Swedish in the Metropolitan Area Spring 2017

Education, Courses & Social Activities 2 Education, Courses & Social Activities TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME! 5 EDUCATION & COURSES 6 • Helsingfors Arbis 6 • Esbo Arbis 19 • Grankulla medborgarinstitut -The Adult Education Centre of 31 • Vanda Vuxenutbildningsinstitut - Vanda Adult Education Institute, Swedish 41 Department • Arcada 44 • Hanken School of Economics 46 • Helsinki Summer University 47 • Prakticum Vocational School 48 SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES 50 • Föreningen Luckan r.f. / Luckan Integration 50 • Andreaskyrkan (Free Evangelical Church of ) 56 • Arbetets Vänner / Square Dance Group 57 • Folk Dance Group Brage 58 • Kammarkören Idun - The Idun Chamber Choir 58 • Brages stråkorkester - The Brage String Orchestra 59 • DUF Square Dancers (Dickursby Ungdosmförening r.f.) 59 • The DuvTeatern Theatre Company 60 • Esbobygdens ungdomsförbund r.f. 60 • Esbo Sångkör - a Mixed Choir with a Long Tradition 62 • Esbo Spelmanslag- Espoon Pelimannit 62 • Svenska Folkdansring r.f. 63 • Finlands Svenska Scouter r.f. 64 • Mixed Choir Furorna in Esbo 64 • Föreningen för Drama Och Teater, DOT r.f. 65 • Grankulla Gymnastikförening 66 • Helsingfors svenska Marthaförening 66 • Teknologorkester Humpsvakar 67 • Kvinnliga Akademiker i Helsingfors r.f. 68 • The Martin Wegelius Institute, MWI 68 • Musikinstitutet Kungsvägen, MIK 69 • Nordic Culture Point 70 • Norr om Stan r.f. 70 • Nylands svenska ungdomsförbund r.f. 71 • Psykosociala föreningen Sympati r.f. 72 • Sandels School of Music and Arts 73 • SAMS 74 • Senior Dance Organisation in Finland 74 • Sydkustens landskapsförbund / Svenskskola.fi 75 • The Swedish Socialdemocratic Association in Vantaa 76 OTHER SERVICES 76 • Youth Crisis Centre / Krisjouren för unga 76 • Vantaa Info 77 • NewCo Helsinki 77 USEFUL WEBSITES 78

3 4 Education, Courses & Social Activities WELCOME!

Finland has two official languages: Swedish and Finnish. Finland also has seven historical minority languages: Swedish, Sami, Russian, Tatar, Romani, Jiddish and Karjalan kieli. That means that they have been spoken in Finland for more than a hundred years. Today over a 150 languages are spoken in Finland.

In this brochure you will find information about Swedish courses, study possibilities, networks, activities in Swedish presented in English. As a newcomer you have the right to choose your integration language. It can be either Finnish or Swedish. However, in the capital region the majority speaks Finnish. Only 6.5% speak Swedish even though most Finland-Swedes live in the capital region. In fact, every fifth person in Finland lives in the capital region. The Finnish constitution grants the right to use Swedish with all state officials and to get service in Swed- ish by all Swedish-speaking and bilingual municipalities in Finland. To apply for Finnish citizenship requires proficiency in one of the official languages.

Most jobs require knowledge in Finnish. Some jobs require proficiency in both Finnish and Swedish while there also are certain jobs that re- quire only Swedish. These jobs are mainly found within the educational field or the social- and health care sector. One can also start a company in Swedish and handle taxation matters in Swedish. Increasingly, many jobs require good skills in English as well. There is also an English job market, even though it is small. For instance in the business sector many Finnish companies have English as an internal language even though Finnish and often also Swedish is required. It’s a good idea to consider what options the different languages offer when choosing one’s integration language.

But maybe you want to get to know Swedish-speaking Finns without knowing Swedish or perhaps just to learn the basics of the language. This brochure is here for that as well. Thank you for picking it up and hope to see you around!


Helsingfors Arbis Invandrare EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Immigrants Maahanmuuttajat and “Arbis in English”

Welcome to Arbis! We offer many courses for adults. Practise your Swedish, meet nice people and learn new and interesting things! At Arbis you can study several different subjects in the daytime, in the evening or at weekends. Don’t worry if you are not yet fluent in Swedish, you can join many of our courses, such as: yoga, singing, guitar, piano, knitting, jewellery, pottery, watercolour painting, photography, how to use PhotoShop, how to use Excel, history, cooking and baking and many more. You can also study languag- es such as English, Finnish, French, German and Spanish. In addition, we offer courses both at beginner and more advanced levels. Also, there is the Arbis programme for Immigrants.

Välkommen till Arbis! Vi har kurser för vuxna. Tala svenska, träffa trevliga människor och lär dig nya intressanta saker! Hos oss kan du studera många olika ämnen på dagen, kvällen och på veck- oslut. Många av våra kurser passar också dig som inte ännu pratar så bra svenska. Du kan välja bland kurser som yoga, dans, sång, gitarr, piano, stickning, smyck- estillverkning, keramik, måla i akvarell, fotografering, Excell, Photoshop, historia, teater, matlagning och bakning. På Arbis kan du också studera olika språk, till exempel finska, engelska, franska, spanska och tyska. Dessutom har vi kurser i svenska, både för nybörjare och för dig som kan lite mera. På Arbis kan du också delta i integrationskurser för invandrare. Några kurser går på engelska.

6 Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki Добро пожаловать в Арбис на курсы для взрослых! У нас вы сможете говорить по-шведски, встречаться с интересными людьми и одновременно учиться чему-то новому. Курсы, многие из которых подходят даже тем, кто еще не очень хорошо говорит по- шведски, проходят как в утреннее, так и в вечернее время. Йога, танцы, музыка, рукоделие, компьютерные курсы, кулинария, театральная студия, а также различные иностранные языки (например, финский, английский, французский, испанский, немецкий и т.д.) – это лишь немногая часть из того, чем можно заниматься в Арбисе. Помимо этого, Арбис организует курсы шведского языка как для начинающих, так и тех, кто уже неплохо говорит по-шведски. В нашем центре устраиваются также интеграционные курсы для иностранцев. Ознакомиться с нашими англоязычными курсами можно ниже!

The office Helsingfors Arbis, Sturenkatu 2, 00510 Helsinki, Tel. (09) 310 494 94, E-mail: [email protected] Office opening hours: 5.12–5.1: open Monday to Thursday, 10:00–15:00 9.1–12.4: open Mondays to Thursdays, 10:00–20:00, Friday 10:00–15:00 Terms of payment We will invoice you for each course. Please, make sure you pay by the due date. Reduction of fee Unemployed people and people with especially low income can apply for a reduced fee. More information from the Arbis office. Cancellation Courses with more than 6 course sessions can be cancelled without a fee during the first three weeks of the course, but please cancel your registration as soon as possible if you cannot attend the course. Courses with less than 6 course sessions can be cancelled without a fee up to one week before the start of the course. Please note! We will charge you the fee if you do not cancel your registration in time.

Enrolments: Enrol by Internet: www.ilmonet.fi, Phone: (09) 310 494 94 or by visiting the office: Sturenkatu 2, 00510 Helsinki (see office hours above).

Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki 7 Beskrivning Vill du integrera dig på svenska (eller tvåspråkigt) i Helsingfors? På Helsing- fors arbis kan du studera svenska, praktisk finska och samhällskunskap. Programmet innehåller karriärcoaching och arbetspraktik. Under studieåret kan EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION du studera 16–26 timmar per vecka. Studieprogrammet uppfyller Arbets- och näringsbyråns krav på en integrationsutbildning (frivilliga studier med integra- tionsstöd). Reservera en tid för ett nivåtest och ett individuellt samtal (obligatoriskt), Annette Jansson, 040 172 3737, (09) 310 494 80, E-post: annette.jansson@ arbis.hel.fi. Swedish for parents, se sidan 16.

Description Do you want to integrate in bilingual Helsinki in Swedish? In Helsingfors arbis you can study comprehensive Swedish, practical Finnish and societal themes. The programme offers career coaching and a six-week work placement in the spring. The weekly total hours of studies vary from 16 hours to 26 hours, ac- cording to the student’s personal study plan. This study programme meets the Employment Office (TE Services) requirements for an integration training course (self-motivated studies with an integration benefit). Each SFI student must take our language test to determine the best SFI level, and also to book an appointment with a study counsellor to agree on a study and career coaching plan, and an individual study plan. Please book an ap- pointment for a language test and a career coaching plan (this is required), Annette Jansson, 040 172 3737, (09) 310 494 80, E-post: annette.jansson@ arbis.hel.fi. Swedish for parents, see page 16.

Swedish courses: Annette Jansson tfn 040 172 3737, (09) 310 494 80 [email protected]

8 Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki SFI 2 (130 €/termin) Startnivå A1.2 – mål A2.2 A160958 5.9–2.12 och 9.1–2.6 (18.4–26.5 arbetslivsperiod)

Våren: 9.1–2.6 Måndag och fredag 9.30–12.00: Svenska 5–6 Tisdag 9.30–12.00: Prata på! Tisdag 13.00–14.30: Arbetslivskunskap Onsdag 9.30–12.00: Skriv och uttala svenska 2 Torsdag 9.30–12.00: Repetera på dator eller Tutustu Suomeen eller Sjung på svenska. Torsdag 12.30–15.00: Livet i Finland 18.4–26.5: Arbetslivsperiod

SFI 3 (130 €/termin) Startnivå A2 – mål B1 A160959 5.9–2.12 och 9.1–2.6 (18.4–26.5 arbetslivsperiod)

Våren: 9.1–2.6 Måndag och fredag 9.30–12.00: Svenska 7–8 Tisdag 9.30–12.00: Prata på! Tisdag 13.00–14.30: Arbetslivskunskap Onsdag: 9.30–12.00: Skriv och uttala svenska 2 Torsdag 9.30–12.00: Repetera på dator eller Tutustu Suomeen eller Sjung på svenska Torsdag 12.30-15.00: Livet i Finland: 18.4–26.5: Arbetslivsperiod

Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki 9 SFI 4 (120 €/termin) Startnivå A2.2 – mål B1.2 A160960 5.9–2.12 och 9.1–2.6 (18.4–26.5 arbetslivsperiod)

Våren: 9.1–2.6 Måndag och fredag 9.30–12.00: Svenska 9–10 Måndag och fredag 12.30–14.00: Nyhetssvenska Tisdag 11.00–12.30: Diskutera på svenska: EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Tisdag 13.00–14.30: Arbetslivskunskap Onsdag 9.30–12.00: Allmän språkexamen (ASE)-prepkurs Torsdag 9.30–12.00: Repetera på dator eller Tutustu Suomeen eller Sjung på svenska 18.4–26.5: Arbetslivsperiod

SFI–andra året (120 €/termin) Startnivå A2.2 – mål B1.2 A160861 5.9–2.12 och 9.1–2.6 (18.4–26.5 arbetslivsperiod)

Våren: 9.1–2.6: Måndag och fredag 9.30–12.00: Svenska 9–10 Tisdag 11.00–12.30: Diskutera på svenska Onsdag 9.30–12.00: Allmän språkexamen (ASE) -prepkurs Onsdag 13.00–14.30: Yrke och samhälle Torsdag 9.30–12.00: Repetera på dator eller Tutustu Suomeen eller Sjung på svenska 18.4–26.5: Arbetslivsperiod

Mat- och kulturmässa Smaka, lyssna, upplev! Låt dig inspireras och lär känna Arbis integra- tionselevers kulturer. Evenemanget är gratis och öppet för alla. 15.3, onsdag kl. 15.00–19.00.

10 Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki SFX Svenska SFX Svenska kombinerar studier i svenska med närvårdarstudier. Under läsåret 2016–2017 studerar deltagarna till närvårdare i Fortbildningscentret Prakticum samtidigt som de får undervisning i svenska på Arbis. Till studierna hör också inlärning i arbete samt handledning. Som ett extra stöd i studierna har alla deltagare möjlighet att få en mentor via Föreningen Luckan rf. Projektet finansieras av Europeiska Socialfonden och genomförs i samarbete med Helsingfors arbis, Luckan rf och Fortbildningscentrum Prakticum. Kontakta: Min young Lee, Tel. 040 550 5802, E-post: [email protected]

Swedish for parents If you are a parent with a child or children under 3 years of age, you are provid- ed with free on-site child care while you study Intensive Swedish (Starting level – onwards) 9.1–12.4, Monday and Friday 9:30–12:00 (25,00 €) For more information: Min young Lee, Tel. 040 550 5802, E-mail: [email protected]

Svenska som andra eller främmande språk A 1.1 Grundnivå

Svenska 1–2 (49 €) A170126 10.1–11.4, tisdag och torsdag kl. 13.00–15.30 Bodil Wadenström, rum 319

Svenska 1, Stoa (25 €) A170238 12.1–6.4, torsdag kl. 17.00–19.30 Bodil Wadenström, Grupprummet, Stoa

Svenska 2, Stoa (25 €) A170085 12.1–6.4, torsdag kl. 17.30–20.00 Olga Kekkonen, rum 8, Stoa

Svenska 3–4 (49 €) A170108 9.1–10.4, måndag och fredag kl. 9.30–12.00 Mirja Pekanmäki, rum 319

Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki 11 Svenska 3–4, Stoa (49 €) A170150 9.1–24.4, måndag och fredag kl. 13.30–16.00 Jenny Kajanus, Grupprummet, Stoa

Svenska 3, Stoa (25 €) A170094 10.1–11.4, tisdag kl. 17.00–19.30 Mirja Pekanmäki, rum 8, Stoa

Svenska 4–6 (66 €) A170080 9.1–12.4, måndag, onsdag och fredag kl. 9.30–12.00 EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Ingrid Rönnow, rum 215

Svenska 5–6 (49 €). A170109 9.1–10.4, måndag och fredag kl. 9.30–12.00 Bodil Wadenström, rum 416

Svenska 5, Stoa (25 €) A170099 11.1–12.4, onsdag kl. 17.30–20.00 Olga Kekkonen, Grupprummet, Stoa

Svenska 6 (25 €) A170125 10.1–11.4, tisdag kl. 17.00–19.30 Bodil Wadenström, rum 416

Prata på! (28 €) (A2) En kurs för dig som redan kan lite svenska men vill komma i gång med att prata. Vi diskuterar, spelar spel, lyssnar till musik och övar oss i olika sociala situationer på svenska. A170242 10.1–4.4, tisdag kl. 9.30–12.00 Bodil Wadenström, rum 307

Svenska klubben, Stoa (41 €) En lättsam diskussionskurs för dig som har läst svenska i skolan men har glömt det mesta. Vi hoppar över grammatiken och tränar på att våga tala! A170120 10.1–18.4, tisdag kl. 14.30–16.00 Jenny Kajanus, rum 8, Stoa

A 2.1 Grundnivå

Svenska 4 (25 €) A170093 9.1–10.4, måndag kl. 17.00–19.30 Bodil Wadenström, rum 417

