-f ---- y ww vwiii/c# Tin*. Portland nail) Pres* MEDICAL. BONDS. LET. RAILROADS. EDUCATIONAL. I- in published every «la.v (Sundaysoxcevted) by _TO ;he A _HEAL estate; BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Provision tint! 1‘orlla Portland I'ulMshinq Co, Orocery. ui & Ogdensburg R. R. Ma" "',0 understands the an.l has On A businuss M,- ; ami alter July 17ih, and until fur- North Yarmouth FOJt 109 or m can learn of a a SMXxE j At Lxchanor Street. Portland. Safe and Profitable 00(j re, store to rent in very tlier uotlce, trains will rim as follows: Academy. Adverflsiiiff: Atren^y. central lo« aaion, by applying to ATWEfj, jfc CO., Middle Street, Advkutise- J kbmsi—-Light Dollars A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Fall T- rm weeks 17-1$ a Year ii. v ^ MOODY, A. M, Klt <*■ First Bonds 37 inluain, daiiy.* 0r Principal, Woopyoup, No. 11# Exchange Sc. *2.50 a year; t in at $2.00 a Mortgage BAKER, Wilmot street. K. W. LOCK. r Dr. J. M. BATES, paid advance, and Limerick, at Steep Falls dally f jyl2-dtt eor J-W'^Kion Trustees. For ! year. SwLago and South Rridgton, at East Baldwin, v Sec’yol Sale ai month Aug 3d, Auctioneer. To a limited amount, upon a railroad which is well iuesdavs, ihursdays and Saturday st __V 1*71._ aagdfiw 0 Rates cf of To Kent. Hor 3-7 Advertising.—One inch space, Cornish, Potter, Kez :tr Falls and , at everv *»■»!!! n?’ Nl’- OongreesSt. Auction Sale* located for business, and lias been alieady largely Baldw n At Buxton Centre—-a Farm wery BTW.l»g. in length of solnniii, constitutes a “square.” A small tenement, or the whole house partly daily.f p,|vate aJ£ <|ur|ng tbe cents constrooted with the tunds ot its J tockboiders, can- furnished, to a Rent taken hor Lb niu irk. East $1.50 per square first week. 75 [1 respectable lamily. Fryeburg and Bridgton, at 20 acre* good daily board. Brownfield land, 14 story house, week three or less, $1.00; not. be otherwise than sate. This fecurUy is JPCieas- I=VULin daily.f blinded and in burn, I,5r per after; insertions, at 21 t ^ ^ CONTAININGpainted, good repair, large 8*w*"f Machine*. Enquire Wi'm t st. aulld*lw tf burK an<* LoveM, at Fryeburg dai- < continuing every other day after first week, 50 i*d it the Concluding Com piny is composed ot men lyl^01 arnage h >use and wood-house all connected, cents. fouug orchard m good bcariug c unlit ion. Also a ol high character, aid ot ample means lor success- House For Conway Corner, Noitli Crawlord’s insertions or 75 to Kent. and L Conway, 'ell 01 excellent and never la 1 ling water, mile from Half square, three less, cents; woik eu, at Centre f. d fully carrying through any thattliej undertake. Tenement of the new House No ?4 * Conway daily ehoo* or I mile from one week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. T^E upper via 7 .30 4. m. church; JTpot. Rakers. t st. ot six with pleuty For particulars, addriss J. H. 223 Washing Special Notices, one third additional. Emery consisting rooms, I via 130 p m. Gray, W, 0. COBB, No. 12 Peari Street. of viater, to be rented tj a small S on Street Boston, or inquire at the residence ol tlie Under head of $J.OO THE family. Amusements,** per WILLIAM H. GREJEN. Nleamrr Mcbago. i ite ANDREW GRAY, three insertions or less $1.50. For square per week; PoitUud, Aug 11. dtf Naples, Bridgton Harrison and Waterford, anglO dttBurton Centre. Booksellers and Stationer*. Advertisements inserted in the Maine lonnects New with I 3l) p m train daily. Orleans, Mobile and Texas rave HOYT, FOGG * 92 Middle Btate Pbkss” (which has a large circulation For Sale or Lease. It-is hy 6 a m irom Jentie Comvav will ron- For Sale BREED, street. in ol the for $1.00 nec» with (lie vis am to every part State) per square HE; house, stock of Groceries and fixtures. Portland Boston arriving The three brick house No. ;83 Fore •| store, in Boston in season to story for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for Railroad 1 comer of conne d with ihc3pM Spring- Book-Kinder*. Company West Commercial and Summer sts„ field rou e or street, containing a store in the basement and insertion. ilie Sound Sleameis lor New York and the II each subsequent Portland, will be sold apon reasonable terms, or Noutli. a finished rooms. Will be sold cheap if ap- WM. A. QUINCY. Boom 11 PrinteUs Exchange. Otter tor sale a bond which combines these advan- This is Jhe12l2p m train horn Centro Conway 1 'Oed ior Address all communications to bouse and store leased lor a term of years. eonr soon, as the owner is about leavii g the No. Ill Exchange Street. ectain Portland with m tor tages to an unusual betwrsu a desirable lor business. For terms ol sale or ihe 3B0 P Boston, iiy. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. ENDORSED ANF> PliRSCRI dcgiee, The route lies place b to™™ W APR HN SMALL A SHAOKFOKD, No. 36 Plum Street. \FK BED B\ call *., with ilie 9 p m tor New York JOHNSON, ol more lea and lease, upon via Suoie Proprietor. Inquire JOHN C. PROCTER. ling Physicians' than anv other Tonic 01 Mobile, Alabama, Houston, Texas—passing Line or Springfield. kj auglQU3w Stimu no? DENNIS O’CONNOR, 93 street. ant in use They are New the New Yi rk of the South. Tickets lor A PI KNT-CI.ANN MCHOOL. Exchange through Orleans, Upon the (i emises, or Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Bal- Bound and Hat Bleachcry. A mi ore a- u SI Ri: PREVENTIVE Ol the who e liae ot 475 about two-thirds are HOWARD & CLEAVES. Atty’s, Washington for sale at North Conway. BUSINESS CARDS. mih-s, Ai‘ For circular, addrers For Sale. H. K. UNDERWOOD, No. 310* Congress Street. For v r a auglltt 31 ket office In Portland at the P. & K. R. R. &c., F» d Ague, Intel mitlents, Biliousness and l and tl e Stockholders have Exchange st.f Portland, already uilt, expended Depot. jv27d4tv K. O. The 3 atovy Brick House and S. SAWYER A 131 Middle street. all disoiders from malarious causes LINSLBY, Principal. Lot, No 65 CO., Bleachers, arLug They TRtf MILLION DOLLARS in the work. Freo street, a central and are re comm n led as an nearly SAMUEL J. ANDERSON President. desirable location K. A. highly Auti-DjMpeptic, tor a l or O’mtION, a TO LETT hysician Business Man. Terms libe- and in cases or fiidiarsiiou The.bonds now ottered are secured by mortgage lbe 4 20 p M at • ft'eluvuliinble. As * he the Station ral. id Carpenter* nnd Builder*, —WITH— o p**■?'« m or by inquire an Appetizer and Bom permit, and iu cases ot nil that ol the line west ol New lay over until next at owners’ risk. upon part Orleans, LARGE] with steam day HOTELS. JOHlh C. WHITNEY * MEANS, Pearl st, opposite the Park. t-ciiera) Mobility tlicv have never in a in- ROOM, power. Enquire Ju.y 17. tt PROC'TKK, single which has %n enormous trattle assured lo it from the stance A at lliis office. augid3w 95 street. SPRITANCE, PRESTON & CO, tailed iu producing tl.e most happy results. Exchange They ate particularly start, this leingthe oniy rail connection by which Dye House. ilie To Lot BENEFICIAL TO FEMALES, eotlon, corn, cattle atid other productions of Tex- Boston & Maine Jt. Jt. WM. H. J E nit F. 8YMOND8, TudiaSt., l adles Cloaks cleansed or Commission Merchants, Heals9 is, tor Slreng'liening the body. Invigorating the mind, and as can reach New Orleans. Board; two fine front rooms, connected or Hotel, dyed one dollar. giving tone and to Hit* whole WITHseparate, as desired, at No 52 Free st. jy28dt 7 of elasticity system. The So important is this road considered lo Louisiana, Real Estate and Loan Chamber Commerce, lloiuc Killer* ire compound'd with the st Summer Arrangement, June. 1871. MO MWAY. Dentists. great, that Ihe State has made liberal in aid ol Agant. rare, and no tonic stimulant, has ever before been very grants store to Let. if.i.. DRS. EVANS Sc STROCT, * Con. ruirAco, offered loth* so Ihe clrect On Ihe H.uae., L.l. Rdd Fwan for Salr. Clapp Block, public cLFASANT TO THE , by donations, by endorsement TTHE store No 150 Commercial Street l.ine to New Grand Trunk, (South Paris sta- occupied by Tkruagh Bu.lun, York, Lake He JOSIAH HEALI), No. 106 Street. Ta?TK an-i at the same time combining so Dfits Carriages lrom ihe House at would reler parties abroad to the Middle Will especial attention lo the base and many bonds, and by subscriptions to the stock ol the X Woodman & Littlejohn. Apply to via ^^tion. every tollowiug give par remedial a get ts endorsed by the medical fraternity Wiiuiipi>co|jw, South Berwick 31 train. lamed gentlemen od this city: Hon. Geo. K. DR. W. R. JOHNSON. No, Free Street. shipment ol Flour, Grain an.I Provisions lor .East- in a** to over million jun28t»A. E. STEVENS & CO., Sliep- 13J, as the best known to the Pharma- opCBia. it costs Company, amounting eight JuHclion. GEO I,. ey, H011. A. W H. Hon. ern account. dGni BEAL, Clapp, Benjamin Klugg- PACKARD & HARDY, Fluent Block, Corner Con. jyi3 but little to givu them a fair and loiters. mry, Hon. Hon. John trial, OBWeS&n Traips Itave P. S. * P. Station, Proprietor. Jr., Woodbury Dari., Lynch, gress an.1 Exchange Sts. TO L1C1. june27 2m d. O. Pvery Family Nhonld Have a Bottle. Ihe Fiist Mortgage SaP***®# Portland, lor Bo,ton,C.15, 9 15 AM, 3.- Portland, Nor noltt W. I,. No 30*, 3.15, Ct, P. M. KEILKB, preparation in the world can produce so three ami a hall house No 1,1870._ Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. many story 6 Hampshire For Rochemer, Alion Bay.Wolllioro.aiid Center Har- unqualified endorsements bv physicians oi the very street known as the Aeadia 33 WALTER COREY « Arcade No. IS Free St. THE] House;contains bor. 6.16, A M arriving at Center Harbor 1.15 House on Casco sf, for Sale. CO., highest standing iu their profession. Per Cent. Bonds finished is well fitted fora hotel or board- Fresco Eight rooms,and 1 N. corner Federal and Market sts. Painter, & Endorsed also by the and the house. 1-2 slory house No 6 Casco street; contains TARBOX, Clergy leading ing From Centre Harbor lor Pori bind 7.10 1.30 ten (hnom i n at ion aL papers. Also AM, Aiigu§ia_House! 11HE finished rooms, and is a very desirable lora- WOODMAN « WHITNEY, No 56 Exchange St. Now offered, are limited in amount to Dwelling Houses and Stores to let. P. M. PORTLAND, MAINE. $12,500 per 1 lon. Apply to WM.H.JERKIS. ot all kind, done to order. United States Marine Hospital, Inquire ot S. L. CARLTON, For Mam hester N. via Upholstering mile, and are lor $1,000 or £200 eac.i, interest payable find Concord, H., P & C. R Real Estate and Loau 5 St. Louis, Mo.. Oci. 8,1870. mySIdtf Att’y at Law, 80 Middle st. R. Junction 6.15 A. M. 3.45 P. M. Agent. Offioe at Schumacher Brcs, Deerit-g Block January and July, at the rate ot 8 per cent. Cur- Furnttnre nnd House James A. Jackson & Co— 1 have examined the Fjr Mane jester and Coucoid, via Lawrence 9.15 Furnishing or House lor Sale. formula lur the ‘Home Stomach rency 7 per cent. Cold, at the option ot the holder. 1 umber Yard to Let. A. M. making Bitters.” ONE and a half A CARD—Iu my former customers and atnl story bouse, ccntrelly Good*.! thanking used them in this hospital the last Mur Bonds registered if desired. HE land on Commercial street. 52 leet front ami For Lowell and Nashua 0.15, 9.15 A. M. 3.30*, 3 45, and in located, triends for llie have bestowed months, >'| A good repair. Hard and solt water on the BENJ. cor. and Federal sts. patronage they upon 1 consider them the uiest valuable tonic and s imu- 1 to Fore now P. M. ADAMS, Exchange Among the Stockholder* ot the exttuding st, occupied by B. F. No- 6$, ‘remises. Ibis will be sold at a iue lor the last fifteen yeais, I have the pleasure i*: lam now in ieadiug Company JV1 P. M. property bargain if HOOPER « 130 u-e, 8. H. MELCHER. ble. rpposite E'ranklin Wharf. For iItou aud Union 9. 15 A. M. 3.30*, 3.45 for soon. EATON. No. Exchange Street. lecomniei to them Mr. W. L. KEiLKR ora are Hon. E D Ex-Governor ant tpplied Enquire at 23 Cedar »t. jyUtt ding Resident Physician in IT. 8. Marine Morgan, Ex-US 10 State From Bo-ton tor South Be. wick J unci ion. North L. F. No. 11 he charge Hospital. DROWNE, st. HOYT, Preble Street, Upholstering eoutinnance of the same, leeling confident ihat, Hon John A a»yi3u_J. Saco, done to James A. Jackson & Co— Gentlemen: As you Senator; Griswold, E'x-Lieu tenant- Berwick, Wells, Kcnnebui.K, Biddeford, order. is able to please all who may give bun a call in his M. I*. House for Safe, l ave communicated to the rnedcal N Hon Oakes M Mas- For to Let or Scartoro, Pol Hand 7.30,12 3.00 M. line. CriAS. J. SCHUMACHER. proiessiou tin a-.vemor, Tioy, Y; Ames, C., Sale, Exchange tor Brick No 49 < t From Bo>tn time to connect with Shore Line excellence, the ident Bank ot Commerce, Franklin Havens, Presi- July tf articles used in its are the best of tLe a p2d 11 W. 8 H E A. 27 Pearl st. at 11.10 for New York, the South aud the West: the 21,1*71.2taw composition Merchant’s and Hair Good* nnd Toilet Article*. (lust* to which tiny belong, beirg highly tonic Stim- dent Bauk, Boston, others, also 9.15 A M tiain connects with ilie 3PM Springfied House lor Salt;. J. F. 9 8t ulant, SI -m clue, Carminative, and slightly L-xa- Well known, Rout*' and Sound Steameis >or New York ai.d the State St., Maine. SHERRY,No. Clapp’s Block, Congees* tive. The mode ol them iu LIST all South. Ihe 3.30 P M train wi’h the 9 P M train for Augusta, A NICE two oppositeold City Hail. Fresco preparing isstiictly ac The above statement of facts proves the Safetv ot ot the vacant tenements iu the and half story house and stable sit- cord a city, Painter, nee with the rules of Having ibid with all necessary information in to them New York via snore Line or Springfield line. ami in all nated on comer of Arsenal and Western Piorn- pharmacy. A regard Large First-Clas« its Most them, seen is tluse Bonds. Their Pioflt is manifest appointments. Horse effects in our pnvate|practice, we take equally upon can he toumi at 35U Congress st. ¥fT*Freight Traiti* between Portland and Boston made. Ten rooms all I'ghted with gas, plenty good Shoeing and Job W ork. 130 Middle street, Up Stairs, pleasure in examination. are sold desirably located. Quiet aud recommending them to all persons de- They ter the present at 90, N. B. Kents entered on our list tree ot charge. daily. coml'orlable, water. Lot contains about 6000 feet, Enquire on 8. YOUNG & CO., 100 No. Fere street. ptroits of Bi ters as free from had an of of taking being the best Tonic and and accrued interest from 1st. At Mar 10-dtf station in market all dust and contusion of die Premises. Jy2i* 3w Having experience upwards twenty Stimulant now July this price ^Passenger Boston, Hay Square. offered ‘o 111 public. * Fast years in the above busioe=s, (for the last 16 years afford a certain Express. the trains. Frank €J. '.liey income tor iorty-tive years, ot ■Hlii TiiPd.InvR 'Phnrsilavu nn/1 Anlv Jewelry and Fine Watches. with Schumacher,as head man), l would respect- T, fl, Porter, To Rccrnllv RHillnil nmi VihumvaiI Th.