Watches, J ewelcry and Silverware. Choice line of Goods suitable for Wedding and Birthday Presents

At Rock Bottom Prices 'S 61 KINe STREET EAST , GEO I EI TROREY OPP, STREET TORONTO · POCKET GUIDE · 8. 8. CARMONA This Fine Side-Wheel Steamer will leave Geddes' Whal'I', I'oot 01' 'l'ouge St., Daily (during Season, Sundays excepted, for Grimsby Park

AND Lorne Park

For Rates of Fare, Time Table, etc., see page 35·

Entered according to Act of the ParliamentofCanadaJ in the year .188S. at the Department of Agriculture.

CONTENT S ~~~::r1f:s~~~~~·.', ~',',',', .... '.~:"::.:::': ~: ~:::: ~ Railway Time T ables...... 9. It, 13, 15, 17 Toronto Boats .... _...... _ . . 31, 33, 35, 37 Closing of the Mails ...... 23. 27 F ire Alarm Boxes ...... 27, 29 Toronto Hotels ...... 30 j ake's Restaurant ...... : ..... 30 Distance to Outside Towns ...... 19 Street Railways ...... 36, 33, 39 Messenger Office, 82'Yonge St., 'Phone 500 ... T rarey's for D iamonds...... 61 King St. E::lst

1891 1891 I - JUNE - I I SUII. MON. TUE. : WED. THU. FRI. : SAIl ------I .... I 2 5 ' 6 3 4 1 7 8 9 10 II 12 13: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27: I 28 29 30 ...... I . . . . ! j I...... , . ... ., .0 I FISHING TACKLE@ @ Fine T rollt and Brass Rods, Reels, Lines, @ Flies, Etc... Select Patterns at Lowest @ Prices ...... @



Special Summer Ses­ sion for Teachers and others_ Write at once for p,articulars.


A Fine Reading Lamp Suitable For Clergymen and all Literary Men


168 MCCAUL STREET ~ opp. Caer H owellSI. H ave a well- select ed S tock of Pure Drugs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes and Perfumery.

TELEPHONE 582 Special Attent ion g iven to the Dispensing of Physicians' P rescriptions.

\;J~ ~ ~ ~ =n ~ ....= ~== e:. ~ =s: g --: :;:;. ""0 r:n= ~ c:-- ~ :::=:: ~ ==~ S· f'IIIIW ao. cr;; ;- ~ ~ ~ r:n~ • ;- I~ -- 5 POSTACE RATES.

LETTERS-Bracondale, Carlton \Vest, Da~enport, Deer Park, Doncaster, Norway, Swansea, West Toronto Junction, I cent for each oz. City, Don Mount, Riverside, Brockton, Parkdale, Leslie, Sea­ ton Village, letters 2 cents for each I oz.

Other places in Canada, letters 3 cents for each I oz. N ews­ papers, I cent for each 4 ozs. Books (limit SIbs.), I cent for each 4 azs. Parcels, closed, containing no correspondence, (limit SIbs.), .6 cents for each 4 azs. -

Parcels, not sealed, I cent for each I oz. Patterns and Samples, (bona fide), and Merchandise, put up so as to admit of inspection (limit 24 azs.), I cent for each 4 azs. Registrati.on-Letters, Parcels and Samples,s cents.

United States-Letters, 3 cents for each I oz. Newspapers, I cent for each 4 ozs. Books, (limit Sibs.), I cent for each 2 ozs. Parcels, Patterns and Samples, (limit 8 ozs.), 2 cents for first ozs., and I cent for each additional 2 OZ!'. Great Britain, N ewfoundland,Austria, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Gibr:llter, Greece, Italy, Japan, Malta, ~ether­ lands, Norway, Swedan, Switzerland, Turkey, West India Islands, (via N. Y.), letters 5 cents for each % oz. Papers, I cent for each 2 oz. Registration,s cents. Books, (limit 41bs.) I cent for each 2 oz. Parcels, (limit 5 Ibs.)-Great Britain, Japan and Newfoundland must be. prepaid, 25 cents per lb. ;For other points enquire at Pc st Office. Brazil, Chili and Peru, letters 5 cents for each % oz. Papers, I cent for each 2 075. Books, 2 cents for each :2 ozs. Regis­ tration Parcels etc., 5 cents each. Australia South (via San Francisco), 7 Cf'nts %' oz. for letters. Newspapers 2 cents and Books 3 cents for each 2 oz. Australia South and West, (via_Brindisi), letters Ie; cents for each ! oz. Newspapers 3 cents and Books 6 cents for each 2 oz. Registration, IS cents. New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, New Zea­ land, (via San Francisco). letters, 12 cents for each' ~ oz. Newspapers, 2 cents and Books 3 cents for each 2 ozs. Re­ gistration, IS cents. (Via Brindisi), letters 19 cents for each ! oz. Newspapers, 3 cents, and Rooks 6 <::r-uts ." ozs Re­ gistration, 7 cents. China, East India (Dutch), India (British), 10 cents for each % oz., (except Hong Kong Agencies which are 5 cents for each ! oz.) Newspapers, 2 cents for each 2 oz. Books, 2 cents for each 2 oz. Registration,s cents.

Miller & Soole, Printers, 31 West King St. 6 HARRY WA TSDN PRACTICAL HATTER 14 ADELAIDE sr. W. TORONTO

Hat, of all kinds Blocked en,! Remodelled. Sdk Hats Dressed while you wait. :-:-d. and Felt l'rIadc to Order. All Hab not called for in Thirty DJ.Ys will be SCold. BET'T"S NEW RESTAURANT Will be opened at 96 King st. West, on or about 8th June.



n!PORTER OF Paints, Oils, Yarnishes, Window Glass



TORONTO LODCES CAPITAL, No. 50, 2nd and 4th Tuesday, Victoria Cham hers, 9 Victoria St. T. rvIitchell, Recorder, 97 William St. TORONTO, No. 5I, 1St and 3rd Monday, O ccident Hall, Queen and Bathurst Streets. R. Charlton, 139 P ortland St. EXCELSIQR, No. 52, ISt and 3rd Monday, Shaftesuury H a ll, Queen and J ameS Sts. J. 1\1. Ewing, 116 Davenport Rd. GRANITE, No. 53', 1S t and 3rd rV[onday, Hall, Yonge a nd Albert Sts. G. Woltz, IJ2 Anne St. YORK, No. 57, 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Jackson 's Hall, Yonge and Bloor Sts. H . M. \Vllkinsoll, 44 Maitland St. CRYSTA L, No. 11 3, every alternate Monday, \Vinchcster Hall, Winchester and Parliament S ts. J. Greer, 230 Bleeker St. PARKDALE, No. 169, 1 St and 3rd \Ved nesday, Week's H;lll, Queen St. and Dunn Av. C. S. Chalk, 73 West L odge Av. QUEEN C ITY, No. 225, every alternate IVIondOlY, Dominion Bank Hall, Queen and . \\Trn. D evane, 6 lVIet­ calfe St. AVENUE No. 241, meets 2nd aog 4th Tuesday, each l\fonth, Avenue Hall , Cor. College and . J. P. Marlin, 74 Seaton S t. DANFORTH, No. '256, 2nd and 4th \Vednesday, Poulton's Hafl, Queen St. and Bohon'Av. \V. H Smith, 175 Blong St. TRINITY, No. '278, every alternate Frida'y, St. George's Hall, Queen and .Berkeley Sts. June, 5th and 19th. Chas. Mitchell , W.M., 23 Rose Avenue. D. McClay, Recorder, 72 Ea!>tern Av. FARNHAM, No. 286, 2nd a l)d 4th Wednesday, Cecil and Spadina Av. J. C. Smith, 242 Robert St. SALEM, No, 302, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, lVIechanics' H a ll , Dovercourt Rd, and Bloor St. \V. V. Todd, 168 Deleware Av. UNITT. No. 310, 1st and 3rd \\T erlnesday, Orange Hall, 273 Euclid Av. C . W. B. Lyall, 31 Shannon St. OLD ENGLAND, No. 328, 2nd 4th Wednesday, Shaftesbury Hall, Queen and J ames SlS. ]. I\L \oVilliams, 16 Carleton Av. SEATON, No. 338, 1st and 3rd Tuesday, corner Bathurst and Bloor St!'. F. W. Carey, 10 BI'unswick Av. ~~ ~,Q ~~ TORONTO .: : STEAM LAUNDRY Ifll ~ 108 YORK STREET U (D~ U NEAR KING I TELEPHONE 1605 QUA WORK IS SECOND TO Our SHOW ROOMS all CO~iPLETED Everything Enlarged Except Prices

