St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church 236 US Hwy 45 Indian Creek, Illinois 60061

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St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church 236 US Hwy 45 Indian Creek, Illinois 60061 St. Mary of Vernon Catholic Church 236 US Hwy 45 Indian Creek, Illinois 60061 Pentecost Sunday June 9, 2019 Welcome! We are pleased that you have come to worship with us. The doors and hearts of our parish family of faith are always open, and we invite you to contact us at any time: Parish Office: 847-362-1005 Fax: 847-362-6375 Religious Education: 847-362-0653 Youth Ministry: 847-362-1021 Parish Website: Assistive Listening Devices are available at the Reception Desk in the Church Narthex. Please ask the receptionist for more information. Parish Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 AM—7:00 PM Thursday 8:30 AM—3:00 PM Saturday 8:30 AM—Noon Friday 8:30 AM—3:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM—12:30 PM (In Narthex) RCIA – OUR REVIEW OF THE SACRAMENTS CONTINUES Our RCIA Cathechumen and Candidate are continuing their way through discovery of the Sacraments. Current topics are the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Future sessions will move on to the Healing Sacraments – Reconciliation and Anointing – and then on to the Social Sacraments – Marriage and Orders. With each of the Sacraments, the group will explore the origins, rituals, and meaning of each of the Sacraments. As always, discus- sion will include what each of the Sacraments says about who we are and what we believe as Catholics. Here is some recent testimony as to why an individual joined the Catholic Church this year: “In the worldview of Catholicism, salvation is not a destination. It is a lifelong journey. The steps towards salvation are still the same as my non-denominational Sunday school ABC’s: Accept, Believe, Choose. Or as my favorite protestant leader, Judah Smith, says, “Belong, Believe, Behave.” You were already designed to be with Christ by birth, accepting Him and His role in your life is a first cognizant step, believing in His teachings comes next, and behavior following full knowledge of a Christ-like lifestyle leads to the refining of one for Heaven. Salvation isn’t a one-time occurrence. It’s a lifelong trek that’s both personal and in co- hesion with fellow believers. And no, deeds don’t get you a “heaven guarantee,” but a life on track with Christ does necessarily produce good works.” Have you invited those people in your life who are searching for a better relationship with God - by your words and/or actions - into a deeper conversation with God? Now would be a magnificent time to reach out and invite them into that conversation! Please continue to join us in praying for our Catechumen – Emma, our Candidate – Hannah, and our Inquirer – Jessica, who are active in our RCIA program. Individuals who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith can connect with someone on our RCIA team for basic information or to set up an appointment to discuss specific questions or goals; contact Maureen Evers (847-362-1005 or [email protected]) or Mark Zwolski (847-644-7073 or mrzwol- [email protected]). PARISH LIBRARY IN THE NARTHEX NEXT WEEKEND JUNE 15-16 SMV RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 The next quarterly meeting of the St. Mary of The Parish Library Cart and display will be in the Vernon Respect Life Committee will be on th th Narthex next weekend, June 15 and 16 . Stop by Tuesday, June 11, at 7:00 pm in Room 118 in after Mass and browse what we have to offer. We the Finnegan Parish Center. We will also be have inspirational titles for reading, viewing, or lis- joined by some members of the St. Joseph Parish tening. Books, DVDs, and CDs may be checked out Respect Life Committee. All are welcome. For for one month. And please remember to return any more information, contact Miriam Preussner at items that you have previously checked out. [email protected] or 224-628-1187. June 9, 2019 Pentecost Sunday Page 2 Join Us As We Celebrate Fr. Joe’s 21 Years At St. Mary’s On Sunday, June 30th, Fr. Joe will celebrate his final Mass as Pastor of St. Mary of Vernon at the 11:15 a.m. Mass. Our new Pastor, Fr. Ignatius Anaele will concelebrate and there will be a special blessing for both priests during the Mass. Immediately after Mass the parish will host a lunch in the Parish Center to thank Fr. Joe for serving us as our Pastor for 21 years. We invite all parishioners to join us for this special Mass and lunch. Since lunch will be catered reservations are required via the parish website or by calling the parish office, 847-362-1005. Please RSVP before June 21! Doors to the Parish Center will not open