Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école 2018-2019 Impact Report Inspirés par notre bâtiment récompensé par un prestigieux prix de design en octobre dernier, des élèves de 6e ont réalisé de superbes maquettes du LFC en mobilisant leurs connaissances en mathématiques: notions de plan, d’échelle et de proportionnalité… Beau résultat! Inspired by our building, which won a prestigious design award in October, 6th-grade students used their math skills to create models of the LFC. They applied concepts of design, scale and proportionality... with beautiful results!






L’année scolaire 2018-2019 marque à nouveau une étape importante dans la progression de notre Lycée dans la mise en oeuvre de sa mission éducative de la maternelle à la terminale. Nos élèves reçoivent non seulement un solide bagage culturel et linguistique mais aussi les outils nécessaires pour réussir dans la vie. En parallèle, notre communauté s’agrandit, Nous vous se diversifie et se fédère autour des valeurs de notre école, de l’excellence de notre enseignement et de la pertinence de nos cursus. Nous pouvons être fiers du travail accompli sommes très et des résultats obtenus. Cette réussite est le fruit de l’investissement de tous – enseignants, “ reconnaissants membres du personnel, bénévoles, donateurs – et avant tout de nos élèves, qui continuent à nous étonner par leurs performances scolaires et extrascolaires. d’avoir Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants d’avoir choisi notre établissement et c’est pourquoi nous nous efforçons en permanence d’offrir à nos élèves la meilleure formation, les meilleures choisi notre activités extrascolaires, et ce, dans le meilleur environnement possible. Ce rapport annuel établissement. met en avant les nouvelles initiatives de 2018-2019 qui soulignent nos efforts constants pour offrir un parcours scolaire d’exception à nos élèves. Notre école s’est construite grâce au dévouement de parents bénévoles et à leur générosité. ” Nous sommes fiers aujourd’hui de voir cette tradition de solidarité se perpétuer. La mobilisation de notre communauté, qui apporte temps, talents et soutien financier à l’école, est primordiale au bon fonctionnement du Lycée. Nous vous remercions chaleureusement pour votre confiance et votre fidèle soutien permettant au Lycée de rester la première école internationale bilingue de Chicago ! We are very

The 2018-2019 school year marks another great year of growth and progress at the Lycée grateful to you as we continue to advance our pre-K to 12th grade educational mission. Our community “ is growing, diversifying and uniting around the values of our school, the excellence of our for entrusting teaching and the relevance of our curricula. Our students receive not only a solid cultural and us with the linguistic foundation but also the necessary tools to succeed in life. We can be proud of the work we have done and the results we have achieved. This success is thanks to the investment education of of our community in our school — teachers, staff, volunteers, donors, and above all, our students who continue to amaze us with their academic and extracurricular performance. your children. We are very grateful to you for entrusting us with the education of your children. That is why we are constantly striving to offer them the best education, the best extracurricular activities and the best possible learning environment. This annual report highlights the new initiatives in ” 2018-2019 that showcase our ongoing efforts to provide an exceptional academic experience for our students. LFC STRATEGIC Our school was founded thanks to the dedication and generosity of volunteer parents. We are PRIORITIES proud today to see this tradition of solidarity continue. The mobilization of our community, • Recommitting to our long- which gives its time, talent and treasure, is essential to the smooth running of the Lycée. term strategic priorities: Thank you for your trust and loyal support, which has enabled our school to remain Chicago’s premiere international bilingual school. - Excellence - Cultural identity - Global engagement Eric Veteau • Doubling down on excellence in the classroom • Strengthening the Directeur général / President community Robert Sevim • Earning the right to grow

Président du Conseil d’administration / Chair of the Board of Trustees 3 LES RÉALISATIONS DE 2018-2019 2018-2019 NEW INITIATIVES

1 Accréditations / Accreditations

Notre école primaire a obtenu la certification de Section internationale américaine du Ministère de l’Éducation nationale français ce qui permet au LFC d’être officiellement reconnu comme un “Lycée international” pour son cursus en français de la maternelle à la terminale au même titre que seulement deux autres Lycées Français aux États-Unis (San Francisco et Los Angeles). The French Ministry of National Education has certified our primary school’s American International Section program. This allows the LFC to be officially recognized as a “Lycée international” for its French-language curriculum from kindergarten to high school. Only two other French Lycées in the United States—San Francisco and Los Angeles—hold this distinction.

Le LFC a reçu l’accréditation de l’International Baccalaureate Organization pour proposer l’IB Middle Years Programme à ses élèves de 3e et 2de en parcours IB. Notre cursus IB est désormais complet, homologué et en plein développement. The International Baccalaureate Organization has officially accredited LFC’s 9th- and 10th-grade IB Middle Years Programme. Our IB curriculum is now complete, approved and expanding.

4  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report 2 Formation & cursus / Educational Enhancements

L’amélioration de nos cursus prévue sur trois ans est terminée : notre établissement propose désormais des cours de STEAM à tous les niveaux de l’élémentaire, un apprentissage dès le CM1 d’une 3e langue vivante, la possibilité de choisir la Section internationale américaine du cursus bac français dès la 6e et un cursus IB dès la 3e. (cf mois de décembre dans le calendrier) We have completed our ambitious three-year plan to enhance our curricula. The plan focused on implementing STEAM courses at all elementary levels, adding a third foreign language starting in 4th grade, offering the American International Section option starting in 6th grade and making the IB curriculum available from 9th grade. (See example in calendar - December)

L’ajout d’un enseignement des mathématiques “à l’américaine” (US Math) à tous les niveaux du collège a été finalisé afin de préparer au mieux nos élèves aux tests américains requis pour entrer à l’université. Over the past three years, we have developed and implemented an American-style math class (“US Math”) in middle school to better prepare students for the standardized American tests required to attend university.

Le Service d’aide aux élèves du secondaire a été renforcé par l’ajout d’une conseillère spécialisée assistant et soutenant au mieux nos collégiens et lycéens ayant des difficultés d’apprentissage ainsi que leurs parents. We have strengthened our Student Services Department in secondary by adding a specialized counselor to best assist and support our students with learning disabilities and their parents.

Les programmes d’échange proposés à nos élèves ont été étoffés, notamment par la signature d’un nouveau partenariat avec le Lycée français de Düsseldorf pour les germanistes. Seize élèves ont effectué cette année un trimestre dans un établissement français hors des USA. We have expanded the exchange programs offered to our students. Most notably, 16 of our students spent a term in French schools outside the United States and we signed a new partnership with Lycée Français de Düsseldorf for LFC students who study German.

5 3 Diversité & inclusion / Diversity & Inclusion

Le LFC a accueilli à plusieurs reprises le Dr Derrick Gay, consultant expert en diversité et inclusion, pour former enseignants, administrateurs et élèves et pour sensibiliser les parents. On several occasions, the LFC hosted Dr. Derrick Gay, a diversity and inclusion consultant, to train teachers, administrators and students and to raise awareness among parents.

Notre premier Thankful for our Diversity Day, encourageant entre autres l’empathie et l’ouverture aux autres, a été un succès. (cf mois de novembre dans le calendrier) Our first Thankful for our Diversity Day was a success, promoting empathy and openness to others. (Read more in calendar - November)

Une série intitulée “Oui” are the Lycée : portraits de notre communauté publiée dans la newsletter de l’école a été créée pour rendre hommage à la richesse de notre communauté en termes de traditions, religions, expériences etc. A newsletter series entitled ““Oui” are the Lycée: Portraits of our Community” was launched to pay tribute to the richness of our community in terms of traditions, religions, experiences, etc.

Pour la première fois, des élèves et des adultes du LFC ont porté les couleurs de l’école lors de la Chicago Pride Parade. For the first time, students and adults from the LFC represented our school in the Chicago Pride Parade.

6  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report 4 Arts & culture / Arts & Culture

Le Lycée a accueilli un nouvel artiste en résidence, Joël Degbo, pour travailler durant trois mois avec nos élèves de tous les niveaux. (cf mois de février dans le calendrier) The Lycée welcomed a new artist in residence, Joël Degbo, for three months of work with students of all levels. (Read more in calendar - February)

Des rencontres littéraires et artistiques riches et variées ont été organisées cette année à tous les niveaux dans le cadre du développement des arts et de la culture dans nos cursus : le LFC a accueilli plusieurs poètes, auteurs, dessinateurs-illustrateurs et historiens au plus grand plaisir de nos élèves. (cf mois de janvier dans le calendrier) Our students participated in many rich and varied literary and artistic workshops as part of our arts and culture programming: this year, the LFC welcomed several poets, authors, illustrators and historians to the delight of our students. (Read more in calendar - January)

Dans le cadre de la commémoration du centenaire de l’armistice de la Première Guerre mondiale, des lycéens du LFC ont mené un projet éducatif en collaboration avec un lycée français de Picardie et réalisé, entre autres, une exposition conjointe consacrée à la bravoure d’un régiment afro- américain d’infanterie de l’Illinois pendant la Grande guerre. As part of the centennial commemoration of the World War I armistice, LFC high school students collaborated on an educational project with a French high school in Picardy and produced, among other things, a joint exhibition dedicated to the bravery of an African-American infantry regiment from Illinois during the First World War.

