The Novelty Works, Ne York City. This shaft is to carry the working parts of Mr. Allen's! mer and chisel. This foundation plate of the whole super THE accompanying engraving presentsw an interior view ­ adjustable cut-off now applied by this firm to all their ma ine ! structure weia-hs 20 tons. '1'0 the rio-ht and restiro- on the of a portion of the celebrated Novelty Iron Works of Still­ engines with the most gratifying success. It is indeedr a bed plate are shown the ued plates 1�r � large 40 t. lathe_ man, Allen Co., at the foot oi '1'welfth street, East river. f & marvel of ingenuity and must challenge the admiration ,f Over these again, in the background, portion of appeals a by The position selected our artist shows one end of the all lovers of mechanical beanty and perfection. In front of the tool gallery where the hand tools are kept ready for the erecting shop, in whit:h the various parts of engines and the side pipe stands the main crank pin strap for the conncct- workman's hand, but out of the way, and in place, when not other machinery in process of construction, are assembled ing- rod. It is 4 ft. 6 inches long and grasps a crank-pin hav· in use. after having been cast, turned, and finished in the different ing 14 inches diameter. '1'he large casting in the foreground, right hand corner, is shops composing this immense establishment. Here the final Immediately to the right of, and behind the side pipe, are a jet condenser for a s maller 62 inch engine, and weighs 4 adjustment, and fitting of the several parts to each other are seen the piston and piston.rod, for the same enginf'. The tons. effected, and each member of the future machine adapted to former is 105 inches in diameter, while the piston-rod is 11 The shifting and placing in position of these heavy Illa�ses perform perfEctly and harmoniously itB appointed function. inches diameter and 19 ft. 4 in.long-� The rod is firmly seated are effected by the U8e of the ponderous crane sLown in t.h"

THE LARGE ENGINES. VIEW OF SHOPS "; FOR MANUFACTURE OF That the reader may have an intelligent idea of tbe nature in the piston by a conical expansion and large nut on the end centrnl part of tb" eng-raYing, nnd �y immense chains and ;'l'plied. lind uses of the objects shown in the engraving, we propose of the former. puJlc'),s to which stU,lll powc'r is Just bebind these may seen the air pump and resl'lvoir, to engine, to give some explanatory notes, obtained in a recent visit to be The CJ lind" r which is ff.)nn a ran 01 the il1l1CTica's with a ladder standing against it. Th s pump has a diame- is which it was the orks, through the courtesy of Lyman Hall, Esq., the i now being excavated !rom tlw �and pit in Buperintendent.w ter of 62 incLes and 6 feet stroke, the whole casting weigh· cast, and has yet to go through tlJC boring-ruill and finishing of the parts here shown belong to large morine inll 9 tons. In the central background and over the tram- �1101'. Of the other parts not appe'll'ing in. the eng-raving, Most a eng-ine now building for the Pacific Mail Steamf'r America. way stands the condenser, an immense and complicated ca�t-, the working-beam deserves mention. It. wl';glls 24 tons She will be the twelfth vessel of this lille fitted with ma- ing weighing 21 tons. It is of the tubular kind and is to Ill" : witl,(}ut it.s centre I,;n, wldell alone w�.ipL" 4 tons. and fitted with Allen's o d n packing. On its top fiHllg(', The main shufts 2 feet in diameter, and are probably chinery from these works, has the following dimensions: Mr. e arc i muue entirely of charcot:! iron, they having Length 3GO ft., beam 50 ft., and depth of hold 32 ft. (j in., where the workman is w�('(,no wit.h a �ledge hammer, tlw cylin· : t],e largest ever weight tons. giving a burden of (lver 4000 tons. She is to be fitted with der bottom will rest with a wdght of 8 tons. Upon this a of 24 e 105 i e again comes the main cylinder weighing 1V tons with its I Beside t.he la!'g<' Jllurine engine, noticed stfl1ionary en­ jL single beam gine of ch s cylinder, and 12 ft. stroke, we a n n cover, weiSij,ing 7 tons. '1'hese are all SnpllOl'tetl b�' the i.j:!ineI of Leautitul c,'gn and improved valve gear, ill process with Allen's adju�table cut-off. con- , bed ! JJlnr'l1fur;.ming Sr"p h�n In the left foreground of the engravil'g, will be seen the denser,which in its turn is to be securely fastened Oll the 01 construction. Thi;, film is al�n front lower steam-chest, and one of the side pipes with the plat.e wb ch is seen just to the rigJ t of the centrall !;on's & Luther's turbinc's, Slillman, & Co., '\ : tllfe� �u

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. titutifit 402 J �tUtritatt. JUNE 21, 1868. d 2d. T A .nd a a rela· t e parts a an e a. de epartment, in which noticed building partly completed, he valve CBOe A.when constructedH. 8S described rr ngcd of h herein specllledand shown. all constructed and rr g d we a tlvely to the oscillating balance valve as herein set tOlrth. scrtbed. o M 78.657.-Mop W INGER-John Filkins, Sandwich, Ill. 2d. The de ce wltb the lug tboreon. sUde a head the f 65 feet front by 58 feet high, for parties at st. Paulp, in· R vi G. n II the A' huVlujI; B, claim combin8tlon of stanrtllrds C C. D D rollers spring!'! rod C, slide D, lever E. a d hook F, an constructed and arranged substan. nesota. leV�l"8I theha illg tllP P R, Zde- Z. tially III the manner set forth. J J, v proJecUons L, and treadle 0, substant1ally 8S herein ng of 8cnbed. 78,685.-GRATE AND ASH SIFTER IN COOKING STOVES.-D.E. To the mechanic not already familiar with the buildi 78,658.-PETTICOAT PIPE FOR LOCOMOTIVE.-W.G. Freeman, Paris. Troy.N. Y. claIm. st, j n ls eccentrleally heavy machinery, no more i.nteresting place :canbe found for Rlrbmond Va. I 1 A liregrat toe. made in two parts. having our a of t E. a p,ttl· flttached.an n arranjl;ed dump or dlscharr.re its contPnts from tile center and precision I Claim tbe combination he cone or convergingd sheet wIth the dre box. whenever tbe two parts are moved oll·their supports and al.or a visit than the Novelty Works. The ease a o d ��u�:ir�:��e i d t�� tg���·�;����:��\"!,� lowed to fall down perpendiCnlarly, onbstantlally as de.cribP.d and bored �� lo�\':.��n�� �:e o�· o ����� 2d. The elone-atea points 0 0 or O P on with which the largest work is planed, turned, the escapmg products of co mbu i n-:r,!',j� g mouths or muzzles of the stove for on tbe sbaker E, t S the .Ide plate ot exhaust pip .. s. st towards the the the shd.,ker to strike 3,2'ainst or an equiva8 lent therefor. which cannot fail to excite his admira.tion. 78,659.-BEER COOLER.-Gerhard Fuchs and Jos. shall prevent the .baker from driving eltber part of he j!;rate In too far when Luigart, m usc. and >0 as to prev,nt It from dumping whileIn t operation. LOJ1;ansport.In d. 3d The support bars c c, placed over and In combination wltb vibrating We claim the pan H. and ice pall provided with a tortnons pipe J t h u e b s t a through wInch the beer is passed andK, cooled 8ubstantia1lv in th:� manner 1I��!r.:. :u{?�: �E ���:�e� ��\�:"o-;r� ;:.�:r�f :���r �8te. havIng att.ched Mpecltte<1 and arranged under the pipe'll ' as herein de�cribed all operat· to Its bottom si�es or ends, two or more open movable S�ftlng g.ates or sieves. OFFICIAL for pur�ses �et forth. B B o f d the rt o 1 i t� e t�':&�i�:"ollh�::.:';e����.it���ra11�'�8 �:r�': 78,660.-.IfuLLING .MILL.-Ernst Gessner, Aue, Saxouy. ����{ �� �� . l e t r n O i In deserlbed: f and ;set���� forth.!� :t �:!:' w�tg :��b�B:ie��I:;S��bb �rB[n�n:��. : fua:n� i�jl;:lsJ��l���iJ�il� a� a�� fo�t��� 5th The lifting aud 811llnjl;grate G H.or equivalent. In the heartb of a cook· PATEN". AND ing stove, provJded with journals, projecting throuC'hthe hearth, and purpose set forth. adapted to sllaken or vi I 1 substantia by f t tub or tubs of a fulling and described.1>. brated from the ontslde lly as .hown Issued the United States Patent Office, m�ff�'�:b8t.:';N�yl� a�"a�ill·�r�g���� d�i��ib !d� 6th. A a . d to . 3d, s n s adjusting k'.ln tIle ball, tf che .. min!! p.n. o r to Its movable hottom grate or 1'lJe pri g k, and screws combination with eccen· gratp�.�nd as the grate backward FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 9, 1868. trlcs the of a fnllmg mill. suostantlallv as and for the pnrpose 80said arranged to move or gratpR and forward set L, bea.er. B, hv ra.smg up nerpendicularly letting down horizontally forth. substanLially 3S hereinbail shown and clescribed.anel It 78,661.-CLOTHES DRYER.-Arnos W. Griffith, Boston, Mass. 78,686.--W RESERVOIR AT'l'ACIIMEN'r (JOOKINGSTOVE. Reported Ojftciallu for the Scientl/lc American. cla1m The supports constructt!d with a reccs� and openings in D. E. A'fERT . N. '1'0 I 1st, with B B, and for Paris. roy Y. con1l>mation &be llexible frameD. and the fastenings d. as the I cllmn,1st. co okin .tove constrnctedto used with or without a wa· ter reservoir byA got a tb.rou�btilehe back of sto'f'e,througll P.l.TENTS ARE GR ANTED FOR SEVENTEEN YEARS. e .Udlng frame. D D E. a8 and for the porpose specilled. means n openinR' a the the following l>Uf8�¥'h�3d. �t�e D. in combination with t!Ie cord whIch the llue passes when UOAd with reservoIr. and which is closed by a The llpxlbleside pieces D E, adjnsta· movable piene, or by a pipe collar top belnjl;a schedule of fees: - ble {-Indpiece D' D" as and for the purpose Bet forth. Bt;d, ���� On •.... ••••••••. •• •••••••••• • •••• 4th '). application eo 78,(j64.-(JORN PLANTHU.-Wm. N. Harrison and John J. The exten IOn piece or re�ervoir �eat D, serving both as sunken nit 0" min£! for DesiJ!n (seven years) . �15 o N or S d r h tne e VOl .and s o 8 tJp covering to tlllngapplication for Desie-n (fourteen years) ...... $30 Harrison, H rnb , . Y. tlu�chambf'r un e neat r ser r al a a On . s y C d r warmmg closet, when said piece or seat Is tlttfOd to andS comblnp,d \vtth an In addition to which there are some small revenue·stamp taxes. Residents c�:��:r��� f;��t:n �, a�� s�����t 1 r a O with or wit Kof'I� lJOlp.s ��g \���shifting' i, whole arrangedi: �l��l cinvee��:b��l!:�:sc d and g�� : � s�Cst���:?t; :s �!:�������tt:� ��3:�t l!- Canada on sef>d ff', with sUdc the W5 de ribe a1�Yp� �:� nf��t�d of and Nova Scotia pay $500 application. o perating In the manner and for the purpo�e specified. 78.687.-0VEN COOKING STOVE.-D. E. Paris, Troy, N.Y. 78,665.-CORN COVERER. :::.J. D. Haynie, New Antioch, O. I cl OF the of a aim, 1st, Tbe hel1.tingof oven cooking stovP.hv direct radtn,tioni ITPamphlets containing the Patent Laws anll full particulars oft'" mode claim lst The arranltemcnt snbstantlnlly as de,erlbed of the two series from the tirebox throu�fithe plates intervening between the two when sa d I e shares GG', g and roller plates are constrncted WIth bars and llamper,sub.tan l . y and for the pur· qfapplying for Letlers Patent.speci{uing size ofmollelrequirell. anllmucll e i adjustable g',B, t U as :8 :;,.�r��t�:hri. ;:��:S��?�itl�" pose described.Oi other information useful to Inventors. may be hall grati8 bU adllresBinll ��2d, In comb nation WIth Lhe described elempnt8 F F',G G', g', H and of 2rt The br ling pan qnd rack P and R. 00nst, ucted and located as and for of the precedingi clause. the adjustable clevl. Lim. tor the objectg expla!hed.I, tbe pnrposp descrlbfd. .. PubliBherB o"lIe ScientificAmerican. New York. e g n tr c e MUNN d; CO 78,1166.-SEil:D PLANTER.-Ashael Hays, Guy's Mills. Pa. Sh3 w I n oven slide I. co s u t d and arranged as bereln claim 1st. The slide p. and droppers! and H H.. wben operated as de- � ����A :le������ tom plate 01 1 e. 1 4th. slide er rack placed at or near the bot the oven eitherout 78,637.-LAMP BURNER.-Lewis J. Atwood (assignor to him scrIbed for the pmpo set forth. ov�r or under it, and made selt·supporting when partly or mORtly drawn . Waterbury, Conn. 2d. The whole seed planter, when const!ucted as described for the purposes substantially In the manner anQ lor purpose herPln described. Sf-Itand Holmes, Hoothor ll & Hardens),ol' set forth. 5th, movable seU-supportlna- roustlngthf� spit or rac , arranged with hooks, lot. A cone de ect with a clrcnlar ran"e of sprlnjl;sto form the A for I claim shell. to whiCh said 78,667.-HEEL FOR BOOTS, ETC.-Rudolph Herr, Brooklyn, or appliances holding meat wblle roa8tlng. placedk at or n.ar tbe top part clllmncy holder. In combination wlt.h a perforated burnerl l N.Y. tn an(l anG c hlmne holde. are htnlled,snbs tant a ly as oet lorth. ot tile oven of a COOktRg" stove or range, the manner substantially 8S d,.tlcctnr2d. A rl" g. ), a o d the edge of the bnrDer shell by the 8beetmetal I claim the combInation of the above described yoke, sole, .purs. tap llOle for the purpose described. n. formed r nn and filling as 6th. ov cran� o ing in or ot turned over. In tbe manner and for the pnrpose set fortb. beel.witll ite and cross bar. wltl".n described and for the pnr· A movable en r rack, made to sw orout of the oven G. C. Avery, Waldron, Ind. poses set fortb. a cooking stove or ramre, placed at or near the bottom, at the top of the 78,638.-P LOW AND PLANTER.- Baudouin, I'ame,or attached to the .ckoven plate, substantlally as and. for t.he pur· claim 1st. The combination of the rock shafts C C'. standards d d. and 78,668.-HAT.-Fleury Huot and Constant New p08es herein deseribed. 1 boxes H and operatmg 8nbstantlal1y as described. York City. Allteclated May 23. 1868. t s p seed H. arranged and tbe da d.a8 claim for � 20. The combination of the rake g. seed boxH. WIth st n rd We a bonnet h.,·lng metallic foil or leaf pressed npon Its surlace m t:t':�f l: �;;sll���fn"'��7ri:8�"n i. l a the purposes and a� speClfied, or lor o d jl;a �1[ � J:���:¥e�!\'i�n��o"Jtl�i����I� s.ld spiti�� 8et forth. . or "rane. made b l ln dripping pan. and placed nnderneath 78,63IJ.-EvAPORATOR.-Pierre J. Badoux, New York Clty. 78,fj69.-f' LATE FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH.-. S. Hutchin· rack. rotary eva o son, San FranCiSCO, Cal. 78,688.-HoT W ES.-Daniel I cla m the constrnctlon of the witbln described ora tor f r ATER TA.NK ON COOKING STOV I means • b a n S. E. evaporating all lluldsat a l o w or hil!'h temperature. by 0 'fthe hollow e b E. Paris and Cbas. Da i Troy. Y . ....Ignors to D. Paris. same or as ribed tl r a ��:M� ���I� ��� :o��'d l e v •• N. . spIral. serpentlnes, with any nnmber thereof •• ubstantially desc � ��"i�: �:�� .:. �:v�}lfi���t�e B�r! ������I�I� t and s t forth. e c �s, e o r i e t c v t e { t i ��;�ri�� ����the bottom of the rpservoir, 78,640.-e PROCESS OF TREATING MILK TO OBTAIN USEFUL g�';!!ra�fn� ��:tf:n �r:� y��! �nJ ���� th : i;;� �n:l :.. � lt�:n!t o���\�� formed� �f: byr:: elev����ating! Th: a ���port����� or the whole of the bottom above tbe outpr lower N. borders of ,he alveolar rl(I::e�ubstant.al1Y a8 and for the 1mrpose speCltled. ·edge8 the reservoir mfficlentlyhigh alloW prodnct. of combngtion PBOD'GOTS.-AnnaE. Baldwin. Newark. J. 01 to tile clatm the Impoved met.hodsof obtaining prodncts from milk. substan· 78,670.-FARM GATE.-T. W. Johnson, Gra.inger, Ohio. to paM rearward under the same Into the exit pipe. suhetantlally.s de· I o ,be claim the links B S . gate A.llnk, F. seaft H. and lever G. as arranged In scribed. tlallyas and f r purposes hereIn deSCribed. theI manner as and for ·the purpose set fort.b. 2d. The base slide or bottom piece g g.or its eqnlvalent.made either per· 78,641.-POTATO DIGGER.-Edmund Bennett, Nankin, Mich. manent or movable and and formin tne rear pa.rt of the bottom to said horl- f r e t 78,671.-SHEEP 8HEARING T.\BLE.-Wm. C. Jones, Orange­ i� e e fiue piec G i���:ri�y� � c�;�� it���Jb:n�ll��: l� aEg �Irl:rd�, ville, Ohio. ���f:����,�,:1�����';,��!�t1 ! t B !�? I t. T l gt le 3d, a�I�·�s� re�� rl����b�� ::;:;� e rc� ����e!��b b d f���e claim 1s he tnt n ab B, with the folding lejl;M. The seU-mounting cover or COT'ers C C, toget er WIt.hf���:'the .}j\ck piece B;!e��� ����I��li.;'� S a 2d. The sprmg·supportmg rests E E.ln connection with the notches In r h 0, � t � �o � ht� ,�f:.l'r::� o",!'���1";'thf>the wheels B. J. e 8xles'C, tile cog wtleelf1l � and �� the�[ pini�o ns E H and P, shafts and th P �� ..:ggk'!1f? r t e a 1 k the D 0, G s" � �'h� �ed provided wltb leaves A A. secured In position tbe hook that !�� �h:�'6�::r�1:1�of rhe �', � ��y; :c.���������:� 3�r!����()ain d r t s����'t�n����Ps�h��:ll�r:;f; d B. by ),)g the drip cover sha.llt all back into the reservoir. op .. G, aud staple R. 4th, TIle at a h fastening to or stove t �h��� ��"a�� It ��I�:� .xw��� � ��"ct'}��Ilt�� 4th, The block n.ln combination with the straps I and operating In Of tb cl ing, nooksor Suppol'ti ng a r,'servoir by n the p'urpOi�edescribed. the F F. all by mp�nplpes l o ts, pins. har�, or lugs t sprled in or through ordi· 78,642.-FoLDING OR IRONING TABLE.-M. G. Briggs, Boston, the manner described and 1'01' pur003es Bet forti!. nary col ar or exlt passage openi� of the tOll"l ate of the stove. Mas 78,672.-(JOMPOSI'l'ION FOR TANNING.-:-Eli Keith, Wabash, 78,689.-TuBE WELL.-A . B. Parsons. Dunton, Ill., assignor •. g Ind .. and Alfred A. Eylar. Pontiac. ". . to himself anrl La oss o b t m. Edward Redbead. Cr e. W,•• fe�:v.?��� £·;::.r���W��;o��: �� sg�If':.I;::r:: We claim tbe tanning composition I1Dd proeju.substantially atI,' hereD/. I tbe r ided with j!;ro oves and holes. A.f::' c���:W:�:'�ro to h ,. .' claIm the combinatiowlrf"n of tubd e ,0. p ov screen F, belDI!' plv ed each other and to the leaves, and prOvider! wltb t e stops specilled. L.� the spirally arraDa-ed coil E. an the aaUZA arranged and op· l the h and for the pnrpose as 78,673.-BoMB LANCE FOR KILL WHALES.-Zeno Kel�y, erallng In the o t1!�nrposesset or h. for f'. and w le operating together In .'manner � manner and f r f t herein shown and odescr bell. 78.690.-CASTER.-John W. Pugh, Grand Rapids, Mich. Also. apply one pair of cross frames or support. to the leaf by means of tbe I �:��g�t�!::;:e�'\r. h. pit; and d . In spring rod J, I. bRr fr. In comblnatlQn (.Ith n r bar b. anc DlDJ. or Its eqnlvalent essentially manner and for the purpose tbe hea.dE, all arrane;eo �JS and for the pnrpose set forth. a �P����I�t�n ��I.i' ��al::�� ;b"en'��e� r;��'::!b'l'��� as eXI!I..tned. 78,674.-ELECTRICFAN FOR LAMPs.-Charles T. Mason, Sum. tton with the ca8ter, hltvlng:���::�::'���£P;,'���f sbank with gr ooveA on three sides, as herein 78,643.-CHEESE Hoop.-L. Chapin, Antwerp, N. Y. C. Fet all constructed anda. operatingB, substantially sl!..ccifted, ai cheese hoop. composed . h et Iron and tin ter. S. a o the forth, a.s and1 cl m the within described 01 e I claim 1st.The pplicati n of electricity to cause revolntlon of a fon 78,691.-COMPOSITION FOR SETTING' POSTS, TIMBER, ETC.- formed In the manner specIfted. for tlie prodnctlon a draa of air. snbsllmtlallya. for the purpose do· Amos D.Purmton, Dover, Mass. 78,644.-MAKING HORSESHOE NAILs.-S. E. Chase, Boston, scribed. Of ami I claim the above described argillaceous composition.as well .. the em· 2d. combination 01 the electric coil and Ian and their respective or oC1t, nd Ma.s. The s a na l 8S A for F. ployment n�e substantially in manner and und..er Circumstances a l h e S I equtv9.il:nts,ln manner sub t n l y and tke purposes .-HmSTING ApPAR!l.TUS.-J. Vaughan klerrick and 78,692.-LUMBER DRYER-. Tulio H. Rae, Syracuse, N. Y. al. substantially as and for the"puryo.e�::o"��� � specilled.���g �;� ��g �����.f. Pa. p.erlluoosmet Wm. H. Merrick.Pbll.delphl_. I claim a kiln for drying lumber, PPBt or other matpr1als, containing tbA 78,645.-HoISTIN6 MACHINE.-G. K lJlarke, New York city. We claIm the combination with. hol.t1ng cae-eof a weight arranged to followine:combination, A, to a corru2'ated metalUe roof and metal Iming l a els move in 8 contrary direction to the �ald ('age, wht'n the Bald weight Is at­ r d Wit, lor de· t � ::' �� 82 and 83. pinion wheels 16 and 15. in combination equ s, t a a. gutters e. trap! b. and well. F. substantially as and the pnrpose w tg : �of�l g ��s: tached to arreq·ing cams, lpvers, 01" tbeir lvalen alJ subs anti lly as and .. rlbed. v Ml for the purpose berein .et forth. [ o r:� ;,l n when constrncted. arr ged 78,693.-STEM WINDTNG AND SETTING WA C .-O. P. Rice a � 'e��t� � .�:��I�il� �fr � !�����? 78,676.-ApPARATUS FOR MAKING BOTTLES OF CLAY.-E. H. and H. Gerry. Sprlng eld. M.se. T H 78,6:.l 6.-ELEVATOR.-Georgea : S R. C arke, New York city. Merrill and Merrill. Akron. Ohio. We claimJ. the D. the Incline annular 4 l R. E. stays F. rec1proc .• tlng arbor K. hILvlng r!. and claim 1.t. The combination and orrangement of the hollow and ·r.voh·· We claim 1st. The combination of the bar g. adjnstin� a. roller all1 gr.oove e. in combl stion With the segmentx,sprtnlt lever ' when con.. 1 a i l r e bottlp mold,ln the manner substantially Bioidescribed. structed and operating .nb.tantlalll'.""here in described and Retq lor, th. ':Se��� ��:i�rr:J:::�l:� � �:�� �� �u�re�:��� 2;1, The dl!1!k C' provided with curved or rad1al arms or grooves term!· ��r:8�:stt����:ta�� a short is a the of t D'. 78.694. - TILE lJUTTING MACHINE. - John Shellaberger, t!allyas described. h s O natmg withinedge for d t nce 01set forth.margin he disk leaving a rim aronnd Shane's CrOfudngst Ohto. 2 n s t o b the enbre tbe purpose The PIVO C E D c o t c and operating snb· or �Ia'{l��r:i ::�'::t���fc�� ��I\��. �'g� n r I c:alm. 1st. ed rotters F. ns �u ted as !' � ��i.:': tW�;�� � ��\� ;�';I�'�)�the 78,677.-MACHINE, FOR. GROOVING AND SWAGING SHEET stantially as .nd for the purpo

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. JUNE �7 , 1808.J 'eirntific 40H

