Mary Immaculate Parish 716 E

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Mary Immaculate Parish 716 E Mary Immaculate Parish 716 E. Washington Kirksville, MO 63501 May 12, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Easter Mothers’ Day Office Hours Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Phone Number 660-665-2466 Office Fax 660-665-8955 Website Msgr. David Cox [email protected] Mary Immaculate School Welcome to Mary Immaculate Parish! We extend a Phone Number….660-665-1006 warm welcome to all who attend our church. We hope our Hope’s Kitchen parish community will nourish your faith and that you will Phone Number….660-988-8972 share your special gifts with us. Your prayers, your presence Sacrament of Reconciliation and your talents are most welcome. If you are settling into Mary Immaculate full time, please register! Parish registra- Saturday, 4:30 p.m. and by appointment. tion packets are in a literature rack near the side entrance in Baptism church or on our website, Fill it out and drop Contact the Parish Center for requirements. it in the offering basket, bring it by the Parish Center, or Marriage email it to the secretary. We take this opportunity to wel- come all of you, our parishioners and visitors, to church to- Six (6) months notice required for preparation. day. We thank you for making us a part of your day! Communion to the Sick We are happy to bring Communion to those St. Rose of Lima confined to their homes. Please contact the Novinger, Mo. 63559 Parish Center. Also, please inform the (660) 488-6680 office if a parishioner is in the hospital or nursing home. Catholic Newman Center Mary Immaculate Catholic Cemetery 709 South Davis 615 S. Jamison St. Kirksville, Mo. 63501 Contact the Parish Center for information. (660) 665-4357 Parish Staff Parish Pastoral Council Members Mary Immaculate School Msgr. David Cox, Pastor Rusty Nelson, President; Ann Gray, Principal Deacon Dave Ream, OFS and Tom Daugherty, Vice President; Newman Center Deacon Chris Korte Chris Koch, Secretary; Rev. Colin Franklin, Chaplain Assistants to the Pastor Pat Boren, Debi Boughton, Deacon Chris Korte, Director Pat Lehr, DRE/Pastoral Minister Paula Brawner, Marsha Jones, Bulletin Mary Wolken, Bookkeeper Mary Myers, Janelle Stephens Submit items for publication to Lynn Carter OFS, Secretary Matt Wolken [email protected] by 3 pm Monday. Thank you! Calendar of Events Youth Ministry Monday, May 13—Easter Weekday, Our Lady of Fatima All high school teens are invited to attended Youth 8:30 am Piecemakers Quilt Group, Parish Center Ministry on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 at the 6:30 pm Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, School Newman Center. RCIA, Parish Center Tuesday, May 14—St. Matthias, Apostle Confirmation candidates will also be 1:00 pm Legion of Mary, Parish Center required to attend additional meet- 4:00 pm Bible Study, Parish Center ings, from 6:30-7:30pm: 6:00 pm Altar & Rosary, Cafeteria Wednesday, May 15—St. Isidore May 15 -- Newman Center 8:00 am 8th Grade Students & Parents Mass and Break- May 22 -- Newman Center fast, Church and Cafeteria 8:30 am Piecemakers Quilt Group, Parish Center Thursday, May 16—Easter Weekday Readings For The Week 9:00 am Parish school awards assembly, Church READINGS FOR THE WEEK Friday, May 17—Easter Weekday Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 7:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Church Tuesday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:9-17 6:00 pm Parish School Graduation Mass Wednesday: Acts 12:24 -- 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Saturday, May 18—Easter Weekday Jn 12:44-50 Sunday, May 19— Fifth Sunday of Easter Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; following 7am Mass. Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 Mass Intentions May 13— May 19, 2019 Congratulations to our 2019 Mary Immaculate Mary Immaculate Parish Mon No Mass School 8th Grade Graduates: Tue 5:30 pm † Shane Hall Wed 8:00 am † Cynthia Detillion Thu 8:00 am † Bernadette & Lewis Delaware Joseph Gerard Behnen Fri 7:00 am † Fr. Bill Kottenstette 6:00 pm for the Graduates Isaiah James Korte Sat 5:30 pm † Deacon Philip Ordonio III Kiersten Paige Marek Sun 9:00 am † Margie Poston Sun 11:00 am For the People Frida Alvarez-Ramirez St. Rose Graduation Mass is at 6pm on Friday, May 17. Sun 7:30 am † Clem & Irene Rock Newman Center Masses will resume in the fall Bishop McKnight’s Prayer Intention for May: “For those who have received the Easter Sac- raments of Baptism, First Communion, and Week of May 12th, 2019 Confirmation this year; that they may witness Special Intention the resurrection in works of sacrificial love.” Offered by Micki Powell The Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for May: “That the Church in Africa, through the com- mitment of its members, may be the seed of unity among her peoples and a sign of hope for this continent. ” The glory that she has received as the Mother of God only came upon her once she entered the heavenly Kingdom. Now we honor her as Queen of Heaven and Earth, but even that pales before the glory of the Holy Trinity. In this month of May, the month of Mary, let our hearts be filled with gratitude that through her we received the gift of Jesus. On this Sun- day we thank our earthly mothers for the gift of life and love: the life and love that points us the to eternal life and love that Jesus, son of Mary, holds out to us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death! The Madonnina, commonly known as the Madonna of the Streets, by Roberto Ferruzzi (1854-1934) Dear Parishioners of Mary Immaculate and Saint Rose, Msgr. Cox The Blessed Virgin Mary is a central figure in Catholic culture, music, art and worship. In this month of May we especially honor the role that the Blessed Mother has played in our salvation. We sing songs to honor her, we pray the rosary, we crown her image and present flowers to her. All of this is done in Thanksgiving for her fiat, her yes to the will of God that she be the Mother of His Incarnate Word. Jesus Christ. It is fitting that in this month of May as we hon- 13 brand new deacons were ordained for or Mary the Mother of Jesus, we also set aside a our diocese by Bishop McKnight on May 4, day to honor our own mothers. On this Sunday 2019. Our own Deacon Chris Korte will be our hearts are again filled with gratitude for the preaching at the 5:30pm, 9am, and 11am Mass- women who said yes to the gift of life and gave es on the weekend of May 25/26. There will be birth to us. a Meet & Greet after each Mass in the school cafeteria. Please join us in congratulating Dea- Catholics are often criticized for the attention con Chris and welcoming him to his new role in that they bestow upon Mary. We must remem- the Church and in the parish! ber that our devotion to Mary always points us to Jesus. Mary is only a human woman, but one who was given extraordinary grace. She lived a life wholly devoted to the service and worship of God. It was a humble life. RCIA THE PERIOD OF MYSTAGOGY Congratulations to our 2019 Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. M.I. Parish Center First Communion Class: May 13 & 20, June 3, 10, 17 & 24 May 4, 2019 5/13 Resurrection Appearances Brett Herbst 5/20 Acts of the Apostles 5/27 Memorial Day - No RCIA May 5, 2019 6/3 RCIA Reconciliation Penance Isaac Cahalan service in the Church 6/10 Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Jake Elmlinger Charismatic Renewal Coen Eitel 6/17 The Holy Trinity & Real Presence, Katelyn Horst Corpus Christi Peyton Rice 6/24 Discipleship, Sent on Mission James Quinn These weeks are spent “unpacking the Mystery of Faith” - dis- Callyn Schwend covering what difference being “fully initiated” makes, how the Chloe Schwend Church CELEBRATES RESURRECTION for 50 days until Pentecost, and how the HOLY SPIRIT guides the Church in a unique manner from the Time of the First Apostles up until this day. Parish School of Religion For the next year our newly initiated Catholics are called NE- Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 p.m. OPHYTES, NEW “Creations” as the Baptismal Rite calls Ages 4 years old - 8th Grade them. We continue to form them in faith for “Life After RCIA.” Public School or Homeschooling In particular how the GIFTS & FRUITS of the Holy Spirit are PSR is over for the school year and will begin made manifest in the Early Church and throughout our lives again in September. We hope to see most of you today as Church, each a significant Member of the Body of at our 1st TOTUS TUUS week, July 7-12. Some of Christ. our Catechists serve on these teams in our dio- This also is a perfect time for people with questions about cese & St. Louis. Please see bulletin for more de- becoming Catholic to “inquire.” Come & meet our Neophytes.
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