12 Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki Svenska 4, Stoa (25 €) A170091 12.1–6.4, torsdag kl. 17.00–19.30 Bodil Wadenström, Grupprummet, Stoa

Tala svenska 3 (28 €) (A2) En kurs för dig som redan har läst svenska men vill komma i gång med att prata mera. Vi diskuterar, spelar spel, sjunger, lyssnar till musik och övar oss i olika sociala situationer på svenska. Den här kursen ingår i integrationsprogrammet. A170130 10.1–11.4, tisdag kl. 9.30–12.00 Annette Jansson, rum 215

Skriv och uttala svenska 2 (28 €) (A2) En kurs där du får individuell handledning i att skriva och uttala svenska. För kursdeltagare på Svenska 5–8. A170129 11.1–12.4, onsdag kl. 9.30–12.00 Bodil Wadenström, rum 301


Svenska för allmän språkexamen, mellannivå, grupp C (41 €) (B1) Kursen är upplagd enligt fordringarna för allmän språkexamen i svenska på mellannivå och lämpar sig också för utlänningar bosatta i Finland. Vi gör skrivuppgifter, diskuterar och jobbar med hör- och läsförståelseövningar. Allmän språkexamen i svenska arrangeras på Arbis efter kursens slut. Anmälningen till provet görs separat på kansliet. A170075 9.1–10.4, måndag kl. 18.05–19.35 Katja Peltola, rum 316

Svenska för allmän språkexamen, mellannivå, grupp D (53 €) (B1) Kursen är upplagd enligt fordringarna för allmän språkexamen i svenska på mellannivå och lämpar sig också för utlänningar bosatta i Finland. Vi gör skrivuppgifter, diskuterar och jobbar med hör- och läsförståelseövningar. Allmän språkexamen i svenska arrangeras på Arbis efter kursens slut. Anmälningen till provet görs separat på kansliet. A170076 11.1–19.4, onsdag kl. 9.30–12.00 Jenny Kajanus, rum 416

Nyhetssvenska (41 €) (B1) En kurs för dig som redan kan lite svenska och vill öva dig i att läsa, förstå och skriva svenska med hjälp av nyheter. A170239 9.1–10.4, måndag kl. 12.30–14.00 Mirja Pekanmäki, rum 417

Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki 13 Svenska 7–8 (98 €) A170110 9.1–24.4, måndag och fredag kl. 9.30–12.00 Jenny Kajanus, rum 316

Svenska 11 (50 €) A170127 11.1–12.4, onsdag kl. 13.00–15.30 Mirja Pekanmäki, rum 215

Svenska 8, Stoa (50 €) A170098 9.1–10.4, måndag kl. 17.00–19.30 EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Margaretha Fagerström, Grupprummet, Stoa

Svenska 9–10 (98 €) A170111 9.1–10.4, måndag och fredag kl. 9.30–12.00 Heidi Huovilainen, rum 417

Svenska 10 (50 €) A170128 10.1–11.4, tisdag kl. 17.00–19.30 Ingrid Rönnow, rum 307

Avancerad nivå

Aktuellt på svenska 2 (41 €) (C1) Vi tränar svenska genom att läsa och diskutera aktuella texter, allt från nyheter till skönlitteratur utgående från vad som är aktuellt och från kursdeltagarnas önskemål. A170074 9.1–10.4, måndag kl. 16.30–18.00 Sofia Hägglund, rum 416

Skriv på svenska! (27 €) (C1) Det här är en kurs för dig som vill bli bättre på att skriva svenska, t.ex. brev, e-postmeddelanden åsiktstexter. Vi gör olika typer av skrivövningar under kursen och bearbetar dem. A170077 28.2–11.4, tisdag kl. 18.05–19.35 Marina Giljam, rum 417

Svenska för allmän språkexamen, högsta nivån, grupp B (50 €) (C1) Kursen är upplagd enligt fordringarna för allmän språkexamen i svenska på högsta nivån. Vi utvidgar ordförrådet genom textförståelse och jobbar med hörförståelseövningar, skriver och diskuterar. Allmän språkexamen i svenska arrangeras på Arbis efter kursens slut. Anmälningen till provet görs separat på Arbis kansli. 13.2, 5.3, 19.3 och 2.4. A170212 11.2–1.4, lördag kl. 10.00–16.00 Mirja Pekanmäki, rum 416

14 Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki Övriga kurser

Hantverkskafé på svenska (19 €) Kom med och handarbeta i gott sällskap. Vi stickar, virkar och broderar medan vi samtalar på svenska. Här får du både arbeta med händerna och öva din svenska. Ta med eget material och egna verktyg. A170262 10.1–11.4, tisdag kl. 13.00–14.30 Kelsi Clayton, Kaféet

Story sharing – berättelser ur ditt liv (50 €) Come and share stories and moments from your life with other immigrants. The group, led by professional actors, use various fun ways to remember and talk about memories from the past. Language: English, Swedish. Utforska tillsammans med några skådespelare hur du kan presentera dina minnen och upplevelser. Lyssna till andra och berätta själv. A170237 9.1–3.4, måndag kl. 13.15–15.30 Max Bremer, rum 218

Läs- och skrivkurs (66 €) Det här är en kurs där vi arbetar med grundläggande läs- och skrivfärdigheter utgående från kursdeltagarnas behov. A170277 9.1–11.4, måndag, tisdag och torsdag kl. 9.00–13.00 fredag kl. 9.00–10.30 Gerd Forss, rum 414

Suomi 1 – Finnish for Beginners (37 €) (A1) Learn to communicate in practical everyday situations. You will learn the basics of Finnish grammar and vocabulary and also useful phrases and expressions. The teaching will be in English and Finnish. A170243 11.1–12.4, onsdag kl. 16.30–18.00 Maija Mattila, rum 314

English Pronunciation Course (30 €) English is an extremely non-phonetic language, the course focuses heavily on the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), exercises have been developed in order to show students which sounds they are producing well and which sounds need more work and practice. This course is a useful aid to anyone that wants to improve their English pronunciation. A170270 10.1–14.2, tisdag kl. 16.30–18.00 John Wedlake, rum 404

Into Professional English (30 €) (B1–B2) Do you want to take steps into working in English? This short course will give you the tools and confidence to help you get into a career by using professional English. Working with a native-English speaking teacher, you

Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki 15 will learn how to effectively complete and negotiate job applications, CVs, job interviews and more. A170186 10.1–14.2, tisdag kl. 14.15–15.45 Rebecca von Bonsdorff, rum 307

Sjung på svenska (SFI Arbis) (18 €/termin) Kom med och lär dig svenska genom sång! Vi bekantar oss med finlandssvenska och svenska folkvisor och deras historia, trubadurtoner och inslag från modern populärkultur. På kursen sjunger vi en- och tvåstämmigt och lär oss ny repertoar på gehör. För sångglada SFI:are och andra som vill

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION bekanta sig med den svenska visskatten. A160932 22.9–6.4, torsdag kl. 9.30–11.00 Anna Weber-Länsman och Alexandra Ramsay, rum 119

Sing along! (37 €) Come and sing along famous pop and folk tunes written by songwriters like Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, the Beatles and more. You will learn how to sing effortlessly using the correct singing support and some basic vocal techniques. Everybody is welcome, no prior music education or singing experiences is required. A170255 10.1–11.4, tisdag kl. 18.00–19.30 Ólafur Torfason, rum 119

Gitarrworkshop: Jamma Blues (17 €) Kom med och diskutera, lyssna på bluesmusik och jamma på gitarr. Lätta improvisationsövningar ingår. Kursen är nybörjarvänlig. Undervisningen sker i grupp. Åldersgräns 16 år. Ta med egen gitarr (nylon eller stålsträngad). Kom med! A170031 20–21.1, fredag kl. 17.00–19.15, lördag kl. 10.00–14.15 Joona Björkroth, rum 007

Stråkorkester: Arbis Camerata (37 €/termin) Arbis stråkorkester är för dig som äger ett stråkinstrument, har basfärdigheter i notläsning och vill musicera i grupp. Allt från svängiga tangor till den klassiska musikens pärlor står på repertoaren. Orkestern uppträder regelbundet och samarbetar med Arbis blåsorkester. Kom med och spela och bli förtjust i stämningen. A160486 8.9–6.4, torsdag kl. 16.25–17.55 Samuli Sandberg, rum 119

Blåsorkester (37 €/termin) Välkommen att spela i Arbis blåsorkester! Orkestern har en bred repertoar och spelar musik i många olika stilar. Orkestern uppträder ofta på konserter och andra evenemang och samarbetar också regelbundet med andra ensembler och körer. Färdigheter i notläsning och erfarenhet av att spela ett

16 Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki blåsinstrument ensam eller i grupp önskas. A160484 16.9–7.4, fredag kl. 18.45–20.15 Johan Cantell, rum 119

Gujarati Indian Cooking Evening (25 €) This class focusses on cooking Indian Gujarati vegetarian food, which is less spicy but still tasty. On the menu: aloo sabzi (potato curry), bhindi (okra), roti (bread), pilaf (rice), shrikhand (dessert). Vegetarian cooking. The teacher comes from India. A170140 13.1, fredag kl. 17.00–20.45 Purnima Gupta, undervisningsköket How to thrive in a multicultural society (17€) Have you ever wondered how to get the most out of living in a multicultural society or how to integrate into your host society? Would you like to learn about communication skills in a cosmopolitan setting? The course is a hands-on introduction to the essentials of cross-cultural traits and differences and their social implications. A170119 26.1–16.2, torsdag kl. 16.30–18.00 Farid Karimi, rum122

E-commerce platforms for small entrepreneurs (17 €) Are you a crafter? A designer? Do you own a clothes line? Do you sell a service? Are you planning to launch an online shop for your products? In this course we will discuss the different options available online for small entrepre- neurs to set up and manage a store. This is a beginners introductory course. Du kan ställa frågor också på svenska. A160900 8.2–1.3, onsdag kl. 17.30–20.00 Jennifer Ramirez, rum 313 Indian Festive Meal Cooking (25 €) In this class, you will learn how to cook food for Indian festival Diwali, the Hin- du festival of lights. On the menu: Matar paneer (cheese curry), raita (flavoured yogurt), kachori (bread), kheer (dessert). Vegetarian cooking. The teacher comes from India. A170141 11.2, lördag kl. 17.00–20.45 Purnima Gupta, undervisningsköket

Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki 17 Creative photography for women (27 €) The course aims at teaching how “to explore the world through feminine eyes”. You will be rooted in your own identity and get inspired by famous women-pho- tographers such as Alexandra Boulat, Letizia Battaglia and Diane Arbus. Stu- dents will be required to produce an assignment every lesson. Kursdeltagarna kan ställa frågor också på svenska. A170178 3.3–7.4, fredag kl. 10.00–11.30 Alessandra Garusi, rum 313

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Arbis library Welcome to the Arbis library! The primary mission of the library is to sup- port your studies at Arbis. It offers a wide range of books, magazines and newspapers, mostly in Swedish, but we also have books and publications in English and other languages. You’ll also find Finnish-Swedish newspapers and a selection of Scandinavian journals. In addition, we have Easy Reading books in Swedish, children books and audiobooks. You can use the library computers, as well, and print documents. Please also note that the library hosts numerous public events and lectures. Read more about the library online, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and don´t hesitate to contact us for further information. We warmly welcome you to the library at Sturenkatu 2. Opening hours: Monday–Thursday: 10:00–19:00 Friday: 10:00–13:00 Tel: 040-334 67 37, (09) 310 494 84 Email: [email protected] Staff: Librarian Ylva Larsdotter, [email protected]

18 Helsingfors Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Helsinki Esbo Arbis

Information Enrolment, Terms of Payment and Cancellation (We reserve the right to make changes.)

Enrolment Students will be selected in their order of enrolment. Enrolment starts on 7 December 2016 at 10 am.

Terms of Cancellation Enrolment can be cancelled free-of-charge up to 7 days before the course is scheduled to start. If enrolment is cancelled once a course has started, the full course fee will be charged.

To cancel enrolment, you must contact our customer service, unless you have successfully cancelled your enrolment through the Ilmonet online registration system.

Course cancellations cannot be made to the teacher of the course.

Terms of Payment The invoice payment term is 21 days net. In matters concerning invoicing, please contact the customer service. Invoices will be sent after the course start. In the event of delayed payments, an interest rate will be charged in accordance with the Finnish Interest Act, as well as a notification fee. Unpaid invoices will be transferred to a debt collection agency. The invoices of stu- dents under the age of 18 will be sent to an adult.

Course Fees The course fees are based on the hours of teaching and confirmed payment conditions.

One lesson lasts 45 minutes, unless otherwise specified in the course descrip- tion. Material fees will be charged separately. If you enroll on a course after it has been half completed, you will receive a 50% discount on the course fee.

Courses can be paid with Smartum Sports and Culture vouchers, Edenred Virikeseteli vouchers, Ticket Duo and Mind&Body cards as well as SporttiPassi and KulttuuriPassi. You can use these means of payment at Citizen’s

Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo 19 Services (Yhteispalvelupiste, YPP). Please bring the invoice you want to pay. The means of payment are personal and cannot be used for material fees. You cannot use above mentioned means of payment to pay for a course if there is an (s) after the course title or if the invoice has been transferred to a debt collection agency.

Unemployment discount The unemployed are eligible for a 50% discount off course fees. Proof of unem- ployment must be provided within 7 days of enrolment and always before the course begins. You can send a certificate of unemployment to the customer EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION service by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to Esbo arbis / PB 3560 / 02070 Esbo stad. You need to provide a new certificate each term. The certificate can be a recent payment statement from Kela or an un- employment card. Alternatively, you can print a certificate at the following site: www.te-palvelut.fi.

Insurance The course students are not covered by accident insurance.

Please also note: The cancellation of a single lesson does not justify a discount on the course fee or a replacement lesson. Where possible, we inform students of cancelled lessons by text message or e-mail.

We will also inform students if courses are cancelled due to low participation numbers.


Swedish for beginners 12 lessons / 32 h / 48 € EA170100 Thu 3:45–6 p.m. 19.1–20.4 Alberga, Ruusutorpan koulu, Mirja Pekanmäki. Swedish class for beginners. Learn to communicate in everyday situations, starting from scratch. Topics include: meeting people, telling about yourself, asking questions, daily activi- ties, simple shopping, buying food and drinks. Teacher speaks Swedish, Eng- lish and Finnish. Level: A1. Bok: Rivstart A1+A2 (2nd edition, 2014) chapters 1-4. ISBN: 9789127434202 (textbook), 9789127434219 (workbook).

20 Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo Swedish for beginners 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170101 Mon 5:30–7 p.m. 16.1–10.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Sven Fernandez. An introduction to the Swedish language! We will learn the basics of Swedish grammar as well as a basic vo- cabulary needed for everyday situations. You will also get an insight into Swed- ish culture. The teacher speaks Swedish and Eng- lish. Level: A1. Bok: Rivstart A1+A2 (2nd edition, 2014) ISBN: 9789127434202 (textbook), 9789127434219 (workbook).

