THE FRANKLIN SEDAN Squadron Kn?., and the Cup Was De- Fended by Practlcahv\.The Whole Fleet of (Lie \O» York Yacht Club
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HERALD 'SATURDAY. JULY ,24. 1920 »AC,E TWULVE THE LETHBRIDGE Bot). «ampl« come from his prop-! the lighter oil ot which a «amp!« ALASKA PLANES ertj1 o\ the soothe*!; career of is shu»n. t» found ou the, surface REACH FARGO, N. D. CANADIAN OLYMPIC -.- Rnttsh Colombia »bere It Joint Al »aler pi tfce well ftad can ha »Ura TRACK TEAM SAILS ber(» med ol( vil«> a Udle FARGO, K,!0.'4UIX History of America Cup Be*id4i these 'olU, Mr. ftther ha& Mr trUlier believes h«_i& On the dl army pl?nea^on thtlr flight MONTREAL. July 24.—Th« Brought/ In samplee o! oil shales, reel track ct an luiprirlant diicoTrery Sir-tola to Alaska, arrived at t.\5 The seepage, so a high authority ssy», pm today f.rwn Fort Sntlllng, Canadian Olympic track and Sut the. high water at CauWrey creek : field .team sailed this moriiing pr^c-luded. .^anijilei froui tho beat is an'indication of lh« 6r»t import' M nn.- Th.ey. lott Fart Snelllna at The .Yacthing Classic OH the I', f. O. S. liner _ Me- thtlea locate*!. auce; the. permutation through *al«r 10 4S *.m- today. ' HtaVor Liverpool. '.'. ':_' •" The particular Interest ot the oil is «nother proof of 611, ami the fan yet &*lhir<! v July :«.—The first Mischief, one of tho finest, sloopi ot •' •"' '• lies Itf the fact that south- Archbuktp Muaix Has \fe\\ Area Jlay Be west Alberta has long been looked to _ Kjplorallon.togel_ below'the water race In I \ears for the America's i.ji,e <iee| since tKil year, however, e rs "' locat.uB Thursday Connected • :\Vith Alberts hy oil experts as a feasible source,! . Nbt Received Paupwt Yet mp was held a week apo new defenders bar* been built for and to this the' Flatheatl is possibly i . }H. thli, for CANADIAN OFFICER IS uwtlo mav eaflh dc ln an o& StnA* Hook, the (omening boats every contest. Field Experts Say. geologically contiguous. ' . ] ° » «'«"">«« -XKW YOnK." July 2V—(Canadian hei'n- She cup defender Resolute, and There were two candidates for th* ACayiTTED ON CHARGE : It has beiin admitted as an aiUiuj"1^'* , 1'rftSKj—So far nn t&structlons have- the challenger Sir Thomas S. UP honor of defending the cup In 1SS5. OF MU3DER OF WIFE (lijthe oil world that a gro-auii-. ~, arw otl th<1 Mb«r'a sl(le "J" been received by .Captain Maurlfe (Kelson News.) j been under cxnloiiauon for c ton's Shamrock IV. It may be inter-1 l• t ' tn Y»r"htjKmen i wo in !S66 and tour in 1893. and in Ooe of i cilne was the ideal soured fur search Jofie-s, representative uf tho Bntl h LO.N-DON-, Julv 24.-(Uy Canadian] '"* Vost interesting anil Mr. Fisher's discovery is on the many ye'aj'^.nnd lias ^lieen favorably foreign ofilce in New/ York, concern- 'dated • Press.) —Kdwin Charles; hibits at the mining convention Is apex of *nu antK'linal dome whose reporteO pu in tlie ing the passport qf. Archbishop Daniel imens, former lieutenant in the that brought in by' James Fisher ge-olorfca! strata combine*; the favor- cgiat's report, by. Ralph Arnold, seen J. Mannix of Austraiiaj-who Is booked | built for (hat particular race. The , Canadian Engineers, has been acquit from the 'north For* r-t the Hal- able Impervious cretacWaa capping in the report of the minister- '" of to lesvo (icxt S4tu^ila> onlthe steaiu tin-, hbcurir ym-htlns trophy, ion*- fxceptlon was {n 1SP1 when C^>n-i led of the murder of his \vife. whom heail river^a battle &( |ii-tro!eun> and and underlay, iviUi the oil bearing mines, 1JU. er^ Baltic' for QucensloTcn: > lo begin with the'Amerk-a'.T6/11'* •".-,;:?£s cup JEtltuiion "built tbr~'tho race of that | he shot In kHaddiugton-hotel, seem- one of heavy, oil. The latter was sauds between—nature's pipe line, as Archbishop ManDii announced- ye; jl 6rr lt ».(s nM an V" .vi "„"'! rear was discarded '"• favor cf Co-iinxly through jealousy. Medical evi-j fathered from a feepaee on the sur- it were. ; The, Diinwich Marsh, near St. ierday that ha. had made >io change.iu 1 trophi In tact -it naa no 3ig..incs«^ , junlt)(j whj(.h 8ufce,slully. defended' denca indicated to.-u the prisoner was! face, and the light oil from a well Apart from the seepage; gas has Ihpmas . i\jll be dran e<i a d placed j his plans and wpuld ' spend a litt'e other thin benis » Priie.oiruea^B) , >ll hTja 1??9 on the'border of mental instability: al only 10S feet dbplh. been located In the neighborhood, and in shape for cultivation I while In Ire'and an« then go to Roi'ie thIhec Ito; il VailH Squadron for a rice > - . , .. -'..,-, >*"'. ' around'trie VsS oi Wight, Eos., which was open-fo'all-nations.