Kielikeskus tutkii 4/2019 Mike Nelson (toim.) Kielikeskus tutkii Mike Nelson (toim.) Vol. 4 Turku 2019 Kielikeskus tutkii Vuosikirja nro. 4 Turun yliopisto Kieli- ja viestintäopintojen kielikeskus Agora 20014 Turun yliopisto Sähköposti:
[email protected] Vastaava toimittaja: Mike Nelson Kannen kuva: Hanna Oksanen Taitto: Tarja Linden Grano Oy Turku 2019 ISBN 978-951-29-7846-5 (Painettu/PRINT) ISBN 978-951-29-7847-2 (PDF) ISSN 2324-0431 (Print) ISSN 2324-044X (PDF) SISÄLTÖ 5 Foreward Student Collaboration in English for Academic Purposes - Theory, Practitioner Perceptions and Reality Averil Bolster & Peter Levrai 9 Tunteet pinnassa Luckan-kahvilan keskusteluryhmässä Carola Karlsson-Fält 27 On a third mission: aligning an entrepreneurial university’s mission, strategy and strategic actions to a language centre context Marise Lehto 43 From analogue to digital: a report on the evolution and delivery of the Finelc 2digi project Mike Nelson 59 What is business English? Key word analysis of the lexis and semantics of business communication Mike Nelson 77 Crossing lines: Finnish and non-Finnish students’ cultural identities and Finnish Nightmares Bridget Palmer 103 Creating a Blended Learning Model for Teaching Academic Presentations Skills to Doctoral Researchers Kelly Raita 115 Tio års perspektiv på förberedande undervisning i svenska som det andra inhemska språket vid Åbo universitet Anne-Maj Åberg 131 Foreward The year 2019 marks the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the University of Turku Language Centre. During this time, the Centre has grown from having two full-time teachers to having fifty-seven in three cities. Looking at the founding documents of the Language Centre in 1979, we see that the main tasks were to teach both domestic and foreign languages, to produce materials for the teaching in cooperation with other language centres, to arrange translation services, to provide teaching for university staff, to provide testing services and to take care of the university’s language studios.