i '. C ASS CiTY CHR,)NICL, E Vol. 16, No: 42. CASS CITY, N!Cii., FRIDAY, MARCH 4. 1921 8 PAGES Wager; centers, Olive Day and Edna . -~ .... ......... lago to reside at Sault Ste. Marie for H0.~SE llk[[~ ![I " Brackenbury; guards, -Vera Flint and i his time and eff0r~ts g;ven to the so- i Marie Keenoyf Sub , Thelma Luther ciety. ifor M. Keenoy. AUTOMOBILEAGtlfl}ENT Dr. I. D. McCoy,_Dr. J. T. Redwine CAR DITCHED TO and Dr. S. B.Young motored to Sagi- AVOID ACCIDENT naw last Thursday in Dr. MeCoy's Chas. t{andall and Son Thrown Sev- car. They attended the meeting of eral Feet but Were Not Se- the Genessee County Medical Society Harry Crandell ditched his Hudson verely Injured. The Rinktum club wilF enjoy a pot at the Bancroft Hotel. Six Tuesday to avoid a collision with another chr 4½ miles west of Cass luck supper at the J. L. Cathcart Ramon Capistrano, a graduate of City. Mr. Crandell was driving to- home Friday evening. the U. of M., and Phillips Elliot, a Chas. Randall had a horse killed wards town on the right side of the The farmers in the neighborhood of Junior, will be in Cass City over the and he was badly shaken up in an road and was about to pass a team the Robt. Charlton home gathered week end in behalf of the Y. M. C. A. auto accident Sunday afternoon when [of horses driving west when another thet~ Friday evening. The evening They will give talks before the high Dr. I. D. Mc(~oy's Hudson Six knocked machine back of the team attempted was spent in visiting after which pot i school this afternoon and after the the horse down on the highway about to pass the horses before Mr. Cran- luck refreshments were served• • i basket ball game this evening', a fel- two miles west of Ca~s City. dell reached them. "It was either a Dr. and Mrs. McCoy and Dr• and Thos. Leach of Saginaw, Mr. and lowship meeting for men and boys l will be held at the to~h hall. Satur- bed-d-on collision or the ditch," said Mrs. P. A• Schenck were returning" Mrs. H. A. MacRae and children, Lu- Harry, "and I chose the ditch." "day morning" the two men ivilt hold a from Detroit and Mr Randall and his cite and Howard of Caro, and Mr. and The ditch was opposite the Peter son were-driving to Cass City with Mrs. Fred Smith and daughter, ]conference with business men and al- Rushlo farm and is a deep one. It horse and cutter. The right side of Louisa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. so conduct a younger boys' confer- took a heavy draft team and four the road was bare and Mr. Randall ~Roy Allen over the end of the week. :ence.~ Saturday afternoon, they will men to bring the car back on the was favoring his horse by using the Master Arthur Zemke entertained supervise recreation m~d games and that evening- will speak to men ahd highway. No one was inji]red and left side of the highway which was nine of his friends at his home Tues- the car was not damaged. covered with snow. As Dr• McCoy ap- boys at a boys' life work conference % day afternoon. The party was given preached the horse and cutter from in honor of his fifth birthday. After at the high school building'. On Sun- I day, Messrs. Elliot and Capistrano the rear; he decided also to favor the enjoying themselves by playing" horse by passing Mr. Randall on the games, -refreshments were served. ~witl speak at the churches. Mr. Elliot GREENLEAFFARM HONE is a very active worker in the Presby- right where the road was bare in- Mrs. John McKichan returned from terian church at Ann Arbor and has stead of the left. Mr. Randall did not Pontiac on We, esday after being" i considerable ability as a speaker. Mr. DESIBOYEDBY FIRE hear the machine approaching until with her sister, Mrs. Floyd Metten, Capistrano g-raduated from Law last submit figures as to the cost of cur- it was about ten feet behind him when who was operated on for appendicitis year and is taking" post-graduate PASS[0 WEEETO BE rent for state institutions. "From my he promptly pulled hi.s horse to the Origin of Blaze Saturday Morning at at the Pontiac City Hospital. Mrs. work in Business Administration. He own knowledge of the costs of power right side of the road, directly in the Mellen is making an uneventful re- is a Filippino and expects to .