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Ancient Records of Egypt Ancient Records CI... 932 80.3382 Library of Adelbert College " ' of R..orro Unlr.r.lty, Olerol~hd.0. ANCIENT RECORDS OF EGYPT ANCIENT RECORDS UNDER THE GENER.AL EDITORSHIP OF WILLIAM RAENEY HARPER ANCIENT RECORDS OF AfSSYRIA AND BABYLONIA EDITED BY BOBEBT FBANCIS HARPER ANCIENT RECORDS OF EGYPT EDITED BY JAPES HENRY BREASTED ANCIENT RECORDS OF PALESTINE, PHCENICIA AND SYRIA EDITED BY WILLIILP BAINEY HABPElt ANCIENT RECORDS OF EGYPT HISTORICAL ,DOCUMENTS ]?ROY THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PERSIAN CONQUEST, COLLECTED EDITED AND TRANSLATED WITH COMMENTARY JAMES HENRY BREASTED, PH.D. PROFEEBOB OF EGYPTOLOGY AND ORIENTAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVEBBITY OF CHICAGO VOLUME V INDICES G CHICAGO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS 1907 IANDON : LUZAC & CO. LEIPZIG: OTTO HABEASSOWITZ Published February 1907 WL Composed and Printed By The University of Chicago Press Chicago. Itlinois. U. S. A. PREFACE TO VOLUME V These indices are the work of my friend and former pupil, Dr. 0. A. Toffteen. I would take occasion to express to him here my thanks and appreciation for the labor and care which he has expended upon them. While the author has constantly supervised the compilation, yet the work has beer1 that of Dr. Toffteen, and he is fully responsible for it. It should be said in justice to him, as well as perhaps to the auth~oralso, that the latter's return to the Orient for another season left the compiler only a little over two months in which to complete his heavy task. He was obliged to work more hours a day and with more speed than was his desire, but I am sure that the usefulness of his work, and the persistent industry with which he has compiled his lists, will deserve lenient judgment, should any occasional errors in numbers be found. I hope also that the necessity for the separate publication of such exhaustive indices in a volume by them- selves will be evident to any who may have expected to find them included in Volume IV. Aside from the fact that it woulld have rendered that volume (already far the largest of the set) much too bulky, it was thought highly desirable to give such a cyclopadia of the subject separate existence asa volume, rather than to absorb it in Volume IV, where it would be constantly lost to use, whenever anyone might be using Volume IV for some other purpose. 1,ikewise if bourtd up with Volume IV, the employment of the indices by a reader would also have involved the needless use of Volume IV with them. The compilation of the index has disclosed an occasional inconsistency in rendering, and in a few cases also in the orthography of proper names, in view of which the author would only recall the long period of v vi PREFACE TO VOLUME V time and the numerous modifications involved in the slow progress of such a work as this. In view of some remarks in one of the first reviews which have appeared, it should be stated that it was necessary to close the manuscript of these Records to any additions on October I, 1904. Any works or texts which appeared after that date could not be included. An advance proof kindly sent me by Eduard Meyer enabled me to employ his invaluable Chronologie in revising the chronology in Volume I; and wherever possible I endeavored to insert in the proof important facts appearing in new books and current journals. But I could take up no new texts. The omission of Abydos texts, mentioned by Foucart (Journal des Savants, June, 1906, p. 336), was intentional, as no translatable document of importance is in Abydos, Volume I, the only volume out when my manuscript was handed in. Among these the inscription of "Nakhiti," which Foucart says I have overlooked, is in our own Haskell Museum, where it was received not long after its discovery. I was therefore not very likely to overlook it. As I have stated in the general preface, circumstances beyond my control obliged me to read the proofs of these volumes, as well as those of my History of Egypt, between April and September, 1905, a period in which fell also the preparations for the expedition to Egypt under the auspices of the Oriental Exploration Fund, University of Chicago. There are therefore doubtless more typographical errors and corrigenda than I could wish. I have already noticed the following : Vol. I, §§ 178-80. Please read in the following order: 180, 178, 179. The unpublished and also almost unreadable base-inscription should be mentioned here (see Maspero, Les Origines, p. 364, note 8). PREFACE TO VOLUME V vii V'ol. I, $ 182. The verb after " Ptah" is doubtless part of the name, so that the ny is dative and not the n-form. We should then render, " Ptahyutnai (Pth-ywt-ny), who made this for him, etc." Vol. I, $ 185. For "field judge who," read "field judge, Kem- ethnenet (Kmtnnt), who." Vol. I, $ 