Swedish for beginners 1 – intensive course (daytime) 5 lessons / 27 h / 41 € EA170186 Mon - Fri 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m. 24.4–28.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Laura Trias Ferri. An intensive beginner’s course. Get a kick-start with an experienced and utterly professional teacher. Learn basic vocabulary, grammar and how to communicate in everyday situations. Book Rivstart A1+A2, chapters 1-5. Lev- el: A1. NB. You can continue stud- ying on our intensive course 2, course number: EA170187. Book: Rivstart A1+A2 (chapters 1-5). Text- book: ISBN 9789127434202, workbook: ISBN 9789127434219.

Swedish for beginners 2 – intensive course (daytime) 5 lessons / 27 h / 41 € EA170187 Tue-Mon 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m. 2.5–8.5 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Laura Trias Ferri. An intensive beginner’s course. Get a kick-start with an experienced and utterly professional teacher. Learn basic vocabulary, grammar and how to communicate in everyday situations. Book Rivstart A1+A2, chapters 6-10. Level: A1. NB. You can continue studying on our intensive course 3, , course number: EA170188. Book: Rivstart A1+A2 (chapters 6-10). Text- book: ISBN 9789127434202, workbook: ISBN 9789127434219.

Swedish for beginners 3 – intensive course (daytime) 5 lessons / 27 h / 41 € EA170188 Tue-Mon 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m. 9.5–22.5 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Laura Trias Ferri. An intensive beginner’s course. Get a kick-start with an experienced and utterly professional teacher. Learn ba- sic vocabulary, grammar and how to communicate in everyday situations. Level: A2. Book: Rivstart A1+A2 (chapters 11-15). Textbook: ISBN 9789127434202, workbook: ISBN 9789127434219.

Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo 21 Swedish for beginners 4 – intensive course (daytime) 5 lessons / 27 h / 41 € EA170189 Tue-Mon 9:30 a.m.–2 p.m. 23.5–29.5 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Laura Trias Ferri. An intensive beginner’s course. Get a kick-start with an experienced and utterly professional teacher. Learn ba- sic vocabulary, grammar and how to communicate in everyday situations. Level: A2. Book: Rivstart A1+A2 (chapters 16-20). Textbook: ISBN 9789127434202, workbook: ISBN 9789127434219.

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Continued Swedish 12 lessons / 32 h / 48 € EA170127 Thu 6:15–8:30 p.m. 19.1–20.4 A Swedish class for you who have studied beginner’s Swedish and would like to develop your language skills furthermore. Teacher speaks Swedish, English and Finnish. Level: A2. Book: Rivstart A1+A2 (2nd edition, 2014) chapters 11-14. ISBN: 9789127434202 (textbook), 9789127434219 (workbook).

Intermediate Swedish 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170117 Thu 5–6:30 p.m. 19.1–20.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Sven Fernandez. This is a course for you who already know the basics of the Swedish language and are ready to dig deeper! We offer you a more advanced knowledge of the Swedish grammar and aim to broaden your vocabulary even more! The teacher speaks Swedish and English. This course pairs up perfectly with ”Intermediate Swedish - Discussion course” (EA170116) and together they give you a well-rounded experience of both writ- ten and spoken Swedish! Level: B1. Book: Rivstart B1+B2 (2nd edition, 2015) ISBN: 9789127434233 (textbook), 9789127434240 (workbook).

Intermediate Swedish – Discussion course 12 lessons / 32 h / 48 € EA170116 Mon 5–7:15 p.m. 16.1–10.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Mirja Pekanmäki. This is a course for you who already know the basics of the Swedish language and are ready to dig deeper! We offer you a more advanced setting to rehearse your spoken skills and aim to broaden your vocabulary even more! The teacher speaks Swedish, Eng- lish and Finnish. This course pairs up perfectly with ”Intermediate Swedish” (EA170117) and together they give you a well-rounded experience of both writ- ten and spoken Swedish! Level: B1. Book: Rivstart B1+B2 Textbook (2nd edi- tion, 2015), chapters 1-4 + teacher’s own material. ISBN: 9789127434233.

22 Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo | ENGLISH

English Conversation 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170121 Wed 10–11:30 a.m. 18.1–12.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, John Wedlake. To learn, develop and build tools to cope with the changing nature of small talk and general conversational English. Improve language structure, grammar and pronunciation through active correction under the guidance of a native English teacher. Gain confidence and enjoyment in the language in a fun and relaxed environment. Make new friends and learn about other cultures and nationalities. Level: B1.

Presentations in English 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170111 Mon 6:45–8:15 p.m. 16.1–10.4 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, John Wedlake. Confidence is key. This course is designed for students to become more confident with presenting their thoughts verbally in front of the class. The teacher will encourage a creative friendly group environment. The subjects to present could be of an infor- mal nature, for example, based on a book/ film or presentations of real life events, or of a more formal nature. The other members of the group will be encouraged to provide valuable feedback and to support each other. Level: B1.

Short Story Writing in English 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170109 Wed 12–1:30 p.m. 18.1–12.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, John Wedlake. This course is ideal for anyone who enjoys writing in English. During the course, discussions will be held which aid the process of writing creatively, from creating an idea to writing through all the stages until completion. At the end of the course the stories will be judged and there will be a prize for the winner. Being in the process together makes for a creative and enjoyable course. Level: B1.

English Pronunciation 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170120 Mon 5–6:30 p.m. 16.1–10.4 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, John Wedlake. This course is designed to help intermedi- ate and more advanced English language learners improve their pronunciation, articulation and speech. We will focus on recognizing and pro- ducing speech sounds, words and phrases. Patterns of English stress, rhythm and intonation are reviewed and practiced. The course is modelled on British English. Level: B1.

Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo 23 Easy English Conversation 8 lessons / 16 h / 30 € EA170203 Tue 5:15–6:45 p.m. 17.1–14.3 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, Sven Fernandez. Are you traveling? Do you want to brush up on your English skills with an experienced teacher? Come and join us! We’ll make the language flow through engaging and interesting activities. We will discuss daily issues in small groups, watch short films, docu- mentaries, read articles and debate different issues. Come join us and have a great time practicing this wonderful language!

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Worldwide English! 11 lessons / 22 h / 36 € EA170206 Tue 9:30–11 a.m. 17.1–4.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, John Wedlake. A course that focuses on different English-speaking cultures. We’ll familiarize ourselves with the language, the his- tory, politics and culture in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the Caribbean. We’ll use texts, videos and discussion as our tools to understand the background and current influence of the English-speak- ing world.This is a course for you who are quite fluent in English, but wish to learn more about the cultural variation behind this global language. Book: Teacher’s material.


Dutch Culture and Language - in a Nutshell 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170124 Tue 7:15–8:45 p.m. 17.1–11.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Regina Casteleijn-Osorno. An intro to Dutch cul- ture, food, music and life. Dive into something fun! For you who are interested in the Netherlands as well as the colorful culture and language. We hope to inspire you to continue your studies in the Dutch language. Look for ”Dutch for Beginners” (EA160247). Lev- el: A1.

Dutch for Beginners 12 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170125 Tue 5:30–7 p.m. 17.1–11.4 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Regina Casteleijn-Osorno. Beginners course for those interested in the language of the lowlands. You will learn about food, shopping, travel and everyday phrases with a fluent speaker. Level: A1.

24 Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo | ARTS AND CRAFTS

Colour workshop for children 6–24 mts with parent 5 lessons / 7 h / 21 € EA170190 + materials 10 € Tue 9:30–10:30 a.m. 17.1–14.2 Karabacka, Karahuset, Maria Coles. Family course for children with their parents. We of- fer the child a myriad of sensory experiences through play with colours, shapes and different materials. We use natural, edible colours and make art together in a relaxed and playful atmosphere. The teacher speaks Swedish and English.

Arts & Crafts for children 2–5yo with parent 10 lessons / 13 h / 28 € EA170184 + materials 10 € Tue 2:30–3:30 p.m. 31.1–11.4 Karabacka, Karahuset, Maria Coles. An arts and crafts club for you and your toddler! We will focus on having fun while creating different kinds of artworks and objects. We will reuse and recycle old material when possible. Younger siblings under the age of two are welcome but the activities are aimed at older children. The teacher speaks Swed- ish and English.

Drawing – Family course 10 lessons / 13 h / 28 € EA170194 Tue 1–2 p.m. 31.1–11.4 Karabacka, Karahuset, Maria Coles. Are you interested in drawing? Do you want to meet other parents? Would you like the opportunity to take your child along to a course? We draw together in a relaxed space where your child can sit in your lap or play on the floor. We draw comics with inpiration from our daily lives and learn to draw using pen, pencils or chalk pastels. You can also come with your own suggestions! Bring along black pens for drawing, a soft and hard pencil, eraser and drawing paper. The teacher speaks Swedish and English.

Model Drawing 12 lessons / 36 h / 53 € EA170003 Wed 6–8:30 p.m. 11.1–5.4 Alberga, Ruusutorpan koulu, Keita Ioka. Model drawing is the best way to learn how to draw. We make quick croquis and slow paintings from nude model. You can use charcoal, pen or wa- tercolour. Please bring sketch paper and pencils to the first lesson.

Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo 25 Acrylic, Oil and Egg Tempera 12 lessons / 36 h / 53 € EA170014 Tue 6–8:30 p.m. 10.1–4.4 Olars, Månskivan 2, Peter Damlin. We learn the basics of acrylic, oil and egg tempera and different painting techniques. We will also examine the egg tempera and mixed techniques and learn more about color, composition and expression. Egg tempera is a translucent color, with a fine glaze. Bring your own primed painting surface (canvas or paper), brushes and paint, and an egg if you want to try egg tempera.

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION My Finland 10 lessons / 30 h / 46 € EA170213 + materials 10 € Mon 1–3:30 p.m. 16.1–27.3 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Maria Coles. A course for immigrants from around the globe! On this course we use different forms of visual expression to explore Finland. Participants will be encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings about their new home and illustrate positives as well as negatives, culture chocks and favourite stories through painting, drawing, comic strips and photography. The teacher speaks English and Swedish. You don’t need good language skills to participate.

Watercolour – Water in landscape around the year 3 ggr / 20 t / 35 € Fri 17.30–20.30 EA170008 Sat–Sun 10.00–16.00 17.3–19.3 Karabacka, Karahuset, Konstantin Sterkhov. Master-class with Konstantin Sterkhov, internationally renowned watercolor artists who will share his expe- rience in numerous demonstration works on each subject. Materials require- ment: good quality watercolor pa- per 300 gms, good quality painting brushes, paints of any good brand, a pencil 2B, an eraser, a waterproof board, paper scotch, masking fluid, candle or white crayon, plastic card, hair dryer. We will paint in class using reference photos chosen by the teacher according to the theme.

Silkscreen printing for beginners 9 lessons / 27 h / 41 € EA170161 + materials 15 € Olars, Månskivan 2, Maria Coles. An introduction to the silkscreen process, a printing technique in which paint is pressed through a thin silk fabric attached to a frame. We draw and cut stencils and make prints on both paper and fabric in one or many colours. We take inspiration from the art world and our own interests.

26 Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo In the beginning of the course you will make your own screen. Time and place for this is to be confirmed later, preliminarily 24.1.2017 12:30-3 p.m.

Please bring a sharp artist’s knife, ordinary copy paper or plastic sheets size A4 and thicker paper to print on size A3. You can also bring a motif to work with such as a photograph, ideally on a memory stick or printed onto a size A4 paper.

Sculpture 12 lessons / 36 h / 53 € EA170011 Mon 6–8:30 p.m. 9.1–3.4 Karabacka, Karahuset, Keita Ioka. Make three dimensional art using different materials such as clay, wood, metal wire etc. We will also have a live, nude model on some lessons. The teacher speaks English and Swedish.

Short film – workshop 4 lessons / 24 h / 37 € EA170179 Sat 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Sun 11 a.m.–4 p.m. 1.4–9.4 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, Olga Zamurovic. We will make short films and you will learn all the steps in doing it. Come up with the idea for the story or create one together with other participants. You can test free professional editing software that can be installed to your computer for free or use the soft- ware you are familiar with. Bring your own camera and laptop. (One camera will be available to share if needed).

Day 1 Building the story, writing a synopsis Day 2 Detailed planning for filming Day 3 Filming Day 4 Editing.

English Theatre Workshop 12 lessons / 32 h / 48 € EA170119 Fri 5–7 p.m. 20.1–21.4 Mattby, Mattlidens gymnasium, Sven Fernandez. Are you passionate about acting? Would you like to learn the secrets of famous thespians or do you just want to discover what you are capable of? Come join us in the first ever Eng- lish Theatre Workshop in Espoo and make history with us!

Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo 27 Silver Workshop 3 lessons / 19 h / 34 € EA170081 Sat–Sun 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. 14.2–12.3 Hagalund, Vindängens skola, Ana Maria Ramírez. Silver Workshop weekend course. An introduction to basic silver work. You will learn many different techniques such as wire work and hammer work. You will also be guided in designing jewelry. Ana Ramirez comes from Peru and gives the course a Latin atmosphere. The teacher speaks English and Spanish. Material fee. More in- formation on the first meeting on Tuesday 14.2. 6–8:30 p.m.

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Quilt workshop: Dear Jane, Sampler or MirrorMirror 12 lessons / 48 h / 68 € EA170029 Wed 5:30–8:30 p.m. 11.1–5.4 Alberga, Ruusutorpan koulu, Anna Holm. Start tomakea quilt! Small and large American quilt blocks, DearJane (www.dearjane.com), a 12” sampler block from the late 19th century as well as more contemporary blocks – your choice! Bring appropriate cotton fabric, thread and quilting rulers (inches if you have them), so you can get started on the first day. Blocks are sewn both by hand and ma- chine. Languages of instruction are English and Swedish.


Cooking for Valentine’s Day (s) 1 lesson / 4 h / 14 € EA170097 + materials 15 € Wed 5–8 p.m. 8.2 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, Regina Casteleijn-Osorno. Romance is in the air as we cook delicious aphrodisiac food! Decadent ingredients are used to indulge your loved ones in an array of dishes. You will learn about the his- tory behind the ingredients as aphrodisiacs and work in pairs creating magical delights! Teaching language: English.

San Fransisco Cuisine (s) 1 lesson / 4 h / 14 € EA170095 + materials 20 € Thu 5–8 p.m. 20.4 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, Regina Casteleijn-Osorno. Taught by a native San Fransiscan, this class offers a small glimpse into the cuisine of the bay area. Come and taste the international flavors from all districts of the city and leave your heart in San Fransisco, or at least in its kitchen! Teaching language: English.

