V .-- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY -i- ,, Calvin Coolidge i' ' Karl Hhepliord for Record, 16-1- 7 mwmmamm mm amawm , m, r


Notlcn In hereby glron that llioro BsbbVbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbpb"y IsaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfla. nru funili In tliu county treasury for r '' "'"ii 'iRlKPIaVvsaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaBaV Announcement tho redemption of Klamath County General Kuml warrants, protested on V V ' or before Oct ID, 19 13, Interest on Urn tiuno will cease tf fiom till (late. We are now located in our new store, opposite u Ijated in Klnmiitli Fnlla, Oregon, 'r our old ouarters on Main street, enabled, (hln IMIi ilny of July, A. I)., l'J20, W q iiw&mBiBtK and are (I. K. VAN RIPHIt, vX T4BssasaaaaasaasaaasaiasaaaBaaaBBU through the acquisition of more and better counter 0 PhHsaaaaflssW jfiflm uvHBslsaaasaaaaaaaaaaaasnlsaaaH County Treasurer aaBBSMStjf ' ' vsasBBBBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBMSBSfYj to LaaaBaVa' &?& vJasaaaS9!saisasaaCBsaaaaaaaaaV and display space, handle our consistently increas- WANTICD Pnrty to cut iiiid"stnrk ing business with still better satisfaction to our pa- fiOO tons of meadow liny, nenr Port i Klnmiitli, On shares or for rnnh trons. We shall be pleased to meet all our old friends Address or iiIioiki Fort Klnninth in our new store, and feel sure that our improved Meadow Co., Fort KlnmiiUi, Oro J5.2I opportunities for service will help us retain these old friends, and, win for us many new ones. We thank MJY 10 ACRES of good mint Inml. you patronage you to Ton per runt down ami Imlnurn $2 for the have extended us and Heo I,, USS Xliiln saaaaasllisal ' - iidl you to con- kr month, Jambs, ii t ittWci- mmm W ; assure that we shall endeavor merit its H.-l- H8B Hty Kin ninth Falls, f tinuance. V FOR KAI.i; 1017 Hulck il, good rlmt.M', rord tlnn on renr, 1 eitrn. cnnlt or terms, inquire Cluh f950 aaaHsaaaaaaaa. 'nfo after 6 p. in. 16-2- 0 1r Klamath Variety Store aaaaflLaaaaaaaaaV v 'SbiiHiiiilKV ' v"HnsaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEsaas FOR HAI.i: Thrin Onn llhodn Inland HLLIsaV. 5, 10, 15 and 25c Store Red laying hens. Cull 51 Main Ht. WBLWinW iipalnlrs, utter 6 p, in, Successors to L. M. Martin KOIt HAI.1- - 3 stores; nil piiylng, business. Your choice, Hnnp to right limn Heo IQQK Mnln Ht. 15.17 IHillllB iW- -' --CLwL. TEN ACRF-- of mint land will keep ii fumlly In good comfortable llv-- ( Inc. Ten per cent down mid 12. (IU Stclgcr la town l r mimlli. Heo I.. Jacobs, C22 Main ILIPTON WINS FIRSt Jako in today from ht., Klnmiitli Fulls. ADDITIONAL PKItHO.NALH bis father's lumber camp. RACE OF SERIES 1 Miaa Clara Calkins Is visiting KOIt BALE Just received enr Innd friends In the country today. of milt ensea iiml bugs. Our prion (Continued from page 1) George Ofllcld was a county seat lilu rlKht. Kin 100 Mnln Ht. CALVIN COOLIDGE AND HIS FAMILY Dr. C. K. Wheeler, who practiced 1&-1- yesterday, when he camo in 7 visitor tiofA ia aat'Art.1 VMnsa fat III nrA ., cidvd on the basis of the best two out from his ranch near Merrill to at-i- ' , . Mn ... WANTED Woman for gcnerul of three races. From 1893 to tho tend to business at the court house. T "V.u" 7".to bring he housework. 3 In fumlly, no small' Inst rare In 1903 the agreement was W. W. Matten. who ha. Interest. imornln ihlldreti. Address It 'J Wushlngtoii. ' do1cl0,r h" or Mled camping 15-l- w for tho beat of five races. In Poo Valley Is a from f. - f m "ft rtuMrV three out visitor here f f i M' f ln tho hl hcaUh j his home In California. Ilrt" " that m' On only three occail6ns has ono of Improve. 