: Summer f1um6er, 1938 JOHN J. EVANS, SR . • PRINTER AND PROPRIETOR, ST. }OHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. THE NEWFOUND L AND QUA RTER LY. .BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd S T . J OHN'S, N E WFOUNDLAND -E stablished l811 - GENERAL MERCHANTS and STEAMSHIP OWNERS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries and Ships' Stores Exporters of Codfish, Codoil, Cod Liver Oil, Seal Oil and Seal Skins Agents fo r " Lloyd's" and Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Iron or Wooden Sealing Ships suitable for Arctic or Antarctic exploration available for Charter Sportsmen who intend visiting Ne,vfoundland will find no difficulty in selecting Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Food Supplies from this firm. Address all ~:mr;:cations BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd., St. J~~:;~undland. CITY OF ST. JOHN'S St. John's Municipal Council. Public Notice. All persons intending to buy or lease land for Building purposes are hereby notified before finalizing the purchase or lease to apply at the Office of the Ask Your firocer for lt. City Engineer, City Hall, for information as to whether or not permission will be given to erect houses or other buildings on the said land. J . J. MAHONY, T. & M. WINTER, LTD., City Clerk. City Hall, June, 1938. DISTRIBUTORS. When writing to Advertisers kindly mention " Tb.e Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERL Y.-1. NEWFOUNDLAND RAIL WAY THE OVERLAND ROUTE Ready and anxious to serve your ~ ~ ~ $- every Transportation Requirement. Ship and Travel " Overland " for Service Unexcelled. HARVEY & Co., Ltd. TRY OUR ( Established 1767 ) ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. Importers and Wholesale Provision Merchants. Owners and Operators of Cold Storage Plants and Midland Coal. Smoke - Houses. Buyers and Exporters of all Newfoundland and Labrador It has all the qualities desired. Products. Owners and Outfitters for Steam Trawlers and Banking No dust, No clinker, No white ash. · Schooners. Shipowners and Shipping Agents. AGENTS FOR A. E. Hickman Co.,Ltd. Furness-Red Cross Line, Newfoundland -Canada Steamships, Pan-American Airways, Inc., Mcfiuire's Bakery, Ltd. Make your home happy Imperial Airways, Ltd. by becoming a user of ALSO Correspondents Board of Underwriters of New York. McfiUIRf'S " fXCfl BRfAD" undoubtedly the best loaf on the market. HEAD OFFICE -· - ST. JOHN~S, -ALSO- with Branches at Try one of their Apple or Apricot Pies Belleoram, Corner Brook, they are simply delicious. Bay Bulls, McGUIRE'S BAKERY, Limited and Rose Blanche. BOND STREET, Correspondence Invited. Cable Address : HARVEY. P . 0 . BOX E 5303. Phone 794. When writin~ to Advertiiers kiadly mentioa "The Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEWFOuNDLAND QUARTERLY.-2. WITH A 1938 PHILCO Come in and let uc;; explain the newer and up-to-date fea1ures of the new PH I LCO. Let us prove, with a demonstration, PHILCO'S exceptional tone, clarity, volume and all-round performance. Ask about our liberal terms. No obligation. Priced From The ROYAL STORES, Ltd., $48.75 up. DISTRIBUTORS. ONLY TH'E BEST Is Good Enough for Purity In Biscuits & Candies The name Purity has been so long associated with perfection in quality and assortment that their work is not carried out o nly for your satisfaction-it must carry on the good name of Purity. In that is your guarante.e of satisfaction. Give Purity a trial order, and be convinced of our prices and quality. The PURITY FACTORIES, Ltd. Newfoundland's foremost manufacturers of BISCUITS and CANDIES I"'""" illlttlllll tll llltllll!l ltllltlltll . loltlti!I I H I ~ I II I II UI II I IIIII I I I U I !I I II I U I U IIl l ll l lll ll l ll l l lflllll llll lltiUIII I W" I II I II I II I l ll ll l II HI III UI III " tllllflfiUf lll ltl !ll il lll lll lli UI Hi l lMitlll........ ....lt fllt!tl,lttiM tllt•I I RIMIIII III II fl U fili i ... lltll•• I Cable Jlddress: " Crosmore," St. John'•· Codes Used : A. B.C. ~tb Edition. ! I I I CROSBIE & COMPANY, LIMITED, I = i i CHESLEY CROSBIE, Manager. I I ~ I i BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF 1 i i i Codfish, Oil, and all other Newfoundland I 1· Products of the Sea. I 1 Agents for Fire and Marine Insurance. I .. ~ .