
Army Regulation 310–50

Military Publications Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 November 1985 Unclassified

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:12 PN 1 FILE: r130.fil SUMMARY of CHANGE

AR 310–50 Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

This revision--

o Contains new and revised abbreviations, brevity codes , and acronyms.

o Incorporates chapter 4, sections I and II of the previous regulation into chapters 2 and 3.

o Redesignates chapter 5 of the previous regulation as chapter 4.

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:13 PN 2 FILE: r130.fil Headquarters Army Regulation 310–50 Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 November 1985 Effective 15 November 1985

Military Publications

Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms

has been made to highlight changes from the a p p r o v a l f r o m H Q D A ( D A A G – A M S – P ) , earlier regulation dated 15February 1984. ALEX, VA 22331–0301. Summary. This regulation governs Depart- m e n t o f t h e A r m y a b b r e v i a t i o n s , b r e v i t y Interim changes. Interim changes to this codes, and acronyms. regulation are not official unless they are au- thenticated by The Adjutant . Users Applicability. This regulation applies to el- will destroy interim changes on their expira- ements of the Active Army, , and U.S. who manage, tion dates unless sooner superseded or re- prepare, and distribute Army correspondence. scinded. P r o p o n e n t a n d e x c e p t i o n a u t h o r i t y . S u g g e s t e d I m p r o v e m e n t s . T h e p r o p o - Not applicable. nent of this regulation is The Adjutant Gener- Impact on New Manning System. This al’s Office. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and regulation does not contains information that acronyms which are considered to have an affects the New Manning System. Army–wide impact will be submitted on DA A r m y m a n a g e m e n t c o n t r o l p r o c e s s . Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publi- This regulation is not subject to the require- cations and Blank Forms), with justification, History. This UPDATE printing publishes a ments of AR 11–2. It does not contain inter- t o H Q D A ( D A A G – A M S – P ) , A L E X V A r e v i s i o n w h i c h i s e f f e c t i v e 1 5 N o v e m b e r nal control provisions. 22331–0301. 1 9 8 5 . B e c a u s e t h e s t r u c t u r e o f t h e e n t i r e Supplementation. Supplementation of this revised text has been reorganized, no attempt D i s t r i b u t i o n . A c t i v e A r m y , B , C , D ; regulation and establishment of forms other than DA forms are prohibited without prior ARNG, B: USAR, B.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) “O” listings •2–15, page80 “P” listings •2–16, page83 Chapter 1 “Q” listings •2–17, page91 General, page1 “R” listings •2–18, page92 Purpose •1–1, page1 “S” listings •2–19, page98 References •1–2, page1 “T” listings •2–20, page109 Explanation of terms •1–3, page1 “U” listings •2–21, page116 Responsibilities. •1–4, page1 “V” listings •2–22, page126 Policy •1–5, page1 “W” listings •2–23, page128 General instructions when originating and using abbreviations, “X” listings •2–24, page129 brevity codes, and acronyms •1–6, page2 “Y” listings •2–25, page130 “Z” listings •2–26, page130 Chapter 2 Alphabetical Listing of Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Chapter 3 Codes, and Acronyms, page2 Alphabetical Explanation of Authorized Abbreviations, “A” Listings •2–1, page3 Brevity Codes, and Acronyms, page130 “B” listings •2–2, page19 “A” listings Abbreviated Performance Characteristics (APC) •3–1, ’C’ listings •2–3, page22 page130 “D” Listings •2–4, page33 “B” listings •3–2, page140 “E” listings •2–5, page41 “C” listings •3–3, page142 “F” listings •2–6, page45 “D” listings •3–4, page150 “G” listings •2–7, page50 “E” listings •3–5, page155 “H” listings •2–8, page53 “F” listings •3–6, page158 “I” listings •2–9, page55 “G” listings •3–7, page161 “J” listings •2–10, page59 “H” listings •3–8, page163 “K” listings •2–11, page61 “I” listings •3–9, page164 “L” listings •2–12, page62 “J” listings •3–10, page166 “M” listings •2–13, page66 “K” listings •3–11, page168 “N” listings •2–14, page75 “L” listings •3–12, page168 “M” listings •3–13, page170

AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 i USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.52 Unclassified 05-20-98 13:18:37 PN 137 FILE: r130.fil Contents—Continued

“N” listings •3–14, page176 “O” listings •3–15, page179 “P” listings •3–16, page181 “Q” listings •3–17, page186 “R” listings •3–18, page187 “S” listings •3–19, page191 “T” listings •3–20, page198 “U” listings •3–21, page202 “V” listings •3–22, page210 “W” listings •3–23, page211 “Y” listings •3–24, page212 “Z” listings •3–25, page212

Chapter 4 Other Abbreviations, page213 National distinguishing letters for use by NATO Armed Forces •4–1, page213 Quadripartite Standardization Agreement (QSTAG) Abbreviations •4–2, page213

Appendix A, page214

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.52 ii AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-20-98 11:24:51 PN 138 FILE: r130.fil Chapter 1 1–5. Policy General a. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms in this regulation may be used when preparing military records, publications, corre- 1–1. Purpose spondence, messages, operation plans, orders, and reports within This regulation— DA, except as qualified in h below. a. Authorizes standardized abbreviations, brevity codes, and acro- b. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms that conflict with nyms to be used throughout the Department of the Army. this regulation will not be used in official correspondence or Army b. Prescribes procedures for the use of abbreviations, brevity publications. codes, and acronyms within the Department of the Army. c. Do not use an abbreviation, brevity code, or unless— c. Governs the use of abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms (1) Usage saves time. in correspondence with other Department of Defense (DOD) Serv- (2) The lack of space in a table or form makes it necessary. ices, Armies of the , United , , and (3) It is readily understood and can be identified by the recipient. . d. Except as indicated below, abbreviations, brevity codes, and d. Lists national distinguishing letters reserved for identifying acronyms used in correspondence with the other DOD Services, NATO Armed Forces. A r m i e s o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , U n i t e d K i n g d o m , C a n a d a , a n d Australia–will be spelled out the first time used, followed by the 1–2. References abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym in parentheses. a. Related publications are listed in appendix A. (1) Customary or assigned short of official publications. b. In addition to those listed in chapters 2 and 3, abbreviations in (2) Abbreviations for points of the compass. the following publications are authorized for Army use: (3) Model designations and assigned to aircraft, , (1) FM 21–30. This FM authorizes abbreviations used in - vessels, and vehicles. tional plans and orders to form military symbols. This includes (4) Abbreviations for titles, ranks, and grades. reports, records, overlays, and charts. (5) Standard abbreviations for geographical locations. (2) FM 21–31. This FM authorizes abbreviations used in , (6) Standard abbreviations. overlays, and related activities to form topographic symbols. ( 7 ) A b b r e v i a t i o n s f o r t y p e s o f w e a t h e r p h e n o m e n a u s e d b y ( 3 ) D O D – S T D – 1 2 D . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n s u p e r s e d e s aerologists and meteorologists. MIL–STD–12C. (8) Flight plan abbreviations set by the Federal Aviation Admin- (4) MIL–STD–129F. This publication contains markings for ship- istration or the International Civil Aviation Organization. ment and storage. (9) Abbreviations used by specialists and technicians when com- (5) SB 708–6C. This supply bulletin lists abbreviations and sym- municating with colleagues only. bols approved for— e. Under the terms of Standardization Agreement (STANAG) (a) Preparing some Federal Catalog System item identifications. 2066 (AR 340–10), abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms nor- (b) Listing Federal Catalog data in supply manuals and the parts m a l l y a r e n o t u s e d i n m i l i t a r y c o r r e s p o n d e n c e b e t w e e n A l l i e d lists appendixes of manuals. Forces. When used, they will be spelled out and followed by the (6) AR 105–32. This regulation lists authorized for authorized abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym in parentheses. electrically transmitted messages. Commonly used international metric terms are authorized. (7) AR 680–29. This regulation contains the two–letter abbrevia- f . A s g o v e r n e d b y Q u a d r i p a r t i t e S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n A g r e e m e n t tion for Army branch designations. (QSTAG) 163, the following abbreviations may be used in military 1–3. Explanation of terms among United States, , Canadian, a. Abbreviation. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a . and Australia Armies: For example, appt—appoint, asgd—assigned, or PA—. (1) Those printed in italics in chapters 2 and 3, and those listed b. Brevity Code. A brevity code is the shortened form of a frequ- in chapter 4. ently used unclassified phrase, , or group of sentences. For (2) Those common to technical areas are used among similar example, COMSEC means communications security, SQT means offices. skill qualification test, and MOS means military occupational spe- g. The short form for abbreviating the grade of rank titles of cialty. When originating brevity codes— and below may be used when abbreviation is desire for (1) Use letters that convey the meaning of the they official correspondence, literature, personal correspondence. auto- represent. matic data processing (ADP) applications, and the areas where space (2) Do not represent the same word with more than one brevity is limited. The full grade of rank will be used when correspond- code. ing with the general public and non–DOD agencies. The full general (3) The first letter of the brevity code and the first letter of the title will be used on official correspondence. The short form phrase should be the same. of abbreviating grade of rank (LTG, MG, BG), may c. Acronyms. An acronym is a word formed from the initial be used on informal correspondence and personal correspondence as letters of a or parts of a series of . For example, TAFFS desired. Short form abbreviations for military grade of rank are means The Army Functional File System, MARKS means Modern shown in chapters 2 and 3. A r m y R e c o r d – K e e p i n g S y s t e m , a n d A S A P m e a n s a s s o o n a s h. Abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms not contained in possible. t h i s r e g u l a t i o n m a y b e u s e d w i t h i n D A u n d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g conditions: 1–4. Responsibilities. ( 1 ) W h e n n e e d e d t o m e e t e l e c t r i c a c c o u n t i n g m a c h i n e Heads of HQDA agencies and Army commands will submit requirements. to HQDA(DAAG–AMS–P), ALEX VA 22331–0301, recommended (2) When published as part of a DOD or DA standard data changes, corrections, additions, and deletions to AR 310–50 on DA element. Questions on the suitability of abbreviations in the standard Form 2028 (Recommended Changes To Publications and Blank data elements are resolved by the , U.S. Army Informa- Forms). Required documentation will include— tion Systems Support Command, ATTN ASB–TE, Fort a. A reference as to where and how the term is used. Belvoir, VA 22060–5456. b. An explanation of the term if it is not defined in AR 310–25. (3) In correspondence between office and activities in the same c. The extent of usage within DA. scientific or technical field where specialized abbreviations have d. Justification. been developed. (4) To process supply requisitions as prescribed in DA directives.

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:19 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 1 PN 3 FILE: r130.fil (5) When commonly used and listed in standard and AACG are not in conflict with this regulation. arrival airfield control group

1–6. General instructions when originating and using AACOMS abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms Army Area Communications System To ensure uniform treatment in forming and using abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms, follow the guidance below. AACS a. Length. Airways and Air Communications Service (1) Words or phrases that contain seven letters or less should be avoided. AAD (2) Limit the length of an abbreviation, brevity code, or acronym admission and disposition; Army air defense to avoid clumsiness and confusion. AADCCS b. Existing words, abbreviations, and brevity codes. Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System ( 1 ) A v o i d a b b r e v i a t i o n s o r b r e v i t y c o d e s t h a t f o r m e x i s t i n g words. AADCOM (2) Avoid abbreviations and brevity codes identical with those Army Air Defense Command(er) authorized for other terms and phrases. They will not be authorized unless the meanings are so different that there is no possibility of AADCP confusion. Army Air Defense Command Post c. Derivation. are listed in the singular form and verbs in the present tense. Form plurals of abbreviations and brevity codes AADS by adding a lower case “s” (for example, MACOMs). antiaircraft defense system d . C o m b i n a t i o n s . A u t h o r i z e d a b b r e v i a t i o n s m a y b e c o m b i n e d if— AADV (1) The resulting abbreviation or brevity code has not already acquisition aid vehicle been assigned a different meaning. (2) The entire phrase or sentence has not been assigned a differ- AAE ent abbreviation or brevity code; for example, AG is the authorized Army Aviation Element brevity code for ’s . Abbreviations and brev- ity codes designated for groups of words must not be separated and AAF used singularly. For example, the “A” in “AG” stands for “adjutant” Army airfield in “ Adjutant General’s Corps,” but if the word “ adjutant” is abbreviated, “ adj” must be used. AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service e. Periods. Do not use a period after an abbreviation or a brevity code unless it ends a sentence, the absence of a period would cause AAFU confusion, or it is listed in the U.S. Government Printing Office augmented assault fire units (GPO) Manual with periods (for example, U.S.). f. Capitalization. List abbreviated words in lower case letters; AAH acronyms and brevity codes in capital letters. advanced attack g. Scope. Abbreviations and brevity codes recommended for in- clusion in this regulation will— AAG (1) Have Army–wide application. army group (opposing forces) (2) Not be unique to a branch, department, or technical activity. AAGE Army Advisory Group on Energy

AAGR Chapter 2 air–to–air gunnery range Alphabetical Listing of Authorized Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms AAHA awaiting higher authority 2–1. “A” Listings AAL A additional authorizations list Army (in combinations only) AALS AA Active Army Locator System arrival angle; avenue of approach; assembly area; anticraft; Active Army AAM Army aircraft maintenance: Army Achievement AAA antiaircraft artillery AAM air–to–air AAC aerial company, Alaskan Air AAO Command; acquisi- AAMG tion advice code antiaircraft machine

AACFT AAMS Army aircraft Army aircraft maintenance shop

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 2 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:23:24 PN 4 FILE: r130.fil A&E ABCA architect and engineer American, British, Canadian, and Australian

AAO ABCMR authorized acquisition objective Army Board for Correction of Military Records

AAOD ABDR Army Aviation Operating Detachment Army damage repair

AAP ABF Affirmative Action Plan; Allied Administrative Publication; Army availability balance file ammunition plant ABL AAPM Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory Army Aviation Planning Manual ABM AAR antiballistic missile Army Area Representative ABMC AARA Access and Amendment Refusal Authority American Battle Monuments Commission

AARDAC Army air for damage assessment in the continental airborne United States ABRES AASA advanced ballistic reentry systems Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army ABS AASC Army broadcasting service Army Area Signal Center AC AASE Active Component; actual cost Army Aviation Support Element ACA AASHTO airlift clearance authority A m e r i c a n A s s o c i a t i o n o f S t a t e H i g h w a y a n d T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Officials ACC air control center; area control center AASLT air assault ACCB air AASP Army Automation Security Program ACCESS Army Commissary Computer Entry Store System AASTA Aviation Systems Test Activity ACCHAN AATCO Army Air Traffic Coordinating Office ACCLAIMS Army COMSEC Commodity, Logistical and Accounting Informa- AATRI tion Management System Army Air Traffic Regulation and Identification System ACCMB AAVN Aircraft Crewman Badge Army aviation

AAWSSC ACCNET Army Atomic Systems Safety Committee Army Command and Control Network

AB ACCOR air base Army COMSEC Central Office of Record

ABA acct American, British, Australian; appropriation and budget activity account

ABAR ACCTSTR alternate battery acquisition accountable strength abbr ACDA abbreviation Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:30 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 3 PN 5 FILE: r130.fil ACE ACOP airspace control element; Allied Command ; assessment of Airborne Corps Operation Plan combat effectiveness; Assistant Chief of Engineers ACOUSTINT ACEMIS acoustical intelligence Automated Communications–Electronics Management Information System ACP Air control point; airlift command post ACET automatic cancellation of extended targets ACP Allied Publication ACF area confinement facility; Army Club Fund ACPD Army Control Program Directive acft aircraft ACPM Activity Career Program Manager ACG area coordination group acq acquisition; acquittal ACGP Army Career Group ACR Ammunition Condition Report; armored cavalry ACIA Aviation Career Incentive Act of 1974 acred accreditation ACIIB American Civilian Internee Information Bureau ACRB of Review Boards ACIIB(Br) ACRP Branch American Civilian Internee Information Bureau Army Cost Reduction Program ACIMS ACRV Aircraft Component Intensive Management System armored command and reconnaissance vehicle ACIP ACS Aviation Career Incentive Pay Army Community Service; asset control subsystem ack ACSA acknowledge; acknowledged; acknowledgment Allied Communications Security Agency

ACL ACSI allowable cargo load; authorized consumption list Assistant Chief of for Intelligence

ACLANT ACSIM–C4 Allied Command Atlantic Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management–Command, Control, Communications, and Computers ACLDB Army Central Logistics Data Bank ACSIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management ACLS automatic carrier landing system ACT air control team; armored cavalry trainer; American College Test ACLV accrued leave ACTA Advanced Combat Training Academy ACM area club management; ACTPO accountable officer ACMS Army Command Management System; Automated Career Manage- ACV ment System air cushion vehicle

ACO ACVC administrative contracting officer Army commercial vehicle code

ACOA(F&A) ACW Assistant Comptroller of the Army for Finance and Accounting aircraft control and warning

ACofS AD Assistant Chief of Staff active duty; air defense; Army depot

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 4 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:23:35 PN 6 FILE: r130.fil ADA ADDIC advisory area; air defense artillery Alcohol and Dependency Intervention Council

ADAD ADDS air defense artillery director Automatic Data Distribution System

ADAM ADE area denial artillery munition air defense emergency; Assistant Engineer

ADAOD ADEPREP air defense artillery operations detachment Army Deployment Report–System

ADAOO ADF air defense artillery operations office automatic direction finder

ADAPCP ADFSC alcohol and drug abuse prevention and control program Automatic Data Field Systems Command

ADAR ADG air defense area advance development group

ADARS ADIE Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement acquisition data input equipment

ADASP ADIZ air defense annual service practice Air Defense Identification Zone

ADatP adj Allied Data Processing Publication adjutant

ADC ADL active duty commitment; Aerospace Defense Command Area Dental Laboratory; authorized data list; automatic data link

ADC ADM aide–de–camp : atomic demolition munition ADMC ADCC Air Defense Missile Command Air Defense Control Center ADMCEN ADCCCS administration center Air Defense Command, Control, and Coordination System admin ADCEO a d m i n i s t r a t e ; a d m i n i s t r a t i v e ; a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ; a d m i n i s t r a t i n g ; assistant division communications–electronics officer administrated

ADCO ADMINI A i r D e f e n s e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s O f f i c e ; a l c o h o l a n d d r u g c o n t r o l office ADMINIO administrative orders ADCO A i r D e f e n s e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s O f f i c e ; a l c o h o l a n d d r u g c o n t r o l ADMS office automatic digital message switches

ADCOC ADMSC area damage control center Automatic Digital Message Switching Center

ADCOP ADMSG area damage control party advise by message

ADCOP ADMSLBN Air Defense Command Post air defense missile

ADCSP ADNAC Advanced Defense Communication Satellite Program Air Defense of North American Continent add ADO addendum; additional advanced development objective

ADDC ADOT Air Defense Direction Center automatic digital optical tracker

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:40 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 5 PN 7 FILE: r130.fil ADP ADUM advance development plan; automatic data processing automated data unit movement

ADPC adv Automatic Data Processing Center advance; advanced

ADPE ADVDISC automatic data processing equipment advance discontinuance of allotment

ADPMIS ADVMOS Automatic Data Processing Management Information System advanced military occupational specialty

ADPS ADVPMT automatic data processing system advance payment

ADPSC ADWEPS Automatic Data Processing Service Center Air Defense Weapons Cost Effectiveness Study

ADRB ADX Army Disability Review Board advanced development experimental; air defense exercise

ADPSSEP AE Automated Data Processing System Security Enhancement Program architectural engineering

ADPSSO AEA Automated Data Processing Systems Security Officer assignment eligibility and availability

ADRB AE&S Army Disability Review Board air equipment and support adrp AEC airdrop area equipment compounds; Army Education Center; Atomic En- ergy Commission ADRRB Army Disability Rating Review Board AECC Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center adrs AECO ; addressee Aeromedical Evacuation Control Officer ADS AECP air defense sector; automated data system Army Extension Course Program

ADSAF AEDS Automatic Data Systems Within the Army in the Field Atomic Energy Detection System

ADSEC AEF advance section American Expeditionary Force

ADSSHPDA AEL advise shipping data authorized equipment listing

ADSID AELP Air Defense Systems, Integration Division Allied Electrical Publication

ADSL AEOO authorized depot stockage list aeromedical evacuation operations officer

ADSM AEP Air Defense Suppression Missile; Air Defense Service Medal; Auto- Allied Engineering Publication mated Data Systems Manual AER ADSS Army Emergency Relief automated data subsystem AERB ADSTADIS Army Educational Requirements Board

ADT AERDL active duty for training; atomic damage template Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory

ADTF aero artillery direct fire trainer aeronautics

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 6 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:23:46 PN 8 FILE: r130.fil AESAP AFGR Army Entertainment Scholarships and Program approved force gross requirement

AESC AFIC automatic electronic switching center approved force inventory objective

AESRS AFIP Army Equipment Status Reporting System Armed Forces Institute of Pathology

AET AFKN Army extension training American Forces Korea Network

AETIS AFLC Army Extension Training Information System Air Force Logistics Command

AEtP afld Allied Electronics Publication airfield AFM AEW Armed Forces Management airborne early warning AFMSC AEWC Armed Forces Menu Service Committee airborne early warning and control AFN AF American Forces Network Air Force (USAF); audio frequency AFNE AFAC American Forces Network, Europe airborne forward air controller AFNORTH AFA Allied Forces, Northern Europe Army Flight Activity AFP AFAK annual funding program Armed Forces Assistance to Korea AFPC AFAO Armed Forces Policy Committee approved force acquisition objective AFPCB AFB Armed Forces Pest Control Board Air Force Base AFPD AFC Armed Forces Police Detachment automatic frequency control AFPDA AFCC Army force planning data and assumptions assault fire command console AFPEC AFCEA Armed Forces Product Evaluation Committee Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association AFPS AFCENT Armed Forces Press Service Allied Forces, Central Europe AFQT Armed Forces Qualification Test AFCS active federal commissioned service; Air Force Communications AFQTVA Service; Army facilities components system Armed Forces Qualification Test, Verbal Arithmetic Subtest

AFDCB AFR Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board artillery ranging

AFDP AFRA Army Force Development Plan Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended

AFEB AFRC Armed Forces Epidemiological Board Armed Forces Reserve Center

AFEM AFRM Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal air frame; Armed Forces Reserve Medal

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:23:52 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 7 PN 9 FILE: r130.fil AFRSC AGRS Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee American Graves Registration Service

AFRTS AGS American Forces and Television Service Army General Staff

AFSC AGZ Air Force Systems Command; Armed Forces Staff College actual ground zero

AFSCOORD AH assistant fire support coordinator airfield heliport; attack helicopter

AFSCS AHC Army Field Stock Control System assault helicopter company

AFSOUTH AHD Allied Forces, Southern Europe arrowhead

AFTP ahd aircrew flight training period airhead

AFU AHFRAC assault fire unit Army Factors Research Advisory Committee

AFWAB AHFRDC Army Fixed Wing Aptitude Battery Army Human Factors Research and Development Committee

AFWAR AHN Air Force personnel on duty with Army Army health nurse

AFWST AHP Armed Forces Women’s Selection Test Allied Hydrographic Publication; Army heliport

AG AHS Adjutant General Academy of Health , United States Army; Station AG Adjutant General’s Corps AI ag airborne intercept; Army intelligence; assignment instructions; artifi- anti–gas cial intelligence

AGARD AICBM Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development anti–intercontinental ballistic missile

AGC AID automatic gain control Agency for International Development

AGCA AIDECS automatic ground–controlled approach Automatic Inspection Device for Explosive Charge

AGCF AIDRB air–ground correlation factor Army Investigational Drug Review Board

AGCM AIDS Army Good Conduct Medal Army Inventory of Data Systems

AGCT AIE Army General Classification Test acceptance inspection equipment

AGE AIF aerospace ground equipment Army Industrial Fund; automated intelligence file

AGL AIG above ground level address indicating group

AGOS AII air–ground operations system Army intelligence interpreter

AGR AIM Active Guard Reserve armored––mechanized

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 8 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:23:57 PN 10 FILE: r130.fil AIMI ALBM aviation intensive management items air launched ballistic missile

AIMILO ALCANUS Arrny/Industry Materiel Information Liaison Officer , Canada, United States

AIMS ALCO Army Integrated Meteorological System airlift coordinating office(r)

AIMXS ALCOM Aircraft IFF Mark XII Section Alaskan Command

AIP ALCOR aeronautical information publication, Allied Intelligence Publication ARPA/Lincoln C–band observable radar

AIPC ALD Army Installations Planning Committee at a later date; available–to–load date ALF AIRASLT auxiliary landing field ALG AIRAD advanced landing ground air administrative net ALGOL AIRBM algebraic oriented language anti–intermediate range ballistic missile ALLA AIRCOMD Allied Long Lines Agency air command net ALMC AIRS United States Army Logistic Management Center Aircraft Inventory Reporting System ALMSA AIT Automated Logistics Management Systems Agency a d v a n c e d i d e n t i f i c a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s ; a d v a n c e d i n d i v i d u a l t r a i n i n g ; Army intelligence translator; Automotive Information Test ALO air liaison officer aj antijamming ALO authorized level of organization AJAC automatic jamming avoidance circuitry ALOC air lines of communication AJAG/CIV Assistant Judge Advocate General for Civil Law aloc allocate AJAG/MIL Assistant Judge Advocate General for Military Law ALOO Albuquerque Operations Office AJCC Alternate Joint Communications Center alot allotment AJSS ALP Australian Joint Staff Service Allied Logistic Publication; ambulance loading post

ALA ALPC Army launch area Army Logistics Policy Council

ALAAP ALPHA Army ammunition plant AMC Logistics Program Hardcores; Automated

ALANF ALR Army Land Forces artillery locating radar

ALARACT ALRTF all Army activities Army Long range technological forecast

ALAT ALS Army Language Aptitude Test air logistics service; azimuth laying set

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:24:02 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 9 PN 11 FILE: r130.fil ALSE AMDC aviation life support equipment Army Missile Defense Command

ALSEAFRON AMDF Alaskan Sea Frontier Army Master Data File

ALSP AME Army Logistic Study Program aeromedical evacuation; airspace management elements

ALT AMEDD administrative lead time Army Medical Department alt AMEDDPAS altitude Army Medical Department Property Ac counting System

ALTAIR AMEMB ARPA long range tracking and instrumentation radar American Embassy

ALTHQ AMETA alternate headquarters United States Army Management Engineering Training Agency altn AMF alternate; alternative airport facility; Army Management Fund

ALUSNA AMFINFOS United States Naval Attache American Forces Information Service alw AMHS allowance Automated Message Handling System

AM AMIADB Air Medal Inter–American Defense Board, Army Member AMIP AMA Army Management Information Program air materiel area AMIS AMAA air movements information section; Army management information Army Mutual Aid Association system AMARS AMKTU automatic message address routing system Army Marksmanship Training Unit (FORSCOM)

AMB AML Airways Modernization Board area medical laboratory amb AMM ambulance antimissile missile

AMBF AMMC Asset Master Balance File U.S. Army Aviation Materiel Management Center

AMBLADS AMME advise method, bill of lading, and date shipped automated multi–media exchange

AMC AMMH United States Army Materiel Command annual maintenance -hours

AMCCOM AMMIP United States Army Armament, Munitions, and Chemical Command Aviation Materiel Management Improvement Program

AMCEC ammo Allied Electronics Committee ammunition

AMCROSS AMMOBR American National Red Cross ammunition bearer

AMCS AMNM Army Mobilization Capabilities Study ’s Medal

AMD AMO Administrative Machine Division; air movement designator aviation medical officer; automation management office

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 10 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:24:08 PN 12 FILE: r130.fil AMOD AMX Army’s mobility opportunity and development program automatic message exchange

AMOS AN additionally awarded military occupational specialty Army Nurse Corps

AMP ANAD Allied Mining and Mine Countermeasures Publication; Army Mate- riel Plan ANC AMPES Arlington National Cemetery Automated Message Processing Exchange System ANCA AMPPGD Allied Naval Communications Agency Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Guidance Document ANCOC AMPS Advanced Noncommissioned officers’ course Automatic Message Processing System ANEEG Army, Navy Electronics Evaluation Group AMR Atlantic Missile Range ANEXGOVT at no expense to the Government AMRAC Anti–Missile Research Advisory Council ANF Army news features; Atlantic Nuclear Force AMRAD ARPA measurements radar ANG AMRD–NASC Army Missile and Rockets Directorate–NATO Supply Center ANGUS Air National Guard of the United States AMS Army management structure ANGLICO air and naval liaison company AMSA advanced–man strategic aircraft; Area Maintenance Support Activity ANMCC Alternate National Military Command Center AMSAA Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency ANO above named officer AMSC Army Medical Corps ANORS anticipated not operationally ready, supply AMSF area maintenance supply facility; Army morale support fund ANP Allied Navigation Publication AMSO ammunition shipment ANPP Army Nuclear Power Program AMSP Allied Military Security Publication; Army Master Study Program ANSIA Army–Navy Shipping Information Agency AMSR ANUDS autonomous missile site radar United States Army Nuclear Data System (Study) amt ANZUS amount Australia, , and the United States

AMT AO aerial mail terminal Administrative Officer; Action Officer

AMTF AOB airmobile task force approved operating budget

AMTI AOBSR airborne moving target indicator

AMTRAC AOC amphibious tractor (amphibian tractor) Army Operations Center

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:24:13 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 11 PN 13 FILE: r130.fil AOCO APE Atomic Ordnance Cataloging Office advanced production engineering; ammunition peculiar equipment; Army Preliminary Evaluation AOM APF appropriated fund(s) AOP Allied Ordnance Publication APFSDS armor–piercing Fin–stabilized Discarding Sabot AOR advance list of oversea–returnees for reassignment APG ; Army planning group AOS azimuth orientation system API armor–piercing incendiary AOSL authorized organizational stockage list APIT armor–piercing incendiary tracer AOTE Amphibious Operational Training Element APL Army Personnel Letter; Army promotion list AOU azimuth orientation unit APMT antenna pattern measurement test AP acquisition plan; Allied Publication APO Air AP armor–piercing; ammunition point APO Army Post Office APA advance of pay and allowances; aircraft procurement, Army; appro- APOC priation purchases account Army point of contact

APATS APOD antenna pattern test system aerial port of debarkation

APB APOE aerial port of embarkation Army Packaging Board APP APBS air parcel post Automated PEMA Budget System app APC appendix; apprehend a b b r e v i a t e d p e r f o r m a n c e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ; a r m o r p i e r c i n g c a p p e d ; Army postal clerk; accounting processing code appl applicable; applicant; application APC armored personnel carrier appn appropriation APCEC Army Precommission Extension Course approx approximate APCM Asiatic–Pacific Campaign Medal APPS Analytical Photogrametric Position System APC–T armor–piercing capped tracer aprop appropriate APD advance planning document; Air Procurement District; area postal APRT directory Army physical readiness test

APDAB APS Army Physical Disability Appeal Board accessory power supply; Army Postal Service

APDS AP–T armor–piercing discarding sabot armor–piercing–tracer

APDS–T APU armor–piercing discarding sabot–tracer Army postal unit; auxiliary power unit

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 12 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:24:19 PN 14 FILE: r130.fil APW ARDEMS American artillery delivered multi–purpose submunition

APWIB ARDIS American Prisoner of War Information Bureau Army RDTE Information System

APWIB (Br) ARDME Branch American Prisoner of War Information Bureau automatic radar data measuring equipment

AQB ARDP Army Qualification Battery Army Requirements Development Plan

AQL AREPT acceptable quality level agent report

AR ARFA Army regulation; agent report; armor Allied Radio Frequency Agency

ARA ARFCOS aerial rocket artillery; assigned responsible agency Armed Forces Service

ARAAV ARFMS armored reconnaissance airborne assault vehicle Air Reserve Forces Meritorious Service Medal

ARAC ARFORSTAT Army radar approach control Army force status reporting system

ARAV ARFPC Army aviator Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee

ARAVBAD ARHOC Army Aviator Badge Army Housing Committee

ARB ARI armored battalion Army Research Institute

ARCAM ARIS Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal advanced range instrumentation ship

ARC ARL accounting requirements code authorized retention level

ARCE ARLO amphibious river crossing equipment (French) air reconnaissance liaison officer

ARCHS ARM Army Reactor Systems Health and Safety Review Committee antiradiation missile; Army ready materiel

ARCO ARMATSC Army Requirements Control Office Army Materiel Status Committees

ARCOM ARMDAS United States Army Reserve Command Army damage assessment system

ARCOM ARMEDASH Army Commendation Medal armed advanced scout helicopter

ARCOTR ARMGRD Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon armed guard

ARCSA ARMIP aviation requirements for the combat structure of the Army accounting and reporting management improvement program

ARCT ARMS Army Radio Code Aptitude Test Army Master Data File Retrieval Microform System

ARD armt automatic release date armament

ARDC ARNG United States Army Armament Research and Development Center Army National Guard

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:24:24 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 13 PN 15 FILE: r130.fil ARNGUS ARTCC Army National Guard of the United States air route traffic control center

ARO ARTEP United States Army Research Office Army Training and Evaluation Program

ARO–E ARTL United States Army Research and Development Group (Europe) awaiting results of trial

ARO–FE arty United States Army Research and Development Group, Far East artillery

ARP ARUNK Army research plan arrival unknown

ARQ ARV annual review questionnaire armored recovery vehicle

ARR ARWAB Army readiness ; Army retail requirements Army Rotary Wing Aptitude Battery arr AS arrive Australia

ARRADCOM as U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y A r m a m e n t R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t antisubmarine; as stated; ammunition specialist Command ASAC ARRCOM A r m y S t u d y A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e ; A u t o m a t e d S y s t e m s A r m y United States Army Armament Materiel Readiness Command Commissaries

ARRS ASA(I&L) Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation and Logistics) ASA(FM) ARS Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management) aerial reconnaissance and security ASA(M&RA) ARSB Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) air reconnaissance support battalion ASA(RDA) ARSEM A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y o f t h e A r m y ( R e s e a r c h , D e v e l o p m e n t , a n d Army registry of special educational materials Acquisition)

ARSOF ASAP Army Special Operations Forces Army Scientific Advisory Panel; as soon as possible

ARSPT ASARC air reconnaissance support Army Systems Acquisition Review Council

ARSR ASBCA air route surveillance radar Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals

ARST asbl aerial reconnaissance and security troop assemble

ARSTAF ASC Army Staff Automation Security Committee

ARSV ASCC armored reconnaissance scout vehicle Air Standardization Coordinating Committee

ARTACOM ASCII Army requirements for tactical communications American standard code for information interchange

ARTADS ASCOM Army Tactical Data Systems Army Service Command

ARTC ASCP air route traffic control Army Strategic Capabilities Plan

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 14 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:24:30 PN 16 FILE: r130.fil ASD ASIC Army shipping document Area Security Information Center

ASD(C) ASIGCEN Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Area Signal Center

ASD(C3I) ASIP Assistant Secretary of Defense (Communications, Command, Con- Army stationing and installation plan trol, and Intelligence) ASL ASD(HA) above sea level; authorized stockage list Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) aslt ASDIC assault Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center ASLTG ASDIRS assault gun Army Study Documentation and Information Retrieval System ASM air–to–surface missile; Anarctica Service Medal; automatic schedul- ASD(ISA) ing message Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) ASME ASD(RA) American Society of Mechanical Engineers Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs) ASMIS ASD(PA) M a j o r A r m y S u b o r d i n a t e C o m m a n d M a n a g e m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) System

ASDPSIM ASMP advanced system data processing simulation Army survival measures plan

ASD(PA&E) ASMRO Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Analysis and Evaluation) Armed Services Medical Regulating Office

ASE ASMSA automatic stabilization equipment Army Signal Material Support Agency

ASED ASN aviation service entry data atomic strike net

ASEP ASNP Advanced Skills Education Program Army Student Nurse Program

ASESBD ASNPIDBAD Armed Services Explosives Safety Board Army Student Nurse Program Identification Badge

ASF ASO additional selection factor; Army Stock Fund area supply officer

ASG ASOAP area support group Army spectrometric oil analysis program ASOC asg Air support operations center assign ASOP asgd Army Strategic Objectives Plan assigned ASP ASGRO ammunition supply point; annual service practice; Army strategic Armed Services Graves Registration Office plan

ASGS ASPCGA Assistant Secretary of the General Staff Atomic Strike Plan Control Group Alternate

ASH ASPIC advanced scout helicopter Armed Services Personnel Interrogation Center

ASI ASPTC additional skill ; azimuth speed indicator United States Army Support Center

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:24:35 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 15 PN 17 FILE: r130.fil ASR ATCS airport surveillance radar; armed strike reconnaissance; Army status Air Traffic Communications Station report; Army Service Ribbon ATCU ASRA air transportable communication unit ADP system requirement analysis ATD ASRD actual time of departure aircraft shipment readiness date ATEP ASRT annual training equipment pools air support radar team ATERM ASSA air terminal Area Supply Support Activity ATG assoc antenna test group; antitank gun associate ATGL asst antitank ; antitank gun launcher assist ATGM assy antitank guided missile assembly ATGW AST antitank guided administrative–supply technician; air supported threat ATII ASTD advanced techniques for imagery interpretation air supported threat defense ATKHC astn Attack Helicopter Company astronomic ATMAC ASUP air traffic management automated center air supply ATMC ASVAB Air Transport Movement Control Center Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery ATMP ASW Air Target Materials Program antisubmarine warfare ATMS ASWBPL Air Traffic Management System Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory ATO ASWD aircraft transfer order Army Special Weapons Depot ATP AT Allied Tactical Publication; Army training program annual training ATP–ASCP ATA Army Transportation Plan in Support of the Army Strategic Capa- actual time of arrival bilities Plan

ATBM ATR antitactical ballistic missile air traffic regulations

ATC ATRL air traffic control; Air Training Command antitank rocket launcher

ATCC ATS air traffic control center; Atlantic Division Transport Control Center air traffic services; Army Topographic Station; Army telecommuni- (Hq) cations system

ATCL ATSSM air traffic control line Automatic telecommunications system security manager

ATCRBS ATT Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System Army training test

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 16 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:24:41 PN 18 FILE: r130.fil attn AVLB attention armored vehicle launched bridge

AUM AVLUB air–to–underwater missile aviation lubricant

AUS avn Army of the United States aviation

AUSA AVNL Association of the United States Army automatic video noise limited

AUT AVNMED advanced unit training aviation medicine auth AVOIL authority; authorized; authorization aviation oil

AUTHGR AVP authority granted Army Validation Program auto avr automatic aviator

AUTODIN AVRADCOM automatic digital network Aviation Research and Development Command

AUTOSEVOCOM AVSC automatic secure voice communications audio visual support center

AUTOSTRAD AVSCOM automated system for transportation data United States Army Aviation Systems Command

AUTOVON AVUM automatic voice network aviation unit maintenance aux AW auxiliary air warning; Army–wide; automatic weapons

AV AWACS audiovisual; AUTOVON; aviation Airborne Warning and Control System aval AWASP available advance weapon ammunition support point

AVC AWCO automatic volume control Area Wage and Classification Office

AVFR AWL available for reassignment administrative weight limitation avg AWOL average absent without leave

AVGAS AWLOG aviation gasoline Army Wholesale Logistic System

AVID AWP airborne vehicle identification Allied Weather Publication

AVIM AWS aviation intermediate maintenance Air Weather Service

AVIONICS AWSCOM aviation electronics Advance Weapons Support Command

AVIS AWTS audiovisual information system Army–wide training support

AVIT AXP audiovisual instructional technology Allied Exercise Publication

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:24:46 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 17 PN 19 FILE: r130.fil AXSIGCOMM BD axis or axes of signal communication bomb disposal az BDB azimuth Base Development Board

2–2. “B” listings BDC brigade data center BAA budget activity account BDD blanket delivery date BAAN budget authorization account number bde brigade BAAF Badger Army ammunition plant BDELT brigade landing team BAG ballistic attack game BDFA basic daily food allowance bal balance BDL battery data link BALLWIN ballistic winds BDP base development plan BAMC Brooke Army Medical Center bdry boundary BAPREPT beds and patient report BDS British Defense Staff BAQ BDU basic allowance for quarters battery display unit BAR BECAMP battery acquisition radar Ballistic Environmental Characteristics and Measurement Program BAS BEFOURRA basic allowance for subsistence Belgian Fourragere

BASD BEMAR basic active service date backlog of essential maintenance and repair

BASE BENELUX basic Army strategic estimates , ,

BASOPS BENT Base Operating Information System beginning evening nautical twilight

BC BEP battery commander Budget Execution Plan

BCA BEQ battery control area bachelor enlisted quarters

BCC BER battery control central budget execution review

BCD BERADEV bad conduct discharge; binary coded decimal Berlin Airlift Device

BCE BERH baseline cost estimate Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors

BCS BESD battery computer system basic enlisted service date

BCT BESRL basic combat training Behavior and Systems Research Laboratory

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 18 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:24:52 PN 20 FILE: r130.fil BEXEC BJCEB budget execution British Joint Communications–Electronics Board

BFD BJU Budget Formulation Directive beach jumper unit bfg BL briefing bill of lading; basic load (ammunition)

BFO bl beat frequency oscillator bombline

BFORM bldg budget formulation building

BG bloc beach group; general blockade

BGDA BLSJICP Blue Grass Depot Activity beam lead sealed junction integrated circuit package

BGSS BM battalion ground surveillance section bench mark; branch material bhd BMD beachhead ballistic missile defense

BI BMDATC background investigation; battlefield illumination; branch immaterial Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center

BIC BMDC battlefield information center Ballistic Missile Defense Center BMDCP BICC ballistic missile defense command post; Battalion Mortar and Davy battlefield information control center Crockett BII BMDEAR basic issue items Ballistic Missile Defense Emergency Action Report BIIL BMDITP basic issue item list Ballistic Missile Defense Integrated Training Plan bio BMDMB biographics ballistic missile defense missile battalion biol BMDMP biological Ballistic Missile Defense Master Plan

BIOLDEF BMD–NEAT biological defense Ballistic Missile Defense–Nuclear Effects and Threat Committee

BIOLOPS BMDO biological operations Ballistic Missile Defense Operations

BIOLREPT BMDOA biological report Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Activity

BIOLRSCH BMDPM biological research Ballistic Missile Defense Program Manager

BIOLWPN BMDPO biological weapons Ballistic Missile Defense Program Office

BIOLWPNSYS BMDSB biological weapon system ballistic missile defense surveillance battalion

BIRDIE BMDSCOM battery integration and radar display equipment Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command

BITE BMEWS built in test equipment ballistic missile early warning system

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:24:57 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 19 PN 21 FILE: r130.fil BMG BPA budget and manpower guidance budget project account; blanket purchase agreement

BMM BPD borrowed military manpower basic planning document

BMNT BPED beginning morning nautical twilight basic pay entry date

BMRMO BPHI balance mobilization reserve materiel objective boost phase intercept

BMRSYS BPI Ballistic Missile Reentry System binary bits per inch

BMU BPRF beachmaster unit bullet proof bn BPU battalion base production unit

BNSFCP br battalion shore fire control party branch

BOB BRC beginning of business Budget Review Committee

BOC BRD battalion operation center (AD) bomb release distance

BOI Brig basis of issue brigadier

BOIMARS BRL Basis of Issue Monitoring and Recording System bomb release line

BOIP BSA basis–of–issue plan Basic Standardization Agreement; brigade support area

BOIP II BSEP basis–of–issue plan II Basic Skills Education Program bomb BSM bombardment

BOMREP BT bombing report basic training bomst BTE bombsight battery terminal equipment

BOP BTL balance of payments; basic operation plan Bell Telephone Laboratories

BOPA BTO Balance of Payments Act bombing through overcast; branch transportation office(r)

BOPP btry balance of payment programmed battery

BOQ BTU bachelor officers’ quarters British thermal unit

BOR bud board of review budget

BOT BUIC burst on target back–up interceptor control

BP BUT base point; basic pay; Budget Program; battle position basic unit training

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 20 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:25:03 PN 22 FILE: r130.fil BV CAICO bureau voucher chemical accident/incident control officer

BVG cam battlefield visualization graphics camouflage; camouflaged

BY CAM budget year commercial air movement number

2–3. ’C’ listings CAMA centralized automatic message accounting C2 command and control CAMAR common aperture multifunction array radar CA Civil Affairs; combat assault; combined arms; cost account; com- CAMO–PAC mercial activities Central Ammunition Management Office–Pacific CAMPS CAA centralized automated military pay system Civil Aeronautics Administration; combined arms Army; Analysis Agency; Crypto Access Authorization CAMSTA Cameron Station CAAA Army Ammunition Activity CASP Civilian Acquired Skills Program CAAP Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant CATC Combined Arms Training Center CAAS combined arms and support CATTS combined arms tactical training simulator CAB Civil Aeronautics Board C&I commercial and industrial C–ABM Chinese–oriented antiballistic missile system C&L control and line CAC Combined Arms Center C&T contingency and training CACDA Combined Arms Combat Development Activity CAO collateral action officer; Central Accounting Office CADIZ Canadian air defense identification zone CAPPS Centralized Army Passenger Port Call System CADMINI computer administrative instruction CAR Chief, Army Reserve; condition and recommendation CADOP Continental Air Defense Objectives Plan CARCSLR career counselor CADS CARDA Containerized Ammunition Distribution System CONUS airborne reconnaissance for damage assessment

CADSAME CARDPAC call signs and/or address group remain same Card Packet System

CADW CARP Civil air defense warning computed air release point

CAFM CARS commercial air freight movement Regimental System

CAG cas combat arms group casualties; casualty

CAI CAS computer assisted instruction; configuration audit inspection ; Coordinator of Army Studies

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:25:08 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 21 PN 23 FILE: r130.fil CASF cbtry Composite Air Strike Force counterbattery

CASPER CC Consolidated Army System for Processing Entitlements to Army combat command; common carrier; control center; Reservists CCAD CASTLE United States Army Depot, Corpus Christi computer assisted system for theater level engineering CCB CAT Configuration Control Board contractor acceptance test; control and assessment team CCC CATV classified control clerk; command, control, communications; Com- community antenna television modity Credit Corporation

Cau CCCMMM closed–chest cardiac massage and mouth–to–mouth resuscitation Caucasian CCE CAU commercial construction equipment Crypto Ancillary Unit CCF cav central control facility; Corps Contingency Force; correctional cus- cavalry tody facility; central clearance facility

CAVU CCH ceiling and visibility unlimited Chief of Chaplains

CAWSE CCH casualty analysis for determining weapon system effectiveness computerized criminal history files of the FBI

CB CCI chemical biological; construction battalion Command Control Interface (MSR)

CBAIC CCIF chemical–biological accident and incident control International Telephone Advisory Committee

CBAICP CCIR Chemical and Biological Accident and Incident Control Plan International Radio Consultative Committee

CBCC CCIT conviction by civil court International Telegraphic Advisory Committee

CBE CCMA Command Budget Estimate civilian clothing maintenance allowance

CBI CCMPTC Complete background investigation central computer center

CBIO CCO counterbattery intelligence officer classified control officer CCOC CBL Command Control Operations Center commercial bill of lading CCP CBO circulation control point; communications career program; consoli- computer burst order dated cryptologic program; consolidation and containerization point

CBOI CCPM complete basis of issue command career program manager

CBOIP CCR complete basis of issue plan combat crew

CBS–X CCS Continuing Balance System–Expanded Combined Chiefs of Staff

CBTI CCSP combat intelligence consolidated computer security program

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 22 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:25:14 PN 24 FILE: r130.fil CCT CECDC Consolidated Change Table Cost Estimate Control Data Center

CCTV CECOM closed–circuit television Army Communications–Electronics Command

CCU CECS common control unit C o m m u n i c a t i o n s – E l e c t r o n i c s C o o r d i n a t i n g S e c t i o n , S t a n d i n g Group–NATO CD civil defense CEE Communication Electronics Element CD combat development; contract definition CEEB College Entrance Examination Board CDA United States Army DARCOM Catalog Data Activity CEFI contractor engineer–furnish and install CDAP CEI Civil Damage Assessment Program communication electronic instructions

CDD CEIP collateral damage distance communications–electronics implementation plan

CDE cel chemical defense equipment celestial

CDG CEM coder–decoder group compromising emanations

CDI CEMF cargo disposition instructions counterelectromotive force

CDL CENTAG Central Dental Laboratories Central , Central Europe

CD/NC CEOA computer–aided design/numerical control Central European Operating Agency cdo CEOAS Corps of Engineers Office of Appalachian Studies

CDOG CEOI Combat Development Objectives Guide Communications–Electronics Operation Instructions

CDP CER company distributing point; contract definition phase complete engineering release; cost estimating relationship

CDR CERB cargo delivery receipt; commander United States Army Coastal Engineering Research Board

CDS CERC capability design specifications; chamber of destination of ships; United States Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Chief Defense Staff (Canada) CESI Communications–Electronics Standing Instruction CDSD Civil Defense Support Detachments CEWCSC Corps of Engineers Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center CDSR controlled deployment specular reflector CEV vehicle CDU command destruct unit CF feasibility; correlation factor; Canadian Forces CE C o r p s o f E n g i n e e r s ( o r g a n i z a t i o n ) ; c o u n t e r e s p i o n a g e ; CF Communications–Electronics copy(ies) furnished

CEBMCO cf Corps of Engineers Ballistic Missile Construction Office counterfire

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:25:19 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 23 PN 25 FILE: r130.fil CFA CHAMPUS current files area; covering force area Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

CF&A CHANCOMTEE Chief of Finance and Accounting Channel Committee

CFC CHAP Combined Federal Campaign C H A P A R R A L – A s e l f – p r o p e l l e d , s u r f a c e – t o – a i r v e r s i o n o f N a v y SIDEWINDER missile CFE contractor furnished equipment CHB Cargo Handling Battalion CFL coordinated fire line CHD correctional holding detachment confirm; confirmed CHGFA costs chargeable to fund authorization CFM contingency for movement CHOP change of operational control CFMA Central Financial Management Activities CI configuration item; command information CFOR COMSEC Field Office of Record ci counterintelligence CFP concept formulation package CIA Central Intelligence Agency CFPF central food preparation facility CIB CFPS CIC central food preparation system customer identification code CFR CID Code of Federal Regulations Command Information Division CFS CID contract field services Criminal Investigation Division

CFSR CIDCON contract fund status report civil disturbance readiness conditions

CFT CIDSTAT contract field technician Civil Disturbance Status Reporting

CFV CIF pcavalry fighting vehicle Central Issue Facility; cost, insurance and freight

CG CIIP commanding general clothing initial issue point

CGS CINC Coast and Geodetic Survey Commander in Chief

CGSC CINCAFLANT Command and General Staff College Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces, Atlantic

CH CINCAL cargo helicopter Commander in Chief, Alaska

CH CINCARLANT Chaplains Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Atlantic ch CINCEASTLANT change Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area

CHACOM CINCENT Chain of Command Reporting System Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Central Europe

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 24 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:25:24 PN 26 FILE: r130.fil CINCHAN CIVPERSINS Allied Commander in Chief, Channel Civilian Personnel Management Information System

CINCLANT CJCS Commander in Chief, Atlantic Chairman,

CINCNORAC CJS Commander in Chief, North American Air Defense Command Canadian Joint Staff

CINCNORTH CLDC Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Northern Europe COMSEC Logistics Data Center

CINCONAD CLGP Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense Command –launched guided projectile

CINCPAC CLIN Commander in Chief, Pacific contract line item number

CINCPACREP CLL Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative Chief of Legislative Liaison

CINCSAC CLO Commander in Chief, civil liaison officer

CINCSOUTH CLOCE Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe Contingency Lines of Communication, Europe

CINCSPECOMME CLS Commander in Chief, Specified Command, closed loop support

CINCUNC CLSC Commander in Chief, Command COMSEC Logistic Support Center

CINCUSAREUR CLSS Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe Combat Logistic Support System CINCUSARPAC CLSU Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific COMSEC Logistic Support Unit CINCWESTLANT CLSX Commander in Chief, Western Atlantic Area closed loop support extended cinsgcy counterinsurgency cm countermortar CIO command issuing office CM court–martial; commander’s manual CIP Command Information Program; consolidated intelligence program CMA corps maintenance area cir circular CMAB clothing maintenance allowance, basic circ circumstance CMAC Capital Military Assistance Command; Central Management Army CIRVIS Commissaries communication instructions for reporting vital intelligence sightings CMAIISS CIT clothing monetary allowance, initial issue configuration identification tables CMAIWAC CITA c l o t h i n g m o n e t a r y a l l o w a n c e i n i t i a l ( f o r f e m a l e c a s h a l l o w a n c e commercial–industrial– activity only) civ CMAO civil; civilian court–martial appointing order

CIVPERCEN CMAS United States Army Civilian Personnel Center clothing maintenance allowance, standard

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:25:30 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 25 PN 27 FILE: r130.fil CMB CNP Combat Medical Badge Chief of Naval Personnel cmd cntgcy commendation; command contingency

CMDN cntrf catalog management data notification centrifugal

CMF CNWDI career management field; court–martial forfeiture; combat mission critical nuclear weapons design information failure CO combat aptitude area; command operations; contracting officer CMH Center of Military History CO commanding officer CMIA command management inventory accounting co company CMIF career management individual file COA change of assignment; current operating allowances; Comptroller of CMLOPS the Army chemical operations COADS CMMA Command and Administrative Data System clothing monetary maintenance allowance COAX CMO coaxial machine-gun civil–military operations COB CMOS close of business; command operating budget capper military occupational specialty COBOL CMPF common business–oriented language central meat processing facility COC combat operations center CMR configuration management review COCO contractor–owned, contractor operated CMRI command maintenance readiness inspection CODAP comprehensive occupational data analysis program CMS central material service COE Chief of Engineers cmt comment COEA cost and operational effectiveness and analysis CMTC Citizens Military Training Corps COEC CONAD Operational Employment Concept CMY civilian man–years COFF cut off CNA Commander’s Narrative Analysis CofS Chief of Staff CNAD COFT Conference of National Armaments Directors conduct–of–fire trainer

CNDI COHORT commercial nondevelopment items Cohesion, Operational Readiness Training

CNGB COI Chief, communication operation instructions

CNO COL Chief of Naval Operations colonel

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 26 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:25:35 PN 28 FILE: r130.fil COLA COMEDEAST cost–of–living allowance Commander, Eastern Mediterranean Area colm COMEDNOREAST column Commander, Northeast Mediterranean Area

COM COMEDOC Commissary Operating Manual; Computer Output Microfilm/Micro- Commander, Western Mediterranean Area fiche COMEDSOUEAST COMAFFOR Commander, Southeast Mediterranean Area Commander, Air Force Forces COMFAIRWING–NORLANT COMAINT Commander, Fleet Air Wing Northern Atlantic command maintenance COMFIVEATAF COMAIR–BALTAP Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southern Europe Commander, Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches COMFLDCOMDASA Commander, Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency COMAIRSOUTH Commander, Allied Air Forces, Southern Europe COMFOURATAF Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe COMANTDEF–COM Commander, Antilles Defense Command COMGIB Naval Commander, Gibraltar COMARFOR Commander, Army Forces COMGIBMED Commander, Gibraltar Mediterranean Command COMATF Commander, Amphibious Task Force COMICEDEFOR Commander, Defense Force COMBALTAP Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic Approaches COMIDEASTFOR Commander, Middle East Force COMBENE–CHAN Commander, Benelux Sub–Area Channel COMINT communications intelligence COMBISCLANT Commander, Bay of Biscay Sub Area COMISH United States Military Mission, Congo COMCANLANT Commander, Canadian Atlantic Sub Area COMJAM communications jamming COMCARSTRIK–FOR Commander, Carrier Striking Force COMJTF Commander, Joint Task Force COMCARSTRIK–GRUONE Commander, Carrier Striking Group One COMJUWATF Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force COMCARSTRIK–GRUTWO Commander, Carrier Striking Group Two COMLANDFOR Commander, Land Forces COMCENTAG COMLANDJUT Commander, Central Army Group, Central Europe Commander, Allied Land Forces, Schleswig–Holstein and Jutland

COMCENTLANT COMLANDNORWAY Commander, Central Sub Area Commander, Allied Land Forces,

COMCM COMLANDSOUTH communication countermeasures and deception Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe

Comd Sgt Maj COMLANDSOUTHEAST Command Sergeant Major Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe

Comdt COMLANDZEALAND Commander, Allied Land Forces, Zealand

COMEDCENT COMLOGNET Commander, Central Mediterranean Area command logistics network

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:25:41 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 27 PN 29 FILE: r130.fil comm COMSOTFE communication Commander, Support Operations Task Force, Europe

COMM COMSTRICKFLANT Department of Commerce Commander, Striking Fleet Atlantic (Afloat)

COMMAIRCENTLANT COMSTRIKFORSOUTH Maritime Air Commander, Central Sub Area Commander, Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe

COMMAIRCHAN COMSTS Commander, Allied Maritime Air Force, Channel Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service

COMMAIREASTLANT COMSUBACLANT Maritime Air Commander, Eastern Atlantic Area Commander, Allied Command, Atlantic

COMMAIRNORECHAN COMSUBEASTLANT Commander, Maritime Air Nore Sub Area Channel Commander, Submarine Force, Eastern Atlantic

COMMAIRNORLANT COMSUBMED Maritime Air Commander, Northern Sub Area Commander, , Mediterranean

COMMAIRPLYMCHAN COMSUBMEDNOREAST Commander, Maritime Air Plymouth Sub Area, Channel Commander, Submarines, Northeast Mediterranean

COMMARFOR COMSUBWESTLANT Commander, Marine Forces Commander, Submarine Force, Western Atlantic Area

COMMCEN COMTAFNORNOR communications center Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North Norway