«„nl.. 1 rot Obstetrics and Diseases of nine cent their Let, Two fully FO'icif .he patronage ot any parties having Women, College ol nearly per upon cost. One thousand O OU3ES an Obstetrics and Dig. oi WoweiUSt Louis Medical give the purchaser more than seventy-seven per Telegraph Building. I will not be excelled by any other in the business. I dune 24. dii HaniiFarturer* of Trunk*. Valises College, etui, grea'er annual interest than the ~ BP*Obarges moderate. June 27-d3m same fine brick block ol Stores on Middle Drake McDowell, M. To be Let, **• street, and D., amount invested in the new Government BAKER, PROPRIETOR. rHEknown as tbe “Thompson Carpet Bags, Late President M-ssouii Medical w hole or ot the block ot Brick on Block,” arranged par College. part Stores may 12< 13m for the wholesale DURAN <6 JOHNSON, 171 Middle A 116 Fed’l 8IL J. B. B RO WJST & E. A M. Five Per Cents, while holdeisot Government Sixes Portland Pier. EASTERN,' icuiarly jobbing business. Iron ISONS, _ Clark, D., THE runts -- and and 'Terms favora- Proi Mo. Medical ami the late Res- will find a decided in at the Merchants National ANI) light airy basements. Surgery. College, profit selling ihem at present Apply Bank. >le. to ident st Apply WM. H. JERRIS, or JOHN C. Masons and Builders. Physician City Hospital Louis, Mo. in New JylSil BANKERS, high prices,and re-investing Orleans, Mobile __ PROCTER, Real Estate Agents. ISerlM'rt Prim in, Prot. Crawford mylOtt N. E. REDI.ON, 233 1-2 Congress st. Exnct Texas Bonds. House Prot Practical Phuun »« y, hi Louis Coi.ege oi Pbar- Portsmouth R. R, 07 Cortland. To Let. Portland, Saco,& Pine Suburban tor Male. Exchange Street, inacy. Subscriptions will be received in Poitland, Residence by OUSE No 36 Anderson st coutains The subscriber oilers tor sale bis Organ dcltlelodeon manufacturer!. J. C. WhsCebill, Ewq., ;rearly new, SVUMEB A R RANK UN EXT, White 1.1 six rooms, ctosets. and Mountain botch. modern-built residence situated on Government oi Alcdreui Archieves. WM. E. 67 eight good cellar, plenty SMALL & No. 154 Street. Mccuriiiew, Gold, Railroad, WOOD, ESQ., Exchange St* water. at No 3 Lincoln st. the Wood- KNIGHT, Exchange A It’d Heacock M Dr C V F Lud ft Apply jy27tt eminence overlooking Town and Mtafc Rond* and D, Jg CoiuuiruciffK ffVouilnr, Jnnc'iftili, E87I. Rough! C Geriicka, AI S Gralz Moses Al D. Messrs, SWAN A BARRETT, Banker*. ford’s Corner, Westbrook. It con- D., Better fitted and conditioned than hetore. This Paper Window Shade* Sold* C A M W A vv'jio.jx m __talus 12 good-sized rooms, with an Hanging*. Waie, D, 1>, JOOgOTiddlc St. Furnished leave famous Vouu'ain resort is now tor ilie season. E, Hoorn lo Lot. Passenger trains Portland d.iily, open excellent cellar, is supplied with an abundance ot and Weather •atrip*. Coupon* Collected or Pnrchawcd. C. T'rankliti, Iff. D.« If. OT. 3m PAYFON) Exchs or Portsmouth and junl7 FBENCH, COX & CO. hard and sort and it is in a state of re- Prot of Suigery Homajopathy Midica: Brnhcr, pgeM. without board. Also Ladv Hoarders CfSlr*fi8ft>r Boston, (Sundays water, good GEO.l*. LOTH HOP A Co., No. 162, Exchange Street, Sterling Exchange; and .-old. Coilega. o. m., $6 15 a. m a. $3.30 There is a stable on the The Bought T J Vastine. Al D, T G Comstock, M D, lnloimation concern big the Company and the WITHwanted. Apply comer Ci nter and Free st, No excepted7*1.00 §915 in., p. pair. large premises. Loan* aud i‘2. m., $3.45 p. in., {6.1*0 p. m. grounds embrace two acres, laid Negotiated Coiumcrciul Paper Piol ot Midwiiery and Diseases or Road, and and full de- juo3Utf handsomely ont, Women, College pamplets containing map Leave Boston lor Portland at $7.30 a m., $8 40 a. and on which is a fine tbe Photographer*. Bought aud Mold. Honiooepatbicil>bysicians and Su>geous. vegetable garden, vegeta- rails of the enterprise, can be obtained oi the under- m., $12,15 m., $3.00 p m $G 00 p. m. *8.00 p. in. JPovliioR Hold! bles to be sold with the house. A. 8. DAVIS & No. (SO Middle afreet. J«im T Temple, UI. D. p. CO., Advance* Made on approved Mccurily. TO Jj Bidde'ord lor Poitland at 7 30 a. at This is one of the finest locations in tbe Pio Materia Me tica andTlr-iauputic, IJomooepath- signed or any ot the Company’s advertised agents. EIT. in., returniug vicinity ot J.H. DAMSON, 152M*dd!eSt.,cor Crone. 5.20 m. Lake Portland—within five minutes’ walk of -- ■ ■ ... .• Deposit Account* with luterewta* agreed. ic Medical CoUege >1 Missouri. p. Winnepiseogee, the horse- Portsmouth lor Portland $10.00 a. m.. a and a Juo tonc dam, Biiek 70x ic and tor I -TO shop Plater. MB. stimulant general use now offered to the HE BEST AROMATJO TONtO IN SAIL- Maine Central Railroad. SO, Brick Store House 40x26, a line Store 60x40, two PORTLAND, Ocean side of Peak**’ Inland M. No. 22 Teni near public. H M D USE FOR DIRECT FROM OOMION Sunesaud Hall. Twenty tbite tenement* In PEARSON, pie St., Congress.* Woodcurv, HENRY M. grv,-I Ac, ninety aerts good tillage, pasture and wood Silver ancl Elated Ware. the Porcelain, or Mezzotint card and the retouched B M l) J li QUEENSTOWN LIVERPOOL. prUiledges lor fishing, bathing and boating. Two land. McVicar, Walker, Al D Trunk «t 7 30 lor Lewiston ami This property is well adapted to Wooleu and card by which new process we ge* rid of freckles, Noi’n S Depot) A.M, Auburn, Sieamers leave Cusiom House Wharf times a ABNER LOWELD, 301 Congress Street. Barns, M D 'J' S Al D And ail diseases arising from a eight Paper as well ai Iron and Steel in ■ and all of skin Hoyne, ami on arrival ol trains Irom Boston,at MO P.M, lor Manufactory, any m moles, wrinkles, imperiectious the K Lud I am. M D Thos T Disordered Liver or Stomach. LITTLE- day tor the Island. iun!9 2m lorm. Ellis, M D ALVAH TRIPOLI, Tuesday, Aug. 8. Dexter, Sk'owhtgan, Beliast, ami all inter- Gall and judge lor yourselves. Jas A AT D A Al Sold bv all Baugof, As this will Schools. (Jodies, J Hahn, D FIELD, Proprietor, Boston,^ass. Drug- TABIFA. Satmdav, Aug. 12. mediate stations oo the hue via Lewiston. property be so’d tor a moderate amount work at Moderate Pric- 5^“Motto—Good Euiineut Physician* in (Jineiuuati. lists. *nyt8ttsiSrw3m SA MARIA. Saturday, Aug 19. From Portland & Kennebec depot trains lor Balb, UNION compared with the original cost, it is believed to t*e ENGLISH and FRENCH 8CHOOL, 430Ongre«s St, es. Aim to Plcuwc. inay40 SIBERIA, Saturday, Aug. 26. and all intermediate HOTEL, worthy the attention of any one desirous ot entering Nearly all oi who.u ure Professors m one or the Augusta,Lewiston, *tations,will M ALTA, Tuesday. Scpi, 5. ti iuto the manufacturing busint-s*. other ol the Medical Oolltgee. leav* wt 00 A. M.r-X«d 5.15 P. Al., ami for Skowbe- •Itatr Builder. JULES Cfl. L. ALEPPO, Sept. 12. and all NO. 12 TEMPLE For terms apply to Mr. J. F. ou the MOllAZAIN, No other Biiiers have ever been to Tuesday, gan, Bangor, Dexter, Belfast, Faimiugton, Taylor, prem- offered the ^AlAKIUfl : STREET, ises or OLIVER B. F. LIBBY, 17} Unton Street, np etalrs. FROM Cabin. .$80 Gold. intermediate stations, at 1.00 P. M.. ami the night AMES, ESQ., at the Ames Plow PARTS, public embracing to many valuable remedial agems. Boston. 1 ■ ... with Pullman Sleeping 'Jar attached lor Company, j>8 T MS lrn J L Vattieer, M I> LA James M D, .«•>» WUUCIICJ express Portland, iHnin«, Teacher oi the French suffering with that disease. Ca- and all intermei iate at Teas, Coffees, Ac. Language, C T Al S P M I) disgusting at the Cuuard East Bangor stations, 1. 00 A. M.. Spices, Simpson, I>, Bonner, ALL are informed iliat there is a cure wit utn BTP ssengers embark wharf, Late Master of Modern in the Provin- S C Al tarrh, or on anival of train Irom Boston. On the European and American Plan. Fare J.DEEMING & Co, 4k India & 162& 161 Languages Muscratt, 1>, G W Bigler Al D, their in OK. II. Boston. Regular Congress reach, P, FVANN, French Freight trains (Horn Grand Trunk for Wa- 75 and 50 cents. Farm tor Sale. cial Training School, High and Grammar Schools. W T I'alliaferr.*, Al J J Qu nn, M I), Depot) $t.50 per day. Lodging D, C atarrh Krinedy cures all troubles arising Item tervillt, and ali intermediate stations via St. John, N. B. J H Buckner, Al 1), W R Woudw'ard, M D, Lewiston, I.. R. F. ZITKOV. Situated in North Yarmouth near Wnlcli«% Ac. Catarrh, ftich as neatness, Dizziness, Headache, leave at 0 20 M. at d Irom Port'and Jewelry, Reierences: Gen. J. M. Brown, J. W.Symonds, G A Al US FROM NEW YORK & Kennebec ap4.ftf_By Walnut Hill, otic mile trom the Doheity, D, Wayoe, Chemist, constant-swallowing Noists in the Ears, Nasal poly- at 2.30 J, AMBROSE MERRILL, No. 13!», Middle street. Esq. 0 Woodward Al G K Depot A, m.,5.1'0A. M. and 6.15 A. HI., lor church, 1-4 mile from the post- 1>, TayJor, Ml), Dimness o' &c. Purities the breath and and trom one p. m. to o’clock p. m at B8 pus, sight. On I On Bangor intermediate stations via Augusta- and also J.W.&U.H cor Middle & Union sto. Apply three D W McCarthy Al 1* F Manley Al I). prevents WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, office. store, school honse; .MGDUFFKE, 1), Consumption. For Sale by all Dtuggists. as TTaius will be due in Portland at Grand Trunk Oceau Spm.g Street, or in writing P (). Box 2059. R li Johnson Al S B Tomlinson M D. follow*: as follows: House. near ihe on tbe Maine Cen- D, Prior, large bottles, 75c hall size 50c. Wholesale an 1 iiom Lewiston at 9 depot 10^ M. Morazain will return to Portland about PARTHIA.Aug. 9| ALGERIA.Aug 19 Depot, A. >i., and from Bangor, tral Extension. Contains about 75 acres of land, PliyMicinn* in Memphite Retail, at 254 Cougress st., Portland, where aH or- Beliast and all other stations at 3 M Sept. 1st. .Eminent SCOTIA.Aug 1G ABYSSINIA....Aug2G Dexter, P. ami supeiior pasturage supplied with abumlauce of wa- MICBJMDBON’S ders must be addressed. at Portland & Kennebec from Ou ar.d after seplOdly The Home Bitters arc an invaluable remedy tor in CHINA. Aug 23 CAajABKIA.... Sept 2, Depot Augusta and ter, sufficient wood on the premises for family use auglld&wly A. C. WILKINS, Agent, Bath at 9 A. ai d Irom Bel- digestion ami diseases arising lorni malarial causes. RUSSIA. Aug 30 BATAVIA.Sept 9 M., Bangor, Skowncgan, Thursday, June 1m, Buildings consist oi bouse, outbuildings, audtliiet G. B. 'l'hoiuiou, \1 T)., Aiex. Erskine. M D, JAVA.Sept G PARTHIA.Sept 1C fast, l exter and Farmington at 3 P. M. bams; one luru 4(x80 feet., the others smaller HOLMAN’S in horn with carat rI he Ocean House will l»e being Irish Damasks, charge City Hospital, M It Hedges. M D, Night Express Bangor bleeping open, (Sundays Never failing water near the buildings. This is Linens, TH for the season. J M Rodgers, M D, Paul otey, Si D, AH H OODs 1 A. M, excepted) hay farm yieldiug from 6> to 75 tons in lavorabh H W M The trains Portland at 1 10P. M. General Insurance Purnell, I), At A Edmunds, VI D, leaving (Grand J. P. CHAM HE 111. A IN, season?, and is excellent also lor dairy purposes. Foi Linen Cambric Agency, Saniord Bell, M I), Jos. E Lyi cb M D, Trunk Depot) and at 1. 00 P. M. (Portland A: Ken- further inhumation apply to tbe subscriber, connect, with may 30-dtt Propiietor. Central Block, Lewiston, Me. I'iuinrul I in How Lost! Dow Restored! PASSAGE MONEY nebec Depot) at Bangor traiu through EDWARD BEALS. Walnut Hill, liyNicinnjt Pittaburgh; to same Fire insurance effected in the leading New B P Maitawumkeag night. No. Yarmouth, Maine ffJF Dake. M D, Wm. Lowes, M D, EDWIN iv.2 TTMtt w.w Handekercbiefs, &o, on all kinds oi property on NOYES, Supt. England companies, VV R Childs, A1 i>, 1) H Willard. M D, By Wednesday Steamers, By Saturdays Steamen L. L. Afst. most favorable terms. < LINCOLN, Supt. FAIRFIELD we f feel ourselves called on again to (Caution O Wuih, Chemist, J H McClelland, M D, *Sco'da & Russia excepted any m* Cabin Portl&n l. May 25. junGu HOUSE, nov21 D. HORACE HOLMAN, Proprietor. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREAT- and j Conan mm* against the indiscriminate use ot In h And Hundred* of Oth<*r* Carry tug Steerage Passenger; •-AT- MEN l\ and Radical Cure ot Spermatorrhea or Sem- Only Cabin Passengers fabrics made up to imitate our good* in told, trad>»- In all ot inal mark. and and te warn parts the North, West and South. Weakness, Involuntary Kmi-sions, Sexual De- FIKST CABIN, Geo. R. Davis & Co.’s general appearame, them* W, H. CLIFFORD, KENDALL’S that their is to see that the •uthenro J E Gainer, M D, Milwaukee. bility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, first cabin. Single Ticket. Gok umq mm mimi MILLS, only safeguard .§80 seal of our firm, Council Bluffs. March 27,1871. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; .$100 Gold Return Tic/els. 150 Gok OF «ANA»A. BY RANDALL ANDRGW8, Mental and SingleTicket... B ULLLTIN. James A Jackson & examined the Physical irom Se't — J. N. KIC IIARDMO.y, NOVN «V OH Counsellor at Law, Co—Having Incapacity, resulting Return Tickets.. 220 Gold Late of tbe Gardiner Hotel,the Maine Hotel at Dam- OE1V, formula ot the Stomach 1 lmve Abuse, Ac., by Robt. #J. Culver well, M. D., author ot AND SOLICITOR O ‘|Home Bitters,” 6KOOND CABIN. STEKltAGB. Alteration ot Trains. ariscotlu, and Columbian House, Batb. is stum pet 1 ou each ariic’e. ATENTS, prescribed them iu practice tor some tune, and pro- the “Green Book,” Ac. Single Ticked... .$sO Gold $30 Currency. Stable is connected w ith to Loan HI Determined to confine ouiselves. as beietotbre, to Has remove to nounce them the best Tonic Bitters now iu use. ‘•A Boon to Thousands ol Return Tickets. .150 Gold E&^'A good Livery tbe $20,000 £uflcrcrM.” the use from the choicest and stiou P. II* M. D. mr24dtt ot^nrns spun 80 Middle McMahon, Sent under in a to ad- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. House._ We are prepared to loan In mbui est the best unitoi a .No. Street, EF*For sale by all Druggists and Queers. seal, plain envelope, any money Flax, by machinery obtainable; dress, ]X)8tpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post- from to amount firw in weight and elasticity; manufactured and bleach- BOYD BLOCK. au24 JnincM A. Jackson A Rates Scotia and Russia. $100 any dewired, on Co, Proprietor*. age stamps, by CHAL. *1. C. 127 ♦Special per ed under our own supeiinleudetice:—the consumer KLINE&CO., On and after June cla*M in Eliio 105 and lu7 N Second New Post Office box 4585. naggmn Monday, 5, 1871, WANTED. mortgages Portland, Cape nrII. Labratory st, St Louis, Mo. Bowery, Yotk, Trains will run as follows: SHERIDAN & GRIFFITHS, jtin ICd w25 3in First Cabin. Second Cabin. beth, Westbrook, or Parties do GUARANTEED BY OUR SEAL For sale by Passenger train at 7.30 A. M. tor South Paris Deering. the same ami satisfaction in the wear John IV. Perkins A Pond, Bethel. Gcrham. Northumberland, sirous ol building can also be accomm* durability PLASTE M, JE JHt & Co., Slncle, $130 Gold. $80Gold Bryants Wanted. which the go< tls have always afforded. , Single, N. Stratford,Island Pond and Montreal. odated with loaas. genuine july25-dCmo Portland, Me. Return, $250 Gold. Return, $150Gold Girl to take care of children. Must be Mail Traiit (Stopping at all »tauous) for Island Capable J. IV. K1CIIAROWOIV, *OIVB dc OWDEiV. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL A well re com in ended. GEO. R. DAVIS A CO., Pond, connecting with night mail train for Quebec, Belfast. Ireland, 5 Mo., 15, 1871. je27d£m the at 1.10 P M. Apply at No 57 Deering Street. aulldtt Real Estate & ^Mortgage Brokers. STUCCO & MASTIC PREPAID STEERAGE PASSAGES Montreal and West, WORKERS, Accomodation lor South Paris and intermediate sep24it ELIAS HOWE From Glasgow, or SMOLANDER’S Liverpool, Queenstown, Derry 1 ions at 0.00 P. M. SO. 6 SOOTH ST., PORTL AND, MS. to Boston or New 8tat Owner Wanted. York, trains will arrive as Desirable 011 st. attention to all kindsol ICE CURRENCY. Passenger follows: in Property Congress COMPANY. Portland Au- 13?“* Prompt paid Jobbing $34 up Harbor, Monday, From Montreal l.-laud Gorham Soulh Paris o Sewine Machines ii our line. apr22dtf Passengers booked to all parts of tbe New Pond, * one teet Iheowuer can T,^OR SALE. A 2 1-2 story buiddng, 11 looms EXTRACT Eng and at 8.15 A M. PICKEDgust 7th, doiy13 long. land Stales. Lewiston, have the saiuo on r which is arranged tor two families; ga*, hard auc Office No. 14 Cross Slieet. at* by calling AND BUTTERICR’3 Drafts IsMied tor £1 and upwards. From Montreal, Quebec, Gorham, and Bangor JOSEPH LITTLEJOHN, tO't water. The trout portion ot the building is tit WILLIAM A. F FA AS, 2.50 P iVl Cape Eli zabeth, led up aud occupied as an Apothecary store. Thi Accomodation from South Paris, at 7 20P. M. is situated ou the corner ol am SEASON AND PRICES BE For and or and charges. aulO-diw* property Congress BUCHU EXTENDED, Freight Cabin Steerage Passage a Cars on all Trains. paying Falterns of Garments apply |gr Sleeping night Montgomery st9, aud the’ot is 42x85; a small gar COUNSELLOR AT LAW. DUCED. THE.COMPANY’S OFFICE. HO STATE STREEI dt*L on the premises. We have a party ready t BOSTON. to KAIL ROAD LABORERS lease the store for five * The Company are not responsible lor baggage years. Price $7000, $3100 o PLUMMER-* WILDER, The erreat Diuretic JAIVIES amount $50 in.value (and that persor- which can run two and tour years. FORT FAIRFIELD. ALEXANDER, Ag’l, any excelling 173 Middle Stairs. Com T OR IN PORTLAND TO unlesG notice is given, and paid tor at the rata ol Apply to GEO. R. DAVIS & ISt., Up jv4 tf pound, SEASON KA J tS.iISJl. al) WAN TED! CO., Mcgowan. On* passenger for every $500additional value. auU d3w Re »1 Estate and Mortgage Brokers. Jyltf___ May 15th to October 15th. _t. C. J. BRTDGBS, Managing lHr*cmr% Is a sure, quick remedy ter all diseases of the Ui i- FED to work on Rail a few 10 lbs. a, RAJ LB r, focal Sui erinUndcnC. Roads, good Aeie Farm for 99000. A tine Earn If. M. aary Organs, existing either in male or female, t. Daily,,.'.$5 01 men. Wages $175 Board 00 BREWER, 15 DIRECT LINE Jun. 5tli 1*71. oc27islw-osti WAN per day. $4 per 25 acres wood, 25 acres unuer an i $23 Reward ! Irritation, Intlannnrnon or Ulceration of the Kid- lbs. do. 701 ! Portland, week. to A75 cultivation, 20 lbs. Apply 25 acte3 pasture land, an orchard ot 75 fruit tree: neys and Bladder, Stone in Bladder, Gravel. Diabe- do...9oi -TO F. GEO. HITCHINGS, barn 30 one and one-li ilt n [ A REWARD of $15 will be paid for the detect on No. 90, Middle Street, tes, Reddish Sediment looking like brick dust.Deposit by 40, story house, spl Brt^’Customerslurnisbed earlier or later than abovi 1 No. 40 Market St., did well ol situated two miles troi ! £\ of any one stealing any flower, vase, cut flower, in urine, Diseases ol Prostrate Mucous and Invol- rata. Beduced Bates. water, pleasantly pro Portland, Maine, Gorham will at on eas or any decoration whatever lrom of Leather Boning?. Rub- Retention or corner, bo sold a bargain and j plant, Evergreen untary Discharges, Suppression, incon- HiLirA auglO dtw* Manufacturerber Belting and Hose furnished, to order. Al- tinence ot X,I¥.S.. terms ot payment, as the owner has left the State o cemetery. Urine from a*loss of tone in the paits con- H. N. JOSE, so for sale Belt Leather, Sides and Backs, Lace cerned in its evacuation. Thick, Mor- QUALITY OF ICE SUPERIOR account of ill health. ) ltivets and Burs. Cloudy Urine, For California, to CS IKO B. DAVK9 Ac J. S. PALMER, Trustees. Leather, Belt Hooks, Copper bad Irritation of the Bladder and Unthra, Chionic And a CONTINUE!-) SUPPLY lor tlio WHOL1 SPECIAL NOTICE. Wanted! Apply CO., J 7-d6m Boy Real Estate and FRED S Portland, July 6,1871. jy Catarrh or SEASON via. Pnriflc Railroad. au4eod2w Mortgage Brokers. FOX, Bladder, and all Chronic Maladies oi the GUARANTEED,or no. Large. Overland BOY 15 or 10 old. 8 dtt Urino-Genital years Organs, White*, Dropsy, Indigestion. Or Steamer via. Panama to San Francisco. CHARLES CUSTIS & CO., jp 1 n order to accomodate the increase by A Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, General Debility, Cutan- NIOIVT1II.Y RATES, Tickets tor sale at 293 street. travel *o Halifax to witness Through RKDbCCD aug8tf Cougress STATE OF MAINE. NEW ENGLAND eous Affections, etc. the g'ta n if l'ii hv NOTICE. ..$12 the and HMOLANOUK’S FXT. BUCHU is a remedy to be races, large eomm odious sir j .. 1 7 ■bBSDBBBSSBiwheel steamer. FOKENT LITTLK relii d upon in all cafes or great nervous exhaustion, CIT1 w. JO. & CO., Situation Wanted CITY OF ft ft. • Portland Dock and Ware-House Co.” .-.. 2 2 will take ihe ol the ti' PORTLAND, CONSERVATORY OF IrpHE Dry with all its tiain ot alarming symptoms, place Steamship Carlotta, ‘ BOY, 15 would like to get a situation MUSIC, A have leased their Docks and other property in billowing further leaving Gall’s Wharton UNION TICKET years old, fr< in tin* ahu-c r*t Nature’s la*s. or youthful excess- notice, Saiurdai OFFICK to tend store, take care ol a horse or work about To the Eleeton the I. Elizabeth to James E lor one al 4 P. M. A cf City of Portland, Aug. 7,187 BonIou iVlunic Hall, Cape Simpson >eai es and indiscretions in either tex, as ot August 19ili, 49 1-2 the ot and said Palpitation J. H. 1 ocd&wlwis-tostf Exchange street lion:-c; would iike the privilege attending fron Jan. 1.1871, to Jan. 1, 1872, during R. R. Burnham & Co Returning leaves Prior’s on Tues m Heart, Loss ol Memory, Horror ot Disease, Di-incli- Leavitt, Wlrdrf, Halifax, school three hours in the is a honest The Aldermen ot the ot Portland have Aflords to its pupils the instruction of the >*f. time the Company will not be lor at 4 P. M. day; good, boy. City pri responsible any nation of Society, Sleeplessness, Listless and De- Portland, April "0th, 1871. dav, August 22(1, Please address C. H. Press Office. au4tt eminent masters, at leas rates of tuitiou than any debts contracted in their name or on their accou myotl ; Cabin J., lists ol such inhabitants as t, pressed ir Spirits. Weak and Peevish in Temper, the Passage §5 CO. Meals and State Rooms Ex pared Alphabetical a] similar institution. In addition, a unless authorized or tbe President oi tra. Return tickets at same ice. approved by r»nce vigorous mind becoming feeble and vacillating, pi If You are West (.ear to them to be constitutionally qualified to voi e the company. CHAS. A. LAM BAUD, The Forest has arid String; Wanted l GREAT NUMBER OF FREE CLASSES. your usual sell confidence and energy gone, lend ot City laige commodious Stat President P. I). Dock and Ware-house Co. Rooms in the election ot Governor, Seuatois and Represci in a ol the whole and t-plendid Cabin accommodations, and at good Laundress at No. 17 State Street. his So'itude; fast, general prostration Procnre Tickets by the Fall Term Opens Monday, September 11. By Attorney, L. D. &1. SWEAT, lords the most convenient and comfortable,as well £ A July3tf tatives to the State Legislature in and for the sevei Portland, 28t.h, 1871 system. January jn30tt I be constitution brought to this condition requires quickest route to Halifax. Beat aid Most al Wards in said City, and that they will be In ope a Pupils received and assigned to classes on a id The trip on will a Safest, Satiable Routes I afitr :'8. Those desiriug to ent*r-he the aid of an invigoratur to restore the system to August 26tb, make GRAN! , session at the Aldermen’s Room on August grad- that condition ol health that is tor all func- EXCURSION, the return trip being postpone! THROUGH TICKETS Me and Trove Me uating class, aie it quested to give notice when :• |>- requisite Horn till Try for admission. Situation tions to be natural. | Tuesday Friday to give an opportunity f the Sixteenth al , plying procured tor pup la witness Wednesday, day Augm SMOLANDKR’S FXT. BUCHU will restore to PRICES RED TJCED. the great three days Carnival. From PORTLAND, via BOSTON, to all point* in 4 ND see if I will lot give tlie best satisfaction in duly qualified. Circulars coutaiuing lull intorm v- For lu rlhcr to WEST, SOUTH AND lurnish- lioti mailed tiee niton annlication to that heabliv condition. particular apply the NORTH-WEST, j\ Mteavu <*n» aud Wafer-piping. I have inst., from nine to twelve o’clock’ A M, and fro? SMOLANDKR’S EXT. BUCHUi in SEASON JOHN also on band a lot ot excellent KIo«e vihich I will E. TOURJEE, Director. NATHAN put up PRICES FOR 1871 : PORTEOUS, Agent. tor the ONLY UNION TICKET three to six o’clock P M, the purpose ol rtceivin i I m MOLD, a large bottle ot a super or quality, and at a less auglltf OFFICE, sell lower than any other man in the City. Repair- aug7 10 lbs. a from 15th to —— price tliau any other in tiie market day, May Oct. 15th. $5'f] 3 ing promptly and properly done; stiict attention evidence ot the qualifications of persons claiming tl 15 ** No. 40 1-2 JKxcbang-e Street* all 7 <] to is chandeliers also broken Hose Price, 4» $5. Fold by Drug- * given g repairing to vote ou such election and tor sai * Merchant $1; boltlcK, 20 ** « <« «« »< W. o. Ll'I'TLK k right correcting Eastern aim Dealers in Medicine » 1 CO», Aff.ruM- can be rep ired Express Co, Tailor, gists everywhere. for is'ova Beotia Mar 24-dtf neatly here, lists. Ill u IS Halifax, K. MCDONALD 200 Fore st., loot of Pi um. ICE d2w* Given under our the and aboT e HOUSE,MARKET STREET WEEKLY LINE. auglO Lhauds day year fTAVING concluded arrangements with tie written. Li Port laud & Ogd«nsburg Kail load Co. tor the K City Liquor Agency. (JJl AKLf.S M ERR Cannot ILL, piess business over that road, we shall run our Mi 4- Money Buy It, A Full ! Winter LIQUORS sold at tl is are ot W. H. SIMON 137 Middle SI. Sail*ply Arrangemt-nt. Agency bought ION, sengers between Poitland ai.d North Conway, twi e Mr. Eaton the WM. SEN ALL Shaw, State Agent. TER, daily, on the 7 30 a m aud 130 fm train, uctiviug The best goods of season on The can rest assured that CriAKLRS every always Guaranteed to oil fnilomcrN llirj JEutir public these liquors are (3igntd,) MCCARTHY, Jr., business tor nil stations on the line, and connecti. g and ail work attended to with For 1 F. hand, personally is Priceless ! SCBMIftt A The Steamship CAr of good quality and the State Asfrajer, Dr. Goodale, M. KING, with the several Lines. and Sight Stage neatness promptness. mj4tf fl < •n_^TO.ii»\LOTTA will leav*- Gait’* Wba: 1 certifies that are fable lor FRUITJARS. EBE'i COREY, tm. W. |\ ill. lor Halilax d The report that liquors teized the police are Aldermen ol the City ol Portion t CLARK, rect. close by ; making connections wilt the Nova Scot a sold at this Agency, is not correct. All such liquors forXsalb|by FISH EKMEnT tor an d au8-td__ .'M Railway Co., Windsor, Truro, New Glasgow when are order of the Court Office Exchange Street* N. S. forfeited, destroyed by W. WXLI PPL E & Bowdoin Portland, Pictou, as the law requires. W. CO., College. May 1,1871. mayltt will leave Returning Pryor’s Wharf, Halifax ei WM. SEN Committee or Instalments * al 4 P. M. TER, ) 21 Market is qurre. For Cash /CANDIDATES for admission will bo exact-* ery Tuesday, W. If. SIMON on City 1J- Monthly TWINES ARID NETTING, Cabin LON, J Jy \J inedln Adams Hall, on brlilav of Comment j- passage, with State Room, $7.00 M. F. KING. 17___ ,, ) quor Ago’y meot MA K UFA CTREDJi SCR Meals extra. el4-6m PIANOS, week, July 11, at 8 o’clock a. in. Also on I it* — Hist ol next at I a* For further particulars apply to L. BILLING! I. --- day teim, Thursday, August 31, E_E FOB SALE. same tvm. v. uoovn.it A) soys, Ai Untie or place and hour. Eetore ordering your window screens tor tummy Wharf, Vl QC-128UJOHN French Consular at I'orl- SAMUEL HARRIS, President Send lor Ihilliiuarr, Md. snre and examine PORTEOU8, Agent, Agency or Melodeons price-list. use. be Organs June Iun291 aui.1l jel4 dir laud. NETTI.E, 20 tons, old tonnage; Brunswick, 27,1871. Til ft 1)1 TUB IMPROVED i extra well found tor yachting. Built ol LARGE Stock ot the above instruments mi AMOffJJ FALL RIVER Portland, July 31, J871. A be found at GLASSES, LINE, LL t M white oak, copper fastened, coppered, Portland. August 9. 1871. rench, American, or members ot Jjf Vff foreign seven tons iron uew Manufactured by ForN York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,Waal A the Legion of informed ihat ballast, sails, cablts, FOH SALE. To the* Tlarbor ConnuiHKioncrs of the City Honor, are hereuy 'vSaBssa&njK-hors, &c. S. F. COBB’S, Window Extension i fgtou, and all the principal a sub>cription list has been at this Consular Screenj points opened to No 2 of Portland : South to For particulars apply Deering Block, Congress street, •J. E. & patfni fd West, and South-West, Agency, help in rebuilding the oflieesot the Order, Spencer Co., Sf. Y. Jan. 41h, 1S70. B. J. WILLARD. Persons to w ill tin Gentlemen. The destroyed by the mob. fy intending purchase well to and Well Established undersigned, proprietors of Flat8 Tins is Via 'iUaaton, Fall River and Newport. No 49 Commercial St. call before A Valuable on tbe Which are now offered to the the mott perfect and convenient, arrange Persons this jy21dtf baying elsewhere. Eastern t-ide ol ,y Ilill in Portland pob?