SPECIAL INDUCDIE'>TS TO CASH Bl'YERS DURI'>G Jl''>E LEAR'S Gas and Electric Fixture Emporium

19 and 21 Richmond St. West

o~ ::0 o Z -o~ o z ;i

ELIAS ROCERS & GO. Try us for Priutiug--Miller at Soole. 31 West King St. 9 JUNEI RAILWAY GUIDE ORAND TRUNK RAILWAY. IUAIN LINE-Going Ea~l. 6 {EXPRESS! daily, except Sunday, for Cobourg, Belle- '55 a,m. ville, Kingston, Brock'!ille, Montreal and all inter­ S·55 a,m. mediate stations. 12.45 p.m.-MIXED, daily, except Sunday, for Kingston and intermediate stations. 5.30 p.m.-PASSENGER, daily, except Sunday, for Peterborough and intermediate stations, via Port Hope. 8.30 p.m.-EVENING EXPRESS, daily, for , Montreal, Quebec, Boston and principal intermediate stations. Through sleepers for Ottawa and Kingston Wharf, and Pullman Buffet Sleeper for Montreal attached. Trains Arrive from the East. ' 7.30 a.m.-Express (daily). 10.00 a.m.-Local, from Port Hope and Peterboro. u:.IS a.m.--Express, daily, except Monday. 5.55 p.m.-Mixed, from Kingston and Brockville. 10.15 p.m.-Express.

lUAIN LINE-Goin;;: \Ve~l. 8.20 a.m.-MAIL, daily except Sunday, for Brampton, Guelph, Galt, Elora, Fergus, Goderich, Sarnia, Detroit. Connecting at Guelph for all point'S on W., G. & B. and G. B. & L. E. Divisions, and at Port Huron for all points in Michigan. 1.00 p.m.-PAcIFIC EXPRESS, daily, except Sunday, for Bramp­ ton, Guelph, London, Sarma, Detroit, Chicago, and all points west, north-west and south-west. Through Pullman to Chicago attached. 4.20 p_m.y-MAIL, daily, except Sunday, for Brampton, Guelph, .... Galt, London, Goderich and intermediate stations. Connecting at Guelph for points north on W. G. & B. and G. B. & L. E. divisions. 6.15 p.m.-MIXED, daily, except Sunday, for Guelph and intermediate stations. II.30 p.m.-MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, daily, except SundaYt for • Detroit, Chicago, and all points west, north-west and south-west. Through Pullma~ sleepers to De­ troit and Chicago attached. Trains Arrive from the West. S'42 a.m.-Fast Express (daily). 10.46 a.m.-Passenger, from Guelph. J2.35 p.m.-Local, frpm London and Godencll 7.4~ p.m.-Express, from Chicago and West. II.50 p.m.-Mixed, from London and Goderich. NOKTIlEKN &: N. ,V. DIVISION. City Hall Station.-Going North 8.00 a.m.-Mail, for Muskoka Wharf, Orillia, Meaford, Col­ lingwood, Penetang and intermediate stations. II.45 p.m.-Accom., for Gravenhurst, Orillia, Meaford Col­ lingwood, Barrie and intermediate stations. i.05 p.m.-Express, for Collingw.)()d, Penetang, Ortilia, Barrie and int~rmedi"te stations. [See Next PaKe. 10 H, & C, BLACHFORITS HAVE JUST RECEIVED




87 and 89 King St. East NORTHERN LzvelJI Stable 621-627 YONGE ST.


\Vtth Drivers in Livery on hand Night ~nd Day.

FRED. DO."NE. • • P,·opl'lelor.

TELEPHONE No . 350. MILLER & SOOlE, COMMERCIAL PRINT£RS 31 KINe WEST CRAND TRUNK RAILWAY-Continued. 11.00 p.m.-From Union Station, Express, for Barrie, Orillia, Gravenhurst, Burk's Falls and North Bay, Lake Nipissing, making direct connections at N crth Bay with , trains to and from all points west. From the North.-4.35 a.m., Exp. from North Bay (to Union Station only), 9.40 a.m., Exp.; 1.50 p.m., Accom.; .8.05 p.m., Mail. SOUTU.ERN DIVI!i!50N. 6.55 a.m.-MAIL, daily, except Sunday, for Hamilton, Wood· stock, Ingersoll, London, St. Thomas and Brantford Parlor car attached. 7.40 a.m.-ST. LOUIS EXPRESS, daily except Sunday, for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Brantford, Woodstock, Ingersoll, London, St. Thomas, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis; and all points west and south. Parlor car to Hamilton. Through sleepers Hamilton to St. Louis and Chicago without change. 1.10 p.m.-AccoMMODATION, daily, for Woodstock, Ingersoll, London, St. Thomas. Connecting at Hamilton with Atlantic Express for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing­ ton. Parlor car to HamIlton. Through sleeping cars, Hamilton to Chicago, New York and Boston. Dining car Hamilton to Windsor. 2.50 p.m.-PACIFIC EXPRESS, daily, except Sunday, for Wood· stock, Ingersoll, London, Brantford and St. Thomas. Parlor car to Hamilton. Connecting at Hamilton with St. Louis and Day Express for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany, New York2 Boston, Detroit and Chicago. Through sleeping cars, Toronto to New York, Hamilton to Boston. 4.55 p.m.-M A I L, daily, except Sunday, for Hamilton, St. Catharincs, Niagara Fans, and Brantford. Parlor car to Hamilton. Through to Buffalo, New York and the East. 6.55 p.m.--Special Express for Hamilton. 11.00 p.m.-...CHICAGO EXPRESS, daily, except Sunday, or Ham­ ilton, Woodstock, Ingersoll, London, DetrOIt, Chicago, and all point wes't. Through sleeper Hamilton to Chicago. Trains Arrive. 8.45 a.m.-Limited Express. 5.25 p.m.-Express. 1:0.25 a.m.-Mail. 7.30 p.m.-Accommodation. 12.00 nODn.-Express. 8.20 p.m.-St. Louis Ex. (daily) 1.50 p.m.-Accommodation. 10.45 p.m.-Accommodation. llJIDI,AND DIVISION. 7.05 a.m.-MIXED, daily, except, Sunday, for Lindsay, Peter. boro,' Haliburton, Lakefield, Coboconk, and inter­ mediate stations. 7.45 a.m.-MAIL, daily, except Sunday, for Lindsay, Campell­ ford, Belleville, OriIlia, Midland, and all inter­ mediate stations. 3. IS p.m.-MIXED, dally, except Sunday, SLOuffvilIe & Sutton. 4.35 p.m.-ExPRESSz daily except Sunday, for Lindsay, Peter­ boro, Onllia, Midland, and all intermediate points. Parlor car to Peterboro'. 10.20 a.m.-M!xed·1 Trains Arrive. 9. 20 p.m.-Mail 6.20 p.m.-Mixed. I12.15 p.m.-Express. 12 TORONTO SHOE CO.

