A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF PR1tCTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS, CHE�nSTRY, AND MANUFACTURES 26. Vol. XVIII.--No. t 1:1';$ t,er Annum [NEW SERIES.] f N KW YO/{K, JUNE 27, ]868. 1 [IN A()VANC;�;·I The Novelty Works, Ne York City. This shaft is to carry the working parts of Mr. Allen's! mer and chisel. This foundation plate of the whole super THE accompanying engraving presentsw an interior view ­ adjustable cut-off now applied by this firm to all their ma ine ! structure weia-hs 20 tons. '1'0 the rio-ht and restiro- on the of a portion of the celebrated Novelty Iron Works of Still­ engines with the most gratifying success. It is indeedr a bed plate are shown the ued plates 1�r � large 40 t. lathe_ man, Allen Co., at the foot oi '1'welfth street, East river. f & marvel of ingenuity and must challenge the admiration ,f Over these again, in the background, portion of appeals a by The position selected our artist shows one end of the all lovers of mechanical beanty and perfection. In front of the tool gallery where the hand tools are kept ready for the erecting shop, in whit:h the various parts of engines and the side pipe stands the main crank pin strap for the conncct- workman's hand, but out of the way, and in place, when not other machinery in process of construction, are assembled ing- rod. It is 4 ft. 6 inches long and grasps a crank-pin hav· in use. after having been cast, turned, and finished in the different ing 14 inches diameter. '1'he large casting in the foreground, right hand corner, is shops composing this immense establishment. Here the final Immediately to the right of, and behind the side pipe, are a jet condenser for a s maller 62 inch engine, and weighs 4 adjustment, and fitting of the several parts to each other are seen the piston and piston.rod, for the same enginf'. The tons. effected, and each member of the future machine adapted to former is 105 inches in diameter, while the piston-rod is 11 The shifting and placing in position of these heavy Illa�ses perform perfEctly and harmoniously itB appointed function. inches diameter and 19 ft. 4 in.long-� The rod is firmly seated are effected by the U8e of the ponderous crane sLown in t.h" THE LARGE ENGINES. VIEW OF SHOPS "; FOR MANUFACTURE OF That the reader may have an intelligent idea of tbe nature in the piston by a conical expansion and large nut on the end centrnl part of tb" eng-raYing, nnd �y immense chains and ;'l'plied. lind uses of the objects shown in the engraving, we propose of the former. puJlc'),s to which stU,lll powc'r is Just bebind these may seen the air pump and resl'lvoir, to engine, to give some explanatory notes, obtained in a recent visit to be The CJ lind" r which is ff.)nn a ran 01 the il1l1CTica's with a ladder standing against it. Th s pump has a diame- is which it was the orks, through the courtesy of Lyman Hall, Esq., the i now being excavated !rom tlw �and pit in Buperintendent.w ter of 62 incLes and 6 feet stroke, the whole casting weigh· cast, and has yet to go through tlJC boring-ruill and finishing of the parts here shown belong to large morine inll 9 tons. In the central background and over the tram- �1101'. Of the other parts not appe'll'ing in. the eng-raving, Most a eng-ine now building for the Pacific Mail Steamf'r America. way stands the condenser, an immense and complicated ca�t-, the working-beam deserves mention. It. wl';glls 24 tons She will be the twelfth vessel of this lille fitted with ma- ing weighing 21 tons. It is of the tubular kind and is to Ill" : witl,(}ut it.s centre I,;n, wldell alone w�.ipL" 4 tons. and fitted with Allen's o d n packing. On its top fiHllg(', The main shufts 2 feet in diameter, and are probably chinery from these works, has the following dimensions: Mr. e arc i muue entirely of charcot:! iron, they having Length 3GO ft., beam 50 ft., and depth of hold 32 ft. (j in., where the workman is w�('(,no wit.h a �ledge hammer, tlw cylin· : t],e largest ever weight tons. giving a burden of (lver 4000 tons. She is to be fitted with der bottom will rest with a wdght of 8 tons. Upon this a of 24 e 105 i e again comes the main cylinder weighing 1V