A, 78,728.-PLANING MACHINE FOIt WooD.-Frank Douglas, 1 Cht.1IDD, a head and sbouldar rest composed of th e main strap branches 2d, Tbe use of the combined link bea.rer f', and link f, inthe constructIOn B. 100P8 and head rcst E, all as shown and described . and op{�ration of platform sC lles, 8ubstantlally as dpscrlbed. 7S,703.-bpuR.-Samuel Wehrly (assignor to himself and E. NorWlch, Conn. i!l 78, 749.-UHUHN DASHffilt.-D. Dw constructIon ot tile curved and employ('d lor the purpose of artaching- a cutt(�r h f'arl to its shaft. serratedto levers C, composlllg the substantIally in the minner above ilcscribc(i and for the pllI pose set forth . �lamp aLtachment, �Ilen arranged and adantert be app 4th , The comb mution of the taper b earlllg box n. witll the 011 cup m, when llCd to a saw 11or8e, 2d, The box A, having a division Dlate a, and oil ch amber, b, beneath it, in a� A. In the manller and tor tbepurpose herem shown and descri made so to til1rle one on to tbe other to adJust shatt La Its proper bearing bed, combmation with t ile dl8trlbuting plate E, substantI<�lly as de�cribed and for sald 78,751.-000KING RANGE. - John nicCloskey (assignor to and to COIIlpen�ate for the wear ot 'P arts, in the ma.nnllr specified. th e purposes spedfiect. 7S .729.--S[cWJNG l\1ACIIINE.-G. A. Fairfi eld, Hartford, Conn. Henry l\1cGuckin), l'iew York City. 3d, Thl'const uction of the distributing plate B, with inclines and scrapers, I clall1�, lst, ;Formmg" H.n air chal�ber ac substantiallx as descrIbed and tor the purpose fletfo rth. I clalm 1 ..t, The combinatIOn WIth th� 011 hole auove the neeelle ba.r nf the ross the back of the range, in com ­ all mUD l�atlOn WIth both the ovens of tbe rang-e, as 78,705.-i:lP RING SEA'l'.-J ohn L. Whipple, Detroit, Mich, cros�ing distrlbuti .g IH1'l�a,g'e8 in tnc top of the needle bar. witerenv the . substantIally described. so may aR to torm a contllluous oven and ho I fHdrs or t1.C1'8 of t he ba.r be olled at tlle flame time from a single onfiee t air space along three sides of the fire claim the sprin� seat herein described, the Fame lormeft by the combina­ cha nber. D,Oll and lrom th e outside oftne casmg". tion With the trame A, of tile serll'S01' dou ble·coil spring'5 the four sides hal' 2<1, The gas comhu�tl 011 chamber, 2f1,Tu e combinatIOn wiLh tile oil gronve� in the needle of the oritIce for placed a hove the ail' chamb 3r and b2- tbcrf-'of, and bavmg thmf loops or blghts pointlllg inwardl.v. and connected npath the smok{' eXIt pipe, substa.ntl conducting- OJI to the axis or pivot or the thread conductor, substantially as <1 l1Y as de"\crihed. by the transver1:ie:1ll d longituullU\l mterlaced webbing, as and for the purpose 3d, T.h e boilers 1, one or more, fo ri shown and ae�CI ihed. arran:.!;e(i Over the ovens, so that they ca.n Bf':t h. be prOj ected over tile fire ellamber, suhstantia 7S,70ti.-CIIUllN.-Melvin "Vood, Babe's Corners, Mich. :�d, The c :'mbw{JtlOnwith the devices IfLSt ahove claImed of an oil passa.g-e, lly as described. 4th, The �ottorn grate, wben made III the form for luhricati llg' the link wllichactl1ates the needle bar. . t1ereqhown. sup ported by A, ot Jou" n;"lls at Its ends, sl?that It may be taken I ClallTI th e combllllttlOn of the box posts, n B, double crank C, the con­ 4th , The tenSIOn device de�cribed the same consiRtlllg' a Hang-ed roller out andtu rnedsubst upsideantially down. thus D ���i��d� one to use It as a concave or a Convex grate, nectJt1g rod:s D. the ObClllatmg dashf'r1:i E E,K, the cover F, th e 1alse bottom �nd a. rigid curved yoke spanning part of it::; periphery and. adjustable as to as de. U, the Ollemngs II I J , and the balancc wheel and water spaces,:L 1.. , when Its pressure by a s prm2". so tor 5th, Sep!\rating the diyisiou" Q Q, of arrang'cd and operatlllgfor the purposes herein set fo rth. 5th, As a means varymg the feed , the employment of an adjustable rod the �ater ba,(:k-;,by a'laIr space, that the t�mperature ot the water Tn one WIll not tile 7tl,707.-MAClIINffi FOR EDGING WALL PAPEH.-William P. havmg- a pIn or proj ectIOn thereon mo\'able wlthm a. �lotted �lecve upon the affect temperature of the water I!lt ne other, substantially as described. Il1. rock:slL:J.tt. that imparts motion to the feed bar, substantially a::; shown and , ukegan, 6th . The Inle t and outlet I Y('oman Wa K, S S, de�('fibed. pIpes in the annular air chamber tl1at is placed claim, 1st. The combmation of rollers J spring P, knives cloth m between the water cylinders. substantially 6th, The combin�tion with th e lever q, and im plate of the rod, sleeve, and as descrlbecl Ill. UIHi rmg8 N 0, Bubstantially as and for the pUrr)()8e set,wrth. . 7th, Conducting' tN� hot wat�l' pIpe that D K, rock shaft, substantially as and for the puroosc set fo rt.h. V" leads U,from tile water back to the 2ct, The combinatIOn of the rable Witl rollers J subscantinlly as herein to lllner cylmder through the outer cylinder I 7th, The spring n, for imparting- adjnstat)le pressure the presser fo ot, and across the annular 8pf'CItleLi. space W, substa.ntlallyas descrIbed. -HAHVESTER.-G. W. N. Yost (assignor to Corry when ('onstl uctpdarl 4anged tl.nd operatwg :1:-.descnbed. 78,70S. A of �th , Pro Vldlllg a rang-e WIth sLaples a, or their SttJ , stluttl" race shg'tltly lllclmed to the liue traverse of the shuttlc, equivalents. foras the purpose of suo;;pendmg it from drl a ceilmg, as on shipooard, suostantJally described. I 1\1uchineCompany ), Corry,of Pa. vcr,A as and for the pllroose set fo rtl1. 7S,752.-UnWULAR SAW GUIDE.-Thomas Milner, Houston � when constructed of a sin­ 9th, clamI,11., hot, The fra.me a mowing machine, shuttle race and shuttle drlver race cast in one piece when the same ' gle bar approxnuaLing in form to a horseshoe, and a transversefor strength­ are 111 li'Jes whiCh approaCh each otlte-r. Texas. The C. are bent down the attach­ 7S,730.-MANUFACTURE OF FERTILIZERS.-Levi S. Fales, I cl�ll ening Dar b, when the extrcnuties of the bar a, n, 1st, arrangement ot the bolt withinto the olate A, the rods r r, ment of the shoe E, aud finger bar, substantIally as helem shown and de­ l g to�lt � o combmation operate the New York city. � l �� D � ���T�ii;l. movable Ja\v scaibed. K�; � t � O� In I cbim 1st, The within-described process of prcnnring the brmco;; or equiva­ 2d, combination with the above, the main wheel. C, when arrane:edbe­ 2d, �'he :flange .t-:, aUfJ shoulder s, constructed and h'nt highly-ni trogenized substii.nces previous to their admixture with other arra.ngedto opel ate sub­ tween the dnver's scat and the transverse bar, b, substantIally as and for the stantIally as and 101' the purposes ShOWll and descri materials, substantially as herein set torth. bed. purpose set for th. 7::l,753.-BED BOTTOM.-Thomas B. Moore and Garrett De 2<1, The manure compo�ed ot the several materials set for th , combined in 31, The wheel. J, on the hinged bar. I, in combination witb the slotted shoe, thl� manner and in about the proportlO11s hereIn spedfi�d . Bow, Brldesburg, Pa. E. and wltb the lever, f,or all made and operallllg so tllat the finger bar ean be 78,731.-BHEAST PmfP.-William T. Fry, New York city. We clat�l1. l�t, The slats B, of a bpd bottom, easllv raised by means the level',f, as set fo nh. �, joined together by a contmu­ W. N, Yost (assignor to Corry I o.us webbIng WhlCh also serves as the covering for the 7S,709.-HARVE�TER.-G. Ma- claIm a brp ast pump in ('ombination with an indla·rubbe.t breast shield, paddlllg, subo;tan. tIally as and for the p urpose described. Pa. when the latter is :l.pphed dB'ectlv to the Jlllik rect�pt·t.cle of the fvnnpl'. and �cI, chine Company) . Corry. G, The coverl !lg for tae slats of bed bottoms, secured to the sla.t" bymellns I aU arranged substantially ill the maIlner as and lOr the purpo�e set fo rth. Eo! claim th e movable adjustable sh oe. when arrangoed 8ubstantlal1y at; 7S,732.-BED BOTTOM -E. Gibbs and O. \y,Gib bs, Hiehland of th� g'roov· In the edges ot tbe slats, and the strips!"astened therein, Bub­ described, 90 as to adjur-;t the width of the swath to the capd,city of the e.tantmlly as and tor the- purposc.:. described. binder, as set forth. Cpnter, W1S . 3d, The rails of a bed bottom 7S,710.-HARVESTER.-G. W. N. Yost (assignor to Corry Ma­ .D, try_une jomerl together by means of the met'l.l­ We c]!t.im an D,Improved Fqpring bed bott om formed hy·the combmation of lIc plate havmg t�e several lIps and flanges described, and the betton a, thf' Cr()�R slats staoles lon�ntudinal spring slats, E, coiled Wlre spnng, substantially as and for the purpo e chine Company) Corry, Pa. or set forandra. of I J, longitu!iw al sprIng slats G, Wlfe loops, lI , wound WIth cloth its equiv­ 4�h. The combination. WIth the S, F claim tue sct forth. 3d, The addItIOnal throttle valves '1" '1"', of the oven A. upon pactl side of the projectLllg- trough G, and curved out­ arranged In the pipe connections ' 4th , The arrangement of the sev�ral parts of themacbine, SUb"dtalltially as substantially as shown and tor the purpose speCi ward E'xtpndin an Inclined directIon upon eacll side ofsmd oven to the front fied. shown and descrIbed and for the purpose set forth. S, 7S,765.-BmCK MACHINE.-D. Smith, Newburyport, Mass. thereat over the url,laces, to Ullltl"'il l the chimney as herein described, tor 78,722.-SPI'1'TOON.-B. Dctwiler, Milwaukee, Wis. I the purpose 8peClfled. C'lalm, 1st, The annular senes of open molds, 1, operating in combination a 7tl,744.-SIlINGLE MACnINE.-Lyman Jcnnings, Winchendon, wlth arms j k, sunstf1uf lally ttR de�cribed. I claim spittoon constructpd with Olltslde shell A with cover n witb 2 t r e e O o m�lde cnrb t) wilh receptaf'le , D, lever }l' WIth treadl(' F, and conuecti ng Mas!4. I e and operating I in l�:�\\ � �{g i�ffo�:: �, �����:��raWy a� d::��1� � rod. H, sccur('(l together with springs, I, substantiulJy as and tor the pur­ I cL-dm th e combir.atioll of thn horizontally slidill g" cutters g g g, anfl the go;���d!ltTnt> d 1 3d, combinatlon and arrangement of the annular pose soeciticd. rack c, WIth the wheds L 1, pinions d cI , rack� k k,for uperatll1g the slIding serl cs of"molds and the mtermitt.ent r\,tary seri ltsof presses 7S, 723.-T KACTTON RAILWAY BRA Huc10lph D' Heureuse, hlock D, :\ti desenbed . as m 0, cOllstructed and operating' sub� KE.- rest st.antlttlly desenbed. San FranCiSCO, Cal. 7S,74i.-ToP.-Chcster L. Johnson, Utica, N. Y. 7S,76(j.-SKAKffi R FOR THRASHING MACIIINE,-John P. Smith, 1 claIlll the double-tlang-ed or grooved wheels for brakes on railway cars. A, 1 claIm the top and casmg C, constrllcteri substantially as described. Claverack, N. Y. applied and ooerated substa.nnally as herem described and represented. 7S,741). -VIBE.-l<'. B. Johnsoll, De Witt, Iowa. I 7tl,724 -HoE.-Josiall Dodge, Grags Valley, Ual. claIm . ht, The rotating sh :tking arms f. in combination with the endless Tllc carri�f or Hl) aker B, �ubsta.ntl ally as and I D I claim, 1st, elbow shank C, and movable jaw E, constructed and ar. for the purpose specllied. claIm in ('ombmatlon WIth a buo the lJlck B, and the forked shank, 2d, Ihe arrangement of" the )'ange(i t"ubstal\tially as herein shown anel (Ip,scnhed. in combut3 tion with shaking arms f, transverse shaft e endless s ubstautlally as a11fttor the purposes herem shown and descrIbed. A, �g���A�g� shaker .il,and framiJ.lg A, I!lubstantially ' 78,725.-bIIINGLE M.ACIIIl'i JJ:.�-L. H. Dodge, Oshkosh, Wis. eaCn other, and with the statIOnary jaw and clamplllg screw D, as and tor as and for the purpose I ot Q tIll-'purpo�e set forth. C, 7S,7_67.-MuSKETO SCREEN.-Edward Spaulding, Brooklyn, claTm the C( mbmation the shafr P, sleeve m bevel wheels M N L 1 he 2d, Tlle combj natloJl of the sprllle:D,F, with th e elbow shank and with tbe -i, E, lt��l i- l fi l)late of tue carriage, sUDstantially [tS descnbed for pivoted movable jaw and screw arraog-edsnb-:t alJtIallyas h�rem shown I N. Y. H, �� go:� ��Ci ��. ana descrIbed, alul lor the purpose set forth. claim so constructing and arranging the spring with the rolIer F and 7S,726.-T AILORS' HULE.-Patrick W .Dolan, Jersey City, N.J. 7S,747.-MACIIINE FOR ENAMELING MOLDINGS -John John­ scrpw b�arl1lg u, that the uncoiling 101 ceto of saJd spring 18 exerted to tighten the bearlllgs, and the contractIle torce keep the screel! in place a.ad per­ 1 claim 1st, The rule consIsting of the part� A C, grooved in each edge to eoon , Bo!'tol1, assignor to himsplf and N . A. l)rickett, Quincv, Mass. mIt ]ts remoVJ:j.l when D 78.7uS.-niIL required, substantHtlly t1.S described, receive the ends of the clasps Eto the larter being provide(i w1th a set screw I claim, l'-t, The brushes G, mounted upon the vertical shafts E. on� of LSTONE DREss.-Hedges L. Spencer, Social Cir- G, all constructed and arranged opcratn m the manner ana for the pur­ which i� adj usted laterlt.l ly by the serew ,E\ and both bearl'1g beneath th e Ga. cle, po�e sUDstantmlly as herein spt forth. hrushas es the disks H, a.rranged InrelatlOn With the yertICally adjustaole brush I claim the �illstol1e of 2d In comomation w ith the adjustable rule A C the head piec� F , having L, herem described, for the puroose ripecified. dress composed tbe furrows abc, formed and ar H, Tile U, G ranged as a curved upper surtace ana the pivoted tape suhstantially as and for the 2d, ("omlJinatll)n ot the furnace P, feed rQHers B brushes G L, and herem flhown and descn hed. N, III 7S,769.-MANUFACTURE AUGERS purpose set forth. laterally adjustable scraper all arranged and combmed to operate the m' AND BITs.-Jas. Swan 3d The adjustahle rule AC,proviaen with th e llead "picce F. shaped sub­ manner substantially as and the purpose &et tortl1 . ' for Heymour, Conn. stantially as shown an(l the tape measure IJ, tile whole arra.ng'pd subtltantially :1d, The comblllatlOn of rhn furnac .:all P, brilsheR G; G L, elastic roller B, feed � H, elaim, ht, '.ihe rising and falling and partially rotating arbor as descnoeli for the purpose speQ{tied. poseroll(�r U, scrapr-r .N. and guttie., l' V, arranged a'd 11escllocd, for the pur­ and provided WIth tile swaymg drawlll g Ules J J, m combin.LtlOn WJth the holding dies 78,727.-BRUSH.-John F. W. Dorman, Baltimore, Md. specilled. B. B all arranged. suOstantofially as and for thp purpmmKset torfh. A, 7S,748.-HoLLOW HEADED SCALE BEAM.-Joel F. Keeler, 2d, The H. 1 clalm the combmatlon (If the package when constructed as described comoinatlon tbe cam, :ij"�beve l wheelB L, I ins de, arbor and the with thp.ha ndle B, havmg a male screw on lts lower end and the tapermg PIttsburg, Pa. sprine; I, all arranged to operate tbe arbor in the ma.nnersubstan­ tlally as e e r c I claim, 1st, Adapting hollow headed scale beams, of any known construc and for tbe purpose set forth.. e ot - 78,770.-COMBINED SQUARE AND BEVEr,,-H. G. Taylor Port h:��f:, �i:::���a����t���r�g ggD� {;l� �!� tg ;� r��e 11it i�� iO ��1 � �e; �iit �ructlOn comr-ollnd level' platform . m���A���d }�� ' the purposes Bet fort� . !��� R�t� �r��� e� ���r?g� Hope .Canada e t1 r West,

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 404 [JUNE 27, 1868.

1 claim a combined square and bevel composed ofa stock formed of two 2d, The combination of the spring..catch,k. with the levers, I, and strip, b', drum, so constructed as to admi!; tree access ot the air to the leather, sub .. parts A A', connected oy a screw and Dut, II and a blade, C. �tted between constructed and operating in the manner set forth. stantially as aud tor the pur ose described. connected wIth part A, all arranged substantially as shown 78,791.-CHuRN.-Samuel T. Curtiss (assignor to himself and e �os e c o ��g le���1h:�� Lyman Thompkins). EI Paso, III. ' c,1�3c���s����'d� ��:� riiad: ������ ��� �'e�d��� ;;rJ!:igf't�� �g�l �r 78,771.-IMPLEMENT FOR SHARPENING CU�rLEl\Y.-Augustus claim theP. dasher, F,constructed and arranged to operate substantially as dmm, as and tor thej>J1 rpose described. e and1 for the purpose herem Bet forth. 78,816.-HoRSE HAY FORK.--Harvey D. Palmer, Leonidas, h s two or more, constructed fiS shown, with bev­ 77,792.-GRAIN-DRILL.-Daniel L. Dickson, Durham, Ill. G. I a�rxi.. Yst�g�Yc� lr C, or Kaempfer, David Williams, and Willlam (J eled ends, and :fi�tedin a slot in a tang B, and secul'cLl tht:reinby a screw I claim the arrangement of the sbaft, F, in tbe box. J, and prOVIded wit a �\��oh�.Itff���t:oI,�d:O. W g s l f t u ·t qeries ot wheels WIth circumferential grooves, in combmation with the flukeb - e j 2� i'b::;�����ci: i� ��� t'�5s �r rh �'���re��: fg� gurmSbing or bardenine: b t e vari us co��f��t l�:::i��� p'� sl����:Pr J��J1i';�, ��!�l� :�3s�dq �f�d�E���g!r��ti�11; the cntttne- ed�es. substantially as set forth. �:��s e n c� �t �� �� � �r t�S�� �ti �i s� ' il o a� and fur the purpose set forth. 30, The beveled shoulders c, combJnation with the cutters 0, substan- � ? i � i � � ;� � � � !ii�g:ad ��W{ed� 78,817.-SEWING MACHINE.-Charles Parham, Philadelphia, t n b i� 78,793.-8uBAQUEOUS FOUNDATIONS.-James B. Eads, St. i� J ��! B l i� o� Pa� j��::b����g:( , either with or without the polygonal Louis, Mo. Pa. plate:U sub3ta� � ntia� lly as and for the purpose� set forth. t n f te a t I claim the combination, with the bracket, of the carrier, driver bar, groove 78,772.-F" SASH FAsTENER.-Halph Thomas (assignor to him­ p sr � mB ��fh� ni ��n � ai��6� � 1f; � � �g� :n� rb �� ��� and feed wheel, 8S <1escrlbed, for the purposes set forth. substantiallyJ � 1 '? as he��rein�� set forth.g � � h !� }�? ! �� 78.818.-SEWING MAcHINE.-Uhas. Parham, Philadelphia, Pa. selt'and E. Parker), Waterbury� Conn. V, lclaim a sash fastenill1rconsisting (,f the case A, apd spring b�lt C, in com· 78,71l4.-HAWSER CLAMP.-Henry A. Ellis and C. Frederick I cl�im, 1st, The comOination of the Shuttle carrier_ T, the guide,and the bination with the hinged cap D, all made and operatlllgsubst antIally a.shere· Gladding. Norwich, Conn. cam slotted down, banging arm. . S', directly attached to the carrit'r the in shown and describea. We claim the douhle cam·shapE'dlever. L, in combination with the moving crank,A 1\1,the wbole cOfls*ru('ted a.ndarra nged substantia.llyas de",cribed.S'. G, i 2d. shuttLf"driver or carrier, 8, ha.vinga downwardly hanging arm, in 78 773.-WINDMILL.-G. J. Thorn, Pecatonica, Ill. jaw. C', when operatmg through the gUiGe, and pm, P. substantially as de· V, serl bed and fur t.he purpose set forth. combination wiLh a guide, and groove, W, C'Atm.tructedand arran�ed sub­ I'elaim, 1st, 'l'he windmill havmg:each o( its arm!il,B, pr�:��er���l;lnl�I����t� J�l ����t �,LI � I ('laim the air-check in the cbambers, A, and to prevent the fiowof substantially as de"lcnbe(j. a1 In tbe sleeve 1£,all arrang-I-d as de�cflbed, for tllepurp Ost� specl1ied. liquid in any dIrectIOn but that of tbe line of traverse of the piston, substan· 4 n a i 2d The sleeve B,sllspendcd upon tbe shaft � by the rods F, attactlectto the tlally as set forth, in m l�i�1��0�� : � I s�� �' :i �B �� (a l�ry � ?e���it �� ' of the govern',r, and provIded with a series. of opening-s, �l , in different E, �� tA �h : ��� ! fr};� � � ; %; �r � � arms The combination of the magnet, the Boft bar, e, and tbe revolving piS­ 5th, reciprocating �huttle face pla e having fecd teech on Its UUTlerE, ed�e, vertica.l lines. for the passage 01 the arms B, and tor the operaLlollof the cams ton, B', whpllactmJr substa unally a9 set forlh. in combmatlOu WIth 11 movable strIppet r plate, 0, and needle shield, sub­ a2 as 1Ierein desC'rlbed, for lile purpose specified. C, 78,7!)B.-A'l'TACIIING HANDLKS UUTLERY.-James Flood, stantially a.s described. 3d The device for chang-.ngt hu pO�ltlOn of the wings consisting 01 the '1'0 6th, The combInation of a rrciprocating shuttle face plate, hnving feed V·shaped optmings a1, in sleeve E, New Raven, Conn., assig-norto Wm. Sanderson, New York city. V.st{aped cTanks a2, upon arms D, anu the I claim Lhe t'mployment of the twisted tang. in combination with the com­ teeth on Its uppt'r euge.a movable stripper, 0, and a redprocatlng cam or substantIally ab shown and descnbcd. PO:-itioll llandle wolded around, aU substantIally as deSCribed for the purpose wedge on the upper surhlce of tile �hu[tte carrier or driver lor the purpose 78 774.-HoRSE HOE.-Elisha W. Walton (assignor to him· sel fort.h. of opcra.tingtil e leed stripper, Bubst'.lntlallyas described. 'self and Wm. H. Derricl{),Stockron Cal. 78,i!!7.-Tnuss-FHAMED BRIDGE.-John Foreman, Potts­ 78,819.-HoT WA'l'ER 'fANK ON UOOKING·STOVE.-Daniel E. latlng urace constructed substantia,lly as and for Co.). 1 claim. 1st, '1'he regu ill, town, Pa. Paris, (al38ignor1:4'01' to Burdett, PariS, & Troy. N. Y. th o 1 claim, 1st, the purpose of beating the reservior only, a double llU6 ;d�1!J>e :ra� ��� horse hoe, constructed substantmlly as above de· I chumt he arratlgemE'nt,substantially as described, of the incUned posts. e a e g S t n � �E ��"ft sUFpension-rods, and diagonals. for the purpo�e speCIfied. i����u �o �'do� g J {n :re�ri a���� p� �t� sC e D, constructed and 78,798.-CAS'l'ER FUHNITURE.-Elliott E. Furney, Chic· � �� :i� �.O:i t�e o?t�� C���i���Sr:����� Ja� �he reversib.le boe point, witb Us slot or mortise X. FOR upwardA in the rear of it, substant1ally as her� �howu and described. opcratE'dElubstantlally ast4bove A, sh.own. oppe, Mass. a 2d. double acting damper, situated below or underneath the pip a-collar 4th , The reversible sh.arrs and also their two sharp cutting .. ed�es, con· I cltlim, 1st, Tbe lower plate, g, of caster, when constructed with the of a cooking stove, having as �ase at or near the Oack plate of the stove, wbile BtrU!�l! d and operated substantially as above p,hown. elonga.tedcurved projec�Iun. g. thereon, and havlll'!' tlH� pro.lection or Oear­ its top part sball move from SIde to SIde ot !!laid pIpe-collar, in combination 5th The moldboardB in combination witn the share A, substantially as said plate, g, being used in connectIOn with the spIndle, and roller, t r double· fluebe lOW said d mper, substan- above shown. DiliA',. 111, constructed and operatmg substantill.lly as descrioedB,, and for lhe v :{:::[ri!�o�:ia;d °Je���i6�a. a The wedge, L, with its screw and nut, constructed and used substan­ W lll'U tri3d.fr The� back a cookmg-stove as a divibion plate for an upward and 6tll , t above descrIbed. purposes herein sppcitied. 01' tiallY asA and tor be purpose 2d, The ('ombjnation of the plate. g, having a spirldle, B, with the Circular downward fiue,or a flouble flueat the rear end Of tUe same, in combination 7tIJ horse shoe wltb or without ttlemold board B. constructed and op­ lever, snid lever. operaTing in cODjullction either With the plate. b, or with a water reservior, when situated substantl11l1yas IJerein shown and de­ erati;jg substantially as above descrioed. with thed. furniture toD, which the caster may be attached, all constrnctt'dand, scribed. 78,775.-CLEVIS IRON.-T. P. Warren, Norfolk, Va .. assignor operatmg substantially as herein descrioe1j and for the purposes specifted. 4th, A pipe· collar to a cooking·stove, situated at one Side or tbatend of the to D. W. Warren 78,7D9.-\"'ULTIVAToR.-George Garrett, J:<.;lkhart City, Ill. stove. and over or nearly over a double smoke flue and so placed it shall I claim 1st. The combination oftbe perforated plate, D, witb tbe bent rod nder, F, havmg bearing­ receive the currents01 from either fiue, as tbe damper below is shltted from to operate in tbe manner set forth. I claim providing a d ouble CUltivator with a fe C side to side said pIpe·conar, 5Iubstantial1y as herem shown and described. C1 when tbe said parts are conslructed D, C, cbains, f f, wben the same are united arid combined with the beams, B and 5th, In combination with a water reserviof. two flue oampers, both situ­ 2'J, In combination with a per oraLed draft plate and a rod or hnk for and the whole is construmect and arranged to opera,te sub::.tantlall a attaChing It to the plow beam thef scre\v nuts n n by which the plate can be as1.), 8 (;IS y ated at one side or end of COOking-stove or range, and arranged or capable described and for 0tue purpose specified. or prodUCIng the results substant1ally as herein shown and specIfied, adjm;t,eclback and 1'orth on the rods or link:BO 8S to cause the plow LO run 78,800.-HARVESTER.-Wm. F. Goodwin, East New York, u r f l o o more (,r less to land, in tbe manner d(�.!;,crlbed. New st , ' J�� 78,776.-UAlt AXLll: UAP.-William Werts, Pana, Ill. N. Y., assignor to himselt and Charles R. Squire, York city. � �g�n�gr��l�n� i� �o��,�:;��i��r� th� �:��?ei,tit n� r�e ��: e::tm collar. G, three sides of WblCh flueare : �i D, I claim, 1st. The pmployment of a or eccentrIC, in comblnatlOn with lormed by the Concave shape of the I claim 1st, The combination of the eye bolt, coiled spring Ii' andA, cb am­ the multIplying gear. shown and de:;cribed, for ttF� purpose set forth. reserVlOr, substantiallY as here shown and described. bel'E, witlleach otter wtih the (loor B and with the cap or box sub- c t C i r e 7tlI, 'lher eal'Ward1Y and upwardly projecting fiue.BeJ\t, K, or its equivalent st o n d r e o la er ' lid �� r h� � !� �� t� J Ur g�n tl a���ea�o¥ ;rt ��t ��� when uRed to conduct the smoke or products of combustlOD trom the rear �d g� �f� �i� ��h� r ::.� � �rt ·�� i �l� ��� i� J l1h'amber i� �� :t t � � �� � t� ��; �h � ! i�: fiueor fiues or the stove Into the fiue, R, or into a similar flue formed in H, ���l � othe� r �with. theg g notched!� � or J�rooved�� s�otted projection�� � b3, manner and tor the purpose substantially as described. a tIle centre of the reservior, fmbstantially SllOwn with each B, d e l O r o � ��� as herein and de · formed upon tbe door and with the cap or hox, A, substantially as herein th c �r.b:: �g:�b � r � �� I�Nrl��a�� ��n h: i��:���� � l'i sbown and descflbed.and lor the purpose t'.et fortb. � J�� � i;� : � � ; ���bf�I- 78,820.-HoRSE-HAY FORK.-Edward M. Parker, Sion, Md. 7.-HEFRIGlCRA'l'ING MILK UAN.-. W. W. White and tion wi1h t.he retracting·spring, Ji.:,arran seC1and oper

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. JUNE 27, 1868.J $titnfifit �tUtdtau+ 405 K, PATEN T 2d. The pressure-slide, actuated by rop{'s and weights, in combination 2,970.-CHARGING WATER WITH CARBONIC ACID.-Robert KING'S SOLID STEAM PACKING RING. w t S O u t t ���� �����Yi� t�y)�:. f2t,1�� � 8Ii���� 2+� a�J �beCk_Sieve. I Grant, Brooklyn, N. Y. Patented Jan. 28, 1868 ; antedated .Jan.17, 1868. �� i,g� �:l�-���b�.' claim, 1st, Thp chq,r.2;ingor water or other llqmd with carboni<..- aCld gas, It is well-known II,sub :;;.tatJtially as for the Durpo�es set fn l'th. . by the u8e, in combiuat.10n,of two vessels, one containing the water or ot.hpr a fact among mechanics that a properly­ 4tb. boxeF!, I. and, F. in combination with the axle, il, the sbaklllg'- The liquid to be charged with carbonic achl gas, and l.he other containing car­ fitted solid pistGU wHhout rings, especially when supported levef, Nt and DIvot, uS, 8ubstantiallv as set fonh . honic acid gas, at a pressure greater than that of the atmoRphere, the g'as· in flth, The �!Uide·slatfra me. E, haVlllg' longitudinal slats. e'. in comhinatlon holding vessel beIng separated trom and not connected with the apparatus. place by a piston h with the splint·franw. D. having transverse slats. dl, and the channel-plate, by mpans of wIl1ch the gas was generated or compressed. rod running through glands on eac end B b n h 2d, The comb!:ltltion with two vessels, one to contain water or other liquid, of the cylinder, will keep tight for a long time and do 6�i:, �il, an umbrella conf'tructed. as 7th, In apparatus for ctJandngwater or or,118r liquids with gas, as herein surfaces need not be turned. as they fit neither inner rings luI'tein s��h�� or junction 01 the rins and st.retchers bmng deseribed the joints speCified,the use ot"a regulator snell as described, tor the purpose ot regu­ of the s covt:red, and pr(;tected trom iOJurmg the covering by rubber shields, ns and laLing lilp 1l0wot" gas and maintaining a uniform pressure in the mixing ves· nor the periphery spider ; t hu much time, labor, and for the purposes herein set forth. sel, a., shown and set forth. 78,840. -SoAP.-G. W. Slagle, J. L. Miller, and H. C. Hoy, 8th, The comblnation Wilh the ens holder of an injector, connected with a expens@ are saved in fitting up the piston. water reservoir as herein deicribed, so that the water as it flowst hrough the A is the piston rod , a nd B the spider. C ��r�l�gl.g�:od�· ofmanufA- Plant, \Vashingtoll. D. C,. to Hudson Taylor, trustee. Dated Apr.l6, 1858. 78,843.-CO)fJ31NED THRESHING MACHINE AND Div. A. e d i r a 1 claIm 1st, Causing a curr,'nt of air to impinge upon Oi� commingle with tbe I ���I�'l�������;cJil��� c�;sfs ��� �fPa Dumber of shret metal stril?s, lower or lJlue p�\rtof ttle tlameot a hydrocarbon lamp, through the instru­ susoended above the sha.ker-framp, D, substalHoially in the manner and for piece or burner. without the aid of a chimney, substan� t e o e t ���N;�t�e��l�b�� b.2d��,�re ���:� �� rl��I�� �:ire�, y1, at their elges and adjustable upon a 2c1, A cap pit'ceor burner comhined with and applied to a hydrocarbon frame, substantially as and for the purpoi'e(je�crib ed. . lamp,fol tile purpose of producing- COmbUi'!lolOllwithout rhe aid of a chimney, 3d plate or plates, k1, so hung, a.djacentto an opening in thf>.case o� a fan, subst,mtlally as described. G, that the paS::l.age of air mto the said ca�e will cause the plate to be adJu�tcd, 3a, Making the cap oiece or burner adjustable relatively to the w\lck ana. suhstantially as and for the purpose described. WICK tube, �llbstantially as:de :O;CrIbed. 4th, The arrangenJent of rhe Shaker-frame, D, platforms, H and K,.bands, 4tb, The combination of a fla.t wick tube with a Cfl.ppiece or burner and g and wI, Wittl tlJeir bars or scrapers, and the sieves, t 11, all substantIally as arms or frames, wlierebythe burner is lIeld Oll tbe wick tube. substantially tmd for the purpose specified. as descri bed. 78,844.-DEVICE FOH RAISING AND LOWERING WINDOWS.­ 5th, The combination of the burner, with devices tor attaching and BU ­ dgeport C�nn. porting We same, WIth till..wick tube, hubstan(ially a� described. P �';i F.liRna H. 'l'obey(assignor to himself and A. R. Hale), BrI 2,074.-LAMP.-P. Hannay, WaHhington, D. C., and Hudson I claim, atlan article of mallufacture. the socket, A, construct.edwIth the tnt.ernal flange or fIm, a, uno witn or without the flush-plate,B, anCl 80 as to Taylor, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., assignees hy lllesne assignments of Pascal be appl1cd to the sash, substantially as set forth. 1 ' �JlIJ \ �' C., assignors to Hudson Taylor. trustee. Dated 78,845.-ELEC'fBO-PNEUMA'fIC ApPARATUS FOH TRANSMIT- 1;II�� G;;:8� . r; �� B I claim 1st, Combi�llllg a cap piece or burner. substantially as and for the DISPATCHEs.-Cromwell" Fleetwood.Varley, Lo�don. Enl!land. . purp01l.essct forth, WIth the WIck tube or top of a llydrocarbon lamp. so that I clCL'.r INGim, 1st, Operating the pIstons and valves �1 the malI?- . compressed aIr the burner may be thrown back from the wlcli:: tube. subfltantiallyas and for and exhaust-pI Ps, 0 and n, by mefLns of a serIes of aux�l1ary valves and the purpo�es d�Scribeel. pistons, and pipesP cotlnecting the exaust and compressed au chambers wIth 2d The comblDat.ion of a hingf'dcap piece or burner with the means of ad­ by.the k.eys or buttons, subs tan- the cylinder, and arranged to be operated justing the same relativelyOf to tbe wicli:tube, substantially as described. ti n a d t e o 3d, A hinged burner cap piece for a hydrocarbon lamp, when construct­ 2�;4Pt;� ���ina;10n� �ilh ��f��f�:.����� : ��� l�t�n d . their ctetenis,of ed and arranged with reference to the wick tube, wick or tlame,and the ad· t.hesl idinJ!;-rud, 4, arm, 3. and piston-rod of the cut-oif cylmder, V, substan­ misson of air, subi3tantiallyas described. tially as herpin shown and described. 3d� The combInatIOn, with the the cylinder V and its piston, �t?e cut-off 2,075.-STEAM BOILER FURNAcE.-Henry McClure and Jas. mecnanism bereln descrIbed, arranged IIl: such manner . that eIther the EJ11s, Terre Haute, Ind., assignees of Henry McClure. Dated qct. 2, 1866. depression of the stop or key. a', or lhe arrIval of the carrIer at the distant We claIm the arrangpment of a series of steam bollers wIthin a turnace, so end of the messaae PJpe, shall connr.ct tl�e saily up walls inclosing bet�een them air or equivalent non-conduct.ing material so to and from itq seat without beiL.grotated within the door caSing, SUbstan­ arranged as not 10 Impair tile portabIliLy of the pitcher and Its capabIlity of AT the present moment the iron trade of England is very tially us described. dJscharging- its coutel1 tsby pouring, nor its capa(�ity forhol dmg 1'later. t by means of acute angular ste 2d, In cornbina(iou WIth 11 double wall ice pitcher a nose, lip, or spout, much depressed, owing, it is said, to the fact, that the co- pped IS across the dis­ fa��s 1�'�:lr�9, s��s t���ral� �� �:stzr��e��' througb WhICh the water discharged, and a movable cover s the 3d, ProvidIng- the double-leaf hinges b b, with a removable pintle c, when charge way WhICh .prevents access of air wto the pitcher thereat except elur­ operative trade movement has di organized labor. fluchhin2'es arc apphert upon the door of a safe or vault substanLially as and ing the act of pour mg. conSEquence e n to to Rh n for the purposes described. 2,082.-HAUVESTEH RAKJj�.-Owen Dorsey, Newark, Ohio. The has b e transfer the trade e ish 78,852.-ANCIIOH.-Frederick Wittram, San Franciseo, Cal. Prussia and Belgium. The works at Essen produce 60,000 tuns I C, Dater'March 4, 1856. Reissue 1,067. Dated October 23. 1860. claim an anchor having the shank .4,with the openings B and and the 1 claim 1st, A continuously-revolving rake attached by a pIvotal connection of o or n r l e n o to ttle shaft on wbich it revolves so as to allow it to describe the proper path steel annually. which is more than twice the entire export tire �l��e ce��t��c�ed �n �' ��;!�i�� ��Ks����i�YI� �8 :�d fo� t���s8��� to gather or elischa.rgethe grain and to c.lear the frame. of the United Kingdom ; and the Terre Noire Company purposes herein speCltied. 2d, The combm'l.tionora platform, a vIbratmg cutter, asand a continuously­ revolving gathering and discharging rake so arranged to enter the ULlcut now sup l the g e 78,853.-STEAM ENGINE.-Devolson Wood and Stillman W. grain in front of the cutter and to discharge the cut gratn in the arc of a in .France are p ying one of r at French rail way o 20,000 o WeHobi nson, Ann Arbor, Mich. Antedated ·March 31, 181)8. circle. c npanies with t ns of steel rails a price below claim the segmental pieces A Il.,to serve as a cylinder head, substan· 3d, A continuously-revolving gathering and discharg'ingrake which enten at tlally as aescribed. tIle uncut grain in tront, of the cutters and dischargeS lhe cut grain in the arc their prime cost in England, in spite of comparatively dear of a circle in combmation WIth Oileor more intermedIate revolving gather� lng heads or beaters. fuel and ores. 'r hese are awkward facts to be well pondered REISSUES. 4th, The combination of a continuously-revolVlng .gatherin.e:and discharl!­ ing rake which dl.scharges the grain in the arC 01 a Circle and the cam way or both by masters and men, if haply, for their own sa es, they 2,968.-PLATE FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETII.-Alfred B. Ely. . l} guide for re2"ulatlllgthe course of the rake flnd a remedy for their disagreements. trUf'tee, Newton, Mass .. a8�ignee ofL. R .. Strepter. Patented D.ec. 17, 1867. 5th, The comhimttlOn of a contlOuously-revolving rake which d;scha.rges Clln I claim, 1st, The use of hard rC'sins or reSlnous bodies, Irtlxedwl tlI fibrous tile grain in tile arc ofa circle with a plattorm having a fender conformerj or textile materials, and sllnped by means uf !teat and pressure, subst[l.ntially sllb>;Hullia ly t:) the IHLth d(�8Crlbcd by the outer cudof the reYOlvlll,!;lake 111 ...... p l . l as described. l Cast and Sheet .ron Stoves. 2<1. TIle u�e of thin plates of metal, horn, shell, gutta percha, wood, oreuch '6�n�U�17:�tl���i���(�;1�� ����\\\��l ����l��;b� ;�g gatlloriug" and di�chal'�· l C e r ing rfl.kewhi ch disctHlrg-etitIl e gram in the arc of a Circle Wlt.rl a vibratillg" PmmcII philosopher }whl s h cast ������il�:�ii��l� l�vl���t.r�';�rs �r��� rn�linR �����s �����gunt;;s� 'i:�����·�� CULtcr A t e opinion that iron the purposes bubstantlal1y as describ(�d. ntl,Thc combination ofa continonslY-l'cvolving gathering- anti dlscharl!ing stoves cause headache, nausea, and dryness of skin; while �;d, A:-;a base tor artIfiCIalteeth 0 ....gums, etc., the u..:eof nber or fibrousma ­ rakf�, a cam way or g"uidc, and 1riction rollels attached tu the arms of sahi tt'l"lal. I'hemically or hechanically treatt>d 01' prepar(�d,and saturattld or revolving take. stoves made of sheet iron produce none of these effects, and, lllix('d with lac or other suitahle substances, which, when heate(t and 2,!J83,-Oll'fAINlNG CANE FIBEH }<' HOM CANE.-f'ydl1cy C. he ur pressed, or pres;;edand heated, will a��mme the proper :-:hape,and pObseS8 or on t eontrary. excite perspiration, and enco age appetite. acquire tile proper hardness and elastICIty, subsL-antlRlly as descrihed. Long and F. Schumacher, Baltimore, Md.,and .Jacks�)ll Warner, Cincin­ the natl Ollio, as, ignees by me"ne aS1I.ignment.<;of B. A. LavcllrJCl" and Kal e I-lt' thinks it possiulc that persistent disease of tile silk 2,0f)0.-IIICl"L S'fIFFENER-Alfred B. Ely, Newton, Mass. J�()WC, . Relminu:trat.rix of estate of H.Lowc deceased. Dated ,\pnl,1,1.':)51 . worm in France, may be raced to use of cast iron stoves EXlendt�r! ReV(�n years. Heis8ued .J une 9, 186.'). I l)atentedDec.31, 18H7. t the cluim, 1st, TtJC m�e ot resinous bodIes combined with fibrous materials, ,"Ve cla,m ·IRt, Obr,urnmrth e fibcr from the calF". or reed (AruJUlinal'ia in hatching !lnd rearing the insect. suhstantiallyA as describcd. 2d, heel stiffener made of tile above def'cribedSubst5 111ces, and formed �l�J�(;��}'��(��t�fn �sf�\;�,:-��rRS:�fPZg��erce and manufacture, We no of above iuto sbape by means of pressure, with or·without heat, substantially as de­ for the purpo.:!especified. :;�if;��; have means ved(ying the theory, but we scribed. 3d Breakillg down woody 1iber ol'cane and other like plants and dissolving woll remember that, when the sheet iron air tight stove was 3d, A beel stifl"encrma de of felte(l or the lTummyand other foreIgn matt�rs there-from by means or mnriatic or woven f1\brie, saturated with resinom' the fuel," or other gum8 or analogous f'ubstances, whicll, when l)roper]y hqUed and ��l�k�\��i�l:g �� ��� �f�� �i�o �a �1�b �1 �g�� �('t r�;��6 �� first introduced " to save one-half a stateulent ,v as preFscelin mO)(I�, wHI a8sum� th e nroner Rlmpe, and fU"ouirc or posses.s the o c o ��1� r �n��g � � , � t � l proper blll'linessa11(l elatltlcity, f.:UbstauLially us uet3cnbed. ,ubstantmlly as set forth. . also put forth, that they were more heaUhy than cast iron.

