i '. C ASS CiTY CHR,)NICL, E Vol. 16, No: 42. CASS CITY, N!Cii., FRIDAY, MARCH 4. 1921 8 PAGES

Wager; centers, Olive Day and Edna . -~ ...... lago to reside at Sault Ste. Marie for H0.~SE llk[[~ ![I " Brackenbury; guards, -Vera Flint and i his time and eff0r~ts g;ven to the so- i Marie Keenoyf Sub , Thelma Luther ciety. ifor M. Keenoy. AUTOMOBILEAGtlfl}ENT Dr. I. D. McCoy,_Dr. J. T. Redwine CAR DITCHED TO and Dr. S. B.Young motored to Sagi- AVOID ACCIDENT naw last Thursday in Dr. MeCoy's Chas. t{andall and Son Thrown Sev- car. They attended the meeting of eral Feet but Were Not Se- the Genessee County Medical Society Harry Crandell ditched his Hudson verely Injured. The Rinktum club wilF enjoy a pot at the Bancroft Hotel. Six Tuesday to avoid a collision with another chr 4½ miles west of Cass luck supper at the J. L. Cathcart Ramon Capistrano, a graduate of City. Mr. Crandell was driving to- home Friday evening. the U. of M., and Phillips Elliot, a Chas. Randall had a horse killed wards town on the right side of the The farmers in the neighborhood of Junior, will be in Cass City over the and he was badly shaken up in an road and was about to pass a team the Robt. Charlton home gathered week end in behalf of the Y. M. C. A. auto accident Sunday afternoon when [of horses driving west when another thet~ Friday evening. The evening They will give talks before the high Dr. I. D. Mc(~oy's Hudson Six knocked machine back of the team attempted was spent in visiting after which pot i school this afternoon and after the the horse down on the highway about to pass the horses before Mr. Cran- luck refreshments were served• • i basket ball game this evening', a fel- two miles west of Ca~s City. dell reached them. "It was either a Dr. and Mrs. McCoy and Dr• and Thos. Leach of Saginaw, Mr. and lowship meeting for men and boys l will be held at the to~h hall. Satur- bed-d-on collision or the ditch," said Mrs. P. A• Schenck were returning" Mrs. H. A. MacRae and children, Lu- Harry, "and I chose the ditch." "day morning" the two men ivilt hold a from Detroit and Mr Randall and his cite and Howard of Caro, and Mr. and The ditch was opposite the Peter son were-driving to Cass City with Mrs. Fred Smith and daughter, ]conference with business men and al- Rushlo farm and is a deep one. It horse and cutter. The right side of Louisa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. so conduct a younger boys' confer- took a heavy draft team and four the road was bare and Mr. Randall ~Roy Allen over the end of the week. :ence.~ Saturday afternoon, they will men to bring the car back on the was favoring his horse by using the Master Arthur Zemke entertained supervise recreation m~d games and that evening- will speak to men ahd highway. No one was inji]red and left side of the highway which was nine of his friends at his home Tues- the car was not damaged. covered with snow. As Dr• McCoy ap- boys at a boys' life work conference % day afternoon. The party was given preached the horse and cutter from in honor of his fifth birthday. After at the high school building'. On Sun- I day, Messrs. Elliot and Capistrano the rear; he decided also to favor the enjoying themselves by playing" horse by passing Mr. Randall on the games, -refreshments were served. ~witl speak at the churches. Mr. Elliot GREENLEAFFARM HONE is a very active worker in the Presby- right where the road was bare in- Mrs. John McKichan returned from terian church at Ann Arbor and has stead of the left. Mr. Randall did not Pontiac on We, esday after being" i considerable ability as a speaker. Mr. DESIBOYEDBY FIRE hear the machine approaching until with her sister, Mrs. Floyd Metten, Capistrano g-raduated from Law last submit figures as to the cost of cur- it was about ten feet behind him when who was operated on for appendicitis year and is taking" post-graduate PASS[0 WEEETO BE rent for state institutions. "From my he promptly pulled hi.s horse to the Origin of Blaze Saturday Morning at at the Pontiac City Hospital. Mrs. work in Business Administration. He own knowledge of the costs of power right side of the road, directly in the Mellen is making an uneventful re- is a Filippino and expects to .~o back OBSERVEBBY OHUROHE$i production I am convinced that power Arehie McCallum's Home path of the automobile. The cutter covery. !to the Philippines to take up his fa- ,cannot be produced in the small iso- Is Unknown. was smashed into kindling wood. Mr. ¢ Through the kindness of B. L. Mid- ther's business. l, lated plants as cheaply as it can be Randall and his son were thrown sev- furnished by the big companies with eral feet. The horse had two leg's dleton, the store building recently va- I Eli Patterson underwent an opera- Business Merr Asks! to Close Their modern steam turbine units and hy- broken and was shot to end its mis- ~ cated by Joe CoscareIli has been giv- tion at Pleasant Home Hospital Feb. Stores for Three Hours on The pleasant farm home of Archie en over to the use of volley ball en- dro-electric plants," .said the gover- !McCallum, secretary of the Greenleaf cry. Mr. Randall and his .son were :21 and at the hour he was On the op- Good Friday. thusiasts, who have protected the nor. "Within a few days I will have i Creamery Co, was destroyed by fire fortunate in not suffering severe in- erating table his home at Argyle was t " . , Idefinite figures and will be able to juries. The lad escaped with a few windows and spend their spare time i destroyed by fire. Owing" to the seri- Saturday morning. The remdence was make recommendations accordingly." scratches and his father was badly in this exercise. Lous condition of the patient, he was At a recent meeting of the Pastors' situated about a quarter mile west of br~fised. Howell Bros. of Sebewalng are not informed of the fire until Tuesday Union of Cass City, it was agreed Old G~eenleaf. The loss is estimated This is the second accident Mr. opening up a Wittiard Battery Service evening When a neighbor came to tell iupon to hold union meetings during at $5,000. Insurance on the building Rffndall has suffered in the last half station in the cement building" west of him of the loss. It was a hard b!ow, i Passion Week, Mar. 20-27, in grate- was carried to the amount of $1,600 BASE BALLLEAGUE year. Last fall, he lost parts of three West & Son's blacksmith shop. They but it was eonsiderably lessened when iful memory and honor of our Lord's and $600 oh the contents. fingers in a corn shredder. expect to be ready for business to- his neighbor told him that $650 had i'.'Last Week" upon earth. The plan When Mr. 51eCailum returned to A representative of the Great Lake day. John Willy, who has been in been contributed towards the pur- ~s to hold two services in each of the ASSUREDiN GOUNTY!the house from the barn about 11:30 Mutual Auto Insurance Co., in which their Sebewaing garage the past chase of material for a new residence, i four Protestant churches of the city,~ Satu ~"say morning," o- his wife said she Dr. McCoy carried insurance was in year, will have charge of the Cass This amount to~o:ether v,.~th the incur-ias follows:~Sunday and Monday i smelled smoke and thought that the Enthusiastic Meeting Was tIeld at Oass City Tuesday and made satis- City station• anee .money Mr. Patterson will re-nights at the Evangelical; Tuesday hou,se might be afire. When Mr. Mc- factory adjustments for all claims Workmen are engaged in placing eeive will undoubtedly cover the i and Wednesday nights at the Presby- Sandusky on Tuesday CaI,tum opened the s~air door on an and damages. poles and wires for a new toll line for amount necessary for the material terian; Thursday and Friday nights! Evening. 'investigation trip, heat and smoke £he Michigan State Telephone Co. for the new dwelling'. Neighbors and at the Baptist; and Saturday and i belched from the opening and it was i'rom Saginaw to Harbor Beach. Con- friends of the family are planning" to i Sunday (Easter) nights at the Meth- ~impossible to proceed farther. Mrs. necting with the central of the Cass contribute the labor and skill neees-~odist church. ! Representatives from every town McCallum's mother, an invalid, was FAItM INGOMElAX City Telephone Co., patrons of the lo- sary in erecting the building. These t We are planning" to observe Good in the county with the exception of removed from the house with difficul- cal company are as,sured better ser- activities speak volumes of the kind- Friday at the Baptist ehm'eh from two or three small towns gathered at ~ty and neighbors summoned by tele- vice on long distance calls. ness and neighborliness of Argyle i the hour of 12:00 m. to 3:00 p. m., the i the court house in Sandusky Tuesday [phone. Though help came quickly, REPORTSMAOE EASY !evenina" for the purpose of forming E. W. Jones returned Friday from people. Mr. Patterson has been in 'time that Christ was on the Cross. It :the fire had gained such headway that land organizing" a-c-ounty league of Kalamazoo where he attended the an- the van in community affairs and in is expected that an outside speaker but a small portion of the household baseball, the main purpose of which Inventories and Accounts Simplify nuai convention of the Michigan Re- relieving distress and this act of his iwill be here to give an address ~,at ~goods was saved. The fire was of us- is to furnish the people of the countyknown origin. Otherwise Complicated Task, tail Grocers' and General Merchants' friends proves again the apt quotd-about 2:00 p. m. Shall we not faSt Association. Mr. Jones has been ties from the Scriptures, "Cast thy this~}lay at noon and meditate deeply with exhibitions of this manly sport, I Says M. A• C. Specialist. president of this society for the past bread upon the waters for thou shale upon what His crucifixion means to :with teams composed of the young! two years and under his leadership find it after many days." us? i men of the different communities. ,FARMERS READ SALES That the farmer who has kept th e organization has had a wonderful ~ We appeal to the business men to Between thirty and forty delegates] IN THE HOME PAPER growth, increasing its membership I were t/res~tnt, including representa-i i 'accounts on his farm operations during the year will be able to from 300 to 1100 members. all possible, at the above hours and tires from the Minden Herald, San-. ~ . . dusky Tribune, Brown City Banner, t, the m.ajonty .of farm.ers ' do not i make out his income tax reports commemorate with us, this day which ] , N. J. McGillvray, ~a registered phar- i Peek T"~me san d Marlette Leader.' Tom ~mare :nmr rags m tne mmme o~ sne w~th ease, whereas the agricultur- macist of Burke's Drug Store, and W. ! meant so much to ~he civilization ...... ~ ~ h ...... ~*1~ road and go to the szde of the road or THE THUMBPRESS ~and Christianization of the world. We al man who has not followed a care- H. Ruhl, for many years propmetor• o f'q i ~,~t~'ed"'~it£'~the~'~iu~on ....coun~ z fence post to read a sale bill. After honor in public fashion the great ae t Y , ',ful accounting system will face con- a tailoring establishment in Cass! lonm~o for severn! von,,~ wn~ m.~onf '.a hard day s ~ork they are more like- i siderable trouble and expense with City, have purchased the Rexall Drug ! statesmen and leaders of the nation. , ...... j iy ~o pZCK up ~ne some paper ana reaa Interesting Bits of News About Shall we not duly honor Him whose and ~meny ouznnea ~ne-proposmon., .... . , . , . . o .o :his tax reports, is the statement of Store of Norton Bros. at Bad Axe and ,, '~ ~nere And wna~ ~s ~rue of the men Folks and Events in death meant life and light and liber- I. E. Dawson was selected temporary 1.... " ...... IH2 M. Eliot, head of the department took possession Saturday. Both men • . ~. .- ~ ~ ~IOIKS ~s also zrue o£ 1;ne women, we cnalrman, and a~zer reaolng zne ot l i oi Farm Management at the Michi- have a large number of friends here Thumb Counties. ty to the whole world ? " - are all looking for bargains thesh gan Agricultural College. who • wish them every success in their • It is the ,hope of your servants that ganization outline and by-taws, sever-ltimes, and the man that is not afraid a great~ majority of the citizens of al changes were made and the consti- ! "An inventory at the beginning venture. Messrs. Ruhl and McGill- tution adopted. Temporary officers !to announce the fact In the home pc- vray will both be active in conducting" Bad Axe Orangemen are preparing Cass City and community will partici- and end of each year, and accounts of were named to hold office till the !per is the man that is getting the 1 the business. to entertain the" Michigan State pate in this union serwce and realize :business today. lull sines and expenses are essential Grand Lodge L. O. L., March 24 and for themselves the greatest possible April meeting', when permanent se- i E'~'ty-seven per oent of the mer- for the farmer who expects to pay an Delancy Wright had the surprise of lection will be made for the season. .income tax," says Eliot; "Such care- his life Saturday about midnight. He 25, and the Ladies' Grand Lodge of meaning of Passion Week. The following officers were chosen: castile failures last year were mer- ful records will actually reduce the was walking along Main St. on his the state on March 23 24 and 25. F.L. POHLY, President, Walter J. Allen; vice-pres-~chants ~ho did not advertise. We ' Secretary Pastors' Union. ;amount of income tax a farmer will way to his room in the City Block ! After a lingering illness Of seven r~ ,p the quite fre- ident, W. B. Gleason; s~creta_y-treas- have heard statement have to pay, for it is fairly easy te when someone stepped up to him and weeks from sleeping sickness, Spen- urer, Frank Powley. i quentty, "O, the people v,:ill n%t buy remember sales but very hard to re- struck him violently in the face black- cer Newlove, 65, of Melvin, died at his BASE BALL SCHEDULE 0 It was the emphatic opinion of the i n° matter what price you make the home Monday. He was a resident for member expenses, where no accounts ing both eyes and knocking him to -- IN TUSCOLA COUNTY majority of those present that Sun- goods." It seems as if that is an in- his knees, after which his assailant many years ,of Speaker township. He day playing" should be discouraged, sult to intelligent people. Merchants are kept." leaves a widow, three daughters and scan their trade journals, they com- ] Income tax blanks into which such scampered away. Mr. Wright does and that in place of encouraging The following is the base ball pare prices in the various catalogs farm records can be easily trans- not know that he has an enemy and one son. such action, that the newspapers Members of the Lapeer city com- schedule of the Tuscola County Ath- issued by the wholesale houses, they ferred are furnished by the United thinks that the man took him for throughout the county start a,.move- mission were astounded at con~titions letic Association: deal with, and they buy to the best States Treasury Department. Farm some one else. merit for a half-holiday each week, which several high-.school boys told advantage. A :successful merchant, is account books, suitable foe; income The classes in Home Hygiene and April 22 so that every person would have the them existed in the city and have in- a discriminating buyer, and when he ~tax purposes, are furmshed at cost Care of the Sick conducted by Miss ' Cas, s City .at Vassar opportunity of attending the league structed the police officers to see that haszbargains to offer he is not afraid t(forty-five cents each) by the Farm Ruth V~eeiock, a Red C~5ss nurse, May~ille at Millington games. are being wed attended about the pool rooms are conduceed according Reese at Akron It is particularly gratifying to to let the people know about it. We :Management Department, Michigan to law. The~boys appeared before the are all going~to be discriminating in county. The class in Cass City will April 29 know that the men who have been !Agricultural College, East Lansing, commission and charged that the pool our future purchases. And we are go- be organized this (Friday) afternoon Akron at Cass City the most active in the promotion of 1Michigan ~ . rooms were hangouts for young boys ins to buy from the fellow that gives and will continue for eight weeks. Mayville at Caro this desirable pastime are represen- and offered to lead the city fathers to us the invitation. ° Class houi~s are two to five, Fridays• Vassar at Reese tative citizens of their communities, several places which they claimed Advertising is the only insurance I DONALD GILLIES. The class is limited to 21 ladies and May 6 and t~he public ~s asscred of a season were at that moment scenes of gain- the merchant can have to protect his l --- will meet in rooms over the Pinney Akron at Caro of clean basball. Marlette Leader. l business for the future. But he must Donald Gillies was born in Dun- State Bank. Any woman desiring to j bling. Millinffton at Vassar Clyde McLean, the inventor of the continue to keep paying the premi- wich Ontario, on May 31, 1845, and become a member of the class is re- Mayville at Reese quested to phone Mrs. J. B. Cootes. Inew type of gasoline engine who had May 13 TUSCOLA RED CROSS urns if he wishes his protection to died at his home in South Park Feb. Cuss City at Mayvitle continue. 28, 1921, aged 75 years and nine Of course the time is too short to de-interested a number of Caseville busi- ELECTS OFFICERS velop professional nurses but the :~ness men and was assembling the en- Caro at Vassar "To discontinue advertising," John months. Millington at Akron Wannamaker said, "is like taking March 22. 1870, he was united in training does make a woman or girl Isine at Caseville, suddenly disap- At a recent meeting of the board down your sign. If you want to do marriage to' Mary Leitch. To this capable of relieving suffering in her peared Wednesday of last week and May 20 of directors of the Tuscola "County Millington at Cass City business, you must let people know it. union three children were born, own family• Also the course deals up to this time there has been no Red Cross chapter Mrs. A. J. Calbeck trace of him. The last seen of him I would as soon think of doing" buM- Archie of Pontiac, Duncan of Aber= wdth methods of combatting com- Reese at Caro was shortly after supper. He left let- Vassar at Akron of Care was elected chairman to sue- heSS without clerks as without adver- deen, Washington, and Jeanette, who municable diseases. Most girls' col- ceed H P Bush Other officers elec{-~. • ,, ters addressed to S. H. Coehran and May 27 • " . " ~]smg. died when about one year old. In leges now offer courses in nursing and ed were: Vice-chairman, Mrs. E. 0.[ the mechanic who was working with Caro at Millington 1884, he came with his family to a few of the larger high schools in Babcock; secretary, W. C. Sanson; I him in v?hich he stated that he was Cass City at Reese Michi.o:an and settled on a farm near the country include classes in nursing" treasurer, L. G. Seeley. Vacancies on t MARRIAGE LICENSES. going to leave for good. It is believed Mayville at Akron Cass City where he resided until the in the curriculum. Any woman is a the board of directors were filled as[ -- that McLean had become mentally de- death of his wife in 1893. more valuaMe person in. the home if June 3 r'anged; an ailment it is claimed he Caro at Cass City fol!ows: D. J. Evans, Millington; Mrs. 1 Oliver Ferrier, 26, CarsonviUe; Ve- In 1895, he was married to Flora she knows something abofit nursing'. E. O. ~Babcock, Unionville; Mrs. F. ~da Day, 19, Carsonvilte. was subject to. Work on the assem- Reese at Millington McArthur to whom three children Friday evening the local .high bling of the new engine is beina" [ Mayville at Vassar Hemerick, Gagetown; Rev. N. D. Erwin Smith, 25, Snorer; Grace L. were born, A. 'D., of Port Huron, Ar- school added three more to its list of pushed and it is expected that it will Braby, Caro; Dr. W. H. Fulton, Ak- Arnold, 23, Snorer. thur, who diedi in his first year, and victories. At Cass City, the second be ready for a test within two or i ron. Chairmen of the project com- Earl C. Cottrell, 31, Vassar; Pearl Russell of Port Huron. He -also mittees were then appointed by ~the Bauer, 24, Vassar. teams clashed with the second teams three weeks.--Pigeon Progress. T leaves three sisters and one brother, I,;O~,ERNOR WOULD HAVE ~executive committee: Home service, Frank Little, 21, Novesta; Gladys of tBad Axe. °Cuss City found it an Nancy of Atbro, Ontario, Jessie '~ of t STATE BUY POWER F. S. Riley; Nursing" activities, Mrs/' Balch, 20, Novesta. easy matter to win both games, the Cass City, Archie and Mary of Dawn, girls by a score of 21 to 14 and the IN CIRCUIT COURT. I .Dorr McGlocklin; School committee, Howard Titsworth. 19, Vassar; Ontario. He was ~ ldnd and loving" bdys by a score of 16 to 9. In the 1 In the course of his campaign to B. H. McComb; Disaster. relief, A. D. AIice'Esckelson, 18, Vassar. husband and father; a very patient latter game, the boys did~exception- Mike Telewiak and Joe Potenga of put governmental and institutional Gallery; Auxiliary service, Mrs. N. Gerald Southgate, 20, Unionville; sufferer through his siekriess. With !affairs in Michig:an upon a soun&~eeo - B. Atwood; Publicity, W. H. Gildart. Mabel Gainforth, l~J, Unionvill~ ally well as they were g:reatly out- TOwnship of Wells both l~leaded guil- perfect confidence in his Savior, he !nomical basis, Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck It was decided at this meeting to hold weighed by the opponents. At Pig- ty to violation of prohibition law and departed from this world to =£hat pre- ~has gone into the question of the cost their regular meeting the first Thurs- con, the girls' first team succeeded were given 30 days in jail. of electric and power production and day of each month in the Red Cross DR. FLEMING, DEPUTY SHERIFF pared for those who are faithful. The in winning" by a score of 25 to 20, but Divorce decrees are issued in the remains were taken from his home in hn~ ~kod ~n. survov.~ n£ the isolated rnnm~ nt Corn, ~.t 4:20 ~. m~ Mrs~ Ms-' the boy~ were defeated 24 te ~1. The following cases this week: ~osina Fort Huron and iaid ~o res~ in No,- line-up of the girls' first team: Lois power plants operated by state insti- ry E. Pulliam, field ret~resentative of[ Dr. P. E. Fleming of Cass City is Adle vs. Win. M. Adle; Gust Cooklin vesta cemetery. Benkelman and Pearl Marshall, for- ~s. Henrietta Cooklin; Joseph Bild- tutions for the purpose of determin- the society, was present and gave an [receiving the eongratulation,s of his ing whether it would not be cheaper interesting talk on what other chap- !many friends over his appointment -wa~ds; centers, May Dunlap and Vel- seine vs. Maglalena Bildstine. ms, Warner; g-cards, Ruby Marshall to purchase current. ~ters are accomplishing. Appreciation as deputy sheriff of Tuscola county. Miss Edna ColweI1 left Friday anJ Lottie °West. The second team: The goven~or has asked several was given the. retiring chairman, H. The appointment was made by Sher- morning for Detroit where ~she is the Yorwards, Irene Urquhart and Fern Advertise it ip the Chronicleu electric power company officials to P. Bush, who left Caro severar months iff Morris Feb. 24. guest of Mrs. Cecil Brown. $ PAGE ~0+ CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Mfchfgan, 3Iarch 4:, 1921. .~,, ..... Ill 1 -CA<~B 42Irl~,,Y tC.HRONIGIJE. led at the home of Sila,s Parker in SHABBONA. !Dircctor~. Published Weekly. I Owendale Thursday. The Tri-Coun*y -"Chronicle :and ( C_~ss ] Joseph Me!tendorf was a caller in Mrs. Herb Ferguson was operated Owendate Wednesday a~ternoon. DENTIS~. City iEnterprise consoli:dated :Apr. ~20, upon for appendicitis Sunday at the S away to a good start. On: Tues- t906. ,, Jesse Putman and William W. Marlette hospital• She is getting ! Cass I. A. Fritz, Resident Dentist. day morning, Mar. 1st, we opened I Parker, jr., were business transactors along splendid. I Office over Ca~s