tons with its I Beside t.he la!'g<' Jllurine engine, noticed stfl1ionary en­ jL single beam gine of ch s cylinder, and 12 ft. stroke, we a n n cover, weiSij,ing 7 tons. '1'hese are all SnpllOl'tetl b�' the i.j:!ineI of Leautitul c,'gn and improved valve gear, ill process with Allen's adju�table cut-off. con- , bed ! JJlnr'l1fur;.ming Sr"p h�n In the left foreground of the engravil'g, will be seen the denser,which in its turn is to be securely fastened Oll the 01 construction. Thi;, film is al�n front lower steam-chest, and one of the side pipes with the plat.e wb ch is seen just to the rigJ t of the centrall !;on's & Luther's turbinc's, Slillman, & Co., '\ : tllfe� �u<l l\I"B�J". A1Ic:n figures With� workman seated upon It, engaged INlm- l have recently adcled to tl.",,)fb:..tCJJ8IVe ;YOlks Ilrclutectural cut off shaft passing through its upper portion. a WHIt an © 1868 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. titutifit 402 J �tUtritatt. JUNE 21, 1868. d 2d. T A .nd a a rela· t e parts a an e a. de epartment, in which noticed building partly completed, he valve CBOe A.when constructedH. 8S described rr ngcd of h herein specllledand shown. all constructed and rr g d we a tlvely to the oscillating balance valve as herein set tOlrth. scrtbed. o M 78.657.-Mop W INGER-John Filkins, Sandwich, Ill. 2d. The de ce wltb the lug tboreon. sUde a head the f 65 feet front by 58 feet high, for parties at st. Paulp, in· R vi G. n II the A' huVlujI; B, claim combin8tlon of stanrtllrds C C. D D rollers spring!'! rod C, slide D, lever E. a d hook F, an constructed and arranged substan. nesota. leV�l"8I theha illg tllP P R, Zde- Z. tially III the manner set forth. J J, v proJecUons L, and treadle 0, substant1ally 8S herein ng of 8cnbed. 78,685.-GRATE AND ASH SIFTER IN COOKING STOVES.-D.E. To the mechanic not already familiar with the buildi 78,658.-PETTICOAT PIPE FOR LOCOMOTIVE.-W.G. Freeman, Paris. Troy.N. Y. claIm. st, j n ls eccentrleally heavy machinery, no more i.nteresting place :canbe found for Rlrbmond Va. I 1 A liregrat toe. made in two parts. having our a of t E. a p,ttl· flttached.an n arranjl;ed dump or dlscharr.re its contPnts from tile center and precision I Claim tbe combination he cone or convergingd sheet wIth the dre box. whenever tbe two parts are moved oll·their supports and al.or a visit than the Novelty Works. The ease a o d ��u�:ir�:��e i d t�� tg���·�;����:��\"!,� lowed to fall down perpendiCnlarly, onbstantlally as de.cribP.d and bored �� lo�\':.��n�� �:e o�· o ����� 2d. The elone-atea points 0 0 or O P on with which the largest work is planed, turned, the escapmg products of co mbu i n-:r,!',j� g mouths or muzzles of the stove for on tbe sbaker E, t S the .Ide plate ot exhaust pip .. s. st towards the the the shd.,ker to strike 3,2'ainst or an equiva8 lent therefor. which cannot fail to excite his admira.tion. 78,659.-BEER COOLER.-Gerhard Fuchs and Jos. shall prevent the .baker from driving eltber part of he j!;rate In too far when Luigart, m usc. and >0 as to prev,nt It from dumping whileIn t operation. LOJ1;ansport.In d. 3d The support bars c c, placed over and In combination wltb vibrating We claim the pan H. and ice pall provided with a tortnons pipe J t h u e b s t a through wInch the beer is passed andK, cooled 8ubstantia1lv in th:� manner 1I��!r.:. :u{?�: �E ���:�e� ��\�:"o-;r� ;:.�:r�f :���r �8te. havIng att.ched Mpecltte<1 and arranged under the pipe'll ' as herein de�cribed all operat· to Its bottom si�es or ends, two or more open movable S�ftlng g.ates or sieves. OFFICIAL for pur�ses �et forth. B B o f d the rt o 1 i t� e t�':&�i�:"ollh�::.:';e����.it���ra11�'�8 �:r�': 78,660.-.IfuLLING .MILL.-Ernst Gessner, Aue, Saxouy. ����{ �� �� . l e t r n O i In deserlbed: f and ;set���� forth.!� :t �:!:' w�tg :��b�B:ie��I:;S��bb �rB[n�n:��. : fua:n� i�jl;:lsJ��l���iJ�il� a� a�� fo�t��� 5th The lifting aud 811llnjl;grate G H.or equivalent. In the heartb of a cook· PATEN". AND ing stove, provJded with journals, projecting throuC'hthe hearth, and purpose set forth. adapted to sllaken or vi I 1 substantia by f t tub or tubs of a fulling and described.1>.
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