~ rtJ BOOTS ~ND SHOES ~ :c ~ 8 Telephone No. 1190 8 ~ en 0 0 ~o ~'8 ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ gOO C/)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l'J 0 0 0 ::t: ~ COL-King and Jarvis Sts. ~ ~ lADIES' FINE WORK AND SLIPPERS D. PIKE Manufacturer of TENTS, Awningsand Flags Horse and Waggon Covers, Life Preservers. This is our F::'lIlily Tent. TENTS TO RENT. Different Grades of Canvas Always on Hand. Hoist and Wire Rope Spliced.

1.:"";'7 I~ing St1..1 eet East TORONTO, ONT. 13 SUBURBAN TRAINS-DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY VORl'. AND WES'.'ON. LEAV~ A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. york...... 6.20 8,40 12.20 2.50 4.25 7.00 Greenwoods...... 6.25 8.45 12.25 2.55 4.30 7.05 Pape's Avenue...... 6.28 8.48 .....•...... • ...... 6.32 8.52 12.32 3.02 4.37 7.15 Don ...... 6.35 8.5512.35 3·07 4.40 7.18 Berkeley Street ...... 8.58 12.38 3.10 4.43 7.21 Church Street...... 9.05 12.45 3.17 4.50 7 .•H . Yonge Street...... A.M. 9.07 12.47 3.19 4.52 Toronto. (Union) .... 6.10 6.50 9.15 12.50 3.21 5.00 7.35 Queen's Wharf ..... 6. J 5 6.54 9. '9 12·54 3.25 5.04 Strachan Avenue ... 6. t7 6.56 9.21 12.56 3.27 5.06 North Parkdale _, .. 6.20 7.00 9.25 1.00 3.31 5.10 >. ...... -.... 7.07 1.07 ...... 5. 17 "2 Cariton ...... 7-,12 ...... 1.12 ...... 5.22 0 Mount Denis ...... 7.17 ...... 1.17 ...... 5.27 ~ Weston...... 7.21 ...... 1.21 ...... 5.31 U) LEAVE A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. "'C Weston...... 7.30 ...... 1.32 ...... 5.40 ; Mount Dennis...... 7·34.· .... 1.36 ...... 5.44 Carlton ...... _. 7.38 ...... 1.40 ..•... 5'48 ci Bloor Street...... 7.44 ...... 1·46 ...•.. 5.54 ~ North Parkdale ... 6.30 7.5' 9.50 1.53 3.40 6.01 Strachan Avenue .. 6.33 7.5.1 9·53 1.56 3.43 6.05 Queen's Wharf .... 6.35 7·57 9·55 1·59 3.45 6.07 Toronto (Umon) ... 6,40 8.01 10.00 2.03 3.50 6,II II.OO Yonge Street ...... 6,43 8.04 10.03 2.06 3.53 6.14 II.03 Church Street ..... 6,45 8.06 10.05 2.08 3.55 6.16 11.05 Berkeley Street...... 8.13 10.12 2.15 4.02 6.23 11.12 Don ...... 8.1610.15 2.18 4.05 6.2611.15 Leslieville...... 8.19 10.18 2.21 4.08 6.29' II.IS Pape's Avenue[ ...... 8.23...... II.23 Greenwoods...... 8.27 [0.26 2.29 4.16 6.37 ..... york...... 8.34 10·33 2.36 4.23 6,44 II.35 Southern Divililion-Going We.t. LEAVE A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. City Hall ...... • 2.10 'Toronto ...... 6'30 10.00 2. IS 4·10 5. 10 6.35 Queen's Wharf ...... 6'35 10.05 2.20 4· 15 5. 15 6·40 South Parkdale...... 6.40 10.10 2.25 4. 20 5. 20 6'4S High Park ...... 6.45 10.15 2.30 4. 25 5.25 6.50 Swansea ...... 6.50 10.18 '·33 4. 28 5. 28 6.52 The Humber ...... 6·5.1 10.20 2·35 4.30 5.30 6·55 Humber Grove .... ~ ... . 6.57 IO.2~ 2·37 4.32 5.32 6·57 Mimico ...... 7.00 10.25 2.40 4·35 5·35 7.00 Goin;; Enst. LEAVE A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Mimico...... 8.10 10.40 2.50 5.55 6.40 7.25 Humber Grove...... 8.12 10.42 2.52 5.57 6.42 7.27 The Humber ...... 8.15 10.45 2.55 6.00 6,45 7.30 Swansea...... 8.17 10·47 '·57 6.05 6·47 7·35 High Park.., ., 8.20 10.50 3.00 6,'10 6.50 7.40 South Parkdale...... 8.25 10.55 3.05 6.15 6,55 7·45 Queen's Wharf.. A...... 8,30 II.OO 3.10 6.20 7.00 7.50 Toronto...... 8,35 II.05 3.15 6.25 7. 05 7·55 City Hall...... 8,40 II.IO 3.20 '4

THIS IS THE G€onard Cl€anabl€ REFRIGERATOR Which we ~uara ., tee as being Superior to all o:her'. H. A. COLLINS & CO. SOLE AGENTS, 6, 8 and 10 Adelaide St. W. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAilWAY, O. & Q. OIVISION

Going EaHt 8.45 a.m.-EAsTERN EXPRESS, daily, except Sunday, for Claremont, Myrtle, Peterboro', Norwood, King. stan, Carleton Junction, Ottawa, Pembroke, Mon· treal, Quebec anq the east. . 5.15 p.m.-ACCOMMODATION, daily, except Sunday, for Agin. court, Green River, Claremont, Myrtle, Burketon, Cavanville, Peterboro', Norwood and Havelock. 9.15 p.'m.-MONTREAL EXPRESS, daily. for Myrtle, Peterboro I Havelock, Kingston, Carleton Jet., Renfrew, Pembroke, Upper Ottawa Valley, Montreal, Que. bec, the White Mountains and Portland.

Goin~ 'Vest 7.00 a,m.-CHICAGO FLYER, daily, for Milton, Galt, Wood. stock, Ingersoll, St. Thomas, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, etc. II.20 a.m.-STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, Mondays, Thursdsys and Saturdays, for Orangeville, Owen Sound, Sault Ste. :rVlarie, Port Arthur, Winnipeg, Duluth, St. Paul, and all points on Pacific Coast. 2.45 p.m.-CHICAGO DAISY, daily, for Chatham, Galt, Wood· stock, Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St. Paul, San Francisco, etc. 6.00 p.m.-LocAL EXPRESS, dai1¥., except Sunday. for Cooks. ville, Streetsville, Mllton, Galt, Ayr, Drumbo, Woodstock and London. Il.OD p.m.-PAcIFIC EXPRESS, daily, except Sunday, via Northern & North.Western, for North Bay, Sud· bury, Port Arthur, Rat Portage, Winnipeg, Bran· don, Broadview, Regina, Calgary, the Rockies, Vancouver, Victoria, and all points on the Pacific Slope. Going North

7.00 a.m.-ACCOMMODATION, daily, exc~ptSunday, for Bramp. ton, Cheltenham, Erin, HilIsburg, Fergus, Elora and Orangeville. 7.35 a.m.-MAIL~ daily, except Sunday, tor Weston, Wood· bridge, Card well, Tottenham, Beeton, Alliston, Glencairn, Avening, Creemore, Orangeville, Shel. burne Dundalk, Flesherton, Markdale, Owen Sound Luther, Arthur, Mount Forest, Ha,riston. Wingham and Teeswater. 4.40 p.m.-For Lambton, Cooksville, Streetsville,' Brampton, , Erin, Elora, Fergus, Orangeville. 5,25 p.m.-NORTH EXPRESS, daily except Sunday, for Wes­ ton, Woodbridge, Cardwell, Tottenham, Beeton, AlJiston, Glencairn, Avening, Creemore, Orang€'" ville, Shelburne, Dundalk, Flesherton, Markdale Owen Sound, Lutker, Arthur, Mount Forest, Harriston, Wingham. and Teeswater. 16 OFFIGE SPECIALTY MFG. CO.

