Story of the America's
OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. Soniomber 10 , In OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEK. churches' the towns throughout the state.- . Mores. Ho was one of the band who signed A week ago the good people of Wayne , Nob. , thomsclves "Tho Friends of Mores. " After Cup performed the dedication upon a- of America's ceremonies the death of the marquis , M , Guerln took Story the Published Weekly by The Dee Publishing newi church Just completed , which will bo thu load ot the anti-Semites , and , nlwa > Company , JUeo Building , , i by Omaha Neb. used the First Presbyterians of that spoiling for a fight , he has been In every ( CopM-lnbted. 1SSi.! by the S. S Mi-Clure C'o. ) detract from the Interest of a national com ¬ flourishing town. The church Is n ¬ Price , G cents per copy per year, $2.00- . magni- street demonstration which the anil-Somites " ficent , The "America Cup , " or, to speak more petition. structure practically paid rot , a neat have got up In Paris for this last ten years.- . accurately , the "Hundred Guinea Cup , " Is at- Mr. Schuyler therefore Inserted this clause .Tor advertising rates address Publisher. sum having been raised by M. A P. , , or contributions at n London publication says : Tiffany's , In New ork. Million * ! d < In the deed the dedication exercises to apply on sinking htm "He Is a strong man , 35 years of age , la Communications relating to photographs or- bo spent during the autumn In the con- ¬ "Vessels Intending to compete for this cup the debt. tall nnd very , anger always in- will publication ad- - broad lurks on bot- ¬ artlclon for should be test for Ita possession , nnd this fact furnishes must proceed under sail their own Dee , drewed "Editor Omaha Illuntratcd , ) Is nut In- toms to the port where the contest is to Tim Deo'a leaders nro pho- ¬ a straiiRe anomaly for the cut Omaha.
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