7 5 Sport / Athletics

Plusieurs de nos équipes des Flames sont montées sur la plus haute marche du podium en remportant leurs championnats respectifs : basket féminin, foot féminin et masculin, volley-ball féminin et masculin, cross-country, golf. (cf mois de juillet dans le calendrier) It was a banner year for the Flames, with several teams winning first place in their conferences: women’s basketball, women’s and men’s soccer, women’s and men’s volleyball, cross-country and golf. (Read more in calendar - July)

Des élèves de 5e ont participé aux Jeux Internationaux organisés par le Lycée franco-américain de New York et réunissant des élèves de sept autres Lycées pour une semaine de compétitions sportives. Seventh graders participated in the Jeux Internationaux organized by the French American School of New York, which brought together students from seven other Lycées for a week of sports competitions.

L’équipe du LFC ayant participé aux Jeux Internationaux de la Jeunesse organisés cette année au Liban a terminé 4e sur les 57 équipes issues du réseau mondial des établissements français (AEFE). Une prouesse de nos élèves qui ont ramené à l’occasion le drapeaux des Jeux à Chicago car le LFC accueillera la compétition en juin 2020. An LFC team participated in the JIJ (Jeux Internationaux de la Jeunesse, an international sports competition organized by the worldwide network of French schools abroad - AEFE), which took place in Lebanon this year. Our team finished fourth out of 57 teams! The LFC will host the competition in Chicago in June 2020.

6 Activités extrascolaires / Extracurricular Activities

La création d’un poste de Responsable de la vie étudiante a permis de développer et de proposer à nos lycéens et collégiens de très nombreuses opportunités de servir la communauté. (cf mois d’octobre dans le calendrier) The creation of a new position overseeing student life has made it possible to expand community service opportunities for our secondary students. (Read more in calendar - October)

Suite à l’engouement croissant depuis trois ans pour notre programme de comédie musicale au secondaire, un programme de théâtre en français a également été lancé à l’élémentaire. (cf mois de mars dans le calendrier) In light of the success of our high school musical theater troupe over the past three years, a French-language theatre program has been launched at the elementary level. (Read more in calendar - March)

Des cours de français pour adultes, “Oui” learn French, ont été mis en place en septembre dernier. Ils ont rencontré un succès prometteur auprès des étudiants des trois groupes de niveau ouverts cette première année. “Oui” learn French: we successfully launched French classes for adults in September, offering three levels of classes.

8  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report 7 Infrastructures / Facilities

Un prestigieux prix de design, le “Distinguished Building Award”, a été attribué au LFC par la section de Chicago de l’American Institute of Architects pour son nouveau campus. The Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of Architects honored LFC’s new campus with a prestigious design award—the “Distinguished Building Award.”

Nos espaces extérieurs ont été aménagés avec plus de verdure et l’ajout de pelouses synthétiques, tables, bancs etc. pour le plaisir de tous. (cf mois de septembre dans le calendrier) We completed construction of a new outdoor space with turf, tables, benches, trees...for the benefit of all. (Read more in calendar - September)

Un espace dédié aux élèves bénéficiant d’aménagements pour leurs examens a été conçu dans le Service d’aide aux élèves. There is now a space at LFC dedicated to test-taking for students who qualify for exam accommodations.

Notre nouveau laboratoire d’innovation a été construit et inauguré et tous les enseignants ont été formés à son utilisation. (cf mois d’avril dans le calendrier) The construction and inauguration of the new Innovation Laboratory were completed, as well as the training of all teachers in its use. (Read more in calendar - April)


années d’excellence years of excellence

élèves de francophones 792 students 41% francophones

nationalités participants aux activités extrascolaires 40+ nationalities 472 after-school participants

langues parlées à la maison participants aux camps d’été du LFC 30+ languages spoken 300+ summer camp participants

10  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report Résultats aux examens / Exam Results

Brevet International Baccalauréat français (cursus bac français) Baccalaureate (IB) 100% 100% 80%

de réussite et 100 % de mentions de réussite et 95,5 % de mentions de réussite avec une note pass rate and 100% honors dont 45,5 % de mentions TB et moyenne de 29/45 3 Félicitations du jury (moyenne pass rate with an average générale supérieure à 18/20) score of 29/45 pass rate and 95.5% honors with 45.5% achieving high honors and 3 “Félicitations du jury” for an overall average above 18/20

participants aux activités extrascolaires after-school participants

11 Des admissions dans les meilleures universités / Admissions to the Best Universities

28% 50% des élèves sont allés des élèves sont restés étudier étudier en aux États-Unis of students chose to of students chose to study in the 100% study in France United States de nos diplômés font des études supérieures of graduates went on to higher education 16% des élèves sont allés 6% étudier au Royaume-Uni des élèves sont allés étudier au Canada of students chose to study in the of students chose to study in Canada

En 2019, nos diplômés ont été acceptés dans 176 universités ou établissements d’enseignement supérieur du monde entier 176 In 2019, Lycée graduates were accepted to over 176 universities worldwide

Ils ont reçu un total de 2 398 640 dollars en bourse du mérite $2,398,640 They were awarded a total of $2,398,640 in merit-based scholarships


CANADA • University of British Columbia • Western University

FRANCE • AMOS, École de • Lycée militaire d’Aix- • 2 - Panthéon Assas management du sport en-Provence - Classe • The American • Ecole Emile Cohl préparatoire St-Cyr University of Paris • Lycée Faidherbe (Lille) • Lycée militaire La Flèche - • Université - Classe préparatoire Classe préparatoire St-Cyr 1 - Capitole voie économique • UTT (Troyes) et commerciale

UNITED KINGDOM • Imperial College London • University College London • London School of • University of the Arts Economics London • The University of Edinburgh

UNITED STATES • Brown University • New York University • The New School - Parson’s • University of Illinois at • Cal Poly State University • Northeastern University • Tufts University Urbana-Champaign • Chapman University • Northwestern University • University of California, • University of Southern • Harvard University • Southern Methodist Santa Cruz California • Kenyon College University • University of Wisconsin, Madison

12  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report TOUS IMPLIQUÉS DANS LA VIE DU LYCÉE INVESTING IN THE LYCÉE

Nous remercions sincèrement les personnes, familles, grands-parents, anciens élèves, anciens parents et amis du Lycée qui ont investi dans l’avenir de nos élèves. Votre générosité contribue à l’excellence de nos programmes éducatifs, à la formation des enseignants et à l’enrichissement des activités extrascolaires.

With gratitude for the following individuals, families, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents and friends of the Lycée for investing in our student’s futures. Your generosity supports outstanding educational programs, teacher training and extracurricular activities.