COMMZ COMTAFSONOR communications zone Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, South Norway COMTASKFORNON COMNAVBALTAP Commander, Allied Task Force North Norway Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Baltic Approaches COMTECHREP COMNAVNON complementary technical report Commander, Allied Naval Forces, North Norway COMTWOATAF COMNAVSCAP Commander, Second Allied Tactical Air Force, Central Europe Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Scandinavian Approaches COMUKADR COMNORECHAN Commander, UK NATO Air Defense Commander, Nore Sub Area, Channel COMUSAFFOR COMNORLANT Commander, Forces Commander, Northern Sub Area COMUSARFOR COMNORTHAG Commander, United States Army Forces Commander, Northern Army Group, Central Europe COMUSARSO COMOCEANLANT Commander, United States Army Forces Southern Command Commander, Ocean Sub Area COMUSARTF comp Commander, United States Army Task Force composite; complement; component COMUSFAIRWINGMED COMPACT Commander, United States Fleet Air Wing, Mediterranean consolidation of military personnel activities COMUSFORAZ COMPASS Commander, United States Forces, Azores Computerized Movement Planning and Status System COMUSJAPAN COMPLYMCHAN Commander, United States Forces, Commander, Plymouth Sub Area, Channel COMUSJTF COMSEC Commander, United States Joint Task Force communications security COMUSJUWTF COMSIXATAF C o m m a n d e r , U n i t e d S t a t e s J o i n t U n c o n v e n t i o n a l W a r f a r e T a s k Commander, Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southeastern Europe Force

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 28 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:25:46 PN 30 FILE: r130.fil COMUSKOREA cont Commander, United States Forces, Korea continue; continued; continuation

COMUSLANDFOR CONUS Commander, United States Land Forces continental United States

COMUSMACTHAI CONUSA Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, the numbered armies in the continental United States

COMUSMARFOR CONUSAMDW Commander, United States Marine Forces the numbered armies in the continental United States and the United States Army Military District of Washington COMUSMARTF Commander, United States Marine Task Force convl conventional COMUSMILGP Commander, United States Military Group COOP Continuity of Operations Plan COMUSNAVFOR COOPCOMM Commander, United States Naval Forces communications facilities in support of DA Continuity of Opera- tions Plan COMUSNAVTF Commander, United States Naval Task Force coord coordinate; coordinated; coordinating; coordination con control; controlled COP combat outpost; command operating program; command observation CONAD post (opposing forces) Continental Air Defense Command COPE CONAF custodian of postal effects Conceptual Design for the Army in the Field COPL CONDECA combat outpost line Central American Defense Council COPO CONELRAD Chief of Personnel Operations control of electromagnetic radiation’s COR CONEX cargo outturn report; contracting officer’s representative container express CORDASF conf Commissary Resale Division of the Army Stock Fund conference; confidential CORDS CONFAD Civil Operations Revolutionary Development Support Concept of a of Army Divisions CORE Cong contingency response program Congress CORG CONGEN Combat Operations Research Group Consul General COS civilian occupational specialty CONGINT interest by Member of Congress COSA corps service area CONOBJTR conscientious objector COSAMREG consolidation of supply and maintenance regulations CONOPS U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y I n t e l l i g e n c e C o m m a n d C o n t i n e n t a l ( U n i t e d COSATI States) Operations committee on scientific and technical information

CONSSTOCS COSCOM contingency support stocks corps support command const COSMIC construct; constructed; construction given to identify NATO TOP SECRET documents

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:25:52 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 29 PN 31 FILE: r130.fil COSMOS CPS Centralization of Supply Management Operations command personnel summary; cycles per second

COSTAR CPT Combat Service to the Army

COTR CPU contracting officer’s technical representative(s) central processing unit

CP CPX command post command post exercise

CP CQ copilot; cost and performance; check point charge of quarters

CPA CRA Chief of Public Affairs command relationship agreements; continuing resolution authority

CPC CRAF civilian personnel circular Civil Reserve Air Fleet

CPCO CRC Central Port Call Office crew chief; CONUS replacement center

CPCS CRCC coast phase control system Consolidated Record Communications Center

CPD CRCOM central postal directory; Civilian Personnel Directorate change review committee

CPE CRCS processing equipment; collective protection equipment; con- clinical record cover sheet tractor performance evaluation CRDC CPEP United States Army Chemical Research and Development Center contractor performance evaluation plan CRE combat readiness evaluation CPF central post fund CREC COMSEC Research and Engineering Coordinating Group CPFF cost plus a fixed fee CRESS Center for Research in Social Systems CPIF cost plus incentive fee CREST combat readiness by electronic service testing CPL common program language CRF cryptographic repair facilities CPL CRG counterfire reference grid CPMI command personnel management inspections CRIO COMSEC Regional Issuing Officer CPO chief petty officer; civilian personnel office; central procurement CRITCOM office critical communications system

CPOS CRITIC civilian personnel occupational standards critical intelligence

CPP CRITICOM civilian personnel pamphlet critical intelligence communications

CPPM CRP civilian personnel procedures manual COMSEC resources program; control and reporting post; Cost Re- duction Program; central receiving point CPR C a r r i e r P e r f o r m a n c e R a t i n g ; c i v i l i a n p e r s o n n e l r e g u l a t i o n ; c a r - CRRC diovascular pulmonary resuscitation Construction Requirements Review Committee

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 30 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:25:57 PN 32 FILE: r130.fil crs CSR course Chief of Staff regulation; Civil Service retirement; civil service regulation CRSDA community recreation and skill development activities CSRA Civil Service Reform Act CRT cathode ray tube; combat readiness training CSRDF Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund crypto cryptography; cryptographic CSRO consolidated standing route order CRZ close reconnaissance zone CSS central security service; combat service support; clothing sales store CS close support CSSPT common supply support CS composite service; countersabotage; current series; critically sensi- CST tive; combat support training

CS1 CSTA critically sensitive–level 1 combat surveillance and target acquisition

CS2 CT critically sensitive–level 2 counterterrorism

CS3 CTA critically sensitive–level 3 common table of allowances

CSA CTDC Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; corps storage area control track direction computer CTE CSAF commander task element Chief of Staff, United States Air Force CTEA CSAFM cost and training effectiveness analysis Chief of Staff Air Force memo CTF CSC commander, task force combat support company CTG CSDP commander, task group command supply discipline program CTI CSG command technical inspection; complaint type investigation; con- combat service group tract technical instructor

CSH CTLZ Combat Support Hospital control zone

CSI CTO CONUS sustaining increment control tower operator

CSM CTOC Chief of Staff memorandum; Command Sergeant Major corps tactical operations center

CSN CTP contract surgeon coordinated test program; consolidated telecommunications program

CSPM CTREPTR Communication Security Publication Memorandum court reporter

CSPS CTU coherent signal processing system commander, task unit

CSQ CTZ cryptofacility security questionnaire corps tactical zone

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:26:03 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 31 PN 33 FILE: r130.fil CUDAT CZ common user data terminal Canal Zone

CUSR 2–4. “D” Listings Central US Registry DA CUSRPG Department of the Army Canada US Regional Planning Group DAACA CVC Department of the Army Allocation Committee, Ammunition combat vehicle crewman DAACCE CVEH Department of the Army Alternate Command and Control Element combat vehicle DAAMP CVWS Department of Army Avionics Master Plan combat vehicle weapons system DAAS Defense Automatic Addressing System CW continuous wave; DAB Director of the Army Budget CWAR continuous wave acquisition radar DAC Department of the Army Civilian CWAS contractor’s weighted average share in cost risk DACAN Military Committee Distribution and Accounting Agency, NATO CWE current working estimate DACC Department of the Army Communications Center CWIR continuous wave illuminator radar DACCS Department of the Army Command and Control System CWM commercial water movement number DACG departure airfield control group CWO Chief DACOWITS Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services CW4 Chief Warrant Officer, W–4 DACRP Department of the Army Communication Resources Plan CW3 Chief Warrant Officer, W–3 DADAC Department of the Army Distribution/Allocation Committee CW2 Chief Warrant Officer, W–2 DADCMI Department of the Army Policy for Disclosure of Classified Military CWPI Information to Foreign Government configuration work package item DAEDARC CWS DA Equipment Data Review Committee commander’s weapon station; continental wage schedule DAF Department of the Air Force; departure airfield CWSP Communications with and Service to the Public DAFC departure airfield control CY calendar year; current year DAFD Department of the Army Forward Depot CY copy DAFFD Department of the Army Forward Floating Depot CYBERLOG Cybernetic Logistics Planning, Control, and Management Informa- DAFS tion System direct aerial fire support

CZ DAG combat zone division artillery group (opposing forces)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 32 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:26:08 PN 34 FILE: r130.fil DAI DARC Director of Army Instruction data acquisition and reports control

DAIP DARFAX Department of the Army Intelligence Plan Department of Army Secure facsimile

DAIRO DARK Department of the Army International Rationalization Office analysis technique adapted and refined at Kwajalein

DAIS DARR defense automatic integrated switching Department of Army Regional Representative DARRIS DALC Department of the Army Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System deployment area location code DARS DALRLV Department of the Army relocation sites DA logistics readiness liaison visits DART DALT direct advisory of recorded transactions Department of the Army Liaison Team; drop altitude DAS DAM Director of the Army Staff defended area model DASC DAM II–EE direct air support center defended area model II engagement evaluation DASD DAM II–EP direct access storage device defended area model II engagement planning DASEB DAMA Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board Department of the Army Materiel Annex DASH DAMIS drone antisubmarine helicopter Department of the Army Management Information System DASL Department of the Army Strategic Logistics DAMPL Department of the Army Master Priority List DASO demonstration and shakedown operational; Department of the Army DAMPMT special order Department of the Army Military Personnel Management Team DASPO DAMP/TVPB Department of the Army Special Photographic Office D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e A r m y M o t i o n P i c t u r e / T e l e v i s i o n P r o d u c t i o n Board DASSO Department of the Army Systems Staff Officer DAMP/TVPP D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e A r m y M o t i o n P i c t u r e / T e l e v i s i o n P r o d u c t i o n DAT Program development acceptance test

DAMRIP DATI Department of the Army Management Review and Improvement Director of Army Technical Information Program DATSC DAMWO Department of the Army Training and Support Committee Department of the Army modification work order DATT D&F Defense Attache determination and finding DAVIE DA Vocabulary of Information Elements division ammunition officer DAXREP Department of the Army Command and Control Reporting System DAP Director of Army Programs DBA/M data base administrator/manager DAR data automation requirement; defense acquisition radar; Defense Ac- DBC quisition Regulation deputy brigade commander

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:26:14 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 33 PN 35 FILE: r130.fil DBF DCL data base file design capability line

DBK DCNG data bank District of Columbia National Guard

DBMS DCO data base management system deputy commanding officer

DBOI DCO development basis of issue dial central office

DC DCP defense counsel; Dental Corps dental continuation pay; development concept paper; Director of Civilian Personnel DCA Defense Communications Agency DCPG Defense Communications Planning Group DCAI Defense Communications Agency Instruction DCS Defense Communications System; Deputy Chief of Staff; Director, DCAS Comptroller Systems Defense Contract Administration Services DCSC DCASD Defense Construction Supply Center Defense Contract Administration Services District DCSCD DCASO Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments Defense Contract Administration Services Office DCSC–E DCASPRO Deputy Chief of Staff, Communications–Electronics D e f e n s e C o n t r a c t A d m i n i s t r a t i o n S e r v i c e s P l a n t R e p r e s e n t a t i v e Office DCSCOMPT Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller DCASQ DCSFOR Defense Contract Administration Services Residency Deputy Chief of Staff, Force Development DCASR DCSI Defense Contract Administration Services Region Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence DCC DCSLOG Defense Control Center Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics

DCCB DCMIS Defense Center Control Building Deputy Chief of Staff, Management Information Systems

DCDP DCSO&T defense center data processing Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations and Training

DCDU DCSOT data collection and distribution units Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Intelligence

DCE DCSOPS defense combat evaluation Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans

DC–E DCSPA Director of Communications–Electronics Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel and Administration

DCEO DCSPER division communications–electronics officer Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel

DCG DCSRDA deputy commanding general Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition

DCI DCSRM Director, Central Intelligence Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management

DCII DCSROTC Defense Central Index of Investigations Deputy Chief of Staff for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 34 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:26:19 PN 36 FILE: r130.fil DCSTS DEFLOWH Deputy Chief of Staff for Training and Schools Defense Liaison Officer to the

DD DEFREPNAMA dishonorable discharge Defense Representative, North Atlantic Mediterranean Area

DDA DEH digital drive amplifier (MSR) Directorate of Engineering and Housing

DDB–P demil Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge demilitarize

DDB–R DEMOD Distinguished Rifleman Badge deployment model

DDC DENTAC Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Infor- dental activity mation; division data center DEP delayed entry program DDEP Defense Development Exchange Program dep depot DDL digital data link DEPACTV depot activity DDP distribution drop point DEPEX Deployment on NIKE/X Study DDPS discrimination data processing system depn dependent DDRE Director of Defense Research and Engineering DEPREP deployment reporting system DDS Director of Dental Services DEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense DDSM Defense Distinguished Service Medal DEPSTAR deployment status of Army units DDUS data departed United States dept department DEA data exchange annex DEPTAR/MAIN Department of the Army/Main DEAC Defense Economic Analysis Council DEROS date eligible for return from overseas DECCO Defense Commercial Communications Office DES data encryption standard DECEA DESC Defense Communications Engineering Agency Defense Electronics Supply Center

DECEO DESCOM Defense Communications Engineering Office United States Army Depot System Command decon DESPORT decontaminate; decontamination daily equipment status report

DEDS dest digital error detection subsystem destination; destroy def DET defend; defended; defense; defensive displaced equipment training

DEFCON det defense readiness condition detach; detached; detachment

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:26:24 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 35 PN 37 FILE: r130.fil DEVA DIALS development acceptance Defense Information Automated Locator System

DEW DIAM distant early warning Defense Intelligence Agency Manual

DEWTZ DIC distant early warning identification zone dependency and indemnity compensation; document identifier code

DF DICOMSS defensive fire; direction finding Direct Commissary Support System

DF DID disposition form data item description

DFARS DIDS Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Defense Integrated Data Systems

DFC DIDS–CD Distinguished Flying Cross Decision Information Distribution System–Civil Defense

DFE DIECO Directorate of Facilities Engineering; division force equivalents Defense Item Entry Control Office

DFH DIECP defense family housing Defense Item Entry Control Program

DFM DIMES Director, Food Management Defense Integrated Management Engineering Systems

DFMO DINFOS doppler filter mixer–oscillator Defense Information School

DFR DIO dropped from rolls Director of Industrial Operations

DFRIF DIP Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet display information processor

DFSC DIPR Defense Fuel Supply Center Departmental Industrial Plant Reserve

DFSR dir detailed functional system requirement direct; directed; direction; director

DGM DIRFM Defense Guidance Memorandum director, field maintenance

DGSC DIRLAUTH Defense General Supply Center direct liaison authorized

DGZ DIRNSA desired ground zero Director,

DH DIROCD decision height Director, Office of Civil Defense

DHA DIRPA dependent housing area Director of Personnel and Administration

DHEW DIS Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Defense Investigative Service

DHS DISC Director of Health Services Defense Industrial Supply Center; delay in separation code

D/I disc distinctive insignia discontinue

DIA DISCO Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 36 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:26:30 PN 38 FILE: r130.fil DISCOM DLPT division support command Defense Language Proficiency Test

DISP DLSC DOD Industrial Security Program Defense Logistics Services Center

DISREP DLST discrepancy in shipment report Division Logistics System Test dist DLT district decision logic table

DISTENGR DM district engineer destroyer minelayer; draft manual

DISTO DMA Defense Industrial Security Education and Training Office Defense Mapping Agency; Director of Military Assistance distr DMAAC distribute; distribution Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center

DISTRA DMAHC distribution authority Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center di DMATC division; divisional Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center

DIVAD DMCC division air defense depot maintenance control center

DIVENGR DMD Division Engineer digital message device DME DJS distance measuring equipment Director, Joint Staff DMEDA DJSM Director of Medical Activities Director, Joint Staff Memorandum DMG DJUOL distinguished military graduate daily JUMPS update output listing DMIS DL Director, Management Information Systems data link; deadline; document log DMISA DLA depot maintenance interservice support agreement dml DLAR demolition Defense Logistics Agency regulation DMMB DLAT Defense Medical Materiel Board Defense Language Aptitude Test DMMC DLCC division materiel management center Division Logistics Control Center DMO DLIEL Directory of Mortuary Operations; directed military overstrength Defense Language Institute, Center DMOS DLIFLC duty military occupational specialty Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center DMS DLOC Defense Mapping School; defense materials system; data manage- Division Logistical Operation Center ment system

DLOGS DMSM Division Logistics system Defense Meritorious Service Medal

DLP DMTB Defense Language Program deployment mobilization troop basis

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:26:35 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 37 PN 39 FILE: r130.fil DMWR DODIC depot maintenance work requirements Department of Defense identification code

DMZ DODIER demilitarized zone DOD Industrial Equipment Reserve

DN DODMPAC Department of the Navy Department of Defense, Military Pay and Allowance Committee

DNA DODNACC Defense Nuclear Agency Department of Defense National Agency Check Center DODPM DNC Department of Defense Military Pay and Allowances Entitlements Director, Naval Communications Manual

DNCCC DOPRT Defense National Communications Control Center date of departure

DOA DODRE dead on arrival Department of Defense research and engineering

DOB DOE date of birth Department of Energy; date of enlistment

DOCA DOI date of change of accountability; date of current appointment; De- Department of the Interior; died of injuries fense Orientation Conference Association DOJ DOCE Department of Justice date of current enlistment DOMS DOCO Directorate of Military Support Director of Commissary Operations DOPR DOD Defense Order Priority Rating Department of Defense DOR date of rank DODAAC DOD activity address code DORE Defense Officer Record Examination DODAC Department of Defense Ammunition Code DOS date of separation; disk operating system DODCI Department of Defense Computer Institute DOT Department of Transportation; Dictionary of Occupational Titles DODCLIPMI DOD Consolidated List of Principal Military Items DOTI Director of Operations, Training, and Intelligence DODCSC DOD computer security center DOV disbursing officer voucher DODD Department of Defense directive DOW died of wounds DODDAC Department of Defense Damage Assessment Center DP By Direction of the President; delivery point; displaced person DODEP DPA Department of Defense Emergency Plans data processing activity

DODFDCO DPBO Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Coordinating Office division property book officer

DODHGFO DPC Department of Defense Household Goods Field Office data processing center; Defense procurement circular

DODI DPCA Department of Defense instruction Director of Personnel and Community Activities

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 38 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:26:41 PN 40 FILE: r130.fil DPD DRZ Data Project Directive deep reconnaissance zone

DPE DS data processing equipment directing staff; direct support; drill sergeant; data system

DPG DSA data processing group; date of permanent grade; Dugway Proving division support area Ground DSAC DPI Deputy Supreme Allied Commander data processing installation DSAFSM DPICM Deputy SAFEGUARD System Manager dual–purpose improved conventional munition DSAR DPM Defense Supply Agency regulation Defense Program Memorandum; Draft Presidential Memorandum DSARC DPO Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council depot property officer DSAS DPS direct support aviation section data processing system; Defense planning staff DSB DPSC double sideband Defense Personnel Support Center DSC DPSPT Defense Supply Center; distribution of stockage code; Distinguished combat consumption support from D–day to P–day Service Cross

DPT DSEC Director of Plans and Training Director of Security

DPU DSGS(CAR) data processing unit Deputy Secretary of the General Staff (Coordination and Report)

DPWG DSI data systems inquiry Defense Planning Working Group of Defense Ministers DSIATP DR Defense Sensor Imagery Application Training Programs discrepancy report DSIDBAD DRAAG Drill Sergeant Identification Badge Design Review and Acceptance Group DSM DRC Distinguished Service Medal deployment readiness condition; district recruiting command; Disa- bility Review Council DSMC Defense Systems Management College DRE district reserve equipment DSO Defense Subsistence Office DRF division ready force DSP distribution point DRILS Defense Retail Interservice Logistic Support DSR document status report DRL date required to load DSRE Defense Subsistence Region–Europe DRO–LA U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y E l e m e n t , D e f e n s e R e s e a r c h O f f i c e , L a t i n DSS America Direct Support System; Drill Sergeant School

DROS DSSA date returned from overseas Direct Supply Support Activity

DRRF DSSCS division rapid reaction force defense special security communications system

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:26:46 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 39 PN 41 FILE: r130.fil DSSM DvrMechBadA Defense Superior Service Medal Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver–A (for amphibious vehicles)

DSSP DvrMechBadM direct supply support point Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver–M (for motorcycles)

DSTP DvrMechBadMech Director, Strategic Target Planning Driver and Mechanic Badge, Mechanic (for automotive or allied vehicles) DSU direct support unit Dvr MechBadOp Driver and Mechanic Badge, Operator–S (for special mechanical DT equipment) development testing; development type DvrMechBadT DTA Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver–T (for tracked vehicles) dental therapy assistant DvrMechBadW DT&E Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver–W (for wheeled vehicles) development test and evaluation DWSA DTC Director of Weapon Systems Analysis Desert Test Center DX direct exchange dated DXA DTG direct exchange activity date–time group DXI dtl direct exchange item detail DZ DTO drop zone; dropping zone district transportation officer DZSO DTOC drop zone safety officer division tactical operations center 2–5. “E” listings DTP EACP detailed test plan European Area Communications Plan

DTRA EAD Defense Technical Review Agency entry on active duty; earliest arrival date

DTS EADS data transfer system; Defense Transportation System Echelons Above Division Study

DTUPC EAG design to unit production cost ELINT Advisory Group

DTZ EAMAS division tactical zone emergency action message authentication system

DUC EAME Distinguished Unit Citation European–African–Middle Eastern Campaign Medal dupe EANCO duplicate emergency actions noncommissioned officer

DUSA EAO Deputy Under Secretary of the Army emergency actions officer

DUSAA EAP Davison United States Army Airfield Emergency Actions Procedures

DVFR E&E Defense Visual Flight Rule evasion and escape dvr EASI driver expanded additional skill identifier

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 40 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:26:52 PN 42 FILE: r130.fil EASY EDCEN early acquisition system Education Center

EB EDCPF enlistment bonus environmental data collection and processing facility

ECAC EDCSA Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center effective date of change of strength accountability

ECAFE EDD Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East estimated delivery date

ECB–P EDM Excellence–in–Competition Badge, Pistol equipment deadlined for maintenance

ECB–R EDOMP Excellence–in–Competition Badge, Rifle educational development of military personnel

ECC EDP equipment category code electronic data processing; Emergency Defense Plan (US Canada)

ECCC EDPS European Command Coordination Committee electronic data processing system; equipment distribution planning studies ECCM electronic counter–counter measures EDRE emergency deployment readiness exercise ech EDS Equipment Decontamination Station; estimated date of separation ECIIB Enemy Civilian Internee Information Bureau EDT engineer design test ECIIB (Br) educ Branch Enemy Civilian Internee Information Bureau education ECL EE English comprehension level elements of expense; engagement effectiveness ECM EEA electronic countermeasures essential elements of analysis; estimated expenditure of ammunition

ECN EEC engineering change notice European Economic Community

ECOM EEEC United States Army Electronics Command electromagnetic energy environment criteria

ECP EEFI engineering change proposal essential elements of friendly information

ECR EEI electronic cash register essential elements of information

ECRS EEI economic and contingency reserve stock electrical engineer inspector

ECS EEMIR equipment concentration sites Enhanced Enlisted Master Tape Record

ED EENT engineering design eye, ear, nose, and throat

EDAC EEO Equipment Distribution and Condition Report equal employment opportunity

E–date EER effective date enlisted evaluation report

EDC EES electronic digital computer; estimated date of completion enlisted evaluation system

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:26:57 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 41 PN 43 FILE: r130.fil EET EMCP Education Equivalency Test electromagnetic compatibility program

EFC emerg equivalent full charge emergency eff EMERGCON effect; effective emergency condition

EFTO EMETF Encrypted for Only electromagnetic environment test facility

EI EMF end item electromotive force; enlisted master file

EIB EML environmental morale leave; equipment maintenance log

EIC EMM employer identification code electronic mail message

EIDSO EMOS engineer information and data systems office entry military occupational specialty

EIP EMP economic inventory procedures electromagnetic pulse

EIR empl equipment improvement recommendation emplacement; employ

EIS EMR Environment Impact electromagnetic radiation; equipment maintenance record EMS ELDATRAWP emergency medical services electronic data transmission working party EMSO ELG European Mobility Service Office European Liaison Group EMT ELI emergency medical treatment emitter location and identification en ELINT enemy electronic intelligence EN elm Corps of Engineers (ofc branch title; organization abbreviation is element CE)

ELSEC ENCA electronic security European Naval Communications Agency

EM encl education manual; enlisted man or men; enlisted member enclosure; enclose; enclosed; enclosing

EMA end emergency movements atomic endorse; endorsed; endorsing; endorsement

EMAS ENE USEUCOM Emergency Message Authentication System east–northeast

EMATS engr Emergency Message Automatic Transmitting System engineer emb ENGRE embark engineer element

EMC enr electromagnetic compatibility; engineered military circuit en route

EMCON ens emission control orders

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 42 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:27:03 PN 44 FILE: r130.fil ENSURE equiv expedited nonstandard urgent requirements for equipment equivalent

ENTNAC ER Entrance National Agency Check electronic reconnaissance; emergency room

EO ERA executive order Extra Regimental Assignment

EOB ERB electronic order of battle enlisted record brief

EOC ERBM electronics operations center; Emergency Operations Center extended range ballistic missile

EOD ERD entry on duty; explosive ordnance disposal equipment readiness date

EODBAD ERDL Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge Engineer Research and Development Laboratories

EODC ERL explosive ordnance disposal control European Requirements List

EOQ ERO economic order quantity European Research Office

EOR EROP equipment operationally ready; explosive ordnance reconnaissance executive review of overseas programs

EORA ERPSL explosive ordnance reconnaissance agent essential repair part stockage list

EOSD ERR equipment on station date engineering release record

EOV ERS economic order emergency relocation site

EP ERT equipment publication; enlisted personnel Educational Requirements Test

EPD ERZ Enlisted Personnel Directorate, MILPERCEN extended reconnaissance zone

EPG ES Eniwetok Proving Ground eligible for separation; electronic surveillance

EPI ESA expanded position indicator expiration of service agreement

EPMS ESC enlisted personnel management system equipment serviceability criteria

EPR ESE equipment performance report east–southeast

EPW ESI enemy prisoner of war extremely sensitive information

EPWIB ESM Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau electronic warfare support measures

EPWIB (Br) ESN Branch Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau English–speaking nation

EQDD ESRD equipment density data equipment shipment ready date equip ESSG equipment Engineer Strategic Studies Group

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:27:09 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 43 PN 45 FILE: r130.fil ESSPO EWE Electronics Supporting Systems, Project Office electronic warfare element est EWR estimate; estimated; estimation early warning radar estb EXAGT establish; established; establishment executive agent

E/S TIEP EXCC Engineering/Service Test and Independent Evaluation Program Exercise Control Center

ET EXCG engineering test exercise control group

ETA excl e s t i m a t e d t i m e o f a r r i v a l ; E u r o p e a n T r o p o s p h e r i c – S c a t t e r A r m y exclude; excluded; excluding; exclusive (Communications System) EXMOVREP ETC expedited movement report estimated time of completion EXPFLDMB ETCO Expert Field Medical Badge emergency traffic coordinating officer EXPQUALBAD ETD Expert Qualification Badge estimated time of departure EXREDCON ETDP exercise readiness condition Emergency Traffic Disposition Plan 2–6. “F” listings ETIC estimated time in commission FA field artillery ETM Extension training materiel FAA ETO Federal Aviation Administration express transportation order FAAO ETR field artillery air observer estimated time of return FAAR ETS forward area alerting radar expiration term of service FAAS ETT forward area alerting system estimated travel time FAB EUCP field artillery brigade emergency urgent change package FAC EUDAC forward air controller European Distribution and Accounting Agency of the Military Com- mittee, FACCONCEN facilities control center EURAC European Requirements and Army Capabilities FACE facilities and communication evaluation EUSEC European Communications Security and Evaluation Agency of the FACI Military Committee, London first article configuration inspection evac FACP evacuate; evacuated; evacuation forward air control post

EW FACR electronic warfare; early warning first article configuration review

EWA FACS Edgewood Arsenal Communication System

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 44 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:27:14 PN 46 FILE: r130.fil FAD FATAB force/activity designator; Funding Authorization Document field artillery target acquisition battalion

FADAC FATAG field artillery digital automatic computer field artillery target acquisition group

FADM FATOC fleet admiral Field Army Tactical Operation Center

FAE FAW fuel air explosive forward area weapons

FAIO fax Field Army Issuing Office; field artillery intelligence officer facsimile

FALT FB field artillery logic tester firing battery

FAM FBHDL field artillery missile; full Army mobilization war reserves force beachhead line

FAMC FBI Fitzsimons Army Medical Center Federal Bureau of Investigation

FAMF FBIS floating aircraft maintenance facility Foreign Broadcast Information Service

FAMS FBM Field Army Messenger Service fleet ballistic missile

FAO FBR finance and accounting office(r); foreign area officer fireball radius

FAP FBRL Finance and Accounting Policy final bomb release line

FAPO FC Field Army Petroleum Office ; Fire Control; functional chief (of a civilian career program); fund code FAR Federal Aviation Regulations; forward acquisition radar; Federal FCC Acquisition Regulation Federal Communications Commission; Flight Communications Cen- ter; Flight Coordination Center FARC Federal Archives and Records Center FCCB Field Configuration Control Board FARP forward area ream/refuel point FCDA Federal Civil Defense Administration FARS Field Army Replacement System FCDIVBAD First Diver Badge FAS f i e l d a l e r t s t a t u s ; f o r c e a c c o u n t i n g s y s t e m ; F o r e i g n A g r i c u l t u r a l FCG Service foreign clearance guide (military)

FASA FCGS Field Army Service Area freight classification guide system

FASCAM FCIP family of scatterable mines field cable installation platoon

FASCO FCJ Forward Area Support Coordination Officer foreign criminal jurisdiction

FASO FCL forward airfield supply organization fire coordination line

FAST FCLP Freight Automated System for Traffic Management field carrier landing practice

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:27:19 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 45 PN 47 FILE: r130.fil FCPC FFAC Federal Committee on Pest Control forward forward air controller

FCRC FFT Federal Contract Research Center for further transfer

FCRU FFZ facilities control relay unit free fire zone

FCS FG fire control system fiscal guidance

FCSC FGM Foreign Claims Settlement Commission fiscal guidance memorandum

FCU FHAI field communication unit Federal Housing Authority Insurance FHD FDC Family Housing Division fire direction center FHMA FDL family housing management account Fast Deployment Logistic (Ship) FHSG family housing frequency division multiplex FHWA FDO Federal Highway Administration fire direction officer FI FDP fighter interceptor; foreign intelligence foreign duty pay; funded delivery period FIA FDRF financial inventory accounting financial data records folder FIB FDS flight information bulletin finance disbursing section FIC FD/SC flight information center failure definitions/scoring criteria FICA FDTE Federal Insurance Contributions Act force development testing and experimentation FID FE Foreign Internal Defense Far East; field expedient fig FEBA figure forward edge of the battle area FII FEGLI Federal item identification Federal Employees Group Life Insurance FIIGS Federal Item Identification Guide System FEHBP Federal Employees Health Benefits Program FIIGSC Federal Item Identification Guides for Supply Cataloging FEI facilities engineering items FIIN Federal item identification number FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FIR financial inventory reports; flight information region FEPA Fair Employment Practices Act 1LT first FFA French Forces in (Forces Francaises en Allemagne); free 1SG fire area; Frankfort Arsenal first sergeant

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 46 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:27:25 PN 48 FILE: r130.fil FIS FMO flight information service forms management officer

FIST FMP fault isolation by semi–automated techniques; fire support team financial management plan

FISTV FMPEC fire support team vehicle Financial Management Plan for Emergency Conditions

FIU FMPP forward interpretation unit Federal Merit Promotion Program

FLA FMR flight article financial management report; frequency modulated radar

FLAM FMS fault location and monitoring foreign military sales

FLAR FMSC fault location and repair Federal Manual for Supply Cataloging fld FMSO field foreign military sales order

FLDCOMDNA FMSP Field Command, Defense Nuclear Agency foreign military sales program

FLDMS FMT field maintenance shop Force Modernization Training

FLEX FMTS Flexowriter equipment field maintenance test station

FLIC FO fault location indicating console field order; finance officer; forward observer

FLIP FOA flight information publication field operating agency

FLO FOBS foreign liaison office fractional orbital bombardment system

FLOT FOC forward line of own troops final operational capability; flight operations center

FLP FOD fault location panel of the day; foreign object damage

FLS FofF fault locator system field of fire

FLSA FOIA Fair Labor Standards Act Freedom of Information Act flt fol flight follow; followed; following fltg FOMCAT floating foreign materiel catalog

FLTSURBAD FOREWAS Flight Surgeon Badge Force and Weapon Analysis System

FLV FORSCOM foreign leave United States Army Forces Command

FM FORSTAT field manual; field ; frequency modulated forces status report

FMC FORTL field medical card force requirement troop list reporting system

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:27:30 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 47 PN 49 FILE: r130.fil FORTRAN FRN F o r m u l a T r a n s l a t i o n ( a s c i e n t i f i c p r o g r a m m i n g l a n g u a g e f o r force requirement number computers) FRNA FOSDIC foreign rations not available film optical sensing device for input to computers FROG FOUO free rocket over ground For Official Use Only FS FPA feasibility study; flight surgeon force planning analysis; funding program advice FSA FPC f a m i l y s e p a r a t i o n a l l o w a n c e ; f i r e s u p p o r t a r e a ; f o r e i g n s e r v i c e Federal Power Commission availability

FPCA FSAO family services and assistance officer Federal Post Card Application FSB FPF Final Staging Base; fire support base final protection fires FSC FPG Federal supply classification; foreign service credits; fire support force planning guide coordination

FPJMC FSCL Four Power Joint Military Commission fire support coordination line

FPM FSCM Federal Personnel Manual Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers

FPMR FSCOORD Federal Property Management Regulation fire support coordinator

FPO FSCP Fleet Post Office Firing Site Command Post

FPP FSD firepower potential fuel supply depot

FPU FSE first production unit fire support element

FRA FSED Federal Railroad Administration full–scale engineering development

FRAGO FSN fragmentary order F e d e r a l s t o c k n u m b e r ; f i s c a l s t a t i o n n u m b e r ; F r e n c h – s p e a k i n g nation FRAT free radical assay technique FSO fire support officer; fuel supply office FRC FSP Federal Records Center GSA facility security profile

FRD FSR FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA foreign separate rations; frequency scan radar

FRE FSS Field Representative Europe Federal supply schedule freq FSSD frequency; frequent foreign service selection date

FRFE FSSE Field Representative Far East forward service support element

FRFOURRA FST French Fourragere foreign service tour

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 48 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:27:36 PN 50 FILE: r130.fil FSTC FWP United States Army Foreign and Technology Center Federal Women’s Program

Ft FWPC Fort Federal ’s Program Coordinator

FT FWPCA firing tables; full–tracked Federal Water Pollution Control Administration

FTC FY fast time constant fiscal year

FTD FYDP freight traffic division Five–Year Defense Program

FTI FYI fixed target information for your information

FTIG FYIC Fort Indiantown for your information and guidance

FTRAC FYMP full–tracked vehicle Five–Year Materiel Program

FTS FYPB field training services; Federal Telecommunications System Five–Year Planning Base

FTTD FYPP full–time training duty Five–Year Procurement Program

FTU FYTP first training unit Five–Year Test Program FTX 2–7. “G” listings field training exercise G1 FU Assistant Chief of Staff, G1 (Personnel) fire unit G2 FUA Assistant Chief of Staff, G2 (Intelligence) fire unit analyzer

FUIF G3 fire unit integration facility Assistant Chief of Staff, G3 (Operations and Plans)

FUM G4 functional user’s manual Assistant Chief of Staff, G4 (Logistics)

FUPOSAT G5 followup on supply action taken Assistant Chief of Staff, G5 (Civil Affairs)

FVS GA fighting vehicle system ; graphics and administration

FW GAA fixed wing General Agency Agreement

FWAD GAAP Fort Wingate Army Depot Gateway Army ammunition plant

FWCL gal field wire command link gallon fwd GAO forward; forwarded General Accounting Office

FWDBL GARL forward bomb line group action request lists

FWMAF gas Free World Military Assistance Forces gasoline

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:27:41 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 49 PN 51 FILE: r130.fil GASS geol Guidance Accuracy Study for Sprint geological

GATT GEOLOC General Agreement on Tariffs and geographical location

GBL GETA Government bill of lading Government Employees Training Act

GC GF General Counsel; Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of gap filler Civilian Persons in Time of War, 12 August 1949; Government contribution GFA gun fire area GCA ground–controlled approach GFAC ground forward air controller GCAD Granite City Army Depot GFD general functional description GCG guidance control group GFDC group fire distribution center GCI ground controlled (station) GFE Government furnished equipment GCM general court–martial GFI Government free issue GCMO GFM general court–martial order Government furnished material GCR GFP ground–controlled radar Government furnished property GCT GFR General Classification Test; Greenwich Civil Time gap filler radar

GD GFSR general discharge general functional system requirement gd GHE guard ground handling equipment

GEBA GHQ Government excess baggage authorization general headquarters

GED GHSG general education development guest housing

GEDP GHz General Education Development Program gigahertz

GEDT GI General Educational Development Test General Inspection

GEMSS GIER ground emplaced mine scattering system general industrial equipment reserve

GEN GIM general gaining inventory manager

GENREP GIT general reports General Information Test

GENSURG GL general surgery general ledger; grenade launcher geo GLC geographic gas liquid chromatography

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 50 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:27:47 PN 52 FILE: r130.fil GLIDER GOP Glider Badge general outpost; ground observer post

GLLD GOPL ground laser location designator general outpost line

GLM GOR Life Saving Medal general operational requirements

GLO Govt ground liaison officer Government

GM GP general maintenance aptitude area; general merit general purpose

GM gp guided missile group

GMA GPA guided missile ammunition guidance platform assembly

GMAS GPAS Ground Munitions Analysis Study general performance appraisal system

GMRS GPDC General Mobilization Reserve Stock general–purpose digital computer

GMS GPF general military science gas proof

GMST GPLD General Military Subjects Test Government property lost or damaged

GMT GPO Greenwich Mean Time Government Printing Office GNPC GPV Global Navigation and Planning Chart general purpose vehicle gnr GPW Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, GNRY 12 August 1949 gunnery GPW 1929 GO Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, general orders; general officers 27 July 1929

GOA GR general operating agency gunnery range; gross requirement

GOB grad ground order of battle graduate

GOC GRC gunnery officer’s console Government of the Republic of

GOCO grendr Government–owned, contractor–operated

GOCOM GRFO United States Army Reserve General Officer Command gun range finder operator

GOGO GROUPS Government–owned, Government–operated Group Movement System

GOI GRREG Government of graves registration

GOMA GRS general officer money allowance Graves Registration Service; general records schedules

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:27:52 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 51 PN 53 FILE: r130.fil GS GWS general service; general staff; general support Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 12 August 1949 GS General Schedule GWS 1929 Geneve Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the GSA Wounded and Sick of Armies in the Field, 2 July 1929 General Services Administration GWS Sea GSC Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the General Staff Council Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at Sea, 12 August 1949 GSD general system description GWT gross weight GSDFJ Ground Self Defense Force Japan GZ ground zero GSE ground support equipment 2–8. “H” listings

GSF HAAP General Support Forces Homebase/Advanced Assignment Program

GSG HAC general support group House Appropriations Committee

G/SIDBAD HALP General Staff Identification Badge HAWK Equipment Logistics Program

GSLB HAMD Gold Star Lapel Button helicopter ambulance medical detachment

GSOR HAP general staff operational requirements Home Owners Assistance Program

GSR HASC general support reinforcing; ground surveillance radar House Armed Services Committee

GSRS HAW general support rocket system heavy antitank/assault weapon

GSS HC general service schools hydrogen chloride

GST HCA geographical specialist team; ground sensor terminal of contracting activity

GSU HCOR general support unit Honorary Colonel of the Regiment

GSWT HD general staff with troops harbor defense; honorable discharge

GTA HDC graphic training aid harbor defense command; helicopter direction center

GTGS HDY gas turbine generator set heavy duty

GV HE grid variation high explosive

GWO HEAP general watch officer high–explosive armor piercing

GWOA HEAT guerrilla warfare operational area high–explosive anti–

GWR HEAT–T general war reserves high–explosive anti–tank–tracer

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 52 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:27:58 PN 54 FILE: r130.fil HECP HIA harbor entrance control post hold in abeyance

HECVES HIMAD harbor entrance control vessel high–to–medium–altitude air defense

HEDP HIPAR high–explosive dual–purpose high–power acquisition radar

HEFU HIPIR High–Energy Firing Unit high–power illuminator radar

HEI HISA high–explosive incendiary Headquarters and Installation Support Activity hel HISRAN helicopter high–precision short–range navigation


HEP HLG high–explosive plastic Hawk Logistics Group

HEP–T HLH high–explosive plastic tracer heavy lift helicopter

HERC HLMR Nike Hercules Hunter–Leggitt Military Reservation

HESH HMG high–explosive squash head heavy machine-gun

HET HN heavy–equipment transporter host nation

HE–T HNS high–explosive tracer host nation support

HEV HOA health and environment heavy observation aircraft

HF HOB harrassing fire: high frequency height (depth) of burst

HFE HOR human factors engineering home of record

HFP hosp special pay for duty subject to hostile fire hospital

HHB HOSS headquarters and headquarters battery Homing Optical System Study

HHC how headquarters and headquarters company howitzer

HHCL HP “H” hour coordinating line holiday pay

HHD HPA headquarters and headquarters detachment head of a procuring activity

HHG HPD household goods high–performance drone

HHR HPSP hand–held radar Health Professions Scholarship Program

HHT HPTS headquarters and headquarters troop high–performance third stage (SPARTAN)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:28:03 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 53 PN 55 FILE: r130.fil HPU HUMRRO hydraulic pumping unit Human Resources Research Organization

HQ HV headquarters high–velocity; hyper–velocity; high–voltage

HQCS HVAP Heraldic Quality Control System high–velocity armor–piercing hr HVAPDS hour high–velocity, armor piercing, discarding sabot

HR HVAP–T hand receipt hyper–velocity armor–piercing tracer

HRF HVAR height ranger finder high–velocity aircraft rocket

HRO HVAT Housing Referral Office high–velocity antitank

HRP HVDP highway regulating point; holding and reconsignment point heavy drop

HRS HVTP–T Housing Referral Service hyper–velocity target practice tracer

HS HWAAP high school; high speed Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant

HSA HYAPP health service area Hays Army Ammunition Plant

HSAAP Hz hertz Holston Army Ammunition Plant 2–9. “I” listings HSC United States Army Health Services Command IA incentive HSCP high–speed card punch IAAP Iowa Army Ammunition Plant HSCR high–speed card reader IACC Inter–Agency Air Cartographic Committee HSGM Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment IADB Inter–American Defense Board HSL health service laboratory IADB–MED Inter–American Defense Board Medal HSM Humanitarian Service Medal IADC Inter–American Defense College HSP 1high–speed printer IADT initial active duty for training HSR health service region; high–speed reader IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency HTO hospital transfer order IAECOSOC Inter–American Economic and Social Council HTP hardness test plan IAF Office of Information for the Armed Forces HUMINT human intelligence (the intelligence collection function that uses IAFF human beings as both sources and collectors) international air freight forwarder

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 54 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:28:09 PN 56 FILE: r130.fil IAGC ICCP instantaneous automatic gain control Intelligence Civilian Career Program

IAGS ICCS Inter–American Geodetic Survey International Commission for Control and Supervision

IAL ICD International Algebraic Language imitative communication deception

I&M ICEM improvement and modernization Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration ICF I&S installation confinement facility interchangeability and substitutability ICIS I&T Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security installation and test ICM IANF improved capabilities missile Inter–Allied Nuclear Force ICP IAO integrated circuit package; inventory control point information activities officer(r) ICPE IATA Inventory Control Point Europe is amended to add ICS IATD Information Control System; Interagency Communications System is amended to delete ICTOC IATR independent corps tactical operations center is amended to read ICTP IAW Intensified Combat Training Program in accordance with ICTT intensified confirmatory troop test IAZ inner artillery zone ICUT initial COHORT unit training IBCS Integrated Battlefield Control System ICWAR improved continuous–wave acquisition IBHD initial beachhead Institute for Defense Analysis; initial denial authority IBP international balance of payments IDAD Internal Defense and Development IBRL initial bomb release line IDCSP Initial Defense Communications Satellite Program IC in charge of; internal combustion; internment camp IDE interim data element ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces ident identify; identification; identified ICAO IDEP International Civil Aviation Organization Interservice Data Exchange Program

ICBM IDF intercontinental ballistic missile Israeli Defense Forces

ICC IDHS Interstate Commerce Commission; inventory control center Intelligence Data Handling Systems

ICCB IDP I n t e r m e d i a t e C o n f i g u r a t i o n C o n t r o l B o a r d ( W e s t e r n E l e c t r i c , individual development plan; initial delay position; integrated data Greensboro, NC) processing

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:28:14 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 55 PN 57 FILE: r130.fil IDPC IIRD integrated data processing center international interdependent research and development

IDS IJBS infrared discrimination systems integrated joint broadband system

IDSM IJCS intermediate direct support maintenance integrated joint communication system

IDT IL inactive duty training international logistics

IDTOC ILFO independent division tactical operations center International Logistics Field Office

IEP ILS independent evaluation plan instrument landing system; integrated logistics support

IEPC ILSP Interagency Emergency Planning Commission integrated logistic support plan

IER IMCC independent evaluation report; industrial equipment reserve item management control code

IET IMETP initial entry training International Military Education and Training Program

IFC IMF integrated fire control (radar) International Finance Corporation International Monetary Fund

IFD IMI initial fill date improved manned interceptor

IFF IMO identification, friend or foe (radar) installation maintenance officer

IFMIS IMPACT Integrated Facilities Management Information System improved management procurement and contracting technique

IFMS IMR Integrated Financial Management System individual medical record

IFR IMSO instrument flight rules Initial Materiel Support Office

IFRB IMTP International Frequency Registration Board Industrial Mobilization Training Program

IFS IMUA integrated facilities system Interservice Material Utilization Agency

IFTAD IN initial and final terminal arrival date infantry

IFV INAAP infantry fighting vehicle Indiana Army Ammunition Plant

IG INDELSEC inspector general industrial electronic security

IGIA indep Interagency Group for International Aviation independent

IHA indiv interim housing allowance individual

IIMS infl Intensive Item Management System inflammable

IIR INFO Intelligence Information Report for the information of

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 56 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:28:20 PN 58 FILE: r130.fil info IPB inform; informed; information installation property book

ING IPCE inactive National Guard independent parametric cost estimate

INH IPE Improved Nike Hercules industrial plant equipment

INREPL IPF incoming replacement initial production facilities

INS IPG Immigration and Naturalization Service; inertial navigation system International Planning Group (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands)

INSCOM IPL United States Army Intelligence and Security Command initial program load

INSEC IPM internal security industrial preparedness measures insgcy IPR insurgency individual pay record; in process review; intelligence production requirement instl install; installation IPS inches per second int interest; interned IPT initial production test INTACS Integrated Tactical Communications System IPW prisoner of war interrogation intercomm intercommunication ir infrared intgr integrate IR INTMED instrument reading; internal review; interval rate internal medicine IRASI INTREP internal review and systems improvement intelligence report IRB INTSUM individual records brief intelligence summary IRBM IO intermediate–range ballistic missile inventory objective; input and/or output (I/O) IRC IOB inspection record cards; International Red Cross; item responsibility installation operating budget code

IOC IRCAS initial operational capability information requirements control automated system

IOCD IRDL initial operational capability date information retrieval and display language

IOP IRE installation operating program immediate ready element

IOTA IRF Inbound/Outbound Traffic Analysis immediate reaction force

IP IRFNA incentive pay; initial point; instructor pilot inhibited red fuming nitric acid

IPAR IRG improved pulse acquisition radar interdepartmental regional group

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:28:25 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 57 PN 59 FILE: r130.fil IRO iss Industrial Relations Office; United Nations International Refugee issue Organizations ISSC IRPP Interservice Supply Support Coordinator Industrial Readiness Planning Program ISSMIS IRQR Integrated Support Services Management Information System Information requirement ISSP IRR Interservice Supply Support Program ; intelligence radar reporting ISSRO IRRS Interservice Supply Support Records Office Individual Ready Reserve System ISSS IRUS installation service supply support Infantry Rifle Unit Study IST ISA initial service test International Security Affairs; interservice support agreement ITAC ISARC intelligence threat analysis center installation shipping and receiving capability ITEP ISC Integrated Test/Evaluation Program intelligence subject code ITMIS ISCOMADEIRA Integrated Transportation Management Information System Island Commander, Madeira ITO ISCOMBERMUDA invitational travel orders; installation transportation office(r) Island Commander, ITS ISCOMFAEROES intersectional transportation service Island Commander, Faeroes ITSA Institute for Telecommunications Sciences and Aeronomy ISCOMGREENLAND Island Commander, Greenland ITT inter theater transfer ISCOMICELAND Island Commander, Iceland ITTAC International Telegraph and Telephonic Advisory Committee ISD installation supply division ITU International Telecommunications Union ISE intercept system environment IWCS integrated wideband communications system ISI initial support increments IWT inland waterway transport ISIR in service in reserve IWW inland waterway ISL item study listings 2–10. “J” listings

ISN J1 internment serial number Personnel Directorate

ISO J3 Information Systems Office Operations Directorate

ISPR J4 Infantry Systems Program Review Logistics Directorate

ISS J5 Integrated Sealift Study; interservice supply support Plans and Policy Directorate

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 58 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:28:31 PN 60 FILE: r130.fil J6 JATS Communications–Electronics Directorate Joint Air Transportation Service

JA JAWPS judge advocate Joint Atomic Weapons Publications System

JAAP JBDAAFES Joliet Army Ammunition Plant Joint Board of Directors, Army–Air Force Exchange Service

JAAT JBMTO joint air attack team Joint Bus Military Traffic Office

JACC/CP JBUSDC Joint Airborne Communications Center/Command Post Joint –United States Defense Commission

JACO JBUSMC Joint Actions Control Office Joint Brazil–United States Military Commission

JADB JCADIS Joint Air Defense Board Joint Continental Aerospace Defense Integration Staff

JADOC JCAE Joint Air Defense Operation Center Joint Committee on Atomic Energy

JADREP JCCRG Joint Resource Assessment Data Base Report Joint Command and Control Requirements Group

JAGC JCDSIPS Judge Advocate General’s Corps Joint Continental Defense Systems Integration Planning Staff

JAIEG JCI Joint Atomic Information Exchange Group Joint Communications Instruction

JAMAC JCL Joint Aeronautical Materials Agency job control language

JAMB JCOC Joint Air Movements Board Joint civilian orientation conference

JAMPO JCP Joint Allied Military Petroleum Office (NATO) Joint Committee on Printing

JAMTO JCPX Joint Airlines Military Traffic Office Joint Command Post Exercise

JAN JCS Joint Army–Navy Joint Chiefs of Staff

JANAF JCSAN Joint Army–Navy–Air Force Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network (Communications Network)

JANAP JCSE Joint Army–Navy–Air Force publication Joint Communications Support Element

JANAST JCSIDBAD Joint Army–Navy–Air Force Sea Transportation Message Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge

JAOC JD Joint Air Operations Center Julian date

JAPO Joint Area Petroleum Office Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan

JATCC JEOCN Joint Air Traffic Control Center Joint European Operational Communications Network

JATO JFTX jet assisted takeoff joint field training exercise

JATP JFUB Joint Air Transportation Plan Joint Facilities Utilization Board

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:28:36 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 59 PN 61 FILE: r130.fil JGSDF JOPREP Japanese Ground Self–Defense Forces Joint Operational Reporting System

JIC JOPS Joint Intelligence Center Joint Operations Planning System

JICA JOSPRO Joint Intelligence Collecting Agency Joint Overseas Shipping Procedure

JICS JOSS Joint Intelligence Coordination Staff, CIA Joint Overseas Switching System

JIEP JOTC Joint Intelligence Estimate for Planning Jungle Operations Training Center

JIFDATS JOVIAL Joint Services Inflight Data Transmission System Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language

JILO JP Joint Information Liaison Office jet pilot

JIO JPA Joint Information Office Japan Procurement Agency

JLRB JPAM Joint Logistics Review Board Joint Program Assessment Memorandum

JLRSE JPB Joint Long Range Strategic Estimate Joint Procurement Board

JLRSS JPG Joint Long Range Strategic Study Jefferson Proving Ground

JMCOL JPMR JUMPS monthly compute output listing Joint Projected Manpower Requirements

JMEM JPO Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual Joint Petroleum Office

JMPAB JPPSOWA Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board Joint Personal Property Shipping Office, Washington, DC

JMPTC JRB Joint Military Packaging Training Center Joint Reconnaissance Board

JMRO JRC Joint Medical Regulating Office Joint Reconnaissance Center

JMTB JRDOD Joint Military Transportation Board Joint Research and Development Objectives Document

JMTG JRMTO Joint Military Group Joint Rail Military Traffic Office

JMUA JROTC Joint Meritorious Unit Award Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps

JMUSDC JRS Joint Mexican–United States Defense Commission joint reporting structure

JN JSAM jet navigation Joint Service Achievement Medal

JNACC JSARC Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center Joint Search and Rescue Center

JOD JSCM joint occupancy date Joint Service Commendation Medal

JOEG JSCO Joint Operations Evaluation Group Joint Staff Communications Office

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 60 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:28:42 PN 62 FILE: r130.fil JSCP JUWTF Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force

JSEP JWBC Job Skills Education Program Joint Whole Blood Center

JSMB JWF Joint Sealift Movements Board job work folder

JSO JWGA Joint Service Office Joint War Games Agency

JSPD JWTC Joint Strategic Planning Document Training Center

JSPDSA JXCG Joint Strategic Planning Document Supporting Analysis Joint Exercise Control Group

JSSC 2–11. “K” listings Joint Strategic Survey Committee KAAP JSTPS Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff KATUSA JTA Korean Augmentation to United States Army joint table of allowances KFL JTB Key Facilities List Joint Transportation Board kHz JTCCG kilohertz Joint Technical Configuration Control Group KIA JTD killed in action joint table(s) of distribution KIP key intelligence position JTF joint task force km kilometer(s) JTFREP joint task force reports KMAG United States Army Advisory Group, Korea JTG joint task group KMPH kilometers per hour JTR Joint Travel Regulations KMR Kwajalein Missile Range JTX joint training exercise KSC Korean Service Corps JUMPS Joint Uniform Military Pay System KSM JUSMAG Joint United States Military Advisory Group KWAJ Kwajalein Atoll JUSMAGG Joint United States Military Aid Group to 2–12. “L” listings

JUSMAP LA Joint United States Military Advisory and Planning Group Letter of activation; low altitude

JUSMG LAA Joint United States Military Group limited access authorization

JUSMMAT LAAP Joint United States Military Mission for Aid to Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant

JUWAT LAAW Joint Unconventional Warfare Assessment Team Legal Automated Army–Wide

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:28:47 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 61 PN 63 FILE: r130.fil LAB LB laboratory litter bearer; landing beach

LABS LBAD low–altitude bomb aiming systems Lexington–

LAC LCA local agency check launcher control area (missile); Logistic Control Activity

LACE LCAAP local automatic circuit exchange Lake City Army Ammunition Plant

LAD LCC liquid agent detector; latest arrival date , control; logistic control code

LADA LCCB light air defense artillery local configuration control board

LAIR LCCE Army Institute of Research (San Francisco, CA) life cycle cost estimate

LAIT LCDR Logistics Assistance and Instruction Team

LAMC LCI Letterman Army Medical Center launcher control indicator

LAMCS LCL American Military Communications System less than carload

LANCRAB LCM landing craft and bases landing craft, mechanized; life cycle management

LANDSOUTH LCMM Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe life–cycle management model

LANDSOUTHEAST LCO Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe launching control officer

LANTCOM LCOP United States Atlantic Command Logistics Control Office, Pacific

LAO LCSS Logistic Assistance Office land combat support system

LAOCIF LCVP Logistic Assistance Office Command Interest Flasher landing craft, vehicle, personnel

LAR LD local acquisition radar line of departure; line of duty

LARC LDC lighter amphibious resupply cargo local defense center; logistics data center

LASER LD is FFD light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation line of departure is friendly forward disposition

LASH LD is PPos lighter aboard ship line of departure is present positions

LASL LDL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory lower deviation level

LAT LDMX latitude local digital message exchange

LAW LDP light antitank weapon local data processor lb ldr pound(s) leader

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 62 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:28:53 PN 64 FILE: r130.fil LDSRA LJ U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y L o g i s t i c s D o c t r i n e S y s t e m s a n d R e a d i n e s s LITTLE JOHN Agency LLEIS LE lower level end item sub–division low explosive LM LEAD Legion of Merit LMI LEG Logistics Management Institute logistical expediting group LMMF LEM Local maintenance and management of facilities lunar excursion module LN LERTCON local national(s) alert condition LNDH LES local nationals, direct hire leave and earnings statement LO LF letter orders; local oscillator; lubrication order low frequency LO LFCS liaison officer land forces classification system LOA LFNGFT light observation aircraft landing force naval gunfire team LOC lgth lines of communication (logistic routes) length loc locality; locate; located; locating; location LGTHCOLM length of column LOCPORT lines of communications ports LHA local hour angle LOFAAD low–altitude forward area air defense LHAAP Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant log logistics; logistical LI line item LOGC logistics center LIBMISH United States Military Mission, LOGCAP logistical civil augmentation program LICROSS (Cablese) League of International Red Cross Societies LOGDESMAP D O D L o g i s t i c s D a t a E l e m e n t S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n a n d M a n a g e m e n t LID Program division LOGDESMO LIDB D O D L o g i s t i c s D a t a E l e m e n t S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n a n d M a n a g e m e n t logistics intelligence data base Office

LIF LOGEX logistics intelligence file/layaway of industrial facilities logistical exercise

LIM LOGMAP losing inventory manager The Army Logistics System Master Plan

LIMDIS LOGMIS limited distribution Logistics Management Information System

LIN LOGOIS line item number Logistics Operation Information System

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:28:58 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 63 PN 65 FILE: r130.fil LOGPLAN LPMES DOD Logistics Systems Plan Logistics Performance Measurement and Evaluation System

LOGR LPR logistical ratio leadership potential rating; local payment receipt

LOGS lps logistics supportability loops

LOGSACS LP–T Logistics Structure and Composition System limited production–test

LOH LP–U light observation helicopter limited production–urgent

LOI LR letter of instruction; list of items leave rations; long range; letter requirement