118 BAY ST., TORONTO Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Letter Files and Filing Cabinets Interior Vault Fittings-Metal. Office Desl{s (Superior.) School Furniture.

Letter Copier, Roller Metal Shelves, Ledger Indexes, etc.

W. H. MORDEN, Manager for Canada .


Office Chair, DESK Letter File, •• SAFE .(t Or anything Required in an Office or Study?

IF SO, ea II at .2+ II ~(st Frollt Sf. TORONTO GEO. F. BOSTWICK '7 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY-TRAINS ARRIVE. From Havelock, Norwood, Peterboro', Ottawa, the Ottawa Valley, Montreal, Quebec, Portland and the east, 7.40 a.m., 8.55 p.m. From Havelock, Norwood, Peterboro', Cavanville, Burketon, Myrtle, Ap'mc:ourt 10.10 a.m. From Chicago, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw Valley, St. Thomas, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Galt and the west, 8.15. From Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Regina, Brandon, Wmni· peg, Port Arthur and the Pacific Coast, via Northern & North-Western, 4.35 a.m., 1.00 p.m. From London, Woodstock, Galt,Streetsville Junction, I2.00 nOOR 9.55 p.m. From Owen Sound, l\Ilarkdale, Flesherton, Orangeville, Tees· water, Harriston, Mount Forest and the north, 10.50 a.m., 8'30 p.m. From Bramp.ton, Inglewood, Fergus, Elora, Alton, Erin, Orangeville, .[1.35 a.m., 9.55 p.m.

C. I". U. SlJBURBAN TUAINS. Toronto to . Toronto ...... a.m. 7.00 7·35 8'45 *[1.20 Parkdale ...... a.m. 7.10 7·45 8,51} *II'30 Bloor Street...... a.m. 7.16 7.5 1 TorontoJl1nction.a.m. 7.20 7·55 . .. a m. Bathurst Street ..

Toronto ...... p.m. 2·45 4.40 5. 15 5. 25 6.00 9"5 Parkdale ...... p.m. 2·55 4.50 5.25 5·35 6.10 9. 25 Hl00r Street ..... p.m. 3· 0 [ 4.56 5·3' 5.41 6.16 TorontoJunction. p.m. 3. 0 5 5.00 5·35 5-46 6.20 9.40 Dufferin Street .p.m...... 5.42 ... Bathurst Street .. p.m ...... 5.48 North Toronto ... p.m...... 5·55 10.00 North Toronto to Toronto. North Toronto .. a.m. 6,55 Q·3° Bathurst Street .. a.m. 9·37 Duft"erin Street ... a.m. q 43 TOlonto ] unction.a. m. 7. 20 7·55 9.50 10.30 IJ.I5 11.40 Bloor Street..... a.m. 7·59 9·54 10·34 II.19 11·44 Parkdale ...... a.m. 7. 28 8.05 TO.CO 10.40 II.25 11·50 Toronto ...... a.m. 7.40 8.15 10.10 10.50 11·35 12.00 North Toronto. .. p.m. 8.10 Bathurst Street .p.m. Dufferin Street. p.m. Toronto Junclion.p.m. 8.10 8·35 9·35 Bloor Street ... . p.m. 8"4 Parkkale ...... p.m. 8.20 8.45 9·45 Torvnto ... p.m. 8,30 8·55 9·55 Printing - Miller Be Soole - 31 King St. W. 18 LUNCH COUNTERS-No Bett~: ~~;eCity_


I • • • • BUNS, &c. , • STREET •• 51 KtNG E. AND 51 KING W.

Fresh Daily t'r GoodsFrom Our Own Ovens -PROMPT ~ :.. RVICE

Death to Tobacco! PRESTILEMORA TOBA.{'{,O AN I'IDO'I'E Satisfies the Craving. System Tonic. Worth a Trial. Cured Many.


166 YONGE STREET TELEPHONE 1558 NEXT TO INDlAN CLOCK • 19 POPULATION, DISTANCE AND FARE FROM TORONTO TO Pop. MIs Fare Pop. MIs Fare . I $ c. $ c. 277 7 75 Peterboro ..... gooo 92 2 40 i~~~~~o~ :: : : ~-: ~= I 30 90 Petrolia, 5000 162 4 90 Barrie ...... 5500 64 I 95 Port Hope ... 55 88 63 210 Beaverton .... 1400 73 2 '5 Prescott ...... 3000 221 6 65 Belleville " .10000 II3 3 75 Quebec ..... 624.7 505 13 35 Berlin ...... 5000 62 1 95 St. Cath 'rin's .. 9500 72 2 IS Bowmanville .. 3650 43 I 45 St.]ohn,N.B·30000 1093 21 SO Bradford ..... 1500 4' I 25 St. Marys..... 3600 98 3 05 Brampton ..... ,4000 21 65 St. lhomas .. 11000 13 3 65 Brantford .... 12000 70 I 95 Sarnia ....~ .... 5318 163' 5 00 Brockville ... 10000 208 6 25 Seaforth ..... 3000 III 3 45 Chatham ..... 9000 179 5 30 SimGoe ...... 3000 182 2 75 Clintori ...... 2900 lI8 3 70 Stratford. .. .9000 88 2 75 Cobourg ". ~ .5000 69 2 3~ Strathroy .... 4000 136 4 00 Collingwood .. 5500 94 2 85 Thorold .. '" .2700 83 2 25 Com wall. . .. 5000 266 800 Trenton ..... 3300 101 3 35 Elora...... 1700 98 '90 Uxbridge .... 2300 4' I 25 ExetE"c. • • • . .. 2000 146 3 95 Walkerton .... 2800 155 3 50 Fergus...... 2000 10' 1 90 Weiland ... • . 2600 S8 2 55 Galt ...... 7'50 76 I 75 Whitby ...... 4000 30 J 00 Gananoque ... 3500 178 5 60 Windsor ...... 7060 225 6 75 Georgetown ... 1800 29 go Woodstock ... 6500 87 2 60 Goderich ..... ~500 '33 4 05 Winnipeg. .22000 1404 46 60 Gravenhurst .. '.noo II3 3 50 Albany ... ,94,640 390 8 75 Guelph ...... IIooo 48 1 50- Baltimore .. 433,.;47 513 12 60 Hamilton .... 50000 40 I 20 Boston .... 446,5°7 582 13 25 Harriston ..... 2000 92 2 85 Brooklyn •. 804,377 52 9 II 85 Halifax ...... 36054 II91 2600 Buffalo .... 234,457 10. 3 IS Ingersoll ..... 5000 "7 2 90 Chicago .. 1,099,133 512 14 00 Kincard ine. .. 3000 160 4 65 Cincinn'ti .. 296,309 529 14 50 Kmgston .••• 17000 16, 5 40 Cleveland .. 26r,546 290 8 15 Lindsay ..••.. 6000 69 2 05 Denver .... 106,670 1672 45 00 Listowell .... 3500 ,,6 2 95 Detroit .... 205,669 23 1 6 75 London •.... 30000 ,,6 3 40 ] ersey C ... ,63,987 52H II 85 Meaford ...... 2300 lIS 3 50 Kansas C .. 132,416 998 26 So Mitchell.. . .. 3000 98 3 10 Louisville .. 161,005 62 3 17 So Montreal ... 250000 333 II 10 Milw'kee... 204, 150 594 16 55 Mount Forest. 2500 87 2 65 Minn'p'lis .. 164,738 928 25 50 Napanee •.... 4000 135 4 50 N.Orleans.241 ,995 1502 35 50 N ewm:trket ... 2400 34 1 00 Newark. ... 181,518 521 II 85 Orangeville ... 3500 49 I 50 N ewYork 1,513,501 528 II 85 Orillia ...... 4500 87 2 60 Phil'phia. J ,046,252 522 12 60 Oshawa ...... 5000 3 4 I 'S Pittsburg .. 238,473 23 0 9 IS Ottawa ...... 47000 28, 7 80 provid'ce ... 129,000 600 '3 35 Owen Sound .. 5500 122 3 65 Rochester .. 138,327 159 4 IS Paisley ...... il00 169 3 95 S. Frn'sco .. 297,990 2878 76 50 Paris ...... 3400 69 2 QO St.Louis. 460,357 860 20 75 Pembroke•.... 4000 330 10 85 St.Paul .... '33,156 918 25 So Perth .... 4000 248 6 05 Wash'ton .. 229,796 555 13 8o , TORON. I O. ~OO.OOO • For Advertising Rates and all information, Address- PUBLISHER TORONTO POCKET CUIDE, 82 VONCE STREET. zo

HATS HATS HATS . - - w...... ---.


