

Abhott and Hill, 559, 561. ARMY-cont.. ilR:I1Y OFF1CERs--cont. ACT: picture of English soldier in L'tthU,ln, Lt. See. 8 Henry VI. f'. ii., 27. 1710, 224. Law, Col. See. 22 Edward IV., c. ii., 28. troops permanently stationed L3 l'rIarchant, Sir J. G. See. 11 Henry VII. c. xxiii., 28. at St. John's, 224. Lilburne, Lt., 224. 1 Henry VIII. c. 1.,27. failure of the, in America. 236. Lloyd, ~1ajor. See. 33 Henry VIII. c. xi., 33. ~loody's defence of St. John's, Maxse, .sir R., 513, 660. 2 & 3 Edward VI. c. vi., 53. 242. McDonell, Capt. See. 5 Elizabeth c. v. 27,28,55. Lloyd's defence of the out­ ;o,ioody, Lt. See. 23 Elizabeth c. vii., 28, 56. lymg settlements in 1705·6, Moore, M., Genl., 655. Charles I. thrown out by 246. Murray, Col., 382. Lords, 121, 138. colonial militia, 249. N orris, Col., :lSO. 12 CharlesIL, 173. Collins' command. 249. (J'Bdell, Slr 'f. N. See. 15 Charles II. c. xvi., 173. troops in St. John's, 267. Ogilvie, R, Genl.. 57..,. 10 William III. c. xxv., 225, officers engrossing trade, 267. Pearce, Capt. See. 233, 267,416. local militia, <68, 269. Philips, Lt., 26U. George II. (1759),299. local militia formed, 270. l'hillpotts, Lt., 656. Geor:re III. (176t), 299, 323. regiment raised m N., 274. Pringle, Col., 3U, 652, 653. 14 George III. c. lxxxiii., 328. recruiting for, in N., 290. Pyn>l, Sir R., 176. 15 Georp;e III. c. xxxi., 319, 3:36, tJ'oops at St. J Ohll'S and 1'la- RJ,Yllor, Cupt. J., 156,178, 17iJ. 344. centia, 293. Reeves, Col. G., 056. 26 George III. c. xxvi., 345. local militia reformed, 294. Richards, Major, 2.23, 21>2. 31 George III c. xxix., 358. church accommodation in St. Rivers, Col., 2:,7. 32 George III., c. xlvi., 059 .. John's for, 295. .. Robe, Jllajor, 45S. 33 George III. c. lxxvi., 359. sketch of cannon found at Rudkin, Capt., 65S. 49 George III. c. lxxvi., :384. Louisbourg, 3UO. Sale, Lt. Col., 434, 4~7. 5t George III. c. lxxvi., 3S6. recapture of St. John's, 303, Schusler, Lt., ~09, 413, 414. 1 George IV. c.li., ~09. 412. Skel'ret, Col. See. 5 George IV. c.lxvii., 422. 60th Rifles, 308. Skinner, Col. See. William IV. c. lxvii., 429. Montgomery's Highlanders, Stapley, 001., 167. Adams, -, 252. 308. Sutherland, Major, 412. Addison, Rev. Mr., 451. Frazer's Highlan(iers, 308. 'l'eesuale, Capt., 488. Adnavick, 610. Royal Scotch, JO:;. Thorne, M",jor, 574. Africa, Sierra Leone, 555. trouble with garrison at St. Tomlinson, Col., 157. Ailik, Cape, 594. John's and Placentia, 323. Tonge, Capt. W., 382, 654. AilleboLlt, d', M., 268. soldiers acquire land, 8;,6. Tucker, Col., 417. Akarman, S., 174. change of regiments, 339. 'f'ullikin, Lt. Col., 412. Alexander Bay, road to, 623. soldiers farming, 341, 342. Vane, Engineer, 269. R.,665. garrison of St. John's and Arnold's Cove, road to, 6ZS. Allan, M., 572. neighbourhood, 349. Arthur's Mill, 621. Allan's, Sir H., tender for railway, sedition in St. John's, 364.418. Arllot,t, -, 382, 655, 623. , jurisdiction of, Ash, }'., 30l. Alley, Judge, 391. over, N.,365. family, 45". Alsop, firm of, 387. troops in St. John's in1794·S, Ashenhul'st, T., 4, 13. R.,665. 368. Assises Harbour, 610. It., & Co., 460. Royal N. Regiment., 868, 654. Au;;ustine, Labrador Post from, Amherst, Sir Goo 412·416. Nova Scotia Regiment, 368. 60S. Col. Wm., 307. volunteer corps formed, 382. Auk, Great, view of, 283. despatches, 412·416. Royal Com- Auten, Capt., 2:39. portrait of', 3U6. pany, 455. Aylon, L. V. de, 43. Andrews (Murphy & Co.), 53~. St. Pierre, troops at, in 1794. Aylrod's, John, description of Capt .• 224. 575. Placentia, 185, 206. Elias. 175. duel in St. John's, 656. Ayre & S()Il~, 527. Angell, 3l:l3, 635. garrison withdrawn from St. C. R, 508. 665. E.,38l. John's, 659. Azores Ial'lller discovers Labrador, Anguille, Cape, 559, 560, 56l. ARMY OFFICERS: 590. Hills, 629. Amherst, Sir G., 412-416. Anspach, Rev. L. A., 377. Col. W., 307, 412-416. Allse, Sablon, 587. portrait of, 306. Allthoine, -,393,655. Baiilie, Capt., 414. Apsey, G., 617. Barrow, Capt., 414. Aouafort, view of, 227. Bennet, Col.,167. Back Cove, road to, 628, Aicher, R., 30l. Brady, Majol', 3U. Badcock, W _, 301. Archibald, C. D., 43l. Bruce, Genl., 488. Badger Bay, road to, 628. ~:>rtl"ait of, .432. CamplJell. Capt. See. Brook,629. SIr E. M, 431, 439, 446,465,466, llL Genl., :382, 655. Baillie, Capt., 414. 475,636, 663. Cartwright, Major G. See. Baine, Johnston & Co., 460, 493. portrait of, 432. Darling, Sir C. S e. 527.614, 617. S. G., 460. D"sboITOW, Genl., 167. (Lang & Co.), 387. Armstrong, A., 301. Eller, Sir (,., 656. Baird J., 527, 548, 556, 559,561. ARMY EIfol'll, Major, ~02. portrait of, .549. fortifications at Cupids, 126. 1"a wcett, Col., 5~9. Mrs. J., 39::1. . power to build, ]43. FergLlson, Uapt., 412. W.,294. at Ferrylan.} 157. Gibson, Col., 2~2. Buleine, 259. Kirk",'s, 20.3. Gledhill. Col., 282, 287. Balfour, Rev. D., 652. in N. in 1745, 297. Grey. Capt., 488. Baltimore, Lord, 132, 137. in 1780 at St. John's, 349. Haly, Lt. Col. See. portrait of, 113. troops sent to St. John's in Handyside, Lt. Col., 223. arms, 110. 1697,222. Harvey, Sir J. See. character, n3. winter in St. John's. 223. Howe, Genl., 339. charter, 131. 720 INDEX.

Baltimore, Lord-cant. Bennin;, C., 465, 466, 468, 664. BONAVISTA--cont. colony, true boundaries of, Benton Mm, 621. magistrates, &c., of, 301. 109,110. BEOTHlCS, ('6, 151,183, 278, 324. treaty limit, 312. colony, Wynne's letter, 128. Whitbourne's descripticn of justices for, 336. 3;13. mansion, 132, 151, 155, 156. the, 63-65 >eal fishery at, 419, 451. Leonard Calvert, 133. in north of N., none in south, settlements north of; 280, 542, Cecil, Lord. 133, 155, 159. 107. 552. claim to A "alon in 1660, 1~6. Guy's meeting with,128, IS3. under-represf'nted, 468. Frederick, Lord, claim in 1754, .ettlement, view of. :l22. election petition, 43:1. 133,293. Gambier attempts to civilize mem bel'S for, 438, 455, 465, 468, portrait of, 292. the, 376, 377. 064. Bank, f"avinp:s, 436, 459, 656. Buchan's expedition, 38*. farming Jand in, 5')7. Union, 658. Mary March, portrait of, 38,•. trade to Labrador, 602. Commercial, 658. Shandithit, 385. advantages of railway to, 6H). failure of, 536,661. disappearance of the, 385, 386. telegraph to, 639. Banking, 455. wars with the Eskimo, 591. Cape, 258.537. Bannerman, Sir A. 484,487,488,4.92. G. Cartwri~ht's plan to re­ Green Isla.Ild. 246. portrait of, 4!!2. concilE', 598. Bond, J[on. Ro, 530-538,665. Barbese, 557. G.. Cartwright accompanies portrait of, 53:\. Bareneed, 496. his brother to, 599. Bonfoy, Capt., 284, 292. Bar!l"e Bay, 61'7. Spratt sent with painting to, Bonne Bay, 472, 556,557,560,561. Barjery, J., 26'?' 654. herring iishery, 6S0. Eames, J. B., & Co., 460. murder of Lawri!l, 654. BonneEsperance,5~7, 608,609,616. Quarter-master, :3~2. proclamation to protect, 655. view of, 608. R., 450, 455, 457,66 •. Institution, 656. Bonneli, -,389. W.,410. Society formed, 657. Book first printed a.bout N., 76. W.liL,665. Berbice Cove,477. Books on 1.\., p. 666. Barron, P. M" 720. llergne, Sir H., 503, 505. Boone, J. H.,665. Bartlett's family, 452. Bermuda, 8!!, 151,300, 418, ,129, 433. Booth, Sir G .• 175. harbour, 477. view of, 89. Bordot, 1\L, 573. J .. 496, 617, 665. fishpr.v .at N., 3'5, 416. Botwood, Rev. G., 659. W., 615, 617. Berry, Sir J ohu, 194, 106. Bot" oodville Saw Mill, view of, crew. view of,604. Bersimis, post from, 608. 621. Barton, Capt.; acting Gov"~nor, Best, W., 381. view of, 624. 374. Bett's CoY(>, 279. BouchieI', -,382,654,655. Barred Bay, 562. telegra.ph,639. Boulton, Chief J ustke, 433, 4.)4. Barrot, A., 272. Beverley, 1'., 174. 438, 444, 448, 449, 663. Barrow, Capt., 414. Bevill's family, 427. portrait of, 43~. Bas, Cape de, 40. title, 337. Bourne, Chief Ju,tice, 447, 457. Bascombe, G., 411. Wm.,2(J5. Bouthland, '-, 385. Basques, Port·aux-, 626, 629, 631. Bickford, Elias, 222. Bowers, P. R., 532, 548. rail way to, 622. " Billies," 427. Bowgan, N., 84. cable to, 640. Biscayan Cove, 20. Bowker, Capt., 408, 655. in 1857, view of, 640. Bishop, C. R., 55!!, 566. Bown, G. F., 460. :Battcock, 'r., 665. --,655. Howril g, ll.. 427. Batteau, -,610,617. Bishop's Falls, 629. Bros., 460, 527. Batten, Capt., :;82. Black Bear Bay, 617, C., 721. -.664. Duck Brook, 477, 557. C. T.,428. Battle Harbour, 604,610,614,617. River, road to, 628. portrait of, 428. hospital, 615. Tickle. 610, 617. (Rothwell and), 527. post to, 608. Rev. W., 654. W. B., 428. view of, 608. Blackburn of Placentia, 393, portrait of, 428. Batts, Joe, Arm, 279. 655. Boyd and McDougall, 4SO. Baudoin, :n6, 220, 230. Blackmore, -, 288. J., 393, 43(;, 65(;, 065. Baxter, J. Phinney, 105,1305. Blackwood, J., 418. Boyles, B., 617. Bayley's Cove, ZOl. Blaikie, -, 3\12. 393,655. Brndore, 616. Beaucler<", Lord Vere, :Z8f, 2&5. Bla,ke, Sir H., 660. rellmins of French town a:, Beaucourt, M., 264. 265. portrait of, 519. 5fJ6. (Boocore, IVL) , 26l. J.,5t8. :Bradl!'y, -, 284. Beck family of St. Lawrence, 38(). Bland & Tobin, 456. Chris., 29~. H. of St. Lawrence, 3b9. ,J., 362, 419. T.,4,12. T., 411.441,446. J. B., 4.34,437. Bradshaw, -,393, 655. Beenlan, Quarter·master, 654. Blandford Harbour, 607. A.,t6S. -,382. Hon. S., 6u1, 602, 615, 616, f65. Bradstreet., Col. John, 284, 2~O. Be~g, Keir & Co., 460. portralt of, 606. Brady, Chief J us\ice Sir 1'., 226, Beicombe, Lt. Col., 413,414. vOYHge to Cape Chidley, 606. W:l. Beletre, M. de, 261. family, 452. Major, 341. :Belin. Capt., 557, 563. Blanc, Sablon, 473, 601, COG, 60S, BraithwlIite, R., 315. BeJJair's smve~', 501. 609.616. llfl.llld, J., 301. Bellllter, ~i., 253. Boat, Harbour, road to, 628. Brazell, P., 362. "Belle Isle, 22~, 268, 471, 472. Bobardt, Dr., 60,;. Brazil .. trade to, 14, ~3, 403. Little, 271. Boden~, firm of, 297. BreIlltan, P., 721. straits ot', 39,45, 278, 4! O. 596. Boisbriand, 1\1., 232. Brenton. E. B., 662. French burn rooUlS at, 371. Bolml, J., 375. Breton Harbour, 3~!). Belluram, ~05. Bolster Rock, 610, 617. CapE:, see Callada. Bekran of St. PierI'£', 5,·6. BONAVISTA, Cabot's landfall at, Brett, -, (;:;7. Bena;er, T., 252, 253, 272. 10,537. Brest, La bI".ldor, 46. 596. llennet, Col., 167. origin of name, 11, Brickwoofl, J., 416. Wm., 272, 315. French fishine:, 186. Brien. T .. 52:3. Bennett, -., 430. French attack on, 245, 238, Brig llay, 477, 560, 561, 562. C. F., 4:;5,457,458, 65S, 465, 495, 240, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266. lirill~e, Archdca"()!l, 46~. 496. planters go to, 2;;2. \Jl'rtrait (Of, 4(;'1. portrait of, 496. u;th century plall of, 238. Commod;)l e, 241. C. F. & Co., 453, 460. Monti~ny's attack OIl, 241. :Brigns, 232, 262, 490, 602. portrait of, f,()2. defence of, 249. view of, 104. 'r., 4:>1, 433, 664. difficulties with Frellch, 274. rp-turn of the" Hunter," 643. Jud~c, T. R., 489,49,1, 50l!, 5oi', law books for, 286. seallishery, 451. 6G5. jj~hcry !tt, 297. tl'u,,\e to Labrudor, 602. INDEX. 721

I ;l'i~us--('ont-. Cauot-coilt. 0 .. \ FE lll

CARBONEAR-- cont. CI1fl.l'ters-l'ont. Columbus,5. dispute ahont right to prerH'h Guy's. 93, 122. Col vill. Lord, 308. 412-C,. in, 652. Western. 142, 1.;;)·. ('olTIe-by·Chance, rond to, ()2~. riots in, in 1766., 652. Sir D. Kirke's, 11:3. {'onprption Bny, 21:;. 2()t1, ~9il. ,~:~~, members for, 664. Sir J. Kirke's, 13,;. t;ji, ·.u;;)G Island, 266, 270, 271. Chasco Po,tu, 48. names in, lH. view of, 2M. Chateau. 5fl4. 610, 1117. chosen for Guy's Colon.\', (I.i. suc'cessfully defemled in Chctwyn0. 51i1- Carter, Sir F. B. T., 305, 468, 474, propel·t.v, 410. Coote, T .. 3$>2, 39:,. 40:), 652, 6;n. 494, 499, 501, 506, 509, 529, 658, Clark, R., capture by Sanc", 77, if!.. Corbin. Capt., ,,:;n. 66.3,664. narrative of Gilhert's pxpedi- Corms-ck, .T.. 4G7. portra\t of, '19·~, tion, 70. crossed N., C,H. J., 4, 12. George, 35ft Cortereal's yoyage, .~. 10, H, 15. :lI'lr., 559, 56!. of Gree::lspond, 359. 590. P. and W., 460. S.,78. C:)stahelle, -, N!l. 2:i!l. 2(H, 2fl8. 2iG. P. W., 387, 392. 489, 711. beach, 117 .• 40G. Costley. Darhy, 2!H. R., 2% 293, 315, 334, 336, 652, "iews of, 101, JOt Cotton, "faster, H2. 664. Cleary, Capt., 4~7. Couch, Wm .. 174. Capt. R., R.N., 431, 457, 4Gl, Cleer, .Tohn, 213. Courrhlan. Rev. L., 331,334. 468,664. Clenick,.r.. 301. Sur;reon, :382, 6:;4. S. B., 665. Cleeves. \Y., 566. CourtemnndE', Seignenr, 5!JG. Val, 213. Clerk, .J ohn. 30 l. Courting, 5~)~. W., 387. 393, 653, 653. Clift, -, 3.;2. 6;35. , ·1,97, 560, 5(;l. Cartier's, J., voyage, 10, 4~, 5Sr:. J.,410, 460.• 6:i6. Cox. J., :375. 588. •J. A., 665. J. n., 410 . at St. Pierre, MS. W oo:l & Co .. ,:;27. Cozens, C., 431, fl02. 664. Cartwright, 601, 610, 617. Climate. See X. ;Uisccllaneous. Crabb's Brook. ;i,m, ill!!. view of, 60S. Clinton, C:1pt., :lS*. Crail', D. H., 1i411. G., 325, 592, 5g8, 602. Clode Sound, "jew of, (;21. Crantz's Hi,tor.Y of Greenland, :1ccount of Labrador, 598. Clotworthy, -, luI. ;l!ll. character, 600. Cluetts :1t St. 1';(,1,[,(" i:iH. Crandley, R., H:l. diary, 599. Coch, Wm., 2:';0. Crawford, -, 332, ;]il3. dislike of Noble and Pinson, Cocking, I.Jt., 2H4. Crawlev, Capt., 5il7, 568. 599. Wm., 323. fotmilJ', J:37. t~eatment of Eskimo, 598. Cochran, J., 32n. Craze, -,476. portrait of, 61l0. Cochrane, Sir J., 662. Ccemellaire, 337. John, 323, :>21. Sir T., 423. 42·t, Hl!l. Crowe, Capt., 204, 272. portrait of, 323. recalled, 43r.. Jaws, 2H, 271. Carty. Mr., 512. portmit. 0", 425. Crowd.I'. Hon. J .. 43 •. 437. 44:1, '~3r,. l\L H., 665. Code~-, M .• :mi. 45i, 4S3. 43H, ·175. Cary, T .• 30l. Codner's title. 305. portrait of, 450. Casey. J., 720. Cod.l'oy, 472, 47:), 553, 629. Crnmmy, -, 617. Cassidv, the tailor, 449. Cody's claim at FI:1t Islands, 4S.';. Crn&e, T., of Asllprinton, 15i. Cassini's description of St. Pierre, Collin, John, 16:). Cl!ckold He:ld, 370. 569. Coglan (of j'. C. C. and Lucas), COYC, :14D. CastOI'd River, 557. 599. CUfhY{)rth, ()apt., 4Si. Cat Bay, 10. 00f';l1lan'8, J., account of Bermu­ Cull. VI'.,:m. Catalilla. 297,639. dians fishing in N., 340. Cunard LinE', 453. Onward',ne, Nurse, 615. Coke, D'Ewes, ::!:3H, 359, 360, 653. steamer ashore at Cape R~l('(', Cha!e. Lieut., 294. 602. 451. Mr., 581- Colclou~h, Chief JustiCe C., mn, Cupids, 97. Chambers, A., 410. 3BO, 6o~. view of, n7. Change Islands, tele~raph to, 639. threatening letter sent to, Cmwen, Dr., t115, mo. Channel wmter fishery, 630. 40I. ~urtis, .J., :~~1- _. view of, 630. Cole. R., 270. Cnrtls, -, ;;,,7, "r,8. CKANNEL ISLA;)1Ds. Guerl1st'~·, Mr., 497. Cusack, T., and Sons, 430. 103. Col\,sworthy, GovernN' R., 271. Jersey, 52. Colmet, Is.:;, 210,246. 514, .166. Raleif';h encournges trade view of Bridge, 216. to N., 76. Admiral's Beach, 11\5. settlers, 185. IslaI!d, 17;;. Dalton, -, 301. ship, 211!1, :>8!!. Collins, -, 3li6. L., :>43. men, 298. Gon'rnor J olm, 219, ~~.;, Dameron, Capt., 53!!, 562, 5;i:t rooms, 450, 451. 270-:2. Danby, Lord, 203. men at St. PIerre, 511i, acc01111t of, 1708, 26:1. D]". D'Al'gentE'uil. ilL, 2G8. Charters, Cahot's, 8. Colston, -W., !)J. Darl,ing, Sir C.. 4G9, 471, M5.; Ashenhurst's, &c., 1:>. letter, 123. DaVies, L. H .. 51l2. Gilbert's, (;2, 66. Columhier, 3S9. Davigrand, M., 255, INDEX. 728

