 242. McDonell, Capt. See. 5 Elizabeth c. v. 27,28,55. Lloyd's defence of the out ;o,ioody, Lt. See. 23 Elizabeth c. vii., 28, 56. lymg settlements in 1705·6, Moore, M., Genl., 655. Charles I. thrown out by 246. Murray, Col., 382. Lords, 121, 138. colonial militia, 249. N orris, Col., :lSO. 12 CharlesIL, 173. Collins' command. 249. (J'Bdell, Slr 'f. N. See. 15 Charles II. c. xvi., 173. troops in St. John's, 267. Ogilvie, R, Genl.. 57..,. 10 William III. c. xxv., 225, officers engrossing trade, 267. Pearce, Capt. See. 233, 267,416. local militia, <68, 269. Philips, Lt., 26U. George II. (1759),299. local militia formed, 270. l'hillpotts, Lt., 656. Geor:re III. (176t), 299, 323. regiment raised m N., 274. Pringle, Col., 3U, 652, 653. 14 George III. c. lxxxiii., 328. recruiting for, in N., 290. Pyn>l, Sir R., 176. 15 Georp;e III. c.
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