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 406 J' titutific �mtricau. rJUNE 21, 1868. Improvement In llIachtnes Co r Deve)oplnl/: Gas Cr om drops of glycerin. Mix the ingredients warm, and let the bolts or rivets proved to be too great, and the halves of th e Hydrocarbon •• mixture stand until cold . I then apply this mixture to the rails tended to separate by the breaking of the c,onnecting The manufacture of illuminating gas by carbureting the paper with a brush, coating the paper on one side only, and bolts. BV the adoption of an improvl)d chair, having only a atmosphere with liquid hydrocarbons, has long been known leave it to dry. After it has thoroughly dried, I apply on the single head, as at A,Fig. 1, the ends of thAse compound ralls and used, but its general introduction was greatly retarded top of th e dried surface another mixture, composed of gum- are intended by the inventor to be firmly held. Theae double by the cost of the hydrocarbon liquid before the discovery of arabic and rock candy, one ounce of each, dissolved in a pint rails may be turned to present one face when another is too petroleum in this country, and the absol ute inefficiellcy of the of water, and coat the same prepared surface again with a much worn. The spi ke on the low side of the chair is driven, different kinds of apflaratus used to make the gas. A great clean brush, and let it dry, when the paper is ready for use, as usual, vertically, the rail put to place, and then the spike many patents bave been taken out to make on the side of the :lhair bead driven at an gas from the volatile portions of crude petro. angle. as seen firmly lockhg the rail. This leum, bm they have been defective by reason peculiar action of the angularly driven spikes of th eir being automatic, that is, they man­ with the double or single-headed chairs, is ufa ture gas only as fast s used ; therefore Been at B and C, Fig 1. A top view ,of a � a . a constant evaporation is taking place while double rail with single chairs is seen in Fig. the glls is burning. The objections to this 2. The third figure presents a a modification

cl ass of machines are these : In proportion of the ordinary solid rpn, only having a scarf to the rapidity of the evaporation of the joint, secured at D and E, by the single-headed liquid is the reduction of temperature or chairs. By the use of this chair, with the an­ loss of heat ; now, as the quantity of hydro­ gularly driven holding srike. all wedges are carbon vapor which will unite with the at­ dispensed with. and the rails, either at their mosphere depends upon the temperature of joints or at any other point, firmlyheld. The the liquid and atmosphere, it of course fol­ chair seen at B. Fig. 1, is considered by the lows that unless a uniform temperature is inventor as well adapted to the present style preserved gas of a uniform quality will not of rails with butt joints, as two will take th e be produced " In order to obviate this diffi­ place of three single ones. The saving in culty of refrigeration, heat has been applied amoun t of spikes-as only one is used with in many ways to keep up the temperature. this chair where two are used with the ordi­ Now if a li ttle too great neat is producpd nary chair-and the dispensing with wedges, the atmosphere will become supersaturated apt to wO,rk loose, would seem to recommend with the vapor, and, most certainly, conden­ this device to tbe attention of railroad men. sation of the vapor into a liquid will follow. It was patented by Jobn H. Downing, Dec. 10, The danger of such a condition need not 1867, who may be addressed relative thereto be dwelt upon ; every pendant and chande­ at Salem, Mass. lier becomes filledwith liquid gasoline, and, of course, as soon as the gas stops are opened Stlk ManuCactures oC Lyons. the gasoline would be ignited by the match France pos.esses within her own bounds applied to light the gas. By Rand's process three out of the four fibrous substances from these dangers and difficulties are overcome which clothing is made-she has flax, wool, by the utilization of the earth heat. silk. The latter, whic:'h employs so many The rrwdu8 operandi is simply this. A people at Lyons, is grown fnrther south. The cistern is placed in the ground, and inside silk is separated from the cocoons, and is spun of t bis cistern is firmly secured a small tank, in other districts. The trade of Lyons con· D, to hold the liquid from which the gas is sists of weaving cloth from the thread which made. Outside of this tank is the water is brought into the town. The silk grown in batb, E, so it will be ob e ved the sideij snd France is not suffficientto supply the demand, s r bottom of the hydrocarbon tank are covered and she imports raw silk fr om Italy. The cul­ by water. The air pump, A, supplies the ture of silk receives considerabl e attention in air to the bottom of the tank, D, from which France, where the Government seems to act it issues in fine streams from a perforated upon the idea expressed in th e China laws, horizontal pipe into the gasoline, up through wbich point out two classes as deserving tll e wbich it passes into the holder, C; there it gratitude of all-:-the grower of corn and the remains during the day and is drawn off grower of silk, the former supplying food, the through t.he usual exit pipe, G, into the latter clothing. Lyons bas none of th e pecu·

pipes leading to tbe burners. If by reason liarities which we usually connect with a man­ of the very light specific gravity of the ufacturing town. There are no tall chim. gasoline the gns should smoke, the dilut· neys, no dingy warehouses, po immense fac. ing pipe, F, with the air pump, i� so ar­ tories, no smoke. The looms are light, and ranged that the air is driven at once into are erected in the houses of tlle people. They the holder without entering the gasoline are worked by hand. Thus you do not Bee tank. By the use of this pipe the gas can at certain hours busy masses of people flow­ be made of any quality desinble. The ob­ ing to and from the S8me spot. The work jects of placing the tank in the ground are, goes on quietly. good deal of it is, as the RAND'S PNEUMATIC GAS GENERATOR. A first, ils safeJy fI Om accidents by fire ; next, silks are narrow and the throw of the shuttle n in the uniformly low tempemture mai tained the gasoline stor­ and the Fepared side of the paper to be printed UpOll by short, done by women . age tank, and lastly, the heat known as s nsible heat of the the usual mode of printing. the printing is done, the e After The price paid for weaving plain silks is about fourteen water, and latent heat in the earth, are utilized in this man­ printed side is instantly transferred upon any smooth surface cents per yard ; for rich and flowered silks it is more. This As merely of ner. the gas for a large house is made by these works in of any material, by moistening the back the paper trade suffered much from the American war, which greatly fiveminu tes, the evaporation of course is very rapid and tbe with clean water, and the paper can be in�tantly removed by lessened tbe demand, and the people are not now working loss of i n is heat consequently great. Now as soon as the tem. raising it up, and tbe mpressio thus easily, quickly, and more than balf time. The silk manufacture of France origi· perature of the gasoline becomes lowered by evaporation, tbe permanently transferred. nated in the luxury of the Court of Francis I. In addition to beat from the water and earth acts upon the fluid, and before ------.�-�------that grown in France, the imports of raw silk were, in 1792, RAILWAY th e next hatch is to be made the gasoline has absorbed DOWNING'S PATENT IMPROVED CHAIB. 136,000 lbs. The manufact ure bad increased so much that enou h heat from the earth to bring its temperature up to the quantity imported in 1851 had increased to 2,291,500 Ills., g Double rails, made in two pieces as though divided verti- the point where it was before evaporation commenced. or about seventeen· fold. Lyons has on .everal occasions cally, have been used, but the two sections were Eecured, to The tank, D, is al ways made of sufficient capacity to bold been the scene of trade outbreaks, in consequence of attempts Jiq uid enough for at least one year ; thus the danger of filling to introduce macbinery or to alter the rate of wages. The often is avoided. This gas is practically incondensable, the cost of carrying' coal will always operate in favor of manual gas having its birth at a low temperature, will not condense labor. Great Britain offers a large and increasin g market. in the pipes leading' to the burners. If it was possible at such She used to import raw silk and maDlllacture it in England, but the importation of raw silk has dec d, and silk man­ a low temperature to surcharge the air with hydrocarbon rease vapor, the gas standing a number of hours over water would ufacturing has lessened. The imports of raw silk have less­ part with its excess of heat and precipitate the excess. ened to one half, of silks from India to one fourth, while the In the engraving, B represents a gas burner, placed in this import of silks fr om Europe has increased nearly tenfol d, and instance in close contiguity with the works, but which may tbat of ribbons has doubled. Tbe Lyonese silk weavers com. be at any required distance from the tank. H is a drip pump ; prise about 120,000, out of a population of 300,000. weights, and K, the surface of the ground. ._. I, the balancing Esthnation oC the quality oC Soap, The apparatus may be placed at any distance required from The quality of soap may be properly estimated from the the point where the gas is used, and it may be covered by an amount of fatty acids which any given specimen contains. ornamental structure, as seen in the engraving. The following simpl e analysis may be performed by any one. This method of utilizing liquid hydrocarbons is the subj ect and may be relied upon as giving good results. of two patents, bearing date, Feb. 26 and Dec. 25, 1867. It The soap to be examined should bo dissolved in water. If has received the commendation of many competent judges, distilled water cannot be readily obtained, rain water will an­ including persons who are using the apparatus, and has been swer well enough. When a perfect solution is obtained, add adopted by the Metropolitan Gas Company of New York, hydrochloric acid. Aftera little while the fatty acids will be who submitted the plan during the past winter to the peverest found to be separated from the other constituents of the soap. tests of low temperature of the atmosphere, with such Slll'­ These should be !!ollected, and their relative weight for any cess that the company has purch3sed the right for their lines. given quantity estimated. The relative weight thus found The New York office for these patents is at 16 Nassau will be a sufficiently just indication of the quality. i Address !!treet, where working models are on e hib tion. I' :l\ .... A. C. R�nd & Co., as above, for further information. THE Amelia steamboat, at San Francisco, Cal., is being .. to burn petroleum. Anthracite coal being worth $20 - i fitted a Tra�sfcl" ()ompo,jftion, llfi,an d oil barrel, it is axpected the t $5 a t.hat liquid fuel will Paten�ed by Max Rosenthal, of Philadelphia, Pa :- prove exceedingly economical. In back number (If theSCIEN­ I use the cheapest kind of unsized p�per ; 1 use one pound make a whole rail, by meaHs qf rivet. or bolts, which we 'o TIFIC AMERICAli we have gi ven the comparative fuel villues fine starch ; half ounce of common washing soap : one of all seated in place as the rails w ere laid. This made a sl1Jooth , oils and ant hracite tQ wllillh qf \ t�Q,�(l lnt(j!e�t�9 III the sllbject. g\lllCIl qf tQc� c�lJd,! dls�qlved it! W&tef, �l'Jll 'tQout twellt,v fQal.lwlll, brllo,killg j ofllts, Qqt t.1l!l IItraln an tho OODZ:6ct,jngIm n:rT\l\ld \ly fofer,

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. J UNJlJ 27, 1868.] ,.dtutifi' �tutri,au.

an engine can be run with an expenditure of two and a organization • that . But where any remarkable instance of profi + t. I half or three pounds of coal per hour for each horfe power by manufacture, within the -- tit�� f tI m ��1\'tI \))'1\1\' last ten years, can be pointed + on one day. th ere can exi8t no reason. except carelesaness or out, it will d )ubtless be found !¥J!� �J! 41\'� J! -1\'J!� � !J1JJ! � J!< J!�M� J!* that the question of capital is heedles�nc28, why; other things being equal, it should not do invol ved with other elemen ts, which should not be allowl'd the same on another day. It also determines the quality of to escape observati J. on. If, for instance, an indi vidnal with MUNN & COMPANY, Editors and Proprietors. the fuel. Suppose the I ast invoice of coal gave one hCTse limited means is ena bl ed to com mence the manufacture of a power for every two and a half pounds consumed per hour. patented article, and, by virtue of the intrinsic PlJDLISlu:n 'WEEKLY AT value of the NG), NEW YORK. On one day four thousand pounds are used, but on another in vfmtion, can obtain a very large advanc NO_ 37 PARK ROW (PARI>: BUILDI e on cost of produc­ day, four thousand five hundred pounds. The indicator shows tion, su fficient to allow him to realize a fort une in a short on both days the same amount of power exerted and that the time, it is not the capital invol ved, nor the labor, considered engine is in the same condition. Then the question is nar­ singly or t ogeth er, that are the cause of profit ; it is the brain he Americf\uNews Company," Agents. t21 Nassau street. York rr H T New rowed down to the neglect or carelessne8s of engineer or fire· which devised, and tbe skill which de New Yort( ompa Spruce street veloped the means for r=w- " The News () y ." 8 ru Paternoster How London. man, or to a difference in the quality of the coal. If, on the acquisi tion of wealth. For employes to Messrs. n are also Agoents demand , in such r:rthe SCIENTIFIOT hn(,f A�ER. &;JCAN <":0.,. 60 OT wbighing the ashes and clinkers it be seen that on one day a case, an increase of wages, on the ground that Low, Son Co., Booksellers, Ludgate Hill� London the em­ Messrs. Sampson 47 rr to re eiv & European suhscript�on8 or advcrh�ement!l: they exceeded in amount those made on the other day, it ployer i3 g�ghm(l,arl:" t Agents making money so fa st, is equivalent to demandin.r the SCr&NTIFIOhe AMElI-JOAN.c Orderse to promptly tor sent th.em be at.tenfJ.· wlll would be plain that the diffe rence in results arOSA from dif­ of him a share of the privileges wh ich are granted to cd to. him ference in the quality of th e fnel . The incombustible portion letters patent, in addition to the market value of labor, at tltb;e VOL. XVIII.,No. 26 . ..Tw enty-third YC(Jr. of anthracite coal varies from six per cent to thirty per cent. time the demand is .. . [NEW SERIE.S.l made. N otwithstandingthe evident truth The poof of its quality can be determin,ed in no way so well of this proposition, Euch demands are otten made. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1R68, In fuct, as by the indicator combined with the scales. the sole cause of disconten t among operatives at the presen t Every engine--all large engines--should:have a pair of in­ time, is the desire to enjoy the Inxuries and privil eges, which Con1:ent" I dicators permanently attached, and an engineer should be em­ in former years were only (Il1ustrated t c es are with an 8,flteri sk.) the accessories of wealth. It is ar i l marKed ployed who can intelligently use them. A pair of diagrams not e he the gratification which snch things are capable of im­ .Thglt�.(�����:...... 40t T �tI:a%C��;i���. . . 407 �hould be taken twice a day, say at 9 and 3 Let; parting of Patent C laims ..::.��...... �.S..4 ' 0�,� 40:J,� 40-t,� 405' C it La. ������as Affe:.cte ��d ��: P_ M. P. M. themselves alone, which is so ught, but � �� a a and bv the avoid­ ate t Sol1d Ste1.m Pack· l pLaborl Savlllg- :Mae:hinery ...... 40 1 P n ,., every pound of coal be weighed and also the ashes and clink­ anCR of the nnhappiness *King':o;Hlng ...... _ ...... 405 I The Late:'lt PlIotogra- generated by the lack of' them. . . . 10 '1'l1ehI:!En/{li.,n iro n ...... 4 05, ...... Novelty : ...... 407 Tra.dp . . . pr�, and a tabular statement of these facts and the resul ts of We intend in a future number Cast anrl 8heet Iron stovei'...... 405:Pracn�yt.Jcal es rc Suga.rRe- to show that the effect of . H ea hes III 4Improvement Mllchines ...... •...... ••.. .•...... 403 101' fiolng: . the indicator diagrams be ma

'r he steam engine indicat.or has received occ!lsional notices the risks and complications attendant upon fluctuations of in liquid ammonia. 'r he powu(Jr thus obtained emits so in ocr columns, in which its con Htruction and operation have trade and unreasonable demands of employes, that capital strong a light of blue color that it does not require perfect been dP8crihed and its uses partially enumerated. We have cannot be embarkpd in any manufacturing enterprise with a darkness to perceive its glow. shown that it givrs exact information of t.he working of the certainty that it Will return the legal interest upou the Bald win's phosphorus, mentioned above, is prepan"l by valves, the admiRslon, expansion, and pressure of the steam, amount invested . dissolving chalk in nitric acid, then heating and g-rilld-

its action at all parts of tlw stroke, transferring these points 'r hese cc,m plaints, though in some measure sustained by i ng :it to powder. 'I'he Bolognian phosphorus is made by to paper and forming a uiagranl which is a baEis of t.hecal cu­ facts upon both sides, are essentially withont a solid founda- simply heating a mixture of powdered heavy spar with the lations to ascertain the force expended an d the power exerted. lion . Capital and labor are interdependent, and are only ren- white of eggs, gum water, or a solntion of tragacanth. Fluor But there are other oflicos and uses of the indicator. By it dered antagonistic when tither disregards the just claims of spar is naturally such a phosphorescent snhstance, some specl­ the nlative value of the lubricants used can be ascertained the other. Both snller from the withdrawal of either ; but mens however more than others, and diamond appears to and the 'best mode of !lpplying' them ; the amount of steam when tbey mutually aml harmoniously coiiperate, all classes be the b('st ; but the expense of the powuer woul d hardly to requimd work tllA atta�hmi machinery as compared with proAllf'c. admit of its em ploynl fm t for the �bove mentioned purposf'. the work done, conse(juently the Eflving that can bf' made in vVe cannot ad mit, however, that of lute capital haS obtaineu Experiment8 have proved this pro perty, in some degree, to changing machinery to do the same work. Another import. any undue advantage over labor. That money has been exist in a great number of suhstances not . suspected to pos­ ant office of the indicator is to com pare the power developed madR in certain branches of manufacture cannot be dpnied ; sess Buch a �ingnlar quality ; for instance, many natural with the amount of fnel used. This is check upon the care, but if we deny the right of capital to accumulate by legiti' compounds of lime, baryta, strontia, and bpsi.!es It l mll,gnesia ; n i o it is known s W� !\o hlqw ilt qf l e h' �"nrs� nt tn(l firernan Qr nf th(l e g neer ; f r if mate n e, Ftril<;e tqe very fQot R01Hlr! Encjal r,or'l �, fQ�.i1 hOll s, flwl tfwth i th(1 �h(111;; d \'P;gs, orientll,l

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 408 [JUNE 27, 1868.

pearls, dry bleached linen, white paper, and even the stones The asrgregate clear internal area, including the quay an hour. The mails will go back and forth between the New extracted from the human bladder. floor, is 11t acres. The bight of the building from the quay York and Brooklyn and Jersey City post offices in from three Grott has found that the same luminous rays-the blue and to the top of the cornice is 82 feet. The stores, with the to five minutes. Letters deposited in any of the street letter. violet-which produce the photographic pictures, also pro­ exception of the quay floor, which is 15 feet 3 inches high, are boxes on the pneumatic line below Forty-second street will duce this effect, and that the rays which have no photograph­ 9 feet three inches from the surface to the undersid e of girder be carried to the general post office, or to any intermediate ic powers-red and orange-not only do not produce it, but ex­ above. Every attention has been paid to the relative strengt h station. in from three to six minutes. Our citizens can easi ly tinguish the existing luminosity. However, this is not of each part of the structure, the breaking strain of the beams understand the great benefitthat will accrue to business trans. and girders being three times the load they are intended to a ti ns fr m t s r a g m nt. because it is easily extinguished, as handling and even im­ c o o hi !l r n e e mersion in water will have no effectupon it, neither pl ungin g carry. An idea of the vast capacity of the warehouses may The introduction of the Pneumatic Dispatch is due to the the body in dim'rent gases. Groszer found that the lumin­ be gained from the fact that the total w eigh t of grain upon efforts of OUf enterprising neighbor, Mr. Alfred E. Beach , of ()sity was not even in the least impaired in a perfect vacuum. the floors when fu lly loaded will amount to not less than the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, and we congratulate him upon his Some philosophers have already, and with apparent good 77,660 tuns. The clear aggregate storage area of aU the success before the Legislature. The Pneumatic Dispatch was floors, exclusive of the quay and silo spaces, is 48,918 square first put ra tic l operati@n last October, at the American grounds, mentioned their suspicion that in nature the same into p c a phosphoresence may take place on a larger scale, that we yards, affording storage capacity · for 196,000 quarters of Institute Fair, and a full accoun t of its construction and oper. . see in different mineral!', fos sils, and preparations on a small grain A quarter is equal to 8 bushels. Rails are laid with­ ations was then given in our columns. We understand that n the e ses forming a communication with in scale, and if so. planets and com ets are luminous partly by i war hou , the ma it is the intention of the grantees to put a short line of the light reflected from the sun, and partly by phosphoresence dock line. Pneumatic Dispa tch into op�ration within the next ninety of their own. That comets posses!! such a light of their Throughout the building the machinery for hoisting and deys. The exact route has not yet been determined, but it own has been proved by Arago's conclusive observations by distributing the grain is worked by hydra ulic power. There will probably extend from the post office, corner of Nassau are five self-acting, traversing rocking cranes, for raising the and streets, to the City Hall Park. If this short line means of polari;>led light ; and perhaps the peculiar appear­ , �iberty gra n in tubs from the hold of the ship. crane is ia as well e pe e t e pne a i tubes ance of the moon during its eclipse is due, besides the re­ i Each fo und to operate. as is x ct d, h um t c a fraction and absorption of light in our atmosphere, to sucb a capable of r ising a tun of grain at a time at the rate of 50 will then be ·laid down extensively in many dijferent direc­ phospcorespnce ; even ice shows luminosity in the dark for tuns per hour, through an extreme distance of 136 feet. tions.-.Ne w Yo rk Sun. ing the grain m hi y the ----_.. IltlVera] hours, when suddenly withdrawn from sunlight Hav brought to the ac ner floorat top _ ... ----- exposure to a dark room. The periodical obscuration taking of the warehouses, tbe cranes discharge it into hoppers, from THE SALE OF PATENTS IN OHIO. place during the moon's phases is so slow that no phospho­ which, after being freed from dust, it is weighed by a single The General Assembly of Ohio. at its last sesBion, enacted resence can show itself, but on the occasion of an eclipse the operation in one tun lots, and then transmitted by a most a law regulating the sale of patent rights in that State. The obscuration is so rapid that any phosphoresence on its surface ingenious arrangement to any part of the warehouses. This law lenders it necessary Jor the rm tentee, or his authorized persisting for an hour or half an hour must become visibl e. work of transmission is effected by means of endless bands, agent, to p�oduce Ms documents to be examined by the of which there are two running the entire length of the �-.. Judge of Probate of the county, who issues a certificate au­ Practical Researches In Sugar Retlnlng. three stacks of warehouses. The bands are of vulcanized thorizing the sal e of rights, providing he.is satisfied of the M. Monnier, of France, l as recently published his researches india-rubber, 18 inches wide, and traverse at a speed of about ; good faith of the parties. It is ques tionable whether any in sugar refiuing from which we publi sh some interesting 500 feet per miuute. They are capable of transmitting grain State has the con stitutlOna l right to impose restrictions upon facts from end to end of the warehouses at the rate of 50 tuns per : the sale of patents granted by the United States government, If sulphurous acid gas is conducted into a chamber con­ hour. There are chl1tes for passing grain from one floor to but the law was enacted for th e purpose of preventing taining coarse sugar, the latter is promptly bleached, and another, into the holds of vessels, or i.nto wagons beneath. 8S s\\indling, it cannot affect unfavorably legitimate and honor, about three-fourths of the coloring matter is entirely de­ Beside the cranes there are eleven hoists for barrels and sacks, able enterprises. stroyed, while the sugar undergoes no change whatever in and twenty jiggers for lowering purposes. .-----­ -----�. - . composition. After this treatment the sugar smells strongly The Birkenhead warehouses are in many respects similar CommiSSioner QC Patentl!l. of sulphurous acid, which presents no inconvenience in the to those on the Liverpool side of the water, and are fitted up A recent telegram states that a movement is going on at process of refl.ning. To bleach sugar in this manner ; for 1000 in the same manner. Their storage capacity is 212,800 Washington to secure the appointment of Hon. Elisha Foot­ parts by weight of sugar about fo ur parts of sulphur must be quarters of grain. They are not fire-proof. When completed, now of the Appeal Board-to the office of Commissioner of burnt and the gas conducted into the chamber. When the the warehouses on both ddes of the Mersey will be handed Patents. Jud ge Foot has a thorough knowledge of the pat­ operation is once set going, the proportion of sulphur may be over by the dock board under a ten years' lease to the Liver­ ent law, an d is well versed in mechanical science. The selec­ notably diminished. The sulphur is converted into gas by pool Grain Warebousing Company. We may here add that tion would be an excellent one. combustion in a little furnace placed at the side of the the imports of grain during the year 1867 into Liverpool chamber. When the action is complete, the sugar is dissolved were as follows : Wheat, 1,805,044 quarters ; barley, 93,918 in water and its sulphurous acid neutralized by a small quarters ; malt, 7,418 qUllrters ; oats, 201,018 quarters ; beans, 8.ditndal lummary. of l m be previously converted 209,495 qu r ers 132,549 qu rt rs ; Indian c.o n 913,855 quantity i e. This lime may a t ; peas, a e r , into y P li ot s is, qua t rs oatmeal, 153,445 loads ; flour, 382,572 sacks and IN ITALY .-The C mm ssion appointed by SUCIl).te of lime b M. e g ' method, that by r e ; BREECH-LOADERS o i crushing it with a little sirup ; for 1000 pounds of sugar three 132,040 barrels-making a total of 3,363,293 quarters, 153.445 the Italian <;l-overnment for examining into the comparative or four pounds of lime are requisite to obtain this sucrate. loads, 382,572 sacks, and 132,040 barrels ; or about one-fourth merits of the different breech-loading rifles known, have de­ M. Monnier has been at great trouble to ascertain whether of the entire grain imports of Great Britain. cided in favor of the Prussian needle gun. This is the only of its having been approved by a no -Germ n the sulphurous acid gas thus used modified the sugar so as to �-. instance n a state, r non- r t lliza le Royal Railway Train. aU other countries havi ng endeavored to construct an even produce a certain amount of grape o c ys a b A sugar, and he has convinced himself that �ugar bleached in The Queen of England, with a numerous suite, recently more perfect weapon. More general recognition has been be­ upon he r ec ad n nn n. v ng th is manner undergoes no change whatever. The quantity left Windsor to pay her annual visit to Balmoral, in Scotland. stowed t Prussian 1 e h-Io i g ca o Ha i of non-crystallizable sugar, fo und by analy sis after th e It will interest our readers to know some of the particulars some time ago been adopted by Russia, Belgium, and for for­ o ti n n questi n in each c s ex t y equ l to e i ga d to th style in a est a el tress and naval ar tillery, by Austria also, it is now about to pera o i o , was a e ac l a th n re r e which Her M j y tr v s. amount which the sugar contained before being bleached ; The directors of the Northwestern Railway Company were be introduced into the Italian service. rage about 2'15 per cent. In all these commanded to pre re sp ci train for the purpose, consist­ namely, on the ave , pa a e al Listing of G ttin­ experi ments the sugar was exposed about forty-eight hours big of fourteen carriages. The Queen's car riage was fitted THE SPECTRUM RECONSTRUCTED -Prof. , o gen, considers tbe solar spectrum as made up of nine colors, to the bleaching action. with a perfect system of electric communication with the o ng brown, red , l w gr en, The above process gives most striking results with exotic gUald-a thin g which has bothered the English a good in the f llowi order : or,lDge, yel o , e lu , n and lavender. He as Ilugars, which are highly colored ; with lighter-colored deal. This apparatus consisted of a small, square, gilt box, b e i digo, violet, h also calculated the m of vibrations of each, n has found ampl , the bl eachi ng is so ma k but in the f rm r in l ss a l nu ber a d that their s es not r ed ; o e hollowed out front, and furnished with a g a h nd e, by numbers constitute an arithmetical progression ; the interval . case, two thirds to three-fourths of the heterogen eous color· the pulling of which th e Queen could at any moment bring between one color and the next always being 48,524 billio s inll matters are eliminated completely. the train to a dead stop. When once the handle was drawn n of vibrations per second. The number of vibrations consti­ The author took the same opportuni ty of examining into out, it could net be replaced by persons occupying the car. tuting the two extreme olo s are represented by 364 ri lions the action of chlorine gas, and precisely in the same manner. An experimental trial proved that the plan operated very per­ c r t l for the brown, and 801 trillions for the lavender. But the result was very different. In destroy in g the color­ fectly. This same system has been applied to a Birmingham ing matters present in the sugar, chlorine is converted into train, and in two instances it has been called into use-once THE London local post office is one of the best conducted hydrochloric acid, which at once renders a certain amount of for a joke, by a young officer, and in the other case by a medi­ institutions in the world. It employs 1;152 letter carriers, sugar non-crystallizable even at the ordinary temperatu�es. cal man, whose curiosity led him, when the express was ap­ who distributed 76,000,000 letters in 1863, and in 1868 it is A specimen was taken for experiment which contained two proaching a st ation, to pull out the handle. To his great con­ e,stimated will deliver 90,000,000 ; that is, 1,730,000 letters per per cent of non-crystallizable sugar it was submitted to the sternation and chagrin, the train was immediately pulled up, ; week, and 288,000 per day. Carriers are paid abont twenty­ action of chlorine for twenty-four hours only, and then a fair and he heard the bell in the guard s van ringing loudly. As ' five sbillings per week-nearly $8 75-and the expense of specimen of the whole bulk was taken and analysed. It the handle of the " communicator remained out, the culprit " the department is estimated at £120,000. The net profit showed no less tban nineteen per cent of uncrystallizable was at once detected, and nearly lynched by the excited pas­ amounts to nearly £300,000, or two millions of our money. Bugar. If it were not for this enormous loss, the action of sengers, who were, of course, much surprised at the sudden a chlorine as a bleaching agent would be preferable to that of stopping of the train, and nnoyed at the loss of time occa­ AT a meeting of the Societe de Photographie, Paris, M. sulphurous acid , for its action is more rapid and complete; sioned by the foolish freak. Civiale made some observations upon the employm ent of sul. but it does not appear possible to prevent its destructive Her Majesty's saloon, in addition to the eelctrie commu­ pho-cyanides in toning and fixing. He stated that in the sum­ t e guard, was action upon the sugar itself. nication with h likewise fitted with an electric mer of 1867 he fixed about 700 positive proofs by means of It was lately hinted in London that ozon e was going to be dial and index, for the pur pose of calling the royal dressers potassium and ammonium sulpbocyanides. A print , one half accommodation a new used as a bleaching agent in sugar refining, and we believe and personal attendants, for whose sa­ of which had been protected from the light, the other unpro­ e s c rs in a one or more patents were taken out for this purpose. We loon, xpre sly built by the dire to , and was placed tected, and which had been exposed for three· months, sho wed should be gl ad to learn whether anything really practical position in front of and directly adj oining the Queen's saloon. only a uniform tint. has been done in that direction, and whether ozone will A time table was expressly arranged for running the train to more ec nomi al agent, more c m e e in s 591 mil s was made in about nin teen o s. REMEDY FDR CHAFlNG.-Obese persons suffer greatly, es­ prove be a o c or o pl t it e , which e h ur pe ly in warm ro chafing. We know f n hing action, than sulphur ous acid gas, ueed as indicated above. .. _. cial weather, f m o ot The Pneumatic Dispatch . of um dissolved in w te , .. _ .. better than a al a r and ap­ New Grain Warehouses oC Liverpool. We learn that the Governor has apprDved of the act to fa­ plied with a linen or cotton rag. The city of Liverpool is j ustly celebrated for its magnificent cilitate the transmission of letters and merchandise by means a pt extend dista e of seven miles along the Pne ma ic s t that ou citizens now SoUNDINGS have been made in the sea to de h of six docks, which a nc of the u t Di pa ch, and r have thousand feet, without finding bottom , within lt miles of river Mersey. With a view to the proper handling and tbe promise of soon enjQying the most improved and rapid the shore of the island of Santa Cruz, W. I. This island is storage of the immense shipments of grain, the Harbor Board means of intercommunication. The act authorizes the laying the apex of an immense s ubmarine mountain. at Liverpool and Bi rkenhead have constructed Ilome new d own of the pneumatic tubes under the streets of New York warehouses, which we recently visited, the most erfect Ilnd Brooklyn. and also under the waters of the North and ij THE grasshoppers, having survived rain. fire, snow, and build ings of the kind in the world. On the Li verpool side East rivers. frost, during last fall and winter, have hatched out thicker tbe new warehouses, which are fire-proof, comprise three The prestnt enterprise contemplates the connection of the than ever on the prairies of Io wa and many other western blocks, forming quadrangle, within the margin of which is Brooklyn, Jersey City, and all our sub-post offices, with the It States. the dock. The total length of the building is 1,485 feet by general post .office, and also the erection of pneumatic letter· 70 fe et in width. Beside the quay floor there are five stories boxes in place of the present lamp-post boxes, so that letters NEVERl eave file marks on a tuming tool. It greatly weak­ available for storage, and a sixth, which is appropriated as a and parcels will be both collected and delivered by air pressure ens the material. The · grindstone, in this case, is a better fin­ machinery floor. acting on care, which will fly along at the ra te of thirty miles isber than the fil e.

