ALTERNATIVE MEDIA COLLECTIVE Volume I Issue II Spring quarter June 3rd, 2005 Cellador Irvine Progressive Statement of Purpose: The 2004-2005 school year was Statement of Purpose: The Irvine Progressive is a non-partisan pub- the first year Cellador was recognized as an Alternative lication dedicated to fostering political awareness and intelligent dis- Media publication. It was founded to showcase creative cussion. We seek to provide a forum chiefly for viewpoints associated works of UCI students. Cellador provides the UCI com- with the political left at the University of California, Irvine. munity with a publication that allows students of all disci- plines to share and network with other students through their creative expressions. By printing quarterly through- Contacts: Heidi Khaled (
[email protected]), Gerald Tan (gtan@uci. out the academic year, Cellador provides a consistent op- edu), and Alexander Phillips (
[email protected]) portunity for students to view the works of other students and submit their work for publication. Contacts: Christina Luiz (
[email protected]), Zachary Horn (
[email protected]) Jaded Statement of Purpose: Jaded magazine is a form of alternative media to encourage political, cultural, and personal discourse among UCI Irvine Review students. We celebrate and support the Asian Pacific Islander commu- nity through the retelling of the past, engaging of the present, and Statement of Purpose: The Irvine Review Foundation is a sharing a vision for the future. We hope to build connections and non-profit, non-partisan educational foundation estab- bridge gaps between people of different ethnicities and ways of think- lished to promote conservative ideas and enhance the qual- ing.