~~o.~I~:*~I+.~~ LOCAL ITEMS. Gifford Chapter hetd a special REPORT OF THE CONDITION: ~ TH~]: NT~-TE~ S~2,WL~S: BANK AT i W ~ r c f ! --- imeeting Wednesday evening f°r GAGETOW~, MICHIGAN; I Mrs. Ethel Lumper of Deford was initiation. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wal- • . " . I a guest at the Lewis Brooks home :lace became members. A splendid at the close of:'b~siness:F_~t~ 21~ ]:92~ as Caltedl £hr: by/~24e~ Com~I~SSio~er of e have jLI~ ~ ~|vcd ~[ car 0 ISunday. " Ioyster supper was served to about 60 the Banking Department:

! KO K O M 0 i IAxet Mr" visited andMrs'R°y with Mrs. Harder°f~adpe°ple" Jessie Pettit i Several important real estate tran-LOANS ANDRESOURCES DISCOUN-TS,~V.IZ;:: Commercial Sav in~ /last Friday. i suctions in our village have trans- b Unsecured: 4r,779;7~: t Miss Wilma Striffter visited with i pired this week. Anthony Repshin- ]Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Orr of Pigeon Fri-!ska purchased" the fine residence of Total: .., ...... $, ~1~7Y0.77 |day and Saturday. . . tI M. J. Kehoe on Mum. street and M. J. BONDS, MORTGAGES AND SECU~IES, viz.:: --'~' " ~ | Iffrs. Arthur Bruce of Richm0nd 'Kehoe purchased the residence no~w a Real E~tate:~ ~Ibr£gagea~ ...... 77~9~:5,00~. ! W l l~E FENGE I |spent the-week-end in Cuss Gity as °ccupied by and °wried by Th°mas dU.S. Bonds and Certificates of ]the guest of Mrs. Jessie Pettit. ]Freeman, near the Gai/holic school. Indebtedi~ess in: Office...... 31,400:00~ / Mr. and MrS: Homer Motz of Wm. Lafave has purchased the va- g Other Bonds ...... I1~000;00; 25~2(~0~00~ |Greenleaf were guests of Mrs. Motz' cant lot east of the public school with "parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moore, the intention of erecting a modern Totals '...... :~ 42,400~00. $~7,1~65.00 ~ 13,~,565.00 *: - ~'~ o .,,, Sunday. bungalow in the near future. RESERVES, viz.: ' "." Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Day]son enter- Miss Florence Purdy of Alma col- Due from:Banks in:R~serve~ Citle~ 2;80~.2~ ~479".0~ ,. ~ 'rained Mrs. Day]son's parents, Mr. lege spent the week-end with her par- U.S. Bonds and Cert. of Ind. , ":* and Mrs. Stuart Charles, of Deford ents here. carried as legal rese~vein ' We have sold this fence for 15 years and have ,:,*:" Sunday. Mrs. T. Vroudfoot is among our Savings Dept. only ...... 5,000.00 ¢* Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Middleton were sick folks. Total casl~ on. 14and~...... 3;292.39, 5,00~)~00, satisfied a host of farmers with this particular brand. ':"*:* in Croswell from Saturday until Roy. Eastman entertained his Totals ...... $ 6;093;67 ~ ~4:,479;0~ ~ 20,572.69 ~, We are satisfied to keep on handling Kokomo after ":~.:. L.B.Monday, Middleton. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. motherRev. andand Mrs.uncle Scott last week.and son ,spent COMBINED ACCOUNTS, viz.: .: a trial of 15 years; our customers speak highly of ~: Dr. P. E. Fleming, who was visit- several days of last week in Bay OVerdrafts ...... 72.O6 ~: i~ ing his father at St. Anne, Ill., for City. Banking- House ...... :~, 8,000.00 . :~: two weeks, returned to his home here Miss Elva Burton visited several Furniture anC Fixtures: ...... 1,500.00 Kokomo and we are glad to recommend it to new ,~, days of last week in Cuss City. Outside Checks and ~atelier Gi~sh ~**~ Saturday evening'. I~ems ...... :.~.... 170.69 * buyers. Come in and let's talk it over. :!: The first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzie left ...... : *: ,r. W.L. Ward moved into the house on Thursday to visit relatives in Iowa. T0tut~ ...... " $ 211,651.21 :~ Seeger ,street which they purchased Mrs. Richard Burdon spent Thurs- LIABI~TIE~ O A 8t iffl and remodeled recently, day inCassCity. ® ® • ~ e F $ Mrs. T. E. Heron of Port Sanilac Mr. and Mrs. Clare Stafford of SurplusCapital StockFund. paid: ...... in~...... 25,000.003,760.00 ti and son, Frank, of Argyle were Grant are mourning the loss of their Undivided! P~ofi~s~. ne~:...... -- 3,595.74 guests of her sister, Mrs. Mary Palm- two Weeks' old daughter. Burial in ti or, Tuesday and Wednesday. Hillside cemetery Friday. (~OM~:ERCIAL, DEPOSITS, viz.: ~~ = : ; ~ E.M. Boyne spent Saturday and Robert J. Wills spent several days Commercial Deposi~s: Sub~ec~ tin, check ...... 45,247.31 Sunday in Alma where he attended of last week with his family. He ex- Demand: ~ert~fi~es of Depo;s~.. 11,309.62 the stag banquet of the Sigma Chi pects to canvass the western part o£ : : • :~.~'~I~*O~oI~*~.~~~ fraternity Saturday evening. Michigan during the spring months. "Fo~l: $ 56,556.93 ~ ~i Mrs. Alan MacIntyre and daugh- Harry Kelley of Colwood visi:ted! S~VINGS DEPOSITS; vi:z.: *: ~ toys, Kathleen and Bernice, of Sheri- Monday at his sister's, Mrs. Jas. ~.i dan have been visiting since Friday Gough. :~ A ~ ~ 0 ~U ~ CCSe~t ~ ,at the home of Mrs. Finley Ross. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Gough and ~er.i~i:f~catesto S~v~s o~ By-LavesDepos~--S~b~ject...... 109,7~8.54 ., Leo Tyo and daughter, Lorraine, daughters, Beatrice and Ruth,: ~- To~a} ...... $ 109,738.54 ~ 'of Detroit, who had been visiting tel-tended the funeral of Mrs. Johnso~ ~.i at]yes in this place since Thursday, in Bay City Tuesday. B~t~s Pa~rabl'e ~ : 13,000.00 "-~----- ~ .... -~ i~ returned to their home Monday. J.L. Purdy transacted business i~ : ...... ¢. Miss Margaret Ross returned Oass City Monday. Tota~ c ...... $ 211,651.21, ,, from a short trip to Detroit Saturday. Fred Hallock is reported" a little State of. Miehigaa~ Coha~y:of Tuseo]~ s~ *, ~ She will make her home with her better. I, Edith E. ~fller, Cashier, of the at~ove named bank, do solemnly * A mother, Mrs. Finlay Ross, until next Clinton F. Seeley of Car~ was a swear, ~hat ~he ahove at~.tement is t~ue ta the bes~ of my knowledge and caller in town Sunday~ belief and correctly represents the.true state of ~he several matters therein, -~ Sales and Service fall. Mrs. Jack Lehmar~ entertained Mrs. contained, as sho~v~ by the hooks of the bank. Mrs. Sam Vyse, sr., and Mr. and W. Coffron and little son and Mrs. G ' EDITHE. I~ILLER, Cashier. B Mrs. Sam Vyse, jr., and son, J. C., re- ~ubsc~ihed a~d s wo,ra to. hefo~e, ~e this 26~h day of February 1921. >" turned to their home in Flint Friday Purdy Friday afternoon. Mrs. Emma Gough Johnson died Jr, E.S. Simmons, Justice of Peace. u after a visit at the home of Mr, and her home in Bay City Saturday. Mrs. My commission expires July 1st, 1924, Mrs. I. W. Hall. Correct Attest: J.L. Purdy, C When Mrs. Wm. Moore returned Johnson was well known here and her John Munro, Friday evening from a two days' vis- many friends extend sympathy to her Richard Burdon, it with her daughter in Pontiac, she sorrowing family. Directors~. ~, was accompanied by her nine months' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ritchie have two very sick little ones In their home...... To be the name of the new firm which takes possession old grandchild, Ray Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Robrt Wills and three Miss Kitty Ross, who has been daughters were entertained Sunday ~* of Doerr's Sales and Service Garage staying with her mother, Mrs. Finlay at Mr. and Mrs. Olin Thompson's. Ross, since the death of her father, NOTE - ¢o has returned to Detroit where she ' March 7 ¢o":° will resume "her position in the goner- Pal B $ ,One -.. ~o ,. ~. ~. * a~Miss om~e Saraho~ Palmer entertained her ~ er 1 ~O ® ~ Lillie Livingston, youngest daugh- ~ Sunday school class at her home last ~. Friday evening. Twelve pupils and ter of Duncan Livingston, was taken to Cuss City hospital where she un- • ~ the teacher, Mrs. Yakes, were pres- derwent an operation for appendicitis. that you will receive first class service at .~" ont. After the evening had been joy- Mrs. C. McRae, who has been seri- a moderate price. : fully spent in playing games, ice ously ill of paralysis for the past ten Sweet Sugar Corn per can 10c "~ .~ cream and cake were served, days, is still in a critical condition .... ° :~ .~ Her children, N~ary and Dan, of De- Extra Quality.... Peas per can 10c