S howing Bengougb's Typewriter Acme Type C leaner



GEORGE B~NGOUGH, ~ Adelaide Street West REVISED CAB TARIFF. NORTHERN CITY LIMITS No.3 ;!!! i ~ ::; Bloor Street ..... No.2 ...... ; z ...c; II) til co z a: ...., G ~ .. .. n...... ;.:: ~ No.. ~ cr i: .. 1ii" .,&...~ C/)~... cr II) =< lI: . m III ~ . if r0- c.. CD. THE BAY Fare by th., Hour :-1 or 4 Passengers, $1.00 per hour; ...... r 4 passengers, 25c. for each adult per hour.

TWO HORSE CAB FARE One Each Person A~~~!~~a} For conveying one person from one place ------­ to an?~h~r within the limits of the Ist DIvIsIon...... •.••••..•••..... 25C. 25C. For conveying ant ~~on from any point in the 1St D i ' to any point in 2nd Division...... SOC. 2SC. For conveying one J n from any point in the 1St Di\'L to anY'p0mt in the 3rd Division ...... 75C. 25C. UNE HORSE CAB For conveying one person from one place to an

Palace S t udios:

9'J ' ~ ODgC ~ •• , rrOI'ootO. S and to', Kin;.: !ill. " -"'1, 1'lamiltoD PARISIAN ~<:h~" S1 EAM LA UNDRY

HEA D OFFICE AND WORl.:S 67 ADELAIDE ST, WEST Goods Called for and D elivered to any part of the Cit" TELEPHONE II":'







Lieut.·Governor's Residence, King and Simcoe Sts. Parliament Buildings, Front St. West. Custom House, cor. Yonge and Front Sts. Provincial Lunatic Asylum, Queen St. West. Exhibition Grounds and Crystal Palace. New Fort and School of Inrantry, (Lieut.·Col. Otter Commgndant). Osgoode Hall, Queen St. West. College Avenue, North from Queen St. West. Queen's Park, Head of Colle1(e Avenue. Monument to the Heroes of Ridgeway, Queen's Parl<. Han. Geo. Brown, University Buildings, Queen's Park. Horticultural Gardens, Gerrard and Sherbourne Sts. Normal School, Museum, etc., Gould St. St. James' Cathedral (Episcopal) King and Church Sts. St. Michael's Cathedral (R. C.), Bond and Shuter Sts. Metropolitan Church (Methodist), Queen St. East. St. Andrew's Church, King and Simcoe Sts. Baptist Church, Gerrard and Jarvis Sts. St. James' Cemetery, Parliament and Wellesley St. Post Office, Adelaide St. East. St. Lawrence Hall and Market, King St. East. Central Prison, Strachan Avenue. Knox College, Spadina Avenue. Trinity College, Queen St. \Vest. Ontario-Society of Artistts, King St. West. General Hospital, Gerrard SI. East. Parkdale Collegiate Institute, Jamieson Ave. Public Library, Church and Adelaide Sts. Academy of Music, King St. West. Toronto Opera House. Adelaide St. West. Grand Opera House, Adelaide St. West. Board of Trade Building, Front and Y onge Sts. Cyclorama, Front St. West, next to Walker House. WI-THROW & HILLOCK


l'.1anufacturers of and Dc>alers in SASH , DOORS, BLINDS FLOORING, SHEETING, ETC.


A great improvement on all bliuds; sl ides up and down and keeps its place without weights; can be easi1y a t­ tached to aU frames. \\'ith these and lace curtains your windows are CvD1 - plete. Once ~et"n you will take no other


""'"--' OJ V 00 t--o 0'" ~ Z ~ ,.."" .:l'" OJ I§I ~ 0.... '" ~ ""' ~ '"0 ~ .:l"" t-< Z OJ rJ) 25 JUNE MAILS) 1891. Close. Dlle.

A.M. P.M. Grand Trunk East. A.M. P.M. 600 7 35 Whitby, Belleville, Kingston, Brock- ...... ville, Montreal, etc...... 7 45 10.30 6 00 7 3S MontreaL ...... 11.30 10.30 \ G)'and 'I'rlluli. We~t. 7.00 3.20 Brampton, St. Mary's, Goderich, Sea- P.M ••••••• •...... forth, Stratford, Georgetown..... 12.40 7.40 12. n 10.00 Stratford...... 11.50 7.00 ...... ) Guelph ...... {...... 7.40 12. n 3.20 I 12.40 lI.SO 7.00 10.00 Sarnia...... g.oo 7.40 Great "\ll"estel'u Rnih,'ny 6.00 4.0o}Brantford, Hamilton, London ...... 10.30 8.20 12.10 9.30 Hamilton, Windsor ...... 9.00 { .... 8.20 2.00 Hamilton, Brantford ...... [0 .... 2.00 ..... 11·30 12.10 9.30 Hamilton, St. Thomas ... ,...... 9.00 2.00 NOl'tlierD & North ...."restern 7.00 4.10 Aurora, Barrie, Collingwood, ...... 10.00 8.10 It.OO 10.00 Barrie ...... ,...... 2.15 7.00 9.30 Beeton, Cookstown, Alliston...... 11.30 6.00 4.10 Oril1ia ...... 10.00 9.30 lUi

Would like you to call and see his · TWEED SUITINGS · Before deciding to buy elsewhere.

Suitable for the present Season. Our Specialty : $4. 00 Pants to Order Platts', The Tailor


Via New York, closes on 1st, 4th, 8th, 11th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, 25th and 29th, at 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. ; but to insure catching the steamer, the 4 p.m. mail is recommended.

AUSTRALIA Et.,. Mails for Australia and New Zealand leavt! San Francisco on June 25th, Sandwich ISlands, etc., 2nd, 13th, 16th, 25th and 30th. Marquesas and Tahati on 30th.

JAPAN AND CHINA. A mail for Japan and China, leaves on 2nd, 13th and 25th, via San Francisco; and on 6th, via Vancouver. To insure connection, :ihould be posted in Toronto eight ot nine days sooner.