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. JUNE 27, 1868.] Jdtutifi, �tutri,au. 409, in prop er position wltb respect to the direetion of the wind, and the speed of patent, which takes place on the 3d day of September, 1868, It is ordered' tbe same is more nniform and regular. tbat the said petition be heard at the Patent Omce on Monday, the 17th day' RETORTS -J. D. Perrin Joseph Sannders, Brooklyn, N. Y.-This Inven· of Augnst next. & tion rela.testo a new manner of arrangmg retorts for concentr ting sulphuric Gardner Chilson, of Boston, Mass., having petitioned for the extension of a acid and other purposes, fiOthat clrculation the liquid to be� cOl1centratcd of patent granted him the 26th day of September 1855, and reissu ed the 27th ATTAOHME TTO SAW HORSES, Fitch· or ev porated may be produced in a eri s of retorts at once, the Hquia to . CLAMP N ETC.-Frederi('.'V. M' u'::ect of in' cannot bc opened n l s the cap is firs released from the boll . REEL E Corry. th's s ration of said patent, whicb takes place on tbe 19 h day 0l' September. 1868 vention i9 to reel which can be for ot' dUt'ercnt CLEVIS lRON.-Thomas Warren,Nor olk. Va.-This inventioll is a simple, t produce a adjusted �ti'a.W P. f it is ordered tbat the petition be heard at the atent Omce on Monday hight which Will not thrash the grain out while throwing and which cheap and durable clevis, that can be attached to a plow beam of any size, said P It luck the 31st day 01 Angust next. folded together for transportation. b wbich t.he plo can be adjnsted more less to land," and can be can be easily y w er " caused to cut deep or shallow furrow , may be desired. MOWING MACBINE.-G . W. N. Yost, Corry, Pa.-This invention consists in a. as of ar a �i n g the trame of the mac ne. The is cf)mp osed of BRUSH.-John F. Dorman, invention the bris­ the manner r D hi sam(' W. Baltimore, Md.-In tblS a horseshoe shap d metal bar or plate to the two ends of which the bhoe at tles are put up in sparate packages, one of which answers for a brush and - e ; a inner e d of the finger bar is secured. The m in body ot" e is new but cheap device is employed to attach them to the handle, pack chargefor insertion under head is onedollar a the n a th frame The 7 he this line. v h the driving shaft of the machine wbile its two ends are are d esi ne be made and sold lndependently of tbe handle, to about on a le el wit ages g d to WlliQh bent down to reach to the sboe and to be h mged to the fin�erbar. they can in a m OIDent be attached, or from whiCh they can be detachcd-..."so Patent Office Reports.-Pe!'sons desiring Patent Office Re­ th at at any ti me when the ristles wear out or become· damaged they can b� NARROW SWATH HARVESTER.-G. W. N. Yost, Corry. Pa.-The· objeet of b ports. can be aooommodated at low prices. Address Samuel Jones, Bo x removed nd new ne su stitu ed, C. o a harvester which can be drawn onc borse New York. this inYention is t produce by a o s b c 773 and which can mow as much grain as can be bound by one man riding on t e CHURN DASHER.-J D. ellog Jr. Northampton � . K g, . Mass.-This invention Bartlett machine and needle depot, 569 Broadway, New plattorm of the macbine. One man 1'01' blndlng.one boy for driving, and one a new form of churn dasher, by whicll the butter can more re1ates to be York. Nee dles for all machines, hackle, gill pins, etc. WIll to operate the machine. quickly easily made and gatht'redthan any hitherto in us it beil1� horse be all that Is required and by e . o;dy neeesanry to rotate the dasher in one direction to make the a.nd CARPET WEA.VING MACHINE.-Moritz Wolt, Philadelpbia, Pa.-This invf>n butter, Wanted-to correspond with makers of starch manufactur­ in tlJ e reverse dIrection to gather it. tion relate to arrangement of the J cquard attaCh.ment of a carpet loom , ing machinery. Address B. Hubbe, en ineer, 25 Chambers st., New an a g York. and consistss in Hie use a ouble Bet of needles by which the harness is FOR MACHINES FOR PLA I , of d CUTTER HEAD AND SPINDLE N NG RABBETING, OL I G, ETo.-Frank Douglas, NorwlCb, Conn.-This Invention comprises A. B. BroJlghton's oilers are the best in operate . Two fteurecyllnders are employed, one tor eaen set of needles. M D N every respect. d t e t w One cylinder is provi e-d with figurecards in the usual manner and r i ses three impor a t f a ures : irs , ne method of adjusting the cutter� jn the d a as n F t a v head, by which tlley can be hehl more firmly,and by which cap cutters, con­ Balloon for sale-25,000 fe et ma y ot the vertic:)lneedles whicll constitute one Bet as ha e to be lif ed ac ­ capacity-netting and ropes alone n d t y e second, in a cording to tbe pattern. The vertical needles which. are rais elevate the sis n two single cuttt'rs, can be emplo d; llew o� worth $150, all for $400. .• re box 517, Dayton, Ohio. n g of form Address O. T ca constitute the other set and(' those hori­ cutter splnrlle and a Lew m thod of to the shaft, by which can ends of thehorizontal needles which e attactnng it it Sail-sale-sure prevention against sailboat· cap sizings. Pat­ are next s roke of the be instantly adjusted wHh perfect accuracy, and so held for len t zontal needles whicll thus elevated will at the upper any g h of t ent for . .b.lso,�am ples at $8. Dr. Oehme, Plymouth, Mass. holes but no cards, be tllrown back as they WIll no tIme ; and thirdly, in a method of stopping tbe spindle shaft. by wIllch sale cylinder, which has only t new t hole, of the y der r threads of It can �aslly d usted 'Illd Oiled, and by wbich grcatly fitinto he c lin and the eby the the harness WIth b<) a j Its fnction is Situation wanted as assistant railroad engineer by H. A. Col­ ll d so diminished, which snc nee les arc connected will be thrown into the lifter or knife as lin , Packer Institute, Brooklyn. b its next move. s to e elevated by the same during- TRACTIO� �AlLWAY BRA E dolph d' eurense, San FranCiSCO, Cal.-· X .-Ru H Parties desiring patentable improvements in any machine, ApPARA'l.' UB FOR DIST LL ETO.-Gaspar Hunziker, Summit, Miss. This invenlioll ponsists in the applic tion of double lIanged @r grooved I ING WOOD, a manufacture, or process, can This mvention relates to a method ofconstructing an pparatus tor distilling driving·wheel to locomotive engine. engage th e as istance of a rare inventive gen­ a addres ing G. L. Wild, Washington, D.s wood and stone coal , wherehy t e :the eame ius by � h resin and tar contained in BEn CLOTHS HOLDER.-J. B . Munson, Bally HoUow, Pa.-This InYentlOn c. Bre more effectuallY sep rate from the charcoal or car bon, and a c.li where­ has for its object to furnish an improved device fol" securing the bed Clo th Merriman's patent bolt cutters-best in use. Address, for by the sam e is mor ecoDomical1y done. " s e In place npon so as to p event them rom bein of place B. Brown Co., New H ven, onn. the bea, r g th rown 011t Circulars, etc., H. & a C AUGERS AND HITs.-James Swan, Seymour, Conn.-This invention re1ates the restlessness of the sleeper. by To iron and stael manufacturers.-A gentleman who has giv­ to a machine for ma ufacturing screw augurs and bits, and consists in a SPlIING BOTTOM.-E Gibbs, and O. W. Gibbs, Richland Center, Wis.­ n it en several yearg novel Gies and and a clamp. whereby bits and augers may be BED . to study of metallurgy, miner.11ogy, chemistry, geology, This invention has for its object to furni h an Improved spri bed bottom, arrangement of etc., as also,one to iron and stee1 very expeditiously manuf ctured, and at a mo erate co t. s ng; year the manufac re of ,would be pleased a d simple and durable in c oustru tion, which will not allow the heM part to tip tu s c to become connected with some iron or steel establ1sbment on a fair salary • FLUE BLo K -Joh n Binns, Oskaloosa, lowa.-This invention relates to a down. and which will be noiseles!il, easy, and comfortable in use, whether c Address. . box 5636. New York city. , 11 flue block for stovepipes to pass through in a partition or fiooring , in order lain upon by a light or heavy person. . to preven heated pipes from firmg theb uil ing B. Johnson, De Witt, Iowa.-Tbis inventIon has its o ject to fur Wanted-manufacturers of tinsmiths' tools, to address G(lo. t d . VISIli.-F. b ENAMELING MOLDINGs.-John Job nson, Boston, Mass.-Thls Invention re nish a simple and cOllv nient bench vise which shall be so constructed as to Irwin, box 1455. ltts urg , Pa. e M. h h latee to a machine Jor enameling moldings, preparatory to gilding tbe same , adapt Itself to tbe s ape of the ob ect to be held whether said o j ect be P h j b and it consists in a new and improved heating &rrangement lor warming the straight or tapering. For Improved Lathe Dogs and Machinists' Clamps, address, preparation, smoothing br hes, and a craper I all arranged in such manner for Circular, C. Le Count, onth Norwalk Conn us s a A I E.-Lyman Jennings, Winchenden, Mass.-This invention W. S � i f r and In a man­ SHINGLE "M cR N , that the des red work may be per o med expeditiously perfect consists in:the hor1zontal action of the cutter and elevating block rest, to­ ner. ether with the mecham m condUCing to the operation of tll sam c. Brick Machine.-Lafler'sNew Iron Clad has more advantages g s c EXPANSION ENGINE.-A. Seely, Alton, Mo.-This invention consists in an than any other cver invented. For descriptive clrcnlar address J. A. CAR BRAKE.-Wm. T. Parsons, Tllomasville, Ga.-This invention relates to Laf. improved method of st.eam in two cyhnders, the pistons of which ler Co., AlbioD,.Orleans county, N. Y. expi.nding an improved raU-car brake, whiCh consists of shoes pendant with suitable & are connected with cranks at right angles on the same shatt, wh ere y the h mechanism, whereby they let down under the wheel and partially rep exp nsion of !Ilteam in two connected cyHnders Can be'made available and are Wickersham's American oil fe eder-the best and will lead. a ceiving th e weight of the latter, act as a cbock to stop its revolution. practicable on boats or elsewhere. For proof, see advertisement. AC INE.-Walter Britton, bin d n TIRE A g o m. VOTE RE ISEER.-N. A.Patterson, Winchester, Tenn.-This Invention re­ SHRINKING AND PUNCHING M H , G -The object of tbis Inv.ept.i<>n,1s to accomplish the shrmking of wheel tires in Universal filter well.-Drives and works successfully in every lat s to the regi tering votes of the members of an e' 01 .. simple and s effective1II.� I"ner. variety of soil. Patented in Dec., 1867, by Oscar C. Fox, Gevr!(etown,D. () and consists of a c olumn of blocks bearin the raised names of such member9, � ApPLi: PA G AND MAOHI E. Andrew Clark, La ayette, Ind.­ and so co ected hy wires they can be ac na ed to indicate tbe negative RIN CORmG N - F nn that t t Tbe object of this Invention Is to produce machine by means w ich ap­ nfHrmativc votes of each member. The invention contemp1 ates the sub_ a Rare chance for limited capital.-State or the entire right for or 01 b e ples o her similar fruit may be pared, COl·ed, and quartere an expe­ sequent printing of the whol vote, and its mechanism is rranged with ref_ and t d III ale of the weighing and measuring cup," and the U combination funn el," a ditiou rapid manner s " erence to that end. s and . six distinct uses. Two of th e patent out. A ress o best dd Goodes & C MAOHINE FOR DOUBLlO LAPPING SHEET ETAL.-Geo. H. Gold mi h. Wa­ 658 Franklln st .• Philadelphia Pa. s SLEIGH.-Chester Heald, IMarshalltown, Iowa.-Thls Invention relates to M s t . verly, lll.-Thi. lnvention rel the construction of slelgbs, and certain braking mechanism attached t ereto . ates to a machine chiefiy nsed by tm,mlths. It h consists of an automatic hreak bar for bending the tin with a ou ble lap at Prang's American chromos for sale at aU respectable art SRINGLE MAOHINE .-Luther H. Dodge, Ofhkosh, Wis.-This invrntlon re, d the edge, o ether with other devices perfectmg tbe operation of the whole. stores. Catalogues m&lled freebv Pr n Co., Boston. lates to shingle machines, and is more particularly designed as an improve_ t !( L. a g & GUIDES.-T. Milner, ment upon that known as the "Valentine Shingle Machine," though it may be SAW Houston, Texas.-The nature of this improve� ent con is s the arr ngement 01 the part'3 cons ituting the parts of a For breech-loading shot gllns,address C. Parker, Meriden, Ct applicable to other machines, having a SImilar operation of tbe carriage. it m S t m a t . consists in actuating the carriage bolding th e s ln le block back from the guide lor clrculrr saws, so that they can be operated with facility and RCCU' h !( t fo vi and Lubricators, oil cups, and gage saw, by the positive movement of a revolvin arm, thus dl pen in l.r with the racy, together wi h devices r Impro ng perfecting the whole. cocks.-Broughton's are far g s s superior to any. Ad re s Moore, 41 Center st. spring now nsed for that purpose, and obviating the disadvantages attending BREAST PUMP_-Wm. T. Fry, New York city.-Thls invention relates fo an d 3 Broughton & the use of such springs. Imgrovement In hreast pumps that class which are provi ded with an 01 elast c bnlh tor p o ucing the necessary suction . HOE.-Josiah Dodge, Grass Valley, Cal.-Thls invention consists In mak- i r d NEW PUBLICATIONS, Ing tb e hoe with a horn or pick attached to the blade, and with a fork d PAD BILLET -L ydia IHay" Ames. Iowa.-This invention relates to a pad e . shank, therehy adapting it to various new and us ful purposes, and render billet for barnesses, and It consists In a novel construction or parts, Brown, Coombs & Co., e . whereby MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS. 189 tng it much more strong and durable than the ordinary hoe. several advantages are att ned over tbe ordinary leather billet. Broadway, New York. ai II.T. STONE DRESs -H L. Spencer, Social Circle, Ga.-This i vention re- ROPETRaCEs.-Thomas Newman, New Orleans, La.-This invention relates Brown, C. E., a graduate from the otllce of this paper, has compiled . . MILL n and published in book form five lates to: an improved method of dressing mIll stones for grinding wheat, to an improvement in rope traces for harnesses and it consists in a novel hundred and seven ene:raVlngsof mechanical e movement", with letter de criptions of h. Pl'lce $:1 ; by mail, $1 .15. corn, or other grain. manner 01"s curing the clips to the trace, whereby the press s eac firm connections of See advertisement on back page. trace with the collar barnesand whlmetrees are ohtained, and the trace SELF-L GHTING ApPAR TUS.- Gustav Miiller, Newark.N. J.-Thls inven- I A - adapted fur all kinds of harnesses. tion relates to certain improvemellts on the well known:Dobereiner·s infiam­ GOTHIC ALBUM FOR CABINET MAKERs.-Henry Carey Baird, mabIe lamp, and consists In arranging the ube throug;h which the hydrogen PAPER Box.- illiam Armour, Belfast, Ireland.-This Inven tion relates to 406 Walnut street, Philadelphia. t W Price $3. passes in a vertical position, and in suspending the spongy pJ atinum above an improvement the construction of fancy paper boxes, deSIgned k c III more This wor comprises a colle tion of twenty·three engraved designs for the same, and In protecting the platinnm In a perforated bell. especially for holding gloves, bandkerchiefs, confectionery. etc. The object Gothic furniture of the newest and most beautiful pltterns. of the invention is to obtain by a simple arrangement two compartments PANTALOON MEASURING RULE.-Patrick W. Dolan, Jersey Citv N. J.­ L SS NS , which , when the box is opened , are both accessible, each being provided E O IN ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC AND R­ This invention has lor imple and easy way for obtain­ By Henry E. Roscoe, B. F.R.S., ProfessorO of its ohject to furnish a w1th a separate or In enen ent lid. The inventlollhas also for Its object a GANIC. A. , ing the correct measurcment for gentlemen'ss pantaloons, so that r, o mi take d 1 s fastening by which the box mav be kept in a Closed state and still be re adily Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. Wm. Wood can be easily made in he length and other measurements, and the inv ntion t e opened when a new and imp & Co., 61 Walker street, .New York. consists In an ext n e rnle, with a measuring tape attacbed thereto. closed, the device as a whole being designed as proved article 01 mannfac t ue for the purpose specified, both useful and A handy duodecimo volume p esenting the prinCiple and most important � d d ' r chaste or ornamental. tacts of modern chemistry in a plain but sCientlfic forms calcnlated for ele­ BOAT PROPELLER.-D. H. Heyen, New York city.-Thls invention CANAL mentary instruction. The metriC system of weights and bas for Its object the constrnction and arrangement of a propeller wheel COMBINATION OF SQUARE AND BEVEL.-H. G. Taylor, Port Hope. C. measures and the W.­ centigrade thermometric scale are used throu�hout the work. which shall be adapted to the propulsion of boats on canals, more especlaJly, This lnvention consists in a combination·of a square and bevel, whereby t1).e but to propel boats on all navigable waters ' which may be used . blade may be set at required or bevel, and at the .ame time a COACHMAKERS JO RN . Ware any angle INTERNATIONAL U AL I. D. E PER. G. W. square be alway reserved. Editor and Publisher, 413 Chestnut COMBINED MOWER AND R A - N. Yost, Corry, Pa.-Thls Inven­ .. street, Philadelphia e : tion relates to a mower and r aper, so arranged that the finger bar and its SHARPENING CUTJ,RBY.-Augustus Thayer, Albany, N. Y.-This invention This is a montbly publication of 24 pages, devoted to the Interests of the appendages can be easily raised over obstructions, wbile mO ing, and can relates to device for sharpemng cutlery, and is more esp cially desie-ned carriage new stylcs ot W a e builder. Every number contaIns engravings of be held in an elevated position fo r reaping, tb e finger bar being held steady for sharpening table cntlery, scissors. pocket knives, etc., but It may coaches. wagon bodies, improved gearing, and a price current for material be nsed . and prevented from lateral motion by a gnlde, in which the linger bar plays r Terms $2 a ye r 25c. tor sin g-lenumbers . fo sharpening cutlery of varions kinds. a j np and down. JOURNAL Box.-James Rohinett. Petershurg, Va.-This invention relates THE WORKSHOP. E. Steiger, 17 North William street, New DISTIL:'ING ApPARATUS.-Adolph Meyendorff, New York city.-Thls In­ to an improvement in that cla s of bearing pieces employed in c r axle boxes, York. t It WIll distill :-: s vention relates to a distilling apparatus, so arranged tba dl· In wbich the bearing of the body piece is oflron, tbe main por ion the con­ No. 40t" this new magazine, devoted to ornamental designs and the practi t 01 . rectly j\-om tbe mash, and so that none of the alcoholic contents of the mash vex surface being of Babbit met�l, and the central portion being of brar::s. cal arts,ifl. just pubhshed. PrICe 50 cents. are lost, and the spirits separated , according to their degree of pnrlty. and The improvement consists in a new method of attaching the brass centra.l that the condensed !1qnld in the rect ficatorwlll be ecomposed so to give plate to the iron body 01' the bearing i d as piece, form.r will be whereby the Inventions Patented off any alcoholic parts that may remain The invention consists cbiefiy more securely held in po�itioD, and prevent d from workiog out, or being In En2'land by Americans. In it. e in the uBe, in:onc apparatus, ot two stills, which re connected by means of thrown out by any acci ent. [ComplIed from tb.e " Journal of the Commissioners Patents."J a. d 01 pipes in such manner that the vapors arising from one will be forced through FOR REJEWELI G WATOHES.-C. Hopkins, Philadelphia, o IMPROVED TOOL N PIWVISIONAL PROTECTION FOR SIX MON'rHS. the mash in t e other, ,0 as to take up all the alcoh l tbat w0uld otherwise P T e h a.- his tool is designed te facilitat the work of the watch repalrer, in OTHER COVERINGS FOR THE HEA TO OBTA.IN VENTILA­ remain be second still. TION960.-HA'rs AND COMFORT AND IN WEAR.-George D , in t lifting the fiangeof th e socket or bezel in which the previous jewel, now Deas, New York City. Marclt 21. 1868. broken out. was set, so WOOD, CAR AXLE Pa a. lll.-This Invention has lor its ob­ into place 1.363.-PURIFYING,ATE AND .!fIRE SEASONING, AND PRESERVING AND CAP .-William Wer ts, n that tbe new jewel can be readily dropped R PRooF.-Theodore W. Hinemann, New York MA.IUNGA rITl ject to furnish an improved cap for car axles, which shall be simple in con· It may also be employell lor reaming out the socket or bezel where it is too 2"'r 18G8. clty . p i an small for the new jewel. or has been damaged hy the hreaking out of the ol 5 T TOR struction, effective in operation, and easily opened q closed. d i p AND one. p� � -;-� 1��1 �5��:S�� FURNACIli.-S. Lloyd Wiegand, Philadel- CROZEs.-John ofer, Bell All',Obio .-Tbis invention has for Its object C. H 1,370.-TELEGRAPHY. AND CONSTRUOTION ANDARRANGEMENT OF ApPARA- to improve the construction of crozes, designed especially for slnck work, �� ������������L�� G ���ff��� INTELLIGR�CE.-Lancelot H .E ventt, uc flour, apples, sugar, cracker, and salt barrels, n il kegs , aud other EXTENSION NOTICES, �6r. s h as a Barn KOV Ne b rgh cooperage of similar character. �f.6·A��il��:i��DDiG FIRE-ARM.-Kiel V. e , C. E., w u Ellas Ingraham of Bristol, Vonn" h vin petitioned for the extension 01 a N , a g 1,3B4.-HAIR WIND MILL.-G. J. Tborn Pecatonica, TlI.-Thi. Invention relates to a patent granted to him the 3d day of September, 1861, for an Improvement SEATING, AN SEAMI OR JOINING HAIR SEATING T DIC MODlilS WITIl011' 4 I NG E .- , y in design for HJ.. R AO Charies method of constructlng wind mills. whereb the fans 01 the same are always clock case front, for seven years from the expiration of said �:ric� :�� ���i1�8��8:8� F Bradley , ProTi-

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. titutifit !mtdtau. 410 J L JUNE 27, 1868. CI TOCK", DIES, AND SCREW PLATES, OUNG MEN who seek Personal Improve­ Hortop', aDd other Chucks. JOHN ASHUROF'I', ment and Prom.)tlon· YOUNG WOMEN whowo p N�w York. 26 1350 "doY nld �lttladtl ltta .Iohu� st" s",mr:thing- ;" Parents, Teachers,and otbers may bavfJ A n I , PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL Philadelphia dve s g Patrons. wlloprefer t can the $3 Illustrated six months, 11]1'"" rti i ...... a t�ne. in clubs oJ:10, $1 orders forwarded through T. Back I'age ...... "on trial." at flach. Addr€'s� iHlvetheir V. Carpenter . .... $1.00 BA.LL & CO., Wore ester, Mass., S. R. WELLS. 3S9 Broad y. New York Agent. 313 •...... wa resident North S th street. Inside Page , .75 ce'nts a i2ne. Manufacturers ot the lat('st improved patent ix uaniels',• Woodworth 's, and Gra Wood's Planers, Sash Engram1u.Js may head cdvertuemmts at the MoldR ing, Tenoning, Power and yFoot & MortIsing, Upright OR IRON AND WOOD WORKING lindVertical Shapmg and Bormg Machines, Scroll Saws, Machinp ' Steam En e:1ne BOIlers, and SupoUe8, WICKERSHAM'S same rate per line, by meaS1trement, the lnter o addressF� HIN SON LA.IT ENCE, 8 as D uble Saw Bench. He·Sawing, and a varlety of orher HUT 3 & tt Dey st.' .l pre8s. macbines for worklDg wood. Also. the best Patent Hubfor � e and RaH-car �lortising' Machines in the world. Send Am ric n Oil Fe eder. our illustrated catalogue. 25 52 GENTS Wanted to sell the best money­ a mak1ng out. See Scientific American , Vol. XVII., No. 21. article Samp'le,with riceS sent by H mo on pC1"s,look here ma Oc. A e Co .• TTslng, in six nt s, oZ.oil 2� in.journal ; per- Ho usekee GREAT SALE OF A24\f.°;f ddr ss Caseade SprihgK eld. tt. e t e b e2% you oUt' ousehold . & Levy VE sccn l'utented H f � ife:t !!:l�_�ii:;:�a r� ��e::i�a�rOf'''_Ne'tfte Articles? Uspful, Slmplp, and Durable. H THAT Dry Goods, Carpet�ngs, U There .s no need ot' a�y furt er improvement in that A wClghs, without springs orweight f om �-oz. BURR MILL TONES Une."-Jacob Hae nlen. b 1Jl.t'.PII E�" !l, "r O T SHOES, Silver Plated Ware of FHENCH S ' h a i e & BOLTlNG CL )THS, "More eCODOlllDisstlcalon. and reliable than any mode 1 ever �.OI1i�S':L�l�r �E \V�N£;E�� ���bi��� � �ll�!�'e O Of used."-Henry ���;;i! all kinds,S .<\lbums, and a va;iety of valuable and the very bf'stqual ities imported, F o apple corer, cake curter. pie crimper, rad�sh g-rater, and u�elul art a In use at airm unt Water Works, Phf1adelpbia,PnbUc gr(:>"n corn �heller. "THE . aDJUSTABLE nRK1JG� ," B I�i:tD�ii��� c �o�� �ri Ledger. Clark Tnread Co .• ewark. N. J., alld many r fo r Each AJ.·tic . oth��Pg���e f; R;: by N by fSu�l�ril �r l,�Pii'�SsriJ�lLb d A C le GEO. TALLCOT. others. !'���J:i��d . �f��N i\�6 LD��:; heck, de,crlbing an article selected from onrof stock 14 13' 96 Liberty street, New York. Agents Wanted. Clrcnlars spnt. heat of flatlron, while fonale at One DoU�r. will be sent on the receipt three B, WiCKERSHAM SON, pro'ects the handof� from thp the on cents to pay Dostage. No charge tor SChf'dulf'sor Cbecks J, & using. ofSamplcM eaclI-G pieces-ba oxed andof shippeduseful made at tbls Establishment. Send or Circulars, 3S tbis 26 os2eow 143 Sonth Front st., Plllladelphla. reCtlpt $1 50. We are ori"erirJg variety other of l artlClcs. ou t e ]s the most Hberal sale the kwrt in the country. Ad- C ntv Agpnts �9:nted 1n a11 h States. and FARNHAM ALMER'S Tcrntorics. Large Gomml\or con- VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, VINEGAR.-Prof.H. vex snrface at A. J. WILKINSON CO.'S, "l7ABRICATION OF l Burning. 22 Seow» 2 Was ngton st.,& Bosto . Re2;ulatr:d by the Governor. Sole Manufacturers in the (1 DUSSAUCE, Chep.!ist,is read to turIl sh th� most F. O l M nutacturer hi n United States Pa ent ' recent proces�es to manufacture vinpgary by the slow and Nos. 61 and 63 Main street.S. BuPRAaSE,lo, i , a , cf Westons's t quick metbod�, with and withont alcohol, direCtly from B.-Reliable orders tilledtr anyN. Y.part of the world. Self-Centering Centrifugal Sugar Draining o New L o Y. N for 71f D. FAY'S IMPROVED WOOD-TURN- - c rn or ottlergr."ins. Address, eban n. N. ING LATHES for every Maehine• 25 2" • variety of work. Ward­ well'r1Patf'nt Saw Bench,etc. L rto 's ten L Machinists'Tools22 a ndo athe Ba l Pa t IX ENGINE L THES 19 and 21·inch AHMER'S THERMO-ELECTRIC BAT- Chucks. Manufactory. Worcester, Mass. e w tf A . TERY, R o WROUGHT IRON RETORT LIDS, swing, turn a.nd 5 ft •• WIth and without cross W. H. emingt n. Manuf�ctuft>rand Agent. S ta.per 8. 4, o Planers, 3� Manutactory at Cob asset, Mass. ffice and :salesroom, ANUFACTURERS- rinckmann's Patent feed aurt attacbment ; and thr(�e Ir n No.F 109 Court btreet, Boston, MaSR. O B ft. x 16·in. x 16·in., unequalled tor stiffness,accuracy, and And others uslnlrSteam Engines, can, by applying 1 r This Battery does away enttrel with acids, qnjck8il- IND �CATOR, o o of STEAM HAMMERS, ���veniep�tAjl c(l.�riart ford, o u kl d t a r e Mthe the o r ascertain tile c cdlti n their En. �� � ��P'��E� � C nn. ;;�e,�:t e�\ t��l���nKn gf h���, : ���fe ��� ���!�r b�� gines ; p we required to do their work, or any Dor­ witbout valves. Address till to tion thereof; the economy of fuele xpended when com­ ing that r.equ1red put tb iS batt ry into actlOn. It w]tb o , MERRICK OILER FELTING SAVES TWENTY- l an constant.fs and requires no care,p pertorming tbe parpd ofp wer developed. Tbe undersig-ned m'lkesa & SONS. ts c � , · 23 tf speCialty this branch of engineering, and 1lI walt on eow tf] 430 WashingtonAve .• P1J1ladelpbla.Pa. llve percent of Fnel. JOHN A!!HCROFT. wor � vI any acid battery. any party wbo desires w 18 26 13 50 Jo York. his setVIces. InstInments furnish- hn st., New ed and instrnction gIven. F. W. BACON, B HE .HOMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION, 18 tfeow Cons n Jolm .• N. n!.i lt Engineer, 84 st Y. w1th 12 portraits of the distinguished livmg Prelates • Steel Letter Cutting and Priests in America. See .Tuly No. PHRENOLOGIOAL MPO TANT GORDON. Lynn, JOURNAL.T Only ;.O cents, or year. Newsmen have . MOST VALUABLE MA- H. W. Mass. $8 a it. Rfor n- By chiue plani g, irl�egul3.r Dnd st.raigbt work, in �3 4' wood, is the Variety Moldmg and o MANUFACTURERS OF 1ST·CLASS PIANO FORTES A ER P W I e Planing- Ma�hinc. f r T all branch s of wood working-. O.ur imnrovpd gnards 10 Arcll Uh.ap andO ReliabEHle-a- t Marseilles, . Illinois, to e e m a 19 9 No. 6 street. Pa. WLpase, in any quan�ity. and L ts for Manufaduring or ��� ��:�l�;gr�s ��t; 'ce��. o} g�t�?::nt��. :;:o�·�rn��t�e;� Philadelphia, Dwelling PtlrJ�ose for sale at olow rices. Sltuated on cu n e a i ss . n � i 8 c h �� i!�� i��;� �ct�� :� '�n1ir�:fr:' g� our InE-PROOF CONS te n ��� a��'st�l' l��r��; f������� TRUCTION.-GIL- �::�:�:t �n�����t rigbt patents on this machine. We caution ti e ubl1 Cf> -wJ2 � ����� Co., fJ c bert's Corrugated ...Iron ng for fire·proof Mar�wllles Land and Water·powerIf Marseilles, against purchasing such. No. 4�9 Ht " ALLEN & FISCHEH, 111. All communications mnst be dd esse to COMBINA· buildings. Ottlce Walnut street, Philadelphia. DODWORTH, 23 13 TlON MOLDlNG a r rl FWrought !rom Beams 01 all Slzes. All kinds o Corru· l\,'-U;:-;IUAL INSTIW M.ENTS AND PLANING MAUHINE CO .• f P. O. 3,230, New York city. g �e � ron. �·Ire·proo 1-"J... Of an kinds ad e Order. Rpnd for price list. Box tor � l 3 M to 6 A o New Pat'd Wo od Benders, Our machi"es we warrant. Send descriptive pam- 5 8�!�l:L�E"R¥�r§����1n tendent. 24 st r Place, York, phlet. Agents soliC ed. 20 tf eow .1 OHN c. MORInS, it No. 122 East street ...... Ci nclnnati. Ollio. Bridesburg Manj 'g Co., Sheet and Roll Brass, 23 4· 2d Office No. Front Street.. VE R Y IMP ORTA NT. PHILADELPHIA.65 1\nrth - THE WHOLE FOUNDATION OF THE OLD VARIETY n PA.. BRASS AND COPPER WIRE, MOLDING MAOHINE. GE AR Manufacture all ds of o ton and Woolen Machinery OODWORTH PLANERS A SPE· bnilt at New York.T ls the Including their newki U t German SHver, ete., UlALTY-From new p erns tbe most PATEN r, extended Sept. 30, 1867. he C. M. and P. Self-Acting Mules W att of ap- MaC ine Com�4ny OW!! ONLY A VERY LITTLE OF THE mo and Looms, Manufactured by the a h a PATENT.h outs de of the State of .New York. The own. Of tile st apDroved style. Plan· drawn and estimates �0������� 6��:t3����ri�:W�i! :i���t i GEAR AT fnrDisbed for factones of anv size. Shaftmg and mil THOMAS MANUFACTURING CO., �;Worcester,����:�ll:. Mass. ers. soleand Attorneys for owners,of of tile P ENT. earin made to order. 20 tf 16 13' RUGG and manufacmrers the best improved macllines g g Conn. WITHERBY & RICHARDSON. made for planmg and g t 1'homa�ton. moldmgto stro a he and irregular Special attention to particular sizes and widtbs for forms in wood. perfectly safe adjustableperat . with improv· � F e 23 26· BAND AND WIVES may learn ed Feed Table, aud improved I collars tor Type ou d rs Machinisttz,etc. m; S o o 100 n . :J�.1.. Romethlng to their advantage by readin� tbe pjcto­ c mbotinat i n f'.uttel'R. Sl\ve1ng' per cent Lfor all tbe rial PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, at $3 a year, or, in clubs rest the United Stat�sl are ofI "on trial," from .July to Januarv, at $1 eaCh. Ad- A. S. GEAR. JOHN GEAH & CO., tu, WELLS, 38U o Y. New H Co o N. H. dress S. R. Br adway, N. aven. Conn., and nc rd, We Warrant our Machines. and Caution the Our New Catalogue of licpr to Buy Machines Lawful Owners ONLY. Pub· Im­ ATER-WHEEL GOVERNORS, Q/ DIES: - We are Sole Manufacturers the on • proYed STENCIl, More than First·CIa Line 11]1'"" oft c ly practicable MONTH is being1l1ade •• Sbattl and Pulleys. Address GU'lrdsinvented. Tbey can be ta hed Mac in iththem W G�F;f;NP<:A:r 'I'CO., a tQ any h e, $2FR00AEE w lR tf !nhlr-t,24 eow tf S, M, SfF;NCI"R& CO,. llfltttlebpfo;Vt, & Sellrl a . �9.stt