199. After '' Upper," insert '' Oleander." Vol. I, $ 538. For "count of Siut," read "official of Siut." Vol. I, $ 685. For "Nebkure," read "Nubkure." Vol. I, before $ 707, at top of p. 313. Insert as a title, "REIGN OF AMENEMHET 111." Vol. I, pp, 314, 316, 318, 320, 322, 324, 326, in running-title At the top of the page for "SESOSTRIS 111," read "AMENEMHET 111." Vbl. 11, $ 657. For "by the hair the Kode-folk," read "among the Curly-Haired," as in Vol. 11, $ 71. Vol. 11, p. 305, note a. For "has," read "have." Vol. 11, § 854. For " Ibbet," read " Ibhet." Vol. 111, $ 309. For "K '-r '-ky-kSJ" read "K '-I Zky-SJ." Vol. 111, $ 498. For " H'," read " H3m." This change is due to a collation of the original at Abu Simbel. V01. IV, $240. For "s'mw," read "sCmw." Vo1. IV, $ 455. For " '-ry-m," read "'-r-ry-m." Vol. IV, $ 493. For "Nfr-k -R ," read " Nfr-k' -R ". Vol. IV, $815. For '' Zeamamefonekh," read " Zeamonefonekh." Vol. IV, $853. For "htnz," read " btm." Vol. IV, $ 874. For "Hnt-Hty," read "grit-Hty." Vol. IV, $ 918. For "NxC'- bys-lzht. t," read "N ' -C'-t ' ys-n&.t." Vol. IV, $921. For ''B '-k'-R'," read "B3-k'-RC." Vo1. IV, $1028. For "whm," read "whm." I would also note that the inscription recording a cam- paign in Syria, supposed to belong to Thutmose I1 (Vol. 11, § 125), has been shown by Sethe's examination of the original probably to belong to Thutmose I. Hence Naville was right ... vlu PREFACE TO VOLUME V in attributing the monument to the last-mentioned king (Deir-el-Bahri, Vol. 111, p. 17). This makes the reign of Thutmose I1 still more ephemeral and unimportant. HASKELLORIENTAL MUSEUM, UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO, September I, 1906. LIST OF INDICES AND HINTS FOR USE PAGE INDEX I. DIVINENAMES ........ 3 INDEX 11. TEMPLES. ......... I3 INDEX 111. KINGSOF EGYPT........ 23 INDEX IV. PERSONS. ......... 3 5 INDEX V. TITLES,OFFICES, AND RANKS .... 51 INDEX VI. GEOGRAPHICAL........ 7 1 INDEX VII. MISCELLANEOUS........ 105 INDEXVIII. EGYPTIAN ......... I73 INDEX IX. HEBREW.......... I97 INDEX X. ARABIC .......... I99 INDEX XI. LEPSIUS'DENKMALER AND TEXT.... 201 The templcs (Index IT) will be found supplementary to the geography in Index VI. Inscriptions, however, are not placed under temples. The inscriptions of all sites will be fouiid in the geographical index (VI). In compiling the list of temples tt was found difficult to distinguish between the different temples in a given city, when such temples have perished, as, for example, at Memphis and Heliopolis. The differentiations made are probably not always correct. The index of Pharaohs includes also such queens as actually ruled; otherwise the queens will be found in Index IV. The documents, monuments, wars, etc., of th~Pharaohs will be found under the numbered name, not under the throne- name. Thus, look for Thutmose I11 under Thutmose 111, not under Menkheperre; the references to the latter name will be found appended to those of the former. The historical development of terms should not be forgotten in using these lists. '' Count," "mayor," and "prince" are all renderings of the same Egyptian term at different periods. In the same way, different connection often demands a different rendering of the same title; thus, "chief, " "overseer, " " master, " and " governor" may be rendered from the same Egyptian title. Such a series is also " lord, " " nomarch, " and " ruler. " ix INDICES IND DIVINE NAMES A 676; successor of Re, I1 189; physi- cal father of king, I1 189; crowning ALL-LORD,I 478; I1 53, 314, 343,812, kings, I1 228-29; shield of bowmen, 815; I11 265, 281, 613; IV 47, 66, 111, 581; in oaths, I1 121, 318, .422, 356, 382; great house of, IV 8; city 452; IV 862; worshiped in Zahl, IV of, I1 316; throne of, see Index VII; 219; in Nubia, IV 218; in Napata, eye of, I1 316, 815; applied to Re- IV 921, 924, 929, 932; in the city of Atum, IV 249. Wa-, of Northern Syria, I1 458; in AMON,11~8,1o1,120,149, 153,154 ter, Byblos, IV 580; Egypt, kingdom of, 157, 162, 163, 165, 192, 193, 194, 1959 I1 910; throne of, see Index VII; 199, 205, 208, 209, 211, 216, 228, 244, staff of, I1 71; statues of, IV 190, 217, 2751 283, 285, 294, 3029 310, 311, 314, 219, 220, 245; Amon-of-the-Way, an 3153 3287 329, 3327 3399 374, 377, 383, image of Amon, IV 569, 586; erasure 389, 402, 430, 4311 439, 451,452, 4559 of name of, see Index VII: Erasure; 4571 5497 5567 5571 5589 559,596,608, extermination of cult of, I1 306; Booty 617, 620,627, 628,646, 784, 790, 791, presented to, IV 126, 128; see also 805, 827, 835, 836, 838, 856; 111 27, Index VII: Booty, Spoil, Plunder; 28, 34, 439 719 72, 82, 111, 134, 138, prisoners presented to, I 13; see 155, 164, 165,172, 177, 1791 195, 198, also Index VII: Captives, Prisoners, 204, 210, 224, 237, 261, 371,386, 452, Slaves; associate gods of, I11 82; see 455,4719 498, 535, 560".
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