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European Parliament EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2004 2009 Committee on Agriculture AGRI/PV/(2004)1130 MINUTES of the Hearing on the reform of the Common Organisation of the Sugar Market on 30 November 2004, 11 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. BRUSSELS 1. Opening of the hearing by : Joseph Daul, Chairman of the Committee of Agriculture Luisa Morgantini, Chairwoman of the Committee on Development Daniel Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on International Trade. 2. Presentation of communication COM(2004) 499 by : Bruno Buffaria, European Commission 3. First panel Statement by Jean-Claude Fruteau, rapporteur of the Committee of Agriculture Statement by Professor Jean-François Sneessens, University of Louvain Presentation of the views of the Economic and Social Committee by Rudolf Strasser, rapporteur. Questions and comments Georgios Papastamkos, Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler, Frank Vanhecke, Margrietus van den Berg, Czesław Adam Siekierski, Erika Mann, Robert Sturdy, Albert Jan Maat, Jacky Henin, Lutz Goepel, David Martin, Diamanto Manolakou, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Katerina Batzeli, Christofer Fjellner, Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, Albert Deß, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Christa Klaß, Neil Parish, Rosa PV\550821EN.doc PE 353.279 Or. EN EN EN Miguélez Ramos, Avril Doyle, Jean-François Sneessens, Bruno Buffaria. The hearing was suspended at 12.52 p.m. and resumed at 3.10 p.m. 4. Second panel - Statement by Derrick Heaven, Executive Chairman of the Sugar Industry Authority of Jamaica - Statement by Thierry E. Kesteloot - Researcher on agricultural policies and agricultural trade, OXFAM - Statement by Pekka Myllymäki, Finish National Farmers Union (Hietamaki) - Statement by Dr. Hans-Jorg Gebhart, German Sugar Association (Eppingen) Question and comments Margie Sudre, Robert Sturdy, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Albert Jan Maat, Paul Verges, Johan Van Hecke, Neil Parish, María Esther Herranz García, Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, Joseph Daul, Derrick Heaven, Thierry E. Kesteloot, Pekka Myllymaki, Hans-Jorg Gebhart 5. Third panel - Statement by Ellen Huan-Niemi, MTT Agrifood Research (Finland) - Statement by Dr. Alexandre Rands Barros, Department of Economics, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife (Brazil) - Statement by Philippe Soubestre, Chairman of the National Union of Sugar Manufacturers (France) Questions and comments Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler, Mairead McGuinness, Robert Sturdy, Neil Parish, Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, David Martin, Niels Busk, Marc Tarabella, María Esther Herranz García, Jacky Henin, Joseph Daul, Ellen Huan-Niemi, Alexandre Rands Barros, Philippe Soubestre and Bruno Buffaria 6. Conclusions The following spoke : Mr. Peter Šťastný, Vice-Chairman of INTA, Ms. Danutė Budreikaitė, Vice-Chairwoman of DEVE and Mr. Jean-Claude Fruteau, rapporteur of AGRI The chairman closed the hearing at 6.30 p.m. PE 353.279 2/4 PV\550821EN.doc Or. EN EN 4. BILAG/ANLAGE/ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ/ANNEX/ANNEXE/ALLEGATO/BIJLAGE/A NEXO/LIITE/BILAGA DELTAGERLISTE/ANWESENHEITSLISTE/ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΠΑΡΟΝΤΩΝ/RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/LISTA DE ASISTENCIA/LISTE DE PRESENCE/ELENCO DEI PRESENTI/PRESENTIELIJST/LISTA DE PRESENÇAS/LÄSNÄOLOLISTA/DELTAGARLISTA Til stede Formandskabet/Vorstand/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Ufficio di Presidenza/Mesa/Puheenjohtajisto/J.L. Presidium: (*) Joseph Daul (P), Luisa Morgantini (P), Danutė Budreikaitė (VP), Jean-Marie Cavada (VP), Jean-Claude Fruteau (VP), Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf (VP), Margrietus van den Berg (VP), Daniel Varela Suanzes- Anwesend Carpegna (VP), Peter Šťastný (VP), Janusz Wojciechowski (VP) Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Μέλη/Members/Diputados/Députés/Deputati/Leden/Deputados/Jäsenet/Ledamöter: Παρόντες Filip Adwent, Marie-Hélène Aubert, Peter Baco, Alessandro Battilocchio, Katerina Batzeli, Thijs Berman, Niels Busk, Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, Marie-Arlette Carlotti, Giuseppe Castiglione, Thierry Cornillet, Albert Deß, Nirj Deva, Gintaras Didžiokas, Christofer Fjellner, Duarte Freitas, Ioannis Gklavakis, Lutz Goepel, Bogdan Golik, Present María Esther Herranz García, Jacky Henin, Elisabeth Jeggle, Filip Andrzej Kaczmarek,Sajjad Karim, Heinz Kindermann, Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler, Caroline Lucas,.Albert Jan Maat, Mairead McGuinness, Erika Mann, Diamanto Manolakou, Maria Martens, David Martin, Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Jean-Claude Martinez, Presentes Rosa Miguélez Ramos, Javier Moreno Sánchez, Gay Mitchell, Georgios Papastamkos, Neil Parish, Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Tokia