D::p:i~, -, 2 ~5~ Dildo, 271. 43~. F.a~ton·~, F.:ter. pil'll~iE's, 101, 128. -,6Jfi. hlalld. fish haj~hpl·.\, at. fl.~~. Bella.rile, POl·tu, 48. Ca.pt., lfj.j.. 1!lo. (;;)0. Echevete. -, 37. lIIr .. 41,i. Dillon ..J.. -'i;;i. 4.i7. fila. Eclipse Harbour. 602. Inlet, 610. W.,·J.J,(l.4GO. of the SllU obscrvecl at Bnrl'e(), Davis Island, Post to,6()O. Dill.g\,., HI'I'. -, of B:l.Y BIl]] ..;. ;;I:·i, 316. j):LV~', Capt., 252. 371. Eddy, .James, 640. ])awe. Lawyer. 411. Dodd, T.,334, 339. 6.;:;' ltd ens, 'P. J., 527; C., 665. Dog Creek, 283. Edt;ar, -, :39:3, (;5,:;. E., ()()5. Ilollard, -,450. Edgc()mbe, R., :315. family, 452. Domino Run, 60+. 610, Gli. Edgell, Capt.. :37;;. Da.y, J., 665. DOllelly, Hon. ,\-Y ••J. S" ;;02-501). Education, Castle Rennie school. Dear! Islands, 610,617. ,;14.659, 665. . . (;5i. . Dp.ady of Fox Harbour, J81. portrait of, 502. Gambier encourages. 3ifl, 377. Dearin, .J. J., GG5. Dooling, R.,3St. subdivision of Protestant })" Belliene, P., 143. Don'ilI, Governor R., 28t, 29:3. schools, 41:4. De Bon, --, 47:1. Doughert.v's forge. 524. Riehard Barnes' Act, 4;;0. De Brouilloll, M., 209, 210. DOllgi:1s, Capt., 80G, 412. first gramllntl' school, 6:;4. St. Ol'ide, 24~1, 2GS, 209, 270. .J.,44S. Edwards~ Go\'ernor R. (Ii57) , 284, De Catalogne. G .. 26·J.. J .. and Co., 4,18,460.­ 294;. J)eep Sea Jlliss:on to Labr~d(lr. Doutre, Mr.. 5"2. . Go\'e1'no1' R. (1780), M9. 6U4,614. Downer, Capt., 6011. sued :l t Exeter, 3;;8, Deep Water Creek. RU. at Naohvak, 1)1)2. E:millete. 2·.7. Deer Lake, 626, 62£). Downing, John. 176, Ifl4. Elder, Sir G., 656. I'iew of, 622. nal'rath'e, 20;;. Elford, lI'i:a.jor, 202. De Frontenac, }I., 211. petition, 207.. 208. Eliot, Hugh, 4, 14. Debney, D., 375. John, senr., 20;;. Sir John, lOS. Dr., 843. instruct ions, 150. Elliott, Capt., 89:), (j;';;. .J., 4411, 468, 6Gii. \Villiam, 176 . Goyernor, 365,476. family, 452. Doyle. K, 375, 381. letters of, about Bermuda, De 1:1 Cosn., J., 13, 30. './, ;;~~. (H. B.), 431. 416. De .La. PeirierA, M., 2'12. •J. A .. English in Amerim, 1i. Ellis. Capt., English pira.te. 10:3 . De La Poype, 1St. }fartin, 2!J2. W. 11 .• 468, 4H, 664. Dekan, 1\1., 265. :lIr., 46:3. Elson (Slade & Co.), 433. Delepiney. M .• 2134. P .. 411.438, GM. Emerson. G. H., 3!)o, J:3G, 457, 4,,::;, De Lery, C., 2G~. Drac hart, C., 3:3:!, 5!l4. 467, H15, 6G:J, 6\i4. })elfosse, 1II.. 50ct. Drake, Sir B., iD, G. II., jun.. 514, ;;:32, 5,iO. De lirave, ·W .. :1:1D. Sir l!'., 5 •. portrait of, 5,;1. De Linctot, i'll., 261. pOl·trait of, 54. H. A., 432, -1:38, 466, GiH, De Lo, Chevulit'r. 21;1. Commodore F. W., 2m, 292. P., (i65. Delucluse. 111.. -j.7~. Drew. JOhll, 272. Emily Harbour, 610,617. De )lins, 1I'!., ~li, 281. . 'Vm., scalping of, 216, 2:30. Engelie, :l20. De 'lo11goro, ~r., H 4. DrlScoll, D., 381. English Cape, 10,13. De )Iontorgueil, III.. 211. Dncal'row, J., 174. IS5. English Ha.rbonr, 20, :301, 520, 521. Denllla.rk, Jislwry negotiati()m Duckworth, Sir J. 'r., SGl, as·f·. English, J .. G64. with,25-28. Carson's attack on, :W7. English fishery alld trade in N., ohronicl~~. 5S7. portrait of. :383. 12-18, 3:3 -35, :}!), 40, 57. 5S, 6!l, 70. vessels, 4iH. Duder, C., 492, 499, G6,;. SI,8:{. . Dennis, Capt.,2flfl. Dudley'S map, 160. Armada, 82. Denys Jean, in X .. 1. Duff. -, 617. Pine's picture of; S2. at Renew's, 17. W .. flG3. frequent 40 harbours, 103. map, 281. GovernOl', 837. Star Chamber rules, 140, 154. De Prado, A., 39. Dngda.le, Lt.. 416. 267. De Quetville at FOl'teau, flOl. J)ng~au,' P., :382, 467. girls pressed, Hi. Dermer, 'l'homas, lU4. iSm'geon, 382, 6,5.5. "Rump of ye Parliament," letter, 129. Du l\fesllilambert. J\f., 572. 1m). De Sanee. --, 7i. Duneen, John, 821. Govel'l1ment ill Anne's reign, J)c Swialll, 11[" 4S. Dunien, l\Ir., 382. 25G. Des Barrcs, Judge, A. 'Y., 423,4ii, Dunn, A., ;511;, :328, 339. ;racobite rebellion, 285. 469,662. :11.,440. {'nion Jack, :37.). portrait of, 423. Dunscomhe and Harve~', 387" 4(>0. Government aid in 1817, 407. family, 3!iI, 42:3. c+. H., 45,i. 184(i, Mil. Desborow, Commander Char],,>. Hon. J. W., 424,437,457. Crimean War.4iO. 21:,. Dn Plessis, :::VI., :268. Colonial Conference, ;;19. DesboITow, Genl., 167. Durant, M., 21)(;. Mansion Honse }'nnd. 52!!. Descha.ufonrs, :VI.. 2:12. Dl'TCH ships in X .. S:l., 102, 10:l, J~XGLISH :lIES ANll "·OllEN: Des Isles, C. R, ;;45. 127. Addison, .r., 257. portl'l1it of, 5-13. supplies of fish to Spain, 13~. Auglese~', Lord. 208. Despair Bns, ~9S, 340,402. attack on , 156. Archibald, Sir E.:lf. See, DesprmPlls, i'll., 268. traders. 162. Bacon, Lord, 91-9i. Destri<:'k, Stephen, IS,;. defe3t English, IH. portr~1it of, 92. ])e 'l'ernay. Admiral, son. war,17i. Baltimore, Lord. See. Dettriek's, Isaac. acc()unt of thl' fit St. John's, 183, Wi. Bannerma.n, Sir A.. See. occupation ()f PlaCE'lltin. 17S. Admiml Ruyter, 197. Beauclerc, Lord Y., 284, 285. De Y:l.lldrenil. i\brquess, 21')<1. l11issionm'~' to La.brador.. '59~. 1lergne, Sir H., 503, 5~). lle Yilledonn{·. lIL. 2(;1. Pr!~:.ce Hem',' in St. John',. Blake, Sir H. See. De Yreux, Sir G. '.Y., 514. G.)/ • llooth, Sir G" 17.;. portrait of, 515. Dwyer, E. J., 4.~S, 4:39, 664. Bowring, Sir John, 4~S. Dev()nshire. See Engla.nd. S., flll4. Hridge\va.tel', Lord, 208. De ,\-Yin on the English NaY.I·, T., tan. Buckingham, Duke ()f. lUll. 17. -,497. J)'Haus<:ollvilll", Connt, 305, 413- Burke, Edmund, 300, :);;:l. 41;;. ButI', Lord, 311. l)'Iherville. Bienville, 215. pOl'trnit ()f. 311. P. I.e :lIo.me. 215-21!1. Eagle.. Lt., 248. Cannillg, Sir S .. 6W. . portl-ait of. 21~. I{ iver, Labrador, virw ()f, 588 . C:al'bel'J', Lo!'~l, 110. Dickenson, ·W., portrait of; 646. Eal'lP. family of, 222. tarhslC', -.~. II. Dickson, Lt., 324. Earll, )'[rs.. \nn, ~71. 272. Lord.~(lS. Z Z 2 724 INDEX.

ENGLrSH MEN .AND WO)IE:>­ ENGLISH }IEX AND WOlllEN­ ENGLISH MEN JlSV WO}lE],(-- cont. cont. con-to Charles 1., 121, 135, 1 n, 14(i, Henry VIII., 32. Talbot, Sir R., 12. 148, 152, 155. portrait of, 32. Taylor, .J eremy, 110. portrait of, 135. Herschell, Lord, 549, 551, 552. Temple, Sir R., 148. Charles II., 153, 172, 175, 176, Holland, Lord,15i. Thoronghg-oo,l. T., 161- ISO. --,41l. Vaughan, Sir W. See. portralt cf, 172. Hopkillgs, Lady, 15;;, 180. Victoria, Queen, 443, 41H, 519, Chntham, Lord, 306, 310, 313, Hopkins, Sir R., 272. 520. 567. Howard, Lord Eo, ;)!l. portrait of, 51~. portrait of, 310. James 1., 91. ''1~n.keham, R. It. See. Child, Sir J. See. portrait of, 87. , Prince of, 487. Churchill's attack on Treaty oeal of, 94·. portra.it Jf, 487. of Paris, 313. James II., 196, 204, 210. Whittourne, Sir It. See. Olarence, Duke of, death of, Jone~, Colonel, 16~, 167. Wilk«s, attack on Treaty of 520. Jukes, J. Bo, 454,455. Paris, 31'1. . Ola;rpole, -, 151, l6I. Junius letter, 311- William III., 224. CocKburn, Sir A., 457. Kelvin, Lord, 645. porl;rait of, 211. Cochrane, Sir J., 662. Kent, Duke of, 365, 419. William IV.,::!57, 365-367. Ooke'~ m'gument for freer Kirke. Sir D. See. portra.it of, 365. fishmg, 121. Knox's, W., report. See Intro· Wi~loughb~e, Sir P., 1:~7. Oonway, Lord, 109. duction. Wolfe, General. 2\)6.· Cornwallis, Lord, M4. Knutsford, Lord, 515, 550. portrit of, 293. Cottington, Sir F., 133. Laboochere, H., 4il-475·. 'Wolsey, Cardill:l.l, :)9. Craven. Lord, 20S. H.,4fi7. B::;-GLISH TOWNS: Cromwell's, Oliver, policy, Larkin, Mr., 227, 275. Barnstaple, 154, 161, 196. 159. Laud, Archbishop, 146, 155, Benvick·on·Tweed,383. recapture of Nova Scotia, 238. Bideford,196. 147. Leslie, Dr., 382. los,e~ (.f, in 1696, 221. rule, 205. Lushington, Dr., 411. ships at tile A,·mada., 81- proposed Protestant mis· Macintosh, Sir J., 411. view of, 221- sions, 228. Manering, Sir H., 101. Birmillgham, 395. port mit of, 159. Mansfield, Lord, 598. Bridport, 28u. Danny, Lord, 208. Mason, Capt. J., l04-10n. cordage, 19,145. Darling, Rir C. See. )1avericke, -,151. -.145. Darnley, Lord, 411. Maxse, Sir R., 513, 660. Bristol, 7,49, fl8, 152, 173. Dartmottth's, Lord, report, Meadus, Dr., 109. Oust3m llouoe, view of, 23tl,26(l. Meri vale, Mr., 473. 13. DerbY, Earl of, 471, 546. },[itchell, T., 278. men discover Labrador, Desborrow, General, 167. "Nlonier·Williams, Sir E., 296. 590. De Vceux. Sir G. W. See. Monk, General, 172. ship in N. in 1620, 103. Doyle CA. B.), 431. }lontgomery, Lord, L} 1. tra.de frGrll. 12. J. A .• 17. Musgrave, Sir A., 494. to Iceland, 27. Drake, Sir --, 54. Newcastle, Duke of, 2Ri. to Labrador, 599. portrait of. 54. Duke of,487. to N., 16. Egremont, Earl of. 412. Noakes. --, 13\1. Chester, 84. Elizabeth, Queen, 54, 5'i, 80, Oliphant, L., 497. eoekin~ton, 174. SI. Ormonde, Lord, 208. Coffinswell,298. portrait of, 53. Packingion, Sir J., 4'03. Dartmouth, 37, 154, 159, 161, Eliot, Sir T., 108. Palmerst,on, Lord, ;3'iJ,. 163, Ifill, 222, 298, 360, 427, Exeter, Bishop of, 150. Parke, Baron, 447. 59S. Falkland, Lord. See. Pearl, Sir J., 427. Devonshire, fishe,men in X., fl'au('onber,r, Lord, 208. Peaseley, W., 132. 297. Ford, ~ir C., 505, 515. Peckham, -. See. Influence at Court, 188. Fox's attack on the 'Treaty or Peel, Sir R.. 447. in N .• 144. Versaille', 353. PClubroke, Earl of, 150. ~hare in the Armu.da, S2. Frobisher, Sir lVI., 55. Pendcr, Sir J., 4\19. Exet{'l', 27l. 288, 3;3S. George 1., :17->. P"nnell, I!:. 1-1.,515. view of 115, port of, 115. pOl trait of, 275. Perner, Sir A., 471, 473. Exmouth,298. George II., 285. Pickeri~'s, Sir G., 167. 1-'owey,154. portrait of, 285. Povey, JVlr., 169. Gloucester ship, 153. George III., 3O~, 5fJ9. Powell, York, 2G. Golden Grove, llO. portrait of, 304. Pdor, M., 23';, 257, 281. London, 17U, 239. Ifeorge I V., nortrait of, 422. portrait of, 237. mel·chll.nts. 14(l. Gilbert Sir It. See. Raleigh. Sir W. See. ships. lOS, 153. Sir; J., 79. I(edwood. -,161. trade from, 12. Glenelg, Lord, ·t29. Reynold~, -, 3~O. lowe, East, 154. Gladstone, W. E., 461. Rigby, Mr.,15!. Melcombe Re)!;is. 154. Goderich, Viscount, 429. Robinson, G. R.,427. NevI' Romney, 383. Gorges. Sir F., 104. 1\'[r8., 599. Newton Abbot, 29/l. Grey, Earl, 4~O. 463. R08ebery, Lord, 539. Plymouth, 39, 52, 146, 154. Hawkesbury, Lord, 347. Rupert, Prince, 161. 161- Hamilton, Duke of, H3, Itussell, Lord .J ., 438. "iew of, 78. 151. Salisbury, Lord, 541. l',)ole, 58, 78,196,2;:\:3, 28l, 2~8 P21'trait of, 142. Scott, Sir G., 524. 389, 39(), 428, 4i6. K. Baillie. See. SirJ.,105. IU"yor of, 146. Hampshire, Sir T., 61. Shea, Sir A. S'e. ships built in ~., 165. Harley, Earl of Oxford, Shirley, Sir A .. 57. Portsmouth, 199. 255. Sikes, W., 161. goveruol"s lJouse, 108. portrait of, 255. ~\laney, J., 109. Scilly Islands, 411. Harri,on, General, 167. Smith, Capt. J. See. Sonthampton, 6=?, 154. Plantagenet, 455. Stafford, Lord, 132. Teignmouth, 298. Harvey, Sir J. See. Steele, Sir R., 255. Weymouth, 146, 154,176,196. Hinton, W., 175. St. Germains, Earl, 487. Widdicombe, US, 381. Howick, Lord, 429. St. Helens, Lord, 352. See also Army, Channel Henry VII., 5, 23. portrait of, 353. Islands; ?;avy, Ship Fish· portrait of, 5. Swift, Dean, 257. ermen. seal of, 8. Sydney, Sir P., 77. Erhart, C., 594. INDEX. 725