28 Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo Dutch Cooking! (s) 1 lesson / 4 h / 14 € EA170096 + materials 15 € Wed 5–8 p.m. 5.4 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, Regina Casteleijn-Osorno. More than just pancakes and potatoes, come and enjoy a fun night of Dutch cooking! Speci- ality dishes passed on from the teacher’s own family will be made as well as some Dutch classics. Something for all levels - sweet and savory dishes and “wrong” coffee! Teaching language: English.

Cupcakes – Sweet and Savory! (s) 3 lessons / 11 h / 27 € EA170094 + materials 20 € Wed 5–8 p.m. 15.3–12.4 Mattby, Mattlidens skola, högstadiet, Regina Casteleijn-Osorno. In three class- es you will learn to make delicious, unique cupcakes with amazing flavors and various techniques. You will learn that cupcakes can be sweet or savory and we will also create unique drink accompaniments.Something for all levels taught by a self-proclaimed cupcake expert. Teaching language: English.

Vegan – Flavors of the Middle East (s) 1 lesson / 4 h / 14 € EA170198 + materials 15 € Thu 5–8 p.m. 9.2 Mattby, Mattlidens skola högstadiet, Ashley Rad. Flavours of the Middle East. Think vegan food is just salad leaves? Think again! This course will show you new, quick and easy ways to eat healthier and vegan with flavours of the Middle East. You will learn easy, healthy ways to whip up a delicious meal for family and friends. From exciting Middle Eastern rainbow salads, to Falafel, Hummus, dips and pickles. Come and try tantalising new food and get inspired on the way. Healthy doesn’t have to be boring!

Vegan – Flavors of the Middle East (s) 1 lesson / 4 h / 14 € EA170199 + materials 15 € Thu 5–8 p.m. 9.3 Mattby, Mattlidens skola högstadiet, Ashley Rad. Flavours of the Middle East. Think vegan food is just salad leaves? Think again! This course will show you new, quick and easy ways to eat healthier and vegan with flavours of the Middle East. You will learn easy, healthy ways to whip up a delicious meal for family and friends. From exciting Middle Eastern rainbow salads, to Falafel, Hummus, dips and pickles. Come and try tantalising new food and get inspired on the way. Healthy doesn’t have to be boring!

Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo 29


Body-Mind, Inner peace and happiness 6 lessons / 12 h / 28 € EA170177 Wed 5:30–7 p.m. 18.1–8.3 Hagalund, Pohjois-Tapiolan koulu, Olga Za- murovic. Do you feel stress? Do you want to feel happiness? Prevent burnout? The level of stress most of us are facing daily seems to be higher than ever. On the course we will focus on var- ious techniques of balancing our physical, mental and emotional functioning. EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION You will learn ways to catalyze stress and feel good and happy. The exercises we will do are gentle, fun, entertaining, and pleasant in every way. We are shar- ing support and positive vibrations in the group.


Contemporary Caucasus : cultures and geopolitics 3 lessons / 8 h / 23 € EA170210 Mon 6 pm - 8 pm 16.1-30.1 Hagalund,Vindängens skola, Justyna Pierzynska. The course will concentrate on contemporary political issues in the Caucausus, their historical roots and geopolitical relevance. Issues of Russia’s presence and influence in the Cauca- sus will be discussed, as well as the region’s geo- economic significance, its separatisms and cul- tural richness.

30 Esbo Arbis The Adult Education Centre of Espoo The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen - Grankulla medborgarinstitut

Norra Mossavägen 5 A phone 09−5056 274 e-mail: [email protected]

Contact person: Roger Renman, phone 09-5056 273

The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen has courses open for everyone. Enrol through www.opistopalvelut.fi/kauniainen or by calling 09-5056 274.

Enrolment starts: Tue, 10 January, 10 a.m.

120111K17 FINNISH FOR BEGINNERS 1 A Svenska skolcentrum, Läntinen Koulupolku 3 (entry from the western wing, not from the main door) Erja Helin, fil.yo Course fee 0 € Wed 19.30-21.00

18.1.2017-12.4.2017 Max 20 students Level: A1.1. The course that began in the autumn continues. You learn vocab- ulary about e.g. living and travelling. In the grammar e.g. verb types 1−5 and local forms. Book: Suomen mestari 1 (Finn Lectura), ch. 5-7. The course is financed by The Finnish National Board of Education.

120112K17 FINNISH FOR BEGINNERS 2 Svenska skolcentrum, Läntinen Koulupolku 3 (entry from the western wing, not from the main door) Erja Helin, fil.yo Course fee 0 € Thu 16.30-18.00

19.1.2017-20.4.2017 Max 20 students

Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 31 120110K17 FINNISH FOR BEGINNERS 3 Svenska skolcentrum, Läntinen Koulupolku 3 (entry from the western wing, not from the main door) Erja Helin, fil.yo Course fee 48,00 € Fri 18.10-19.40

20.1.2017-21.4.2017 Max 14 students

120113K17 FINNISH FOR BEGINNERS 4 EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Svenska skolcentrum, Läntinen Koulupolku 3 (entry from the western wing, not from the main door) Erja Helin, fil.yo Course fee 48,00 € Fri 16.30-18.00

20.1.2017-21.4.2017 Max 14 students

120114K17 FINNISH FOR BEGINNERS 5 Svenska skolcentrum, Läntinen Koulupolku 3 (entry from the western wing, not from the main door) Erja Helin, fil.yo Course fee 48,00 € Thu 19.30-21.00

19.1.2017-20.4.2017 Max 20 students

120206K17 SWEDISH FOR BEGINNERS, LEVEL 1, CONTINUED Petra - Yleisluokka, Universalklassen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Johanna Stjernberg, pol.mag. Course fee 0 € Wed 16.45-18.15

18.1.2017-12.4.2017 Max 18 students Level: A1. A beginner’s course in Swedish. We learn basic vocabulary and con- versation e.g. words and expressions needed when you go shopping and how to tell about our daily activities. Book: Scherrer, Lindemalm: Rivstart A1+A2, Textbook + exercise book (New edition, from 2014) from chapter 4 The course is financed by The Finnish National Board of Education.

32 Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 120204K17 SWEDISH A1 FOR BEGINNERS, LEVEL 2, CONTINUED Petra - Sotilashuone, Soldatrummet, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Johanna Stjernberg, pol.mag. Course fee 0 € Tue 19.30-21.00

17.1.2017-11.4.2017 Max 14 students A beginner’s course, continuing from the autumn. We learn basic vocabulary and conversation. New students are welcome! Book: Scherrer, Lindemalm: Rivstart A1+A2, Textbook + exercise book (övningsbok), from chapter 7. New edition (2014) The course is financed by The Finnish National Board of Educa- tion.

120208K17 SWEDISH A1-A2 FOR BEGINNERS, LEVEL 3 Petra - Yleisluokka, Universalklassen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Johanna Stjernberg, pol.mag. Course fee 0 € Wed 18.30-20.00

18.1.2017-12.4.2017 Max 18 students En kurs för dig som redan har studerat en del svenska, Kursen fortsätter från hösten, men nya studeranden är välkomna. Bok: Scherrer, Lindemalm: Rivstart A1+A2, från kap. 16, Textbook + exercise book (övningsbok). Vi använder den äldre upplagan av böckerna (old edition). Publicerad före 2014. The course is financed by The Finnish National Board of Education.

120205K17 SVENSKA FORTSÄTTNINGSKURS B1 Petra - Sotilashuone, Soldatrummet, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Johanna Stjernberg, pol.mag. Course fee 48,00 € Thu 18.45-20.15

19.1.2017-20.4.2017 Max 12 students Fortsättningskurs i svenska. Kursen började på hösten, men nya studeranden är välkomna! Passar bra för den som har läst grunderna i svenska och vill öva att tala mera och utöka sitt ordförråd. Vi läser och diskuterar texter om olika teman och vi gör grammatikövningar. Ny bok. Scherrer, Lindemalm: Rivstart B1+B2, Text- och övningsbok, utgivna 2015 (2:a upplagan), från kap. 4, s. 46

Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 33 120203K17 SVENSKA B2 DISKUSSIONSKURS Petra - Sotilashuone, Soldatrummet, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Johanna Stjernberg, pol.mag. Course fee 48,00 € Tue 17.45-19.15

17.1.2017-11.4.2017 Max 12 students En diskussionskurs i svenska. Vi läser och diskuterar artiklar om olika aktuella ämnen. Läraren hämtar materialet.

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION 120328K17 ENGLANTI A2 Petra - Yleisluokka, Universalklassen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Hanna-Mari Prössdorf, FM Course fee 48,00 € Wed 13.20-14.50

18.1.2017-12.4.2017 Max 14 students

120329K17 ENGLISH B1-B2 DISCUSSION Petra - Yleisluokka, Universalklassen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Hanna-Mari Prössdorf, FM Course fee 48,00 € Wed 15.00-16.30

18.1.2017-12.4.2017 Max 14 students Welcome to join an easygoing discussion group. We talk about different and interesting topics in English. The students are welcome to express their wishes regarding the course contents. The teacher brings the materials.

120300K17 ENGLISH B2 Petra - Sotilashuone, Soldatrummet, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Roger Renman, ekon.mag., fil.mag. Course fee 48,00 € Wed 14.00-15.30

18.1.2017-12.4.2017 Max 12 students Intermediate course, English for everybody. The purpose of this course is learn- ing how to use the language in everyday situations. Book: Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Upper Intermediate, Students Book, ch. 10 (Pearson).

34 Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 219100K17 YOUR HEALTH IS WORTH IT Petra - Auditorio, Auditoriet, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Kaled Hegli Course fee 48,00 € Wed 18.00-19.30

8.2.2017-3.5.2017 Max 30 students Which food is good for you? Are we selling our health to pharmaceutical compa- nies? Which is more harmful; WiFi or a soft pillow? Does exercise save you from any illness? “Alternative” medicine? Come to learn and discuss about these and other topics! The course is in English, but the teacher can speak Swedish and with gestures. Take with you: pen, paper, smart gadget.

110320K17 CHINESE PAINTING AND CALLIGRAPHY Petra - Taideluokka, Konstklassen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Wang Liuhuo, architect, artist Course fee 63,00 € Sat 12.00-17.00

21.1.2017-25.3.2017 Max 12 students 21.1. | 4.2. | 18.2. | 11.3. | 25.3. The Chinese art of painting and calligraphy has an over 3,000 years old tradi- tion. During the course, we get to know Chinese art history, the philosophy of making a picture, and different techniques of painting and calligraphy of which the students can choose their own way to carry out their works. The teacher can purchase the material. For beginners and students with earlier experience. The teacher speaks Finnish and English.

110418K17 FELTED HAND PUPPETS Petra - Taideluokka, Konstklassen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Yaroslava Troynich Course fee 33,00 € Fri 17.00-21.00 Sat 10.00-17.30

17.3.2017-18.3.2017 Max 11 students In this two day felting workshop you will learn how to design models for ani- mal-shaped hand puppets, how to work with different types of wool, and the basics of needle and wet felting. The result will be a funny and lively ani- mal-shaped hand puppet of your choice. The workshop is suitable for experi- enced felt makers and complete beginners. Decide 2 weeks before the course which animal you will make so teacher can prepare materials. List of choices: a polar bear, a brown bear, a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, a donkey, a sheep, a seagull, a magpie, a crow, an owl, a hedgehog (hairy one or with spikes), a frog, a rac-

Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 35 coon, a rat. All materials like wool, fleece, toys eyes for one puppet cost 12,40 €. All course materials can be bought from the teacher. Course is taught in English. Ask for letter and pictures when signing-up.

830830305K17 TURKISH COOKING CLASS Svenska skolcentrum, undervisningsköket, Läntinen Koulupolku 3 Funda Caglar Course fee 33,00 € Sun 10.00-14.00

7.5.2017-7.5.2017 EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Max 9 students Come and learn the secrets of cooking wonderful Turkish dishes. Turkish food is considered to be one of the top cuisines in the world. Traditional Turkish food has depth and variety, as it can be either Ottoman food fit for the Sultans or Turkish food from the small villages throughout Anatolia. During the three- hour class, I will teach a three-course meal selected from traditional meat and vegetarian dishes like soups, meat dishes, vegetables, different rice and mez- es - the Turkish appetizers. Meze would be a selection of cold and hot dishes served in small dishes. It is similar to Spanish tapa dishes but the taste is very different. Traditionally the chosen dishes are placed in the centre of the table and everyone helps themselves from the selection. This is a very socia- ble and friendly environment in which to entertain friends, family or guests. All cooking classes conclude with tasting Turkish coffee that is served with Turkish delight. Food fee 20 € / person

830120K17 AEROSTRETCH - STRETCHING WORKOUT Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Funda Caglar, dance teacher Course fee 48,00 € Tue 18.00-18.45

17.1.2017-23.5.2017 Max 22 students Stretching relaxes muscles and mind. These are done with aerobics in tune with music. The aim is to limber the joints and loosen stiff muscles. A fall in muscle tension will relax the mind and cause relief of stress. Stretching increases flexibility and improves range of motion of your joints and helps you keep yourself mobile and less prone to falls — and the related injuries — es- pecially as you age. Stretching also improves circulation. No class 4 April.

36 Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 830121K17 BELLYFIT- BELLY-DANCING AEROBIC PROGRAM FOR LADIES Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Funda Caglar, dance teacher Course fee 33,00 € Tue 16.00-16.45

17.1.2017-25.4.2017 Max 22 students Belly-dancing aerobics is a wonderful form of low-impact aerobics. The belly dances´ percussive hip work and sustained arm movements make it an ex- cellent exercise choice for people of all ages and shapes. It builds up aerobic capacity and physical stamina. It will even tone and shape your body while you dance and sweat to the sounds of oriental music. Benefits of belly dancing are toning, weight loss, improved posture, flexibility and positive attitude. No class 4 April.

830122K17 BODY SCULPTING Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Funda Caglar, dance teacher Course fee 48,00 € Tue 17.00-17.45

17.1.2017-23.5.2017 Max 20 students Sculpted arms, a strong core, tight glutes and firm legs are the focus of this challenging class. The muscle-toning workout features a creative combination of strength training and stretching. This class is designed to work out specific areas of the body. We make most of the class on the mat and use weights. Also popular music and nice choreography! No class 4 April.

830128K17 KIDS’ MIX DANCE - 6-7 years old Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Funda Caglar, dance teacher Course fee 33,00 € Mon 17.00-17.45

16.1.2017-8.5.2017 Max 12 students

Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 37 830400K17 ALIGNMENT-BASED YOGA, LEVEL 1 Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Nicola Moberg, yoga teacher RYT 500 Course fee 63,00 € Mon 19.40-21.10

16.1.2017-22.5.2017 Max 20 students Yoga is the union of the mind with the body and soul. To bring alignment into an Asana (yoga pose) we orientate the body in a way so that the energy flows through easier. Alignment based yoga provides a safe physical practice with EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION detailed instructions and a way to explore oneself. This class is for those who are new to yoga or for those who want a refresher on the basics, as well as for yoga students with certain health concerns. No class 20 February, 3 April, 17 April, 1 May.