12 of Klcnnwrlto typo, IOHT boiea tho competing yachts for the Amer- I writer curium (bent on tlm murkel Mrs. A. F. McKenxle and Miss Ruth HprlnK ica's cup fulled to finish. In the laat today) on Green Mountain Rocky Point, where he will spend n nixon arrived last night from Marsh-fe- w rond or Purine highway. Reward ruco of tho 189S contest, Valkyrlo III days. Kuna-inn- n t0 Vgt agtcr Mri, tor return to George J. withdrew Immediately after crossing ,1,1 wln thcf Medford, CSarlca Loomls, and with Printline Co.. lUnlera, the sinning line. On October 17, Mrs. J. E. Uratton and Mrs. Clar- - their Oregon. $3 uO will bring ou trlul Mr. Mrs. R. Dixon, who 1899, lout her topmast and Ico E. Worden will leave tomorrow ""' and J. box of 100 shseUi, worth 15.00. nave a rancn near ncre. .miss l&.IG withdrew In tho second race ot that for tho Otey ranch near Dorrls to uixon Is graduate ot Klamath county year und on September 3, 1903, sjiend two or three days. a tho high school, and has a host of friends a. - . J1A Shamrock III did not finish In the FOUND . V - mWkWm VV"MtoL Mrs. II. Loftsgaard. of in this city. ! tHKHKJkU .Ii .JiiU" 'V! SP&SfffW final race of the aeries as aho was Mr. and J. Algoma, aro tho happy parents ot a already Irvulen hud nothing I A to auvo money on your and to - chance trSBwA -- liA iV 7 - baby boy, born this morning at the 4- truniifir work. Phnni) 20MI or mil ilJWE 'zILtli J:iftJ gain by continuing. ir,-2- I WEATHER RECORD Hurr.tit Ave. i 51 warren Hunt hospital. , Hin gSmsB Just once In tho history of tho cup : Earl Hhephird fur iV'XiiiiiiH racea has a competing yucht been dis- It may be of Interest to friends of( Hereafter the Herald will publish Ono of Die picture of Governor Cnlvtn of v was in second Sam who was employed by tempera-th- e latct r. ijj un.i. qualified. This the Ionard, ( tho mean and maximum nti'i hla family taken a abort time befoir nit TKX ACIIM of mint Innd will hrlnc chuitito aoiniiiHiiiu'fur rnco of the series of 1895 when Lord Baldwin Hardware company forxures and precipitation record as tak-so- Ten lut Prune tu at l.n Itepubllc'aa Natlut.nl Couientiurf ,a C.lCAu. nrr ITi.000 a )ir rtum. Dunraven'a Valkyrie III was disqual- time, to learn that his mother, en by tho U. S. Reclamation sorvlce r i. fn-- cent down and balnncn $2.00 per ' fouling r seriously 111 H I.. Jucoba, G22 Main Ht. ified for . r who has .been at her station. .Publication will cover the month. - JCIamath Kalla. CALVIN COOLIDGE'S CAREEH The fattest time ever made In a borne In Mcdford, 'is slowly recover- day previous to the paper's Issue, us. race for the 's cup Is credited Ing. 'to S o'clock ot that day, KOIt I.iidwli: piano, malny; 1STO Horn on a farm at Plymouth Cnlou, Vt. 8AI.: . On any canv, 1300; Wlnrhrater pump' Aiiendod dlitrlct achoot and prepared for college at DUck to the old schooner Mrs. Ira Johnion, an old resident KUUK violin, ca Acadmy. Ludlow, Vt. October 18, 1S71, the day beforo sho Max. Min. nun, 20 HO; ftlvr of this city, arrived laat night from hook and mnalc rack, $40. IKH1 Entered Amhrat Colleg (MaaaachuKita), trom was defeated by , sho sailed July 1. 85 52 , wblcb hf vna graduated In 1895. Oak Innd, California, to look after r.4 Mnln. Phono loait, Ifj 20 leeward windward 40 July 2... 75 54 .24 Admitted to bar and becan practice of law In Northampton, mllles and property In this county. Mrs. John- Miia., bla In all In 3 hours, 1 minute and July 3... 71. 54 .41 KOIt RAI.K 5 heavy mllkliiK cowa, preaonl homo. miles son was wonderfully pleased with route aelllnK 60 quart imt ' 1904 Married Mlas Oraeo Ooodhuo, of nurllncton, Vt. 33 seconds. It must not bo Inferred, July 4... 78 46 milk Governor Mra. tho signs urogresa found clay. Can uially tin nuulo to yield and Coolldca bavo two iionfr Calvin, Jr., and however, thut the Columbia was the Tt S... 88 43 aopnrator nnd hot John. wnere in me cuy. sue is lutJicu m $300 per month, 8 July 6... 