.E~KBIO, Palliser's attempts to Field, Cyrns W., 6:;;-41, 643 . FRENCII AT ST. PIERHE--C'UlLi. trade with. 324. portrait of, 637. COltP d'etat at, 582. treaty with. 327. Finlay. R., 460. clapboard revolutwn at, 582. :Moravian mission to, 3;>2. }'inn, R., 294. disciplinaires at. 582. Byron's treatment of, 335. Firth, W., 44$. fortiIi cation at, view of, 583. description of, 590, 595. }'ishillg' ship's harbour, 610, 617. FRENCH, EFFECT OF BAIT ACT divisions of race, 590. Fishot1s1an<1, 47i, 576. ON. in N., 591. view of, 548. the Bait Act, 478. traces of, in Labrador, ;)!Jl. Fitzgerald, J., 381. view of the Bait Act. 478. del'i\'ation of the name, ~!ll. N.,61.5. opinion ()f Guvernol' and the hland, ba,ttle at, 592. l<'itzherbert, A., 3~2. I.~gi~atllre on the Bl1it modern mode of living. 592. Flannery, P., ;)75, BIll, ,,16, 518. effect of civilization, 595. Flat Ba,y, 559, 561. Bait Bill sanctioned by treatment of, by Cartwright view in, 630. English Governmeut, 519. and Lucas, 598. Islands, 485. effect of the Bait Act, 53!!. battle at Folieau ..398. }'leming', Bishop, 429,436, 464. FRENCH FISHERY. in England in 17i2, 59!). Sandford, 500. fiShery, commencement of, reconeiled by Cartwright, 600. Fleur de Lys, 247, 278, ;;7il. 17. portl'ai ts of, ;>:32, 592, ;;93, Fling, J., 3ilo. fishery method", 22. Esquimaux, Post from, 60S. Flood, J., 375. fishery in N., 49. Evans, E" 4·85, 664. W. G .. 664. gri~vance agl1inst English Sir 1<'.,623. Flower's Cove, 609. pirates, 68. portrait of, 623. 1Il0\'d, Thos.. 30l. l!'rench vessel at St. :l

}'RE::.I"CH SETTLEMENT· AT PLA' FRENCH TRADE--cont. PRENCR WARs--cont. CENTIA,&C. Eskimo mid Frellch rooms in F. settlements destroyed hy occupation of Placentia, 176, Straits of Belle Isle, M)2. Leah, 246. 180. murder of fishermen by Petit :Nord, English attul'k Gargot's commission, date of, natives, 68, 592. the, 246. 566. excite Eskimo against the attacks cease, 204. Placentia strongly fortified, English, 598. aco::ount of campaign of 1705, 175. . FREXCH TREATY RIGHTS, 26I. Placentia r. 230. by, 210. Palliser's opinion of French treatment of Drew, 216. winter in Placentia, 180. intentions at St. Pierre, attaek on St.. J o11n's in li05, customs at Placentia, 282. ;)30. 2+2,2!5. stay at Placentia after the furs seized at Port au Choix, attack 011 St. John's in liUS, evacuation, 276. 333. 2-l!8. attempt to induce English to captured for violating tl'eaty, atta(:k 011 flt. John'ti in 170S, settle at Placentia, 182. ;';H.. 2iiS. English remove to Placentia, excluded from salmon fi,hE'l'Y, propose to O(,C:l]JY St. Johll'~ 202. 337. permanently, 270. encourage English to settle at Duff's pr.)clamatioll about the capture of St.• John's, 305. Placentia, 206. observance of Treat,\, of English recapture of St. take fbhermen to Placentia, Paris, 337. • J olm's, 412. 261- Declaration of 1783, 352. expected attack by, on St. take fishermen to France, 263. Treaty of Versailles, 352. John's, 35(1. settlement at Brest, 596. Lord Palmerston's opinion of l:t~t attn,ck on St .•John's, 21.i7. number of settlements, 185. Treaty of Versailles, 3.54. nttaek on Cape Broyle Har· settlements, 279. rights on the Tre3ty shore, bour, 132. danll:er of settlements, 202. 354,355. attack on Little Belle Isle, settlers at Trepassey, 183. Treaty of Amiens, an. 222. no settlement up to 1662, 178. Treaty of Paris, 408. attacks en Trinity and Con· settlements in N., 259, 260. indignation in St. J olm's, <'eption Bay~, 23~. leave St. Pierre, 3;~0. 471. FRE::.I"CH)IEN. permitted to build houses and negotiations in ]84~-5i, 471. Aubert of Dieppe, 4. cut wood inBay Despair, 340. resolution of the Legislature, Bonaparte, J., M3. :FRENCH SMUGGLING, 289, 31~,313, 474. Cassini'saccountof the }'I'ench 320,553. the Labouchere letter, 475. fishery, 569. a~ee to an English Commis· D:trling's despatch, 475. Chateaubri:md's account of . sary at St. Pierre, 312. Hamilton's letter, 475. St. Pierre, 585. at St. Pierre, 577. the expositio contempm'anea Cloue, Admiral, E81. l'RENCH TOWNS. . of the Tr.. ,aty rights, 476. Col bert, Minister, la9. Bayonne, 68, 570. proposals for a settlcmen t, Freycinet, M. de, 539. Bordeaux, 84, 186, 570. 479. Harrisse, R., 17. Brittany, Douarnez, view cf, aspect in' connection with the Humann, Admiral, 547. 572. Halifax award, 506. J usserand, IlL, 547. Breton pilots, 43. Cl)nvention of 1884,515. Le Nonry, Baron R .. 581- in St. Pierre, 565. Legislature refuse to accept, VEsperance, Baron de, 56~. fishery, 60. 515. Louis XIV. 17;. discoveries in Labrador, bilure of Ford· Pennell Con­ Louis XYIII., 408. 589. wmtion,539. Reculoux. Capt., 549, 56:1. fishing in 1527, 41. confiscatiun of English ship's Waddington, M., 539, 541- Burgundian with Cabot, 9. cargo at St. Pierre, 5Sl. Frenchman's Cove .. 20. DiepjJe,4. }'RE!'CH TREATY SHORE. Freshwater Bay, 283, Kirke born in, 148. rights upheld at St. Julian's Frew, W,' 527. view ct,46. by Palliser, 321. Frewmg &, Co., 617. Douarnez, view of, 572. fixed settlements on the }'rey's Cove, 617. Dunkirk, 176, 312. French shore to be removed, Friend's map, 250. Granville, 570. 353 • Frost, L., 617. Rarfieur, 17. •, Fixe 1 settlements," 475. Fryer (Pack, Gosse and), 4.38. Jumieges, 49. treatment of R. and 111. Tory, FUlJ,k Islands, 359, 402. La Bonille, 49. 476. Furey, C., 489, 66~. Marseilles, 84, first stipendiary appointed to Furlong, J., 46i. Nantes, 570. the West, Coast, 501. fishermen, 35. land ~!lnts n,llr:rwed by the fishing~ in 1527, 41. English Government on the in St. Pierre, 565. treaty shore, 509. Gaden, G .• 411. Rochelle, 89, 570. bounty at St. Pierre, 553. W.,709. St. Bridgeon, 49. attemot to serve process by Galway line, 469, 635. St. Malo, 45, 46, 49. 138, 180, French master in St. Galt, A. L .• 504. 215;247, 562, 570, 575. Georp:e's Ba,Y, 581. . G:unbier, Lord, 3i5. view of,46. lobster factories in 1E93. 477. portrait of, 376; Toulon.8i. lobster dispute, 539. Gambo,621. . Vaterville, 49. Report on lobster factories, road to, 628. ·FRENCH TRADE with Eskimo, 556. . River, 629. 324. arbitration on lobsters, to be Game Laws, 7li. trading, view of,-with Eskimo, held at Brussels, 660. Gander Arm, 621. 325;· . FRENCK WARS. . Bay, 2S.~. de.1,lings with Indians, 591- F. at Trepassey, attacked by Bay, hrming land in, 507. help Indians against Eskimo; Baltimvre, la3. . .. crossing, 621- 592. . ... English attacks on P.; 231'. River, 629. INDEX. 727

GardllCI', Dr., 340, :156. GRACE, HARllOl:R. 103. 137, 176, Grundy Island, 616. Gal'gamelle Cove, 557. 232, 2Hl, 202, 271, 291, 293, 3m. Guilbert et fils, 557, 55S, 562. Gal'l';ot, Governol', IS::!, 560. :l31, 334, 351, 377, 415, 453, 4(lS, Guilford, Capt., 45G. Garland, family of, 22L. li09. Gull ISland, :l7l. Chal'les, 291, 315, 336, 352. early settlement of, 9lJ. Gundry's lines, 19. -.331. \'lew of, 104. ot' Bridport. 280. E .. 665 (should be Levi). " Bristol's Hope," 13i. GuJ·, Sohn, ()5, H52. Geo., 291, 30l. view of,'139. letters, 125. .J. B., 431, 4:33, G6~. 3oIontigllY at, 2ofii. secession from the ('om­ pOl·trait of, 1.33. Ia w lessne8s at, 294. pany, 137. 311'.,415. faction fight in 1700, :33S. Coiony, 93, 94. Garnier, M., 5i9. nl!t~istrates, 393. negotiatioD3 for sale 0 f Gastaldi's map, 42. riots. 'j:)i, part of, 10~. Gaultois, Hermitage Bay, 29l1. ~eal fishery. 451. company, ILl'mS of, 9:3. Gearin, .J., 72l. post to, 463. charter, 122. Geary, J., 37\J. riots,4S9. boundarie~, 122. Geffry -, 26~. railway to, 50i. birth of abo,)', 128. Gelman, R., 230. riot, 513. Genevieve Bay, 560, 5tH. Thomey of, 5i5. Geor~e's Cove, Labrador, 617. trade to Labrador, tl02. Rivel', Labrador Post to, railway to, (;23. fWD. telegraph to, 635, 63il. H:Lckela of St. Pierre, 5~2. German vesEels, 454. church hurllt., 655. Haddock, W., 161. Hamhurg, 454. R. C. catherll'ul burnt, u60. -,315. gin at St. Pierre, 4i9, 547. memher for, 6tH. Haire, Capt., :382, 1)5-•• Gibson, Col., sent to St. John's Island, 269. IbliLnrton, J;, 54~, 537, 359, 561. in leUR, 222. (;race, P., 458, H60. Hall. G., (lli. Gilbert's. Sir H., voyage; reason Grady, 60 I., 6l1!, 617. Mr.,6U. for ealling at St. .John's, 57. Graham, Aaron, 347, 353, 359, H1i2. HallahlLll, L., 3!3. exped ilIOn, 61, (5, 74. Capt., 28,., 65~. Hallaren, J., 721. portrait of, 72. Lord George, 289. Hall's Bay, line planlled to, 020. map.fi6. Grand Bank, view of, 4:37. road to, 628. Sir John, 7n. telegraph to, 6:39. HaJy, Lieut.-Col. ·W., :341, ·t21, of!;, Gill, Mi('hae!, 239, 254, 288, :WI, Grand Bay. 6:3, 95, 596, r,2n. ·~33. 43k. 295, 30ii, 326, 314.. 357, 382, 41ii, Fails, exploration of, 610, 61:,. H,tlIlllton, ::Ih., 315. 65~; Lake. 620. mw. Sir C., 408, 421, 40U. house in Fort William, a28, Gl':wdy, E., 5(li, 56S. portrait of, 40U. 833,33'[' Grandy's family, 305, 5iof. Go\'ernor H., of Bt'l'l11lHl:!, deat.h of,3:i6. (;l'ant, Col., 489. 418. ~ieholas, 333, 3:36, 339,460,653, Grates, 114, 133. K. Bo, 465, ·1il(;. ·175, 63t;. 655. Gravl?s, Lord, :>06, 314, 415, 052. portrait of, 'J.:'li. death of, 386. Thomas, 152. Lady, ,j.i)! •• family, 241. Gray, R .. 33U. portrl1it of,11U .. premisp~, 451>. Graydoll. Admiral's atta~k Oil Inlet, 617, (lIS. title, 3< 7. Placentia, 2::17. Hamlin, -,468. Gisborne, F. N., 635. (;raydon, Capt., 275. Hamond, Capt., 55(;. presentation to, (j~6. Grave, Port de, 97, 232, 262. Hampshire's, Sir 'r., rt'g'ubtiollS, portrait; of, 635. view of,326. 61. G., and Hendersoll, H;;o. ,ea I fishe r y, of5], 4og, 4Uti. HILndyside, Lieut.-Col., 22:). Glatlstllll('. Capt., 241. trade to Labrador. 6U2. Hanlon, IVI., 375, 3S1. Ghlhill, Goyernol'. 282, 287. members for. 66.f.· Hanl'aha11, E., 457, 461, 465, ,WH, GleE'soll, -, 5:=7. . Grean's, D. G., 30I. 468, Gra. (ParkE'r aUd), '!58, {Su. Green Bay, 127, 281. Hants Hnrbnul', ~:)~. Glen. '1'., 457., 460, 4

Hayman's, Robert, poetry, 109. Hughes-cont. IRISH--cont. proposition, 137. -,382,655. at St. Pierre, 567. map, 137. Hull &, Harvey, 416. h ,Y"cuugsters, "." 20l. Haynes, -, 382, 655. Humber River, 473, 62H. banished to ireland, :-Vii-. Hay~e, J., 38l. Hunt, Thomas, 104. \!onspiracy of, to murder the Ha~'ward, Judge, 423, 405, 4GS, vi!!, Hunt, Stabb, &. Preston, :H8, inhabitants, 364. 659, 66:{, 664. 387. Benevolent Society, ;,31. Head, M., portrait of, 595. W.G.,637. f:wtion fil!hts, 391, :392. Heaney, R., :{81. Hunters &. Co., 401. 460. United, ns. Heard, John, 163. trade to Labrador, 598. middle-clas~ planters, 435. Hearn &. Co., 527. Huntingoon, Sound, view of, 604. Newfound land. fishery, 345. Heart's Content, 13S. Hutching's title, 337. fisherman, trial of. 394. landillg cable, 642. Geo., 294, 368. 'Yexford herring cot, 40:3. Delight, 521. letter to, about erectioll of fishermen, 451. Hebron, 595. 618. houses. 396. provisions for, 58. Hemming, John, 301. G. A., 30S, 665. trade with 1rel&nd. 200. Henderson (Gisbol'l1e and), 636. R., 294. 653~ provisions from Ireland, 2i2. Hendy, - 161. R., junr., Lt., 294. trade from Ireland, 283. Henley Harbour, 601, tHO, 617. S.,301. . trude, 348. Island, view ot; 64. Huxford, R., ao1. ships from Ireiulld. 652. Hennessey, M., 381. Palliser's treatment of, 325. Hennessy, -, 617. treatment of. 232. W.,617. Catholics persecuted, 29:3. Henry, M., 414. Williams' attack on, 2m.! Hermitage Bay, 298. ICELANDIC discov{'ries,1. Cartwright's treatment of, 325. Hill (Abbott &), 559, 56l. trade. 7. population, 201. Hill's, Charles, letter, 150. fishery, 16,2;). immigration ill 1804, 378. John, 332. chronicles, 587. il118H-5, 404,. J. &. Co., 450. meet Eskimo, 591. immigrants land 011 the ice, Sir S., 497. Jlack,610. 406. portrait of. 497. Independent Harbour, 610. O'Connell, D., 425. Captain W., 155. Indinn Arm Bay, road to, 628. Cork, 201. Hillman, R., 460. Harbour, Labrador, 002, 610, ships stay 48 hour, at, ::145, Hind's, Professor, account of 617. Crookhaven, 108. Labrador, 606. Hospital,615. Valentia, 44. Hinton, Wm., 175. Pond. 512. cable commullicationwitil .. Hodge, J., . Tickle, mo, 617. €42. Hody, Peter de, 68. Inglis, Bishop, 655. Waterford, 201, 206, 295, 34;), Hogan, T., 41), 656. Inll:'ram, Davy, 67. 40~. 598. Hogsett, G. J., 465, 466, J.SS,4g5, India Co., East.. 188. Wexford. 430. 488, 439, 664. Madras. 290. hOll Bound hland, 610. Holbrook, -, 393, 655. INDIANS, 242, 243, 245, 26;), 269. Sh'and, Labrador, 602. D. H" 631). methods of warfare, 2:n. Island Cove, 262. Holden, R. R.,441. ttttempt to murder 1\'roouy, Islands, Bay of, 556, 559. 561. R. jUll., 441. 2,4. railway to, 6:31. Holdsworth, family of, 227. in Newfoundland from Calle description of, 629. Capt., 228, 255, 271, 272. Breton, 329. herring fishery, 630. Mr., 159. Abenaquis, 240, ~6}. view of, 6;)0. Holeman, Mrs., 271. Algonquins, 591. telegraph to, 639. Holloway, Admiral, 383. Canadmn, 17\),214, 2:30, 239. Italy, Gallipoli, 685. portrai t of, 383. Canada, natives of, 65. Genoa, 585. Hoiman's, W., defence of, Ferry­ Caralit~, 324. Leghorn, 103. land,209. Mic 1\iacs, 591. Venice, view of, 7. defence of St. John's, 212. writing, 329. Florence, Duke of, 128. Holmwood (Stabh, Row, &),460. 1\iontagnais. Cortcreal des. Holme's, R. F., attempt to reach cribes the, 15. the Grand Palls, 611. mention of, 590. Jackman's family, 452. Holton, 610, 617. French dealings ,,·ith, WI. Jackson, Rev. John, 221';. Holyrood, 245, :!62, 468, in:). decimtttion of, 595. persecution of, 251. t.rade to Labrador, 602. battle at .I<'orteau, 598. .J as., of Trepassey, 318. Honeyburn, Simon, 315. Mountaineer, 324, ~32. W. of Ferryland, 301. Hooper, 'V., 431, 664. portrait of a modern, 59(;. -,655. Hopeciale, 595, 610,617, 618. N ascopees, 591. Jacob, Capt., Dutch pil'at.. , 103. Deep Sea MiSSIOn at,. 604. decima.tion of, 595. Jahan, :F .. S3;~. Hopkings, Lady, 155, 180. Nescambiouit,261. Jenkins, J., :301. Hopkins, Sir R., 272. Squantum, 104. Jerritt, G., 617. Hopwood, F. S., 604. INDIES, WEST, early English J el'vois, Great, 402. Hore's voyage, 4l. trade to, 41. Job Bros. &. Co .. 460, 4IJt, 524, 527, Horsenaill, John, 318. trade, 241, 346, 384. tiOl,6Ui, 616, 617. Horwood, John, 309. pianters, 299. Lady, Harhoul',607. J.\iIrs.,309. Anll:'uilla, 3(;0. R.,450. fH()skins'], N., letter, 131. Bahamas, 163. Mrs. II., 656. Hounsell, Schenk, & H., 459. Barbadoes, 158, 205. 1'. B., 450, 664. Howlan, Lt.-Governor, 391. Demerara. 390,457. portrait of, 451. Howorth, Capt. W.,501. Dominica" 390, 555. T. R., portrait of, 602. Howley, J., 386,496. Guadaloupe, 555. W. C., 614, 615. J. 1'., on Cabot's landfall, 9. J&maica, 19. Jobs, firm of, 297. R.,460. Martinique, 555. Johannis, M., 268. Hoyeda's charter, 4. St. Bartholomew, 257. Johnston, J., 568. Hoyles, Sir Hugh, 387, 593. 409, St. Domingo, 372. Johnstone (Baine) & Co., 450, 49S, 440, 457, 465, 468, 474, 484,488, St. Kitts, 11l0. 527.614. 494, 656, 663, 664. St. Martin, 257. Joli, Mount, 410. port,rait of, 488. JRISH at Placentia, 259. Jones, Bishop, 529. N. W., 393, 424, 431, 436, 656, prisoners enter :French ser- Rev. H., 301. 664. vice, 263. Rev. John, 362, 653. portrait of, 424. on the Shannon, 390. Rice fishing :lot St. Pierre, 77, Huddle, J., 301. at St.. J ulian's, 282_ t65. Hughes, Capt., 247. at Little Placentia, 315. Thoma.~. 161. INDEX. 729

