Introduction to OPEN- LinuxCon-Japan July 14, 2016

Marc Cohn, Linux Foundation, Director, OPEN-O ([email protected]) Agenda

. Vision

. Architecture

. Project Status

2 Operator Goals for Open Orchestration

Developers . Network- to Software- orientation (Eliminate SI) 300

. Hybrid Networks

(Buy from SI) 20 . OSS/BSS Transformation Legacy Orchestrator Hybrid OSS


3 OPEN-O Vision: From OSS to OSS


Promotional/Bundled/Simple Offerings Portal BSS: App/BSS (GUI) Product Layer Business Layer:

ProductProductProduct SpecSpec


GS-O YANG CustomerCustomer Facing Facing Service Service Spec OSS: Global Service O Service Layer Operation Layer: Resource Facing Service Spec ResourceResource Facing Facing Service Service Spec

NFV-O SDN-O ETSINFV NetworkNetwork Service Service Spec Spec Network: Network Service Network Layer: Resource Layer VNFM SDN Ctrl /-VNFM SDN Ctrl ResourceResourceNetwork Spec Spec Resource

Device PNFs VNFs VIMVIM Release 1.0 Use Case: vCPE


Access S-VNFM1 G-VNFM1 WAN Controller G-VNFM2 S-VNFM1 Controller (vCPE) (Juju…) Super/ Controller (vVAS) (BRAS CP) Neutron interface VIM1 VIM2 (OS1) (OS2)

DC Controller (Neutron Plugin) TIC Core POP/TIC Edge Tenant Cloud APP Residential pCPE BRAS DP for Enterprise vFW TOR OS APP WAN OS vCPE APP OS OSPE1 PE1 PE2 GW Enterprise SPTN ThinCPE SPTN TOR BRAS CP Site OS overlay VLAN VXLAN IPSec VXLAN VLAN

underlay MPLSTP L2VPN VLAN MPLS BGP L3VPN Legend: SDN-O NFV-O VLAN SPTN MPLSTP L3VPN More than MANO. . . Design- Time Environment Portals GUI OSS/BSS NFV MANO Modeling NFV Orchestrator Virtualized Network Functions Catalogues (VNFs) VNF Manager (VNFM)

Virtualization Infra- NFV Infrastructure structure Mgr. (VIM) (NFVI)

Legacy SDN Infrastructure Networks OPEN-O Architecture

OSS BSS Portals Operator End-User GUI Portals

Common Orchestration GS-O TOSCA Services Services Tools Yang SDN-O NFV-O

Infrastructure Legacy SDN NFVI Networks Networks

7 OPEN-O Value Proposition

It’s about the services • End-to-end • Model-driven

Support for brownfields Connectivity services

Tailored to the operator Modular framework Any Service over Any Network

8 OPEN-O R1.0

9 OPEN-O Project Status

June 28, 2016 OPEN-O Developers

100s NFV-O >100

Email List Email 12 SDN-O

Developers GS-O Members


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Announced Release 1.0 (target)

Formation OPNFV Integration (planned) 1Q-2016 2Q-2016 4Q-2016 2Q-2017 10 A new model for open source


Collaboration Community

Balance Neutrality


11 The Role of the Linux Foundation

Service Layer . Neutrality

. Best Practices Control Layer . Infrastructure . Community Building

Infrastructure Layer

Architectures Reference OSS Platforms . Promotion Reference

Collaboration ありがとうございました Thank You

For more details on OPEN-O: Marc Cohn [email protected]