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4 If You want to day's Ifews, today l yon find It in THE STAK r 4 THE 411 edition I HAW The Star Prints More Local News Than Any Other Paper In Honolulu M MA. -- OOp VOL. XIV. HONOLULU, HAWAII, MONDAY, JULY 2 1906. No FIRT DECISION OF Crowds Try Not liter "5 I lO rOV blarnegie lllw41 KH runPL UP IL0LnrfliiiARu . : Hni H H ft roiiip i-n- rnn ntHummi Licenses miedal A RUSH AT THE TREASURER'S REQUESTS SENT TO MAUI FOR, OFFICE THIS MORNING TO GET KUAIWA AFFIDAVITS ARE . Id NOR ED ALTOGETHER. v;' !,,

Today Is the bimteat day the Ter- Kualwa, the Lnhalna hero, apparent- ritorial Treasury has known for a long ly doesn't want a Carnegie medal, anC time. By eight o'clock" this morning thoso who at first interested them- SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS THE NEW REVISED LAWS OF HAWAII, there was a Crowd of applicants for selves In getting one for him appear to llce'nses itt the oillce, license have given up REVERSING THE CIRCUIT COURT'S RULING IN THE TOM PONG and the the proposition. This is (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) window was boselged all day.. Money supposed to ibe tho reason that they CASE CODE COMMISSION DID NOT EXCEED AUTHORITY AND was paid In quite rapidly, but only a havo utterly ignored all requests for WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2. So cretary of the Treasury Shaw today LEGISLATURE PASSED LAWS PROPERLY. proportion of the licenses duo will be further Information and ailldavlts re- Coffered for salo $30,000,000 of Panama Canal bonds. This Is tho first Issuo of paid, as there Is neither room nor ofllco garding tho deed of heroism which tho now Panama Canal bonds by the United Statos Government. force enough to handlo the business In brought Kualwa into prominence.. one day. Thoso who fall to ronow It is about six weeks now since' let- One of tho moset Important decisions Tlio wholo volume was passed, as tho licenses on the first day, however, wilt ters were sent to Maul notifying Sen given by tho Supreme Court hero for 0' laws of tho country, by tho legislature, be given a chanco and allowed to con- ator illaysoldon, who had Intctcstcd long time was handed down this morn- and this proceeding was attacked on tinue a- day or two while tho rush lasts. himself in tho matter, that tho Carne K. - ing, in the habeas corpus caso of Tom tho ground that the Codo Commission About $100,000 In liquor licenses and gie commission wanted names of KILLED Pong .reversing tho circuit court and had no right to materially chango tho $50,000 for other licenses nro duo to also various affidavits, .Hny- - remanding the petitioner to custody. laws and that tho legislature In pass- day, for licenses for otio year1 from Soldcn and other had already senf.a'jlpt Tho decision sustains the acts of tho ing tho whole volumo by a short act July 1. Tho Japs seemed to have tho of information and afflilavlt&jKMtha Codo Commission in compiling tho Ro. violated tho Organic Act's provision right of way this morning. There was. request of Secretary Atkluso&Jfara It ' vised Laws and of tho Legislature In that each law shall be road threo times such a crowd of them at the window was supposed that the record waSnSom-plet- e. passing them. Hence, aside from tho lu each houqo. that many applicants after waiting a No roply has been received to POLICE fact that It settles a number of pending Tho case was In while gave It up will prob- the request heard the circuit and left. It for further information and cases on tho criminal calendar, It up- court by Judgo ably to questions ' Robinson, who did not take several days to get all tho for answers a long list of V holds tho entire laws of tho Territory, write an opinion, money In . by commis- -- but merely gave an forwarded tho Carnrgle . WARSAW, July 2. mom-fiber- Terrorists ha vo killed three and wounded two s which Tom Pong's petition, sustained oral ruling sion. of the police force during trouble discharging tho prisoner. here. In the circuit court attacked. Tho pe- Tho question of infamous punishment GARNISHEE DISCHARGED. In other words, the reply of the com- - titioner was represented by Judge Gear was also beforo the circuit Judgo and Judgo Lindsay this morning gave a mteston may have ended tho proposi- who has declared his intention to take he did not Indicate on which ground decision In the case Of Keklpi against tion. Kualwa doesn't want to go to tho matter to the Supremo Court of his. dlscherge was based. That pro- tho Kamalo Sugar Company, discharg- work to prove himself a hero and hla tho United States, County Attorney position, however, is not discussed In ing David Dayton as garnishee. friends are chucking up the Job. Douthitt appearing for tho government. the Supremo Court decision today as It .Tom Pong was convicted of selling was disposed of In tho Hlgashl case. f k HENLEY, England, 2. Tho opium without a license, under section The proposition disposed St3 .; i as... July Canadian Argonauts today defeated the of today SDPRElCOfT TD MERCHANTS uie iirsc neai oi me cnailenge cup race. 1359 of the Revised Laws, which is a m.ght have been an Issuo In tho Mer- o section which was changed when tho chants' Association corporation exhibits Code Commission took from tho law enso In NICHOLAS IS SO it and numerous other cases both RE AT TREPOPP. books of the Territory and placed It In civil and criminal It was constantly IT ALSO EXHIBIT E the volume known as tho Revised Lawsi HU'tly to bo raised. ST. PETERSBURG, July 2. Is reported JU It that General Trepoff, the mil- itary governor city, -- of this has incurred tho displeasure of tho Czar and his ' .41 lottrement as governor Is Imminent. WILL JOIN THE CIRCUIT COURT ATTORNEYS FOR THE MER-- IN HAVING A SUMMER VACA- CHANTS SEEK TO QUASH WRIT ' "1" " , ON TION. OF MANDAMUS. APPEALS 4 ' 1 : ?; , i STOPPED The Supremo Court will probably A motion to quash the mandamus In. IWtiM tuko a reeoss after ttylibrrow for the tho merchants' exhibit "case wits llled In TAX summor vacation, sessions may morning; ' NCOME iufy(h the Circuit Court this by It. bo held from lime 'to time. 'Th July W. Breckoiis and S. B. Klnt&btiry. at- session opened this morning with a torneys for tho Merchants' Association. KILLED YOUNG'S SEVERAL LARGE CASES TO HE HEARD BY THE TAX APPEAL small calendar and-fe- attornej;pipres-- Tho mandamus was directed against COURT WHEN IT MEETS KAPID TRANSIT AND J. B. CAS- ent. Benson, Smith & Company, requiring Attorney Olsen asked that two Third the corporation to file an exhibit or TLE RETURN INCOME AS NOHING AND ARE CHARGED Circuit cases ibe temporarily postpon- show causo why nono should bo filed. E HEAVY INCOME TAX BY THE ASSESSOR. ed, to bo heard lutcr this session if pos- The petition for a mandamus followed HIS iXPBDITIOW sible. Aftor consultation with Justices Immediately after tho decision of tho t ML Hartwell nnd Wilder, Chlof Justice Supremo Court In tho formor test caso, ' f Frear stated that tho court probably In which it was hold that tho direct- The Tax Appeal Court will have sev- be a spirited contest over the methods regularly tomorrow. pun- PORTUGUESE INFLICTED FATAL would not sit after ors of tho company could not be CAPTAIN HAGLUNO OF I. I. S. N. eral large Income tax appeals to hear of calculation 'by which these figures It was not certain, he said, that any ished for failure of the corporation fllo ON are at. WOUNDS NORWEGIAN SUN- CO. HEARD MALOLO WAS TO RE when it convenes next Thursday for arrived cases would bo heard this session nfter an exhibit. . The seven apipcals are Incomes however1, DAY MORNING. lis income tax session. Tho largest Is on tomorrow. Tho court, would A motion to quash the writ Is based TAKEN TO SAN PEDRO. rated toy the assessor at $783,296.54 and prabably meet from tlmo to time. on fifteen different grounds, all of them that of J. B. Castle, whoso return was returned 'by tho various parties con- Thero arc. not many cases which technical. It Is claimed that Treasur nothing and assessment by tho Tax As- As the result of jealousy over a na- Acting upon the 'belief that an at- cerned at $242,676.10, making a differ- counsel appear anxious to present Just er Campbell, In whoso ibehalf the man sessor Holt $106,136.17. The Rapid ence $545,620.44, on tive woman named Mrs. Mary Opeku, tempt was about to be made by Her- of which the total now, hence It In probable that nfter damus was Issued, Is without author Folkt-war- Transit Company also Its net charged is $109,124.88. A. Carvalho fatally shot Magnus d bert Young to returned tax Tho follow- deciding mutters now under submis- ity to proceed In tho matter, and that take the gasoline schoon- income as nothing, and was assessed ing ore at an early hour yesterday morn- er iMalolo out of island waters, Captain the appeals, covering the last sion, tho court will practically take a It Is not his duty, but the duty of tho ing'. died $29,409.58. It is expected that there will six months of last year: Attorney to The victim at th: Queen's Haglund, the port captain of tho Inter-Islan- d vacation. General, enforce tho law. Hospital yesterday afternoon, following Another contention la that tho filing of Steam Navigation Company, Returned. Assessed. Tax. an operation. The fatal wound was took possession of tho vessel. She is A BEAUTIFUL MIXTURE. an exhibit Is not required by tho char- 'Honolulu R. T. & L .Co..' Nothing $ 29,409.53 $ 58S.20 Ben- nfllcted with a revolver, the bullet en- now tied up alongside tho Inter-Ialan- d That's what tno Criterion's mixed ter Issued to tho corporation of tering the right side of the body and James B. Castle Nothing 106,136.77 2,122.70 son, Smith & Company. fleet at the head of the slip and Young Union Mill Co , drinks are. They absolutely cannot be passing through the liver. A second Is now $4,971.72 48,759.25 875.75 without a vessel. The case Is a Laupahoehoo Sugar Co 27,352.10 beaten. wound was also inflicted in the fore- very (peculiar one and If the suspicions 145,037.12 2,353.70 to MORE NEW GOODS. McBrydo Sugar Co 59,753.07 102,558.90 2,056.00 head of Folktward. Carvalho has officials com- OUT. Dainty fancies and novelties for la of tho of the steamship Hamakua Mill Co 91,791.06 THE SECRET made a clean .breast of the affair to pany prove correct, It savors 179,344.78 1,691.05 Small profits quick Is the dies wear Just opened and now ready rather of Walokea Mill Co 65.802.65 and sales the police. He was arraigned before the days of "Bully" Hayes than the 117,030.14 1,224.55 reason I can sell Japanese provlslon for your Inspection. Belts, veilings, Judge Derby this morning on a charge present day operations of tho sea. and general merchandise at lower pri- laces and embroideries nre well worth jf; murder In tho first degree and the Young secured an option on the ves- ces than, any .house in town. K. Yama-mot- seeing. hearing was set for July 9. Judge sel some months ago from the Inter-Islan- d wholesale merchant, Hotel St., George D. Gear appeared for the de- company, the owners of tho THIS THAT HER HOLT WILL near Nuuanu. FOURTH OF JULY. fendant. craft Ho overhauled the vessel and American Flags, all slzos, 4 inches to it It appears "that Carvalho and Folkt- - has been working atoou, tho harbor on IT IS BEST. 12 feet; also bunting by tho yard at 9 tho buoy system and whatever other LIFE IS IN DANGER DECLARED EASY Most people and restaurants servo Ehlors'. (Contlnued on Page Five). work could bo done in that line. Re- Rainier Beer those that don't are 17 cently Young has .been falling behind neglecting thejr patrons. Fine Job Printing. Star Office. classified In his payments to tho Inter-Islan- d Advertising company. Some days ogo the officials WOMAN DETAINED AT POLICE COUNSEL FOR CHRIS. HOLT DENY WE ARE NOW of the company received hints that all STATION PENDING AN EXAM- THAT IT IS DIFFICULT TO CON- Headquarters for fireworks, tor Wanted was not going right with the vessel, pedoes, cap pistols, roman candles,' INATION AS TO HER INSANITY. A position, toy young college gradu- and Young .was not displaying good STRUE. torpedo canes, firecrackers, flags, etc. ate just from mainland. Highest ref- faith toward his creditors. Yesterday Arlelgh's. an employee Inter-Islan- d Co. Fin erences as to character, ability, etc. of tho A woman who claims that sho Is a An answer been Malolo to has filed In behalf of Printing. Address, "P," this office. heard that the was depart for British subject and seems to ibo labor- C. Holt, In Fine Job Star Ofllco. San Pedro, California, In tho J. the Holt will caso, declar- afternoon ing under the delusion that there is a ing is nothing difficult to 2 Inter-Islan- that there at o'clock. Young had told tho d man on who to mur- it Is trying In ask- officials thought her trail construe tho old Holt will, and however that he der her was detained today at the Po- ing over to Molokal the court to order a distribution of ho would take the .boat lice Station and Is to bo examined as to peti- and haul flro wood to Maul, as a good the estate Tho .proceeding is a A MATTER QFHEALTH Safety and her sanity. tion by Guardian Carlo Long for con- (Continued on Page Five). The woman has ibeen about tho struction of tho will of R. W. Holt, who streote for tho past few days slnco tho died In the first half of tho last cen- arrival of the S. S. iMIowera coming tury and whose will has 'been litigated The most extensive lino of ladles' jOMenience CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA hero from Vancouver and has attract- about ever since. whlto canvas ties ovor shown in this AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. " ' ed a great deal of attention by stopping C. J. Holt's answer, filed 'by George oAr- - - Tho great succoss of this preparation bystandors and telling them her trou- A. Davis and Georgo D. Gear, doclaros All brand now and frosh. In the relief and cure of bowel com- bles. that thoro is no difficult question or Every size and width Is here i'or you. plaints has brought It Into almost uni- Your papers Jewelry Among other things sho states that construction; ibut that tho will Is plain. Come oarly and get fitted. valuablo and versal use. never falls, when re- e absolutely It and a man has 'boon on her trail trying to It asks tho court to employ some com- White Canvas Bryn Mawr Welt solo safe from fire and duced with Is ruevea water and sweetened murder her and toy an act of Provl-donc- o petent person to distribute the" estato tie $3.C0. when stored in our safe deposit pleasant to tako. It Is equally valuable ault; and you havo access to them at sho escaped sailing upon tho S. S. according to a plan which Is sot forth. Whlto Qanvas Blucher Welt sol? tlo for children and adults, and Is the only Mahono on board of .which was this $3.50. fiyj and all times during business remedy will euro diarr- urs. that chronic man. Sho also claims that tho govern- Whlto Canvas Christy tlo turn solo hoea. Every bottle Is warranted. For RESUMED PRACTICE. $3.50. ment Is trying to get from her tho.sum Georgo of- (Tor tho convenience of customers we salo iby all dealers. Benson, Smith & D. Gear has opened lav of about $140,000, though sho has named fices In the rooms formerly occupied by Whlto Canvas Gibson tlo turn solo a private room whore you may Co., agents for Hawaii. $1.00. tamlno documents, etc. different sums as tho amount sho con- Justice Hatch on Kaa' umanu street. trols. Whlto Canvas Paris Tlo Pump turn BOc. Telephone Main 214. All for a month, or $5 a year. In- sole $3.50. ALAMEDA SAILED ON SATURDAY. From her story, which Is rathor -- SI- coherent, It seems teho witnessed some Largo Ribbon lacos In all. Romom-b- er The S. S. Alameda sailed on Saturday FOURTH OF JULY. murdor in British and that tho masses of people buy from us. froin Snn Francseo. She will arrive Glorl-bu- POWDER It affected her reason. At times sho Are you going to celebrate tho s here Friday morning, bringing nlno birthday? daya talked rational 'but does not for ony Fourth, 's If Absolutely Puro later mall from tho mainland. so, remember that wo are headquarters Tho S. S. America Maru also sailed Jength of. tlmo. This morning she went to tho British for Flro Works. A full and fresh sup- HAS HO SUBSTITUTE M Saturday from San Francisco. Sho is ply Just recelvod. Call and leave your MNFMHW CO., duo Friday afternoon. Consul with her story. Ho persuaded A Croam of Tartar Powder, J IE go to order. WoU, Nlohols Co.. Ltd. her to the station wMi him wharo froo from alum or phos-phat- lc UNITED she was detained pending an examina acid ' Rprt Street, ROCkOtB. Roman Caildliw. Tinllnnna tion, fjha will be up tomorrow mornr Day, nlgh and 'water Flro Works, Phono Main Its, ;' ' ROYAL ' J, v. 2r Honolulu is atoQk, Honolulu ,90. , ing. .. BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORIC; Cny for examination. . Honolulu Qandy Co.