87 52 Mra. 1907-- Member of the Masaachusotta home of rcprtica-tBtlre- a, fastest yacht thqt ever sailed for the Ilea: 4 cholc holfur rnlvoa Illinois at the present time. 91 57 Vino Street, Mill Add , cup. There is no method of deter-- 1 July (Ilnil)n Peel, 1HC0-1- 0 Mayor of Kortbnmpton. 400W. lfl-l- ti mining apeed of two or Lindsay has accepted a potl- - July 91 54 phono 1 B I Member of tbn .Mneaachuaetta atate acnato. tho relative Ruth Llotmiiant of Maawcbuaotta. more boats other than by the results tlon with tho First National bank. (July 9:...... 92 57 BAI.K Mitchell alx cylinder,1 Koiernor roil lfl'lI'Jlt Elected Kovurnor of Maaaacbutctta. of a race In which they sail together. July 10 S5 61 1 1 Would conaliler Konl na - f lift. niii nettled thrt ronton police, iitrlko und wta Alfred Collier nnd George Steven- July 11 72 48 tmrt nnvmint. Klrat hi , neiween on a law and ' When Columbia made tho fast time Botcrnor order platform. sou drove to Lakovlcw Tuesday to July 12.. 69 40 lllKh and Pine. IS" 1920, Juno 12 Nomlnatod at Cblcaso to be Vice referred to undoubtedly tho condi- President to matters ot business in Lake j3-- of the United 8tatea. tions of wind, weather and sea were attend . jujy 04 44 KOIt BAM- -.Three, room liouao county. They returned yesterday-- ijuljr n 75 50 huth nnd alceplnic porch, completie nloat favorable. ly furnlahed, wicker and mahogany Tho fattest time ever mado on a HIkIi furniture. Klrat St., butween 1.1 mile course, straight uway and and Pine. i" SUMMONS rut urn, 30 miles In alt. Is credited to I I I of HUNT New atom room, cor. OREGON BREVITIES 7 In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto the defender . In a rnco on TOH -- County or iil, mill KlittiiHtli Ae. n&llOK, J. ".Orrcon. for tne niamain. October 13, 1893, sho covered the lB-t- I V. Alexnnder. Plaintiff, va. & Co.. 834 Mnln. f Irene T. Ward MAItSIIKIKM), July 15. Two of Jehn Thomaa Alexander. Defendant course In 3 hours, 21 minutes nnd 29 S&!J!faWi$&. Coo county'a oldcat ploneera, Mra. To John Tbomaa Alexander, Defend- - seconds. iiKiii wiNi: piticix nnt. v - trlnngular Henry lllnck of CntchlnK Inlu't and In tho name of tho Stnto of Oregon: Tho fastest tlmo In a You are hereby required to appear rnco for the cup was mailo by Colum- llKAI.DHIH'ltd, Cal., July William Turpen of North llend, died 15.. I and nnawer tho complaint filed bia on October 3, 1891, tho tlmo for hu tho lilithrat Krlduy. ; Whiit la helleed to agolnat you In the nbovo entitled suit tho distance, 30 miles, being 3:30:18. oh- - dny of prlco overpaid In Cnllfornln wnn ion or before tho fifth August., " bchiR expiration ot the In thrco contests for the 1 by Jnmoa Cummlxkey of thla IIOSKDUIUI, July 1C According 1920. that tho tho first Inlncd six weeks publication of this sum- cup the challenging boats were city recently for 40,000 Knlln of to Informntlou roeelved hero tho loca- by for mons as prescribed the order nnd tlie defenders for tho ' 1 "iSfO1' vlntnre. which aold for' 7G tion of tho forest patrol piano that publication thervof. mndo by the Bchooners answer, second and third also were schooners. Jronta h rnllon. Horetoforu the hlnh- - wns forced to luud In tho Umpiiun court, and It you fall so to was bu near tho plaintiff will take a default and In nil other contests, howover. tho eat prlco palil In tlila locality which nntionnl forest, fcund to against you dissolving the ' docroo yachts huvo been sloops or cutters. noted, hoforo tho dny (if prohibit Terror mountnln. Forest Supervisor bonds ot matrimony existing botwoen Take Careful wa his- tlon, for Its fnmoiia wine, linn been Hnmsdoll, accompnnled by Cadet tho plaintiff nnd yourself, and also Tho smallest challenger 111 tho - such further relief. Includ- cup raco was Atlanta, fifi cent i Knllon