Air University Quarterly Review: Winter 1949, Volume III, Number 3
EDITORIAL STAFF M aj o r Kenneth F. G antz, Ph.D., Editor C aptain Patr ick O. M ar tin, Assistant Editor G race G. L ane, Editorial Secretary EDITORIAL BOARD C olonel Jaj vies W. Chapivian, J r ., C S Education, President C olonel George E. H enry, Deputy Commandant, AWC C olonel John C. H orton, Deputy Commandant, AC&SS C olonel Joseph Ladd, Deputy Chief, Evaluation Division L ie u t e n a n t Colonel Jac k L. B entley, A U Secretary D r . C harles M. T homas, Dept. of the Air Force Library M r . A lder M. Jenkins, Publications Section, Academic Div. ATTENTION Views expressed in this journal are those of the authors, and are not to be construed as the official opinions or policies of the Department of the Air Force or the Air University. The purpose of this journal is to stimulate healthy discussion of Air Force problems which mav ultimately result in improvement of our national security. Appropriate contributions of pertinent articles and corre- spondence which present new views, or refute or support old ones, are solicited. THE U nit ed States Air Force AIR UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY REVIEW V olume I I I W I N T E R 1949 N umber 3 PRIZE EDITORIAL 2 Why Emphasize Air Power? HENRY HARLEY ARNOLD 4 AIR WARFARE AND MORALITY 5 Maj . G en. O rvil A. A nder so n, USAF WANTED: INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP 15 Capt. J ohn B. Barron, U S A F REDUCTION OF MALADJUSTMENTS AT ISOLATED STATIONS 26 Col.
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