This is the sixth edition of the Northern Ireland Seabird Report, covering 2018. This report is the published outcome of the work of the Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Seabird Network – a network of volunteers, researchers and organisations – coordinated by the BTO Seabird Coordinator, and funded by NIEA. Seabird Report 2018 FRONT COVER IMAGE: CHRISTINE CASSIDY British Trust for Ornithology ISBN No 978-1-912642-03-8 Head Office: The Nunnery, Thetford Norfolk IP24 2PU Tel: +44 (0)1842 750050 Registered Charity No. 216652 (England & Wales) SC039193 (Scotland) Company Limited by Guarantee No. 357284 (England & Wales) Northern Ireland Seabird Report 2018 NI Seabird Steering Group Dave Allen (Allen & Mellon Environmental) Katherine Booth Jones (BTO) Kendrew Colhoun (RSPB) Kerry Leonard (Sterna Environmental) Neil McCulloch (NIEA) Andrew Upton (National Trust) Shane Wolsey (BTO) Report editors Katherine Booth Jones and Shane Wolsey This report is the published outcome of the work of the Northern Ireland Seabird Network – a network of volunteers, researchers and organisations – coordinated by the BTO Seabird Coordinator, and funded by NIEA. British Trust for Ornithology The Nunnery Thetford Norfolk IP24 2PU
[email protected] +44 (0) 1842 750050 Registered Charity No.216652 (England & Wales) No.SC039193 (Scotland). Company Limited by Guarantee No. 357284 (England & Wales) February 2019 ©British Trust for Ornithology & Northern Ireland Environment Agency ISBN 978-1-912642-03-8 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.