Jordan, J. A., 665. LABRADoR-cont. Leading tick les, 279. Joyce, -,61f\. Pitt's harbour, 327. Leuke, Sir John, 185, 246, 565. Bros., 617. fore at. 327. portrait of, 246. ,Juggler's COVEl, 222. Jllan of Fort York. 327. Leamon, J., 664, 665. Jukes, J. R,454. English trading ports in, Lechinere, ::'/', 6G3. portrait of, 455. 328. I.e Croc, 354. New England, 328. Le Geyt, P.C., 393, 655. annexed to Canada, 328. l,e Grandais, ilir., 560, 561. K-'l.~P. ..w., 663. nnder Newfoulldland. 3:34. I,eigh's, Charles, voyage, 78. ramil'y,452. New Enl-l'laIL(lers at, 336. Rev ..J., 411. Katem, Michael, 294. joined to XewfoundJa,nd, 384. Le Marchant, Sir J. G., 462. Kates, J., 30l. supposed emigration of departure of, 465. Kavanagh, J., 527, 664. Beothics. to Canadian, 385. pOl'tr;lit of, 462. Kean, A., 721. justice for, 393. Le !I'J essuriflr, H., 45'~. Kearney, M., 721. American rights, 410. H , junr.. 665. Keats, :Sir R. G., 388, 403, 601. seal fislwry nt, 419. P., 299 .. 433. Carson', attack 011. 897. civil j urisuictioll in, 422. Lcmoine, A .. 557, 558, 562. leaves Newfoundland, 401. :Preneh to have a concurrent Le Jl'Ioillne, J., 543. portrait of, 387. right in fishery, 472. Lendon, A., 301. Keefe, W., 379. gale of 1866. 496. Le ::'/'ollr~'. Baron R., 581. Keels, 30. 1i37. origin of' the name, 590. I,," Kouvee, G., 333. Keen, William, 248, 270, 284, 28~, Eskimo emigrate to Green- l,e Pomelle, Y., 3:iG. 289,301,336. land,591. Leroux, E., 548, 559, 566. diary 1708. 269. Moravian mis~ion, 594. Le Roy's chronometer, ;;69. murder, 292. number of Moravian mis· Lescaruot'~, 1\1., description of the wharf, 292,410. sionaries, 595. fhher.v. 20. PFoperty, 3f)5. Company. 596. Levire, ]'rI., 2GG. tItle, 337. English fisher.v, 597. I1Hermite, M., 26;,. Kelligrew, W., 502-506, 685. American traders, .597. Lil\mrne, Lt., 224. Kelly J., 468,474,581,664. Iiviers tilt. views uf, 588. Lilly, Capt. G .. 3S2, ;)\):), 654, 655. Sargeant. 418. Cartwright's diary, 5&9. Lilly, Georl-l'e Judge, 348, 362, 411, 'rimoth'y,441. English fishing at, 601. 4;,f), 446, 656. 663. '1'., at the Head, 438. the voyage of the" Hunter," George, jllnT., 546. Kemp, Gecrge, ~05. 603. W., :3·.8. 6;,:3. Kennedy's, T., house as Court medical aid for Labrador, Linke's division of the Eskimo, house, 314. 603. 59U. T.,665. Rogp.rson's Bill to regulate the Linklatel', Capt., 3:>2. Kennaway v .. Noble, 598. passenger traffic to, 603. Lint, illr., 272. Kenaston, Mr., 611. liviers. views of, 60·~. J)ioll's Den, 439. Kent, John, 404,429,430,431, 432, Deep Sea lI'lission, 604. Littlf\, G., 381. 4:l8, 445, 455, 457, 464, 465, 4Ui description of the coast of, Judge, J. 1., 464,529, GuO, 66:3. 474,657,064. 605. 665. portrai t of, 486. winter post, 607. portrait of, 513. t. and r., 460. green fishers, view of, 608. 111.,375. R. J.,665. vi~ited by Americans, 610. P. F., 464, 465, 466, 1E7, 469. Keollgh. P., 429, 431. 432, 66 •. Grand Falls, 610. 613. 474,484, 4S9, 663. Keppel Harbour, 557. Deep Sea lVIission Report, portrait of, 464. Kprr (McBride &), 4~8, 460. 612-616. Bay, 389. Kickkertaksoak Islands. 607. Trade, 616. view ot; 216. Kielly, Dr. E.,444. 44i, -155. census, 1891, (il7. telegraph to, 639. portrait of, 440. A. P. l,ow's survey, HIS. River, vi')w of, 554. Kinealy, -, 617. revenue collected M., (J5S. Littlebury, John, 161. King, Admirnl, 367. La Chesna.ye, lii., 268. Livili,!?ston, -, 382, 655. takes /'It. Pierre, 571. La Grange's attack on Bonavista, Lloyd, lViajor, 2fi, 248, 2~9, 26H, pOI·trait of, 367. 239. 2(i!J,270. D., 375. 38l. Laine, R, 85. suspended, 241. map, 10. Lambert, Bishop, 408. re-appointment.246. Richarri, 262. General,167. persecution of J acks011, 2E2. King's Cove, 30, 5;37. court crier, 457. indidment., 253. seal fish ery, 451. Lamaline, 418. death of, 2iu. Kinnien, D., 6UO. telegraph to, e:-l!J. I,och, Capt.', report on bait, 47i:i. Kirke, Sir D., 147, 155, 161, 11;4, Landgren, Capt., 541, 54U, 5il:3. Logy Bay, view of, IV. li9. 20.5. 541. Landl'ecan, 294. Long, A .. 395. charter, 142, 14;3. L~nget, D",30.1. . ~ Pond, view of, 326. fortifications, 207. L anse-au·Clalr, ('1,. Island, Labr:.dor, 610. house, 272. L'anse·au·Diable,6li. Tickle, 610. account of murder of }<'l'ench L'anse-a·loup, 601, 609, 616. Lotter's map, 279. fishermen, 592. L'anse·all-Mour, 617. Loul-l'hlan, Charles, 455. Georgc, 155, 157, 176, 194. Lance.. il;.':!x .morts, 616. Lovelace, Dudley, 15i. Sir James, 161. Lang. ;S lven, 3S2, 387, 655. Low, Ann, 155. Kissioner, -, 617. Langley and Tessier, 4U0. Luce, N. of Dartmouth, 157. Kitchen, W., 326. Vmgman, Rev. Ed., 295, :326, 33", Lucas, -. 592. 5Ua, 599. -,489. :;)9, 344, 355. Ludwi!\', J., 301. Kitty's Brook, 629. La Poile, 468. Lund,rrgan, .J., 411. ? Knee's family, 452. members for. oti4. Lushlllp:tOIl, Dr., 411. Knight, T., 468, 664, (165. l,ark harbour, 472. L'yons, P., 357. Knowlan, P., 343. Lal'kin's, MJ·., R~!Jort, in 1701, Knapman, }'., 174. 227,275. Knowling, G., 527. L'Argcnt Bay, roan to, 628. Koch's, K. R., description of Larond, Capt., 249, 209. lI1abb, Edward. 149. modern Eskimo, 593. La Scie, fishmg at, 576. Ma.ccassey, L., 455. Lathll~l~ Lt.., 241, 244, 261, 263. lVIacKay, A. IlL 496, 499,526,623 Laun,~-,!). 639. 641. 643, 665. ' Law, Colonel, 458, 465. portrait of, 641. LAllRA.DOR fishery, 25. administratiOll, G57. S., 452, 496, 659, 665. origin of name, 47. ],awr'J-nce, Governor, 567. :;IfacKenzie, -,412.414. Basque fleet frozen up, 47. Lawrence, -, M7. MacLea, -, 655. Palliser's interest. ill. S24. Lawrie, Lt., murder of, 654. 3

Macovich, 610. McCalman, '--, 382, t55. )Ioutague, Governor, 310. Magill, -, 382. McCarthy, J., 438. 664. takes St. Pierre, 5iO. Maher, J., 375. W., 375, 3~1. )[ontigny, 1\1., ,217,2:)0, 243, 2t>1. Main, Harbour, 2!J ~2, 293, 5i3. McCowan, J. R., 529. 263, 264, 266. riots, 489. McDonald at Hermitage Bay. ][oody, Lt., 2n, 246, 201,'262, 2{i3, trade to Labrador, 602. 299. ~S2. mem bel's for, 664- P.,3i5.. Governor r,t Placentia, 2iti. Maio110 map, 15. Ronold, 294. diar.Y of 1705 camp:tign, :W;i. Mal bay, 557 •. McDonell, Capt., 308, 4Ii, 414. :lIoore, H., (i6~. jlialta, Labrador, 610. R.,665. Major·Gen., 055. Manering, Sir H.; 101. McDougal, 11'[r., 55S, ;;;;1. T. F., 438, 43iJ, 440, 6tH. ::Iianning Constable, 525 McDougall, X eil, 460. }100ring, :iiI., 294. Mannock's Island, 610. (Boyd and). 460. )loral, 'r.. 616. Mansfield, Ann, 164. McGeary, J., 653. . Moreen. M., 292. MAPS OF- }IcGratb, J . .Ii., 605. Morcy, Mr., 227. Stephanius, 3. Ro,664. :!,Torgan, "'liles, 67. R!.1Ysch, 14. Toby, 379.. Morine, A. BOo 532, 550, 665. Rotz,34. Jllcl Vel', .i., 441. portrait of, 550. Thorne, 38. MeKellop, J~ 3S2. :lI1orisoll, D. -, 6G5. " Harleyan," 40. McKeown, 'alleged murder cf, 56i, portrBit of, -. P. Descelliel', 40. 568. Morley, Lt .. 294. Gastaldi, 42. lVIcKie, -, 393, 655. M orris, of. Waterford, 404. Martinez, 57. McKillop, Lt., R.I\., 380. -. 332,65.'5. D. BO!llem, 58. 1'Ilc1ea, _., 382. Hon. K P., 411, 4~;;, ·135, -la7. J. Dee, 58. 1'I1cLean's, J., visit to Grand Falh. 4:)3, HJ., 443, 457, 4GO,W~, Gilbert, 66. 611. 503, 529, 6(i~, 665. Pi.tolet, 61;). 1l'lcMurdo & Co .• 5:li. portrait of,423. Cupids, 98. ::I1cXanmra, A., 375. F. J .• 665. Mason, Ion. MrXeil;;'. A.• J. W., 503, 665. S., 457, 664. Six colonies, no. lI1cR~e, R., 61 i. }Iorl'ison, D., 5:l2. Jacobsoz, 120. !\kWilliam, J., 4GO. portrait of, 5:32. lIe Laet, 138. ::Ife:lder, '1'., 567, 568. ]Iortier. 336. Champlain, 138. lIfeadus, Dr., 103. ]loyel', ::I1r., 167. Dudley, 16(). Meagher, R., 45(;. }Iudgl', S., 4tiO. Sf Ilers, 177. J\1echlin, 567. firm (,f, 2:J7. Thornton, 193. Meckl!'nburg, 610. )Iug-fo!'d (Jape, ti05. }'itzhugh, 198. ::IIeehan, J., 379. :'Ifni1' and Duder, 4V2. 'rhomton. 203. :Meltedge, -, 382, 654, 65::>. )Iullins Cove, G17. 1698 campaign, 218. ::Iler<.'atol"s map, 15. }'[ullock, Bp., 4:{S, ·16'>, 486, 41>i, .>S~. Friend, 250. ::Iferchantman'. H:u'boul", no. 490. Lotter, 297. ::Ilerchants attack Tl'Cllllctt, 31>U- on. telegraphi'~ COllllllUllica. Moll,281- 362. tIon, 634. Cook,317. effect of P~lliser's Act, 3<4. propo,es a railway, oW. West Coast, 558, 5G3. oppose the. New Court, 35:.1. T.,464. Atlantic, Short Rc;ute, 631. the Custom House, 3SS. ::I1uUowney, J. P., 4:';;,460. Mara, 1'11., 375, 381. local government, 428. lIiunn, J., 457, 4f.7, 6,)4, 665. March, Mary, portrait of, 3S4. the House of AssemiJly, portra it of, 451- S., 465, 468, 664. 435,484. J., & Co., 617. March, S. Ro,665. petitioll of 1775, 340. R. S., 615 .. 6ti5. March and Sons, 527. Society, 392. firm of, 454. Marechal, Commander, 55:). tyranny of the, 379. ]Iurine, P., 381. Marshall and Rodger, 527. HarLour, 610. l't1urphy, -, a deserter ill l~OO, A., 529. IHerival .. , 1'111'., 473. -118. ~UartiIl, -, 29~. Merrett., Samuel, 239. (Shea. and), 460. C., 174, 197. ~reYllell (Wil~Dn and), 41)0. and Andrews, 5311. J.,493. ::I1icbael, M., 414. and Osmond, (,21. J. B., 431, 433, 664. ::IIid,1!e Bay, Labrador, 611i. D., 381. J. H. & Co., 527. Cove rC'ad, 449. Darby. 381, 390. 1'11.,271. ::IIiddJeton, G. H., tender~ fui' J.,381. S.,375. railway, 624. J., (;41. ''V.,30l. :Mil banke, Admiral, 35H. }1.,381- ::Uartinez' map, 57. ::Ilillegan, Rev. G. S., 659. T., 375, 381. Martyr, Peter, 48. ::Ifilroy. A., 455. T. J., 665. Mason, Anne, 107, 108. :l\1inerals. S;'e N., Miscellar.eul1s. J\'lul'ray, the tailor, 44:1. John, 104-109. M inel·'s, lVIr., defence of St. J olm's 11..,496. inscription about Cabot, 1U. in 1696, 217, 231. J., 495, 527. map, 100. ::I1ingan, post from, 608 Col. J., :lB2. :iVIassie, 'vV., 84. 1I1inshew, 1'I1r., 253. James, 531, 5S:l, (i!:5. lI'lasters, John, 239. l'Iiiquelon,48. Xicholas, Hi). Mathew's cove, 617, (Mechlin), 567. See alsu 81. P.,379. Matthews (Evans and), 560,561. Pierre. )Ius!'l'ave, Sir A .• 4U4. Mat,thews's, John, account of JiIitchell, T., 278. portrait of, 494. French occupation of Placentia, T.,462. )Iusquito, 301, 3:n. 179. 'r., 529. Maury, Lieut., 637. shoots at Harver, 36i. Ma.xse, Sir H., portrait ·of, 513. - MoIlins, -", 185. died in St. John's, 660. Molloy, -, 567, ;;68. Maxwell, Capt.. 414. E., 527. May. Isle of, 102, 272. J. W., 423, t:62. Xttchvak Bay, 602, 606. Samuel, 230. :X., 664. Nain, 595,.610, 618. ,McAllister, 382, 655. Moll's map, 281. Nameless Coye, GOV. McAuslan, appointed deputy pOSL­ )lonier, John, 295. Natasquan, post from, 60S .. master, 653. l'tlonier-Williams, :W6. NAVAL OFFICERS: Mclkaire, J .• 381-383, 391. lIlonroe, J. H., SI1. Barton, Capt, 374- Chappell's description of, Hon. 1\1., 510, SSO, 532, 550, 614, Berry, Sir .r., 194,196. 395. - 615. Bobardt, Dr., 6()5. )l:cBride and Kerr, 458. 460. Monsengs, 1'11.,265. Eonfoy,.Capt., 2~j., 232. INDEX. 731