Whereas, a petition has been present WRIGHT GETS JAPANESE T RAGEDY ed to said Court by PETER C. JONES, Oceanic Steamship Company. LIMITED, to register and confirm .lto following-describe- d land; liHKshipping see tttlo in the (For nddltionai and later Beginning at tho easterly corner of pagesill4, 5 or 8.) ft. FULL PARDON AT PAHOA A Merchant and Alakoa streets, tho co- TIDES, SUN AND MOON. i ordinates of said corner referred to tho port Puowalna Trig. Station being south rfh line Passenger Steamers of this lino will arrive at and leave thla Full loon July Gth at 5:50 p. m. 62.8 feet and west 4155.0 feet, and its hereunder: W FORMER PUBLIC WORKS DEPART- JAPANESE WOMAN MURDERED H true azimuth and distance from a V SAN FRANCISCO. "OR SAN FRANCISCO. c , FROM a 6 MENTS' CHIEF CLERK IS A FREE AND SUPPOSED ASSAJUWtf J?S street monument on n 10. feet offset to JUNE 6 ALAMEDA JUNE 20 en JKJNOMA at MAN. tho northwesterly sldo of Alakea Street 15 NEAR DEATH. ALAMEDA JUNE : HI 3 and an 8 feet offset to the southwester- "".'!.....'.' JULY 11 'p. (VENTURA JUNE 27 ALAMEDA a "' ly side of Merchant street being 274 15', G JULY 17 ALAMEDA JULY SONOMA B. H. Wright Is now a free man, fully HJLO, June Kukumasa, 61.45 feet; from the south corner of tho ALAMEDA AUGUST 1 p.m. ft. a.m. a.m. p.m. Sets pardoned. and restored to citizenship. wife of Moto Kukumasa, a Japaneso brick building known as the "Magoon 1.31 1.9 0.03 COS 8.32 5.22 C.46 2.13 Governor Carter Issued the pardon, living at Pahoa, I'.ufia, was murdered Building" 307 61', 53.4 feet; and from 2.1S 2.1 LOG C.56 0.28 5.22 6.4G 3.02 taking effect yesterday, after Imuch some tlmo on Tuesday afternoon and fire hydrant on the southwest sldo 3.00 2.2 1.5S 7.40 10.15 5.22 C.4G 3.55 Investigation of tho case. Wright had her supposed assailant, another Japa- of Merchant Street 206 54', 37.0 feet and Rises nearly a year more to serve. There Is nese named (Kanamoto, Is seemingly running by true azimuths: 5 3.43 2.2 2.48 S.24 11.00 5.23 G.4G a quite general Impression that Wright nearly dead ns the result of self-inflict-ed (1) 307 11' 34.4 feet, along Merchant 6 4.25 2.2 3.35 9.05 11.42 5.23 6.40 7.3G saved other parties concerned In public stabs In the stomach, Street; 6.46' 8.23 7 5.04 2.1 4.20 J.48 works embezzlements, by keeping his Kukumasa, the husbaml of the mur- (2) 227 50' 20.5 feet, along lot of. a.m. own counsel, and that he did not have dered woman, is detained In tho mean Mrs. Kahanuu Meek; g 5.42 5.11 10.33 0.20 5.24 6.46 9.14 Local ioat. 1.9 the benefit of the money embezzled. time as his connection with the.tragedy (3) 232" 07' 48.2 feet, along same to Times of the tide re taken from the Wright was Incarcerated on March If any, has yet to be established. south corner of the Occidental Hotel Agents are pro-D- -d (m connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey ta- 3, 1903, on conviction of embezzlement When hands returned from the building; coupon through tickets by any rail- the to Issue to Intending passengers bles. The tides at Kahulul and Hllo of Public Works funds, under sentence cane fields on Tuesday they (4) 134 11' 33.4 along build and from Now afternoon feet said road fron San I ncl co to all points In the United States, occur about one hour earlier than at of four years Imprisonment. His term found the woman weltering in her own ing to Alakea street; n Is Vork by steamship line 'o all Europea Ports. Honolulu, Hawaiian sta dard time would have expired with costs ac blood in the little house she occupied. (6) 51" 03' 72.9 feet along Alakea Tor further particulars apply to 10 hours 30 minutes slower than Green- counted, on March 18, 1907, had he not Tho body was cold and stiff, death hav street to the Initial point, wich time, being that of the meridian been pardoned. There were good con- ing been due ta a stab In the throat Containing an area of 2319.5 Square of 1G7 degrees 30 minutes. The time duct credits In his favor which would which jugular vein. Kana being on corner p. Is severed the feet, lot of Merchant whistle blows at 1:30 m., which have reduced his time. moto was found, stljl conscious, but and Alakea Btreets, Honolulu, County B Irwin Sl Co. the same as Greenwich, 0 hours, 0 min- w with a stab In the stomach. of Oahu, being a portion of L. C. A. (LL ITED) utes. The Sun and Moon are for local time for the whole croup. Sheriff Keolanul of Hllo was at once 1003 to Kolamal. Gbeneral Agents Oceanic S. S. Company. AUSTRALIAN notified and In company with a Japan- You aro hereby cited to appear at U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- eso officer he drove to tho scene of tho the Court of Land Registration, to be TURE WEATHER BUREAU. crime. Kanamoto is said to have made held at Honolulu, Island of Oahu, on The following data, covering a. period a complete confession. He was brought the 24th day of July A. D. 1906 at one of 29 years, have been compiled from L to tho Hllo hospital under guard. o'clock and thirty minutes In tho after- Canadian -- Australian Real Mail the Weather Bureau, and McKlbbln re- It is said the woman was sold some noon, to show cause, If any you have, cords at Honolulu, T. H. They are Is- six months ago by Fukumasa to Kana why the prayer of said petition should sued to show the conditions that have FRANK WATERHOUSE WILL COM- moto with her consent, but that, tiring not bo granted. And unless you ap prevailed, during the month In ques- - of the transfer, she made up her mind pear at said Court at the time and PLETE ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW your will I tlon, for the above period of years, but to return to her lawful husband. She place aforesaid default be STEAMSHIP COMPANY must not be construed as a forecast AUSTRALIAN LINE. Informed Kanamoto of this, but "his recorded, and tho said petition will be of the weather conditions for the com- Ideas on the mater differed from hers taken as confessed, and you will be line running In connection with tho CANADIAN-PACIFI- C so much he resorted to a knife to forever barred from contesting said Steamers of the above ing month. SEATTLE, June 20. To perfect the that B. and Sydney, N. 29 Impress them on the unfortunate wo- petition or any decree entered thereon. RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouverd, C, Month July for years. details of the establishment of tho new (1890-1905- .) man. Witness, PHILIP L. WEAVER, Es W., and calling Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q. TEMPERATURE. line between Seattle and , 0. at 78 There Is every reason to expect quire, Judge of said Court, this 23rd day Mean or normal temperature, Frank Waterhouse, vice president of that 1900, the murderer will not die as the result of June in the year nineteen hundred DUE AT HONOLULT ON OR ABOUT THE DATES BELOW STATED, VIZ. The warmest month Was that of the Boston Steamship Company, will with an average of 79". of his attempted suicide. and six. leave for London next month to confer Seal FOR AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. coldest month was- - of 1'894, Attest with of Said Court. 30 The that with the English syndlcato who are to JUNE 2 MIOWERA MAY average 76" (Seal) W. L. HOWARD, 3HAHENO with an of furnish the ships for this run. Mr. SUGAR ON KAUAI. Registrar. MIOWERA JUNE 30 VORANGI JUNE 27 The highest temperature was 88" on 25 Waterhouse stated that at least four Spalding the steamer Iwa- 4ts 25, July 2, 9, 16. ULORANGI JULY 28 MAHENO JULY July 28, 1900. Pryser of June UG. 22 vessels was established, and It was lanI arriving yesterday reports fol- BIAHENO AUG. 25 MIOWERA The lowest temperature was 63 on the IP probable that more steamers would be lowing sugar on Kauai. Diamond W., MIOWERA SEPT. 22 AORANGI SEPT. July 1, 1899. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE put on the run If the company has the 1300 hags; Mak., 22,645 bags; G. & R., (rain 1877-189- 4, and First Circuit Territory of Hawaii. PRECIPITATION crafts to spare from other runs. Ho 1350 1905.) hags; MoB., 1300 hags; IK. P., 3500 In Probate At Chambers. also stated that all preparations were ibags; M., 25,253 4517 Average for the month 1.45 Inches. H. hags; L. P., In the Matter of the Estate of Keauhu- - CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN being made to inaugurate the service (bags; 1000 .01 Kekaha, ibags. lllua (k) of Walanae, Oahu, intestate, VOYAGES. Average number of days with of thjs year. an Inch or more, 14. "I have been working on new deceased. this REIOEPTION BY YACHTSMEN. of Petition for Al The greatest monthly precipitation line for the last two years," Mr. Order Notice 'of THSO. H DAVIES & CO.. Ltd., Gen'l Agts. said and Dis- was 6:03 Inches In 1880. Waterhouse, "and when In London In This evening at tho Moana Hotel tho lowance of Final Accounts charge In Tho least monthly precipitation was 1904 I took the preliminary steps to visiting yachtsmen will entertain a few this Estate. On Reading Filing the Petition 0.34 inches in 1882. . have it Inaugurated. At this time I of their friends at dinner after which a and HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The greatest amount of precipitation public reception and dance will he held and accounts of Meaal Kekuewa, of AMERICAN cannot make public all our plans as the County 'OUhu, wherein recorded in any 24 consecutive hours details have not as yet been completed. Tho Hawaii Yacht Club expects most Walanae, of was 3.17 Inches on July 12, 1880. can, say of the town people to .be present as they she asks to be allowed $43.25 and she DIRECT MONTHLY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW I however, that we feel that charges herself with nothing, and asks YORK AND HONOLULU, VIA PACIFIC COAST. RELATIVE HUMIDITY tho line will bo In operation before the wish tho affair to 'be an enjoyahle one Average 9 a. m. 9 p. m. 72 that the same may be examined and 65; end of this year." may (1S93-1904- ); average 8 a. m. 68; aver- plans are A CHARMING approved, and that a final order HONOLULU. The for a monthly sailing MEDICINE. of Distribution of the prop FROM NEW YORK TO age 8 p. m., 72 (1905.) Sydney. Tho be made from Seattle to vessels It charms away your pain. No mat' 1 to per- B. S. HAWAIIAN To sail July 15th CLOUDS AND WEATHER (1890-1905- .) erty remaining her hands the will also touch at the various Austra- ter what alls you; a headache, a tooth sons thereto entitled, and discharging S. S. OREGONIAN To sail August lotli Average number of clear days 13; lian ports in the vicinity of Sydney, ache, a sprain, a stomach ache, neu- partly cloudy days 17; cloudy days 1. her and her sureties from all further FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU. calling at Melbourne and possibly in- ralgia, rheumatism, and all pain, Dr, responsibility as such Administrator, WIND. cluding New Zealand on route. Anti-Pai- n S. S. NEVADAN .To sail July 13th their Miles' Pills will charm It is Ordered, that Monday, tho 30th The prevailing winds have been from All shipping men agree in the statement away in a few minutes. Never sold In It S. S. NEBRASKAN . . . - fTo sail August 3rd the northeast. day of Jul A. D. 1906, at 10 o'clock a. that this will onen ud a wonderfully bulk. First package heneflts, or money Judge une average nouny velocity 01 tne m. before the of said Court at FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRANCISCO. rlcn market for the Seattle products, back. Room said Court wind during July 1905, was 8.8 miles. Including the Court of tho at . and that by Honolulu and Oahu, be and tho B. S. NEBRASKAN To sail July 15th The highest velocity of the wind dur-Jul- y, Honolulu, Island of other points in the Hawaiian Islands on same hereby Is appointed as the time To sail August 1905, was 27 miles from the north- trip S. S. NEVADAN 5th the return Seattle would offer sharp and place for hearing said Petition and east on the 6th. competition to any other Pacific coast persons FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULU. Station: Honolulu, T. H. Accounts, and that all Interest- shipping port. may there appear and S. S. NEVADAN Direct To sail Jiuy 20th Date of Issue: Juno 29, 190G. ed then and D.) show cause, if any they have, why the S. S. NEBRASKAN Direct To sail August iotli (T. F. CUSTOMS FORCE. granted, may 9 o'clock averages records of same should not be and from following Haiiiii en- The are the positions of the i present to who aro Territorial Meteorologist; 8 o'clock evidence as j force at the local custom house: C. H. property. And Ss averages from U. S. Weather Bureau titled to the said that H. Haelrfeld Co., Raven, deputy collector; boarding In- ASSOCIATION notlco of this Order, in the English lan C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. Agents. records. spector, E. discharging Inspec- WM. STOCKMAN, Farmer; guage be published in the Hawaiian B. tors (day service), C. iH. Durfee, C. J. published Director, Weather Bureau. Star newspaper printed and Cooper, R. J. Taylor, E. DInklage, C. in Honolulu, for three successive M. Neill, M. McGrow, L. M. Gay, "ARRIVING. F. lltli Annual Championship Races weeks, the last publication to be not Pacific Mail Steamship Co. E. A. Jacobson, J. A. Sheehan; night two weeks previous to tho Sunday, 1. less than July Inspectors, T. J. Hodson, J. appointed hear- Stmr. IwalanI, Plltz, from Eleele and J. Harris, ON time therein for said & T. Wirud, W. J. Gallagher, A. E. Mit- ing. Occidental Oriental S. S. Co Makawell, at 7:50 a. m., with 5150 hags sugar. chell, J. K. Bunker, C. E. Carter, F. G. Dated at Honolulu, this ISth day of Toyo S, Noyes, C. Rowell, J. Hughes, H. 1906. Kaisen Kaisha S. Co. atmr. W. G. Hall, S. Thompson, J. J. July 4th, 1906 June from W. iBowen, W. G. Wilson; weigher, (Signed) W. J. ROBINSON, Kauai ports, at 6:55 a. m., with 6000 teamen of the above Companies will call Hone, lu sugar. Charles Murray; .boatman, J. Makaeha. Third Judge of the Circuit Court of at and leave thla hags Circuit. 0trt on or about the dates below men tloned: iStmr. Nllhau, W. Thompson, from the First FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. . tAhuktnl, 5:10 Over the Pear Harbor Attest: FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Walmea, at a. m., with L. P. SCOTT, 'AMERICA MARU JULY 7 3 6900 hags sugar. DEATH OF MRS. CHINA JULY Clerk of the Circuit Court of the First JULY 3 Nippon Hono-ka- a Course SIBERIA maru Jul yio Stmr. Taoeau, Pederson, from Circuit. DORIC JULY 17 and .Kukulhaele, at 1:45 a. m., with 18, 25, July 2, 9. MANCHURIA JULY 27 4224 jbags sugar. ESTRER JACKSON 4ts June HONGKONG MARU AUGUST 7 Stmr. Ltkelike, Naopala, from Molo- - FIRST RACE. kal, iMaul and Lanal ports, at 4:30 a. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 29. Senior. m., . 50 19G 24 WAILUKU, Juno Mrs. Esther of Hawaii. with head cattle, sheep, Myrtle Crew. Healanl Crew, First Circuit Territory lambs. Jackson, an adopted sister of Mrs. A. Chambers. L. C. King Stroke. Jarrett In Probate At S. S. Argyll, Dickson, 9 days from N. iKepolkal and Mrs. George Weight, ...P. J. In the Matter of tho Estate of Kamaka Alu-I- E. C. L. Crabbe..No, 3....W. G. WKlson Monterey, arrived off port at 11 p. m. died suddenly at the home of Mrs. I Iakopa (w) of Walanae, Oahu, intes- last Sunday afternoon as the result C. A. Hartwell...iNo. 2..R. McCorriston Monday, July 2. Sam Johnson Bow..O. Blackman tate, deceased. S. S, Frlele, of a stroke of apoplexy. J. of Notice of Petition for Al China, from the Orient, L. Hough Coxswain H. Stelnor Order due. She had 'been enjoying excellent lowance of Final Accounts and Dis health and her death was a surprise SECOND RACE. charge In this Estate. DEPARTING. to all. Tho funeral, which was held Junior. On Reading and Filing tho Petition 1. from the Church of the Good Sheperd, and Accounts of Meaal Kekuewa, of Calls at Manila. Sunday, July Myrtle Crew. . Healanl Craw. Am. hark George Curtis, elly, for San was largely attended, and as there was A. Jflwart Stroke W. Dickson Walanae, County of Oahu, wherein sho $111.25 and she Francisco, at 10 a. m. not even standing room many were F. Bechert N0.3...V. .Fernandez Jr asks to be allowed JTgr general apply to $71.00, and asks ln:imatlo Monday, July 2. compelled to stay outside. K. Brown No. 2.M. P. Robinson Jr charges herself with that the same may be examined and Stmr. KInau, Freeman, for Hllo and Rev. Canon Ault officiated at the It. Hughes Bow 'H. T'Sullivan may way ports, noon. funeral and the local police acted as L. Hough Coxswain H. Stelner approved, and that a final order at of tho prop- Stmr. Ke lAu Hou, Tullott, Kauai pall ihearers. be made of Distribution for ALL COMERS. erty remaining hands to the per H. Kackfeld & Co ports. Several hundred peopio followed tho in her 'Course mile. and discharging Mahuko-n- a, grave many beau- sons thereto entitled, Stmr. Noeau, Pederson, for hoarse to tho and from all further Kukulhaele, 5 p.m. were brought by friends Elks. University Club. her and her sureties Honokaa and at tiful flowers as such Administrator, Stmr. W. G. Hall, Thompson, for Ka- who wished to show their high esteem B. Hellbron Stroke.. H. Dillingham responsibility 1N0. 3 (L. Scott is Ordered, that Monday, the 30U uai ports, at 5 ip. m. for the deceased. R. Johnson P. It 2 O. July A. D. 1906, at 10 o'clock a Stmr .Llkellke, Naopala, for Molokal, Mrs. Jackson was a widowed lady G. Angus No. Sorenson day of Humphrey m. before the Judge of said Court at Maul and Lanal ports, at 5 p. m. and since the death of her husband has G. A.Martin 'Bow..Capt. L. Hough Coxswain the Court Room of the said Court a made her home with her adopted sister, be and the Kepolkai. P. Van Valkenberg Honolulu, Island of Oahu, PASSENGERS. Mrs. A. N. hereby Is appointed as the time Arriving. son, 'Alonzo Jackson, same She leaves one place for hearing said Petition am 1, la working on Maul Races will start Immediately after and Per stmr. W. G. Hall, July from who now Kauai. Accounts, and that all persons interest IIBBY'S Kauai ports: G. N. Wilcox, A. Gartloy, News. arrival of train at tho Peninsula. Special train will leave Honolulu at ed may then and there appear an airs. Hanoberg, Mr. Alexander, Mr. cause, any they have, why tl Luncheon Gus-tafso- show if n, a. m running direct to tho Peninsula Okumura, Heo 0L,oy, Mr. and Mrs. TO STUDY ROADS. not bo granted, and mr Gus-tafso- n, tho same should Miss Gustafson, Miss S. S. S. Mlowera is a man and returning Immediately after Aboard the races. present evidence as to who are en Dainties 26 deck. who Is going to the Colonies on a spe- flnsh of tho property. And thp ROUND TRIP TICKET 75 CENTS titled to the said Per stmr. Llkellke, July 1, from Ma- cial mission for tho American govern- notice of this Order, in the English It They are cooked and pickled ul and Molokal ports: II. M. GIttel, J. Williams Is his name and ho ment. REG'ATTA COMMITTEE, guage be published in tho Hawaii and put up daintily in glass jars. H. MoKenzle, W. Kuklpe and 2 chil- Is a of Washington. Ho newspaper printed and publlshe 4 Crozler, M. M, Star LAMB'S TONGUE, HONEY dren and deck. Is going for the purpose of studying tho C. C. Rhodes, Geo. in Honolulu, for three successlvi COMB TRIPE, PIG'S FEET, government systom of oporatlng rait Johnson. weeks, the last publication to be nc LUNCH TONGUE. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA roads In Australia and New Zealand. less than two weeks provlous to th AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY He will look into tho traction system No. 60. TERRITORY OF HAWAII time therein appointed for said hear Among tho other new Llbby IN INDIA. as wti: as the railroad system. Court of Land Registration, goods are: Chill Sauce, Salad ing. (Mrs. Sd. L. Hlscocks writing from TERRITORY OF HAWAII to E. F, Honolulu, this 18th day 01 Dressing, Tomato Chutney, Sour LTD, Dated at Road, Byculla, India, says: "If SMALL DAMAGES, H. WOLTERS; C. M. COOKE. 1906. Relish, Sweet Relish, Sweet and Clare June have used and still require a good many Sailor Howard had his case of dam MRS. KAHANUU MEEK; TERRt V - Sour Pickles, Apple In (Signed) W. J. ROBINSON Butter bottles Chamhorlaln's Colic, Cholera ages against Maloon the hark- - TORY OF HAWAII by E b. of Mate of Judge of tho .Circuit' Court: o' Crocks. as Attorney General Third and Diarrhoea Remedy, and havo found entlne Lahalna tried in tho district PETERS the First Circuit. It Involuablo m a cure as well as a pre- court Sftturdav'. Howard claimed COUNTY OF OAHU by G. W, cholora, It $100 damages alleged SMITH as Chairman of the Board of Attest: Henry Lid ventive of I have found for an assault SCOTT, May S Company, most and so never mate on him. Supervisors; J. W. PODMORE; MER L. P. j e successful far havo that the hod committed of tho Qircult Court of tho Fiji known it, to fail If glvanoarly In the. T)i9 court returnsd a verdict of $5 and CANTILE PRINTING CO., LIMIT, Clerk MAIN 22. Circuit. TELEPHONE stages." For tfo .by ail dealers. Ben- costs, Tho Lahalna. Ig to depart this ED; E, C. RQWE; and to ALL whoj it may concern: 4ts-J- uno l8, 25, July 2, 9. son, Smith & "awJilU , IJfflirnaan forgy,! In ballast. , MMMr V,-- fiMMBMBBBi