*c,aru pronounce desirous ol conti ibuting to purpose uiay2t*li JVIunj celebrated ol tne nient lor excluding Flics and ever invent #5,00; Deck |4,00. Baggage check, are would ask to 1111 with mud by all the Opticians world to be tb5* Mosquitoes Cabin, requested by His Excellency, the Minister ot Tespec.tfully permission ed u*d transferred in N Y tree ot charge. UUS1NESS. tol»e excavated Irom the Harbor such ion 01 it through tforeigh Altairs, to subscri'. e at this office, Sport ItlOST PEBFRCT can be seen at Yo trains leave the Old and Nev Salve as be They the Window Shade Manufac- New Colony j o' the donators wi 1 be in the Hieskell’s Magic duni|>ed from the scows ou tlieir Fla.s 1} of n ,,:*me_s published may to the human ever tory port Rail w. V Depot, corner ot South and Kneelai Portland Hard and T LIVKIIY STOCK, lease, nig between the located wav of the Grant Trunk Natural,Artificial help eye know Kewspaiers, the official journal of the lcukks White PineTimbt mtiF ENTIRE boarding nail under their own streets,daily ffchrndavs excepted,) as follows: at 4.3 French in located way, and the line nf solid till the They are ground stipend?) LepubJc, aud recorded in the Golden Book Ot baud and sawed to and huk busines-. lUeceutially and running along IS. M, GAMMON A- P arrivin g in Fall River 40 minutes in advance ot rlie • dimensions. X 5)8 fr n iiiin 11 te Pebbles, melted together, ai. GO., M, )rder. stable, ed an t rielinia- Crystal “ I Tetter ! popular conumpla on account of NO. 3 the S teaa'boat Train, which leave? Bosh 1 lie Tetter ! Tetter 1 le Boar<1 lor derive their name,‘‘Diamond,” tliei" FltKE NT., BLOCK, regalar Consular Agent of France. HARD PINE PLANK, Ih«?TnnrA«o.an °4 Commissioners at (»i in eel ing at Fail River with t: * ul baldness and brilliancy. Solo lor 5.MOP M, au«l T & T S 1m ITCH l ITCH! .. *1« Eastern of Manufacturers Maine, where orders U it steamers LKPROaON. ITCH! HARD PINE FLOORING AND MTEI X0.311 COXG11E88 8T. Slupe Munjoy fell‘ may new and magmifiee* Providence. Caj £IK“'*1 The Scientific Principle an which thev ere con- Ulcers, un3-2m B. M. a, Bristol, Oapt. A, Simmons. Erysipelas. Scald Head, Ringworms, Burns, tor sale “ structed brings the core or centre ol the fens direct SUniuoi BOARDS, by is offered lor rale, the proprietor to B""ar,i’ are the fastest and most reliuli Salt Rheum. Chill Blairs, Scalds, Pimples, Blotches, desiring remora in frontof the a clear and distinct These Fteamars in the west. Mo«J "“5 ly eye. producing U'dlt lor safe Frosted Limbs, Inflamed Eyes, Piles, and all ETup- STETSON & in the and OR. boats ok the Sound, expressly speed, * Great Reduction POPE, This is a rare vision, as natural, healthy sight, prevent- R. j. tions ot tlm Skin. opportunity lor a lire man to make JOURIiAITf, and coad'ort. This line connects with all (he Sout and ot E J SSw“'0W" Winslow, pKBCumml’nge, ing all sensations, such as glimmering Iii prices ol and to Cure or Money lie funded. Wharf Dock, first, corner Street, money. There are let and ilia ihouian unpleasant ern to and Railroad Lines from New York clensing repairing clothing, lower Warranted thiity-tour teams, Cumming£, and of to all PROPRIETOR OFTBK Boat goi? ban ever. 1 and Street, Bosh 1,1 Is wavering eight, disaiuees, &c,t peculiar to the & shall cleanse For sale by all Druggists country stores. mr29eodly Office, 10 State patronage lully equal to the stock. The stable alto West am*'South, and convenient Gallium Coats others in use. lor £1 oo F. B. BE1SKKLL, Proprietor, Bangor, Me. lias a large number ol boardiug hi ires, aud Its ha. k- 7 Iramesot Steamers» hey are mounted in the best manner, in Parisian wi ,t 75 For sale C. F. Crosman & Co., 0. W Sc ol Foreclosure. lug business Is vatu able. Ordered that notice o 9| of “To of Freight.” this Line, aud'&0ct:i, by (jilkty Nottee t° n r* the best oI all materials used loi that Ballery skipper* '»r street. The a id tle^ ? i* quality pur Anatomy,Boston, accommodations inlio j- 37“ Co., Geo. C. Frye, Congress that Mrs. A J Pul ,y property will be sold at a great bargain, Just published a new its now t nd extensive deptefc liftMes,. is hereby given '*««l ose. edition 01 his lectures foi t: le garments cleansed and with usual dc3 dated it presents an excellent lor locution a In X Pally containing most and large pier in New York, cheap, my conveyed to me by Mortgaged deed, A|i fit opportunity Newfipapeni'printed {&,£"? $4^rtheir finish and cannot be surpas- HAS valuat.le inhumation on th, ton, (exclusively U68S* at lair ly_ NOTICE and The lease has durability business o( (lie is with facilities t )i Se^ond-band clothing tor sale 12. A. D. a cert tin one and one halt story hoi »n thrilty permanent business, >tyea sed causes, consequences and treatment 01 Line), supolied 1869, 11. A. LOW. 3 o’clock in the diseases o busineSM cannot be su r- t>4 Federal Street, with shed situated on the si do years taruu. be bad at alien,, ou 01 the reproductive system, with remarks freight a Hi passenger which attached, northerly THURsoa* v CAUTION.-None genuine unless bearing J-? on marriage and lo l- P,utl2g BROWN, 17. neat the premise*. HtltSDAY, and the various causes or tlie passed. Freight alw ays taken at low rates Coal the I of Middle street, between Hampshire and Frank in iyis August trade mark < t* stamped on every traroc. loss of manhomt wilt _WILLIAM by Cargo in Baio «___ (Signed) JACOB full instructions tor Its complete warded fith dispatch. § streets, Portland, mortgage being recorded .j. A. MERRILL, & Co., restoration Train leaves Boston at 1.30 p ol s ot Personal ^McLELLAN, also a eta,»ter on venereal infection, and , lie New Y irk Express Mortgage Sale. Portland Registry mn and State streete.aud Colony “,8cr*bed in said in Cumberland jyl2 law 3w We fI Ucatou, dlass, a K1*“l.1‘e8 mortgage, be iv'ji" coin ning between Elm and the head ol r irk Lost. REMOVAL. To be at 5.04 >1*111, 119 Commercial k ‘ms *'elore them. »iil be liel.l at st, _augl2 jyZSiltf st, LASTon C a lost their1 ww ■frees stieei, package containing ottf0,h‘Mo nT it) Cro. Sh. 'V and K. Hunt, Marble Worker, 1(l Cculral on Exchange st,. recentlyoocuphdby brick, Passenger Freight Agent. di ne In »[* Wharf, yards All »cc with trimmings up wrs.pi tog I? a , 8HACKKOUD has removed to No 70 Park tt. STORENotilDresser & Ayer,and thoroughly fitted lor a first JAMES FISK, JR., Piesklent fk Johnson, in want ol Plain or tin K containing ■Mday, Anj,„N| ‘J-J.i, ,(( o’clock P. M. Fancy Job Printia [ paper mu k« I O. M. & E. P. Biooks. The def .oiisidcrableiisuUi|ttiimuI1 DU.next door above Grammar School House, class bookstore. M. R. SIT Director Narragansi ** some valuable papers, yesU returning Qa AONS, Managing IJOOK-KEEPER, and adjuster of accounts, a will lend it to tlieir advantage to call onWhi. Ik i will be suituuiy rewarded by I caving the same at jy aogj « gm Pottund W. H. FESSENDEN, Steamship» X* MJ office ot H. Mil at the Press reJ St. J>‘ U josepL WeUtetilns. Agt., 684 Irr.HOSKMarks, Daily Jet). Printing Office, E,~ UEO. K. DAVIS, K. A»g,tb)18TrFUS E-woMerk- jylO MWSr 1m 5a Exchange st. NevOdlyr f •• *• au20dtl stree , SSW 'SAW™ change Street, Portland. JjPd 403 Congrssi -■— _ -b . —mmm _ .—. J .—^JLL.iLJLJ—.—-IUJM...... ■ ©ietrirta. was Said in Wuaiofinl Nothing the let0 20 80 X Pntion meets possibility of accident. Men and material were PORT or PORTLAND by, William H., land, St. John census was taken. There h&9 M. 7 s incethe new from and tbe O.’NT. liS reef, 300 80 PORTLAND. mmediately dispatched Bangor, Lid a and not a Tbe day, Thomas. 4 house on leased 2 lways been misunderstanding lit- trestles are doubtless in place ere this. Monday, Aag. 14. N adlourn* I Meeting of the Maine 11 nd, Wiulhrop, with Goriuley, 100 2 60 in to along tbe whole liue are a T Ctaaritahl. regard what towns in our bridges undergoing OR Lo< fA will 'e S7 Mechanic Association beheld at kbart, t>inuh REFRIGEl L the shop perplexity ARRIVED. P l.ibtar. George, he most thorough and searching examination. Sanford. u 11 'eased 100 2 60 1871. ounty should included in a certain sena- PaMnled by D. H c. ] trig Hattie E Wheeler. Bacon, Philadelphia.—460 R< om on Wednesday Evening, Aug tf,th at 7 1-2 lino, inot Park siieei, TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, time and PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. toi 8 coal, to order. Vessel to Pblnney & Jackson. o\ lock, to determine the place of their pro. Klixsbeth, house and land, Hf arial district. The town ot Falmouth has not >natruct«d on tlie most to be 10 40 perlect scientific |,rlnclpleB an I warranted the best Refrigerator yet In- i eli Alina, ( Brl Jackson, St N tt ,.d exuuri'on. A geneial attendance of the mem- lj Ncwburv street, 1,000 our Corespondent. J tr snd George, B—88,000 po town [from xluced, gives universal salisiaclion. fall see 1 hero beioie where will bo; irds •an, .I die, bouse and 80 ceo the ouly that has been lor aud and purchasing any other, you to f H Hamlen. mi ts la *< land, Sir Wwlt.r •roll and Ihr Modern Novel. pushed The of Dover, Sangcrvillc. ; that ai'l convince ot requested. ireen Republicans prools you its sui eriority styli $», sires ai d pi ices to suit all. i ieh Phenix, Thompson, New York —coal to Jack- TJg W A. H. W AITE. Prealdem. street, 1,600 41 60 oHvetfience sake—one a to the and auglS j of year iuto this district Parkman, will elect representative lor sale bv J. K. MKIinil.i: on Avenue, between Ci088 and Cotton near soi & ; y!ajor, house and 5 is the. one anniversary Manufactured Coil Eau»a. __ laud, To day hundredth D a? street8, ud theu into auolher—and fiom Parkman tor 1872. tt, Burnham & Co’slce House. i »eh Howe. Bo ton. “T-street, 2,900 75 40 nt bas thereby lost the legislature Commerce, ®' n the birth of Sir Walter and that evj one of the Portland chinches ____ma>2dtt Wet Nurse. ,ea*e'l Commercial Scott, iomination of A layman from •ch Polly Pray, Pray, Calais tor Lynn. ,r land, Senator. It seems eminently sermons a thia office. eV, 300 7 80 will be celebrated wherever there are English preached three gratefully acceptable CLEARED. X K)R employment apply at L, if we & au lo<( lw bouse and land, 43 Toper are to ROLLINS — 4. him botli tl^t have districts that they id Sangerville and Parkman, last Sunday. J ! teamer Diiigo, New York Henry ££££*' This is due tq road of Home Securities ADAMST Johnson, 1.500 39 00 speaking people. is ou the high dc x. _ ion*! a£?*i liould be properly and with ?ome 8i!vei|Moon Temple Mechanic > 4 eminence as a defined, eye Helen 2 land »t. 1,90 .0 from his of absolute success. The only Agents in the State representing all the Jrig O PLinney, Boyd, Buenos Ayres—A A f] tor Bent. VpWK1,8"buiy position o justice and rather than " £ [uuseon Winter street Ian 8tTeet. “dor- of fiction, and equity. Population WASHINGTON COUNTY. lolloping reliable routes: Spring. lot/** poet, and especially as a writer A 21-2 House, 14 room", arrange-l lor lute! aud he Republican vote should seem to regulate The Machias says the rec* nt jAA story land, Green street, 4,000 104 00 of that line Republican OUR one or two *es,» bard and sol- wafer, itable and from his the first kingly in and IFHOM CORRESPONDRNT.1 S Hin l?a‘,» land, west side Green 41 60 being his As this is the com- rains have started up the mills Machias, for rent with the lurui- east ol at, 1,6o0 important question. sch G * UU^ iDiple garden rojm; and Canton who have given fiction the may not have to and Fall River iOOTHBAY, Aug. #-Ar. P Maddocks. street, 9o0 23 40 novelists it is probable they stop BONDS , Line r**. to G£o H DlVlS & ‘‘o., and. 17- rj>a English mencement of a uew decade it would be well quite to.iinglon w .i“. Western Banks with 600 qtls flsh; Kate Me- Apply Cougre-a street. m (>o tor the season—unless the raiu should a 15eod2w Real Estate anti Brokers. on leased ex alted place in literature which modern poetry again Ci intock, Hodgdon, do 700 Jo. Mortgage wilding land, 270 Con- to have the county committee prepare au ap- tress stop first. OF THE 4ug 10—Ar, sch Oregon, Duuton, Portland* street, B00 13 00 lips abandoned for unfruitful elegance or un- that STEAMERS, on leased 268 portionment based on population. Cumber- We learn from the Republican' the ham •adding land, Con- extravagance aud licentiousness. It is of Mr Samuel Crane, ot Edmunds, was struck *i DOMKMTM: POUTS ^ for Sewer. gress st, of Mitchell, 609 1300 inspired laLd eouuty is entitled to tour Senators. Proposals ot house on ami cou- 5AN u.sfleld, Edward, part ol and not by lightning Tuesday evening last, 1 1UR0PEAN AND FRANCISCO—Ar llth, ship Black Hawk, n the novel to-day, poetry or the dra- The is submitted as an 1HE Committee ou Drains mid Sewer® will re 11 id 111 Congress street, 300 7 80 following imperfect sumed with all its contents, Mr. Cra* e had ERIE Cl owell, New York. land, RAILWAY, eeive until two o’clock P M. M Ellis, buildings and ma that “bolds the mirror up to illustration: and had driven his last In port lltb, ship Yo fer proposals Saturday, tnstield, nature”,and just finished baying, Semite, Mack, Heng Kong 19th tor the construction ot the cor. and PORT BLAKELY— Sid •’g next, lollowiug and, Congress Latay- furnishes a medium for the Portland wilh a population of 31,408 load into the barn not an hour before it was NORTH AMERICAN 4th, ship Matilda, Blako, £ vix: 15 00 communication of rbec.tyot f0 Callao via San Francisco. :wers, dte streets, (bal.) 1,700 should bt entitled to one Senator. consumed. M Mo'CH on with mankind. If the ireat Southern Mail CHARLESTON—Sid sch M M Strat- On Smith st, from Congress st. to Back Cove. man, K, building genius nineteenth cent- E wiili a of ft 113 Route, 10th, Pote, near Cape izibeth, population Tbe Machias Republican says Gilbert Farns- to n, Boston. ea-ed land, Commercial, a ol RAILWAY On Franklin st. trom st. to Back has no Wcstbi ook and Dcermg, with population 6,030 DO. Oxford Cove. m 1®° 2 60 ury poets, historians and speculative worth, of Falls, a young mau about DARIEN—In port 7th, barque John 9 Harris, Du- HLh street, ScaiboruugU of lor On Gray st from Stalest, to Park st. M miner, Charles H.. heirs of, ol the 3,386‘'Si eighteen years age, was drowned at that >, Germans ; >cbs Fa»u> K Shaw. Watts, tor philosophers very first rank, no preced- Gotham, Frank b'tire and land, 75 Frank In st, 1*800 46 80 2,426 place, Sunday, August 6th. He, in company PENNSYLVANIA S ; & Nellie, Gregory, lor Philadelphia. On High st, continuation ot present sewer. can boast Witidbam, f &N. A. RAILWAY is completed trom CENTRAL, ^ arston, Benjamin F, land, Port- ing age such name as Thack- with another mau were SAVANNAH—Sid loth, sch Bowdoin, tor seen of Scott, young bathing iu the to St. «lobn. New a Young, |^*Dcscrirdl»n, Ac, may be at the office 200 5 20 rHEE.Bangor, Maine, Brunswick, — P rovidenct. land street near Forest street, 19.256 AND- *1 *. eray and Dickens iu Total population, river, and young Farnsworth a istance ol 2f2 miles,—vith the ot' 58 le City Engineer. romance—names of men stepped upon exception GEORGETOWN, DC—Ar sch Harriet nrtin, Patrick, bouse and land, iliall constitute the western district. and was s Me. and the llth, Baker, The fight to r**je t any or all proposals is reserved. 00 wlio the log thrown into deep water, and being lilt between Winn, boundary line o! ebber, Boston 10 Briggs street, 1,000 13 occupy same relative in tbeir Ca.«co with a of 1,098 On till* Per order ot the Committee. vi place population unable to was The man t be State at Vanceboro’. |>ortion ihe track BALT I cDonnough, .lames house and switu, drowned. young J SHORE & MICHIGAN S0USHEEN MORE—Cld 10th, brig Gambia, Gilkey, tor W. A. art as Baldwin, 1»1°1 )D)« I eiug la both from Winn eastward and ,AKE l WINS HIP, Chairman, west 600 15 60 Milton and who was wi lt was d, nston: schs land, side st, Dante, Shakespeare occupy 2,685 him a swimmer, and tried to Ralph Carlton, Curtis, and Sami Fish, dtd Washington Bridgtou. J rom Vancpboro’ westward, and tbe work will be 1 eel. Boston aug 15,1871. w house and iu save hut came near his life in the cDonjwugh, Thomas, theirs, aud whose in literature 1.739 him, losing and trains running from to RAIL 20 80 piemiuence Gray * ompleted Bangor St. ROADS. Cl t lltb, schs Charlie toi ■ land, 7 Mnnroe str et, 800 Hart isou, 1222 attempt. Farnsworth w'as the sole de- next. Cobb, Kennedy, Boston; -. ..? With that of in Young fohn in September alow Shack>ord, Norfolk. y cGinnis, Thomas buildings and physical investigators philos- Naples. 