NAVAL ·OFFICl:RS-COJlt. NAVY·, €ffect on, of discovery of NAvy~-cont. Bowker, Capt., 4'):;, 655. - Newfoundland,l7. -. H.l\LS. ,­ Bridge, Commodore, 24l. Henry VII!., efforts to fonnd Adamant, 369. Browne, Capt., 5:;9. 3 llavy, 32. Alal'lIl, 478. Buchan, .Capt. &e. English ~eal1len, 35. Ann and Joyce, 161. Byng. Hon. John. &e. ships used for trade. 37. Antelope, ·:;06, :n4, :)~l, Byron, I,ord. See. .. Masun, treasurer of the. lOll. 415. Campbell, Admiral, 3.;;:;, 302- naval COllVOY in 162:3, 112. Bedford, 416. C'lpt. See. . dock and storehouse, 142. Boston, 574. Carleton, Capt., 2~7. "·men of wap," 149.· Centurion, 1"9. Cartwright, Lt. J. See. picture of nl"l1 of war. 14". nrescent, 161,395. Chappell, Lt., 39~. 'sham man·of war, 149. Dreadnought,2:>!. Clinton, Capt .. 284. eaptain of convoys to obey Durseley galley, 284. Cochrane, Sir T. See. the Governor's orders, 1(;7. Egmunt. :324: Colvill,Lord, 308, 412-416. "duckmg," 174. Falkland,247. Cook, Capt., 316. ;317. Dra.ke's destrnctioll of 8t. Fly, 407. Cookesley, Capt., ;,!I:'. 655. Pierre, 183. Go'port, 415. Crawley, Capt., 51H. 56S. Sir John Berry, 194. . GrammoDt, 305. Crowe. Capt. See. French power augmellted m Gra~~hoppel', 411. DJ.vy, Capt., 252. America, 178. Guernsey, 509. Desbrow, Capt., 21:3. Admiral 'Walker's attack on I,ll. Conc'>rdc, 3/4. Dickson, Lt. A., 3~4. Placentia, 182. Latona, 3i~. Dorrill, R .• 284, 293. Williams' attack Oll Placcn tia, Lictor, :,89. Douglas; Capt., 306, 412. 182. Lichfield. 270. Drake, F. W.o 291, 292. attac!c on PI.lecntia, 2n. LilY,5U. Duckworth,.T. '.I.'. See. incolllpetenoe of the, in Ame­ Mallard,5:m. Duff. Admiral, 337. rica, 236. Medway, 2·~i. . DngdaJe, Lt., 41G. Leakes' attack on Tl'epassey, Minerva,4H>' Edp;ell, Capt., 3i5. &c•• 246. Monarch, 3Ufi. Edwards, Capt. R. See. naval rule, 233. Nonsuch,24r. Elliott, Capt. See. French pow.;:\, in America, 25G, Xorthumberland, 316, 41:>. l~airbollrne, Capt., 275. 257. Oxford. 231. Falkin~halll, Capt.. ~8k, :.lol. Keen appointed naval officer, PearJ,:,H. Frankland, Lt .. 2:n. 289. Pegasus, 36:1. Gambier, Lord, 375, :376. Church accommodation for,. Phea.sant, ;JU5. Glover, Sir J., 471, 501. 295. Pike, 3~~. 'k.:'~: ._" Gower, Sir E., 378. ma king of En)!; land, 30 i. Pluto, 3;)], ,~, iJ, bG~. Graves, L)l'd .. See. prize money, :~05. Promethell",3U5. Gl'u.ydon, Capt., 275. English officers enforce their R:tinbow, 2Jl. Hamiltoll, :Sir C. See. interpretation of the treaty, R.amille~, ;~(jU. Hamond. Capt., 556. 321. Reserve, 203. Hatch, Capt., 252. Palliser complains of resident Sapphire, 211. H'l.wke, Sir E., 305. naval officers, 333. Shrewsbury, 410. Holloway, Admiral, :{S:5. French men-of-war forbidden Spitfire, 455. Howarth, Capt. 'Y., 501. to come on the cnast, :ni. Squirrel, 281). H ugh.es, Capt., i47. fishermen freed from press­ Superb, 4lG. Keats, Sir G. See. gang, 3·13. Sy·ren. ~OH, 415. Ki!1!!, Admiral. 3G7. frIgates remained on the Tenedos, tirst ship docked, Lawl'ie, Lt., 65'~. coast during the winter, 509. Leakes, Sir .T., 185. 349. Yir.gin Prize, 212. Loch, Capt., 478. men·of·war at St. John's and Wager,3il4. Mason. Ca~t., 104-109. Placentia. 34~. Negro servant, 17ti. Maxwell, Capt., 414. gallant fight against France, Npgl'oes from Bermudian fishing, McKillop, Lt., 3S9. Spain, Holland and :Hti. . Milbanke, Admiral, 358. America, 351. :N esmond, Chevalier, 209, 223. Montague, Admiral, 3iO, Rodney's victory at Dominir:J., attack on St. John's, 213, 570. 352. 223. Norris, Admiral, 222. 223. smart capture oran American Nevean, J., 375. Osborne,Oapt,. See. privateer, 351. Neville, Mr., 559, ;:;;;1; Palliser, Sir H. See. lllutiny of the Norecxtends to N ewfoundland coa~t scene. Pickering, Capt., 252. Xewfoundland,372. 381. Pickmore, Sir F., 4U6. Pluta stationcd for 20 years NEWFOUNLAND. See also Pole, Sir (J. 31:., 374. in Newfoundland, 375. RDtIC.l.TION, lIfERCliANTS, Poulton, Capt., 375. lleet at St. .Tohn's in 1812, SEALIXG, SETTLEMENT, SHIP Prescott, Sir H. See. asi. FrSHERMEX; also und'er N .. R,adstock. Lord. See. prizes, :387. M iscellanp.olls, S82 Climate, Rodney, Lord, 284, 2&0, 291. American vessels captured, Soil, Timber, Mines and Russell, Capt., 205. :.l87,3S9. Minerals, Sport and Game Rut, .J oh11, 38 c 4l. capture of the Chesapcak~, La'!l's, &c. Shuldham, Lord, 335. 390. NEWFOUXDLAXD OHURCIIES:- Spratt, Lt., 654. naval officet's in 1813, 39:3. CONGREGATIONAL Church . Stanford, Lt., :>:13. ships winter in Newfound­ refounded,362, Taylour, Commodore, 2,),9, land. 395. CHUB.ClI OF ENGLA.ND, ]55, 270. Carson's attack on' naval 202,204. 256. Trcvanioll, Sir ?S., 254. 272. administration, 395-398. 110, at Bay Bulls, 157. Ullderdown, Capt., 247, 25g. Morris' attack on naval English Church in Con· Vanhrugh, Capt., 281),284. g0vern~)rs, 42.G. ('eption Bav, 10l- Walker, AdmIral, 182, 28;. first steamer to· enter St. C.C.C. Society formed, Sir B..!i49. John's, 455. 658. • Wallace Sir R., 36S, .370. officers on the west coast., Coughlan's salary, 331. Walli." Admiral Provo, 390. 546. church at St. JOhn's, 228. \Vanen, Admiral, 289. efficient work done by naval Harbonr Grace Church 'Watson, Admiral, 284. officers, 551. . burnt, 655. Webh.Oapt., 285, 305, 56j~ pl'esSlllg men in st. John's, church in St. John's, 26:.l, Wheler, Capt., 183... ' 654. 265 .. Whetstone, Admiral. 237. St. John's full ofships,655. description of the ft-eling Williams, Commodore, 1!l2, naval establishment rewoved between the churches, 211. from St.. ;)'ol1n',;, 656. 461. 732 INDEX.

XEWFO"CNDLAND--cont. NEWFOUNDLA ND--cO?tt. NEWFOUNDLAND--cont. NEWFOUNDLAND CEURClIES­ ClEWFOUNDLAND CII1.'RCHES-­ }'A RMING----cont. CO?t. cont. at Ferryland, 129,130. Diocesan synod formed, Lent, permis~ioll to eat Baltimore c»ttle, 156. 659. fish in Slia,n during war, encoural!'ed, 164. dispute about Carbon car 320. Downing's farm, 195. ("hapel,652. loyal to the Government, in 1675,207. Dingle, Rev. -, 364. 364. gr:1z1n~, ;)2f). establbhed in :Newfound· Norton first Roman ne.ar St. Jolin's, 341, :H~. In.nd, '71. Catholic judge, ,,57. 365. foundation stolle of cathe· prrsecutioll of, 283. Capt. Edgell's fu,rm, 375. dral laid, 657. Present'ltion J',"un's COil· Goverllor Holloway ad­ Jackson's persecutions, vent, 656. vocates, :>83. 251. burnt, 458. allowed, S98, 399. minister's su,lar.l', 272. priest in St. John's, 228. view of', Ileal' st. J Oh11'8, Labrador population. Hli'l. propaganda, 228. 399. Lent. stricter observance school'estahlished, 377. around St ..John's, 427. of,172. service at :Ferryland, 101- agricultural meeting, 449. non-observance of, 188. Jesuits, 155. ;.;reat development about Hew r.hurch, 295. 1\1. Allain at St. Pierre, 1840,454. note on, 443. 572. 8i1' G. Le Marchant's petition for minister, 19J. CnSTO)[S HOCiSE fUl'med, 315. interest in, ,162. prayer book, 154. ~eizures, 328. .. ould~Sir Gasper's breed," rep'lir of chnrlOh in lilH. opposition to, 338. 465. 271. site of, 3311. land in NeWfoundland, school established, 877. Collector Routh, 356. 5Q;'. Sunday schools n'-esta­ CCSTO;l!S: Cottage furm cleared, 6",.. blished, G5l. fishinp: in Newfoundland, first gmnts of land, 655. St. John's ch mch, ·':'.)S. 19-24. first agricultural society, St. Thomas' ccnsecmted. share of a wr13ek. 19. 607. G57. stages and hal'l'eiling fish, }'ISlIERY, view of a stage, 2z. St. Thomas' ehnrcll 29. barrelled fish, :29. Ino\-ed, ·,1.01- fishery customs at Cro­ B:tcalao, men.ning of, 81. S.P.G., founding of the, mer, 33. charter party in 1580, 81. 2~8. "half seas over," 34. leave to export fish in Waldegrave helps to Devonshire customs in 159[),84. re3tore the churc-h, 378. Newfoundland, GL policy of insurance Oll MOR,t YIAN l\lis:;ion; Labra. fishing admirals, 70. :Newfoundland fish, 8". dol' population, tllS. ~( Cruizing," 1] 4. season, men summoned ill, ;l1ission, 331, 332, 5U2,59+. derived from Devollshire, 100. G17. 114. customs, 100. mentioned hy Cartwright, ancient, of flshin;.; ud­ seine, .. h~liJlge of a 601. mirab,1:>9. sesne," 103. ]\{ETIIODIST CII1.'RCrr com­ " scaffold of the Grapple," cttplin, 106. p:!l1cd to subscribe ~o the 1~9. admiruls, 1:19. new church, 295. }'rench rooms at Pla· cost of ou,fit, 204. \Yeslepnism introduced. centia, 182, 183. greeu men, t33. 33l. }'rench Fishing Company, bye-boat-men, 228,297. dispute about Carbonear 184. " Room," 298. Chapd,652. green men, 192. ~"tra.in," 2l:JS. Wesleyan 1\li ssion stations casks for oil, 2D:t "cod semi's," 34~. organised, 655. ship fishermen's lep:al, 226. green fish men in LRbra· George Street lIIethodist "triangulation," 226. dOl',602. Church,659. chnracter of the fishery. :FISHERY, description of Labrador population, 618. 258. :Mason's.lIl6. PRESBYTERIAN Labrador officers taking bribes, 275. description of, 201i. population, 618. fishing' at Plaeen tia, 276. account at in HOG, 267. 1il'st church established, H Iiviers," 2i9. description, 27:>. 657. in Placentia, :/82. WilIhms' account of, 2nti. Free ki l'k established. 657. ~'Tennt!l's,J' 2S7. PISHE.RY, REGULATlliX of the, QU"KERS, 2·n, 265. Bye-boat-men, 297. 29. at Bonavisttt, 264. 'c y(lungster~," 298. llt:l':,llJel' of voyages made, ROeJ:AX CATII0LIC Eiscayall winter supplie~. 315. .3/. l'riest in :Ncwfoundland, servants' wages. 818. Act, to compel !ish to lJe 47. new regula tions, 32:;. eateH on vYednesdays Bishop Fleminl'. 4·26. " whipper," 3:\6. and Sa,turduys. 55. Bishops Lambert and whipper, 3·1,:1. forbiduing importation of Scallan, 408. mentioned in petition of foreign caught fish, Bishop l\1ullock, -'\87. 1775, :3,*7. .jt). Bishop O'Donel. See. whipping, S5U. Raleigh's cpiuioll upon Capuchin friar, 263. faction fights, &c., ·~Ol. the, 69. chapel built, &c .. 363-365. cook room, -1,50. supplies for be (trmy, c11 mch at St. Pierre, 573. public. grindstone, 49t:. 75. compelled to subscribe to Ox ~al't, St. Pierre, view under Tl'eworgie, 16~. the llew church, 295. of,56-1,. losses in 1705, 241;. des{!riptiol1of the f~eling at St. Pierre, 564. eonvoy for, JiGl, 305. betweell the churches, EnJrlish settlers nt St. FISIIERY, E:S-GJ,)srr. 4kl1. Pierre, 567. N ewfoundlaHd ilrst mell­ EUj?;Jish at Placentia com­ wine obliged to be tltli:en tioned in Ad of Parlia· pelled to become. 186. WIth a cargo of salt, 567. ment,33. forbidden to use church­ French method ot' payillg Engli3h ships in New­ yard at Placentia. :l66. seamen, 570. foundJand, 60.. establishment of, in New- the Labrador passen"cl' ill English hands.. :J;;n. foundland.110. tralIic, 603. " FISHERY, ESTIMATE of ships Gouling the'Jesuit, 263. l!'ARlUNG, sheep. 96. in, 1527, 40. in Cape Breton, 33{). Guy's attempt nt, 100. estimate. 136. influence ill politics, 436. ~rason's account, 106. in 1661, 156. Labrador populaton, 618. at Cupids, 126. sllOilt by the wars, 159. INDEX. 7:33

XEWFOUNDLAND-cont. ~EWFOUNDLAND-cont. NEWFOUNDLA ND--cont. "FrSHERY--cont. LEGAL AXD .JUDICIAL--COllt. XEWFOcNDLAND ::Ii rSCE I. !.A - quantity of mtch, 186. Shnw'~ " Practical Jllstice," SEOUS--cont. estilllate of, 190, l!03, 210. 28fj, duties, power t) levy, 144. red uet-ion ot" the, 250. aspeet .:.f new courts. 286. levied on French by 'Wil- estima,te of, 2(;3, 278, 274, winter justices, 287. ham IU .. 224. 285, ~!l6, 3t6, 3~6. Vanbrugll's commi~sion. 283. eclipse at B urgeo, 316. successful. 374. Drake's Commission, 288. expenditure, 429. efie('t of the war, 393. Keen's murder, 292. exp~rts in 1814, 655. enormous ('Il.tch, 402. Rodney's tl'eatmentof, 292. famine threatened in 1812, 4UU. partial failure, 486, 492. district.s in 1732, 301. 1817,405 . •. great fishery," 4\16. surrogate courts, 315. fires, forest, 103, 131. largest known, 500. abusE'S, 326. freight, rates ot'. 107, 136. estimate, 652, 654. DO;lghlan appointed a justice, Ships, 1;;3, 273. FISHERY, FRE::!ICH, eoufined 331. to Newfoundland, 39, 40. to English, 375. offi('es held by the Gills .. 333. wine oblig-ed to be taken :French, from June to change of judges, 3:36. with a cargo of salt, 5fii. October, 183, 187, 322, Dunning's opinion 011.336. furs, 109, 179, 184,297. 5(i8. lawlesslless in Newfoundlul1ll, at Sonlis Brook, e20. :French, 575. 33~. g-ame, 136, J79. St. Pierre statistics, 586. Pishin~ admirals to ha,yc glass-making. 96. FISHERY, IMPORTANCE OF" power to appoint deput,ies, gmnite qu:u'l'ies, 620. :l56. 3-11. view of, 624. value of. accordil1i!: to criminal cases in 1777, 343. Grt'at Eastern, 642, 644. delegates to Hulifa,x, Philip's case~, 348. h~wks in N ewfoundlantl, lii. 501,506. Admiral's pl·oceeclings. 34S. h ..alth officer. 289. capable of enormous de­ wa,nt of civil government, impol·ts, :~94. 653. velopment, 629, 1)3'). 348. inSllr:lnCe on fish, 86. price of fish in 1512, 19. abuses, 355. land grant to mil way com­ pric" of Jish, 28, 14H, 387, description of the courts in pany."'27. 395, ,102, 4u3. 178l.3.')7. lumbering development, 620, profitableness of the. Act of 31 George nI.. 358. 621. lOG. salaries ot' the judges a::d lynx in Newfoundland. 16. FISHERY. BAIT, birds for, 100. clerk" 359. log lil:e. 37. supply in Fortune Bay. hi!!:h COIl stahle, 381. marine insurance, 37, 84. 478. olfidals forbidden to trade, meat. price of, 19. Act passed, 1>14. ~tl3. Illine:'al found by Gilbert. 73. elIect of, 577. chiel' justice's salary, 383. at Tilt Cove, 496, 497. :French paid f)r, 578. police establisiled, 3S5. mines and minerals, 715. intellil~ence service, 649. chief justice's salv.ry ad­ molasses, 198. FISHERIES COl1:.1Ussrox, u,n. vanced,3Dl. Newfoundland Rec0rds. 314. fish hatcheries, 6,'1. Colclough's attempt to ap· doa:.487. cure or codlish a.mt poillt an associate judge olive oil, t'xpense of, 2!li. herrings, 649. :192. Papt'l's:- il-Iodel freezing rooms, 649. trial of a fisherman, 394. Royal Ga.zette. :l80. CodJish hat('hed. 650. writs issued in 18n, 403. :st. John's Gazette, 395. D. W. Prowse's opinion Butler v. Lundrigan, 4-11,421. Pllblic Ledg-er, 436. on cod-Imtchery, 650. supremE' cOllrt constituted. N ewf'ouudl:mder, 441. FISHERY, LOBSTER report, 422. Patl'iot,44l. 556. dress of the judges, &c., 423. Royal GazettE' stul'tf'd. lobster hatchery, 6ilO. supreme (!{)Urt opened. fl54. l:ish l~xhibitioll, 6(;0. 4"3 Newfoundland 1I1ercun­ :FJSHERY, SAL:!1:0:S-, 274, 283. Atiorn;;':General Simm;;, 430. tile Journal established, 297. Boultoll's decisions reyersed, 6;;5. French not right, 322. 438. Evening· Telegra.m, 659. regulatiolls, 337. Boulton's anomalolls position, Daily Colonist, 660. ftl-ilillg, Cl7, 444. Eyening: Mercury, 660. FISHISG', BA.:S-K, account of, Rielly v. C:trson, 445. partrIdge. pIcture of, li:l:!. 569. Court of Common Pleas Dopulation. 142, 19;;. bank~, French fisherm('ll, established,653. under stated, 176. view of, on the. 570. ,essio!l courts, !i53. Irish,201. 571. 110 priboners, 653. in J 765, &c. 325, 652. bank fishing, number at first .case in supreme conrt, in 1804, 378. the,5i5. 654. of St. Pierre, ;;71. J,EGAL AXD .JUDICIAL : surrogate courts abolished, census in 1869, 6,)9. ].:tws )Jroclaimed by Guy, 99. 65~. ]Jo.~bl rates in 1815, 380. Whitboul'llc's coart in WI;;. judIciary, 662. commulllcatioll, 45;;, 46:,. 114. XEWFOUSDLAND i\IrscELLA- revenue, 18 tl-lS$l2. 46;3. "some wnr of judicature," NEOl'S: Victorin S.S .. 4156, 487. 155. auk, great, view of, 283. Allan line, ·197. trial of foul' men for plunder­ bears. \\ hite, W. Laomdor winter post, 607. ing l!'rcilch rooms, liS. beer. price of, 19. snmmer post, 60B. process sen'ed in Hi50, lif). boots. :!OO. Mc\usnnd deputy, 653. olIelldcr~ to be brought to bottomry, 188. post ornce est:tblished, 65~. England, ID2, calabogr.s, 22n, 36';. poLashes. flo, 1~7. "buses in St.. John's, 2M. cari boCl. 6al, 1'r('8s abuse the HOllst' of want of, effect in Ac,t of view of, (i32. Assem bly, 4:;,;. William III., 225. casks,H6. pl'ices, :387. :.buses of the fishing admimls. chronometers, I.e Roy·s. 56n. of commoditie', :315, 379. 226. ('odoU, 9;;. . effect of crisis, 40;3- powers of Act of William II I., commerce, 198. pl'lze ~gents •. 242. 246. 267, 3.S. 2:;3. commercial, 403. ptarmIgan, pIcture of. 6:3:3. Capt. Crowe's laws, 25~. compass, ;~6. rackets, snow, 2fH. courts aPPOinted. 27;). crisis in 1815. revenue, 450, 497,509. want of c(JUl'ts, 275. cranberries.. 153. rum, lOS. districts appoillted, 281. Cnnard Line, 456. salt, cargoes of, 95. court house, St. John's, 284. 0unard SS. ashore, 461. cost of, 136. courts appointed, 235. Deep Sea lIIission, 604. 61.t. pl'oposa.ls, 137. 7.34 INDEX.