until Mass is over. Volunteers are needed to help set up, serve, clean up and to be greeters. You can work in shifts so you can enjoy the lunch too. Please call the parish office or see the website to volunteer. SMV THURSDAY DAY OF PRAYER CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP This Week – June 13 JUNE 11, 2019 Evening Prayer (Vespers) St. Mary of Vernon’s Caregiver Support Group is designed to as- sist family members who provide care. Together we help find com- munity resources, offer education- al and spiritual support and a ‘listening ear’ in their Caregiver journey. This group is for general caregiving, not spe- cific to a particular health issue or age of care recipient. We meet the second Tuesday of the month from 10:00- 11:30 a.m. in the Rectory Meeting Room (lower lev- el). Our gathering this month is June 11. 7:00 – 7:30 pm in the Day Chapel No pre-registration is required. Evening Prayer sanctifies the closing hours of Inquiries can be directed to Sr. Mary Barbara Hassler, the day. It is an opportunity to offer God our Director of Ministry of Care, St. praise for the blessings of the day. Mary of Vernon, at 847-362-1005 or Diane Cinnick, LCPC/CADC at For more information, contact Deacon Dan Moore at 847-609-1826. [email protected] June 9, 2019 Pentecost Sunday Page 3 A letter from Cardinal Cupich . Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, At the center of our faith is the conviction that God loves us and calls us to love one another. God gives us a sign of his love and affection for us in giving us priests who serve as our spiritual fathers. They lead our parishes. They offer us support and encouragement in times of need. So often, without thinking of themselves, they serve with great generosity the people entrusted to their care. Now, this weekend we have an opportunity to express our gratitude for this gift that we have received. We will take up a special collection to support the priests who have supported us across our lifetime. This collection benefits both our active and retired priests and is directed to the Priests’ Retirement and Mutual Aid Association (P RMAA). The PRMAA supports our 500 active and 225 retired diocesan priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago. PRMAA provides for the healthcare needs of our active priests as well as the medical and housing needs of our retired priests. This is the only collection that supports the priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago. It is separate and distinct from other initiatives for retired religious order priests, sisters, and brothers. The active priests of the Archdiocese serve throughout Cook and Lake counties by proclaiming the Word of God, celebrating the sacraments, and offering a shepherd’s care to our faith communities. Many retired priests continue to serve in their own way and have become indispensable resources for our communities. The health and well-being of all our priests are integral to their ability to work for us and serve our growth in faith. Join me, then, in making a generous contribution to this weekend’s second collection to support our priests. Let it be a sign of gratitude to them and to the Lord for the priestly ministry which has benefited all of us. Sincerely yours in Christ, Cardinal Blase Cupich Archbishop of Chicago SAINT BARNABAS—FEAST DAY JUNE 11 Joseph of Cyprus, whom the Apostles called Barnabas, was a Levite by birth. He is first mentioned in the Book of Acts, as one of the disciples who sold his property to give the proceeds to the Apostles. When Paul returned to Jerusalem after being converted by the Lord Himself, the Apostles would have nothing to do with him, for fear of the evil he had previously done. It was Barnabas who listened to Paul and relayed that he had truly been converted. Later when Barnabas was sent to Antioch to convert Gentiles, he thought of Paul. He made the long trip to Tarsus and brought Paul to help him as a missionary. To- gether, they taught “a great multitude” for a year in Antioch. They then traveled back to Jerusalem, bringing donations from the Antioch church because of a famine that was severe in the region. Returning to Antioch, they then went to Cyprus, Barnabas’ homeland, then to Asia Minor, Pisidia, Iconium and Lystra. At Lystra, the people wanted to worship them as gods because of Paul’s cure of a lame man. After telling the people, “We are of the same nature as you, human beings. We proclaim to you good news that you should turn from these idols to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them.” The people were upset by this and with the urging of the hateful Jewish non-believers stoned Paul and Barnabas, leaving them for dead.
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