1.058 pendence ot bis aged and infirm parents. Tb.s road will then be I_i n 1.. _ 1 <3A A 4-1 UA 1,100 TICKETS TO ACC PHILADELPHIA—Ar llth, sch R M Brookings, ( ophy is tile characteristic feature of modern OilstieM, POINTS Boston. Dolleotor’s Notice , cGoveren, small Raymond 1,122 YORK COUNTY. c ouglass, Dennis, building Below, Hattie S and M E on leased land, toot Park street, 300 2 60 intellectual development. It is a good sign of Sebago, 803 The In brigs Bishop, Pennell. Independent says: Kennebnnkport THE ONLY RAILWAY Cld llrb, Chimborazoo, for * cKenzie. James H, nouse on 1 Slandihh, 2.M95 brigs Coombs, Cbe'sea; City ot Portland. hat of *• on as Mr. Granville Hill aud his South and West leased 63 300 7 80 process amelioration which Tyndall N. Gloucester, •* Snnday night c H Kennedy. Dodge, Salem; schs H E Sampson, laud, Portland street, 1.496 DONNECTINU THE UNITED STATES s bouse and has two sons were out riding, the horse became lake. Portland; W H Thorndike, Hall, Rockland; Notice Is that Slate. and icVune, John, land, rays always been going on in the world. AND THE BRITISH hereby given County 100 2 60 and ran all three PROVINCES (New Boston or > lountam Saco. < Taxes lor the vear long I*land, Total population, frightened away, throwing Brunswick and Nova The Via \tw York. Laurel, Booth, llry 1K7<», were, on tho tirst day nt We almort without 15,519 Scotia). population ot tbe Ar loth, schs John L assess-d the ** lelcher, William H, bouse and might say extravagance shall constitute the north rn district. out of the carriage. The two boys escaped is about Tracy, Meservey, Boston; eptemher. t870, legally by Assessors ot uaritime Provinces ONE MILLION, nth H land, 37 Pine street, 4,800 124 80 1 Brunswick with a but Mr. Hill was -ALSO- I Baker, Lorlng, Portland. be City of Portland, oil the following described Real hat the novelists have done for morals what population ot 4,727 without any serious injury, md all the land travel, freight, mails. between house and »* &c., Ar 121 h, brig Annie M Knight, Davis, Gardiner; fi-tate, situated in said City belonging to proprietors lelody, Patrick, land, Cumberland, 16.6 so his spine being broken, that his body hem and the Uni ed States.will pass over this 300 7 80 Bacon did for philosophy—brought them down hurt, Trunk 8 *b Dauntless Coombs. Maya&oez. esident therein, la the sums herein set Briggs street, Freeport, 2,460 was from the lungs downward. ine.which is WITMoD I* COMPETITION. Pickets via No- to White Mountain! respectively , lerriil, Eunice, heirs house *' •» paralyzed Conway NEW YORK—Ar 11th, brig Abby Watson, Hoop- ■gainst each parcel or parcels ot said Real Estate; ot, li oni heaven to earth. The utilitai iauism and Har| swell, 1749 Although not yet completed, tbe business and )9 Hiie 36 40 of the r, Elizabethport tor Bos.on; schs Olive. Hudson, tm nd Tax Lists with a warrant for the collection ot land, street, 1,400 Pownal, 979 •oad is fn the 56 miles completed in Maine, exceed 27 Union street, 2,000 52 0J or already 1 ork, Portland; Comet, Dow, Boston tor Roudout; aid City lor the year aforesaid; and nine months Stately epic, the cold classic written die interest on two and one quarter millions nt dni. land. Congre s street, 400 10 40 drama, A New and very desirable Route. I iile. Metcalt, Rockland. I lave elapsed from the date of said ssfesment and the lor the Total population, 16,084 lars, ana will be largely increasing alter next lerriil, Sylvan us D. house and and to sept Cld lltb. ships Chancellor,Patten. Alex axes hereinafter named remain intelligent prosperous few, the shall o#lstitute lhe western distiict. the buidness to and Irom tbe Provinces. Liverpool; unpaid. 32 Lincoln 800 20 80 To Investors by larshall, Gardiner, do; John Ford, land, street, kind-hearted for To complete this road, and to it as as Jiuie aitiMrn, omcr imormaiion brigs Wesley, Names. Description ot Property. Value. Tax. n Granville Green 700 18 20 romance, written the millions. A better division may be made by the county equip tully ;ts maps, ana.mi ( Acelia Tburlow, White, Penartb Roads; lliler, D, land, st, business and tbe imsaed:ate •isbon; Idle, house and land, 2 1 Janies hoa«e and None but fools present large increase jbeertully furnished on application either letter 1 Martin- Mary E, filler, F, land, write — by Jdith, Fernandina; Owens, epics now. Carlyle, one committee for the action of the convention, •onsequent upon Its requires the Com- Crowley. Nellie, Park Place, 1,700 44 20 40 street, 130 CO completion, ►r i Smith, Harriet Spring 8,000 of the pany lias issued its Bonds lo tbe amount of Two person. jue; Wiley Mutler, Cape Haytien; Mien, and 3 James house and lew men capable of such a work, would but that some better understanding tbau now SIX PER OtTgOLD BONDS trewster. Squires, Richmond; Z Snow. Thorndike, Lydia H,buildings land, liller, P, land, Millions ol Dollars, secured by a south corner Salem and Walnut 1,000 26 00 58 Cumberland street, 98 80 no more Office No. 1 Exchange Street. | 3,80.) thiuk of one than he would exists should be entered into, is the judgment ISSUED BY T1IE talowin, William, and 3 Iit<*he!1i Amrni house and writing July 14-11 sn h ant, Silver Gardi- buildings K, land, Brown, Bangor; Belle, Bailey, land. Pleasant street 208 00 60 «>i as of Falmouth. ----- 1 ter. 8,COO York street, 2,100 54 lTuitaung iupper, reactiouary as he i9. small on leased FIRST & ONLY MORTGAGE ▲r 12th. barque Juan P Pearson. O'lver. Monte- building land,toot ! litchell, John B, 1 2 house and with August 12, 1871. & R. Attention, 17ili Maine* Park street 300 7 80 < hv.el Literature, science, political economy and Portland Ogdensbnrg R. Co., ideo 52 days; scbs Geo Washington, Sherlock, Bora- land, street, 300 7 80 ON ITS SATIRE ROAD AND P«Ol>- The 17th Maine Association will cele- Barberick, Ssmnel R, house and 1 house and 8 all other Begiment -oil 9 days; M W Drew, Jacksonville; Persis roles, Robert, land, things characteristic of this good Delegates to the County Convention EBTT rBonWINAlo VaNCBBOKO’ Perry, land. Walr.nt Lane 600 15 60 Beech Due in 1900. brate their Ninth Anniversary on Friday, Au- Smith, Robinson, Portland; Mary Brewer. Mills, street, 2,000 52 00 era in the world’s is [besides a Second Mortgage on the entire road and uai ucui |,g uouoo auu iniiUj JV floody, Harriet E, house and land history, thoroughly demo- The following towns have e'eeted delegates at rod Richmond, Gates, Rockland; SS Lewis, Gilford, equipments Bora Bangor to 56 miles. This 18th, Partland. They will embark at Water vi tie street 1,700 44 20 Melbourne 900 23 40 cratic. As science Interest in GOLD COIN in Winn, rod H udson, do. street, now occupies itself to the County Convention in this on payable Boston, portion cost some $2 ami the lien tbere- 8 45 a m. from Custom Postt Bibber. Catherine house and A. stable largely City 300,Or.O, only House Wharf, on Steamer Ar 13th, ships Nimbus, Kelley, Newport. E; Mo- P, doses, Joseph and land with to the DII is a mortgage to the ot Bangor tor land Beckett street 700 18 20 vvestol Franklin street, 800 20 80 working improve the material advan- 17ih inst., as follows: and city $1,000,000) Express, and proceed to some island in the ocka, Hathorne, Leghorn; barqne Megunticook, January July, in a bay, Blanchard. Mane G. house and —and, addition thereto, by KIB8T AND 1 Hurray, Hugh, house and Baldwin —Hiram where will the 3iane, Pletou. land, tages of the masses, searching eagerly to find G&tchell, Almon Young* DILI iBOBTUAUE on they enjoy good things specially and land, 24 Emery street, 3,300 85 80 284 Portland street. 900 23 40 1>. T. BRIDGEPORT-Ar llth, sch H W Wellington, the conditions of Richardson. Free from Government Taxi abundantly supplied tor physical comfort and all the Bond, Samuel, house and land, Newman, Daniel, heirs ot. hou^e proper rhompson, Bangor. Walnut Lane 1 001 26 00 land health,comfort,enjoy- usual festivities incident and south corner Hancock Bi'vnswick— Marshal Cram, La P. to the occasion. The annu- NORWICH—Ar lltb, scbs D Eddy, Hopkins, Ban- 300 ment and so the fiction of to- Booker, These are Coupon Bonds issued in denominations Acres of Land! land, Bond street 7 80 and Newbury sts, 2,500 66 00 safety, typical C. J. C. C. 800,000 al History will read tor; Pacific, Ginn. Rockland. Gilman, Humphreys, Thomas P. •t tlOOOond $500, and secure*by the Atsl and be there by the Historian Brackett, James W, land on Beach Nicbols, James B, house and land enforces fiimnaAn f., mn.. I? P T\ m _. l_, PROVIDENCE—Ar llth. schs W G B Mowrey, day right principles and benevolent of the entire and Said lands the same granted the Slate of Adjt. G. A. ot street 300 7 80 10 H igh street, 67 60 only Mortgage property being by Parker, Lewiston* Salon, Calais; Senator Grimes. Philbrook,do; Del- 2,600 action on his Alex. P. Minot. Franchise* nl ihe Oompiuv; covering sixty n»il#*s Maine to aid the construction ot this road. are As 1-2 land, Beach and Commercial Noonan, Thomas, house and land, people, and guards the j They the Association now includes all a ho were aware, Fullerton Bangor. against ol road now completed and in operation, from situated the Peuobscot and St. John streets, 200 5 20 48 Salem street 800 20 80 Cape El izabeth—Cyrus Reuben a’ong rivers, members of the it is Sid llth, scbs Ocean , Clark, Bangor; Gen spread of moral contagion. How much better Cole, Hig- Portland to the Whiie Mountain* at North onway an I are heavily timbered and valuable. Large Regiment hoped and expected house and land. Peak’s Island, 1,100 28 60 Nnvej, Henry M, house and land 50 gins, Geo. H. Fickett, Emerson J, 8. toward, Johnson, Augusta. on Higgins, The paid up subscriptions to the Capital Stock tracts, especially in th# fertile Aroostook Valley, (the that there will be a full attendance on this occasion. Bradley. Ja nes, building leased Lincoln street, 2,500 65 00 moralist is Dickens than Dante or Jehu Ar 12th schs Otranto, Hammond, Ellsworth; AS Milton! Fickett, L. Parrott, Jas. M. Robinson. amouut to $l.2(H».000. Tbe road is built in tbe moat finest district in tbe are valuab e land, Commercial street 1,000 26 CO DVreill, Margaret, est. ot Alex. agricultural State,) The expense mill be light. >akes, Rideout Bangor. How much better the principal are for farming lands as well as for their timber. This Brown, Henry A, house and land,8 Edmunds, Adnir, hilt house and is than Casco—Joshua C. Cook, David Duran. thorough manner; bridges All the Ar I3tb, scbs Bickmore, and Wm Penn, Thackeray a’>d t>e mperttruoture and equipment immense grant of lands about Railroads running into Portland have liber Challenge, Lincoln street, 1.200 31 20 land uortb ot Cobb’s Court, 600 15 60 Butler or ofiron, equals Calais; Clara Noitou, Bangor. \ Swift! How much better are Cumberland—Wm. L. Prince, Wm. 8. Blan- first class In «very respect. The business al- agreed to furnish free SViley, Gray, Burns. Edward house, and land O'Freill, William, hall h^u-e and • ally return ticket* Sid 12th. scbs Sabao. Lam«on, lor Philadelphia; Biza Blanchard. dfvelo|*e(J exceeds tbe of Marion street 900 23 40 land north of Cobb's 600 15 60 Mrs. Stowe, Miss Muloch or Eliot than chard, ready expectations 14,000 Acres to each Mile through the Secretary of the to those Jeean Clark, New York. Conrt, George (he projectors el the road, and the net Association, Ranger, Burroughs, John W. block bouses O'Neil, Ann, bouse and land rear Deering—David H. F. L. earnings FALL RiVER— Ar 12th, sch Kendrick Fish, Wall, Torrey, Milliken, are more than sufficient to the interest ou attending this re- union. and land, Federal sireet. 140 40 Hammond street, Pope! B. pay of Railroad with which are 5,400 300 7 80 Dennett, Andrew Harris, John N. they mortgaged. They Calais. I house and 131 Ladner, its unusually small Bonded Debt. cover Members will assemble at Custom House Butler Alonzo, land 3'Nei! Michael, house on leased Nor is the truth of our Geo. C. Codman. 1250 square miles (nearly as large as the State Whart- NEW BEDFORD—Ar lltb, sch Caroline Grant, proposition that the Cumberland st 5,500 143 00 land, toot Brattle street, 300 7 80 ot Rhode island, which is 1306 and on their arrival cars. Haskins. The subscribers in presenting these Bonds to in- square miles,) immediatety by Bangor. Calderwood, Ezra, honse and land James, brick general spirit ot modern fiction is Freeport—Mioah Stockbridge, Henry C. are ot great value. Ar 12tli, sch L. S Watson, Wells, Calais. O'Keiliey, buildings profoundly vestors iu this are confident that no Per Order, corner Walnut and Wills sts 900 23 40 and laud 65 Fore Brewer, Henry Amos Geo. Aid- community, Thus, besides tbe mortgage of tbe its VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar schs Col street, 2,900 75 40 ethical overthrown because Miss Brad- Green, Field, Is to show the and Railway, llth, Eddy, Card. A, house and wooden next Reade, rich, David R. Hawkes. argument necessary present equipments, &e., which alone is ample security for CHARLES W. ROBERTS, Vic Bean, Calais lor Bridgeport; M F Staples, Small, George land, buildings, easterly prospect ve value io the State ot Maine of this tbe Oxford street, 1,800 46 80 of 65 Fore street, 2,400 62 40 don, the author of “Red as a Bonds, there are timber and farm lands to the anlldlw Portland tor Philadelphia; L B Sargent. popular Rose is Falmouth—obn Trnnk Line of the un- Secretary. Sargent, John, honse and land Cum- ou Woodbury, Geo. T. Merrill, Railroad, concerting amount of Buck’s Harbor lor New York. Carey, )wens, John, house leased land She” and “Cometh as Oliver harbor of Portland with the berland, near rear 20 North up a Flower” and Hardy, Seward Frye. equalled Lake Ar 12th, scbs Marcus Hunter, Orr. Gardiner lor Poplar 1,400 36,40 street, 200 5 20 system of the West by the shortest Carrol, Edward, 4 bouse on leased Parker, bouse and land a H. possible 400 Acres to ~on~^arbTagh. New York; Portland, NeLon, Sliulee, NS, tor do Abigail C, strangely enough, large number of other Gray—W. Vinton, George T. Merrill. line an 1 constituting the most available and each Bond lan l. Fort Sumner 100 2 60 500 13 Thomas Hancock. Essays for Young Men, ou great SOCI1L EVILS BOSTON—Ar 12th, scbs Wm Fliut, Pest, Alexan- Cherry street, 00 women have a economical route to*- Wa-tern produce reeking a Chaffin, Mary C, house and land, ! Park r, William, land Washington writers, gained wide circula- also to ensure the thereof. and which interfere with MARRIAGE— dria, Union Flig. Simmons, Baltimoie; Koamer, Harrison—Philander European market. Its immense pledged payment ABUSES, Emeiy st 3,000 78 00 and C ve sts. being lo's 5,6 and tion for the record of Toltnan, Edward K. through The Bonds are for due March Foss, Philadelphia; Juliet. Strout, andOneids, Wats, their trafllc cacnor be wel' over estimate! and a most $1000 each, l, 1899, with sure means ot re'iet tor the and Unfor- Chick, house and land 16 on plan reoorded InCumter- filthy imaginings, Wiiituey, George H. Cummings. bear interest at Erring io; Geo Brooks, Hamilton, Portland. George, or because. prospe ons local busiaess is already secured. Diseased and Debilitated. Address Walnut st of Noble 700 18 20 land Registry, 500 13 00 Disraeli his to North — tunate, HOW- Cld I2lh, brig Lizabel, Tabbutt, Richmond, Me, to employs Tory pen Yarmouth J oh n David G. Jt must aiwavs be the great Clark. Leander,house on land leas- house and land Douglass street, 400 10 40 Kelley, pleasure thorough- ARD No. S. Nimh to lord tui Baltimore; >ch Idaho, Babbage, Bangor. class an Horace Hamilton. fare of the Eastern <»n one ASSOCIATION, 2, St., Philadel- ed of Cumberland st 100 2 60 Pennell.Chailes, heirs of, house eulogize privilege, aristocracy ot Loring, Sia.es, connecting route, SIY PER I'EMT PER AWMITIT Ar 13th, brig Saliva, Philbrook, th‘ sea const of Malue with phia, Pa. 26-SN3m Partridge, Trapani Joseph John heirs ot on and laud, 83 ( umbei land St., 36 40 rank and Standish—Vf m. H. Lake Sehago- the jy 3lark. Hoboken; schs B F Clary, building 1,400 wealth, the other accessories of a Dresser, Eliakira Wes- White Lakes Stahl, Waite, Aylward. land leased ot Dau- Pennell. Thomas, house ami land con. Samuel Mountains, Memphre., agog St Marc; Irvine. Mcl arren. CB; Cbas W Ladrigan, state of Dingley, John L. Chase, E.B. and Mt. Lake PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE-IN Lingan, forth st 800 20 80 5« Winter st 72 80 society that is happily Mitchell. Willoughby, Mansfield, Holt. Hart, Georgetown; J B Marshall. do: 2,800 passing away, Lake Seavjr, Hannah house and land cun (I i, ovci v/. aim Walt Whitman Champlain, George, Saratoga and Storage. Advances. Vf D Haskell, llaskell, Baltimore: Warren Blake, Cobb, D, uuuu'iig and SwiLburne do not the Hudson. Tue«e roa is are built <>v New 14 st 1,600 41 60 Lind, toot Cross st 2,300 59 80 give, Faimoutft—David L. Mitchell, Giles Eng- Meservey Baltimore Sarah A Reed. Bo- d, Phila Muidoy the Loring land men with Now and GOLD Cole, Lorenzo D, house and land 53 Phillips, John, heirs ot house and flavor ot their abominations to modern A. B. Brown,Jere. England Capita*, COIN, Storage to let in first class bonded warehouses on ie'phia; Martha Nichols. Regan,and Zicova, Mann Loring. wi>l oe under New who Oxford st 1,000bal8 20 land, 5 Salem st 1 300 33 80 England Managers, Brown*s Hoboken; Peace, Walts, Machias; Brunette, Webb poetry, which i3 live in the communities which and Wharf, and Merchants Wharf, and in Port- house and land 36 Franklin st 3,000 78 Potter, Ge >rge, heirs of, house and singularly pure, -whatever Thb ihiougo mey run, Free U. 8. Taxation. Searsport; Valparaiso, Sonies, Jonesboro; Elizabeth Cobean Wax.