Philological sciences 61 GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES OF WATER OBJECTS IN «THE SONG OF IGOR’S CAMPAIGN» Sokolova E.N. Tyumen State University, Tyumen, e-mail:
[email protected] The article is devoted to the topical problem in modern linguistic science – restoration Old Russian’s system of geographical names. «The Song of Igor’s Campaign» can be considered as important source for description system of hydronyms. Keywords: Old Russian written monuments, geographical names, hydronyms, etymological comments Place names of an era of the Old Russian nalistic list the story about Igor’s campaign «is state, being a cultural heritage of ethnic com- placed in the text of the Kiev chronicle which, munity of east Slavs, store in itself memory of in turn, got data from chronicles of Chernigov» the past of the Slavic people and their repre- [7, р. 92–93]. Igor Svyatoslavich’s entering sentations of a world order. As geographical into the Lavrentyevsky chronicle the history, names differ known stability and conservatism, appeared in it taken of chronicles of Suzdal, the perspective of their studying is on a joint and was transferred to the local chronicle of of history of language, etymology, lexicol- Pereyaslavl Southern. ogy and dialectology. Indirectly refl ecting his- As G.F. Kovalev notes, «from the point of torical and geographical reality, geographical view of proper name theory this work gives names the XI–XIII centuries keep forever so- in hands of the researcher excellent, often ciocultural, historical, lexicological and ethno a unique material. These are personal names of geographical information, refl ect valuable data heroes of the poem, the name of the ancient cit- on language contacts and ancient ethnic com- ies, settlements, the rivers, the names relating munications, migrations of the people, culture, to ancient Slavic mythology» [5, р.