LOMAD LRA low–to–medium–altitude air defense long–range aviation long LRADP longitude long–range active duty program

LOP LRL Logistics Officer Program Lawrence Radiation Laboratory Thomas

LOPAIR LRNOD long path infrared long–range night observation device

LOPAR LRO lower power acquisition radar logistics readiness officer

LOPS LRP length of patient stay long–range

LORAD LRR long–range air defense long–range radar loran LRRP long–range navigation long–range reconnaissance patrol

LOS LRSS logistic operation–streamline long–range survey system

LOTADS LRTGT long–term worldwide air defense study last–resort target

LOTS LRU logistics over the shore operations less–than–release unit

LP LS limited production labor service; launch station; lead sheet

LPD LSA low–performance drone Labor Service Agency

LPE LSAAP launch preparation equipment Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant

LPEC LSCP launch preparation equipment compartment low–speed card punch

LPES LSD launch preparation equipment set landing ship, dock

LPH LSE landing platform helicopter landing signal enlisted

LPM LSFA lines per minute logistic system feasibility analysis

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 64 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:29:04 PN 66 FILE: r130.fil LSFN LVTP list of selected file numbers landing vehicle, track, personnel

LSO LWOP landing signal officer leave without pay

LSOC LWR logistical support operations center local wage rate

LSP LZ logistical support plan landing zone

LSPC 2–13. “M” listings logistic system policy committee MA LSPTP machine accountant; marshaling area; monitoring agency low speed paper tape punch MAA LSS maximum authorized altitude; mission area analysis limited storage site; Logistic Support System MAAG LSSF Military Assistance Advisory Group Land Special Security Force; limited service storage facility MAAP LSSG Milan Army Ammunition Plant Logistics Studies Group MAB LST missile assembly building; mobile floating assault bridge–ferry (US) landing ship, tank MAC LSU maintenance allocation chart; Military Airlift Command; Maneuver labor service unit Area Command

LT MACA landing team, long tour Military Airlift Clearance Authority

Lt MACADS lieutenant MAC Automated Deployment Reporting System

LTB MACE line term buffer Military Air Cargo Export System

LTBT MACG limited test ban treaty marshalling area control group

LTC MACI military adaptation of commercial items

LTD MACO laser target designator Marshalling Area Control Officer

LTG MACOM major Army command

LTJG MACRIT lieutenant junior grade Manpower Requirements Criteria ltr MACS letter Marine air control

LUPS MADAEC logistics unit productivity study Military Application Division of the Atomic Energy Commission

LUF MADM lowest usable frequency medium atomic demolition munition lv MAERU leave mobile ammunition evaluation and reconditioning unit

LVD MAF low–velocity drop Marine Amphibious Forces

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:29:09 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 65 PN 67 FILE: r130.fil MAFC MAR–1 major Army field command multifunction array radar (R&D at WSMR)

MAG MARAD Military Advisory Group Maritime Administration

MAHC MARCE maximum allowable housing cost Materiel Asset Redistribution Center, Europe

MAI MARISP Military Assistance Institute Maritime Strike Plan

MAIN MARKS military authorization identification number Modern Army Record–keeping System maint MARS maintain; maintained; maintenance Military Affiliate Radio System

MAIT MAS maintenance assistance and instruction team Military Agency for Standardization

MAJ MASER major microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

MAL MASF materiel allowance list Military Assistance Service Funded

MAM MASH military air movement number mobile army surgical hospital

MAMC MASL Madigan Army Medical Center military assistance articles and services list

M&G MASS mapping and geodesy Marine air support squadron; Modern Army Supply System

M&I MASSTER modernization and improvement Modern Army Selected System test, evaluation, and review

MANIX MAST machine aids to Nike–X military assistant to safety and traffic

MANPAD MASTARAV man–portable air defense master army aviator

MAO MAT mailing address only Mechanical Aptitude Test

M&O mat maintenance and operation material; materiel

M&R MATCH maintenance and repair MTMC Automated Transportation Scheduler

MAP MATCO Military Assistance Program Military Air Traffic Coordinating Office(r)

MAPP MATES manpower and personnel plan mobilization and training equipment site

MAPROS MAW maintain production schedules medium antitank weapon

MAP–TOE MAWLOGS Management Practices in TOE Units Models of the U.S. Army Worldwide Logistics System

MAPU max multiple address processing unit maximum

MAR MBA major assembly release; multifunction array radar minimum burst altitude; main battle area

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 66 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:29:15 PN 68 FILE: r130.fil MBC MCI manual battery control meal, combat, individual

MBD MCM manual burst disable Manual for Courts–Martial

MBFR MCN mutual and balanced force reduction management control number

MBGE MCP missile–borne guidance equipment medical continuation pay; Military construction plan

MBGTS MCR missile–borne guidance test set master change record; Master Control Record System

MBO MCREP motor burn out; management by objectives Military Committee Representative to the North Atlantic Council

MBOL MCSTSC motor burn out locking Military Communications System Technical Standards Committee

MBPA MCT Military Blood Program Agency Mobile Contact Teams

MBPAS MCW Monthly Bulk Petroleum Accounting Summary modulated continuous wave

MBPO MD Military Blood Program Office materiel development; movement directive

MBRV MDA maneuverable ballistic reentry vehicle military damage assessment; minimum descent altitude

MBT M–day ; motor burning time mobilization–day

MC MDC ; Member of Congress; military characteristics movement designator code

MCA MDFMR Military Construction, Army; minimum crossing altitude M–day force materiel requirement

MCAAP MDL McAlester Army Ammunition Plant management data list; material deviation list

MC&G MDMR mapping, charting, and geodesy M–Day materiel requirement

MCAR MDP Military Construction, Army Reserve meteorological datum plane

MCARNG MDR Military Construction, Army National Guard maintenance data report

MCB MDS mobile construction battalion mail distribution scheme; maintenance data system

MCC MDU Military Coordinating Committee; movement control center mine disposal unit; mobile development units

MCCUSCUSRPG MDW Military Coordinating Committee (US Element CUSRPG) United States Army Military District of Washington

MCD ME manipulative communication deception Middle East

MCEB me Military Communications–Electronics Board multiengine mchan MEAD multichannel Memphis Army Depot

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:29:20 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 67 PN 69 FILE: r130.fil MEADS memo maintenance engineering analysis data system memorandum meas MENS measure Mission Element Need Statement

MEB MEPCOM Marine expeditionary brigade United States Military Enlistment Processing Command mech MEPS mechanic; mechanical; mechanist; mechanized Military Entrance Processing Stations

MECHTRAM MESM mechanization of selected transportation reports multi–echelon supply model

MECK met Meck Island meteorological; meteorology

MEBD METOXI Medical Evaluation Board military effectiveness in a toxin environment

MEDCAP METS Medical Civic Action Program Mechanized Export Traffic System

MEDCASE METT medical care support equipment mission, enemy, terrain, and troops

MEDCEN METT–T United States Army Medical Center mission, enemy, terrain, troops and time available

MEDCOOP MEU medical continuity of operations plan Marine expeditionary unit

MEDDAC MEW medical department activity microwave early warning

MEDDS MEWTA medical data specialist missile electronic warfare technical area (WSMR)

MEDEVAC MF medical evacuation Medal of Freedom

MEDICARE MFA medical care military functions appropriation

MEDMATS MFI Medical Materiel Management System issues

MEDMIS MFM Medical Management Information System missile farm monitor

MEDT MFO military equipment delivery team Multinational Force and Observers Medal

MEE MFOI minimum essential equipment major force oriented issues

MEECN MFR Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network memorandum for record

MEF MFS Marine expeditionary force missile firing station

MEIS MFSE Military Entomology Information Service main fire support element

MELG MFT Middle East Liaison Group mechanized flame-thrower

MEMLACTV mg memorial activities machinegun

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 68 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:29:26 PN 70 FILE: r130.fil MG MIDAS missile detection and alarm system

MGD MIDEASTFOR military geographic documentation Middle East Force

MGID MIDF military geographic information and documentation Major Item Data File

MGO MIDP military government officer major item distribution plan mgr MIIL manager master item identification list

MGRS mil military grid reference system military mgt MILCON management military construction

MGY Sgt MILDAT Master Gunnery Sergeant Military Damage Assessment Team

MH MILDEPS military history; Medal of Honor military departments

MHA MILPAC Medal for Humane Action Military Personnel Accounting Activity

MHCS MILPAC I mental hygiene consultation service United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity I

MHD MILPAC III medical holding detachment; military history detachment United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity III

MHE MILPAC V materials handling equipment United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity V

MHz MILPAC VI megahertz United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity VI

MI MILPERCEN middle initial; United States Army Military Personnel Center

MIA MILPO Missile Intelligence Agency military personnel office(s)

MIA MILSCAP missing in action Military Standard Contract Administration Procedures

MIAC MILSTAAD material identification and accounting code Military Standard Activity Address Directory

MIAS MILSTAMP AMC Major Item Automated System Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures

MIBARS MIL–STD military intelligence battalion, air reconnaissance support military standard

MIC MILSTEP Management Information Center Military Supply and Transportation Evaluation Procedures

MICB MILSTICCS Meck Island control building Military Standard Item Characteristics Coding Structure

MICV MILSTRAP mechanized infantry combat vehicle Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures

MID MILSTRIP message input device; military intelligence detachment Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:29:32 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 69 PN 71 FILE: r130.fil MILVAN MLC military–owned demountable container master labor contract

MIMS MLCAEC Major Item Management System Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission min MLCP minimum; minute mobile land command post

MINUET MLES minimum energy trajectory model multiple line encryption system

MIP MLF management improvement program multilateral force

MIPA MLP missile procurement, Army master logistics plan

MIPR MLS Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request microwave landing system

MIR MM master inventory record Medal for Merit

MIRAC MMA Management Information Research Assistance Center medical materiel account

MIRADCOM MMBP United States Army Missile Research and Development Command military medical benefits property

MIRCOM MMC United States Army Missile Materiel Readiness Command Materiel Management Center MMCMP MIS Mobilization, Military and Civilian Manpower Program management information systems MME misc missile maintenance equipment miscellaneous MMLME MISO Mediterranean, Mediterranean Litoral, and/or Middle East Management Information Systems Office MMM MISPC medical materiel manager mechanized infantry proficiency course MMMC MISR Medical Materiel Management Center Major Item Status Report MMMR MITE medical materiel mission reserve missile integration terminal equipment MMPC MITP Mobilization Materiel Procurement Capability master intern training plan MMPDABC MIUTC M e d i c a l M a t e r i e l P r o g r a m f o r D e f e n s e A g a i n s t B i o l o g i c a l a n d Military Intelligence Unit Training Center Chemical Agents

MkmQualBad MMPF Qualification Badge master military pay file

MKTU MMPNC marksmanship training unit medical materiel program for nuclear casualties

ML MMPVS military payroll money lists; mission load modified military pay voucher system ml MMR molder minimum marginal return; Mobilization Material Requirement

MLB MMS metallic link multi–mission ship

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 70 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:29:37 PN 72 FILE: r130.fil MMT MOM m a n u f a c t u r i n g m e t h o d s a n d t e c h n o l o g y ; m i s s i l e m a i n t e n a n c e military official mail technician MOM–user MMY maintenance operations management user military man–years MOP MNBA military operations minimum normal burst altitude MOPP MNC mission–oriented protection posture major NATO MORSL MNECP mobilization reserve stockage list mobile national emergency command posts MORTREP MO Mortar Bombing Report movement orders MOS MOA major operating system; military occupational specialty medium observation aircraft; area; Memorandum of Agreement MOSAR modulation scan array radar MOB main operating base MOSC military occupational specialty code mob mobilize MOT military ocean terminal; month of travel MOBDES MOTBA mobilization designee Military Ocean Terminal, Bay Area MOBIDIC MOTBY mobile digital computer Military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne MOBTDA MOTKI mobilization table of distribution and allowances Military Ocean Terminal, King’s Bay

MOBU MOTSU mobilization base units Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point

MOC MOU management of change Memorandum of Understanding

MOCA MOUT minimum obstruction clearance altitude military operations on urbanized terrain

MOD MOV Ministry of Defense; miscellaneous obligation document military–owned vehicle

MODB mov Military Occupational Data Bank movement

MODEM MOVP modulation/demodulation equipment military–owned vehicle plan

MODS MOVS Mobility Planning Data System military owned–vehicle service

MOE MOWASP measure(s) of effectiveness mechanization of warehousing and shipping procedures

MOGAS MP motor gasoline military police

MOI MP military occupational information Military Police Corps

MOL MPA machine oriented language; manned orbiting laboratory Military Personnel, Army; Missile Procurement, Army

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:29:43 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 71 PN 73 FILE: r130.fil MPC MRA military payment certificate machine records activity; minimum reception altitude

MPCSW MRB multipurpose close support weapon motorized rifle battalion

MPD MRBM maximum permissible dosage mid–range ballistic missile

MPE MRC maximum permissible exposure materiel release confirmation; Mississippi River Commission; mo- torized rifle company; manpower requirements change MPH miles per hour MRCP mobile radar control post MPI Military Police Investigator MRCPA Mobilization Reserve Components Program of the Army mpk manpack MRD mandatory retirement date; Materiel Redistribution Division; Mate- MPL riel Release Denial maintenance parts lists MRE MPM mid–range estimate major program memorandum; maintenance program management MRF MPMIS mission reliability factor Military Police Management Information System MRL MPO multiple rocket launcher military pay order; military post office MRLOGAEUR MPOI minimum required logistics augmentation Europe master program of instruction MRM maintenance reporting and management MPOM maintenance program operations management MRMO Mobilization Reserve Materiel Objective MPPRC Materiel Procurement Priorities Review Committee MRMPO Mobilization Reserve Materiel Procurement Objective MPPWCOM Military Police Prisoner of War Command MRMR Mobilization Reserve Materiel Requirement MPR military pay record MRO materiel release order; medical regulating office(r); message releas- MPRJ ing officer; motor route order number Military Personnel Records Jacket, US Army MRPF MPS maintenance of real property facilities materiel planning study; multipurpose ship MRR MPSA materiel readiness report; motorized Military Postal Service Agency MRRC MPT Materiel Requirements Review Committee military potential test MRS MP(TSWG) memo routing slip; mobilization requirement study; mobilization Military Police Tripartite Standing Working Group reserve stocks

MPV MRSI military pay voucher mobilization requirements, secondary items

MPVSCS MRV military pay voucher summary and certification sheets multiple reentry vehicle

MR MS machine records; manufacturer’s representative; marginal return military science; Medical Service Corps

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 72 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:29:48 PN 74 FILE: r130.fil MSA MSPG medical services account; morale support activities materiel support planning guidance

MSAAB MSR Military Services Ammunition Allocation Board main supply route

MSAAP MSR Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant missile site radar

MSAO MSS medical services accountable officer military supply standard

MSC MST Materiel Status Committee; Medical Service Corps; Military Sealift mechanics support team Command; major subordinate command MSTACCMB MSCA Master Aircraft Crewman Badge military support to civil authorities MSTARAVB MSCB Master Army Aviator Badge missile site control building MSTDIVB MSCD Master Diver Badge Military Support of Civil Defense MSTFLSB MSD Master Flight Surgeon Badge minimum safe distance MSTPRCHT MSDP Master Parachute Badge missile site data processor MSTEODBAD MSDPS Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge missile site data processing system MT MSDPSS mechanical time; megaton, military training; ; me- missile site data processing subsystem chanical transport

MSE MTA materiel status evaluation; missile support element MAC (Military Airlift Command) transportation authorization; ma- jor training area MSF mobile striking force MTB motor torpedo boat MSG master sergeant MTBF mean–time–between–failure msg message MTBFA mean–time–between–false–alarms msgr messenger MTC Maneuver Training Command MSGR mobile support group MTDA modification table of distribution and allowances MSM Meritorious Service Medal MTF medical treatment facility msn mission MTI moving target indicator MSO military service obligation; Morale Support Officer MTLR moving target locating radar MSP maintenance support plan; medium speed printer; Mutual Support MTMC Program Military Traffic Management Command

MSPB MTMCEA Merit Systems Protection Board Military Traffic Management Command Eastern Area

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:29:54 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 73 PN 75 FILE: r130.fil MTMCTEA MVSS Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engineering motor vehicle storage shed Agency mwave MTMCTTU microwave Military Traffic Management Command transportation terminal unit MWDDEA MTMCWA Mutual Weapons Development Data Exchange Agreement Military Traffic Management Command Western Area MWDP MTOE Mutual Weapons Development Program modification table of organization and equipment MWO MTR modification work order missile tracking radar MWR MTS morale, welfare, and recreation missile test station 2–14. “N” listings MTSQ mechanical time, superquick NA not applicable MTT mobile training team NAAD Navajo Army Depot MTTR mean–time–to–repair NAADS New Army Authorization Documents System MTU NAAG mobile training unit NATO Army Armaments Group MTX NAAP Military Traffic Expediting Service New Port Army Ammunition Plant MUC NAC Meritorious Unit Commendation National Agency Check MUF NACI maximum usable frequency National Agency Check and written inquiries

MUL NACOM DOD master urgency list Northern Area Command

MURF NADAC materiel utilization reference file National Damage Assessment Center

MUSARC NADEFCOL Major United States Army Reserve Command NATO Defense College

MUST NADGE medical unit, self–contained, transportable NATO Air Defense Ground Environment

MUTA NAF Multiple Unit Training Assembly nonappropriated fund(s)

MV NAFAG manpower voucher; muzzle velocity NATO Air Force Armaments Group

MVA NAFI Modern Volunteer Army Nonappropriated fund instrumentality

MVAP NAGE Modern Volunteer Army Program Nato Air Defense Group Environment

MVD NAIC Army Motor Vehicle Driver Selection Battery accident and incident control

MVSB NAICC motor vehicle storage building Nuclear Accident Incident Control Center

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 74 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:29:59 PN 76 FILE: r130.fil NAICO NCE Nuclear Accident and Incident Control Officer nuclear capability exercise

NAICP NCIC nuclear accident and incident control plan National Crime Information Center

NAMAP NCMC Northern Air Material Area, Pacific NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex

NAMFI NCO NATO Missile Firing Installation noncommissioned officer

NAMILCOM NCOA NATO Military Committee Noncommissioned Officer Academy

NAMILPO NCOES NATO Military Posture Noncommissioned Officer Education System

NAMS NCOIC Nurses and Army Medical Specialists Noncommissioned officer in charge

NAMSA NCOLP NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency Noncommissioned Officer Logistics Program

NAR NCOOM no answer (action) required noncommissioned officers open mess

NARC NCOPDR Non–Automatic Relay Center NCO Professional Development Ribbon

NARS NCR National Archives and Records Service National Capital Region

NASA NCS National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Communications System; net control station

NATO NCSO North Atlantic Treaty Organization naval control of shipping officer

NAWAS NDA national warning system National Defense Area

NB NDB nonbattle nondirectional radio beacon

NBC NDCC nuclear, biological, chemical National Defense Cadet Corps

NBCD NDDC Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense NORAD Division Direction Center

NBCDCE NDDP Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Control Element NATO Defense Data Program

NBCE NDMTB Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Element nondeployment mobilization troop basis

NBPRP NDP National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice National Disclosure Policy nc NDPC no change National Military Information Disclosure Policy Committee

NCA NDSM national command authority National Defense Service Medal

NCAD NDU New Cumberland Army Depot National Defense University

NCC NE NORAD control center northeast

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:30:04 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 75 PN 77 FILE: r130.fil NEA NGB Northeast Asia National Guard Bureau

NEACP NGLO National Emergency Airborne Command Post naval gunfire liaison officer

NEAR NGR National Emergency Alarm Repeater System National Guard regulation nec NHMILCOM necessary NATO Hawk Military Committee

NECC NHMO Northeast Computer Center NATO Hawk Management Office

NEGRSBM NHPC negative report submitted NATO Hawk Production Organization

NEI NIC new equipment introduction National Inventors Council

NEIT NICP new equipment introductory team national inventory control point; nuclear incident control plan

NEMP NIDCC nuclear electromagnetic pulse National Internal Defense Coordination Center

NEO NIE noncombatant evacuation order National Intelligence Estimate

NEPR NIEM NATO electronic parts recommendation national industrial engineering mission NIER NEPRS national industrial equipment reserve New Equipment Personnel Requirements Summary NIGA NERRA neutron induced gamma activity New Equipment Resources Requirements Analysis NIH NESCNSC National Institutes of Health Net Evaluation Subcommittee, NSC NIIN NEST national item identification number National Emergency Survivable Troop System NIP NET Notice of Intelligence Potential new equipment training; nuclear emergency team NIPR NETC national industrial plant reserve National Emergency Transportation Center NIS NETP national intelligence survey; National Interdepartmental Seminar; new equipment training program not in stock

NETR NLABS NATO electronic technical recommendation Natick Laboratories

NFE NLOLANY not fully equipped Netherlands Orange Lanyard

NFIB NLRB National Foreign Intelligence Board National Labor Relations Board, Department of Labor

NFL NLT no fire line not later than

NFPA nm National Fire Protection Association nonmetallic

NG NMAS the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard NATO military authorities

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 76 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:30:10 PN 78 FILE: r130.fil NMB NOIBN National Mediation Board, Department of Labor not otherwise indicated by name

NMCC NOK National Military Command Center next of kin

NMCS NOLOC National Military Command System no location

NMCSSC nom National Military Command System Support Center nominate; nominee

NMI NONA no middle initial notice of nonavailability

NMIL noncit new materiel introductory letter noncitizen

NMP NONCOMECM national maintenance point noncommunications electronics countermeasures

NMPC NONCOMJAM National Maintenance Publications Center noncommunications jamming

NMS NOR new manning system notice of revision

NMSC NORAD National Merit Scholarship Corporation North American Air Defense Command

NMSQT NORIP National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test NORAD Intelligence Plan

NMSSA NORM NATO Maintenance Supply Service Agency not–operationally–ready maintenance

NMSSS NOROEC NATO Maintenance Supply Service System NORAD Operational Employment Concept

NNAG NORQR NATO Navy Armaments Group NORAD Qualitative Requirement

NNE NORS north–northeast not operationally ready supply

NNSC NORTHAG Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission northern Army group

NNSN NPFS no national stock number no prior or current Federal service

NNW NPP north–northwest National Policy Paper no NPRC number National Personnel Records Center

NOA NPS new obligation authority no prior service

NOD NPTC night observation device National Postal and Travelers Censorship

NODEX NPTCO new over the beach discharge exercise National Postal and Travelers Censorship Organization

NOE NQT nap–of–the–earth; notice of exception Nonlanguage Qualification Test

NOFT nr Notice of Foreign Travel nonregistered

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:30:16 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 77 PN 79 FILE: r130.fil NRA NSP National Rifle Association; nonregistered accountable Nuclear Strike Plan

NRAS SR Seventh Army Nuclear Release Authentication System no staff responsibility

NRBBAS NSRB Nuclear Reactor Operator Basic Badge National Security Resources Board

NRB1CL NSS Nuclear Reactor Operator, First Class Badge national stockpile site

NRB2CL NSTL Nuclear Reactor Operator, Second Class Badge national strategic target list

NRBSUPV NTCAVAL Nuclear Reactor Operator, Shift Supervisor Badge notice of availability NTE NRCC not to exceed NORAD region combat center NTI NREC no travel involved National Resource Evaluation Center NTS NRP Nevada Test Site; nontariff size nonregistered publication NTSB ns National Transportation Safety Board, Department of Transportation nonstandard NTTR NSA nontactical telecommunications requirement National Security Agency NUBICWOPS NSACSS nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare operations National Security Agency/Central Security Service nuc NSAM nuclear National Security Action Memorandum NUCAS NSAS nuclear authentication system Nuclear Sealed Authentication System NUCDEF NSC nuclear defense National Security Council; NATO Supply Center (an activity of NAMSA) NUCDETS nuclear detonation detection and reporting system NSC&MP national stock control and maintenance point NUCREP nuclear damage report NSI nonstandard item NUCWPN nuclear weapon(s) NSL nutr nuclear safety line; nonstockage list nutrition

NSLIN NVAL nonstandard line item number not available

NSM NW National Security Medal northwest

NSN NWAIB national stock number; NATO stock Nuclear Weapon Accident Investigation Board

NSO NWC National Security Office(r) National War College

NSOF NWCR Navy Special Operations Force Nuclear Weapons Correction Report

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 78 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:30:21 PN 80 FILE: r130.fil NWEO oblg nuclear weapons employment officer obligate

NWES obs nuclear weapons electronic specialist obstacle

NWMF obsn nuclear weapons maintenance foreman observation

NWMS OBT nuclear weapons maintenance specialist observer training

NWR OC nuclear weapons report ; operations central

NWSF OCA nuclear weapons storage facility Office of the Comptroller of the Army; operational control authority OCAR NWSS Office of the Chief, Army Reserve nuclear weapons support section OCAS NXDO Office, Coordinator of Army Studies NIKE–X Development Office OCB NXPM Operations Coordinating Board NIKE–X Project Manager OCC NXPO operational control console NIKE–X Project Office OCCH NXPRG Office of the Chief of Chaplains NIKE–X Program Review Group OCCIS NXSM Operational Command and Control Intelligence System NIKE–X System Manager OCCMED 2–15. “O” listings occupational medicine

OA OCCS on or about operational command and control system

OAD OCE operational availability data; ordered to active duty Office of the Chief of Engineers; officer conducting the exercise

O&M OCHAMPUS operation and maintenance; organization and methods Office for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uni- formed Services O&MFH operation and maintenance, family housing OCLL Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison OARB Oakland Army Base OCM on–condition maintenance OAS OCMH Organization of American States Office of the Chief of Military History

OAT OCO operational acceptance test operational capability objective ob OCONUS obsolete outside continental United States

OB OCP order of battle Office of Civilian Personnel; operational capability plan obj OCPA object; objective Office of the Chief of Public Affairs

OBLAUTH OCR obligation authority optical character reader

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:30:27 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 79 PN 81 FILE: r130.fil OCRE OET optical character recognition equipment Office of Emergency Transportation

OCS OF Officer Candidate School optional form

OCSA ofc Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army office

OCT OFEC Officer Candidate Test Office of Federal Employees’ Compensation

OD off officer of the day; Ordnance Corps officer

ODSCLOG OFGR Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics objective force gross requirement

ODCSOPS OFT Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations and observed fire trainer Plans OG ODCSPER officer of the guard Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel OHMP ODCSRDA United States Army Oral Health Maintenance Program Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition OIC officer in charge (of) ODDRE OICC Office of Director of Defense Research and Engineering officer in charge of construction ODRI OIDP Office of United States Defense Representative, Overseas Internal Defense Policy ODRP OIPAAR Office of Defense Representative, Office of Industrial Personnel Access Authorization Review

ODTS OIR optical discrimination and tracking system other intelligence requirements

ODWSA OIS Office of the Directorate of Weapon Systems Analysis operating information system

OE OISP organizational effectiveness overseas internal security program

OEA OJT organizational expense accounts on–the–job training

OEC OL operational employment concept operating level; operating location

OEG OLC organization and equipment guide Oak Leaf Cluster

OEL OLF organizational equipment list outlying field

OEM OLS on equipment materiel optical landing system

OEP OLSS Office of Emergency Planning; operational employment plan overseas limited storage site

OER OMA officer evaluation report Operation and Maintenance, Army

OERS OMAR officer evaluation reporting system Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 80 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:30:32 PN 82 FILE: r130.fil OMARNG OPA Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard Other Procurement, Army

OMB OPCODE Office of Management and Budget operations code

OMF OPCOM officer master file; operation and maintenance of facilities operational command

OMFBAA OPCON operation and maintenance of facilities budget activity account operational control

OMFCA OPD operation and maintenance of facilities cost account Officer Personnel Directorate, MILPERCEN

OMFSCA OPD operation and maintenance of facilities summary cost account officer distribution plan

OMIS OPED Office, Management Information Systems other pay entry date

OML OPF Order of Merit List official personnel folder

OMPF OPFOR official military personnel file opposing forces

OMPR ophth optical mark page reader ophthalmology

OMS OPLAN organizational maintenance shop operation plan OPM OMT O f f i c e o f P e r s o n n e l M a n a g e m e n t ; O f f i c e o f P r o c u r e m e n t a n d organizational maintenance technician Materiel OMTS OPMS organizational maintenance test station Officer Personnel Management System OMVTO OPORD office, motor vehicle transportation officer operation order

ONC OPR operational navigation chart operational project requirements

ONI OPRDY Office of Naval Intelligence operationally ready

ONR OPREP Office of Naval Research operational reporting

OO OPSEC on order operations security

OOAMA OPSTR Office, Ogden Air Material Area operating strength

OOM OQR officers’ open mess officer’s qualification record

OOSS OR overseas operational storage site operational readiness op ORA operate; operated; operation; operational; operator operations research analyst

OP ORB observation post; operational project Officer Record Brief

O/P ORCEN ownership/purpose code Overseas Records Center

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:30:38 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 81 PN 83 FILE: r130.fil ord OSS ordnance operational storage site

ORE OST operational readiness evaluation order ship time

ORF OSUT operational readiness float one station unit training org OT organize; organized; organization o b s e r v e r t a r g e t ; o c c u p a t i o n a l t h e r a p y – t h e r a p i s t ; o p e r a t i o n a l t e s t ; ORI operational readiness inspection OTAD oversea terminal arrival date ORIT operational readiness inspection test OTE operational test and evaluation ORLL OTEA Operational Reports–Lessons Learned Operational Test and Evaluation Agency

ORSA OTH Operations Research/Systems Analysis other than honorable conditions

ORT OTIG operational readiness training Office of The Inspector General

ORTP OTIS operational readiness training program ordnance telemetry instrumentation station

ORTT OTJAG Operational Readiness Training Test Office of The Judge Advocate General

OSA OTPMG Office of the Secretary of the Army; offshore acquisition; opera- Office of the Provost Marshal General tional support airlift OTRA OSC other than Regular Army organizational supply code OTSG OSD Office of The Surgeon General Office of the Secretary of Defense; over, short, and damaged report OTU OSDIDBAD operational training unit Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge OUDP OSHA Officer Undergraduate Degree Program Occupational Safety and Health Act OUSARMA OSI Office of the United States Army Attache Office of Strategic Information OVUREP OSIA overseas unit replacement system Office, Services and Information Agency OW orderwire OSP offshore procurement OWR obligated war reserves OSPE organizational spare parts and equipment OWRMS other war reserve materiel stocks OSR Overseas Service Ribbon 2–16. “P” listings

OSREPL P1 oversea replacement PERSHING 1

OSRET P1a oversea returnee PERSHING 1a

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 82 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:30:43 PN 84 FILE: r130.fil PA PAP pending availability; per annum; performance analysis; procurement personnel assistance point; product assurance plan appropriations; public affairs; proponent agency; privacy act P&A PAA personnel and administration procurement of ammunition, Army P&E PAC propellants and explosives Personnel and Administration Center; pursuant to authority con- tained in P&P procurement and production PACAS Patient Care System PAR perimeter acquisition radar; precision approach radar PACDA Personnel and Administration, Combat Development Activity para paragraph PACOM Pacific Command PARB Perimeter Acquisition Radar Building PAD preferred arrival date; Public Affairs Division PARC principal assistant for contracting PADAR program approval disposal and redistribution PARD Personnel Actions and Records Directorate, MILPERCEN PADMIS Patient Administration Information System PARDP perimeter acquisition radar data processor PADO proposed advanced development objective paren parenthesis PADOC pay adjustment document PARR Program Assessment Review Report PAECT pollution abatement and environmental control technology parsq pararescue PAG project advisory group PASS Procurement Aging and Staging System PAGE piston arrestment gas entrapment system (Sprint Launch Cell) PASTRAM Passenger Traffic Management System PAHO Pan American Health Organization PAT Pattern Analysis Test; priority air travel; production acceptance test PAILS Publication Automated Information Locator System PATCENT patching central PAL permissive action link PAV personnel allotment voucher PALR permissive action link report PB property book PALSG Personnel and Logistics Systems Group PBA Bluff Arsenal PAM Department of the Army Partial Mobilization Expansion Plan; prior- PBAC ities and allocations manual Program Budget Advisory Committee pam PB–AESRS pamphlet property book–Army Equipment Status Reporting System

PAMUSA PBD Post Attack Mobilization of the United States Army program/budget decision

PAO PBEIST primary action office; public affairs office(r) Planning Board European Inland Surface Transport

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:30:49 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 83 PN 85 FILE: r130.fil PBG PCS Program Budget Guidance permanent change of station; post, camp, or station; physically con- trolled space PBI partial background investigation PCU printed control unit PBO property book officer PCV passenger carrying vehicle PBOS Planning Board for Ocean Shipping PCW previously complied with PBR PD precision bombing range procurement directive; priority designator

PBS PDA production base support present duty assignment option; property disposal agent

PBX P–DAY branch exchange (tel) Production Day

PC PDC port call; purchasing and contracting; personal computer Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee for Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; proficiency data PCA card permanent change of assignment PDCO PCB property disposal contracting officer printed circuit board PDD PCC priority delivery date postal concentration center PDDLS PCCB Post D–Day Logistic Support Project Configuration Control Board PDE PCCN prospective data element port call control number PDF point detonating fuze; principal direction of fire PCCU Punched card control unit PDIP Program Development Increment Package PCD program change decision PDM Program Decision Memorandum PCF personnel control facility PDO property disposal officer PCHT packaging, crating, handling, and transportation PDP procurement data package; program definition phase PCM planning and control memorandum; pulse code modulation; punched PDR card machine Philippine Defense Ribbon

PCMS PDS punched card machine systems personnel daily summary; program data sheets; protected distribu- tion system PCN PDT–1 project control number Picatinny Arsenal Detonation Trap Number 1

PCO PDY procuring contracting officer; publications control officer principal duty

PCP PE passenger control point post engineer; probable error; program element

PCR PEA Program Change Request primary expense account

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 84 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:30:54 PN 86 FILE: r130.fil PEB PERSIR Physical Evaluation Board personnel inventory report

PEC PERSPROC production equipment code personnel processing

PEBD PERSTATREP pay entry basic date personnel status report ped pert pediatrics pertain

PED PERT Personnel–Equipment Data; promotion eligibility date Program Evaluation and Review Technique

PEM PESD production engineering measure; phased equipment modernization program execution sub–directive

PEMA PETN procurement of equipment and munition appropriations Pentaerythritoltetranitrate

PEMARS PETS Procurement of Equipment and Missiles, Army Management and prior to expiration of term of service Accounting Reporting System PF PENAIDS performance factor; pneumatic float penetration aids PFC PEO program evaluation office pfdr PEP producibility engineering and planning; United States Army Person- PFDRBAD nel Exchange Program Pathfinder Badge PEQUA PFNS production equipment agency position fixing navigation system

PERDDIMS PFO Personnel Deployment and Distribution Management System postal finance officer

PERG PFR production equipment redistribution group personal financial record

PERI PFRT production equipment redistribution inventory preliminary flight rating test (Sprint)

PERINTREP PFT periodic intelligence report portable flame-thrower

PERINTSUM PG periodic intelligence summary permanent grade; post graduate; proving ground perm PGRC permanent Program Guidance and Review Committee

PERMACAP PH Personnel Management and Accounting Card Processors Purple

PERMAS ph Personnel Management Assistance System phase pers PHIBRON personnel amphibious squadron

PERSEXP PHILPUC personal expense money Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation Badge

PERSINSD photo Personnel Information Systems Directorate, MILPERCEN photograph; photographer; photographic; photography

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:30:59 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 85 PN 87 FILE: r130.fil PHAROS PLOM phased–array radar operational simulation Prescribed Loan Optimization Model

PI PLR position indicator; programmed instruction; public information Philippine Liberation Ribbon

IBAL plt pilot–balloon observation pallet; platoon

PIBD PLT point initiating, base detonating pipeline time; procurement lead time

PIBL PLUCON PEMA Item Baseline List plutonium decontamination emergency teams

PID PM public information division postmaster; preventive maintenance; project manager PM PIF provost marshal pilot information file; place in inactive file; provision of industrial facilities pmap photomap PIIN procurement instrument identification number PMCS Preventive maintenance checks and services; program management PILO public information liaison officer PMCT permissive action link management control team PINS Personnel Information System PMDD Personnel Management Development Directorate, MILPERCEN PIP Product Improvement Program PMDL Post M–Day Deployment List PIR personnel information roster; Philippine Independence Ribbon PMF personnel master file; professional medical film PJBD Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada–United States PMI preventive maintenance inspection pl pipeline; place PMO personnel management officer; project management office PL public law; phase line PMOF Presidential Medal of Freedom PLADS parachute low altitude delivery system PMCS Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services; program management PLANAT control system North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Group (London) and the North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Subgroup (Paris) PMOS primary military occupational specialty PLC PMOSC platoon leaders class primary military occupational specialty code

PLD PMP probable line of deployment project master plan

PLL PMR prescribed load list Pacific Missile Range

PLM PMRMO power line modulation protectable mobilization reserve materiel objective

PLO PMRY passenger liaison office(r) Presidio of Monterey

PLOCSA PMS Personnel Liaison Officer, Chief of Staff, Army professor of military science; program management support

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 86 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:31:05 PN 88 FILE: r130.fil PN POPGUN part number policy and procedure governing the use of

PNL POR prescribed nuclear load preparation of replacements for oversea movement

PNMO PORT CAP provided no military objection exists Automated Port Call System for AIT Graduates

PNOK POS primary next of kin period of service

PNS POSD prescribed nuclear stockage personnel on station date

PNVAL POV previously not available privately owned vehicle

PNVD PP passive night vision devices parcel post; permanent party; physical profile

PO PP&C post office; previous orders; production offset production planning and control

POB PPB place of birth plans, program, budget

POC PPBS point of contact; privately owned conveyance planning, programming, and budgeting system

POD PPD port of debarkation proficiency pay designator PPF POE provision of production facilities port of embarkation PPG POI PEMA policy and guidance; personnel processing group; planning program(s) of instruction and programming guidance POL PPI petroleum, oils and lubricants plan position indicator

POLAD PPM political advisor position and pay management; program, project management; pulse position modulation POLIC Petroleum Intersectional Command PPN procurement program number POLIS petroleum intersectional service PPO publications and printing office POLO Pacific Command Operations Liaison Office PPR permanent pay record; prior permission required POM p r e p a r a t i o n f o r o v e r s e a m o v e m e n t ( u n i t s ) ; p r o g r a m o b j e c t i v e PPRC memorandum prepositioned receipt card

POMCUS PPREPT prepositioning of materiel configured to unit sets periodic personnel report

POMM PPS Preliminary Operating and Maintenance Manual pulses per second pon PPSC ponton physical profile serial code

POO PPSIA priority operational objective Pamphlet “Personnel Property Shipping Information” is applicable

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:31:10 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 87 PN 89 FILE: r130.fil PPSR PRIMAR periodic personnel strength report Program to Improve Management of Army Resources

PPT PRIME preproduction test priority management effort

PPWR pris prepositioned war reserves prisoner

PQEP pro Product Quality Evaluation Plan procedure; proceed; prophylactic

PQQPRI PROC p r o v i s i o n a l q u a l i t a t i v e a n d q u a n t i t a t i v e p e r s o n n e l r e q u i r e m e n t s proposed required operational capability information PRODUTAS PQR proceed on duty assigned personnel qualification roster PROFP PQS proficiency pay promotion qualification score proj pr project; projectile payroll PROJTRNS PR project transition procurement regulations; purchase request PROMAP PRA program for the refinement of the materiel acquisition process projected requisition authority PROMIS PRB project management information system Personnel Records Branch PRON PRC procurement request order number Passenger Reservation Center; personnel reporting code; People’s Republic of China pros prosthetic prcht parachute PROSIGN procedure PRCHTBAD Parachutist Badge prox proximity PRCM passive radiation countermeasure PRP performance, requirements, practices; Program Review Panel PRD personnel readiness date; Personnel Records Division; postal regu- prsmn lating detachment pressman prep prsvn prepare; prepared; preparation; preparatory preservation

PREPOSTOR PRT prepositioned storage Personnel Research Test

PRES100 PS Presidential’s Hundred Tab personnel subsystem; prior service, project stock

PRESS PSAC Pacific Range Electromagnetic Studies President’s Scientific Advisory Committee

PRETECHREP PS&ER preliminary technical report production support and equipment replacement

PRF PSAO personnel readiness file; pulse repetition frequency primary staff action officer

PRI PSC preliminary rifle instruction Personnel Service Company; price signal code

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 88 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:31:16 PN 90 FILE: r130.fil PSCO PSYWAR personnel survey control officer psychological warfare

PSD pt Personnel Service Division; port security detachment point

PSDS PT permanently separated from duty station physical training; production test

PSE PTA personnel subsystem elements; priority standardization effort primary target area; Picatinny Arsenal

PSF PTFMPO Presidio of San Francisco Peacetime Force Materiel Procurement Objective

PSG PTFMR PERSHING; platoon sergeant Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements psi PTFMR–A pounds per square inch Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements Acquisition

PSI PTFMR–R plan speed indicator Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements Retention

PSM PTGT Personnel Subsystem Manager primary target

PSNCO PTL personnel staff noncommissioned officer primary target line

PSO PTOS Primary Standardization Office; provisions supply office peacetime operating stock

PSP PTRF personnel subsystem process peacetime rate factor

PSPP PTRO proposed system package plan personnel transaction register by originator

PSPR PTSO personnel subsystem products personnel transaction summary by originator

PSR PTST parachute status report personnel transaction summary by type transaction

PSRD PUAD personnel shipment ready date Pueblo Army Depot Activity

PSRO pub passenger standing route order public; publication; publicity; publish

PSS PUCA personnel support system Presidential Unit Citation

PSSI PUE primary specialty skill identifier Presidential Unit Emblem

PST PULHES pass time; personnel subsystem team physical profile serial code (numerical)

PSTE pur personnel subsystem test and evaluation purchase; pursuant; pursuit

PSVCBAD PURA Presidential Service Badge PACOM Utilization and Redistribution Agency psych PV psychology production validation

PSYOP PV1&2 psychological operations Private E1 and E2

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:31:21 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 89 PN 91 FILE: r130.fil PVT QE Private quadrant elevation

PW QER prisoner of war; public works; pulse width qualitative equipment requirements

PWD QI procurement work directive quality increase

PWP QM plasticized white phosphorous quartermaster

PWRR QM Prepositioned War Reserve Requirements Quartermaster Corps

PWRR–MF QMA prepositioned war reserve requirement for medical facilities qualitative materiel approach QMAC PWRS Quadripartite Materiel and Agreements Committee prepositioned war reserve stock QMDO PWRS–MF qualitative materiel development objective prepositioned war reserve stocks for medical facilities QMO PWTN qualitative materiel objective power train QMP PWTCVA Qualitative Management Program procurement of weapons and tracked combat vehicles, Army QMR PX qualitative materiel requirement Army exchange QOL PY quality of life prior year QOR PYR qualitative operational requirements prior year report QPL 2–17. “Q” listings qualified products list

QA QQPRI quality assurance qualitative and quantitative personnel requirements information

QAMDO QRA Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Development Objective quick reaction alert

QAMR QRC Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Requirement Quadripartite Research Committee; quick reaction capability

QAPED QRI Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Design qualitative requirements information QRL QAPET Quadripartite Research List Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Test QRPS QAPST quick reaction procurement system Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Service Tests QRR QC Q u a l i t a t i v e R e s e a r c h R e q u i r e m e n t f o r N u c l e a r W e a p o n s E f f e c t s quality control information

QCI QS quality control information quota source

QCR QSAL qualitative construction requirement; quality control representative Quadripartite Standardization Agreements List

QDO QSOP Quadripartite Development Objective Quadripartite Standing Operating Procedures

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 90 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:31:27 PN 92 FILE: r130.fil QSS rada quick supply store radioactive

QSTAG RADAR Quadripartite Standardization Agreement radio detection and ranging

QTD RADAS quadruple terminal digits random access discrete address qtr RADCM quarter radar countermeasures and deception qty RADCON quantity radiological control

QTYDESREQ RAD/hr quantity desired as requested Rads per hour quad RADIAC quadrant radiation, detection, indication, and computation quar radl quarantine radiological; radiology ques RADLFO question mark radiological fallout

QWG RADLMON Quadripartite Working Group radiological monitor(ing)

2–18. “R” listings RADLOPS radiological operations r roentgen RADLSAFE radiological safety RA Regular Army RADLSO radiological survey officer RAAF Royal Australian Air Force RADLSV radiological survey RAAMS remote anti–armor mine system RADM RAAP Redford Army Ammunition Plant radn radiation RAC requisition advice care; Research Analysis Corporation RADOT recording automatic digital optical tracker RACC Reporting Activity Control Card RADREL radio relay RACE restoration of aircraft to combat effectivity RAF RACEP (communications system) random access correlation of extended RAG performance Regimental Artillery Group (OPFOR)

RACES RAGS radio amateur civil emergency service River Assault Groups

RACFOE RAM Research Analysis Corporation Field Office, Europe random access memory; reliability, availability, and maintainability

RACOMS RAMD rapid combat mapping service receiving agency materiel division

RAD RAM–D regional accountable depot; return to active duty reliability, availability, maintainability, and durability

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:31:32 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 91 PN 93 FILE: r130.fil R&D RAWINSONDE research and development radiosonde and radar wind sounding (combined)

R&DELSEC RBAAP research and development electronic security Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant

RAMMS RBE responsive automated materiel management relative biological effectiveness

R&A RBN review and analysis radio beacon

R&R RBP rest and recuperation ration breakdown point

R&U RBS repairs and utilities Random Barrage System

RANXPE RC resident Army Nike–X project engineer Radio Code Aptitude Area; Reserve Components

RAP RCACS rear area protection; rocket–assisted projectile USREDCOM Command and Control System

RAPCO RCAF Regional Air Priorities Control Office

RAPCON RCAT radar approach control center radio–controlled aerial target

RAPIDS RCCC Random Access Personnel Information Dissemination System Reserve Component Career Counselor

RAPP RCCF registered air parcel post Reserve Components Contingency Force

RAS RCDC rear area security radar course directing central

RASC RCDCB rear area security controller Regional Civil Defense Coordination Boards

RASCC RCERIP Rear Area Security Control Center Reserve Component Equipment Readiness Improvement Program

RASO RCF rear airfield supply organization repair cycle float

RASPE RCID Resident Army Senscom Project Engineer recruiter code identification

RATCC RCLG Radar Air Traffic Control Center (US Navy) recoilless gun

RATEL RCLO radiotelephone reports control liaison officer

RATELO RCLR radiotelephone operator recoilless rifle

RATG RCM radiotelegram; radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphic; radiotelegraphy radar countermeasures

RATO RCN rocket assisted takeoff Royal Canadian Navy; record control number

RATT RCO radio teletypewriter reports control officer

RAWIN RECONDO radar wind sounding Reconnaissance Commando Doughboy

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 92 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:31:38 PN 94 FILE: r130.fil RCPA REARM Reserve Components Program of the Army Army program for renovation of armament manufacturing

RCPAC recap United States Army Reserve Components Personnel and Adminis- recapitulation tration Center RECBAD rcpt U.S. Army Recruiter Badge reception recncln RCS reconciliation requirement control recon RCT reconnaissance; reconnoiter radar control RECSTA RCTB receiving station Reserve Components Troop Basis RED rctg rapid excess disposal recruiting REDCON RCTP readiness condition Reserve Components Troop Program reenl RCTSR reenlist Radio Code Test, Speed of Response REENLA RCU reenlistment allowance reserve component unit REENLB rd reenlistment bonus road ref RD refer; refresher; reference; referred readiness date; required date; RESTRICTED DATA Atomic Energy Act of 1954 REFORGER return of force to Germany RDAISA United States Army Research, Development, and Acquisition Infor- REFRAD mation Systems Agency release from active duty

RDD REFRADT required delivery date released from active duty for training

RDF REFRAT radio direction finder(ing) released from annual training

RDP reg ration distributing point regular; regulate; regulated; regulating; regulation

RDPC REGLOS Radar Data Processing Center Reserve and Guard Logistic Operations–Streamline

ROPE regt radar data processing equipment regiment; regimental

RDTE rehab research, development, test, and evaluation rehabilitate

RE rel research engineering relation; relative; release; released; relief; relieve; relieved

REA REM reentry angle roentgen equivalent man (mammal)

READJP REMBASS readjustment pay Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System

REAMS REMS Resource Evaluation and Management System remotely employed sensor

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:31:43 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 93 PN 95 FILE: r130.fil REMT RESPO radiological emergency medical teams responsible property officer rep RESTA repair; represent; representative; represented reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition

REPCAT RESTAT report corrective action taken Reserve Components Status Reporting

REPDU ret report(ing) for duty retire

REPIN RETC reply if negative Regional Emergency Transportation Center

REPR RETCO Real Estate Planning Report Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator

REPSHIPS REVA reports of shipments recommended vehicle adjustment rept rexmit report retransmitted req RF request radio frequency; replacement factor

REQAFA RFA request advise as to further action relieved from assigned; Reserve Forces Act; restrictive fire area; request for assistance REQANS request answer by (date) RFAA relieved from attached and assigned REQAURQN RFAT request authority to requisition relieved from attached REQDI RFATHREE request disposition instructions Reserve Forces Act of 1955, three–month’s trainee REQFOLINFO RFD request following information be forwarded this office reserve forces duty

REQIBO RFI request item be placed on back order radio frequency interference; ready for issue

REQSI RFL request shipping instructions restrictive fire line

REQSSD rflmn request supply status and expected delivery date rifleman

REQSUPSTAFOL RFNA request supply status of following red fuming nitric acid

REQTAT RFP it is requested that request for proposal

REQTRAC RFQ request tracer be initiated request for quotation

REQUCHRD RFS request unit of issue be changed to read ready for sea res RFTS reserve(s) radio frequency test set

RESCAP RG Rescue Combat Air Patrol readiness group; reserve grade

RESDAT RGRT RESTRICTED DATA–Atomic Energy Act of 1954 ranger tab

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 94 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:31:49 PN 96 FILE: r130.fil RGZ RMO recommended ground zero records management official

RHA RMOC records holding area recommended maintenance operation chart rhd RMP railhead Reentry Measurement Program r/hr RJO roentgens per hour remote job output

RI RMR radiation intensity regional maintenance representative

RIA RMS Rock Island Arsenal resource management system

RIBS RMTR Restructured Infantry Battalion System redesigned missile tracking radar

RIC RMV routing identifier code reentry measurement vehicle

RICC RNA Reportable Item Control Code rations not available

RIF RNS reduction in force radar netting station

RILS RNU Rapid Integrated Logistic Support System radar netting unit

RIM RO receipt, inspection, and maintenance reporting officer; requisitioning objective; route order

RIMOB ROAD Reserve Indication of Mobilization Reorganization Objective Army Divisions

RIN ROAR report identification number return of Army reparable

RISE ROBCO reliability improvement selected equipment readiness objective code

RISOP ROC Red Integrated Strategic Offensive Plan required operational capability

RJE ROCCM remote job entry controlled devices countermeasures and deception rkt ROCID rocket Reorganization of Combat Infantry Division

RL RODAC rocket launcher Reorganization Objectives Army Division, Army, and Corps

RLT ROE regimental landing team; relating to; rolling liquid transporter roster of exception; Rules of Engagement

RMA ROI Rocky Mountain Arsenal Report of Investigation

RMC ROIC return to military control; Regular Military Compensation resident officer in charge

RMIS ROICC Readiness Management Information System resident officer in charge of construction

RMMC ROID regiment materiel management center report of item discrepancy

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:31:54 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 95 PN 97 FILE: r130.fil ROK RPMF Republic of Korea Reserve Personnel Master File

ROKA RPMIO Republic of Korea Army registered publication mobile issuing office

ROKPUC RPP Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation Badge regional priority program; requisition processing point

ROM RPROP rough order magnitude receiving proficiency pay

RON RPSCTDY remain overnight return to proper station upon completion of TDY

ROP RPSTL Republic of Panama; reorder point repair parts and special tools list

ROPA rqmts Reserve Officer Personnel Act requirements

ROR rqn range only radar requisition

RO/RO RQS roll on/roll off ready qualified for stand–by

ROS RR reduced operational status; return from overseas retro–rocket

ROTC RRAC Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Regional Resources Advisory Committee

ROTCM RRAD Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Manual Red River Army Depot

ROTCR RRB Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Region regular reenlistment bonus

RP RR/EO release point (ground traffic); retained personnel race relations/equal opportunity

RPA RRF Reserve Personnel, Army Rapid Reaction Forces

RPB RRIS Regional Preparedness Board remote radar integration station

RPBG RRMRP revised program and budget guidance Ready Reserve Mobilization Reinforcement

RPC RRPC Regional Preparedness Committee; reporting to commander Reserve Reinforcement Processing Center

RPEP RRSTRAF Register of Planned Emergency Procedures Ready Reserve Strategic Army Forces

RPF RRU real property facilities radio research unit

RPI RS real property inventory regulating station; report of survey; road space; roll stabilization

RPIO RSA registered publication issuing office

RPL RSAG repair parts list Reserve Storage Activity, Germersheim

RPMA RSAK real property maintenance activities Reserve Storage Activity, Kaiserslautern

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 96 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:32:00 PN 98 FILE: r130.fil RSAL RUQ Reserve Storage Activity, Luxembourg rifle unqualified

RSC RV record status code reentry vehicle

RSFPP RVAAP Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant

RSI rvlr r e c e i p t , s t o r a g e , a n d i s s u e ; r e c o r d s t a t u s i n d i c a t o r ; r e p l a c e m e n t stream input; rationalization/standardization/interoperability RVNAFHMFC RSIUFL Republic of Armed Forces Honor Medal, First Class release suspension for issue and use of following lots RVNAFHMSC RSL Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Honor Medal, Second Class remote sprint launch RVNCAMFC RSNP Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal, First Class Registered Student Nurse Program RVNCAMSC RSO Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal, Second Class range safety officer; reconnaissance and survey officer RVNCAMUC RSOP Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal, Unit Citation reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of position RVNGCUC RSP Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation reconnaissance and security positions; render safe procedure RVR RSR runway visual range required supply rate rvse R/T reverse record of trial RW rotary wing RT rough terrain RWBH records will be handcarried RTA Royal Thai Army RWI radio wire integration RTAF Royal Thai Armed Forces RWNBH records will not be handcarried RTB return to base ry railway RTC replacement training center; requirements type contract RYE retirement year ending RTD return to duty RYM reference your message RTL Research and Technology Laboratories (AVRADOM) 2–19. “S” listings

RTO S1 rail transportation officer; railway traffic officer Adjutant (U.S. Army)

RTST S2 Radio Technician Selection Test Intelligence Officer (U.S. Army)

RTU S3 Reinforcement Training Unit Operations and Training Officer (U.S. Army)

RU S4 release unit Supply Officer (U.S. Army)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:32:06 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 97 PN 99 FILE: r130.fil S5 SAD Civil Affairs Officer (U.S. Army) safety and arming device

SA SADM Secretary of the Army special atomic demolition munitions

SA SADT small arms special active duty for training

SAA SAE small arms ammunition site acceptance evaluation; Society of Automotive Engineers

SAA SAEB Staff Administrative Assistant; summary activity account Special Army Evaluation Board

SAAC SAEDA Special Assistant for Arms Control Subversion and Directed Against US Army and Deliber- ate Security Violations SAAD SAF Sacramento Army Depot Secretary of the Air Force;

SAAM SAFCMD special assignment airlift mission United States Army SAFEGUARD Command

SAAP SAFCPM Saranton Army Ammunition Plant Safeguard Communications Program Manager

SAAS SAFCPMO Standard Army Ammunition System Safeguard Communications Program Management Office

SAB SAFPACC subject as above Safeguard Public Affairs Coordinating Committee

SABMIS SAFTCP sea–based antiballistic missile intercept system; ship–based antibal- Safeguard Tactical Communications Plan listic missile system SAFTCS SAC Safeguard Tactical Communications System Strategic Air Command; supreme allied commander; supply admin- istration center; Senate Appropriations Committee SAFTRANS Safeguard Transportation System SACC supporting arms coordination center SAG study advisory group SACCS Strategic Air Command Control System SAGE semiautomatic ground environment SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe SAI Senior Army Instructor SACLANT Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic SAILS Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply Subsystem SACLANTCEN SAIR SACLANT Antisubmarine Warfare Research Center semiannual inventory report

SACLANTREPEUR SAL SACLANT Representative in Europe special ammunition load

SACMDR SALS site activation commander Standard Army Logistics System

SACOM SALTI Southern Area Command summary accounting for low–dollar turnover items

SACS salv structure and composition system salvage

SACSA SALVDIVB special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities Salvage Diver Badge

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 98 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:32:11 PN 100 FILE: r130.fil SALVDV SARDA salvage dives State and Regional Defense Airlift

SAM SAS space–available mail; special air mission; surface–to–air missile sealed authentication system; special ammunition stockage; staff ad- ministrative specialist SAMAA Special Assistant for Military Assistance Affairs SASC Senate Armed Services Committee SAMAP Southern Air Materiel Area, Pacific SASCOM Special Ammunition Support Command SAMBUD system for automation of materiel plan for Army materiel/budget SASF SIDPERS authorized strength file SAM–D surface–to–air missile development SASM Special Assistant for Strategic Mobility SAML standard army management language SASP special ammunition supply point SAMPAM system for automation of materiel plans for Army materiel SASS Standard Army Supply System SAMPAN system for automation of materiel plan sat satisfactory SAMS Standard Army Maintenance System/Sample Method Survey (for SAT family housing requirements) Scholastic Aptitude Test; site acceptance test; security assistance team SANINSP sanitation inspector SATCOM satellite communication(s) SAO SATCON survivor’s assistance officer satellite condition S&C SATD strategic and critical raw material Seattle Army Terminal Detachment S&D SATE search and destroy Study of Army Test and Evaluation

S&M SATK supply and maintenance strike attack

SAR SATNAV search and rescue satellite navigation

SAR SAVER site and acceptance review; selected acquisition report Study to Assess and Validate Essential Reports

S&S SAWS supply and service small arms weapons system

S&T SB supply and transport selection board; supply bulletin

S&TI SBCJ scientific and technical intelligence store block control journal

SAP SBEUA semiarmor piercing Small Business and Economic Utilization Advisor

SAPO SBP subarea petroleum office service benefit plan

SARD SBPH special airlift requirement document single burst probability of hit

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:32:16 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 99 PN 101 FILE: r130.fil SC SCORES supply catalog; Signal Corps Scenario–oriented recurring evaluation system