~ [ GAGETOWN. "O[ tr°itStanley are earingand Gordon f°r her" ffaekson buzzed ~ cans P u for ~ - 15c ALEx CLIFF:*;~'¢.o ,:-~ ~ - ~ ~ wood at New Greenleaf last week. - mpkil, :~B - Dr. Keith Morris of Detroit was a Geo. Jackson is the owner of a new 7 bars clean Easy Soap 25c ~ • ® ~ "~~' cali er in town one day last week on Ford sedan. ~ "~- Mr. McAllister expects to move to 1 Oat Meal 10c ~ .~ his way to Owendale where he was the Wm. Patrick farm near New box Steel Cut ~ . g i .~ called to perform an operation, Greenleaf soon. 2 pounds Prunes for - 25c $ales and Service Gara e Fcneral of Mrs. Devillo Burton will| Mr. and h{rs. Wm. Wilkinson and be pleased to hear of her improved Mrs. Bert Girmus were Cass City ~ 8 bars "White Spray" Soap 25c ..; : ...... health, but she is not as yet able to callers Tuesday. .~-~:I.-¢.-:~¢.-¢.¢-.;~$¢:~¢~¢=I--:I.-.-I-.;~- ---:_ :- --- : w ~;'-;v :;-'-~:-.- -o- -.- -.- -.- -o- -.- -*- -*- --- -o------undertake the - ride from, Harbor I F. McRae, who was called here by Beach to her home here. i the illness of his mother, Mrs. C. Mc- -~ Best quality bread flour, sack $1.50 The Latin class in the public school i Rae, returned to his home in Canada Mrs. Fred Moore and daughter ~ See us for WALL PAPER, every pattern new. @ Mrs. Wm. Fournier of Caro visited were callers in Decker Tuesday. Farm @ : Farms ] Mrs. Enos Simmons Saturday. The residence of Archie McCallum ':"i...... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDonald togther with nearly all the contents ~, PALM[~ BI~OS ! spent Sunday with their son, James, was destroyed by fire Saturday ~ Farms of all sizes and all prices, and family. 'morning. The cause of the fire was ! Miss Marguerite Karr is the guest not learned. • GAGETOWN Some good buys in residence property and va- of Grandma foulman while her par- i C.W. Hubbard occupied the pulpit i : = _ -_ j ~: ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Karr, are at the M. E. church Sunday in Argyle - --.-M.~'..M..S..~.~.M..M.~",M"* cant lots. i visiting in Pontiac, Flint and Detroit. during the absence of the pastor, Mr. and Mrs. E. ft. Calley enter-Rev. Bowman. Some good business property cheap. ~ rained a company of friends to an Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLellan re- oyster supper Thursday evening, ceived word last week that their ~~ ..... :~-=:=::=::=::::::= Mrs. F. D. Homer]ok is among our daughter, Mary, was ill at the Detroit' l-'rr~ opo Sill"''O-- n No matterwhatyouwantinreal estate, we have , sick people, haspital where she is training for a ! Miss M. Burleigh arrived from De- nurse Miss McLellan is suffering Special it. We can get you good trades for city property, or trait Tuesday of last week. from throat and ear trouble. can trade large farms for smaller ones. We want t ...... - ~- your business. Giveusatrial.. .x° ~o" ¢. to Farmers * Special Prices ' Watson's Peal Estate I.:.'~° :~ ',-~ I have now 5 cars o~ fertilizer ordered and which will .~A~en cy " i be delivered at Gagetown, Cuss City and Deford about Mar. I"¢°.:. o l~ Furniture '• 15th, and here are the reasons why I sell such a quantity of ¢° ~ i Fertilizer~sjmply because I guarantee every sack to be e i Office in Corkins Bldg,, Cuss City. .-* [r0m March 5 t0 15. [or ~ash 01]|y ,.', I." equal and in most cases to be superior" to all Fertilizers sold . .: . by other companies, and also because I furnish the farmers | -* ~ ~ more Plant Food than other companies in every ton of For- i " $28 Kitchen Cabinet for $22 ,~'~ ,,¢ tilizer of the same analysis: i .Kill That Cold With $24 Kitchen Cabinet for $19 ,.: i• I can prove any and all assertions which I make, so

I ~' ~L:~ $31 Dresser - $26 ', i Place your order with me for your . oQtji t~t $33 Buffet - $30 fertilizer for spring use I CASCA ~A~~ ]~~v " ,,,St $1o Metal Couch - $8 : " ~a i will surprise you with the liberal offer which I will .~ FOR ~N~ make you when I unload my cars in March. Get my prices c.~., ~o.~ ov t. ~~, $24 Library Table - $20 and,fl~iberal terms of settlement before ordering elsewhere, i and order where you can get the best value for your money. ¢

Take nochances. NeglectedKeeothisstandarclret~edyhandy¢~rthe~r~oo~e Colds are Dangerous ¢°i 20 per cent Off . on ~ockers Robert Wa Breaks UP a cold in 24 hours ~ Relieves Grippe in3 days--Excellent for Headacherner Laxative--NoQ.inineinth~fcrmdoos~otaffoctt~e~ead--Ca~carai~bes, ()pia~e ifi Hill's. Ton,c Lenzne r ~ s Furmture" Store i .: PHONE 70~1S, 1L.


I .