lstor of foreign affairs-- , Leevland, then KING HAAKON WHLtt PUOCHBD TO THE ALTAR and the which he, conjointly with Bishop of Trondhjem will hand to the King, the .bishop saying: "May tho Bookc- ASSUMESSCEPTRE Almighty God, who placed tho septro Sectional Drawing In tho hands give thee grace to bear It with wisdom, power and mercy to do-fe- maintain righteous- ases for Home THEIR MAJESTIES OP NORWAY truth and the ness." CORONATION SERVICE IN AN- Tho minister of tho Interior, Arctan-de- r, CIENT NORSE CATHEDRAL. will then proceed to the altar, tak- Macey sectional bookcases for home libraries arc made in he, conjointly Near ing the orb, which with half-section- s, sections, inside and outside' brackets, so the Bishop of Trondhjem, will present corner 21. With ce- TRONDHJEM, June a to tho King who then takes the sceptro that absolute harmony with an interior is assured and spaces remonial modified from tho old Norse In his left and receives the orb with his not otherwise available may be utilized. time for closing of ' free Gas Stoves is to the The the offer forms meet modern democratic right hnnd, the bishop saying 'May No other make or kind of bookcase equals the IMaccy for drawing near. If you tired of the expense of spirit of the country, King Haakon VII are. not, God who has made theo King of tho richness of appearance and the ease with which it can be ar- using wood, get tired now and use the modern fuel Gas. and Queen Maud at noon tomorrow, In Norwegian kingdom, grant that the the old Trondhjem cathedral, will bo country thy guidance muy flour- ranged to accord with the style and tone of any apartment. given crowns. under annolntcd, blessed and ish In peace, .power ana prosperity, in Our new stock is now open ready for your inspection. When nearly forty years ago, King Os- praise exaltation Him, you to crown, and of car of Sweden received tho he you nnd .benefit and .blessing for tho bared his ibreast and ecclesiastics cross- people." minister war, Olson, Honolulu Gas Co. according The of ed it with the sacred oils, to will proceed to tho where he King Haa- then altar tho custom of older days. will tako the sword and jointly with H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd., "be only In fore-hoo- d kon will annolnted the tho Bishop of Trondhjem deliver It un- and wrists and tho entlro rite will King, who then will glvo (King covered to the be simpler. 'Haakon and Queen the orb back to hlm( tho bishop saying: Foreign News Maud dined privately tonight with the and (Prince "God chooso theo for His servant Monster Benefit and Princess of Wales and Prin- deliver tho sword unto theo, to reward By Cable cess Victoria Alexandra. good, ipunlsh wicked, protect the programme the the According to the for the honor and happiness of Norway. May NOTED SKIPPER DEAD. coronation ceremonies the King and j this word bo .blessed In thy hand to tho PERFORMANCE ISLIP, Now York, July 1. Hank Queen will leave the "Stlftsguard," tho j protection country." A saluto governor, of the Have You Plenty of Half, tho noted yachtman, is dead. residence of the provinces for of 72 guns will then bo given from the illanU Hatt defended the America cup tho cathedral at 11 o'clock. Their artillery and warships. The Bishop of 1SS7, winning majesties will .be accompanied by mem BY THE against the in Trondhjem will thon proceed to tho al- with the in straight races, bers of the court and the staff In atten- tar, Tho King taking his" sceptre In De- begin if DIAMOND 'HEAD ATHLETIC CLUB. and again he defended It with tho dance. All the church .bells will his right and the orb In his left hand, fender In 1895, in that series of races ringing and continue until their majes- then follows tho second .part of the from which Valkyrie III was finally ties have arrived at tho cathedral. At cantata. When this Is .performed the Hawaiian withdrawn and Dunraven was proven a the pavilion before the cathedral their verses of a hymn will be sung, the two ibad loser. rnajestles Will .bo received iby tho Bish- first lines of tho first verso being re- op of .Ernodhjel, accompanied by tho cited by tho Bishop of Bergen. Opera House CONGRESS HAS ADJOURNED. Bishops of Christiana and Bergen and THE DIVINE (BLESSING INVOKED. July 1. Congress the clergy present. The .Bishop of WASHINGTON, ' ...... The Bishop of Trondhjem will then .,. ,...... i. . July 4th, 1906 adjourned yesterday afternoon, and the xronanjem win men uiuir umjot.i.fa say: "Eternal, Altplghty God, Father Perhaps the refrlgorntor Is crying has"started Washington .with the words "God bless your coming President from In. Heaven, Thou who rules all the for more during those hot days. : ACROBATIC FEATS. for Oyster (Bay. and going out from now to all eter- Why not increaso your order during nity." kingdoms of earth, ahd holdost tho TRAPEZE WORK. heart of kings In Thy hartdr praised b& the summer? .RECEIVES MRS. LONG-WORT- THE ORDER OF PltOCESSiON. Thou for Thy mercy, Thou who hast PYRAMID BUILDING. 1. yester- LONDON, July The Queen To the sound of music the procession given us a right and " day received Mrs. Longworth. t SILENT BAYONET DRILL. will enter the tftthedral In thl3 order: and crown him with Thy gifts. 1, clergy; 2, bUhops; 3, coronation com- Thy word of his sceptre AND DEMOCRATS. truth under CZAR mittee of the states; 4, the gerttlomon shines upon the country nnd finds be- 1ST. July 1 The Czar Co., PETERSBURG, iwho are to act during tho coronation lieving and obedient hearts, that peace Hawaiian Electric Ltd., is secretly conferring with the Con- 6, Buprcme adjutants and adjutants of" and blessing be unto him tlmo and KING STREET. servative Democratic leaders. for . ' MUSICAL DIRECTOR. the King; C, the King's private secre- eternity. Make his throne firm, length- tary, secretary of tno royal housc- - en his days, bless house re- Telephone 390. TERRORISTS ROB OFFICIALS. the bis until I 7, tho chief of the royal house mote generations and tho country July 1. The, terrorists are hold;, WARSAW. hold and high steward and their ma- flourish In piety1 and" itfaithfulness In openly robbing officials. 8, HOTEL I jesties, tho King and Queen; tho honor and prosperity, In peace and uni- Mill kingdom, by tho ty. us, GOREMYKIN TO RETIRE. banner of tho carried Hear Father, in the name of Absolutely fire-pro- cui- 9, finest PiETiERiSBURG, July 30 The re- admiral and general In command; Jesus Christ. Amon!" The bishop will sine, elegantly furnished an the ST. to 10, give mu- Goromykln from the minis- first lady of honor the Queen; tho benediction, there will be The NEW SUN. Is ft standard writing machine best of service. tirement of ladles in attendance on tho Queen. sic from the organ and the King wlh try has ibeen definitely decided upon. Typewriter No. 2 which is conlldontly offered NOAH W. ORAY. Manager The Bishop of Trondhjem will reclto return to his home, preceded iby the to HONOLULU, T. H. congrega meet every demand of type- IN THE EAST. tho first line after which the chief of tho rtfyal household. After HOT WAVE will sing writer users, as well as any ono SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. A hot tion and choir and orchestra him tho sword,' uncovered and upright, hymn. Bish-- j - Is over eastern the first verso of this The will be carried at tho left'imd the ban- needing a typewriting machine, wave sweeping the two JAPANESE HOTELS UNION states. op of Bergen will reclto the first ner at tho right. whether novice or adept. lines of the To Deum, tho first six His Majesty wears the royal man- EMPLOYMENT OFFICE It contains every desirable fea- FEARFUL IDISASTER. versos of which will .bo sung by tho tle, tho crown on his head, tho scep- Supplies all kinds of labor Cooks, accompanied by In ture of tho best and most expen- of LONDON, July 2. A London and congregation and choir tre tho right and orb In tho left. , Walters, General House Servants, Yard Bishop typewriters .Southwestern special express train car- the organ and orchestra. The The ICIng having taken his seat, the sive in addition to Boys, Plantations, Stores, Contractors ser- -' rying passengers, disembarked at Ply- of Christiana then will deliver a third part of the cantata will be per- exclusive advantages. Shipping. Address, King Street, 11 the-3uee- n end New York, mon on Joel 21, after which a hymn formed. This being ended, Is typo Telephone Main 285. mouth fromi the steamer It a lover or type bar near Maunakea. wreckej on curve will .bo sung by a priest and choir. will proceed to tho throne, where her P. 6. Box 857. was a machine. e the first Tart of tho cantata has coronation will tako iplace with cere- Twenty-on- Americans were killed .When It bus visible writing In Its and a dozen Injured. iMany prominent .been performed, the King will monies similar to those with which tho King was Majesties truest form. persons from New York and Chicago PROCEED TO THE THRONE crowned. Their It hut unlimited speed. ASummerProposition will then drive back to tho residence of were on the train. standing on the platform ibeforo tho j an autl-rlbbo- n tho provincial governor. It has Inking f" Well, now, there's the j altar, 'ino cniei oi me ruyui nuusenuiu mechanism. WELLMAN SOON STARTS. will precede his majesty and preside nt Is a heavy manifolder OLDING TO LEAVE. It and s TROMSOE, 'Norway, July 2. Tho po- j of tho King, Hawaiian News Co., Ltd. possesses ICE QUESTION! the left the throne., 'After E. E. Oldlng formerly manager of other features. lar expedition steamer Frlthzof has ar- general In command will carry the Alexander Young Building. The Price Is $10.00. the tho Kohala plantation will on You know you'll need Ice, you know rived, here. Explorer Wellman will of tho kingdom and hold It at levo tho .banner steamer China for mainland. He la a necessity in hot weather. We start for Spltabergen, Greenland, on right .behind tnrone. su- tho It the tho Tne Intends to visit relatives In Canada. Mr. believe you are anxious to get that Ice Wednesday. preme adjutants of his majesty will ac- Oldlng hos been in the Islands 18 years. which will give you satisfaction, and At 'Spitsbergen tho explorer will take company his majesty up to the throne. jro'd like to supply you. Order from flight In his airship in quest of the The Bishop of Trondhjem will take the LEFT DAUGHTER North Pole. . annolnt tho HERE. annolntment horn and Nathan B. Hoyf who died recently In Ice ICE CO. I say- Palm Cream Parlor DID 10 King on tho forehead and wrists, Japan was Mrs. IE IWE STEAMER LONG OVERDUE. ing: tho father of Arthur K. 116 HOTEL ST., NEAR FORT. "May the almighty God annolnt Jones. Mr. Jones is the manager of 'Telephone 3151 Blue, Postofflce Box 600 ROME, July 2. The steamer Amer- you with his spirit and grace and glvo LUDWIGSEN & JUNGCLAUS, PROPRIETORS, ica is more a week at tho Lcilehua ranch. . than overdue unto you to reign with wisdom, power ago OPEN" SUNDAY, 7 A. M. TO 8 P. M. New York. Nothing has been heard of may Some time before going to Japan and glory that the name of God Mr. Hoyt visited some time with The installation of electric fans makes this the most comfortable lunoM her since she sailed. may for room QBRO. BENJAMIN'S HERBALO be hallowed, right and truth be his daughter. AsldP from her Mr. Hoyt In the city. confined to the benefit and happiness of Civility and prompt attention to patrons by capable waiters. ., , Cures Constipation. JAPANESE STEAMERS .COLLIDE. left several sons In Oakland and an- Makes Sow. Rich the people and land." other daughter in Japan and a widow. CANDIES AND ICE CREAM ARB SPECIALTIES. Blood. NAGASAKI, July 2. The steamers Tho King having arisen and placed' ana Liver HInodo and iMachlyal collided oft Sase-b- o. Stomach himself on tho throne, the Prime Minis- ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Tonic. Twenty-seve- n of tho crew of one ter .McChelsen will proceed to the altar GOOD FOR THE steamer are missing. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton B. Ripley an and take the royal crown, which he nounco tho engagement of their daugh conjointly with the Bishop of Trondh- (or Llla May to Mr. James Lawrence At All Druggists jem will place on the. head of the King . ANN WAR Brevor Robinson. w . MOVEMENT while tho bishop will say "Lord of Good X,ordg and King of Kings, who has cou'rtfrig" Butter Mrs. Hix "When John was 'T given you the crown of the kingdom, mo he called me his little duck." iShogetsu Kestaurant may BEGUN IN HONOLULU , He uphold and strengthen you In Mrs. Dlx ."Indeed." JUST OPENED all royal and 'Christian virtues to tho Mrs. Hlx "Yes; and we hadn't been There is something about our butter that glory of His name, nnd blessing of tho married a year me an 17 Hotil Street, Near Nuuanu before ho called brings people for it. it is its purity. Norwegian people. May His grace In old hen." the Perhaps JMBALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS PEOPLE AT GATHER THE Y. M. C. this corruptible life prepare you for Mrs. Dlx "Well, only a goose would There is a lot of substitute butter sold in Hono- Ice Cream and Cakea, Incor-"uptlb- the Inheritance of the righteous, le and Will in two. Served on Ground Floor. A. ROOMS ON LAST SATURDAY TO live with a man who called her such lulu it be found a restaurant or crown In heaven." The mln- - fowl names." Crystal RESTAURANT S. DISCUSS BLESSINGS OF PEACE. Why don't you eat where they serve Springs product and get the same kind you have at home? FINE CHINESE MATTING The Peace meeting was held on last Queen aturday evening at tho rooms of the Italy's We are selling fine Chinese matting X .M. C. A. There was a very good at- "for $1.60. This matting formerly sold tendance. Dr. W. T. Brlgham presided. $2.50. All lines of dry fancy at and On taking Brlgham upoko .goods are sold at very low prices. the chair at some length and his remarks were list- Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd WING CHONG WO, to Corner Hotel and Smith Streets. ened with a great deal of Interest. Those, who spoke were. Rev. G. D. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bean, Rev. W. D. Westorvelt, Rev. E. W. Thwlng, Best Meal in Town Charles L. .Rhodes, Rev. J. L. Hopwood, The Wife of One of The Member Rev. Mr. Simpson, Adjutant Bamberry, John M. Martin, C. W. Renear, Mrs. Of The French Cabinet I MoCully-HIggln- s and Robert Law, Hotel Street, near Nuuanu. Stanley Livingston and Miss Hall T. ODA MANAGER each sang and were heartily applaud- OPEN ALL NIGHT. ed by those present. Mrs. W. L. How- Telephone, Main 469. ard recited (Longfellow's description of tho Springfield Arsenal, Another meeting will probably bo held In the near future. Contractor and Builder House Painter START A STILL No. 762 Sheridan Street, near King. Honolulu, H. 'I. The Agricultural and Industrial Cor- poration Telephone White 601, of Hawaii has filed articles of incorporation for ' the purpose of carrying on a distillery, with head- NAKED NERVES. quarters in Kona and a branch office In Honolulu. Incorporators up Miles' Tho of tho Cover 'cm with Dr. company aro E. E. Edwards of South Nervine, or they will suffer from expo- Kona, M. A. Gonsalves, Llsh-ma- n friction, will William sure and and actio and and J. J. Drummond, of .Honolulu pain you. Dr. Miles' Nervine will make you strong, and J. I. Sllva of Eleolo, The capital fat, hearty, and oblivious stock is $10,000.' objoots of the nerve At druggists. Money Tho to trouble. company aro stated to bo the dis- back if first bottle fails to benefit. tillation of tropical products and the manufacture and sale of cordials, etc., Qjieen tjelena. M Wives of hen-peck- mon are no also tho cultivation and growth of such 6f ftajy. r spring chickens. products.