—Maris Harrington, Director of Philanthropy and Advancement

Kim Redding Eileen and Andrew Kirkwood La Campagne pour Catherine and Mamadou-Abou Sarr Khadija and Xavier Laurens Alissa and Jon Shulkin Kirk and Miles McKie le nouveau campus / Lori and Ted Souder Joanne McLean and Aviv Nevo Margaret and Michael Unetich Krista McLeod and Craig Noble Capital Campaign Heidi and Joseph Nowalany $75,000-$99,999 Siobhan Cafferty and Christopher Rowney Anonymous (2) Patricia Koneru Smith and Brett Smith Maria and Derek Steelberg $1.5 MILLION Veronique and Marc Bushala Christina and Tim Conlin Stephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J. Wijpkema Patricia and David J. Simpson Susan and Douglas Lyons Windsor Family Foundation Nasutsa Mabwa and Sam Zabadne $500,000 $50,000-$74,999 $10,000-$24,999 John McCartney Anonymous Natasha and Zach Egan Kara Blain and Jeff Beaty Anonymous (3) Green Family Charitable Fund Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono Rama Mantena and Sunil Agnani Christiane and Mark J. Ladd David da Ponte and Frank Cooper Helen and Kim Anderson Marissa and Andrew lngley Patricia Rasmussen and Lawrence Anderson $250,000-$499,999 Heidi Reynolds and Neil Jenkins Joanne Barry-Babule and Antoine Babule Mary and Kevin Baliozian Lisa and Curt Bailey Anne Van Wart and Michael Keable Jane Kozuch and David Berten Pamela and Marc Gordon Elissa and Steven Lafayette Britta and Sascha Bopp Anne and Kenneth Griffin Jennifer and Joshua Lee Bross Family Foundation Barbara and William Higgins Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli Ingrid Pavilanis and Timothy Buckley Joseph Kronsnoble Michael W. Louis Charitable Trust Reshma Shah and Daniel Castillo The J. Jeffry and Elizabeth S. Louis Foundation Jutta and Shawn Mobley Joanna and Robert Sevim Nicola and Clive Christison Chiara and Daniel Chung $100,000-$249,999 Sharon and Mitchell Sheinkop Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Comte Anonymous $25,000-$49,999 Laura and Ricardo Cossa Magda Jakubowska and Fernando Assens Bryna and Jay Dahlin Suzette and Allan Bulley Julie Green and Daniel Baumeister Rita Parhad and Steven DeAtley Carol Saltoun and Tim Calkins Melissa and Craig Bowles Rebecca E. Deaton Laura and Bruce Comiskey Diane Saltoun and Bruce Braun Angela and John Deppe Monique and Thomas Demery April and Randy Bridgeman Bridgitte Bundrage and Ole Henry Dørum Whitney and Aaron Fershee Noelle C. Brock Marta N. Bollman-Dujols and Nicolas Dujols Michèle and Bruce Gelman Jennifer and David Brooks Lisa Bennett and Marty Durkin Sharon and Eric Langshur Christy and Christian Domin Tammy and Curtis Evrard Missy Lavender Melinda E. Graham Suriya H. Grima and Nathan F. Fahrer Julianne and David Matthews Beth and Mark Hebbeln Karen Graham and Michael Fomook Denise and Keith Olsen Nora Jaskowiak and Matthew Hinerfeld Margaret and Joseph Fourness Hilary and David Pisor Angelina and Noland Joiner Amanda Love and Brian Fuller

13 Delphine and Tim Geannopulos Dina De Laurentis and Steve Felder Deborah and Donald Kania Andrea Wagner and Nick Giagkou Meenakshi and Andre Geverola Holly and Jason Kleiman Betsy Nelson and Scott Gilbertson Robin Stahl and William Gottis Louise and Hugo Langshur Tatiana and Christophe Giordano Steffanie Garrett and Jordan Grossman Jean-Paul and Marie-Héléne Laurens Kelly and John Gorham Elisabeth and Wahied Helmy Maria and Aaron Lauve Isabelle and Juan Luis Goujon Farah Williams Sharon and William Lear Janine and Vincent Greff Joseph Kaiser Quiana Bell and Aaron Lewis Lisa and Peter Harwood Alexandra Lafaurie Elisabeth and Jason Logman Connie and Thomas Haynes Myriam and Jean-Pierre Le Cannellier Brittany and Anthony Marten Axelle and Jan Horstmann Sophie and Fred Levinger Jennifer and John Masterson Susan Solomon and Andrew lsgrig Frederic Mahieu Julie and Malcolm Matthews Michelle and Darrin Jolas Jessica and Jason Martino Lisa and Alan Miller Anita and Kishan Khemani Margot Bogue and William McCrea Karen and Steve Multer Jennifer and Jeffrey Kilpatrick Ms. Laurie McRee Leslie and Sreeram Nair Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Jennifer and Jason Minkin Cynthia and Kyu Oh Kristina Schneider and Karl Kocher Clare Muñana Ann and Hyde Perce Sophie and Michael Komaransky Katarzyna Niemiec and Charles R. Neer Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Plaa Kathy Kraas Laurie and Olivier Pasquier Florence and Igor Playner Maureen C. Lesak Flener and Karl F. Flener Cyraina and Thierry Roullier Nancy and Ben Royer Joan E. Bever and Bruce R. Leech Susan Carlton and Don Rowney Hans J. Schuster Laurence and Mathieu Lignel Yvonne and Chris Sakelaris Céline and John Swicegood Holly and Brian Lignelli Adriana and Aaron W. Sanandres Karyn and David Taeyaerts Elizabeth Mackie Adriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle and Stephan U. Aimee and Ken Thornpson Gregory Markarian Schuele Sara and Elspeth Turner Marianne and Jeffrey Markowitz Lena Petersen and John Schumacher Mary Ann and James Walsh Ryan Mastro and Quentin Calder Christy and Christopher Sears Julie Shekell and Mark Weissman Véronique Thouin and John McBroom Myra and Mark Sorensen Nathalie Dunand-Zaloum and Jonathan Zaloum Roberta and Michael McKeever Mariam and Graeme Staunton Irina and Joseph Ziemann Julia Corcoran Melín and Hector Melín-Aldana Brigitte Ozzella and Tom Sterner Ann and Steve Mendelsohn The Warburg Pincus Foundation UP TO $999 Patsy Campbell and Peter Michalak Sylvie and Eric Veteau Anonymous (6) Catherine Jasek and Michael Million Lourdes and Alain Weber Cathy-Anne and Vincent Aimé Lubomira and George Minkovsky Taylor and Farah Williams Pascale and Henri Alcade Kate and Jim Mooney Gina and Ray Yacoub Perrine Domaine and Frank Ambühl Isabelle and Jean-Louis Muller Antonio Amo Quintanilla $1,000-$4,999 Cynthia Vranas and Keith Olsen Mary-Ann and Adam Arber Christine and Jason Osborn Anonymous Anne Arditti Dominique and Paul Parris Nathalie and Claude Allain Nelida and Antoine Aubeneau Caroline De Langhe and Bruce Perce Melissa Reed and Jay Angelo Philippe Audasso Julia and Robert Prasse Antares Capital AP David Augustyn Christine Laurens and Xavier Renner Archer Daniels Midland Company Mirielle Barker Elisabeth and Christophe Ridet Martha Bailey Stacey Bear Beth H. Weiner and Edward M. Roeser Andrea M. Kessler and John E. Barry Patrice Bedford Emily Sherrer and Daniel Romanelli Lynn and Joshua Baru Cathy Bedrick Leslie and Jon Schreiber Juliana Goldstein and Guillermo Beade Megan and Pascal Bedrossian Lea and Glenn Sevier Elizabeth Marcus and Ira Belcove Emily and Benjamin Berk Deepti Singh and Kal Shah Janet and Richard Bennett Joan and David Berkson Anna and Brad Sharp Katrina Leventhal and Valentin Berman Matthew Berkson Kamilla and James Svajgl Anissa and Hakim Bouzamondo Devang Bhandari Ann Thompson Amanda and Maik Breckwoldt Aude Biard Romana and Paul Tomlinson Brookfield Investment Management Inc. Albane and Olivier Bodart Marie and Steve Valenzuela Cheryl Sandner and Marshall Brown Laura and Martino Boffa Ingrid Deroubaix and Michael von Bodman Laurie and Ryan Cahill Lumi Boldovid Sandra and Brice Yharrassarry Kara and Michael Cardinale Eleanor San and Anis Bouargoub Danielle and Martin Zimmerman Anna Maria Carvallo Gregory Bourras-Chardine Lauren and Matthew Ziol Ayse Celasun Marion Bouscarle Magdalena and Salvatore Cilella Anne Boussac $5,000-$9,999 Marifred and Sal Cilella Eileen and Mark Boyle Sonal Patel and Rakesh Amin Richard Copans Ajdina and Boris Brkovic Melina and Sébastien Audinelle Lizet and Dan De La Cruz Dottie and Mary Brown Emmanuelle Huard-Auray and Benjamin Auray Maryanne and Jeffrey Ellis John Brumlik Vania and Didier Aziza Hollister Ferrier and Dan Harper Scott Buckley Julie and Craig Bargowski Jennifer and Jacques Fournier Sanda Pfeifer and Ted Burger Mariacristina De Nardi and Marco Bassetto Caroline and John Gallucci Laura Burlot Wendt Meaghan and James Benjamin Ilene Goldman and Philippe Geyskens Myung and Jason Bussell Kristyn and Aaron Benton Steven Graham Cheryl and Patrick Byron Lynn and Bruno Boucher Agapy Kapouranis and Joseph Grainger Anne and Phelim Cafferty Kimberly and Mark Bovier Amber and Jeremy Guenther Samantha Caldwell Nancy Joyce and Sean Callahan Julia and Peter Hammond Nency Antoine-Valer and Ugur Camli Tina Casey Jana Mechurova and Waldo Herrera Cecile Carrié Christelle and Edgar Chedrawy Sandra and Mathieu Holl Isabelle and Nicolas Casati Enrique G. Cifuentes Andrea and William Howard Megan and Jorge Castellon Elizabeth and Sébastien De Longeaux Analisa Lafontant and David Kagan Joseph Catalano