2 f ( i_ , \ \

PAGE FOUR. CASS CITY CHRONICLE _ , ...... Cass City, Michigan, March 4, i92i,

Jay Doerr is employed in Hetler's Chester Loesch of Buffalo, N. Y., O~•, , ~rmoL~ra.qeo D~- Str'gir, 9 o ,o,o~D • • • oqD ~c.*~o"~"~.•~*~°$~q~®~"$~o'~"~.`~"$~$~$~°~*~®~"~"$"®'~$~'~* Bake Shop. • and Edna Helwig returned last 111 ]'l'Hfli'e ".'||e t)XI'l~ Ih~tt w()F[~ Iit the C. W. Holler transacted business in Wednesday after spending a week in t]olds nre reg'lllarly sll[l~2 tO aS an on- Saginaw Wednesday. I Saginaw" ('otlrtigelllenf to exert]oil ,q|t(l DO po~,ts- PASTIME THEATRE ! Mrs. Bert Clara and daughter, Mil- ~n~ has tim slightes~ d(mb~ but that ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . E. L] Holler spent Wednesday in dred, and Mrs. Grace Krug of Gage- the animals listen to h~m with pteas- Bay Port and Elkton. ~town called at the A. A. Brian home 11re. Elsie Ferguson in0 "WITNESS FOR THE DEFENSE" Miss Luella Holtz is confined to her Wednesday. ! - This is an extraordinary picture. Don't miss it. Also ~ good comedy. Mrs. Paul Hague spen:t Wednesday bed with ~ca~let fever. [ An "On Time Campaign" is being Raw Vegetable Cure. in Pigeon. Mr. and Mrs. N. J McGillvray are 'promulgated by Deckervitle peotfle, The juices of raw vegetables elimi- NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING moving to ~Bad Axe this week land ~the Recorder says that it is re- A. Frutchey returned Friday' from nate all kihds of poisons from the > !markable that public gatherings in blood, and man~ proofs ~re now forth- 6th and 7th episodes of ~"THE VEILED MYSTERY" Alpena. Jos. Emerson. and Eugene Schwad- that town begin with such prompt- coming of cases of rheumatisn] fieu- Also "'Rough on Rubes," a funny comedy. Miss Etta Schenck is very iil with erer were m Detroit on business Tues- iness, Delay in beginning public meet- ritis, consumptmn,,~ o el% baying been tonsilitis this week. day. i ings is one of the greatest wasters of completely cured by the raw vegetable Gee. Hitchcock and son, Lyle, tran- t~me, especially to those persons who FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 11 AND 12 Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schiele were diet. sacted business in Saginaw Wednes- have something else to do than wait. callers in Elkton Wednesday• I Burke in "THE MISLEADING WIDOW" day. Such meetings should begin promptly Miss .Beatrice Cooper is employed Mrs. R. S. Proctor left Tuesday to at the time announced The First Athletes. | This is good. Also see good Sennett comedy. •in the Holcomb grocery ,store. spend a week with friends in Clio and The Greeks v,'#re amo~g the first to insist on gymnastics as part of the Flint, J. A. Sandham returned Wednesday To Dream of the Noon, early tl'~liI}h~g of the child. They act- from a business trip to Detroit, Chester Loesch of Buffa!o N. Y., is Te see a moon in brilliant clear- ed on the principle of "a sound mind ::~::::~::~::~:~f*'.~:::::~:~:~..::::~:::2::~::~:2::~::~::~..:~::~::~::~:::::::~::::::::2:::::::::::::::::::::~:::~:::::::::2::::::::~::::::::~::~:::.~ , J, L. Purdy ~of Gage~own 'was a visiting relatives and friends in this ness- -for a wife, love and good inn sound bo(ly," and thns tile tno~ral bu:siness railer in Cass City Monday. vicinity. health; for a husband increase in training of the young was included ~;n Laurence Drake of Care was a Paul Davison of Highland Park ate wealth. To see the new moon mea~:,~ the pltysicat work carried on in the guest at the Gee. Finkle home Sun- dinner with Mr. and Mrs.'Mark Bond advancement in business. To see two gymnasium. iil C ange of Date for Auctmn iii!J moons mean,s an increase in digni£y day. ~ Tuesday. and rank. For a beautiful woman ~o Rev. Win. Ridhards spent Tuesday Dr. F. L. Morris,attended a medical Wise Words. see in a dream the moon at its fgI1 %*. and, Wednesday in Clifford and Vas- meeting at the Hotel Bancroft in predicts to her a high standing in We may he assnred that 'liberty will sar, Saginaw Thursday. fashion and in public admir'~tion. Per not descofid tO a people ; a people mtls~ iii} It has been necessaly to change the date of the Hugh ilil Mrs. F. E. Kelsey of Care will vis- Mrs. Hiram Spiller of Gagetown a young girl or widow to see the moon raise themselves to !iberty ; ii ls ~ :ill McIntyre sale 5 miles east and 7 miles north of Cass City to i!::i it with Cass City friends over the was the guest of Mrs. A. T. Crafts in full and its face of a dqzztlmg ble§sing ~ha~ /bust be earned befor~ week-end. Tuesday. brightness denotes a speedy marriage. !I can be enjoyed; and wtmt Is worth Mrs. Roy Stafford returned Thurs- i~rs. C. MacRae was the guest of To jewelers, goldsmiths and bankers having Is worth earnestly striving for day from attending a funeral at]friends around GreenIeaf the last of thi~ dream is most h-tppy.~Chicago --From the Italian Gagetown. [the week. American. iill Sale begins at 12 o clock. List includes 5 ~orses, 28 head of i~i • Nfr. and Mrs. O. A. Cummings and] The Mothers' Club will meet to- A Notoriously Lovable Man. i!!! cattld, 5 pigs, farming machinery and feed. ® i!i~ ' family of Care were callers in town [night (Friday) with Mrs. John Sand- Pe~tinen~ Query. Of a New York yeggman recentr~y Wednesday. ~ [ham as hostess. '*Gentlemen, ! can't sit still withoul murdered a paper naively says: "F;e Miss Hays, who underwent a triple[ Mrs. Harry Cooper w~n~ to Pontiac saying a word and so I rise. ! will had been only four months out of jai~ ilii Hugh/ lclntyre, Propr,etor Ii operation •Tuesday morning, is recov-ISaturday for a v~sit with her sons speak what lies close to my heart he had served four terms for lmrglary ins nicely, who livd in that city. 1 Everybody deba~es the future of the and truck thievery; hi~ father sqid his ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======Aucti°neer~i I A. A. Jones left Tuesday for Sagi~ eonntry Buildlng~ are erected fm son never came home except to extort Ira Carruthers of Argyle spent the po,~tertty Everything tba~ Is done naw where he will remain for two money from his family. All the wit- first of the week with is sister, Mrs. bullL planted, is simply for the benefit nesses insist tha{ he had no enemtes Jesse Bullock. weeks on business. of posterity Now. wha~ In Heav~:'s and none of them can think of any ~'~';'~'a'.'.'.'.'~'~'~'~'~~::::::::::::: ~~:g~:&~:::::::::::~ P. A. Koepfgen was called to Port A. G. Newton and Fred Lablanche name h~s pos*erity, done for u-?"-- reason why anyone should have tried Huron Saturday to attend the funeral of Caseville transacted business in Kasper. Stockholm to kill him." 1:own Thursday. of his brother, Fred. The ladies' aid supper at the Meth- Mrs. A. T. Crafts entertained Mrs. odist church Wednesday netted a Richard Burden and Mrs. R. S. Wood profit of over $50.00. of Gagetewn Friday [ Chronicle Liners SATURDAY Miss Laura Bigetow is unable to Mrs. John Sommerville returned ~each this week on account of an at- Tuesday from a week's visit with her daughter in Sandusky. Rates--Liners 05.25 words or WANTED TO RENT--80-acre farm tack of the chickenpox. -less, 25 cents each insertion. Ov- on shares or money rent. Elmer Henry Biglow of Detroit came Sat- B. F. Hamilton and Otis Chambers er 25 words, one cent a word for Bearss, King,sloE, clo Gee. Walls. urday to visit with friends and rela- of Flint were week-end guests of Mr. each insertion. 2-25-2p and Mrs. Thos. Colwell. tives in this community. Specials_o Norman McIntosh and Dan Ross Miss Esther Wagner left last VIOLINS REPAIRED. Organs re- HIGHEST prices paid for poultry, attended the funeral of Ed. Kennedy Thursday for Detroit where she has paired, cleaned and tuned. Lenzner's Schwarzkopf Bros. & Co., Bach. 10- 29-tf MARCH 5 at Detroit last Thursday. been the guest of friends. Furniture Store. 3-4-4 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sommer~/ille of Miss Mac Benkelman of Sebewaing MOVE WITH Schwarzkopf's Big NEW DORT touring car for sale Cumber spent Wednesday with Mr. spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. cheap. Frank Cranick, Cass City. and Mrs. B. F. Benkelman. Trucks equipped with Goodyear and NIrs. John Sommerville. Cord Pneumatic Tires. Prompt day 2-25-tf Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schiele and Jas. MacKenzie, who is employed[ and night serwce for moving at Owendale, spent the week-end Household Goods. Call People's FOR SALE~Forty acres of land 2% 6 dozen Men's Genuine Stifel daughter, Miss Gertrude, were busi- miles from Cass City. D. F. Schiele. ness callers in Care Tuesday. with his family in this city. Popular Trucking Service, Bach: Sebewaing and Gagetown phones. 2-25-t~ Shadow Stripe Overalls or .25 Dr. and h~[rs. I. D McCoy and Dr. Mrs. Archie Walker and Miss Sa- and Mrs. P. A Schenek spent from die Livingston of Atwater called at 10-29-tf - [FOR SALE~Two thorobred B~rred Jackets formerly $2.50 - - Friday until Sunday in Detroit the C. MacRae home Tuesday. HAY FOR SALE cheap. Terms to J Rock cockerels. W. C. Schetl. 3-4- each Dr. I. D, McCoy and the Misses Mrs. A. D. Gillies was called to De- suit purchaser. Audley Rawson, 5]" lp For Saturday only Taylor and Walper were in Niartette troit Wednesday morning on account miles north of C~ss City: 3-4-1': ..... i:': ..... F..DR SALE~Two Olds engines--6 h, on business Wednesday afternoon. of the illness of her son, Blake. ~ p. and= 8 h. p. Enquire of Gee. N. The Y. P. A. held their monthly Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walsh and Mrs. BUY:it the modern way. Our truck will deliver pure milk and cream at ~.:' :Burr. 3-4-2p business and social meeting with M. P. Freeman of Gagetown were guests of Mrs. F. A. B~iss Monday. your door every morning: Milk 10c :Miss Luelta Bartle Tuesday evening. quart; cream 20c ½ pint. Dodge & BEAN STRAW for sale. Mathew Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams are Mr. and" Mrs. John Holcomb are • Kelly. Phone 142--3S, 1L. 3-4-2 < Parker. 3-4-1p 8 do,eo ilo d .en 70 c the parents of a baby girl, who was moving into the rooms on the east . . _ ...... :~:: Dress Shirts all sizes formerly sid of the Gee. Hitchcock residence. MARRIED MAN wants work on farm 5~ born on Friday, Feb. 25. The baby, HOUSE AND LOT for sale. City by the year. Must have tenant: !9 .. will answer to the name of Eva Re-', The Misses Violet EIiott and Helen] water, electric lights. Enquire at house. Floyd Carpenter, Decker, $2.00 - - - • setta. Grimm were guests at Miss Eliott's Chronicle office, 3-4-2 Mich. 3-4-2p home near Elkton over the week-end. Saturday only Mr. and Mrs. Clare Keating of De- BOX SOCIAL at Woodman Hall, troit came to Cass City Monday to Miss Fern Cooley, who has been FOR SALErNo. 1 South Bend Mal- Cass City, Wednesday, Mar. 9. Ev- leable steel range cheap if taken at N ~dsit with Mrs. Keating's parents, Mr. the guest of her mother for several erybody welcome. 3-4-1 once, to save storage. A.A. Guin- and Mrs. A. D. Mead. weeks, returned to Detroit Thursday. 1 " "~[ thor, Third St., Cass City. 3-4-1p Mrs. Clarence Burr, Mrs. O.B. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Middleton are GOOD driving horse for sate. Frank i S:l ' al prices on Nens and Boy's: Over¢oaN Clarke and Mrs. E. Hunter and son. moving from the rooms over the Rick- Manore, 6 miles west, i mile north lALL PERSONS owing me on account Caswell, are amon~ those who are ill er & Krahling store to the Gordon and ~/~ mile west of Cass City. 2- I are requested to call at my resi- dence rooms over store and settle and Mack:haws for cash - !ii with the mumps thisweek, iTavern. 25,2p ~ for same. L. E. Dickinson• 3-4-2p 5~rs. Milton S6g: and little son, San~ Champion, John Barnes, and THE FOLLOWING. will be sold all Dick, visited with Mrs. Suzden's par-~Wm. Day lft Tuesday on a business private sale:~2 grade Holstein KITCHEN CABINET for sale cheap. ants, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bright, of trip to Mt. Pleasant, Alma and St. cows, 5 and 7 years old, double bar- Mrs. Anna Patter.son. 3-4-1p 'Sandusky over the week-end. Louis. hess (new), plow, spring tooth CARD OF THANKS We wish to Niss Edna Fink!e, who has been a ] Mrs. A. J. Knapp left Thursday for drag', box and rack, 6 tons hay, range (nearly new), heater (nearly thank the ladies of the M. E. :::: ~cAss c/rY~'s¢¢oe~ czor/¢mG~e~v~ 0 ~ ":i:: £'uest at the Gee. Finkle home for the Detroit where she has spent t~ais church for the beautiful flowers. '~week visiting her sister, Mrs A. !A. new), gas lamp, all hqusehold last few weeks, returned to her home goods. Come and took them over. J. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranick. in Pontiac Monday morning. Hitchcock. A. Rogers, 5 •miles south and 3 east The Woman's Study Club held their Glen Rawson, who has spent a week of Cass City. 2-25-2p FOR SALE 12-room frame house, with his father and mother, Mr. and good barn, good hen house and 4 - _;~ ~first meeting" at the Odd Fellow hall lots on E. Pine St. Gertrude L. "Tuesday afternoon. They were very Mrs. Wm. Roawson, returned to To- 20 FEET of silage for sale. Want Schiele at Zemke's Store. 3-4- much p!eased with their new quarters. ronto Thursday. to make a quick saie. Chas. Krein- Mrs, Elmer Bearss and baby, who Mr. andS;Mrs. Sam Robinson and er, Deford. 3-4-2 GRAVEL for sale by the load at the Mrs. Chas~EwingXe'-" attended ladies' aid pit at the Mary Davenport farm 2 have been the guests of Mrs. Bearss' SPECIAL FENCE at the right price. Everything for parents, Mr. and Mrs.-Wm. Rawson, ~meeting at the CNas. Lowe home in miles south and % mile west of From %c to ~/~c below the Brown Gagetown. 2-25-3 returned to their home in Pontiac Cumber last Tuesday. Fence Co• Taking orders now for .__ the Kitchen spring delivery. J. S. Parrott. 3- Wednesday. { Miss Nina Johnson of Detroit at- FOR SALE--TEN room house A clean, reliable oil cook stove Mrs. Horsey Young" and two chit-irived Monday evening to visit her 4-2p equipped with electric lights and complete with oven and warming riven arrived Satm'day from thelr•grandmother, Mrs. E. B. Landon,'and bath, well located on West Main St. cabinet. Durable AlUminum or ;home in Orchard, Colorado, to make!other friends in this place. FOR SALE--Span of Belgian colts, two years old past. Also Durham W.~H. Ruhl. 2-11- Enameled Steel utensils~ for every a. visit with Mrs. Young's parents,] Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Delm~g and two ~-oming two years. Phil Quinn. cooking purpose. FOod! grind,- N r. and Mrs. Chris Schwaderer. i chitdren of Pontiac came Friday to FARM TO LET Good buildings, well• 2-25-2p ers, canning rack% gradiaated • ~The annual open day of the Pros= be the guests of Mrs. Dalong's par- fenced, plenty of water. '~Thr.ee .~ measures, drinking: cups,~ knives by,or:an Missionary Society will be i eats, Mr. and Mrs. Wh~dey McLain. FOR THOSE good milk cows or a miles from town. Apply to Levi De- good horse or machinery, wait for long,. Cass City. Phone 89 :[L, 2S: and forks. held at the church next Thursday, Thos. Leach has disposed of his 2-18-1p-tf March 10, at three o'clock. Each mere- residence and blacksmith shop at L. E. Wright's Sale about March 15. A cornpletelyequipped~tcher~ 2-25-3 bet is to bring a friend with her. IElrmvood Corners to Care' parties. G. W. GOFF will save you money on makes your work pleasant and B. J. Dailey closed a deal for the The purchase price is given as $1,800• LOSTSmalI fox~ terrier, black and harness. 1017 Pershing St., FIin¢. rasy~--r--saves time~, too. -purchase of the Gordon Tavern Satur- I Farmers in that vicinity are pleased white, with 1921 license No. 622; 2-25-2p See the impular New Per- ,.,day from the John Lierman Estate i to~ learn that the shop will again be 1920 license No. 1392. Return to faction Oil; Stove and the bi~. : and the first of the week the proper- 'opened for business. Joseph Balkwell. 3-4- REGISTRATION OF ELECTORS'in the Village of Cass City, Michigan, value cooking utensils at this ty was purchased by L. B. Middleton. I A revival in practical Christianity NOVEsTA township caucus wilt be Any person not already registered, store---we are hardqua~er, JSr Last Thursday, Miss Edith Cqaam- l broke out when the Presbyterian la- held at the town hall at Deford who possesses the constitutional complete: ld?zi~ e~tdI~ment. p:on had the misfortune to catch her~dies decided to clean the church • l Thursday, March 10, at 2:00 p. m., qualifications of an elector or who finger between two cog wheels while l We.dnesday. With the help of gold- for the purpose of placing in nomi- will on the day of the next regular working at the local condensary. The 'tdust and elbow grease, they left the nation names of candidates for the election of the Village of Oass City N. gig low Sons end of her finger was very bad!yichurch clean as clean can be. various township offices. Alta Mc- Michigan, possess the legal quali- Arthur, Twp. Clerk. 3-4- fication of an elector may make ap- crushed. [ Frank Cranick has been receiving plication to the Village clerk for The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. lcongratulations from his friends over WANTED--A position as dining registration up to and including Joseph Herr of Pontiac died Sunday lthe arrival of a nine pound