)lEWFOC)lDLA)lD--coni. ::\EWFOUNDlAND--f'Ol/.t. XE W:FOlTNDI.AND--ront. ::\EWFOUNDLAND MISCELLA· POLITlcs--cont. POLiTIcs-cant. SEOUS--I'01d. fpnewed agitation for loral the" Tim Dobbin" COllllll!S­ saltmaker. 128,130. go~rnment, 427. sion,500. sarsapn rilla, !l6. 10H. merchants' oppositioll, 428. SirW. V. Whitewa,y's Mi· saw mill, 9G. 100, 10;~. lirst house of assembly, 429. ministration, .j06.' . yiews of, 620, 621, 624. local ~oyernment granted, riot at Fox Trap, 512 .. servants, excitement amrnp,' 429. Harbou,· Grace riot, 5i3. the" shipped," 3H3. Kent's address, 430. Sir R. Thol'bnrn·sadlllillistrn· wa-i':es, 3!l.J.. bow-wow parliament, 431. tiol], ;'14. s\Jipouildin/1:, 35-37, 165, 378, opening of first house of election of 1893, 52(l. 41J2, 403. 40~. assembly,4:n. ('iection petitions, 532 .. 6tll. boat· building at Cupids, legislative council formed, Ballot Act pflssed, 660. 120. 433. manhood suffrage, 660. Eskimo boats, 593. disputc between the two New1l1an, C. D., 6.17. . COIUIlI bus (;aravels, 5. houses, 433 .. 4:)5. Newman, R. L., 389. size of "hips. 2:,. merchant-s' opposition. 435. Newman, W., ;)(30. ships or Charles 11.'8 time, 16;;. vi(,lence of the mob, 435. hOilse in Fort William, 328. pi0tHre or small era1t. contingency Bill:;, 43(t men, 29S, 40~. liS. elld or the first house of and Co., 2\)9. 390. French fishing boat, 570, aSSelJl bly, 438. lanu, 305. 571,576. riots by Roman Catholic prcmises secured i!1 1846, s1l1all·pox, 2~15. candidates, 4~;8. 458. soil, 715. supply throwll out, 439. rooms, 450. sport in. 62. honse of assem hly claims to irade to Labrador, 598. Cnrtwright.'s JOl1rn::l, 600. appoint its own officers, Nicholls. Wm., 270. opportunities for, 631, f.32. 4'W. Nicholson. Governor, 276. sport,7l0. elections declared invalid, Niels~n, A., 615, (;48. g-tnne laws, 717. 4;~rl. Nipp~rs Harbour, 279. spru('i.' beeI'. 1:j6, 273. "~e of colonial member, J. Ratt, ;)60. Iteological, 4(i.~, ·196. decided by Privy Council, 1'. Kennowf1y, 5il8. Flemin~'s, 500. 447. Noll, John, 239. Bellair';;. !:lOl, the amalgamated legislature, Noonan, J, R., ;)41. tariff of 183;;, 4!O. 4!7. Noonan, J . .L., G1l5. ta yerll liccll(,(,s. 356. House of AssembJy dissolved, N orman Cape, 473, 557. tn \'~rns. 1~7, IuS, 20)., 234. 271, 447. N.,605. ;ll2,3i3. the ama1gamated house, 450, Norris. Adm., 222, 223. at St. Pierre in li5!!.567, 456. portrait of, 222. 568. ori~inal constitution restored, Col.,280. names of. in John's, 381. 457. Arm, 629. tplescope, 131. openinp: of the new legisla. Xorthmen, di:;coveries of tht', 1, tiltG,261. ture,46:). 587. tim bel' exports, 95, 620, 621. I~nglish Government refuse Eric, statue 0f, 2. timber, i15. responsible government, NOl'Gon, Chief Ju:;tice. T., 457, 66:3. truck system, evils of, 380, 463. Norway. trade with, 25, 28. 53i. p:rant of responsible govern­ Notre Pame, 278, ~83. to11!tCCP. lfS. . ll1etot, 1M. Nowill, -, 280. Yorke. 200. compensf1tion to office holders Nowlan, M., 460. trade to, 12, 107. and Representation Bill, P., 488, 4Q 9, f,64, 665. throu;rh, 145. ·16G. Harbour, (l17. in, in Commonwealth,162. the Representation 13il1. 467. Nugent. -, 465. uncler 'rreworp:ie, 164. lirst udministration purely J. V., 4!)tl, 43S, 444, 657, 6(a. wnlrns, killm;r, 60, uRH. Roman Catholic, 468. portmi t of. 444. 'weather in 1611-16,125,128. election note in 18Gl, 483. great storm, 336. attempt to form an amalga- in 1817, 405. mated ministry, 484. "w inter oj' the Rn.lg," 405. the elpdion of ltitil, 484. Oakley, J. T., 665. in lS41),4G1. the Burin election, 485. O'Brien, 'Mr, (Colossus of Roads), climate, 71;';. Mr. Kent's administration, 448. \\' inc to be export"d from, to 485. L., 436. 4;35, 457,465, 4Gi, 48*, England, !)5. . dispute abcnt the ('oastal 493. woollen trade WIth Ireland, stef1mer, 481;. portrait of, 493. 201. :Bishop Mullock's Jetter, 486. L. and Co ... 460. POLITICS.. Goyernor Treworgic, poor relief, 436. Lady, 529, 605. lHI). Act fl>r coastal steamers, 487. portra it of, 530. Governor's pa,y. Collins peti­ dissens:on about poor relief, Sir '1'. 1'\., 52H, 60h 614. 61". tions for. 271. 488. port.rnit of. 52\!. Governor appointed. 283. dispute about "sterling," harbour, 60;. first appointed, 2S;'i. 488. Oderin, 16;', :3;36. wtlnt of ciyil government, 348. Kent's accusation of Sir A. O'Driscoll, -, 357. po~r relief, socidy for, in Bannerman, 488. O'Donel. Bishop. 363,364,382. 1790,37:,. Sir H. Hoyle's administration, insult to, 3(i7. «ambier ndyocates local go­ 488. ~peaks well of Governor 'Val· yernment, 3i6. Riot in St. John's, 1861, 4S9. degrave, 3i3. Carson's attack upon the Sir F. Carter's :J(lministra­ O'D:mnell, Father .J.. 489. ;)13. s~'stem of !,:overnment, 3!lii. tien, 494-. O'Dwyer, It., 455. first governor Pickmore. 406. poor relief, nttempt to sup­ R. & Co., 460. Butler 1'. Lundri~an. ·n1. press, 496. Ogdep, C. Justice J., 360, 374,419, a~itation for !tical govern- Bennett's administration, 497. 662. ment. ·111. . collapse of the Bennett ad­ O!l:ihie, B. Gen!., 574. ::l1or1'i5' pamphlet, 425, 426. minisir$.iion, 499. O'Gormans of Burin, 574. INDEX. 73·)

Okak. 595, 61R. Perkins anti Winter, -tIO. Pr.ACENTIA-Cont. Olonne. il7ll. -,599. nnder govcl'nnlPn( of Xon, O'.'I!arn., .J.. -HI). Perlicnn, Xew, 2:32. 31JI. Scotia. 2iG. .J. T .• 527. Old, 23~ .. 2 !6.. 2iO, 281), 301. plan of. 276. M.J.,6G5. Perry, }'" account of Atlanti(' Bay, 279. Openill:e\'ik I~hlld", 11~17. cable, 642. . Governors l\i[ootly and GI,;,l­ Opot Portu, 43. portrait 0'. (;42. hill,282. Or:tn.2;e, Great, I-I:trbours, 321. _ H., 301. under Nova SC)tia, 283. O'neilly, Constable. J6. Peters, .J. E. P., G65. separated from Nol',. Scotia, Osborne. Capt., 2S'l, 2%, 3n Peterson, Capt. (Boston), 4~7. :<86. Osmond (l\l[urphy and). (j21- Potit Maitre, 18:)' 2fS. fishing at, 297. Oswa.ld. Mr., 8:'2. Petit Nord, 185, 2M;' magist,ates, &c. of, 301. OUll:iel·,. P., 330, 423. PETTY H,~RBOt'R, 103. 230. Z·B. Petty, 301. Outer COVI~ road, 44;). 26l, 2fj2. 2G8, 2tH. 2,;(;. 27".271, Graves defends, 307. Outerbridi\'e, J., 52:). 297, 301, 3~1. :34!l, 61i, 653- English troops at, :)14. Oxford, Thomas, 176, 1!l7. :D'Iber'l"ille's fi,;ht at, 215. Court HOllse, 3H. . de"eription of, destl'Uction view of, 24~. justices dismissed, ~15. done in, Ncwfoundland, 1114. Peyton, T.; GG5. surrogate recJrtis, 315. Philips, Licut .. 269. Little, ~1;'5. mill. 6~1. trouble with the ll:arriso:l. 32~. J.,336. William IV. at, 36(;. Pltck,Goss(', and Fr~·pr, 488. Mr., 270. 393. 3.)5, 415. 4.'38, 4i\~;,7, Pack,R.. 43t. Gla. N.,317. 165, -tili. 4f)~, 498. Packard's, Dr., book 011 Labrador. Phillpotts, Lieut., 651i. f.dvanta'.1:es of railway to. i)[3. 610. P!1ippard, -, 3H:J. 4'18, 655. French occupation of, 5'!2. Packer. -, 301. PICk Eye, 496. date of Gn.rg')t's Commis.,ion, Pack's Harbour, GIll. HI7. Pickering-. Ca.pt., 252. 5G5. Pacquet Harbonr. ;)iii. Sir Gilbert. ](i7. settlcrs 1';0 to St.. Pierre, 571. Pai ne, 1\1[1'., 10:1. Pickmore. Sir F ... 40[i. .Junction, 625. 626. Palals, Cnvalillr ric. 211. Pidgeon, W., 301. c:l,\)le from, 643. Palliser, Sir H .. 2~2, :Hi, 41:,. 59!'. Pi..-;eard, Capt... 47:3. model smoke·honses. 649. portrait of, ;n~. Pike, Alfred. 52~. court house built. G53. Coghlftn's lettel' to. 3~i. famil.y, 137. J. Brown, apPointerl J.P., (ljS. dlsll1 isses Phccntia justices. John, 21, 292. members for, 6(;4. 315. R., 3~n. Pointestre anli RolJillS011. GO]. interest in Vtbl'idor, 3Zt. Pin~ent. hmil~' of. 222. Pole, Sir C. M .. 3i4. letter to I:lernard, ;;U8. Sir R, 71, 9~, 2:lil. 531, 6,;3. portrait of, 3H. ettor to . Fmncklill about portrait ot', 521. Pollard, 174. French l\1ic l\Iucs, 3:30. Pins}n,3!J3. Christopher, 220. protection of ,tbhermcn, a2G. a justice for Labraior, 3!'3, 1)02, Poutrincourt, 20. rell:ulatiom for L:cbr:dt>,· ti55. Port-a· Port, 47:!, 4·iS. :;5~. "iii. Jishery, W7. (Noille a.nd), 598,5:)9,601. Poreen, M., Ini. support of the Morn,vians, 3'12. Pinw:tt'e, 617. Porter, R., 301. eharges the l'ne, B.. :WG. plan 01, 18f. fishillp; in 1527,41. C., 617. Aylrod's, ,John, desct'iption of fishery, 1.0. Payzant and Frazer, 557, 53fl, ;jIll.. Plac

Pre~cott, Sir R., 436, 438, ·~4i, 44S. RAILWAY-Cont_ Rohinson, Sir B., J.Hi, 4-!!J, 4;;i, 4:i5, 456. further contract of 1893, fIJI' 409, 488, 500.. 501, 6:33, GG:3, GSt portrait of Sir H .. 44~. Port-an-Basque line, (;26. portrait of. 4S4. Preston (Hunt, Stabb, and) 343, bnd grant, 627. Capt. Sir R., 174-, 175, 202. 3S7. conn~ctinp: roads, 628. G. R,., 382, 427, 429, 655. Prim, P .• 348. Raleigh, Sir '11'., 66, 67, 68. Brooking- &. Co., 458, 460. Pring. M., voyage to New Eng- portrait of, 75. Mrs .. celebrated, 599. land, S6. fleet revictllal ir, K ewfound­ (Pointestre, and), 601. Pringle, Colonel, 341, 652, 653. land,57. Rohel'row, John, 93. Prior's, l\L, report. in6. captain in Newfoundland, Robert!; Ba\'. :,01. 4S·i. Prowse & SOilS, 527. 10:1,111. trade to; Lahradvr, G02. at CalaIs roads, in th0 fire­ Ramah, 595, 610, 618. Lewis, 596. ships, 82. Rameau Island, 506. 1\[. 0., 637. D. W .. 650. 664. Random Sound, fa. portrait of, 6~8. R., 179, 196, 455, 460, 468, 474, Rankin, R., 664. Philip, 217, 230, 231. 658,664. Ray, Dape, 353, 410, 50;';. 557 .. 558, Robervab voyages. 45. 1:';., 3S7, 393, 602, 655. ('!l5,636. Robins of Jersey, 601. Punch Bowl, 610, 617. Ra.y-nnr. Capt. John. 156, 178, 17fl. Rotz map, 84. Pyle, -, 161. Rehou [Bay Hulls?] 261. Rochfort, J., 411, 'l67. Pynn, J:. 17n. 19~. Recllloux, Capt., Mi. Rock Point, Bay of Islands, 473. famIly, 137. Red Bay. Lahrador, 604, 6JO, 616. Rodger (l\1arshall and), :)27. -.24'). bdian Lake, !li5. Rodm'Y, Lord, 28 h 290. W.,30l. Island, 472, 473, 477. portrait of, 291. Pynne, -, 245. views of French huts at, 250, Rogerson, J. J ... 474.485,467, 5?!1. il44. 664. Redhood, N., 179. portrait of. 4H. Queen's Lakes, 610. Redmond, P., 375, 381. P., & Co., 458 .. 4·60. Quenal, .J., 333. Redwood, 161. RO,2'crson's Bill to regulate the QnDI VIDI, 176, 194, }!lG, 232, 261. Rl'ed, 1\.1.. 301. Labrador pa ssenger tmffic, 603. 265, 2R6. 270, 2/1, 297, 301, 308, Reeks, H., iIi. Roland, Re\,. :Mr., :l!lS .. 655. 319. 383, 412. Reeve, Thompson, 272. Rolls, J ... 66.:>. viewof,10. Reeve.<, Chief ,Justice, J., 358. G62. Rolson, -, Ii... losses in 1705, 246. accused of peculation, 391- Roope, John, 241, 244, 246, 2G2, Grove Farm. 296. portrait of, 358. 26:3. view of, l"okin{l,' t~wards the Col. G., 656. Rorke, J., 508, 617, 665. scene of the fight in 1762. Rei"hel's map of Labrador, 594. Rose, J., 301. 307. Reid, R. G .. 6:W, 621. Ross, W., & Co., 617. view of, from Signal Hill, 30S. and hi~ labourers view of, ltothwell. E., ';65. Horwoods of, 309. 622. and Howring. 527. land at, 337. portrait of, 621. Rouge, Cape, view of Freneh views of, 360. and Middleton's contract, 625, ~tages at, 258, MS. Quinn, -. 2fJ6. 626. lle,354. Quirk, C., 381- T.,347. Roupe, Melle, 266. N.,395. Reilly, L.,31;). Rouse, -, SOL Quirpon, 278, 281, 324, 410, 473, Rendell, -. 382, 655. Routh, Chief Justice R., 336,36Q, 476, 5i6, 594, 597. G. 'r., 526,529, 6i6. 653,662. J.,665. drowned, 374. J. M. & Co., 460. Row (Stabb. and Holmwood), Rabbit, W. J., 603. S •• 297, f.G5. 459. Rabbits, Billy, 45l. \Y.& G., 527. T.,467. N.,6G5. Renew:;c, 120, 242, 301, 351, 405, portral t of. 46i. Race, Cape, 10, 461. ,t06. W. R, 432, 4:3;), 438, 455,457, via. 641. Denys at. 17. 461, 41)5, liG4. Rarle. de lao 182. French propose to settle at, Rowland, Re\,. D., 655. R:ldstock, Lord. 365, 372. 230. Ro wsell' s, 280, 297. Jetter to, ,un. Rennie, Stuart, & Co., 367, 393, Rudkin, Capt., 656. portr~it of, 373. 400,657. Rumkey, Mr., 556. Rae Island, 43S. Renon. 111., 268. Russell, Capt., 205. Roftus. R., 721. Renouf, J., 460. Mr., 170. Ragp:ed Harbour, 283. Hon. H .. 499. 664. Thomas, 269, 270, Islands, 610. Resolution Head, fishing at, 60'1. Rutherford, R. & A.., 460. RAILWAY, proposed, 50Q. Rex, H., 301. Rnt's yo>·age. 38-41. prosperity resulting from, in Reynell, Thir., llJ6. Ruyter, Admiral, 197. 1882,50ll. R"Yllolds, Colclough writes to, at Rllj'5Ch's mall, 14. HaJl's !:lay line, 506. Lisbon, 390. R~tan, -, :3t:l2, Gl);1. advanta!;es of :l. 513. Ribero's map, 15, 5S9. -,441. inp.eptioll of the Hall's Bay Rice. Rev. ,Jacob, 255, 27'2. Bill,4!13. line, 514. R. P.,(;;;~. D., 451. Placentia rail way constructed, Richards. )fajoT, 223. 252. J., 380, 411, 617. 511,524. Ri<'he Point, :!5S, 281, 312, 557. 56?. L. W,,411. construction, 622. Richery, Admiral. 367. T.,liM. evntractors bil, 623. destroys 8t. Pierre, 574. Ryoes, ~fntt, 78. line completed by the re­ Ridley, :lI-J.r., portrn it of, 451. ceiver, 623. T., 455. 457. tl64. Sir H. Alhm's tender, 623. T. R., 467, 1j65. Sir "Y. Whiteway advocated Rigoulette, tHO, 617. Sabine's statement ahout Labra- (.onstruction by the Goyern­ post to, 609. dol', 597. lD(>nt. (;23. Rivers, Col.. Z:~i. Saint, J., 665. receipts, (;2:3. Roach (Stabb and), 556,559,561. S91e, Lt.-Col., 484. 437. lIew tenders for Hall\ B:IY ROADS, primitive paths through Sallee Rovers, lOS, 145. line in 18()O. 624. the woods, 114. Salmon Cove, 131. proceedin~s against the ('011- ll:l11doin's de~('rjption of the. view of, 1;)6. tractors, 624. 2:3'\. Trinity, 520. views on thf',624. Road making', 33G, .127, 448, 454, 1.abra(lor, ti17. proper terminus in St ..John's, 619,6:;6. Riyer, 609, 616. 624. expenditure, 429. T.,3nl. bridp:es, views of, 622, 625, 627 .. con necti:!/; with rail way, 628. Sal monier, views of, 187.. 216. 628,6:30. Robe, l\1ajor, 458. Salmge, 18C. INDEX. i37

