Mary Immaculate Parish 716 E. Washington Kirksville, MO 63501 May 12, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Easter Mothers’ Day Office Hours Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Phone Number 660-665-2466 Office Fax 660-665-8955 Website Msgr. David Cox
[email protected] Mary Immaculate School Welcome to Mary Immaculate Parish! We extend a Phone Number….660-665-1006 warm welcome to all who attend our church. We hope our Hope’s Kitchen parish community will nourish your faith and that you will Phone Number….660-988-8972 share your special gifts with us. Your prayers, your presence Sacrament of Reconciliation and your talents are most welcome. If you are settling into Mary Immaculate full time, please register! Parish registra- Saturday, 4:30 p.m. and by appointment. tion packets are in a literature rack near the side entrance in Baptism church or on our website, Fill it out and drop Contact the Parish Center for requirements. it in the offering basket, bring it by the Parish Center, or Marriage email it to the secretary. We take this opportunity to wel- come all of you, our parishioners and visitors, to church to- Six (6) months notice required for preparation. day. We thank you for making us a part of your day! Communion to the Sick We are happy to bring Communion to those St. Rose of Lima confined to their homes. Please contact the Novinger, Mo. 63559 Parish Center. Also, please inform the (660) 488-6680 office if a parishioner is in the hospital or nursing home.