8 . , ; ...... r,.. ,i( TUB HAWAIIAN OTAH, MONDAY, .JULY 2. 19M,

IBttx-vv-CLiiaj- nt t t Tlao tax, SEMI-WEEKL- KIBftu . DAILY AND Y. LADIESyoucanbuv 1 Eublishcd every f 1 afternoon (except Sunday) by the Hawaiian Star MALT-NUTRI- Newspaper Association, Limited. T NE 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Cocal, per annum $8.oo The Best Malt Preparation in the market, recommended 1 0 Cents and Upwards Foreign, per annum 1 12.00 X by Physicians. 'Manufactured by the Anheuser-Busc- h Co. Payable in advance. I Entered at Post Office at Honolulu, Hawaii, as second class mall matter. WASH BELTS PRANK L. HOOGS MANAGER 1 Hollister Drusr Co. New York's Latest MONDAY JULY 2, 1906 I

C? r-- The attitude of William Ran- $ dolph Hearst toward the recrudes-cen- t Hearst Bryan boom is in marked con- And Bryan trast with that of other prominent NOTICE. Dcniocnns. Hearst is PTiHlfriiirr. Something Doing E.W.Jordan & Co. Beginning November 15, 1805, owing withholding in his attitude, while to a change In the price of certain - others have committed themselves sizes of. crushed rock, prices will be as AT THE- unconditionally to the Nebraska statesman. Take, for instance, Byrd follows: Coler, once controller of New York City, now Borough President of No. 1 $1.55 per cublo yard. the Greater New No. 2 $1.80 per cubic yard. York government. With him the hair goes with the No. 3 $2.05 per cublo yard. jiide. Since '96 has his heart been true to Bryan, for whom he voted No. 4 $1.80 per cubic yard. in spite of free silver, believing him to be' 'great in intellect, great in We wish to call attention to the fact JULY 4TH, 1906. whole-soule- No .4 has been reduced to prac- tympathy with the people at large and great in d patriot- that ism." tically the price of whlto sand, making .Moreover, he would not be surprised to sec one Theodore it available for all kinds of concreto Jiooscvclt "step upon the floor of the national convention in 1908" work for which it is far superior to PROGRAM: and present the name of William Jennings Bryan. This is loyalty, not any other sand. Pearls of Wheat, Flyer Mush, Oat Flakes, Malta-Vit- a, Flakes Rice, FORENOON Flakes, to say devotion. It has served a term of ten years, with no assurance g Violet Wheat, Fawn Oaten Scotch, Cream of Maize, Small Ho-- LORD & mlny, Vitos, Violet Oats, Steel Cut Oatmeal, Cream Morn-- S that it will BELSER Roller Polo 1st Prize. of Wheat, not last ten years more and with almost a certainty that it Roller Basketball 1st Prize. ing Meal, Puffed Rice, Rainier Flakes, Cream Flakes. will be as ardent two years hence as it was in the days of the crown Roller Baseball 1st Prize. Nutritious and Appetizing Cereals for your breakfast. of thorns, to say nothing of the cross of gold. Allegiance of this sort Catching Pig on Skates 1st Prize. is of the first, last and all the time variety. It is hook, line and sinker. I Obstacle Race, on Skates 1st and 2nd There is in it more ..1 Prizes. than a remote suggestion of sublimity. Potato Race, on Skates 1st Prize. Hearst furnshes material for contrast. He is reluctant, if not posi- OUEEN STREET Egg and Spoon Race, on skates 1st LEWIS & CO., Ltd. tively grudging. He gives with other than a lavish hand, withhold- Prize. Food Specialists ing, as it were, the sinker. He rejoices in all the Bryan achievements Firewood, Stove, Spearing Potato Race, on Skates 1st Prize. 169 KING STREET. TELEPHONE MAIN 210. and successes, but he differentiates. For instance, he would not have Steam and Blacksmith Backward Race, on Skates 1st Prize. Tom Taggart share this rejoicing, nor does he want Tim Sullivan to Slow Race, on Skates 1st Prize. jubilate. His objections are explained. Taggart he condemns as a Cool gambling house keeper and Sullivan he denounces as a lord protector WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ! of crooks and criminals they ire no company for him. Then come Special Attention Given To INTERMISSION FOR LUNCH Japanese Goods lelmont and Morgan, who arc Captain Kidds, and P. H. 'McCarrcn, AFTERNOON ah DRAYING election thug, all of whom 'he thus ostracises. Never can he forget ALSO, WHITE AND BLACK SAND. Girls' Skating Race 1st and 2nd K. ISOSHTMA IS RECEIVING NEW JAPANESE GOODJ thnt tlinv snrvnfl nnrlor t1ii "stnitip1 nnrl rlrnrrcrlpd IvinnPr nf 'CApvp- - Prizes. ON EVERY STEAMER. . , l&nd." He is confident that Mr. Bryan will repudiate them. The con- Boys' Skating Race 1st and 2nd PrlzeB. trast is sufficiently striking. Mr. Coler is whole-soule- d, not to say Relay Race, 1 Mile 1st Prize. No. 30 KING STREET prodigal; 'Mr. Hearst has the frowning front of Jove himself. STEINWAY Mile Race 1st and 2nd Prizes. But what about Bryan? lit seems that before leaving borne he tried AND OTHER PIANOS. Half Mile Race 1st and 2nd Prizes. M. PHILLIPS & CO., to distinguish between Democracy and Socialism. It also seems that THAYER PIANO CO. Fire Insurance! he succeeded in identifying both. He found Democracy to be that Wholesale Impor'era which recognizes competition as legitimate and tries to protect it from 15G AND 158 HOTEL STREET. INTERMISSION. Atlas Assurance Company of Londtii And Jobbers of Opposite Young Hotel. Can-pan- y Lo attack. On the other hand, lie discovered that Socialism regards com- EVENING Phoenix Assurance of AMERICAS! AND EUROPEAN DRY don. GOODS petition as an evil to be eliminated by public ownership and operation Grand Masquerade Ball, on Skates-F- our New York Underwriters, Agency. cf all means of production and distribution. Between the two he Prizes. Providence Washington Insurant Corner of ort tnd Queen Sta. makes a choice, Democracy being his preference. His judgment is BEAVER LUNCH ROOM Company. that Socialism goes too far. H. J. NOLTE, PROPR. s DANCES, FIREWORKS. This is not calculated to confuse. The significance it has or should IHB B. F. DILLINGHAM CO., LIMITED s G. & have for Mr. Hearst is clear enough. He ran for 'Mayor upon a plat- All races and games free for alL General Agents for Hawaii. W. Irwin Go. of all Frozen Oysters Music forenoon, afternoon and even- J? form not only clamoring for die public ownership utilities, but ing. Fourih Floor, Stangenwald Bulldln. for tne operation thereof by and for and in the name of the people. Jvast liooelved ss AGENTS FOR THE no limits to which "he was not to go, all public First-Cla- Lunches served with tea, There were prepared coffee, soda water, ginger ale or milk utilities being fish for his net. W, G. Irwin & Co., Ltd Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool, Ens. V Does this indicate that the Democratic party is to be font into Ill Alliance Assurance Co., of London, EnK. . .4 !7n;.G.tirwin.. President and Manager Japanese Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., ot Hearst and Bryan factions? City Vice-Preside- nt Heat Harket Jotan'D. Spreckels .First Edlnburg, Scotland. " All Kinds of W. M. aitfardi... Second Vice-Preside- nt Q. Fire Association of Philadelphia. In celebration of its Golden FRESH MEAT, FRUIT M. Whitney Treasurer ' Secretary Alliance Insurance Corporation Ltd. Pacific Commercial VEGETABLES AND Richard Ivers The Remington Typewriter Co. Jubilee, the 0. I. Spalding Auditor Wllhelma of Magdeburg General Ins. & :; A Jubilee Advertiser this morning issued a CALLIFORNIA BUTTER has Just placed on the market a f 4' Company. I; Anniversary special edition containing 132 FRESH TURKEY AND CHICKEN. SUGAR FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS writing machine having Japan- pages. The event celebrated is of ese characters. One of them ar- rlepones Residence, White 861; Of- interest, not alone to the Pacific Island beef sirloin steak 10c a pound. AGENTS FOR rived here on the S. S. Nevadan fice, Main 298. Commercial Advertiser, but to the Choloe rib roast 10c a 'pound. Oceanic Steamship Co., San Franclsc, and will be on exhibition at our press is of Cal. storerooms today. GOMES' EXPEESS CO entire and people of Hawaii. It the jubileeanniversary an Western Sugar Refining Co., San Fran- TELEPHONE MAIN 78. dealings furniture vel with. Care to aU independent secular press in these islands. There had been numerous cisco, Cal. If you have business Parts of tho City. periodicals in the islands before that, calling themselves newspapers, eaidwin Locomotive Works, Philadel- with Japanese you should call OFFICE 16 FORT STREET. pnd in many respects properly and justly. Several of them had had mission, rather than an individual, no phia, Pa, and inspect this; your office boy r Queen, pp. Hackfeld Building. matter of what eminence and ability bewail Universal Mill Co., Manufac- can learn to write with it and men of large capacity and attainment as their editors. They con- turers of National Cane Shredder, the Individual may be. Is likely to have to your purso. tained much of a high degree of scholarliness, of literary ability, and Influence. Any man may Jjo mistaken, New York, N. Y, add dollars some of them, chronicles of contemporary events of the highest value but a number of men studying the Pacific Oil Transportation Co., Sa Pay of of same thing and coming to the same Francisco, Cal. Rent.to as news at the time, and historical interest now. But everyone EVERYTHING FOR these periodicals had been in large degree, or wholly, an organ of conclusion, reduces the possibility of error to its smallest compass. It is even THE OFFICE. Yourself some interest or institution. None of them was a secular newspaper likely that a larger commission, than independent of organized control other than its ownership, and de- three, would bo still moro effective In Honolulu Iron Works. pending for its support wholly on its merits as a newspaper. this second (purpose the Investiga- The Pacific Commercial Advertiser and its founder, Henry M. tion. It is not necessary that all the The Hawaiian Office Specialty Co, W. Matlock Campbell members should be 'engineers, or that Whitney, inaugurated independent secular journalism in these islands. it all are engineers, that they should STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR.:. So that today is an anniversary of interest and concern to every such all b specialists in dam con BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS earth C7-8- journal in these islands, and the Star, while congratulating its contem- struction. In fact it would probably AND LEAD T" "fl. porary on its fiftieth anniversary, claims an interest the greater sig- be better if they were not, for there Is Will build you a home in any part of a fetllng among tho public spe nificance of the event which is so creditably celebrated in the splendid that Machinery of Every Description Made the city on easy payments. cialists are apt to ha raddists. paid to COMPANY LTD. Jubilee number of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Men who havo practical experi- to Order. Particular attention had Ship's Blacksmlthlng. Job Work Ex- Of the of this is speak ence In constructing contents number it not the purpose to at engineer works of ecuted on Short Notice. length, at this time. One hundred and twenty pages of it is handsome- Importance or in the responsible ac- Sole manufacturers and agents of TELEPHONE WHITE 951. ceptance ownership ly bound in strikingly designed cover. It contains a large number of and of them, would genuine Kola Mint. (Don't buy poor give a quality of assurance to the pub- Telephone Main 101 articles of historical and curious interest. It represents an immense lic, In a commission of which they were P. O. Box 683. imitations.) Phone Main, 71. Fine Job Printing, StaT Office.-- amount of painstaking research and careful, effectve work. Included members, which it would not have in the number is a fac-simil- e, or rather a re-pri- of the original issue without them. Engineering is really HARRY ARMITAGE of the paper. A comparison of the two issues, the original, and the a combination of scientific and tech Stoolc Ea.xa.cl Bona nical skill added to commonsense, prac ltroltor.... Jubilee, marks the advance in the mechanism of newspaper business m tical, and often very homely methods. Members of Honolulu Stock and Bond these islands Yet it is curious fact that the mechanical improvement, A commission in which men of ac- Exchange. marvellous as it is, aside from pictorial reproduction, has been in knowledged scientific and technfeal means rather than in effects. The truth is that the art of printing skill and attainments, are united with Few shares of following stocks for others, who, though lacking In .sprang full fledged from brain and hand of its inventor, as these sale: Pioneer Mill Co., Oahu Sugar the Minerva particular attainments, are still men Co., Ewu Plantation Co., Hawaiian full panoplied from the brow of Jove. In no art has there been such of commonsense experience and accotru-plishmen- t, Sugar, Co., Waialu Agricultural Co., wonderful progress and development of means, but in few so little im- would be apt to give the Etc. ' highest assurance to the ipubllo. provement in the quality of results. This however is an aside from ft . ' V the fact of main interest in the present event, which is that the Com- Office, Campbell Block.... Merchant St. if, ; vv Honolulu, T. H. mercial Pacific Advertiser, in an exceedingly interesting and creditable According to tho Pacific Commercial specal edition, celebrated the jubilee anniversary of its own founding, Advertiser of July 2, 1856, firewood was Shipping $14 a cord, then. It Is about that price and the greater event of the establishment of an independent secular yet. gar planter. Perhaps no man in tho press in these islands. Islands has had so long, so extended, x acquaintance o and so intimate an with Receipt The candidates for the gallows seem every phase of the business as has he. The recommendation of the numerous, and to show excellent quali- Incidentally lew have reaped as gen- The Nuuanu Dam Merchants' Association that there fications. The procession thither seems erous rewards for their effort be a commission of three engi- to be moving rapidly, too. Books rt.i' " neers, rather than simply SENTENCE SERMONS. Commission one, to SOLD AT - 1? 1 : r r - I report on the Nuuanu dam and The descriptions of the liquor sold at ?'',-''- '' 7 some ' "J seems a very practical of tho outlying districts entirely Love never leads astray. ' ' )' ' JuiMiiiiij reservoir, V ' negatives tho old and widely recognized STAB OFFICE - and a very sensible You cannot kill time without hurt- , ;j, one. The pur- dictum that "no whiskey is bad, but Oahu Railway & Land Compa" pose of the investigation is two-fol- d, ing character. first, to determine from an engi- some TVhiskey is Inter-Islan- d S. Company. ibetter than other." no forco men who has N. neering and constructing standpoint whether the Nuuanu dam is what Ho has with it ought to be, and no fajth in men. second, to assure the public of the fact, and to re- The jubilee edition of the 'Advertiser assure them or it's Ho Is soon forgotten who nover for- perfect safety. For the first purpose, one engineer contains the portraits of the Board of gets himself. of recognized character and ability would perhaps be as well as more, Supervisors, ibut no picture of the Gov- ernor, The dead beat parson will havo a though even the most experienced engineers seldom undertake a great dead heart church. work without submitting their plans for consultation to other engi- People who borrow troublo always 'Sty f,V a neers. Even in strictly technical matters there is wisdom in a multi- II. P. Baldwin, who has Just.retlrod are anxious to circulate It. 1? , tude of counsel real counsel. as manager of the Hawaiian Commer The fanatic is a man who expects cial & Sugar Company's plantation has every ono to sneeze when ho has a cold But when it head.-r-Chica- comes to assuring and, reassuring the public, a com had a most remarkable career as a su- - in his Tribune. I THE HAWAIIAN STAR-.- . M6NDASY, JULY 2, 1000, - fivb