14  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report Corinne and Scott Cathala-Andrews Eric Hennion Kathy and Bryan Peterson Carole and Stéphane Cesareo Maeva Herlaud Laura-Isis and Guilhem Piccoli Natacha and Didier Chalard Estelle Herou Pauline Pilon Elizabeth Chalier Visuvalingam Joseph Hinkel Nathalie and Regis Pinel Carole and Ludovic Chantereault Eva Hoeckner Thomas Pizzuti Sunique Charre Diane and Valentin Hoefnagel Jack Pletz Kyriaki Chatzidimitriou Delphine Homand Cecilia Porter Christelle Chauvet Fabrice Humann Camille Litalien and Henrijs Preiss Sarah and Nisan Chavkin Jack Ingram Catherine Tadros and Stefan Quenneville Nina Cheon Donna and Peter Ivanov Nathalie and Jeff Rado Catherine and Pierre Chevreuil Benjamin Jagoe Kristy and Robert Rauch Griselda Santacruz-Collet and Pascal Collet Erin Cobb and Michael Jalovecky Vanessa and David Raveyre Catherine and Stephen J. Corbett Mary Jo and Ernst Jolas Lara Raynaud Chrisanne Corbett Carmelle and Donald Joyce Scott Reid Laure and Alain Courbebaisse Denise and Hugues Kabengele Christopher Reilly Delphine and Olivier Crene Tansu Karaman Katherine and Beau River Lukas Dahlstrom Jonathan Kasongo Alana Fassiotto and David Roleck Laurie Carrier and Karim Dajani William Kenny Marie-Pierre and Nicolas Rondeau Jacqueline Danion Rebecca Kleps Rebekah Rosenfeld Chris Dardi Kate Koslowsky Jill M. Hutchison and David M. Rosholt Ursula and Jean-Louis David Michael Kreger Lionel Rossot Rosemarie Rowney and Don Deatrick Zoe Arvanitakis and Rajesh Kumar Mr. and Mrs. Rubrich Ségolène and Hubert de Marolles Christine Lavis Béatrice and Cliff Rusnak Lea Dekker Erin and Christopher Lazzara Shannon Ryan Camille and Hugues Delannoy Virginie Sauner and Joseph Leblanc Mark Saas Karen and Stephane Delval Delphine and Nicolas Legrand Virginie and Jerome Saint-Omer Daniel DenBoer Naja and Emmanuel Lérus Andre Saltoun Chad Denen Tatiana Bonuma and Scott LeVay Francine Saltoun Olivier Diéval Andrew Lewis Stephen Sangillo Gina Dong Ferdinanda Marcic and Kevin Loftus Barbara and Stephen Sawyer Linwood Donovan Sherry Lourie Dylan and Robert Schlacks Juliette and Nicolas Dubois Catherine and Daniel Lynch Marc Schmidt JoIanta Nawrocka and Olivier Dumont Sarah Macias Anne and Joseph Seigenthaler Florence and Pierre Duquesnoy Marilyn and Robert Main Sahar Mawlawi and Ali Shaibani Sean Dwyer Mitchell Manassa Monica Holliday Sherman and Adam Sherman Christine Eischen Allison Manley Garett Skiba Marie Erinkitola Audrey Marconnot Hadley Smillie Sofia Gebreselassie and Henoc Erku Elodie Maricot and Pierre Gousse Louise Lamson and Philip Smith Robert Ernst April Marino Melanie Iglesias and Eduardo Smith Singares Marick Fargues Stephanie C. Marshall-Guzik Dieneba Soma Marie-Laurence and Patrick Faure Sushma and Ravindra Marur Amy and Gregg Soroka Reva and Charles Felder Maura and Ahmar Matthews Victoria Souder Cecile and Nicholes Fetea Rachel McClain Lanora and John Soule Sandrine and Xavier Fichot Padraic McConville Thomas Souleles Stefano Fischburg Lane McDonald Crystal and Derek St. John Estelle Fisher Lauren McDonnell Andrew Stephenson Sandra and Michael Fogarty Cheryl and Michael McGarry Graziela and Philippe Symoneaux Magali Finance and Clement François Nancy and Ronald McLeod Benjie Thomas Clarisse Perrette and Laurance H. Freed Farhan Merchant Lilia Abaeva and Markus Thüler Janet Yesk and Dennis Furniss Anne Woolard and Frank Merritt Daniel Tiemann Vincent J. S. Gacquer Nadine Merwin Andre a Granias and Van Tomaras Rachel and Adam Garrett Alexandra and Christian Mignet Ania and Sebastien Tourlouse Marie Odile and Nicholas Garrow Kathy and Bill Miller Jean-Pierre Trouillot Adri enne and Robert Gilbert Anne Leonard and Alexandre Millet Stephanie van Sice Stéphanie and Bryan Gleason Harriet Minkin Tina Vanié Anne and Olivier Gompel Véronique and John-Paul Mokski Dawn and Daniel Venit Celine Goncharoff Isabelle and Fabrice Moriaux Courtney Villa Gabriella Galantis and Fabio Gottardelli Florence and Frederic Mouen Makoua Ms. Linda Wager and Mr. Victor Wager Pattie Grain Johanna Naismith White Dove Release, Ltd. Tabitha and Matthew Green Victoria and Duncan Noble Melissa and David Wittmeier Kathryn Gregor Samantha Spencer and Jean-Manuel Nothias Rosa Yanez Marion Bousquet and Nicolas Guenin Aurélie and Kevin Nouvel Laure M. Zacharie Erin Gutowski Erin and Christopher O’Brien Minkyoo Shin and Misha Zupko Steven Guzik Angela and Derek O’Connor Murielle Achkar Hage and Ziad A. Hage Isabelle Olivier Robin and David Hagen Yvonne Curran and Ken O’Riordan Florence and David Hale Jim Orlin Kristen Hanson Erika Pani and Pablo Rivera Thomas Harmening Julie and Grégoire Pastour Traci and Joe Hartman Keval Patel Lydia and Richard Hebras Jocelyne and Graham Paul Teri Boyd and Aleksandar Hemon Janice and Thomas Pavel Leah Henningsen Patricia Pertusot