SCA SCP Service Cryptologic Agencies; Summary Cost Account security classification procedure; survey control point

SCAD SCPD, OCSA Schenectady Army Depot Staff Civilian Personnel Division, Office, Chief of Staff

SCAMP SCPT standard configuration and modification program security control point SCR SCAMPERS security change request Standard Corps–Army–MACOM Personnel System SCRAM SCAT special criteria for retrograde of Army materiel security control of air traffic; systems consolidation of accessions and trainees SCS stationing capability system; security container system; special con- SCATANA tingency stockfile Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigational Aids SCTD SCC subcaliber training device standard commodity classification; supply control center scty SCCF security security clearance case files SCUBA SCCO self–contained underwater breathing apparatus security classification control officer SCUBADIV scd Scuba Diver Badge schedule SD SCD, OCSA site defense; special duty; system demonstration Staff Communications Division, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army SDA source data automation SCDIVBAD Second Class Diver Badge SDAF Special Defense Acquisition Fund SCI sensitive compartmented information SDAS source data automation system SCL standard classification list SDB skill development base SCLO Statistical Clearance Liaison Officer SDC shipment detail card; Space Defense Center SCM summary court–martial SDCP supply demand control point SCMO summary court–martial order SDD system definition directive; standard delivery date SCMS Signal Command Management System SDE standard data element SCN SDF Southern Command Network Strategic Defensive Forces

SCO SDLO statistical control office State, Defense Liaison Office

SCOCE SDNCO special committee on compromising emanations staff duty noncommissioned officer

SCOOP SDO Support Plan to Continuity of Operations Plan special duty only; staff duty officer

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 100 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:32:22 PN 102 FILE: r130.fil SDP SELCOM single department purchasing (agency); system development plan Select Committee

SDPL SELD SAFEGUARD data processing laboratory Selectadata equipment

SDPO SEMRE Site Defense Project Office Sprint electromagnetic radiation evaluation

SDR SEMTR splash detection radar; small development requirements Sprint early missile test radar

SE SENL system effectiveness; southeast standard equipment list

SEA SEODSE Service Educational Activities; special explosive ordnance disposal supplies and equipment SEP SEACOP scientific and engineering personnel Strategic Sealift Contingency Planning System SEPORT SEAD supply and equipment report Seneca Army Depot; suppression of enemy air defenses SEPOS SEAL (Navy) selected enlisted personnel for overseas service sea–air–land team SEPROS SEATAF separation processing Southern European Atomic Task Force SERE SEATELCOM survival, evasion, resistance and escape Southeast Asia Telecommunications System SETAF SEAVAN Southern European Task Force commercial– or Government–owned (or leased) shipping container SEV SEB special equipment vehicle Southern European Broadcasting Service SEVAC SEBQ secure voice access console Senior Enlisted Bachelor Quarters SEVAS sec secure voice access systems section SF SEC sound and flash; Special Forces; standard form Scientific Estimates Committee SFA SECAN Special Foreign Activities Military Committee Communications Security and Evaluation Agen- cy, Washington SFAAP Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant SECDEF SFC Secretary of Defense sergeant first class

SECNAV SFCP Secretary of the Navy shore fire control party

2LT SFF site field force

SECOR SFG sequential collation of ranges special forces group secy SFOB secretary Special Forces Operational Base

SED SFOD special electrical devices Special Forces Operational Detachment

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:32:27 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 101 PN 103 FILE: r130.fil SFP–ANGS SHIPIM Standardization Field Panel for Artillery and Naval Gunfire Support ship immediately

SFS SHIPREQ senior flight surgeon ship to apply on requisition

SFTab SHORAD short–range air defense

SFTS SHPTARBY synthetic flight training systems ship to arrive not later than

SG SHRF surgeon general ship regular freight

SGA SI standards of grade authorization seriously ill; ignition; special intelligence

SGAD SIAD United States Army Depot, SAFEGUARD Sierra Army Depot

SGC SIAM spartan guidance computer signal information and monitoring

SGLI SIAP servicemen’s Group Life Insurance standard instrument approach procedure

SGM SIC sergeant major survey information center

SGS SICC Secretary of the General Staff SAFEGUARD inventory control center

SGT SICR sergeant specific intelligence collection requirement

SFC SID sergeant first class standard instrument departure; strategic intelligence digests

SGTR SIDPERS Standardized Government Travel Regulations Standard Installation/Division Personnel System

SHA SIF station housing allowance selective identification feature (used with IFF)

SHAD SIG Sharpe Army Depot Senior Interdepartmental Group

SHAPE sig Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe signal; signaler; signalman(men)

SHC SIGCEN Surveillance Helicopter Company signal center

SHELREP SIGINT shelling report signals intelligence

SHF SIGMA super high frequency site information generation and materiel accountability plan

SHIL SIGMALOG SHILLELAGH simulation and gaming methods for analysis of logistics

SHIPDA SigO shipping data signal officer

SHIPDTO SIGSEC ship on depot transfer order signals security

SHIPGO SIIC shipping order special interest item code

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 102 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:32:33 PN 104 FILE: r130.fil SIL SLBM seriously ill list sea–launched ballistic missile sil SLC silver side lobe cancellation; stockage list code

SILSP SLCM SAFEGUARD integrated logistics support plan sea–launched cruise missile

SIMS SLEP selected item management system service life extension program SLI simul shelf life item simultaneous SLIN SIN standard line item number study item number SLM SIOP Silver Life–Saving Medal Single Integrated Operational Plan SLS SIP side lobe suppression (radar) standard inspection procedure; standardization instructor pilot; sys- tems implementation plan SLUFAE surface–launched fuel–air explosives SIPS Spartan improved performance study SM service member; ’s manual; supply manual; system manager; SIR soldier’s medal serious incident report SMA SIS Sergeant Major of the Army satellite intercept system SMCSG SISMS Special Military Construction Study Group Standard Integrated Support Management System SMD, OCSA Staff Management Division, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army SISR selected item status report SME/SC Sprint missile engineering/service course SISTMS Standard Integrated Supply/Transportation Manifest System SMERE Sprint missile electromagnetic radiation evaluation SIT statement of inventory transaction SMIS SAFEGUARD management information system sit situation; situate SMISOP SAFEGUARD management information system operating program SITREP situation report SMOA single manager operating agency SIW self–inflicted wounds SMOS secondary military occupational specialty SJA Staff Judge Advocate SMOSC secondary/additional military occupational specialty code SL SMP safety level; sound locator; squad leader; storage location Simultaneous Membership Program

SLAAP SMPR St. Louis Army Ammunition Plant supply and maintenance plan and report

SLAM SMR supersonic low–altitude missile special money requisition; stock management report

SLAR SMRAS side–looking airborne radar SAFEGUARD maintenance and reporting analysis system

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:32:38 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 103 PN 105 FILE: r130.fil SMR/MIS SOMF Supply, Maintenance, and Readiness Management Information Sys- SIDPERS organization master file tem (an element of LOGMIS) SOMISS SMWP Study of Management Information Systems Support strategic mobility work project SOMRB SN Senior officers materiel review board service number; serial number SONCM countermeasures and deception short notice annual practice; systems for nuclear auxiliary power SOP standing operating procedure SNDV strategic nuclear delivery vehicles SOPA senior officer present afloat SNIES Special National Intelligence Estimates SOR specific SNL standard name line; standard nomenclature list SORB Subsistence Operations Review Board SNOK secondary next of kin SORC sound ranging control SNPRI selected nonpriority list item(s) SORNG sound ranging SO shipment order; special orders; stockage objectives SORR SIGINT operations readiness review SOA special open allotment; special operating agency; speed of advance SOS Sprint operations shelter; statement of service SOC SOSE special operations command Special operations support element

SOCAD SOSUS Servicemembers Opportunity College Associates Degree sound surveillance systems

SOCOM SOTF Special Operations Command Special Operations Task Force

SOCSE SOTFE Special Operations Communications Elements Support Operations Task Force, Europe

SOD SOVNROF special operations detachment S t a t e o f V i e t n a m R i b b o n o f F r i e n d s h i p ( P r e s i d e n t i a l U n i t Commendation) SOE status of equipment SOW statement of work SOF strategic offensive forces SP self–propelled; start point SOFA Status of Forces Agreement SP shore party; shore police SOFPAC SP 4, 5, 6, & 7 Special Operating Forces, Pacific specialists 4, 5, 6, and 7

SOI SPA signal operation instructions strategic posture analysis; skill performance aid

SOLO SPACETRACK status of logistics offensive National Space Surveillance Control Center

SOLOG SPACON Standardization of Certain Aspects of Operations and Logistics space control

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 104 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:32:44 PN 106 FILE: r130.fil SPADATS SpSQualBad space detection and tracking system Qualification Badge

SPADS SPV Sprint air–directed defense system; STRATCOM Program Auto- special purpose vehicles mated Data System SPWAR SPASUR special warfare Space Surveillance System SQAP SPCC supplementary quality assurance provisions ships parts control center sqdn squadron SPCM special court–martial SQI special qualifications SPCMO special court–martial order SQS skill qualification score SPD separation program designator SQT skill qualification test spec specification SR separate rations; service record; shipment request; special regula- SPECAT tions; supporting research special category SRA SPECOMME ship radio authorization; specialized repair activity Specified Command Middle East SRAA SPEED Senior Army Advisor Systemwide Project for Electronic Equipment at Depots SRAAG SPEEDEX Senior Army Advisor, Army National Guard Systemwide Project for Electronic Equipment at Depots Extended SRAAR Senior Army Advisor, United States Army Reserve SPEF single program element funding SRACCMB Senior Aircraft Crewman Badge SPF SIDPERS personnel file SRAM short–range attack missile SPH statement of personal history SRAP service record and allied papers SPIW special purpose individual weapon SRARAV senior army aviator SPM self–propelled mount; security program manager SRARAVB Senior Army Aviator Badge SPO signal property office; systems program office SRB selective reenlistment bonus SPOMCUS selective prepositioning of materiel configured to unit sets SRC standard requirement code SPP SRCP system package program Special Reserve Components Program

SPR SREODB system program review Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge

SPRS SRF Single Passenger Reservation System selected reserve force

SPS SRFLSBAD special services Senior Flight Surgeon Badge

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:32:49 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 105 PN 107 FILE: r130.fil SRI SSI standby request for information; Stanford Research Institute s h o u l d e r s l e e v e i n s i g n i a ; s u s t a i n i n g s u p p o r t i n c r e m e n t ; s p e c i a l t y skill identifier SRIB SAC strike route information book SSIM statistical, sampling inventory method SRO standing route order SSKP single–shot kill probability SROTC Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps SSM surface–to–surface missile; system support manager; system security SRP manager SAFEGUARD readiness posture SSMCNP SPRCHTB S A F E G U A R D s y s t e m m a n a g e m e n t c o m m u n i c a t i o n s n e t w o r k Senior Parachutist Badge program

SS SSMSN Silver Star; staff specialist surface–to–surface mission SSN SSA social security number; specification serial number Social Security Administration; source selection authority; staff sup- ply assistant; standard system applications; supply support arrange- SSNS ments; supply support activity Standard Study Numbering System

SSAC SSO source selection advisory council safety/security officer

SSAG SSP Strategic Studies Advisory Group SACEUR Scheduled Program; single–shot probability; sustained su- perior performance SSB single side band SSR supply support request SSBN United States Nuclear Missile Submarine SSS standard supply system SSC senior service college; supply status code SSSC self–service supply centers SSCCB SAFEGUARD System Configuration Control Board SSSO specialized surplus sales office SSCO shipper service control office; system security control officer SSVC Selective Service SSD Specialized Support Depot SSW south–southwest SSDRS SAFEGUARD system design release schedule SSZ specified strike zone SSE ST signal security element; system status evaluation; south–south– east service test; short tour; special text

SSEB STA source selection evaluation board staff training assistant

SSE/EWE sta SIGINT support element/electronic warfare element station; status

SSF STAAS service storage facility surveillance and target acquisition aircraft system

SSG STACOM staff sergeant Standard Army COM

SSI STADIN standing signal instructions Standing Administrative Instruction for Army Attaches

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 106 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:32:55 PN 108 FILE: r130.fil STALO STKF stable local oscillator stock fund

STANAG STKFA Standardization Agreement stock fund accounting

STANFINS STKFS Standard Financial System stock fund statement

STANO STL surveillance, target acquisition, and night observation stockage list

STAR STLI standard terminal arrival route stockage list item(s)

STARCOM STOL Strategic Army Communications System short takeoff and landing STON STARPUBS short ton Standard Army Publications System STPX stat systems training program exercise statistic STRABAD STATE DEPT strategic base air defense Department of State STRAF STATEM United States Strategic Army Forces Shipment Status System STRAFIP stby STRAF readiness improvement program standby STRAGL STC straggler line sensitivity time control strato STCFEO stratosphere U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y C e n t e r , F a r E a s t Office STRIKFLTLANT Striking Fleet Atlantic std standard; standing STS stockpile to target sequence ST&E security test and evaluation stu student steno stenographer sub submarine; substitute STEP SAFEGUARD Test and Evaluation Program subj subject STFF SUBMACOM SAFEGUARD Tactical Field Force major Army subcommand

STFG SUBNO staffing guides (Department of the Army) substitutes not desired

STGT SUBOK secondary target substitution acceptable

STINFO subv scientific and technical information subversion

STIT sug scientific and technical information team suggest

STIT–EUR SUL Scientific and Technical Information Team, Europe simplified user logistics

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:33:00 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 107 PN 109 FILE: r130.fil SULF SY Speedball up–range launch facility school year

SUM SYMWAR surface–to–underwater missile s y s t e m f o r e s t i m a t i n g w a r t i m e a t t r i t i o n a n d r e p l a c e m e n t requirements SUPCOM support command sync synchronize; synchromechanism SUPINTREP supplementary intelligence report sys system suppl supplement SYSCON systems control SUPPT supply point SYSTEP systems test and evaluation plan supv supervise; supervisor 2–20. “T” listings

SURS TA Surface Export Cargo System table of allowance, target area; theater Army; time and attendance (card or record) SURVM surveillance and maintenance TAA total Army analysis SUSMOP Senior United States Military Observer Palestine TAABS The Automated Army Budget System susp suspend TAACOM Theater Army Area Command SVADA Activity TAADCOM Theater Army Air Defense Command SVC service; serviced; servicing TAADS SW The Army Authorization Documents System special weapon; southwest TAALS SWA The Judge Advocate General Automated Army Legal System seriously wounded in action TAAM SWB transportation Army aviation maintenance short TAARS swbd The Army Ammunition Reporting System tab SWCENT tabulate switching central TAB SWM Target acquisition battalion special warfare mission tac SWO tactic; tactical; tactics staff weather officer TAC SWOC Tactical Air Command; transportation account code; type of activity Special Weapons Operation Center code

SWP TACA special working party tactical air coordinator, airborne

SWSM TACAC Special Weapons Supply Memorandum Theater Army Civil Affairs Command

SWTI TACAIR Special Weapons Technical Instructions tactical air

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 108 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:33:05 PN 110 FILE: r130.fil TACAN TAG tactical air navigation The Adjutant General

TACC TAGCEN tactical air control center United States Army Adjutant General Center

TACCTA TAGO tactical commander’s terrain analysis The Adjutant General’s Office

TACCS TAHQ Tactical Army Combat Service Support (CSS) Computer System theater army headquarters

TACFDC TAJAG Tactical Fire Direction Center The Assistant Judge Advocate General

TACFIRE TALOG tactical fire direction system theater army logistical command

TACG TAMA tactical air control group Training Aids Management Agency

TACL TAMC theater authorized consumption list Tripler Army Medical Center

TACLOG TAMIRAD tactical–logistical group tactical mid–range air defense program

TACMAR TAMMS tactical multifunction array radar The Army Maintenance Management System

TACOM TAMC Tactical Army COM training aids management office

TACOMM TAOC tactical communications The Army Operations Center TACP TAOR tactical air control party tactical area of responsibility TACRON TAPAC tactical air control squadron Transportation, Allocations, Priorities, and Controls (Committee) TACS tactical air control system; theater army communication TAPER temporary appointment pending establishment of register TACSATCOM tactical satellite communications TAPFOR The Army Portion of Force Status and Identity Report (FORSTAT) TAD tactical air direction; temporary additional duty tactical area positioning system TADC tactical air direction center TAR technical action request; terrain avoidance radar TADS tactical automatic digital switch TARABS tactical air reconnaissance and aerial battlefield surveillance TAEDP total Army equipment distribution program TARADCOM United States Army Tank–Automotive Research and Development TAF Command tactical air force TARC TAFCSD The Army Research Council; theater army replacement command total active Federal commissioned service to date TARCOM TAFFS U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y T a n k – A u t o m o t i v e M a t e r i e l R e a d i n e s s The Army Functional Files System Command

TAFMSD TAREX total active Federal military service to date target exploitation

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:33:11 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 109 PN 111 FILE: r130.fil TARMOCS TBL The Army Operations Center System through bill of lading

TARS TBM theater army replacement system tactical ballistic missile

TARTC TBMD theater army replacement and training command terminal ballistic missile defense

TAS TBO tactical automatic switch; (The) Army Staff; true airspeed transactions by others TBOI TASA tentative basis of issue Task and Skill Analysis TC TASAMS technical characteristics; training center; training circular; transac- The Army Supply and Maintenance System tion code; ; trial counsel

TASC TCA training and audiovisual support center terminal control area

TASE TCAAP Tactical Air Support Element Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant

TASL TCC theater authorized stockage list transportation control card; transport control center; troop carrier command TASO t e r m i n a l a r e a s e c u r i t y o f f i c e r ; t r a i n i n g a n d a u d i o v i s u a l s u p p o r t TCCPSWG officer tactical command and control procedures standardization working group TASP The Army Studies Program TCF troop carrier forces TASS TCLAS tactical air support section; The Army Study System type classification

TASSO TCLSC tactical special security office Theater COMSEC Logistic Support Center

TASTA TCMD The Administrative Support Theater Army transportation control and movement document

TATAWS TCN tank–antitank/assault weapons requirements study transportation control number

TATSA TCO transportation aviation test and support termination contracting officer; test control officer; tactical control officer TAWS tactical warfare center TCP traffic control post; traffic control point TB technical bulletin; troop basis; tuberculosis tcr transceiver TBA to be activated TCR Transportation Corps release TBAN TCS to be announced temporary change of station

TBD TCTC terminal bomber defense; to be determined Transportation Corps Technical Committee

TBGTA TCTM travel by Government transportation authorized aircraft time compliance technical

TBI TCV to be activated troop carrying vehicle

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 110 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:33:16 PN 112 FILE: r130.fil TD TECR table(s) of distribution; transmitter distributor; Tactical Director technical requirement

TDA TECSTAR tables of distribution and allowances technical missions, structures, and career development

TDAMTB TED TDA Mobilization Troop Basis training equipment development

TDFS TEEL terminal digit fitting system Temporary Expedient Equipment List

TDHGA TEL Travel of dependents and household goods authorized transporter–erector–launcher

TDI TELD target data inventory Teledate equipment

TDIP telecom total disability income provisions telecommunications

TDIS TELECON time distance teletypewriter conference

TDLR temp training device letter requirement temporary

TDM TERENVSVC time division multiplexing terrestrial environmental services

TDMTB TERMS TD Mobilization Troop Basis Terminal Management System

TDP TERPS target director post; technical data package; test design plan terminal instrument procedures

TDPFO TESTCOMDNA temporary duty pending further orders Test Command Defense Nuclear Agency

TDPL TETAM technical data package list Tactical Effectiveness Testing Antitank Missiles

TDR TEU training device requirement United States Army Technical Escort Unit

TDRL TEWS Temporary Disability Retired List tactical effectiveness of weapons systems

TDTG TEWT true date–time group tactical exercise without troops

TDY tf temporary duty timeframe

TEAC TF turbine engine analysis check task force

TEAD TF total forfeiture; training film

TEAMUP TFCSD Test, Evaluation, Analysis, and Management Uniformity Plan total Federal commissioned service to date

TEC TFO Training Extension Course transactions for others tech TFOS technical; technician Total Federal Officer Service

TECOM TFT United States Army Test and Evaluation Command tabular firing tables

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:33:22 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 111 PN 113 FILE: r130.fil TFW TJAG United States Air Force tactical fighter wing The Judge Advocate General

TG TJAGSA task group The Judge Advocate General’s School, United States Army

TGBL TJC through Government bill of lading trajectory chart

TGH TJD Tripler General Hospital trajectory diagram

TGMTS TJOC tank gunnery and missile tracking system theater joint operations center tgt TKTRANSR target tank transporter

T–H TL trans–hydro team leader; time lengths; Transport/Loader

THQ tl theater headquarters truckload

TI TLA technical inspection; technical intelligence temporary lodging allowance; travel and living allowance

TIC TLC target intercept computer thin layer chromatography

TICF TLD transient installation confinement facility technical logistics data

TICP TLE theater inventory control point target location error

TIG TLDI The Inspector General technical logistics data and information

TIIF TLO tactical imagery interpretation facility technical liaison officer

TIMAR TLP near–term improvement in materiel asset reporting total loss of pay

TIMIG TLV time in grade threshold limit values

TIMINT tlymn time interval talleyman

TIN TM temporary identification number technical manual

TIOH, USA TMA The Institute of Heraldry, United States Army Maintenance Agency; total materiel assets

TISA TMAO Troop Issue Subsistence Activity troop movement assignment order

TISO TMCC troop issue subsistence officer Theater Movement Control Center

TIWG TMCRL Test Integration Working Group tailored master cross reference list tj TMDE trajectory test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment

TJADC TMICP Theater Joint Air Defense Command topographic map inventory control point

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 112 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:33:27 PN 114 FILE: r130.fil TMMC TOPSTAR Theater Materiel Management Center The Officer Personnel System, The Army Reserve

TMO TOR total materiel objective; transportation movements office(r) terms of reference; time of receipt

TMP torp technical manual parts; transportation motor pool torpedo

TMPO TORPCM Total Materiel Procurement Objective torpedo countermeasures and deception TOS TMR tactical operations system; term of service; type of shipment total materiel requirement; transportation movements release TOT TMSD time of transmission; time on target (artillery support) or time over total military service to date target (air support)

TMT TOW transportation motor transport tube–launched, optically tracked, wire–guided

TN TP thermonuclear technical publication; troop program; transportation priority tng tp training teleprocessing

TNGLIT TPFDD training literature Time–Phased Force Deployment Data

TO TPHSG technical order; theater of operations; transportation officer; travel troop housing order TPI TOA technical proficiency inspection Terms of Agreement; total obligational authority; tradeoff analysis; TPMG time of arrival The Provost Marshal General

TOAD TPO telecommunications program objective

TOC TPP tactical operations center; technical order compliance; theater of total package procurement operations command TPSN TOD troop program sequence number time of delivery; tradeoff determination TPTRL TODC time–phased transportation requirements list Theater Oriented Depot Complex TPU TOE troop program unit term of enlistment; table(s) of organization and equipment TR TOEMTB test report; transportation request TOE Mobilization Troop Basis, Annex VII to the Department of the Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Guidance Document TRADAD trace to destination and advise TOF TRADEX time of filing target resolution discrimination experiment

TOFDC TRADOC total operational flying duty credit United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

TOI tran term of induction transient topo trans topographic; topography transport

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:33:33 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 113 PN 115 FILE: r130.fil TRAPP TSG training and retention as permanent party The Surgeon General

TRC TSGAD type requisition code Triservice Group on Air Defense

TREAS DEPT TSI Department of Treasury technical standardization inspection

TREE TSIT transient radiation effect on electronics technical service intelligence team trf TSO transfer transportation supply officer

TRICAP TSOP triple capability tactical standing operating procedure trkdr TSOR –drawn tentative specific operational requirements trkhd TT truckhead Technical Test; Troop Test trkmtd tt truck–mounted teletypewriter

TRO TTCC truck route order The Technical Cooperation Committee

TROSCOM TTCP United States Army Troop Support Command The Technical Cooperation Program

TRP TTCU traffic regulation point; target reference point Teletypewriter Control Unit

TRR TTMCFC target ranging radar theater–type mobilization corps force capabilities

TRV TTMCFO tank recovery vehicle theater–type mobilization corps force objective

TRVEH TTP&S tracked vehicle trainees, transients, patients, and students program

TS TTR terminal service; TOP SECRET; transit storage target tracking radar

TSA TTU US Army Troop Support Agency terminal transportation unit

TSARC TU Test Schedule and Review Committee Turkey; task unit

TSB TUSAB twin sideband The

TSCDP TUSAC Technical Service Career Development Program The United States Army Chorus

TSCO TUSIDBAD Top Secret control office(r) Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification Badge

TSD TUSLOG theater shipping document The United States Logistics Group

TSE TV tactical support equipment television; transport vehicles; travel voucher

TSEC TVI telecommunications security television interference

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 114 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:33:38 PN 116 FILE: r130.fil tvl UF travel unit of fire

TVLALWS UFA travel allowance on separation until further advised

TVOR UFD terminal VHF omnidirectional range universal firing device

TVRB ugnd Tactical Vehicle Review Board underground

TWI UH training with industry utility helicopter

TWS UHA tactical weather station high altitude UHC TWT under honorable conditions traveling wave tube UHF TWX ultra high frequency teletypewriter exchange (commercial) U/I TY unit of issue total yield UIC TYCOM unit identification code type commander UICIO TZ unit identification code information officer tactical zone UKB 2–21. “U” listings universal keyboard

UA UL uniform allowance underwriters laboratory

UAM ULDEST underwater to air missile ultimate destination

UCMJ UMA Uniform Code of Military Justice unscheduled maintenance action

UCODES UMAD United Identification System Report Umatilla Army Depot

UCP UMC Unified Command Plan unit mail clerk; unit manning report

UD UMD undesirable discharge unit movement data UMI UDHS unit movement identifier unit demand history summary UML UDT universal mission load underwater demolition team UMMIPS UE Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System unit exhausted UMR UEE unsatisfactory material reports unit essential equipment UMT UEPR Universal Military Training unsatisfactory equipment performance report UMTA UET U r b a n M a s s T r a n s p o r t a t i o n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , D e p a r t m e n t o f universal engineer tractor Transportation

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:33:44 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 115 PN 117 FILE: r130.fil UMTS UNKRA Universal Military Training and Service United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency

UNAAF unliq Unified Action Armed Forces unliquidated unalot UNM unallotted United Nations Medal unasgd UNMOGIP unassigned United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan unauthd UNMSC unauthorized United Nations

UNC UNOGIL United Nations Observation Group in unpd unclas unpaid unclassified unqual UNCMAC unqualified United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission UNREF UNCR United Nations Refugee Fund United Nations Command (Rear) UNRWA UNCURK United Nations Relief and Works Agency United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea unsat unsatisfactory UND Urgency of Need Designator UNSFH United Nations Security Forces, Hollandia undetm undetermined UNSM United Nations Service Medal UNDOF United Nations Disengagement Observer Force unsvc unserviceable UNEF United Nations Emergency Forces UNTAG United Nations Transition Assistance Group unfav unfavorable UNTSO United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Observers UNFICYP United Nations Forces in UO undelivered orders UNFURNOTE until further notice UOHC under other than honorable conditions UNHCR UOS United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees undelivered order schedule

UNICEF UP United Nations Children’s Fund under provisions of; unit price unif UPC uniform unit processing code

UNIFIL UPO United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon unit personnel officer univ UPS universal; university under provisions of section; unit personnel section unk UPTT unknown unit personnel and tonnage table

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 116 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:33:49 PN 118 FILE: r130.fil UR USAARMA unfinanced requirement(s); unsatisfactory report United States Assistant Army Attache urg USAARMC urgent United States Army Armor Center

URMSG USAARMHRU your message United States Army Armor Human Research Unit (Fort Knox, KY)

URR USAARMS Unit Readiness Report United States Army Armor School

URS USAASD–E unit reference sheet United States Army Aeronautical Services Detachment, Europe

URT USAASD–LA unit recruit training U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y A e r o n a u t i c a l S e r v i c e s D e t a c h m e n t , L a t i n America U.S. United States (of America) USAASD–PAC United States Army Aeronautical Services Detachment, Pacific USA United States Army USAASO United States Army Aeronautical Services Office USAAA United States Army Audit Agency USAATC United States Army Arctic Test Center USAABMDA United States Army Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency USAAVA United States Army Audio–Visual Agency USAABMU United States Army Aircraft Base Maintenance Unit USAAVLABS United States Army Aviation Materiel Laboratories USAABNSOTBD USAAVNC United States Army Airborne and Special Operations Test Board United States Army Aviation Center USAADCENFB USAAVNHRU United States Army Air Defense Center and Fort Bliss United States Army Aviation Human Research Unit (Fort Rucker, AL) USAADS United States Army Air Defense School USAAVNS United States Army Aviation School USAADTA United States Army Aircraft Development Test Activity USAAVNTBD United States Army Aviation Test Board USAADTC United States Army Armor and Desert Training Center USAB United States Army, Berlin USAAGAR United States Army Advisory Group (USAR) USABIOLABS United States Army Biological Laboratories USAAGNG United States Army Advisory Group (ARNGUS) USABRL United States Army Ballistic Research Laboratories USAAGPC United States Army Adjutant General’s Publications Center USABVAPAC United States Army Broadcasting and Visual Activities, Pacific USAAMC United States Army Aeromedical Center USAC United States Army Corps USAAPDT United States Army Aviation Precision Demonstration Team USACAA United States Army Concepts Analysis Agency USAARENBD United States Army Armor and Engineer Board USACAC United States Army Combined Arms Center USAARL United States Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (Fort Rucker, USACAK AL) United States Army Construction Agency, Korea

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:33:55 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 117 PN 119 FILE: r130.fil USACATB USACRREL United States Army Combat Arms Training Board U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y C o l d R e g i o n s R e s e a r c h a n d E n g i n e e r i n g Laboratory USACCA United States Army Congressional Correspondence Agency USACS United States Army Courier Service USACCL United States Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory USACSLA United States Army Communications Security Logistics Agency USACCSA United States Army Command and Control Support Agency USADAC United States Army Davison Aviation Command USACARA USADACS United States Army Civilian Appellate Review Agency United States Army Defense Ammunition Center and School

USACDEC USADCJ U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y C o m b a t D e v e l o p m e n t s E x p e r i m e n t a t i o n United States Army Depot Command Japan Command USADEG USACE United States Army Departments’ Education Group United States Army Corps of Engineers USADIP USACEIBN United States Army Deserter Information Point U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s – E l e c t r o n i c s I n s t a l l a t i o n Battalion USADJ United States Army Depot, Japan USACENCDCSA United States Army Corps of Engineers National Civil Defense USADRB Computer Support Agency United States Army Discharge Review Board

USACGSC USAE United States Army Command and General Staff College United States Army Engineer

USACHB USAEAGSC United States Army Chaplain Board United States Army, Europe, Adjutant General Support Center USAEARA USACHS United States Army Equipment Authorization Review Activity United States Army Chaplain School USAECA USACIDC United States Army Electronics Command Computation Agency United States Army Criminal Investigation Command USAECBDE USACIL United States Army Engineer Center Brigade United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory USAECFB USACIU United States Army Engineer Center & Fort Belvoir United States Army Command Information Unit USAEDE USACMA United States Army Engineer Division, Europe United States Army Club Management Agency USAEDH USACMLS United States Army Engineer Division, Huntsville United States Army Chemical School USAEDLMV USACMR United States Army Engineer Division, Lower Mississippi Valley United States Army Court of Military Review USAEDMR USACOMISA United States Army Engineer Division, River United States Army Communications Management Information Sys- USAEDNA tems Activity United States Army Engineer Division, North Atlantic

USACOMZEUR USAEDNC United States Army Communications Zone, Europe United States Army Engineer Division, North Central

USACPED USAEDNE United States Army Central Physical Evaluation Board United States Army Engineer Division, New England

USACRC USAEDNP United States Army Crime Records Center United States Army Engineer Division, North Pacific

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 118 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:34:00 PN 120 FILE: r130.fil USAEDOR USAETL United States Army Engineer Division, Ohio River United States Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories

USAEDPO USAEU United States Army Engineer Division, Pacific Ocean United States Army Exhibit Unit

USAEDSA USAF United States Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic United States Air Force

USAEDSP USAFABD United States Army Engineer Division, South Pacific United States Army Field Artillery Board USAFAC USAEDSW United States Army Finance and Accounting Center United States Army Engineer Division, Southwestern USAFACFS USAEEA United States Army Field Artillery Center and United States Army Enlistment Eligibility Activity USAFAS USAEFMA United States Army Field Artillery School United States Army Electronics Command Financial Management Agency USAFB United States Army Field Band USAEHA United States Army Environmental Hygiene Agency USAFESA United States Army Facilities Engineering Support Agency USAEIS United States Army Electronic Intelligence and Security USAFI United States Armed Forces Institute USAEMCA United States Army Engineer Mathematical Computation Agency USAFOCA United States Army Field Operating Cost Agency USAEPA United States Army Electronics Command Patent Agency USAFOF United States Army Flight Operations Facility USAEPG USAFSG United States Army Electronic Proving Ground United States Army Field Support Group

USAEPMARA USAG United States Army, Europe, Personnel Management and Replace- United States Army Garrison ment Activity USAGMPA USAERA United States Army General Materiel and Petroleum Activity U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y E l e c t r o n i c s C o m m a n d L o g i s t i c s R e s e a r c h Agency USAH United States Army Hospital USAERDAA United States Army Electronics Research and Development Activi- USAHC ty, Fort Huachuca, Arizona United States Army Health Clinic

USAERDAW USAHEL United States Army Electronics Research and Development Activi- United States Army Human Engineering Laboratories ty, White Sands, NM USAHSDSA USAEREC United States Army Health Services Data Systems Agency United States Army Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center USAHTN USAERG United States Army Hometown News Center United States Army Engineer Reactor Group USAIA United States Army Institute of Administration; United States Army USAES Intelligence Agency United States Army Engineer School USAIB USAESEIA United States Army Infantry Board U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y E l e c t r o n i c S y s t e m s E n g i n e e r i n g I n s t a l l a t i o n Agency USAIC United States Army Infantry Center USAET&DL (ECOM) United States Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory USAICA (ECOM) United States Army Interagency Communications Agency

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:34:05 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 119 PN 121 FILE: r130.fil USAICS USAISC–WESTCOM United States Army Intelligence Center and School United States Army Information Systems Command–WESTCOM

USAIDR USAISD United States Army Institute of Dental Research United States Army Intelligence School, Fort Devens

USAIIA USAISMA United States Army Imagery Interpretation Agency United States Army Information Systems Management Activity

USAILCOM USAISR United States Army International Logistics Command United States Army Institute of Surgical Research (Fort Sam Hous- ton, TX) USAILG United States Army International Logistics Group USAISSAA United States Army Information Systems Selection and Acquisition USAIMA Activity United States Army Institute for Military Assistance USAISSSC USAIMC U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s S o f t w a r e S u p p o r t United States Army Inventory Management Center Command

USAINFHRU USAITAC United States Army Infantry Human Research Unit (, United States Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center GA) USAITFG USAIRA United States Army Intelligence Threats and Forecasts Group United States Air Attache USAJFKCENMA USAIRR United States Army John F. Kennedy Center for Military Assistance United States Army Investigative Records Repository USAJSC USAIS United States Army Joint Support Command United States Army Infantry School USAKORSCOM USAISC United States Army Korea Support Command United States Army Information Systems Command USALAPA USAISC–A United States Army Los Angeles Procurement Agency United States Army Information Systems Command–Alaska USALCA USAISC–AMC United States Army Logistic Control Activity United States Army Information Systems Command–AMC USALDRHRU USAISC–CIDC United States Army Leadership Human Research Unit (Presidio of United States Army Information Systems Command–CIDC Monterey, CA)

USAISC–HSC USALEA United States Army Information Systems Command–HSC United States Army Logistics Evaluation Agency

USAISC–5th Sig Cmd USALOGC U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s C o m m a n d – 5 t h S i g n a l United States Army Logistics Center Command USALSA USAISC–FORSCOM United States Army Legal Services Agency United States Army Information Systems Command–FORSCOM USALWL USAISC–INSCOM United States Army Limited War Laboratory United States Army Information Systems Command–INSCOM USAMAA USAISC–MTMC United States Army Memorial Affairs Agency United States Army Information Systems Command–MTMC USAMANRRDC USAISC–7th Sig Cmd United States Army Manpower Resources Research and Develop- U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s C o m m a n d – 7 t h S i g n a l ment Center Command USAMBRDL USAISC–SO United States Army Medical Bioengineering Research and Develop- United States Army Information Systems Command–South ment Laboratory (, MD)

USAISC–TRADOC USAMC United States Army Information Systems Command–TRADOC United States Army Materiel Command

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 120 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:34:11 PN 122 FILE: r130.fil USAMCC USAMRDC United States Army Metrology and Calibration Center United States Army Medical Research and Development Command (Washington, D.C.) USAMCFG United States Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon USAMRIID United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Dis- USAMD eases (Fort Detrick, MD) United States Army Missile Detachment USAMRL USAMDAR United States Army Medical Research Laboratory (Fort Knox, KY) United States Army Medical Depot Activity, Ryukyu Islands USAMRNL United States Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory USAMEDCOMEUR (Denver, CO) United States Army Medical Command, Europe USAMRU USAMEOS United States Army Medical Research Unit (, Panama) United States Army Medical Equipment and Optical School USAMS USAMERDC United States Army Management School United States Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center USAMSSA United States Army Management Systems Support Agency USAMFSS United States Army Medical Field Service School USANA United States Army Nuclear Agency USAMHRC USANCG United States Army Military History Research Collection United States Army Nuclear Cratering Group

USAMIDA USANDL United States Army Major Item Data Agency United States Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory

USAMIIA USANWTC United States Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency United States Army Northern Warfare Training Center

USAML USAOC&S United States Army Medical Laboratory United States Army Ordnance Center and School

USAMMA USAORRF United States Army Medical Materiel Agency United States Army Ordnance Rocket Research Facility

USAMMAPAC USAPACDA United States Army Medical Materiel Agency, Pacific United States Army Personnel and Administration Combat Develop- ments Activity USAMMC USAPAE United States Army Maintenance Management Center United States Army Procurement Agency, Europe

USAMMCS USAPDA United States Army Missile and Munitions Center and School United States Army Physical Disability Agency

USAMMT USAPDCE United States Army Military Mail Terminal United States Army Petroleum Distribution Command, Europe

USAMP USAPDSC United States Army Mine Planter United States Army Personnel Data Support Center

USAMP&CS/TCTFM USAPDSK United States Army Military Police and Chemical Schools/Training United States Army Petroleum Distribution System, Korea Center and Fort McClellan USAPEB USAMPHIBFOR United States Army Physical Evaluation Board United States Amphibious Forces USAPERSCEN United States Army Personnel Center USAMPS United States Army Military Police School USAPG United States Army Participation Group USAMPTAO United States Army Military Personnel and Transportation Assist- USAPHC ance Office United States Army Primary Helicopter Center

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:34:16 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 121 PN 123 FILE: r130.fil USAPHS USARECSTA United States Army Primary Helicopter School United States Army Reception Station

USAPIA USARET–RSGSTA United States Army Personnel Information Activity United States Army Returnee–Reassignment Station

USAPOP USAREUR United States Army Port Operations, Pusan United States Army, Europe

USAPRC USAREURAGLO United States Army Physical Review Council United States Army, Europe, Adjutant General Liaison Office

USAPSG USAREURCSTC United States Army Personnel Security Group United States Army, Europe, Combat Support Training Center

USAPT USARFT United States Army Parachute Team United States Army Forces, Taiwan

USAQMCENFL USARIBSS United States Army Quartermaster Center and United States Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences USAQMS United States Army Quartermaster School USARIEM United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine USAR (Natick, MA) United States Army Reserve USARJ USARADBD United States Army, Japan United States Army Air Defense Board USARLANT USARAE United States Army Forces, Atlantic United States Army Reserve Affairs, Europe USARMA USARAL United States Army Attache United States Army, Alaska USARMIS USARB United States Army Mission United States Army Retraining Brigade USARMLO USARBCO United States Army Liaison Officer United States Army Base Command, Okinawa USAROTCR USARC United States Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Region United States Army Reserve Center USARPA USARCPC United States Army Publications Agency United States Army Reserve Components Personnel Center USARPACINTS USARCS United States Army Pacific Intelligence School United States Army Claims Service USARPERCEN USARCSWIS United States Army Reserve Personnel Center United States Claims Service Worldwide Information System USARR USARDA United States Army Readiness Regions United States Army Regional Dental Activity USARRED USARDAISA United States Army Forces, Readiness Command United States Army Research, Development, and Acquisition Infor- mation Systems Agency USARS United States Army Regimental System USARDL United States Army Research and Development Laboratories USARSO United States Army Forces Southern Command USARDORAG United States Army Research and Development Operational Re- USARSO–PR search Advisory Group United States Army Forces, Southern Command–Puerto Rico

USAREC USARSUPTHAI United States Army Recruiting Command United States Army Support, Thailand

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 122 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:34:21 PN 124 FILE: r130.fil USASAALA USASPSAE United States Army Security Assistance Agency, Latin America United States Army Special Services Agency, Europe

USASACDA USASPTCM United States Army Security Agency Combat Development Activity United States Army Support Center, Memphis

USASACDSA USASPTAP U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y S e c u r i t y A g e n c y C o m m a n d D a t a S y s t e m s United States Army Support Activity, Philadelphia Activity USASSC&FBH USASAE United States Army Soldier Support Center and Fort Benjamin United States Army Security Agency, Europe Harrison USASSG USASAPAC United States Army Special Security Group United States Army Security Agency, Pacific USATA (WH) USASASA United States Army Transportation Agency (White House) United States Army Security Agency Systems Activity USATALS USASASSA United States Army Transportation and Aviation Logistics Schools United States Army Security Agency Signal Security Activity USATC USASATCOMA United States Army Training Center United States Army Satellite Communications Agency USATC Armor USASATEC United States Army Training Center, Armor (Fort Knox, Ky) United States Army Security Agency Test and Evaluation Center USATCEFLW USASC United States Army Training Center, Engineer and Fort Leonard United States Army Safety Center Wood

USASCAF USATCEUR United States Army Service Center for the Armed Forces United States Army Terminal Command Europe

USASC&FG USATC FA United States Army Training Center, Field Artillery (Fort Sill, Okla) United States Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon USATCFE USASCH United States Army Transportation Center and Fort Eustis United States Army Support Command, Hawaii USATC Inf USASD United States Army Training Center, Infantry (Fort Dix, NJ) (Fort United States Army Student Detachment Jackson, SC) (Fort Ord, CA) (Fort Polk, LA)

USASESS USATDGL United States Army Southeastern Signal School United States Army Terminal Detachment, Great Lakes

USASETAF USATMACE United States Army Southern European Task Force United States Army Traffic Management Agency, Central Europe

USASEXC USATMC United States Armed Services Exploitation Center United States Army Troop Medical Clinic

USASG (AUS) USATOPOCOM United States Army Standardization Group (Australia) United States Army Topographic Command

USASG (CA) USATRASANA United States Army Standardization Group (Canada) United States Army TRADOC Systems Analysis Activity USATREOG USASG (UK) U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y T r a n s p o r t a t i o n E n v i r o n m e n t a l O p e r a t i o n s United States Army Standardization Group (United Kingdom) Group

USASIGS USATRFSTA United States Army Signal School United States Army Transfer Station

USASMA USATSA United States Army Sergeants Major Academy United States Army Technical Support Activity

USASOPAC USATSC United States Army Support Office, Pacific United States Army Terrestrial Sciences Center

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:34:27 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 123 PN 125 FILE: r130.fil USATSCH USDELIADB United States Army Transportation School United States Delegation, Inter–American Defense Board

USATTAY USDOCOLAND–SOUTHEAST United States Army Transportation Test Activity, Yuma United States Document Office Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe USATTC United States Army Tropic Test Center USDLGI United States Defense Liaison Group Indonesia USATUC United States Army Terminal Unit, Canaveral USDSEA United States Dependent Schools, European Area USAWC United States Army War College usea undersea USAWES United States Army Waterways Experiment Station USEP United States Escapee Program USBRO USER ID United States Base Requirements Overseas user identification

USC USESSA under separate cover; United States Code United States Environmental Science Services Administration

USCG USEUCOM United States Coast Guard United States European Command

USCGA USFK United States Coast Guard Academy United States Forces, Korea

USCIIC USFORAZ United States Civilian Internee Information Center United States Forces in Azores

USCIIC (Br) USGLI Branch United States Civilian Internee Information Center United States Government Life Insurance

USCINCARRED USIA C o m m a n d e r i n C h i e f , U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y F o r c e s , R e a d i n e s s United States Information Agency Command USJTF USCINCEUR United States Joint Task Force United States Commander in Chief, Europe USJUWTF USCINCMEAFSA United States Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force United States Commander in Chief Middle East, Southern Asia, and Africa South of the Sahara USLO United States Liaison Officer USCINCRED Commander in Chief, United States Readiness Command USM underwater–to–surface missile USCINCSO Commander in Chief, United States Southern Command USMA United States Military Academy USCMA USMAPS United States Court of Military Appeals United States Military Academy Preparatory School

USCOB USMC United States Commander Berlin United States Marine Corps

USCSB USMCR United States Communications Security Board United States Marine Corps Reserve

USDA USMCW Department of Agriculture United States Marine Corps, Women

USDAO USMEMILCOMUN United States Defense Attache Office United States Members, UN Military Staff

USDB USMILCOMUN United States Disciplinary Barracks United States Delegation, UN Military Staff Committee

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 124 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:34:32 PN 126 FILE: r130.fil USMLMCINCGSFG USSDP United States Military Liaison Mission to Commander in Chief, Uniformed Services Savings Deposits Program Group Soviet Forces, Germany USSECMILCOMUN USMPTC The Secretary, United States Delegation UN Staff Committee United States Modern Pentathlon Training Center USSID USMS United States Signal Intelligence Directive United States Maritime Service USSOUTHCOM USMTMSA United States Southern Command United States Military Training Mission to USWACC USN United States Women’s Army Corps Center USWACS USNA United States Women’s Army Corps School United States Naval Academy UT USNH Universal Time; user test United States Naval Hospital UTA USNMR Unit Training Assembly United States National Military Representative UTAD USNR Utah Army Depot United States Naval Reserve UTES USNS unit training equipment site United States Navy Ship (Civilian Manned) util USofA utility Under Secretary of the Army UTM USOID universal transverse mercator (grid) United States Overseas Internal Defense UTROAA units to round out the Active Army USOM United States Operations Mission UTTAS utility tactical transport aircraft system USPFO United States Property and Fiscal Officer UUM underwater to underwater missile USPHS United States Public Health Service UW unconventional warfare USPS United States Postal Service UWATU underway training unit USPWIC United States Prisoner of War Information Center UWOA Unconventional Warfare Operations Area USPWIC (Br) Branch United States Prisoner of War Information Center uwtr underwater USREDCOM United States Readiness Command UXB unexploded bomb(s) USREPMILCOMUN United States Representative, UN Military Staff Committee UXO unexploded ordnance USRNMC United States Representative to NATO Military Committee UXOI unexploded ordnance incident USSA United States Security Authority for NATO Affairs 2–22. “V” listings

USSAH VA United States and Airmen’s Home Veterans Administration

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:34:38 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 125 PN 127 FILE: r130.fil VAAP VFMED Volunteer Army ammunition plant variable format message entry devices

VADM VFR visual flight rules

VAH VFTG Veterans Administration Hospital voice frequency telegraph terminal

VAMOS VHA verified additional military occupational specialty very high altitude

VANWACE VHF Vulnerability Analysis of Nuclear Weapons in Allied Command, very high frequency Europe VIABLE vari Vertical Installation Automation Baseline varityper VIP very important person VASRD Veterans Administration Schedule for Rating Disabilities vis visibility; visual VATLS visual airborne target locator system VLA very low altitude VC Veterinary Corps VLF very low frequency VCP vehicle collecting point VLR very low range VCSA Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Army VNCM VD venereal disease VO verbal orders VDEV “V” Device VOA VE value engineering VOCG verbal orders of commanding general VECP Value Engineering Change Proposal VOCO verbal orders of commanding officer vel velocity VOCS verbal orders of the Chief of Staff VEL variable enlistment legislation VODP verbal orders by Direction of the President VEP VOICECON value engineering proposal telephone conference

VEPM vol value engineering program manager volume, volunteer

VEQ VOLAR visiting enlisted quarters Volunteer Army

VET VOQ verbal test visiting officers quarters vet VOR veteran; veterinary VHF omnidirectional range

VFGH VOSA Valley Forge General Hospital verbal orders of Secretary of the Army

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 126 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:34:43 PN 128 FILE: r130.fil VOTAG 2–23. “W” listings verbal orders of The Adjutant General W VP west vulnerable point WACB VPK Women’s Army Classification Battery vehicle per kilometer WACO VPM written advice of contracting officer vehicles per mile WACSM VPMOS Women’s Army Corps Service Medal verified primary military occupational specialty WADS VPR wide area data service voluntary price reduction WARF VPRESSVB wartime active replacement factors Vice–Presidential Service Badge WARLOCE VRB Wartime Lines of Communication, Europe variable reenlistment bonus WARLOG VRFWS wartime logistics vehicle rapid fire weapon system WARS VRGC Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System voucher register and general control WASAC VSD Working Group of Army Study Advisory Committee vendor’s shipping document WBAMC VSI William Beaumont Army Medical Center very seriously ill WASH DC VSL Washington, DC variable safety level WASP VSM War Air Service Program

VSMOS WB verified secondary military occupational specialty Weather Bureau; weekly bulletin

VSSSN WBAWS verification status social security number Weather Briefing Advisory and Warning Service

VSTOL WBS vertical and short take–off/landing work breakdown structure

VT WBSCB variable time Work Breakdown Structure Control Board

VTAADS wd Vertical–The Army Authorization Documents System withdrawn

VTOL WDA vertical take–off/landing weapons defended area

VTR WDL video tape recorder weapons density list

VTVM WE vacuum tube voltmeter with equipment; withholding exemptions

VUA WESS Valorous Unit Award weapons effect signature simulator

VUNC WESTCOM Voice of United Nations Command United States Army Western Command

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:34:48 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 127 PN 129 FILE: r130.fil WEST WLR Women’s Enlistment Screening Test weapons locating radar

WESTPAC WM Western Pacific work measurement

WETS WMC week–end training site weapons monitoring center

WEU WMIP Western weapons management improvement program

WFCMV WMO wheeled fuel consuming motor vehicle World Meteorological Organization

WG WN working group; wage grade–civilian employees will not WNB WHCA will not be White House Communications Agency WNP whd will not proceed warhead WNRC WHD Washington National Records Center western hemisphere defense WNW WHDS west–northwest warhead section WNY WHIST Washington Navy Yard W o r l d w i d e H o u s e h o l d G o o d s I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m f o r T r a f f i c Management wo without WHO World Health Organization WO warning order; warrant officer WHR western hemisphere reserve WO warrant officer whs warehouse WOC without compensation whsmn warehouseman WO1 warrant officer, W–1 WIA wounded in action WOQT Warrant Officer Qualification Test WIMI watercraft intensively managed items WORSAMS Worldwide Organization Structure for Army Medical Support WIP WOSB work in place weather observation site building

WIR WOWN Weekly Intelligence Review without winch wl WP workload ; white phosphorous; will proceed; working party

WLB WPE weapons logbook word processing equipment

WLCS WPM Workload and Cost Schedule words per minute

WLD wpn west longitude date weapon

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 128 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:34:54 PN 130 FILE: r130.fil WPP WUIS Weapons Production Program work unit information system

WPS WVA with prior service Watervliet Arsenal

WPWOD WVEH will proceed without delay wheel vehicle

WR ww war reserve worldwide wr WWAP water–rail Worldwide Asset Position

WRAIN WWIO Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing worldwide inventory objective

WRAIR WWIVM Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Victory Medal

WRAMC WWIIVM Walter Reed Army Medical Center World War II Victory Medal wrmn WWMCCS wireman worldwide military command and control system

WRS WWN war reserve stocks with winch

WRSA 2–24. “X” listings war reserve stocks for allies X–2 WSA preliminary name for Spartan weapons systems analysis X–3 WSEG p r e l i m i n a r y n a m e f o r h i g h – p e r f o r m a n c e t h i r d s t a g e ( A d v a n c e d Weapons Systems Evaluation Group Spartan) WSMR XDC White Sands Missile Range control center for Nike–X system WSO Washington Standardization Officers xmit transmit WSP water supply point; Work Simplification Program xmsn transmission WSRP weapons system requisitioning procedure xmtr transmitter WSTF White Sands Test Facilities XO ; expenditure order WSTM White Sands Transverse Mercator XRL Extended Range LANCE WSW west–southwest xstr transistor wt weight xtal crystal WTCA Water Terminal Clearance Authority XYrDev Ten Year Device WTR Western Test Range 2–25. “Y” listings

WU YOB weapons and utilities maintenance year of birth

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:34:59 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 129 PN 131 FILE: r130.fil YOC accrued leave (ACLV) Youth Opportunity Corps acknowledge (ack) YP acknowledged (ack) yield point (psi) acknowledgement (ack) YPG , Arizona acoustical intelligence (ACOUSTINT) acquisition (acq) YS yardstick; yield strength (psi) acquisition advice code (AAC)

2–26. “Z” listings acquisition aid vehicle (AADV) acquisition data input equipment (ADIE) ZD zero defects acquisition plan (AP)