~o back OBSERVEBBY OHUROHE$i production I am convinced that power Arehie McCallum's Home path of the automobile. The cutter covery. !to the Philippines to take up his fa- ,cannot be produced in the small iso- Is Unknown. was smashed into kindling wood. Mr. ¢ Through the kindness of B. L. Mid- ther's business. l, lated plants as cheaply as it can be Randall and his son were thrown sev- furnished by the big companies with eral feet. The horse had two leg's dleton, the store building recently va- I Eli Patterson underwent an opera- Business Merr Asks! to Close Their modern steam turbine units and hy- broken and was shot to end its mis- ~ cated by Joe CoscareIli has been giv- tion at Pleasant Home Hospital Feb. Stores for Three Hours on The pleasant farm home of Archie en over to the use of volley ball en- dro-electric plants," .said the gover- !McCallum, secretary of the Greenleaf cry. Mr. Randall and his .son were :21 and at the hour he was On the op- Good Friday. thusiasts, who have protected the nor. "Within a few days I will have i Creamery Co, was destroyed by fire fortunate in not suffering severe in- erating table his home at Argyle was t " . , Idefinite figures and will be able to juries. The lad escaped with a few windows and spend their spare time i destroyed by fire. Owing" to the seri- Saturday morning. The remdence was make recommendations accordingly." scratches and his father was badly in this exercise. Lous condition of the patient, he was At a recent meeting of the Pastors' situated about a quarter mile west of br~fised. Howell Bros. of Sebewalng are not informed of the fire until Tuesday Union of Cass City, it was agreed Old G~eenleaf. The loss is estimated This is the second accident Mr. opening up a Wittiard Battery Service evening When a neighbor came to tell iupon to hold union meetings during at $5,000. Insurance on the building Rffndall has suffered in the last half station in the cement building" west of him of the loss. It was a hard b!ow, i Passion Week, Mar. 20-27, in grate- was carried to the amount of $1,600 BASE BALLLEAGUE year. Last fall, he lost parts of three West & Son's blacksmith shop. They but it was eonsiderably lessened when iful memory and honor of our Lord's and $600 oh the contents. fingers in a corn shredder. expect to be ready for business to- his neighbor told him that $650 had i'.'Last Week" upon earth. The plan When Mr. 51eCailum returned to A representative of the Great Lake day. John Willy, who has been in been contributed towards the pur- ~s to hold two services in each of the ASSUREDiN GOUNTY!the house from the barn about 11:30 Mutual Auto Insurance Co., in which their Sebewaing garage the past chase of material for a new residence, i four Protestant churches of the city,~ Satu ~"say morning," o- his wife said she Dr. McCoy carried insurance was in year, will have charge of the Cass This amount to~o:ether v,.~th the incur-ias follows:~Sunday and Monday i smelled smoke and thought that the Enthusiastic Meeting Was tIeld at Oass City Tuesday and made satis- City station• anee .money Mr. Patterson will re-nights at the Evangelical; Tuesday hou,se might be afire. When Mr. Mc- factory adjustments for all claims Workmen are engaged in placing eeive will undoubtedly cover the i and Wednesday nights at the Presby- Sandusky on Tuesday CaI,tum opened the s~air door on an and damages. poles and wires for a new toll line for amount necessary for the material terian; Thursday and Friday nights! Evening. 'investigation trip, heat and smoke £he Michigan State Telephone Co. for the new dwelling'. Neighbors and at the Baptist; and Saturday and i belched from the opening and it was i'rom Saginaw to Harbor Beach. Con- friends of the family are planning" to i Sunday (Easter) nights at the Meth- ~impossible to proceed farther. Mrs. necting with the central of the Cass contribute the labor and skill neees-~odist church. ! Representatives from every town McCallum's mother, an invalid, was FAItM INGOMElAX City Telephone Co., patrons of the lo- sary in erecting the building. These t We are planning" to observe Good in the county with the exception of removed from the house with difficul- cal company are as,sured better ser- activities speak volumes of the kind- Friday at the Baptist ehm'eh from two or three small towns gathered at ~ty and neighbors summoned by tele- vice on long distance calls. ness and neighborliness of Argyle i the hour of 12:00 m. to 3:00 p. m., the i the court house in Sandusky Tuesday [phone.
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