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 'citutifit �tUttitau. JUNE 27, 1868 ] 411

IT.-A $3 Magazine, in clnbs of 10 ORD BROUGHAM ; Abbot Lawrence sent half a "t'ar."on trittT,"for $10, or only $1 each' L Pit Tile. HY PURENOLOGIOAL JOURNAL. Zadok Pratt 1\1i88 ,t::;ing'flrj Pet{'r Van Cornel1u s MaEW chineryAND SgCOND·HA jorND SaMILLINGle. PictC?I'ial New Vol .. 4Rth' the j a group of Heautlf ·Womf'Y1 T WELLS, 3d9 , v( I'di composer; ul ,in July N or Slabbing Machines, of best C DPtruction, Edging bcgms \YuhJu ly No. 8. H. ll'dway N. ' No. PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Or,ly $3 a O (4 Y. SOc., or year Machlnes, Screw-making Machines, Drill Prt'sses In clubs of 10, six monthe on tfl al, $10. f r a S. WELLS. 389 Broadway, New , c , n e i �� H. York. ��t�d;:� ��n ���: �f �in�� �C��h : ���:: :ar� -�!���i �:���n�� J>:� �£!r��� lIo��; f�:cgi���� ¥t�!��t:':r�� RiH.in� Machines, Pistol-ba.rrelBOring Macbines, Clamp Mililng Macnlne" Gun Stockin Machinery of best uall' RIC'lSau'IONLE8Slt' sLocomotive Patent Valves, 61&i· 2'n �:1����e��o:n�gr1��n r:Jl\ f � F ly applled ; requires no ('flanges. ASTINGS-Hardware, Sewing Machine, o ��'e��to��� ��fis�:s���;: 25 11] &T. SAULT COMPANY. New Haven. Vonn or other small gray iron caRtlngS,ot Buperior quality, efts izes, 150 Glass Hanging Lamps lor Kerosene Oil, for M. at York. Fa tor use,l bbl. Lamp Chimneys. etc., etc Addr ow rates, delivered tn New Addre6B c ) . ess BLASTING BY ELECT Q24 J ONES. COXE & CO., Reading, Pa. WHITNEY ARMS CO., RICI'rY. S' Whitneyville, ncar New Haven, Conn . ...y 21, 1868 23 8 TRIAL.-Ten Copies of a first·class $3 BISHOP'::; Magazine six months for $10. The Pictori l PHRE· NOLOGICALN JOURNAL sent in clubs ot'10,from Julva to Jan. at $1 co y new vol.-48th-beglllswith July ELE CTRIC O • p . A the No. THINK OF IT-on e of the best Scientltlcand Literary ITH GUTTA·pEReRAFU CAPS.SE, Also Monthlies ever published. The Trenton Monitor '.ys of W ELECTltlC�I AC IlIN E S, for use with the above' i i n h fu ll1shed to order, of any size tt� bi'i��t��� i: ��� ;��: ����cEr:fe� St;�� g��a �� j�; ATCHES, AND ROSKOPF'S Patented r required. readers." Terms as above-no devlation-monev with W People's WatCh. cased in Swedish Silver. The BISHOP'::; GUTTA-PERCHA CAPS the c�ub. or P. O. order. ddr improvpd Alumimu m onze a metal di1fering ent.1fely in registered letter, In A ess allY Br u'Rbl . Its qu l For �xpl?ding Nitro Glyr�rin, with S. WELLS. No. 389 Broadway. New York. trom ever oUered to the p ic n tw1\ anrl re· �htch Fuse, on hal:d H. s(�mt>lancc to Gold m'e Buch that even judgesi have heen a,ud iurl��sbea· to order wlth RrompLnPs�. and warranted a r s �Ilre lre' � 'UEf YMAN KINi::lLE Y &, CO., ���1�;6��en��\J� �I�� :l�i �11���W:g t F S M ��l�fI�;: g��l'J����aY����tr . A Da for all. Stencil tool, sa,mples L Cambridgeport, Mass. of tllc press in consequence of its peculiart��11�; propl��1�ci�)��erties,1:1�11� but 25 2 113 �iberty st., New York. free. A dress A. J. LAM, Spring:t1el d, Manufacturers of Steam Hammers, Belt Hammers, bas also at the Pa EXPOSltIOll. 24 r. �' UL Vt. Power Shears, M n s, Heating }I' urnaces, ohtained a Gold Medal ris 4 Cutting·off aChi e 1'he movements are well finl3hed, pert'ectlyre2'ulated, ICHARDSON, MERIAM & CO. $10 Mach1nery, Wagon and Car Axles, Forgings, Castmgs, t o s R Man etc., t . 25 4 U d ufacturers of tbe latest improved Pa'tent Dall T;"ORSTEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW e c :�rc;, �;����� � ;;����� t��:�� i�c�re�7ti!!�: leIs' and Woodworth Planln� Machines Matching Sfl.sh J' Cotton Gin address the ALBERTSON AND keepers.�1 �� PrIce from $16 to $22. fI.nd Molding, noni g, Borin'�, Shapln Mm., •. detaIls be my . e ne Mortisinl'!:, g' Ver­ OUGLASS MACHINE CO' .. New London, Conn. Furthe,· will found pamphlet, which tIcal and CircularT H -sa'R ing M ach i s ' Saw ) 15 tI EAUTIFUL WOMEN.-National Types: will sent, In Ar:bors,Rcroll ne , �aw Mills be postpaid, on demand. Saws. Rail'wav,Cut. oft·, and Rip Saw 1\1a­ B Rus­ as or m nt of ain • .Also. English, French, German. Austrian, Turkish, A full s t e ch s Aluminium Bronze chmef', !,poke �nd Wood �prning Lathes, ann various sian. Grecian, SWltIS, "Oli811, Chinese, Swedish, Dutch, CaRes for 'Valth�m WatChes. Goods seL.t by express, otht'r klUds of WOOd-wofHng mfl.chinery. Catalcrgues � k �r.� Japanese, etc" with portraits, in July No. PHRENOLOGI­ C. O. D .• with cha'f�c�. Address and price lists sent on nlJ£"IH'ation. Manufactory, 'V or­ �SON.� � OAL JOURNAL 30c., or $3 a l b of 10. ix JULE8 D. HUGUBNIN VUILLEMIN, W a h u 107 M. J.-MEl'UALF& Y(�lt.r j c u s s months CP � ass. e o s , Llbert,y st., .New Yoi·k. KEY23 4* CHECK101 8t.,S Mass. t ia , for, $10. S. WELLS, 389 Broadway, 20 N o 44 Nassau st .• ' r Union .Boston, "un r l " R. N. Y. tf . New York. 2{ 8 lv c

=-c-==-= ------=-=-=-----=-=--==: 218 E'iucation. tecbnlcal ...... 249 Iron, Area of tbe States and Territories cast. corrosion of...... 58 Obituary oe w. M. Gil1c�plc...... o Arsenic for disel\Ses of the skill. . . 305 Egg�' preserving ...... 325, 242 tron Coa:eo with copper or bra-ss. B3H Ob3trnctions the i\Iiss)�sippi 4� .•...... 35 Electrical Ii ...... 358 Iron ep . 111 rc- ILLUSTRATIONS. Oller, shaft jou nal . etc., Dreyfus' 24 8 Artesian wells, a theory of engine, new . . .. d o�;q ts, our ...... ,...... 9 r . . e cal lle O n ...•...... 68 e n . . 213 Artificial Ivory ...... 248 E l etri p rl meno 82 Oil.���;r�·�iij()i;::::: n� the air... 66 j1� e trlc sepa tl goula, etc 363 :: . ���tt��� 'l!e�t�� &; Artltlclal ligbt. lnjurl l c al ra On of .. ;1e·s·tiiDi;��� fo)' colorle.�s:: tJrYIl: :::::::::l�. �t12.tF g���� � rs ha m. .. . . 72 thermometer •...... 37'1 t�g�,��:,ns�����fl�: ��'d' 011 P'lHlt, A very: .:':'s ...... 302 ArtifiCialm ee c u ...... Electrical OIl wasted in slops. etC. . ' " ...... i . t ficia slates and blaCkboards.. 67 Electricity, a pl ti n . liS .-. . •.••... HH Oven. baker ' rotary, K nkele's .. 97 Ar i l p ica o s 01 . . 1U, Oil wenpnmplng ...... A d t n . . 83, 170 JlJ l t o-ma netism as mut ��g ?J ;gi· :: : . . .. yoke bows, Post" 373 ArtitlClal R o e stucco, etc .. . ec r g i ve Ommblls ]\1 Alcohol In mente Ox •...... wbat, comes from. . 102 ...... •...... 30S :�!1 � : : : :: SUhWl-WR...... er d liquors de· Ash barrflls. . . power EI3 and epirteml(;:-l . . . . :.! f OnlOn� ...... 1G.,t te mi e ...... •. . .••••.•• • 68 AsaayO c in york ...... 390 Elec bV ·J�;,�g�eii: ::::�·m:: :::::.':.':.'��: r n d. . ffi e New ... trop1atltlg paper witH SIlver, .. Optlcd.l pjt"ects. curious ...... 211 p Astor Jlbrary ...... 357 etc ...... 317 lig�(ron ��t�trade.d' EnglIsh ...... 4i053 ...... Op tical illU"lOOS ...... �!'j7,*29?.*�5G temperature and ma h nery •. ... lro,}work aud...... B Kin ' ....••...... 405 Atmospberic Elpgauce usefUL in C i 322 pttinting pre:3erv- Ornamentation ot'maCll 105 Packim! ring, g s ...... 291 IndeM ...... 21'1 n lnerY,etc. Paper file, ...... 261 snow ...... Overland route. Am r an Clarke's .. . . . i •...... •.... lro� e c •• 152 , ...... • Em o l m ll 276 torkS: Britll�h i Balky horses, cure for, Beebee's Petroleum stove. Rinks' . .. 392 a g hrst Nc',,,: OX�'gen ga� f'r'lm mangaueHE'.ptc. 361n Bedstead, d ck' ...•...•...... 357 Enameled cloth, . . 281 Iron-workmg tools, cum ou i�� t Pe rl s Pipe cutter, Galleto d's ...... 312 manufacture of E;;gia�brI'd:::�- o a i clJupling, Thomae' ....••••..•. 241 De r B * E gin s pO E;r ot 195 Belt n e , cn.lcnlatin� the W oz �l�·tes�� .��.. ..�. I:�. ���·�.��I�� . . lath!;",new ...... 39.1 � ' ' b h Par t ...... 8 Engraving . . iXlirio' ... 68 Blacking rus , e 's . . .. ���(��W!��l�:�:l;k·�;th', s:: : �:��:tj�!·��d th'e g�g . IVO ;�O� key's:etc: ::::: Ozone, new views�� of...... 389 .•..••...::�:: Elctllng l s offinor. �par. 313 paCJdn,e' M r 's 276 Membard's: :: ..•. ::: �81 cask· boring'w'..�aiher:.. . . 69 g as aid bS; �� Bobbins, plan for , o se Planer and sloLter, Beetlps. hy .H t duster, Clark 148 New�artts . . ole .•...... •...•....•...... • *85 Explorer, adaring...... 4 ol Bnd & Elting's. . Plnw cleVIS, ...... 177 Belt h s .J OT n bar cutt ...... 52 atllt: ...... 1�� .b:xnlo�ive oils ...... 217 p B i g er s.. .. Post driver. Fltcl, ...... 193 Belting, artHlcial le r mac ln , Crofoot's...... 33 s t . a ls ...••...... 67, 164 ExtenSion noticeil. . 7, 23.39. 71, 103, Pllcifi.c Hrlck h e Power mortlser, Bart let 's ...... 177 ,Bessemersteel r r i1road pt·ogrefls...... 281 m bi e, Havden's ...... 369 s si 119, 151. 17<1. 199 . �38. 251. 2G3, P n f-l. Brick ac n a�kto g and wh te metaL .... Brick m ch ne Sergeant's ...... 321 ����lb �!h���J{�:U�I�!����'�.:::::: �r::���� �fcilb, ��:�:���L.� ���:::: 1 279, 295. ::118, 326. 350 , 359. 375, 391 PaInt, ch ... :u ·a a i , 2 �� emlstrv of.i ...... Sh pa d · ...... 161 � and its ...... 217 Eyes,;p rotecting melal workero' .• 278 Palllting�, l'rPrH�rvatioll .. 153 Brick press. e r � Puncbmg m\tcbine,S eifurth's ..... 360* Blowpipe URes K ...... eU- ast i o l1 so ' •• 824 xplo os, etc ..•...... •8, 163 01' . M5 Button, s f en ng, J n n � Punching press, Wilder's...... 7:! Boiler e io Paper, 8uIDburized ...... 221 Boilers, cast !' ...... 153 I}ero�ene la.mps ...... 227 . steel...... F ...... P(tr�Bite.'! on ill.;ecLs,etc ...... • . • ... • -11325 n o Paris E '" 2D� c Boners, the strength of. . . xpo� tion. skewhes frolll R "'ones, dissolving ...... 113 Fabric for hats. cops, etc ...... 230 �iJ�I� v� S���� �ade: :::::::;::: i 2 in i . � • t t g ...... 387 i�� Rtt.Hway chair,Down ine;'B ..• . . ..• Facts. eres n Passenger travel, Britlsh 30 s 406 8,l��uo'i, ii;g·or:::::::::::::: Fan, rotary ventilating ...... , 74 t)i 18 ran; i ' � Rubber shoe stay, Weldenm an' .. 49 L Patent Defore Congre s ..137 2:��Car rep���YFrJe:,lacer, Jamison'sa��ll �'��� ...••.•••••.����::.'� 876 Br��::::ld�e plers and tloatln2Ice ...... ���244 S Patent tefls,propo"ed reducS'tion 217lRS Labor ...... III Carriage wheel, Sl\wyer's ...... 117 BrItish instltutlou of Civil Engl· J:��� Dt:Jg���:;��?�.·:.·.·::.a·.·.·.·.·.·.: and luck...... 40 Patent Office11 Iustrations . 10:1 :356 Chains made wltllOutweld ing .... 136 S npers ...... :: ...... 162 Flber� ft om WOOd, etc., sep rating 218�Wo ltabor and epubl i can institutioUI-. Patent Ofltce Report.for 18M::: .98: 105 Cherry stoner, Geer's ...... 289 ...... :.:.-.•...�. -tt5S ...... ,...... 56 r �2 . . . . . ck t. Lamborn·s...... potassium ; .... ,lf�lle8, hardentng . . i . Patent, Page's induction COlI, Goodsell's ...... 87 Safety po e 8 Br&Bronzem1de colori>f." , witll It ld ...... • 1'�2 t:bg�: ��ille'd: :: Uhimney cap, e a s . for copper and brass.344 Flle:!recut c s v�iit� � 24 5i 2 Cloth winder, 24 sohd back ...... •...... 314 !i'iles,U8es of oid ...... 313, 374 Lamp :ot ..::::::::. ... 1843 Patent Frink's ...... 1 G���h:: �d!� o�q � ::::::::: l�g Bru<.;,hes, . . .. . explo�ions. Cause . . que�tlon, decision or . . : Bmldlng. b y planned ...... 137 Fme arts applierj to i nuu t y ...... 170 I� 'l.mpblack, •...... 1€9 e ? \ �:Saw: pprforat.ed, Emer�on's 6M adl s r manuftl.ctureof P(\t nt suit for stove machine.. . . .! 1 ::1 plates, ns cu agamst . 291 ot small .• 195 Baldwln's a tom ic ...... 312 u n i BUIldings i e re firt-'. . . Fire engines, efilclf'ncy La.the, u at Patent�. Com m Issioner of 25 137 �tg���:l�ri:sl ��\�:�: ����g�����232', �g180 made tlre·proof. ...' 388, 394 .t<'ue, smence 01 ti U1s ing .. ... 21 L a, near View ot flowing'...... •. 106 �::i�� ���h'i�.dlfcll��� : .� .l���:�: Buildings ex ng- h av Patents in Ohl . s 'ile of . . . :::::: . . : 408 81g;�� ��:I�!r����:�?��6��iili ...... 214 as ...... 185 eath , n O Sawmill be�d block, Whitmore's. �81� Buoys,electric marine lood ...... L er manufacture of Fre ch . . 274 Patents, l'Acpnt. Amprlcan and Sc ...... 264 wool. r yin ...... 170 }' Iames, mUSICal aud s ns tiv ...... 355 Leather, pre8�rvation of for. & arff's Shan pulley, wb eler s ...... 812 Burs In dest o g e i e t ...... lOt eign ..6. 22. 5-1. 70.86. 103. 118. Clutch, adjustable Gregory & s 21 Burymg alive ...... 376 Flower 2'ardensof Paris ...... •... 227 Life pro ected In public builaln�s 21 131. 150. 166,S8.182. 198, 2l5. , f 's n p s rvi fresH.. n 230, 246 Melotte'...... 232 � �r �:f:i H;:i��' ·BrOWD: · & Business sbrewd ess ...... 106 Flowers, re e ng ...... 70 L�ff'·s::l.vmg' i ventions •...... ••249, 376 262, 278. 294. 310. 326.313,358, 371: 390 . F a c .•....••.. 277 g� paracflute...... *29,'3 f'opy boldt�r, La r n e's Sbarpe's ...... 56 Flying ...... t Patentablhty of medicl\l and sur- Corn Ch a ' ....••••.• 328 FOOd, lecture on ...... : :: : barvpster, se s ...... 346 gR::i��?�c�lon· Of: gical improvements...... 8� Corn at a .••, ...... • Skate, Forhes' ...... 40 c t�fg�: : : :: ��� hUiker, n ion l �kate,N. m it ' ...... 81 s e : Pav�ment cempnt tnr ...... • or ...•..•••... ts4209 Club, S h s �g��l�� n C n sbeller, Chlpron's c Y. ar ' 12 f)anaCla new ...... 346 I&����ps�ep��? .� : : Pavement. lmproved ...... 16 1. 2112.14 cotton press, 8�hofield's ...... 65 patent bill, Frost curious things abou.�?��.t ... ��':.. 243�§� LJteraryt:�g�nf::. b 3�r �i�t��:wanted: ...... : ::: :::: ::: 291�� ��:trJi� �i��� 8t J�b'n� �N�1l�:. �: Canal navi!(ation...... 163 . .. u eau 3 .. . . , ...... •...... w milker, Colvin's .•...•..•...•. 273 g . Fuel, composiIi o Locks andke) s. ancient...... 226 Co salve ...... ',29 i n no Cultivator ana p an . Stelle's ... 145 49 Dancer • . ... • • 90 Locomotion since 1834...... : 3 ��IJ���� l ter ��g: r SChnacken: Candles for cars ...... 153 li'unathome...... Petroleum il1:�����P arl �.�Iam�.1.�ent��1...... �.�I.I�.j �� 8'(G�§ rtain fixture, rl '" ..•.•.• 312 ....•••...• 344 26 Cu u ey's ¥��iri��tlo nf�;S�k:r n' s Capltal, labor, and machinery .... 407 Locomotive engineerR...... Phosobate oj ...... 216 b n l laLhe...... 81 berg & se a z' ocomo i v for common road Jime, aCil). . . . . Cylinder ori , .. t e �... 8 .Pho�phorus,characteristies ... g e i U 2 CaoutChouc. etc., treflting'...... 170 G Loco v i t of. 137 ' CaoutchOUt�, vitrIfied ...... 250 L mo i e struck hy l zh n 1 ng .. 340 PhotographiC pIctures, �fe:! ��g\�e�E:�c�����iIC·oxis ii e ...... 4, 388 Loc;omonvest , European andAmer� m'.lgmtled mit D Steam engine. rotary, T1J:ner's . . . 39� Car wheelS. b k ot'...... Galvanic battery. n w Photographs, preservation 01'..... ea age 68 Gas h Hug-on...•...... • 2<:l7 •.•••...... •...... , .••. 90 R Steam h ammer, Dou�h· Carbonic rga ...... 147 p,nr:!ine.t e lcan Photography, contrl add s wells . . . facts London omm ...... • hutions to Dinner pall, Wagner's ...... 338 ...... Hement....•...... & In Gas, about...... 53 bus, a &'10 blstory .. . erty's 164 l::'roDS formation of Missi8- new of...... 2�9 Dra equa 'it h ' 186 ()arbonif Gas, graVIty •.•.. 357 ondo way. . .. B6 . ft llzer , Averill & ] c s ve, self·pa klng ...... 305 ...... 131 and pressure of. L n underground raU P�otogruphy, latest nove It y n .... 407 DrIft, Sllepard's ...... 227 Steam val sippi ...... Gas llum natio , I Stone drmer, Southcard Hob· Cardooard for ...... • 229 i i n npw lllVeI1tion ...••...••... 296 &; printIng- ...... 200 Dynamometert .Neer's son's ...•••...... 385 a p flax. etc .•...... 122 ...... 2 C r ets from inte, Ga':',Inim provement 146 III Puat,e�i�t��i��l�rl �::::::::::::::::: �� Street-car silJ;nals,Badgel" s ...... 97 Cause snd effect,s tudym ...... 313 in generatiog'_. trea!l.ureT;tiiiirlelufoi.ion ...... 49 g Gas new ...... 185 Machine ...... 361 . sa y, Martin's ...... 292 Va at 3 light. the French . . sbop .nrgery ... Plants. number of usefuL ...... 6!) E Swing, fet ve Dacorah. cold...... m asur mrnt Ma(·hinery. balancing the par 361 ChImney, tne a l t ...... 228 Gas e e ...... 337 s of Plaster of PanR made h ar r ..... 115 E t si ta l t l es Gas mixture, illuminating ...... • 168 l\b,chinfry 8urp:l.�sing E.tn w t a n de x en on b e, Cnrtis' ...... 168 ..... 115 e d Pla8�er mold� for metal casting".. 201 T Chimneys, remedy for smoky well, a ...... 281 ...... ••...... 392 tlhlamyder, habIts the ...... 245 Gas remarkable muscle tUnum an� platiniz ng metals .• 218 of . Gases absorbed sol ...... •... Machlillst@. to rf!mem· PI . i ...... 216 Cholera-is its career •..• 201 by ids Its thlngs be F Table knife, Cangby's ended? .•.• hered ...... and match oox, Whipple's. 117 ChromIum steel...... 21 9 Gas�s J,!;enerated by e l ectriCity 149 by ...... 195 'e;�::::::::::' Fence . . . . 213 Tappr Generations, Lan ou , ..•... .' .. 277 Machimsts' tools. improvement In 185 and pen, Will's ...... ThIll book. ob ns 's ...•...... 244 ar, ic on ...... 232 spon e Pocket����rii:��� knife ���r andr�t;3, door button . : 250t8� s . R i on r ti a Ma2'n tic i .. Foot v , Bruce's ...... 136 . • • • (JI� f Genius, Dl e sal ...... 264 e figures on 312 Polygons to e Trao, animal, Harlan's, ...... 186 ClImate, earlh's primItive •..••...• 309 u v r . wah r fillllgS ...... : ...... 147, 292 . Glffd.rd inject()r •.•...... ••281, 339 i Pomu Turbine wbeel. Brown's...... 40 it ...... 370 ues and Ils ...... 370 . Clock-hOW touse . . .. Glacial tbeon·, new ...... 36 ��! 3�{��.�:·:::.':::."::: :.":3 O wheel, Wait'8 ...... •• 216 Clock r ns in ...... 211 ...... " ."." Popular error ...... 41 G TurbIne e ir g Glass-its material, etc ...... 386 Man,���: the am � ...... 202�� Turning tool. Shaw's ...... 213 Clocks of N··w tbe publiC .. 75 . . ste : Porcelam teelih,m nu acture 01. . 328 Gage cock, Thomas' ...... •••.••• 337 YOrK. Glass, p iabl ...... 360 Mauganese IJatLery, new . . . 3,0;5 a f Cloth . prmting snd embossmg .•.• 312 l e ...... Portraits wit.h landscapl"s...... 90 Ga burner, cke' 293 ...... 213 :'t'lannfacturers, to ...... 201 s self·lighting, Lo s. Cloths, cleaning engraver's •...... 213 Glycerin ...... rellef Potash dyes. pr('p�ratlOu of...... 152 Gas genl.'racor, Rand'R ....•...... 406 U Glycerin and . . . . . 213 min n 2', and ail- Coating tor wood, iron, etc ...• . . . • 209 volk of eggs . .. . Manufacturmg, i r Potassium and sodium in manures 259 Gate, folding, GIdley's • • ....• . • . 2t'!0 Golo pw ...... •... :146 road Item�� . . 6. 22, 38. 70, 86 , . . Z wi b l's ...... 214 Coat n metals. lrnprovemnet in • . 289 in N Brunswick . M. G a n and meal dryer. v rt ' 828 Universal joint. e e i g Gol ln Orange county, 86 110. 134, 150. 166. 182,198, 214, 230. r i E e son s. Cockroaclws d N. Y...... i mowJU/l machin� . . • . • . 276 exterminated...... 4 n 246. '78. �94, 310,330,34i. 358, Grinller, � . liver o l. Norwegian ...... 257 262, Prfser��;��:ving ���fr� deltd.8.S. i��.bodi��·:es ....::�: :::�...... ��: �229 bracket, RObrer's .. . . . 196 W Cod �gl� i:'.f�i�� l�i l)a];YorDia::::::::: 374, 300 Gutter . . .. . i I . • • • . . . ••. . . . 2S6 PTlnting pressps. band.·...... tlS. 245 Coffee,prepa.r ng ...... ���202 Marine paint ...... 261 Watch .s . Engle's ...... 113 C lo i matter om ma d , 194 Gold·pollsbing powder ...... ProP�ning vessels by IOt(�am, first 3'78 c e o r g 1'1 d er etc Gold, to toughen and . . . . 24l Matcb�s, at a consumed for .. 137 H Wn,ter raispr, ..•..•...... •..• 212 Combs,n sbeef; ...... 122 refine .. . m er l Prnsslan iron �laf1. formlrla le ... 147 Cole's stiel. Graftlllg wax, a ...... 266 MathematlCal foi rrnulre...... R5 W the tb a hook,etc •• Nester's 40 Commencement new . .... Pulleys, loose, Wtlstecf oiL .b. . . . *178 Hammer and screw' wrench , ea o rd or University Grain warehoUiles of L v pooL .. 408 Meat i UI , . .. 328 . W ather Butler W arin 's 88 cbool...... 372 i er C t manufa�ture of .. t ..•...... •••...... 248 e strip, & g Law � Urape, the ...... 131 b S to young . . . . 118 Meeker's ' tt's ...... �1 Crmmlssloner, importance of a .•• 105 Scuppermong . . . Mecha.nics,advi f�e . . ����tii��i� ���.::::::::: : na l tc. Com- Well tube sinkinF:, Benn cirCle ... 219 Mechamcs and their oo •...... 169 Hammer � i drawer, e , Window bl1nds, 1Dside, Sh" orev's .. 152 ho ...... 169 Grape vine swinging tne t ls ::: ::::::': MI ...... Communism 1n the s p . . Mect anics, construcrive, . ,tock s ...... 264 W od-sa g ne, Daniel's .. 876 58 Grindstones, use� of ...... 89$ etc . .... 297 ,revolvmg. Bates' ...... 280 o wln machi Vompass, tlndlng deviation of..... n. a 6,000 pounder ...... 339 In California .. . . . 340 R Harrow breaker o t 's . •• 337 Con nRa i marine engine..... 86 Gu Mechamcs ...... Wool teeder, B let e de t on ••...... • Mechanics Harvester and mower, Emmert's. 200 d c r Gun barrels, Stutl tWIst 353 inferior, are modern.. 57 Railroild archients, remedyfol' 25. i ' ....•.•.•...... 104 unboat. novel...... 310 M c am c , practICal informatiou Harvester. Ooll s 8g����tt�f:n �� J�� �O� k::::::: G a ...... e h s RaiJroarJ l!Ianazement, 163 n n 's ..•...... impro.ve- HarVl'8ter tman i , 292 146 fnr...... 185 . . pi bOX, K tner to ...... •• �g§ Gunpowder, anthracite ...... ments ...... ste pitman c ti n , Correspondents, notice llH Mechallies, pr t ll H n ...... l1i9 . 111. 056, ::Vj;� Harve r onnec o Cor o de ts� to ad (} . .. 393 e e f o s of . Rallroad�. elevated...... 813 Wan r 's •.•...... ••.•...... 232 esp n n verthri g. Metal ca i g p a t molds . . 308 ze Corr p nde t , to . 7.197 st n in l s er . . Rails, steel aDd IrOII ...... 291 ...... 241 res o n s inquirmg .. .. H Meteorograpb. in e - Hat buckle, Burton's MISCELLANY. Cotton worm extermind.tor. • • . ... 161 an American v n Hanway travel sa t'guar d s ...... •. le tort McCown's ••..••••.• 184 c rch bells...... 35 tion ...... 86 to f .. !i2 Hay e va Crystallization ...... 281 Harmony of hu Rats. how eatcll ...... 211 Mo e s' and . *83, ¥99, *116, *132, Meteors and om ...... • 377 Hay fork, w r ...... S� Flr;urespreceded by a Star ( *) refer Vrystallizedc.rds.new ...... 357 Heat cold .. c ets Hattle-snakep o son , ant,ldote for . . 260 . . Frankfurth's. 24 "148, '*164:,--1 79. ""196, *211, 226 Micros-copical exammation pa� Heat radIator, etc Illustrated articles...... 170 of R i i air tight, Re olos' ••••..• 3S5 to Crystals containing tluid ...... •.... 179 ...... •...... 293 Heater, yn Vry�tals deposited on ...... • 323 Heat, latent and sensible pel's e 46:1g�: collar, v rd's • ••.•. ..• •••• gla.ss . . 57 Mill i Horse Al o 24 Curcuho arrester ...... 120 Heat power...... plcks,forging, bardeni.ng-,ete. 190,�l 20y,�� 222..('iih���6, 238, 254,i�2: .7 .i51�]0, 302, ��: 318 rake, Stoddard's . . . 1:10 A shadows ...... 26,*101 147, 233 Horse.hay .. .. 41 Hpat Rei��u(>s, Judge FJSher on ...... 829 Cylindrical bodies. gaging:...... 3 Millstones, ea ing ...... •.... 194 neutr.l ...... 291 Heat without coal...... cl n Report of Commissioner 'VellR... Acetate onead, at n . . 116, 131 . 3;�H ('j7 facts in ...... 257 He i g and ventHn.tinzcars Millstones, Slze and capacity of. . Rivers, deepening ch ann els of'. ... 309 AcoustiCS, new and slngt:rs..... 22 ...... 369 Adh{'siOn of leather lts t i o D Hints to speakers Mind and charcoal. . t�omlln remain�. di co ry of..... 69 .. . be o r n . . s ve Ice boats, Hudson river ...... 53 ...... 218 Homogeneousness of metals. . . . . 67 Minim:'e( lucation...... 9 pnlleys Darkne.s silence, effect 101 2 Mirrors, cutting • ...... • . • 307 s 21 and of.42, Hoosae ...... �g����c���g�i�ro� d ...... 115 tunnel drills...... • 'and uses'or: : Day, �engtb of the ...... a ite ...... 259 Mirrors without mercury 310 Hoya.l lnstitution lectures •..••...• K !g ;t��\ltS;i-:-:cg�t����10:lr'8··Re. n . House tlypar s t l "2���60 Hou�ehold hints...... MOlded ar ic e':'l , manufacturin� .. 245 . port ...... 17 ! £�� � o"t' ·M:i:;·I;.-u;iet::::::::: Royal railway tra.in ...... 408 Lamb on . . t :�:�: 1 .. . .. 12069 . . 3 . . . . 257 . •••• .. . Momentum and inertia...... Ruuber, ...... 122 Kmtting macblne, tbe . .. Air, compressed, as a power 3 S. Nicolson , inventor .... �57 Hurricanes, defenses agoaintlt in bromo 10dlZe{1...... • 200� Death of Hydraul1c!<,a qUPfl;tfonin...... 37 Moon ha rnred ...... 3�9 HUbber shoe stay, WeirJenman s .. 86 Alarm, an lm orovised • . •.....••• rd, mechanical ••• ...... • 243 Motion, reCiprocal mto ..*37� ' . .. Decoy bi Hydrocarbons, mflammabilItv rotary . Rumford's ch mi dl . L Alar Dg theory ...... 853 D ' t tlon O( e c work� ...... 201 ml . dri , forma of...... 392 ...... 329 ross ...... •. 259 A�loy:'l,Dr . Matthle'deD. on •...... • 306 en es . . .. etc ...... Mount eenis, ac , Grosvenor' D o o i i g . . . 90 . . Mount in railw,lY, ....•..... Lnmp,Don-explosive s 168 ...... 06, 313 e d r z n india-rUbber, etc . . a Fell's 25 Al � ...... l D . toP. Roup' ...... 264 Um num ...... 1 ilatory, quicl{...... 3�8 Mou taill r3l1way, Ame iean 699 2 2 1 ep n tbe r . Lamp nz . ... s Lamp WIc Ins�rter. Blatterlein's. 88 � � l t ma ...... 201 I 85 k 1}�:t��: Ilt6r ri;'aihemair:i r� D� rOl dIlem . Musical vlhrations...... West's . 72 knaves ...... 106 Muskrat,gsw imming under ice.... 54 Saccharine fluids,refi ning •...... 214 Lathe. aut.Omll.tlctaper, . . stt m nt ...... ,,�, 66 Et:� ��; Ice house Lathe chuck. Smlth's...... 88 u e s g 9 storage. etc .. 33 n abl d to ...... 380 in . . 322 I tit te Polyte('hmc � Ice-its collection, . ...Q Mutes e e 'peak . ... 8ateR, tlreproof, improvement ns u ••.••...... l post, G sing ' ..•.•. 324 Amencan Di ll i n 1�iilit���t::::::::::::::...... 72 walL. . . . 202 SallUP Rprings of Onandaga, N. Y. 198 Lathe t eiEl er s Cl o . . . 29 , 361 ff s o . : douole ...... oo u ...... 7 •...... • Ice pitchers. s ••.•..• . . .. . D SCIpl of lc , to the 377 •...... • S.lt. di ...... 225 lOn, Wa ' 340 • I aru etc 229 e . Level, coml:nnat rd o dn n e .•.••...... 309, 193 es Imitations of luxuries. tlc AmerIcan r a c I co ry smgular 52 N Saws, C\l,-pabil1tlHl of ...... Lock, Ruppel's ...... 344 r ogni d .•.. D s ve Ink, etc., removed from . . . . American fmrgery ec ze 22 matter::':::::::::: :: 374 its .. .•• 68 wat r alarm, Davenpon's •••• 209 Co., DiVisibility of paper • •••...... •...... ••prmted 232 ap tha in use...... 4 Saws for'machinists. tempering 70 Low e Woo� Paper and .• N b l an