ZEMTR acquittal (acq) Zeus early missile test radar action officer (AO) ZF Active Army (AA) zone of fire Active Army Locator System (AALS) ZI Active Component (AC) zone of interior active duty (AD) ZOE active duty commitment (ADC) zone of entry active duty for training (ADT) ZTO zone transportation office active federal commissioned service (AFCS) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Activity Career Program Manager (ACPM) Chapter 3 Alphabetical Explanation of Authorized actual cost (AC) Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms actual ground zero (AGZ) 3–1. “A” listings Abbreviated Performance Characteristics actual time of arrival (ATA) (APC) actual time of departure (ATD) abbreviation (abbr) addendum (add) Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) addition (add) above ground level (AGL) additional (add) above named officer (ANO) Additional fiscal-year move is authorized by the Secretary of the above sea level (ASL) Army per (AFYMOSAP) absent without leave (AWOL) additional authorizations list (AAL) Academy of Health Sciences, United States Army (AHS) additionally awarded military occupational specialty (AMOS) acceptable quality level (AQL) additional selection factor (ASF) acceptance inspection equipment (AIE) additional skill identifier (ASI) Access and Amendment Refusal Authority (AARA) address (adrs) accessory power supply (APS) addressee (adrs) account (acct) address indicating group (AIG) accountable property officer (ACTPO) adjutant (adj) accountable strength (ACCTSTR) adjutant general (AG) Accounting and Reporting Management Improvement Program Adjutant General’s Corps (AG) (ARMIP) Adjutant (U.S. Army) (S1) accounting processing code (APC) administrate (admin) accounting requirements code (ARC) administration (admin) accreditation (acred) administrative (admin)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 130 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:35:04 PN 132 FILE: r130.fil Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army (AASA) advised critical housing shortage at (CRITHOUS) administrative contracting officer (ACO) advise method, bill of lading, and date shipped (AMBLADS) administrative instructions (ADMINI) advise shipping data (ADSHIPDA) administrative lead time (ALT) advise status and/or disposition (ADSTADIS) Administrative Machine Division (AMD) advisory area (ADA) administrative officer (AO) Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) administrative orders (ADMINO) aerial ambulance company (AAC) administrative-supply technician (AST) aerial mail terminal (AMT) administrative weight limitation (AWL) aerial port of debarkation (APOD) admiral (ADM) aerial port of embarkation (APOE) admission and disposition (AAD) aerial reconnaissance and security (ARS) ADP System Requirement Analysis (ASRA) aerial reconnaissance and security troop (ARST) advance (adv) aerial rocket artillery (ARA) advanced (adv) aeromedical evacuation (AME) advanced attack helicopter (AAH) Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center (AECC) advanced ballistic reentry systems (ABRES) aeromedical evacuation control officer (AECO) Advanced Combat Training Academy (ACTA) aeromedical evacuation operations officer (AEOO) Advanced Defense Communication Satellite Program (ADCSP) aeronautical information publication (AIP) advance development experimental (ADX) aeronautics (aero) advance development objective (ADO) Aerospace Defense Command (ADC) advanced development group (ADG) aerospace ground equipment (AGE) advanced development plan (ADP) Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service (ARRS) advanced identification techniques (AIT) Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) advanced individual training (AIT) agency (agcy) advance discontinuance of allotment (ADVDISC) Agency for International Development (AID) advanced landing ground (ALG) agent report (AR) advanced man strategic aircraft (AMSA) aggregate (aggr) advanced military occupational specialty (ADVMOS) aide-de-camp (ADC) advanced noncommissioned officer’s course (ANCOC) air administrative net (AIRAD) advanced planning document (APD) air and naval gunfire liaison company (ANGLICO) advanced production engineering (APE) air assault (AASLT) advanced-range instrumentation ship (ARIS) Air Assault Badge (Air ASLT) advanced scout helicopter (ASH) air base (AB) advanced skills education program (ASEP) airborne (abn) advanced system data processing simulation (ASDPSIM) Airborne Corps Operation Plan (ACOP) advanced techniques for imagery interpretation (ATII) airborne early warning (AEW) advanced unit training (AUT) airborne early warning and control (AEWC) advance list of oversea-returnees for reassignment (AOR) airborne intercept (AI) advance of pay and allowances (APA) airborne forward air controller (AFAC) advance payment (ADVPMT) airborne moving target indicator (AMTI) advance section (ADSEC) airborne vehicle identification (AVID) advanced weapon ammunition support point (AWASP) Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) Advance Weapons Support Command (AWSCOM) air cavalry combat brigade (ACCB) advise by message (ADMSG)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:35:08 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 131 PN 133 FILE: r130.fil air command net (AIRCOMD) Air Force base (AFB) air control center (ACC) Air Force Communications Service (AFCS) air control point (ACP) Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) air control team (ACT) Air Force of the United States (AFUS) aircraft (acft) Air Force personnel on duty with Army (AFWAR) Aircraft Component Intensive Management System (ACIMS) Air Force Systems Command (AFSC) aircraft control and warning (ACW) Air Force (USAF) (AF) Aircraft Crewman Badge (ACCMB) Air Force Western Test Range (AFWTR) Aircraft IFF Mark XII Section (AIMXS) air frame (AFRM) Aircraft Inventory Reporting System (AIRS) air-ground correlation factor (AGCF) aircraft procurement, Army (APA) air-ground operations system (AGOS) aircraft shipment readiness date (ASRD) airhead (ahd) aircraft time compliance technical manuals (TCTM) air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM) aircraft transfer order (ATO) air liaison officer (ALO) aircrew flight training period (AFTP) Airlift Clearance Authority (ACA) air cushion vehicle (ACV) airlift command post (ACP) air defense (AD) airlift coordinating office(r) (ALCO) air defense annual service practice (ADASP) air lines of communication (ALOC) air defense area (ADAR) air logistics service (ALS) air defense artillery (ADA) Airman’s Medal (AMNM) air defense artillery director (ADAD) air materiel area (AMA) air defense artillery operations detachment (ADAOD) Air Medal (AM) air defense artillery operations officer (ADAOO) airmobile task force (AMTF) Air Defense Command, Control, and Coordination System air movement designator (AMD) (ADCCCS) air movements information section (AMIS) Air Defense Command Post (ADCP) Air National Guard (ANG) Air Defense Communications Office (ADCO) Air National Guard of the United States (ANGUS) Air Defense Control Center (ADCC) air observer (AOBSR) Air Defense Direction Center (ADDC) air parcel post (APP) air defense emergency (ADE) airport mail facility (AMF) air defense exercise (ADX) airport surveillance radar (ASR) Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) Air Post Office (APO) air defense missile battalion (ADMSLBN) Air Procurement District (APD) Air Defense Missile Command (ADMC) air reconnaissance liaison officer (ARLO) Air Defense of North American Continent (ADNAC) air reconnaissance support (ARSPT) air defense sector (ADS) Air Reconnaissance Support Battalion (ARSB) Air Defense Service Medal (ADSM) Air Reserve Forces Meritorious Service Medal (ARFMS) Air Defense Suppression Missile (ADSM) air route surveillance radar (ARSR) Air Defense Systems, Integration Division (ADSID) air route traffic control (ARTC) Air Defense Weapons Cost Effectiveness Study (ADWEPS) air route traffic control center (ARTCC) airdrop (adrp) airspace control element (ACE) air equipment and support (AE&S) airspace management elements (AME) airfield (afld) Air Standardization Coordinating Committee (ASCC) airfield heliport (AH) air supply (ASUP)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 132 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:35:12 PN 134 FILE: r130.fil air support operations center (ASOC) Allied Commander-in-Chief, Channel (CINCHAN) air-supported threat (AST) Allied Command Europe (ACE) air-supported threat defense (ASTD) allied communication publication (ACP) air support radar team (ASRT) Allied Communications Security Agency (ACSA) Air Target Materials Program (ATMP) Allied Data Processing Publication (ADatP) air terminal (ATERM) Allied Electrical Publication (AELP) air-to-air gunnery range (AAGR) Allied Electronics Publication (AEtP) air-to-air missile (AAM) Allied Engineering Publication (AEP) air-to-surface missile (ASM) Allied Exercise Publication (AXP) air-to-underwater missile (AUM) Allied Forces, Central Europe (AFCENT) Air Traffic Communications Station (ATCS) Allied Forces, Northern Europe (AFNORTH) air traffic control (ATC) Allied Forces, Southern Europe (AFSOUTH) Air Traffic Control Center (ATCC) Allied Hydrographic Publication (AHP) air traffic control line (ATCL) Allied Intelligence Publication (AIP) Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe (LANDSOUTHEAST) air traffic management automated center (ATMAC) Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe (LANDSOUTH) Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) Allied Logistic Publication (ALP) air traffic regulations (ATR) Allied Long Lines Agency (ALLA) air traffic services (ATS) Allied Military Communications Electronics Committee (AMCEC) Air Training Command (ATC) Allied Military Security Publication (AMSP) air-transportable communication unit (ATCU) Allied Mining and Mine Countermeasures Publication (AMP) Air Transport Movement Control Center (ATMC) Allied Naval Communications Agency (ANCA) air warning (AW) Allied Navigation Publication (ANP) Airways and Air Communications Service (AACS) Allied Ordnance Publication (AOP) Airways Modernization Board (AMB) Allied Quality Assurance Publication (AQAP) Air Weather Service (AWS) Allied Radio Frequency Agency (ARFA) Alabama Army Ammunition Plant (ALAAP) Allied Tactical Publication (ATP) Alaska, Canada, United States (ALCANUS) allocate (aloc) Alaskan Air Command (AAC) Allied Weather Publication (AWP) Alaskan Command (ALCOM) allotment (alot) Alaskan Sea Frontier (ALSEAFRON) allowable cargo load (ACL) Albuquerque Operations Office (ALOO) allowance (alw) Alcohol and Dependency Intervention Council (ADDIC) alternate (altn) Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program alternate battery acquisition radar (ABAR) (ADAPCP) alternate headquarters (ALTHQ) alcohol and drug control officer (ADCO) Alternate Joint Communications Center (AJCC) alert condition (LERTCON) Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC) algebraic oriented language (ALGOL) alternative (altn) all Army activities (ALARACT) altitude (alt) all body type (ABT) ambulance (amb) Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory (ABL) ambulance loading post (ALP) Allied Administrative Publication (AAP) AMC Logistics Program Hardcore, Automated (ALPHA) Allied Command Atlantic (ACLANT) AMC Major Item Automated System (MIAS) Allied Command Channel (ACCHAN)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:35:16 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 133 PN 135 FILE: r130.fil American Association of State Highway and Transportation answer (ans) Officials(AASHTO) antenna pattern measurement test (APMT) American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) antenna pattern test system (APATS) American, British, Australian (ABA) antenna test group (ATG) American, British, Canadian, and Australian (ABCA) antiaircraft (AA) American Campaign Medal (ACM) antiaircraft artillery (AAA) American Civilian Internee Information Bureau (ACIIB) antiaircraft defense system (AADS) American College Test (ACT) antiaircraft machine-gun (AAMG) American Embassy (AMEMB) antiballistic missile (ABM) American Expeditionary Force (AEF) anticipated not operationally ready, supply (ANORS) American Forces Information Service (AMFINFOS) anti-gas (ag) American Forces Korean Network (AFKN) anti-intercontinental ballistic missile (AICBM) American Forces Network (AFN) anti-IRBM (AIRBM) American Forces Network, Europe (AFNE) antijamming (aj) American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) antimissile missile (AMM) American Graves Registration Service (AGRS) Antimissile Research Advisory Council (AMRAC) American National Red Cross (AMCROSS) antiradiation missile (ARM) American prisoner of war (APW) antisubmarine (as) American Prisoner of War Information Bureau (APWIB) antisubmarine warfare (ASW) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) antitactical ballistic missile (ATBM) American standard code for information interchange (ASCII) antitank guided missile (ATGM) ammunition (ammo) antitank guided weapon (ATGW) ammunition bearer (AMMOBR) antitank grenade launcher (ATGL) Ammunition Condition Report (ACR) antitank gun (ATG) ammunition peculiar equipment (APE) antitank rocket launcher (ATRL) ammunition point (AP) appendix (app) ammunition shipment order (AMSO) applicable (appl) Ammunition Specialist (AS) applicant (appl) ammunition supply point (ASP) application (appl) amount (amt) appoint (apt) Amphibious Operational Training Element (AOTE) apprehend (app) amphibious river crossing equipment (French) (ARCE) appropriate (aprop) amphibious squadron (PHIBRON) appropriated fund(s) (APF) amphibious tractor (amphibian tractor) (AMTRAC) appropriation (appn) amplitude modulated (AM) appropriation and budget activity (ABA) Analytical Photogrametric Position System (APPS) appropriation purchases account (APA) Anarctica Service Medal (ASM) approved force acquisition objective (AFAO) Anniston Army Depot (ANAD) approved force budget objective (AFBO) annual funding program (AFP) approved force gross requirement (AFGR) annual maintenance man-hours (AMMH) approved operating budget (AOB) annual review questionnaire (ARQ) approximate (approx) annual service practice (ASP) aptitude (apt) annual training (AT) architect and engineer (A&E) annual training equipment pools (ATEP) architectural engineering (AE)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 134 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:35:20 PN 136 FILE: r130.fil area club management (ACM) Armed Forces Reserve Medal (AFRM) area confinement facility (ACF) Armed Forces Staff College (AFSC) area control center (ACC) Armed Force Women’s Selection Test (AFWST) area coordination group (ACG) armed guard (ARMGRD) area damage control center (ADCOC) Armed Service Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) area damage control party (ADCOP) Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center (ASDIC) area denial artillery munition (ADAM) Armed Services Explosives Safety Board (ASESBD) Area Dental Laboratory (ADL) Armed Services Graves Registration Office (ASGRO) area equipment compounds (AEC) Armed Services Medical Regulating Office (ASMRO) area maintenance supply facility (AMSF) Armed Services Personnel Interrogation Center (ASPIC) Area Maintenance Support Activity (AMSA) Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) area medical laboratory (AML) Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory (ASWBPL) area postal directory (APD) armed strike reconnaissance (ASR) Area Security Information Center (ASIC) armor (AR) area signal center (ASIGCEN) armored cavalry regiment (ACR) area supply officer (ASO) armored cavalry trainer (ACT) Area Supply Support Activity (ASSA) armored command and reconnaissance vehicle (ACRV) area support group (ASG) armored-infantry-mechanized (AIM) Area Wage and Classification Office (AWCO) armored personnel carrier (APC) Arlington Hall Station (AHS) armored reconnaissance airborne assault vehicle (ARAAV) Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) armored reconnaissance scout vehicle (ARSV) armament (armt) armored recovery vehicle (ARV) armed advanced scout helicopter (ARMEDASH) Armored Rifle Battalion (ARB) Armed Forces Assistance to Korea (AFAK) armored vehicle launched bridge (AVLB) Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association armor-piercing (AP) (AFCEA) armor-piercing capped (APC) Armed Forces Courier Service (ARFCOS) armor-piercing capped tracer (APC-T) Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) Armed Forces Epidemiological Board (AFEB) armor-piercing discarding sabot-tracer (APDS-T) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM) Army-piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) armor-piercing incendiary (API) Armed Forces Management (AFM) armor-piercing incendiary tracer (APIT) Armed Forces Menu Service Committee (AFMSC) armor-piercing-tracer (AP-T) Armed Forces Pest Control Board (AFPCB) Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) Armed Forces Police Detachment (AFPD) Army (*A) Armed Forces Policy Committee (AFRC) Army Achievement Medal (AAM) Armed Forces Press Service (AFPS) Army Advisory Group on Energy (AAGE) Armed Forces Product Evaluation Committee (AFPEC) Army aircraft (AACFT) Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) Army aircraft maintenance (AAM) Armed Forces Qualification Test, Verbal Arithmetic Subtest(AFQTVA) Army aircraft maintenance shop (AAMS) Armed Forces Recipe Service Committee (AFRSC) Army air defense (AAD) Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, as amended (AFRA) Army Air Defense Command(er) (AADCOM) Armed Forces Reserve Center (AFRC) Army Air Defense Command Post (AADCP) Army Air Defense Control and Coordination System (AADCCS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:35:24 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 135 PN 137 FILE: r130.fil Army airfield (AAF) Army Disability Rating Review Board (ADRRB) Army air reconnaissance for damage assessment in the Army Education Requirements Board (AERB) continental United States (AARDAC) Army Education Center (AEC) Army Air Traffic Coordinating Office (AATCO) Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory (AERDL) Army Air Traffic Regulation and Identification System (AATRI) Army Emergency Relief (AER) Army ammunition plant (AAP) Army Entertainment Scholarships and Awards Program (AESAP) Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) Army Equipment Status Reporting System (AESRS) Army Area Communications System (AACOMS) Army exchange (PX) Army Area Representative (AAR) Army Extension Course Program (AECP) Army Area Signal Center (AASC) Army extension training (AET) Army artillery group (opposing forces) (AAG) Army Extension Training Information System (AETIS) Army Atomic Weapons Systems Safety Committee (AAWSSC) Army facilities components system (AFCS) Army automation security program (AASP) Army Field Stock Control System (AFSCS) Army aviation (AAVN) Army Fixed Wing Aptitude Battery (AFWAB) Army Aviation Element (AAE) Army Flight Activity (AFA) Army Aviation Operating Detachment (AAOD) Army Force Development Plan (AFDP) Army Aviation Planning Manual (AAPM) Army force planning data and assumptions (AFPDA) Army Aviation Support Element (AASE) Army force status reporting system (ARFORSTAT) Army aviator (ARAV) Army General Classification Test (AGCT) Army Aviator Badge (ARAvBad) Army General Staff (GS) Army battle damage repair (ABDR) Army Good Conduct Medal (AGCM) Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) Army health nurse (AHN) Army broadcasting service (ABS) Army Heliport (AHP) Army Career Group (ACGP) Army Housing Committee (ARHOC) Army Central Logistics Data Bank (ACLDB) Army Human Factors Research Advisory Committee (AHFRAC) Army Club Fund (ACF) Army Human Factors Research and Development Committee (AHFRDC) Army Command and Control Network (ACCNET) Army Industrial Fund (AIF) Army Command Management System (ACMS) Army/Industry Materiel Information Liaison Officer (AIMILO) Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM) Army Installations Planning Committee (AIPC) Army commercial vehicle code (ACVC) Army Integrated Meteorological System (AIMS) Army Commissary Computer Entry Store System (ACCESS) Army intelligence (AI) Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) Army intelligence interpreter (AII) Army Community Service (ACS) Army intelligence translator (AIT) Army COMSEC Central Office of Record (ACCOR) Army Inventory of Data Systems (AIDS) Army COMSEC Commodity, Logistical, and Accounting Army Investigational Drug Review Board (AIDRB) Information Management System (ACCLAIMS) Army Land Forces (ALANF) Army Control Program Directive (ACPD) Army Language Aptitude Test (ALAT) Army Cost Reduction Program (ACRP) Army launch area (ALA) Army Council of Review Boards (ACRB) Army Logistics Policy Council (ALPC) Army damage assessment system (ARMDAS) Army logistic study program (ALSP) Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement (ADARS) Army long-range technological forecast (ALRTF) Army Deployment Reporting System (ADEPREP) Army Management Fund (AMF) Army depot (AD) Army Management Information Program (AMIP) Army Disability Review Board (ADRB)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 136 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:35:28 PN 138 FILE: r130.fil Army management information system (AMIS) Army Preliminary Evaluation (APE) Army management structure (AMS) Army program for renovation of armament manufacturing (REARM) Army Marksmanship Training Unit (FORSCOM) (AMKTU) Army promotion list (APL) Army Master Data File (AMDF) Army Qualification Battery (AQB) Army Master Data File Retrieval Microform System (ARMS) Army radar approach control (ARAC) Army Master Study Program (AMSP) Army Radio Code Aptitude Test (ARCT) Army Materiel Plan (AMP) Army RTDE information system (ARDIS) Army Materiel Status Committees (ARMATSC) Army Reactor Systems Health and Safety Review Committee Army Materiel Systems Analysis Agency (AMSAA) (ARCHS) Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Army readiness regions (ARR) Army Medical Department Property Accounting System Army ready materiel (ARM) (AMEDDPAS) Army registry of special educational materials (ARSEM) Army Medical Specialist Corps (AMSC) Army regulations (AR) Army Missile and Rockets Directorate NATO Supply Center(AMRD-NASC) Army Requirements Control Office (ARCO) Army Missile Defense Command (AMDC) Army Requirements Development Plan (ARDP) Army’s mobility opportunity and development program (AMOD) Army requirements for tactical communications (ARTACOM) Army Mobilization Capabilities Study (AMCS) Army Research Office (ARO) Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Guidance Army Research Institute (ARI) Document(AMPPGD) Army research plan (ARP) Army morale support fund (AMSF) Army Reserve Components Achievements Medal (ARCAM) Army Motor Vehicle Driver Selection Battery (MVD) Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon (ARCOTR) Army Mutual Aid Association (AMAA) Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee (ARFPC) Army National Guard (ARNG) Army retail requirements (ARR) Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS) Army Rotary Wing Aptitude Battery (ARWAB) Army, Navy Electronics Evaluation Group (ANEEG) Army Scientific Advisory Panel (ASAP) Army-Navy Shipping Information Agency (ANSIA) Army Service Command (ASCOM) Army news features (ANF) Army Service Ribbon (ASR) Army Nuclear Power Program (ANPP) Army shipping document (ASD) Army Nurse Corps (AN) Army Signal Material Support Agency (ASMSA) Army of Occupation Medal (AOM) Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) Army of the United States (AUS) Army Special Weapons Depot (ASWD) Army Operations Center (AOC) Army spectrometric oil analysis program (ASOAP) Army Packaging Board (APB) Army Staff (ARSTAF) Army Personnel Letter (APL) Army stationing and installation plan (ASIP) Army Physical Disability Appeal Board (APDAB) Army status report (ASR) Army physical readiness test (APRT) Army Stock Fund (ASF) Army planning group (APG) Army Strategic Capabilities Plan (ASCP) Army point of contact (APOC) Army Strategic Objectives Plan (ASOP) Army postal clerk (APC) Army Strategic Plan (ASP) Army Postal Service (APS) Army Student Nurse Program (ASNP) Army postal unit (APU) Army Student Nurse Program Identification Badge (ASNPIDBAD) Army Post Office (APO) Army Study Advisory Committee (ASAC) Army Precommission Extension Course (APCEC) Army Study Documentation and Information Retrieval System (ASDIRS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:35:31 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 137 PN 139 FILE: r130.fil Army survival measures plan (ASMP) assignment eligibility and availability (AEA) Army Systems Acquisition Review Council (ASARC) assignment instructions (AI) Army Tactical Data Systems (ARTADS) assist (asst) Army telecommunications system (ATS) Assistant Chief of Engineers (ACE) Army Topographic Station (ATS) Assistant Chief of Staff (ACofS) Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP) Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management (ACSIM) Army training program (ATP) Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Army training test (ATT) Management-Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (ACSIM/C4) Army Transportation Plan in Support of the Army Strategic Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) Capabilities Plan (ATP-ASCP) Assistant Chief of Staff G1 (Personnel) (G1) Army Validation Program (AVP) Assistant Chief of Staff G2 (Intelligence) (G2) Army Wholesale Logistic System (AWLOG) Assistant Chief of Staff G3 (Operations) (G3) Army-wide (AW) Assistant Chief of Staff G4 (Logistics) (G4) Army-wide training support (AWTS) Assistant Chief of Staff, G5 (Civil Affairs) (G5) ARPA/Lincoln C-band observable radar (ALCOR) Assistant Comptroller of the Army for Finance and ARPA long-range tracking and instrumental radar (ALTAIR) Accounting(ACOA (F&A)) ARPA measurements radar (AMRAD) assistant division communications-electronics officer arrival airfield control group (AACG) (ADCEO) arrival angle (AA) Assistant Division Engineer (ADE) arrival unknown (ARUNK) assistant fire support coordinator (AFSCOORD) arrival time (AI) Assistant Judge Advocate General for Civil Law (AJAG/CIV) arrive (arr) Assistant Judge Advocate General for Military Law (AJAG/MIL) Arrowhead (AHD) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Communications, Artificial intelligence (AI) Command-Control, and Intelligence) (ASD (C 3I)) artillery (arty) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (ASD(C)) artillery-delivered multipurpose submunition (ARDEMS) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) (ASD artillery flash ranging (AFR) (A)) artillery direct fire trainer (ADTF) Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security artillery-locating radar (ALR) Affairs) (ASD (ISA)) Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (APCM) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs assault (aslt) and Logistics) (ASD (MRA&L)) assault fire command console (AFCC) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) (ASD (PA)) assault fire unit (AFU) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Program Analysis and assault gun (ASLTG) Evaluation) (ASD (PA&E)) assault helicopter company (AHC) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management) (ASA assemble (asbl) (FM)) assembly (assy) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and assembly area (AA) Logistics) (ASA (I&L)) assessment of combat effectiveness (ACE) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve asset control subsystem (ACS) Affairs) (ASA (M&RA)) Asset Master Balance File (AMBF) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and assign (asg) Acquisition) (ASA (RDA)) assigned (asgd) Assistant Secretary of the General Staff (ASGS) assigned responsible agency (ARA) associate (assoc)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 138 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:35:36 PN 140 FILE: r130.fil Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Information System(ACEMIS) as soon as possible (ASAP) Automated Data Processing System Security Enhancement Program(ADPSSEP) as stated (as) Automated Data Processing Systems Security Officer (ADPSSO) astronomic (astn) automated data subsystem (ADSS) at a later date (ALD) automated data system (ADS) Atlantic Division Transport Control Center (Hq) (ATCC) Automated Data Systems Manual (ADSM) Atlantic Missile Range (AMR) automated date unit movement (ADUM) Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF) automated intelligence file (AIF) at no expense to the Government (ANEXGOVT) automated message handling system (AMHS) atomic damage template (ADT) automated message processing exchange system (AMPES) atomic demolition munition (ADM) Automated Logistics Management Systems Agency (ALMSA) Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) automated multi-media exchange (AMME) Atomic Energy Detection System (AEDS) Automated PEMA Budget System (APBS) Atomic Ordnance Cataloging Office (AOCO) Automated Port Call System for AIT Graduates (PORT CAP) atomic strike net (ASN) automated system for transportation data (AUTOSTRAD) Atomic Strike Plan Control Group Alternate (ASPCGA) Automated Systems Army Commissaries (ASAC) Attack Helicopter Company (ATKHC) automatic (auto) attack helicopter (AH) automatic cancellation of extended targets (ACET) Attack Surveillance Committee (or Coverage) (ATKSC) automatic carrier landing system (ACLS) attention (attn) Automatic Data Distribution System (ADDS) audiofrequency (AF) Automatic Data Field Systems Command (ADFSC) audiovisual (AV) automatic data link (ADL) audiovisual information system (AVIS) automatic data processing (ADP) audiovisual instructional technology (AVIT) Automatic Data Processing Center (ADPC) Audiovisual Support Center (AVSC) automatic data processing equipment (ADPE) augmented assault fire units (AAFU) Automatic Data Processing Management Information System Australia (AS) (ADPMIS) Australian Joint Staff Service (AJSS) Automatic Data Processing Service Center (ADPSC) Australia, New Zealand, and the United States (ANZUS) automatic data processing system (ADPS) authority (auth) Automatic Data Systems Within the Army in the Field (ADSAF) authority granted (AUTHGR) automatic digital message switches (ADMS) authorization (auth) Automatic Digital Message Switching Center (ADMSC) authorized (auth) automatic digital network (AUTODIN) authorized acquisition objective (AAO) automatic digital optical tracker (ADOT) authorized consumption list (ACL) automatic direction finder (ADF) authorized data list (ADL) automatic electronic switching center (AESC) authorized depot stockage list (ADSL) automatic frequency control (AFC) authorized equipment listing (AEL) automatic gain control (AGC) authorized level of organization (ALO) automatic ground-controlled approach (AGCA) authorized organizational stockage list (AOSL) Automatic Inspection Device for Explosive Charge Shell (AIDECS) authorized retention level (ARL) automatic jamming avoidance circuitry (AJAC) authorized stockage list (ASL) automatic message address routing system (AMARS) Automated career management system (ACMS) automatic message exchange (AMX) Automated Communications-Electronics Management Automatic Message Processing System (AMPS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:35:40 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 139 PN 141 FILE: r130.fil automatic radar data measuring equipment (ARDME) axis or axes of signal communication (AXSIGCOMM) automatic release date (ARD) azimuth (az) automatic scheduling message (ASM) azimuth laying set (ALS) automatic secure voice communications (AUTOSEVOCOM) azimuth orientation system (AOS) automatic stabilization equipment (ASE) azimuth orientation unit (AOU) Automatic telecommunications system security manager (ATSSM) azimuth-speed indicator (ASI) 3–2. “B” listings automatic video noise limited (AVNL) bachelor enlisted quarters (BEQ) automatic voice network (AUTOVON) bachelor officers’ quarters (BOQ) automatic volume control (AVC) background investigation (BI) automatic weapons (AW) backlog of essential maintenance and repair (BEMAR) automation management office (AMO) backup interceptor control (BUIC) Automation Security Committee (ASC) bad conduct discharge (BCD) Automotive Information Test (AIT) Badger Army Ammunition Plant (BAAP) autonomous missile site radar (AMSR) balance (bal) AUTOVON (AV) balance mobilization reserve materiel objective (BMRMO) auxiliary (aux) balance of payment programmed (BOPP) auxiliary landing field (ALF) balance of payments (BOP) auxiliary power unit (APU) Balance of Payments Act (BOPA) availability balance file (ABF) Ballistic Environmental Characteristics and Measurement Program available (aval) (BECAMP) available for reassignment (AVFR) ballistic attack game (BAG) available-to-load date (ALD) ballistic missile defense (BMD) avenue of approach (AA) Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center (BMDATC) average (avg) ballistic missile defense center (BMDC) aviation (avn) ballistic missile defense command post (BMDCP) Aviation Career Incentive Act of 1974 (ACIA) Ballistic Missile Defense Emergency Action Report (BMDEAR) Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP) Ballistic Missile Defense Integrated Training Plan (BMDITP) Aviation Research and Development Command (AVRADCOM) Ballistic Missile Defense Master Plan (BMDMP) aviation electronics (AVIONICS) ballistic missile defense missile battalion (BMDMB) aviation gasoline (AVGAS) Ballistic Missile Defense-Nuclear Effects and Threat Committee aviation intensive management items (AIMI) (BMD-NEAT) aviation intermediate maintenance (AVIM) Ballistic Missile Defense Operations (BMDO) aviation life support equipment (ALSE) Ballistic Missile Defense Operations Activity (BMDOA) aviation lubricant (AVLUB) Ballistic Missile Defense Program Manager (BMDPM) Aviation Materiel Management Improvement Program (AMMIP) Ballistic Missile Defense Program Office (BMDPO) aviation medical officer (AMO) ballistic missile defense surveillance battalion (BMDSB) aviation medicine (AVNMED) Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command (BMDSCOM) aviation oil (AVOIL) ballistic missile early warning system (BMEWS) aviation requirements for the combat structure of the Ballistic Missile Reentry System (BMRSYS) Army(ARCSA) ballistic winds (BALLWIN) aviation service entry date (ASED) Base Development Board (BDB) aviation unit maintenance (AVUM) base development plan (BDP) awaiting action higher authority (AAHA) baseline cost estimate (BCE) awaiting results of trial (ARTL) Base Operating Information System (BASOPS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 140 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:35:44 PN 142 FILE: r130.fil base point (BP) beach group (bg) base production unit (BPU) beachhead (bhd) basic active service date (BASD) beach jumper unit (BJU) basic allowance for quarters (BAQ) beachmaster unit (BMU) basic allowance for subsistence (BAS) beam lead sealed junction integrated circuit package (BLSJICP) basic Army strategic estimates (BASE) beat frequency oscillator (BFO) basic combat training (BCT) beds and patients report (BAPREPT) basic daily food allowance (BDFA) beginning evening nautical twilight (BENT) basic enlisted service date (BESD) beginning morning nautical twilight (BMNT) basic issue items (BII) beginning of business (BOB) basic issue item list (BIIL) Behavior and Systems Research Laboratory (BESRL) basic load (ammunition) (BL) Belgian Fourragere (BEFOURRA) basic operation plan (BOP) Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg (BENELUX) basic pay (BP) Bell Telephone Laboratories (BTL) basic pay entry date (BPED) bench mark (BM) basic planning document (BPD) Berlin Airlift Device (BerADev) Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP) bill of lading (BL) Basic Standardization Agreement (BSA) binary bits per inch (BPI) basic training (BT) binary coded decimal (BCD) basic unit training (BUT) biographies (BIO) basis of issue (BOI) biological (biol) basis of issue plan (BOIP) biological defense (BIOLDEF) basis of issue plan II (BOIP II) biological operations (BIOLOPS) Basis of Issue Monitoring and Recording System (BOIMARS) biological report (BIOLREPT) battalion (bn) biological research (BIOLRSCH) Battalion Ground Surveillance Section (BGSS) biological weapons (BIOLWPN) Battalion Mortar and Davy Crockett Platoon (BMDCP) biological weapon system (BIOLWPNSYS) battalion operation center (AD) (BOC) blanket delivery order (BDO) battalion shore fire control party (BNSFCP) blanket purchase agreement (BPA) battery (btry) blockade (bloc) battery acquisition radar (BAR) Blue Grass Depot Activity (BGDA) battery commander (BC) Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors (BERH) battery computer system (BCS) board of review (BOR) battery control area (BCA) bombardment (bomb) battery control central (BCC) bomb disposal (BD) battery data link (BDL) bombing report (BOMREP) battery display unit (BDU) bombing through overcast (BTO) battery integration and radar display equipment (BIRDIE) bombline (BL) battery terminal equipment (BTE) bomb release distance (BRD) battlefield illumination (BI) bomb release line (BRL) battlefield information center (BIC) bombsight (bomst) battlefield information control center (BICC) boost phase intercept (BPHI) battlefield visualization graphics (BVG) borrowed military manpower (BMM) battle position (BP) boundry (bdry)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:35:48 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 141 PN 143 FILE: r130.fil branch (br) burst on target (BOT) Branch American Civilian Internee Information Bureau By Direction of the President (DP) 3–3. “C” listings ACIIB (Br) calendar year (CY) Branch American Prisoner of War Information Bureau call signs and/or address group remain same (CADSAME) APWIB (Br) Cameron Station (CAMSTA) Branch Enemy Civilian Internee Information Bureau camouflage (cam) ECIIB (Br) camouflaged (cam) Branch Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau EPWIB (Br) Canada-US Regional Planning Group (CUSRPG) branch immaterial (BI) Canadian air defense identification zone (CADIZ) branch material (BM) Canadian Joint Staff (CJS) branch transportation office(r) (BTO) Canal Zone (CZ) Branch United States Civilian Internee Information Center cannon-launched guided projectiles (CLGP) USCIIC (Br) capability design specifications (CDS) Branch United States Prisoner of War Information Center Capital Military Assistance Command (CMAC) USPWIC (Br) Capper military occupational specialty (CMOS) briefing (bfg) captain (CPT) brigade (bde) Cardiovascular pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) brigade data center (BDC) Card Packet System (CARDPAC) brigade landing team (BDELT) career counselor (CARCSLR) brigade support area (BSA) cargo delivery receipt (CDR) brigadier (Brig) cargo disposition instructions (CDI) (BG) Cargo Handling Battalion (CHB) British Defense Staff (BDS) cargo helicopter (CH) British Joint Communications-Electronics Board (BJCEB) cargo outturn report (COR) British thermal unit (BTU) career management field (CMF) Bronze Star Medal (BSM) career management individual file (CMIF) Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) Career Performance Rating (CPR) budget (bud) casualties (cas) budget activity account (BAA) casualty (cas) budget and manpower guidance (BMG) casualty analysis for determining weapon system effectiveness budget authorization account number (BAAN) (CAWSE) budget execution (BEXEC) catalog management data notification (CMDN) Budget Execution Plan (BEP) cathode ray tube (CRT) budget execution review (BER) Causcasion (Cau) budget formulation (BFORM) cavalry (cav) Budget Formulation Directive (BFD) cavalry fighting vehicle (CFV) Budget Program (BP) ceiling and visibility unlimited (CAVU) budget project account (BPA) celestial (cel) Budget Review Committee (BRC) Center for Research in Social Systems (CRESS) budget year (BY) Center of Military History (CMH) building (bldg) Central Accounting Office (CAO) built in test equipment (BITE) Central American Defense Council (CONDECA) bullet proof (BPRF) Central Ammunition Management Office-Pacific (CAMO-PAC) bureau voucher (BV) Central Army Group Central Europe (CENTAG)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 142 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:35:52 PN 144 FILE: r130.fil central clearance facility (CCF) Chemical Corps (CC) central computer center (CCMPTC) chemical defense equipment (CDE) central control facility (CCF) chemical operations (CMLOPS) Central Dental Laboratories (CDL) chemical warfare (CW) Central European Operating Agency (CEOA) Chief, Army Reserve (CAR) Central Financial Management Activities (CFMA) Chief, Defense Staff (Canada) (CDS) central food preparation facility (CFPF) Chief, National Guard Bureau (CNGB) central food preparation system (CFPS) Chief of Chaplains (CCH) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Chief of Engineers (COE) Central Issue Facility (CIF) Chief of Finance and Accounting (CF&A) Centralization of Supply Management Operations (COSMOS) Chief of Legislative Liaison (CLL) Centralized Army Passenger Port Call System (CAPPS) Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) centralized automated military pay system (CAMPS) Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) centralized automatic message accounting (CAMA) Chief of Personnel Operations (COPO) Central Management Army Commissaries (CMAC) Chief of Public Affairs (CPA) central material service (CMS) Chief of Staff (CofS) central meat processing facility (CMPF) Chief of Staff Air Force memo (CSAFM) Central Port Call Office (CPCO) Chief of Staff memorandum (CSM) central postal directory (CPD) Chief of Staff regulation (CSR) central post fund (CPF) Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (CSAF) central processing unit (CPU) Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (CSA) central procurement office (CPO) chief petty officer (CPO) central receiving point (CRP) Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) central security service (CSS) Chief Warrant Officer, W-4 (CW4) Central US Registry (CUSR) Chief Warrant Officer, W-3 (CW3) centrifugal (cntrf) Chief Warrant Officer, W-2 (CW2) Chain of Command Reporting System (CHACOM) Chinese (Sino) Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Chinese-oriented antiballistic missile system (C-ABM) chamber of destination of ships (CDS) chlorobengalmalononitrile () (CS) change (ch) circular (cir) change of assignment (COA) circulation control point (CCP) change of operational control (CHOP) circumstance (circ) change review committee (CRCOM) Citizens Military Training Corps (CMIC) Channel Committee (CHANCOMTEE) civil (civ) CHAPARRAL-A self-propelled, surface-to-air version of Navy Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) SIDEWINDER missile (CHAP) Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) Chaplains (CH) Civil Affairs (CA) charge of quarters (CQ) Civil Affairs Officer (US Army) (S5) check point (CP) Civil air defense warning (CADW) chemical accident/incident control officer (CAICO) Civil Damage Assessment Program (CDAP) chemical and biological accident and incident control plan (CBAICP) civil defense (CD) chemical biological (CB) Civil Defense Support Detachments (CDSD) chemical-biological accident and incident control (CBAIC) civil disturbance readiness conditions (CIDCON) Civil Disturbance Status Reporting (CIDSTAT)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:35:56 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 143 PN 145 FILE: r130.fil Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) Coast and Geodetic Survey (CGS) civilian (civ) coast phase control system (CPCS) Civilian Acquired Skills Program (CASP) coaxial machine-gun (COAX) civilian clothing maintenance allowance (CCMA) code name given to identify NATO TOP SECRET documents (COSMIC) Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) civilian man-years (CMY) coder-decoder group (CDG) civilian occupational specialty (COS) coherent signal processing system (CSPS) civilian personnel circular (CPC) Cohesion Operational Readiness Training (COHORT) Civilian Personnel Directorate (CPD) collateral action officer (CAO) Civilian Personnel Management Information System collateral damage distance (CDD) (CIVPERSINS) collective protection equipment (CPE) civilian personnel occupational standards (CPOS) College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) civilian personnel office (CPO) colonel (COL) civilian personnel pamphlet (CPP) Columbus Army Depot (COAD) civilian personnel procedures manual (CPPM) column (colm) civilian personnel regulation (CPR) Combat Aptitude Area (CO) civilian liaison officer (CLO) combat arms group (CAG) civil-military operations (CMO) Combat Arms Regimental System (CARS) Civil Operations Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) combat assault (CA) Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) combat command (CC) Civil Service regulation (CSR) combat consumption support from D-day to P-day (DPSPT) Civil Service retirement (CSR) combat crew (CCR) Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF) combat development (CD) classified control clerk (CCC) Combat Development Objectives Guide (CDOG) classified control officer (CCO) combat engineer vehicle (CEV) clinical record cover sheet (CRCS) Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB) close air support (CAS) combat intelligence (CBTI) closed-chest cardiac massage and mouth-to mouth resuscitation (CCCMMM) Combat Logistic Support System (CLSS) closed circuit television (CCTV) Combat Medical Badge (CMB) closed loop support (CLS) combat mission failure (CMF) close loop support extended (CLSX) combat operations center (COC) close of business (COB) Combat Operations Research Group (CORG) close reconnaissance zone (CRZ) combat outpost (COP) close support (CS) combat outpost line (COPL) clothing initial issue point (CIIP) combat readiness by electronic service testing (CREST) clothing maintenance allowance, basic (CMAB) combat readiness evaluation (CRE) clothing maintenance allowance, standard (CMAS) combat readiness training (CRT) clothing monetary allowance, initial (for cash allowance combat service group (CSG) only)(CMAIWAC) combat service support (CSS) clothing monetary allowance, initial issue (CMAIISS) Combat Service to the Army (COSTAR) clothing monetary maintenance, allowance (CMMA) combat support (CS) clothing sales store (CSS) combat support company (CSC) cloud processing equipment (CPE) combat support hospital (CSH)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 144 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:00 PN 146 FILE: r130.fil combat support training (CST) Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Scandinavian Approaches (COMNAVSCAP) combat surveillance and target acquisition (CSTA) Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North Norway combat vehicle (CVEH) (COMTAFNORNOR) combat vehicle crewman (CVC) Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, South Norway combat vehicle weapons system (CVWS) (COMTAFSONOR) combat zone (CZ) Commander, Allied Task Force, North Norway (COMTASKFORNON) combined arms (CA) Commander, Amphibious Task Force (COMATF) combined arms and support (CAAS) Commander, Antilles Defense Command (COMANTDEFCOM) combined arms Army (CAA) Commander, Army Forces (COMARFOR) combined arms center (CAC) Commander, Bay of Biscay Sub Area (COMBISCLANT) Combined Arms Combat Development Activity (CACDA) Commander, Benelux Sub Area, Channel (COMBENECHAN) combined arms tactical training simulator (CATTS) Commander, Canadian Atlantic Sub Area (COMCANLANT) Combined Arms Training Center (CATC) Commander, Carrier Striking Force (COMCARSTRIKFOR) Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) Commander, Carrier Striking Group One Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) (COMCARSTRIKGRUONE) Command (CMD) Commander, Carrier Striking Group Two Command and Administrative Data System (COADS) (COMCARSTRIKGRUTWO) command and control (C 2) Commander, Central Army Group, Central Europe (COMCENTAG) Command and General Staff College (CGSC) Commander, Central Mediterranean Area (COMEDCENT) Commandant (Comdt) Commander, Central Sub Area (COMCENTLANT) Command Budget Estimates (CBE) Commander, Eastern Mediterranean Area (COMEDEAST) command career program manager (CCPM) Commander, Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency command, control, communications (CCC) (COMFLDCOMDASA) command control interface (MSR) (CCI) Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southern Europe (COMFIVEEATAF) Command Control Operations Center (CCOC) Commander, Fleet Air Wing, Northern Atlantic command destruct unit (CDU) (COMFAIRWINGNORLANT) Commander (CDR) Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force, Central Europe Commander, Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) (COMFOURATAF) Commander, Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches Commander, Gibraltar Mediterranean Command (COMGIBMED) (COMAIRBALTAP) Commander, Iceland Defense Force (COMICEDEFOR) Commander, Allied Air Forces, Southern Europe Commander in Chief (CINC) (COMAIRSOUTH) Commander in Chief, Alaska (CINCAL) Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic Approaches (COMBALTAP) Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe (CINCENT) Commander, Allied Land Forces, Norway (COMLANDNORWAY) Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Northern Europe Commander, Allied Land Forces, Schleswig-Holstein and Jutland (CINCNORTH) (COMLANDJUT) Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Southern Europe Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southeastern Europe (CINCSOUTH) (COMLANDSOUTHEAST) Commander in Chief, Atlantic (CINCLANT) Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe (COMLANDSOUTH) Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense Command (CINCONAD) Commander, Allied Land Forces, Zealand (COMLANDZEALAND) Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area (CINCEASTLANT) Commander, Allied Maritime Air Force, Channel Commander in Chief, North American Air Defense Command (COMMAIRCHAN) (CINCNORAD) Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Baltic Approaches Commander in Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC) (COMNAVBALTAP) Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative (CINCPACREP) Commander, Allied Naval Forces, North Norway (COMNAVNON)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:03 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 145 PN 147 FILE: r130.fil Commander in Chief, Specified Command, Middle East Commander, Submarine Force, Eastern Atlantic (CINCSPECOMME) (COMSUBEASTLANT) Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command (CINCSAC) Commander, Submarine Force, Western Atlantic (COMSUBWESTLANT) Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces, Atlantic (CINCAFLANT) Commander, Submarines, Mediterranean (COMSUBMED) Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe Commander, Submarines, Northeast Mediterranean (CINCUSAREUR) (COMSUBMEDNOREAST) Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Atlantic Commander, Support Operations Task Force, Europe (CINCARLANT) (COMSOTFE) Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific commander’s weapon station (CWS) (CINCUSARPAC) commander, task element (CTE) Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Readiness Command (USCINCARRED) commander, task force (CTF) Commander in Chief, United States Readiness Command commander, task group (CTG) (USCINCRED) commander, task unit (CTU) Commander in Chief, United States Southern Command Commander, UK NATO Air Defense Region (COMUKADR) (USCINCSO) Commander, United States Air Force Forces (COMUSAFFOR) Commander in Chief, Western Atlantic Area (CINCWESTLANT) Commander, United States Air Force Task Force (COMUSAFTF) Commander, Joint Task Force (COMJTF) Commander, United States Army Forces (COMUSARFOR) Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force (COMJUWATF) Commander, United States Army Forces, Southern Command (COMUSARSO) Commander, Land Forces (COMLANDFOR) Commander, United States Army Task Force (COMUSARTF) Commander, Marine Forces (COMMARFOR) Commander, US Fleet Air Wing, Mediterranean Commander, Maritime Air Nore Sub-Area, Channel (COMUSFAIRWINGMED) (COMMAIRNORECHAN) Commander, United States Forces, Azores (COMUSFORAZ) Commander, Maritime Air Plymouth Sub-Area, Channel (COMMAIRPLYMCHAN) Commander, United States Forces, Japan (COMUSJAPAN) Commander, Middle East Force (COMIDEASTFOR) Commander, United States Forces, Korea (COMUSKOREA) Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service (COMSTS) Commander, United States Joint Task Force (COMUSJTF) Commander, Naval Forces (COMNAVFOR) Commander, United States Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force (COMUSJUWTF) Commander, Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe (COMSTRIKFORSOUTH) Commander, United States Land Forces (COMUSLANDFOR) Commander, Nore Sub-Area, Channel (COMNORECHAN) Commander, United States Marine Forces (COMUSMARFOR) Commander, Northeast Mediterranean Area (COMEDNOREAST) Commander, United States Marine Task Force (COMUSMARTF) Commander, Northern Army Group, Central Europe Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand (COMNORTHAG) (COMUSMACTHAI) Commander, Northern Sub Area (COMNORLANT) Commander, United States Military Group (COMUSMILGP) Commander, Ocean Sub Area (COMOCEANLANT) Commander, United States Naval Forces (COMUSNAVFOR) Commander, Plymouth Sub-Area, Channel (COMPLYMCHAN) Commander, United States Naval Task Force (COMUSNAVTF) Commander, Second Allied Tactical Air Force, Central Europe Commander, United States Taiwan Defense Command (COMTWOATAF) (COMUSTDC) Commander, Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southeastern Europe Commander, Western Mediterranean Area (COMEDOC) (COMSIXATAF) command information (CI) commander’s manual (cm) Command Information Division (CID) Commander’s Narrative Analysis (CNA) Command Information Program (CIP) Commander, Southeast Mediterranean Area (COMEDSOUEAST) commanding general (CG) Commander, Striking Fleet, Atlantic (Afloat) commanding officer (CO) (COMSTRIKFLANT) command issuing office (CIO) Commander, Submarine Allied Command, Atlantic (COMSUBACLANT) command logistics network (COMLOGNET)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 146 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:07 PN 148 FILE: r130.fil command maintenance (COMAINT) communication electronic instructions (CEI) command maintenance readiness inspection (CMRI) communication operation instruction (COI) command management inventory accounting (CMIA) communications career program (CCP) commando (cdo) communications center (COMMCEN) command observation post (opposing forces) (COP) Communication Security Publication Memorandum (CSPM) command operating budget (COB) communications-electronics (CE) command operating program (COP) Communications-Electronics Coordinating Section, Standing Group- NATO (CECS) command operations (CO) Communications-Electronics Directorate (J-6) command personnel management inspections (CPMI) communications-electronics implementation plan (CEIP) command personnel summary (CPS) Communications-Electronics Operation Instructions (CEOI) command post (CP) Communications-Electronics Standing Instruction (CESI) command post exercise (CPX) Communications facilities in support of DA Continuity of command relationship agreements (CRA) Operations Plan (COOPCOMM) command sergeant major (CSM) communications instructions for reporting vital intelligence sightings command supply discipline program (CSDP) (CIRVIS) command technical inspection (CTI) communications intelligence (COMINT) commendation (cmd) communications jamming (COMJAM) comment (cmt) communications security (COMSEC) commercial activities (CA) Communications with and Service to the Public (CWSP) commercial air freight movement (CAFM) communications zone (COMMZ) commercial air movement number (CAM) community antenna television (CATV) commercial and industrial (C&I) community recreation and skill development activities (CRSDA) commercial bill of lading (CBL) company (co) commercial construction equipment (CCE) company distributing point (CDP) commercial-industrial-type-activity (CITA) complaint type investigation (CTI) commercial nondevelopmental items (CNDI) complement (comp) commercial- or Government-owned (or leased) complementary technical report (COMTECHREP) shipping container (SEAVAN) complete background investigation (CBI) commercial water movement number (CWM) complete basis of issue (CBOI) Commissary Operating Manual (COM) complete basis of issue plan (CBOIP) Commissary Resale Division of the Army Stock Fund (CORDASF) complete engineering release (CER) committee on scientific and technical information (COSATI) component (comp) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) composite (comp) common aperture multifunction array radar (CAMAR) Composite Air Strike Force (CASF) common business oriented language (COBOL) composite service (CS) common carrier (CC) comprehensive occupational data analysis program (CODAP) common control unit (CCU) compromising emanations (CEM) common program language (CPL) Comptroller of the Army (COA) common supply support (CSSPT) computed air release point (CARP) common table of allowances (CTA) computer administrative instruction (CADMINI) common user data terminal (CUDAT) computed aided design/numerical control (CD/NC) communication (comm) computed assisted instruction (CAI) communication countermeasures and deception (COMCM) computer assisted system for theater level engineering (CASTLE) Communication Electronics Element (CEE) computer burst order (CBO)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:11 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 147 PN 149 FILE: r130.fil computerized criminal history files of the FBI (CCH) construct (const) Computerized Movement Planning and Status System (COMPASS) constructed (const) Computer Output Microfilm/Microfiche (COM) construction (const) COMSEC Field Office of Record (CFOR) construction battalion (CB) COMSEC Logistics Data Center (CLDC) Construction Requirements Review Committee (CRRC) COMSEC Logistic Support Center (CLSC) Consul General (CONGEN) COMSEC Logistic Support Unit (CLSU) container express (CONEX) COMSEC Regional Issuing Office (CRIO) Containerized Ammunition Distribution System (CADS) COMSEC Research and Engineering Coordinating Group (CREC) Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) COMSEC resources program (CRP) Continental Air Defense Objectives Plan (CADOP) CONAD Operational Employment Concept (COEC) continental United States (CONUS) Concepts Analysis Agency (CAA) continental wage schedule (CWS) concept feasibility (CF) contingency (cntgcy) concept formulation package (CFP) contingency and training (C&T) concept of a family of Army divisions (CONFAD) contingency for movement (CFM) conceptual design for the Army in the field (CONAF) Contingency Lines of Communication, Europe (CLOCE) condition and recommendation (CAR) contingency response program (CORE) conduct-of-fire trainer (COFT) contingency support stocks (CONSSTOCS) conference (conf) continuation (cont) Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) continue (cont) confidential (conf) continued (cont) configuration audit inspection (CAI) Continuing Balance System-Expanded (CBS-X) configuration control board (CCB) continuing resolution authority (CRA) configuration identification tables (CIT) Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) configuration item (CI) continuous wave (CW) configuration management review (CMR) continuous wave acquisition radar (CWAR) configuration work package item (CWPI) continuous wave illuminator radar (CWIR) confirm (cfm) contract definition (CD) confirmed (cfm) contract definition phase (CDP) Congress (Cong) contract field services (CFS) conscientious objector (CONOBJTR) contract field technician (CFT) Consolidated Army System for Processing Entitlements to Army contract fund status report (CFSR) Reservists (CASPER) contracting officer (CO) Consolidated Change Table (CCT) contracting officer’s representative (COR) consolidated computer security program (CCSP) contracting officer’s technical representative(s) (COTR) consolidated cryptologic program (CCP) contract line item number (CLIN) Consolidated Intelligence Program (CIP) contractor acceptance test (CAT) Consolidated Record Communications Center (CRCC) contractor engineer-furnish and install (CEFI) consolidated standing route order (CSRO) contractor furnished equipment (CFE) consolidated telecommunications program (CTP) contractor-owned, contractor-operated (COCO) consolidation and containerization point (CCP) contractor performance evaluation (CPE) consolidation of military personnel activities (COMPACT) contractor performance evaluation plan (CPEP) consolidation of supply and maintenance regulations (COSAMREG) contractor’s weighted average share in cost risk (CWAS) contract surgeon (CSN)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 148 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:15 PN 150 FILE: r130.fil contract technical instructor (CTI) corps tactical zone (CTZ) control (con) corps tactical operations center (CTOC) control and assessment team (CAT) correctional custody facility (CCF) control and line (C&L) correctional holding detachment (CHD) control and reporting post (CRP) correlation factor (CF) control center (CC) cost account (CA) control center for Nike-X system (XDC) cost and operational effectiveness analysis (COEA) controlled (con) cost and performance (CP) controlled deployment specular reflector (CDSR) Cost Estimate Control Data Center (CECDC) controlled devices countermeasures and deception (ROCCM) cost estimating relationship (CER) control of electromagnetic radiation’s (CONELRAD) cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) control tower operator (CTO) cost of living allowance (COLA) control track direction computer (CTDC) cost-plus-a-fixed fee (CPFF) control zone (CTLZ) cost plus incentive fee (CPIF) CONUS airborne reconnaissance for damage assessment (CARDA) cost reduction program (CRP) CONUS replacement center (CRC) cost chargeable to fund authorization (CHGFA) CONUS sustaining increment (CSI) counterbattery (cbtry) conventional (convl) counterbattery intelligence officer (CBIO) conversation (con) counterelectromotive force (CEMF) conviction by civil court (CBCC) counterespionage (CE) coordinate (coord) counterfire (cf) coordinated (coord) counterfire reference grid (CRG) coordinated fire line (CFL) counterinsurgency (cinsgcy) coordinated test program (CTP) counterintelligence (ci) coordinating (coord) countermortar (cm) coordination (coord) countersabotage (CS) Coordinator of Army Studies (CAS) course (crs) copilot (CP) counterterrorism (CT) copy (cy) court-martial (CM) copy (ies) furnished (CF) court-martial appointing order (CMAO) Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant (CAAP) court-martial forfeiture (CMF) corporal (CPL) court reporter (CTREPTR) Corps Contingency Force (CCF) covering force area (CFA) corps maintenance area (CMA) Crane Army Ammunition Activity (CAAA) Corps of Engineers (organization) (CE) crew chief (CRC) Corps of Engineers (ofcr title Branch) (EN) Criminal Investigation Division (CID) Corps of Engineers, Ballistic Missile Construction Office critical communications system (CRITCOM) (CEBMCO) critical intelligence (CRITIC) Corps of Engineers Office of Appalachian Studies (CEOAS) critical intelligence communications (CRITICOM) Corps of Engineers Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center (CEWCSC) critical nuclear weapons design information (CNWDI) corps service area (COSA) critically sensitive (CS) corps storage area (CSA) critically sensitive-level 1 (CS1) corps support command (COSCOM) critically sensitive-level 2 (CS2) critically sensitive-level 3 (CS3)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:19 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 149 PN 151 FILE: r130.fil Crypto Access Authorization (CAA) data systems inquiry (DSI) Crypto Ancillary Unit (CAU) data transfer system (DTS) cryptofacility security questionnaire (CSQ) date and place of birth (DPOB) cryptographic (crypto) dated (dtd) cryptographic repair facilities (CRF) date departed United States (DDUS) cryptography (crypto) date eligible for return from overseas (DEROS) crystal (xtal) date of birth (DOB) current files area (CFA) date of change of accountability (DOCA) current operating allowances (COA) date of current appointment (DOCA) current series (CS) date of current enlistment (DOCE) current working estimate (CWE) date of departure (DODPRT) current year (CY) date of permanent grade (DPG) custodian of postal effects (COPE) date of rank (DOR) customer identification code (CIC) date of separation (DOS) cut off (COFF) date required to load (DRL) cybernetic logistics planning, control, and management information date returned from overseas (DROS) system (CYBERLOG) date-time group (DTG) cycles per second (CPS) 3–4. “D” listings Davison United States Army Airfield (DUSAA) DA Equipment Data Review Committee (DAEDARC) DA Vocabulary of Information Elements (DAVIE) daily equipment status report (DESPORT) deadline (DL) daily JUMPS update output listing (DJUOL) dead on arrival (DOA) DA logistics readiness liaison visits (DALRLV) decision height (DH) data acquisition and reports control (DARC) Decision Information Distribution System-Civil Defense (DIDS- CD) data automation requirement (DAR) decision logic table (DLT) data bank (DBK) decontaminate (decon) data base administrator/manager (DBA/M) decontamination (decon) data base file (DBF) deep reconnaissance zone (DRZ) data base management system (DBMS) defend (def) data collection and distribution units (DCDU) defended (def) data encryption standard (DES) defended area model (DAM) data exchange annex (DEA) defended area model II engagement evaluation (DAM II-EE) data item description (DID) defended area model II engagement planning (DAM II-EP) data link (DL) defense (def) data management system (DMS) defense acquisition radar (DAR) data processing activity (DPA) Defense Acquisition Regulation (DAR) data processing center (DPC) Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services data processing equipment (DPE) (DACOWITS) data processing group (DPG) Defense Attache (DATT) data processing installation (DPI) Defense automatic addressing system (DAAS) data processing system (DPS) defense automatic integrated switching (DAIS) data processing unit (DPU) defense center control building (DCCB) Data Project Directive (DPD) defense center data processing (DCDP) data system (DS) Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) Defense Combat Evaluation (DCE)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 150 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:23 PN 152 FILE: r130.fil Defense Commercial Communications Office (DECCO) Defense Language Program (DLP) Defense Communications Agency (DCA) Defense Liaison Officer to the White House (DEFLOWH) Defense Communications Agency Instruction (DCAI) Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Defense Communications Engineering Agency (DECEA) Defense Logistics Agency regulation (DLAR) Defense Communications Engineering Office (DECEO) Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC) Defense Communications Planning Group (DCPG) Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) Defense Communications System (DCS) Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (DMAAC) Defense Construction Supply Center (DCSC) Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center (DMAHC) Defense Contract Administration Services (DCAS) Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center (DMATC) Defense Contract Administration Services District (DCASD) Defense Mapping School (DMS) Defense Contract Administration Services Offices (DCASO) defense materials system (DMS) Defense Contract Administration Services Plant Representative Defense Medical Materiel Board (DMMB) Office (DCASPRO) Defense Meritorious Service Medal (DMSM) Defense Contract Administration Services Region (DCASR) Defense National Communications Control Center (DNCCC) Defense Contract Administration Services Residency (DCASQ) Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) Defense Control Center (DCC) Defense Officer Record Examination (DORE) defense counsel (DC) Defense Order Priority Rating (DOPR) Defense Development Exchange Program (DDEP) Defense Orientation Conference Association (DOCA) Defense Distinguished Service Medal (DDSM) Defense Personnel Support Center (DPSC) Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information (DDC) Defense planning staff (DPS) Defense Economic Analysis Council (DEAC) Defense Planning Working Group of Defense Ministers (DPWG) Defense Electronics Supply Center (DESC) Defense procurement circular (DPC) Defense Family Housing (DFH) Defense Program Memorandum (DPM) Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet (DFRIF) defense readiness condition (DEFCON) Defense Fuel Supply Center (DFSC) Defense Representative, North Atlantic Mediterranean Area(DEFREPNAMA) Defense General Supply Center (DGSC) Defense Retail Interservice Logistic Support (DRILS) Defense Guidance Memorandum (DGM) Defense Sensor Imagery Application Training Programs (DSIATP) Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) Defense Special Security Communications System (DSSCS) Defense Industrial Security Education and Training Office (DISTO) Defense Subsistence Office (DSO) Defense Industrial Supply Center (DISC) Defense Subsistence Region-Europe (DSRE) Defense Information Automated Locator System (DIALS) Defense Superior Service Medal (DSSM) Defense Information School (DINFOS) Defense Supply Agency regulation (DSAR) Defense Integrated Data Systems (DIDS) Defense Supply Center (DSC) Defense Integrated Management Engineering Systems (DIMES) Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council (DSARC) Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Defense Systems Management College (DSMC) Defense Intelligence Agency Manual (DIAM) Defense Technical Review Agency (DTRA) Defense Investigative Service (DIS) Defense Transportation System (DTS) Defense Item Entry Control Office (DIECO) Defense Visual Flight Rule (DVFR) Defense Item Entry Control Program (DIECP) defensive (def) Defense Language Aptitude Test (DLAT) defensive fire (DF) Defense Language Institute, English Language Center (DLIEL) delay in separation code (DISC) Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) delayed entry program (DEP) Defense language Proficiency Test (DLPT) delivery point (DP)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:27 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 151 PN 153 FILE: r130.fil demilitarize (demil) Department of the Army Command and Control System (DACCS) demilitarized zone (DMZ) Department of the Army Communication Resources Plan (DACRP) demolition (dml) Department of the Army Communications Center (DACC) demonstration and shakedown operations (DASO) Department of the Army Distribution/Allocation Committee (DADAC) dental activity (DENTAC) Department of the Army Forward Depot (DAFD) dental continuation pay (DCP) Department of the Army Forward Floating Depot (DAFFD) Dental Corps (DC) Department of the Army Intelligence Plan (DAIP) dental therapy assistant (DTA) Department of the Army International Rationalization Departmental Industrial Plant Reserve (DIPR) Office(DAIRO) Department of Army Avionics Master Plan (DAAMP) Department of the Army Liaison Team (DALT) Department of Army Regional Representative (DARR) Department of the Army/Main (DEPTAR/MAIN) Department of Army Secure Facsimile (DARFAX) Department of the Army Management Information System Department of Commerce (COMM) (DAMIS) Department of Defense (DOD) Department of the Army Management Review and Improvement Program(DAMRIP) Department of Defense Ammunition Code (DODAC) Department of the Army Master Priority List (DAMPL) Department of Defense Computer Institute (DODCI) Department of the Army Materiel Annex (DAMA) Department of Defense Damage Assessment Center (DODDAC) Department of the Army Military Personnel Management Department of Defense directive (DODD) Team(DAMPMT) Department of Defense Emergency Plans (DODEP) Department of the Army modification work order (DAMWO) Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Department of the Army Motion Picture/Television Production Supplement(DFARS) Board(DAMP/TVPB) Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Coordinating Department of the Army Motion Picture/Television Production Office(DODFDCO) Program (DAMP/TVPP) Department of Defense Household Goods Field Office Department of the Army Partial Mobilization Expansion Plan (DODHGFO) (PAM) Department of Defense identification code (DODIC) Department of the Army Policy for Disclosure of Classified Military Department of Defense instruction (DODI) Information to Foreign Government (DADCMI) Department of Defense, Military Pay and Allowance Department of the Army relocation sites (DARS) Committee(DODMPAC) Department of the Army Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue Department of Defense Military Pay and Allowances Entitlements System(DARRIS) Manual (DODPM) Department of the Army special order (DASO) Department of Defense National Agency Check Center Department of the Army Special Photographic Office (DASPO) (DODNACC) Department of the Army Strategic Logistics (DASL) Department of Defense research and engineering (DODRE) Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board (DASEB) Department of Energy (DOE) Department of the Army Systems Staff Officer (DASSO) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW) Department of the Army Training and Support Committee Department of Justice (DOJ) (DATSC) Department of State (STATE DEPT) Department of the Interior (DOI) Department of the Air Force (DAF) Department of the Navy (DN) Department of the Army (DA) Department of Transportation (DOT) Department of the Army Allocation Committee, Ammunition Department of Treasury (TREAS DEPT) (DAACA) departure airfield (DAF) Department of the Army Alternate Command and Control Element(DAACCE) departure airfield control (DAFC) Department of the Army Civilian (DAC) departure airfield control group (DACG) Department of the Army Command and Control Reporting dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) System(DAXREP) dependent (depn)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 152 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:30 PN 154 FILE: r130.fil dependent housing area (DHA) Design Review and Acceptance Group (DRAAG) deployment area location code (DALC) design to unit production cost (DTUPC) deployment mobilization troop basis (DMTB) desired ground zero (DGZ) deployment model (DEMOD) destination (dest) Deployment of NIKE-X Study (DEPEX) destroyer minelayer (DM) deployment readiness condition (DRC) detach (det) Deployment Reporting System (DEPREP) detached (det) Deployment Status of Army Units (DEPSTAR) detachment (det) depot (dep) detail (dtl) depot activity (DEPACTV) detailed functional system requirement (DFSR) depot maintenance control center (DMCC) detailed test plan (DTP) depot maintenance interservice support agreement (DMISA) determination and finding (D&F) depot maintenance work requirements (DMWR) development acceptance (DEVA) depot property officer (DPO) development acceptance test (DAT) deputy brigade commander (DBC) developmental basis of issue (DBOI) Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) Development Concept Paper (DCP) Deputy Chief of Staff, Communications-Electronics (DCSC-E) development test and evaluation (DT&E) Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller (DCSCOMPT) development testing (DT) Deputy Chief of Staff, Force Development (DCSFOR) development type (DT) Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments (DCSCD) dial central office (DCO) Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DCSI) Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) died of injuries (DOI) Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (DCSOPS) died of wounds (DOW) Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Intelligence (DCSOI) digital data link (DDL) Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (DCSPER) digital drive amplifier (DDA) Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and digital error detection subsystem (DEDS) Acquisition(DCSRDA) digital message device (DMD) Deputy Chief of Staff for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps(DCSROTC) direct (dir) Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management (DCSRM) direct access storage device (DASD) Deputy Chief of Staff for Training and Schools (DCSTS) direct advisory of recorded transactions (DART) Deputy Chief of Staff, Management Information Systems direct aerial fire support (DAFS) (DCSMIS) direct air support center (DASC) Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations and Training (DCSO&T) Direct Commissary Support System (DICOMSS) Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel and Administration (DCSPA) directed (dir) deputy commanding general (DCG) direct exchange (DX) deputy commanding officer (DCO) direct exchange activity (DXA) Deputy SAFEGUARD System Manager (DSAFSM) direct exchange item (DXI) Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF) directed military overstrength (DMO) Deputy Secretary of the General Staff (Coordination and directing staff (DS) Reports)(DSGS)(CAR) direction (dir) Deputy Supreme Allied Commander (DSAC) direction finding(er) (DF) Deputy Under Secretary of the Army (DUSA) direct liaison authorized (DIRLAUTH) Desert Test Center (DTC) director (dir) design capability line (DCL) Directorate of Engineering and Housing (DEH)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:34 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 153 PN 155 FILE: r130.fil Directorate of Facilities Engineering; division force discrepancy reports (DR) equivalents(DFE) discrimination analysis technique adapted and refined at Directorate of Military Support (DOMS) Kwajalein(DARK) Director, Central Intelligence (DCI) discrimination data processing system (DDPS) Director, Comptroller Systems (DCS) dishonorable discharge (DD) Director, Field Maintenance (DIRFM) disk operating system (DOS) Director, Food Management (DFM) displaced equipment training (DET) Director, Joint Staff (DJS) displaced person (DP) Director, Joint Staff Memorandum (DJSM) display information processor (DIP) Director, Management Information Systems (DMIS) disposition form (DF) Director, National Security Agency (DIRNSA) distance measuring equipment (DME) Director of Army Instruction (DAI) distant early warning (DEW) Director of Army Programs (DAP) distant early warning identification zone (DEWIZ) Director of Army Technical Information (DATI) distinctive insignia (D/I) Director of Civilian Personnel (DCP) Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) Director of Commissary Operations (DOCO) distinguished military graduate (DMB) Director of Communications-Electronics (DC-E) Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge (DDB-P) Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDRE) Distinguished Rifleman Badge (DDB-R) Director of Dental Services (DDS) Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) Director, Office of Civil Defense (DIROCD) Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) Director of Health Services (DHS) Distinguished Unit Citation (DUC) Director of Industrial Operations (DIO) distribute (distr) Director of Medical Activities (DMEDA) distribution (distr) Director of Military Assistance (DMA) distribution authority (DISTRA) Director of Operations, Training, and Intelligence (DOTI) distribution drop point (DDP) Director of Personnel and Administration (DIRPA) distribution of stockage code (DSC) Director of Personnel and Community Activities (DPCA) distribution point (DSP) Director of Plans and Training (DPT) district (dist) Director of Security (DSEC) district engineer (DISTENGR) Director of the Army Budget (DAB) district recruiting command (DRC) Director of the Army Staff (DAS) district reserve equipment (DRE) Director of Weapon Systems Analysis (DWSA) district transportation officer (DTO) Director, Strategic Target Planning (DSTP) division (div) Directory of Mortuary Operations (DMO) division air defense (DIVAD) Direct Supply Support Activity (DSSA) divisional (div) direct supply support point (DSSP) division ammunition officer (DAO) direct support (DS) division artillery group (opposing forces) (DAG) direct support aviation section (DSAS) division communications-electronics officer (DCEO) direct support group (DSG) division data center (DDC) Direct Support System (DSS) Division Engineer (DIVENGR) direct support unit (DSU) division force equivalents (DFE) Disability Review Council (DRC) Division Logistical Operation Center (DLOC) disbursing officer voucher (DOV) Division Logistics Control Center (DLCC) Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) division logistics system (DLOGS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 154 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:38 PN 156 FILE: r130.fil Division Logistics System Test (DLST) drop zone (dropping zone) (DZ) division materiel management center (DMMC) drop zone safety officer (DZSO) division property book officer (DPBO) dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM) division rapid reaction force (DRRF) (DPG) division ready force (DRF) duplicate (dupe) division support area (DSA) duty military occupational speciality (DMOS) 3–5. “E” listings division support command (DISCOM) earliest arrival date (EAD) division tactical operations center (DTOC) early acquisition system (EASY) division tactical zone (DTZ) early warning (EW) document identifier code (3 characters) early warning radar (EWR) identifying type of action subtype and modifying (DIC) east-northeast (ENE) document log (DL) east-southeast (ESE) document status report (DSR) echelon (ech) DOD activity address code (DODAAC) Echelons Above Division Study (EADS) DOD computer security center (DODCSC) economic and contingency reserve stock (ECRS) DOD Consolidated List of Principal Military Items (DODCLPMI) Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) DOD Industrial Equipment Reserve (DODIER) economic inventory procedures (EIP) DOD Industrial Security Program (DISP) economic order quantity (EOQ) DOD Logistics Data Element Standardization and Management Office(LOGDESMO) economic order van (EOV) DOD Logistics Data Element Standardization and Management education (educ) Program(LOGDESMAP) educational development of military personnel (EDOMP) DOD Logistics Systems Plan (LOGPLAN) Educational Requirements Test (ERT) DOD master urgency list (MUL) Education Center (EDCEN) doppler filter mixer-oscillator (DFMO) Education Equivalency Test (EET) double sideband (DSB) education manual (EM) draft manual (DM) effect (eff) Draft Presidential Memorandum (DPM) effective (eff) drill sergeant (DS) effective date (E-date) Drill Sergeant Identification Badge (DSIDBAD) effective date of change of strength accountability (EDCSA) Drill Sergeant School (DSS) electrical engineer inspector (EEI) driver (dvr) electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver-A (for amphibious vehicles) (DvrMechBadA) Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center (ECAC) Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver-M (for electromagnetic compatibility program (EMCP) motorcycles)(DvrMechBadM) electromagnetic energy environment criteria (EEEC) Driver and Mechanic Badge, Mechanic (for automotive or allied electromagnetic environment test facility (EMETF) vehicles) (DvrMechBadMech) electromagnetic pulse (EMP) Driver and Mechanic Badge, Operator-S (for special mechanical equipment) (DvrMechBadOp) electromagnetic radiation (EMR) Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver-T (for tracked electromotive force (EMF) vehicles)(DvrMechBadT) electronic cash register (ECR) Driver and Mechanic Badge, Driver-W (for wheeled electronic countermeasures (ECM) vehicles)(DvrMechBadW) electronic counter-counter-measures (ECCM) drone antisubmarine helicopter (DASH) electronic data processing (EDP) drop altitude (DALT) electronic data processing system (EDPS) dropped from rolls (DFR)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:43 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 155 PN 157 FILE: r130.fil electronic data transmission working party (ELDATRAWP) enemy (en) electronic digital computer (EDC) Enemy Civilian Internee Information Bureau (ECIIB) electronic intelligence (ELINT) enemy prisoner of war (EPW) electronic mail message (EMM) Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau (EPWIB) electronic order of battle (EOB) engagement effectiveness (EE) electronic reconnaissance (ER) engineer (engr) electronic security (ELSEC) engineer design test (EDT) electronic surveillance (ES) engineered military circuit (EMC) Electronics Supporting Systems, Project Office (ESSPO) engineer element (ENGRE) electronic warfare (EW) engineer information and data systems office (EIDSO) electronic warfare element (EWE) engineering change notice (ECN) electronic warfare support measures (ESM) engineering change proposal (ECP) element (elm) engineering design (ED) elements of expense (EE) engineering release record (ERR) eligible for separation (ES) engineering/service test and independent evaluation program (E/S TIEP) Elint Advisory Group (EAG) engineering test (ET) embark (emb) engineer research and development laboratories (ERDL) emergency (emerg) Engineer Strategic Studies Group (ESSG) emergency action message authentication system (EAMAS) English comprehension level (ECL) emergency actions noncommissioned officer (EANCO) English-speaking nations (ESN) emergency actions officer (EAO) Enhanced Enlisted Master Tape Record (EEMTR) Emergency Actions Procedures (EAP) Eniwetok Proving Ground (EPG) emergency condition (EMERGCON) enlisted evaluation report (EER) emergency defense plan (US-Canada) (EDP) enlisted evaluation system (EES) emergency deployment readiness exercise (EDRE) enlisted man or men (EM) emergency medical services (EMS) enlisted master file (EMF) emergency medical treatment (EMT) enlisted member (EM) Emergency Message Automatic Transmitting System (EMATS) enlisted personnel (EP) emergency movements atomic (EMA) Enlisted Personnel Directorate, MILPERCEN (EPD) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Enlisted Personnel Management System (EPMS) emergency relocation site (ERS) enlisted record brief (ERB) emergency room (ER) enlistment bonus (EB) emergency traffic coordinating officer (ETCO) en route (enr) Emergency Traffic Disposition Plan (ETDP) ensign (ens) emergency urgent change package (EUCP) Entrance National Agency Check (ENTNAC) emission control orders (EMCON) entry military occupational specialty (EMOS) emitter location and identification (ELI) entry on active duty (EAD) emplacement (empl) entry on duty (EOD) employ (empl) environmental data collection and processing facility (EDCPF) employer identification code (EIC) environmental impact statement (EIS) Encrypted for Transmission Only (EFTO) environmental moral leave (EML) enclosure; enclose; enclosed; enclosing (encl) equal employment opportunity (EEO) endorse; endorsing; endorsed; endorsement (end) equipment (equip) end item (EI)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 156 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:47 PN 158 FILE: r130.fil equipment category code (ECC) European Distribution and Accounting Agency of the Military Committee, London (EUDAC) equipment concentration sites (ECS) European Economic Community (EEC) equipment deadlined for maintenance (EDM) European Liaison Group (ELG) Equipment Decontamination Station (EDS) European Mobility Service Office (EMSO) equipment density data (EQDD) European Naval Communications Agency (ENCA) Equipment Distribution and Condition Report (EDAC) European Requirements and Army Capabilities (EURAC) equipment distribution planning studies (EDPS) European Requirements List (ERL) equipment improvement recommendation (EIR) European Research Office (ERO) equipment maintenance log (EML) European Tropospheric-Scatter Army (Communications System) equipment maintenance record (EMR) (ETA) equipment on station date (EOSD) evacuate (evac) equipment operationally ready (EOR) evacuated (evac) equipment performance report (EPR) evacuation (evac) equipment publication (EP) evasion and escape (E&E) equipment readiness date (ERD) Excellence-in-Competition Badge, Pistol (ECB-P) equipment serviceability criteria (ESC) Excellence-in-Competition Badge, Rifle (ECB-R) equipment shipment ready date (ESRD) exclude (excl) equivalent (equiv) excluded (excl) equivalent full charge (EFC) excluding (excl) essential elements of analysis (EEA) exclusive (excl) essential elements of friendly information (EEFI) executive agent (EXAGT) essential elements of information (EEI) executive officer (XO) essential repair part stockage list (ERPSL) executive order (EO) establish (estb) executive review of overseas programs (EROP) established (estb) exercise Control Center (EXCC) establishment (estb) exercise readiness condition (EXREDCON) estimate (est) exercise control group (EXCG) estimated (est) expanded additional skill identifier (EASI) estimated date of completion (EDC) expanded position indicator (EPI) estimated date of separation (EDS) expedite (xpd) estimated delivery date (EDD) expedited movement report (EXMOVREP) estimated expenditure of ammunition (EEA) expedited nonstandard urgent requirements for equipment estimated time in commission (ETIC) (ENSURE) estimated time of arrival (ETA) expenditure order (XO) estimated time of completion (ETC) experimental (X) estimated time of departure (ETD) experimental bomb (TX) estimated time of return (ETR) experimental warhead (XW) estimated travel time (ETT) Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB) estimation (est) Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB) European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (EAME) Expert Qualification Badge (ExpQualBad) European Area Communications Plan (EACP) expiration of service agreement (ESA) European Command Coordination Committee (ECCC) expiration of term of service (ETS) European Communications Security and Evaluation Agency of the exploit (xplt) Military Committee, London (EUSEC) explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:50 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 157 PN 159 FILE: r130.fil Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge (EODBAD) Federal Committee on Pest Control (FCPC) explosive ordnance disposal control (EODC) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) explosive ordnance reconnaissance (EOR) Federal Contract Research Center (FCRC) explosive ordnance reconnaissance agent (EORA) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) express transportation order (ETO) Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) extended range ballistic missile (ERBM) Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) Extended Range LANCE (XRL) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) extended reconnaissance zone (ERZ) Federal Housing Authority Insurance (FHAI) extension training material (ETM) Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) extra regimental assignment (ERA) Federal item identification (FII) extra time allowance (EXTAL) Federal Item Identification Guides for Supply Cataloging (FIIGSC) extremely sensitive information (ESI) Federal Item Identification Guide System (FIIGS) eye, ear, nose, and throat (EENT) Federal item identification number (FIIN) 3–6. “F” listings Federal Manual for Supply Cataloging (FMSC) facilities and communication evaluation (FACE) Federal Merit Promotion Program (FMPP) facilities control center (FACCONCEN) Federal Personnel Manual (FPM) facilities control relay unit (FCRU) Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) facilities engineering items (FEI) Federal Power Commission (FPC) facility security profile (FSP) Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR) facsimile (fax) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) failure definitions/scoring criteria (FD/SC) Federal Records Center, GSA (FRC) Fair Employment Practices Act (FEPA) Federal stock number (FSN) Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Federal supply classification (FSC) family housing (FHSG) Federal supply code for manufacturers (FSCM) Family Housing Division (FHD) Federal supply schedule (FSS) family housing management account (FHMA) Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) family of scatterable mines (FASCAM) Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (FWPCA) family separation allowance (FSA) Federal Women’s Program (FWP) family services and assistance officer (FSAO) Federal Women’s Program Coordinator (FWPC) Far East (FE) field alert status (FAS) Fast Deployment Logistic (Ship) (FDL) Field Army Communication System (FACS) fast time constant (FTC) Field Army Issuing Office (FAIO) fault isolation by semiautomated techniques (FIST) Field Army Messenger Service (FAMS) fault location and monitoring (FLAM) Field Army Petroleum Office (FAPO) fault location and repair (FLAR) Field Army Replacement System (FARS) fault location indicating console (FLIC) Field Army Service Area (FASA) fault location panel (FLP) Field Army Tactical Operation Center (FATOC) fault locator system (FLS) field artillery (FA) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) field artillery air observer (FAAO) Federal Archives and Records Center (FARC) field artillery brigade (FAB) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) field artillery digital automatic computer (FADAC) Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) field artillery intelligence officer (FAIO) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) field artillery logic tester (FALT) Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) field artillery missile (FAM)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 158 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:36:55 PN 160 FILE: r130.fil field artillery target acquisition battalion (FATAB) fire coordination line (FCL) field artillery target acquisition group (FATAG) fire direction center (FDC) field cable installation platoon (FCIP) fire direction officer (FDO) field carrier landing practice (FCLP) firepower potential (FPP) Field Command, Defense Nuclear Agency (FLDCOMDNA) fire support area (FSA) field communication unit (FCU) fire support base (FSB) field configuration control board (FCCB) fire support coordination (FSC) field expedient (FE) fire support coordination line (FSCL) field maintenance shop (FLDMS) fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) field maintenance test station (FMTS) fire support element (FSE) field manual (FM) fire support officer (FSO) (FM) fire support team (FIST) field medical card (FMC) fire support team vehicle (FISTV) field officer of the day (FOD) fire unit (FU) field of fire (FofF) fire unit analyzer (FUA) field operating agency (FOA) fire unit integration facility (FUIF) field order (FO) firing battery (FB) Field Representative Europe (FRE) firing site command post (FSCP) Field Representative Far East (FRFE) firing tables (FT) field training exercise (FTX) first article configuration inspection (FACI) field training services (FTS) first article configuration review (FACR) field wire command link (FWCL) First Class Diver Badge (FCDIVBAD) fighter interceptor (FI) (1LT) fighting vehicle system (FVS) first production unit (FPU) figure (fig) first sergeant (1SG) film optical sensing device for input to computers (FOSDIC) first training unit (FTU) final bomb release line (FBRL) fiscal guidance (FG) final operational capability (FOC) fiscal guidance memorandum (FGM) final protective fires (FPF) fiscal station number (FSN) Final Staging Base (FSB) fiscal year (FY) finance and accounting office(r) (FAO) Fitzsimons Army Medical Center (FAMC) Finance and Accounting Policy (FAP) Five-Year Defense Program (FYDP) Finance Corps (FC) Five-Year Materiel Program (FYMP) finance disbursing section (FDS) Five-Year Planning Base (FYPB) finance officer (FO) Five-Year Procurement Program (FYPP) financial data records folder (FDRF) Five-Year Test Program (FYTP) financial inventory accounting (FIA) fixed-target information (FTI) financial inventory reports (FIR) fixed wing (FW) financial management plan (FMP) fleet admiral (FADM) Financial Management Plan for Emergency Conditions (FMPEC) fleet ballistic missile (FBM) financial management report (FMR) (FMF) fireball radius (FBR) Fleet Post Office (FPO) fire control (FC) Flexowriter equipment (FLEX) fire control system (FCS) flight (flt)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:36:59 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 159 PN 161 FILE: r130.fil flight article (FLA) foreign rations not available (FRNA) Flight Communications Center (FCC) foreign separate rations (FSR) Flight Coordination Center (FCC) foreign service availability (FSA) flight information bulletin (FIB) foreign service credits (FSC) flight information center (FIC) foreign service selection date (FSSD) flight information publication (FLIP) foreign service tour (FST) flight information region (FIR) for further transfer (FFT) flight information service (FIS) FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA (*FRD) Flight Operations Center (FOC) forms management officer (FMO) flight surgeon (FS) Formula Translation (a scientific programming language for computers) (FORTRAN) Flight Surgeon Badge (FLTSURBAD) For Official Use Only (FOUO) floating (fltg) fort Ft. (when used with location spell out Fort) floating aircraft maintenance facility (FAMF) for the information of (INFO) follow (fol) (FTIG) followed (fol) Fort Wingate Army Depot (FWAD) following (fol) forward (fwd) follow-up on supply action taken (FUPOSAT) forward acquisition radar (FAR) force accounting system (FAS) forward air controller (FAC) force/activity designator (FAD) forward air control post (FACP) Force and Weapon Analysis System (FOREWAS) forward airfield supply organization (FASO) force beachhead line (FBHDL) forward area alerting radar (FAAR) force development testing and experimentation (FDTE) forward area alerting system (FAAS) Force Modernization Training (FMT) forward area rearm/refuel point (FARP) force planning analysis (FPA) Forward Area Support Coordination Officer (FASCO) force planning guide (FPG) forward area weapons (FAW) force requirement number (FRN) forward bomb line (FWDBL) force requirement troop list reporting system (FORTL) forwarded (fwd) forces status report (FORSTAT) forward edge of the battle area (FEBA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) forward forward air controller (FFAC) Foreign Area Officer (FAO) forward interpretation unit (FIU) Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) forward line of own troops (FLOT) Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (FCSC) forward observer (FO) foreign clearance guide (military) (FCG) forward service support element (FSSE) foreign criminal jurisdiction (FCJ) for your information (FYI) foreign duty pay (FDP) for your information and guidance (FYIG) foreign intelligence (FI) Four Power Joint Military Commission (FPJMC) foreign internal defense (FID) fractional orbital bombardment system (FOBS) foreign leave (FLV) fragmentary order (FRAGO) foreign liaison office (FLO) Frankford Arsenal (FFA) foreign materiel catalog (FOMCAT) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) foreign military sales (FMS) free drop (FD) foreign military sales order (FMSO) free fire zone (FFZ) foreign military sales program (FMSP) free fire area (FFA) foreign object damage (FOD)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 160 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:37:03 PN 162 FILE: r130.fil free radical assay technique (FRAT) general court-martial (GCM) free rocket over ground (FROG) general court-martial order (GCMO) Free World Military Assistance Forces (FWMAF) general discharge (GD) Freight Automated System for Traffic Management (FAST) General Educational Development Program (GEDP) freight classification guide system (FCGS) general education development (GED) freight traffic division (FTD) General Education Development Test (GEDT) French Forces in Germany (Forces Francaises Allemagne) (FFA) general functional description (GFD) French Fourragere (FRFOURRA) general functional system requirement (GFSR) frequency (freq) general headquarters (GHQ) frequency division multiplex (FDM) general industrial equipment reserve (GIER) frequency modulated (FM) General Information Test (GIT) frequency modulated radar (FMR) General Inspection (GI) frequency scan radar (FSR) general ledger (GL) frequent (freq) general maintenance aptitude area (GM) fuel air explosive (FAE) general merit (GM) fuel supply depot (FSD) general military science (GMS) fuel supply office (FSO) General Military Subjects Test (GMST) Full Army Mobilization War Reserves (FAM) general mobilization reserve stock (GMRS) full-scale engineering development (FSED) general officers (GO) full-time training duty (FTTD) general officer money allowance (GOMA) full-tracked (FT) General of the Army (GA) full-tracked vehicle (FTRAC) general operating agency () functional chief (of a civilian career program) (FC) general operational requirements (GOR) functional user’s manual (FUM) general orders (GO) fund code (FC) general outpost (GOP) funded delivery period (FDP) general outpost line (GOPL) Funding Authorization Document (FAD) general performance appraisal system (GPAS) funding program advice (FPA) general purpose (GP) 3–7. “G” listings general purpose digital computer (GPDC) gaining inventory manager (GIM) general purpose vehicle (GPV) gallon (gal) general reports (GENREP) gap filler (GF) General Schedule (GS) gap filler radar (GFR) general service (GS) gas liquid chromatography (GLC) General Services Administration (GSA) gasoline (gas) general service schools (GSS) gas proof (GPF) general staff (GS) gas turbine generator set (GTGS) General Staff Council (GSC) Gateway Army Ammunition Plant (GAAP) General Staff Identification Badge (G/SIDBAD) general (GEN) general staff operational requirements (GSOR) General Accounting Office (GAO) general staff with troops (GSWT) general agency agreement (GAA) general support (GS) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) General Support Forces (GSF) General Classification Test (GCT) general support group (GSG) general counsel (GC) general support reinforcing (GSR)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:37:07 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 161 PN 163 FILE: r130.fil general support rocket system (GSRS) graphic training aid (GTA) general support unit (GSU) graves registration (GRREG) general surgery (GENSURG) Graves Registration Service (GRS) general system description (GSD) Greenwich Civil Time (GCT) general war reserves (GWR) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) general watch officer (GWO) grenade launcher (GL) Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the grenadier (grendr) Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, 12 August 1949(GWS) grid variation (GV) Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the gross requirement (GR) Wounded and Sick of Armies in the field, 27 July 1929 (GWS gross weight (GWT) 1929) ground-controlled approach (GCA) Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at ground controlled interception (station) (GCI) Sea, 12 August 1949 (GWS Sea) ground controlled radar (GCR) Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in ground effect machine () Time of War, 12 August 1949 (GC) ground emplaced mine scattering system (GEMSS) Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 12 August 1949 (GPW) ground forward air controller (GFAC) Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, ground handling equipment (GHE) 27 July 1929 (GPW 1929) ground laser locator designator (GLLD) geographic (geo) ground liaison officer (GLO) geographical location (GEOLOC) ground order of battle (GOB) geographical specialist team (GST) Ground Munitions Analysis Study (GMAS) geological (geol) ground observer post (GOP) gigahertz (GHz) Ground Self Defense Force Japan (GSDFJ) Glider Badge (GLIDER) ground sensor terminal (GST) Global Navigation and Planning Chart (GNPC) ground support equipment (GSE) Gold Life Saving Medal (GLM) ground surveillance radar (GSR) Gold Star Lapel Button (GSLB) ground zero (GZ) Government (Govt) group (gp) Government bill of lading (GBL) group action request lists (GARL) Government contribution (GC) group fire distribution center (GFDC) Government Employees Training Act (GETA) Group Movement System (GROUPS) Government excess baggage authorization (GEBA) guard (gd) Government free issue (GFI) guerrilla warfare operational area (GWOA) Government furnished equipment (GFE) guest housing (GHSG) Government furnished material (GFM) guidance accuracy study for Sprint (GASS) Government furnished property (GFP) guidance control group (GCG) Government of Indonesia (GOI) guidance platform assembly (GPA) Government of the Republic of China (GRC) guided missile (GM) Government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) guided missile ammunition (GMA) Government Printing Office (GPO) gun fire area (GFA) Government property lost or damaged (GPLD) gunner (gnr) graduate (grad) gunnery (gnry) Granite City Army Depot (GCAD) gunnery officer’s console (GOC) graphics and administration (GA) gunnery range (GR)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 162 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:37:11 PN 164 FILE: r130.fil gun range finder operator (GRFO) highest defense order priority rating (DX) 3–8. “H” listings high-explosive (HE) hand-held radar (HHR) high-explosive antitank (HEAT) hand receipt (HR) high-explosive antitank-tracer (HEAT-T) harassing fire (HF) high-explosive armor-piercing (HEAP) harbor defense (HD) high-explosive dual-purpose (HEDP) harbor defense command (HDC) high-explosive incendiary (HEI) harbor entrance control post (HECP) high-explosive plastic (HEP) harbor entrance control vessel (HECVES) high-explosive plastic tracer (HEP-T) hardness test plan (HTP) high-explosive squash head (HESH) HAWK Equipment Logistics Program (HALP) high-explosive tracer (HE-T) HAWK Logistics Group (HLG) high frequency (HF) Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant (HWAAP) high-performance drone (HPD) Hays Army Ammunition Plant (HYAAP) high-performance third stage (Spartan) (HPTS) head of a procuring activity (HPA) high-power acquisition radar (HIPAR) head of contracting activity (HCA) high-power illuminator radar (HIPIR) headquarters (HQ) high-precision short-range navigation (HISRAN) headquarters and headquarters battery (HHB) high school (HS) headquarters and headquarters company (HHC) high speed (HS) headquarters and headquarters detachment (HHD) high-speed card punch (HSCP) headquarters and headquarters troop (HHT) high-speed card reader (HSCR) Headquarters and Installation Support Activity (HISA) high-speed printer (HSP) health and environment (HEV) high-speed reader (HSR) Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) high-to-medium-altitude air defense (HIMAD) health service area (HSA) high velocity (HV) health service laboratory (HSL) high-velocity aircraft rocket (HVAR) health service region (HSR) high-velocity antitank (HVAT) heavy antitank/assault weapon (HAW) high-velocity armor-piercing (HVAP) heavy drop (HVDP) high-velocity, armor-piercing, discarding sabot (HVAPDS) heavy duty (HDY) high voltage (HV) heavy equipment transporter (HET) highway regulating point (HRP) heavy lift helicopter (HLH) hold in abeyance (HIA) heavy machine-gun (HMG) holding and reconsignment point (HRP) heavy observation aircraft (HOA) holiday pay (HP) height (depth) Homebase/Advanced Assignment Program (HAAP) of burst (HOB) home of record (HOR) height ranger finder (HRF) Home Owners Assistance Program (HAP) helicopter (hel) homing optical system study (HOSS) helicopter ambulance medical detachment (HAMD) HONEST JOHN (HJ) helicopter direction center (HDC) honorable discharge (HD) helicopter team (HELITEAM) Honorary Colonel of the Regiment (HCOR) Heraldic Quality Control System (HQCS) Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment (HSGM) hertz (Hz)“H” hour coordinating line (HHCL) hospital (hosp) high energy firing unit (HEFU) hospital transfer order (HTO)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:37:15 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 163 PN 165 FILE: r130.fil host nation (HN) independent (indep) host nation support (HNS) independent corps tactical operations center (ICTOC) hour (hr) independent division tactical operations center (IDTOC) House Appropriations Committee (HAC) independent evaluation plan (IEP) House Armed Services Committee (HASC) independent evaluation report (IER) household goods (HHG) independent parametric cost estimate (IPCE) Housing Referral Office (HRO) Indiana Army Ammunition Plant (INAAP) Housing Referral Service (HRS) individual (indiv) howitzer (how) individual development plan (IDP) human factors engineering (HFE) individual medical record (IMR) Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM) individual pay record (IPR) Human Resources Research Organization (HUMRRO) Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Hunter-Leggitt Military Reservation (HLMR) Individual Ready Reserve System (IRRS) hydraulic pumping unit (HPU) individual records brief (IRB) hydrogen chloride (HC) Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF) hypervelocity (HV) industrial electronic security (INDELSEC) hypervelocity armor piercing-tracer (HVAP-T) industrial equipment reserve (IER) hypervelocity target practice-tracer (HVTP-T) Industrial Mobilization Training Program (IMTP) 3–9. “I” listings industrial plant equipment (IPE) identification (ident) industrial preparedness measures (IPM) identification, friend or foe (radar) (IFF) Industrial Readiness Planning Program (IRPP) identified (ident) Industrial Relations Office (IRO) identify (ident) infantry (IN) imitative communications deception (ICD) infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) immediate reaction force (IRF) Infantry Rifle Unit Study (IRUS) immediate ready element (IRE) Infantry Systems Programs Review (ISPR) Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) inflammable (infl) improved capabilities missile (ICM) inform (info) improved continuous-wave acquisition radar (ICWAR) information (info) improved management procurement and contracting technique (IMPACT) information activities office(r) (IAO) improved manned interceptor (IMI) information control system (ICS) improved NIKE HERCULES (INH) information requirement (IRQR) improved pulse acquisition radar (IPAR) Information Requirements Control Automated System (IRCAS) improvement and modernization (I&M) information retrieval and display language (IRDL) in accordance with (IAW) Information Systems Office (ISO) inactive duty training (IDT) informed (info) inactive National Guard (ING) infrared (ir) inbound/outbound traffic analysis (IOTA) infrared discrimination system (IDS) incentive award (IA) inhibited red fuming nitric acid (IRFNA) incentive pay (IP) initial active duty for training (IADT) in charge of (IC) initial and final terminal arrival date (IFTAD) inches per second (IPS) initial beachhead (IBHD) incoming replacement (INREPL) initial bomb release line (IBRL) initial COHORT unit training (ICUT)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 164 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:37:19 PN 166 FILE: r130.fil initial defense communications satellite program (IDCSP) Integrated Battlefield Control System (IBCS) initial delay position (IDP) integrated circuit package (ICP) initial denial authority (IDA) integrated data processing (IDP) initial entry training (IET) integrated data processing center (IDPC) initial fill date (IFD) integrated Facilities Management Information System (IFMIS) initial materiel support office (IMSO) integrated facilities system (IFS) initial navigation system (INS) Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) initial operational capability (IOC) integrated fire control (radar) (IFC) initial operational capability date (IOCD) integrated joint broadband system (IJBS) initial point (IP) integrated joint communication system (IJCS) initial production facilities (IPF) integrated logistics support (ILS) initial production test (IPT) integrated logistic support plan (ILSP) initial program load (IPL) Integrated Sealift Study (ISS) initial service test (IST) Integrated Support Services Management Information System (ISSMIS) initial support increments (ISI) Integrated Tactical Communications System (INTACS) inland waterway (IWW) Integrated Test/Evaluation Program (ITEP) inland waterway transport (IWT) Integrated Transportation Management Information System (ITMIS) inner artillery zone (IAZ) integrated wideband communications systems (IWCS) in-process review (IPR) Intelligence Civilian Career Program (ICCP) input and/or output (IO) Intelligence Data Handling Systems (IDHS) in service in reserve (ISIR) Intelligence Information Report (IIR) inspection record card (IRC) intelligence officer (U.S. Army) (S2) inspector general (IG) intelligence production requirement (IPR) install (instl) intelligence radar reporting (IRR) installation (instl) intelligence report (INTREP) installation & test (I&T) intelligence subject code (ISC) installation confinement facility (ICF) intelligence summary (INTSUM) installation maintenance officer (IMO) intelligence threat analysis center (ITAC) installation operating budget (IOB) Intensified Combat Training Program (ICTP) installation operating program (IOP) intensified confirmatory troop test (ICTT) installation property book (IPB) Intensive Item Management System (IIMS) installation service supply support (ISSS) Interagency Air Cartographic Committee (IACC) installation shipping and receiving capability (ISARC) Interagency Communications System (ICS) installation supply division (ISD) Interagency Emergency Planning Commission (IEPC) installation transportation office(r) (ITO) Interagency Group for International Aviation (IGIA) instantaneous automatic gain control (IAGC) Inter-Allied Nuclear Force (IANF) Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) Institute for Telecommunications Sciences and Aeronomy (ITSA) Inter-American Defense Board, Army Member (AMIADB) instructor pilot (IP) Inter-American Defense College (IADC) instrument flight rules (IFR) Inter-American Defense Board Medal (IADB-MED) instrument landing system (ILS) Inter-American Economic and Social Council (IAECOSOC) instrument reading (IR) Inter-American Geodetic Survey (IAGS) insurgency (insgcy) intercept system environment (ISE) integrate (intgr)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:37:23 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 165 PN 167 FILE: r130.fil interchangeability and substitutability (I&S) intersectional transportation service (ITS) intercommunications (intercomm) Interservice Data Exchange Program (IDEP) intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Interservice Materiel Utilization Agency (IMUA) interdepartmental committee on internal security (ICIS) interservice supply support (ISS) interdepartmental regional group (IRG) Interservice Supply Support Coordinator (ISSC) interest (int) Interservice Supply Support Program (ISSP) interest by Member of Congress (CONGINT) Interservice Supply Support Records Office (ISSRO) Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM) interservice support agreement (ISA) interim data element (IDE) Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) interim housing allowance (IHA) inter theater transfer (ITT) Intermediate Configuration Control Board (Western Electric, interval rate (IR) Greensboro, NC)(ICCB) inventory control center (ICC) intermediate direct support maintenance (IDSM) inventory control point (ICP) intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM) Inventory Control Point Europe (ICPE) internal combustion (IC) inventory objective (IO) Internal Defense and Development (IDAD) invitational travel order (ITO) internal medicine (INTMED) Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAP) internal review (IR) is amended to add (IATA) internal review and systems improvement (IRASI) is amended to delete (IATD) internal security (INSEC) is amended to read (IATR) international air freight forwarder (IAFF) Island commander, Azores (ISCOMAZORES) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Island Commander, Bermuda (ISCOMBERMUDA) International Algebraic Language (IAL) Island Commander, Faeroes (ISCOMFAEROES) international balance of payments (IBP) Island Commander, Greenland (ISCOMGREENLAND) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Island Commander, Iceland (ISCOMICELAND) International Finance Corporation (IFC) Island Commander, Madeira (ISCOMADEIRA) International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) international interdependent research and development (IIRD) issue (iss) international logistics (IL) item management control code (IMCC) International Logistics Field Office (ILFO) item responsibility code (IRC) International Military Education and Training Program (IMETP) item study listings (ISL) International Monetary Fund (IMF) it is requested that (REQTAT) International Planning Group (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands) 3–10. “J” listings (IPG) Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces (JGSDF) International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) Japan Procurement Agency (JPA) International Red Cross (IRC) Jefferson Proving Ground (JPG) International Security Affairs (ISA) jet assisted take-off (JATO) International Telecommunications Union (ITU) jet navigation (JN) International Telegraph and Telephonic Advisory Committee (ITTAC) jet pilot (JP) International Telegraphic Advisory Committee (CCIT) job control language (JCL) International Telephone Advisory Committee (CCIF) Job Skills Education Program (JSEP) interned (int) job work folder (JWF) internment camp (IC) Joint Actions Control Office (JACO) internment serial number (ISN) Joint Aeronautical Materials Agency (JMAC)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 166 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:37:28 PN 168 FILE: r130.fil joint air attack team (JAAT) Joint Intelligence Coordination Staff, CIA (JICS) Joint Airborne Communications Center/Command Post (JACC/CP) Joint Intelligence Collecting Agency (JICA) Joint Air Defense Board (JADB) Joint Intelligence Estimate for Planning (JIEP) Joint Air Defense Operation Center (JADOC) Joint Logistics Review Board (JLRB) Joint Airlines Military Traffic Office (JAMTO) Joint Long-Range Strategic Estimate (JLRSE) Joint Air Movements Board (JAMB) Joint Long-Range Strategic Study (JLRSS) Joint Air Operations Center (JAOC) Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board (JMPAB) Joint Air Traffic Control Center (JATCC) Joint Medical Regulating Office (JMRO) Joint Air Transportation Plan (JATP) Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA) Joint Air Transportation Service (JATS) Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission (JMUSDC) Joint Allied Military Petroleum Office (NATO) (JAMPO) Joint Military Packaging Training Center (JMPTC) Joint Area Petroleum Office (JAPO) Joint Military Terminology Group (JMTG) Joint Army-Navy (JAN) Joint Military Transportation Board (JMTB) Joint Army-Navy Air Force (JANAF) Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual (JMEM) Joint Army-Navy Air Force publication (JANAP) Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center (JNACC) Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Sea Transportation Message (JANAST) joint occupancy date (JOD) Joint Atomic Information Exchange Group (JAIEG) Joint Operational Reporting System (JOPREP) Joint Atomic Weapons Publications System (JAWPS) Joint Operations Evaluation Group (JOEG) Joint Board of Directors, Army-Air Force Exchange Joint Operations Planning System (JOPS) Service(JBDAAFES) Joint Overseas Shipping Procedure (JOSPRO) Joint Brazil-United States Defense Commission (JBUSDC) Joint Overseas Switching System (JOSS) Joint Brazil-United States Military Commission (JBUSMC) Joint Personal Property Shipping Office, Washington, DC Joint Bus Military Traffic Office (JBMTO) (JPPSOWA) Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Joint Petroleum Office (JPO) Joint Chiefs of Staff Alerting Network (Communications Joint Procurement Board (JPB) Network)(JCSAN) Joint Program Assessment Memorandum (JPAM) Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge (JCSIDBAD) Joint Projected Manpower Requirements (JPMR) Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC) Joint Rail Military Traffic Office (JRMTO) Joint Command and Control Requirements Group (JCCRG) Joint Reconnaissance Board (JRB) Joint Command Post Exercise (JCPX) Joint Reconnaissance Center (JRC) Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE) joint reporting structure (JRS) Joint Committee on Printing (JCP) Joint Research and Development Objectives Document (JRDOD) Joint Communications Instruction (JCI) Joint Resource Assessment Data Base Report (JADREP) Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE) Joint Sealift Movements Board (JSMB) Joint Continental Aerospace Defense Integration Staff (JCADIS) Joint Search and Rescue Center (JSARC) Joint Continental Defense Systems Integration Planning Staff(JCDSIPS) Joint Service Achievement Medal (JSAM) Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan (JEEP) Joint Service Commendation Medal (JSCM) Joint European Operational Communications Network (JEOCN) Joint Service Office (JSO) Joint Exercise Control Group (JXCG) Joint Services Inflight Data Transmission system (JIFDATS) Joint Facilities Utilization Board (JFUB) Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) joint field training exercise (JFTX) Joint Strategic Planning Document (JSPD) Joint Information Liaison Office (JILO) Joint Strategic Planning Document Supporting Analysis (JSPDSA) Joint Information Office (JIO) Joint Strategic Survey Committee (JSSC) Joint Intelligence Center (JIC) Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff (JSTPS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:37:32 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 167 PN 169 FILE: r130.fil joint table of allowances (JTA) Labor Services Agency (LSA) joint table(s) of distribution (JTD) Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP) joint task force (JTF) land combat support system (LCSS) joint task force reports (JTFREP) land forces classification system (LFCS) joint task group (JTG) landing beach (LB) Joint Technical Configuration Control Group (JTCCG) landing craft and bases (LANCRAB) joint training exercise (JTX) landing craft, control (LCC) Joint Transportation Board (JTB) landing craft, mechanized (LCM) Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) landing craft, vehicle, personnel (LCVP) Joint Unconventional Warfare Assessment Team (JUWAT) landing force naval gunfire team (LFNGFT) Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force (JUWTF) landing platform helicopter (LPH) Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) landing ship, dock (LSD) Joint United States Military Advisory and Planning (JUSMAP) landing ship, tank (LST) Joint United States Military Advisory Group (JUSMAG) landing signal enlisted (LSE) Joint United States Military Aid Group to Greece (JUSMAGG) landing signal officer (LSO) Joint United States Military Group (JUSMG) landing team (LT) Joint United States Military Mission for Aid to Turkey landing vehicle, track, personnel (LVTP) (JUSMMAT) landing zone (LZ) Joint War Games Agency (JWGA) Land Special Security Force (LSSF) Joint Whole Blood Center (JWBC) laser target designator (LTD) Joliet Army Ammunition Plant (JAAP) last resort target (LRTGT) judge advocate; Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JA) latest arrival date (LAD) Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language(JOVIAL) Latin American Military Communications System (LAMCS) Julian date (JD) launcher control area (missile) (LCA) jumps monthly compute output listing (JMCOL) launcher control indicator (LCI) Jungle Operations Training Center (JOTC) launch preparation equipment (LPE) Jungle Warfare Training Center (JWTC) launch preparation equipment compartment (LPEC) Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) launch preparation equipment set (LPES) 3–11. “K” listings launch station (LS) Kansas Army Ammunition Plant (KAAP) Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL) Key Facilities List (KFL) leader (ldr) key intelligence position (KIP) leadership potential rating (LPR) killed in action (KIA) lead sheet (LS) kilohertz (kHz) League of International Red Cross Societies (LICROSS (Cablese)) kilometer(s) (km) leave (lv) kilometers per hour (KMPH) leave and earnings statement (LES) Korean Augmentation to United States Army (KATUSA) leave rations (LR) Korean Service Corps (KSC) leave without pay (LWOP) Korean Service Medal (KSM) Legal Automated Army-Wide (LAAW) Kwajalein Atoll (KWAJ) Legion of Merit (LM) Kwajalein Missile Range (KMR) length (lgth) 3–12. “L” listings length of column (LGTHCOLM) laboratory (lab) length of patient stay (LOPS) labor service (LS) less than carload (LCL)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 168 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:37:36 PN 170 FILE: r130.fil less than release unit (LRU) lines per minute (LPM) letter (ltr) line term buffer (LTB) Letterkenny Army Depot (LEAD) liquid agent detector (LAD) Letterman Army Institute of Research (San Francisco, CA) (LAIR) list of items (LOI) Letterman Army Medical Center (LAMC) list of selected file numbers (LSFN) letter of activation (LA) litter bearer (LB) letter of instruction (LOI) LITTLE JOHN (LJ) letter orders (LO) local acquisition radar (LAR) letter requirement (LR) local agency check (LAC) Lexington-Blue Grass Army Depot (LBAD) local automatic circuit exchange (LACE) liaison officer (LO) local configuration control board (LCCB) lieutenant (Lt) local data processor (LDP) lieutenant colonel (LTC) local defense center (LDC) lieutenant commander (LCDR) local digital message exchange (LDMX) lieutenant general (LTG) local hour angle (LHA) lieutenant junior grade (LTJG) locality (loc) life-cycle cost estimate (LCCE) local maintenance and management of facilities (LMMF) life-cycle management (LCM) local national(s)(LN) life-cycle management model (LCMM) local national, direct hire (LNDH) light air defense artillery (LADA) local oscillator (LO) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) local payment receipt (LPR) light antitank weapon (LAW) local wage rate (LWR) light infantry division (LID) locate (loc) lighter aboard ship (LASH) located (loc) lighter amphibious resupply cargo (LARC) locating (loc) light observation aircraft (LOA) location (loc) light observation helicopter (LOH) logistical (log) lightweight individual combat clothing and equipment (LINCLOE) logistical civil augmentation program (LOGCAP) limited access authorization (LAA) logistical exercise (LOGEX) limited distribution (LIMDIS) logistical expediting group (LEG) limited production (LP) logistical ratio (LOGR) limited production-test (LP-T) logistical support operations center (LSOC) limited production-urgent (LP-U) logistic support plan (LSP) limited service storage facility (LSSF) Logistic Control Activity (LCA) limited storage site (LSS) logistical control code (LCC) limited test ban treaty (LTBT) logistic operation-streamline (LOS) line item (LI) logistics (log) line item number (LIN) Logistics Assistance and Instruction Team (LAIT) line of departure (LD) Logistic Assistance Office (LAO) line of departure is friendly forward disposition (LD is FFD) Logistic Assistance Office Command Interest Flasher (LAOCIF) line of departure is present positions (LD is PPos) logistics center (LOGC) line of duty (LD) Logistics Control Office, Pacific (LCOP) lines of communication (logistic routes) (LOC) logistics data center (LDC) lines of communications ports (LOCPORT) Logistics Directorate (J4)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:37:40 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 169 PN 171 FILE: r130.fil logistics intelligence data base (LIDB) low explosive (LE) logistics intelligence file/layaway of industrial facilities (LIF) low frequency (LF) Logistics Management Information System (LOGMIS) low-performance drone (LPD) Logistics Management Institute (LMI) low-speed card punch (LSCP) Logistics Officer Program (LOP) low-speed paper tape punch (LSPTP) Logistics Operating Information System (LOGOIS) low-to-medium-altitude air defense (LOMAD) logistics over the shore operations (LOTS) low-velocity drop (LVD) Logistics Performance Measurement and Evaluation System lubrication order (LO) (LPMES) lunar excursion module (LEM) logistics readiness officer (LRO) 3–13. “M” listings Logistics Structure and Composition System (LOGSACS) MAC Automated Deployment Reporting System (MACADS) Logistics Studies Steering Group (LSSG) machine accountant (MA) logistics unit productivity study (LUPS) machine aids to Nike-X (MANIX) logistic supportability (LOGS) machinegun (mg) Logistic Support System (LSS) machine-oriented language (MOL) logistic system feasibility analysis (LSFA) machine records (MR) Logistic System Policy Committee (LSPC) machine records activity (MRA) Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant (LSAAP) MAC (Military Airlift Command) Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant (LHAAP) transportation authorization (MTA) longitude (long) Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) long path infrared (LOPAIR) mail distribution scheme (MDS) long range (LR) mailing address only (MAO) long-range active duty program (LRADP) main battle tank (MBT) long-range air defense (LORAD) main battle area (MBA) long-range aviation (LRA) main fire support element (MFSE) long-range navigation (loran) main operating base (MOB) long-range night observation device (LRNOD) main supply route (MSR) long-range patrol (LRP) maintain (maint) long-range radar (LRR) maintained (maint) long-range reconnaissance patrol (LRRP) maintain production schedules (MAPROS) long-range survey system (LRSS) maintenance (maint) long-term worldwide air defense study (LOTADS) maintenance allocation chart (MAC) long tour (LT) maintenance and operation (M&O) Loops (lps) maintenance and repair (M&R) Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) maintenance assistance and instruction team (MAIT) losing inventory manager (LIM) maintenance data report (MDR) Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant (LAAP) maintenance data system (MDS) low altitude (LA) maintenance engineering analysis data system (MEADS) low-altitude bomb aiming systems (LABS) maintenance of real property facilities (MRPF) low-altitude forward area air defense (LOFAAD) maintenance operations management user (MOM-user) lower deviation level (LDL) maintenance parts lists (MPL) lower-level end item subdivision (LLEIS) maintenance program management (MPM) lower-power acquisition radar (LOPAR) maintenance program operations management (MPOM) lowest usable frequency (LUF) maintenance reporting and management (MRM)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 170 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:37:44 PN 172 FILE: r130.fil maintenance support plan (MSP) manpower requirements criteria (MACRIT) maintenance support team (MST) manpower voucher (MV) major (MAJ) manual battery control (MBC) major Army command (MACOM) manual burst disable (MBD) major assembly release (MAR) Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM) major Army field command (MAFC) manufacturer’s representative (MR) major Army subcommand (SUBMACOM) manufacturing methods and technology (MMT) Major Army Subordinate Command Management Information mapping and geodesy (M&G) System(ASMIS) mapping, charting, and geodesy (MC&G) major force issues (MFI) marginal return (MR) major force oriented issues (MFOI) Marine air control squadron (MACS) major general (MG) Marine air support squadron (MASS) Major Item Data File (MIDF) Marine Amphibious Forces (MAF) major item distribution plan (MIDP) Marine expeditionary brigade (MEB) Major Item Management System (MIMS) Marine expeditionary force (MEF) Major Item Status Report (MISR) Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) Major NATO Commanders (MNC) Maritime Administration (MARAD) major operating system (MOS) Maritime Air Commander Central Subarea major program memorandum (MPM) (COMMAIRCENTLANT) major subordinate command (MSC) Maritime Air Commander Eastern Atlantic Area (COMMAIREASTLANT) major training area (MTA) Maritime Air Commander Northern Subarea Major United States Army Reserve Command (MUSARC) (COMMAIRNORLANT) management (mgt) Maritime Strike Plan (MARISP) management control number (MCN) Marksman Qualification Badge (MkmQualBad) management data list (MDL) marksmanship training unit (MKTU) management improvement program (MIP) marshaling area (MA) Management Information Center (MIC) marshaling area control group (MACG) Management Information Research Assistance Center (MIRAC) marshaling area control officer (MACO) management information systems (MIS) Master Aircraft Crewman Badge (MSTACCMB) Management Information Systems Office (MISO) master Army aviator (MASTARAV) management of change (MOC) Master Army Aviator Badge (MSTARAVB) Management Practices in TOE Units (MAP-TOE) master change record (MCR) manager (mgr) Master Control Record System (MCR) mandatory retirement date (MRD) Master Diver Badge (MSTDIVBAD) maneuverable ballistic reentry vehicle (MBRV) Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge (MSTEODBAD) maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV) Master Flight Surgeon Badge (MSTFLSB) Maneuver Area Command (MAC) Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGYSgt) Maneuver Training Command (MTC) master inventory record (MIR) manipulative communication deception (MCD) master intern training plan (MITP) manned orbiting laboratory (MOL) master labor contract (MLC) manpack (mpk) master logistics plan (MLP) man-portable air defense (MANPAD) master military pay file (MMPF) manpower and personnel plan (MAPP) Master Parachute Badge (MSTPRCHT) manpower requirements change (MRC) master program of instruction (MPOI)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:37:48 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 171 PN 173 FILE: r130.fil master sergeant (MSG) mechanization of selected transportation reports (MECHTRAM) material (mat) mechanization of warehousing and shipping procedures (MOWASP) material deviation