N~ N~ 4 Cor. Front and Church 34 Cor. Y onge and Shuter 5 H Front and Yonge 35" Bond and Wilton Ave 6 " Bay Esplanade 36 " Y ooge and Gould 7 " Front and York 37 " Yonge and McGill 8 Parliament Buildings 38" Yonge and Wood 9 Cor. Simcoe and Esplanade 41 ,. Qu~en and Elizabeth 12 " King and Bay 42 " Queen and Simcoe 13 " King and York 43 " Queen and Beverley 14 " King and John 45 " Queen and Brock IS " King and Brock 46" Queen and Portland 16 " King and Bathurst 47" Queen aud Bathurst- 17 " Front and Bathurst 48" Queen and Claremont 18 " Frout and Brock 5T" Queen and Church 19 " Front and John 52 " Queen and Jarvis 21 " King and Yonge 53 Queen and Sherbourne 23 " King and Church 54" Jarvis and Wilton Ave. 24 " King and Jarvis 56" Gerrard and Church 25 Esplanade & W. M'ket 57 " Gerrard and Sherbourne 26 " Front and Frederick 61" Jarvis and Carlton 27 Christie, Brown & Co's Fac. 62 " Jarvis and Wellesley 28 Cor. King and Sherbourne 63 " Sherbourne & Wellesley 29 " King and Berkeley 64 II Sherbourne and Isabella 31 Yonge and Adelaide 65" Charles and Jarvis 32 " Yang_ and Queen 67" Charles and Church .8 5.5. LINE CUNARD FOR EUROPE


58 YONGE STRE ET C ITY AGENT 6. HOPE & SON BIRD STORE For Singing Bird ·, Bird Cages, Seeds, etc.


IF you wish a First-Class Portrai t made of that old photo of Father, Mother, Sister or Brother, take it down to BENTLEY & BRO"TNELL They beat the W odd on nice work. 81 KINe STREET EAST, TORONTO '9 Toronto Fire Alarm Signal Boxes. ( Continued.) No. No. 7' Cor. !lay and Richmond ,67ICor.Doverc'rt & St. Ann's R 72 " Louisa and Teraulay 172" King and Niagara 73 " Agnes and Elizabeth 173" Wellington & Strac'o A 74 " Teralliay and Hayter 174 Bridge Manufacturing Co. 75 Ho~pital for Sick Children 175 Cor. BrockA. and Florence 76 Cor. Christopher & Chestnut 176 Exhibition Buildings 81 II Simcoe and Ccer Howell 182 Cor. Dundas and Sora wen 82 " Beverley and D'Arcy 183" Bloor & Dovercourt Rd. 83 " Beverley and College 184" Bloor and Symington 84 " Harbord and Huron 212" Berkeley & Esplanade 8S " Bloor and Walmer RoadzI3 Gooderham & Worts' Di!'>'y 86 " Bloor & Palmerston Av. 214 Cor. Front and Trinity 91 " Grosvenor & St. Vincent 215" Front and Beachall 92 " St. Albans & St. Vincent 216" King and Sumach 93 " Yonge and Wellesley 217" Queen and River 94 " Czar and North 23 t House of Providence 95 " Yonge and Isabella 23,l Cor. Parliament and Queen 123 " Yonge and Bloor 235 II Sydenham and Ontario 124" Yonge, op. St. Paul's H 236 " Seaton and Wilton Ave. 125" Hloor, op. St. Paul,s Ch. 237 " Parliament and Oak 126 " Cumberland and Belair 24I" Parliament and Carlton 127 " Scollard & Hazelton AV. 243 " Parliament and Amelia 128" Avenue Road and Bloor 245 " Winche~ter & Sackville 129" Bloor and St. George 246 Lamb's Fact and Amelia 132 " Avenue R. & Elgin AV.247 Cor. Gerrard and River 134 " Davenport R. & Belmo't 251 " Gerrard and Sackville 135 " Yonge and Belmont 253 " Sumach and Wilton Av. 136" Yonge and Cottingham 254" Queen and Broadview A. 137 " Rosedale & W'dland A 756" Queen and G.T.R. Cr'g l42" St. Patrick & Spadina 261 Gooderham's Cattle Sheds 143" College and Spadina 263 Cor. Rroadview A. & Gerr'd 145" Brunswick & Harbord 264" De Grassi & Cummings 146" Bathurst and College 265" Queen and Pape Ave. 147" College and Clinton 271" Queen and Leslie 152" Denison Ave. & High 312" Queen and GwynneAv. 153" St. Patrick & Bathurst 314 Rubber Works, West Lodge 15~ II Cor. Bellevue & Nassau 315 Cor. Lansdowne and Marion 156" Euclid Ave. and Arthur 316" Sorauren Ave. 157 " Dunda.;; and Ossington A 317" Sorauren Ave. and Rush 162" Queen and Dundas 31B " Queen & McDonell Av. 163" Que'en and Lisgar 321 " King and Gwynne Ave. 164" Dufferin and Florence 324 Home for Incur. Dunn Av. 165" Dundas and Brock Ave 325 Cor. King and Jamieson Av.

w. H. STONE, 'Uln~ertaRer , I


WALKER HOUSE, TORONTO. A first class Family and Commercial Hotel. Overlooking Toronto Bay and oDly one block from Union Depot and within five minutes walk of Steamboat Landings. Street cars pass LO all parts of city. Passenger Eleyator. $2.00 and $:Z'50 per day, D. Walker, Proprietor.

HOTEL METROPOLE. Comer York and King Streets $2.00 per day. ] ohn McGrory, Proprietor, Telephone No. '245.

AKE'S VIRCINIA RESTAURANT,207Yonge J Street, opposite Albert Street. Fir.s~-class, order bill of fare. Open day and night. Popular prices. Telephone 2399.

THE ELLIOTT. Corner Church and Shuter Streets, Rates $2.00 per Day. J Dhn Hirst, ProprIetor. Take Church Street Cars from trains or boats.

THOMAS' EUROPEA HOTEL 30 King St. "'test, Toronto. Rooms at graded Prices Rest­ Taunt open until midnight and on Sunday. Keachie & Co. Telephone 38,.

LAKEVIEW HOTEL, Corner WlIlch.. ter and Parliament Streets, Electric Bells, Bath Rooms. Every requisite for comfort of guests. Terms $1:.50 to $2.00 per day. Cars to aU parts of CIty, 'Vinchester Street Car from Union Station will take you to the door. Telephone 3247. John Ayre~ Prop.

EMPRESS HOTEL, 339 Yonge St" Corner Gould, Toronto. Rate $1.00 to $1. 50 per day. Telephone 2279, Y onge Street Cars to and from Union Station, pas... door e\'~ry few minutes. R. Dissette, Proprietor.

THE AVONDALE. (Late Continental Hotel). Rate $,.00 to J. 50 per day, Corner Simcoe and Wellington Streets W. H. ~linns, Proprietor, Toronto, Onto I A LBION HOTEL, TORONTO. The only homelike hotel in the city; one dollar per d3Y· J. Holderness, proprietor.

TREMONT HOUSE. (L."lte Bay Horse). ,6, Yonge Street, Toronto. Thoroughly renovated and refurnished. qne of the Best $,.00 Houses in the city. ]. Mannell, Prop. rIetor. Miller & Soole, Printers, 31 West King St. 31 THE. F AST STEAMER LAKESIDE


Leaves Milloy's Wha r f, foot of Yonge Street at 3.30 p.m. arrIving at Port Dalhousie at 6.00 p.m. , in time fo r outgoing trains. Returning-, leaves St. Ca tharines, Norris' Wharf, at 7.30 a.m. , Port Dalhousie, 8'30 a.m., calling at piers, arriving in Toronto 11.20 a .m. For despatch and Low Rates, !'i hip by this Line. Cheap Excursion Saturday Aftt::rnoon, at 2.00 p.m. tickets good until Moncay, SO Cents. F or Tickets, (family tickets a specialty) and full information apply at R obin son & Heaths, 69% Yonge street; M ill oy'~ Office, foot of Yonge street; C.P.R. Offices, Board of Trade, etc. ; T . Eaton & Co's, 1 90 Yonge street; And on Board Boat.


Open June 13th to September 5th

Steamer " Carmona " and G. T. R.


ADDRESS: LURNB PARK CO. , TORONTO ;: &:~ J) '~ 'J{T %I'l-AWJD' JT~ TI-\ E IDE1\ That it is beyond your reach to have a handsomely furnished home

THE C. F. ADANlS' HOME FURNISH I NC HOUSE Sell, the hest grade, of e,-erything needed to furnish the house from cellar to garret on credit without charg­ ing interest or instalment charges on the lowest cash pri ces. l\ L) mailer wh"t the "Illount of your income, this offe r shuuld come in h.1ndy. E,amine the goods in the sture. get prices "nd see if you can afford to lmy elsewhere even by paying cash for the full amount. The motto of this establishment is cash or credit one price either way.