830401K17 ALIGNMENT-BASED YOGA, LEVEL 2 Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Nicola Moberg, yoga teacher RYT 500 Course fee 63,00 € Mon 18.00-19.30

16.1.2017-22.5.2017 Max 20 students From the lineage of Purna Yoga, in this class, Asana is based on alignment. The Level 2 class is for yoga practitioners who moved beyond the first level of basic alignment and want to deepen their practice with more dynamics. During these classes the refinement and nuances of the yoga poses are explored thereby bringing greater awareness and energetic flow into the body. Poses are held for a bit longer as you are guided to feel areas in the body that are ready to be awakened and areas that are over working which can be relaxed in an effort to bring grace and balance into your practice and life. No class 20 Febru- ary, 3 April, 17 April, 1 May.

830405K17 YOGA FOR THE LOWER BACK Petra - Aurinkosali, Solsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Nicola Moberg, Yoga teacher RYT 500 Course fee 18,00 € New course! Sun 13.00-16.00

12.2.2017-12.2.2017 Max 14 students Different causes for lower back pain can be wrong physical movements, the thoughts you think and the food you eat. We use yoga asana, nutrition and yo- gic thoughts to be aware in our day-to-day life how to prevent the most common issues for lower back pain.

38 Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 830450K17 IYENGARJOOGA - ALKEET Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Karoliina Valontaival, Iyengar yoga teacher Course fee 48,00 € Wed 17.30-18.45

18.1.2017-19.4.2017 Max 20 students

830451K17 IYENGARJOOGA - ALKEIS-JATKO Petra - Juhlasali, Festsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Karoliina Valontaival, Iyengar yoga teacher Course fee 48,00 € Wed 19.00-20.30

18.1.2017-19.4.2017 Max 20 students

830452K17 IYENGARJOOGAA - EHEYS Petra - Aurinkosali, Solsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Karoliina Valontaival, Iyengar yoga teacher Course fee 18,00 € Sat 10.30-13.30

21.1.2017-21.1.2017 Max 20 students

830460K17 ASTANGAJOOGA, JATKO Petra - Aurinkosali, Solsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Tea Jääskeläinen, joogaohjaaja Course fee 63,00 € Mon 17.00-18.20

16.1.2017-15.5.2017 Max 18 students

830461K17 ASTANGAJOOGA, KESKITASO Petra - Aurinkosali, Solsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Tea Jääskeläinen, joogaohjaaja Course fee 63,00 € Mon 18.25-19.55

16.1.2017-15.5.2017 Max 18 students

Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen 39 830462K17 ASTANGAJOOGA, ALKEET Petra - Aurinkosali, Solsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Tea Jääskeläinen, joogaohjaaja Course fee 63,00 € Mon 20.00-21.20

16.1.2017-15.5.2017 Max 18 students

830481K17 ALIGNMENT-BASED YOGA FOR MEN EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION Petra - Aurinkosali, Solsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Gabriel Maldonado, Yoga teacher RYT 500 Course fee 63,00 € Tue 19.00-20.30

10.1.2017-9.5.2017 Max 12 students The purpose of the class is to build a strong foundation in the body and mind, for men of all ages. You will find benefits if you are a beginner, or also more familiarized with Yoga. As we are usually more stiff than women, we will work in lengthening the muscles that will allow us to feel lighter as well as developing strength, balance and a deeper connection within.

830483K17 USING YOGA IN YOUR DAILY LIFE Petra - Aurinkosali, Solsalen, Pohjoinen Suotie 5 A Gabriel Maldonado, Yoga teacher RYT 500 Course fee 18,00 € New course! Sat 10.00-13.00

8.4.2017-8.4.2017 Max 14 students Lifestyle, nutrition and philosophic applications to improve your quality of living. This workshop is aimed for people who want to understand the totality of tools offered by Yoga to improve our lives. The workshop will be focused on a phys- ical practice and a presentation on tips on nutrition and lifestyle that can be applied by anybody, anywhere.

40 Grankulla medborgarinstitut The Adult Education Centre of Kauniainen Vanda Vuxenutbildningsinstitut Vanda Adult Education Institute, Swedish Department

Registration office: Lummetie 5, 01300 Vantaa Phone number: 09-8392 4342

Welcome to Vanda Adult Education Institute/Swedish Department. The autumn courses start on September 12th (check each course for exact date).

The courses and further instructions for registration can be found at: www.vantaa.fi/aikuisopisto

Enrolment to spring term 2017 The enrolments are divided into different groups (languages, music, etc.) and start on 7th of December at 1 p.m. and continue throughout the spring-sum- mer term.

Enrolments are binding; you will get an invoice according to your registration.


Svenska för invandrare - Ruotsia maahanmuuttajille - Swedish for immigrants V170322 26 lessons / 53 € Monday 18.00–19.30 23.1.–8.5. Vaskivuoren lukio, Katja Kela Book: Rivstart A1+A2 textbok & övningsbok, 2014 Vill du lära dig svenska? Vi startar från grunderna. Haluatko oppia ruotsia? Aloitamme alkeista Would you like to learn Swedish? We´ll start from the basics.

Vanda Vuxenutbildningsinstitut Vanda Adult Education Institute 41 Inglés A1 para hispanos V170817 16 lessons / 39 € Tuesday 15.30–17.00 10.1.–7.3. Vantaan opistotalo, Sven Fernandez Book: New Headway: Beginner Curso nivel A1 (Principiantes) de Inglés espefícamente para hispanohablan- tes. El profesor tiene más de diez años de experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma y el curso es dictado íntegramente en inglés y español. El profesor es hablante nativo de ambos idiomas. Completaremos actividades amenas EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION y estimulantes con el objetivo de experimentar, improvisar y aprender con el idioma. ¡Ven y únete a nosotros!

English conversation B2-C1 V170816 16 lessons / 40 € Tuesday 17.15–18.45 10.1.–7.3. Vantaan opistotalo, Sven Fernandez Hey, you! Do you want to have fun and practice the language? Are you tired of boring conversation courses, and would like to have a bit more fun? Come and join us! This course is aimed at discussing current events, but we will do it in a fun and engaging way, watching shorts, clips, playing games, etc. We’ll be waiting for you!

Conversamos de todo V170815 22 lessons / 50 € Monday 19.30–21.00 16.1.–3.4. Martinlaakson koulu, Sven Fernandez ¿Deseas practicar tu español para no olvidarlo? ¿Acaso estás por viajar y deseas practicar un poco el idioma? ¡Ven únete a nosotros! Discutiremos te- mas de la actualidad en grupos pequeños y haremos actividades interesantes, entretenidas y amenas para practicar este bello idioma. También veremos cortometrajes, documentales y clips para fomentar la discusión. Profesor trilingüe con más de diez años de experiencia. ¡Ven a disfrutar!

42 Vanda Vuxenutbildningsinstitut Vanda Adult Education Institute Physical education & well-being

Kundaliiniyoga V170809 12 times / 84 € Monday 18.15–19.45 16.1.–10.4. Vantaan opistotalo, Kirsi Kaunisharju Kundaliniyoga is a dynamic and diverse form of yoga suitable for anyone; we will do physical exercises, breathing exercises, mantras, relaxing exercises and meditation. Bring soft clothes you feel comfortable moving in, no shoes need- ed. You might want to bring a long sleeve shirt with you for staying warm during the relaxation exercises. You can bring your own yoga mattress or use one from the school.


Sing without pressure! A weekend course for everyone interested in singing. There are three similar courses in music. Pick the one that suits your timetable. Each individual costs course 50 euros. V170087 28.1.-29.1. Individual lesson time between 10.00-16.30 V170088 11.2.-12.2. Individual lesson time between 10.00-16.30 V170089 8.4.-9.4. Individual lesson time between 10.00-16.30

Vanda Vuxenutbildningsinstitut Vanda Adult Education Institute 43 Arcada Arcada University of Applied Sciences

Arcada is a multi-professional university of applied sciences (UAS) with its mod- ern campus located in beautiful Arabianranta, Helsinki. We offer high quality practice-oriented higher education at both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels as well as further education in Swedish and English within: Business Administra- tion, Sports, Media, Culture, Technology and Social and Health Care. Life at our

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION university of applied sciences is filled with intercultural encounters. Students and staff from over 50 countries ensure that the dialogue and co-operation across cultural and national borders is both as natural as it is rewarding. At the same time we welcome the world to Arcada, we also encourage our stu- dents and staff to participate in projects and study abroad. We are part of a wide range of international exchange and co-operations networks, and conduct research in collaboration with academic institutions, organisations and compa- nies, both in Finland and abroad.

Bachelor’s degree programmes in English at Arcada University of Applied Sciences: International Business, Materials Processing Technology, Nursing

Master’s degree programmes in English at Arcada University of Applied Sciences: International Business Management, Media Management, Global Health Care, Mental Health, Real Estate Energy

Language requirements: Applicants, regardless of citizenship, to the degree programme in Nursing are required to have skills in either Finnish or Swedish. The minimum requirement is level B1 on the Common European framework for languages. Only applicants who have the required language skills are invited to the exam.

For the other degree programmes skills in Finnish/Swedish are not mandatory, but proof of the applicant’s skills in English must be proved with certificate. For more information on language requirements, please visit: http://www.arcada. fi/en/application-and-admission/apply-bachelors-degrees/language-require- ments

Arcada offers support in Swedish and Finnish language learning as this is part of the Bachelor’s degree programmes in English. Language courses are not part of the Master’s degree curricula, but are offered as Open studies to all students at Arcada.

44 Arcada Arcada University of Applied Sciences More information about application, eligibility and admission is found here: http://www.arcada.fi/en/application-and-admission

To validate your current exam, please contact [email protected] or call +358 207 699 699 (ask for the Arcada admissions office).

Arcada Open University of Applied Sciences Arcada Open University of Applied Sciences is open to everyone looking for an opportunity to learn something new, to deepen his/her knowledge, or is aiming to graduate from a Bachelor´s degree programme at Arcada. As an open UAS student at Arcada you can choose from all of the courses offered for degree students at Arcada. Studying at Arcada Open University of Applied Sciences costs 10 euro/earned ECTS credit, or 300 euro for an entire Academic Year (150 euro/fall or spring semester).

Please note that you can apply for admission to continue your studies as a de- gree student at Arcada if you have completed a minimum of 60 ECTS through the “Open Path” at the Arcada Open University or at any Finnish university of applied sciences within the same degree programme you wish to apply to. Please read more about the requirements and application here.

For questions regarding Open studies at Arcada UAS, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Application dates 2017-2018: English Bachelor’s Degree Programmes: 10-25.1.2017

English Master’s Degree Programmes: 15.3-5.4.2017

Open path studies at Arcada Open University of Applied Sciences: Summer 2017.

For more information contact our admissions office on [email protected] or +358 207 699 699 (ask for the admissions office). More information about studying at Arcada, application, eligibility and admission is also found at our website: www.arcada.fi/en

Arcada Arcada University of Applied Sciences 45 Hanken School of Economics Hanken is one of the oldest leading business schools in the Nordic countries and prepares its students to take on challenges of the future. At Hanken you as a student are met as an individual. All students receive personal guidance and pro- fessors are easily approachable. Every year some 350 students enrol and in total we have some 2400 students in Helsinki and Vaasa where we operate. EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION At Hanken you build networks that last a lifetime. Our alumni are proof of the tightly knit web of contacts that are at your disposal after graduating. The alumni are also a great resource already during your studies as they mentor students and open up doors to future career opportunities.

The School has been awarded all three of the most prestigious international business school accreditations; EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB. Only 1% of all busi- ness schools in the world have obtained all three accreditations.

Hanken offers: A Bachelor’s degree (in Swedish) Master’s degrees (in English and Swedish) The Hanken PhD Programme The Hanken Executive MBA programme Open University courses

Arkadiankatu 22, 00101 Helsinki www.hanken.fi [email protected]

46 Hanken School of Economics Helsinki Summer University Learning and teaching with enthusiasm and quality

The Helsinki Summer University welcomes you to learn with us. Our courses are open to everyone regardless of age, previous education, or study rights at any educational institution. Every year we offer over 500 courses for approx- imately 8,000 students with course participation reaching to approximately 13,000.

Our course program includes open university and open university of applied sciences courses as well as a wide range of language courses, continuing education studies, courses for students preparing for the Finnish matricula- tion examinations, art courses, computer courses and open public events. The course selection varies annually. The Summer University aims to embrace courses that have received positive feedback and are effective, besides taking on new challenges.

The Helsinki Summer University office provides help and advice as well as information concerning courses, studies, and exam results. You can contact us by coming to the office as well as via phone or e-mail.

Helsinki Summer University Kaisaniemenkatu 4 A 00100 Helsinki Customer service +358 (0)20 779 2400 E-mail: [email protected]

We try to answer all emails within three working days. Please note that registra- tions via e-mail cannot be accepted.

Helsinki Summer University program includes Swedish, English, Finnish, dance, history and music courses for international students as well.

Enrol online at: www.kesayliopistohki.fi

Helsinki Summer University 47 Prakticum Vocational School

Central administration Fortbildningscentrum Prakticum, Helsingfors Jan-Magnus Janssons plats 5 00560 Helsingfors

EDUCATION & COURSES EDUCATION For educational guidance Jonna Riska, adult education coordinator jonna.riska(at)prakticum.fi Phone: 040 160 1200 www.prakticum.fi/vuxna www.facebook.com/fortbildningscentrum http://yrkeskunnig.substans.fi

Fortbildningscentrum Prakticum organizes vocational adult education, training and short courses. We have a unit in Helsinki and one in but have stu- dents from all over Finland. Most of our activities are arranged in Swedish or/ and Finnish.

The training can be conducted in different ways depending on what area you are interested in. At Fortbildningscentrum Prakticum you can carry out the stud- ies as multiform teaching (near and distance learning), virtually via the internet or as apprenticeship training.

A large part of the training that Fortbildningscentrum Prakticum organizes is based on the competence-based qualification system. This means that training is based on personal plans where previous studies and work experience are taken into account. The education is completed by competence tests where the student demonstrates the skills that are required in the national curriculums.

We arrange following educations:

Mercantile • Vocational qualification in business and administration (Swedish) • Vocational qualification in marketing communication, visual marketing (Swed- ish and Finnish) • Vocational qualification in entrepreneurship (Swedish)

48 Prakticum Vocational School Beauty • Ecological hairdresser (Finnish and Swedish) • Ecological beauty care (Finnish and Swedish)

Health and Social Services • Vocational qualification in social and health care, practical nurse (Swedish)

Humanities and Education • Vocational qualification in childcare and education and family welfare, chil- dren’s instructor (Swedish) • Yrkesexamen för ledare för skolgång och morgon och eftermiddagsverksam- het (Swedish)

Application You can apply to all our educations during the whole year. But new educations start most often in August and January. You can fill in your application on our homepage www.prakticum.fi/vuxna.

Language skills For all programs we require a good Swedish written and spoken skills.

Language support We offer extra language training in both Swedish and Finnish if necessary.