- In AiiBUEt ISjJ.-ihc'-'st'hooner- yacht America, ovincu !» Commodore John L. Stev- ens and 'our other members of tbe \evi ^rk .iarht Club, KOII this rice and' the cup became their property, ba vcjr<s later, Commodore Stevens and hl« f^oflJteF conveyed the priza to the New \ork Yacht Club in trust as a perp«tual International trophy whitli hat, suite beeii known as the AtiKM-icl's cup. taliiiiB its name from the schooner vncht which vron it in The Perfcjrmanee Figures of British'waters : The first rm« for the America's cup, »s in international prize., was held on \ugtist » 1S70. over Ihe regular coirse nf the New York Yacht Club in Sew Yorks lower bay: The chal- lenging hon was Cumbria, owned by Jam"S \shhur?, of the Royal Yacht THE FRANKLIN SEDAN Squadron Kn?., and the cup was de- fended by practlcaHv\.the whole fleet of (lie \o» York yacht Club. -ThaL ho^e^er, w^s the only race:in which the challenger irer Bad to.sail against "Have Morfe Than a Face Value a.fleet End Uie only ironttft In which the hsno ^as'decidedi by a single ra^e CaTihna^.by*thevway,; finished le'iith iii that event while the old Am cric:i finished fourth, the. race being 25 miles to the gallon of gasoline won h\ Mj"ic, the yacht Idler finish- ing second '12,'SOO miles to the set of tires lu all there have been .twelve con -50% slower yearly 'depreciation tests for the cup. in .the second of Tiuich \lr \shhury'chEllensed-with the schoouer Livonia and the New York Yacht Club agreed to defend the tropliv with only one boat in the rare. The 1SU contest the best four cult of seven'races. Livonia.wot figures speak for themselves. is single race owing to the steering 4i'ar cf the defender Columbia break- ins down.' Only twice since that day October IS, 1S71, till this series, has They ate 1 the dollars and cents side a challenging yacht crossed the finish fine nhcail of the defending boat. On ;«nteniher 10, 1SS5. Valkyrie III. after fWlowtng- the defender finished 1 mln of Franklin owners' motoring satisfaction. lite -.ind 16 seconds ahead of the Am rrican boat and on October 1, 1901 Khanirock II. finished two ': seconds :ihe:i<[ of Columbia hut lost to th( liercuiler hy virtue .of. conceding t ^ec-ttitils tiiiie allowance. But the outstanding merit of Franklin In the races.of,, 187Gij.l8Si, 1S8 ISSS ;ind ISS7,vUie-contests were 6f otlctl 01 the hasis-of .the. best tw <iul of three races.-, From 1S83 to th perforhianceilie^ beyond the face value of '»rt t ice in 1903 the agreement w; for tn« liesl three. out;ofifive races. On only^bccasip'ns has .one ol * t'n. , o'ipeting .'--yachts '.for the'-Am', ^economy. It,is jus.t as positive, but requires xricis LUP failed'(o finish. In th'S „ l i't i no of the 18?5:obhtest, -Valiyrie "ill «ithiiren iramediately.after crpu- ing tlic starting"line. Oh October 17, a ride in the ;car^/This will be given at any iSr i Shimrock lost herrtppuiast .and M'itlitlrew in the second 'race. of. that vear intl on September 3, 1803, Sham- lock 111 did not finish ,ln the! final time, suiting yo® convenience, to prove— ince of'the series as she was already iicatcu and had nothing to-'giin" by continuing. Just once in the history .ol.the cup races has1 a competing yacht been dis- Comfort that coiigh going does not destroy qn.ilifieil. This was in the second race nf the scries of 1895 when Lord Dun- raven's Valkyrie HI, was disqualified for fouling the Defender, Control that doe| not require strength The fistesl time ever mads in race for the America's cup is credited 1 to the old schooner Colnmbia. On October JS. 1811, the day before she Safety that is iiQt a matter of skill ':;, was ilcfealcd by Livonia, she sailed 20 miles leeward and windward 10 miles in all in 3 honrs. 1 minute and 33 soc •jmls.- It must not he inferred, how Reliability that is independent of season ever, that the Columbia was the fast o=t v ichl that ever sailed for the cup "I'hRrc Is no method of determining thi relative speed of two or. more boat! Ability to cover the longest distance in a day other than by the results of a raci iu which they, sail together. "When : ' - ' * ' ' : '••'':"•'' '•••''" " Columbia made' the fast time referred to undoubtedly the ' conditions o wind t,eather ; and aci were .moi favorable.