i"Leader, w;o,'we infer, is himself a I INOTIC'E Better roceri es ~ Canadian by birth, and are convinced 1 g is a Simon pure American by adop- @ A .place where price and quality Count. We.handle nothing but pure tion, after reading the following / flesh guaranteed groceries. Our ~greatest pleasure is to please our eruption of editorial spleen in a Saturday Specials i. Canadian newspaper, reads the petty , ~ propounder a wholesome lesson: customers and we consider each customer a personal friend and "i "This 'Uncle Sam' exchange gets endeavor to treat him as such. Phone No. 86 this morning and we Z!our goat. He is no uncle of ours. We 5 lb. pail light Karo Syrup 40c !wouldn't even acknowledge him as a will deliver your order on time. step-father or a forty-second cousin. = We had just recovered from the shock lb. pail Pioneer Nolasses 18c of 26c for exchange on three meals 17c ,& .amounting to $1.80 last summer at No. 2 can Black Raspberries 35c Buffalo when we got another illus- i tration on a small scale of how our taskmasters in ~he United States ".1 can Choice Pink Salmon 14c Saturday Special, March 5 ~- soak us on our "tainted" money. We , & purchased matrix s!ides, amounting" i to $24.76, on which we paid $3.26 ex- We will be able to fill your orders for Fresh change, because our filthy lucre with "~!the, picture of Kin~ George on it is at LeRuce and Celery ~ia~discount as compared with the A useful article -you all need. g banknotes and coin from the land of b ! t Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. Step lively if you want one. :big crooked rivers and big crooked ¢ 4 statesmen, big lakes and big strikes, big woods and big wooden heads, sil- , z t - vet streams that gambol in the moun- Vcl " tains and politicians that gamble in ' J H He|comb " the night, roaring cataracts and roar- ing orators like Big Bill Taft, who I Phone 82 . i Remember Our Slogan: "When better groceries are sold, Jones will spoke in favor of the League Of Na- i .... sell them." tions and supported Harding who was againstit, fast young men and , ~d~---~.~-~ , IV_ I ~ nes faster girls, fertile plains that lie like i ~~ W~za~,a " ~1=~'@ V W @ ~ V * .in sheet of water, and yellow journals ..... ~ ~ i that lie like thunder, That s enough. ~,.,.,~,.~.,~,.~~,~.~.,.~,..o..N.~.O.o.*~*~-~.H-N."*'*'*'~'~'*" - .N~.~.° We fee like destroying the American ---- ' Union as we write this, but for the :' • .... • sake of the million and a half right- Take your storage battery to the ~~**.~.~.,.~,.**.M.,~.~,,.***~.~.**~..®~*~**~~=~** * *~"~"N"= ~ ~"~ ~"="~ eous Canadians in the modern Sodom and Gomorrah to the south of us we will let the Union live on a little longer and continue menacing the A Complete Showing of world peace by building battleships. Prest-O-Lite Service If we could have got those linotype ~ accessories anywhere else than in New York we certainly would not .$ have purchased them in the United & Merchandise o t92 Spring i States, for the only way to make the Station Canadian dollar on a par with the Never before has this store shown such an i i Yankee dollar is to stop buying com- for efficient and prompt service. i assortment of spring merchandise. ~imodities from the States that we can i ido without. We are in the humor this Monday morning to vote for Meighan if he will speedily prevent us becom- = Conde Coats ing the commercial white slaves of VulcanizinO and Tire aepalrino There is such a variety of correct styles ~ur neighbors. There. We feel bet- 4~ ~er-after getting that off out mind." 4 and fabrics that every woman will find something **Erwin's ~ Reply. ! individual and pleasing in this large stock of ours. 'We wish we had the space and ,a time to answer fully this editor eta ALEX HENRY vassal state, but we can only offer a e. SL Priced from $8.50 and up £ew rebuttal remarks in defense of Lee Bldg. West Main our good Uncle Samuel, whom a few ~ . million Canadians have adopted in :! preference to. retaining their citizen- ship in the land of their birth. Of Conde Suits course we will agree that we were Each Redfern or Conde Sui~ is an authentic the ~ flower and par excellence of our native land, but we could not resist aAaptation of the new modes as endorsed by the the call to come to a land of greater Yuban KaspeFs highest authorities in the world fashion. Prices opportunities. Speaking of our Big Bill Taft, we I Coffee Tea ranging would like to remind the Canadian scribe that this big-hearted states- From $19.75 and up man and diplomat, while president, test his political prestige because he ] urged closed trade relations with Burt Olney'sCanned A Most Wonderful Dry Goods Canada. Yes, Bill Taft favored a League of Nations, but not the kind Goods '~ I Display of Spring Department ~hat the astute little Welshman had formulated for the political aggran- Skirts ~ This department has not only : 4izement of England. Had the people Some are made up ?in plain the largest stock of merchandise of Canada accepted the proposition lot closer trade relations offered them style and plain cloths while others to offer but also the best quality l~ during the administration of Presi- are made up of fancy plaid or that money can buy. " dent Taft, the probabilities are that , C E Patterson striped material.s, either knife or there would be no "talnfed money" he box plaite d. Either one is stylish speaks about. Step into airy Canadi- ~. Cass City, Michigan in its own make up: Priced from Our Spring -~ an bank today and you will see noti- $3.50 and up. ces posted offering" to pay a premium . on American money. Ginghams i He speaks about becoming the I commercial white slaves of this coun- Dress voiles plain and fancy, col- i Larabee's Best New Century [ Special on all Wool i try. Let us remark that if it were ored organdies are here for you to !not for the industrial concerns that | Flour Flour i Dresses choose from. i :are American owned and American ! Our entire stock serge and controlled in Ontario, and in other ~0~0**O**O*~*~*~*O**B.O*t0~0t~J~ID*0,,I,~0s,0Q,O**O,.O**O**~ . ~_ : ~ --- ~-'-----=--=---~::=:--_- - -_ ; provinces, the people of Canada tricotine dresses will go for this It will pay you to look over our would be in a more destitute condi-- week at just half of the regular goods before buying, for our pri- tion than they are. price. Now is your chance to get ces are at the rock bottom and "Sodom and Gomorrah" for sooth! one of the latest ,style dresses for While we have been trying to elevate quality A No. 1. less than cost of material. i our standards of living by abolishing,*~ the liquor traffic, Ontario has allowed herself to become the dtinipltig ~ "~ I ground for the exploitation of the he- ~ farious traffic, by accepting ship- " ZEMKE BROTHERS i ments of grog from Quebec, and it is ll'{] 0[I ae i . ~ | a well known fact that more 'speak ~°"~"°"°..~"°"~"~..°"°"~..~..~"~.~°"*"~"~"°..°..~..~..~"*"~.~..~..°..°"°"°..*"~..*`.*.~°..°.~°..~..*..°"°.'"°.~.°"*.~M"~"~M~*~*~'~"M~'~-*'~"N~"~"*'*.*~ easies' and underground saloons are to be found in the border towns of Canada than any other place in the I will sell the following personal property at auction still patients at the hospital and are[ Dress for an Earthquake. HOSPITAL NOTES. world. getting along nicely. The earthquakes of California, re- at my residence on west Main st., Cass City, on What the body politic of Canada John McAlpin, who has been a pa- / cently reported, remind us of an old Win. Metcalf, the son of Mr. and needs is an elimination of the so- tient in the hospital for severall lady who, having gone through one, Mrs. Edward Metcalf of Gagetown, called "Blue Blood" and the transfu- l we~eks, was able to rethrn to Bad Axe thus relates her experience: "My dea~, "was operated on for removal of ton- Wednesday . I was simply tumbled out of bed and sion of some virile, enriching Ameri- sils and adenoids Wednesday. the ceiling cracked. I tlwew on a fur can fluid. Like Paul of old, we are Saturday, March 12 Mrs. Milton Hoffman entered the cloak and unconsciously pulled on one Waiting for the call from Mace- hospital Wednesday and underwent a CASS CITY MARKETS. black suede glove, and when l got donia. At 1:30 p. m. serious operation~ for appendicitis down to the hall and found all the Library table Rockers Ice cream freezer Thursday. Cass City, Mich., Mar. 3, 1921. other guests--my dear, I was the best Goods Hard to Match. Mrs. Ira Carruther, s of Argyle was Buying Price-- dressed woman there."--Boston Tran- Any '~VOlllfll] ~,vho h}IH ~v(21* '~VOI'I] fl Columbia phonograph and records 3-gallon stone churn brought to the hospital Thursday and Wheat, bu ...... 1.63 script. black dress or costume knows how Small tables Beds Fruit cans Milk bottles nnderwent a serious operation Friday Oats, bu ...... *...*.35 difficult black is to match. No black Springs and mattress morning. Rye, bu : ...... 1.34 silk is really blqck. A piece of silk Curtain stretchers Chas. WiI~gn, the little son of Mr. Buckwheat, cwt ...... 1.90 Ancient Lighthouse. may seem black to the casual obsc~rv- Dresser Sofa Garden hose Wheelbarrow Corn, shelled, bu (56 lb) ...... 60 The Pharos of Alexandria, one el er, and it may be ca]led black, but Lawn mower Grain bags and Mrs. Herbert Wilson of Argyle, Barley, cwt ...... 1.20 Hard coal burner ~ntered the hospital Sunday and was the seven wonders of the wor:,d, and it is not really black at nit. It is Potato crates Ladders Peas, bu ...... 1.20 the prototype of modern lighthouse~, Child's high-chair operated on for appendicitis the same dark brown, or dark blue. or dark Forks Shovels Rakes Beans, cw~ ..., ...... •...... 3.25 cost Ptolemy. Philadelphus, its build- ,day. Clover seed, bu ...... 10.50 red. Matching l)laek floods;, there- Kitchen table 3-burner oil stove er, $1,000.000. Though it cast rays Hoes Hand truck Potatoes, bu ...... 30 fore, is difficult, because [me Ii]ltSt be Hoosier kitchen cabinet Lillie Livingston, daughter of Mr. for 16 centuries, its site is now a mat- able to tell whether the l)htck has Jersey cow :and Mrs. Duncan Livingston of New Baled hay, ton ...... 11.50 Eggs, pet- dozen ...... 28 ter of surmise. more of brown, red or blue in it and Barrel churn Lamps Numerous other articles Greenleaf, was brought to the hospi- ,Butter, per Ib ...... 35 match it to a piece of black goods ±al Monday and underwenl; a serious Cattle ...... 6 7 containing the same color value. TERMS--Cash ~operation for appendicitis; Hogs, live wt., per lb ...... 6 8 How to Petrify Wood. • hos. Baiiagh-was operated o~, ;~ Calves, live w~ ...... 7 ?tO Take gem salt, rock alum, whita removal of tonsils Monday. Geese ...... 19 vinegar, chalk and peebles powder, of Original Navel Orange Tree. Broilers ...... 20 23 All the operative cases are getting Hens ...... 19 24[ each an equal quantity. Mix well to- The original navel orange tree was along nicely. gether. If. after the ebullition is over, brought from Brazil more than forty Ducks ...... 22[ you throw into this liquid any wood or W. Ruhl, Pro . Eli Patterson, Thos. Ballagh, Eldon Stags ...... 13 years ago and is now in a greenhouse Clark of Deford, Mrs. John McKay of Turkeys ...... 40 porous substance it will turn tbe sub- of the department of agriculture in Gagetown, and Mrs. Thos. Murphy are Hides ...... 4 stance into stone in four or five days, Washington. MeCULLoUGH, Auctioneer. PAGE SIX. CASS CITY CHRONICLE i u . Cass City, Michigan, March 4, i921. i DEFORD. RESCUE. :::::::::': :: :::: :::::::: ::::: :::: :"::::::-':: :: '.%':::." ::"::::::: ::::::": :::::::: :: ::::::".".::: ::: .'::::~ ~. :,\'::::.'::::::.":~:::::::::.:.: ..'.:.:-:.:.:.: .:.: ..%:.:.x.:.:~:~:¢.: . Some winter we had on Saturday Too late for last week. last. The first real winter day we Joseph Mellendorf transacted busi- ~have had. ness in Elkton Monday. t Our new pastor, Rev. Beynon, filled Ralph Britt was a pleasant visitor the pulpit morning and evening last in Kinde Sunday. A number from around here at- A Bargain Sunday. He sounds as though he will be well liked. Every one ts wel- tended the sale of Andrew /Barnes in come to attend the meetings. East Grant last Thursday. The wedding bells rang out Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mellendorf ~day in our town. Miss Gladys Balch and ehildren spent a very pleasant Don't let your radiator freeze (. and Frank Little were united in mar- evening at the John-McCallum home riage. They have the well wishes Friday evening. for a long and happy life together Raymond Webster and Henry Da- from their many friends. vison are busy shredding corn in I Hiram Mills spent Sunday at the Brookfield these days. 100 GALLONS HIGH TEST home of Benj. Gage. .I Mrs. Lillie Wolven left on Thurs- Order" for Publication Probate of day Of last week for Pontiac where Will.