Validation of professional skills If you have a degree or diploma from abroad we recommend you to be in straight contact with the Finnish national board of education to do a recog- nition and international comparability of qualifications. We also validate the knowledge and need of education for every student before we make a personal study plan. If you have any questions please be in contact.

Prakticum Vocational School 49 SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES Föreningen Luckan r.f. The Finland- Swedish information and culture center Luckan offers visitors cultural and educational events

Simonsgatan 8, 00100 Helsinki Tel. 020 7738 400 / E-mail: [email protected] / www.luckan.fi

SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES In Luckan you will find:

• A Finland-Swedish room for anyone • Cultural and educational events • Free Wi-fi and client computers • Printing and scanning services for a small fee • Information on the Finland-Swedish society • Finland-Swedish newspapers from all over Finland and over sixty branch magazines

Luckan offers information on:

• Events with Finland-Swedish elements • Finland-Swedish organisations and societies

Luckan Integration

At Luckan Integration’s information office in Luckan you can get advice about finding a job, education, language courses or free time activities. As a Finland- Swedish integration service we are specialized in providing information about integration in Swedish in the Capital region, but our advice services are open to everyone with questions regarding integration. We also arrange events such as job hunting courses, family activities and language cafés.

Office Luckan, Simonsgatan 8, 00100 Helsinki Tel. 040- 485 96 36 E-mail: [email protected] www.integration.luckan.fi

50 LUCKAN Föreningen Luckan r.f. Appointments If you have a question you’re thinking about, or want help in any of the areas mentioned above, you can book a time for individual guidance with one of our integration coordinators. Please use our online booking service by clicking the “Want to book an appointment?“ button on our webpage www.integration. luckan.fi. You can also book a time per phone or e-mail. If you have a quick question you can also use our drop-in times or ask a question by e-mail! Drop-in: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 15-16

Mentoring program FIKA Are you looking for a chance to get to know the Finnish society better? Would you like to improve your language skills? Our mentor program connects persons who don’t feel established with persons who know the society and speak Swedish or Finnish. You will get the opportunity for networking and personal development through an exchange of experiences with someone who shares your interests.

To apply for a mentor Phone: 040-165 9616 E-mail: [email protected] Through Internet: www.integration.luckan.fi/fika/

Newsletter Would you like to sign up for our electronic newsletters with upcoming events? Please e-mail [email protected] You find us on the social media:

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/LuckanIntegration Twitter https://twitter.com/LuckIntegration

LUCKAN Föreningen Luckan r.f. 51 Events spring 2017

Many of our events are recurring and happen weekly or monthly. You can find the correct dates under each month, and a description of the content under the heading “Recurring events“. We hope you find something that suits you!


Swedish language cafe every Tuesday starting 10.1. CV Coop 26.1. SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES Family café 31.1. Helsinki Law Clinic 30.1.


Swedish language cafe every Tuesday CV Coop 22.2. Family café 14.2., 28.2. Helsinki Law Clinic 13.2., 27.2.


Peer Support Group for International Jobseekers starts 6.3. Swedish language cafe every Tuesday CV Coop 23.3. Multicultural Family café 14.3., 28.3. Helsinki Law Clinic 13.3., 27.3.

Panel Discussion How to get a job in Finland? WHEN? Wednesday 1.3. At 16-18 WHAT? What does it take to get into the Finnish job market? How should I dress for an interview? What can I do while I’m job hunting to better my chances? And how do I know if a contract that’s offered to me is fair and legal? We bring in discussants with different areas of expertise - the panelists will be published on our website closer to the event. The panelists will share their views and suggestions for strategy. The audience can bring questions and experience for the panel to discuss. Welcome to an afternoon of discussion and problem-solving! Register in advance at [email protected]. You can also send questions in advance to the same email. WHERE? Luckan Main Lobby, Simonsgatan 8

52 LUCKAN Föreningen Luckan r.f. Panel Discussion New in Helsinki - how do I find my space? WHEN? Wednesday 29.3. at 16-18 WHAT? Moving to a new city is equally exciting and challenging. It is a new life chapter full of discoveries: new people to meet, new ways of doing things. Eventually, we settle down and realise that what was once foreign has now become a well known place, perhaps the place we call home. Luckan Integra- tion organises a panel discussion to share experiences and different paths to finding our space in the city: How to create our own community? How to find and engage in activities that help/make us feel at home? What are the differ- ent ways to find our space in Helsinki? Free event, registrations in advance to [email protected] WHERE? Luckan Main Lobby, Simonsgatan 8


Swedish language cafe every Tuesday CV Cooperative 20.4. Multicultural Family Café 11.4, 20.4. Helsinki Law Clinic 24.4.

International Story Sharing Café WHEN? Friday 7.4. at 18.00 WHAT? The Story Sharing Café is a social gathering where sharing your own everyday experiences and listening to others is made easy and fun! All you need is an open mind and an interest for new people. We start by sitting in small groups at coffee tables and sharing our everyday experiences and mem- ories – small or big – guided by the members of the Story Sharing Universum group. Our special storytelling guests, skilled musicians and open story sharing mic make for a heart-warming and thoroughly enjoyable event!

The Story Sharing Café is a part of the project Story Sharing Universum, which aims to help people of different nationalities and cultures to meet each other by sharing stories from their lives. The project has two parts: the public Story Sharing Cafés and storytelling workshops at reception centres and immigrant associations. The event is free of charge and small refreshments will be provid- ed. Please register in advance to [email protected] WHERE? Luckan Main Lobby, Simonsgatan 8


CV Cooperative 18.5. Multicultural Family Café 9.5.

LUCKAN Föreningen Luckan r.f. 53 Coaching Yourself WHEN? 11.5. kl 13.30-16.00 WHAT? How to coach yourself? How to set your goals? Come and let’s exchange some ideas and experiences, to find tips and tools that can help you in your search for a work. We’ll meet to learn together what can help you achieve your goals! After a short introduction and informal con- versation, we will have some time to discuss what we want to focus and work on, using a “toolbox” of questions and short exercises to practice individuality. Aime Accorsi studies coaching and will be sharing her own experiences during

SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES these years living in Finland, adapting to a new culture, how to use our differ- ences as a strength, explore coaching tools & methods and share ideas to learn from each other.

You can expect to get inspiration and guidance, find clarity, choose your next steps, and connect with people who are moving on to more meaning at work. The workshop is free of charge. Please register in advance to integration@ luckan.fi. WHERE? Luckan Verandan, Georgsgatan 31

Recurring Events:

CV Cooperative WHEN? 26.1, 22.2, 23.3, 20.4, 18.5. at 14-15.30 WHAT? Come and work on your CV in a supportive atmosphere. At Luckan Integration’s CV Cooperative you update an old CV, or work on one that needs to be made for a specific job advert. Staff and other participants can read your CV and give you tips, and you can see and discuss other CV’s as they are being made. We adapt the content according to the needs of the participants. No need to register, just drop in! If you have any question please write to us at [email protected]. WHERE? Luckan Main Lobby, Simonsgatan 8.

Swedish Language Café WHEN? Tuesdays kl. 17.00-18.30, 10.1. - 25.4. WHAT? The Swedish Language Café continues! This spring you can practise your Swedish every Tuesday at 17-18.30 in Luckan in Helsinki. We will discuss everyday situations and adapt the evening according to the participants levels and wishes. A great way to both activate and improve your Swedish! In cooperation with Kvinnliga Akademiker r.f. No registration needed - just drop in, välkommen! WHERE? Luckan Verandan, Georgsgatan 31

54 LUCKAN Föreningen Luckan r.f. Multicultiral Family Café WHEN? Tuesdays, Odd Weeks 31.1-9.5, at 11:30-14:00 WHAT? The Multicultural Café invites parents and children to come to LillaLuck- an to participate in activities and free play in an English speaking environment. The café is an opportunity to meet other families in a relaxed environment. Staff at the Multicultural family café also share tips and information about cultural activities and child-friendly things to do in the capital region. Staff can also give advice related to questions about topics that often come up in the integration process such as education possibilities, Finnish bureaucracy, job search and free time activities. The café is for free and you can attend without signing up in advance. If you have any questions about the café, feel free to email [email protected] WHERE? Lilla Luckan, Simonsgatan 8

Peer Support Group for International Jobseekers Do you need help exploring employment possibilities? Are you currently unem- ployed? Do you want to share your experiences with people in a similar situ- ation? Would you like to learn more about the Finnish job market and explore alternative pathways to employment? WHEN? Mondays 15-17, 6.3.-2.5. WHAT? The aim of the group is to: • Support and explore the job hunting process and learn about CV and cover- ing letters for the Finnish labour market • Promote knowledge about the Finnish job market by inviting experts from various fields • Exchange experiences and get support from persons in a similar situation • Entrepreneurship as an alternative to traditional pathways The course is free of charge for the participants. The peer support group meets once a week on Mondays. Please register in advance to participate. For registration and more information please e-mail [email protected] or call 040-485 96 36. WHERE? Luckan Verandan, Georgsgatan 31

Helsinki Law Clinic WHEN? Every second Monday, 30.1, 13.2, 27.2, 13.3, 27.3, 24.4 at 15.30- 16.30 WHAT? Helsinki Law Clinic is an initiative launched by law students of the uni- versity of Helsinki, which offers help and guidance answering questions related with migration, discriminations and start-ups for those who cannot afford initial consultations with lawyers. Students are supervised by law teachers, and regis- tration for consultation is not required. WHERE? Luckan Main Lobby, Simonsgatan 8

LUCKAN Föreningen Luckan r.f. 55 Andreaskyrkan Free Evangelical Church of Finland

Pastor Susan Haraldson, Andreaskyrkan Högbergsgatan 22 C, 00130 Helsingfors tel 044 764 2620

Andreaskyrkan (Free Evangelical Church of Finland) is a church located in downtown Helsinki. We are a church open to all nationalities and backgrounds using Swedish as the common language. SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES We have a worship service each Sunday, as well as a variety of activities during the week. Come and join us!

Andreaskyrkan is cooperating with Luckan to create an atmosphere where those who are new to the Helsinki area have a chance to meet Swedish speaking Finns and learn a little bit more about the Finnish soci- ety. Korkeavuorenkatu 22 A, Helsinki www.andreaskyrkan.fi

WORSHIP SERVICE Each Sunday, you are welcome to attend our worship services which are open to all ages and nationalities. It is a time of worship through music, song, prayer and a time of teaching. The services are in Swedish, but simultaneous translation into English or Finnish can be made available. A time of fellowship with coffee or tea is arranged after each service. Every Sunday morning from the 14th of August, 2016, 11 AM – 12.30 PM Address: Korkeavuorenkatu 22 A, Helsinki

PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN: SKATTEN, The Treasure Chest, and TIME OUT are programs for children offered each Sunday at 11 AM for children between the ages of 3 and 11 years. Families with children are welcome to attend our worship services in the church and during the service, the children gather downstairs in the first floor of the church.

For more information, please contact Pastor Susan Haraldson: susan@an- dreaskyrkan.fi, 044-7642621

MONDAY EVENING FELLOWSHIP If you would like to meet people from different churches and enjoy an evening of song, fellowship, teaching and a time for coffee or tea, you are most welcome to attend our Monday evening fellowship. The evenings are in Swedish and are open to everyone. The fellowship starts at 6 PM and ends at 8 PM. 56 MUSIC AND WORSHIP TEAM /PRAYER EVENINGS For more information about our worship and music teams or about our prayer evenings, please contact: Pastor Susan Haraldson: [email protected], 044-764 2621

ANDREAS HELPS Food Distribution at Andreaskyrkan. Once a week, on Thursdays, those in need come and collect groceries from boxes that are filled with various types of food that we have prepared just for them. We need your help with everything from carrying and loading boxes, sorting gro- ceries, making coffee, registering and receiving customers, to directly distribut- ing the food itself.

The Contact Person is Stefan Salonen at [email protected] phone 044-7642 613

To sign up or for more information: [email protected]

Arbetets Vänner Square Dance Group

Arbetets Vänner Square Dancers will start a course for beginners as well as more advanced dancers, Thursday September 15th at Annegatan 26 in the center of Helsinki. You can also join later. You don’t need a partner. Just come and join us. Teaching language is Swedish and English.

Square dance is an international dance form in which a singing caller tells the dancers by calls (commands) the steps and figures to walk during the dance. Each dance is therefore unique depending on what combinations of calls the caller chooses. The music used can be pop, rock, country, jazz, blues etc. Calls are in English and the same worldwide.

WHEN? 15.9.2016- 1.12.2016 WHERE? Arbetets Vänner, Annegatan 26, Helsinki PRICE? Free of charge. Possibility to join the association.

If you are interested, contact: Jan Ekberg, 040-5533664, [email protected] or Kaj Wikholm, tel 0400-213263

57 Folk Dance Group Brage

The Brage Folk dance group is part of the over 100 years old Brage Society in Helsinki. Brage represents the Swed- ish speaking lingual minority in Finland and endeavours to maintain, enrich and promote Finland Swedish folk traditions in Finland. Minuet, polka, hambo, polska and singing games are all part of Brage’s folk dance program. Folk dancers of varying age come together every Thursday to develop and improve their dance skills, meet with friends, relax and keep the cultural heritage alive. Folk dance group Brage has SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES a long tradition of participating in dance shows and Festivals both in Finland and abroad. The folk dancers also come together during the year to celebrate traditional parties.

http://folkdans.brage.fi/brage/folkdanslaget/ [email protected]

Folk dance training Every Thursday from September to December you are welcome to join our folk dance training at Brage, Kasarmikatu 28, 18:30 to 20:30 pm.

Address: Kasarmikatu 28, 00130 Helsinki

Kammarkören Idun - The Idun Chamber Choir

The Idun Chamber Choir is named after the goddess Idun of Norse mythology. We sing old and new choir music, Nordic and European songs, sacred and sec- ular pieces - in more than twenty different languages. We like making concerts with a theme, sometimes together with musicians and we sing at different occasions.

We also like to travel abroad occasionally. Idun’s traditional Yuletide concerts of sacral music are an essential part of the choir’s public appearances, featur- ing Christmas songs in many languages. Do you like singing in a mixed choir? Then join us. Rehearsals every Monday 18.00-21.00

Brage, Kasarmikatu 28, 00130 Helsinki. For more information: idun.brage.fi [email protected]

58 Brages stråkorkester - The Brage String Orchestra

The Brage String Orchestra is a small group playing both Classic music and arrangements of folk music. If you play a string instrument then join us!

Rehearsals every Tuesday 18.30 - 21.00

Brage, Kaserngatan 28, 00130 Helsinki

DUF Square Dancers (Dickursby Ungdomsförening r.f.)

Square Dancing in Vantaa

Recycle, Cloverleaf, Cut the Diamond, Pass out… These are all calls (com- mands) in square dancing. All the needed calls will be taught out; you don’t need any previous experience in dancing. Square dancing is an international dance form where a caller leads the dance by singing out calls to the dancers. The music varies from pop/rock to country, jazz, blues etc.