15 $2,500-$4,999 Jill and Michael Fields Hakim and Victoria Ghanem* Le Fonds Annuel / Sonal Patel and Rakesh Amin* Rosemary and John Eric Anderson* Adrienne and Robert Gilbert* Annual Fund Rachel and Keith Brenan* Anne and Jordan Gold* Jennifer and David Brooks* Kathryn and John Gorham* Bross Family Foundation Fund at The Chicago Janine and Vincent Greff* Liste des dons reçus au 30 juin 2019. Community Foundation* Steffanie Garrett and Jordan Grossman* Quentin Calder and Ryan Mastro* Marie-Pier and Antoine Guillaud* Gifts paid and received as of Nicola and Clive Christison*‡ Robin and David Hagen* June 30, 2019. Bryna and Jay Dahlin* Connie and Thomas Haynes* Yannick and Chloe Delibie* Beth Raia and Patrick Hickey * Chairman’s Circle Christy and Christian Domin* Marissa and Andrew Ingley*‡ ‡ Matching Corporate Gift Clarisse B. Perrette and Laurance H. Freed* Susan Solomon and Andrew Isgrig Invest in Kids1 Supporters Andrea Wagner and Nick Giagkou* Lisa and David Jamiolkowski Betsy Nelson and Scott Gilbertson* Dr. Nadia Daher and Dr. Hassib Kahil* $100,000+ Julia and Peter Hammond* Nancy Fakhereddine and Mouhannad Kantar Beth and Mark Hebbeln* Emerald Fernando and Thierry Kanor AEFE Agency for French Education Abroad Heidi Reynolds and Neil Jenkins* Amanda and Zeynel Karcioglu* Anonymous Invest in Kids match made possible Anne Van Wart and Michael Keable* Vinciane Verbruggen and Sebastien Leonard* through Empower Illinois Jennifer and Jeffrey Kilpatrick* Laurence and Mathieu Lignel* Quiana Bell and Aaron Lewis*‡ $50,000+ Sophea and Wilfried Loche* Holly and Brian Lignelli* Elisabeth and Jason Logman* Christiane and Mark Ladd* Brittany and Anthony Marten* Bethany and Spencer Lokken* Jeanette and James Murphy*† Nicole and John Paul Lussow* $20,000+ Lena L. Petersen and John C. Schumacher* Andrea Chang and Jamie Lynch* Lisa and Curt Bailey*‡ Siobhan Cafferty and Christopher Rowney* Julie and Malcolm Matthews Monique and Thomas Demery* Aurelie Richard and Alexandre Seran* John McCartney* J. Jeffrey & Elizabeth S. Louis Foundation* Sharon and Mitchell Sheinkop* Roberta and Michael McKeever* Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli * Brigitte Ozzello and Tom Sterner* Julia Corcoran Melin and Hector Melin-Aldana* Catherine and Mamadou-Abou Sarr* Krista Tartoni and Alan Nugent* Jutta and Shawn Mobley* Alissa and Jon Shulkin* Chiara and Fabrizio Valentini* Dr. Burce Ozgen Mocan and Dr. Mehmet C. Julie Shekell and Mark Weissman* Joanna and Robert Sevim*‡ Mocan* Ako and Scot Wheeler*‡ Melissa and Owen Muehlfeld* Stephanie Pirishis and Jacobus J. Wijpkema* $10,000+ Stéphanie Boulay Perette and Nicolas Perette Farah and Taylor Williams* Anonymous* Nathalie and Cyril Pourrat* Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono*‡ $1,000-$2,499 Julia and Robert Prasse* Natasha and Zachary Egan* Christine Laurens and Xavier Renner* Anonymous (2) Margaret and Joseph Fourness* Raphaelle and Olivier Rico* Germaine Elbohy and Tamer Abdelrhman Lisa and Peter Harwood* Walter Ringwald* Ashley and Mortimer Ames Barbara and William Higgins* Nancy and Ben Royer Helen and Kim Anderson* Joy Jordan* Adriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle and Stephan U. Andrea Kessler and John Barry* Anita Chandwaney-Khemani and Kishan Khemani* Schuele* Mariacristina De Nardi and Marco Bassetto* Sharon and Eric Langshur* Melissa and Hugh Schulze Julie Green and Daniel Baumeister* Krista McLeod and Craig Noble* Anne-Sophie and Pascal Schweitzer* Pauline and Luc Bertram* Stéphanie and Gonzague Senlis Britta and Sascha Bopp $5,000-$9,999 Deepti Singh and Kal Shah* Anissa and Hakim Bouzamondo Brad and Anna Sharp* Joanne Barry-Babule and Antoine Babule* Kimberly and Mark Bovier* Dr. Ellen Sherratt and Dr. Paul A. Sherratt* Noelle and Patrick Balson* Melissa and Craig Bowles* Patricia and Laurent Simonin* Florence Craft* April and Randy Bridgeman* Patricia Koneru Smith and Brett Smith* Rebecca E. Deaton* Isabelle and Arnaud Burckle Nathalie and Guillaume Deudon* Isabelle De Plaen and Nicolas Casati* Mariam and Graeme Staunton Juliette and Nicolas Dubois* Daniel Castillo* Hiroko and Bruno Strulovici Whitney and Aaron Fershee* Jessica and Adam Chonich* Simone and Samir Suri Christina Yu and John Katzenstein* Magdalena and Salvatore Cilella Kamilla and James Svajgl Elissa and Steven Lafayette* Bruce and Laura Comiskey* The Stephen & Diane Bieneman Foundation* Khadija and Xavier Laurens* Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Comte* Ann Thompson* Jennifer and Joshua Lee* Laura and Ricardo Cossa* Tatia and Derek Torrey* John-Jeffry Louis* Bryna and Jay Dahlin* Diana and George Toscas*‡ Marie-Paule and Alan Marty* Laurie Carrier and Karim Dajani* Margaret and Michael Unetich* Véronique Thouin and John McBroom* Rita Parhad and Steve F. DeAtley* United Way of Metropolitan Chicago* Margot Bogue and William McCrea* Florence and Dan Dery* Eric Veteau Janelle and James McMullin*‡ Marie-Danielle Faucher and Scott A. Duncan* Ingrid Deroubaix and Michael Von Bodman* Debra and Gregory Miley*‡ Lisa Bennett and Martin Durkin* Simran Gambhir and Jonathan Womack Lori and Ted Souder*‡ Bridgitte Bundrage and Ole Dorum* Nathalie Dunand-Zaloum and Robin and Mike Yager* Talita and Neil Erickson* Jonathan Zaloum

1Making a difference in the lives of qualified Lycée students: We are grateful for our donors’ continued support of the Invest in Kids tax credit scholarship program, our strong partnership with Empower Illinois and the renewed commitment of Illinois’ leaders to the program, who recognize its importance in expanding quality educational options for low-income and working-class families of Illinois.

16  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report $500-$999 Tabitha and Matthew Green Anne Aussems and Nathanaël Esposito Anonymous (2) Jeannine M.Colaco and Kevin D. Hartt Tammy and Curtis Evrard Catherine and Walid Abu-Ghazaleh Elizabeth and Nicholas Hatcher Arielle Exner Rama Mantena and Sunil Agnani Lisa and Christopher Higgins Estelle Fisher Matthew Winstone and Mark Agulnik Eva Hoeckner Sandra and Michael Fogarty Christy and Romain Areste Leila and Christian Iroume Meg Folker Rebecca Johnson and Nadim Audi Michelle Jolas Severine Fougerol and Christophe King Kathryn Engel and Robert Aurin Xavier M. Keutgen Jennifer and Jacques Fournier Helene Jean and Christopher Barnsdale Pamela Paul and Ryan Landau Sarah Galer Kara Blain and Jeff Beaty Monika and Michael Machen Omid Ghalambor Béatrice Mazoyer and Christopher Blume Danielle and Eric McLimore Tatiana and Christophe Giordano Amy and David Bonnerot Lubomira and George Minkovsky Pamela and Marc Gordon Cheryl and Patrick Byron Chloe and Naoto Mizuta Colette Gordon Weronika and Joseph Cardoso Karen and Steve Multer Natalie and Joshua Gordon Enrique Cifuentes Caroline De Langhe and Bruce Perce Elodie Maricot and Pierre Gousse Naomi and Kyle Cleary Ann and Hyde Perce Leah Henningsen Claudia and Maximilien Dambax Marie Severin and Serge Poldi Maud Roset and William Hogan Hannele and David Delorme Nathalie Meyfren-Rado and Jeff Rado Katia Hosch Mazuy Frederique and Laurent Fromont Jill M. Hutchison and David M. Rosholt Erin Cobb and Michael Jalovecky Melinda E. Graham Michelle and Tony Snyder Sarah and James Janega Maris Harrington Rachelle Nardi and Matthew Stockl Leslie Jellinek Sandra and Mathieu Holl Marie and Steve Valenzuela Angelina and Noland Joiner Susan Solomon and Andrew Isgrig Dawn and Daniel Venit Helene and Gregoire Kebabtchieff Hannah and Matthew Jackson Minkyoo Shin and Misha Zupko William Kenny Perrine and Nicolas Jaouen Elizabeth and Christopher Kinney Jaclyn and Eric Jensen UP TO $250 Andrea and Peter Kirkfield‡ Amy and Jacob Kahn Eileen and Andrew Kirkwood Anonymous (3) Barbara Dashorst-Kniphorst and Bastiaan Naoko and Eric Karmalecki Houria and Ernie W. Adams Alexandra Lafaurie Kniphorst Pascale and Henri Alcade Cyn Koukos Myriam and Jean-Pierre Le Cannellier Philippe Audasso Roisin and Romain Lepicard Christine Lavis Megan and Pascal Bedrossian Jadran Lee Eva and Yann M. Leriche Laura and Yoel Benarosch Anne and Antoine Malauzat Céline Lefebvre Marie and James Berg Delphine and Nicolas Legrand Jessica and Jason Martino Aude Biard Sushma and Ravindra Marur Pascal Leon Hind and Iqbal Biaz Tatiana Bonuma and Scott LeVay Jennifer and John Masterson Eleanor San and Anis Bouargoub Maura and Ahmar Matthews‡ Catherine and Daniel Lynch Gregory Bourras-Chardine Danielle M. Dumerer and Robert Macarthur Jennifer and Jason Minkin Amanda and Maik Breckwoldt Sally Weiner and Virginia Moffat Sarah Macias Cecilia and Pascal Bru Felicie and Henri Maignon Isabelle and Jean-Louis Muller Ingrid Pavilanis and Timothy Buckley Eileen and Michael Murphy Julie and Samuel Malka Cecile Carrié Corinne and Laurent Manaranche Helena M. Olea Rodriguez and Andreas E. Corinne and Scott Cathala-Andrews Feldmann April and Chris Marino Pascale Amans and Fabien Cayla Ildevert Mboungou Cassie Peterson‡ Elizabeth Chalier Visuvalingam Nathalie and Régis Pinel‡ Judy McCurdy Alexandra and Didier Chambaron Nicole McCurdy Vanessa Raveyre Clap and David Raveyre Sunique Charre Elisabeth and Christophe Ridet Lauren McDonnell Nina Cheon Emily and Damon McGhee Alana Fassiotto and David Roleck Laurence and Loïc Cheynet Jennifer and Ryan Scully Alexandra and Christian Mignet Lydie Latasse Cholé and Frederic Cholé Aurélie and Francois Morlot Myra and Mark Sorensen Réka Cibron-Palmai and Olivier Cibron Noha and Mickael Nabet Anna and Peter Sprouse Christiane and John Ciccone Valerie Niedelson Romana and Paul Tomlinson Tifenn Guevel Commin and Matthieu Commin Samantha Spencer and Jean-Manuel Nothias Soizic and Alejandro Villanueva Lenero Christina and Tim Conlin Aurélie and Kevin Nouvel Taylor and Farah Williams‡ Emily Killmer and Vassilios Constantopoulos Caryn M. Ott Hillman Gina and Ray Yacoub Catherine and Stephen J. Corbett Dessislava Dimitrova and Dessislav Patarinski Lauren and Matthew Ziol Agnes and Pierre Cornillat Maria Peña Jacqueline Danion Patricia Pertusot $250-$499 Anne and Benoit Delavaux Kelly and Yves Petitcolas Alina Dizik and James Agres Delphine and Frederic Delesalle Dr. Radja Boughezal-Petriello and Dr. Francis J. Melina and Sébastien Audinelle Dolores Ayala Suarez and Roberto Delgado Petriello Dalia and Anthony Bartkus Jamie Denten Nora Taylor and Olivier Picard Emily and Dr. Benjamin Berk Perrine Domaine Pauline Pilon Aida Camara-Crowder and Benjamin Crowder Anne J. Shreffler and Christian Dompierre Laurine Planche Amélie Petitclerc and Gregory R. Campbell Sophie and Andrew Dratt Catherine and Nicolas Poulain Megan and Jorge E. Castellon Amandine Lecomte and Damien Duc Virginie and Christophe Preseguer Natacha and Didier Chalard Dr. Catalina Lee Chang and Guillaume De Ubeda Jenna Rabisse Isabelle and Pascal Cottet Jolanta Nawrocka and Olivier Dumont Whitney Evans-Radovic and Nesko Radovic Jessica and Michael Coyne Pauline Sachar and Dr. Aron Dunlap Kristy and Robert Rauch Rajini Janardhan and Frederic Depreux Sonya and Cory Durst Lara Raynaud Emily and Doug Dillingham Camilla and Kenneth Edwards Annie and Ronel Robert Lisa and Pierre-Olivier Fur Marie Erinkitola Emilie and Sean Roche Stéphanie and Bryan Gleason Sofia Gebreselassie and Henoc Erku Mauricio Roman Marquina

