The Dynasty of Chernigov, 1146-1246 Martin Dimnik Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521824427 - The Dynasty of Chernigov, 1146-1246 Martin Dimnik Index More information Index Acre, 330 attacks Kiev, 116–18, 217, 243, 339, 348 Aepa the son of Girgen (Polovtsian khan), 29 controls Novgorod, 120–1 Agafia (daughter of Svyatoslav Igorevich), 259 death of, 130, 131–2, 144, 225, 389 Agafia (daughter of Vsevolod Chermnyy), 262, evicts Bishop Leon, 102 281, 288, 344 Andrian (archbishop of Bulgaria), 103 Agafia (wife of Oleg Svyatoslavich), 108, 112, 142, Anna (daughter of Vsevolod Ol govich), 27 180 Anna (wife of Daniil Romanovich), 290 Agafia (wife of Yury Vsevolodovich), 89, 268–9 Anna (wife of Roman Mikhaylovich), 376 Akhmat (baskak of Kursk), 382 Anna (wife of Rostislav Mikhaylovich), 365 Aleksandr (prince of Dubrovitsa), 296 Anna (wife of Ryurik Rostislavich), 159, 308 Aleksandr (prince of Lipetsk), 382–3 Antony (bishop of Chernigov), 90–1, 106, 116, Aleksandr Simeonovich (prince of Glukhov), 378 132, 389 Aleksandr Yaroslavich Nevsky (prince in Antony (bishop of Novgorod), 310, 313 Novgorod), 310 Arbuzovich boyars, 333 Aleksandr Vsevolodovich (prince of Belz), 258, Arseny (bishop of Novgorod), 310 272 Arseny (bishop of Ryazan ), 230, 287 Alexius II (son of Manuel I Comnenus), 208 artel see builders, team of Alexius IV (emperor), 208 Artemy (bishop of Galich), 341, 363 Al ta River see L to River Austria, 330 Ananiya (igumen), 46 Azary Chudin (tysyatskiy), 64, 66 Anastasia (wife of Gleb Svyatoslavich), 152, 291 Azov, Sea of, 111, 169, 202 Anastasia (wife of Vsevolod Chermnyy), 140, 182, 253, 281
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