list (MDL) mechanized (mech) material identification and accounting code (MIAC) Mechanized Export Traffic System (METS) materials handling equipment (MHE) mechanized flame thrower (MFT) materiel (mat) mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV) materiel allowance list (MAL) mechanized infantry squad proficiency course (MISPC) Materiel Asset Redistribution Center, Europe (MARCE) Meck Island (MECK) materiel development (MD) Meck Island control building (MICB) Materiel Management Center (MMC) Medal for Humane Action (MHA) materiel planning study (MPS) Medal for Merit (MM) Materiel Procurement Priorities Review Committee (MPPRC) Medal of Freedom (MF) materiel readiness report (MRR) Medal of Honor (MH) Materiel Redistribution Division (MRD) medical care (MEDICARE) materiel release confirmation (MRC) medical care support equipment (MEDCASE) materiel release denial (MRD) Medical Civic Action Program (MEDCAP) materiel release order (MRO) medical continuation pay (MCP) Materiel Requirements Review Committee (MRRC) medical continuity of operations plan (MEDCOOP) Materiel Status Committee (MSC) Medical Corps (MC) materiel status evaluation (MSE) medical data specialist (MEDDS) materiel support planning guidance (MSPG) medical department activity (MEDDAC) materiel utilization reference file (MURF) medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) maximum (max) Medical Evaluation Board (MEBD) maximum allowable housing cost (MAHC) medical holding detachment (MHD) maximum authorized altitude (MAA) Medical Management Information System (MEDMIS) maximum permissible dosage (MPD) medical materiel account (MMA) maximum permissible exposure (MPE) Medical Materiel Management Center (MMMC) maximum usable frequency (MUF) Medical Materiel Management System (MEDMAIS) McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP) medical materiel manager (MMM) M-Day force materiel requirement (MDFMR) medical materiel mission reserve (MMMR) M-Day materiel requirement (MDMR) Medical Materiel Program for Defense Against Biological and meal, combat, individual (MCI) Chemical Agents (MMPDABC) mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) medical material program for nuclear casualties (MMPNC) mean-time-between-false-alarms (MTBFA) medical regulating office(r) (MRO) mean-time-to-repair (MTTR) Medical Service Corps (MS) measure (meas) medical services account (MSA) measure(s) of effectiveness (MOE) medical services accountable officer (MSAO) mechanic (mech) medical treatment facility (MTF) mechanical (mech) medical unit, self-contained, transportable (MUST) Mechanical Aptitude Test (MAT) Mediterranean, Mediterranean Litoral and/or Middle East mechanical time (MT) (MMLME) mechanical time, super quick (MTSQ) medium antitank weapon (MAW) mechanical transport (MT) medium atomic demolition munition (MADM) mechanist (mech) medium observation aircraft (MOA)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 172 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:37:52 PN 174 FILE: r130.fil medium-speed printer (MSP) Military Air Traffic Coordinating Office(r) (MATCO) megahertz (MHz) Military Application Division of the Atomic Energy Commission(MADAEC) megaton (MT) Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) Member of Congress (MC) military assistance articles and services list (MASL) memorandum (memo) Military Assistance Institute (MAI) memorandum for record (MFR) Military Assistance Program (MAP) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Military Assistance Service Funded (MASF) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) military assistance to safety and traffic (MAST) memorial activities (MEMLACTV) military authorization identification number (MAIN) memo routing slip (MRS) Military Blood Program Agency (MBPA) Memphis Army Depot (MEAD) Military Blood Program Office (MBPO) mental hygiene consultation service (MHCS) military characteristics (MC) Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) Military Committee Communications Security and Evaluation Meritorious Unit Commendation (MUC) Agency, Washington (SECAN) message (msg) Military Committee Distribution and Accounting Agency, message input device (MID) NATO(DACAN) message releasing officer (MRO) Military Committee Representative to the North Atlantic Council(MCREP) metallic link belt (MLB) Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB) meteorological (met) Military Communications System Technical Standards meteorological datum plane (MDP) Committee(MCSTSC) meteorology (met) military construction (MILCON) microwave (mwave) Military Construction, Army (MCA) microwave amplification by stimulated emission of Military Construction Army National Guard (MCARNG) radiation(MASER) Military Construction, Army Reserve (MCAR) microwave early warning (MEW) Military construction plan (MCP) microwave landing system (MLS) Military Coordinating Committee (MCC) Middle East (ME) Military Coordinating Committee (US Element CUSRPG) Middle East Force (MIDEASTFOR) (MCCUSCUSRPG) Middle East Liaison Group (MELG) military damage assessment (MDA) middle initial (MI) Military Damage Assessment Team (MILDAT) midrange ballistic missile (MRBM) military departments (MILDEPS) midrange estimate (MRE) military effectiveness in a toxin environment (METOXI) Milan Army Ammunition Plant (MAAP) Military Entomology Information Service (MEIS) miles per hour (mph) Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) milimeters (mm) military equipment delivery team (MEDT) military (mil) military functions appropriation (MFA) military adaptation of commercial items (MACI) military geographic documentation (MGD) military advisory group (MAG) military geographic information and documentation (MGID) Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) military government officer (MGO) Military Agency for Standardization (MAS) military grid reference system (MGRS) Military Air Cargo Export System (MACE) military history (MH) Military Airlift Clearance Authority (MACA) military history detachment (MHD) Military Airlift Command (MAC) military intelligence (MI) military air movement number (MAM) military intelligence battalion, air reconnaissance support(MIBARS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:37:56 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 173 PN 175 FILE: r130.fil military intelligence detachment (MID) Military Sealift Command (MSC) military intelligence unit training center (MIUTC) military service obligation (MSO) Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) Military Services Ammunition Allocation Board (MSAAB) Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy military standard (MIL-STD) Commission(MLCAEC) Military Standard Activity Address Directory (MILSTAAD) military man-years (MMY) Military Standard Contract Administration Procedures (MILSCAP) military medical benefits property (MMBP) Military Standard Item Characteristics Coding military occupational data bank (MODB) Structure(MILSTICCS) military occupational information (MOI) Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) military occupational specialty (MOS) Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting military occupational specialty code (MOSC) Procedures(MILSTRAP) military ocean terminal (MOT) Military Standard Transportation and Movement Military Ocean Terminal, Bay Area (MOTBA) Procedures(MILSTAMP) Military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne (MOTBY) Military Supply and Transportation Evaluation Procedures (MILSTEP) Military Ocean Terminal, King’s Bay (MOTKI) military supply standard (MSS) Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point (MOTSU) military support of civil defense (MSCD) military official mail (MOM) military support to civil authorities (MSCA) military operation area (MOA) Military Traffic Expediting Service (MTX) military operations (MOP) Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC) military operations on urbanized terrain (MOUT) Military Traffic Management Command Eastern Area (MTMCEA) military-owned demountable container (MILVAN) Military Traffic Management Command Western Area military-owned vehicle (MOV) (MTMCWA) military-owned vehicle plan (MOVP) Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engineering military-owned vehicle service (MOVS) Agency (MTMCTEA) military payment certificate (MPC) Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Terminal Unit(MTMCTTU) military pay order (MPO) military training (MT) military pay record (MPR) mine disposal unit (MDU) military payroll money list (ML) minimum (min) military pay voucher (MPV) minimum burst altitude (MBA) military pay voucher summary and certification sheet (MPVSCS) minimum crossing altitude (MCA) Military Personnel Accounting Activity (MILPAC) minimum descent altitude (MDA) military personnel, Army (MPA) minimum energy trajectory model (MINUET) military personnel office(s) (MILPO) Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network Military Personnel Records Jacket U.S. Army (MPRJ) (MEECN) military police (MP) minimum essential equipment (MEE) Military Police Corps (MP) minimum marginal return (MMR) Military Police Investigator (MPI) minimum normal burst altitude (MNBA) Military Police Management Information System (MPMIS) minimum obstruction clearance altitude (MOCA) Military Police Prisoner of War Command (MPPWCOM) minimum reception altitude (MR) Military Police Tripartite Standing Working Group (MP) (TSWG) minimum required logistics augmentation, Europe (MRLOGAEUR) Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) minimum safe distance (MSD) military post office (MPO) Ministry of Defense (MOD) military potential test (MPT) minute (min) military science (MS) miscellaneous (misc)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 174 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:00 PN 176 FILE: r130.fil miscellaneous obligation document (MOD) mobile support group (MSGR) missile (MSL) mobile training team (MTT) missile assembly building (MAB) mobile training unit (MTU) missile-borne guidance equipment (MBGE) Mobility Planning Data System (MODS) missile-borne guidance test set (MBGTS) mobilization and training equipment site (MATES) missile detection and alarm system (MIDAS) mobilization base units (MOBU) missile electronic warfare technical area (WSMR) (MEWTA) mobilization-day (M-day) missile farm monitor (MFM) mobilization designee (MOBDES) missile firing station (MFS) Mobilization Materiel Procurement Capability (MMPC) missile integration terminal equipment (MITE) Mobilization Materiel Requirement (MMR) Missile Intelligent Agency (MIA) Mobilization, Military and Civilian Manpower Program (MMCMP) missile maintenance equipment (MME) mobilization requirements, secondary items (MRSI) missile maintenance technician (MMT) mobilization requirement study (MRS) Missile Procurement, Army (MPA) Mobilization Reserve Components Program of the Army (MRCPA) missile site control building (MSCB) Mobilization Reserve Materiel Objective (MRMO) missile site data processing subsystem (MSDPSS) Mobilization Reserve Materiel Procurement Objective (MRMPO) missile site data processing system (MSDPS) Mobilization Reserve Materiel Requirement (MRMR) missile site data processor (MSDP) mobilization reserve stockage list (MORSL) missile site radar (MSR) mobilization reserve stocks (MRS) missile support element (MSE) mobilization table of distribution and allowances (MOBTDA) missile test station (MTS) mobilize (mob) missile tracking radar (MTR) Models of U.S. Army Worldwide Logistics System (MAWLOGS) missing in action (MIA) Modern Army Record-keeping System (MARKS) mission (msn) Modern Army Selected System test, evaluation and review (MASSTER) mission area analysis (MAA) Modern Army Supply System (MASS) mission element need statement (MENS) modernization and improvement (M&I) mission, enemy, terrain and troops (METT) Modern Volunteer Army (MVA) mission, enemy, terrain, troops and time available (METT-T) Modern Volunteer Army Program (MVAP) mission load (ML) Modification Table of Distribution and Allowances (MTDA) mission oriented protection posture (MOPP) Modification Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) mission reliability factor (MRF) modification work order (MWO) Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant (MSAAP) modified military pay voucher system (MMPVS) Mississippi River Commission (MRC) modulated continuous wave (MCW) mobile ammunition evaluation and reconditioning unit (MAERU) modulation/demodulation equipment (MODEM) mobile Army surgical hospital (MASH) modulation scan array radar (MOSAR) mobile construction battalion (MCB) molder (ml) Mobile Contract Teams (MCT) monitoring agency (MA) mobile development units (MDU) Monthly Bulk Petroleum Accounting Summary (MBPAS) mobile digital computer (MOBIDIC) month of travel (MOT) mobile floating assault bridge-ferry (US) (MAB) morale support activities (MSA) mobile land command post (MLCP) morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) mobile national emergency command posts (MNECP) Mortar Bombing Report (MORTREP) mobile radar control post (MRCP) motor burning time (MBT) mobile striking force (MSF)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:38:04 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 175 PN 177 FILE: r130.fil motor burn out (MBO) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) motor burn out locking (MBOL) National Agency Check (NAC) motor gasoline (MOGAS) National Agency Check plus written inquiries (NACI) motorized rifle battalion (MRB) National Archives and Records Service (NARS) motorized rifle company (MRC) National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice (NBPRP) motorized rifle regiment (MRR) National Capital Region (NCR) motor pool (MOPO) national command authority (NCA) motor route order number (MRO) National Communications System (NCS) motor torpedo boat (MTB) National Crime Information Center (NCIC) motor transport (MT) National Damage Assessment Center (NADAC) motor vehicle storage building (MVSB) National Defense Area (NDA) motor vehicle storage shed (MVSS) National Defense Cadet Corps (NDCC) movement (mov) National Defense Service Medal (NDSM) movement control center (MCC) National Defense University (NDU) movement designator code (MDC) National Disclosure Policy (NDP) movement directive (MD) National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) movement orders (MO) National Emergency Alarm Repeater System (NEAR) moving target indicator (MTI) National Emergency Survivable Troop System (NEST) moving target locating radar (MTLR) National Emergency Transportation Center (NETC) MTMC Automated Transportation Scheduler (MATCH) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) multichannel (mchan) National Foreign Intelligence Board (NFIB) multiechelon supply model (MESM) National Guard Bureau (NGB (see NG for duty detail)) multiengine (me) National Guard regulation (NGR) multifunction array radar (MAR) national industrial engineering mission (NIEM) multifunction array radar (R&D at WSMR) (MAR-1) national industrial equipment reserve (NIER) multilateral force (MLF) national industrial plant reserve (NIPR) multimission ship (MMS) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Multinational Force and Observers Medal (MFO) national intelligence estimate (NIE) multiple address processing unit (MAPU) national intelligence survey (NIS) multiple line encryption system (MLES) National Interdepartmental Seminar (NIS) multiple reentry vehicle (MRV) National Internal Defense Coordination Center (NIDCC) multiple rocket launcher (MRL) National Inventors Council (NIC) Multiple Unit Training Assembly (MUTA) national inventory control point (NICP) multipurpose close support weapon (MPCSW) national item identification number (NIIN) multipurpose ship (MPS) National Labor Relations Board, Department of Labor (NLRB) mutual and balanced force reduction (MBFR) national maintenance point (NMP) Mutual Support Program (MSP) National Maintenance Publications Center (NMPC) Mutual Weapons Development Data Exchange Agreement National Mediation Board, Department of Labor (NMB) (MWDDEA) National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) Mutual Weapons Development Program (MWDP) National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) muzzle velocity (MV) 3–14. “N” listings national military command center (NMCC) nap-of-the-earth (NOE) national military command system (NMCS) Natick Laboratories (NLABS) national military command system support center (NMCSSC)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 176 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:08 PN 178 FILE: r130.fil National Military Information Disclosure Policy Committee NATO Supply Center (an activity of NAMSA) (NSC) (NDPC) Navajo Army Depot (NAAD) National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) Naval Commander, Gibraltar (COMGIB) National Policy Paper (NPP) naval control of shipping officer (NCSO) National Postal and Travelers Censorship (NPTC) naval gunfire liaison officer (NGLO) National Postal and Travelers Censorship Organization (NPTCO) Navy Special Operations Force (NSOF) National Resource Evaluation Center (NREC) NCO Professional Development Ribbon (NCOPDR) National Rifle Association (NRA) near-term improvement in materiel asset reporting (TIMAR) National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) necessary (nec) National Security Agency (NSA) negative report submitted (NEGRSBM) National Security Agency Central Security Service (NSACSS) net control station (NCS) National Security Council (NSRB) Net Evaluation Subcommittee, NSC (NESCNSC) National Security Medal (NSM) Netherlands Orange Lanyard (NLOLANY) National Security Office(r) (NSO) Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) National Security Resources Board (NSRB) neutron induced gamma activity (NIGA) National Space Surveillance Control Center (SPACETRACK) Nevada Test Site (NTS) national stock control and maintenance point (NSC&MP) New Army Authorization Documents System (NAADS) national stock number (NSN) New Cumberland Army Depot (NCAD) national stockpile site (NSS) new equipment introduction (NEI) national strategic target list (NSTL) new equipment introductory team (NEIT) National Transportation Safety Board, Department of Transportation(NTSB) New Equipment Personnel Requirements Summary (NEPRS) National War College (NWC) New Equipment Resources Requirements Analysis (NERRA) national warning system (NAWAS) new equipment training (NET) NATO Air Defense Ground Environment (NADGE) new equipment training program (NETP) NATO Air Defense Group Environment (NAGE) new manning system (NMS) NATO Air Force Armaments Group (NAFAG) new materiel introductory letter (NMIL) NATO Army Armaments Group (NAAG) new obligation authority (NOA) NATO Defense College (NADEFCOL) new over the beach discharge exercise (NODEX) NATO Defense Data Program (NDDP) New Port Army Ammunition Plant (NAAP) NATO electronic parts recommendation (NEPR) next of kin (NOK) NATO electronic technical recommendation (NETR) night observation device (NOD) NATO Hawk Management Office (NHMO) NIKE HERCULES (HERC) NATO Hawk Military Committee (NHMILCOM) NIKE-X development office (NXDO) NATO Hawk Production Organization (NHPO) NIKE-X Program Review Group (NXPRG) NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) NIKE-X Project Manager (NXPM) NATO Maintenance Supply Service Agency (NMSSA) NIKE-X Project Office (NXPO) NATO Maintenance Supply Service System (NMSSS) NIKE-X System Manager (NXSM) NATO military authorities (NMAS) no answer (action) NATO Military Committee (NAMILCOM) required (NAR) NATO Military Posture (NAMILPO) no change (nc) NATO Missile Firing Installation (NAMFI) no fire line (NFL) NATO Navy Armaments Group (NNAG) no location (NOLOC) NATO stock number (NSN) no middle initial (NMI) nominate (nom)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:38:12 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 177 PN 179 FILE: r130.fil nominee (nom) Northeast Asia (NEA) nonappropriated fund(s) (NAF) Northeast Computer Center (NECC) nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) Northern Area Command (NACOM) no national stock number (NNSN) Northern Air Material Area, Pacific (NAMAP) Non-Automatic Relay Center (NARC) northern Army Group (NORTHAG) nonbattle (NB) north-northeast (NNE) noncitizen (noncit) north-northwest (NNW) noncombatant evacuation order (NEO) northwest (NW) noncommissioned officer (NCO) no staff responsibility (NSR) Noncommissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) not applicable (NA) Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) not available (NVAL) noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) not fully equipped (NFE) Noncommissioned Officer Logistics Program (NCOLP) notice of availability (NTCAVAL) noncommissioned officers open mess (NCOOM) notice of exception (NOE) noncommunications electronics countermeasures (NONCOMECM) notice of foreign travel (NOFT) noncommunications jamming (NONCOMJAM) notice of intelligence potential (NIP) nondeployment mobilization troop basis (NDMTB) notice of nonavailability (NONA) nondirectional radio beacon (NDB) notice of revision (NOR) Nonlanguage Qualification Test (NQT) notice of airmen (NOTAM) nonmetallic (nm) not in stock (NIS) nonregistered (nr) not later than (NLT) nonregistered accountable (NRA) not-operationally-ready maintenance (NORM) nonregistered publication (NRP) not operationally ready supply (NORS) nonstandard (ns) not otherwise indicated by name (NOIBN) nonstandard item (NSI) no travel involved (NTI) nonstandard line item number (NSLIN) not to exceed (NTE) nonstockage list (NSL) nuclear (nuc) nontactical telecommunications requirement (NTTR) nuclear accident and incident control officer (NAICO) nontariff size (NTS) nuclear accident and incident control plan (NAICP) no prior or current Federal service (NPFS) Nuclear Accident Incident Control Center (NAICC) no prior service (NPS) nuclear authentication system (NUCAS) NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex (NCMC) Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense (NBCD) NORAD control center (NCC) Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Control Element (NBCDCE) NORAD division direction center (NDDC) Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Element (NBCE) NORAD Intelligence Plan (NORIP) nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare operations NORAD Operational Employment Concept (NOROEC) (NUBICWOPS) NORAD Qualitative Requirement (NORQR) nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) NORAD Region Combat Center (NRCC) nuclear capability exercise (NCE) North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) nuclear damage report (NUCREP) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nuclear defense (NUCDEF) North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Group (London) and the nuclear detonation detection and reporting system (NUCDETS) North Atlantic Treaty Regional Planning Subgroup (Paris) (PLANAT) nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) northeast (NE) nuclear emergency team (NET) nuclear incident control plan (NICP)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 178 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:16 PN 180 FILE: r130.fil nuclear reactor operator basic badge (NRBBAS) office motor vehicle transportation officer (OMVTO) nuclear reactor operator, First Class (NRB1CL) Office of Civilian Personnel (OCP) nuclear reactor operator, Second Class (NRB2CL) Office of Defense Representative, Pakistan (ODRP) nuclear reactor operator, Shift Supervisor Badge (NRBSUPV) Office of Director of Defense Research and Engineering (ODDRE) nuclear safety line (NSL) Office of Emergency Planning (OEP) Nuclear Sealed Authentication System (NSAS) Office of Emergency Transportation (OET) nuclear strike plan (NSP) Office of Federal Employees’ Compensation (OFEC) nuclear weapon accident and incident control (NAIC) Office of Industrial Personnel Access Authorization Review(OIPAAR) nuclear weapon(s) (NUCWPN) Office of Information for the Armed Forces (IAF) Nuclear Weapon Accident Investigation Board (NWAIB) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) nuclear weapons employment officer (NWEO) Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) nuclear weapons correction report (NWCR) Office of Naval Research (ONR) nuclear weapons electronic specialist (NWES) Office of Personnel Management (OPM) nuclear weapons maintenance foreman (NWMF) Office of Procurement and Materiel (OPM) nuclear weapons maintenance specialist (NWMS) Office of Strategic Information (OSI) nuclear weapons report (NWR) Office of the Chief, Army Reserve (OCAR) nuclear weapons storage facility (NWSF) Office of the Chief of Chaplains (OCC) nuclear weapons support section (NWSS) Office of the Chief of Engineers (OCE) number (no) Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison (OCLL) nurses and Army medical specialist (NAMS) Office of the Chief of Military History (OCMH) nutrition (nutr) 3–15. “O” listings Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA) Oakland Army Base (OARB) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition (ODCSRDA) Oak Leaf Cluster (OLC) Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (OCSA) objective (obj) Office of the Comptroller of the Army (OCA) objective force gross requirement (OFGR) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (ODCSLOG) obligate (oblg) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and obligated war reserves (OWR) Plans(ODCSOPS) obligation authority (OBLAUTH) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (ODCSPER) observation (obsn) Office of the Directorate of Weapon Systems Analysis (ODWSA) observation post (OP) Office of the Inspector General (OTIG) observed fire trainer (OFT) Office of the Judge Advocate General (OTJAG) observer target (OT) Office of the Provost Marshal General (OTPMG) observer training (OBT) Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification obsolete (ob) Badge(OSDIDBAD) obstacle (obs) Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) occupational medicine (OCCMED) Office of the Secretary of the Army (OSA) Occupational Safety and Health Action (OSHA) Office of The Surgeon General (OTSG) occupational therapy-therapist (OT) Office of the United States Army Attache (OUSARMA) Office (*O) Office of the United States Defense Representatives, India (ODRI) office (ofc) Office, Ogden Air Material Area (OOAMA) Office for the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the officer (off) Uniformed Services (OCHAMPUS) officer candidate (OC) Office, Management Information Systems (OMIS) Officer Candidate School (OCS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:38:20 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 179 PN 181 FILE: r130.fil Officer Candidate Test (OCT) operational control console (OCC) officer conducting the exercise (OCE) operational employment concept (OEC) officer evaluation report (OER) operational employment plan (OEP) officer evaluation reporting system (OERS) operationally ready (OPRDY) officer in charge (of) (OIC) operational navigation chart (ONC) officer in charge of construction (OICC) operational project (OP) officer master file (OMF) operational project requirements (OPR) officer of the day (OD) operational readiness (OR) officer of the guard (OG) operational readiness evaluation (ORE) officer distribution plan (OPD) operational readiness float (ORF) Officer Personnel Directorate, MILPERCEN (OPD) operational readiness inspection (ORI) Officer Personnel Management System (OPMS) operational readiness inspection test (ORIT) Officer Record Brief (ORB) operational readiness training (ORT) officer’s open mess (OOM) operational readiness training program (ORTP) officer’s qualification record (OQR) Operational Readiness Training Test (ORTT) Officer Undergraduate Degree Program (OUDP) operational reporting (OPREP) Office, Services and Information Agency (OSIA) Operational Reports-Lessons Learned (ORLL) official military personnel file (OMPF) operational storage site (OSS) official personnel folder (OPF) operational support airlift (OSA) offshore acquisition (OSA) operational test (OT) offshore procurement (OSP) operational test and evaluation (OTE) on-condition maintenance (OCM) Operational Test and Evaluation Agency (OTEA) on equipment materiel (OEM) operational training unit (OTU) one station unit training (OSUT) operation and maintenance (O&M) on or about () Operation and Maintenance, Army (OMA) on order (oo) Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard (OMARNG) on-the-job training (OJT) Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve (OMAR) operate (op) operation and maintenance, family housing (O&MFH) operated (op) operation and maintenance of facilities (OMF) operating information systems (OIS) operation and maintenance of facilities budget activity account(OMFBAA) operating level (OL) operation and maintenance of facilities cost account (OMFCA) operating location (OL) operation and maintenance of facilities summary cost operating strength (OPSTR) account(OMFSCA) operation (op) operation order (OPORD) operational (op) operation plan (OPLAN) operational acceptance test (OAT) operations and training officers (U.S. Army)(S3) operational availability data (OAD) operations central (OC) operational capability objective (OCO) operations code (OPCODE) operational capability plan (OCP) Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) operational command (OPCOM) Operations Directorate (J3) operational command and control intelligence system (OCCIS) operations research analyst (ORA) operational command and control system (OCCS) Operations Research/Systems Analysis (ORSA) operational control (OPCON) operations security (OPSEC) operational control authority (OCA) operator (op)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 180 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:24 PN 182 FILE: r130.fil ophthalmology (ophth) overseas records center (ORCEN) opposing forces (OPFOR) Overseas Service Ribbon (OSR) optical character reader (OCR) oversea terminal arrival date (OTAD) optical character recognition equipment (OCRE) overseas unit replacement system (OVUREP) optical discrimination and tracking system (ODTS) over, short, and damaged report (OSD) optical landing system (OLS) overtime (OT) optical mark page reader (OMPR) ownership purpose code (O/P) 3–16. “P” listings optional form (OF) Pacific Command (PACOM) ordered to active duty (OAD) Pacific Command Operations Liaison Office (POLO) order of battle (OB) Pacific Missile Range (PMR) Order of Merit List (OML) Pacific range electromagnetic signature studies (PRESS) order ship time (OST) packaging, crating, handling, and transportation (PCHT) orderwire (OW) PACOM Utilization and Redistribution Agency (PURA) ordnance (ord) pallet (plt) Ordnance Corps (OD) pamphlet (pam) ordnance telemetry instrumentation station (OTIS) Pamphlet “Personal Property Shipping Information” is organization (org) applicable(PPSIA) organizational effectiveness (OE) Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) organizational equipment list (OEL) parachute (prcht) organizational expense accounts (OEA) parachute low-altitude delivery system (PLADS) organizational maintenance shop (OMS) parachute status report (PSR) organizational maintenance technician (OMT) Parachutist Badge (PRCHTBAD) organizational maintenance test station (OMTS) paragraph (para) organizational spare parts and equipment (OSPE) pararescue (parsq) organizational supply code (OSC) parcel post (PP) organization and equipment guide (OEG) parenthesis (paren) organization and methods (O&M) partial background investigation (PBI) Organization of American States (OAS) part number (PN) organize (org) passenger carrying vehicle (PCV) organized (org) passenger control point (PCP) other intelligence requirements (OIR) passenger liaison office(r) (PLO) other pay entry date (OPED) Passenger Reservation Center (PRC) Other Procurement, Army (OPA) passenger standing route order (PSRO) other than honorable conditions (OTH) Passenger Traffic Management System (PASTRAM) other than Regular Army (OTRA) passive night vision devices (PNVD) Other War Reserve Material Stocks (OWRMS) passive radiation countermeasure (PRCM) outlying field (OLF) pass time (PST) outside continental United States (OCONUS) patching central (PATCENT) oversea replacement (OSREPL) pathfinder (pfdr) oversea returnee (OSRET) Pathfinder Badge (PFDRBAD) Overseas Internal Defense Policy (OIDP) Patient Administration Information System (PADMIS) overseas internal security program (OISP) Patient Care System (PACAS) overseas limited storage site (OLSS) Pattern Analysis Test (PAT) overseas operational storage site (OOSS) pay adjustment document (PADOC)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:38:28 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 181 PN 183 FILE: r130.fil pay entry basic date (PEBD) personal expense money (PERSEXP) payroll (pr) personal financial record (PFR) Peacetime Force Materiel Procurement Objective (PTFMPO) Personal Liaison Officer, Chief of Staff, Army (PLOCSA) Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements (PTFMR) personnel (pers) Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements Acquisition (PTFMR-A) Personnel Actions and Records Directorate, MILPERCEN (PARD) Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements Retention (PTFMR-R) personnel allotment voucher (PAV) peacetime operating stock (PTOS) personnel and administration (P&A) peacetime rate factor (PTRF) Personnel and Administration Center (PAC) pediatrics (ped) Personnel and Administration, Combat Development Activity (PACDA) PEMA Item Baseline List (PIBL) Personnel and Logistics Systems Group (PALSG) PEMA policy and guidance (PPG) personnel assistance point (PAP) pending availability (PA) personnel control facility (PCF) penetration aids (PENAIDS) personnel daily summary (PDS) Pentaerythritoltetranitrate (PETN) Personnel Deployment and Distribution Management System People’s Republic of China (PRC) (PERDDIMS) per annum (PA) Personnel Directorate (J1) Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee for personnel equipment data (PED) Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force (PDC) personnel information roster (PIR) performance analysis (PA) Personnel Information System (PINS) performance factor (PF) Personnel Information Systems Directorate, MILPERCEN performance, requirements, practices (PRP) (PERSINSD) perimeter acquisition radar (PAR) personnel inventory report (PERSIR) perimeter acquisition radar building (PARB) Personnel Management and Accounting-Card Processors perimeter acquisition radar data processor (PARDP) (PERMACAP) periodic intelligence report (PERINTREP) Personnel Management Assistance System (PERMAS) periodic intelligence summary (PERINTSUM) Personnel Management Development Directorate, MILPERCEN (PMDD) periodic personnel report (PPREPT) personnel management officer (PMO) periodic personnel strength report (PPSR) personnel master file (PMF) period of service (POS) personnel on station date (POSD) permanent (perm) personnel processing (PERSPROC) permanent change of assignment (PCA) personnel processing group (PPG) permanent change of station (PCS) personnel qualification roster (PQR) permanent grade (PG) personnel readiness date (PRD) Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States (PJBD) personnel readiness file (PRF) permanently separated from duty station (PSDS) Personnel Records Branch (PRB) permanent party (pp) Personnel Records Division (PRD) permanent pay record (PPR) personnel reporting code (PRC) permissive action link (PAL) Personnel Research Test (PRT) permissive action link management control team (PMCT) personnel service company (PSC) permissive action link report (PALR) personnel service division (PSD) PERSHING (PSG) personnel shipment ready date (PSRD) PERSHING 1 (P1) personnel staff noncommissioned officer (PSNCO) PERSHING 1a (P1a) personnel status report (PERSTATREP) personal computer (PC) personnel subsystem (PS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 182 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:32 PN 184 FILE: r130.fil personnel subsystem elements (PSE) place in inactive file (PIF) personnel subsystem manager (PSM) place of birth (POB) personnel subsystem process (PSP) planning and control memorandum (PCM) personnel subsystem products (PSPR) planning and programming guidance (PPG) personnel subsystem team (PST) Planning Board European Inland Surface Transport (PBEIST) personnel subsystem test and evaluation (PSTE) Planning Board for Ocean Shipping (PBOS) personnel support system (PSS) planning, programming, and budgeting system (PPBS) personnel survey control officer (PSCO) plan position indicator (PPI) personnel transaction register by originator (PTRO) Plans and Policy Directorate (J5) personnel transaction summary by originator (PTSO) plan speed indicator (PSI) personnel transaction summary by type transaction (PTST) plans, program, budget (PPB) pertain (pert) plasticized white phosphorous (PWP) Petroleum Intersectional Command (POLIC) platoon (plt) Petroleum Intersectional Service (POLIS) platoon leaders class (PLC) petroleum oils and lubricants (POL) platoon sergeant (PSG) phase (ph) plutonium decontamination emergency teams (PLUCON) phased-array radar operational simulation (PHAROS) pneumatic float (PF) phased equipment modernization (PEM) point (pt) phase line (PL) point detonating fuze (PDF) Philippine Defense Ribbon (PDR) point initiating, base detonating (PIBD) Philippine Independence Ribbon (PIR) point of contact (POC) Philippine Liberation Ribbon (PLR) policy and procedure governing the use of nicknames (POPGUN) Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation Badge (PHILPUC) political advisor (POLAD) photograph (photo) pollution abatement and environmental control technology (PAECT) photographer (photo) ponton (pon) photographic (photo) portable (PFT) photography (photo) port call (PC) photomap (pmap) port call control number (PCCN) Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) port of debarkation (POD) physical profile (PP) port of embarkation (POE) physical profile serial code (PPSC) port security detachment (PSD) physical profile serial code (numerical) (PULHES) position and pay management (PPM) physical training (PT) position fixing navigation system (PFNS) physically controlled space (PCS) position indicator (PI) Picatinny Arsenal (PTA) postal finance officer (PFO) Picatinny Arsenal Detonation Trap Number 1 (PDT-1) postal regulating detachment (PRD) pilot-balloon observation (PIBAL) Post Attack Mobilization of the United States Army (PAMUSA) pilot information file (PIF) post, camp, or station (PCS) (PBA) Post D-Day Logistic Support (PDDLS) pipeline (pl) post engineer (PE) pipeline time (PLT) postgraduate (PG) piston arrestment gas entrapment system (Sprint Launch cell)(PAGE) postmaster (PM) place (pl) Post M-Day Deployment List (PMDL)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:38:36 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 183 PN 185 FILE: r130.fil postal concentration center (PCC) Presidential Unit Emblem (PUE) post office (PO) Presidio of Monterey (PMRY) pound(s) (lb) Presidio of San Francisco (PSF) pounds per square inch (psi) pressman (prsmn) power line modulation (PLM) preventive maintenance (PM) power train (PWTN) preventive maintenance inspection (PMI) precision approach radar (PAR) previously complied with (PCW) precision bombing range (PBR) previous orders (PO) preferred arrival date (PAD) previously not available (PNVAL) preliminary flight rating test (Sprint) (PFRT) price signal code (PSC) preliminary name for high-performance third stage (advanced primary action office (PAO) Spartan) (X-3) primary expense account (PEA) preliminary name for Spartan (X-2) primary military occupational specialty (PMOS) Preliminary Operating and Maintenance Manual (POMM) primary military occupational specialty code (PMOSC) preliminary rifle instruction (PRI) primary next of kin (PNOK) preliminary technical report (PRETECHREP) primary specialty skill identifier (PSSI) preparation (prep) primary staff action officer (PSAO) preparation for oversea movement (units) (POM) Primary Standardization Office (PSO) preparation of replacements for oversea movement (POR) primary target (PTGT) preparatory (prep) primary target area (PTA) prepare (prep) primary target line (PTL) prepared (prep) principal assistant for contracting (PARC) prepositioned receipt card (PPRC) principal direction of fire (PDF) prepositioned storage (PREPOSTOR) principal duty (PDY) prepositioned war reserves (PPWR) printed circuit board (PCB) Prepositioned War Reserve Requirements (PWRR) printed control unit (PCU) prepositioned war reserve requirements for medical facilities(PWRR-MF) priorities and allocations manual (PAM) prepositioned war reserve stock (PWRS) priority air travel (PAT) prepositioned war reserve stocks for medical facilities (PWRS-MF) priority delivery date (PDD) prepositioning of materiel configured to unit sets (POMCUS) priority designator (PD) preproduction test (PPT) priority management effort (PRIME) prescribe (presb) priority operational objective (POO) prescribed load list (PLL) priority standardization effort (PSE) Prescribed Loan Optimization Model (PLOM) prior permission required (PPR) prescribed nuclear load (PNL) prior service (PS) prescribed nuclear stockage (PNS) prior to expiration of term of service (PETS) present duty assignment option (PDA) prior year (PY) preservation (prsvn) prior year report (PYR) President’s Scientific Advisory Committee (PSAC) prisoner (pris) Presidential Medal of Freedom (PMOF) prisoner of war (PW) Presidential’s Hundred Tab (PRES100) prisoner of war interrogation (IPW) Presidential Service Badge (PSVCBAD) privacy act (PA) Presidential Unit Citation (PUCA) private branch exchange (tel) (PBX) Private (PVT)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 184 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:40 PN 186 FILE: r130.fil Private E1 & E2 (PV1 & 2) production validation (PV) private first class (PFC) Product Quality Evaluation Plan (PQEP) privately owned conveyance (POC) professional medical film (PMF) privately owned vehicle (POV) professor of military science (PMS) probable error (PE) proficiency data card (PDC) probable line of deployment (PLD) proficiency pay (PROFP) procedure (pro) proficiency pay designator (PPD) procedure sign (prosign) program assessment review report (PARR) proceed (pro) program approval disposal and redistribution (PADAR) proceed on duty assigned (PRODUTAS) Program Budget Advisory Committee (PBAC) procurement aging and staging system (PASS) program/budget decision (PBD) procurement and production (P&P) program budget guidance (PBG) procurement appropriations (PA) program change decision (PCD) procurement data package (PDP) program change request (PCR) procurement directive (PD) program data sheets (PDS) procurement instrument identification number (PIIN) Program Decision Memorandum (PDM) procurement lead time (PLT) program definition phase (PDP) procurement of ammunition, Army (PAA) Program Development Increment Package (PDIP) procurement of equipment and munitions, appropriations (PEMA) program element (PE) Procurement of Equipment and Missiles, Army Management and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Accounting Reporting System (PEMARS) program evaluation office (PEO) procurement of weapons and tracked combat vehicles, Army (PWTCVA) program execution sub-directive (PESD) procurement program number (PPN) program for the refinement of the materiel acquisition process(PROMAP) procurement regulations (PR) Program Guidance and Review Committee (PGRC) procurement request order number (PRON) program management control system (PMCS) procurement work directive (PWD) program management support (PMS) procuring contracting officer (PCO) programed instruction (PI) producibility engineering and planning (PEP) program objective memorandum (POM) product assurance plan (PAP) program, project management (PPM) product control number (PCN) Program Review Panel (PRP) Product Improvement Program (PIP) program(s) of instruction (POI) production acceptance test (PAT) Program to Improve Management of Army Resources (PRIMAR) production base support (PBS) project (proj) Production Day (P-DAY) project advisory group (PAG) production engineering measure (PEM) project configuration control board (PCCB) production equipment agency (PEQUA) projected requisition authority (PRA) production equipment code (PEC) projectile (proj) production equipment redistribution group (PERG) project management information system (PROMIS) production equipment redistribution inventory (PERI) project management office (PMO) production offset (PO) project manager (PM) production planning and control (PP&C) project master plan (PMP) production support and equipment replacement (PS&ER) project stock (PS) production test (PT) project transition (PROJTRNS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:38:44 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 185 PN 187 FILE: r130.fil promotion eligibility date (PED) public works (PW) promotion qualification score (PQS) publish (pub) propellants and explosives (P&E) Pueblo Army Depot Activity (PUADA) property book (PB) pulse code modulation (PCM) property book-Army Equipment Status Reporting System (PB- pulse position modulation (PPM) AESRS) pulse repetition frequency (PRF) property book officer (PBO) pulses per second (PPS) property disposal agent (PDA) pulse width (PW) property disposal contracting officer (PDCO) punched card control unit (PCCU) property disposal officer (PDO) punched card machine (PCM) prophylactic (pro) punched card machine systems (PCMS) proponent agency (PA) purchase (pur) proposed advanced development objective (PADO) purchase request (PR) proposed required operational capability (PROC) purchasing and contracting (PC) proposed system package plan (PSPP) Purple Heart (PH) prospective data element (PDE) pursuant (pur) prosthetic (pros) pursuant to authority contained in (PAC) protectable mobilization reserve materiel objective (PMRMO) pursuit (pur) protected distribution system (PDS) 3–17. “Q” listings provided no military objection exists (PNMO) quadrant (quad) proving ground (PG) quadrant elevation (QE) provisional qualitative and quantitative personnel requirements Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Development Objective (QAMDO) information (PQQPRI) Quadripartite Agreed Materiel Requirement (QAMR) provision of industrial facilities (PIF) Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Design (QAPED) provision of production facilities (PPF) Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Engineering Test (QAPET) provisions supply office (PSO) Quadripartite Agreed Plans of Service Tests (QAPST) provost marshal (PM) Quadripartite Development Objective (QDO) proximity (prox) Quadripartite Materiel and Agreements Committee (QMAC) psychological operations (PSYOP) Quadripartite Research Committee (QRC) psychology (psych) Quadripartite Research List (QRL) psychological warfare (PSYWAR) Quadripartite Standardization Agreement (QSTAG) public (pub) Quadripartite Standardization Agreements List (QSAL) public affairs (PA) Quadripartite Standing Operating Procedures (QSOP) public affairs division (PAD) Quadripartite Working Group (QWG) public affairs office(r) (PAO) quadruple terminal digits (QTD) publication (pub) qualified products list (QPL) publications and printing office (PPO) qualitative and quantitative personnel requirements Publications Automated Information Locator System (PAILS) information(QQPRI) publications control officer (PCO) qualitative construction requirement (QCR) public information (PI) qualitative equipment requirements (QER) public information division (PID) Qualitative Management Program (QMP) public information liaison officer (PILO) qualitative materiel approach (QMA) publicity (pub) qualitative materiel development objective (QMDO) public law (PL) qualitative materiel objective (QMO) qualitative materiel requirement (QMR)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 186 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:48 PN 188 FILE: r130.fil Qualitative operational requirements (QOR) radio controlled aerial target (RCAT) qualitative requirements information (QRI) radio detection and ranging (RADAR) Qualitative Research Requirement for Nuclear Weapons Effects radio direction finder(ing) (RDF) Information (QRR) radio frequency (RF) quality assurance (QA) radio frequency interference (RFI) quality control (QC) radio frequency test set (RFTS) quality control information (QCI) radiological (radl) quality control representative (QCR) Radiological Control (RADCON) quality increase (QI) radiological emergency medical teams (REMT) quality of life (QOL) radiological fallout (RADLFO) quantity (qty) radiological monitor(ing) (RADLMON) quantity desired as requested (QTYDESREQ) radiological operations (RADLOPS) quarter (qtr) radiological safety (RADLSAFE) quarantine (quar) radiological survey (RADLSV) quartermaster (QM) radiological survey officer (RADLSO) Quartermaster Corps (QM) radiology (radl) question mark (ques) radio relay (RADREL) quick reaction alert (QRA) radio research unit (RRU) quick reaction capability (QRC) radiosonde and radar wind sounding (combined) (RAWINSONDE) quick reaction procurement system (QRPS) Radio Technician Selection Test (RTST) quick supply store (QSS) radiotelegram; radiotelegraph; radiotelegraphic; quota source (QS) radiotelegraphy(RATG) 3–18. “R” listings radiotelephone (RATEL) race relations/equal opportunity (RR/EO) radiotelephone operator (RATELO) Radar Air Traffic Control Cent (US Navy) (RATCC) radio teletypewriter (RATT) radar approach control center (RAPCON) radio wire integration (RWI) radar control trailer (RCT) rads per hour (RAD/hr) radar countermeasures (RCM) railhead (rhd) radar countermeasures and deception (RADCM) rail transportation officer (RTO) radar course directing central (RCDC) railway (ry) Radar Data Processing Center (RDPC) railway traffic officer (RTO) (communications system) radar data processing equipment (RDPE) random access correlation of extended performance (RACEP) radar netting station (RNS) random access discrete address (RADAS) radar netting unit (RNU) random access memory (RAM) radar wind sounding (Rawin) Random Access Personnel Information Dissemination System Radford Army Ammunition Plant (RAAP) (RAPIDS) radiation (radn) Random Barrage System (RBS) radiation, detection, indication and computation (RADIAC) range only radar (ROR) radiation intensity (RI) range safety officer (RSO) radioactive (rada) ranger tab (RGRT) radio amateur civil emergency service (RACES) rapid combat mapping service (RACOMS) Radio Code Aptitude Area (RC) rapid excess disposal (RED) Radio Code Test, Speed of Response (RCTSR) Rapid Integrated Logistic Support System (RILS) radio beacon (RBN) Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF) rationalization/standardization/interoperability (RSI)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:38:53 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 187 PN 189 FILE: r130.fil ration breakdown point (RBP) reconnoiter (recon) ration distributing point (RDP) record control number (RCN) rations not available (RNA) recording automatic digital optical tracker (RADOT) Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant (RVAAP) record of trial (R/T) readiness condition (REDCON) records holding area (RHA) readiness date (RD) records management official (RMO) readiness group (RG) record status code (RSC) Readiness Management Information System (RMIS) record status indicator (RSI) readiness objective code (ROBCO) records will be handcarried (RWBH) readjustment pay (READJP) records will not be handcarried (RWNBH) ready for issue (RFI) recruiter code identification (RCID) ready for sea (RFS) recruiting (rctg) ready qualified for standby (RQS) redesigned missile tracking radar (RMTR) Ready Reserve Mobilization Reinforcement Pool (RRMRP) red fuming nitric acid (RFNA) Ready Reserve Strategic Army Forces (RRSTRAF) red integrated strategic offensive plan (RISOP) Real Estate Planning Report (REPR) Red River Army Depot (RRAD) real property facilities (RPF) Redstone Arsenal (RSA) real property inventory (RPI) reduced operational status (ROS) real property maintenance activities (RPMA) reduction in force (RIF) rear admiral (RADM) reenlist (reenl) rear airfield supply organization (RASO) reenlistment allowance (REENLA) Rear Area Damage Control Center (RADCC) reenlistment bonus (REENLB) rear area protection (RAP) reentry angle (REA) rear area security (RAS) reentry measurement program (RMP) rear area security control center (RASCC) reentry measurement vehicle (RMV) rear area security controller (RASC) reentry vehicle (RV) recapitulation (recap) refer (ref) receipt, inspection, and maintenance (RIM) reference (ref) receipt, storage, and issue (RSI) reference your message (RYM) receiving agency materiel division (RAMD) referred (ref) receiving proficiency pay (RPROP) refresher (ref) receiving station (RECSTA) regiment (regt) reception (rcpt) regiment materiel management center (RMMC) recoilless rifle (RCLR) regimental (regt) recommended ground zero (RGZ) Regimental Artillery Group (OPFOR) (RAG) recommended maintenance operation chart (RMOC) regimental landing team (RLT) recommended vehicle adjustment (REVA) regional accountable depot (RAD) reconciliation (recncln) Regional Air Priorities Control Office (RAPCO) reconnaissance (recon) Regional Civil Defense Coordination Boards (RCDCB) reconnaissance and security positions (RSP) Regional Emergency Transportation Center (RETC) reconnaissance and survey officer (RSO) Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator (RETCO) Reconnaissance Commando Doughboy (RECONDO) regional maintenance representative (RMR) reconnaissance, selection, and occupation of position (RSOP) Regional Preparedness Board (RPB) reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition (RESTA) Regional Preparedness Committee (RPC)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 188 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:38:57 PN 190 FILE: r130.fil regional priority program (RPP) Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System (REMBASS) Regional Resources Advisory Committee (RRAC) remote radar integration station (RRIS) registered air parcel post (RAPP) remote Sprint launch (RSL) registered publication issuing office (RPIO) render safe procedure (RSP) registered publication mobile issuing office (RPMIO) reorder point (ROP) Registered Student Nurse Program (RSNP) Reorganization Objective Army Divisions (ROAD) Register of Planned Emergency Producers (RPEP) Reorganization Objectives Army Division, Army, and Corps (RODAC) regular (reg) Reorganization of Combat Infantry Division (ROCID) Regular Army (RA) repair (rep) Regular Military Compensation (RMC) repair cycle float (RCF) regular reenlistment bonus (RRB) repair parts and special tools list (RPSTL) regulate (reg) repair parts list (RPL) regulated (reg) repairs and utilities (R&U) regulating (reg) replacement factor (RF) regulating station (RS) replacement stream input (RSI) regulation (reg) replacement training center (RTC) rehabilitate (rehab) reply if negative (REPIN) reinforcement training unit (RTU) Reportable Item Control Code (RICC) relating to (RLT) report corrective action taken (REPCAT) relation (rel) report identification number (RIN) relative (rel) Reporting Activity Control Card (RACC) relative biological effectiveness (RBE) report(ing) for duty (REPDU) release (rel) reporting officer (RO) released (rel) report(ing) to command (RPC) released from active duty for training (REFRADT) Report of Investigation (ROI) released from annual training (REFRAT) report of item discrepancy (ROID) release from active duty (REFRAD) report of survey (RS) release point (ground traffic) (RP) reports control liaison office (RCLO) release suspension for issue and use of following lost (RSIUFL) reports control officer (RCO) release unit (RU) reports of shipments (REPSHIPS) reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) represent (rep) reliability, availability, maintainability, and durability (RAM-D) representative (rep) reliability improvement selected equipment (RISE) represented (rep) relief (rel) Republic of Korea (ROK) relieve (rel) Republic of Korea Army (ROKA) relieved (rel) Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation Badge (ROKPUC) relieved from assigned (RFA) Republic of Panama (ROP) relieved from attached (RFAT) Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Honor Medal, First relieved from attached and assigned (RFAA) Class(RVNAFHMFC) remain overnight (RON) Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Honor Medal, Second remote antiarmor mine system (RAAMS) Class(RVNAFHMSC) remote job entry (RJE) Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal, First Class (RVNCAMFC) remote job output (RJO) Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal, Second Class remotely employed sensors (REMS) (RVNCAMSC)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:01 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 189 PN 191 FILE: r130.fil Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Medal, Unit Citation Reserve Components Status Reporting (RESTAT) (RVNCAMUC) Reserve Components Troop Basis (RCTB) Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross, Unit Citation (RVNGCUC) Reserve Components Troop Program (RCTP) request (req) reserve component unit (RCU) request advise as to further action (REQAFA) Reserve Forces Act (RFA) request answer by (date) (REQANS) Reserve Forces Act of 1955, six months’ trainee (RFASIX) request authority to requisition (REQAURQN) reserve forces duty (RFD) request disposition instructions (REQDI) reserve grade (RG) request following information be forwarded this office(REQFOLINFO) Reserve Indication of Mobilization (RIMOB) request for assistance (RFA) Reserve Officer Personnel Act (ROPA) request for proposal (RFP) Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) request for quotation (RFQ) Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Manual (ROTCM) request item be placed on back order (REQIBO) Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Region (ROTCR) request shipping instructions (REQSI) Reserve Personnel, Army (RPA) request supply status and expected delivery date (REQSSD) Reserve Personnel Master File (RPMF) request supply status of following (REQSUPSTAFOL) Reserve Reinforcement Processing Center (RRPC) request tracer be initiated (REQTRAC) reserve(s) (res) request unit of issue be changed to read (REQUCHRD) Reserve Storage Activity, Germersheim (RSAG) required date (RD) Reserve Storage Activity, Kaiserslautern (RSAK) required delivery date (RDD) Reserve Storage Activity, Luxembourg (RSAL) required operational capability (ROC) resident Army NIKE-X project engineer (RANXPE) required supply rate (RSR) resident Army SENSCOM project engineer (RASPE) requirement (rqmt) resident officer in charge (ROIC) requirement control symbol (RCS) resident officer in charge of construction (ROICC) requirements type contract (RTC) Resource Evaluation and Management System (REAMS) requisition (rqn) resource management system (RMS) requisition advice care (RAC) responsible property officer (RESPO) requisitioning objective (RO) responsive automated materiel management (RAMMS) requisition processing point (RPP) rest and recuperation (R&R) Research Analysis Corporation (RAC) restoration of aircraft to combat effectivity (RACE) Research Analysis Corporation Field Office, Europe (RACFOE) RESTRICTED DATA-Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (RD) research and development (R&D) RESTRICTED DATA-Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (RESDAT) research and development electronic security (R&DELSEC) restrictive fire area (RFA) research and engineering (RE) restrictive fire line (RFL) Research and Technology Laboratories (AVRADCOM) (RTL) Restructured Infantry Battalion System (RIBS) research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTE) retained personnel (RP) rescue combat air patrol (RESCAP) Retired Serviceman’s Family Protection Plan (RSFPP) Reserve and Guard Logistic Operations Streamline (REGLOS) retirement year ending (RYE) Reserve Component Career Counselor (RCCC) retransmitted (rexmit) Reserve Components (RC) retrorocket (RR) Reserve Components Contingency Force (RCCF) return from overseas (ROS) Reserve Component Equipment Readiness Improvement Program return of Army reparables (ROAR) (RCERIP) return of forces to Germany (REFORGER) Reserve Components Program of the Army (RCPA) return to active duty (RAD)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 190 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:39:05 PN 192 FILE: r130.fil return to base (RTB) Sacramento Army Depot (SAAD) return to duty (RTD) SAC strike route information book (SRIB) return to military control (RMC) SAFEGUARD Communications Program Management Office (SAFCPMO) return to proper station upon completion of TDY (RPSCTDY) SAFEGUARD Communications Program Manager (SAFCPM) reverse (rvse) SAFEGUARD data processing laboratory (SDPL) review and analysis (R&A) SAFEGUARD integrated logistics support plan (SILSP) revised program and budget guidance (RPBG) SAFEGUARD Inventory Control Center (SICC) revolver (rvlr) SAFEGUARD maintenance and reporting analysis system rifleman (rflmn) (SMRAS) rifle unqualified (RUQ) SAFEGUARD management information system (SMIS) river assault groups (RAGS) SAFEGUARD management information system operating program Riverbank Army Ammunition Plant (RBAAP) (SMISOP) road (rd) SAFEGUARD public affairs coordinating committee (SAFPACC) road space (RS) SAFEGUARD readiness posture (SRP) Rock Island Arsenal (RIA) SAFEGUARD System Configuration Control Board (SSCCB) rocket (rkt) SAFEGUARD system design release schedule (SSDRS) rocket assisted take-off (RATO) SAFEGUARD system management communications network program(SSMCNP) rocket-assisted projectile (RAP) SAFEGUARD tactical communications plan (SAFTCP) rocket launcher (RL) SAFEGUARD tactical communications system (SAFTCS) Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) SAFEGUARD tactical field force (STFF) roentgen (r) SAFEGUARD test and evaluation program (STEP) roentgen equivalent man (mammal) (REM) SAFEGUARD transportation system (SAFTRANS) roentgens per hour (r/hr) safety and arming device (SAD) roll on/roll off (RO/RO) safety level (SL) roll stabilization (RS) safety/security officer (SSO) roster of exception (ROE) salvage (salv) rotary wing (RW) Salvage Diver Badge (SALVDIVB) rough order magnitude (ROM) salvage dives (SALVDV) rough terrain (RT) sanitation inspector (SANINSP) route order (RO) satellite communication(s) (SATCOM) routing identifier code (RIC) satellite condition (SATCON) Royal Air Force (RAF) satellite intercept system (SIS) Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) satellite navigation (SATNAV) Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) satisfactory (sat) Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Savanna Army Depot Activity (SVADA) Royal Thai Armed Forces (RTAF) Scenario-oriented Recurring Evaluation System (SCORES) Royal Thai Army (RTA) schedule (scd) Rules of Engagement (ROE) Schenectady Army Depot (SCAD) runaway visual range (RVR) 3–19. “S” listings Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) SACEUR scheduled program (SSP) school year (SY) SACLANT Antisubmarine Warfare Research Center scientific and engineering personnel (SEP) (SACLANTCEN) scientific and technical information (STINFO) SACLANT Representative in Europe (SACLANTREPEUR) scientific and technical information team (STIT)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:09 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 191 PN 193 FILE: r130.fil Scientific and Technical Information Team, Europe (STIT-EUR) selected item management system (SIMS) scientific and technical intelligence (S&TI) selected items status report (SISR) Scientific Estimates Committee (SEC) selected nonpriority list item(s) (SNPRI) Scranton Army Ammunition Plant (SAAP) selected reserve force (SRF) Scuba Diver Badge (SCUBADIV) selection board (SB) sea-air-land team (SEAL (Navy)) selective identification feature (used with IFF)(SIF) sea-based antiballistic missile intercept system (SABMIS) selective prepositioning of materiel configured to unit sets(SPOMCUS) sea-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) sea-launched cruise missile (SLCM) Selective Service (SSVC) sealed authentication system (SAS) self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) search and destroy (S&D) self-inflicted wounds (SIW) search and rescue (SAR) self-propelled (SP) Seattle Army Terminal Detachment (SATD) self-propelled mount (SPM) secondary/additional military occupational specialty code (SMOSC) self-service supply centers (SSSC) secondary military occupational specialty (SMOS) semiannual inventory report (SAIR) secondary next of kin (SNOK) semiarmor piercing (SAP) secondary target (STGT) semiautomatic ground environment (SAGE) Second Class Diver Badge (SCDIVBAD) Senate Appropriations Committee (SAC) second lieutenant (2LT or 2d Lt) Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) secretary (secy) Seneca Army Depot (SEAD) Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Senior Aircraft Crewman Badge (SRACCMB) Secretary of the Air Force (SAF) Senior Army Advisor (SRAA) Secretary of the Army (SA) Senior Army Advisor, Army National Guard (SRAAG) Secretary of the General Staff (SGS) Senior Army Advisor, United States Army Reserve (SRAAR) Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) senior Army aviator (SRARAV) section (sec) Senior Army Aviator Badge (SRARAVB) secure voice access console (SEVAC) Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge (SREODB) secure voice access systems (SEVAS) Senior Army Instructor (SAI) security (scty) senior enlisted bachelor quarters (SEBQ) security assistance team (SAT) senior flight surgeon (SFS) security classification control officer (SCCO) Senior Flight Surgeon Badge (SRFLSBAD) security classification procedure (SCP) senior interdepartmental group (SIG) security clearance case files (SCCF) senior officers materiel review board (SOMRB) security container system (SCS) senior officer present afloat (SOPA) security control of air traffic (SCAT) Senior Parachutist Badge (SRPRCHTB) Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigational Aids(SCATANA) Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (SROTC) security control point (SCPT) senior service college (SSC) security program manager (SPM) Senior United States Military Observer Palestine (SUSMOP) security test and evaluation (ST&E) sensitive compartment information (SCI) Selectadata equipment (SELD) sensitivity time control (STC) Select Committee (SELCOM) separate rations (SR) selected acquisition report (SAR) separation processing (SEPROS) selected enlisted personnel for overseas service (SEPOS) separation program designator (SPD)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 192 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:39:13 PN 194 FILE: r130.fil sequential collation of ranges (SECOR) ship to apply on requisition (SHIPREQ) sergeant (SGT) ship to arrive not later than (SHIPTARBY) sergeant first class (SFC) shore fire control party (SFCP) sergeant major (SGM) shore party (SP) Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) shore police (SP) serial number (SN) short-notice annual practice (SNAP) serious incident report (SIR) short-range air defense (SHORAD) seriously ill (SI) short-range attack missile (SRAM) seriously ill list (SIL) short takeoff and landing (STOL) seriously wounded in action (SWA) short ton (STON) service (svc) short tour (ST) service benefit plan (SBP) short wheelbase (SWB) Service cryptologic agencies (SCA) shoulder sleeve insignia (SSI) serviced (svc) side-lobe cancellation (SLC) Service Educational Activities (SEA) side-lobe suppression (radar) (SLS) service life extension program (SLEP) side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) service member (SM) SIDPERS authorized strength file (SASF) Servicemembers Opportunity College Associate Degree (SOCAD) SIDPERS organization master file (SOMF) Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) SIDPERS personnel file (SPF) service number (SN) Sierra Army Depot (SIAD) service record (SR) SIGINT operations readiness review (SORR) service record and allied papers (SRAP) SIGINT support element/electronic warfare element (SSE/EWE) service storage facility (SSF) signal (sig) service test (ST) signal center (SIGCEN) servicing (svc) Signal Command Management System (SCMS) Seventh Army Nuclear Release Authentication System (NRAS) Signal Corps (SC) Sharpshooter Qualification Badge (SpS Qual Bad) signal information and monitoring (SIAM) Sharpe Army Depot (SHAD) signaller (sig) shelf life item (SLI) signalman(men) (sig) shelling report (SHELREP) signal officer (SigO) SHILLELAGH (SHIL) signal operation instructions (SOI) ship-based antiballistic missile system (SABMIS) signal property office (SPO) ship immediately (SHIPIM) signals intelligence (SIGINT) shipment detail card (SDC) signals security (SIGSEC) shipment order (SO) signal security element (SSE) shipment request (SR) silver (sil) Shipment Status System (STATEM) Silver Life-Saving Medal (SLM) ship on depot transfer order (SHIPDTO) Silver Star (SS) shipper service control office (SSCO) simplified user logistics (SUL) shipping data (SHIPDA) simulation and gaming methods for analysis of logistics(SIGMALOG) shipping order (SHIPGO) simultaneous (simul) ship radio authorization (SRA) Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) ship regular freight (SHRF) single burst probability of hit (SBPH) ships parts control center (SPCC)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:17 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 193 PN 195 FILE: r130.fil single department purchasing (agency) (SDP) source selection evaluation board (SSEB) single integrated operational plan (SIOP) southeast (SE) single manager operating agency (SMOA) Southeast Asia (SEA) Single Passenger Reservation System (SPRS) Southeast Asia Telecommunications System (SEATELCOM) single program element funding (SPEF) Southern Air Materiel Area, Pacific (SAMAP) single side band (SSB) Southern Area Command (SACOM) single-shot kill probability (SSKP) Southern Command Network (SCN) single-shot probability (SSP) Southern European Atomic Task Force (SEATAF) site acceptance evaluation (SAE) Southern European Broadcasting Service (SEB) site acceptance review (SAR) Southern European Task Force (SETAF) site acceptance test (SAT) south-southeast (SSE) site activation commander (SACMDR) south-southwest (SSW) site defense (SD) southwest (SW) Site Defense Project Office (SDPO) space available mail (SAM) site field force (SFF) space control (SPACON) site information generation and material accountability space defense center (SDC) plan(SIGMA) space detection and tracking system (SPADATS) situate (sit) space surveillance system (SPASUR) situation (sit) spark ignition (SI) situation report (SITREP) Spartan guidance computer (SGC) skill development base (SDB) Spartan improved performance study (SIPS) skill performance aid (SPA) Special Action Force (SAF) skill qualification score (SQS) special active duty for training (SADT) skill qualification test (SQT) special airlift requirement document (SARD) small arms (SA) special air mission (SAM) small arms ammunition (SAA) special ammunition load (SAL) small arms weapons system (SAWS) special ammunition stockage (SAS) Small Business and Economic Utilization Advisor (SBEUA) special ammunition supply point (SASP) small development requirements (SDR) Special Ammunition Support Command (SASCOM) Social Security Administration (SSA) Special Army Evaluation Board (SAEB) social security number (SSN) special assignment airlift mission (SAAM) Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Special Assistant for Arms Control (SAAC) soldier’s manual (SM) Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Soldier’s Medal (SM) Activities(SACSA) sonar countermeasures and deception (SONCM) Special Assistant for Military Assistance Affairs (SAMAA) sound and flash (SF) Special Assistant for Strategic Mobility (SASM) sound locator (SL) special atomic demolition munitions (SADM) sound ranging (SORNG) special category (SPECAT) sound ranging control (SORC) special committee on compromising emanations (SCOCE) sound surveillance systems (SOSUS) special contingency stockfile (SCS) source data automation (SDA) special court-martial (SPCM) source data automation system (SDAS) special court-martial order (SPCMO) source selection advisory council (SSAC) special criteria for retrograde of Army materiel (SCRAM) source selection authority (SSA) Special Defense Acquisition Fund (SDAF)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 194 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:39:21 PN 196 FILE: r130.fil special duty (SD) special weapons technical instructions (SWTI) special duty only (SDO) special working party (SWP) special electrical devices (SED) specification (spec) special equipment vehicle (SEV) specification serial number (SSN) special explosive ordnance disposal supplies and specific intelligence collection requirement (SICR) equipment(SEODSE) specific operational requirement (SOR) Special Forces (SF) Specified Command Middle East (SPECOMME) special forces group (SFG) specified strike zone (SSZ) Special Forces Operational Base (SFOB) speedball up-range launch facility (SULF) Special Forces Operational Detachment (SFOD) speed of advance (SOA) Special Forces Tab (SFTab) splash detection radar (SDR) special foreign activities (SFA) Sprint early missile test radar (SEMTR) special intelligence (SI) Sprint electromagnetic radiation evaluation (SEMRE) special interest item code (SIIC) Sprint missile engineering/service course (SME/SC) specialists 4, 5, 6, and 7 (SP4,5,6,&7) Sprint missile electromagnetic radiation evaluation (SMERE) specialized repair activity (SRA) Sprint operations shelter (SOS) specialized support depot (SSD) squad leader (SL) specialized surplus sales office (SSSO) squadron (sqdn) special military construction study group (SMCSG) stable local oscillator (STALO) special money requisition (SMR) staff administrative assistant (SAA) Special National Intelligence Estimates (SNIES) staff administrative specialist (SAS) special open allotment (SOA) Staff Civilian Personnel Division, Office, Chief of Staff(SCPD, special operating agency (SOA) OCSA) Special Operating Forces, Pacific (SOFPAC) Staff Communications Division, Office of the Chief of Staff, Army(SCD, OCSA) special operations command (SPCOM) staff duty noncommissioned officer (SDNCO) special operations communications elements (SOCSE) staff duty officer (SDO) special operations detachment (SOD) staffing guides (Department of the Army) (STFG) special operations support element (SOSE) staff judge advocate (SJA) special operations task force (SOTF) Staff Management Division, Office of the Chief of Staff, special orders (SO) Army(SMD, OCSA) special pay for duty subject to hostile fire (HFP) staff sergeant (SSG) special purpose individual weapon (SPIW) staff specialist (SS) special purpose vehicles (SPV) staff supply assistant (SSA) special qualifications identifiers (SQI) staff training assistant (STA) special regulations (SR) staff weather officer (SWO) Special Reserve Components Program (SRCP) standard (std) special services (SPS) Standard Army Ammunition System (SAAS) special text (ST) Standard Army COM (STACOM) specialty skill identifier (SSI) Standard Army Intermediate Level Supply Subsystem (SAILS) special warfare (SPWAR) Standard Army Logistics System (SALS) special warfare mission (SWM) Standard Army Maintenance System/Sample Method Survey (for special weapon (SW) family housing requirements) (SAMS) special weapons operation center (SWOC) standard Army management language (SAML) special weapons supply memorandum (SWSM) Standard Army Publications System (STARPUBS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:25 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 195 PN 197 FILE: r130.fil Standard Army Supply System (SASS) statement of personal history (SPH) standard classification list (SCL) statement of service (SOS) standard commodity classification (SCC) statement of work (SOW) Standard Configuration and Modification Program (SCAMP) State of Vietnam Ribbon of Friendship (Presidential Unit Commendation) (SOVNROF) Standard Corps-Army-MACOM Personnel System (SCAMPERS) station (sta) standard data element (SDE) station housing allowance (SHA) standard delivery date (SDD) statistic (stat) standard equipment nomenclature list (SENL) stationing capability system (SCS) Standard Financial System (STANFINS) statistical clearance liaison officer (SCLO) standard form (SF) statistical control office (SCO) standard inspection procedure (SIP) statistical, sampling inventory method (SSIM) Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS) status (sta) standard instrument approach procedure (SIAP) status of equipment (SOE) standard instrument departure (SID) Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Standard Integrated Supply/Transportation Manifest System (SISTMS) status of logistics offensive (SOLO) Standard Integrated Support Management System (SISMS) stenographer (steno) Standardization Agreement (STANAG) St. Louis Army Ammunition Plant (SLAAP) Standardization Field Panel for Artillery and Naval Gunfire Support stockage list (STL) (SFP-ANGS) stockage list code (SLC) Standardization instructor pilot (SIP) stockage list item(s) (STLI) Standardization of Certain Aspects of Operations and Logistics(SOLOG) stockage objectives (SO) Standardized Government Travel Regulations (SGTR) stock fund (STKF) standard line item number (SLIN) stock fund accounting (STKFA) standard name line (SNL) stock fund statement (STKFS) standard nomenclature list (SNL) stock management report (SMR) standard requirement code (SRC) stockpile to target sequence (STS) standards of grade authorization (SGA) store block control journal (SBCJ) Standard Study Numbering System (SSNS) storage location (SL) standard supply system (SSS) STRAF readiness improvement program (STRAFIP) standard system applications (SSA) straggler line (STRAGL) standard terminal arrival route (STAR) STRATCOM Program Automated Data System (SPADS) standby (stby) Strategic Air Command (SAC) standby request for information (SRI) Strategic Air Command Control System (SACCS) standing (std) strategic and critical raw material (S&C) Standing Administrative Instruction for Army Attaches (STADIN) Strategic Army Communications System (STARCOM) standing operating procedure (SOP) strategic base air defense (STRABAD) standing route order (SRO) strategic defensive forces (SDF) standing signal instructions (SSI) strategic intelligence digests (SID) Stanford Research Institute (SRI) strategic mobility work project (SMWP) start point (SP) strategic nuclear delivery vehicles (SNDV) state and Regional Defense Airlift (SARDA) strategic offensive forces (SOF) State, Defense Liaison Office (SDLO) strategic posture analysis (SPA) statement of inventory transaction (SIT) Strategic Sealift Contingency Planning system (SEACOP)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 196 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:39:29 PN 198 FILE: r130.fil Strategic Studies Advisory Group (SSAG) supply catalog (SC) stratosphere (strato) supply control center (SCC) strike attack (SATK) supply demand control point (SDCP) Striking Fleet Atlantic (STRIKFLTLANT) Supply, Maintenance, and Readiness Management Information System (an element of LOGMIS) (SMR/MIS) structure and composition system (SACS) supply manual (SM) student (stu) supply officer (U.S. Army) (S4) study advisory group (SAG) supply point (SUPPT) study item number (SIN) supply status code (SSC) Study of Army Test and Evaluation (SATE) supply support activity (SSA) Study of Management Information Systems Support (SOMISS) supply support arrangements (SSA) Study to Assess and Validate Essential Reports (SAVER) supply support request (SSR) subarea petroleum office (SAPO) support command (SUPCOM) subcaliber training device (SCTD) supporting arms coordination center (SACC) subject (subj) supporting research (SR) subject as above (SAB) Support Operations Task Force, Europe (SOTFE) submarine (sub) Support Plan to Continuity of Operations Plan (SCOOP) Subsistence Operations Review Board (SORB) suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) substitute (sub) supreme allied commander (SAC) substitutes not desired (SUBNO) Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT) substitution acceptable (SUBOK) Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) subversion (subv) Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) Subversion and Espionage Directed Against US Army and Deliberate Security Violations (SAEDA) Surface Export Cargo System (SURS) suggest (sug) surface-launched fuel-air explosives (SLUFAE) summary accounting for low-dollar turnover items (SALTI) surface-to-air missile (SAM) summary activity account (SAA) surface-to-air missile development (SAM-D) summary cost account (SCA) surface-to-surface missile (SSM) summary court-martial (SCM) surface-to-surface mission (SSMSN) summary court-martial order (SCMO) surface-to-underwater missile (SUM) Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant (SFAAP) surgeon general (SG) super high frequency (SHF) surveillance and maintenance (SURVM) supersonic low-altitude missile (SLAM) surveillance and target acquisition aircraft system (STAAS) supervise (supv) surveillance helicopter company (SHC) supervisor (supv) surveillance, target acquisition, and night observation (STANO) supplement (suppl) survey control point (SCP) supplementary intelligence report (SUPINTREP) survey information center (SIC) supplementary quality assurance provisions (SQAP) survival, evasion, resistance and escape (SERE) supply administration center (SAC) survivor’s assistance officer (SAO) supply and equipment report (SEPORT) suspend (susp) supply and maintenance (S&M) sustained superior performance (SSP) supply and maintenance plan and report (SMPR) sustained support increment (SSI) supply and service (S&S) switchboard (swbd) supply and transport (S&T) switching central (SWCENT) supply bulletin (SB) synchro-mechanism (sync)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:33 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 197 PN 199 FILE: r130.fil synchronize (sync) tactical air control party (TACP) synthetic flight training systems (SFTS) tactical air control squadron (TACRON) system (sys) tactical air control system (TACS) system change request (SCR) tactical air coordinator, airborne (TACA) system definition directive (SDD) tactical air direction (TAD) system demonstration (SD) tactical air direction center (TADC) system development plan (SDP) tactical air force (TAF) system effectiveness (SE) tactical air navigation (TACAN) system for automation of materiel plan (SAMPAN) tactical air reconnaissance and aerial battlefield surveillance(TARABS) system for automation of materiel plans for Army materiel(SAMPAM) tactical air support element (TASE) system for automation of materiel plan for Army materiel/ tactical air support section (TASS) budget(SAMBUD) tactical area of responsibility (TAOR) system for estimating wartime attrition and replacement requirements (SYMWAR) tactical area positioning system (TAPS) system manager (SM) Tactical Army COM (TACOM) system package program (SPP) Tactical Army Combat Service Support (CSS) system program review (SPR) Computer System(TACCS) system security control officer (SSCO) tactical automatic digital switch (TADS) system security manager (SSM) tactical automatic switch (TAS) systems consolidation of accessions and trainees (SCAT) tactical ballistic missile (TBM) systems control (SYSCON) tactical command and control procedures standardization working group (TCCPSWG) systems for nuclear auxiliary power (SNAP) tactical commander’s terrain analysis (TACCTA) systems implementation plan (SIP) tactical communications (TACOMM) systems program office (SPO) tactical control officer (TCO) system status evaluation (SSE) Tactical Director (TD) systems test and evaluation plan (SYSTEP) tactical effectiveness of weapons systems (TEWS) system support manager (SSM) tactical effectiveness testing antitank missiles (TETAM) systems training program exercise (STPX) tactical exercise without troops (TEWT) system wide project for electronic equipment at depots (SPEED) tactical fire direction center (TACFDC) systems wide project for electronic equipment at depots extended(SPEEDEX) tactical fire direction system (TACFIRE) 3–20. “T” listings tactical imagery interpretation facility (TIIF) table of allowances (TA) tactical-logistical group (TACLOG) table(s) of distribution (TD) tactical mid-range air defense program (TAMIRAD) table of distribution and allowances (TDA) tactical multifunction array radar (TACMAR) table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE) tactical operations center (TOC) tabular firing tables (TFT) tactical operations system (TOS) tabulate (tab) tactical satellite communications (TACSATCOM) tactic (tac) tactical special security office (TASSO) tactical (tac) tactical standing operating procedure (TSOP) tactical air (TACAIR) tactical support equipment (TSE) Tactical Air Command (TAC) Tactical Vehicle Review Board (TVRB) tactical air control center (TACC) tactical warfare center (TAWS) tactical air control group (TACG) tactical weather station (TWS) tactical zone (TZ)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 198 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:39:37 PN 200 FILE: r130.fil tactics (tac) technical publication (TP) tailored master cross-reference list (TMCRL) technical requirement (TECR) Taiwan Maintenance Agency (TMA) Technical Service Career Development Program (TSCDP) talleyman (tlymn) technical service intelligence team (TSIT) tank-antitank/assault weapons requirements study (TATAWS) technical standardization inspection (TSI) tank gunnery and missile tracking system (TGMTS) technical test (TT) tank recovery vehicle (TRV) technician (tech) tank transporter (TKTRANSR) telecommunications (telecom) target (tgt) telecommunications program objective (TPO) target acquisition battalion (TAB) telecommunications security (TSEC) target area (TA) Teledate equipment (TELD) target data inventory (TDI) telephone conference (VOICECON) target director post (TDP) telephone conversation (FONECON) target exploitation (TAREX) teleprocessing (TP) target intercept computer (TIC) teletypewriter (tt) target location error (TLE) teletypewriter conference (TELECON) target ranging radar (TRR) teletypewriter control unit (TTCU) target reference point (TRP) teletypewriter exchange (commercial) (TWX) target resolution discrimination experiment (TRADEX) television (TV) target tracking radar (TTR) television interference (TVI) Task and Skill Analysis (TASA) temporary (temp) task force (TF) temporary additional duty (TAD) task group (TG) temporary appointment pending establishment of register (TAPER) task unit (TU) temporary change of station (TCS) TDA Mobilization Troop Basis (TDAMTB) temporary disability retired list (TDRL) TD Mobilization Troop Basis (TDMTB) temporary duty (TDY) team leader (TL) temporary duty pending further orders (TDPFO) technical (tech) temporary expedient equipment list (TEEL) technical action request (TAR) temporary identification number (TIN) technical bulletin (TB) temporary lodging allowance (TLA) technical characteristics (TC) tentative basis of issue (TBOI) technical data package (TDP) tentative specific operational requirements (TSOR) technical data package list (TDPL) Ten Year Device (XYrDev) technical inspection (TI) terminal area security officer (TASO) technical intelligence (TI) terminal ballistic missile defense (TBMD) technical liaison officer (TLO) terminal bomber defense (TBD) technical logistics data (TLD) terminal control area (TCA) technical logistics data and information (TLDI) terminal digit fitting system (TDFS) technical manual (TM) terminal instrument procedures (TERPS) technical manual parts (TMP) Terminal Management System (TERMS) technical missions, structures, and career development (TECSTAR) terminal service (TS) technical order (TO) terminal transportation unit (TTU) technical order compliance (TOC) terminal VHF omnidirectional range (TVOR) technical proficiency inspection (TPI) termination contracting officer (TCO)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:41 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 199 PN 201 FILE: r130.fil term of enlistment (TOE) theater authorized consumption list (TACL) term of induction (TOI) theater authorized stockage list (TASL) term of service (TOS) theater COMSEC logistic support center (TCLSC) terms of agreement (TOA) theater headquarters (THQ) terms of reference (TOR) theater inventory control point (TICP) terrain avoidance radar (TAR) theater joint air defense command (TJADC) terrestrial environmental services (TERENVSVC) theater joint operations center (TJOC) Test Command Defense Nuclear Agency (TESTCOMDNA) Theater Materiel Management Center (TMMC) test control officer (TCO) Theater Movement Control Center (TMCC) test design plan (TDP) theater of operations (TO) test, evaluation, analysis, and management uniformity Theater of Operations Command (TOC) plan(TEAMUP) Theater-Oriented Depot Complex (TODC) Test Integration Working Group (TIWG) theater shipping document (TSD) test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) theater-type mobilization corps force capabilities (TTMCFC) test report (TR) theater-type mobilization corps force objective (TIMCFO) Test Schedule and Review Committee (TSARC) The Automated Army Budget System (TAABS) The Adjutant General (TAG) The Inspector General (TIG) The Adjutant General’s Office (TAGO) The Institute of Heraldry, United States Army (TIOH, USA) the administrative support theater Army (TASTA) The intelligence collection function which uses human beings as The Army Ammunition Reporting System (TAARS) both sources and collectors (HUMINT) The Army Authorization Documents System (TAADS) The Judge Advocate General (TJAG) The Army Functional Files System (TAFFS) The Judge Advocate General Automated Army Legal System (TAALS) The Army Logistics System Master Plan (LOGMAP) The Judge Advocate General’s School, United States Army The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) (TJAGSA) the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard (NG) The numbered armies in the continental United States (CONUSA) The Army Operations Center (TAOC) The numbered armies in the continental United States and the The Army Operations Center System (TARMOCS) United States Army Military District of Washington (CONUSAMDW) The Army Portion of Force Status and Identity Report (FORSTAT)(TAPFOR) The Officer Personnel System, The Army Reserve (TOPSTAR) The Army Research Council (TARC)(The) Army Staff (TAS) The Provost Marshal General (TPMG) The Army Studies Program (TASP) thermonuclear (TN) The Army Study System (TASS) The Secretary, United States Delegation UN Staff Committee(USSECMILCOMUN) The Army Supply and Maintenance System (TASAMS) The Surgeon General (TSG) The Assistant Judge Advocate General (TAJAG) The Technical Cooperation Committee (TTCC) theater Army (TA) The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) Theater Army Air Defense Command (TAADCOM) The United States Army Band (TUSAB) Theater Army Area Command (TAACOM) The United States Army Chorus (TUSAC) theater Army civil affairs command (TACAC) The United States Logistics Group (TUSLOG) theater Army communications system (TACS) thin layer chromatography (TLC) theater Army headquarters (TAHQ) threshold limit values (TLV) theater Army logistical command (TALOG) through bill of lading (TBL) theater Army replacement and training command (TARTC) through Government bill of lading (TGBL) theater Army replacement command (TARC) time and attendance (card or record) (TA) theater Army replacement system (TARS) time distance (TDIS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 200 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:39:45 PN 202 FILE: r130.fil time division multiplexing (TDM) total materiel requirement (TMR) timeframe (tf) total military service to date (TMSD) time in grade (TIMIG) total obligational authority (TOA) time interval (TIMINT) total operational flying duty credit (TOFDC) time lengths (TL) total package procurement (TPP) time of arrival (TOA) total yield (TY) time of delivery (TOD) trace to destination and advise (TRADAD) time of filing (TOF) tracked vehicle (TRVEH) time of receipt (TOR) tradeoff analysis (TOA) time of transmission (TOT) tradeoff determination (TOD) time on target (artillery support) (TOT) traffic control point (TCP) time over target (air support) (TOT) traffic control post (TCP) Time-Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) traffic regulation point (TRP) time-phased transportation requirements list (TPTRL) trainees, transients, patients, and students program (TTP&S) to be activated (TBA) training (tng) to be announced (TBAN) Training Aids Management Agency (TAMA) to be determined (TBD) training aids management office (TAMO) to be inactivated (TBI) training and audiovisual support center (TASC) Tobyhanna Army Depot (TOAD) training and audiovisual support officer (TASO) TOE Manpower Authorization Standards and Criteria (MACRIT) training and retention as permanent party (TRAPP) TOE Mobilization Troop Basis, Annex VII to the Department of the training center (TC) Army Mobilization Planning and Programming Guidance Document(TOEMTB) training circular (TC) Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification Badge (TUSIDBAD) training device letter requirement (TDLR) Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) training device requirement (TDR) topographic (topo) training equipment development (TED) topographic map inventory control point (TMICP) Training Extension Course (TEC) topography (topo) training film (TF) TOP SECRET (TS) training literature (TNGLIT) TOP SECRET control office(r) (TSCO) training with industry (TWI) torpedo (torp) trajectory (tj) torpedo countermeasures and deception (TORPCM) trajectory chart (TJC) total active Federal commissioned service to date (TAFCSD) trajectory diagram (TJD) total active Federal military service to date (TAFMSD) transaction code (TC) total Army analysis (TAA) transactions by others (TBO) Total Army Equipment Distribution Program (TAEDP) transactions for others (TFO) total disability income provisions (TDIP) transceiver (tcr) total Federal commissioned service to date (TFCSD) transfer (trf) Total Federal Officer Service (TFOS) trans-hydro (T-H) total forfeiture (TF) transient (tran) total loss of pay (TLP) transient installation confinement facility (TICF) total material assets (TMA) transient radiation effect on electronics () total materiel objective (TMO) transistor (xstr) total materiel procurement objective (TMPO) transit storage (TS) transmission (xmsn)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:49 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 201 PN 203 FILE: r130.fil transmit (xmit) troop housing (TPHSG) transmitter (xmtr) Troop Issue Subsistence Activity (TISA) transmitter distributor (TD) troop issue subsistence officer (TISO) transport (trans) troop movement assignment order (TMAO) transportation account code (TAC) troop program (TP) Transportation, Allocations, Priorities, and Controls (Committee) troop program sequence number (TPSN) (TAPAC) troop program unit (TPU) transportation Army aviation maintenance (TAAM) troop test (TT) transportation aviation test and support (TATSA) truck-drawn (trkdr) transportation control and movement document (TCMD) truckhead (trkhd) transportation control card (TCC) truckload (tl) transportation control number (TCN) truck-mounted (trkmtd) Transportation Corps (TC) truck route order (TRO) Transportation Corps release (TCR) true airspeed (TAS) Transportation Corps Technical Committee (TCTC) true date-time group (TDTG) transportation motor pool (TMP) tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (TOW) transportation motor transport (TMT) tuberculosis (TB) transportation movements office(r) (TMO) turbine engine analysis check (TEAC) transportation movements release (TMR) Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) transportation officer (TO) twin sideband (TSB) transportation priority (TP) type classification (TCLAS) transportation request (TR) type commander (TYCOM) transportation supply officer (TSO) type of activity code (TAC) transport control center (TCC) type of shipment (TOS) transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) type requisition code (TRC) transport/loader (TL) 3–21. “U” listings transport vehicles (TV) ultimate destination (ULDEST) travel (tvl) ultra high altitude (UHA) travel allowance on separation (TVLALWS) ultra high frequency (UHF) travel and living allowance (TLA) Umatilla Army Depot (UMAD) travel by Government transportation authorized (TBGTA) unallotted (unalot) traveling wave tube (TWT) unassigned (unasgd) travel of dependents and household goods authorized (TDHGA) unauthorized (unauthd) travel order (TO) unclassified (unclas) travel voucher (TV) unconventional warfare (UW) trial counsel (TC) unconventional warfare operations area (UWOA) triple capability (TRICAP) undelivered orders (UO) Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) undelivered order schedule (UOS) Tripler General Hospital (TGH) underground (ugnd) Triservice Group on Air Defense (TSGAD) under honorable conditions (UHC) troop basis (TB) under other than honorable conditions (UOHC) troop carrier command (TCC) under provisions of (UP) troop carrier forces (TCF) under provisions of section (UPS) troop carrying vehicle (TCV) undersea (usea)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 202 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:39:53 PN 204 FILE: r130.fil Under Secretary of the Army (USofA) United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) under separate cover (USC) United Nations Security Forces, Hollandia (UNSFH) underwater (uwtr) United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) underwater demolition team (UDT) United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Observers (UNTSO) underwater-to-air missile (UAM) United States (of America)(US) underwater-to-surface missile (USM) United States Air attache (USAIRA) underwater-to-underwater missile (UUM) United States Air Force (USAF) underway training unit (UWATU) United States Air Force tactical fighter wing (TFW) underwriters laboratory (UL) United States Amphibious Forces (USAMPHIBFOR) undesirable discharge (UD) United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) undetermined (undetm) United States Armed Services Exploitation Center (USASEXC) unexploded bomb(s) (UXB) United States Army (USA) unexploded ordnance (UXO) United States Army Adjutant General Center (TAGCEN) unexploded ordnance incident (UXOI) United States Army Adjutant General’s Publications unfavorable (unfav) Center(USAAGPC) unfinanced requirement(s) (UR) United States Army Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense United Action Armed Forces (UNAAF) Agency(USAABMDA) unified command plan (UCP) United States Army Advisory Group (USAR) (USAAGAR) uniform (unif) United States Army Advisory Group (ARNGUS) (USAAGNG) uniform allowance (UA) United States Army Advisory Group, Korea (KMAG) Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) United States Army Aeromedical Center (USAAMC) Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) United States Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (Fort Rucker, Alabama) (USAARL) Uniformed Services Savings Deposits Program (USSDP) United States Army Aeronautical Services Detachment, unit demand history summary (UDHS) Europe(USAASD-E) United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) United States Army Aeronautical Services Detachment, Latin United Nations Command (UNC) America(USAASD-LA) United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission United States Army Aeronautical Services Detachment, (UNCMAC) Pacific(USAASD-PAC) United Nations Command (Rear) (UNCR) United States Army Aeronautical Services Office (USAASO) United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation United States Army Airborne and Special Operations Test of Korea (UNCURK) Board(USAABNSOTBD) United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) United States Army aircraft base maintenance unit (USAABMU) United Nations Emergency Forces (UNEF) United States Army Aircraft Development Test Activity (USAADTA) United Nations Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP) United States Army Air Defense Board (USARADBD) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) United States Army Air Defense Center and Fort Bliss United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) (USAADCENFB) United Nations International Refugee Organization (IRO) United States Army Air Defense School (USAADS) United Nations Korea Reconstruction Agency (UNKRA) United States Army, Alaska (USARAL) United Nations Medal (UNM) United States Army Arctic Test Center (USAATC) United Nations Service Medal (UNSM) United States Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command(AMCCOM) United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan(UNMOGIP) United States Army Armament Research and Development Center(ARDC) United Nations Military Staff Committee (UNMSC) United States Army Armor and Desert Training Center (USAADIC) United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon (UNOGIL) United States Army Armor and Engineer Board (USAARENBD) United Nations Refugee Fund (UNREF)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:39:57 PN 205 FILE: r130.fil United States Army Armor Center (USAARMC) United States Army Command and General Staff College (USACGSC) United States Army Armor Human Research Unit (Fort Knox, KY) (USAARMHRU) United States Army Command Information Unit (USACIU) United States Army Armor School (USAARMS) United States Army Communications Command SAFEGUARD Communications Agency (USACC-SAFCA) United States Army Attache (USARMA) United States Army Communications-Electronics Installation United States Army Audio-Visual Agency (USAAVA) Battalion (USACEIBN) United States Army Audit Agency (USAAA) United States Army Communications Management Information United States Army Aviation Center (USAAVNC) Systems Activity (USACOMISA) United States Army Aviation Human Research Unit (Fort Rucker, United States Army Communications Security Logistics AL) (USAAVNHRU) Agency(USACSLA) United States Army Aviation Materiel Laboratories (USAAVLABS) United States Army Communications Zone, Europe (USACOMZEUR) United States Army Aviation Materiel Management Center (AMMC) United States Army Concepts Analysis Agency (USACAA) United States Army Aviation Precision Demonstration Team United States Army Congressional Correspondence Agency (USAAPDT) (USACCA) United States Army Aviation School (USAAVNS) United States Army Construction Agency, Korea (USACAK) United States Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM) United States Army Corps (USAC) United States Army Aviation Systems Test Activity (AASTA) United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) United States Army Aviation Test Board (USAAVNTBD) United States Army Corps of Engineers National Civil Defense Computer Support Agency (USACEN-CDCSA) United States Army Ballistic Research Laboratories (USABRL) United States Army Courier Service (USACS) United States Army Base Command, Okinawa (USARBCO) United States Army Court of Military Review (USACMR) United States Army, Berlin (USAB) United States Army Crime Records Center (USACRC) United States Army Biological Laboratories (USABIOLABS) United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC) United States Army Broadcasting and Visual Activities, Pacific(USABVPAC) United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL) United States Army Central Physical Evaluation Board United States Army DARCOM Catalog Data Activity (CDA) (USACPED) United States Army Davison Aviation Command (USADAC) United States Army Chaplain Board (USACHB) United States Army Defense Ammunition Center and School United States Army Chaplain School (USACHS) (USADACS) United States Army Chemical Research and Development United States Army Dependents Education Group (USADEG) Center(CRDC) United States Army Depot Command Japan (USADCJ) United States Army Chemical School (USACMLS) United States Army Depot, Corpus Christi (CCAD) United States Army Civilian Appellate Review Agency United States Army Depot, Japan (USADJ) (USACARA) United States Army Depot, SAFEGUARD (SGAD) United States Army Claims Service (USARCS) United States Army Depot System Command (DESCOM) United States Army Claims Service Worldwide Information System(USARCSWIS) United States Army Deserter Information Point (USADIP) United States Army Club Management Agency (USACMA) United States Army Discharge Review Board (USADRB) United States Army Coastal Engineering Research Board (CERB) United States Army Electronic Intelligence and Security (USAEIS) United States Army Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) United States Army Electronic Proving Ground (USAEPG) United States Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory (USACCL) United States Army Electronics Command (ECOM) United States Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering United States Army Electronics Command Computation Agency Laboratory (USACRREL) (USAECA) United States Army Combat Arms Training Board (USACATB) United States Army Electronics Command Financial Management Agency(USAEFMA) United States Army Combat Developments Experimentation Command(USACDEC) United States Army Electronics Command Logistics Research Agency(USAERA) United States Army Command and Control Support Agency (USACCSA) United States Army Electronics Command Patent Agency (USAEPA)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 204 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:40:00 PN 206 FILE: r130.fil United States Army Electronics Research and Development United States Army Facilities Engineering Support Agency Activity, Fort Huachuca, Arizona (USAERDAA) (USAFESA) United States Army Electronics Research and Development United States Army Field Artillery Board (USAFABD) Activity, White Sands, (USAERDAW) United States Army Field Artillery Center and Fort United States Army Electronic Systems Engineering Installation Sill(USAFACFS) Agency (USAESEIA) United States Army Field Artillery School (USAFAS) United States Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory (ECOM) (USAET&DL) (ECOM) United States Army Field Band (USAFB) United States Army Element, Defense Research Office, Latin United States Army Field Operating Cost Agency (USAFOCA) America(DRO-LA) United States Army Field Support Group (USAFSG) United States Army Engineer (USAE) United States Army Finance and Accounting Center (USAFAC) United States Army Engineer Center and Fort Belvoir (USAECFB) United States Army Flight Operations Facility (USAFOF) United States Army Engineer Center Brigade (USAECBDE) United States Army Forces, Atlantic (USARLANT) United States Army Engineer Division, Europe (USAEDE) United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) United States Army Engineer Division, Huntsville (USAEDH) United States Army Forces, Readiness Command (USARRED) United States Army Engineer Division, Lower Mississippi United States Army Forces Southern Command (USARSO) Valley(USAEDLMV) United States Army Forces, Southern Command-Puerto United States Army Engineer Division, Missouri River Rico(USARSO-PR) (USAEDMR) United States Army Forces, Taiwan (USARFT) United States Army Engineer Division, New England (USAEDNE) United States Army Foreign Science and Technology Center United States Army Engineer Division, North Atlantic (USAEDNA) (FSTC) United States Army Engineer Division, North Central (USAEDNC) United States Army Garrison (USAG) United States Army Engineer Division, North Pacific (USAEDNP) United States Army General Materiel and Petroleum United States Army Engineer Division, Ohio River (USAEDOR) Activity(USAGMPA) United States Army Engineer Division, Pacific Ocean (USAEDPO) United States Army Health Clinic (USAHC) United States Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic (USAEDSA) United States Army Health Services Command (HSC) United States Army Engineer Division, South Pacific (USAEDSP) United States Army Health Services Data Systems Agency (USAHSDSA) United States Army Engineer Division, Southwestern (USAEDSW) United States Army Hometown News Center (USAHTN) United States Army Engineer Mathematical Computation Agency(USAEMCA) United States Army Hospital (USAH) United States Army Engineer Reactor Group (USAERG) United States Army Human Engineering Laboratories (USAHEL) United States Army Engineer School (USAES) United States Army Imagery Interpretation Agency (USAIIA) United States Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories (USAETL) United States Army Infantry Board (USAIB) United States Army Enlisted Records and Evaluation United States Army Infantry Center (USAIC) Center(USAEREC) United States Army Infantry Human Research Unit (Fort Benning, United States Army Enlistment Eligibility Activity (USAEEA) GA)(USAINFHRU) United States Army Environmental Hygiene Agency (USAEHA) United States Army Infantry School (USAIS) United States Army Equipment Authorizations Review United States Army Information Systems Command (USAISC) Activity(USAEARA) United States Army Information Systems Command-Alaska United States Army, Europe (USAREUR) (USAISC-A) United States Army, Europe, Adjutant General Liaison United States Army Information Systems Command-AMC Office(USAREURAGLO) (USAISC-AMC) United States Army, Europe, Adjutant General Support United States Army Information Systems Command-CIDC Center(USAEAGSC) (USAISC-CIDC) United States Army, Europe, Combat Support Training United States Army Information Systems Command-HSC Center(USAREURC-STC) (USAISC-HSC) United States Army, Europe, Personnel Management and United States Army Information Systems Command-5th Signal Replacement Activity (USAEPMARA) Command(USAISC-5th Sig Cmd) United States Army exhibit unit (USAEU) United States Army Information Systems Command- FORSCOM(USAISC-FORSCOM)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:40:04 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 205 PN 207 FILE: r130.fil United States Army Information Systems Command- United States Army Logistic Control Activity (USALCA) INSCOM(USAISC-INSCOM) United States Army Logistics Center (USALOGC) United States Army Information Systems Command-MTMC (USAISC-MTMC) United States Army Logistics Doctrine Systems and Readiness Agency(USALDSRA) United States Army Information Systems Command-7th Signal Command(USAISC-7th Sig Cmd) United States Army Logistics Evaluation Agency (USALEA) United States Army Information Systems Command-South United States Army Logistics Management Center (ALMC) (USAISC-SO) United States Army Los Angeles Procurement Agency (USALAPA) United States Army Information Systems Command- United States Army Maintenance Management Center (USAMMC) TRADOC(USAISC-TRADOC) United States Army Major Item Data Agency (USAMIDA) United States Army Information Systems Command- WESTCOM(USAISC-WESTCOM) United States Army Management Engineering Training Agency (AMETA) United States Army Information Systems Management Activity(USAISMA) United States Army Management School (USAMS) United States Army Information Systems Selection and Acquisition United States Army Management Systems Support Agency Activity (USAISSAA) (USAMSSA) United States Army Information Systems Software Support United States Army Manpower Resources Research and Command(USAISSSC) Development Center (USAMANRRDC) United States Army Institute for Military Assistance (USAIMA) United States Army Materiel Command (USAMC) United States Army Institute of Administration (USAIA) United States Army Medical Bioengineering Research and Development Laboratory (Fort Detrick, MD) (USAMBRDL) United States Army Institute of Dental Research (USAIDR) United States Army Medical Center (MEDCEN) United States Army Institute of Surgical Research (Fort Sam Houston, TX) (USAISR) United States Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon (USAMCFG) United States Army Intelligence Agency (USAIA) United States Army Medical Command, Europe (USAMEDCOMEUR) United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) United States Army Medical Depot Activity, Ryukyu United States Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis Islands(USAMDAR) Center(USAITAC) United States Army Medical Equipment and Optical School United States Army Intelligence Center and School (USAICS) (USAMEOS) United States Army Intelligence Command Continental (United United States Army Medical Field Service School (USAMFSS) States) Operations (CONOPS) United States Army Medical Intelligence and Information United States Army Intelligence School, Fort Devens (USAISD) Agency(USAMIIA) United States Army Intelligence Threats and Forecasts United States Army Medical Laboratory (USAML) Group(USAITFG) United States Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA) United States Army Interagency Communications Agency (USAICA) United States Army Medical Materiel Agency, Pacific (USAMMAPAC) United States Army International Logistics Command (USAILCOM) United States Army Medical Research and Development Command (Washington, D.C.) (USAMRDC) United States Army International Logistics Group (USAILG) United States Army Medical Research and Nutrition Laboratory United States Army Inventory Management Center (USAIMC) (Denver, CO) (USAMRNL) United States Army Investigative Records Repository (USAIRR) United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious United States Army, Japan (USARJ) Diseases (Fort Detrick, MD) (USAMRIID) United States Army John F. Kennedy Center for Military United States Army Medical Research Laboratory (Fort Knox, Assistance(USAJFK/CENMA) KY)(USAMRL) United States Army Joint Support Command (USAJSC) United States Army Medical Research Unit (Malaysia, Panama)(USAMRU) United States Army Korea Support Command (USAKORSCOM) United States Army Memorial Affairs Agency (USAMAA) United States Army Leadership Human Research Unit (Presido of Monterey, CA) (USALDRHRU) United States Army Meteorology and Calibration Center (USAMCC) United States Army Legal Services Agency (USALSA) United States Army Military District of Washington (MDW) United States Army Liaison Officer (USARMLO) United States Army Military History Research Collection United States Army Limited War Laboratory (USALWL) (USAMHRC)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 206 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:40:07 PN 208 FILE: r130.fil United States Army Military Mail Terminal (USAMMT) United States Army Petroleum Distribution System, Korea (USAPDSK) United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity I(MILPAC I) United States Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA) United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity United States Army Physical Evaluation Board (USAPEB) III(MILPAC III) United States Army Physical Review Council (USAPRC) United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity VI(MILPAC VI) United States Army Port Operations, Pusan (USAPOP) United States Army Military Personnel Accounting Activity United States Army Primary Helicopter Center (USAPHC) V(MILPAC V) United States Army Primary Helicopter School (USAPHS) United States Army Military Personnel and Transportation United States Army Procurement Agency, Europe (USAPAE) Assistance Office (USAMPTAO) United States Army Publications Agency (USARPA) United States Army Military Personnel Center (MILPERCEN) United States Army Quartermaster Center and Fort Lee United States Army Military Police and Chemical Schools/Training (USAQMCENFL) Center and Fort McClellan (USAMP&CS/TCTFM) United States Army Quartermaster School (USAQMS) United States Army Military Police School (USAMPS) United States Army Readiness Regions (USARR) United States Army Mine Planter (USAMP) United States Army Reception Station (USARECSTA) United States Army Missile and Munitions Center School (USAMMCS) United States Army Recruiter Badge (RECBAD) United States Army Missile Detachment (USAMD) United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) United States Army Missile Materiel Readiness Command United States Army Regimental System (USARS) (MIRCOM) United States Army regional dental activity (USARDA) United States Army Missile Research and Development United States Army Research and Development Group (Europe) Command(MIRADCOM) (ARO-E) United States Army Mission (USARMIS) United States Army Research and Development Group, Far United States Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development East(ARO-FE) Center (USAMERDC) United States Army Research and Development Laboratories United States Army Northern Warfare Training Center (USARDL) (USANWTC) United States Army Research and Development Operational United States Army Nuclear Agency (USANA) Research Advisory Group (USARDORAG) United States Army Nuclear Cratering Group (USANCG) United States Army Research Development, and Acquisition Information Systems Agency (RDAISA) United States Army Nuclear Data System (Study) (ANUDS) United States Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social United States Army Nuclear Defense Laboratory (USANDL) Sciences (USARIBSS) United States Army Oral Health Maintenance Program (OHMP) United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine United States Army Ordnance Center and School (USAOC&S) (Natick, MA) (USARIEM) United States Army Ordnance Rocket Research Facility United States Army Research Office (ARO) (USAORRF) United States Army Reserve (USAR) United States Army Pacific Intelligence School (USARPACINTS) United States Army Reserve Affairs, Europe (USARAE) United States Army Parachute Team (USAPT) United States Army Reserve Center (USARC) United States Army Participation Group (USAPG) United States Army Reserve Command (ARCOM) United States Army Personnel and Administration Combat United States Army Reserve Components Personnel and Developments Activity (USAPACDA) Administration Center (RCPAC) United States Army Personnel Center (USAPERSCEN) United States Army Reserve Components Personnel Center United States Army Personnel Data Support Center (USAPDSC) (USARCPC) United States Army Personnel Exchange Program (PEP) United States Army Reserve General Officer Command (GOCOM) United States Army Personnel Information Activity (USAPIA) United States Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Region(USAROTCR) United States Army Personnel Security Group (USAPSG) United States Army Reserve Personnel Center (USARPERCEN) United States Army Petroleum Distribution Command, Europe(USAPDCE) United States Army Retaining Brigade (USARB) United States Army returnee-reassignment station (USARET- RSGSTA)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:40:10 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 207 PN 209 FILE: r130.fil United States Army SAFEGUARD Command (SAFCMD) United States Army Terminal Detachment, Great Lakes (USATDGL) United States Army Safety Center (USASC) United States Army Terminal Unit, Canaveral (USATUC) United States Army Satellite Communications Agency (USASATCOMA) United States Army Terrestrial Sciences Center (USATSC) United States Army Science and Technology Center, Far East United States Army Test and Evaluation Command (TECOM) Office(STCFEO) United States Army Topographic Command (USATOPOCOM) United States Army Security Agency Combat Development Activity(USASACDA) United States Army TRADOC Systems Analysis Activity (USATRASANA) United States Army Security Agency Command DATA Systems Activity(USASACDSA) United States Army Traffic Management Agency, Central Europe(USATMACE) United States Army Security Agency, Europe (USASAE) United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) United States Army Security Agency, Pacific (USASAPAC) United States Army Training Center (USATC) United States Army Security Agency Signal Security Activity(USASASSA) United States Army Training Center, Armor (Fort Knox, KY) (USATC Armor) United States Army Security Agency Systems Activity (USASASA) United States Army Training Center, Engineer and Fort Leonard United States Army Security Agency Test and Evaluation Wood(USATCEFLW) Center(USASATEC) United States Army Training Center, Field Artillery (Fort Sill, OK) United States Army Security Assistance Agency, Latin (USATCFA) America(USASAALA) United States Army Training Center, Infantry (Fort Dix, NJ) (Fort United States Army Sergeants Major Academy (USASMA) Jackson, SC) (Fort Ord, CA) (Fort Polk, LA) (USATC Inf) United States Army Service Center for the Armed Forces United States Army Transfer Station (USATRFSTA) (USASCAF) United States Army Transportation Agency (White House) United States Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon (USASC&FG) (USATA (WH)) United States Army Signal School (USASIGS) United States Army Transportation and Aviation Logistics Schools(USATALS) United States Army Soldier Support Center and Fort Benjamin Harrison (USASSC&FBH) United States Army Transportation Center and Fort Eustis(USATCFE) United States Army Southeastern Signal School (USASESS) United States Army Transportation Environmental Operations United States Army Southern European Task Force (USASETAF) Group(USATREOG) United States Army Special Security Group (USASSG) United States Army Transportation School (USATSCH) United States Army Special Services Agency, Europe (USASPSAE) United States Army Transportation Test Activity, Yuma United States Army Standardization Group (Australia) (USATTAY) (USASG(Aus)) United States Army Troop Medical Clinic (USATMC) United States Army Standardization Group (Canada) (USASG United States Army Troop Support Agency (TSA) (CA)) United States Army Troop Support Command (TROSCOM) United States Army Standardization Group (United Kingdom) (USASG (UK)) United States Army Tropic Test Center (USATTC) United States Army Student Detachment (USASD) United States Army War College (USAWC) United States Army Support Center (ASPTC) United States Army Waterways Experiment Station (USAWES) United States Army Support Center, Memphis (USASPTCM) United States Army Western Command (WESTCOM) United States Army Support Activity, Philadelphia (USASPTAP) United States Assistant Army Attache (USAARMA) United States Army Support Command, Hawaii (USASCH) United States Atlantic Command (LANTCOM) United States Army Support Office, Pacific (USASOPAC) United States base requirements overseas (USBRO) United States Army Support, Thailand (USARSUPTHAI) United States Civilian Internee Information Center (USCIIC) United States Army Tank-Automotive Materiel Readiness United States Coast Guard (USCG) Command(TARCOM) United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) United States Army Tank-Automotive Research and Development Command (TARADCOM) United States Code (USC) United States Army Technical Support Activity (USATSA) United States Commander, Berlin (USCOB) United States Army Terminal Command, Europe (USATCEUR) United States Commander in Chief, Europe (USCINCEUR)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 208 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:40:14 PN 210 FILE: r130.fil United States Commander in Chief Middle East, Southern Asia, and United States Naval Reserve (USNR) Africa South of the Sahara (USCINCMEAFSA) United States Navy (USN) United States Communications Security Board (USCSB) United States Navy ship (civilian manned) (USNS) United States Court of Military Appeals (USCMA) United States nuclear missile submarine (SSBN) United States Defense Attache Office (USDAO) United States operations mission (USOM) United States Defense Liaison Group Indonesia (USDLGI) United States oversea internal defense (USOID) United States Delegation, Inter-American Defense Board (USDELIADB) United States Postal Service (USPS) United States Delegation, UN Military Staff Committee United States Prisoner of War Information Center (USPWIC) (USMILCOMUN) United States property and fiscal officer (USPFO) United States Dependent Schools, European Area (USDSEA) United States Public Health Service (USPHS) United States Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) United States Readiness Command (USREDCOM) United States Document Office Allied Land Forces Southeastern United States Representative, UN Military Staff Europe (USDOCOLAND-SOUTHEAST) Committee(USREPMILCOMUN) United States Environmental Science Services United States Representative to NATO Military Committee Administration(USESSA) (USRNMC) United States Escapee Program (USEP) United States Security Authority for NATO Affairs (USSA) United States European Command (USEUCOM) United States Signal Intelligence Directive (USSID) United States Forces in Azores (USFORAZ) United States Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home (USSAH) United States Forces, Korea (USFK) United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) United States Government Life Insurance (USGLI) United States Strategic Army Forces (STRAF) United States Information Agency (USIA) United States Women’s Army Corps Center (USWACC) United States Joint Task Force (USJTF) United States Women’s Army Corps School (USWACS) United States Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force unit essential equipment (UEE) (USJUWTF) unit identification code (UIC) United States Liaison Officer (USLO) unit identification code information officer (UICIO) United States Marine Corps (USMC) Unit Identification System Report (UCODES) United States Marine Corps Reserve (USMCR) unit mail clerk (UMC) United States Marine Corps, Women (USMCW) unit manning report (UMR) United States Maritime Service (USMS) unit movement data (UMD) United States Members, UN Military Staff Committee (USMEMILCOMUN) unit movement identifier (UMI) United States Military Academy (USMA) unit of fire (UF) United States Military Academy Preparatory School (USMAPS) unit of issue (U/I) United States Military Enlistment Processing Command unit personnel and tonnage table (UPTT) (MEPCOM) unit personnel officer (UPO) United States Military Liaison Mission to Commander in Chief, unit personnel section (UPS) Group Soviet Forces, Germany (USMLMCINCGSFG) unit price (UP) United States Military Mission Congo (COMISH) unit processing code (UPC) United States Military Mission, Liberia (LIBMISH) Unit Readiness Report (URR) United States Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia (USMTMSA) unit recruit training (URT) United States Modern Penthathlon Training Center (USMPTC) unit reference sheet (URS) United States National Military Representative (USNMR) units to round out the active Army (UTROAA) United States Naval Academy (USNA) unit training assembly (UTA) United States Naval Attache (ALUSNA) unit training equipment site (UTES) United States Naval Hospital (USNH) universal (univ) universal engineer tractor (UET)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:40:18 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 209 PN 211 FILE: r130.fil universal firing device (UFD) variable safety level (VSL) universal keyboard (UKB) variable time (VT) universal military training (UMT) varityper (vari)“V” Device (VDEV) universal military training and service (UMTS) vehicle collecting point (VCP) universal mission load (UML) vehicle rapid fire weapon system (VRFWS) Universal Time (UT) vehicles per kilometer (VPK) universal transverse mercator (grid) (UTM) vehicles per mile (VPM) university (univ) velocity (vel) unknown (unk) vendor’s shipping document (VSD) unliquidated (unliq) venereal disease (VD) unpaid (unpd) verbal orders (VO) unqualified (unqual) verbal orders by Direction of the President (VODP) unsatisfactory (unsat) verbal orders of commanding general (VOCG) unsatisfactory equipment performance report (UEPR) verbal orders of commanding officer (VOCO) unsatisfactory material reports (UMR) verbal orders of Secretary of the Army (VOSA) unsatisfactory report (UR) verbal orders of The Adjutant General (VOTAG) unscheduled maintenance action (UMA) verbal orders of the Chief of Staff (VOCS) unserviceable (unsvc) verbal test (VET) until exhausted (UE) verification status social security number (VSSSN) until further advised (UFA) verified additional military occupational specialty (VAMOS) until further notice (UNFURNOTE) verified primary military occupational specialty (VPMOS) Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Department of verified secondary military occupational specialty (VSMOS) Transportation (UMTA) vertical and short take-off landing (VSTOL) Urgency of Need Designator (UND) Vertical Installation Automatic Baseline (VIABLE) urgent (urg) vertical take-off landing (VTOL) user identification (USER ID) Vertical-The Army Authorization Documents System (VTAADS) user test (UT) very high altitude (VHA) USEUCOM Emergency Message Authentication System (EMAS) very high frequency (VHF) USREDCOM Command and Control System (RCACS) very important person (VIP) Utah Army Depot (UTAD) very low altitude (VLA) utility (util) very low frequency (VLF) utility helicopter (UH) very low range (VLR) utility tactical transport aircraft system (UTTAS) 3–22. “V” listings very seriously ill (VSI) vacuum tube voltmeter (VTVM) veteran (vet) Valley Force General Hospital (VFGH) Veterans Administration (VA) Valorous Unit Award (VUA) Veterans Administration Hospital (VAH) value engineering (VE) Veterans Administration schedule for rating disabilities (VASRD) value engineering change proposal (VECP) veterinary (vet) value engineering program manager (VEPM) Veterinary Corps (VC) value engineering proposal (VEP) VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) variable enlistment legislation (VEL) vice admiral (VADM) variable format message entry device (VFMED) Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (VCSA) variable reenlistment bonus (VRB) Vice Presidential Service Badge (VPRESSVB) video tape recorder (VTR)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 210 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:40:22 PN 212 FILE: r130.fil Vietnam Campaign Medal (VNCM) Washington Navy Yard (WNY) visibility (vis) Washington Standardization Officers (WSO) visiting enlisted quarters (VEQ) watercraft intensively managed items (WIMI) visiting officers quarters (VOQ) water-rail (wr) visual (vis) water supply point (WSP) visual airborne target locator system (VATLS) water terminal clearance authority (WTCA) Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) Watervliet Arsenal (WVA) visual flight rules (VFR) weapon (wpn) voice frequency telegraph terminal (VFTG) weapons and utilities maintenance (WU) Voice of America (VOA) weapons defended are (WDA) Voice of United Nations Command (VUNC) weapons density list (WDL) volume (vol) weapons effect signature simulator (WESS) voluntary price reduction (VPR) weapons locating radar (WLR) volunteer (vol) weapons logbook (WLB) Volunteer Army (VOLAR) weapons management improvement program (WMIP) Volunteer Army ammunition plant (VAAP) weapons monitoring center (WMC) voucher register and general control (VRGC) Weapons Production Program (WPP) Vulnerability Analysis of Nuclear Weapons in Allied Command, weapons system requisitioning procedure (WSRP) Europe (VANWACE) weapons systems analysis (WSA) vulnerable point (VP) 3–23. “W” listings Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (WSEG) wage grade-civilian employees (WG) Weather Briefing Advisory and Warning Service (WBAWS) Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing (WRAIN) Weather Bureau (WB) Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) weather observation site building (WOSB) Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) week-end training site (WETS) War Air Service Program (WASP) weekly bulletin (WB) warehouse (whs) Weekly Intelligence Review (WIR) warehouseman (whsmn) weight (wt) warhead (whd) west (W) warhead section (WHDS) Western European Union (WEU) warning order (WO) western hemisphere defense (WHD) warrant (wrnt) western hemisphere reserve (WHR) warrant officer (WO) Western Pacific (WESTPAC) Warrant Officer Qualification Test (WOQT) Western Test Range (WTR) warrant officer (W01) west longitude date (WDL) war reserve (WR) west-northwest (WNW) war reserve stocks (WRS) west-southwest (WSW) war reserve stocks for allies (WRSA) wheel vehicle (WVEH) wartime active replacement factors (WARF) wheeled fuel consuming motor vehicle (WFCMV) Wartime Lines of Communication, Europe (WARLOCE) White House Communications Agency (WHCA) wartime logistics (WARLOG) white phosphorous (WP) Warsaw Pact (WP) White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) Washington, DC (WASH DC) White Sands Test Facilities (WSTF) Washington National Records Center (WNRC) White Sands Transverse Mercator (WSTM) wide area data service (WADS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 05-21-98 07:40:26 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 211 PN 213 FILE: r130.fil will be (WB) wounded in action (WIA) William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC) written advice of contracting officer (WACO) 3–24. “Y” listings will not (WN) yardstick (YS) will not be (WNB) year of birth (YOB) will not proceed (WNP) yield point (psi) (YP) will proceed (WP) yield strength (psi) (YS) will proceed without delay (WPWOD) your message (URMSG) wireman (wrmn) Youth Opportunity Corps (YOC) withdrawn (wd) Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona (YPG) with equipment (we) 3–25. “Z” listings withholding exemptions (WE) zero defects (ZD) without (wo) Zeus early missile test radar (ZEMTR) without compensation (WOC) zone of entry (ZOE) without winch (WOWN) zone of fire (ZF) with prior service (WPS) zone of interior (ZI) with winch (WWN) zone transportation officer (ZTO) Women’s Army Classification Battery (WACB) Women’s Army Corps Service Medal (WACSM) Women’s Enlistment Screening Test (WPE) word processing equipment (WPE) words per minute (WPM) work breakdown structure (WBS) work breakdown structure control board (WBSCB) working group (WG) Working Group of Army Study Advisory Committee (WASAC) work in place (WIP) workload (wl) workload and cost schedule (WLCS) work measurement (WM) work simplification program (WSP) work unit information system (WUIS) World Health Organization (WHO) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) World War I Victory Medal (WWIVM) World War II Victory Medal (WWIIVM) worldwide (ww) Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System (WARS) Worldwide Asset Position (WWAP) Worldwide Household Goods Information System for Traffic Management (WHIST) worldwide inventory objective (WWIO) worldwide military command and control system (WWMCCS) Worldwide Organizational Structure for Army Medical Support(WORSAMS)