Saïfi, María Isabel Salinas García, Pierre Schapira, Agnes Schierhuber, Frithjof Schmidt, Willem Schuth, Jürgen Schröder, Czesław Adam Siekierski, Peter Šťastný, Robert Sturdy, Csaba Sándor Présents Tabajdi, Marc Tarabella, Johan Van Hecke, Paul Verges, Kyösti Tapio Virrankoski, Jan Zahradil, Zbigniew Zaleski, Mauro Zani, Presenti Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/Αναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suplentes/Suppléants/ Membri supplenti/Plaatsvervangers/Membros suplentes/Varajäsenet/Suppleanter: Liam Aylward, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Den Dover, Saïd El Khadraoui, Ilda Figueiredo, Béla Aanwezig Glattfelder, Christa Klaß, Wiesław Stefan Kuc, Bernard Lehideux, Patrick Louis, Astrid Lulling, Manolis Mavrommatis, Linda McAvan, Jan Mulder, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Bogdan Pęk, Markus Pieper, Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański, Ivo Strejček, Marianne Thyssen Läsnä Närvarande Brian Crowley, Harald Ettl, Linda McAvan, Paul Rübig, Kathy Sinnott, Art. 166.3 Margie Sudre Avril Doyle, Andrew Duff, Carlo Fatuzzo, Anne Elisabet Jensen, Henrik Art. 183,3 Dam Kristensen, Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, Manuel Medina Ortega, Paul Rübig, Bart Staes, Carl Schlyter, Rainer Wieland, - Endv. deltog/Weitere Teiln./ Συµµετείχαν επίσης/Also present Participaron igualmente/ Participaient également/ Hanno partecipato altresi΄/ Andere deelnemers/ Outros participantes/ Muut osallistujat/ Dessutom deltog (Dagsorden/Tagesordnung Pkt/Ηµερήσια ∆ιάταξη Σηµεί/Point OJ/Punto OG/Agenda Punt/Ponto OJ/punto orden del dia/ Esityslistan kohta/Föredragningslista punkt): * (P) =Formand/Vorsitzender/Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Président/Presidente/Voorzitter/Presidente/Puheenjohtaja/Ordförande (VP) =Næstform./Stellv. Vorsitz./Αντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Président/Vice-Presidente/Varapuheenjohtaja Ondervoorz./Vice-Pres./Vicepres/Vice ordförande. Til stede den/Anwesend am/Παρών στις/Present on/Présent le/Presente il/Aanwezig op/Presente em/Presente el/Läsnä/Närvarande den. PV\550821EN.doc 3/4 PE 353.279 Or. EN EN Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung d. Vorsitzenden/Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chairman/Por invitación del presidente/Sur l'invitation du président/Su invito del presidente/Op uitnodiging van de voorzitter/A convite do Presidente/Puheenjohtajan kutsusta/ På ordförandens inbjudan: - Radet/Rat/Συµβούλιο/Council/Consejo/Conseil/Consiglio/Raad/Conselho/Neuvosto/Rådet: (*) - Kommissionen/Kommission/Επιτροπή/Commission/Comisión/Commissione/Commissie/Comissão/Komissio/ Kommissionen: (*) M. Atutxa (F), M.Buffaria (F) Cour des comptes: - C.E.S.: - Andre deltagere/Andere Teilnehmer Margie Sudre (M) (ACP-UE) Επίσης Παρόντες/Also present Otros participantes/Autres participants/Altri partecipanti Andere aanwezigen/Outros participantes Muut osallistujat/Övriga deltagare Gruppernes sekretariat PPE-DE Soutullo Sanchez, Strange, Bastiaansen, Evison, Lukyamuzi, Haglund Sekretariat der Fraktionen PSE Lepouras, Suda Γραµµατεία των Πολ. Οµάδων ALDE Krings, Melis Secretariat political groups Verts/ALE Lorenzen - Emmes - Marti Garcia, Kuppers, Tsigereda Secr. de los grupos politicos GUE/NGL Iborra, Dupret Secr. Groupes politiques IND/DEM Ciuffreda Segr. dei gruppi politici UEN Bordez, Diepenbroek Secr. van de fracties NI De Dinechin, Atzori Secr. dos grupos politicos Poliittisten ryhmien sihteeristö Gruppernas sekretariat Cab. du Président - Cab. du Secrétaire Général - Generaldirektorat I - Generaldirektion II Ismael Olivares Γενική ∆ιεύθυνση III Marton Benedek Directorate-General IV - Dirección general V - Direction générale VI - Direzione generale VII - Directoraat-generaal VIII - Direcção-Geral Contrôle financier - Service juridique - Pääosasto Generaldirektorat Udvalgssekretariatet Armand Franjulien, Patrick Baragiola, Peter Adler, Albert Massot- Ausschußsekretariat Marti, Gerhard Kalb (AGRI), Michael Wood, Anne-Louise Γραµµατεία επιτροπής McLauchlan, Wolfgang Herzig, Anna Caprile (DEV), Donatella Committee secretariat Pribaz, Mme Finana, Christopher Ford (INTA) Secretaria de la comisión Secrétariat de la commission Segretariato della commissione Commissiesecretariaat Secretariado da comissão Valiokunnan sihteeristö Utskottssekretariatet Assist./Βοηθός Maria Seifriedsberger (AGRI), Annick Lefevre, Boglarka Borbely (DEV), Hélène Alimonaki, Leena Luoma (INTA) * (P) =Formand/Pres./Πρόεδρος/Chairman/Président/Voorzitter/Puheenjohtaja/Ordförande (VP) =Næstform./Vize-Pres./Αντιπρόεδρος/Vice-Chairman/Vice-Président/Ondervoorz./Vice-pres/Varapuheenjohtaja/Vice ordförande. (M) =Medlem./Mitglied/Μέλος/Member/Miembro/Deputado/Membro/Lid/Membro/Jäsen/Ledamot (F) =Tjenestemand/Beamter/Υπάλληλος/Official/Funcionário/Fonctionnaire/Funzionario/Ambtenaar/ Functionαrio/Virkamies/Tjänsteman PE 353.279 4/4 PV\550821EN.doc Or. EN EN .
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