Spring classes start on Sunday 15.1.2017 in Helsinggård, Kuninkaalantie 2, Vantaa (Tikkurila), according to following schedule: - Beginners class 13.00 – 14.00 - A1/A2/C1-dancers 14.00 – 16.00 - C1-dancers 16.00 – 17.15

You can find more info on https://www.facebook.com/DUFSD or by phone +358 400–213 263 / Kaj Wikholm

You are very welcome to come and visit us at Helsinggård!

59 The DuvTeatern Theatre Company

DuvTeatern is a Helsinki based theatre company established in 1999 that consists of theatre workers with and without intellectual disabilities.

www.duvteatern.fi [email protected] SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES

Esbobygdens ungdomsförbund rf

EBUF is a 110-year-old youth organization, and the umbrella organization of nine Swedish-speaking youth organizations that own seven old buildings around Espoo. The nine different organizations organize their own programs such as sport activities and crafting clubs. EBUF and its organizations actively work for, and organizes, Swedish-speaking youth and culture activities in Espoo. Our participants range from small children to school kids, youths, adults and the elderly.

Among the activities that EBUF organizes are summer camps for primary school children; theater clubs; film courses for children; an outdoor market “Glims Höstmarknad” in the autumn. EBUF also organizes and administrates Esbo Lucia that with its attendants appears in a number of Christmas-celebra- tions especially for elderly and children in the Espoo area. Every year in June, a summer-theater production with mostly children is set up at Finns sommarteat- er. The production is in Swedish.

Karaniityntie 4 B, 02610 Espoo www.ebuf.org www.facebook.com/ebufverksamhet

60 Kulturen kring Ån 11.05.2017

Kulturen kring Ån is a smaller version of the former Swedish-speaking culture event Kulturen vid Ån. This year, children will be the main target group at the event. Kulturen kring Ån will have workshops, activities as well as concerts with the children’s favorites. For the adult culture enthusiasts, there will be live background music and coffee in Lagstads Hembygdsgård. Come and enjoy a day filled with joy and activities!

The event is based in and around Kannusali in Espoon keskus, easily accessi- ble by trains and buses from the whole region. The main organizers are the city of Espoo together with EBUF.

May 11th 2017 09:00-13:00 Kannusillankatu 4, 02770 Espoo. www.kulturenvidan.fi www.facebook.com/kulturenvidan

Finns sommarteater

Come and experience a traditional outdoor summer theatre! Finns sommar- teater in Espoo has had a theatre production in Swedish every summer since 1973. The productions are for the whole family and includes music and dance numbers. Most of the actors are children.

In the summer of 2017, there will be 17 performances between the 8th of June and the 2nd of July. We highly recommend booking tickets in advance directly from Netticket (www.netticket.fi).

The theatre is entirely outdoors with no cover so please remember to come prepared for all types of weather, performances carry on regardless of the weather. Umbrellas are not permitted, rain ponchos may be purchased at the theatre.

Kuninkaankartanontie 35, 02780 Espoo (parking for cars, the theatre is 500m walk from there). www.ebuf.org/teater www.facebook.com/finnssommarteater

61 Esbo Sångkör - a Mixed Choir with a Long Tradition

Esbo Sångkör in Espoo, celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2017, is one of the oldest mixed choirs in Finland - but young at heart. We sing a wide range of choral music - old and new, classical and modern, sacral and secular, serious

SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES and silly - from church music and light opera to folk songs and ballads, popular singalong songs and even children’s songs in choral arrangement. We mostly sing in Swedish, but also in Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, English and several other languages. In addition to our yearly Spring and Christmas Concerts, we give performances at various cultural events and in retirement homes and nursing homes. Occasional singers’ soirées, choir weekends in the country, or trips to choir festivals in Finland and abroad, contribute to the strong and jolly team spirit that we enjoy, and which we gladly extend to welcome new singers!

Esbo Sångkör works in collaboration with Espoo Adult Education Centre.

Rehearsals Wednesdays 18:45 - 21:00 in central Espoo (Lagstads skola, Espoonkatu 7).

Website: http://esbosangkor.fssmf.webbhuset.fi/sv/aktuellt/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/esbosangkor/

For further information, please contact Inge Eklund mail: [email protected]

Esbo Spelmanslag - Espoon Pelimannit

Esbo Spelmanslag is a good-humoured and presentable folkmusic band from Espoo whose groovy playing style is well known even outside the metropolitan area. Besides traditional and energetic Finnish and Scandinavian folk and dance music, the band also plays classic ball room dances. The band has all the key/major instruments used in folk music. The beat is guaranteed by multiple violins, accordions, clarinets, mandolins, guitars, contrabasses, and 62 drums. The band consist of about 20 players. Esbo Sångkör - a Mixed Choir with a Esbo Spelmanslag was established at the Workers’ Institute of Espoo, and still operates there (Esbo Arbis). You can join the band if you manage your player’s Long Tradition basic skills and know how to read music.

Rehearsals Wednesdays 18:30 - 21:00 in Lep- Esbo Sångkör in Espoo, celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2017, is one of pävaara (Ruusutorpan koulu, Leppävaarankatu 24). the oldest mixed choirs in Finland - but young at heart. We sing a wide range of Website: www.espoonpelimannit.fi choral music - old and new, classical and modern, sacral and secular, serious Facebook: www.facebook.com/espoonpelimannit/ and silly - from church music and light opera to folk songs and ballads, popular For further information, please contact Maarit Aarvala ([email protected]) singalong songs and even children’s songs in choral arrangement. We mostly sing in Swedish, but also in Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, English and several other languages. In addition to our yearly Spring and Christmas Concerts, we give performances at various cultural events and in retirement homes and nursing homes. Occasional singers’ soirées, choir weekends in the country, or trips to choir festivals in Finland and abroad, contribute to the strong and jolly Finlands Svenska Folkdansring r.f. team spirit that we enjoy, and which we gladly extend to welcome new singers! Finlands Svenska Folkdansring (FSF) is a Finnish - Swedish folk dance organisation founded in 1931. The mission for Esbo Sångkör works in collaboration with Espoo Adult Education Centre. the FSF is to organize the folk dance activity in the Finn- ish-Swedish areas in Finland and to spread knowledge and Rehearsals Wednesdays 18:45 - 21:00 in central Espoo (Lagstads skola, interest about folk dance, traditional games and plays and Espoonkatu 7). folklore in general.

Website: http://esbosangkor.fssmf.webbhuset.fi/sv/aktuellt/ FSF also wants to arouse interest in national costumes and folk music and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/esbosangkor/ to gain cooperation with similar national and Scandinavian organisations. FSF achieves its goals by arranging courses, writing publications and organizing For further information, please contact Inge Eklund mail: nationwide assemblies every Summer, which are called “Dansfest”. The activity [email protected] is led by an ideal administration. The paid personnel consist of a part-time ex- ecutive director and a part-time head instructor. The planning and realization is mainly organised by diverse divisions. The divisions which nowadays are active are the Division of Education, the Division of Child and Youth and the Division Esbo Spelmanslag - Espoon Pelimannit of Action. Kasarmikatu 28, 00130 Helsinki +358-40-3523688 [email protected] Esbo Spelmanslag is a good-humoured and presentable folkmusic band from www.folkdans.fi Espoo whose groovy playing style is well known even outside the metropolitan area. Besides traditional and energetic Finnish and Scandinavian folk and dance music, the band also plays classic ball room dances. The band has all the key/major instruments used in folk music. The beat is guaranteed by multiple violins, accordions, clarinets, mandolins, guitars, contrabasses, and 63 Finlands Svenska Scouter r.f.

Would you like to get a nice hobby? Guiding and Scouting is the greatest hobby in the world! You can make new friends, challenge and develop yourself, gain new experiences and learn by doing. SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES Finlands Svenska Scouter is a national association with local member organi- sations in the Swedish speaking areas of Finland.

As a scout you can attend the weekly activities for children and young people, go on hikes, trips and camps or volunteer as an adult. You can meet new peo- ple by attending courses and events with scouts from other parts of Finland or perhaps go on an international camp! Anyone who is 7 years of age or older is free to join.

Finlands Svenska Scouter r.f. Webpage: www.scout.fi E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (09) 8865 1100

Mixed Choir Furorna in Esbo

Mixed choir for retired people. We are very active, approx 20 performances per year. Our conductor, Sofia Lindroos, violinist and song teacher is very ambitious with the program. We are reahearsing once a week, daytime. Welcome to join us if you feel your ability and ambitions are in accordance with ours.


64 Föreningen för Drama Och Teater, DOT r.f.

DOT is a drama pedagogical competence centre that arranges drama and the- atre education for all ages, ranging from children to seniors. We hold historical time-travel workshops at museums around Helsinki; audience development workshops in cooperation with different theatres and museums; Theatre In Education (TIE) programs, as well as tailor-made drama workshops for a wide range of occasions.

DOT is interested in new trans-sectoral forms of work in schools, institutions of Fine Arts and cultural cents. We hope to create new forms of practice and col- laboration where applied drama, pedagogy and community development meet. DOT’s producer Helena Laxén [email protected] 045 - 899 1404 www.dotdot.fi

Event: The Christmas path at Herttoniemi Manor Museum

Welcome to celebrate Christmas like Finns did in the 1800’s. The event con- sists of music and theatre performances, historical characters, a Christmas market and much more. The performances will be in Swedish and Finnish, no knowledge in these languages is required for participation. Do you want to be a part of this amazing event? We are currently looking for volunteers.

WHEN? 3/12/2016, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE? Herttoniemi Manor Museum, Linnanrakentajantie 12, Helsinki

PRICE? Free of charge

65 Grankulla Gymnastikförening

Grankulla gymnastikförening rf (GGF) is one of the oldest gymnastics clubs in Finland. We have our gymnastics hall in Grankulla/Kauniainen half an hour by car or train from the city of Helsinki. Based on the notion that gymnastics is a sport for everybody, GGF offers a variety of activities suitable for all genders, age groups and abilities.

SOCIAL LIFE & ACTIVITIES Please visit our website www.ggf.idrott.fi for more information, also in English and Finnish.

Helsingfors svenska Marthaförening

Helsingfors Svenska Marthaförening (The Swedish Martha Association in Hel- sinki) is one of the 13 districts of The Swedish Martha Association in Finland. The Martha Association is a non-political, non-governmental organization that provides adult education and extends advisory service in matters related to home, family and society. We want to make women more visible in the society by forming opinion and influencing decision-makers. Key words in all our activ- ities are quality of life, welfare and sustainable development and we focus on issues close to women and their everyday lives. The Association has over 820 members in the Helsinki region organized in clubs and networks, in all of the Swedish-speaking areas in Finland more than 10.000 members, mostly women of all ages. We also have some male members.

The clubs meet once in a month in our facilities in Simonkatu 12 A (club local) and Iso Roobertinkatu 43 (kitchen) and there are many clubs to join, Interna- tional Martha is one of them. Three languages are spoken in The International Martha: english, swedish and finnish.

You also can start a club of your own with women from your own network. We offer you knitting and crocheting every Wednesday between 11.00 and 15.00. Beginners as well true believers as are welcome to join us to knit and talk and have a nice cup of coffee (just one block from Luckan, Simonkatu 12). 66 Helsingfors Swedish Martha Association offers you the yarn if you knit for chari- ty. You can also bring your own crafts and just enjoy the good company. You are warmly welcome to join us!

For more information: www.helsingfors.martha.fi and www.martha.fi

Contact person: Anita Paulig, [email protected] www.helsingfors.martha.fi Simonsgatan 12 A, 00100 Helsingfors

Teknologorkester Humpsvakar

An orchestra mainly made out of technologists from Aalto University, Humpsvakar is a name to be remembered. With their horns, trumpets, banjos and a great attitude towards life, Humpsvakar keeps the show going, even if others wouldn’t want it to. If you’re lucky, you might even hear them sing songs! The orchestra continues practising their amazing musical skills every week, while attending different festivals and other events in Northern Europe. Humpsvakar also has a lot of gigs in Finland and these consist mainly of different types of festivals, celebrations, anniversaries and parties.

Teknologorkestern Humpsvakar r.f. / Otsvängen 22, 02150 Esbo www.humpsvakar.fi / [email protected] / 041 5057004

EVENT: Humpsvakars 55-year anniversary: Aquanten Teknologorkester Humpsvakar celebrates its 55:th anniversary by inviting exactly you to a show that you’ve never seen before! A performance that blends music with acting and tells a story about how the orchestra lost themselves on the bottom of the ocean is guaranteed to leave you with nothing less than a smile on your face. For bonus points, there will be a banquet after the show, for everyone who got hungry watching the show. Come and watch the madness unfold!

WHEN? Date: Saturday 22.10.2016 / Time: 16:00

WHERE? Show: Tapiolasali, Kulttuurinaukio 2, Espoo Banquet: Otakaari 12, , Espoo

PRICE? Show: 15€ (10€ for students) Banquet: 45€ (35€ if non-alcoholic)

67 Kvinnliga Akademiker i Helsingfors r.f.

We are an organisation for academic women. We have monthly meetings with interesting lectures and discussions. Our literary circle meets once a month and we discuss the book of the month. We also OTHER SERVICES have a group which discusses important issues, both domestic and internation- al. Excursions and visits to museums and galleries are popular. Our meetings are in Swedish.

Swedish Language Café for Foreigners A language café to learn Swedish meets at Luckan in Helsinki once a week between 13.9. and 13.12.

WHEN? Tuesdays 17:00 - 18:30 / Between 13.9.-13.12.

WHERE? Luckan Veranda, Georgsgatan 31, Helsingfors

PRICE? Free of Charge


The Martin Wegelius Institute The Martin Wegelius Institute (MWI) organizes music courses for instrumentalists and singers during the summers, since 1956. The courses are meant for youths and adults, beginners and professionals and we strive to give our participants the highest education possible in music.

MWI runs a chamber orchestra: Wegelius kammarstråkar (WKS), of which Annemarie Åström is the Artistic Director. MWI also runs a network for folk music: Lirarna, of which Marianne Maans is the Artistic Director. Beyond this MWI participates in current music projects and endeavors to support the music education in Finland, including by making it possible to play music outside the music schools in the summer.

The Martin Wegelius Institute / Georgsgatan 18 A, 00120 Helsingfors

0406729655 / [email protected] www.mwi.fi 68 Musikinstitutet Kungsvägen, MIK

Musikinstitutet Kungsvägen (MIK) is the largest Swed- ish-speaking music school in Finland. MIK is established 1974 and operates in Espoo.

We offer art education in music in Swedish and also other activities that de- velop and promote music culture. At MIK you can study many different genres of music like: classical, pop/rock, jazz and folk-music. We have many different kinds of music-groups where you can develop your musicianship such as: choirs, orchestras, chamber music, folk-music, jazz ensemble and pop/rock bands. We also have a large department for children under school-age, where we sing, dance and play together. At MIK, we focus on providing a broad and diverse education for all students.