—The whose management of their own affairs warrant* the from laud Co*s York Dantorth and building and land. S cor Frank- laud. Washington st 300 7 80 its weakness. Reade and following particu- Sugar buildings Corn- Houdlette, Dresden; Pearl. Shor>. and J Warien, the foul-minded lars of luMie confidence in iheir and business lin and Oxford sts 4,600 119 60 Prbe, William house on leased the Corean war come the integrity Coupons 1 and men ial Streets. Bristol; Charlotte Rock- women by steamship payable March September 1, in New Sargent, Ann, Thompson, Eunice heirs house and laud, Cleaves st 100 2 00 who, without his dramatic or ability. York. Bonds land, Orizon. Oliver, Bath. Colley, ot, genius China via San Francisco. r^gis'ered if desired, Coupons made Advances made on property stored as above. 1 land 5 Cotton st 1,000 26 00 Quirk John. he«rs ol, house and even the payable (£•> each) in it Cld 14th, schs Jos Segnr, Ellis, St Domingo; Jas A power to imitate his to In the second Price at 90 and aecrned interest London, England, preferred. to J. B. BROWN & Cor'iss, Albert G, house and land land, rear North st 300 7 80 style,belong battle between tbe American present SINKING ot Apply SONS, Currier, Jacksonville Bertha Bonder, his FOND- AJI proceeds sales of land, Drooker, ; 14 Hanover st 1,600 41 CO Ratter, Daniel, heirs of, house and school, are squadron aDd the the latter in as well as ol timber and other ijlSan97 Street. Woos'er. surely ephemeral. For the Coreans, had 6000 Currency. products (herefrom, Exchange Eastpovt. Crockett, John S, building on leas- land. 23 Washington st 46 80 men armed with fhe SALEM—Ar schs H Haskell, Eliza- 1,800 contempoiarles of gingals and their bullets tell are, by Trustees, to be invested in these Bonds if llth, Curtis, ed land, Milk and Market sts 300 7 80 Building on lea^e 1 land, Federal Boccaccio, Rabelais, Bal. while can be at oar or short, the Are ot the American they bought less; otherwise in EXCHANGE betliporr; Eclipse, Robbins, Novlhport; Loocboo, Crosbv. Patrick, house and land, street 300 7 80 or and deadly Untied tttus. Rockland. zac, Fielding Smollet a succ-ssiou ot rifles told on the States, State or Municipal Secuiities. And rear 47 Washington st 300 7 80 Bedlon, Mary E. honse and fearfully enemy. Under I he — os- Ar 13th. sclis L & M Knowles. Philadel- land, cover of rank FIRST on July l, 1879, and annually thereafter until these Clements, home ! Hemlo-kst rakish adventures and amorous vegetation and tbe shelter ot a Crosby, Thomas, and land, 1.800 46 80 intrigues, if Bonds become due or are all paid, the E. & N. A. phia; Van Buren, Seavev, Port Johnson; N Jones. 20 a lull the Americans advanced within rear 47 Washington st 200 5 Richards, Benjamin C. house and of and an 120 yards Kailway Co. Is bound to to the Trustees a sum Ingalls. Elizabethport; Lucy Ames, Carl. Kondout; elegance style animated narrative of the forte before pay Scotland and Ireland! Cushing. George M, house and land 20 Salem st 700 18 20 they came within ran^e of of to one cent, of the amount ot England, Win Hill, Murphy, and Woodcock, Foss, Franklin; were momy equal per land Long Island 200 5 20 Same tor 1869 tax, bal 700 9 60 not wanting, was But the the Corean The Bonds Such Rowe, Batb. enough. peo- musketry. Coraans resisted outstanding. amounts, and all interest on Hand Exchange, Cusic. George, home and land Richards, William B. heirs of, desperately till the last. Lieut Bonds received on securities. t>elonging to the Drafts BEVERLY—Ar 10th, schs Chronometer, Walls, of the McKee was Minkin* Green leaf st 900 23 40 house and 7 Mechanic st ple nineteenth century, who are pre- Jane Fisb Calais. land, 1,600 41 60 killed as he entered the Mortgage Fund are to be invested a« above stated, and fttese Mid Barter, H. entrenchments. When AND- Davis, Nathan J. bouse and land Richardson, John land, Him- readers of tbe accumulations are tor the of NEWBURYPORT—Ar lltb, scbs Wm Arthur. eminently fiction, are not satisfied Americans reached the entrenchments the Principal and Interest iu solely purpose addition- Hampshire st 2,000 52 mot.d st 200 5 20 Payable ally providing tor the of the^e Hutchinson. Baltimore. even with the most brilliant Koreans succumbed. A number of redemption Bonds. Davis, William G, house and land Riley Pa'rKk house on leased land, dramatic ability. prisoners The Sinking Fund constitutes a third element Beady for Immediate Delivery! NBWBUKYPORT—Ar mii,ecbs American Chief, were taken, the officer great 456 Congress st 3,000 78 Fort Sumner 200 5 20 will have the including second in O- OLD ot security and strength, aud adds to the of Snow.New York; Pacific, Foss, do; CarolineC, Nor- They moral element was COIN, safety Dtvhan, John heirs of, honse and Roberts, Louisa house and very promi- command, who badly tbe com- these Bouds IN SUMS TO SUIT I wood. Elizabethport; Lyra, Pickering, Elisabeth land, wounded, land 45 York st 2.200 57 20 Washington st 300 7 80 nent, though that their mander-iu-chief been killed. The Trustees are Hon. HANNIBAL ot port: Webster Kelley, Haskell, do. they prefer novels having HAMLIN, Dennis, Edward, bouse on leased Robinson, Charles P. nouse and On the 10th of June Free Irom Government Tax. Banker, Me and J. EDGAR should not be tbe American force THOMSON, Esq.,* WM. E. Fort Sumner 100 2 60 13 Forest st formally didactic. This ele- ot Pa. WOOD, FOREIGN PORTA. land, land, 500 13 bivouacked in the forts, and the next de- Philadelphia, house and land and day The sub- cribcrs offer tor investment anil confident- lr of Allen 19fh nil all in Hmr W uf»n AilU Desmond, Daniel, Rowe, Henry Bakery land, 7 ment cannot be in author of this mol’shed the forts and The Trustees are authorized to receive the Bonds 67 Exchange St. lacking any spiked all the guns and ly recommend the described securities: 84 Newbury st 700 18 20 Lafayette st 2,500 65 the tallowing it Par anil Accrued Interest in for Agent tor Clew, Sc N, V. Cardiff. whose name fleet returned to the Boise payment Henry Co., Doherty, James, house and land 15 booses and land, between Lalav- age is to live. Reade and his anchorage. Two any ol the lands at their value. June 27-ti sn Sid tm Marseilles 28th Clara appraised ult, brig Jenkins, 15 60 ette and Merrill st days later the Coreans sent aboard a These Briggs st 600 1,800 46 80 school meet a letter fill- very desirable securities lor sale at Coombs, Denia. large for vici ed with the most Dooly* John,4 house on leased land Sawyer Alonzo W. house, exclusive temporarydemand insulting and abusive lan- SIX PER OT. GOLD BONDS S!d tm Live |>ool 31st nit, ships Merom, Lowell, for ous to Old Fort Sumner 100 2 60 ot land, Weymouth sP 400 10 40 intellectual excitement. The same demand guage, which no reply was made. Admiral Mew York; Teni/t-on. Graves, Calcutta. " ** n Joint First 90 and Aoorued Interest in Do ley, Sarah, 4 houses and land Sawyer, John Kodgers however sent to Being Mortgage Currency. Portland Ar at Gravesend gist ship from will no doubt exist but the Coreans to know Obseivatory. ult, Success, Chase, Washington st 3,806 98 80 land, 25 Merr hereafter, every pe what he should do with the U, S. Bonds and all marketable Mew Orleans lor Ixmdon. prisoners. The OF- securities receiv- on leased land. Fore st 6(0 15 60 Sawyer, Joseph riod its own ed at XTO should leave the visit* Ar at Falmouth Sist ult, ship Scotia, shop produces fit writers to minister Coreans answered he might do what he liked highest market|price in exchange for these Stranger City without Drummond, Joshua, house and land land, 68 Fedei with Bonds, and can be sent J-l ingthe on Hill. From 3uan*pe. Doughty, to it. No doubt the them. Two days later he set them at lib by Express and these re- Observa»ory Mnnjoy's Long Island 200 5 20 Stable on leas next generation will turned tree o* the cupola 2*7 fe above the S*a, be seen the Sid im Asplnwall 27th ult, barque N M erty and sent two Three New by Express, expense to the purchaser. may Haven, Drew. Gamaliel S, hoase and land street find messages ashore, but the lo- England Pamphlets further ccx entire City, the Ocean to the horizon. Cusco Etose, Pensacola. some author with sufficient genius and cal refused giving parttSuiars eruiug H«y 11 Clark st 600 15 60 Buildings on 1 authority to receive them, saving the connections aud with with its 365 Islands the Wkite Mountains ho At Baracoa 2d inst, sch Azelda & Laurie, Mclndoe, it business, Maps, showing Drinkwater, David, est. ot, house street want of to amuse it was as much as his head was worth Railroads the location and lauds of this miles distant, and wiih the rmn New York, just ar. principle by jolting along, to send road, sent free on ap- powerful Telescope and land, 91 Cumberland st, 91 Land 68 Fede them and it was no use to plication to mounted in the cupola miles distant in Ar at Kingston Ja, »8th ult, brig Karo ires. West. 3,500 now the hill of attempt to commuu- objects k30 Driscoll Daniel, house on leased Scott, William 1 up passionate triumph and icate STYLED THE every direction be on find The Mew York; sch J M Morales, further with the court. Mr. Low, tbe ELIAS may ly seen. views Newman, Wilmiug land, head Brown’s Court 200 5 20 street now down into MERRILL, here are safd to be unsurpassed for and va- on. NC. the valley of depression and American then sent a formal b?auty Duffle, Anthony, house Sears, .lames Minister, protest riety by any in (he world. Coi streetcars At Artcibo 31st ult, brig for wig ^»d L,____ that bis mission was Principal Agent of the for the gress pass Sullivan, Boston, land, st 200 5 20 st, near Park 460 imminent danger, now up in fierce and sue- peaceful and that the Vermont Division Company verv in ill III Oil Chi {..*>•» -i.n 'or cargo. Wintbrop 10 40 American attack was not lor the Male of At Ponce 28th 4 stores and land, foot ~*nge 3baw, Benjamin M, house on leas- (*PSsflll nnrenit tlm __ refusal to ne- Honda, nit, barque Andes, Davit, fro Pert st 209 ed cor. State and Portland gotiate hut because the Coreans had -OF THE- and. just ar; briga Almon Howell. lor New 8,COO land, treacher BANGOR, Caucus. Darla, house and east street — MAINE, Dyer, Eliza, land, 200 5 20 irregular passion, and now down into the in- xuc Hu-Huier York, ldg; Wenonab, Stone, lor Baltimore, ldg; ach Millet The Republicans of Falmouth are to of Elm st 2,208 57 20 Shaw, Edwin S. west of was then OB TO requested Jyguus. Small, lor Philadelphia. Land, evitable contact with despatched lo Shanghai with dis- Dyer, Martha P.3 lots N E of st 300 7 80 peril and suffering—so meet at the town houso on 15th at 4 At Mayagnex 20th ult, brig. SP Smith Im land, Munjoy patches for Washington. Portland & Trunk Tuesday Aug. Dodg*, Eastern Promenade. 400 10 40 Sberridan, Martin *iouge and and Ogdensburg D’clock m. ti choose Bangor, disg; Ueorge W Chase, tor New land, hurrying along, up down, up and down The and Palos p. delegates to attend the coun- Pettengill, Mary Ann, and 50 st 65 Monocacy will be docked and SWAN & BARRETT, York; and others. Dyer, buildings Newbury 2,500 with no limits to the rest of the ty convention. Also to choose a town committee for land, S ot Danforth st 1,700 44 20 Shuttled’. A retas Storo and the writers’ invention but squadron will return to Chefoo r*... .i •) v...... j 1 land, and Eailroad Line. 6 Moulton st wait for instructions. One hundred thou- Bankers and Brokers, the ensuing year. TPer steamer Main, at New 2,500 65 those imposed by the publishers as to the York.) land, IVfclbourn st 6C0 15 60 Simpson. John heirs of, house r*‘IODS were sent to Per 2fih, Frank N Keaxer, } 8a5,Z Chefoo. Years to lOO Middle Mtreeti.Portland, Orier Town Committee, „Ar ?,t.Llvprl>0°1 Thayer, Dver. william house and land i and bind, 109 Green st 800 length ot the book. Some one will be found The Coreang Twenty Run. New Orleans. H, 20 80 fought like men. Their weap- Falmouth 11th 1871. N side Spruce si 78 heirs house ons are lyon completion (in 1872)of 60 miles of Railroad Aug. Ar at Bristol 30th ult, Atlantic, Pennell. Llusne. 3,000 Simpson, Nancy of, j to do this as well as wretehed old firelocks and their cut- Interest bouse on leased land and land. 109 Ureen st Charles Reade, who there- payable in GOLD COIN, in BOSTON, iow building, between St. N. and Ar at Cardiff 29tb, Alice M Ant- Embly. John, j 400 10 40 lasses made of soft iron John, B, Halifax, Mmott, Lowell, Macison st 5 20 which bent like old N. there will be an Caucus. verp; Danl Havre. 