~State of Michigan, The Pro- 188 C. D. she will be employed, bate Court for the County of Tusco- la. S Je for I O ys! E. Bruce and Mr. Beynon made sev- At a session of said Court, held at eral calls in Deford on Sunday. MARCH 5 to 12 inclusive the Probate Office in the Village of Word has been received here that Caro in said County, on the 24th day Big reductions are made on my entire stock in order Peter D'Arcy, an old resident of De- of February A. D. 1921. $ ... ford, an~ a brother of John D'Arcy, Present, Hon. O. D. Hill, Judge of Alcohol to move the goods in a hurry. Here is your opportunity to passed out to the Great Beyond. He Probate. secure good reliable harness, blankets, robes, collars, etc., was buried on Sunday last. In the Matter of the Estate of S. Sherk, Emery Coan and Robert Finlay Ross, Deceased. While it lasts at greatly reduced prices. Jacoby were in Detroit for a few days Donald J. Ross, having filed his last week. E. Coan returned driving petition, praying that an instrument a new Ford truck. He was snow- filed in said Court be admitted to g. ~ound at Imlay City over Saturday. Probate as the last will and testa- Extra Special. ment of said deceased and that ad- Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunt of Kingston ministration of said estate be grant- 8oc per gallon $ Asited Wm. Gage on Thursday last ed to Katherine Ross, the executrix $100.00 harness now selling for - $75.00 @ week. named in said will, or some other Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown spent Mon- suitable person. 2oc per quart This harness is hand-made and has the best of material day with Mrs. Brown's niece, Mrs. R. It Is Ordered, That the 28th day of March A. D. 1921 at ten a. m., at said D. Lewis. Probate Office is hereby appointed Mrs. Metcalf spent Monday in for hearing said petition. F. A. town with Mr. M. This is their last It Is Further 'Ordered, That public day in the store. Business is now con- notice theyeof be given by publication THE HARNESS MAN. @ ducted by R. D. Lewis. of a copy hereof for three successive Fa -rre ll,s S,e rvi c e.Sin tie, Mrs. Ernestine Lewis came to stay weeks previous to said day of hearing a while with her sister, Mrs; Wm. in the Cass City Chronicle a newspa- Cooper. G. Pardo accompanied her, per printed and circulated in said stayed over night and the following county. ~day went to Caro to visit his daugh- O. D. HILL, Judge of Probate. ~ -_~ : - - _ _._~_ ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Orr. A true copy. Mrs. C. J. Malcolm's company re- O. D. HILL, Judge of Probate. Farms VillageProperly ForSaJe turned to their home in Ontario on 3-4-3 Friday. ,~ 240 ACRES. Good 8-roorned brick house, barn 60x66, Mrs. C. J. Malcolm and Mr. and Big Auction Orde~ for Publicafion.~Determina- Sale straw barn 48x30, garage, work shop, hen house, corn crib, Mrs. Wilson spent Wednesday last week with friends at Snover. tion of Heirs.~State of Michigan, hog house, 3 tenant houses, 3 small barns, rock well, gas • , The Probate Court for the County of Mrs. A. L. Bruce Was a caller in engine, 3 orchards, buildings and land in first-class condb TuscoIa. Cass City Over the week-end. She re- At a session of said Court, held at 34 head of horses, nearly all Belgian bred tion, price right if taken at once, 2 ~ miles from good town. turned home Monday morning. the Probate Office in the Village of 60 head of cattle 40 head of hogs 90 other good farms of all sizes. 40 acres of first-class land, Caro, in said county, on the 21st day E. A. Cones, Samuel Sherk and of February :A. D. 1921. ! All farm machinery good buildingsl for sale or exchange on larger farm: Several Robert Jacoby were business callers Present: Hon. O. D. Hill. Judge of ? in Detroit past week. Probate. houses and lots for sale. See us before buying. List your In the Matter of the Estate of property with us. The new minister is among us. i At the ~ahn Gunden Farm, 5 miles west and 1 mile south of Preached morning and evening past Joseph McBurney, Deceased. . Pigeon or 21/~ miles south of Bay Port or 4 miles north of Sunday, but will reside at Wilmot N. A. Perry, Administrator of said I Kilmanagh. / lcCull0ugh & Lamb where there are rooms and to spare. estate, having filed in said court his We have passed a resolution for a petition praying that said court ad- Cass City state through burg west- judicate and determine who were at road this the time of his death the legal heirs ward to Caro stone road to be com- of said deceased and entitled to inher- pleted this season, and now learn that it the real estate of which said de: the denizens of Ellington want the ceased died seiZed, i Wednesda.y,.March .9 resolution pigeon-holed for two years. It is ordered, that the 21st day of ! . Neither sleighing nor wheeling. March A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock in Machinery will be sold in the forenoon and stock t Daniel Cote of Pontiac visits imong the forenoon, aL said probate office, THE PRICES OF ALL FARM us. be affff is hereby appointed for hear- in the afternbon. ' Loda Kennedy expects to make an ing s~id petition; extended visit in and around ~Both- It is further ordered, that public notice: thereof be given by publication well, Canada, for next two weeks. of a copy of this order, for three suc- FREE LUNCH AT N()ON " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacoby went cessive Weeks previous to said day of _' ~ ~ Implements are to Ellington Sunday to see old Mr. hearing, in the Cass City Chronicle .a and Mrs. Harvey, who have been ail- newsRaper printed and circulated in ing nearly a]l winter. said county. "~ John Gunden, prop. ....Word comes from Port Huron of O. D. HILL, the death of Daniel Gillies (better Judge of Probate. guaranteed known here as little Dan). A true copy. W. A. Schriber and (~oI. Sutherland, Auctioneers. For two past winters, John Walk O. D. HILL, Judge of Probate t t 2-25-3 ~,*g**e~$,,(~$**o,*o,,o-$-o,,~,$,*a,sO,O,o,o~o,,o**~,$,v~,g,.~~:~ - - • ~ :_ _ _ _ You are taking no chances in buying from us, as has been pleased to feed a ring necked .¢ pheasant with his hens. It would feed t we are in position to protect you. and then fly away to its brush home, Order for Publication--Appoint- F returning at feeding time. Now its ment of Administrator.-- State of calls have ceased and John mourns. Michigan, The Probate Court for the , " . , Do not wait until you are busy on the farm. County of Tuscola. A box social at Miss Gale Sharp's At a session of said Court, held at Come in any day and we will explain our proposition to school on evening of the 25th. Her the Probate Office in the Village of school is known as the Quick school Caro in said County, on the lltb day you, and take care of your needs. of February A. D. 1921. i in ANovesta. dance at Herb Phillips' home in Present: Hon. O. D. Hill, Judge of Novesta, northwest of here, on the Probate. • The people w#~ are dealing with protect us, and 23rd. In the Matter of the Estate of in turn we are duty bound to protect you. The John Clark family, west and Charles M. Delling, Deceased. north of town, who have been sick, Harvey E. Delling having filed in are all recovering'. said court his petition praFing that We know many who would not dare the administration of said estate be [to commence the least little job on granted to H~rvey E. Delling or to Friday. The writer's wife never com- some other ~table person, It Is Ordered, That the 14th day of menced to make a garment on Friday March A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock in in her life. Now all who calI Friday, the forenoon, at said probate office, What Will the Harvest Be? a the unlucky day, just get down and be and is hereby appointed for hem'- R. E. JOHNSON pray for Brother Harding--he must ing said petition; The value of clean seed of a productive strain commence his four years' job on Fri- It Is Further Ordered, That public isn't ~ipparent when you are planting it--but notice thereof be given by publication ]day, March 4. harvest time will tell the whole story. A.L. j BOTH PHONES HOUSE PHONE C.J. Malcolm's visitors have gone of a copy of this order, once each back to the "Garden" across the riv- week for three successive weeks pre- Stone, Secretary-Treasurer of the Association viou~~- to said day of hearing, in the Cass City Chronicle, a newspaper of Official Seed Analys~s, explains why good er"In Brazil coffee is being used for printed and circulated in said county. weedless seed pays best, in next week's issue of fuel'--News Item. There is a Iot of O. D~. HILL, ~ll~Il~I~H~l|ii~Iii~I||I~i~11|~||HlI~ii|~|~i~i~l~|~l~~L ~. the .so-called goods in this country Judge of Probate. u m = that ought to be used for fuel, but A true copy. 2-18-3 we haven't got around to it yet. COUNTI Y TM E. A. Cones Went to Detroit and Order for Publication--Final Ad- brought a new Ford truck. He went ministration Account.~State of Mich- just late enough in the year to be in- igan, The Probate Court for the Coun- terviewed by the snow storm of 26 ty of Tuscola. GENTLEMAN and 27, and coming home was teriffic. At a session of said Court, held at = '4 In the absence of an established the Probate Office in the Village of Now is the time to give thought to the selec- [ a Grippe Coughs: Caro in said County, on the 17th day tion Of deed on which you plan to spend a whole: minister, Elder Dibden of the M. E. church at Kingston has administered of February A. D. 1921. spring and summer of hard work and on which to the spiritual want.s of the people Present, Hon. O. D. Hill, Judge of Probate. you rely for a whole year's profit. You can't here since last conference. Wednes- In the Matter of the Estate of day evening, Feb. 23, was his last eve- be too careful: the right start counts for much. Alvah J. Carrier (or SpitIer} = US6 ning at Deford. It was prayer meet- Deceased. Out in Nebraska there's a rices that pay. That is one rea- :°°° FOLEY'S i mg evening and after prayers, they H. L. Pinney having filed in said county that has built itself a son why it is gladly welcomed remained for a social hour of visit nation-wide reputation by spe- in 800,000 farm homes. It is court his final administration account, dalizing in better seed. Its more than "just a farm paper" and lunch. The new minister will and his petition praying for the allow- come Feb. 27. grains command a premium on to its wide family of readers; it ance thereof and for the assignment every market; it is not only is a friendly counsellor; a whole- The firm of Ted Sarson, Pontiac, and distribution of the residue of said earning unusual profits for its some force that makes the farm Honey == has its heart in the right place. It estate farm populace, it is doing a dis- business more prosperous and repairs all shoes for the poor school It Is Ordered, That the 21st day of tinct service to agriculture as a the farm home happier. If you kids free, when 'tis shown it would March A. D. 1921, at ten o'clock in the business. send me $I.00 today it will be a hardship for parents to pay. The forenoon, at said probate office, be and THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN make, the first of $2 weekly plant does the work quickly and sends is hereby appointed for examining and is quick to point out the prac- visits to you next Thursday. -=--- allowing said account and hearing" = ~.Jl ~ L~2.r~ ~ and Ta 0= the footwear home. "Peter" will pass - ,,~ | ~ = said petition; Farm Leaders Read The Country Gentleman in that firm at the "Golden Gate." It Is Further Ordered, That public = = "Lou" Maroon of Pontiac called notice thereof be given by publication = .... i ..... For 33 years here a few days ago. He had been in of a copy of this order, for three suc- G. E. Reagh N the Standard Cough Medicine ~- Cass City to see his mother who has cessive weeks previous to said day of been i!l and iz yet very feeble. be~ri~ i~ ~b~ C~s City Chronicle Phone No. 138 ] R.R. No. 3 Cass City = iilJti idid = Many from our burg attended the newspaper printed" and circulated in masquerade at Decker on evening of said county. I An suthoHzed eubaeription representa%|ve-of ! --__ $ I : :: Fo o '. ,o..,..d r., _= O. D. HILL, the 22nd. Judge of Probate. The CoentryGentleman The Ladies' HomeJournal The SaturdayEvening Post ,~...I...m~ SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY mm||||mm~, Robert Jacoby went to Detroit to A true copy. visit his father, who is an invalid, on O. D. HILL, Judge of Probate. Burke's Drug Store: L.I. Wood & Co. the 23rd. 2-25-3