17 Maria S. Uribe and Gustavo A. Rudel GLAM PHOTO BOOTH $1,500 Béatrice and Clifford Rusnak La Soirée Margaret and Michael Unetich Shannon Ryan CLUB CASINO GAMING TABLE $1,000 Francois E. Sanatine Jenny Tola / State Farm Agency Barbara and Stephen Sawyer SPONSORS Mary Ellen and Dale Schreiber STUDENT ÉTOILE PERFORMER $500 each Eddy Sébastien AMBASSADOR $20,000 Lisa and Curt Bailey (2) Anne and Joseph Seigenthaler Related Midwest Stephanie Pirishis and Joris Wijpkema Hadley Smillie Savills Louise Lamson and Philip Smith Wintrust DONORS Dieneba Soma PLATINUM $10,000 Allegra Simone and Samir Suri Bulley & Andrews Grey Goose Masako and Takeshi Takahatake Grosvenor Capital Management Here Today Africa Tomorrow Aimee and Ken Thompson SOM Lettuce Entertain You Restaurants Lilia Abaeva and Markus Thüler Ovation GOLD $7,500 Ania and Sebastien Tourlouse PixCube JLL Lou Tina Vanie Skin McHugh Construction Lauren and Andrew Venell STL Architects Northern Trust Veronique and Emmanuel Vouters Susan Wheeler Geraghty Sarah Whalen SILVER $5,000 Anne Redlich and David Witonsky Bel Brands COMMITTEE Marilyn M. Hallock and John M. Whipple Anita Chandwaney and Kishan Khemani Melissa and David Wittmeier Flying Foods CO-CHAIRS Kelly and Joshua Wolkomir Joy Jordan Lisa Bailey Katherine I. Zhou Khadija Laurens Realty Joanna Sevim Camilla Ziel Laughlin Constable AUCTION Irina and Joseph Ziemann Mireille’s Studio Zaida Paolorossi and Joseph Zimmerman Nicole McCurdy Wear Moi Raphaelle Rico IN MEMORIAM BRONZE $3,500 AUDIO VISUAL Wheaton Eye Clinic Phil Smith $20,000 + Lendlease Ethan Weber Dave Craft Memorial Fund TABLE HOSTS $3,500 COMMUNICATIONS Noelle and Patrick Balson Christy Domin SUPPORTING CORPORATIONS & FOUNDATIONS Jennifer and David Brooks & Nathalie and Guillaume Deudon DESIGN A Pied Shoe Boutique Nathalie and Jean-Pierre Comte Lisa Bailey AEFE Elyssa Michelle and Scott Saldana Andrea Kirkfield AXA Assistance Stephanie Pirishis and Joris Wijpkema Joanna Sevim Abbott Fund Abbvie FRIENDS AND FAMILY SUPPORTERS $1,250 ENTERTAINMENT Amazon Virginie Ott-Bono and Chris Bono Ernie Adams Antares Capital AP April and Randy Bridgeman Spencer Lokken Archer Daniels Midland Company Bryna and Jay Dahlin SPONSORSHIP AND UNDERWRITING BP Christy and Christian Domin Lisa Bailey Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Beth and Mark Hebbeln Joanna Sevim Bayer Holly and Brian Lignelli Bel Brands Elizabeth and Jason Logman STUDENT PHOTOS bioMérieux Partners By Design Khadija Laurens Bright Funds Foundation Power Construction VIDEO CME Group Community Foundation Siobhan Cafferty and Christopher Rowney Lisa Bailey Cardinal Health Foundation Inc. Jenny Tola / State Farm Agency Joanna Sevim Diana Foods Corilyn Shropshire Dow Chemicals UNDERWRITERS Effem-Mars COMMITTEE-AT-LARGE Exelon GROOVES + COCKTAIL RECEPTION $5,000 Wernoika Cardoso Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund McGuire Engineers / Jennifer and David Brooks Nicola Christison Google, Inc. Grey Goose Emily Dillingham Matt Green Innogy DISCO DESIGN + DÉCOR $2,500 John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Jennifer Lee Anne Van Wart and Michael Keable Sebastian Levy Magnetar Capital LLC Joanna and Robert Sevim ($1,000) Microsoft Nicole Lussow PWC TEACHERS’ TABLE $2,400 Krista McLeod Related Midwest Noelle and Patrick Balson Melissa Muehlfeld Roquette Virginie Ott-Bono and Chris Bono Brigette Ozello Royal Canin Anissa and Hakim Bouzamondo Martine Severin S&P Global Foundation Christiane and Mark Ladd (2) Julie Shekell Salesforce Elissa and Steven Lafayette Alissa Shulkin Savills Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli Lori Souder Schwab Charitable Krista McLeod and Craig Noble Maryam Tabrizi Société Générale Anna and Brad Sharp Krista Tartoni Wells Fargo Alissa and Jon Shulkin Ann Thompson Wintrust Veronique Thouin and John McBroom Diana Toscas