Sampson's, R., aeCOllnt of eam· SETTLEMEST-cont. Slur FISHER}IEX--cont. paign of 170;;, :W2, 266. stay of onle-dol' depopnla tion, petition llgainst pl1ttltcrs, 100. Sandhill,oli. IGG. ' .. \Vest and by law," 130. Sandwich Bay, 017. petition fo:::, fortification, 201. monopoly, 13S. Saunders Port, 557, 560, 5fll, ,Hj:2, ;2:3 March 1G97, permitting exempted from Kirke's Savage Hnrbolll'. Trinity Bay., 128. s~ttlemellt J1t'·ar the shol'('. p:overnment, 143. Islands, ·tii, 557, 204. royalties, ]52. S[1valet, Captltin, 20,37, permitted, 20;,. duty on salt remitted, 173. Sawley, John,l9D, phnters' aid to lhllcl'lllell, remission of uIl duties on fish. Scaffold of the grapple, 13:.'. ~06. 173. SC[11Ian, Ep" 408, 426. Downing's account of. :<117. Child's defence of, 188. Scanhn, 'r. D .. JU6, 6·10. order for stn~' of dcpopulatioll Bou,l'll of Trade recommend portmit of, 610. order, 208. deportation of settlers, 191. Schenk (Hounsell, lmd. Houllsell), attacks on b,j' French in 1W::; .. destroy stages, Ift4. 459. 209. Losse, in 1Ii9G. 221. Schlotzcr, -, ;;U4. Baudoin's nccount of llte, 218. Rights under. 225. Sehlozer, C. c~" 3:)2, wealth of the, ~,l!), 2~2. description of fishing ad mirals, Schuyler, Lt.. ao;l, 41:\, 414. eharaet-er of the, 221. 2')" 'NG Scillingtoll, Ge@rge, ~·H, ~4;;. :82, il~5. portrait of, :,:)5. at St ..J(Jhll'~, 7:!. Shllpleigh hmily, lG:l, J:Z/. Signat, p" :3111. ship Jisl,cl'men's rule, 8:;. Shanghroo, -, 567. Simnls, C.) "l'jH, fjl3!J. ill early times, U3. ~hea and l\Iurphy, 4UII. H.,G5t>. attempt to grallt laml to Shea and Co., 527. . Hon, .Jallle" ,1;;0,4:31, 1:J7. Guv', Campau>' possessecl SI)('a, Sir.L :n~. till. ··I,lj:,. ·"ilj. ";i. portl'llit of, 4:>0. by )~IllJ fur Ship ('OYC, 5211. Sm,tIl Harhour, 4·7;;. governOl·,hip,1i.i. SHIP FrSIIERl-IEX, EIl;;-lislt rule Smith, Captaill John, 88. necessity fOl' ~O\'l'I'i:ra', 17.). over fOl'ei~n Jishcl'men, ~!'. Edward, ·WO. method of ('oll<-r:l iUf!: tax,'" for stalliJw: fish, :1:;. J. ,v., 4.i5. 17". Sir '1'. Hampshire's rC."l1l:t- pOl'ira itoI'. 4",). at l'lacentiu, liS. ti()n~, til. . Sir D. A .. jJl'cs('nt of II y:u'ht opposed at Placelltia, 1"1. R'!cl'ptioll 0:' Gilhert. fi~. to tI,e llcl.']J tiea :lIissioll,GU5. Child's arpllllcnt "g'" iust cOlllpletely rule X "",fonnel­ ,\'., Olii. settlement and a govemor. land, 8:~. Smok>', li17. 1813. hostility to Guy', ~E'ttlelllent, 'fickle'. 610. Board of Traele rc('olll1lJ('Il(l ~ f!). Sncll, Georg-c, IOU. deportation of settlers, IU!. duties lcvied 011, by Guy's Snow, -, 294. well,lth of settlers, ID;;. company, 100. Snug Harooul', mo, G17.

I p.27::9. 738 INDEX.

Solomon, S., 380, 382, 6G4. Stab b-cont. ST. J OIIN's-cont. W.,380. E. & N., 458, 460. Duckworth street, width Soncino's letter, 11. Dr. H., 387. of. 709. Soper, -, 617. H. J., 527. Duuer's farm, 426. Sop's Arm, 476. Hunt, and Preston, 348, wharf,387. Soulis Brook, 621. 387. Duke of York's battery. Furring at, 610. X.,387. 369. Southmayd, A., 270, 288, 0')1. Row. and Holmwood, 459. Eden's shop, 390. Soward, J., 567. and Roach, 556, 559, 561. Elliott's, D., shop, 410. SPANISlI claim to Newfoullulallu,. '1'.,387. Ellis estate, 336. 15. Stafford, Capt., 271. Fort William, 203, 223, 230, Ayala's letter, 2~. Stag Bay, p')st to, 609. 2:n, 340, a69, 418. Agramonte's charter in 1511, Stanf'ord, Lt., 3:-\a. description of,231, 263, 43. St. Antony, fishing at, 576. 258. San Sebastian law suit, 44. Stapley, Col., 167. houses iii, 271. method of annoying, 66. Starve Ha.rbour, 27:S. 'Wood's house ill, 328. treatment of English pri. St. Barbe, 556,560,561, 56i. destroyed, 270. soners, 68. Members for, (;55. houses around, pulled Sir B. Drake's expedition to Stearns, .J. B., system of duo down, 328. Newfouudland,79. plexillg',645. houses in, 271- Elizabeth's policy in. lighting, Account of Lahmuol', lilli. rebuilt, 249. SO, Sl. Steel, Sargeant, 2tiU, 288. taken, 248. Armada, 81. Steer, J .. tJ65. repair of, in 1709, fleet, destruction of the, 81. Stephanius, map of. 3. 271. claim to Virginia, S\!. Stephenson, Capt., a82, \i,H. FOl·t Amherst, :)70. voyage to, 153. 8territt's lVIin, 62l. Fort :Frederick, :)69. ShIPS' pay andliccuce:;, IGS. Stevens, -, :301. Fort George, 223. fishitl'" fleet, 186. Mrs., ;'27. Fort Townshend, 3:lli. :Hl. with French in 1705, 205. Stewart, Broom, ::182, ti55. 349, 418, 652, 708. claim to fish lIt Newfoun,l· .J., 393, 40:,. completed,653. land,310. .J. and ''''., 458, 460. Frederick's battery, ;H~I. war declared with, 311. Ji.,455. Pl'iendly Hall, 3:36. traders, 453. st. Francis, Cape, 4\!2. Gallows Hill, 295. slavers in St. John's. 454. St. George'~ B!ty, 472, 540, 549,58l. George Street, lin' of San Sebastian records, 5S!J. 629. 1847 commenced in, Navarres traditions about settlers forbiddell to sell bait" 458. Labrador, 590. except to the :French, 355. Gill's, 451>. importation of fish forbiddell, view of, 630. Gower St,reet opened in 652. telep;raph to, (i3H. 1~04, 654. Biscayans, 35, 78,133, 18::;, ISo, Members for, !l55. Holbrook's farm, 427. 206, 273. 453, 589. Cape, 30. Hospital, 360, 655. fishery, 43-45, 47-4lJ, 6U, 6:" 8t. J eall, J., ::;54. Hudson's Cove. 305,381. 137. St. John, A. S .• 375. Hunter's Cove, 292, :)05. at Labrador, 5Si. family, 43S. Keen's, :!92. 410. tradition about Labrador, Ca.I!.e, 274, 35:;, 4ill, 505, ;;52, King's Road, 336, 339, 410, 590. ",,8. 65:!. in Newfoundland in De· 81'. JOlIN'S: Lan~man's garden, 363. cember, 95. Admiral's Beach, 3:m. 3,H. Lon(1on 'l'avern, 382, 39;j. at Placentin, 276, 2'/7. Amherst Tower, 3411. ::\Iaddock's Lane, 410. rights in N ewfoundlalltl, Alsop's,3S7. Magl-\ott's Cove, 241, :!91:i, 274. Bally HaIy, Ml, 395. mo. rights finallyrelinqubhed. barons of. 326 i.\Iagotty Cove, fire of 1846, S20. Barkl"s Hill (?), 271. 458. ill ~t. John's, 2H6. Beck's Coye. ,\Ol. Jljajol"s P"th, 341. at St. Pierre, 563. Bennett's whart', :,87. \ ::\IcBride's Hill, 305. sealers, 20. ]3ouchel"s fann. :,81. si te on, ;;3(;. whal~rs, 596. Brooking's flakes, llcar, ::\larket Honse opened, Bilboa, 152. 3S6. 657. Corunna, 390. Bursthart Hill (Bartel"ti l\lilitary Road, 336, 424-. :Malaga, 104, 152. Hill), 271. 652. Seville, 38. BulIeS's farm, SSl, Mount Pearl, 427, 449. San Sebastian, 565. Carpasian. 426. Newman's flakes, 386. St. Jean de Luz.. 20, 4R, 68, Uhain rock, 267, 369. Old ChapE'.l, 363. 186.570. Battery. 349. Ordnance Wharf, 41u. St. Mary's Port, ])o[urcia, 47. boom for, 224. Orphan Asylum S('hool. Cuile"", Don Pedro. SU. Chamber of Commerce. 65G. Navarrete, 4::;, 587. 393, 42i. Post Office built, 6(10. Spaniard's Bay, 20. Church Hill, 410, 446. Prescott St., 305. Spear. Cape. 40, 270. Clapp's,4W. Pringle's Bridge :m cl Lighthouse at, 656. Cochrane Street, 4:L-1. Dale, 3a6, 341. Harbour, 610. Colonial Buildings begull. Queen's Wharf 142 244, Isle of. 271. 657. :<62. " Spearman, J. M., 4::17, 4(H, 757. Commercial Society. SOL R~wlin's Cross, 3~O. Spencer, Bp., 443, 451. (Jonmlercial Bllildiu;:s Rn'er Head ship stu. Spenser, --, 163. hurnt.4.,)9. tioned at, 349. Sport. See N., Miseellancou,. Cordage COlllpany's lllilb. grant of land to Spotted Island, 602. 605, 617. 511, 51~. Bishop O'Do:::.el at, Spracklin's, 602, ti17. Cottage fal'lu, 65el-. 654. Island, 610. Court House, burnt, 45H. .Robinson's Hill, sao. Spracklin. T., 617. finished,28i. ducl OIl. lj,j(i. Spratt, Lt., R.N., ~54. Crow's Kest, :)68. Rope walk, 510. Spooner, -, 655. Custom Hous'l begun, 65i. Ross' Y ~ lIe,\', a9;;. Spurrier, W., 336. burned, 458. Rostellan,427. firm of, 165. Devon Row, 427. St. A;~~re\\"s Kirk cpen. Square Island, 610. Dock at River Head, 50U. cd. U~/. Squary, T. and J., 270,271. view of, 510. 8t. Patrick's Hall, 660. Stabb, Ewen, 387. Dover's [Robinson's] Hill, St. Thomas's Church portrait of, 387. 336. moved,461. INDEX. 739

ST. JOHN's-cont. ST. JOH~'S, EVE~TS cox· St. Julian, 248, 282, 321, 354, 477. Signal Hill, Frenc~h NECTED WITH-cont. views of French stu.ges nt, 256, barracks, 806. Jease of rooms, :386. 548. road,336. full of ships of war, 387. fishing at, 5i6. fortified, 368, 418. faction fights, !391, 401. St. Lawrence, 48, 1f15, 185, 246,324, water from, 657. population of', :3!Ji. :)89. South side, 2::10, 298. tires in IS16, lSI;, 405, 40S. telt'gl'aph to, 63~. castle, 241, 249. 21lS, Act to re!rnlate the re· St. Lewis Sound. 66.3. 265. building 'Of. 409. St. Lucia, Cape, 30. Stabb's house, 4.';8. rebuilt, 40!). St. ::Ibrgaret's Bay, 560. 561. Stripling's pbntation, cOllspiracy illlSQO, 4lS. St. :\'fary's, -is, 78,179, IS5, 186, :110. 337. disturballCE:S in, in 1836, 24(;, 2HZ, 279, 28G, 298, 301, 306. Taverns, names of, 381 438. :j:36, 3'lS, 3:13, 566. Tobin's buildings, 455. fire of 1846,'~57. 11em bel'S for, 604. Virginia Water, 424. church burnt, 458. St. )Iotleste, Isles, 472,617. Water Stl'e:t. properties, j:til and bank burnt, 459. St. NichOlas, 30. 33G. municipal improvements Stokes, Lt.• 29)" 'Water Street, width of. advocated, 461. 1\'[r .. 427. 709. cholera, 468. Stone, T., 301. Yallow Belly Corner, 401. riot of 1861, 4S(). Stott, ,J., ;;27. ST. JOHS'S, EYESTS cox· water supply, 493. Stonrton, Rev. Erasmus, 101, 1:):3. XECTED WITIT. fire of 1892, :}21. St. Ovide. See De Brouillon. first meution of. ,1]. insurance, 526. St. Paul's B:IY, 55!1, 561, 592. Robervnl nt, 45. ' ellcampment after the firC' ST. PIERRE. 48, 183, 186. 259. 389 GilllCrt at, 67. of 1802, !.l28. ,172. 4i7, 478. 47H, 562. importance of the trade Baron Ie NouTY at, 581. Rice fishing at, 52. at, in 158:3, 69. 70. )Ioravians at, 594. j'ortifications at, 20R. grant of land by Gilhert, Basqnes rendezvons lit. murder at, :,05. 72. 596. cession of, :>11, :312. Peckham's proposal to riots in, in 1 iG6, G;j2, English Commi~sary to reside fortify, 77. Charity School Societ.l· at, :U2. Sir n. ])l'ake in, 79. formed, (154. not to bc fortified, 312. ya!ne (,f the fish caught presentation by Phrellix smugglers captured at" :~21. in 1620, 106. Insurance C()., &c .. (;54. :l<'r<:11ch opinion of, 322. colony, hOllndnl'ies of, 110. gm.nt of land to Bishop not to lJ" fortified. :322. the . metropolis of tlw .. O'Doncl a.t. Ri\'erhmfl. smuggle1' captnrc(l at, :IN. fishery, U:~. 65'~. population at, 320. colony, 1:)1. population, 65l, 655. Frcneh cnr6 aUfl flock lea,t:". attacked by Dnt('h, JH. theatre,. p!:!rmission askp(l :;:10. ' 175, 176, IS:). to OpPll. (j:;J. FI'ench tmders to, :):10. (lisordel' in, 192, HJ4, 1rJ(;' ,lnel Oil Rohinson's Hill, Pallispr's opinion of, :3:30. fort at, begun, 20:3. r,56. l're1l('11 reported to be forti· Kirke's fOl'tifklttions at, Lihmr~· S()ciety formed. f~·illf':. :1:;3. 205. U5G. tn~?ll hy th(' English. 310. DeBrouillon's uttl1.ck. 2];,. ::IIechunic's Soeipt~· form· .~(" . losses in 16!IG at, 221. "d. (i56. Pl'cnch destrol', :;il. fort.ification of, 22:{. ,:::as illtrodncc(l, GS 7. sUl'remlercll to the Fr(,llch. boom [01', 224. water from Siitnal Hill. :li7. Privy Couneil <1E'eirl,' to t357. .. t:I ken ill 1 ~H, ,W~. forti ['y, 22·,. ' ('xhibitioll in, r,5i. 1ishel'Y failin;:;-, S,W. <:ll1lrr It :it, 22s. 2:arrison withurawll, (:.;,. Prench occupation of, 5t2. ,c·:tlping of William Dt·.. II'. lIluuicipnl coullcil for.li:;.s. a 11 attcm]lts to appoint " 2:$0. members for, HM. Consul refused, 5 ,,:;. u(';;cription of. ~32. ST. JOlfS'S, YJEWS OF. ('('(led for a shelt8r only. 51·,;. nttack on, 242. view of the Narr()ws. 07. (rcrlnan gin at, 5l:ia . losses in 170;j, 246, 2M. 'rhol'lltou's plan of, W:l. 110t1l1ty giwn and men ('11· attack on in 1708, ;Z·!8. 2;;11, plans of, 20 t, ~!J:!, 2!lG. ('uul'IIl'pd to desert Oll Th!' :WS. views of, :).1~, 360. Treaty Shol'l', 55:3. centre of the Ellglbh Cro\v's Xest, lIif'\\p 01'. :31i!I. dl'~·wription of.. :)Ht-GSli. tradc, 26~. \'iCIY or. :{H. Chah':mioria11d at, ::;72. :-;t. Ovillc :tppc,itt",l \ iew or IYoodlan