e L PAGE SEVEN, "Cass City, Michel,.an, March i, i92L CASS CITY CHRONICLE...... k

CHURCH NOTES. EXPRESS COMPANY HELPS ]might reach a hungry child in the ***~**~****:~***~}~**~:~*%%*.***~'*}°}~**~**~*}°~*~`*}*~°:~*;`**~***~**'*M***u~**~°~:~oo~o~¢~';t¢°¢'';'';'o':'¢*¢°°~¢.~*~*~*;'*:'*;'*x'';*÷¢'~¢*¢*%uo~~* EUROPEAN RELIEF. form of food or medical service. "~ "Invisible Guest" certificates, .:.~ Christian Scienee~Services are held every Sunday-morning at 11:00. throughout the country co-operating amount from $1.00 up, are on .sale at ,:, .:~¢* Greenleaf Presbyterian ~ Paul J. with Herbert Hoover, Chairman of the local office of the American Rail- ~: .-'~ Allured, Minister. Service oa Sunday, theAmong :!~incipientEuropean thelstarvation Reliefnumerous Council,among agencies in3,500,- his Whichway Express can beCompany. purchased for any ":° ar$ UC ~0fi e ~*~~!i*;~ at 3:00 p. m. effort to raise $33,000,000 by means *:* ',!: Evangelical--Sunday, March 6th, of a nationa.!_collection for the relief Advertise it in the Chronicle. *:~.I. :~ will mark the opening of a series of of Lenten Evangelistic meetings At this '~000 children in the war-stricken .:. church. The regular Sunday school countries of Central and Eastern HEAD COLDS STARTED IT ::i: T session w~ll meet at 10:00 a. m., and Europe are the American Express .:o at tile hofir of 11:013 a. m., there will We all know persons now suffering ";" be a platform meeting" conducted by ExpressCompany Company. anO the America~ ~ailway from a constitutional disorder which :~ Having rented my farm, 4 miles south and 2½ miles west of Cass ~} various members of the laity in the Through the authorization of G. C. had its start from a cold in the head. *:. interests of the Forward Movement. Taylor, president of hoth organiza-' It is not wise to let a cold continue :i: City or 2 miles north and I~A miles west of Deford, I will sell the follow- tions, " Invisible Guest," certificates, in the hopes that it will wear itself e. It promises to be interesting and in- out. A little simple medfcation taken ~: spirational. certifying that the purchaser has sal- taken at the proper time is better, i ing described property at auction on The Junior and Senior Y. P. A.'s vaged the life Of one or more of the The simplest form of such medica- ~ will meet with instructive programs little war victims, have been placed tion is a small tablet which may he ~: at 6:45 p. m., followed by an evange- on sale at 25,000 of the company's of- easily swallowed without inconven-:~ listic sermon by the pastor. rices throughout the United States. iencing anyone. We recommend °I* Every evening" excepting Saturday The cost of saVlng one child until the Rexall Laxative Aspirin (U. D. Co.) I~ Wed n e sday, March 9 of next week will be devoted to cot- acute condition "%as been r~lived by Cold Tablets; they contain Aspirin!°**. (U. D. Co.) Acetanilide, Aloin and ~: rage prayer meetings in the various the next European harvest is $10.00, Capsicum. ./ Commencing at One O'clock: geographical divisions of the chu~rch but donation~ of smaller sums are These ingredients are most valua~ ~ constituency. More definite announce- welcome, and a contribution of only ble in allaying pain, reducing fever, u'* Arabian horse 14 years old, weight 1400 ¢ three-year-old steers ments will be made on Sunday. The $1.00, u-nder the economical adminis-drying up coryza, lessening inflam- Bay mare 10 years old, weight 1300 Steer coming 2 years old following week will be observed as tration of the Council, will keep life mation, elimini~ting poisonous secre, Sorrel colt 3 years old, weight 1300 i an "Every-One-Win-One" campaign ],~ "a little body for a month, tions, warming up the stomach and Yearling with public services at the church. Who European Relief Council is an shortening the duration of the dis- Durham cow 3 years old, due April 15 Passion Week will then be condu'6ted Top buggy Cutter 'amalgamation of the American ease.If a cold is not treated when the Spotted Holstein cow 3 years old due May 21 through a union of all the Protestant Friends Service Committee, American first symptoms show themselves, it Heavy set of work harness forces of the city. Red cow 4 years old, due now :Red Cross, American°~Re!ief Adminis- will frequentl:y develop iffto more se- Harness for third horse The public is invited ¢o all rof the tration, Federal Council of the rious complications. Black Holstein cow 4 years old, calf by side above services. Let us ent'er "fit :the ~Churches of Christ in America, Jew-', Get of us a box of these Cold Tab- Jersey cow 6 years old, due June 10 Single harness Pair fly nets ~ very beginning and ge~ t'he most "pos- ish Joint Distribution Committee, lets today. Take them according" to sible out of the Lenten season. Knights-of Cbtumbus, Y. M. C. A. and directions the moment the first symp- Red cow 4 years old, due now Iowa cream separator, medium size in good F. L. Pohby, Pastor. the Y. W. C. A., formed by Mr. t°ms appear and you will obtain real Spotted Holstein Cow 5 years old, fresh shape relief. Moth,list Episcop'al~D:ivine "wor- Hoover for the elimination of dupli- We guarantee them. Black Holstein-cow 5 years old, fresh Some hay Some silage ship 10:30. Se~mo~,"l~ers onaqEvan- care effort in ministering to the star- L.I. WOOD & CO. Holstein calf 6 weeks old 25 thorobred Plymouth Rock pullets gelism; Manner of Service:" Sunday ving children, to the end that the last The Rexall Store. sch~'ol, lt:&5. A corctial welcome to penny of every dollar contributed Cass C~ty, Michigan. Adv. 17 Calf 6 months old 4 thorobred Plymouth Rock roosters all the congregation zo gtgy. Ep- ._ Milwaukee grain binder in good shape 50 mixed hens, all young worth League, 6."30. EveMng song Milwaukee corn harvester, new 50 bushels of oats and worship, 7:'30. Sermon, '"The ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======Two Birds;" What They Represent." Superior hoe drill, good as new 50 ft. of 11/~ inch rope, new Prayer meetings Tuesday and Thurs- Deering mowing machine 2 ten-gallon cans 2 five gallon cans ,day. Thomas hay rake Manure plank 10 potato crates BETHEL--Stm/t~y schodl at 1:00. 0sbuim disc Syracuse walking plow Grindstone Beet fork Scoop shovel Preaching service "at 2!30. It is good to see the young men in this service Syracuse 15-tooth spring harrows Sack pulp plaster Sickle grinder :afternoons. :A hearty "welcome is ac- Iron Age 2-horse cultivator Cider barrel Potato planter corded the community to these servi- One-horse cultivator Corn planter Neck yoke ,ces. ~Wm. l~idt~rds, Pastor: ii CitEAI .A [J F l l]tjCE i Flint Special wagon, box and rack 2 sets of 2-horse whiffletrees Bap~figt~30f30 a. m., morning wor- New bob sleighs Side scraper Forks, hoes, chains and other articles too ship. Ann Arbor University Will fur- Roan cow 7 years old, due Nov. 4 numerous to mention nigh the spedket*, The Ordinance of the LorcI's WiI1;'~011ow the morning !il Every day in the week and pay i! service. 12 m., Bible. School. 6~30, B. TERMS--All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 -y. ~. :,~. Where-,will "be no evening ser- months' time on good approved endorsed notes "at 7 per cent interest. vice for the pastor is in special work ii ~ the hNh~t market ii at Elmwood. A ~ood~spirit is mani- feste~ a~ ~tmwood and the meetings wiI1 continue next week. ,,Come and help us. /; Lafayette Goodell, Proprietor Rats and Nice qdickly exterminat- :g ed. No cats, poisons, or tr/ai~s needed. ~R. N. McCULLOUGH, Auctioneer Exchange Bank, Clerk ¢÷ "Learn 't~he secret and keeg£hem away !i! C.W. Heller i! **u /forever. Sure, yet perfectly harmless except to rodents. Secr6t originally cost $100 !but we send it' postpMd for only :g~c. Address Grand Suppty CO.," 5038 S. Clarendon Ave., Detroit, Mien ,.~.

, ) - AucTION sALE AUCTI • •ON SALE i Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public ::.~ auction on. ~he premises known as the McCaughna farm Having decided to quit farming I will sel! w~th= ~located 4 miles east ~ mile sOUth of Deford, or 2 ~ miles out reserve on the Fred Hoag|and farm 2 ~ miles $ north a:M 1 ,mile west of Hemaas, ½ mile south of west of Cass City the following list, on .. ~ ...... No~es~ Corners, on , Tuesday,/'larch 8 ..... THUI SDAY, MARCH IO COMMENCING AT ONE O'CLOCK:

A! one o'clock sharp, easterntime, the foflo~:ng property ...... // ::..: •HORSES Superior disc grain drill, new Bay horse. 5 years old, wt. 1450 1 Osborn binder Pump jack Rude spreader, new Brown horse 7 years old~ wt.AS00 : John Deere mower 4~ siren ~ate'hed bay mares, own sis- i ter~, 5 ~nd ~ .years old, weight Massey Harris mower, 5 ft. cut Bay mare 5 years old, wt, 1500 _ Buckeye drill- 2500 ~ Dump rake, 10 ft. Brown mare 7 years 0id, wt. 1300 New Deere hay.• loader . Bay horse 9 year:$ ,old, weight 1500 Syracuse plow Bay mare 5 years old, wt. 1200 • Osburn side hay rake Roller Black :mare 10 y:ears old, wt. 1500 Parker plow Colt 10 months old Bean puller " -~14 " Black driving mare 7 years old Spring tooth harrow Black mare 6 years old, wt. 1350 Jersey cow 5 years old John Deere 2-horse cultivator Wheel cultivator Spotted, cow 5 years old 3-section spring tooth harrows Black cott coming 2 years old Land roller COWS 2 one-horse cultivators Sp6tted cow 3 years old Plow Wide tire w-agon Red cow 6 years old, due in April 2 wagons, nearly new Holstein cow 2 y~ears old Hay rack Set of sleighs Red cow 8 years old, due in May 2 fla~ decks Red cow 2 years old 2 sets of work harness Roan cow 7 years old, due in March 2 farm wagons Holstein cow 9 years old Set of driving harness Holstein cow 7 years old, due in May Set sleighs Carriage Black cow 5 years old 4 horse collars 40 grain bags Humner cream separator, new Holstein cow 6 years old, due in Apr. 2 yearling steers set of rope slings Holstein cow 5 years 01d, giving milk Set Fairbanks Morse platform scales, Holstein cow 5 years old, due in Mar. 1000 lbs. Bull calf 8 months old Feed cooker, 60 gallon Spotted cow 6 years old, due in April Chatham fanning mill Sow 1 year old, wt. 300 Ton of clover hay Jersey cow 7 years old, due in March About 50 potato crates 5 hogs wt. 200 3 geese 8 tons timothy hay Red cow 2 years old, due in April About 400 bu. oats About 25 hens Barrel churn 700 bus. of oats 150 bu. corn in ear Holstein heife~ 18 months old DeLaval cream separator Harley-Davison motgr cycle Yearling heifer 5 tons mixed hay Holstein bull 18 months old Forks, whiffletrees, neck yokes, plan- Olds gasoline engine, 4~/2 h. p. Other articles too numerous to men- 50 hens ters and other things too numer- Stover feed grinder tion. 3 sets double harnesses ous to mention. TERMS All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 12 TERMs--All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 ...':" i months' time on good approved endorsed notes at 7 per cent interest. months' time on good approved endorsed notes at 7 per cent interest. ~- E. Carmer, Prop. ! Howard Klinkman Prop i i R.N. McCullough, Auctioneer . BARNEY TYRELL, Auctioneer WM. AUSLANDER, Clerk PAGE .EIGHT. CASS CITY C~RONICLE. ~.-- ~'~-~...... - - .- r Cass City~ Michigan, March 4, 1921,