18  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report ATTENDEES Claudia and Maximilien Dambax Beth and Mark Hebbeln Jacqueline Danion Beth Raia and Patrick Hickey Todd Abrams Jessica Dattalo Alexandra Gantier Hochart and Lucas Hochart Houria Adams Nina and Brett Davis Diane Hoefnagel Alina Dizik and James Agres Cynthia and Jose Luis de la Fuente Marissa and Andrew Ingley Matthew Winstone and Mark Agulnik Isabelle and Herve de la Vauvre Kathy Ireland Pascale and Henry Alcade Elizabeth and Sebastien de Longeaux Hannah Alphs Jackson and Matthew Jackson Jan and Dave Alexander Rita Parhad and Steve DeAtley Kathy and Richard Jenkins Elizabeth Andersen Rebecca Deaton Michelle Jolas Davis Anderson Claire and Florian Decaux Jonathan Jordan Helen and Kim Anderson Joel Degbo Joy Jordan Monique La Motte Antles and Ken Antles Yannick Deibie Margarida Jordan Maryam Tabrizi and Arash Ardalan Anne Charlotte and Benoit Delavaux Nancy Kabengele Alejandro Arriola Delphine Delesalle Kathy and Harley Kaplan Magda Jakubowska and Fernando Assens Hannele and David Delorme Helene and Gregoire Kebabtchieff Philippe Audasso Aline Delpierre Lindsay Westphal and Xavuer Keutgen Kathryn Engel and Robert Aurin Monique and Tom Demery Anita Chandwaney and Kishan Khemani Vania and Didier Aziza Jamie Denten Jennifer and Jeffrey Kilpatrick Lisa and Curt Bailey Jaclyn Schieber and Kush Desai Severine Fougerol-King and Christopher King Aude Baird Nathalie and Guillaume Deudon Andrea Kirkfield Noelle and Patrick Balson Emily and Doug Dillingham Eileen and Andrew Kirkwood Helene and Chris Barnsdale Christy and Christian Domin Barbara and Bas Kniphorst Muriel Barthelemy Linwood Donovan Mary Ann Korenic Megan Manning and Pascal Bedrossin Lucia Donovan Kate and Alex Koslowsky Meaghan and James Benjamin Sophie and Andy Dratt Nicole and Peter Kuhn Lisa and Chris Bennett Damien Duc Santa and Guillaume Lacroix Kristyn Benton Marie-Danielle Faucher and Scott Duncan Christiane and Mark Ladd Emily and Benjamin Berk Pauline Sachar and Aron Dunlap Elissa and Steven Lafayette Joan Berry Shilpa Reddy and Tobin Efferen Pamela Paul and Ryan Landau Grace and Kyle Bieneman Natasha and Zack Egan Marcella Landri Martha and Stephan Billen Ashley and Nosa Ehimwennan Sharon and Eric Langshur Fanny and Michael Block Christine Eischen Jacqualyn and Pat Laughlin Charlene Boige Magdalena Ponsort-Ercoli and Tony Ercoli Christine Laurens Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono Marie Erinkitola Khadija and Xavier Laurens Britta and Sascha Bopp Arielle Exner Chris Lazarra Rachel and Andre Botelho Bastos Marick Fargues Joseph Leblanc Gregory Bourras Stephanie and Steven Farsht Carol and David Lee Anissa and Hakim Bouzamondo Marie-Laurence Faure Jennifer and Joshua Lee Rachel and Keith Brenan Helene Faussart Joan Bever and Bruce Leech April and Randy Bridgeman Eddie Fernandez Maarit Lehtobouri Jennifer and David Brooks Sandrine and Jerome Ferraro Pascal Leon Tera Brouwer Whitney and Aaron Fershee Nancy Lerner Zach Brown Jill and Michael Fields Marie des Neiges and Cyrille Levesque Eileen Murphy and Michael Buckley Estelle Fisher Laurence and Mat Lignel Stacy Scapino and Kelsey Burr Sandra Fogarty Elisabeth and Jason Logman Veronique Bushala Margaret and Joseph Fourness Bethany and Spencer Lokken Quentin Calder Jacques Fournier Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli Cecile Carrie David Frej Nicole and Paul Lussow Reshma Shah and Dan Castillo Matt Gaines Andra Chang and Jamison Lynch Corinne Cathala Andrews Sarah Galer Sarah and Javier Macias Carol Saltoun and Tim Caulkins Delphine and Tim Geannopulos Julie and Samuel Malka Fabien Cayla Erik Decker and Douglas Geiger Anne and Antoine Maluzat Peggy Breton and Emile Chaillot Briana and David Gershenzon Corinne and Laurent Manaranche Alexandra Chambaron Ilene Goldman and Philippe Geyskens April and Chris Marino Christelle Chauvet Adrienne Shreffler and Robert Gilbert Karra and Brian Marino Nina and Eric Cheon Betsy Nelseon and Scott Gilbertson Laurent Marlgrat Jessica and Adam Chonich Laure Noutat and Casey Glack Brittany and Anthony Marten Andy Christensen Stephanie Gleason Sushma and Ravi Marur Nicola and Clive Christison Anne and Jordan Gold Christine Nappo and Christophe Massart Magda and Sal Cilella Sarah Fox and Kevin Goldstein Julianne and David Matthews Naomi and Kyle Cleary Celine and Ken Goncharoff Maude and Gael Mayer Ansquer Aurelia and Ben Cohen Pam and Marc Gordon Margot Bogue and William McCrea Julie Colinet Laurine Planche and Jeremy Gorszczyk Nicole McCurdy Victoria and Luis Collado Jeffrey Goto Ciara McDonagh Christina and Tim Conlin Lisa Gottschalk Lauren McDonnell Marie-Theres Connor Elodie Maricot and Pierre Gousse Carol and John McKinnon Emily Kilmer and Vassilos Constantopoulos Jean Gragg Janelle Hoesktra and James McMullin Amy and Max Cortis Eric Gross Peg and Mike Meagher David Cotton Janet and Michael Hagen Corilyn Shropshire and Kai Medville Jessica and Mike Coyne Mireille Hamon Catherine Meillon Florence Craft Julia and Peter Hammond Alexandra and Christian Mignet Aida Camara-Crowder and Ben Crowder Maris Harrington Chloe Mizuta Shellie and Tom Cummings Jeannine Colaco and Kevin Hartt Angelique and Roland Montfort Bryna and Jay Dahlin Lisa and Peter Harwood Aurelie and Francois Morlot Michael Dalesandro

19 Isabelle and Jean-Louis Mueller Myra and Mark Sorensen LA SOIRÉE RAISE THE PADDLE Karen and Steve Multer Lori and Ted Souder Rita Murad Meredith Stanley $30,000 Jeanette and James Murphy Isabelle and John Starkman Anonymous Kasia and Charlie Neer Todd Stegerman Sylvette Niccolini Courtney Stern $18,745 Jennifer Niendorf Kamilla and Jim Svagil Matching Gift Alissa and Jonathan Shulkin Krista McLeod and Craig Noble Camille Swift $10,000 Nancy and Mark Noffke Katie Szpryrka Ryan Mastro and Quentin Calder Aurelie and Kevin Nouvel Lauren Tarbox Nathalie and Guillaume Deudon Andrew Obendorf Romane Fostier and Antoine Tarjus HOGSALT Denise and Keith Olsen Ann Thompson Denise and Keith Olsen Brigitte Ozzello Jenny Tola Karin Mueller-Paris and James Paris Romana Tomlinson $5,000 Joelle Parisot Tatia and Derek Torrey Lisa and Curt Bailey Meredith and Nicholas Parrish Diana and George Toscas April and Randy Bridgeman Kaya and Tejash Patel Ania and Sebastien Tourlouse Monique and Thomas Demery Maria Belen Peralta James Tuttle Marissa and Andrew Ingley Caroline De Langhe and Bruce Perce Margaret and Michael Unetich Elissa and Steven Lafayette Clarisse Perrette Tina Vanie Bethany and Spencer Lokken Seb Levy and Bastien Pessey Claire and Vincent Verger Siobhan Cafferty and Christopher Rowney Patricia and Alex Pissios Christelle Vieillard Aurelie Richard and Alexandre Seran Cecilia Porter Veronique and Emmanuel Vouters Deepti Singh and Kal Shah Christophe Preseguer Chanon DiCarlo and Ethan Weber Lori and Ted Souder Ryan Preuett Julie Shekell and Mark Weissman Stephanie Pirishis and Joris Wijpkema Jenna Rabisse Randall Westman $3,000 Nathalie Meyfren-Rado and Jeff Rado Sarah and Tim Whalen Virginie Ott-Bono and Christopher Bono Christine Ott and Dan Rahill John and Marilyn Whipple Farah and Taylor Williams Wayne Randazzo Stephanie Pirishis and Joris Wijpkema Kristy and Robert Rauch Taylor and Farah Williams $2,500 Vanessa Raveyre Renata and Michael Williamson Rachel and Andre Botelho Bastos Lara Raynaud Charles Wintersteen Reshma Shah and Daniel Castillo Michelle Reich Melissa Wittmeier Bryna and Jay Dahlin Cecile and Michael Reynier Robin and Mike Yager Chloe and Yannick Delibie Raphaelle and Olivier Rico Laure Zacharie Christy and Christian Domin Elisabeth and Christophe Ridet Irina Ziemann Natasha and Zach Egan Gaelle Rivol Danielle and Martin Zimmerman Lisa and Peter Harwood Amandine Robinson Lauren and Matthew Ziol Kathy and Harley Kaplan Emile and Sean Roche Jennifer and Joshua Lee Mauricio Roman Elizabeth McRee and Philippe Lunardelli Maia Rondeau Brittany and Anthony Marten Marie-Pierre and Nicolas Rondeau Le terrain de sport Carol and John McKinnon Siobhan Cafferty and Christopher Rowney Margaret and Thomas Scanlan Emma Ruby-Sachs synthétique / Turf Diana and George Toscas Teresa and Gil Rynberk $1,500 Jane Saks Laurence and Mathieu Lignel Elyssa Michelle and Scott Saldana Sports Field Catherine and Mamadou Sarr $1,100 Barbara Sawyer Jessica and Adam Chonich Peggy and Tom Scanlan LEAD DONORS Sushma and Ravindra Marur Kristina Schneider $1,000 Adriana Bermeo and Stephan Schuele $50,000 Magda Jakubowska and Fernando Assens Anne-Sophie Heitz and Pascal Schweitzer Michelle and Scott J. Saldana Vania and Didier Aziza Katelyn Schultz Alissa and Jonathan Shulkin Helene Jean and Christopher Barnsdale Anne Sophie and Pascal Schweitzer $30,000 Meaghan and James Benjamin Eglantine Secq Marty Joanna and Robert Sevim Kristyn and Aaron Benton Anne Seigenthaler Anissa and Hakim Bouzamondo Megan Cummins and Adam Semel $25,000 Nicola and Clive Christison Stephanie and Gonzague Senlis Noelle and Patrick Balson Naomi and Kyle Cleary Aurelie Richard and Alexandre Seran $20,000 David Cotton Lex Serot Jennifer and David Brooks Rita Parhad and Steven DeAtley Joanna and Robert Sevim Hannele and David Delorme Deepti Singh and Kal Shah $15,000 Jaclyn Schieber and Kush Desai Anna and Brad Sharp Anita Chandwaney and Kish Khemani Linwood and John Donovan Shelbi and JJ Sheinkop $10,000 Sophie and Andrew Dratt Ken Shenkman Khadija and Xavier Laurens Whitney and Aaron Fershee Ellen and Paul Sherratt Dina De Laurentis and Steve Felder Nancy Lerner and David Frej Alissa and Jon Shulkin Adrienne and Robert Gilbert Patricia and Laurent Simonin Anne and Jordan Gold Phil Smith Julia and Peter Hammond Michelle and Tony Snyder Hannah and Matthew Jackson Alisa Roadcup and Brendan Sodikoff Jennifer and Jeffrey Kilpatrick Dieneba Soma Kristina Schneider and Karl Kocher Heather Sommers Peter Kuhn