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 412 J titttfifit �tUtdtau. l JUNE 27, 1868

Boom gear ...... • • . __ . Shlps' bottom!;, composition for .. 170 Ankle brace ...... 267 26(', 286 Collar machme ...... 316, 379 Drawmg clamp ... .. 122 Boot and shoe ... 42, 09, 93, B9, 156, . . Shl P�' pumps superseded 103 , 147 AnvlI cutter 20-1 Colormg matter, ve'2;etable . 173 251 Dray ...... 286 ...... •..•. .•... . rl Silk manufactures of Lyons 406 APl>ry . 124 173, 204 , 300, 347, H82 Colter holder . 202, 205 Druy sa dle ...... 317 Boot and sb oe . Sllver mg glaf.is mirrors 6; Apple pc-Lrer,etc . i'7 . �H7, 403 conformateul . 3U (olumn, metallIC ...... " ...... 110 Dredge boat, rIver . .. ..13 Arm rest, et( . .. ., 379, .380 B lot and shoe heel seat . . ..• 231 Columns for brldgeH Dredgmg machIne bucket .... 94 Slack water navlgatioD Hl ...... 44 . 2b7 Boot and shoe holder Comb ...... 12, 109, 268,2'3 Dress cuttIng' . Sleep, nece>:sl.ry rule!': of . . q� Aromatl( 11nll1g lOr carpets, etc . . 76 lIleaoure ...... 2 51 �Rl . .._ ... . . • 318 Shde valve, steam presf:lureon ArteslfUl w<:>lls .. ..78 Boot and ..hoe sole. . 172, 173, 236 l]omb cleaner .. Dress hook...... 44 Smull pox, llloculaLlOu fur . ;!flO ArLlCulator ...3GG Boot and shoe stretcher...... 268 ComposItIon for ornaments, etc . . 139 Dress .. 236 COmpO tnmmmg Snowflake,how bUllt . *2t5 Artrt1Clal fuel . 26 Boot and shoe stud . . 31H SitIOn tor posts, etc . DI Ill, borlllg .172, �3;j , 251, 370, 330 171 40J 380 Snow, Tam , and hall 2 ArtlfiClal lvory .188 350, 404 Boot and shoe tIlmmer COmpOSltlOn tor stOlle,etc 156 Dnll gag e .. 251 . 22� Boot blacker...... 157 Comp sltlOn shellac, . 107 DrIll h()}(lCl • • Soap, pst lm ltmg quality of . 400 ArtlficllLl leather at . ... . 3S0 . 108 , 2i� Boot crImper . 91, 92, 172, 189, 234 , CompositIOn c .. . etc. .. 364 sharpener Sonp tro.n... narent . , ....387 Aro aclal leg tI k Drlli . . . .. 188 . 6!1 ArtlfiClfllhmb . . B6� �51 . 270, 36b, 3fJ5 Compre"QlOn Qcock .... . 40! well .... Soap. vegetable Drive 314 Soaps, m anufar.tult-> of . 82 Artlfi CI 't1 teeth .27, 59, l!i5,205, J6.:., 365 Boot form . . 331 Computmg' apparatus . 137 DnVer, 1'rlctlOD 1H7(2) . Soda and potd.sh , manufacture O[ 134 ArtificHI.I teeth, cards tor . 186 Boot heel 76, 155, 189. 300. 331 402 Concave surlace grmder, etc . , �6 Drop hammer . .. 302 Boot �od1Um ,lnd lts compound� 217 Artlticlal teeth, mold for . 1S7. 253 Jack, etc...... 189 Concentrator. . ::m5 t 21)1 Boot Je!!s, . 283 2!J9 Solder orop5l...... � 178 Artlfict tl teeth plate ..14, 188, 365, 402 closmg . 60 Cond ('nser .. . B��1�� �;;a ratu8: i�5, iss, . 347 ins', Soil. chea.p mocte8 of enrlchmg . 214 Artlflclal stone .. .. . 13, 23, 3)0.1 Boot tree . .. 13 pIpe :28; 347, 330 .. 93 Confe( tlO Sound. at...... 246 Ash house ...... ,.. .. . 12 Boots and $h oes, channelmg CondUCtor . ., .... . 59 DulcImer ...... 44 n .•• . CUriOsItIes 107 Boots and shoes, hcmg. .. . . 250 Connpctmg n . 2G9 Dummy .•. .... �pecif-1c gravIty ...... 104 A�lI PIt cover, stove h cloth displayer Boots and I?-hoe ConneclIng rook . 268 Sp eculation not vention ...... 56 Ash sllter .. . .77, 4( 2 s. lastIng . 220 187 Dumping cart ...... 107, 110 ill )�2, Boots and shoes, CoOklDg Speculations, usele>:s ...... 249 Auger ..61, 205, 253, 2�l, 282 , 'It:l5 , 199 403 llmne: 253, 3Dparatus . J97 Dumpmg wagon. .. • 125. 172 ,250, 252 Boo[s and shoes, pegglll1! 347 Cookmg range. . 4 hahits of. . ... 53. 101, 147 Auger gage .. , . 142 .140, 187, 268, ()� • 171 , 1 Boots. sohng. etc . 4'} CooklDg' stove tank 254, 402 (2 , 404 ' SpiriSpIllertualIsms, In London Polytech- AU)rer machme 26G, 299 g��� g��pa�'at lOn'01 . : . . : Borlllg machilne lU, �o Cooler, etc . " � : m nIC In!'l.tltute ...... 314 Awl handle . 2 \8 15R, 2:)2 . : . .. . Bosom paa 11 Coopel s' crozc ...... 333 .. 403(2) Spong-etor texnle fa r CS .... 90 Ax handle . 39 1 ..1�7(�) , 2Q8 , 331 ��: 1�� i 43, 44, 332 .Hottle .. .187, 40! ( oppf'r an( "tpel .. DyE�� :��� t�;:it�� . : Spontaneous comlmsbtlOD. . .89, 154 Axle box n pIece good..: : . : ... 186 . Bottle corks, lal.Jelln� Cooper, SlIver, etc.,urnnng-separatmg . ..171 ing SOfUCP gum buslnes"l, Mame ... 49 Axle box loCk nut 31H 28 2 Bottle taul \ Copy •• Stars and stripes first dIsplayed. 3Q7 Axle ,age . . 109 t . 220 holder . d lsottlefor hydl CllPYlllg jnl� 3802R Start nght ...... 345 Axle, veil I( Ie 141, 188 , 3 1 5 ofinoflc aCHi . B�������ers' vat, b����ft���?etc K��r:rn�rl�f 188,: 3U7�� Hottle stopper 2KS COPYUJg PI ess :?68 D} Stt'am hOllers, construction anu Axles, ollmg . 205 . .,28, 1£10, 299 1 Bottle-stoppel tast 4} COl d llohler .171 , 30U use 01...... • •• . .. 241 Ax}etree . 93 ener . 60 Bottles, tas temn,.! Cork cutter • . 282 Steam economy .. . . 2(11 coll lrR to ... E . Bow drIll �tnCk, strlTJgllig q Cork txtractor 94, 138, Steam eng-me mdicator 407 . 29 11, 47, Box metal m carrJag"e 12. 13fll,, 155, 174. 396 Ear trumpet . . . . 396 Steam expansion . 52, 131, 17£1, ll ubt; � 8 'tJ9 Box opener Corn harvestpr .11, 44(2) . (J '3. 12i, Ear�, and kettle ...... 2Si, 3�D t5team navlg tlOn, new era in ...... ]25 em . .3 U Boxes and bags tor hut 142, 1,3, 133 318 312, ,31, Earth·bOl mg auger ..• . • .. . 25J Steel by RIchardson's procelils . 150 ter, t'tc . .251 BiJxes, strel t �LOp Corn husker 75, 141 , 201, 268, 33�,331 , 347 Eal conveyer...... 27 Steel cast unrler hIgh prpssurf:" .. 277 cock: 156 th vehIcle 365, 381 , hardening and temper ....12 5, 155, J15, Steel Br,iCl; , UO fa �tCIillli: 13� 213 Brlll:elet . . 2h9 COl n planter 27(2) ,30(2), 50 93, 94, ': : B I a k e 10H, 124 125, h9. 110(11, 155 Fi8 ���;�l�?EccentrIC,�g�b' vari able .. 4�,. 315��j Steel, new plan of weldmg .. 1 r L . .. .76, 40t U Br ckC'ts a e , fim8hmg tool .. .. 268 el of varIOUS qualItIes .. . S8 ,1t..t rli to gluss 44 189, 20�. 205 (2) , 234. 235(1) Eugp �tl HraHhllg macinnr.d . .. 59. 1 10, 39i 21(2)6,, 254. 283(3) , 284. 28G, 299 , 300 EI1ge plane ... . '" . 156 Steel tires, ...... 340 Brake, vt'lncle. . . (2) , 316(2) ,311, 331. 348(0),349, Edge tuols, slmrpenmg . .. 238 Steel wheelsweldles"l and axles . . .. 42 ..27, 15G, 403 . 3M, _6G. 380 (2) ,402 (3) F;rrg b{"ater " ...172, 203,234, 299 Stereotq)lng WIth paper . U ...... ' Corn plow, ete 61. H4, 284, 299(2 carrier, suspenslOU ...... 221 Stomach , rI)sea"les of 4� : ��� ) ,31 6 }i)e'g- .Bread���tPi oa �lstr.••.uiile ""ni' Corn popper .. .10, 267 Stoae, presprvatlOD of, 74 ����d r , 61 Brpar1 cutterb d .. 172, 317, 3b6, 3q7 Corn shellel 43 62, 76 , 140 , 141, 156, �us���c ·;i>ackmg:··: . . 'Storm lheories . ... . 322 ",W. 59 Bread-rpak mac1llne.. . .. 2 6 151. 1u8, 174, 186, 204, 252. 315, 318 , Eg-gs. etC'.• preserving 10.: ..12�,.... 158. ,: 2 rg�02 Stoves, ca,;tand slJeet ]fon . ... 405 g 3 Breast padm...... 43. 251 331 , 40) r nu rI g ... Street cars .. . 121 ���� n J)rea� t p ump .140 �i:�ic g�l�i�n� . . . . Stuffingleat her, composltlOIl for 22R 28 40 � � 2� HI pwmg. eLC j� ]ectTl( commutators . . ... 234 Snav lt{"r modo . 345 1)£1, 252, 285 36� 382 III BrIC k . l.lUlldlllg ••� •• • COl n>;talk cutrer . 12, 157, 298 ElectrICal ludIc ltor. . . 43 8ugar .. 1�1 2(1!) makmg lll Mallrlt1us cm . 202 Corp�e pre&t.:rver ..12, 45, li6. Electrical machfm . , . . 12i Su�ar retinmg, flsealches 1n 40R Duck . JH, lU7, I Bl 1ckdrei-\smgmU l;hme • 380 Jdectro magnetic englll e 03 U ) :sulphur trom pYrlte� ..... 3Sl no, .,. 3'j:-, BrICk: (!rYlI!g lpparatu8 .•. 404 ( or�ct etc .75, 91, 109. 235, 267,283 , 365 �le( tro mag-netIc log. .. 2GI) SulphurIc platlllum 386 m, acid .mo Bl ICk ele\iat or. . . . _ C01!meliC 172 a Hun d clock time . . . 2 )9, �22 e ,11 r l�U Gotton til 59 60, 107. 12 � 2) ������ib :t���; �. . :.. Sun seen 5,189. EIIgme. rotal y, etc . �;�i�:�ppi :���'d��!� uge .,�06 (2) , 250, 253, 210(2) ,301, . 171 ,204, '2� I , 317 u4.7, J4�, 364, 3€5, 3i!), 404 205L�J, Jt7� ,qi"\ ErveloDe 44, 62,172, 260. �17 "' elpgraph cable, trowels of a . g�13)4- Brl d£!e,zlrrler . • _ 2H Cotton transplanter, etc. . ... 37 Envelope maclulIe. ... . 11, !J81 '1.'('leg-raph ulatlOn. . . '�89 !J 12i, III BI ldgc lOCK b,u ..___ Cotton worlli extermInator . .•125 ele ..,raph magnets, self 3!-l,Z ' ldgc'l,co ltInc: __ ( ouch, fololllg, . . 252, 349 ��!g�9r ���}r '1 HI wOllden . '68 etc 333:36 4: 300 0�4 2�\� 2')Q310 Bndle bIt . !G, 109, 125, 285, /..t8 391 Cou nter Stl lftmg. . . • 398 Evaporator .��rI2�, .. .'.. 33r8 'Telcgraplnc earth CIrCUl,l.(li¥�:t , tpedf'I nrldle, dnvmg • .. .. __�� /)0 Countersink ... 348 xcavanng under watpr...... , "r ple.!rapll lc slg'nals ... llb � 187 2) . BIl(tle�, !O.atcty. _ 42 Coupler tor org.lllS, etc...... 21)2 Excavator ...... , 12, 234, 317 elegl apty, automatlC ...., n .. �t)(j 'I EIIstl e Isher _ .�tl5 Coupllng ra e ...... • ExcelfllOr machine Text book for 227 ann k 190 . . 211 ' mecll m]Cs ErOIlel ,w etc .2'�1, 206 CoupllllJ! for seb eders, • 76 �xercIQIDg- apparatus . . .157, 189(2) LHE "rHEEL•. 2() ,2G6, 313. 32G, 233, �gl, Sill Broom ... 108, '8� Cow cateb er . . etc 269 Exhaust, non-condenslIla;' engllle, 'l ldes and thmrcauses ...... fil, ... 48, �H 1015 Broom lJt'ad " ...... � 283 Cow milker ...... _ 1 i5 ExplOSI ve compound,.. )52 Tune for the hole world. .. a� 'W • Broom lJ older...... 61, ·*,O ra s, securmg and feeding . 10 Extlacts made from ·e c . • 284 1'mner's wastp• utihzaLIOIl of lGfI t b3 'l'n.n".ter'I compOSItIOn 406 93(2)� 107, H9, 'jl) CrIb andes, bed� tead ...... 366 ransfnsiou ca�es of POb0l111Jg' llH 14 1, 234. 252, 000 (2) , 34!J� 363, J6(1, I lU 331, 396(2) , CrJbbing prevcnter. . .. 204, 333, 366 Tnang-leg.plant', solutl on ot. 311 .m Buckwbeat huller...... • 61 Crochet needle .. ... •... . . 298 F 'L'ube weB, the American .. . 3 . 348 . 89 Bu:;rgy top Crutch...... 77, Tungsten and gtcel. . 205 BUt!l!Y top oller ...... 9'! Cne trlInmer . . . .. 33U 'l unnels, suh aqueous, etc ..18, ' 1 141 61 11, Bmlctmg tllock 2K Cullllary appar.ttus 93, 253, 3M) Cuhnary vessel tl2. 125 s.�.266 .. 39i TurkIsh hail dye. Bmldll1g bluck pless . fj } 1} U11dmg, Cultivator 11, 12. 26, 28[3 29. 30, WIn sere ws. J1ortall] � 838 ] Tl BmldlIlgs, movmg . SOO 43L21 , 4'),1)01 31, 110 3J H, h2[4 1. 7'). BISCUIt cutter. . �30 76, , ,[3J. 92, 93, 108, 109, 122, 123 u Bung . .... 125, 140. 142, 1"',,'),11)7, 100, 158, 204. 283 [.� I, 1�.jl41, f"mformlty . Bunl! curter. . . ..•27, 2�,H ] I ] . '2 UtIlIzatIOIl waste Bureau tOIlet attachment...... 316 2 : uf Burglar a.lal .26, 42, 43, 141 (2) , 171, i�:2681 2],lik:270,Nr�]282, 298,���� ��M:O�a�315, 316, 300. Burglal alarmm Jock ...... 62, 2.�109 331[2], 265(2), 366, 379[8], 395[31. v Burglar trap 397, 3!18, (2) 332 402 BUrIal ca�e 12. 155. 3::>3 Cultlvator �hovel attachment .. �81) Vegetahl e e:r ')wth from paper Burner ..10(3 ), 11, 1!=l. 92. 04, CultIvator teeth .... . 123, 2059 �21 Vegetable lunr.;J ••••• � 138.77. 18(), 251, 270,lOti, 40: Curb for fltreets.ptc ...... 282 Vegetable llfe. prllTIPvi:l.l. Hurnmg 157, 171 CUI culIo kept from trees • ...•. . Velocity IJl Burr andflU ld pn(UlU l lC . 317 Curd bl eaker . .... 9'� Venee!'B, VAZIgz pOW�Iag 01111, CurlIng non . • . . 171 VentIlation removed trom wool. etc llUI s 52H, CUlllers' leather clamp ... &-\1 Vessel ed by steam . • U I)h ' ( urryc0mb ..141, 186 V('ss� 1, rlI!-1 CurtaIl! flx1urt' 43(2) ,61, 93, lOR , Vesse ot war, new ...... · 170 a • l3t1. 2K! 125, 155, 157, 188, 235 236(2) , Veflll loolc B .. � 234, vmf'l, a IlltO. Butter tub 1 )8, ROO 253,331, 333. 319, 380 30S Vlt tlIty , f'1tectR ot hght on 2{,2 Hntt('r ork( r .9 1!t, 15'1,26h, 001 , .396 ..315 , 3R1, 104 Vitality of lfIQccts' . �76 (I) ('gg:-; Buttun W 4,}, 109,� 171, 238, 317, .1..'$0, 138, 404 Vltfllled surf etc. Wall pauers,impro\ ement print renee, lIver. . . • .•.. 111 ButtonR .;ttt lCheci to tabncs . '2s2 inl! ... . 3�4 rmentarlOn hung-. ... . U8 Buttouhole cuttel . 172 .Fe the .. . HO, Ferry boat. operatIllg ...... ns, Bnttonnole tal paper 31tICles 267 WarmingWalI cau; awl pubhe hUIld hI ldee. lhlLtOJlllOle macllme ... 26f),um, 404 ings ...... , 19, F�n y .lluttullhole tWIst wl ndeI .• 237 Watlih-H8 hl�tOly ann mallutac· * �3H, *354 ttlre .271, 2::'H, :t91,-,OG, * 3H trollmg • .. 109 c Water currents, con Water met( rs .•• • 21] 1 '\\ atel proot cloth 102 aun lubejHlJ)lr�, . Wat(>l I'lis vd tllfou.;h 61 Water ramQ• ••• • 00� Water. testlllg PUrity ot 3�� ttpr v�. beer *sux W o) W(lvc theory . J,-, 1Vhel ove around a 11xeu axle I * *67,m *10i, dil1 17, il 1G5, 1 g2S: : 26() Wheels tOl vphlcles;, s Ize of� �. . . 169 WhIte lead, m a lDg . 2t)0 WJlltewashmg.k. . . HO ufacture WtJltlllg, man ut �B!I Wmd power. utJlizm� . 3 Wind wtJeeJs, aoaptatlOns 01 . 377 Wille, art,ficial . . •...... 219 'Vme, odorlft'rou8 consrituents 01 200 Wine productIOn ot .374 U. � O le Wood tllled for carriage tS s..-.; Wood tor covermg wal1!'1.,b etcQ . . lG8 m . 3i torelgn matter 1 WoWood,o , prpservatlOn of. .. ..145 , 17U Woodpecker':o;d foreS Ight...... 309 scarCIty first cIatSs.. 340 Workmen, 01

y Yokes and bells, rotary ...... 115

z Zmc, improvement In manufac- turt' ...... 358 plateats, colormg of . 309 Zmc


A bdominal supporter .30, 62.�3, 222, A �J4, 216, 251 machme .,203 Arldmz a!!('1, c .155, Advertl .. lng carn 3.�2 preparmgCl ... 126 AerlJ.ted . Ac'rator, flame.hqUIds,...... 3.1-8 AerI al naVlg-star...... • • .'!49 Air, cattJ uretlng ..... 60.205(2) ,251, 298 Air cnn(lenser...... 76, 187 Au ll eater ...... 285 All' lamp, carbureted...... 110 Alr pump ...... 41 AHmmen, manutacturing . 2q Alc )hnl Iectlfier, etc .. ... 93, 33'1 Alloy for spoons and forks 34R Alloys for water plpe�. etc 4'} Alumina. sulp hate of .. 364 Alurnmum,solder for . . 20�, 364 Amalgamator ..29, 75, 269, �O l, :i15, 349 Anchor . ..JO(2) , 10H, 40:'1 ...... An tlme color'" .., 238 B oo b d r r ' roll . Anlluals lll butclwrlllg, hanging • . 157 BookkkllleepIng'� book ....,

