Left-Of-Center Govem- Public Does Not Want to Go Back to the of a Startling Buildup of Consumer Ment
Public Disclosure Authorized ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vlm;.;, Nu;.- ;- M,c -. - .. ;.... i. TransitionEconomicsDivision * PolicyResearchDepartment * TheWorldBank Postcommunist Parties and the Politics of Entitlements by Jeffrey Sachs Public Disclosure Authorized I nnationalelectionsthispastMarch, Theseexplanationslargelymissthepoint. of the shortages prevalent in the old Estonia's reform govenmmentwas * Opinion surveys in Central and East- regime). Indeed, in many countries in- unceremoniously toppled from em Europe repeatedly show that the cludingEstonia,thepublicisinthe midst power by a new left-of-center govem- public does not want to go back to the of a startling buildup of consumer ment. This would seem a rather un- old regime, nor does it view the left- durables-cars, refrigerators,videocas- grateful act of the Estonian voters in wing parties as instrumentsto undo the sette recorders, and the like-that were light of the accomplishments of the new market economy. long unavailable under the old regime. former government.By the enclof 1994 * The living standards ofthe population inflation was down to an annual rate of did not really drop, if one examines ac- In most countries of Eastem Europe, around 20 percent, the lowest among tual household consumption behavior social spending has not only remained countries of the former Soviet Union (rather than changesin crude indexes of an unusually high proportion of GNP, it (FSU). Economic growth was around 5 real wages, which do not give a picture has actuallysoared.Thepostcommunist Public Disclosure Authorized percent in 1994, the highest in the FSU, t *i. with forecasts of even higher growth in What's nside 1995. Privatizing Profits of Bulgaria's State somneiniprovementsintheCubaneconomy, Enterprises In Bulgaria,private wealth but a significantturnaround would re- Why then was the Estonian government has been createdvia syphoningoff prof- quire broad politicaland economicre- toppled? Why, indeed, have left-wing its from state enterprises,rather than forms,suggests J.F.Perez-Lopez.
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