20  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report Sharon and Eric Langshur LFC COMMEMORATIVE AND FLAMES Elisabeth and Jason Logman Le Marché français du Christophe Ridet Nicole and John Lussow Chloé Mizuta Margot Bogue and William McCrea Lycée / Lycée French Isabelle Muller Liz Rice LOGISTICS Emilie and Sean Roche Market Krista Tartoni Catherine and Mamadou-Abou Sarr Dawn Venit Adriana C. Bermeo-Ovalle and Stephan U. Schuele SPONSORS MUSIC Ann Thompson Mark Weissman Tatia and Derek Torrey PLATINUM $1000 Julie Shekell Margaret and Michael Unetich Related Ana Munteau Alex Brescanu $500 Wintrust Bank Anonymous Savills PHOTOGRAPHY Rachel and Keith Brenan City Kids Dental John Whipple Magdalena and Salvatore Cilella Chopping Block Deschutes POSTER DESIGN Florence Craft Yann Legendre Aida Camara-Crowder and Benjamin Crowder Alex Displays Rebecca E. Deaton GOLD $500 STUDENT VOLUNTEERS Ilene Goldman and Philippe Geyskens Merry Music Makers Véronique MacDonald Beth and Mark Hebbeln Peapod VENDOR COMMITTEE Beth Raia and Patrick Hickey Pixcube April & Chris Marino Kara Blain Isabelle and Jean-Louis Muller SILVER $350 Marcia Bogue Caroline De Langhe and Bruce Perce Team Sears Pauline Taggart Brigitte Ozzello and Tom Sterner Bistro 6050 Nicole McCurdy Eric Veteau La Boulangerie Jen Minkin BRONZE up to $350 Christy Sears $250 Jeny Kroah Lara Raynaud and Zach Brown Maison Parisienne Emily and Doug Dillingham French-American Chamber of Commerce of LFC PARENT ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Pamela Paul and Ryan Landau Chicago Christophe Ridet Pascal Leon Starbucks Bob Pritchett Karen and Steve Multer Vin Chicago Karen Fomook WearMoi Isabelle Muller $100 Emily Berk Davis Anderson FRIENDS AND FAMILY SPONSORS Eric Karmalecki Grace and Kyle Bieneman James Benjamin Curt Evrard Andy Christensen/ Partners by Design Chloé Mizuta Amy and Max Cortis Delia Jean Claudia and Maximilien Dambax Lamuntee Music Stéphanie and Bryan Gleason Christian Mignet Sarah Fox and Kevin Goldstein Yves Petitcolas Helene and Gregoire Kebabtchieff Wayne Andrew Ripley Virginie Sauner and Joseph Leblanc Mark Weissman “Oui” Run 5K Karra and Bryan Marino John Whipple Jeanette and James Murphy Knightsbridge Wine Shoppe Kristy and Robert Rauch Pure Gourmandise SPONSORS Mauricio Roman Ellen and Paul Sherratt COMMITTEE PRESENTING SPONSORS $5,000 Heather Sommers Savills CO-CHAIRS Lauren and Matthew Ziol Wintrust Joanne Barry Babule Marci Bogue GOLD $2,500 Peapod SPECIAL ADVISORS Related Midwest Jutta Mobley Kara Blain SILVER $1,000 Karen Fomook Assurance Barilla BISTRO AND L’ÉPICERIE DU MARCHÉ Bel Brands Nathalie Comte Byrne Delphine Legrand Chicago Soccer Natacha Chalard McGuire Engineers Inc. (MEPC) Isabelle Muller Safe & Fair Food Company Anissa Bouzamondo Yves Petitcolas BRONZE $500 Véronique MacDonald La Fournette Peugeot BLIND WINE SALE Starbucks Jennifer Lee Bob Pritchett DECORATIONS April Bridgeman Florence Craft

21 Le conseil d’administration / Board of Trustees

Robert Sevim, Chair Kelsey Burr Kish Khemani Aurélie Richard Savills Federal Reserve Bank of AT Kearney S&C Electric Company Chicago Jon Shulkin, Past Chair Mark Ladd Margaret Unetich Valor Equity Partners Siobhan Cafferty LyteShot Loyola University Eric Veteau* Mark Hebbeln, Secretary Philippe Lunardelli President Foley & Lardner LLP Jean-Pierre Comte WellRight Barilla Guillaume Lacroix* Joris Wijpkema, Treasurer John McBroom Consul General of France in McKinsey & Company Bryna Dahlin Exactus Advisors Chicago Winston & Strawn LLP Curt Bailey Krista McLeod Christophe Ridet* Related Midwest Nathalie Deudon Parent Trustee Happy Family Brands Mamadou-Abou Sarr *ex-officio David Brooks Northern Trust Asset McGuire Engineers Management

La direction de l’établissement / School Leadership

Eric Veteau, President Pascal Léon, Director of Primary Séverine Fougerol, Director of Secondary

22  Rapport annuel 2018-2019 et l’impact de vos dons sur l’école / 2018-2019 Impact Report RAPPORT FINANCIER DE 2018-2019 2018-2019 FINANCIALS


Fiscal Year Ended REVENUES June 30, 2019 Tuition and fees $16,192,677 Less financial aid provided by school (1,443,618) Net Tuition and Fees 14,749,059 Other fees (auxilliary programs) 1,538,838 Contributions 316,483 Fundraising (Annual Fund and events), net of expenses 1,008,973 Interest and in-kind income 80,447 Total Revenues 17,693,800

EXPENSES Education and student activities 14,125,918 General administration and fundraising 2,644,578 Total Operating Expenses 16,770,496 19% NET ASSETS Change in net assets 923,304 Net assets at beginning of year 11,636,716 Net Assets at End of Year 12,560,020 des élèves ont reçu une aide financière en 2018-2019 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (UNAUDITED) of the 2018-2019 student body received financial aid ASSETS June 30, 2019 Cash and cash equivalents $7,662,412 Accounts receivable, capital pledges, prepaid expenses 858,330 Fixed assets, net 32,696,534 FONDS RÉCOLTÉS Deposits 1,178,197 FUNDS RAISED Total Assets 42,395,473

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable and accrued salaries 1,913,661 Deferred revenue 4,922,468 Note payable 22,999,324 Total Liabilities 29,835,453 Net Assets 12,560,020 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 42,395,473 $753,000 Note: $411,000 Building operations 678,435 $435,000 Depreciation 935,461 Annual La Soirée Raise the Interest and fees on debt service obligations 1,008,256 Fund* Paddle 2,622,152 *Includes $263,000 donated to Invest in Kids Scholarships for LFC students 23 De la maternelle à la terminale | Pre-K through grade 12

1929 West Wilson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60640 773.665.0066 Lyceechicago.org [email protected] facebook.com/lyceefrancaisdechicago twitter.com/lyceechicago instagram.com/lyceechicago

Give online at lfcdonate.org

Lycée Français de Chicago, Inc. considers individual merit, without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, creed or national origin in admissions, employment or access to programs.