200 Skilling, Margaret land, 93 Cum- upon will be nnd S, uubroken line ot Railway Draper, Clark, forgotten. hoops. They were dressed in armor of May November, Tom Halifax to all Ar al English. John,bouse on leased land berland st 900ball5 60 nine the chief cities of the United The Republicans ot Windham are to Shields31ft, Fanny, Eaton, Amsterdam, But there will thicknesses of cotton requested Ar at Hammond st 200 5 20 Small, l'eborah land 80 Cumber- hardly be found those to padded so that only rifle states, and as two or three days ol ocean travel can Harre 27th nit, ben Butler, Chase, tm New Free from Government meet at the town bouse in said town on Eveleth, Francis house and land st halls could penetrate Their Tax. ie and about 36 hour** time from Tueiday York. O, 1,500 39 Walter Scott. them, swords pro- avoided, saved, 6 Forest st 700 18 20 8t John land supplant Certainly his two duced no New in to or 15th at 3 o'clock m. to choose to Cld 28th, land, Smith, 42 Middle st 4 500 117 effect. The documents These under me mau York, going coming Horn Europe, by Aug p. delegates Priscilla, Jones, Cardiff. captured railroads, substantially ■ail Sid Fabyan, Mary, house and land Smi*h, William y. house and great succsssors are as as showed the to or from a business in ittend~tlie convention 27th, Freeman Clark, Cardiff and land, imperishable Hom- Corean government had planned ugement, are being constructed in the Halifax,— large pas- county to be holden at Port- Bosworth, Bondst. 1,000 26 33 Smith .t the rapidly sengers, mails ami will be added to Jnited States; 29lh, John Tucker, Taylor, 1,600 41 eO er. In Dickens it is surprise of the American fleet and were freight thereby land on the 17th Newport Farmer, James buildings and Stiples, James bouse and probable that there was most thorough and economical manner un- ;he traffic over the E. & N. A. Aug. ind do. L, land, astonished at the failure of Railway. land. Cumbe land and Pearl sts 390 50 Pleasant st seen the forts to annihi- der Per Order Town Committee. Ar in the Texel 29th Hosea tm 15,000 2,500 65 the culmination of this kind late the supervision ot the most em.iuent and Julyl3-sueod2m T.Tdfc 8 Rep. nit, Rich, Pomeroy, and Cumberland particular foreign vessels at the first fire. The ex- practi- Jitavia. Buildings land, Sterling, Abraham house and land of h as cal business men ol Northern the rash Terrace 8 000 2^8 Island, literary ability, and so au pedition accomplished no change in the re- Vermont, Ar at 27th ult. Marcia j BOO 13 00 great impression Hamburg Ureenleat, Poole, house aMd land 47 Dantorth st 15 000 390 ! land of Trott Peak*. lations of the two and .toe It anbaeription. .undent to Tackle TV t o E ! ’hiladelphia; S 29th Island, 100 2 60 did he make on his fellow men countries, Minister Low being pre- Fishing O T Blanchard, Meady, Callao; Farrel, house and land Stetson, Elizabeth heirs that the #uu ind Admiral will riioJ Lord. Day, do. Timothy, ol 2-6 land Rodgers await instructions pare the road for the iron. The local busi- -and- 68 at 1,600 41 60 Dan tort has hardly yet come out from the cloud that Irom \V before Cigar store that wai advertised for sale at 229 Sid tm Cuxhaven 28th alt, Grace lor Washington list, 200 5 20 ashington proceeding to further nei. created tils line is Sargent, Pote, land. Larch st 100 2 60 John T bouse and hostilities. already along amply THECongress street, has removed back to the old England. Feeney. Timothy, Sterling, land his deata last summer Twelve native Christians came Felt. Je«sie house and land, Penh .Island spread over the whole ■nffleient for nil it, running Expense, and Goods stand on Exchange street, where I will still manu- In Elsinore Sound 27th nit, Carrie Coch- S, BOO 13 00 along side the Admiral’s Sporting Wyman. Franklin st. 39 Rcvcns. Geo M, louse and land intellectual flagship in a junk and lacture the choicest brands of cigars. I will invite an, from lor Stettin. 1,500 139 world. to be the Interest on iu Bonded Debt. The road In at Philadelphia 6 Ox lord begged takeu to Shanghai, and that their variety ill my customers and triend9 in general to call and Felt, Samuel, house and land, st, 2000 52 00 be passsa the of Laurel st 65 ! Stevens’ Isaac S on leased burned to prev* nt its into through garden Vermont, and is examiue my goods and get posted ou the puces. I [Per steamer at New Yoikl 2,500 building A Democrat to the junk falling the Algeria, heirs house and Middle and writing Argus, says bands of the native to connect by a branch with < have all brands ot Imported and fine brands Files, Statira, of, land, Hampshire sts, 300 7 80 authorities, who would already begun Burling- 1. B, 69 St. Cigars, A r at Liverpool 1st inat, Shatmuc, New Or 20 st 60 that “Gov. is LUCAS’, Exchange >t Smoking Tobacco. Soule, land. Parris 1,600 bal41 Ituart. Timothy E, house and land Perham far from and thereby discover from what ton, on Lake Ibe must ] eana. popular village they came Champlain, important I want Foss, James A, building and land W side Poplar st 500 13 »ud their two first class Cigar Makers—uo poor ones Sid im Falmouth Grant is less so.” it is true punish relations. The request was distributing in Northern New wanted. 80th, Vigilate. Whitmore, (Irom 35 Middle st 85 bou«e and land Tate and Brack- Yes; that this is point England. K. PONCE, No. SO Exchange St. S 2,500bal35 granted. Graphite Axle Grease. isseiu) lor Vlardiueen; 1st, , Bartlett,(fm Owen, house and 5 ett st* 91 so—with the The bonds are issued, for the convenience of invest- ( Gallagher. land, 3,500 Democrats. the war, yi-tr_ lallaol lor Antwerp. Water vi Heat 26 store on leased During in lare, 1,000 land, Congress at 2,800 72 80 Grant was The directors of the ors, denominations ot $1000, $500, $100, both regis- your Wagon, Hone, Temper, Tio e Ar at Cardiff 29th ult, Samuel Walts, Hyler, Lly- store and land, ot Gi iftin the most unpopular man in the na- American Steamship Gerry, Elbrldge, land,280 Washington st, 400 10 40 tered and coupon, have been committed for sale to and Honey. HlJ.im irpool. Fore st 3.000 78 00 land, Brigg* st, ot Edmunds 400 10 40 tion next to Abraham Company of Philadelphia have awarded the MIE+llt/ Ar at Gloucester Lincoln and the known 31st, Palo Alto. Berry, New York Gooding. Richard heirs of, F Brad- Riles, Elbri *g»,t-2 house and land Secretary widely house of E. & T. FAIR- Sid tm Stanton, with the sontract for building four iron propeller stcam- Never Gums. Hardens, or Buns Off! 1 am prepared to sell Marseilles 28tt nit, Clara Jenkins, Coombs, lord, Agent,land 58 Federal st 300 7 0 58 Greeu st 1 800 46 30 Copperhead Democracy._ BANKS A CO., St Johusbury, who with their Tenia. 1-2 house and 1-2 honse in front of 58 ihips for the line between ^“Outlasts ary other lubricant three to live times Gormly, Patrick, Green st 400 10 40 Mr. Perham, then in voted Philadelphia and brauch houses. land, 11 st 100 2 60 1-2 houod healthy roots and herbs, such as Sarsaparilla, land, 9 Franklin st 4,600 119 60 gress st, 4,000 104 00 and for the For further Vild Yellow Iweetsir. stable on radicai that is as enals, purpose of competiug iu capaci- inloimation, pamphlets, &c, to Cherry, Dock, Prickly Asb, Thorough- Pronounced by Connoisseurs Hanson, Josiah, bouse and land.21 HonryN, leased change, gentleman just and apply land Willis far from y speed with the best steamers afloat. rort, Mandrake, Rhubarb, Dandelion, «&c., so com- Munjoyst 1,300 33 80 street, 300 7 80 popularity with them as in 1804. l he award of uutided as to reach the lountains ot and ab- “The Good Sauce.** Portland & Rochester R, Harkins Michael, house on leased Iwttt, Abby house and lond Hancock the contract is a sufficient an- disease, Only R, J. B. olutely cure all Liver and Bilious Diseas- 34 Walnut st 200 5 20 at 400 10 40 wer to the disparaging sta'ements BROWN & Humors, It improves appetite and digestion, and it is unriv- land, Political Notes* lately put SONS, j Costiveness, Scrofula and lied tor its Route to Harkins. Thomas, house and land Jylvester Heleu M house and land 4 1 [«rth envious New ,11 ^.^H^ice,Dyspepsia, flavor. through j Boston via by Yorkers, and d'fficulties from a diseased stomach ot im- 26 Pleasant st 41 60 Brown st 3.200 83 20 Ben Poore of he justifies PORTLAND, ME., arising We are directed by Messrs. LEA & PERKIN'? to 1,600 Perley the Boston Journal is predictions of the friends of the ►ure blood. of unrivalled success has Rochester. Theodore E rapley James F ot line. Twenty years prosecute ail parties making or vending counterfeits. Harmon, buiblirgg ard part building in said to be deaeral Agents of the Portland A tf) k® Ihe best medicine in tbe world. ON AND AFTER land June. Congress and Portland city, Westbrook line 700 18 20 helping Gen. Butler obtain the Ogdens. ] JEO. JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, W'DlTTn MONDAY, JULY C. GOODWIN & CO.. Boston, and all Wl. trains leave* Port- streets 2.200 57 20 raylor, William and Alex., house and nomination for bnrg Kailrond Company, and ’,8t8# Drug- augl2sn6m Agents, New York. passenger Governor, to Agents | feb24eod16w j rod at 8 A and 1:45 P M, at Rochest- Harris, Ella S, 1-2 bouse and land land 5 St Lawrence st 2,500 65 00 expecting step State Newa. tor M, connecting the sale of the joint Bonds, of the er With Canton st 800 20 80 shop on leased land Commercial st 200 5 20 Into his shoes as member cl from Boston & Main# Kailioad for Boston,via Do- Congress Vermont Division. Dr. Blcknell’s er and all intermediate stations. With the Harrt«, Stephen, house and rbayer Joseph H J house and land the Essex ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Syrup, Eastern land,97 district. It is a matter of the cure l tailroad for Boston via Great Oxford st 57 20 141 Brackett st :t non 79 no regret in g&^Forsale by all Bankers and Brokers, for ot Bowel or Summer complaints, acts Falls,1 Portsmouth and 2,200 Lewi8‘ou. on leading ike * II intermediate stations. With the Hartshorn. Caroline Hrarston Jane P Mrs 7-14 ns land N that a so JFe&Was□r flling Saturday, 15 sn 2aw magic upon Cholera Mor- Dover and Win- M, house and journalist should desire to to * $28 per ton. aug Tu& Til Dysentery, olarihcea, W of Turner street to shore go )us, Colic, damp, Sick or Sour Stomach, Dyspep- 1 ipiseogee Kaikoad for Alton Bay, Wo!fborougb. land 36 Winter st 2,800 72 80 700 18 20 as to work The Lewiston Journal I'hurston Jane P guntian land Turner Congress for a nomination. says Daniel Rocklin's lia, <&c, givir g immediate relief. Free trom opiate, < lentre Harbor and Meredith. With Portsmouth, Haskell, Charles H, buildings and Lmcoln street 200 In rtp**t w->s robhed md never produces costiveness. Designed for chil- < Ireat Falls and Conway Railroad lor South Milton, land, Congress and Grove str et 5,500 143 5 20 Cincinnati a secret < rTo«0? Friday oigbt 4-6 land 20 street 400 tO organization, known $20in money, a watch, six boxes of Iren as well us grown pet sons. Sold by all dealers 1 lilton, Union and Wakefield. Hawkins, Thomas, house on leas- adjoining Tyng 40 1 cigars6 5 20 'ibbetts Kuius bouse and land Urove as the Union League United Sons of Ameri- ud a keg of cider. n med cine. Please give it a trial. Prepared only Leave Rochester for Portland at 7:40 a. m, on tho ed land. 7 Dantorth st 200 Tackle, a rri vat of trains from John and land at 1,700 31 20 that the Fishing Goods, >y Edward Suttcn, ot Providence, It. I. jyl9si.3m morning Lake Winnipisx>gee Hayslette. T. house ca, composed of Lincoln and “BONDS. Sporting nd and at 28 60 bouse and land Douglass st 400 10 40 principally young < w® Jo.u^»-nl’,ite8 Wakefield, 4:46 p.m., on arrival of the Congress below 1,100 working- continental Mills have done a Observatory buil and is very large busi- rains via Boston & Maine and Eastern Railroads Hearlev, Michael bouses and Land tings land Bramhall st 3,700 90 20 men, forming :o oppose Roman 1 And house and land Catholicism Tha of Cutlery j * saving Boston at 3.00 pm. foot Hancock 3,200 83 20 8. cor. Congress and production FOR j # in all A h?The Lincoln wfJSSTV.M? Mill has been L E . Portland Institute & Public Library trains leave and Vaughan,ts 132 00 places. similar has increased two • Portland at 8 ▲ m, and 1.45 p Robert B, buildings 7,000 party been or by _S_A. Sign of the “GOLDEN Way m, Henrv, J ] housand pounds of RIFLE.” i >r Morrill's, Cumberland land, from Green'to Mechanic sts 4,500 117 ighe Martin house and land rear Fox in goods per week, and the _ Mills, Saccarappa, Gor- ganized Baltimore since the twelfth of of State ottMaine Buxton bouse and >t 400 10 40 July ] the Continental Mills has been 6’s A® 46 am, Centre, Saco River, Hollia Centre, Herbert, James, land,49 riot iu New York. 1 Induction Exchange Street. lentre Waterboro.* South Forest 4.800 124 80 ^ 'obey Sally heirs of house and land □creased from three thousand to four Portland NOTICE Waterboro*, Alfred, thousand 6’s. pnngvale, East East Herbert, John, house and land, 24 Fore st 800 20 80 Colonel John ounds The Lincoln Mill is now 6. L. BAILEY. Lebanon, Rochester. Rocbes- 1 M. one of the turning off ir. Brattle 1,300 33 80 odd .lohn M land Vine st ol Parker 600 is 60 Connell, great J ver Portland & Rochester R. R. 7’s street, fifteen thousand pounds of Hill. Luther house and 19 brick house exclusive of land N E of Ohio goods, weekly; The are notified that on and after Leave Portland at 615 p m for Cumber- J., land, lights Democracy and a orator * be Continental Portland public hereby Morrill’s, tide Vine street stump about thirty-two thousand & Ogdensburg R. R. ( ind Mills, Saccarappa, Gorham, Buxton Abler street, 1,800 46 80 3 000 78 00 the ounds JOHN i o-day, no books will be issued ai- Centre, 1 Chas estate A B of first class, has written a letter to Seaa- per week. The Continental makes Gold ADAMS, to.subscribers, g aco River. Howe, Nancy, house and land, 10 rowbridge ot, Holden rown 6’s the room will 31 20 adin’r house and land 123 { cottons the hough be open to readers UuriBg the Leave Rochester at 7.40 a m, and 4.46 p m for Bast Alder street, 1,200 Braokett tor Thurman to take exclusively; Liucoln Saccarappa, has the best assortment street refusing any part in the l leached cottons. European & N. American R. R. of Lsual hours this week. I .ochester, East Lebahou. South Hunt, Richard K. shop and land, 2,000 62 06 Springvale, Alfred, Chai A canvas faterboro', Centre Hollis 8aco 308 Congress street, 1,600 41 60 ickeiy, shop and land Free st 3,500 91 00 approaching unless the re- KENNEBEC Gold Subscribers are to return all books on or Waterboro’, Centre, J falker F party COUNTY. 6’s required f Buxton Cum shop and land, cor Congress and Moody building and land 19 nounces the liver, Centre, Gorham, Saccarappa, heresy of the “new Dresden Central Railroad of iowa Gold 7’s efore Saturday tbo 19th inst. I erland Mills, Portland. Brown str ets, 1,500 39 00 Temple st 6,000 156 91 departure.’’ > belonging to the Morrill's, house and .VUIOO land, west oi 8t. John st ot 100 2 60 land near * edar Grove ot On and alter the 21st, tho will be kHH/U unci Ml U.tIV rn. B iUI IU UAWU UCU UC, Lang, Congress Really now, things do look a little Company, Portland, was bHrn- West Monday Library bouse and chequered d Wisconsin R. R. Gold 7’s lorham, Saccarappa, Cumberland Mills, Morrill’s, Intchlnsou, Isaac, land, Vaughast. 6,800 176 80 for the Saturday morniDg. losed for examination and repairs, until further no- 34 Winter 900 23 40 rail,Peter store on leased land Fore st 00 Democracy out in that direction. The The Kenuebec Northern Pacific R. R. Gold CARRIAGES!;In the a t.d Portland. st, J 2,(XM) 52 7-30’s Journal says the body of Cap- Slate, ice. siey, Parker, heirs ot, land, 54 Faith, Edward house and laud Deer st 4,500 117 00 are * iiu Win. Stages connect as follows: way they gettiug their claws into Call, who was drowned a few Franklin st. 800 20 80 ^ Fard, John, bouse and land 4 .Madison each weeks Per Order Committee. At Gorham tor West and No. * nee, at the mouth of the At the Lowest Gorham, Standiah, nnes. Charles G, billiard saloon, street, C00 15 60 other’s hair is if not Kennebec, was WANTED Prices / limtngton, exciting dangerous. ashed ashore on k. a. jnuvks, Librarian. Daily. Peaks* Island. 