If you would like to apply to our school, please check out our webpage www. kungsvagen.fi and fill in the application form during the first weeks of May.

At other times, please send an e-mail to kansliet(at)kungsvagen.fi and ask about the possibilities to start your music education at our school.

MIK has about 850 students and 45 teachers.

Vindgränden 6, 02100 Esbo 09 867 8840 / [email protected] www.kungsvagen.fi


Nordic Culture Point runs a Nordic cultural centre and a library in the centre of Helsinki.The cultural centre arranges seminars on current topics, Nordic language cafés, film events, exhibitions, and other cultural events. The library offers Nordic literature, movies, TV-series, newspapers, and magazines for

USEFUL WEBSITES people of all ages.

Join us by:

• Ordering our newsletter on our website www.kulturkontaktnord.org • Becoming a customer at our library and getting a library card • Participating in our events • Following us on Facebook www.facebook.com/kulturkontaktnord/, Twitter www.twitter.com/kknord or Instagram: www.instagram.com/kknord

Nordic Culture Point & Nordic library

Kaisaniemenkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki www.kulturkontaktnord.org tel. 010 583 1000 Welcome!

Norr om Stan r.f.

Norr om Stan rf, or ”NoS”, is a non-profit organization for societies working in Swedish in the northern Helsinki region. NoS works to produce high quality recreational activities available to and open for all Swedish speakers in the area. The organization also works to support and improve the visibility of its member societies, spreading information on local and regional activities in Swedish and organizing various activities. NoS brings together private persons and municipal and regional authorities that arrange, or use, different kinds of services in Swedish in the northern Helsinki area. NoS also hosts the after- noon day care for 1st and 2nd graders from Staffansby elementary school.

Address: Kyrkobyvägen 23 00700 Helsingfors Opening hours: about 9 a.m to 17 p.m Phone number: 050-432 88 88 Email: info(at)nos.fi Webpage: www.nos.fi

70 Nylands svenska ungdomsförbund r.f.

Nylands svenska ungdomsförbund (NSU) r.f. is a nonpolitical religiously inde- pendent roof organisation that consists of over a hundred local Swedish speak- ing youth associations active within the southern district of Finland (Nyland). The organisation provides cultural and other activities according to the needs and wishes of their members. Nylands svenska ungdomsförbund is situation in the eastern part of Helsinki, where it also actively provides activities for youths in the local area.

Nylands svenska ungdomsförbund r.f. Borgfrökens gränd 1, 00950 Helsingfors (09) 3254244 / [email protected] www.nsu.fi

Familycafé with rhythmic games for toddlers and babies A new familycafé for toddlers and babies (0-4 years old) and their parents in eastern Helsingfors. At the familycafé the children get to sing , dance and play rhythm instruments together with their parents / grandparents and the other children. Music and rhythm is both fun for the children while simultaneously developing their motor skills. After the activities the parents can get to know each other over a cup of coffee.

More information on: www.nsu.fi. [email protected]

WHEN? Mondays 10.00-12.00 / Starting on August 15th WHERE? Bygdehemmet, Borgfrökens gränd 1 PRICE? Free of charge

Event: Intercultural Storytelling – I berättandets skugga A storytellingworkshop for children (6-12 year olds) at LillaLuckan on the 10th of September. The children get to listen to stories, draw and create stories of their own. The workshop is free of charge and light refreshments are provided. The workshop is mainly in Swedish but all languages are welcome. More information on: www.storytelling.nsu.fi. The event is a collaboration be- tween Nylands svenska ungdomsförbund, Lilla Luckan and ALBASuomiFinland.

WHEN? Saturday 10.9 WHERE? LillaLuckan, Simonsgatan 9 PRICE? Free of charge

71 72 Education, Courses & Social Activities This yearNyländskaftongalawillbecelebratedonthe8thofOctoberinOthal Event: NyländskAftongala2016 You canfindusalsoonFacebook! webpage: www.sympati.fi phone: 0504462974/email: [email protected] Anne Ahlgren, anyone canbeamemberwithinSympati. ise several outingsandtripsthroughouttheyear. and Itisfreetoparticipate on discussion, week, Our mainactivityisÖppetHus, environment. andunderstanding portive 40e Otahalli, 8.10. at17.00 PRICE? WHERE? WHEN? ska ungdomsförbundandEsbobygdens ungdomsförbund.www.nylandskafton.fi Tickets: NSU09-3254244/EBUF0504064244.Organisedby Nylandssven together withEBUF:s110yearjubilee. the swingingGraniBigBand.ThisyearNyländskaftongalawillbecelebrated theatrical andmusicalacts.Theevening endswithanopendancefloorto by wonderful len at17.00.Enjoy mealwhilebeingentertained athreecourse onMonday andWednesday between 13:00-16:00.Othergroups focus executivedirector writing, yourself, onavolunteerbasis.AtSympatiyoucanbe work leaders basisand allourgroup onapeersupport Our groupswork anyone withmentalhealthproblemsandtotheirrelatives. in Kamppi.We inSwedish to provide adviceandsupport Sympati isamentalhealthorganisationwithouroffices Sympati r.f. Psykosociala föreningen musicandphysical activities.Ontopofthiswe organ Otaranta6, shareasmuchyouwant andsocialiseina sup asadrop-inlivingroomtwodays whichworks a 02150Espoo

- - - - Sandels School of Music and Arts

Sandels School of Music and Arts (Musik- och kulturskolan Sandels was found- ed in 1981 in Helsinki (Helsingfors).

Licensed by the Ministry of Education: permit to teach music and dance.

Advanced curriculum: Various instruments, classical music, rythm music (rock, jazz), musical theory, orchestra & ensemble Ages 0-18 (Kindergarten level 0-6, introductionary level 7-9, music school level 10-15, institute level 16-18)

General curriculum: Various instruments, classical music, rythm music (rock, jazz), orchestra & ensemble, musical, dance.

All ages

Office: Sandels, 3rd floor, Topeliusgatan 2 00260 Helsingfors Phone: 010 323 3360 Homepage: www.moks.fi

Returorkestern The orchestra “Returorkestern” practice every week (spring and autumn) at Musik- och kulturskolan Sandels in Helsinki. The leader of the orchestra is Alf Almark. Our repertoire includes everything from classical music to Argentini- an tango. If you are interested in meeting new people, playing together in an orchestra and your instrument is either violin, viola, cello or double bas, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Price: 280€/year

Registration: Please write your name, instrument, date of birth and contact information to [email protected]

Address: Musik- och kulturskolan Sandels / Topeliuksenkatu 2, 00260 Helsinki

73 74 Education, Courses & Social Activities Annegatan26, 0euro ArbetetsVänner Huvudföreningen PRICE? 20.9. 27.9.and4.10.from14-16 WHERE? WHEN? and try. You willlike it. remember Heart, - as couples.You cancomealone, We aredancingforexampletogether, SeniorDanceworkshop EVENT: International Ulla Ek/[email protected] Inge Blomander/[email protected] Mannerheimvägen 97, Seniordansförbundr.f.Finlands Contact information: aboutseniordance, Gives information Phone: 041-5012531 www.samsnet.fi/verksamhet/4bt/ More information: 1-3times/month. acoupleofhours yousupport meet theperson together.ing amovie youareexpectedto ordoingsports person Asasupport suchasgoingforacoffee, theythings togetherwiththeperson support issomeonewhodoesfunandeveryday person different disabilities.Asupport forSwedish with work) speakingpersons (voluntary persons find “support” disabilities. Thefederationisnon-governmental andnationwide.4BTtriesto withdifferent SAMS memberorganizationsrepresentstheinterestsofpersons people withdisabilitiesfromaccessingequalityandtotalinklusioninsociety. whichprevent all againstremoval ofbarriers The aimofSAMSistowork It takes some time Dance in Helsingfors and Esbo Dance inHelsingfors ofSenior -Instructors Finland Senior DanceOrganisationin HumourandaHelpingHand. Nowisyourchancetocome hours” important The co-operativeFederation ondisabilityissues/4BT“Four SAMS to 00280Helsingfors combine 2floor, your shoes orwithfriends.Remembercomfortable andhastrainingcourses. teachinstructors blockdance, brain 00100Helsingfors and your squaredance, feet. When you incirclesand are watch dancing - EVENT: Seniordance training for beginners We are dancing, for example two-step, walz, cha-cha, tango and samba. WHEN? Tuesdays 11.10. -29.11 from 15-16 if we will get enough dancers. WHERE? Arbetets Vänner Huvudföreningen Annegatan 26, 2 floor, 00100 Helsingfors PRICE? 0 euro

Sydkustens landskapsförbund

Sydkustens landskapsförbund is an organisation that represents 16 municipal- ities and works in culture and education in the Swedish language. Our organ- isation advocates for further education for after-school activity and day care personnel. We also conduct creative language based tuition for children of all ages and coordinate a network within the after-school sector. www.sydkusten.fi www.ordkonst.fi [email protected]


Sydkustens landskapsförbund, maintaining this website, works in culture and education in the Swedish language. On this website you will find contact infor- mation to the Swedish speaking: - Day cares - Pre-schools - Morning and afternoon activities - Basic education (regular schools and language immersion schools) - General upper secondary schools - Vocational training institutions - Apprenticeship training - Music schools - Folk high schools

75 76 Education, Courses & Social Activities Email [email protected] Call usat045 3410574 Tuesday-Thursdays, Mondays, with us! hardto dealwithalone.Shareyourfeelings can bevery depression orsorrow sation counsellingforpeople between Feelings 12-29years. ofanxiety, The Youth CrisisCentreatHelsinkiMissioprovides freeandanonymous conver are interestedandknowsomeSwedish! We meetatdifferentaddresses inTikkurila, e-mail: [email protected] guages. Phone:+358407573701 Association inVantaa/ is:MaeCedercreutz-Pesonen, ofVandaChairman svenskasocialdemokrater/TheSwedish Socialdemocratic from LuckaninHelsinki. (Swedishhelp ofSFIcourses forImmigrants)atArbisandwithassistance guests whoeitherhadintegratedwell withthe inSwedish orwere integarting “How canoneintegerateinSwedish intheHelsinkiregion?”We hadinvited In thespringof2016we hadanevening aboutandforimmigrantswiththetitle events. ondecisionsandplansmadethere.Weso we alsoorganizedifferent report in Vantaa Many have inthecity, andFinland. ofourmembers positionsoftrust We meetaboutoncea monthinTikkurilatoexchangeviews ontopicalmatters 9-11(onlyphone) Association inVantaa The Swedish Socialdemocratic OTHER SERVICES 9-12(phone+visitwithout reservation). Krisjouren förunga Youth Crisis Centre/ Vantaa. Please, retiredteacheroflan contactusifyou stress, -


Vantaa Info

Take care of all your transactions related to the city’s and its cooperation partners’ services. We have brochures on leisure activities and the city’s services. At our service points, you can pay city-issued bills, take care of HSL’s (Helsinki Region Transport) travel-card matters, and buy soil-unload tickets. When you want to find out about public notices, alterations to local detailed plans, plot division plans, and street plans—which are all on display for a set period of time—go to your nearest Vantaa Info. Our service points have com- puters for our customers to take care of their e-services. Do not hesitate to ask! We will answer questions troubling you or, when required, refer you to oth- er parties. Our service points in Tikkurila, Korso, and Myyrmäki provide person- al service. Vantaa Infos are part of the Citizen’s Offices network.

NewCo Helsinki

Office: Ensi linja 1, Po box 4500, 00099 City of Helsinki Phone: 09-310 363 60 / E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.newcohelsinki.fi/about.html

Newco Helsinki is the new name for Enterprise Helsinki. It is situated in Kallio, Helsinki and is a part of the business hub of the City of Helsinki.

Promoting entrepreneurship The mission of Helsinki Enterprise Agency is to offer support and services to entrepreneurs. Our advisors and partners offer services and consultation to entrepreneurs in all stages of the process.

Helsinki Enterprise Agency welcomes new partners. We provide valuable ser- vices for entrepreneurs at all stage of development from the moment an idea about a new service or product arises to the point when the entrepreneurs company is expanding rapidly abroad.

Business Advice Even the greatest business ideas require some support in the process of becoming a successful business. In many cases, the best support and advice can be given by someone who has expertise in the same field of business.

Our partners benefit from the co-operation with NewCo Helsinki and Helsinki Enterprise Agencies by receiving valuable contacts, new customers and skilled companions for subcontracting.

77 78 Education, Courses & Social Activities uptheirownbusiness. people whoareconsideringstarting andinEnglishfor inFinnish courses Entrepreneurship NewCo Helsinkioffers uporinbusiness forthoseconsideringstarting courses Entrepreneurship andjobannouncements. (fyrk.fi) for jobsthatrequireSwedish. Possibilities andassociations forprivatepersons jobben.fi municipalities. Finnish published by governement and thecityofHelsinki andfinancedby theFinnish Itis isintendedforallimmigrantswhodonotknowFinnish. The service infopankki.fi aboutfunding. information associations thatfunctioninSwedish, inSwedish, service several differentwebsites. From thiswebsite youcanfindcompaniesthatoffer svenskservice.fi all. Lookatourwebsite Languagerequired:English. formoreinformation. pitchingevents. Theevents areopenfor New co.organizesmonthlystart-up pitchingevents Start-up USEFUL WEBSITES job announcements, Jobben.fi isajobboardthat specialisesinbringingtogether care, providers(elderly localSwedish service that service Infopankki.fi isamultilingualonlineinformation courses. aswell asFinnish inFinland opportunities for exampleaboutbasiceducation, in12languages.Thewebsite providesFinland information packageabout acomprehensive information users offers

culturalevents inSwedish (kulturforum.fi), fromalloftheSwedish-speaking regions, studiesandtraining that bringstogether website inSwedish is a Svenskservice.fi day careetc.)

Kulturjobb i Finland Is a meeting place on Facebook for work within the cultural field in Finland. The job announcements are in Finnish, Swedish and English. https://www.facebook.com/kulturjobbifinland

Seure Seure is the temporary work agency for the municipalities of the capital region and HUS - The Hospital District of Hel- sinki and . https://seure.fi/Pa-Svenska/

ARCTIC START-UP JOBS 50 % of all the new job openings are in start-ups in Finland. The working language in many start-ups is English. http://jobs.arcticstartup.com/ evenemax.fi Evenemax.fi is a website that gathers information about dif- ferent kinds of events from Swedish speaking and bilingual areas in Finland. The website is in Swedish and Finnish. svenskskola.fi Find contact information to Swedish speaking:

- Day cares - Pre-schools - Morning and afternoon activities - Basic education (schools and language immersion schools) - General upper secondary schools - Vocational training institutions - On the job training / apprenticeship training - Music schools - Folk high schools

Sydkustens landskapsförbund, who maintains this website, promotes Swed- ish-language culture and education in affiliated municipalities. studyinfo.fi From the website www.studyinfo.fi you’ll find infor- mation about all study options in Finland, including study options in Swedish.