OPEN- Unified NFV/SDN Open Source Orchestrator

Hui Deng, China Mobile Kai Liu, China Telecom Eun Kyoung Paik, KT Chris Donley, Huawei Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation Disclaimer • The following represents general proposals being worked on by a formation community. The following materials have not been approved or endorsed by the members, but represent current working drafts of discussions that we would like to invite a wider community to participate in. Why OPEN-O?

Vendor Is SDN only enough?

E2E Unified SDN/NFV Service Orchestrator

Virtualization vCPE vBRAS vPE Router vFW vLB

SDN Controller Vender specific ONOS ODL

OpenStack ҁDC controller҂ DomainB GW TOR pCPE BRAS Legacy Domain A

Access MAN Network Data Center Is Controller enough for SDN?

APP/OSS/BSS • Most carriers’ network is hybrid network which includes legacy and SDN, and virtual network SDN Orchestrator • Controller focus on network resource abstraction and path calculation • SDN orchestration focus on end to Controller Controller end service and resource EMS (ONOS) (ODL) orchestration and it is key to enable agile service across multi- Legacy SDN SDN domain multi-layer and multi- Domain Domain A Domain ҅ vendor Commercialized NFV-O?


SDN-O interface NB Interface

Commercialized NFVOs

Unified IM/ Huawei Ericsson ZTE Nokia Canonical DM vCMM Conductor Cloudband

HP ADVA Cinena Gigaspaces SB Interface Director ESO Blue Planet Cloudify Multiple VIMs Option 1: VNFM Option1: SDN Plugin controller plugin Option 2: VNFM Option 2: SDN VNFM VIM SDN standard interface Controller standard interface Could Enterprise Solution Meet Telecom Expectation? Orchest rator Orchestrator Enterprise Solution ? NFVI VNFM VNFM Telecom Network

Information Monitor Multi-VIMs Multi-Site? Unified API? Model? Capability? Support? OPEN-O: From OSS to OSS

OSS— Operation Support System OSS— Open Source Software

OSS/BSS/APP 3 Vendor Service Model definition & OSS Unified Open Source mapping & Orchestration Orchestrator 2 Network /Device Model EMS EMS EMS definition & mapping Multi- Multi-VNFM/ Multi-EMS Device Device Device Controller VIM 1 network resource Vendor Vendor Vendor discovery & abstraction

• OPEN-O is working on the new Orchestrator OSS(Open Source Software) as the Next Generation OSS Foundation for ICT Service Agility China Telecom’s use case: CloudVPN APP Layer Portal APP Website

BSS CRM/Billing • SDN supports layer2 connection BSS Layer cross multiple DCs. • Unified E2E Service O In this case, it needs to support: /O-Layer NFVO • End-to-end overlay between multi-DCs Orchestrator SDNO VNFM • Separated overlay between DC and WAN • Traffic steering for different types traffic • NFVO and VNFM for vCPE and VAS service C-Layer WAN Controller DC Controller

• Layered Orchestration architecture VNFs provide cross-domain service vm11 IDC Backbone NW vm21 orchestration and global optimization. PE2 vm12 vm22

vm13 VXLAN-GW1 vm23 PE1 VXLAN-GW2 vm14 P1 P2 OVS/TOR IDC OVS/TORvm24

VLAN VPN TE VPN VXLAN KT’s use case: Transport SDN

End to End Service Orchestrator

• SDN controls transport path SDN Controller over multi-vendor devices in a centralized manner Legacy Transport • Orchestrator optimizes MSPP OXC OXC MSPP end-to-end provisioning New Transport PTN PTN China Mobile’s use case: Orchestration for TICs

Core TIC • Two layers of TICs (Telecom Mobile-CP Fix-CP NFVO Open-O Integrated Cloud) are deployed for virtual network services for both fix Edge TIC SDN Controller and mobile network. Mobile-DP Fix-DP NFVO

OTN PTN • Orchestrator is used to coordinate PON the service between the two layers. PTN

Residential home WLAN Enterprise Mobile OPEN-O benefits for Industry

Agility in services & operations

Vendors like plug-in after pre- integration. Operators can plug in/ Most viable to work 5 out easily. across vendors 1