TH£ C. F. ~ ADAMS'. HOME FURNISHINC HOUSE 177 YONCE STREET T hrough to 6 Queen S treet East

C. S. CORYELL, Manager. T elephone aa~ 33 TORONTO BOATS

EMPRESS OF INDIA for St. Catharines, NIagara Falls, Buffalo, and all points East. From Geddes' Wharf. Leaves Toronto ...... 7.30 a.m. 3.40 p.m. Arrives Port Dalhousie ..- ...... , ..... 10.00 a.m. 6.10 p.m.

Making connections wIth trains for St. Catharinest Niagara Falls and Buffalo, whi~h leave Port Dalhousie at 10.30 a.m., and 6.20 p.m. Leaves Port Dalhousie ...... ' ...... 10.15 a.m. 7.15 p.m. Arrives Toronto...... ,12.45 a.lll. 9.45 p.m. For Tickets, etc., see page 37.

LAKESIDE for Port Dalhousie and St. Catharines. From Milloy's Wharf, foot Yonge Street, Connecting ..... lth trains for Welland, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, New York and all points East. Leaves Toronto ...... 3.30 p.m. Arr. P. Dalhousie .. 6.00 p.m. " St.Catharines.7.30 a.m. u P. Dalhousie.. S.30 a.m. Arr. Toronto ...... 11.15 a.m. Cheap Excursion, Saturday Afternoon, 2.00 p.m. Tickets good for Monday. Round Trip, 50 cents. For Ticket~, etc., see page 31.

VICTORIA PARK, per Steamer from Geddes' Wharf, foot of Yonge St.reet, daily, at 10.30 a.m., 2.J5, 4.30 and 6.15 p.m. Fare 25 cents, children, IS cents. Special rat~s to Sunday Schools, Society and other parties, inclu(:ing l\1oonlights. Office, 38 Kmg Street East. ~This is the favorite Summer Resort.

ISLAND PARK FERRY' CO. From Church and Brock S" only. Steamers KATHLEEN, TRUANT, GERTRUDE, ARLINGTON, ISLAND QUEEN, J. L.McEDWARDS ADA ALICE, for Island Park Popular Resort. A. J. Tymon, Manager. One of above boats leaves Church St. Wharf at 7.30, 8.15, 9.15,, ILI5 and lI.-f.5 a.m., and 12.30, I p.m., and every IS minutes till 10.30 p.m. Brock St. Wharf. 10.00 a. m., and every 20 minutes till 10.30 p.m. Last boat leaves Island Park 11.00 p.m.

CIEOLA AND CHICORA, for Niagara-ol1·the.Lake, Lewis­ ton, etc., from Milloy's Wharf, foot ofYonge St. Connect~ iog with New York Central and Michigan Central R.R. Leaves Toronto ... 7.00 a.l11. II.CO a.m. 2.00 p.m. 4.45 p.m. Arrives Lewiston .. 9.45 a.m. 1.45 p.m. 4·45 p.m. 7.45 p.m. Leaves Lewiston,. 7.15 a.m. 10.30 a.m. :2.30 p.m. 5.20 p.m. Arrives Toronto... 10.30 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 4.15 p.m. 8.00 p.m. For Ticket$, etc., see prge 37. 34

Eyeryune wh o *sees thi~ ad ,"ertisement o.nd will present 0. copy of this Poc ket Guide at our office, 147 Y on g e S t reet , n- few doors north of the .\rco.cl e, we will Ill o. ke them a dozer. Cabinet Photos at $1.00 less than the price. J. C. Walker ·&Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS 147 YONGE STREET 35 TORONTO BOATS.-(Continued).

S. S. CARMONA, for Grimsby Park, commencing June 13th, will leave Geddes Wharf. foot of Yonge St., on Tuesday!', Thursdays and Saturdays. I,eaves Toronto,...... ,2.00 p.m. Returning leave Grim:;by Park...... 5.30 p.m. Tickets 60 Cents, good to return same day " 75 'I "" " during Season, "50 far round trip on Wednesday and . Saturday afternoon. Family Book-tickets [0 rounds trips $4.00, good during season. For Lorne Park: Leave Toronto ...... 10.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m. Leave Lorne Park ...... 11:.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m. Ticket~ 2S cents, Children IS cents.

P. McINTYRE, Agent, 93 York St.

MACASSA fur Hamilton. Yonge Street Wharf.

Le~:yes Toro!1to . 5.30 p.m. Arrives Hamtlton. 8.30 p.m. Hamtlton .. 7.30 a,m. " "'-Toronto .. 10.30 am.

TORGNTO FERRY CO., for Hanlan', and Centre Island. PRIMROSE, MAYFLOWEt., MASCOT and SADIE, foot ofYonge St. Fir5t boat 7.00 a.m., and at regular in~ te,·val,. From Prock St., JOHN HANLAN, CANA­ DIAN and LUELLA. First boat at 10.00 a.m. TORONTO GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY MEL VILLE & RICHARDSON 28 ADELAIDE Sf. EAST

Foreign Exchange. Telephone 2010. C.P.R. Telegraph. Tickets to New York. Drafts and Money Orders Issued to all parts of the World.

Miller & So ole, Printers, 31 West King St. 36 TORONTO STREET RAILWAY

YONGE STREET (Red Light). Leaves Front and York Sts. 6.40 a.m. and every 8 minutes until 7.20 p.m.; then every .16 minutes until ZI·.36, last car. Leave N crth Toronto for Yark and Front Sts. 6.08 a m. and every 8 minutes until 7.52 p.rn...; then every .16 minutes until 12.08 p.m., last car for York and Front Sts. Leave Frederick and King Sts. 5.40 a.m. and every 8 miD­ utes until 7.28 p.m.; then every .16 minutes until Il..28 p.m. last car. Leave North Toronto for Frederick and King Sts.. 6.12 a.m. and every Bminutes until 8.00 p.m.; then every :16 miD utes until 12.00 p.m., last car for Frederick St. l\;laking 4 minutes time from North Toronto to King and Yonge Sts. from 6.08 a.m. till 8.00 p.m. l\.fakmg 4 minute time from King and Yonge Sts. from 5.40 a. m. until 7.33 p.m.; then every 8 minutes until :r:r'4I p.m., last car. Extra cars leave Frederick and Front 515. S.S4 and S.S8 p.m. \l'OODBINE RO.""D (Red Light). Leave St. Lawrenq: Market at 6,4-5 a.m; and every IS min­ utes until 12.00 p.m., last car. Leave Woodbllle at 6.08 a.m., and every 15 minutes until n'30 p.m., last car. Cars leave King and St. lkwrence5treets at s_so, ll, 6.10,6.20, and 6,30 a.m., and go to Woodbine. CII.URCH STREET (Blue Light). Leaves York and Front Sts. 6,4° a.m., 7.00, 7.'20, 7.30 and every xo minutes till 9.40 p.m.; then 10.001 10.'20, 10.30, 10.50, II.lO, 1I.'20, last car. Leave Bloor St. 6.15 a.m., 6.35,6.55,7.05,7.25,7.45 and every 10 minutes till IO as p.m.; then 10.25, I0.45 .10.55, 11.15, II.35, 1I.45, last car. Cars leave Front and Church Sts., going to Bloor 5.50, 6. IO, 6.30' a.m. SIIEKBOURNE S'I'REE'r (Red Light). Lea\'e York and Front Sts. at 6,40 a.m. and every 7~ minutes untilS'40 p.m.; then every IO minutes untiln.30 p.m., last car. Lea~'e Bloor Street at 6.10, 6.17, 6'32, 6.4°,6.47,7.02 and every 7~ mmutes unti19.IO, and then every]o minutes until 12 p.m. last car. Leave Frederick and Front Sts., going to Bloor St., at 5.50 a. m., 5'57, 6.1'2, 6.20, 6.'27 and 6.42. Extra car leaves Front and York Sts. at 5.53 p.m. KING STREET (Blue I.i3ht)• .. Leave Don Bridge at 5.27 a.m., and every 5 minutes until 7.25 p.rn ; then every IO minutes until 11.25 p.m., last car. Leave Strachan Ave. at 6.02 a.m., and every 5 minutes until 8.00 p.m.; then every 5 minutes until 12.00 p.m. last car. 37 NIAGARA FALLS LINE