- I Lfl lfrlll l lffll fMfrlflllf ll l lll ll f ll f UI II f ii"Jrl rUitJifltll llll fl l ll l di DI IF IIII I I' I !l l lltUIItl tJ IJJIJI I UI HI Ili UI It l hl lt l'li UI'II UI Iti ii i ii i i•I HI UI Ui uf UI II I UI UI Il l ll l tl l l•l lt i /J I II I III Hl!J i rJ I J' I I. I JJ i r i J III I Ut .I I HI II II I HI II I Ui fl i UIJ' I II Ili i UI UIII II I 11 I II I 11 111 1JI I II I !I Illl ll l ll l lo i i'I UI II I r t UI II I II I II I III II IDI I! IJ•t t1 1llll l ll l ll l li i i: I UI UI II I II I/ll ll l ll l ll l dl When writin& to Advertisers kiadly mention "The Newfoundland Quarterly.'' THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY -3 FURNESS LINE. Operating the Fast and Up-to-date Steamers " Newfoundland" and " Nova Scotia." A regular service is maintained between St. John's, Halifax, Boston and Liverpool, and vice versa, and sailing dates are always a rranged well in advance. If you contemplate making a trip we shall be pleased to furnish you with full information, and arrange your booking on either of these most popular steamers. Furness, Withy & Co., Ltd., St. John's, Nfld., Halifax, N. S., Cau., New York, N.Y., U. S. A., Boston, Mass., U. S. A., Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. Geo. Neal, Ltd., GUARDIAN St. ]ohn 's, Newfoundland, ASSURANCE CO.. LTD.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Of London, England. .;A .;A ESTABLISHE D r8p. .;A .;A Provisions, Groceries, The Guardian has the largest paid-up capital of any and Fruit. Company in the world transacting a Fire business. Subscribed Capital . .... ... $10,000,000.00 Paid-up Capital . 5,000,000.00 Consignments of Live Invested Funds exceed . 25,000,000.00 T. & :M. ·wiNTER, LTD., Stock Solicited. Aqents {or Newfoundland. ''The fire Insurance I American Tailor'' The Employers' Liability Assurance Made Clothes Corporation, Ltd., of London, Eng. have the lines that are reminiscent of Bond Street and Fifth Avenue. The durability that is found only in clothing conscientiously made by a firm The North West Fire Insurance proud of its workmanship. Company, of Winnipeg, Man. Dress Well and Succeed. "unt, tmerson, Stirling & Higgins, W. P. SHORTALL, Agents for Newfoundland. THE AMERICAN TAILOR. Columbu• Hall, !11. John' .. P. 0. Box 445. St. John's. · Phone 477. Wilen writioi to Advertisers kindly mention "The Newfoundland Quarterly." THE NEW FOUNDLAND QUARTERLY.-4. THEMOTTO BEST: We Make -.;;;7I~- Manufacturers and the Very Best Quality of Exporters of J6~~~~~~~~~tf8• THE VERY FINES T Manila Rope, Coir Rope, Shipped in Tin Lined Barrels. Quotation on application. Hemp Fishing Lines, White and Tarred Cotton Fishing Lines, Hemp Seine Twine, Cotton Seine Twine, Herring Nets, Cotton Linnett. When anything better is invented We Shall Make That. W. A. MUNN, Board of Trade Building, St. John's, Newfoundland. Colonial Cordage Co., Ltd. REQUISITES FOR ALL SPORTS. PICNIC SUPPLIES AND ALL CAMP NEEDS. Paper Serviettes, Picnic Plates, Wax Paper, Paper D oylies, Vacuum Bottles, Lunch Boxes. Slacks, Good Variety WEDDING GIFTS. Motor Rugs, Rubber Sole Shoes, TROPHY CUPS, MEDAL.S Our displays of Toilet Requisites, Athletic Shirts, and SPORTS' PRIZES. Silverware, China and JeweUery Bathing Suits, Sports' Shirts. Medals made to Special Designs. are vP.ry pleasing. Suit Cases, ----- SOUVENIRS :-Labradorite Novelties, Seal Skin Handbags, Special Values Full Supplies of Purses, and T obacco Pouches, P ostcards, Booklets, Burnt Leather Goods, etc. in Fishing Tackle, SOUVENIR PLAYING CARDS- 52 Views- $1.50 Pack. Deck Chairs, Foldiug Cots, Camp Stools, Lawn Chairs, Haversacks, Hammocks. and Tents made All Sports Goods. to order. W ben writing to Advertisers kind ly mention " The Newfoundland Q uarterly." Vol. XXXVIII.-No. 1. JULY, 1938. 80 cents per year. Harbour -·Grace History. Chapter Eighteen-The Cricket Clubs. By W. A. Munn. ~r"\.Y{(...-~OTIIING succeeds like success. but success is only Everything was progressing satisfactorily but anotl-ter disaster won on failures, and the man who never failed occurred within six hundred miles of Newfoundland. The cable has neve:cr done an) thing. broke in a depth of water two and a half miles. It happe11ed Cyrus Field had ~uc c eeded, but his success was about noon when Captain Anderson was taking his observations short-'iv•d. No ~ooner had the messages passed and, so carefully were they taken. that he marked on the chart between the Queen of England and the P resident of the United Y.ithin half a mile of where they subsequently picked up the States, but the electric cable sho"•ed si~ns of giving out and it cable grappling. For nine days they remained there, but they soon went dead. All the toil and expenses had go.ne for nothing. did not have sufficient power to bring the cable to the surface, Many believe it was only a hoax, but the British Government although they caught it three tim es. They had to return to gave proof that it was a bonafide. J<:ngland, but all recognized what could be done.
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