Stuart, Rennie, & Co., 367. 4GO, Thompson, J., 6G5. TRIXITT-cont. 657. S., ;'i02. cloctor~ at, 3GO. J., 454, 455, 485. 'I:. Williams, 654. seallishery, 4;)1. portrait of', 485. Thorburn and 'ressiel', 527. advantap:es of rai!\\,:1y to, GW. Stud'iy family. 227. Government build Placentia road to, G2S. Studdy, .T., G65. line, 621. teleg'nlph to, 1;:)3. Subercase. Governor, 242, 241, :l61, Lady, 455. memhers for, fiJi. 264.266. Sit: !t., ,~\)J, 508, 5H. :J:W. GB. 'rrinity 13:1. .\', HJ, 12(), 21;), 2(j~. 2Gl, Sullivan Bat. 487. ('10), €ba. :!i 1, 2SG. Sutherland, )Iajor, 412. portrait ot. ;;1·1. farming land in ..,07. SUEtcn, R., 272. Thonwy. A., 690. disaster of ]S!.l2, 5z[). Sweetman, R. 1'.,431,604. J.,57:>. Tl'Onty. [;20. Swing-ston, J., 330. Thome. R., SO. Trott, S., picking up cables, .ilG. map. :,8. pOI·trait of, aLi. Thorne's, 1I1ajol', dinner part;\" Tront, 2'\., Wi. 574. Sec galllC ht\vs~ 717" Thornton's m~tp, 16SD. 203. Trnsler, \Y., 301- '1'able Bay Foint, 617. of S.R coast of Kewfound- 'fub HarbouJ', Ul7. Tait, Dr .. 66u. lan'd,192. Tucker.. Col., 417. 'falbot-, Hon. T.,438, 465,468,489, Thoroughg:OOll, T., lfil. Hugh.:m. .'500, (;57, 664. 'l'hree IsJa.nds, '18, IS". Rev. H. W .• 4H. portrai L of, -i,flO. 'l'ihb<,tt,;, H. R, 6:30. J., 'iIi. 'falbot, Sir R .. 132. Tieldad, J., 262. L1.,254. Ta~ker, n .. 3U2. Tilt Cove. 279, 400, G5S. Chief Justice, R A., ·121, ,1:3:3, Taverner, Capt., 2lD. 5(;0. teleg:raph to, G;W. 4:H. Giit). (;02. Ja,eob, of Trinity, ;301. Tilton Harbour, SiS. 1i83. Tllllikin. Lt.-Col.. ,[E. Taylor and Cooper, 5nO. ;:;61. 'fimber. See N., ::I'Iiscellm1f'ous. 'l'ully, ,"Y., 301. E.,400. 'finker's H"rboul'. iilO. 'i'urf, l'iI r_ and lIIt·s., 271, 272. :Moses,637. 'road's Cove, 271, 301. Turk's Gut anrt COVe;, 1 ,Ii. portrait of, 638. view of, 1r,2. Island, 843. Mr., 529. Tobin (Bhnd &0),456. TUl'llayick Isla]](h. (nO, !ili. '1'ay10u]", A., 263. Hon. ,J" 457, 467, 4m. Turner., IVrn .. 31;~. Commorlore J., 2·19 .. 270. J., & Co., 4()O. 'fweed Islaml, 477. J. P., 284, 29D. Tocque, Rev. F., 3G8. Twilling-ate, 22H, 279, 280, 281 ..1:lfi, Teesdale, Capt., 438. Tomlinson, Colonel. 16i. 350, 4Gi, 408. TELEGRAPl!:- 'ronge, Capt. W., :,82, 6H. view of, :,50. Atlantic cabl\' fil'st Ix id, ,tile;, 'l'oole, )1.,402. seal fishery, ,1-:i]. 610. Topsail, 427, 512. settlement :tt, ,,.2, 552. Anglo·American pre·emption. road, 4·27. trade to La hm,doJ', 507, G02. 4.97. r:nlway at, 623. ad\,llntagc of rnilw:1y to, Ijl9. :1rrangeruent as to railway. Hill, views of, l3G. 230. teJegmph to, 6:3:), (iH. 627. TORBAY, :!iO. 271, zi:?, 288. 2(l7. :;111. melll ber., [01', (;(;.:1. Bishop 31ulloek's letter, 6:H. :;1,5. ;;O~. :Ul.n:!. ·H5. T~'~oJJ ill the \rest Tmlirs. (;1. St. J olm's :md Carbonear "iew or. 10. line. (i35. road,427. Local Act authorizing:, 633-(i. Tory. R. f1l1cl ].1'1.,476. IJ dell, J., GIli. NewfoUlllUancl Electric Tele­ 'I'RKITyof-.. Un(jPl'Llown. Capt. John. 2J7, 2;;:1. graph Comvany. G:l(i. .'l.ix·Ja.-Cbapelle, 200. l"nf!:lva Bay, ;:;87. New York,N ewfoundlanu., a 11( 1 Amel'icall, 1m. post to, G07, 6119. I.ondon Tde,t;raph Compan~­ Amiens, :,ii, ;j l:l, G·l·,·. ;)I~. l:-l'in.rtt', DOll H. de 41;1-. formed. 6:,7. Breda, 14:>. r'::HTED S'L\'l'ES OF "Times" dcdal'es a cable (; hent, -10:;. _\~:[ERIC,\ :- i1l1pmcticable.03:1. l'al'is (1 iii:;), :lO!'. :)1 i. :3211. :\2::' A'[ERIC.I. tin;t Act J'E'latil1!;, .. Victoria. " towing the" S. L. :):3;-). 3:$7. ;J,")2. ;j{i7. :J~IS. t". :3:;. l~ryant·," pictnre of, n;)!). Paris (It'H 51. ·m~. {,OllX01lc!ration, 20::L <. Heart's Contcnt" lam\ill!J: TtY1S\yi"k .Nij )llolil~'~l'~ dnt\', ~9j) .. the cable, on. ~t. Gel:n{ui;;s: Hi. l't;\'ollltioll. :~;.)~~. . , cahle skit," iii:,. Ltl'ccht. 2.;;;, :?;;S, 27.;, 2Sl. ;;11. COlltillcn 1:11 C()ll~'l't.!~:-;. :);~5 • modern instn11l1C-nts a 1\(1 822~ 512~ .j.)~, GGn, nU('llll>ts to im\llcc ~e\\'· duplex, GJ..4. \' ~~sailles, 25:1, 3;;:" :;.i I. ,,;;2, f01l1ldl:llitl to join the first luessage, G.'jn. ;) ..>4. L nioll, :);)~. Tem~le Bay, 5flS. 'Wa~hin!!'toll, 501-;;. fa(·tion lkht in Xe\\"' ;.ell' R, 148. TreJa.wllt>y of RichmolHl r"bnrl, foundlallcl. :,;38. Templeman'. }11'., ,14:). l6}. tr?:~~lllellt of ltoyalists. 'fena Nova River. (;~1. 62!1. Trpmlett. c!t:u'p:es :1gaihst, :3:111. .;.).). 'fessier, C., 52\). Chief ,Justi>.:e T .. :3011. :>01.3(i2, independenCl' l'eco!.';tl.ised, IJ., 665. (jG~. :34:1. (Langley a), 460. T1'8pa;;Se~-, IS. 111. II'!. lS~. :210. c:lpture (If L"\\'l'ell<'e's }). G., 50S, 615. il{), iG~, t:-;!i, 2H7 .. :101, :H."-:, ·J1 n. I\('.,p:ltcll",. ;Jiil. (Thorburn & 1. ;;27. ;;42. en !ltm'" of \' Ol'k TaWIl. Tetlow, '1'., 81. Tl'PY,miol1. Sir X .. 2;:; I. ;;,'l. 'fhil'khill, L, 4·. 1~. regula tiODS, ~';~. elainl lishcl'Y right....;, 3.>2. 'l'histle family. 1:>7. Tl'c\Yol'p:ie, John, IG1., 1\~:). l!1f), ~fI.i. "'"ond .\ l1lC'l'i('Ull war, '1'.,301. . ,127,5·120 as? Thomas, Captain, 3S~ .. G"-I,, G:i.i. just rule>. 11:3. :'IIadison's po~itioll, 337. A., diary ut ~t. l'ierrr, iii'!-. arrest, Hi!. C01W(-ntion wit h, 40U. falniIy, ,127. inst.l'l1ctioBS. J fii. Ita>: hoist'erl in I:-t. John's, H. P.,427. petition, IGS. '174. portrait of. 427. scryic€s, 169. (·i vi! war, 4t1l. J.,4. 13, 471. 1'rilllin~ham. -, :;82. (;3:;. 'Vashingtoll trel1ty. 501. N.,'!02. 'fmxITY. 11;;,122.2;)\.1,248. 24}l. :W~, iishct';r :\\y:m! at il al ifux, title, 337. 29G, 3aG, 3GO, 4:)8, 457. -1,(;;). 4(;S. ,iU:1. W. B., 427 .. 42:1, 431. 432, 483, "-liitboul'Ile at. (;:l. Ilec]J.sea fi~hing dec:1yin!l', 434, 437, 457. 4113. {;04. plan of. 19:3. ;;33. • . 'Y. aud H., 387. view of, 61. tourists to Lah:'ador, GIU. S;, Co., 460. losses in 1705, 2-1G. supports ,\tJalltie tale. 'Vm., 285. troops at, 297. g-r:L},ll: (;:$;1. 'l'hommasley, W., 294. nmgistrnt<:s, &('. of, 301, 3(13. c'onsllmption of ji'h. o~U. INDEX. 741 maTED STATES OF 'CSITED STATES OF eXITED STATES OF A:l-IERICA-cont. AMERiCA-cant. AMERICA-cant. A:UERICA.-eont. }LI.SSAC.lIUSETTs-eant. NEW l~XGLAXD-eant. :x ew York, price of fish in, Chltrle~town, 1;')2, 239. whalers and. sealers, 298. 630. Lynne, 15.1. smug-glers, 299,32:3, 32J. .. Newfoundland capable ll'iarhleh<)ac1, ]53, 324. inllilence ill 1763, 312. of supplying fresh Hsh Newberry, 16:3. Custom Honse pl:1ced to. 631. Plymouth Company Jevy und.er Boston, 316. "Fresh fish and Fulton lieenee fees on English new Custom regulations, Market." 631. fishermen, 120.. 323. map of ;;hort-est sea ronte S!llem, If)£). Palliser's treatment of, to t~m·ope. 6:)]. York. old, 5G7. 3~5. privateers, ;HIl, 350, 3S8. Xew Hampshire, 104. whalers in Labrador, 327. sketch of the capture of XEW EXGLA5D, 155, 159,162, vessels seized, 328. an American vessel, 346. :m,~ss. Custom House severity, privateer in Labrador, settled for fishing, 18. ;3;)3. 5DS. ship lbhennen held New­ bankers in 1741, 334. smugglers, 378. fouudhmtl, 83. reckless destruction of lisherroen and trqders, jealousy of Xcwfound· sea cows at ll-Iagdalen 375. land, SS. Island,336. provisio;:s imported. 383. Pihrrim Fathel·s. SD. traders at I.abrador, 8:,6, trade with ;;{ewfound­ settlement, SS, 89, 90. excluded from the ;;{ew- land, 303, 89,k. iniluencc 011 X ewfound- foundland fishery, 341. frei~hters, 454. land, 90, 91. fish, 346, 347. :::t. Pierre, tl'ade at during trade with Newfound· agent ill St. John's, 348. the war, 570. land, 145, 151-3, 197, " King George" privateer, A::IlERI CAXS : 267, 272, 288, 29Cl, 30\), 415. Amory, ,r., jUll. (Boston), 407. 32J. at St. Pierre, 56S. Barnard, Goverl1or of :Mass., Captain '\Vest's comTOis­ smuggling at. St. Pierre, 327,59S. sion, 121. 578. Barnard, Tristram, of Boston, petitions against cession French smuggling into, 407. of Nom i:lcotin., 148. 579,5S0. Bcnjamiu's, S. G. 'N., de· passengers to, 153. in I.abr~,dor, 5901. scription of Bay of Islands, coinage. 153. tra.ders to I.abrador, 597. 629. Emuggling fishertnen important trade with llradstreet, Col. J olm, 2S4, 2UO. awa.y, 1.:i3, 19l1, 267,27;). L:tbrador, 597, 59S. Hr:vant'~ description of the 328, ;342. ships from, 652. Gl'and Falls, Gl1. Puritans, 1ii;i, 15!L ;;{EW YORK, 151. 415. H. G., portrait of, 61l. under Cromwell, 164. "iew of, in lOi3, 152. Carey's, Austi'.l, journey to the agent in X ewfoundland, Holy Trinity Church, 653. Grand F:11ls, Gil. luG,3.8. Sandy Hook, 151. Cole's, D. 11., journey to the remission of tn:;:ation for PEN:'i8YLVJ.XIA,272. Grand Falls, Gl1 , consumers of fish, 173. YrRGI:S-U, 151, IG3, 273. Cooper, P .. 637. snfIered by surrender ot' portrait of, 6:H. 1'Iacentiu,17S. Gardner, Dr., :140, :3;i6. Chilrl's a.tt:tck or:, 189. 'i'aches, Les, 477. Field, Cyrus W. See. fishery in New/'otlndlantl, '>nbrugh, Capt., 280, 284. Fmllklin, B., !-l;j~. 191. \. ane, en!rlneer, 2()9. Houston. J., or Hoston, 407. :lIass:lchusctts bounty Yau~han; Sir W., 110, 13i. r Hubbard's account of Xe,,'· Ior emif(l'ants, In!). colony, boundaries of, llO. foundl!1n~ fi~~_el'Inen, 1;';;). lists of ports :111(1 mastcl's " Golden Fleece." 1:35. Hunt, '''. b,., G.)!. trading from, 200. Yeitch, J., 665. Madison, l'residellt, 387. emigration to, :::02. Yenison Island, 610. 111a,on, Capt.,J. See. danger to, from French. Tickle, 617. lIIaUl'Y, Lt .. 637. 20;1. C:1pe Islands, 1:37. Morse, Professor, 6;37. boards, 205. Verd Point. lSI. Nelson, Mr., of I>oston, 2()6. Downing:'s Uf:c,-.un t. of Yprds, Ray de.. 178, 232. 2<6. 262, Packard, Dr.. tHo. tr~tde \vith, 20". 20G. :!S(), ~DG. ::>01, 4GS. Perkins. J. (BQston), 407. l'l'ench proposal to ,le­ mcmbers for, 5(;,!. QuimO:I'. JosIah, :3(11). :-;tr{)~·! '214. Y Cl'!2'Clllles, C. de. :352.' l{ich, B. ()f Bostoll. ·1·Ot. "l:\l'lll lll. at t1l(' (lestl'uc- Terre" Isles of, 472. ' ({olWl'b, "JI. 0 .. H:;~. 1ion of :-3t ••Tohn's ill 11>111;. Vel'raznno\ VOI·ii:!;E'. :17. ~J-).) . jJurtr:Iit oj', n;j~. Vi('.g::\s, G .. map, ii. Shapleif(h, J., lG;l. R;;;i lettel' to G()"ernol' Yig:ners. R, 5(;8. Sluytcr. -, G;31i. of :llass:](']msetts Bay, Yillala, Capt., 5,,7, 562. Smith, Cnpt. J. See. ',N·) Yineent. Amos. 2!l2. Spencer, "JIbs, l{j;). Jll;z,~i~iollS rl'om. fOl' SI. "il'~illia ]~ak(\ H15. Tuylor, )Ioses, (;:,8. J olm's, 22:). \'if'\\' of. ·tiO. portrait of, G3S. French llro]Jo~e to ~tta('k. Trcworf(ic, J. See. 23U. '\Yelch, Capt., 2fHI. artillerymen. ~41J. Wade at Iroll Strand. G02. White, Ch"ndlel'. !l3i, G!lS. coPy of tOlYn meeting in ,\V:\",l1orne, Rev. -, 717. Willis, A., 407. ~ ewfouudland, :!54. \Y:1keham, R. R., 411, ·128, 43(), ,nndthrop, Gm'., 152. exchange Oli Bostoll, 2(l-I. 4:-\D, ·141, 4;;5. "lAINE, State of, 21, 15:1. 2G6. \\:alhank,lIL W" 4flS, 661. Kit.tery, 103. Jlower to Custom Honse "alde;:mw, Admiral, see Rad­ Piscadawery,19[1. officers to seareh ships, stock. Eskimo in, 501. 268. Walker. Admiral Hovenden 182 Bowdoin College students reason of, fishcry in Xew­ 237. ' , reach t.he Grand F:1lls, GU. [oundlnnd, 26S. W:1lker, Sir B., 54!). :lL-I.SSACHL'SETTS, l!l~), 2~2. nliens [or lJichlen to fish, Wallace. Sir R, 368, 370. Cape Ann, :,z4. 273, Wallis, .John, 174. Boston, 1o:i2, 2G6, 284, 316,389. H rUln nn(l nlolas:'i.e~," 2i:). Admiral ProvO,390. Port Bill, 417. trade with the French. \Yabh, D., 440. privateer at Labrador, 600. 2Si.!. ~L, 381. !lssistance from, in 1817, feeling in, 2~O. P., :381. 407. C:I)JG Cod whalers and ,".,455. n,licf from, 52,1. ,,,ale1's. :!!16. W. P., 527, 529, 665. 742 INDEX.

Warde, R., 4, 13. Whitbourne-cont. Winchen, Mr., 269. Warren, Admiral, 289. petition for employment, 118. Winser, P., 438, 465, 468. 664, of Rennie, Stuart, & Co., 367. commission, 267. Winser Harbour, 610,617. Bros., 460. Junction, 513. Winsor, 617. J. H., 460, 465, 468, 664, 665. railway to, 623. Winter (Perkins and). 410. M. H. lecture, 341. 'iYhite, Capt. Hon. E., 227, 336, Dr. J., 468, 664. W.,460. 339, 344, 355, 492,665. Sir .r. S., 495, 529, 532. 660, 663, Waterman, R.., a01. P. D., 665. 665. Watson, Admiral, f8i. "'"bite Bay, 247, 278, 597. portrait of, 531. J. H., 615, 616, 665. seals' in, 492. Winthrop. Governor, 152. Way, Elizabeth, 427. 'W"bite Bear Bay, Newfoundland, Winton, P., 665. Weatherbee, Mr., 502. 42. H., 428, 441. Webb, Govemor, 285, 304.567. Harbour, 610. attack on, 436, 438. Webber, -, 294. White, Chandler, 637, 638. Withers (Ryan &), 441. D. C.. 665. White Hill plains, 629. Witless Bay, 271. Welch, Capt. M., at Boston, 284, White Island. 278. Wolfenbuttel map, inscription 299. Whitely, W. H., 616, 665. on. about Labrador, 590. Welsh colonists, 113. room, view .of, 608. Wollaston, C"pt., 103. M.,375. Whiteway, Sir W. V., 428, 4.'J5,501, Wood (Clift So Co.), 527. W., 375, 381. 502. 506, 508, 514, 529, 550. 614, 'iY ood, I·" A. 614. Wescott, Attomey.Gcneral. 411. 615. J. B. 45.5. 665. West and Rendell, 527. advocates construction of Samuel, 174. West Coast, French ships on. 354. railwuy by local govern­ W.0.,665. no French on the, 576. ment, 623. ·Woodford. W. J., 665. map of, 558. portrait of, 506. Woods.. H. J. B., 5'39,665. Western ships' ruOTh, 409. Whitting:ton, Capt., 64. .J. & Sons, 526. 'Veston, Mr. 334. Whittle, Mr. 52lJ. S.,527. P.,305. 'iYiddicomb, J., 375. J. & Sons, 527. treasurer, 133. 'iYiddomas, G., of Berry Pomeroy, Wright, Nnthan, 149. W .• 288, 301. 15i. Wrixc.n. Kmy llnd ·William. 1;;;;' Capt., 239. Williams, Commodore. 182, 211, Wyutt, F ..J., 665. Whale fishery in Fortune Bay, 298. George, 375,652, 653. 'i'l'yn!;. Wm ... 280. Whalers from Cape Cod. 2(1f.:. Griffith, 296, ~27, il52, 653. Whalin;!. 20. 60, e:3, 327. John,33J. by Basques, 4:3, 596. nurse. 615. Yore, Fathtr, :164. picture of, 80. 'r .. 301, 382, 6504. 6;;5. Wheler, Capt., account of Placen­ Harbour, fjl7. Young, at Oalais Roads. in the tia, 183. title, 337. fire ships, 82. Whetstone. Admiral, 237. v. Thompson. 654. A., 345. Whit bourne. Sir R., in Newfound. Willis, Ensign, 382, 655. J.,171. land in 1583, 61. A., of Boston. 407. account of,79. ,\Yilloughbee, Sir P., 137. nt Vaughan's colony. 111. Wilson'& Co., 460. 7:ealot. fishing a"t, 576. narrative, 116. --.617. Zoar, 5f)5, fil8.