The latest novelties and dainty fancies for ladiefe wear are HIS RIVAL EXPEDITION MOANA BY YACHSMEN TCUMWBNY. now ready for your inspection. (Continued from page one.) (Continued from page one.) The reception to be held this evening Sliver Crush Belts,kGold and the Moana Hotel promises In A Swell Lino of Belts at much gjfonolutU. Hawaii, Silver Band Belts, shot offects. ward have been paying attention to price could bo obtained. Ho did not the way of pleasure. It is open to tho the woman. Roth seemed to be In- state when he would go on the wood whole public, the commltteo not Issu- New Dresden Girdles in handsome designs fatuated with her. On Saturday night hauling expedition. ing any Invitations. Folktward took a bottle of gin and Captain Haglund decided to tako pos Owner Tutt of the Anemone, Commo JiT'or nrmprt Rent SERVICEABLE WASH BELTS. some beer to the woman's house, a tene- session of tlin hnnt and lin holm? dore Sinclair of the Lurllne, Governo ment dwelling on the slope of, Punch- with the necessary order from PresI-- Positively the largest assortment ever shown in the city, Carter of the Territory and members Emnla Street..., J3d.MI bowl and near Pauoa road close to the ueiit lvwiiieuy, wum iu me .uuioiu anu or tno regatta committee will receive Gandall Lane 22.SA ioc. upward. bridge. Tho woman and some men tcohr chargo of her. Young, who had The receiptlkon Is sot for 9 o'clock this KInau Street 20.00 Fancy Dotted Net Veilings, sat together drinking and during the two sailors aboard tho vessel, was un- evening. Matlock Avenue 27, evening Carvalho and a companion able to depart. Tho sailors Informed Beretanla CO White, Black, Lavender, Red The Latest in Veilings The commltteo In charge of tho af- Street 22. wont Into tho room and drank a while Haglund that they understood they fair hope that a goodly number will be Kaplolant Street 2S.IS and Brown, 20 cents a yard. away. and then went Carvalho and were to go to San' Pedro, The vessel .present and that all wlU come and not Young Street 30.MI Chiffon veiling, neatly hemstitched border, very latest, in Folktward got into an altercation out- stay away thinking that an Invitation side of the house, according to the re- havo made (ho trip. white, light blue, pink and lavender. 35c. a yard. Is needed. ports made by the police. Carvalho It Is understood that thore was no Tho reception wljl followed by Double net veiling in all colors at a yard. Norwegian, bo "i 35c. told Folktward who was a clause in tho agreement between tho dancing. All tho members of tho New ready-to-we- ar chiffon veils. ho had no right to be fooling around Inter-Islan- d people and Toung whereby Yacht Club will act as hosts. tho woman. A fight followed which ho was prohibited taking tho Bargains In real estato at Manoil from Valley, OUR LACE DEPARTMENT' resulted in the Portuguese being worst- or mo waters, auvmeni- - Kaimukl and Puunul. Alw, x crait oui local Tne employeos of tlm Paclnc Hfml. ed. Inter-Islan- d people homes In Punahou and Maktkl ills' It is full of new goods and the latest novelties. . ly the did not caro ware Company are .takInK n mtlo forc. .according to statements to run any risks of having tho boat trlcts. New embroideries and insertions. Carvalho the cd vacation now. This morning they a only, wo ',1 tho police say to them, went taken to :beyond their Immediate ronclv For short time offer a New Laces of every description. he made showed up at tho store and then stood house on Young street, modern home and secured a revolver and re- so they caused the surrender of their on. and tho street corners and gazed at the well-buil- t, Lot 100x140, for $3,500. turned whh tho Intention of shooting craft. signs on the doors which stated that Folktward. He found tho Norwegian It is stated by a man who was for- tho storo would not reopen until July in bed with the woman. She was un- merly associated with Young that tho S. der the influence of liquor and was latter had heard of somo mineral de- asleep. Two shots were fired at Folkt- posits In Mexico and was desirous of Henry Waterhouse Trust Co,, Lid 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I ward, both taking effect. going on an expedition to that place. Folktward managed to crawl out of Whether tho expedition that was sup- Cor. Fort & Merchant Sis, Honolulu. tho house on to the. street where ho posed to have loft Honolulu yesterday NOTICE. Corner Fort and Boretania Streets j was seen, clad only In his undershirt, had any connection with such a trip by two men. tola tnem ne nau is not known, as Young could not bo lie 1 25 Classified Advertising been shot. But he at first refused to found today, so that his version of tho Assessment No. of per cent., or ?5 say who Subsequently affair could toe secured. i Per share, has 'been called on tho had shot him. capital House For ho said that a man named Antono had' "There Is nothing whatever In tho stock of Hawaiian Mahogany Kent Lumber Co., Ltd., The Ideal American Drink shot him. The pollco were notified and story about my ibelng stopped." stated duo and payable to House for rent and furnlturo lor sale. ' tno Treasurer, Henry .the injured man was hurried to tho Captain Herbert Younx this afternoon. at tho ofllco of Apply Harry Saylor, Reservoir Avenue, Delicious, Wholesome, hospital. Drs. Judd, Ramus, Hoffman 'I stopped myself as far as that goes. I water-Hous- Trust Co., Ltd., corner Kaimukl. aid Watethouso operated on Foktward The facts of .tho matter Is this, a set- Fort and Merchant ISts., July 10th, 1906. and Satisfying. A. N. CAMPBELL, Pure but ho died soon after the operation. tlement Is 'being made and the boat For Sale Carvalho was taken before him for reverted to the Inter-islan- d Steam Treasurer, Hawaiian (Mahogany Lum Ironbrew Navigation Company, and Is bor Co., Ltd. Two-stor- y Hawaiian Soda Worlds identification. Folktward said that the that about house, 1381 Beretanla Ave- all." Honolulu, June 28th, 1906. 10 quar- SOLE MANUFACTURERS man who had shot him wore a Panama nue, rooms, stable, snrvant'a hat. Carvalho was told to put on this June 28, July 2, 7, 10. ters, chicken houses, largo lot, $3500.04 Phone Blue 1871 hat, whereupon. Folktward said that part cash. Apply 58 Merchant Street., he "was the man who had shot him. DIAMOND HEAD'S IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Both tho woman and Carvalho were First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. War ted At Chambers In Probate. taken Into custody by the police. Car- cottage soma denied having In tho Matter of tho Estate of James Furnished at Walklkl or valho at first done the desirable locality. A. shooting but subsequently admitted to GREAT SHOW McCready, of Honolulu, Deceased. Address B. & . Order Notice Hearing this office. Co. Sheriff Brown, his complicity In tho af- of of Petition LIQUOR DEALERS. Camara The police are to the for Administration. fair. Inclined Money to Loan opinion now, woman not On reading and filing tho Petition of that the did following Is Corner Queen and Alakea Streets know anything about the shooting as The the program of tho H. H. Williams, of Honolulu, alleging On Jewelry and Diamonds. We bur she was asleep when the shots were Diamond Head Athletic Club entertaln-mo- nt that James McCready. of Honolulu, your old gold. Tho J. Carlo Pawn Co, at the Opera House tomorrow, died intestate at said Honolulu, on the fired. evening. Hotel and Un'on. Folktward was a man about 35 years 18th day of June, 'A. il). 1906, leaving Orders IJelivered to of age. Ho was employed as a stone PART 1 property In tho Hawaiian Islands k necessary All Parts of tliO City cutter by Hendricks tho monument Marvh, "On the Fourth of July to bo administered upon, and llsh language, onco a week, for threa manufacturer. Tho deceased- had a Wm. Chllllngworth ipraying that Letters of Administration successlvo weeks, In tho Hawaiian Star, BL wife and several children living in Mandolin Club. Issue to David Dayton. a newspaper In Honolulu. f Phone Main 492 Honolulu, T. 1906. Norway. His mother also lived there. Bag Punching Exhitlon Mr. Spltzer It is ordered that Monday, tho 6th Dated at Honolulu, July 2nd, 1906, 10 Hurp-Zlth- er day of August, A .D. at o'clock J. T. DE BOLT. His father who was connected with tho Solo, Sweet ' l ''Home n. m., ibo hereby Is appointed schools at home, is dead. The deceas- Home" Arr. by E. Kaal and for First Judge of tho Circuit Court of the ' hearing said Petition. In the Court ed will be burled this afternoon at Miss . First Circuit. Ritchie Unauna Room Pearl City cemetery. Tho woman In Quartet, "Old Pluntatlon" Nape of this Court, at Honolulu, at Attest: Ee&Sosfcio which time and place all persons con- HotelSan Francisco, Cal. the case has a husband who left with D. H. A. C. Quartet. L. P. SCOTT, ' cerned may appear and show cause. If the band. Banjo Quartet, "Colored Guards".... Clerk of tho Circuit Court of the First Sutter and Gough Streets. - any they have, why said Petition The coroner's Inquefct will be held ' .- Weido should not bo granted, and thnt notice Circuit. 4 at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the police , O'iNell, 4ts July 2, 9, 16, 23. '3 EUROPEAN PLAN. Mesrs. G. G. Schaefer, of this order bo published In the Eng- - station. j . i C D. Wright, E. Kaal. ''Ho I Air, iFlvc Minutes with Mr. Guy Kestaurant and Grill Koom in Connection .Livingston, . " SHIPPING Xylophone Solo, "Messenger Boy".. .. Telephone in every room. Hot and cold water Bath. HINGE Arr. by B. Kaal .M Elevator Service. Mr. Ernest Grune. , ARRIVING Silent Bayonet Drill , Trust Co., Lti in operation. 2. shop The only First Class Hotel now Opened June I, Monday, July Members of Co. F, N. G. H. 1906. S. S. China, Friele, fiom the Orient, PART II. at 2:50 p. m. Pyramids, (Mat work) (Tumbling.... RATES: Single room, $2.00 per day and up. Suite, $4.00 D. H. A, C per day and up. . DEPARTING. Valse dVArmor, "Beauty's Dream".. Statement of Condition, June 30, 1906 Monday, July 2. Keith Am. schr. Robert, UriderWood, for j Mandolin Club. Bus and Automobile Meets Port Gamble, at 12:15 p. m. Horizontal Bar 3. ' Every Tiain and Steamer. Harm, Tuesday, July I I H. D. A. C. Gustav flgr S. S. China, Friele, Francis- for San Song, "The Parting" Melt ASSETS. , LIABILITIES. , ' co, at 10 a. m. J Mrs. N. Alapal. Cash on In 92 iv, Zither Solo, "Story Teller waltzes".. band and bank. ...$48,282. Capital Ookala Sugar Co , 5.25 5.50 PASSENGERS. ' Arr. by E. 'Kaal Bonds 2,000.00 Subscribed .$100,000.00 Mortgages by Es- - 50 per Pioneer Mill Co. 132.50 135.00 Arriving. Mr. Ernest Blschof . secured Real cent, paid in $50,000.00 tate 21,892.85 11a- - "Walmanalo Sugar Co. .. . 60.00 S- .S. China, July 2, from' the Ori- Song, "Rose of My Life" Nevln Shareholders Per Loans, demand and time 4,096.23 When I. I, 8. 'N. Co 125.00 ent, for Honolulu: D. W. K.' Bouton,' Mr. Jas. Dougherty. blllty 50,000.00 ' Real Estate 12,607.01 Haw. Klec. Co. 116.00 Mrs. Bouton, Miss Bouton, C. R. Klrk-le- y, Cornet Solo Undivided Profits.. 1,710.29 Accrued Interest receivable.... 455.63 Trust and Agency Hon. R. T., Com 02.50 Mrs. C. R. Klrkley. For San Fran- Finale, "Star Spangled Banner" ' Mutual Tele. Co 8.50 cisco: Rev. R. E. Brown, Arthur Bux- Mandolin Club. Accounts 37,625. IS You Haw. Sugar Co. 6s 101.00 ton, S. Blenenfeld, Mrs. F. Corbett, Total $89,335.54 ahuku "Plan. 6s 100.00 Frank Coribett, H. B. Dunbar, B Total $89,335.54 Xtallway 6s , 102.50 ' Oahu James Fugate, Miss E. THE SHOOT . .'4, Want Walalua Agr. Co. 6s 98.00 Graves, iS. Glasgow, E. C. Jansen, E. Territory Hawaii, . 'Kendijich, iMlrs. IE. of j' Kendrjch, V. K. There will be opportunities for every Island of Oahu. 'Klngcom, G. Lack, Mrs". R. Lamquet, C. one who wants to, to shoot In tho riflo ,1, Allen W. T. Bottomley, Treasurer of Bishop Trusf Company, Llm- - you ADMIRAL BRECKLEY Markus, G. W. Mosley, J. F. Olesen. J. the glasses want contest to be held on the Fourth at icu, uu suieiiuiiy mvtiir mm mo auove statement is truo to tho best, of mr them right. S. Rrultt, Mrs. J. "Prultt, W. S. Porter, the Knkaako range. Those who have knowledgo and belief. Mrs. L. M. Roe, Eugene Schaefer, A. J. not "rifles can be accommodated with (Signed) C. Van iKerckhoff, Mrs. A. J. C. Van ALLEN W. T. BOTTOMLEY, , Wl S them on the spot. Treasurer, itTkl Spectacles and 'Kerckhoff. In addition to tho supplies of rifles, by Departing, ' tho militia E. O. Hall & Sons will have Eyeglasses a- es- Per Stmr. KInau, for Hllo and way supply on hand. The firm will Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th days of June, 1900. POPULAR PURSER OF THE KINAU ports, made by us will July 2: Charles Jvukea, Andrew tablish an office on tho spot and rent (Signed) J. HARRIS MACKENZIE, always be CAPTURES THE CAPITAL PRIZE E. Cox, John F. Colburn, Jr., J. Stew- rifles and supply ammunition. Notary Public, 1st Judicial Circuit. art, A. Quintal, S. CONTEST, Dr. Carl Ramus, F. IN THE VOTING Dodge, C. A. Long, G. J. Uolssc, Miss fr.t Right M. Pllkol, Miss M. Kaul, James Crane, CHINA WILL Admiral Georgo C. Beckley is the M. Houghtalllng, Miss Sachett, Mrs. R. and guaranteed so. W. man of the hour.) Tho Admiral has Breckons, T. H. Llllle and wife, A. N. SANFORD, Mrs. Kawal and 2 children, R. Optician. been the man of the hour but the, pre- W. Buckle, A. Fernandez, Miss L rOMORRQW Bishop & Co. Bankers Boston Building, Fort St., sent hour is the proudest In his history M. Steven, Miss Anderson. Miss Iwa-la- nl Established 1858. for tho admiral is the most popular Ripley, Mrs. Jea-nl- o over May & Co. B. Warder, Miss man in tho Hawaiian Islands. Ho Cullen, Miss Anna Rose, Mrs. Rut-tenan- S. M. DAMON, A(LEXR. GARVIE. A. W. T. BOTTOMLEY. knows it, for his friends havo Just de- and children, Miss Black, Miss liner here from the orient . ts't monstrated It to him in a most ma- W. W. Wilcox, Miss Solo, F. Fernan- THIS AFTERNOON BROUGHT A terial way. Admiral MBeekley has dez, M. Hennlngsen, H. Sanber, G. SMALL CARGO. DAILY STOCK REPORT won the Reo, the capital rlzo In tho Carr,- Miss Brockle, Jov Martin, Miss Balance Sheet as at June 30, 1906. Bulletin's automobile voting contest. Mossman, F. M. Kiley, Georgo Kahea, The victory of the Admiral was known Miss. Dorothy Waldron and maid, John The S. S. China arrived this after- 40 Hon. Brew Co., Between Boards: Saturday night when tho judges and A. Noble, Vto. R. dIumleres, Miss noon from the Orient. She left Yoko. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. $25.25; 40 ahuku, 120. counters of the ballots deposited in tho Alice Green, Miss L. Kopa, L. Petrle, J, liama June 23. She encountered de Session Sales. 5 Honomu, $140. contest, completed their work. And R. Paris. Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. George L. lightful weather. Cn8 $ 720,055.30 Capital and Surplus $ 836,201.63 "Quotations. Bid. Asked. like Ben Adam tho nnmo of George C. Dosha, George Richardson, C. B. Rey- The vessel docked at the Quarantine Due from Banks & Bankers 4,347.32 Due to Banks & Bankors..'.. 