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. JUNE 27, 1868.] J dmtifit Jtnttitau. 413 .. • •.•..•.. .•. .. .•. .. Inj ....• 382 PalOt.. . . •• 268 Half rope, opemng..... 238 ector, steam water .••. . M 29 (2) , 93. 236. 298. 34 1 g •he Food warmer . .•• . .. ..•. . • .. • Ink. a p a 139 • •.• � 43 Halter 107 pte , t ken from per • 13. 156, ��fl�� . �9� 94, 237, 233: 3i6:3 : Foot ball coverlOg. .... ••• . .•. .••••. ..•.••...•••..•• �+U� ....• • �� ..• . . Hame. . 202, 333 (2 ) Ink. paper rulmg 29 349 125. 234 Foot power .• . 12 .. . Machme belt . .• P1.mt ••' ••• Pulley lubrIcator. . ••. . o. . 267 206, 381 189 �:;�� fil1lsbe�:���.r 77 203 Foot scraper 286 Hames fastener. .. 94, 188, 2�6, Iuker for prmtlng Machme clock . . .. .• e e ... 235 . 61 inkstand .. 76. 122, 157, 25�. 268. 2R4. 285 316 267 109, 140: i4i, Foot warmer...... • H.mo" tng bnckle MagiC lantern... Palnt nnn ..• ���l � !�9� (H�fo,b76? ....• •. 92 .156,221, 366, 3030 Insect destroyer.. . ,,28, 140.220, 397 ... 365 canvas 60 155. 157 . 158, 188[2 . 190. 23 Forge hearth •••.. Hammer, etc •• . ..• Magnet, rela.y Palater's .. • 4 •• .• :: m t I 108 . ... 109 . 381 3 8 235l�J. 251 , 266. 397 � � �ac me 380, Handle, e all C In.linsectep stretcnguard forer. horses. . .• . Mall bag Ieceiver.. Pallett tuneplece 1'34. �� .. 139 92 kIln ...... 269 125 28, 123, 282�� �g ��� o . � Handle, pocket cutlery...... • .. • . Malt •. .• Pamphlet cover . • Pump pIston . 45, Fork •..:: . • 92 Insulator . 204 253 3-17 ; 381 and hOOR . 77 Handles, tea and coff�e. PO( .. Malt lIqUIds, treatmg.. Pan tanner. .... •.. ..• .• 349 Handles to dIppers .... . 60 Iodme .365 Malt. sproutmg ...... 2 ,,2 Pan lIfter. . . 172 Pump connecting " 125 Fork, hand b n rods, . ' . 93, 402 HlI.ngmg an el s. Iron alid steel 28. 43 61, 202, 287, Mandrel. 267. 268. 817 Pan wIrIng machUle. 364: Pnmp valve ...... 60, 349 Foundat on, maune. . . 834 etc p f'T nn . • .• . •.. .0 o. •• 251. 252. 253. 831. 847, 380, 404 285 . 61 108 Fountain. crvswl 316 Harne• •• 61, 75. 76, 1 •. Manganates, .. Pantaloon guard . Pump�, o a g • 7 lg�9 . 380 12, 13 3 ,1138, . 286 . 299 engIne ...... 203 Flactures, (-'+c.,trearlng 10, 267 1: ...• ��k . Iron, manufacturmg Manure distriLiutor,etc . Pa.nts stretchmg trame Pumpmg ��i: 122 141.282. 349 drag' ...... 109 etc .. . 284, 285. 30 1, 403 139. 157[2]. Freezmg apparatus. ... . , 366 Harness hook. salety • .. Manure .. •.• Paper box. .•. • Punching machllle •• �82, 363 91. 3;0 173 .140 . 380 187. 188. 234, 395. 403 Freight car 76 Harness. horse-breakmg...... • Iron. rolhng. Manure tork and hook. Paper clip'.. ••..••..•••. 124 350 Irons, fore-part...... 316 M\\nUScrlpt multIplIer ...... 92 30, 107 " ... 330 FrictIOn clnlch .. Harness loop ... . .• . . ••. . ••• • ••.•... PaperPaper collar maChine.. Pyrol1gneons acid .•• pad ...... 27, 77, 141, 157 Ironmg board 283 201 ..94, 267, 379 FruIt bag, box, eta 76, 142. 300, Harness ..... " • MarbleMap holder cnt e...... •• . cuttPr. . 173 ironing table .183. 251, 402 t r 1 1 . 109 Paper.dnmpemng ...... 76, 269 315,.•• 365,• 395 Harness pad press •• lettPrlDg'...... • Q 3 9 Harness pad tree...... 172 Marble, . 348 Paper, enam elmg 365 Frnit bOlling,•• et• c...... ••• 1 ..••. . .• • .. •••••... • .. file . ..•. •.. l 381, Harne.s .addle .43, 237 Mar.he •• fillmg. 252 Paper 42. 93, 156.221, 254, 28.'1 , 236 Quartz crnsber 156. 299.316, 318 .li'rU t can •. tRO, :lOO, �97 ... J •.• ••• . 13, 26, 93, 107, 269, ...... 26 Match box...... 109. 251. 285 1 Qlllcksilver, collectIng.... FrUit dryer Yarness sna:}) ...... ••.• '" ..••• ••••.. ...• � l .•••. .•••• ... 332 Harness ....01 .. . . 220 Jack 28 MatCh eate...... 59 ,107 , 364 n r .' �Z 396 397 trace .• ... .• .. •. . .. . �:�:� iri!:h��!'w�t; co.. iroll� Quiltmg lrame.. .•. . . . , ... • ii�; 139 141, 202 Japan pa.te blacking 107 Match stand �69 . .91, 2 Frmt frame Harness tnmmlne- etc. ••• ... �f .• H r Jar cover fastening...... 5n Matches, 29.76, 92. 404 :: : Fruit gath erer 187, 266,318, 402 . ewe] ...... • . .. • �:b:� �t�Igk,�i���� ��� R Fruit J ar {0� i2 �' case.. 10 Mattress.. 91, 155, 283 Paper 138 62, 76, 109, 221, 238(2) , 285, J . e . •• tubes, etc •..• •• 7 1 1?4��3��i�: ��5�T:'�301�7 watches...... 92 Measurmg a 1')6 234 317 298 382 3), 396 (2) .189, 235. 236. 270 283, 300. Jewe1ing f uc t .... Papler mache• • Rack. hat .•.and dIs. h..... •• . • • 107. 202, 298 (2). 317, 382. 847. 380 Jewelry ...... 11, 204, 315 Measul lng fOl coats, etc. 14 Parasol . 30 404 Raft dog. 363 ]ar'l, closmg 93 ...... • .• • ' Frmt .. l1 , 12, 29. 42, 43, 59, '46,78, Jlbboom 317 Measurmg receiver 109 Parlor base 125 107, 155, 208 mIll I\lld pre�s 140, 141 Harvester, .. t • .•• .. ball • Raz-cuttlng machme. . . FrUIt p press 155 93. 94. 108(3). 110, 123. 124(2), g Meat biBc11 .. 298 Pa.ssenger regI" ter 260 Roilroad..... 267. 380, 395 FrUlt lCRIng' . . 9 >...... • .. , S32 138(3) , 140. 155, 156(2) , 157(2) , ����ta �:d�f�� · ::·: . . Meat broiler . 236 P7. RaIlroad rail fastening••.• •. .••92. 94. 220 c t m 815 elodeon 282 ••. . 348 (3) . 350, 363. 364 365. 366,381. 395 172(2) .186. 202 203 220. 235 238. Key seats, u t g M lStOPSretc. •.• • .• 299. RRailroadr raIl set 60 267. 316. 383,402 -2- Key, watch and lOck. .. 364 Metal bar. heatIng. 300 aIl oad safety car ...... 186 Furnace, annealmg 78 ••• 302,.•.• •. ••• •••..... • ••• • ��� .. •• gi� .• 45, ..108 Metal beam. 285 �{;je. 301 R.llro8(\ 61 r " Harvester reel • ...... 403 Keyboard for organs, •.e�c .. .. .•••..•.••••. • . Peggmg machine.. . •... .alety padlock... : 314 tal nender. . 29 Pen . . 75. 78. 158. 236. 203 ...... 11 g::;:r: ��� ali Harvester seat.. . . 203, 396 Keyhole guard.... Me ..• •.•. R�Ilroad spIkes •. . .. • •.. Fri��:6: ...... �� m c n .• .•. . . 381 141 (2) , 157 Met;'l.l, coatwg. . 236 13. 14. 126, 318. 402-2 RaHroad tank 237 Furnace door latch...... 187. 301 Hassock a hI e • ... Kindlm� wood, lJundlmg. •. Pen holder fillpr •• ...... 402 331. 343 Metal grinder, etc.. 46 rar.k, .. 91 Furnace �raft ree-ulator . 3()1 Hat ... 27. 141.364, KIng bolt••... ..•.. . ., • ....•• • Pen sprmg...... • .• �:;l�g;:U�:g� n .• •. .. 59, 92 .44, 238 treatmg 366, 404 Pen 2 �i Fnrnace for bolt blank.... 186 Hat blocker . . 42, Kite .. • ... Metals, •. . .•••• rest . •••.•.•• . 189 I�f:r �.� .•.. • . .•.. 78, 108, 188, KnIte . 13, 173, 301. 364 lI1etalIlc moldin�... 300 122 RaIlroad weed cutter -d11 Furnace for decarboDlzmg Iron 188 Hat body, SlZlll/!,t. tc., cle r ••. Pen wlper . • ... • .•• . ..•. . 222, 283. 365 a .. ..94, 171, 3m MetallIc plate benner.. . 178 29, 269, 300 Rt:iIlway axleindIc!!.tor 285 Furnace for glass 331, 364 . Kmfe ne • Penell ca.se .. .." .• • . . 236 364 Meter sate ...... 332 45, 366, 40� RaIlway car .29, 45, 140. 220, 831 . 379 Furnace grate bar 91 Hat brIm shaper, etc • Kmfp.sharpener .. • . • PeneH holder . .. •• . • Ill'lchllle . 12 43, 61. 107, Metronome. �02 158 e (2) 267 Hat buckle . 204 KnitLm2' • • •. Pencil sharpener•. . ��il;:����� � ���r¥ Furnace, lead smeltmg Hat .•. 234 139. 142, 189, 202 . 204 <85 . 317. 396 MIleage regi.ter. 203 i 6 3: 204. 206. 2�1� Furnace hmng ...... 26H confUImator . . . • •• •.. 38< Pen.tock..... ••.. pI • ..• .. 189 Knob etc 77, 91, 94, 171 , MIlk can. 107. 000, 001, 365. 404 Pepper caster 172 Furnace. 10 Hat hook .. htCll, .. .• ..• . . • bottle. . .• •.....•.•• eelOUS meta• .l 189 (2 ,204, 233, 3IG. 331 333, 349, 363 . 45 , 189 155 123, 10 Hat-Immg sewmg gmde 221 . MIlk cooler .•...... • . Per-snry . Raih vay frog .•..•• • • . Farnacf>, summer ...157 . 171 202 r2i:��: �rs 205 H�t pouncer . 60 KnObS anci splIldles ... 44 MIlk rack. .. Petrolt'um,tmrm ng crude ..... RallwaYJoInt • .. 124. 237 ]�1lInftce, hot blast 10 .. .. 'helves...... 251 .. . •. a 220 Hat rack for seats . 173 Knob� at ached to screws. .. . 332 MIlk ...... • Petroleum, diStIlllDg 300 R Ilway scraper ..62, 234, 396 FurnltuI e drawers, etc•. • 253 .•••....• . 236 H It sweat lllC1tasteneI 22� Knobs, pIcture, etc. 60, 157 MIlk stIrrer. . Petroleum, purIfymg' 331 c Fm mturp t'de-e .. 0 •...... 284, 402 �:}l;:� !l�� 27 Ha� ventIlator . �OO Ah lk, treatIng. . •• ..•. Pho'phates, aCId. 202 (2) 203 (13) . 234 i n ��al�;"tor: 45; 125: Fuse, explosl Ife shell ...... 202 tertllIzCI s .171. 203,2). 365 "J 10,11,27,60 62, 9.2. �r Hawser cla up 40-1- Mllkmg:ma.c h1ne... PhosphatIC • RaIlway SWitch .• etc, ...... 317 an pas 140 107, 103. 125. 173 ,21. 189. 234, 299. Hay crane . 76 L MLlkmg stool, s . . .• Photograph cutter d . er r MIll, bOLle and pla ter 13 t .29. 382 831. 366(2) . 39,. 402 G Hay cutte . . 62 202, 319, :lIl1 •. •••. ..• PhotOlrraplllCcamera . •• . 318 MIll. portable... 44 . 157 " Hay elevator, 62. 92, 189, 222, 235 . . •••. .. .. Photographic negatives.... ' 61 .. pm l 29. 188 Railway SWItch alar..m....• . 364 269, 299 MIll s d e.. .••• . Pllotograpbic prInt1ll6 12�. 140 , .. 266 : .. •.•.. . .•• .. 236 R I way ticket l�cing hook': :. :::: .. �� 59 299 Mill stop ...... •• 206. 283 2 6 1 Gamg�ft�re . • .. ..• Hay f lrk . •. . l s n 28 �:!�wc"o"n )[ri';t� r .... • � (�� and board 141, 270 91, 124, '39. 391 MI l to e • ••.•• . Photo!!"apblc rest.. 156 . • ... .. Hay loader 44, 251, 816 . . Garhage ves�el ...... 61 Hay preQs 11, 29, H4, 156, 269, 286 M,II.tone bush . .. • . PbotOgraphic transfer. 268 Rain water tor tock � 157 Garment fasten . 396 1(2) . MIllstone cleaner... 172 Photometf r.. . . . 206 s m t ing .• Hay raker and loader. 91 10 RaIsm� heavy weIghts 125 Ga a m 331 Millstone dres:; ...... Lt, 92 , 403 ..43(2) . 138. 2O.J, 849. 380 r en s l y g " out. • . 140. 172. 205(2) ,219. 234. 253. 28,. . .• • PIanoforte...... •• . • .. . •• e Garter . 2S7 316, 338 34 7. 348, 366 MIllstone exhaust • . -299 Plano stool 250, 314 p l ' • coolmg. �6, 43, 108 ..••••...• �:� tor..• vessei... " ... Ga. ap a atus .235, 298. 379, 380 29, 62, 251. 299, 347 MIllstones, •.•• PICker stalI .60. 395 ...... ��  Hay sprf"ader.... ••. . •. w.iter •• • Raop •• ... • •.•. . 282 Gas burner, 13, 27, 43. 77 . 142, 251. Hay 101' Mmeral vessel. 2�0 PIcket clamo. . 232 . st�cker . .•• •• ... .••...... •• Rat trap 92, 263, 383 7, 350, 3 4, 204 MIrror.. 253 PiCkets, pointmg. . .. 77 ...••. . :W �� Head bloCk 27. 4 •••. .••••...•• Ratan maChine...•. ••. 12. 173. 379 : .• . M ter box...... 45, 315 11. 403 RatChet Gas, cllrboni... zin!r. .• He�� rest 26. 108, 268. 300, 402 MltGr gage • ...... • PlCks and handles • urace 188(2) ck . ��:, 92. 254��1 ••.•• .• • 300 10::; . Gas co • Heat, mode ot obtalDmg 268 Mlterll1g PICture frame SUPPOrL er. Ratchet I"ver 18�(8) pp . •. machme .. " . ... 381 253 Gas cooklllg a aratu• s 266 Heat radlator . "..• .• PIctures made transparent.. Rawhide SlItting gage. 365 108. 318 . lOU 124 .. . 108 • •. Gas e,gine .• •.. .• " 7 Molasses cups, Iron. ... • PIle-cuttIUg'mach • me.. . Razor strop 157, ,06 •. HeatingHeater range H 13 331 . Gas fixture.. 28. 60. 253 app lr �tus 26 , MOld. glass bottl'" PIles, treanng .. Heammg tool . " 221 ... 299. 315 . .. 171 ' Gas geneulotor,61, 75 123 139. 252, Hed!!:e . 12 Moldboard . PIllow support. organ, etc. 238, 284, 318, 334, trllnmer . artICles .27, 93. IH9 2H5 Reea til. 269,364. 395.397. 404 Heel and toe Irons, cO, 333 Last l�lh�. ), l�O, 14>, iiO Movetn Planlfig machme...... l holder. 318, 317 59, 78 .173, 186, 220.221, 317, 330 237. 270, 264, 285, 300(2) .315, 398. 403 ::: .• : Gate bmge .. 172 Hoe 91, 107, 174, 186, 301, 38 1, 391,398, Last • .. . . Gate 27, 93, 173, 299 60 Mower cutters, �flndLUg .382 , 395, 398 Plant and weed extractor.. .. ::s18 �l�i's�����:"ntrs•• . . . ;� latCh .. .. • • •• 403, 404 La�ting hoots and shoed. . •.•• ROCK dnller 26(2) . 29. 60, 251. 253. . ..• ...... 45, 200 Mowmg machlUe.. 157 , 186. 220, Plant protector. 173 Gate post 190 rake 9< Latch, etc • bO, i n .. ••.. 2 t . Hoe and garden •. . . 231, 285, 318. 383. 347, 403 ga 13 .•.•••. . . .••. Gear c t er ...... 190 trImmer 254 Lath m1.Ghtne .62 93 3�O, :331 .•• ••.• .•• Plants. fnm t1 � • Rocker.chalr ¥t: u .. ... Hoe and garden ...... 231 285, ,21, 267. 300 GeaI cutter scroll index 284 seed dropper . .. .235, 253 Lathe 11. 59. 78, 123. 15), MUCIlage bottle . .•••••••. .• •• �}:�!el�f�����··· : • . ' 13 ��i .•• ... •. Hoe ..• . ••...•• 332, 3IS, 3S1 s 318 : : 62, 156', ��?�:ltfrr :;�:J(;ir.: :::. . Gear power, differentIaL 203 156 237, 238, 252,••.267. 281, 331.. MUCIlage bru h . . .•• .. .•••• •. . Hoes. rolling . •.••.. 300 pl : : ...222M� . �.•�: Ge'trworm 60 .... 59 Lathe clmck. 236 MulI . Plates [or mung .. S 1 �f. •••• Hog cbolera medlcme Lathe, lrregulal f r Mutt .. 139 396 �� ric Wl . . Ge.... mg 155, 220 123. o m. .. .109, 314 blocks •• Plate9, steel and Iron ..• e ,· a· : ..• • ..• Hog rootmg preventer, i�g; 4 ••• . shIpper 29 .157, 269 �gH:� ! r dr ng Gplatin fisll head. 364 3 9 Lathe rest ...... •. .• . 156,•• 338 Mule belt Platform scale.. •• • . Ro1ler, nrawing ...... 314�� ••.••••from ••.••••••• ..•. .• tank ...... 188 123 . 202. 363 machme. Glb .. .. 403 Hog scqlding . 315 Lathe tool MUSlC wat tUl..ner.. Platlllg- spoons, �tc.. • Roller, frictIOn...... 61 20, 172, 341, 382 , 396 ...... 269 76, 156 •• Glldmg compolOlttton. 404 r 8 7 Lathe tool holder MU�lC raok. . .. Pliers lana 14. 29, 77(2) . 139, 237, 1 ...... 108 350 Plow .. 12 13 1 2). 28, 45(2) , 5�(31 , Roller. Hlmlets. manufacturmg ... 189 �gfs��:����i�t� ��� ���� 253: 31S, Latbin , metallic .. Mnsic stand...... • .. .•.. •. .. . l 299 MUSICal nota� 220 60.61.02, 75 .76 91(2) 93 (3 94(2) . . Girder I)eam pile.•• . .234(2) 811. 366, 4022, 404 Laundry blmu..g...... • jJn... Rollprs, cots on drawIng . ...••...• •• w 108 26. 173. 315. 364, 403 107. 110, 1<3 126. 139(J) .110 142. • ��:.�:• �� Gla.s holder ... 43 Hold·back hook ... 125 Lawn mo er . . . .•• Mu.keto net. etc . • .... Rolling- macume 93 s ...• . ••.•..••.•. .• 109, 283 <83 155. 158(2) . 173 138, 205 . 2�5. 23b. Gla . knobs 284 Hone, boxec 77 Lead ore, smelting...... • MusllD, sweat�l1nillg.... RollIng mill roll grmder . 188 .. • a pe I 109 237. 253(2) 254 . 282, 283 28412) . ••... .. Glass. manufactur(' of...... •••.45, 220 Hoot f'xP'ilonder. 94 Le d nC l •. .•• Rolling pin 366 , • 93, 156(3" 171 285. 315. 316(3) . 332 333(2) 149. ••• .. Gla •• mold . ..•.•.. 210 Hook, fence and trellis ...... 44 Lead pipe. N Roof . 125, 267 348 203 361(2,.365,380. 381. 382 395.396 (2 ) . Gla�s, removlUg•• scale...... from . . Hoo,s and eyes 108, 124 Leakae:e mp3surc. ele...... Roof staging. 269 1 .. 1M . 27 sofGener. . 78 Nail drawer .29, 77. 93. 141, 318. 396. 402 402, 404 •• Glass ware ... .• . Hooks. bendmg. . Leather and hIde ..•. •• . .. � . • . trus$, Iron 318 G p n , g 123 45 Roof •.• ..• . aziers' Ol ts c ttm .. 157 Hoop skirt . . .140. 157. 251, 253. 254 Leather, al tIficlal .. . .• NaIl heads, ornamental• Plow attachment.. .61. 141 . 205 Roofing bnildmgs 315 l c tt • ...•u •.••.• ... •• 298 all .11. 251 , 316 . 3,32 r Glove u er . 10 Hoop trundlIng stick...... 10 Leather. blackmtl: .. .I'< machine.. . •.• Plow car iage .. 254 Roofing comOosltIOn 59, 92. 94, 109, .•. . ••. etc ... . 282, 402 13. 124, 221 V •• . • ..• Glove fastemng. 402 HoOps, sawing, ...... 93, 204 Leat�er cutter, etc. Nan plate feoder. .. Plow cle IS 397 124. 140. 141 . 156, 22 1.238. 254, 284, • . . ..•.••• ....•• .. Eco r 282 allmg �5� P c VI .• . Glue can 253 Hop box 395 Lesther dresger anu..... ure• ... N machme. ... lo w le S machiue. 189 318, 384 349. 364[2],380, 897 er . . ...••.. . 300, 349 plate, coffin. . 234 •. •• Glue hold •. 75 Hop dryer 206, 896 Leathet", fimsbingd ••• Name r Plow colter 333 . .. .•• •.•. . . • l lD� a pre rVl � 235 N apkm m , ...... 237 .. .. •• .. Glue, mA.n.•••utacturm ...... g 318 Hop,plcking tool 204 Leather. O l n se .••.n g etc.... . PlOW fr"me 315 ��g��� •. •• • . p ...•• ... . • .. 125 .. 203 , gang . ���h�ne Glycerm 237 Ho pole 364, 404 Leather pe!! strIp .•• N lisal nrlglit01'. PiO" 42. 91, 107, 139 188, ....::.:.• ..•. ·m:. .. ��1298 .• . .• . 298, 300, 381 108, 142. 187. 266, 347, 348. 364 Root cutter Hold bullIon, retlllUlg .. .. . 'lOS Hop pole puller ... 11. 91. 365 Leather pol•• her . ..• •• ... . ••• Neck"e.. .. 202, 220, 236(3) . 237, 268, 284, 301, . xt c o ..• •... • . .• 285 75. 140 R Jvmg frame ...... 76 Gold e ra r 60, 268 HoP pre.s...... 92. 189 Leathpr restorer. .• • l 365, 395 •• •.. •. .. t . . .•• . p .• .. ..• . •••.. :g��l:S;��gkiJig.:::.:" : �g� s . .. Row 140 Gold ore wash('>r 139 trellIS .206. 348 Leather scolloper 75 a 28 lock. .. Ho .••• . .•• � 9� 108. Plow h ndle •. Hubber and bromine . . 110 Goods, drllvermg . 45 44, 101 Leather splItter .158. 235, 402-2,..404-2 fornllng. 123 Hops. poling...... •• • : ' : ��; ��� Plow lays, . •.. ..,53. 349 Governor, steam eng-lOe. lO 11. 45 Leather strap. seamless. . H47 ����I����k:::: : : :. . 157. 237. 283 Rubber Cloth . ... Ig�: �\:���:�::: . .• . Plow moldboaru .. ••• 254 (2). 61. 93. 142. 172 . 219. 236.251. e · Leatber. stnfling 202. 236. 404 2 d S ...... Plow, rotary clltter i!67,348 38� Rubber, hard c ::.:: .::::: i�f :: . .. : 2; Hubber, iodme, etc . 110 206, 363, 404 Botse ollar 14, 46, 77, 220, 221,: 268, Leather, waterproof 364, BRO ���. �� I�� �:. .. steam .203, 251, JOO .. , 2681 Plow, Rubbersoles, punching 27 Grading maclune . 13, 283 286. 834 (2) . 365 Lemon squeezer ... 209 Newspapf'raddl esses,. prIntmg . .. .. 92. 187 t etc • . l c Plow wheel.. , 221 Grabamlte. prepar mg 109(4) bay 11(3) . 12(3) . 27. 23. Letter ba an e . 202 NIpple s·lield...... 318 236 Rubber u...bes • Hor.e fork. Plowshares, clJ.stmg.... 222, 2.17, cl01 Gram bmder lR9, 349 ( 7 , 78 Lette, box 10, 123. 238 o and 10 Rudder.Bule • • . . . .• � � �W f; tl fg� ; . .. .••• Plumb level. . and knde 301 Gram car �� 4 (3 i. 2 : Letter game . H3 ��: rorg��Ii8,etc' .... 172 square ...... • 1 liN: g pe .•• • .....• � ': ... ��� Pocket. billet strap.•. Rule and 9� Gram clpaner 108, 3 1(2) 205(2),206(2). .267. Letter stam r . .. 221 . Pocket kmfe 207 t r...... 250 ����ef��fp���hllle... �� Rule gradua o 139 GraIn conveyer .. 269 269(�). 210 301 Lever purctlase ..• .. • . P0cketbook, etc 299, 300 me . .. . • 125, 173 • Rullng mach " . 94) 220 Gram, dampem. ng... 404 (4) . 316. 381 .347. 8. 349(2) . 365. Life preservers s ::: Poke, ammal. . .11, 298 12, 155, 189, 348, 350 LII 4 �� �' i-�c��t� : .. Runner. wheeled vehicle . 235. 269 Gram drill, e c 366, 380. 381(8) .396, 404(21 �Nut l s D . . . . : . t�� Pole attachment...... 75 vehicle .••••. 1 ..•.•...••. �J'll��:fo5: (��'l'�� 's1�: 'li7: 81i6 a tenI ...... 27, 299 Runmng gear. 111. 110. 171 . .•••.•.• 402, 404 -2- Horse hltchmg �eVICe 317(2) ...... • • � ... Polishmg machine.. . . 332 dry ppa1%Jr 155 267 Gram er 173. 202. 204. 235 Horse power .220. 285. 300. 363. 395. 404 Lightning a •..•atus . Nut. JOInt bolt.. Ponmonnale, armlet.. 205 ...... 317. 381 . ••••. .. Gram huller. ... . 234 Horse rake, 12, 13, 6�, 75 91. 108. Llghtnmg rod. ..141,. 317...• 395 Nut Illaclune... . •••. •...• Po.t borer.. . 187 S Uram 3sm pI 12 m ..253 269 .•• 1ll! •.er .61, 331 110. 121. 123. 125. 140. 171. 1731 8] . Likeness ot�C(Ol. ..• • Nut., lock g .. •.• • po.t drIver.. 27 •. .. .•. .. 253 27 . Saccharme fimds.refining 59, 202 Gralll rake. 332 187. 219121 .220. 234. 235, 236. 250. Limb ano basket holder. Nuts. tapping..••..... •• . ..•••••.. ... 26, 76 S m .. ..•.. ...•.. •...•. ••.• Postage stamp.... etc. .• .. ain reg'l"tCl . . 189, 331, 379 266. 269l2], 284, 299. 365. 366, Lime k.ln 123, 270 Nut tnrner.. 299 t-!cale. acchar e matter, malt. . .. 219 Gl . ... • 232, ••. . .. .• • . •....•.. •• Postal 123 8andie ...... 172 379, 403. 404(2) Line tastener 138 Nutmeg grater... 11. 285 seat 349 Gram regulator .. . ..• • Po.thole borer. 27. 171, 237, 252. 234 ...... 269 SpIW .. 59 ... Saddle tree. sIde.... 173 Gram scourer HorSE". g 3;31 Lmereel ...•. • . ....• ••.. Potato ba er . . 139 r . •.. s t . 234. 318, 365 k SadI on ..189. 237. 2H4. 317 Gram epara or 13. 30 77. 93 , 107, Horse yoke 140 LIniment •.• o Pot,to dl�ger . 12. 28, 43, 76, 93 . 140, 188. . .• • ••.•. 141 SadIron heater . 11121. 205. 219. 315, 318. S31, 404 Horses attached to caf1lages 10, 202 Link bore•....••r...... •.•.••••• •. .. 14� 157. 187. 188, 220 251 , 253. 267. • 235 .. 7 270. 330 . 44 221, 365 Gram tpster . 7 Horses, fettermg ...... 282 Lmk. • .. Oar lock...... •• . . .• .. . . •. 263(2) . 299, 315. 310, 380. 381, 396. 402 Sadiron holder. .. ::U7, (tram thrasher, 157. 331 27, 28 123. 155. 156, 172, LlquHi cooler...... 187, 35� Odometer.... 2"4 Sate·door lock 365 IDltetcchine Horseshoe, • .• Potato mashet .. . 107 � o�ounc��� .. ��� •...• .. .. 46 43; 59:il (ii:lii;123: ' Press. hay and cotton... .. 92. 156. Sow friction roller 60 Gun rIbs anet bols.• ters...... •. . .. • I Ic ••. . • t : . ..� .... � �� � Gunpowder 108. 269 tg��Loom {�r�l}'r�p er .60. 103. 125 . 155�� ... 10 29, 832 � 158. 349 .. 7 , 109, k 8���:ti(;e: : �� . 284 �::g��:�: :: : . : Gunpowder canister ...... 45 Ice breaker.... 236. 317; 404 Loom shnttle . . 122, 122. 219, 282 ... :: . : '2 Printerp' chase ...... • .. •..•.. •.• .• . .• .•, .•• . . . • .. . 268 a j mt 189 Gunpowder, preservmg ... . 268 Loom stop rod fingcr 348 Ox yoke. .93. 156. 276 Printers' fllrniture• . S w o er . .... • ... • . •.. ��� . IIp..... •...... Pr.nte .221. 237 Saw p a . m m!! 318 Gutter bead forming. 206 g:��l'ag;; ' ..27:62; 237: Loom take 123 Oxygen and Chlorine. 92 s' galley... • l tes te per• . •• .. �� .• . ...••. .•• : • mK 126 109. 250. 301. 348. 881 Ice cream freezer ' 93,94, 108.139, 189 Loom warp feeder 13 r 72 22 233, 30 Printers' trom grahamlte.. Saw set. . ••.. . ..•.. •.. ••• .• ..•. ••••.• 8;:��� � . : �� ...... 77 Ice cutter . ..139(2) , 187 Loom weft stop motlOn . 236 i�W:. .�� : Prmtlllgappo.ratus •... Saw tang •• .....• 75 H ...... • � p a e 849 77. 220 Ice bouse. . " 5!1, 396 Lounge .. 379 Printing cylmdrlCal l t . • Saw teeth.. ..•• .• ..• ' .•••.. 380 Saws and handl.. . 253, 402 HaIr brush 171 Ice maker aud cooler 110 Low water deter .14, 61 75, 76, p Pr lDtmg on fabrIC::! .• • pIck. . •. lor PrintIng press .. . 29, 62, 122, 158, ...... 171 Hair cloth 110 Ice .. 108 141. 158. 173, 221. 2M, 298. 380. 343 •••• Saws and mandrels..... • ...... • •. • Packing 12. 203. 294, 382 Hail , colormg 109 67. 2B . 364. 396. 404 lor engInes, etc Pr in .•• . ..• Saws. hangIng-. . 299 crimper...... ••.• �:;,e r�::;��f :•. '.���: � � •• 315.016 , 381, 349 62, 331 maf'bmp ...28, 59, 92, 108, Hair 268 p :. . LubrIcator 10. 11. 46, 60. 76. 91. 93, •.. ..• .•.. • ...•....•• mt g prrss gage .• Sawing c t ... • •. • 283 i�; ill!! 403 paper .. 252 124[2] . 141 205. 269. 364. 380 Hair t er . 10 Incombustible. articles render�o . 44 141. 154. 205, 220, 235. 237. 252. Pad blllet PriPrmtlDg . ' wall• ... 815. 382. u ••• .. • •• ...... 6J vy 1 10. 220 sawm ..10 2 � HaIr dressin� compound .....235, 349 Inliexmg book' 140 , 301 269, 234, 235. 816, 349, 363(2). 879. Pad crImp press•• •.. .. PrQj ectlleS, lgmting.. .. Ul · 7�� §�� �M . ..••• • 108, 380395. 891 38 1 '25 . 6 8s 1��� 3 5 . 8 India rubber, deodorIzing. 11 397'3 Paddle wheel••.. 1 .. : 8 : coli . • •..•• 403 P l ck . 155. .12, 221. 283 2] . 349, 364, 40 3 13 ,91.155,156, 189 �r . . : : 2BS 10, 282, 402 ad o 10. 18. 44. 161. 1&� Propeller. •.•...... • .. SawmIll head blocl<•..••••••...•• .. I�:� '::nimills..••. ClIpping: •• . •....••••• �r Induction apparatus,•.•••••.•.••• etc Lnmber drye.••.r.... • •••. .•....••••. vehICle... Hair picker . 252, 268 lnballng tube...... 11 Lnnch box. 205 189. 264. 347. 363 Propellmg 285 t;awmlll, scroll 267. 384

© 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. titufifit 414 $ �tutritlttt. [JUNE 27, 1868.