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.45 212 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-21-98 07:40:29 PN 214 FILE: r130.fil Chapter 4 Other Abbreviations

4–1. National distinguishing letters for use by NATO Armed Forces a. Under the terms of STANAG No. 1059, National Distinguish- ing Letters for use by NATO Armed Forces, the following national distinguishing letters will be used when it is necessary to use abbre- viations in staff work and communications, including publications, documents, orders, or other media, to identify a NATO Nation, or any part of NATO Forces. (1) Belgium—BE. (2) Canada—CA. (3) —DA. (4) —FR. (5) Federal Republic of Germany—GE. (6) Greece—GR. (7) Iceland—IC. (8) —IT. (9) Luxembourg—LU. (10) Netherlands—NL. (11) Norway—NO. (12) —PO. (13) Turkey—TU. (14) United Kingdom—UK. (15) United States—US. b. The distinguishing letters listed above are to be used to denote the countries concerned in all documents or papers, irrespective of whether they are in the English or French Language. c. Whenever the NATO Nations are listed in any paper or docu- ment, they are to be listed in the order shown above in both English and French versions. d. When used to identify a National Force or component of a National Force, the distinguishing letters are to be bracketed imme- diately following the Force, formation, or unit number. Examples: 12(US) Army Group, 5(FR) Armored Division, 6(NL) Infantry Bri- gade, 6(IT) Infantry Regiment.