Vendors can do OSS pre-integration 4 – reduce OSS integration time & Managed Open cost. Source: PSI is baby 2 sitter without lock-in 3 Operators can innovate services based on abstract service element Significance of Orchestrator Similar to IP

• IP, as the anchor, decouples Transport Protocols from • Orchestrator, as the anchor, decouples Operator Service L2 Media, facilitate innovations above & below from Vendor infrastructure, facilitate innovations above & below

FTP HTTP RTP Google FB Netflix OTT L4 to L7 TCP UDP HSI VPN …… Operators IP Orchestrator Eth ATM L2 EMS Controller VNF/VIM Vendors Device1 Device2 Device Device1 Device2 Device N

If we can, Open source makes 1 single orchestrator becoming possible, rather than many orchestrators from many vendors What is OPEN-O project? OPEN-O Mission & Scope

• Enabling end-to-end service agility across SDN, NFV, and legacy networks via a unified orchestration platform supporting NFV orchestration (NFVO and VNFM) and SDN orchestration. • This platform will be implemented and periodically released as open source software. Its modular nature will support common and vendor-specific data models and interoperability across multiple controllers, VNFs, VIMs and VNFMs. • Open-O will allow service providers to maximize the use of available network capacity, reduce customization, and accelerate innovation in a multivendor ecosystem OPEN-O SW Architecture

• End-to-End SDN/NFV Orchestration • ETSI NFV MANO compliant • Modular and multiplatform • Service and Resource Orchestration • YANG and TOSCA support Use Case Example: eHealth application of SDN + NFV

User Story: 1. A doctor sends a patient to the hospital for X-rays 2. The doctor needs to set up a VPN connection between his office and the hospital (L2/L3 vpn) to download the X-Rays 3. Both the doctor and the hospital need to turn on L2 + L3 firewall VNFs VPN 4. They also need to turn on encryption 5. The VPN should adjust the amount of bandwidth it delivers – for example, a lot of bandwidth for the X- rays, but only a little for billing records Sequence Diagram for eHealth Use Case

Common Cross SDN Ctrl. VNFM Portal SDN-O NFV-O Service Domain-O Driver Driver

Service request(eHealth) Service request(eHealth) API gateway: Service request(eHealth)

Service Catalog: Verify Service

Decompose Service Service Execute 1: vFirewall Create and Deploy Service Decompose/Orchestration response Create and deploy vFirewall Service Execute 2: create IPSec VPN(connect to vFirewall) Notesғ Service Decompose /Orchestrate Didn’ describe response create IPSec VPN the interaction response response between response orchestration Common Join OPEN-O Strategic use of open source software

Your value add

Strategic Use 80% OSS


Average * Best in class * Source: Gartner Group OPEN-O fills in the gaps between Infra. to OSS

Programming Frameworks Application Platforms VM/VIM Managers Containers Operating Systems Virtual Machines Management and Orchestration OPEN-OOPEN-O Carrier Networking Network Controller Data Plane Services Hardware Relationship with other standard bodies

Customer Portal/BSS (E2E Service= VPN+ VAS + Cloud) • Open-O plays well Restful API with others Cross domain orchestration • ETSI NFV ISG – architecture and data OPEN-O models SDNO NFVO Tacker… -VNFM • Open Source WAN SBI VAS SBI projects - OPNFV, Open Stack, Open Daylight, ONOS OPEN Cord EMS • As upstream open source project, open OpenStack to work with other EMS Controller VNF S-VNFM forums vFW,vLB,vCP ,vBNG, vEPC…) Service provider Public cloud Legacy SDN NFVI VIM network network OPEN-O: 1st unified NFV/SDN Open Source Orchestrator

OPEN-O Press Conference on MWC 2016

• OPEN-O project intent is driven by operators and got early supports from 15 SDN&NFV mainstream vendors 2016 OPEN-O Event Plan

OPEN-O 1st Speech & Demo OPEN-O 1st release on ONS Hackfests 2016.03.16 2016.05 2016.09

Feb. March April May July Sep. Oct.- Dec.

2016.02.23 2016.05 2016.07 Time to declare on May MWC Intent OPEN-O Official Founding OPEN-O 2nd Hackfests Announcement 1st Summit Getting involved in OPEN-O •

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