.•..•• .....•••••... ..•... •. . ..•• • 189 Telel(raphlcapoaratus 234. 397[2] y r Brackets 850[13] . .. • .. 300 ••••...•..••••. • • VentIlator ...... 157. 284l2J. extractor...... • Scaffold 13. 77[2J. 189. 301. 317. 34 Rplke . • .••...... •.•.•••• . 7 .. e p l md cat 220 4 1 el gra b c l or 252 BUrIal casket 315 .. . Vermlluge.. . 802. 398 S va.le .4 , 205, 282 Spike machine... . • •.•. . .. , 332, 364 27,299 Teleg-raIltun2' . . 236, :196 se li On Yard stwks. reglstermg...... 10 o Sp1llule, ric ...... Vessel coupllng, c l al 2'U .. S 'ale beam••• • • ••••156. 252.• 300. 40.l SOlllllilig o 36� 1 en u, blInO-slaL . 2(jlJ Yarn, clouded ...... 250 .•• . ••.•••••••••• . 285, .. . .•. Vessels, ra.islJlg sunken ....76, 268, 316 ...... •••• frame •• •• .• ••• . H�'lssor8 .. . � ..•.•.•...1) 3, 109 TenOnIng I' •• p nT n 02, Car Basket..... blsel...... 317 . Yarn, ri i g 2 379, ...... 350126 h ..•.••• . •••• VIal...... , . 317 .••••..• •••.•..•.•. 73 S�]ssors ibarpener. . 511, 251 Spmnmg mac ; n n •••....•.. . SS1 (lardrecelv(:\r. l Te oni g macbme 365 Yarn shearer O •..•..•.•.•••.110. 126[10J 2� 396 ...... •••••••••• Vlbratlllg'lever power 158 . .•..•••••••.. .. gg . ; . .•....• Scormg games.O ••• . 299 ...•..••...g�: §�: �: •..•. '" Carl'et pattern r t\ ....••. Tent canopy. 155 Yeast powder .... 363 . .••••...• ..••••• 251 .. • 156. 158...... •• ..••.• ...• 333, . • ...•. l::icraper, d 27,252, 365, 379, Spinningn g mulps .. 41 Vine trellIs.. .204, 396347 ChaIr... � Jlll . . .• 78 t Tenter bar for cloth . IH9 Yoke lor horses 208 . 1 . .•• . 897 403 pi l thro le ••••• • . ... Vlnegar, manutactnring... • ...... Telber, animal. 142, 155, 253 Churn body. . . 334 124 . ....••.•.• • 7 Vmegar stIll ...... 12& Screw blank conveyer. . . 158 Soinnlng wbeel ..... • • . ... . • ...• Clock case.... .190. 222. 30 .. 2.350. ..•.• 398 39 nt . .••...•• . 9�. 219(2) Thearer footlIght ..• Z Screw cap, oil can ...... 172 SpIrit level • •• VIolIn.. 92 (]lockfr o • 174. • 254[5 283 Tbermomete-r, lloatlllg 187 ••....•...••.••.•••... 10] 61. .•. 30(5 .43. Viohn players' aIm alder. ... 237 .••• ...•.•••. ....••...•••.• .•• Scr�w cap Ihreader. . .. 253 Spirit meter...... •. Zin 00flln Thermostats.. 363 . .. •.•.• . •. 150 Screw cutter ..'27, 61,91,204,267,282, SpnomeLer ...... u... 775 COUPIIDg.76. 1 . ..267 Vlse 12 45. 61. 122 123. 124. 220[2]. c of .... . 2'...... 1 TbIIl J���g'i.2sl 168.282.283. 316. 318.331. 397. 403 Zinc. whlte OXide .61[1J Coflln handle 350. 3 361.349 !i.stin .•...•.... t Splt,t meaon t-fo.. ... �:�ll: ..••.. •••.••.•••. COOIr stove .....222. 254[4]. 362[41 ScrewdrIver. S i 39 ..••.....•• . 362.403 ...... •• .. . ViRe clamp.. 59 ...... ••..26, . 15.5 e..c . .. , p to . . . 330 7 c m d ••...... Cupboard latch .... 36� sbaver. TbIlI.trap. 222 •..• ...... 396 ...... VItrllled o poun ...... •••..... plane • . Screw nt .. 7 269 ...... Spli 0 uk h ve 1 rnimble Duller 360 Cuopador . ":if" . 190 thread tn.p .• . VoltalC mle. .... 27 Screw 364 Sp es a . . .•. •.• \\ C • Il Thimble Slrem. . . 107. 402 12 .. Vulcallizmg REIS!SUES. I . cal sprmgs 363 29, 155. 379 fabr•...... • . Screw, ood . text e • ...... • Sponge. ...•••. 29, •• guard ... 397 Thrashm� machine 45, 62, 77, Vulcamzlllg flasKs.. .. Scroll ends, ctlorrIag'e. 126 .•....•• 76 .. • ...... •• Spool .•.•• 0 299 140. 171. 397. \\ macl.ulle feller gO Srave clamp ... 158 Tue setter 222 ;:W�o�d·,:�tf:ti�fc �� a l : 3���� ��� Jg�k . . Lampm sbadlj � er .•• ...... � ll1f' ne ttUlde.. 29. 43, 158 187. 302 TIre Hhl inker 26. 61. 62. \16. 403 ��� u ivato ':. :...... •..••..:" ". ��� Lanrern 2 SP\\ machi Stavejolnter .. tie. Wall paoer eo/ter . .. 4 C lt r 14. 251 .. BU ...... • . .. 03 machllle hemmer .155. 188, 284 29l2] , 92,140. 2'15 TIre hteneru . 300, 366, 395 .• . Sewmg • . s StStpakave mac uchbE'ine ..... t' ct )Valls, dec0rllting.. 1) .. 45, 62, 140 1 ire e re to wheels...... 3M bu gQ • • •• 349 BewlD� mactnne marker .. rl s r .. Walls of lldin D f! •• MaS0111c • w Tires, upsettlDg ...... 379 . 188 tcb n machine 108.. 140..... 155... 363 Steam b o er .1� 187 l 1 3.')4 �a1e.hull . 110 Se� 141 Toaster ...... 266 e t:nslOn Door knob cement Ma.rch • � ,10 . ••• �WInbmg machinene edles•• • Steam 'holler .. 379L2] ; r,� . �5� 286 Mf'dalllOll . . fri f .. 187 Tobacco, belting . 156 :�g ...• Door knobs au(( .. ; 8plUdles . JJ-l, �50 machwe pI.. alter Steam boiler furcace .11, 235, �� Wash benCh. ..· 306 llUttle 3b5 : 395 TObacco, c9.s1ng .. . . 365 . 268 E��l�PJ��'����� ' Moldlng ,),4 machine . 46l2J.126. :sewmg •.. � cutter . 'Vash bOIler. ne 142 .•••. .•. tem�lon ... 2�1 6 10bacco 43, 45, 139. J35, 301 .. 331 3R3 Muff .... 23 ead ..•. me thr .. .. 126 g mact .. · . 78 Sewm Steam carrIage J.ll l ing Washb0ard.. .78, 188:2 8 • . 12.3 4 robacco gI u at etc. . ... 387 " 69:• 236&-J DredlllDgmacCtJue o treiidle 125, . . [2], l..!ma chine . .. 42, 91, 12 126 SPWlI Steam engIUt> .27. 284. Washhowl .. • ...... 40: �� sr pare . .... 1 � . Drying apoaratns ... can ..• ••. • . ••..• .. . .. Jack . ::-;hackle 236. 315. . :105 157. 188.203. 252[21 t n • J � � :: � WasWasbiherng and maC nut.hin e. 10. 124, 221,26. 317 Dus i g orush Oil 8 116 350 40 t ...... 11. 12[2] ShacklcJowt • 348. 349. 364 395. : g�:i�g . 25-1 Steam tt Tobacco, packmg' 168, 141, 187, 236 E Oilcloth pattern. 14. 7 , 126[3J.158 76 - ... 187 .... .•• ... • Shade and t'eat .. engIne cut o • •. 2 28. 44.6 1. 91 . • . ... . 222l3].350[1] 9l. 94. . .•. 107. .•. 108, 251 ... . 332 p 124. 30 � 5 157. '1 08. a s .. Snait bearmg I •••. u Steam ent-ooe e�nster.• c m 282 � � 123[3]. 124. 142. 15 . 171. EyeE gl s 254 p lt o pl g .11, til,76 139.157, .28. f�?,;��g. �l;;g g :....•: 7 t Sha Steam gage.... Toba cco, sll eetm , etc 1 1 173,31.136. 220. 221(2). 234. 235. yele mg machIne ... 174[6J. 398[4] Pape 204. 21 . 260, 285. 348. 3S:l2]. �� ...... • • r collar ... .. 11 k ... 0 � : t Tobac( , !>mo mg 13 288, 250. 317.25�. 2G6. 263.349. 285.365. 37299.9. F Parlor t v .. s 404 0 . ..•.•• o e plate .. 2 1 3SJ ...•...... 8 e�s: 2�:��L 1�' ��:1. bacc i n r c .. . Shatt, f7��i"9:t[�1:i�' 189.203[2 To o stra e 300. 316. �18(2). t eerf 348 ... 381 F�l�F ume bottle .... .• 3m� ...... • vehICle . 139,141[2] 173.187.188 362 282[2J. robacco tYlDg machme 300 395, 897 : PIstOl 267 .. • �o·.icr, etc b,irrel I"':l) ctllllg � . '" . .46, bnatt, aua n 252. 267. 269. 285. 318. 380 W t�l��� ..• 251 h 3 'fobaccomsts' sign lre anm Pitcher lQ 397 61 ...... illlatol . . O g ...... F . • Hhattmg a el .. Cttlk, ng • . 7l:! : ·scree .:::::::::": ": �� e Ul ... . ll · etc. . 284 142, 154 '1 oe etc. . 397 ,v::g��:�g • . � lre e Plafe� ot hop stove ��J llLened, m...... Btraig alar 3SJ ... HHUltlug Sttpam generator.. te ••• • S Was gate•. . 332 l'untel . tiilU,uk�pllng...... 202 ter 93. 124. 142. 269. :181 'l'Ollgue support,.... ca r, etc.. . 14, 156 e �7h s' bOHler lt�. 2 dl,!J .. h 'a eam ...••.. 1001 Watch 27. 29.161. 110. 124 2) .142. �l���\':{'e " ...... • .94, 253 ter ···.. H 124(2). 2:18. 317 3�1 .... 28b ������. . Steam pnmp 13(2). ...••. ••• . Tooi lloldel' .... 26, 29, ca .. �? . 315. 3 •• •.. . •. oe x. .. .. hO b . 206 Hilel'p 'Lr�lltllH !.. .: :. �� Atc:;a.mtrap ....•.. 2B7 Tooth ll Watch i�6�:ls ���U �� l!Jf'd 01 gnn case 20'1 cuhn try rus 156. 397 Watcb . 4!lli:i��� ..••...... 286 ... 172 . • J : :: toot rotpte, . . �teamer, dUst cap. ... 405 HetieCtlJl 10 380 Tooth paste Ci.�e. 122 ca em . . 140, 187 G ShlWP holder, 171, el, manufacture ot ...... •10, 43, 364 2H5 �te Tooth plultger .. . 252 Watcb es p en .. .. 205 G S 188, ..•. • as 14 Snl ep r ck. etc 00, 141. . Stpel 8plln�s. tempenng 2'; Wa.tchkev. t 60, 189,234,300, :182 work:main s ..... chau . 34� d.... 317 Top..... 403 . .. .•• 3 rmg: . Sneeu Hilt!a S,eel temperlDn � compoun•. ng o �' Towel rack ... . 9� .... 60 • .•. .. 02 :Sheep rmg table.. 29, 43, 4>.122,188, ...... • slu"u , 402 i stus . Steer g appal ���: 332 tool:' : gf�!j ...... 405l2J ���� .... and . 4G. �n Towelroller ;:��� ��j�t;����g' m .. • . . ..• 44 SetH 0 • deHl seat. ... &U ..•.. ..• .•• . etc .. ••...... • Watch wood. sharpenm Gram, bagging. etc ... : ...... • 4 � Toy.. 59. 140[2]. 172. 298. 317. 397 c n g...... 330 . . . •.. . .•...... 158 tlk.J 219 . •.•.... .•. te IUllIler ..•.• 347 ... 1 Sheep skinlol,, tanmng, St enCiI plate.... l t WatChes for a es, etc. Grate ba.l.... fk . u Toy a phabe . .. 361 ...•. . 2517 405 28 91, 269 .•.•...... •••••.. d 0 Slelg'hbo ay g. . 27, S�leep ski washm StereoscoDp. . .. . 2U mac o 123. :l34 WaterWarer cIOandset carbome44, 187, aci 1 H .. 75 ld hine . 27 T y �un ...... 172. 204, 268(2) , 330, 366 H �Haruette . 126, .H i ... mo ype • .. va] Sheep wash . Stereot .. t Toy, 1l1usioD...... SOD 254 case ...... 42 365. 880 397 ...... �tealtl ve ... . J.JO 347. . .. 7 .11. 44. 252. .. • ... :suSt eev shean� Still ater cooler.f ...... 301, 316 'cr�i;k : . • 1l ..140, roy, mechanical.. •..•...... 7 ; H:;�::t:� 'pin: ·etc · Srove 12o, 254[2 .102 eet on. SOl ' Toy D StOl .173. 235.236. 298 42 ri� ...... arv Iron cutter...... 381 cr:::: :.::::. : .236, 1 an c 2 st r raCke...... 158 38'J 40., J Shef>t ��:;-�:�rUSh �� roy raIlroad d ar 36 W:�:� �f:ri��r·::.i26:·171:205, 253', H pO ye 1. 3m " ...• . .. Hat . ..•• b 98 .. 349 O .. .• d m e cap etc . .. . She"'tlean, Stone dreRser. .... 10 7 3UG ���;� ca 1 ToV s�fe and l Ck Itage 284,301, 398 ����YJlncter }'1�1 45. 139, 298 7 252, 31 . •••• . •..••.. 362 36 HaykDll e.... . Stove le6'and door . u ...... !:! I n . .. Ul .• . • . 254 urlller. •••. . .. 174 .metl\l .. Sheet StonpHtone Water ...... 1 ... Clamp . .. . 203 348 Toy, es pring cup.. 154 Hay/akel and loader Ht ,vo "':6 1 cone ... � rf'r . 0 ::;heet-metal athe Water gate ' r t . 27 .. 27, 403 .. 9"J, 124 1ra( Clamp ...... 11 : 61 ...... :street lamp post 3�H t�Jlder etc • ... •. . Shppt Uletal C StOne remover, ...... • Water me ��:ll:�f1f:��: � ��:: •..• g-roove , eL 156,396, 40.2 360 Trace Clip, etc 2�5, 403 ter ..46, 62, 91J.92, 2�1:;9,4. 190. 404 r •• Sheer mE:'tal .. Stool. tol ...... 124 Stop cock 59. 251, 396 lrace fastener. 12, 13, 234, 235, 331, �21, 332, HIdes and SKIllS treating·····... . . 4Z� moldmgs. .. s 3S� She t-metal IUIt W atf'rpipe, cement...... 331) HIlop k l ' 110 J 28 364.• 3�6 l t ...... Hill er-rnetf\1pIpe. . L2 Stopper. lar and bottle Watt'rpipes' bllrstmg prevent 20 . 78 . 365 171.173. Traee lu� loop...... 881J r ....ed... 3 Horse hay fork " bine .... . StH ('(-metu) ware mac Stove 10. 28(2).45. 91. 108 Trackcle�rer ...... 26, 172 �D� )ri� f��(�!�f' 14[2] 126 brackl't,etC 253, 268, �3 lVO. 210. 222. 253. 2 ( •...•• ... . . a �� Horserakarbe n ::::: . ..' 3b6 Shelt 206. c vapor . . HlH'lb c(lupkd Tract]� ;:��� w , � to ruUer8 13 �0 [i)·. 363 m engme .... 60 E'i ydro o 2UG bhlr.gle u ce m: Trammel, stair rail .. .. . 20fi Water he 10 12, 26l·21. 29, 61. 62, I 44 . . �34 .. . . rna bvarcarnaged Stove and f •• 75. 109. 12� 142. 157. 173 187[ 2J. I . .•.. pItcher .. • Rlliugle 4� btove, base-burmng 2, Transferrmg paper . . 39829 Ice .... . 28 2J1. 332 TranSit lllhtrum nt . 188. 2U3. �3�. 238. 316l2]. 36�r3] 403 Shingle:SllUJ�le Itllgmg box black,"" . .. g: �ro:282 es J ve- . 235. 252, S Tr •• 1 2 .61,62.77, ... I11ue . ..• . uHH;. to o ktn 45, 107, 122, ;:i����6i fa�f icS : : •. • 91.� �3. ' .••. :.•.•.. . • 25,. 2iO. 236.284[21. SOl. 81g1J � Sto'Ve,c o g ..12, 28, 270. 283. I �J�: l�[��: Wa ed ends. twisting .' ��� JUl!:top s..... 30< � 142. x ..•Ii •• 76 3 2 139. 187.347. 188.348.22 1.235 26b. r5'"';7156..O��� 157. 171[2J 172. J73l3]. WeM'lng apparel t t n L as e e ..••....•• r • 380. 13, 286 •••••••• ...... 880 379. 396(2). 402. 404 187. 205. 234. 254. 234. 314. 317[2J. st1ffe •••..• 126. 174[2]. ..2 31, �3� 336 ..• 0 09, 123. �06.270. earml< apparel. nmg Lamp •••••• • .. . 199 SbiPPlllllgla8�s, case 1 8.1 315 363[21. 834L2 1. 360 :; etc ...•..• ..•••.••.....•••... 126.405[21288 >4 drum . 221 Stove .. . •• weather bo.rd gage a pburner 45. 333 I, m . ...••..•• SlJJpl::i' lowering. . 347 . pa t ring ...... • 4 14 Shirt .. 381 Stove fender 142 Trave ing bag•. .. . .• 45..• 188.•••. 299.. 3651 e t ern l 0 W�: � � � ribiIC · :. 35 ��: • .. • .•. Stove 11ue SUppOl ter.. . . Treble·tree 2 �� � \ :r �: . �: � : 285 St v .•...... �� t:�tct �.� : : l:;hlftwrltltnaud • • 402 235. 238. 316 t m o e grate . 43.. ...266. •.347. .• box 333 174 187. 380, 3l-l2 s n Tree ..••• •. Weeder . .44. 141 La h. gate and door . 158. . . . . 405 Shoe 108. 109,. . 4 2 299 aCh n der ...... h h tJ >tndle uspe .. 91 � Stove hOOK Tree feedmg tube .. 236 Welghmg scale . 29,76, 189, 397 Lath m l e ...... l� - • • .. • �hoe ru • 221 . ... tl1,.t,"mlJl! 59, 234, 2,6 Stove Jiftlllg' Tree fellmg'ma Chme Well 59 Lea thpr punCher ...... 3er tor tor fiUldsll ...... 296.251. 388 Wlllftletrcc evener " 65 Necktie CaouLchouc. ::: : .. a •..• ...67.. 399 ��g�d�a .•.. ' ..��� 13, 172, 363 2 2 elc., Ireat1ng oJ', 21 p t stem g' . TruRs supporter 188, 364 • 220, 251, 319 �tr< • WhIllietlt ee hook 66. 189"21. N urolllg bottle . leOl!. 26, ... Shuttlesect OilS, etc...... �H7 .. ..75, 173 fIl Car brake, ... . 2,U SwkLe Strap holdercu . . ..•. lrv &quare ...... •.109, 301 Wh e ree tug lacer • t c t ...• • .... • • . . 139 . 2i1 Car rep Straw band t er Tube u ter 141. 284 Whin . CIlHle .. . .• 28U ...... •.... 61 112. 361 ...... 269 0 Carrllhllma ' 2t)(l 1� t Straw carrler ...... lube, !o:.urtace conaenser. ..75, 189 WhlP holdtlr is q ua es . • 43,.. 44,2 5, 155, �20, . •. 315 ':. . .. �:��:'"SU!;n,ll1�fut.;.nHuted •• �M lash Ctllpl'ntet s r , 11gurIng �tiG 123. ... 62(2,. •• • ..... 44 Straw cutter 11. 45 61. 156 Will"sock brainer.. . 61 . . •. 315, 332,347, 379 ll Clotneslwc ClM1Jp 2'U lSQ t 202, 205, 252, 253, . l�g�·J:R�:�ili:78. 109. 299. 350.300.�:373. 402 WblP ets, attact .... our�r .• .. ng ..... w r . •. . ... 800 S l ...•. . SLgn, street lamp . . 44 c e . . Cotf p huUm and Sf I trimmer • ra ber y vme. ....• • •.•...... • ••.••...•• . WtllPS, ov r Dg Coff 350 018 a toy .. 366 Paper file ...... SWn,l nox ... ch . . .• ..••... .. 3,0 ee pot.... 267 .. .." . 11 StT< et l mp .... 7 Tubular structurecarrIer ... . 816189 Whlrh�lg ...... 263 PE'gJ;!in�ma in .. e ...... Slgnut 'f1.ntern . Street DaUle plate 26 Tug aud cham .f>hOtOgl 78 Corn sheller . ' 286 107 lamp ...... Whistle 93, H17 aphlC prmtmg Cotton pickel gIg-HR.! .• White . 38� rop!' gUide ..• . x...... 286 1 ng, dratt and shaft . ii cy Hllo.el.::! · �. 23� Stretlt lett.erbo . fumbler 11 33! lead . . 348 Plow casting grlllder . .. 3 .. 8 Signahngc Apparatus...... 57, 251 I er " ": : " i older . .... 315 • .•••..... D . tJ� .• . 217 WlCksWt11ting, etc ...... : 236 Prmtel:S'ch" se Silk leaner � ���: : :. ' . 9 ', Tum • ..... 7ti DerrIck ���,@ :lb . .• . • b1er wastIer . 45...... , 205, 4 and burners .... , . 2'J;;l . 2 . .••. PrlDters' rule lluermg 43 .... 834 2� ••...... Smgle tree ...... 140 .157. 234 " f Stuffing �or sofas, etc . Turtrunnel cu excavatortrer...... 1401 WlDd wheel Pump . �� E · ...... 11. 44 60. 92. 219. i tliing Stump extractor ...... Wlndla�s. Eavestl �������ruii,es, : . 93 236. 848. 349 (2). 382. 39:3(2 . . ... GO, i7, 155 oughs, &u::lv\!uding... 33! .. ) . 142 ..•• 142 TurnIng tool, hanu.. . .•. ... .•. . WIndmIll, 45, 157, 204, 253, .. ••....••.. Su upg pi! cher . .. 157 . 9 270, 332, Rallway rall fagot SIZI Bub-aqueousStump lomt. pivote..d...... • •. Turn table ...... 3173 7 2:18 J!' . .. .. 139 t .••••...• Railwa� switc" . 94 Turpentme, g-altJeriog. . .. . ube •• Wmdow blind 12. 141. .•• .•. 14 Fatty bodies. pUrlfylng 6. 2 5 4 7 2 blind •..• �B6 Skate.2 1�l�'l� 2G1��/ Sucking pre venter 124 Turpentine, meltmg, etc . . 11 Window tastenel 28 1�3��:  Rootlngc ompound 366 Floor s\;1� ii9 � 379 . 285 nlatel:'!,malt kiln doH 00�: V . .. . 362 Twear 76,91, 93,178, 187,222, 315, 396 I:l n •.• .•. .. •• 3 Su".r boiler ...... Wllldowblmd hlDge :.:.... Fur acf', Ulf-ll1Mtlng 3 . 7 . : 236 J.U .H6. 2L5. . etc ... 333 • . ..•. Skate fastening . . 61 221 Tweeze18, watcb key, n 34 c 5 . Furnace, • ) Su!;ar, crushed . . . 222, 269, etc...... •. Window I>llnd hOOK bla k .... . 9 S 1 wmill head blo k 1 364 glas8 . >0 ... 3 Skatf' sharpener 300 1 Wllle hohler, . 10 .. •...... FUSIble steam Sugar dramer etc • . ••...••. .. disk, bUllt'r . 108 . �cale PIVOt grmder . .. 398 ';I ....Skukld e rink .. . 108 T) pe setter. 222 •...... 155 Su�ar mold cl, .•. 317 :��g�:�pt��g: ::: ' . ::: ��i Scnool desk and seat ... . H · for ba.rrels...... · 142l2] fi h derri . Skln Sugar pan .• 317 Windo w safety 348 .. guard• . 332 SCl'e\\lp, ca.. tlitg ...... clt'unslng ... er nis er. ••. a 12lj and ltath •. .••• 220 • . Hatr and featber�, 't rVIng 235 Sugar pan valve Wmdow s Sh .44. 93. 204, Scythe fastenlng...... actu •. . .•• 78 Hk1l18, • fMtenel .. . ••..•. pre'S! .. . 315. U , Hammer, m ne �SO 381 Sulphuric amd,concentrsting Win tow sash 46. 76. 9:?, Seedlng maChine 142[2] ...... Sklrt tormpr .•.• 348.361. 403 .. Harve tel .2SG. 4 � I • .•. ••. .•..•• .. 5 293 360 . 11 • Sewing macb1ne, boot, etc· 254- Skirt I onlDlt table... dlal ...... Umbrella 173. 204. 222. 236. 251 . • yctlocarbOl l VUplH, tHe 2�1j Sun k i182 [21 Wmdow sasb fi!i; ; �: . : Siiotseparator ...... H .....•••...... 270 t n : : ..• bac , etc. . .. 51 253. 236. H63[2]. 40� ���: ��t . .••..... •. 0 1 ·: · : ' ' Supporter. .... Wllldowsash,sash lock hangillg ...... 141 .235 Skace .. :: .. . .••.• .• .•...... 3 �}:�eme� �� �eveler. i� ...... 315, 380 Umbrel1acase 77 27. 30 299 38 • ...... l41e . .•• 236.251 !:)urcinf e c � .. Wmdow Bklrt boop 2 Inkstand coverO In�e �J I SlateSI .te framefr arne rounder.... 13, 299, S o n er 188 Umbrella safety attachment .. 155 W w J40. SleepIng- car...... 4.! 379 urfaac nde achi . mdo Msh Stop. 12. 43 76. 1 M ...... • .. . 315 Urset mg m ne I ing ..•. S print . .• 285 301 ur e, -photograplllC•...... • t .. 110 2 Square, metall c ...... 158 Sllte penCil macbine 2.37 Urlllal ... ••. .• 78, Maclune f)1 ]] regular forms •.•. 236 atoIDlzer . SUf!!lCal . . ••••.••... Window sash suppJ�e�o M a artIficial. 318 t2, :g:... Stamp, band 94 ') smg c u ace, .. Slate snrf ..... UrlD(' arrester ... etc i�3: �� rt m hi e · 001 SurgICal PUD .. 205 c ... •. ... 221 Wmdow sashes, ralBlllg. ..123(2) 220 e t o .•. .• 202, 404 Steam boiler furnace l . ....• .78, 405 tc .. ree 1 Slat( Wlper,. • 299 t'UlglCal �upposltory Uhrme el r de 62 WindOW sc n 0 4 [ 1 p 174 t m t ..... 62 1 . Steam generator 6 2 ... ••. . . Slates, school• ...... 396 Ut. rine lDs ru en .. 189 SteelIng S dl ck ...... 13.1 3, 334. 3e6 SU!o:.p�nder& •.... Wmdow shade ·.i87,'.14 189, 2�7 apparatus..... 3 � Pa o 12. 1. 205. •.••. . . .. 286 Sit d blOk . ..•. 44. 1 spem;ion rIng ...... 331 U terme supporter 222, 234) 236, 395 w 4 0 SO. 156. 187. 300 Su . Wmdo shade fixture. 40� Stove . 17 . 2 , l'>aper, makJll!{thick. · e bOS '" .•..• .. . .• Sled ... oWlit 43 Jll 125 " •• . .• .....•••• Window sb 8 ...... 3�7 a<1.etl,e •...•••.em g Straw cutter.... 78121 Plow C3stmgf!,gri ndillg : 2�J Sled knee . SWIng .61. 251 s ut 139. 301 .• ) Sleepwg car...... 849 Switch. . .•. .... v Wlnaow b t r t n43. 125. Strawberry trellis.... 296 Plllltmg prpss teeder .... �l .. • .. e . 28. • • � portable . .. ..• .. 10 Wmdow sbutter fa �Ieeping car berth 171, 282 .. . .•.•... 109. 234. s e r 300. 46. Sngar drainer...... PJopellt'r, drlVllllshatt <..110 347. .•. .••....••... 7R . SHlDge. .296, 222 •••.•• 252. 234. Slelgb 27. 109. 14? 237. 298. 403 Vacunm aoparatus .29. .• SOO ..• 365 Sugar molds...... 236 Propeller eugmes ...... 2.:)l) ....• . • ••. Syrmge and cath. .. eter. ...•...•••.....••.. 78 Valve tiud stt'ampassage .. 397 Window sbn�ter hmge...... 28 T s 2�:;l ...... • 81eH!;tl bell ... ••. 42,..ISS, .•252 • R 125 Syringe c e Valve, balance,. 221 , ...... •. a .• • Slel�h bodye pattern... • 0 ::: : cars 350 Valve, clIeck.. . SS4 ;��a�: :;�:e1 · c·lamp.:: Tbrashmltmacbine. et...c • ...•••. 126 ...... 33 , . .. ::: . 5'J, 155 • • • ••. : . .•.: s�� Rallroad r r .. ck .. unn ...... 81plgh • 0 ve Tobacco pipe...... 142 V &1 co Wine artlficial • 17 T •.... 204 173 4 Ratan spillter ...... · .m machine 1 en"nne • ••.. AlottlD2' • ••• � ... Tumblerwa:suer b WmnowlDg mtll... .. ' 61 Valve, 27 43. 77, 156[2], ...... • ...... 91 36! SlUICe l nket . .• 4 5 Wire dish stand ..... Tweer...... 14 ij�'l� n; 236. 266. 396,21. 402 . . . 28. 29. 45. 187. 333. 348. 396. 402 .. Table • ....• ••. 43 .. y..... �l�te' .. 331 Smoke consumeJ , etc... 5, 31 c •.• ... •• ... .•• . Valve, teed water...... 12. 75 Wire fen e fl�fl�:��k�f: g' Smokln� plpe...... 235 Table tan. ..• .. 318:::00 ...•• n n 76....•...••77. 234. 252 Rope-laYlllgmachine <1>0 Valve gear 60. 204. 205. 236. 252. WIre redu('era d 'Poi •..•..• ... Smootblll!! ilon .... 141. 333, 849 Table fot kS ...... • . ter.. .. 188 Valve. globe...... 222 ...... p 403 Wue �orlDgs, ma ing. S 44. 234. 364. 395. .. Snap book 125 141,178. 379. 404 Table leaf sup ort..••.••• 59. 234.379 . . 139 Vulcamzmg flask . . . J66 rable walter . .. 253 Valve. g 0 2 4 Wood bellder 12 2]. 91[2]. 107. 157. 300 W DAo!J,...... ow. . 62. 79. 172. 187.237. 366 •••. . •.. .• I 4, Screw .. 2 1 Snow pl • �TI::i� i2l 2 ts 235, RcrewEI, outting' . . ::Mf: 1 Woortborir:g machme 236, 251 ..•.••••...... ••.•.. Table ware 397 . • 3Ht <;)treeT • 5 ••...•. . ...• . .•• 88 Snow sweeper, 4 Valve, govel':::OJ...... �. �: Wash bOller SCWlDli!;' m in 395 ... . 14 3 Tackle block. 402 .. . �. . . 2 ach e 286, 050 189. 25 .379(2). 396, 404 nn t ���t ... .. •. Soap ...• . .• 1Etrg O Soap . Valve rod co ec ion .. 269 :; �� � ::: : : Wa8hIDg machine ... . . 222 c ...... 318 ...••.. ��: cutter,bars, beparator 123 Taltlastening. . • .. ':. :: • ...� :. ftl� Shov<.>l blades, et 286 ltfor straps 364 Valve, rotary...... 189, 283 Wood finlshmg . 13 Walch ....c o.. C...... 190, 254,.• 382 a:34 Ta ..•.• r i Shovel handle machine...... Soap ece ...... 107, 366 28, 154, � Water .. •..• 2J 3fiO Valve, Iilafety . 10l21, l1. 13, Wood for coverillgwalls ...... 1 4 aud a b n acidt ...... 405 pre�smg machme •. .364 Tailors' .. Shutter bl1l�e So aD holder, etc. . .11,330, 331 n n .. . l ...... 403 0 360 Wood, s r Water ploof paper, e c . ... 866 157, 186. 204, 298. 299 3 1. 360. m mncali t ume t ••...... •.•...... • ..... 44 7 3S1 Tailor�' ru e • .. Skelps. heatmp:iron tube .. 35u Soila and potasb . .107. 8 1 . ... .• • .28 l p iC amd. .• 7 4, 365, 379 W�avil g ...... [2 Valve ••Ilde 30. 220. 269[2]. 284. Wood poli�her • •.• 10 TaIlors' seat... 396 ...•...•.••....•...• Sole trImmer, boot, etc 286 hUr . . • Soda and SU Welght·ralsing pulley. etc. 366 r e Wood pore filler ...... •...... 75,107, 158, 238 Tallors' Iilquare...... 381 .. S02•••. 316.. 362.••• 378 . 898 Spllngtl,rubber and s e l .. 2 6 Soda fonntalll . v Va've, syrInge .. . 27 Well tube .•• . .• 398 •• 1 350L2 1 Tan at ...... 155 . . 4 • ll Stove plttte, deSIgn for . 286 bottle.... 142 closet.. ... 3, 173, 204 v go .. .. Soda water .• . : a V31ve, water ���::i�er.: ::: :: : Whips, co erl Tanmn extra("tpd ..220 :;g •.. :: �� Stl aw cutrer . ..286. 334 Sof 172. 270. &19 � g�:::: c 92. : ...... 33 4 Valve. water pipe...... 237 Wood, seasomng. et 284, Wmdow·sash fastener ..... 46 4 Tanning ..13, 204, 252,284, 299, 380, 0 ...•.••• 348, 396 .. ..••. Syrmges, t::nema SoU scarifier...... 109. 2G8 . . . . .•...... • ...... 318 0 Vapor Lurner...... 206, 382 Wood ,pl.tter 2 Solder. reatlv.. Tape box ... etc.. . 38 ...... 9 T Vapor coHec-or, mljtalhc. 9� hin ------�.�I�.�.------Tappmg machine, .. 330, 363 ..... • •••.• Soldering furna.ce ...... 31) 0 . • •...••••...• Vapor lnhaler...... 110 :;�gf ��� �. :.::: : : :: ..•• .... 108. 173 •. ....• ����W.I. ••....••.•..: : T ip bammer 286 Solflenng iron...... ••• r 1�it��!fc��l�Ir":':" :::' c u Y . : ��316 • ...... : Varmsh, textile ma l neI 253 Wool·burrmg m chme DESIGNS. Sole aoplied to last 250 •• : •••. . •.•••..•.• Turnkey . . 384 cut • .•.•••• .•...... • Tea and coffeepot 221,222,283,31...... 6, ��333 Vegetable cutter. . .12. 59. 93. 108. Wool. cleamng •.• •...•• 237 �ole ter ...... 268 1 Wool. destroyrng A V 157. 172. 220. 316.366. 360. 88 •• burs m 1'f>aChlllg',com mercIal...... 158 ..• •.•.. 123 Sole edl!flllnl8her, etc 93, 403 •...... •• • ..•• . . ..•• •. 300 .•...••...••.••••••.••• Vegetable extrac<...... 348 Wool. etc preparing. ... TeaKettle 171 •••.•.•••.•... 3S4 Sole. mdla rubber...... 110 . ••...... •..••.. Valve. cut·off ...... •• 0 Alpbabet of letter . . . . • • . . • . . ... • . • .• . 254[21 llln ..•.. s Vegetable rnasber 22 . 365 •••.::: : : 20 Teakettle lid 11. 124 ...... : 234 ... V81 ve. safety . Sole, er 157 ...... Vegetable w8sber . . 334. 350 :; � e s:t;.eaiIDg Ax I bel : : : : : 6 Teapot sponts...... 267 . � l �I:�Pd ��?: M1. 6 .. •.• .... •. . .:::�: 2S 801e�, composition for.....•...... 110 ...... 42 , 109, 2 Valve, steam hammer . .. Teazle trimmer .. 316 Vemcle..... 187 s a 334 251 .••• •...... • •••••• Sor�bum t'vaporator ,11, 172, Veneer cutter ...... •.•• f t n 189 � walklllg...... 126 :;g�� fen"c'!;and·p;iri::::::::: VehICle, •••.•.•••••••. :::::: Base 126 Teeth, as e mg .•• or .tand • . ..• . 850 .139, . .• ... hq • for mds . Sorghum purifier...... 347 59. 12t. 219. Woven tabr!c Im i . Vessel .•. . Veloclpede 361 Bonnet 36�[21 . ••..•... •.• ..•••.•••.. .• 12� brald. itat ••. on Telegraph .. . 267,299, 349 .••. . 190. •. • ...••...••.•••. 850 Vulcanizing india rUbber. etc g s •• 299. 204 � : Telegraph insulator 235. 236. 366 Veneer 78 Wrench. 92. 125. 139. 189. . . Bottle 126[21. ••••••....•..•••••. 269[2j 2:18 �g��:l:s a�J' .���; ...... sK .lri': •..•..•...:::::. �gz SOI 2 . 879 ..• •...... ••....••.••••••• ...•• W Veneer cutter 172.394 298. � Box 334 Speelacle.. 316. 396 . •••••• ...... 1 � • • ...... , •••••.•••••• ...... Venetian bUM ... . . , •••••••••.•• 364 Wrist PIn for reaper. etc , 403 Eelplke...... 110. 15,. 381 t�l�mgt fe�:atei::::::::::::i08;� Welgl,ted