to tho miinufnc- lleyer und Observer Davis returned to other and tory of tho ing nltmony, na to tho Court may ' luror. the scono of tho InndluK yesterday. which wns built nt llellvlllo. Ontario, seem Just and cUltabto. C4 Aim mil-chl- foot After ntriklnK tho ground tho This summons In published by or- Can., In 1881. Sho measured i for 10 yards of Hon, D. V. Kuykciulnll. JuiIro lino and was tho first A Clniainnd Ad will tell It. ran nhout and der on tho water 1 awW then turned over, Tho aviators ( (no i"(fl numeii conn, uuiy inuuc sloop to ttppv'ur In a contest. '"o S3ril day ot Jiimn 1920. 1)0 UROIC8H I rp., yacht over built especially You cannot high mnlutnln Hint It will ,,.'. ., fiV .inlillmtlmi Tho first hit a mark of .. Soothing quietude for its nttempt to got tho plnno out and.'hereof Id Juuo 23," 1930; to defend the trophy was Pocuuontos. ndvlso Hint tho instruments and other 1 II. .MILLS. This was In 1SS1. Prior to that year success with your eyes shut patients Attorney for Plnlntiff, iviilunblo purls hu removed nnd pneked tho Now York Yacht club had select- indus- Klumath Falls, Oro. considered Take careful aim. .Be Is any hospltnl's bluRest nsdets out of tho mountains. It Is estimated ed from Its fleet the yacht ono of Jjno purpose and. tho loratiiin of this hospital to P'"u " 17.00U ami mo to bo best suited for tho trious, saving, and make week- t"t up to expec- mukPH It csiieelully dcslruhlo from forestry officials win prouauiy ur NOTICE TO CltKDITOIlS Pocahontas did not come viewpoint. Only nbiindiintly r.niKo to salvage It. tations nnd wns rojectcd In favor of ly deposits with the First State tluit sloops of rnpiiblo graduated nurses nro em Notice Is hereby given that the un , one of the finest duly appointed year, however, & Savings Bank! ployed, nnd thlH fact, lidded to our dersigned have been tho fleet. Since that In tho County Court of tho Stnto Administrators ot tho Estato of now defouders liavo boon built for unounlluil Hlnff of physlclnnH und of Oregon, for tho County of Klnm- - Ooorge T. Baldwin, doceased, by the excellent hospital equipment Insuroi uth County Court of the State ot Oregon every contest. tho our patients unsurpusaed servico, ' In Ihn Mnllnr nf II... I.VIn!.. nf T.nvl for the COUIlty Of Klamttth. tUd all There wero two candidates for 4 Interest Paid on Savings F. Wlllita, deceased, 'persons having claims against said ot defending tho cup in 1885, ' - ' , , '5'. honor ' Notice is hereby given that tho,g'"?J V?lt two in 1880 and four in 1893, and In Accounts , STAFF undenlknod on the 21at dny 9t June, aSminuVriTtMlfL?? nSSlrin every contest, excepting one, sluco I). JOHNSON , 1020. fllod In the above entitled JL,J i?Sli S xfJSih SKta and Mis- im. K. - !LJ2?,,,iHi.iISb tho race between Atlanta Court. and mutter her final account,.""."0 iw- by IIH. 0. II. MBWIYMAN nnil tnat Saturday, tho 24th day ot chief tho cup has been defended a July, .2 p. m months after the date ot thla notice. particular race, DR. T. O. CAMPBELL 1920, at o'clock In the Dated Klamath Falls, Oregon, yacht built for that un. qEOiiaia 1. wniaiiT courtroom of too above entitled court, Tho one exception was in 1901 when bus been fixed, as the time and place Juno 23, 1910. 1)11. p. LAMIl W. BALDWIN, built for the raco ot that E. where the court win hear objections WILL Constitution flRSTSlATE&SAVlNGSlkNK H. D. LLOYli BTBVAnT J. A. GORDON, year was discarded In favor ot Colum- UIl. thereto and settle the same, and Administrators of the Estate ot Mjecsald account: " successfully defended the George T. Baldwin, deeeaasd. bia whlob. Daleathls list day ot June, 1920. trophy In 1899., Klamath Falls. Oregon Klamath General LAURA1 A. W1LLIT8. June Administratrix ot aald Bstatt. , Hotpital June A Clastlflsd Ad wUl asU R. A ClsasiMd Ad wlU sell it.