And all Points East, daily, at 7.30 a.m., and 3.40 p.m., from Geddes' wharf foot of Yonge Street, by the Staunch Steamer )Empress ef lnbia

Low Rates to Excursion Parties. Family Tickets far sale, good for ladies and gentlemen. Tickets at all Hotels and . W. A. GEDDES, 69 Yonge Street; P. ]. SLATTER, G.T.R. tTIcket Office, Corner King and Yonge Street and 20 York Street; and all EMPRESS Ticket Offices and on \Vharf and Steamer. NIAGARA RIVER LINE



Leaves Yonge Street Wharf at 7.00 and ILOO a.m. and 2.00 and 4-45 p.m., for FALLS) BUFFALO, NEW YORK, Erc.

Tickets at Principal Offices and on Boats.

Miller & Soole, Printers, 31 West King St. 38 TORONTO STREET RAllWAY.-Continued.

QUEEN S'I'REET EA!'!T (\Vhitc Lighl). Leave River and Queen 5t5. at 6.10 a.m., 6.42 and every,Iti minutes until 8.34 p.rn..; then 9.06, 9.54, 10. ]0, 10.42, last car. Leave Front and York Sts.. at 6.34 a.m., 7.06 and every 16 minutes until 8.58 p.m.; then 9-30, 9-46, 10.18, 10.34, II.06 last car. llldJAUL and COLLEGE (Rcd and Blue Li~hI). Leave Front and Frederick 5ts. at 5.50 a.m., and every 8 min­ utes until n.lO p.m.; then II.26 p.m., last car. . Leave Bathurst and College at 6.22 a.m., and every' 8 min~ utes until II.42 p.m. ; then II.S8 p.m., last car. CARI.TON and COLLEGE STS. (\Vhilc Light). Leave Sumach and Gerrard Sts. at 5.56 a.m., and every 10 min· nutes untilg.Ioa.m., then every 5 minutes to 1I.26 p. m., last car. Leave Bathurst and College at 6.26 a.m., and every 10 minutes until 9.31 a.m., then every 8 minutes until II.36 p.m. DOVERCOURT, via llIcCAUL (Grccn Light). Leave Front and "Frederick Sts. at 5.15 a.m., and e\"ery c:; mm­ tes nntill8.15 p.m.; then every 10 minutes untill :11.35 p.m. last car. Leave Bloor and Dovercourt Road at 6.00 a.m., and every 5 minutes until 9.00 p.m.; then every 10 minutes until 12.20 p.m. last car. Extra car leave Frederick and Front Sts. at 5.52 and 6 p.rn RLOOR via SPA DINA, COLLEGE and B."-THI-RST (Ycllow Lighl). Leave Front and Frederick Sts. at 5.36 a.m., and every 6 min­ ntes until 7.5-1- p.m., then every 10 minutes until II.25 p.m., ast car. Leave Bathurst and Bloor Sts. at 6.12 a.m., and every 6 min­ utes until 8.30 p.m., then every 10 minutes until :12.00 p.m. last car. Extra cars leave Frederick and Front Sts. at 5.54 and 6 p.m. SPADINA TO BLOOR (Bcd Light). Leave Front and Frederick Sts. at 5.39 a.m., and every 6 min­ utes until 8.00 p.m.; then every 10 minutes until II.20 p.m., last car. .Leave Sp~dma ..he. and Bloor St. at .6.12 a.m., and every 6 mmutes until 8'35 p.m.; then eyery 10 mmutes untilu'55 p.m., last car. Extra car leaves 'Frederick and Front Sts. at 5'58 p.m. WINCHESTER STREET (Grecn Light). Leave Frederick and Front Sts.. going to Sumach St.• at 5.53 _. and 6.43 a.m. Leave Front and York Sts. at 6,-1-3 a.m., and every 10 minutes until 7.43 p.-m..; then every 20 minutes until U.23 p.m., last car. Leave Sumach Street at 6.13 a.m., and every 10 minutes until 8.J3 p.m.; then every 20 minutes until n.S3 p.m., last car. Extra car leaves Front and York Sis. at 6 p.m. 39 TORONTO STREET RAILWAY. -Contmued.

HIGH PARIi. (\Vhite Light). Leave Front and George 5t5. at 5.16 a.m., and every 4 min. iltes until 8'36 p.m.; then every 8 minutes until 11.36 p.m., last e'er. Leave HIgh Park at 6.02 a.m., and every 4 minutes until 9.22 p.m.; then every 8 minutes until 12.22 p.m., last car. Extra cars ]~ave Frederick and Fmnt Sts. at 5.57 and 6.o2p.m. qUEEN !"I'r. AND BRO()Ii.'l'ON (Green 1,lg"t.) Leave Front and George 5t5. at 5.18 a.m., and every 15 min until II p.m., last car. • Leave Dundas St. Bridge at 6.04 a.m., and every IS minutes until 11.46 p.m., last car. Extra Car leaves Frederick and Front 5t5. a1 5.56 p.m.

PAIRLIAllIEN'r S'I'REET (\V.. ite I,ig.. t) •.~ Leave Frederick and Front 5t5., going to River St., at ,5.48, 5.58,6.03,6.18, 6.28 and 6.38 a.m., last-car. Leave Front and York Sts. at 6.38 a.m .. and eVt!ry 10 minutes until 7.38 p.m.; then every 20 minutes until II.IS p.m. last car. Leave Gerard and River Sts. at 6.08 a.m., and every 10 min­ utes until 8.08 p.m. ; then every 20 minutes until 11.48 p.m., last car. DANFOR'],H AVE. AND UNION STA'I'ION. Leaye Union Station 6.45 a.m., and every 14 minutes to 11.05 p. m., last car. Leave Danforth Ave. 6.01 a.m., and every 14 minutes to 11.47 p.m., last car. LEE A"E AND llIAHKET Leave Market 6,38 a.m., and every 33 minutes to 7'38 p.m., last car. Leave Lee Ave 5.53 a.m., and every 30 minutes to 8.23 p.m.

DAVENPORT "in KING and RA'I'IIURST r Leave !\'1arket 6.00 a. m., and every 20 minl1t~s to 9.00 p.m., then every 20 minutes to 11.50 p.m., last car. Leave Davenport 5.15 a.m., and every 10 minutes to a.IS p.m., them every 20 minutes to 1I.9S p.m., last car.

~IE'J'ROPOLI'I'AN STREET RAIL'VAY. Cars run North on Yonge Street from Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing, North Toronto, every half hour from 6.00 a,m. to II.OO p.m., for Deer Park, Mount Pleasant, Davisville, Eglinton, etc. Miller & Sooie, Printers, 3I King St. West INSURE IN THE. ~ MANUFACTURERS' ~ 1 ,_A_CC.l...... -}D_EN_T __ ~ i ,_I_NS_U_RA_N_C_E _ ) COMPANY AGAINST AGCIDENTS OF All KINDS

This Company's name is synonymous with everything which constituses SAFE, LIBERAL and COMPREHENSIVE ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Its policies are within the reach of all, and all Claims are paid without delay or dis­ count immediately upon receipt of satisfactory proofs of injury or death.


MiII.r It Soole, Printers. 31 King St West.