4–2. Quadripartite Standardization Agreement (QSTAG) Abbreviations a. The abbreviations contained herein, and the abbreviations prin- ted in italics in chapters 2 and 3, comprise the abbreviations author- ized for use between the United States, United Kingdom, Canadian, and Australian armies and listed in QSTAG 163 (Military Abbrevia- tions). The following terms and abbreviations are no longer author- ized for use within the Department of the Army: (1) AA—antiaircraft. (2) BW—. (3) CW—chemical warfare. (4) JAAOC—Joint Aircraft Operations Center. (5) LAA—Light antiaircraft. (6) LMG—Light . (7) MMG—. b . N a t i o n a l D i s t i n g u i s h i n g L e t t e r s f o r c o m p o n e n t s o f A r m y Forces smaller than a division are to be used only when it is necessary to avoid confusion. c. The National Distinguishing Letters for Canada are not to be u s e d t o i d e n t i f y C a n a d i a n A r m y f o r m a t i o n s w h i c h h a v e t h e word“Canadian” in their official designation. d. The letters “UK” denote the United Kingdom, or a force or part of a force provided solely from the United Kingdom. The letters “BR” may, however, be used in special cases to denote a force comprising units or elements of more than one country of the British Commonwealth.

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.52 05-20-98 13:18:36 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 2131 PN 133 FILE: r130.fil Appendix A

Section PUBLICAT Required Publications This section contain no entries.

Section PUBLICAT Related Publications A related publication is merely a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand this regulation.

AR 105–31 Records Communications

AR 105–32 Authorized Address for Electrically Transmitted Messages

AR 340–10 Preparing NATO Correspondence

AR 340–15 Preparing and Managing Correspondence

AR 680–29 Military Personnel, Organization and Type of Transaction Codes

FM 21–30 Military Symbols

FM 32–31 Topographic Symbols

FM 101–10–1 Staff Officer’s Field Manual, Organizational, Technical, and Logistical Data

MIL–STD–12D Abbreviations for Use on Drawings, Specifications, Standards, and Technical Documents

MIL–STD–129F Markings for Shipment and Storage

SB 708–6C Federal Manual for Supply Cataloging

U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual

USAPA EPS - * FORMAL * TF 2.52 214 AR 310–50 • 15 November 1985 05-20-98 13:18:36 PN 134 FILE: r130.fil Unclassified PIN USAPA


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