204,265.77 Bonds, Stocks and Invest- - Deposits Sugar Co 11.50 Beckley led all tho rest. And ho led nolds, R. W. Breckons, Miss Breckons, wharf this afternoon at 2:50 o'clock. , 2,696,245.89 Honokaa menta 283,211.30 Sugar Co 185.00 by an overwhelming majority. The Ad- E. R. Hendry, S. S. Paxson, Miss Ma- . tsno Drougnt 370 tons or cargo ror tins Notes and Bills rodlscounted 200.000.00 Haiku 1 - ' 9.00 miral received 1,004,043 votes in the bel' Wing daughter, Miss ' rwir. nnrl 11R .Tnnflnoan nml Phlnnoi. Loons, Discounts & Over- ' Klhel Plan Co Castle and ' passen-gr- drafts 2.733.2U.74 , Onomea 31.00 contest. Tho next competitor was St. Wong, Miss Hattle Ayau, Miss Gert- In the steerage and flvo cabin s Real Estate and Bank , Paauhau 17,00 Louis College which received 564,812 rude Wong, F. J. Vlerra and wife, C. for Honolulu. Sho has a fair 160.00 Company D of Hllo came A. D. B. Georgo slated crowd of passengers San Furniture 40,067.53 Pepeekeo ballots. Widemann, Maconachle, for ' ' OthorAssots 55,809.95 -- . : Walalua Agrl 67.00 58.00 third with 322,955. Guild, Miss E. Dunn, Miss Alice Wil- Francisco. Tho vessel Is scheduled to Wailuku Co. Scrip 125.00 The Admiral has been receiving the son, Miss Julia Senna, Miss Choy, Miss depart of 10 o'clock tomorrow morning $3,836,703.20 ., ', Oahu R. & L. Co 90.00 congratulations of his friends. Ills McAlexandor, Miss M. Vredenberg, for San Francisco. She Is loading 600 $3,836,703.29 Hon. Brew. oC 25.00 victory was a well earned and hard Miss Weight, Miss E. Horner, Alan J. tons of coal at this port. Cal. Beet 6s 103.00 fought one. The result of the count Is Lowrey, Z. K. Myers, R. W. Shlnglo, Beckley, 1,004,043; 00C0O000O0C0:CO8OC00O0OO0O Haiku 6s 101.00 as follows:George C. A. W. Carter, J. P. Curtis, R. J, S. Honolulu, T. H., Juno. 30th, 1906. St. Louis College 564,812; Company D, Ounston, J. G. Rothwell, C. D. Swan-so- n, dren who were playing In tho streot Hon. R. T. Co, 6s 105.00 I, Alexander Oarvle, do solemnly swear that tho forogolng Bnlanue 322,955; A. N. Kepolkai, 244,250; Llhuo K. S. Charles M. Lo and ho could not be controlled. Tho - She.t Pala Plan. Cs 101.00 GJordrum. ropresents a- true? and correct statement of tho affairs of tho Banking 98.00 Kegel Club 84,989; Diamond Head Ath- Blond, C. Campbell, four Swain horse turned and upset tho carriage and House McBryde 6s C of Bishop & Company as at Juno 30th, 1906, to tho best of my knowledge and C. Brewer & Co $ $400.00 letic Club, 72.611; James L. Friel 65,607; children. throw tho two women to the sidewalk. belief. 23.50 23.7G D. MoVelgli 49,343; Mrs. Lucy Wright Tho carrlago was complotoly demolish- ' Ewa Plan. Co J. , (Signed) ALEXR. GARVIE, Haw. Com. Co 80.50 82.50 47,617; Mrs. Dickerson 46,034; Thomas WOMEN INJURED IN RUNAWAY. ed. The horse continued his way up Haw. Sugar Co 33.00 35.00 C. White 30,377. Two women whose Identity could not towards Punchbowl. Tho ladlcyt Im- 142,60 Is once again the Man of be learned woro painfully Injured this mediately called a hack wore Honomu Sugar Co 137.60 The Admiral and Subsarlbod and sworn to before mo afternoon In a runa-wayo- Fort driven away, the 30th day of Juno, 1906. ICahuku Plan. Co 20.00 tho Hour. stret ; (Signed) Vlnoyard. they ' . R. R. REIDFORD, MnPrvfln fliimir f!o 5.00 5.50 near 'Thgthgrso which S.) Notary StaT Ofllco. .were driving took fright at somo oliH Fine Job Printing, Office. . Public. First Judicial nimnlf rr. tr Oahu Sugar Co ioO.Oj Fine Job Printing, Star

,, X if ; ' .. ' la nr., " I V- ' v BT2C THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, JULY i, 1906.'


4 fey For Roosevelt Cup FEELING 5 Choose a handsomo ploco of koa for "I liad a vory sovoro lunc troublo arid was so weak that I could scarcoly yourself, made a handsomo drcss-6- r Usually comes with Summer weather. A glass or two of have walk about or talk. All my friends or tablo from It. bolloved I could novor got well. I then bogan to tako Ayer's Cherry Wo havo some very beautiful pieces Foctoral and Immediately folt an Im- PI koa that are thoroughly seasoned provement. It took only two bottles to work a complotc euro. It certainly Primo Lager and will make furniture, plcturo saved my life." taken at dinner time will help you to sleep and strengthen and framoB, etc., that will not warp. This Is ono of thousands of testi- monials to the wondorful valuo of refresh you for the next day's work. J, .. The Itoa you usually get from the ' Curnlturo maker Is green and warps out o eliaopo after it Is made up. Wo guar, Am antco our koa. EJsnjpie ittiemi ,9eetoi9al UnionBRANCH WUSTACE PECK CO., LTD. 1 In cases of colds, coughs, nnd lung 63 Quieorx Street and throat troubles of all kinds. A standard and unrivaled remedy for Having baggage contracts with the following Steamship Co.'s Lines': r . sixty years. In largo and small bottlos. Oceanic Steamship Co. ' llewaro of Imitation ed Occidental & Oiiental Steamship Co. "Gonuino Cherry Pectoral." llosuro lc ''.; Cherry Pectoral." Pa-if- Mall Steamship Co. 177 S. King Street. to get "AYEtt'S Toyo Risen Kaisha Steamship Co. Prepared tj Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ms., U. S. A. Wo check your outgoing baggage at your homes, saving you tao troubla and annoyance of checking on tho wharf. THE HAWAIIAN REALTY t Incoming baggage checked on steamers of above companies and dellt quickness dispatch Castle & Gookeltd AND MATURITY CO. Ltd. ered with and at your homes. Real Eatate, Mortgages, Loans and Teleplione 3Mai:ML Investment Securities. Homes built oo 0 B OJO.Cl Jin installment plaa. 3if Homo Office: Mclntyre Building., T. H, Sisre (j. K KENT WELL. General Manappr REMOVAL NOTICE Iiisurans Agents DR. T. MITAMURA. Residence: No. BO Vineyard street on mtvuka side 2nd gate Ewa side from an2 over The Only Double-T- rt .k Railway between the Missouri River ami Chicago. AGENTB FOIT Nuuanu. Office: No. 1412 Nuuanu street on Ewa Treilrxm tde corner Vineyard. Tliree. Fast Daily ...... 5:30-7:3- ' VIA New England Office Hours: a. m.; 0 p. axoww tn. k' wtxizati SOUTHERN PACIFIC. UNION PACIFIC AND 1 Q - Mutual Life Sunday by appointment CHICAdO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAYS. Telephone: Offiio White 151; residence OVERLAND LIMITED, VESTIBU LED. Leaves San Francises daily 11:1' a", m, Insurance Co Wldto 152. P. O. Box 842. The announcement last week that the .German Crown Prince will The most luxurious train in the world. New Psllman drawing room and OF BOSTON, send his new yacht, Angela H, to this country to compete for the stateroom cars built expressly for this famous train. Gentleman's buffet and Book- - Library. Roosevelt Cup late this Summer has excited a lively interest in Amer- Lady's parlor observation car. lovers Dining car meals la carte. Electric lighted throughout iEtna Fire LEXflNDER LTD ican I small craft yachting circles. EASTERN EXPRESS. VESTIBU LED. Leaves San Francisco at 6:19 p. Willi The announcefent, which came by cable, was the first information m. Dally. Through Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleeping Cars to Chicago, Co., Cooke, Manager. Insurance J. P. that has come from abroad as to who will represent Germany in the Dining Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. OP HARTFORD, CONN. international races for small boats. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. VESTIBU LED. Leaves San Francisco at :M n OFFICERS: m. Daily. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. . The Crown Prince probably will not come to this country with his PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS H. P. Baldwin President boat, as a ban had previously been put on his desires to cross the ocean. Wednesday, Thursdays and Frl .jnys. Tho best of everything. Oalio Railway and land Co.'s J. B. Castle First Vice-Preside- nt Vice-Preside- It is significant that before the races were Angela W. M. Alexander.Second nt arranged the jl;o & ISy Vice-Preside- Olxioo L. T. Peck Third nt II was designed, and in arranging the rules for the contests ,the Kaiser NorthwesternR. R. RITCHIE, 1 A. P. C I J. Waterhouse Treasurer requested that they conform to a scale which is exactly on the new or S. P. Company's Apent. 617 Market St. (Palace Hotel) San Franclaoc E. E. Paxton Secretary boat's lines. She is thought to be very fast, and undoubtedly will W. O. Smith Director OCTOBER 6, 1&04. prove a formidable contender for the cup. To capture the Roosevelt Cup with one of the three German boats which will is OUTWAR Sugar Factors and come to this country to try for it a cherished hope of the Kaiser, but a victory with his son's yacht would certainly please him ffor Walanae, Walalua, Kahuku and Commission more. Way SUtions 3:15 a. m., 3:20 p. m. BVr Pearl City, Ewa Mill and "Way Fierchants The races will bcsailed in September off Marblehead, Mass. , Stations 17: 30 a. m., 9:16 a. m. . 11:G5 a. an., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. in., AQEN fS FOR 2 , H:15 p. m., 19:?0 p. m., 111:15 p. m Plunkett, rf Lota, lb 4 ' Mark Hawaiian Commercial & Sugu BASEBALL Trade INWARD. GK Company, Totals 37 5 9 4 27 10 1 Kahuku, Wal- Kxxtro Honolulu from Haiku Sugar Company, OAHU. alua. end Walanae 8:30 a. m., "5:31 P. m. Paia Plantation, LftCKJTERESI 123456789 Rxrlve Honolulu from Ewa Mill and Maui AgrlcfViiral Company, Runs 1 300000004 B. 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 , Pearl City 17:46 a. m., 8:36 a. m., Kihei Company, H Plantation LEAGUE GAMES ARE GETTING ON 06 K:IS a. l., 1:40 p. m., "4:31 p. m.. Hawaiian Sugar Company, tKAMEHAMBHA. IS'.Xl p. m., 7:30 p. m. Kahuku Plantation Company, A PAR WITH CRICKET AND DiJIy. 123456789 IliHH ll ""i-- IT'TlifMnMVAmVllt&W Knhului Railroad Company--, SOCKER IN POINT OF INTEREST Runs .0 202010 0 0 5 tSonday Excelled. .' B . . . iBuaday only. Haeakala Ranch Company. B.. H 0 112 111119 , Two base hit Jvia, Lemon, Hnmauku. two-ho- ur Two games of baseball and not TIio Halelwa Limited, a Home run Fern. California Limited train, leaves Honolulu every Sunday at enough c, CO, LTD, excitement to draw a crowd and Wild pitch 'Hampton, 2; lleutor, 1, 9ltX , m., returning. arrives In Hiono-Eol- u fi hold It. There may have been twenty Base on Hampton, 2; 2. TO at 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops balls Reuter, fcolr at Pearl City and Walanae. QUEEN STREET, people at the games on Saturday but sacrifice hit Evers. Jones, 1; Flanagan, 1. HONOLULU, H. T the gate keeper has his doubts. Where Passed balls 3 out Reuter, 11; Hampton, 10. Chicago in Days did they go? Why to Makikl to see a Struck BE. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, Double play Jones-Mille- r. little excitement where the cricket upt. G. P. & IT. A. AGENTS FOR Hit by pitcher Hampton, 1; Reuter. Leaves Mondays and Thursdays game was going on. S. Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-me-a At 9:30 a. m. r la getting something fierce and game Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar It The first was ibad enough but With Diners and Sleepers. Company, alluku Sugar Company, unless the league perks up and hands the second game was even worse. The I ME Sugar a better assortment of games Honolulus ran around that diamond as Ookala Plantation Company, the fans ' ' w niTTViWI KIT TH 'JH HIT "W agri-Ti- HI there will not 'be any fans, If they were training for the Marathon ' tip .i Haleakala Ranch Company, Kapapola and without Ranch. fans there will ,bo no games. Some race for the championship of the world. i Hie "Oh somebody kill somebody," shout- & Co., Office thing done Passenger W. G. CommiBsIoj Merchants Planters' Line Shipping Company. had better and done Agent, Irwin v - Charles Brewer & Co's Line of Bos- quickly. ed one fan and he had the right dope 8ugar Factors. ton Packets. iFor the first time this season the dope a little something for excitement. Sock-e- r LIST OF OFFICERS. didn't work out for the Kams romped beats baseball In excitement line ev- home with the games ,batlng the erst ery day. AGENTS FOR Charles M. Cooke President while league leaders by a score of 5 to Fenner couldn't pitch, no more could H. Robertson.. & Mgr. Travellers Ifhft Ewa Plantation Company! Go. 4. There was nothln' doln' with the Do Fries, and the Hons pounded them Agree E. Faxon Blslop....7reas & Secy. tTh Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. OahUB. They made four errors and all over the lot. F. W. Macfarlane,..' Auditor made them when they should have Union Pacific' Kb Kokala Sugar Company. The score reads like a funeral notice. THAT P. d. Jones Director caught them standing on their heads. (Read it: Rh Walmea Sugar Mill Company. was Reuter In the best C. H. ooke Director And therefnlso H. A. C. BTha Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Ma form he has shown this season, and he J. R. Gait Director .Railroad tTh Standard Oil Company. had whiskers on every ball that wont AB R BH SB PO A E iinuliiiii All of the above named constitute En Sue, 3b 5 lie Bit George F. Blake Steam Pump. . across the plate. SUGGESTS the Board of Director-- Hampton pitched fairly good ball ,but E. Fernandez, If.. 5 KVea ton's Centrifugals. Xixxxlt& allowed 9 hits. Once or twice thoy were J. Williams, 2b.... 6 Ske New England Mutual Lite IImur- hits to the far outfield that let In homo Louis, rf, 5 peed and IB ancc Company of Boston. S. SAIKI, Joy', p 5 runs. t Quickest, Finest, Best feat Aetna Fire Insurance Company of It was misery and that Is no Josh. A. Williams, ss. . . 5 Oomoit Bamboo Furniture 5" Hartford, Conn. The rest of it: J. Fernandez, ct.. fCn Alliance Assurance Company of AND Soares, c 5 Three trains dally through cars, first OAHU. Ro-(uc- A Train that London. PICTURE FRAMES. Gleason, lb 5 tnd second class to all points. ed Supplies Neat and Handsome AB R BH SB PO A E rates take effect soon. Write All Demands Designs made to order. S. Davis, 3b 4 1 1 2 0 2 0 Totals 46 14 17 8 27 8 1 ow. Hawaiian Carriage tSt Beretanla Street, near PunckbowL Hampton, ip. , 5 1 1 1 0 5 1 TELEPHONE BLUE 88L Evers, ss 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 MIAILE. ' . To St. Lou la or Chicago Manufacturing Kla, of. 4 0 1 1 10 0 AB R BH SB PO A E Vannnttn, 2b. .... 3 0 0 0' 4 4 Lo On, 2b 4 0, 0 0 1 1 S. F. Booth IN S DAYS Company NERVOUS PROSTRATION. F Davis, If. j 3 1 1 2 0 0 Carey, ss ,,4 0 1 0 2 0 from San Francisco. 4 4 1 1 11 0 Bruns, If 4 0 0 0 3 0 Agent. TBt QUEEN ST. TEL. MAIN 47. You can't sleep; you feel tired, lrrlta Gorman, lb ...... General ELECTRIC LIGHTS Flanagan, c , 4 0 1 1 10 1 Jonah, 4 0 0 6 00 0 P. O. BOX 193. ble, dizzy at times; have headache, rf READING LAMPS, Loslle, 3 0 0 0 0 0 Freo'th, 3b 3 1 0 0 CLUL CARS-A- LL ' backache, and are nervous and excit- rf 11 c 3 1 0 0 G 1 Si: Manufacturers of all kinds of Car. able. You are on the verge of nervous Boyle, GOOD (..'INGS 4 8 14 4 p-- lb 3 0 1 tkLg and Vehicles, Wagons, Wagon prostration, which means a general Totals 33 0 27 .Fennor, 0 14 No. 1 Montgomery Street, Materials of all descriptions supplied; breakdown. Dr. Miles' Nervine will KAjMEHAMEHA. De Fries, lb-- p. ... 2 1 0 0 8 1 Sumnor. cf 3 0 0 0 2 0 San Francisco. Bmbber Tires put on at reasonable build up your nervous system to lt3 AB R BH SB PO A E Sontliern Pacific prices; Repairing, Painting and Trim natural strength, and all this misery Sholdon. ss 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 Totals. 3 2. 0 24 8 S ming: satisfaction guaranteed; estl- - will disappear. The first bottle will 5 0 3 0 2 0 0 ...30 Lemon, If. SOMETHING WRONG. Information Bureau fBatea elven. cost you nothing If It falls to help you; Millar, 2b 5 0 1 fi II. A. C. 110 611 Market Stray;, 5 0 0 11 3 "Why did you fall to show up for the AUTOMOBnLiE REPAIRING Jones, c 0 0 12345G7S9 San JTraiiclsco. A SPECIALTY. It Is a good thing to remombor that Router, p 4 0 1 0 140 Runs 3 0 0 0 5 2 3 1 1 performance last night?' nBked tho 3 1 1 4 0 1 1 6 1 4 0 V soubretto. "Whero you sick?" C. W. ZEIOLER, Manager. a majority of your friends are your Hnmauku, of. ...,3 0 10 B, II friends because of much they don't Fern, 3b 3 1 2 2 1 1 ff "No," replied the comedian, "I wasn't ;E(a Job Printing, Star Offlc. know. Kaanol, rf 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 (Continued on page seven) exactly sick, but I felt funny." Fine Job Printing, Star Olfloe. 4T J " ' 'f ' l.r i'. THE' HAWAIIAN STATt, MONDAY, JULY 2, 1006.