:~ro~t :and ,rRep...~eu,~.ev i.~ ~re_varing iv ---.~, increasing, said C. R. Williams, of i Free Will ~aptist--Revival mee~, ;resolution providing 'tha~t all depart- SCHOOL ,'NOTES ] Pittsburgh, president of the Newspa-!ings at the Free Will Baptist church :ments be gathered under one room a~ :° .... ~ per Publishers' association, address-~at Novesta Corners. Everyone wel- h~if the cos~. Kindergarten. ing a meeting of the Pennsylvania come to attend. % - . _% 8;HOUR :.DAY IS OPPOSED. Associated Dailies at Harrisburg •.. Tersely ToM Lucile Wilson and Irene Schiedellrecently" Under such conditions Order for Publication--Final Ad- Charging :that t~he Holland 8-hour bil~ are back after having the whooping !there is no possibility of de- ministration Aceount.--State of Mich- ETTER now pending in ~he house is a "wage cough. creasing advertising" rates , Mr. Wil- i~an, The Probate Court for the proposition, pure and simple," Atto,' Kalamazoo--Sixty-five per cent o£ Second Grade. liams ,said, adding that advertisers County of Tusco!a. hey Hal .Smith, representing the Mich K a!amazoo's population is ch~urch-go One dlv~smn are reading out of the who know paper Costs are not asking" At a session of said Court. held ae !igan Manufacturers' association at a VOTERS 'PASSOH STATE ing, a church census whfch :ms just Peter and ,Polly books. The other for a decrease as they know that at the Probate Office in the Villag'e of IHC6ME tAX AHD PRIMARY t hearing before the house labor com- been completed by the Ministerfal al- !section are reading the Holbrook Care in said County, on the 2nd day~- mittee declared the manu~gcturers :o~ present rates their advertising space of March A. D. 1921• liance ,~:ho ws. ! reader. -- l the state couId not endure such wage is the lowest priced commodity they Present, Hen. O. D. I{ill, Judge o~" 1 The children are enjoying the sto- buy. Probate. Importa-n~ :C-onstitutional .Amendment, increases. The bill, sponsored by the Pontiac Charles Howland, 53 years ry of Uncle Tom's Cabin. ]:~ the Matter of the Estate of May ~e Submitted; .Opposition to Gogebic county representative, de old, an impte:uent deale~, hanged him. ! The standard ,spellingtest was giv- fines eight hours as the working day self in his store. His daughter, 7 Edwin EnD, Deceased. ~r~pos.ed 8-Hour Day, en to the pupils Monday afternoon. Melissa EnD having" filed in saic ~ in mines, quarries, factories, shops years old, found his body banging I Caswell Hunter is absent on ac- MICKIE SAYS court her final administration account~ and mills and provides for time and from a rafter. count of mumps. and her oetition :praying for the al- A constitutional amendment to per. a half for overtime. St. Johns--Announcenlent was made i Third Grade. / lowance thereof and for the assign- ,nit the people of the .state ,to pass Explicit prohibition of the employ- here that the pian~ of the Hayes ment and distribution of the residue the question of ~a state, income tax merit of electric and street railway 1 Children are having some work in said estate Wheel Co. ~9itt resume operations of law has been ~prop0sed in the senate motormen and conductors mote than dramatization this week: It Is Ordered. That the 28th day of with full force March 1. The plant by Se~tox Mac/~rtaur, Detroit. six days a week is provided in a bill We are reviewing all the multipli- March A. D. 1921, at ten o'cIock in makes truck wheels. The resolution provides that the introduced by Senator Riopelle, De cation and division tables. the forenoon, at said probate" office, voters~,shal~ Instruct the legislature troit. tlolland Cornelius Vanleenwen, a We are studying United States be and is hereby appointed for exam- inin~" and allowing" said account and: whether:they want laws for the.ad- A bill requiring that public utilities nlilk dealer, started a milk war here money this week. hearing" .said petition ; ministra~io~ ,o~ a :state income tax.. when i~e opened a new route chargi~g.l In language we are studying- the stand the expense of appraisals el It Is Further Ordered, That public 10 cents a quart. Fifteen other milk 'use of words as stag-, sang'; ri:~g', The tax wotfld r.elieve the heavy their :property :b~ the public notice thereof be given by publication burden now placed on reM estate. utility commission, was presented -by dealers were asking 12 cents, rang; was, were, etc. of a copy o~ this order, for three suc- Member.s of the judiciary c6mmit- Rep. Ward Copley, Detroit. Surveys Kalamazoo.:--Kalamazoo carpenters ] Fourth Grade. cessive weeks previous to said day of tee have not yet agreed on the Hart and appraisals of this kind have cost and bricklayers have gone on strike i We have enjoyed the story el' Be0- hearing', in the-Cas~ City Chronicle a bilI providing optional capital punish the state thousands of dollars. over the new wage scale adopted by wolf very much newspaper printed and circulated i~ ment in Michigan. l~ep. Russell A. The state admi~nistrative board has the contractors' association. The new i We are begnming the study of sim- said county. O. D. HILL, Hart, DeCeit, who i~ author of the ordered a fund of between $28,000 and scale is about 25 per cent lower than ple fractions. bill, has declared that he will demand $3(L000, head by the state treasurer for Judge of Probate~ the old. . Sixth Grade. A true copy. that it be repo~tod ,oat bY the commit- the private :hospital operated in con ~a~- . .. Lansing~Pelham A.-Barrows, lieu- We have finished our portfolios i - O.D. HILL. Judge of. Probate. tee for ~ons~,der~tmn on the floor of mection wlth the Traverse City state tenant-governor of Nebraska, was the that we have been working on for I 3-4-3 the l~ouse. ihospital, turned over to the general principal speaker at the annual mid- some time. ,and ~also ordered fl~at all future WOULD ~ PO~L:I,TI'C,A'L :BOSS. land, winter meeting of past commanders Last week we had Washington and receipts and disbursements must pass Nomination ,of aJ~ ,constitutional of the Michigan Division of Sons of Lincoln responses for roll call. through ~he regular financial ch~n- state officer~ :by direct primary, is Veterans. Glen Hartwick gave a special r.~- ~els :of ~th:e st~e. provided for m :a •,constitutional Plainwell---Nine boys, all under 18 port on "Ranch Life and the Round amendment prese~ated ~by l~ep. George WOULD LICE.NSE GARAGES. years old, were arrested in a :aid on Up." Lord, Detroit. The measure ,would A bill limiting deer hunters to one the Cellar at the home of Bert Knick- High School. also make these :officers thus .~ominat- ,buck, a measur, e that has the support erbocker. It is alleged that several Mr. Holmes, with the aid of the ed, delegates to state conve~tians for of John Baird, state game warden. gallo~s of. cider had been stolen h:om teachers, is making a survey of dif- has seven (7) improve- the purpose ,of formulating party has .been submitted ;by Rep. Glaspie, the cellar, ferent grades by -~ giving- standard platforms and issues. Oxford. Mr. Glaspie believes that un- Care. Charles Marienthal, of Sagi- tests in each subject to learn whether ments found in no. Mr. Lord declares that his amend- less a restriction is placed on hunters, haw, is under arrest on a charge o£ or not the work in our school corn- ment will bring a showdown the .on the supply of deer in Michigan would aiding Harry C. Shute, secretary- pares favorably to that which is other phonograph. question of prima~5~ versus convention soon ,be exhausted. treasurer of the Vassar Stamping standard. A full report of this wilt systems. He also decla~,es that it ~v'.~.: Licensing of garages and Service Works, in embezzling $2,500 of the be published the latter part of Mar. abolish for all time the power of poli~ statio~ is provided for in a bill in- company's funds. ~ Students of the Senior Review class tirol bosses in the state, making tile troduc,ed by Rep. Lee, Port Huron I Flint.---Merald Glassford, 18, who are getting much practical knowledge elective officers directly responsible The license would be issued by the several weeks ago struck Hihn~ Ry~y .in subject material and pedagogy. to the peb])le. The g~vernor and ,lieu- secretary ,of state upon payment of $5 Propo.ni~g in Siam. with his automobile and left her lying t iVir. H. gave a t.alk%n the essential In Slan~ a de(.t:)r,'),tior; of nmrri,~ge i~ tenant-governor are now the only yeasty. seriously injured iq fl~e street, has things that a young teacher should very simple. It is OOl~;:i¢I(al.(*¢{ ;l l)l'O- state officials subject to the pr.imary, Repea~ of the 1919 law which ex- been put on probation for six nlonths, know. posal nlorPly t() Off'OF :t b,,ty a tlowe.~. the other officials being nominated at empts war veterans' homesteads of" The girl will recover. Don't forget the young" men from m" to take n lighl from a oigaret if the party conventions. taxation t~o the amount of $1,000, ~he is holding it in her mo~tth, so t!Imt etherbills are pending whict.~ wou:ld where the property is now valued in Pontiac~Reduction in the i'm mber the U. of M. Y. M. C. A. will spm}d even the.lnost tii!dd Of yolllhs lioek] go to the other extreme and a'bolish excess of $3,000, will be asked by Rep. of (:ells in the new county jail is pro- this week-end in Cass City giving posed to make possible constrtfqtiou some good talks on morals, athletics, not feat" i1)~ ovd~+nl all primaries. • Jonson, Escanaba. 2 After sharp verbal ~attle i~ :the The salary of the superintendent of of the-buihting within the bo;nds v0t- etc. hOuse, the joint resolution .,to increase public instruction would be increased ed. lnstead of i00 cells it is proposed A practical course in ~ .spelling" is i Presbyterian This church seeks to from 10 to 20 per cent the number o~ to $8,000 a year if the provisions of a to have 50. Tile present jail has 12. now being" given to all H. S. students.,interpre t life, to diffuse common stan- signatures required to place an bill introduced in the senate by Sena- Penmanship is taught daily to all dards of moral,s, to plead for the pub- Hastings--Ti~e crime wave has 'kept ipupils in the first eight grades..It is lic interest, to inculcate unselfishness, amendment on the ballot £aited o~ tor Condon becomes a taw. The offi- hard times from affecting one of Has- passage for lack of a two-thirds vote. cial is now paid $4,000. tings' largest industries, a lock fac-'hoped that a course can be given to co-operation, to uphold ideals, to the H. S. before long. ~The resolution was proposed by Rep. Automobiles may be driven legally tory, the annual report of which Some practical work was recently stand for the supremacy of the spirit. Moore, St. Clair, who had as his .prin- at 30 miles an hour in the country and shows husiness 85 per cent above I • . if you are without a church-home we cipal opponent in debate Rep. Aaro~ at 20 miles an hour in cities under given to the 8th grade agriculture normal. It makes 600,000 locks a day. class in poultry raising. Those who i welcome you to our fellowship~visi- Miles, Mecosta county. • the provisions of a proposed amend- Mt. Clemens.--When it was discov- tried the experiments~,report good suc.lt°rs alway, s welcome. Preaching at PRISON SYSTEM COMMENDED. ment to the general motor law, sub- ered that ttenry Pattenew, a farmer cess with their poultry. ~10:30 a. m,; evening at 7:30 p. m.; mitred by Senator Penny. Rather than criticism, for the seven living near . was a whol~.sale I iBible school a~ 11:45; Y. P. C. E, at Amendment of the state prohibition inst~ances in which corporal punish- purchaser of yeast, office::s raided his 6:30. law so as to include regulation of ex- ment have been resorted to in Jack- home. Now Pattenew is waiting trial iNEWSpAPER PUBLISHING ! At the evening service Mr. Ramon tracts and medicinal preparations Lenzner's Furniture son prison during the last 18 months, on a charge of operating a whisky] COSTS STILL SOAR Capastrauss, a Filippino, will speak. with alcoholic content, is called for in Warden Harry Hulbert should be still. :He wilt brin~" a message of interest ~" a bitl introduced by Senator Bolt. Store - commended for the fine discipline in Flint. The first whisky made fronl I Newspaper publishing costs are at for all Don't fail to hear him. Manufacturers of these products the institution, according to the re- the very highest poin~ and are still William W. Edwards, Pastor. would have to secure a license, effect- sugar beets ever found in this county port filed by the house committee. ive for o~e-year periods. was taken in a raid by sheriff's officers I ...... "...... - The report states that ~hose who have on the farm of Steve Pribeiscky, near **,~.,.~,,,;~...~.~-**~.,.,,.,...,~ - -- •••.•.••"••••.•••••••••.••.••.•.••••••..••®•.•".•.••.••"..•••.•••••••.•••.*.•••••.••••H•.•..•"*"*"•*••*••°•.•."••*.M•'••*"°•.*."• been demanding removal of the war- INSURANCE LAW CHANGE. Clio. Pribelscky and his son were ar-i~ den on this score have taken action Senator Thomas McNaughton, Ado, rested and 10 gallons of whfsky were .?t~. ¢~ "based on entire ignorance of condi- introduced a~ bill to amend the insur confisca ted. -] ance laws by adding a section to fix tions existing at this institution." The Mason.---Eleven marriage licenses "the valuation 9~f bonds and other evi- report was submitted by Rep. Frank- issued in 1863 and !870 have been re- i dences of debt helu by insurance and lin Moore, St. Clair, chairman of the turned to the Ingham County elerk's li like companies. Bonds having a fixed committee. office. They were found in the effects I~. term and rate, if at par, wouldbe F O MEN'S and BOYS" Declaring the report of the pardon of the Rev. S. B. Perrin, who died re-!~ valued at the par value; if above or /- board incomplete, and for that reason cently, and had been mislaid aftra be-]~ below par, on the basis of purchase inaccurate, Rep. Charles Evans in- ing a(idr~.,ssod to the county clerk. I ~ troduced a joint resolution in the price adjusted so as to bring the value Frankfort. Cnster Hull, son of CLOTHING house calling for the appointment of to bar at maturity. The commission Charles S. Hull, a barber here, was a joint committee composed of two er is given full 0;scretion in determin drowned while he :.tun his playmate, senators and three representa.tives to ing metho, of calculation. Kenneth Anderson, were playing on il / investigate the work of the prison and Senator Penny offered a bill fixing the thin ice near here. Anderson Was RUBBERS- pardon board since 1906. On motion the amounts cities and villages may rescued by John Steinburg. Hull's .of Mr. Evans. the resolution was raise .for bearing the expense of body was recovered an hour later. t placed on its immediate passage and Memorial day programs. ~dopted. The bill providing for special prim- Pontiac~Seven out of eight boys, SHOES and •Senator James Henry, Battle Creek. aries to fill vacancies, for circuit rangii~g from 12 to 15 years, who has declared the report of. the com- judges was the first signed by the escaped from the industrial School t mission in charge of the construction ~' Governor. for Boys at Lansing, were apprehend- f g. Among the new bills presented is ed at South Lyon by William McKin- L of state office buildings as un=atisfac- ~t , i HABERDASHERY tory, and further investigation will be one by Rep. John Holland, Gogebic ley, deputy sheriff, of that village, The made this week. Total appropriations county, reducing the fee that may be eighth escaped. The boys were all of $1,750,000 have been provided for charged by employment agencies from from Detroit. the work but additional funds have l0 to 2 per cent of a client's first Menominee. Marshall B. Lloyd re- ~ been .requested which will bring the month's pay. ceived $3,000,000 in stock from the cost of the building to about $3,000,- Governor Groesbeck's bill for the Heywood-Wakefield Co. of Boston for i O00. - t creation of~-a state administrative his baby carriage plant and his wicker .i board became ready for his signature HOUSE PASSES LENNON BILL. weaving inventions. Mr. Lloyd will be lh" I and immediate effect when the senate nlanager of the local factory, which: I i Weathering a barrage of amend-[ concurred in amendments inserted in merits, aimed to destroy its effective-i will be operated as a separate unit.of,' the house, passing the amended bill the corporation. nest, a~ well as a series of assaults in l unanimously. Twenty senators were i! Pontiac- ,Valter " Szynhalrek, a!~ .¢. effort to drive it into the-oblivD~t present to vote. former saloonkeeper, wire was con-!~. .OUR PRICES ? ~of a committee room pigeon hole, the! FUNDS FOR CATTLE TESTING, ~enn0n firearm bill was passed by the' I victed in Oakland County of illegally '¢ house by a 56 to 20 vote. In support: To carry on the work of testing cat having liquor in his possession, :was L ing his bill, Rep. Lennon declared i tie for tuberculosis in Michigap~, H. H. ,awarded a verdict of $565.50 against • that the alien had brought the" nec: l Hallady, state commissioner of animal Charles Cross, a former sheriff. Cross ARE RIGHT t industry, has asked the Legislature essity for drastic action" upon himself was sus~d for the value of liquor seiz= ?, by a consistent refusal to obey the for an additional $75,000 to tide the ed on Szynharek's farm and emptied department over until the end of the laws of the country and conduct him- into a sewer on Cross' orders. 4 fiscal year, July 1. ON LADIES' self as a peaceful citizen. Monroe With Monroe's present The department was granted $75,- Among the bills passed by the sen- water supply condemned by. the State o 000 for testing cattle during the pres- i- ate is included the following: that Bo-v'd oi Health and a bond issue for ent fiscal year, but the sum has been & proof copies of ballots be submitted a ::,~'a system tied tip {n the courts, expended due to the fact that twice READY-TO- to county candidates; that a joint re- M.qyor C. B. Southworth has :xken as many cattle were examined during solution to restore Fort Mackinac to & 1920 as in the previous 12 months, ac- nmtters in his own hands and has o the United States be repealed; that drilled a well on his ow~ property to ¢ the importation, s,te or running at cording to Mr. Halladay. Governor Groesbeck is having pre- supply water to as many Monroe res- WEAR large of diseased sheep be prevented; pared several amendrnents to the idets as possible. M~yor SouthworLh that notice of formation or abolition t 1, \Vorkmen's Compensation act with a is proprietor of a hotel which will be of new election precincts must be supplied from the well. filed with the secretary of state; and view to eliminating unnecessary delay Crystal Falls.---The filing at Crystal Senator Riopelle's bill to prevent the in the settlement of industrial acci- dent cases. The Governor feels that Fails of the papers of incorporation marriage of girls under 16 years el ..a, the InduStrial Accident '*I~oard is of the Michigan Land & Lumber Co., age. by members of Henry Ford's family The house pagsed Rep. Albert Reut- bound by too much red tape; part of has been announced. The wide field • e ter's bill which doubles the minimum this he believes is due to the act it. of operations recently heralded will penalty for automobile stealing, also self and part to the board's rules. be a reality in the near future, it is e the bill which amends the state high. The average term of service of 55 way law so as to prevent counties re- prisoners sentenqgd to life imprison. genorally believed here. The company turning to the tow nsl~ip unit for roa(l m~nt who, hav~ bce~n pardoned ~;" par. building purposes, it was given ira. oled from the state prisons and r~. timber and iron ore land in different formatories since 1906 is 15 years, ac. counties of the upper Peninsular. At o mediate effect at the request of the o cording to a special report submitted present the bulk of the wa-'k is con- .' , [ state highway commissioner. D : The state is now paying more tha~ by the state pardon board, at the re eentrated in Iron Mvuntai: where a e ~ $21,000 annual rental for branches oI quest of the lower house of the legis mammoth plant for sawmill work is lature. under construction. the state departments located in De- ..