THE) race and on the table was the cup which tho La Paloma won on tho trip up from the bark S. C. Allen. Tho SPORTS small cup which was to be tho third Bank of Hawaii (Continued from Pago Six). prize In the contest was also displayed. Robert Shingle was the first speaker,' LIMITED. acting as tonstmaster. He called on MIAILE. The Vlco Commodore Lyle of the Yncht Alameda Brought Incorporated Under the Laws of the 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 0 CluJ) to welcome the guests which Mr. Territory of Hawaii. Runs ...0 100200003 Lyle did In a few well chosen words. B. II 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 02 He spoko of the great Importance of the r: PAID-U- P CAPITAL J600.000.00 Two ibase hit Fenner, J. Fernandez, race nnd how the names of the men BURPLUS 300,000.00 J. Williams. participating would go 'down to pos-- i l' UNDIVIDED PROFITS 7S.C9t.63 Home run-t- f. "William. terlty. He stated thnt they we're ail Base on balls Joy, 2; Do Fries, 1. to feel at homo while on Hawaiian soli. NewSupply of . , , Judge S. iR. wns speak- OFFICERS. Sacrifice hit E. Fernandez. Dole tho next Passed ball Boylo 1. er. He entertained the party for some Charles M. Cooke President Struck out Joy, 14; Fenner, 2; De moments with his Interesting recollec- - P. C. Jones First nt Fries, 2. tlons of the early days of yachting in Vlce-PresW'- IP. W. Maefarlane...2nd M (Double plays Boylo-D- o FrlesiFreeth. . Hawaii when the fooys used to sail to C. H. Cooke Coal r (Hit iby pltcher;-Jo- y 2. Maul In watermelon season and then .4, C. Hustace Assistant Cashier in : Jr STANDING OF THE TEAMS. I thrown tho rinds at each other a F. B. Damon Assistant Cashier I many amus- En oMTirst Series. naval battle. He related Zeno K. Myers Atdltor ing instances of those days. C. IV W. Pet. DIRECTORS: Chas. M. Cooke. P. ' pre- Macfarlane, E. F. Bishop, H. A. C 8 7 .875 Governor Carter was called on to Jones, F. W. cups to spoke E. D. Tenney, J. A. McCandless, C. H. Oaliu .8 6 .760 sent tho the winners. He Punahou 8 4 .500 at great length and paid tribute to the Atherton, C. H. Cooke, F. B. Damon, F. - . 8 3 .375 owners of the Lurllno an dthe Anemo- C. Atherton. t Kamehameha ...T.... ' Maile . 8 0 .000 ne. He then presented to Commodore COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DE- Sinclair a certificate which entitles him PARTMENTS. to the first trophy. Commodore Sinclair responded and BROWN - given to all branches said that the certificate should be fram- Strict attention ed and placed on the wall of the South of Banking Coast Yacht Club by the side of an old Hawaiian flag been presented BUILDINQ. FORT STREET. THE SCORER that had JUDD JOP to th iClub .by Captain Clarence Mac farlane. Spr Ms. Wm G. Irwin. iMr. Claus THE CAMELS BEAT THE ZEBRAS At the close of Sinclair's remarks tho crowd sang the song "For He's a SATURDAY IN GOOD CRICKET Jolly Good Follow," and then drank a toSinraels&Co MATCH. toast to him. OOwner Tutt was greeted with many BANKERS cheers as he rose to his feet to accept HONOLULU, - - - - - H. I. Played at Maklkl Saturday afternoon. the second trophy. He said that he Score: wouldn't exchange the fine calabash he CAMELITS. cups Francisco Agents The Nevada received for all of the silver that Ban C. could 'bo up. He as National Bank of San Francisco. A. St. Pllanala, c. Wlthlngton, b. stacked stated that and a fine selection of songs and 17 speaker DRAW EXCHANGE ON Cat he was no and had brought 5 Judge along purpose 8AN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na- R. A. Jordan b. Morse Stlmson for that : : tional Bonk of San Francisco. R. Anderson (capt) b. Grant 33 'he would let him do the answering. band pieces can now be had at LONDON "TEon of London & Sm'th'a Tim Gill, b. Grant 5 Judge Stlmson make a splendid Bank, Lt . J. M. Tucker, c. Brown, b. Grant.... 5 speech humorous In places, but full .of NEW YORK American Exchange Na- Rev, W. Auld, not out 8 feeling when he told of the reception In tional Bank. L. Wlthlngton, b. Catt 1 Hawaii and what the wonderful hospi- CHICAGO Corn Exchange National B. Grosse, b. Grant 1 tality mean to them. He explained liow Bank. H. Bailey, b. Grant 2 the Anemone was .built of the best Co- - B, PARIS Credit Lyonnals. Extras 4 lorado oak and was taken down the A. Arleigh & Co.'s BERLIN Dresdner Bonk. Platte river, and then through the canal HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA The 78 to the lakes, then through the canal to Hongkong and Shanghai Banking ZEBRAITES. -- the Hudson, and then down to New

. York around the Horn to San Corporation. R. de-B- Layard, c. Ault, b. Ander- urd NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA Pedro. Fort and Hotel Streets son 7 Zealand, Bank of welcome they Bank of New and W. Brown, not out 58 The had received here links Australasia. F. Holmes, c. Gill, b. Jordan 1 was likened unto a chain. The of AND VANCOUVER Bank might never VICTORIA C. P. Morse, capt.), b. Jordan 12 which stretch but break. America. on of British North E. Grant, b. Anderson 10 When the Governor called Clarence to up S. Catt, c. Grosse, b. Jordan 2 Macfarlane stand and receive coming him, a b TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING A. Tullqtt, b. Anderson 2 what was fo the crowd AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. F. Wlthlngton, c. Anderson, b. Jor- - broke loose with cheers and for six or flflTl fl seven minutes the ovation continued showing how regards Clar on J. Grosse, c. and b. Gill 25 ; Honolulu Deposits Received, Loans Made ence. mallhl- - Approved Security. Commercial and Extras G The Governor asked the j to wellers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex- nls excuse them for a while, while WE DO NOT KNOW WHEN WE WILL BE ABLE TO GET ANOTHER 126 a muc.iiumi.v iuik was engaged in. ne change Bought and Sold. ' BOWLING ANALYSIS. then paid a tribute to the courage of M.Vfarlane who sailed so bravely' and SO, IF YOU WANT RECORDS, BUY THEM NOW. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC- Zebraites. O. M. R. W. so well. COUNTED FOR. W. Brown .' 10 14 0 Clarence then told of his trip and the C. , 9 19 1 courtesies ho had received at the hands S. Catt 7 0 24 2 of the South Coast Yacht Club. He was glad though In raE YOKOHflMR SPECIE BAHK E. Grant... j 7 0 20 5 to be back dear old Camelltes. Honolulu. Commodore Sinclair then .Limited. O. M. R. W. broke In and asked permission to speak'. was granted Commodore paid ESTABLISHED 1880. R. Anderson 11 6 2 42 3 It and the R. A. Jordan 13 1 63 4 a high tribute to Clarence Macfarlane 5 Capital Subscribed Yen 24,000,000 T. Gill 4 1 15 1 and told how the race had been lost In Capital Paid Up 18.000,000 the beginning of the raco when in a Our Chinese and Japanese friends can 9,910,000 BASEBALL A AT. A PARK". neavy sea tile L,a paloma could not Reserve Fund AT ' The Riverside League baseball games carry a mainsail and while the other boats were running 265 miles. HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. yesterday resulted in thp Chinese Alo- has beating, the Japanese Athletics and Speeches were then made by Pro- be supplied with records Agoncles: the Palama3 winning from the' Hawal fessor Ahlers of Colorado Springs nnd Branches and Ian Independents. by Louis Vetter of Yuma. A toast Honolulu, New York, San Francisco, Score by Innings: was proposed to "The Native Hawai-lans- " in own languages. iiondon, Lyons, Bombay, Hongkong, 123456789 by Judge Stlmson and Col. Sam their Newchwang, Pekln, Shanghai, Tientsin, Phlnesn Ainhna ihmh(ii i nm Parker was called on to respond. He Kobe, Nagasaki, Toklo, Osaka. t,ean 'Republicans and Home Rulers" j, a. C .f. 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 210 l nnt tnen explained he did not call But call col 1 2 3 4 7 8 that to 5 6 avoid The Banks buys and receives for 1 early disappointment V: lection Bills of Exchange, Issue Drafts H. Independents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 on tho democrats as there were none and Letters of Credit, and transacts a Palamas . 340lnnn4 1? le'ti Judge Stlmson then stated that genral banklpg business. The first series Is now ended, the Pn. he was a democrat thereupon the Col- - lamas and Chinese Athletics tying for onel who could not bo Induced to say ...... - "ilpmnprntfl" nrirlorl "finil --Titrlft CHm Honolulu Branch 67 King Street iirsi piace. une tie wm De piayea on on ' n- - juiy son." Soon after that however Par-- -- The'stnndlnir nf the tnnmo is n. fni. ker called on Judge Wilder to speok. 1 jows. i who did so and told not a few funny ESTABLISHED IN 1858 Won. Lost P. C. stories. Chinese A. C 6 .750 Jack Lucas made a speech in Hawai- Palamas 6 .750 ian and Guy Livingston Interpreted. It was highly amusing brought BISHOP & CO. Chinese Alohas 4 .500 nnd fortn Haw. Independents.... 3 .375 the applause of the banqueters. Japanese A. C 1 .125 In conclusion W. Mtelnerny stated that the club would have a yacht In BANKEES two years that would sail rings around LUAU the Lurllno and triangles ab fit the FOR THE Anemone. Commodore Sinclair broke in with "God speed tho builders hand!" Graphophone Commercial and Travelers' The party broke up at 10 o'clock and V.VWmVAWWAVAV.VAV.V.VWWAmVAW Letters of Credit Issued on the VISITING YACHTMEN took the special train back to town. Bank of California and N. M. BALDWI NAND H. C. & S. Rothschilds. & Sons, London. Concerning the H. P. AIPFAIR AT PEARL HARBOR ON retirement of Correspondents for the Amer- Baldwin from the position of Manager LAST SATURDAY ican Express Company, and EVENING A of Hawaiian' Commercial and Sugar Free HUGE SUCCESS. to Stat Company, Maul says: Subscribers Thos. Cook & Son. tho News During af-fal- rs Interest allowed on term and his administration' of tho On last Saturday evening fully two of the dl, C. & S. Co. the new mill Savings Bank Deposits. yachtsmen hundred witn their friends was built, railroads laid, and thou- - gathered the lochs I at Pearl Harbor and Sands acrea of new to enloved .a genuine 'Hawaii ln nt of can0 lanl Put which an alliance was pro?ttbIe cu"vatton. new water ditch formed 'between es dug, Y. WOjSING CO. the Now York Yacht Club and the Ha waii Yacht Club by electing Owner Since Mr. Baldwin took charge of the GROCERIES, FRUITS, - Tutt of the Anemonean honorary mem- H. C. & S. Co.- the sugar tonnage has It brings to your home all of these accomplishments you would so VTGETABLES, ETC. ber of the Hawaii 'Yacht Club. Tho been greatly Increased and the plan- prizes won during the late ocean race tation put on a paying basis. like to possess and it i? so simple in construction your little child 1184-11- Street. Nuuanu were presonted during the evening to In giving up the active management Telephone Haln 238. P. O. Box 952. H. & can easily operate it. the winners by Governor Carter of Ha- of tho C. S. Co., Mr. Baldwin does waii. not entirely withdraw from active su- pervision of the same, as he has been This is a reduced reproduction of the $7.50 COLUMBIA The party of yachting men left Ho- 9 Corner Y.BeretanlaI8IIII,and Nuuanu Sts. elected managing director and will con- nolulu early In tho afternoon for a visit tinue to glvo valuable advice to the GRAPHOPHONE. It cannot be bought for less. to (plantation. vis- JAPANESE DRUGGISTS the Honolulu After present manager. iting tho plantation and picking up GENERAL MERCHANDISE Manager Mr. Frank F. Baldwin, the new man- Low they proceeded to Pearl ager, has met with unusual success In Harbor where tho luau was to be held. plantation work and will doubtless meet All kinds American patent medicines largo delegation yachtsmen at low prices. There a of with equally good success as his father met them who had come down on tho has dono in tho past. train. For some years ho worked on the The A little after 7 o'clock the call to tho Pala Plantation under D. C. Lindsay I IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE f luau was given and soon about the bfg and later had chargo of Division 1 of Columbia IN NEWSPAPERS tables placed in a squaro form tho H. C. & 'S. Co. and on the appointment ANYWHERE AT ANYTlMfl merry party gathered. The pavilion of B. D. Baldwin as manager of the Call on or Write whore the tables wore placed was beau- Hawaiian Sugar Company at Makaweli, tifully decorated with Hags and flowors. Kauai, he was appointed assistant KC.DAKE'S ADMTISIBG AGEKC1 Graphophone At tho head of the table and In tho manager of tho Hawnllan Commercial RECEIVED THE 1IIGIIES AWARD AT THE ST. LOUIS 134 Sansomo Street center was Governor Carter, and . on & Sugar Co. of which he Is now tho g 6 AN FRANCISCO, CALIF. either side of him was Commodore Sin- manager. Mr. F. F. Baldwin Is a rec- WORLD'S, 1904, l'ARIS EXPOSITION, 1900 clair and Captain Tutt, On a pedestal ognized plantation man of ablilty and In tho conter of tho room was the large! commands tho highest ewcem and con- Fine Job Printing, Star Office. calabash which tho second prize In the fidence of all who know him. eight THE. HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, JUIjY 2, 1906,

AOVUR'l'lhtiitmSAl'Jns. Land Company on July 4th. Excursion JF. iV trains for the boat races will loavo Ho- James Morgan, A Busy Place Jas. F. Morgan Page S nolulu at 9 a. m., returning will leave Expert and Oval II. Haekfold & Co Pago 3 Pearl Harbor Immediately after the AUCTIONrJCR AND CTho Womans' Exchango Is a very Hawaiian News Go Page 3 races, BROKER. Busy place during stenmor days. This Bishop Trust Co. Statement Pago 5 Rov. Dr. Doremus Scudder spokojit la on account of Its largo and exclu- Bishop & Co Page B tho sorvlce nt Oaliu Prison at 11 o'clock fi?-85- 7 Kahutnanu St. Tel. Mali 7--. sive line of curios. Probate Notlco Pago B yesterday. Ho spoke both In Japanese P, O Bos S4. Rackets and In English. His subject was "The NEWS IN A NUTSHELL Destruction that Comes Both In This "Woman's Exchange Llfo nnd tho Next, by Not Following ' near Fort. woro songs by Hotel Street Give Condensed the True Chart." Thoro Paragraphs That Mrs. Jensln. Miss Bray was the or- The latest Rackets on the News of the Day. ganist. Tho meeting was conducted by market. John M. Martin. They are beauties, call and and examine them. ! Wo have a good supply of It will pay you to mako your BOAT CREWS ARE AUCTION SALE Tennis Balls, Tapes, Nets, wants known. You can do this Shoes, and all sorts of Tennis cheaply and most effectively by Goods, Rackets using tho Want Ad column of ON with the TUESDAY, JULY 3, best of English Gut and work Ad3 The Star. Want Inserted 12 O'CLOCK NOON, guaranteed. three times for 25 cents. On American-Hawaiia- n S. S. wharf, I I GOOD RACES WILL BE THE ORDER will sell, on account of whom It may OF THE DAY AT PEARL HARBOR concern, ex-- S. S.' Novadan, In first-cla- ss THE WEATHER. order and condition, ON THE FOURTH OF JULY. E- - O. MiLXJL Ltd. Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau, 2000 Sacks Coarse Young Building. Big doings are slated for the races at "the proof of Honolulu, T. H., July 2, WOG. Pearl Harbor on the Fourth. Never Bran THE PUDDING before have the crows of the different 30 Bags to Ton. In Lots to Suit, 5? Temperatures: G a. m. 71; S a. 78 ; 18 IN THE EATING." ni. boats worked so hard and consistently. 10 a. m. 7"; noon, SI; morning minimum DAND- Evwy evening they can be seen on their jasTfTmokgan, Home-Smoke- One trial of. PACHECO'S 71. way to Pearl dally d you 8 30.t)4; hu- Harbor and their AUCTIONEER. Our Will convince that a. m. absolute RUFF KIIjIiEIt Barometer row comes off as regularly as clock the preparation for the per- midity S a. m. 5.290 grains per cubic It is beet work. All aro set on winning the race manent removal Dandruff. It will foot; relative humidity 8 a. m. G5 pqr of arid are getting In tho best possible keep your scalp clean, too. Try It. cent; dew point 8 a. m. Gl. 'all trim for tho event. Hams 's Bacon Pache-eo- 8 and at velocity: 6 a. m. 2 northeast; Bold by all Drugglst3 and Wind In the big race that Is slated betweon Shop, 023 street. d. m., northeast; 10 a.m., 11, northeast: Barber Fort tho Healanls and the Myrtles the Myr- 232. during 21 hours 8 a. 'Phone Main Ralnfnll ended If anything -- w. AND m. trace. tles are a shade the favor- MILDEST SWEETEST. ites. is hard to size two crew Total wind movement during 24 hours It the up but it Is said that the Myrtles have wLx. ended at noon 22G. DR. A. J. DERBY, a good crew to work up hill so that Uncovered Hams and Bacon DENTIST. WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. If tho Heallns get the start they may havo to pull hard to get to the lino first. on Bulldin- -. LONDON BEETS: June 30, 8 shillings The Healanls tho other hand are bdeo In Boston very In picking up their speed and .u. FOR QUALITY, UNSURPASSED, 9 m. to 12 noon; 1 p. m. 3 pence; last previous quotation, Juno fast Hours: a. have a wonderful ability o spurt and 6a 4 p. 2G, 8 shillings, 2 4 pence. ra. spurt may win t ' WHY NOT GET THE BEST. h SUGAR: New York, JUne 29, 3.625 that the race for theni. Tho Junior crews are nlso training cents a pound, or $72.50 a ton; last te sell up-to-da- TELEPHONE previous quotation, June 27, 3.61 cents hard. They will make a close raco We can you anything in a pound. from start to finish and should mako Office, Main 343. make much excitement for the crowd. the Meat line. Residence, Blue 2291 A probate notice Is published In this Between tho Elks and the University AUCTION SALE Issue. crew lies much good riatured rivalry PROMPT DELIVERIES, For auction sales during tho week and both crews aro leaving nothing un- SATISFACTORY PRICES. see Morgan's column. turned In order to win. The University 0i TUESDAY, JULY 3, TRY US TODAY. college - crew rows entirely different style from Wallace Jackson A young graduate- Just from 10 O'CLOCK A. M., the mainland desires a position. the Elks. The former have short fast 20 stroke and the Elks a long slower one my General-Baggag- e The China was sighted miles off At salesrooms. by Lookout Peterson at 11:50 o'clock but one which will tako them over the this morning. water speedily. The betting is run- REGULAR TUESDAY SALE. 0. Q. YEE HOP CO., KXPKESS yes- ning about even no odds being offered. & Tho bark George Curtis departed "Just what you want." terday for San Francisco, with a full A bunch of tho local sports, go down and Dray Business to every In cargo of sugar. the harbor evening order Wholesale and Retail Butchers i An unknown steamer thought to bo to size the crowd up but they do. not JAS. F. MORGAN, tho Alabama passed tho Island Satur- tell much as to tho shape matters are AUCTIONEER. Telephone Main 251 N. King Street DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE day afternoon. In. CITY Rainier Beer is a healthful tonic. It The races this year will be the best In years ( LARGE OR SMALL PARCEL3. has more nourishing qualities than any according to the Interest and beverage on the market. spirit shown by the different crews. I Tho veteran rice planter of the Isl- I Offlce and Nuu-W- u ands Lee Ahlo, Is seriously ill. There and Stand: Merchant A Healthful tonic. ' streets. Is little hope for recovery. INTERRUPTED It has more nourishing i For the attendants at their wedding on last Friday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. qualities any beverage, George Cooke entertained at dinner. than Zeno K. Meyers of the Hawaiian E Trust Company left this morning for qn the market. a rest on Hawaii. He will be gone two weeks. SEQUEL TO A WEDDING LUAlJ E. T. HERRICK,- Agent. The Metropolitan Meat Co., will leave AT THE KAKAAKO two deliveries tomorrow, July 3rd, and MISSION.LASf OPENING Phone White 1331. Carriage Repairs no deliveries on July 4th. Leave or- WEEK. "W are paying special attention to ders early. Carriage "Wagon Repairing and In H. Hackfeld & Co. have Just received The Walklkl Seaside hotel had a bril- and From the altar to Jail Is a sudden War fully equipped premises on Queen a new stock of Macey bookcases and liant opening on Saturday evening. Tho a young man Street are prepared to turn out the best havo them ready to show you In their transition for but such new open dining room was crowded one George aupena m work. jjiasa furniture department. is the fate of and and an elaborate repast was served. Rov. Dr. Sylvorter, the new pastor instead of enjoying his honeymoon In The trees were brilliantly Illuminated YMENT OFFICE Schuman Carriage Company, Ltd of Central Union Church, preachedhls approved stylo, Georgo will probably first sermon to his new congregation have to pass It breaking rock. with colored electric lights. After din-n- er li yesterday morning. Last Friday night Georgo Kaupena dancing was enjoyed on tho new We are prepared to supply you with CARRIAGE REPAIR DEPT., Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Graco of lillo re- was married to Miss Kauai at Kakaako lanat until a late hour. The sceno was on Ao-ran- gl wedding ceremony was ono of the prettiest even Hawaii affords .Queen St.. between Fort and Alakea, turned from New Zealand tho MlssUm. Tho Cooks, Yard and Stable Boys, Sailors whero they had been visiting performed by the Rev. Westervelt in and the many guests were delighted Waiters, some of tho doctor's relatives. the present of a large crowd. A luau with the new features of the place. A and Men and Women for all kinds of work. The new Sun typewriter No. 2 Is a followed tho happy event. fine new bar, and a natural pavilion wonder In tho line of writing machines. But the minions of the law' were on close by are among the attractions. It has visible writing and costs only the trail of Cupid and they proceeded, Manager Church proposes to add other If $40. See it at News Co., metaphorically to 'par Kaupena from new features In the near future. Ltd. the arms of his bride yesterday morn- Companies I and K leavo this week ing and haul him to tho police sta- MARY ACTED STRANGELY. Telephone Main 743 Nuuauu Street, near Pauahi Von Hamm-Youn- g Co for Monterey where they will have tion to answer to the charge of larceny. Mary Vestal was taken Into custody charge of the rlilo range during the Kaupena had assisted In the theft of today on suspicion of be'ig inline. She coming shoot. They will sail on tho 2,809 pounds of pig lead from tho gov- arrived hero by :he S. S. Miuwera- - last Baa a fully equipped machine shop Sherman. ernments' Beretanla street pumping week. She nas bo.?n acting quaerly. lor manufacturing and making repairs, Sister iflmonton of the 'Itebeknhs station. Sho said a mun hat' been pnnailng her left yesterday on tho bark George Cur- Kaupena was arrested by Officer Carl from i Vancouver. He wanted to kill Pears and Mangoes A large of chap- her. Alligator ALSO AGENTS FOR tis. number the local F. Rose and soon confessed his guilt. ter were at the .wharf to give her a Kuapena had disposed of the stolen Union Gas Engine Co., send off. stuff to various Japanese and Chinese. ARGYLL ARRIVED WITH OIL. fTroy '.Laundry Co., Circuit Judge Lindsay is going East Twenty-eig- ht pieces of the lead were The S. S. Argyll arrived off port last Hamilton Tool Co., for a vacation. Tho report that he stolen. According to the statements of night about 11 o'clock from Monterey m Is to be married while away Is untrue. Kaupena was aided in tho theft by with a cargo of 24,000 of Paraitlne Paint Co., he barrels fuel oiro is de- now The Judge will be married In Honolulu one Nalau. The lead had been koll for the Union Oil Company. She in UVederlck Paint Co., after his return. livered at the corner of Pauahl and had perfect weather coming down. She o . n' Meecc, Gottfried Co, . jj J A. W. C. Cropp a native of Germany, Maunakea streets and Kaupena got brought one days later Issue of tho 2eSLo:o. Ohmen Engine Co., was mado an American citizen this Japanese and Portuguese expressmen to San Francisco nowsnaners. She will morning In the federal court. His Erl Engine Works, haul tho stuff from that point to the 4 sponsers were Judge Stanley and United various places where he sold It. Co., Sterling Boiler States Marshal Hendry. Kaupena said he gave $37 to a man Risdon-Sulze- r Pumps, United States District Attorney Brec-ko- ns named Allen who left for Maul last Upton Sinclair, to- Did you ever realize that any fruit bruised by falling looses much, lt& Wagner-Bulloc- k Elect. Co., and family left on the Klnau week on the Claudlne, to work for tho day for the Volcano. Breckons will Sugar Company. The re- Successful not all of Its dollclous fresh flavor, and that this is more particularly true h Dow Pump Works, Walluku ( remain a couple of weeks, while Mrs. of the money was spent In hav- Centrifugal Pumps, mainder Muck-Bake- the Mango and Alligator Pear. Haaelhurst Breckons will probably make a longer ing a "good time" on Saturday. Tho r Trick Ice Machinery Co., stay. theft of the lead was done on Thursday Bcllpso Corliss Engine, Tomorrow ovcnlng tho Devotional night. The Engelberg Rice Mach. Co., Committee of the Y. M. C. A. will give D a of July Western Expanded Metal Co., Fourth entertainment. Ed. Towse will give an Illustrated lecturo WILL CELEBRATE $1. FRUIT $1. St. Lwuls Expanded Metal Co. on travel, There will be specoial sing- ing, Hymns of , by the prison quartette. Miss Lena Whltford will Neat and Clean reclto patrotlc selections. FOOHTH OF JULY We carry, are especially mado to save tho fruit. Are adjustable so that ' gets cleaned The man who his clothes All freight trains and passonger trains fruit can be picked from low trees as readily as from high ones. Poles can ftnd pressed by us is the one who al- scheduled to leavo Honolulu at 7:30 a. ways Appears neat and clean. bo had any size from 4 to 25 feet. m. and 11:05 a. m. and arrlvo In Hono- SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVO- lulu at 10:38 a. m. and 1:40 p. m. will Honolulu Clothes Cleaning Co. PRO- J. P. COLBURN III Manager. not be run by the Oahu Railway and LUTION HAVE ARRANGED Alakea Street near King. GRAM FOR FOURTH. A

CHOICE ALGAROBA. Fourth of July in Honolulu will bo celebrated by an entertainment,at the & roof garden of tho Young Hotel under W. W. DIMOND CO., LTD Rani tho of tho Hawaiian chapter V- - 53-5- 7, Ran "muck-rak- er KING STREET of tho Sons of tho American Revolution. Upton Sinclair Is tho latest The program has somo fine numbers to engage President Roosevelt's :: on it. An address will bo made by otriclal attention. Mr. Sinclair's book, in Algiers: Headquarters for tho Rev. Dr. Sylvester of tho Central 'The Jungle,' has aroused tho whole Gilbert Watson writes of an early morning impression at Biskra, Al- P SAWED AND 1SPLIT Union Church. The "Star Spangled country to a realization of tho condi geria: "The white walls of the house showed like blanched faces in Beef OR IN 4 FEET LENGTHS Banner," and other pieces will be sung tions existing in tho great packing Kahikinui by Madame Alapal. Tho other nunv Chicago other cities, and the dawn silent as awaiting the sun. The fringe of Streets. houses of nnd Dor. Alakea and Beretanla DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE bors nro Interesting and Include a read the result of tho President's action in palms facing the east stole on the sight, pale as phantoms, motionless, ; PHONE 464, CITY. LEAVE ORDERS WITH ing of the Declaration of Independence confirming air. Sinclair's accusations their drooping leaves awash with silver. Behind the town the oasis r AND The program will bo followed by a against tho beof packers by a private impenetrable obscurity. off, neutral-tinte- d KING MARKET, PHONE 419. dance. Investigation has had tho offect of os massed itself in Far a line W. W. DIMOND & CO. spoke of the desert, Day after day had this line beckoned to me, deck- Agents tabllshlng the author as the man of Island Butter and Chickens. for East Nlu Ranch. Fine Job Printing. Star Offlcs. 'the hour, ing itself in elemental jewels like a siren seeking to please." t