500 13 00 \ Fanl, Patrick, heirs ot, house and land It Salter's island and recovered Aug 8-aneod 2w At Buxton Centre for West turns out that the 8 few fjtate ol Buxton, Bonny Bugle rewett, James M, house and laud 139 Congress 57 20 St. Louis election was days since. We understand that the fu- Maine Bonds. Monday, August 14lh, 1871, snti 6 nd daily. street, 2,200 Llmington, 3 Parris street, 54 60 \ Fari, house on leased land not very eral services took on At Cen. Tor Newflele. 2,100 Henry, disastrous after all. There were six place Saturday at Hal- Bangor and Bath Bonds. Watsrborough Limerick, robDsm, Ansel H, home and land foot Brattle 200 520 l1 'araonstield and street, COUIltV limt!i>uu i. _ i IHCII) Ossipee, and Tuesday* Thursdays Long Island, 300 7 80 \ Fark. John, louse on leased land foot '-in Bank Stocks. For Sale afar alternate a rl_f every ais- Gorham of ! lays, returning days. Charles house and 200 5 20 trlct the Burgess, Manchester, has a flock At Center rohnson, H, Brattle street, BY- Waterborough tor Limerick, Parsons- 614 land republicans Increased tbeir 0 forty-three turkies who have formed a co- SterlingExchange. land, Congress street, 1,000 26 00 \ Farren, Benjamin F, house and 1 eld, daily. or diminshed majority ENGINE AND BOILER, En- rohnson, William D. on 17 North 15,00 39 00 the irtoersbip with the crows in II. M, P A ¥ 2ECOND-HAND Freight train will leave Portland tor Rochester and building street, majority of the democrats exterminating SON, | j gme five horse power, upright tubular boiler, leased cor Silver and Milk \ stable and land rear as £ e The Jills on 1 itermediate stations at 5 A. M. land, Farren, Timothy, with the grasshoppers. turkies and crows meet Bros. & complete running order. In use but a short time. street, 1000 26 00 compared vote of last id |B ANKER AND DROKER Baring Go., ! Leave Rochester for Portland streets, 100 2 60 29 Washington April Tire 2 freely mingle, and seem to .pplv to the First National Bank, Biddetord, Me. and Intermediate Charles and land rear 33 Washington election of greatly enjoy 8 .a* ions 12.15 P. M. fordan, H, house land, house and Tuesday last e! ich other’s use 32 autsntf mrlOsntt Forest 1000 26 might fairly he called society—to the expressive Exchange St., Portland. Leave street, 26 00 street, 00 Union Bank of Centre Waterborough with Passenger Car 1,000 bouse and land 9 a drawn ords of Mr. are ." .—'-) 'ordan, house and \ David, game. The democrats and Burgess, they all mashed in London, a ttaclied at 2. 50 P. M. for Portland and in ferine- James, land, Fa’erhouse, republi- u Kether. This curious Quebec street. Salem street. 700 18 20 cans elected each fellowship suggests to Batchelors Hair -AND THE- IQ ABB IED while Wednesday, Brown, leaves the Lair*clean, soit, does suit, j,y Jameson, QUIN BY, Sup* bitten, Nathan, heirs of, hou«e and registered ns, hauling a load ot beautitin; festbrook. and Mrs. Saloma Allen, ol Portland. 22,1871. Limba'l, Isaac K, house on leased voters, only 21,.‘194 voted, leaving b hay, fell from the Portland, July 39 00 land 63 Brackett street. 2,000 52 00 ad, breaking his arm O In Boston, Aug. 10. John H. McCue and M.iss Sa- land, 145 Oxford street, 1,500 15,000 badly. a» pound. Sold by all r. B. BROWN & illiams, Fannie E, 1 house and land who be counted ol d Thursda^ Druggists. oi Portland. William and absentees, may fairly gentleman named Enoch Fac 1G BOND S SONS, ih Me Dade, ting. A, shop land, street, 400 Hask“n, who° 1^ orv. rREET.INiY. jel3-sntt 97 CJirl Wanted. corner 1.400 36 10 Washington lo 40 to (rom a felt. ■ Portland ami B«attle Ms, upon give a covering broken lee had thre. «„ SN DAW 1Y- Kxchange " illiams John, and land 79 republican majority when a jilt Charles land Deer building [‘ own from one of his that Is acquainted with folding, to work in a tnapp, P, st, little DIED. D st 600 ® Washington ►tre»*t, 800 20 80 excitement ont a lull vote. band,\y ( Book -bindery. Inspp, illy Mrs. land Deer, w Thomas on brings di scharge of a blast in )NE and inslow, C, shop leased getting out stone. The tul5 3t SHORT & Lnight, George H. building -—-- ss me LORINO, HARMON. 104 oo land, 277 Commercial street, 700 day, Sidney Brown, while at work JUST PUBLISHED. FIRST fo >t Brackett street, 4,000 18 20 in a MORTGAGE land, oodm n, Harriet, heirs ot, house and ingle roaobme, slinped, and his In this city. Aug. 14, Mrs. Lizzie, wife of Lemuel «acy, Edward, bouse on leased lias hand ca-ve In one Price SO cent.. 0 land Vaughan street. correspondent found on ion the Volume, ryant, aged 77 years 6 months. land. Fort Sumner. 1,300 bal 28 8n tOP island of ^ saw, cutting in to the bone 0011 man & Deer Din r UJ through this n. i. Li'tlejohn. buildings on Ve e he following Medical Lectures for Gentlemen: [Funeral Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at Parties ■Ilham. George M, estate 01, of about 300 palm. Wishing leased land, P01 tland street. 300 7 go l»msea ‘ 1J * o. 2M Wllmot street. Friends ami relatives are in- Adror.. house ami l*nd. u,at T ,COaiU,Um,J PENOBSCOT 1. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE: Portland & Sterling. 100 building on leased York Clam th* of COUNTY. Rochester ted to attend. 200 laud, street. 500 13 00 City. Iu u 1 Long Island, « oodman. Na han M, house inh'l, (From our 2. PREMATURE DECLINE INMAN. In Augusta, Aug. 13, Miss A*nn B. Gale, 09 Light Genteel Thomas S * Son, shop ami land “0t °ver-bur- Correspondent.) aged Business, aughlln, *• dened with 185 Commercial st, 200 8 20 197 Cumberland treat, 3 300 85 80 learning. Fa,her “a® 3. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. 7 ;ars ,on leased land, Sev. David Boyd, G. W. C. 8.. and State RAILROAD With Small house and House and land 31 Green is 0lJe,t CO. At Bryant's Pond, Aug. 13., oi cholera inh&ntnm, Capital, eatherboro. John, land, street, 3*400* 88 40 inliabitant, patriarch. 11, Lt cturer of the I. O. of G. has 4 DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE SCO 7 80 and betweet ami T., recently vis- aJeu Florence, only child oi F. M. and rear 95 Dan orth st, Washington Poplar *Very * I MnryP. Will Sunday. The writer represent it* J Dexter. The members ot the order were RGANS. m artiett, aged 1 year. do we’l to cull ut ,ibby, Addison, land, west ot Lew- streets, 2 60 m'168“8 500 13 00 houses and land 8i|y- mi icli pleas d with his visit. in other E. SPERM 4 TORRIUEA. Is street. \ Brackett and Sa- iDg: Lodges .-.. lem C'’ mties PER CENT. = 1 09 MIDDLE Alonso H, house and land, streets, 2 000 52 00 To make a would lie to see him. 8. 6. ABUSES OF THE NA BONDS 8TBEET, ,ibby. woman glad TUBAL 700 IS 20 land and buildin. s liappy you must lee , lew FUNCTIONS. J lEPARTlKE OF OCEAN 8TEA8I GR8 St. John street, | Fmltli street, *900 23 40 have her own loose comes into Bangor market 7. TREATMENT AND | In the block bouses and I houses on leased and tin- hay CURE. \ Gallery, anl4d4w ibby, Horatio T, land Cumberland way, worst thing v.m iu for NAME. WHERE PROM. DESTINATION. 124 80 can do is to hind a , plenty the season, at.d last week it 24 Chestnut street, 4,800 52 00 woman ha S Price 50 cents mail. land, ... 2,000 down for a lifetime been a by Address the Dr. Ii itcrml .New 44 60 *.treetv to one man little dull at to aDd author, Payable April'nnd B enry Cbauncey.. York.. 15 same lor I860 tax, 4,800 Cc wie, John, on leased n„ matter how much to $25 $28 $30 per c JRTIS. 9 Tremont Oelobrr, free Aspinwall_Aug Wanted. building land she loves Place, Boston. •* hercrnment Tax! O oi Merida.New York. .VeraUrus.... Aug 16 house and rear 24 Chestnut W ride Port and 7 80 She was born to be the of ty land, street, 1,000 equal man and noi mr8-sncodly Junl3 ..New York..Liverpool.Aug 16 300,000 deed merchantable SVBCI' street, 1,200 31 20 Fl mg, Henry, lot and stable east side Ins slave; there I say unto ,h 4,10 c,r* 0D 4he train my young women Denominations c oi ManchesterNew .... Aug 16 John S and Wile, house and 400 1040 “Ho mate with it’wint'ihJobeh o"* ?.f $200, $500, $1000. ty York..Liverpool ] IARREL STAVES, and 100,000 ei«hs lbby, May street, a man. hut. ver consider W eduesrlay HamPden Road bridge, 17 land, 145 Spring st. 1,200 31 20 your: Diclft i'le rhe subscriber offers these Bonds to Patrick.Quebec.Glasgow.Aug 11r In me as ° ® wl,eu ;>rt time.y "™ bD4 * biscustoraeis a dumoia .New York .Havana.Aug 17 Hoops. Ibbv, Matthas bouse and land, tnd by virtue of Ibe authority vested you bt‘lieve it Machinists’ Fine d the them a no- r J>ad Tools, public believing sale and well nav- n Limerick... .New York. ami Franklin 3,100 kO 60 C< Hector oi said Citv ut Finland. I hereby give ears AwTffi “S? ~ oi 17 FLORENCE HcCABTMV, Lincoln streets, your "duty?” £ ocst over passeu- iu : ty .Liverpool... .Jkug and *11 $7000 ,tallroad 5 rwist Drill*, Beamern, security. and 31 Lincoln st. 83 20 ti< that unless said taxes, acciued inte'es* a e.r eiuessis.New York..Liverpool.Aug 17 No 3 ■iehardMa’s Wharf bouse land, 3,200 :e. Such if made superior i" sinCB- l*rice tor the present 95 and accrued Interest. are paid ou or betere doctrine, would strength i p ■ussiaii. Quebec .... 19 hour* and land, 87 Franklin st, 2,‘ 00 57 20 n< cessarv cbaige practical, h| es. probably saved Screw-Plale*, Die*, Tap*, Liverpool.Aug aullsnlw Portland. intervenmg lead 1 many ar*CSo vena men I to unpleasantness in most | Honda taken in C ty oi London-New York. .Liverpool.Aug 19 4 flats, Franklin street. 600 15 60 auy community Cbe says exchange if it did Whig Messrs. Wildes il lachine Screw*, Emery Wheel*. at the market ratea. Si iutli America-New York. .Bio Janeiro. Aug 23 land, Boyd and Lincoln streets, 600 15 60 o’ rsxfe not secure a transfer to Railroad higheat Tbomaston. Commissioners left issoun.New 21 I. O. of OF. 1 ibby, Keb c'a S.hou eand land, P .tags But Su2* Jte RLCorser> York..Havana.Aug wbo believes tbe storv. turday moruing’s train and •' it Xo. 69 Street. yomlng.New York .Liverpool.Aug 26 of ibe Odd Fellow’s Mutual 84 Clark street, l,f00 30 00 Ci *» tei Ven backTC”®4' Exchange II. HI. The Monthly Mesling house and ir..saa. _J by the tram that reached PAYSOI, ? ireire,.New York..Havre.,...Aug26 ereuing, ibby.Thomas L, land, *« here at loan J. B. HICA8. diet Association wld te held Tuesday ■mg Supt. Noyes to BANKER AND ■■—■■——————app—H 44 Lincoln stieet, 2.100 54 60 m ‘i place trestles unm "• >» rmon Pond nialinn it 13. A ugust loth, at Odd ibby, Washington, U' bridge, (inspected bv the Com® Wanted. n Almanac.Angu H. 0. BARNES, Sec’y. land, Lewis street. 2,300 59 80 isiouers in July) before ** ‘i Portland. B< in rises.5.07 I Moon sets. O.CO PM »• (£i Monday morning ^ Hotel a lew good waiters. Exchange St., ) »ul4td block lour houses and land, ForttaS! wl WS"-"t")' ^alraouth aplBntt 81 in Bets.. .7.011 High water. (6.40 AM I Portland, Aug 13,1S71. U ME-*...... ■■ i l^JULLi—i Virginia#*, lie*.,...... im. 72 who are 1 .KlgCBUANBOl'II NOTICE*. !W2 anj ban aid tbe lam beer trade M Otifl city, camplog out on Jewell’s Island, Mis* uri Gs. gji flu, : At CT1 Oi> sALEH. were off Urcoipmitiad Kiprndiiur^. Louisiana new...' barrels. Ibe by the tetailers was ESS. upset Crotch Island one day last w*ek and Kailrond. price pjiti THE Pit Portland Ogdenoburg BY TELEGRAPH Aug i4. —The tut il receipts Alabama 8*..100 "b Ainl bad a Washington, «i. ur tlr ee milllolH ot dollar*. Tbeir per w _.—-■at m »■»- very narrow It was some June (3cor 7*>. 91 escape. first division of the Eastern end of th of the Treasury for the fiscal year ending Assignee’s Sale. The the bal- Norrb Carolina 6’s, new. 27 ceut-rge of is un- six hours alter their rescue before TO TILE DALLY PRESS. were profit liom tbeir customers j AUGUST 1871. Thompson trunk railroril line 30,1871, inclusive, $149,505,867; South Carol inti 6s. 72 TUESDAY, 15, Portland and Ogdtnsburg ance was $532 829 812, kt »wii, was restored to remain ini' June 30,1870, South Carolina6s. new.58 folly consciousness. now -- miles in is and o: > of which weie from customs, $143,- completed, ItlAlsK. — Carriage sixty length, $206,270,408 New York. Aug. 16 Evening.—Gold was litth locomotive No of tbe New Rail- House, Stock Ot the volumes taken for home 098.153 from 8, Jersey Manufactory, 293,710 of last week regular passenger am 1 A .Unit Aiiempl.s to harder Ilia Wife. from internal revenue. $2,388,646 tinner durir g the aiternoon, touching and clos lOLid Thursday miscella- 1I2J Coiupauy, i« tail) to be tbe fastest locomo- ter from the during the year sales of public lands, $31,566 738 from iug *t H2$ (a,1 The clearances were non CITY AND ding public library traffic was to North ii 14.—This afternoon an Ir- tor I12J. $44,500 Uvl iu \Cm at VICINITY freight opened Conway, Thomaston, lug. neous net expenditures 1 nts cored U. S. 6s 18t»l tbe Uuiied Tools, Auction ! 1870 had to send for services. The total Covertu strong, of beiiq States,4myiug made eighty- 71, the librarian 18,700 by White stabbed of wliicn mue the heart of the famous Mountain region ishman by the name of John Conlan the same time were $422,912 335; especially iu demand. miles in oue are that hour. tSTOur adeertisiny patrons requested to sene notice the Post Office, showing to ami niMcellaneous The are the ot Gov through The of this so tar as it ha jhs wife. Some months she refused $69,198 710 were for the civil totlowing closing quotations On «>«liic», and the skill and of th 3 nieut ot her aud his habits. ou the public debt. Ttunees and ol„er officers ball, bui'Mingi Jr »aiil managers, experience intemperate $125 576,565 for interest United States 5-20’s on lea««il laml. A'an lire out was lost. tor the 1862.11d] ol tbe Maine State minufiirtory tinluhel atm Sent in (not a de- the of bonds Agricultural Saturday, Sunday.) contractors. The company was organized o actappeais to have beeu premeditated $130,735,147 for purchase United States 5-20’s 1*64.,.Il4 Society vi-it- ni.fluislie'l Carrlates ami Sleigh, t aether with in., It is Mat Archbishop McClosky a balance iu the treasu- 5-20's ed Belfast last week to expected 111 u 1 a be- sinking fund, leaving United States 1868,new.114j consult with entire Carrt ige and Sleigh Sto,k, ami Toole ol'said the 19th of January, 1869, with a subscriptio 1 sign to der, as he stepped into shop The receipts ii,e citi- ou next and ry June 30. of United States 5-20’s, 1867, new.113] zens in to Manulactoi'V. New Adverlisi-uiruls will be iu tins cry Sunday preach knife to a 1871, $109,917,477. regard holding a State Fair To.lfun list of about oue milliou dollars, Ou the 6th t fore starting aud sharpened a shoe from sources include 89-,».-3 United States 5-20’s, 1808.114, this tall At 12 in, on the jireml«e, the 2 1-.’ story wooden of the Immaculate Conception miscellaneous in.that visited at the Cathedral baa been tor civil United Siates 10-40*., coupon.113’ city. They tbe hou-e on leae-d land. No 11' (txtord it. September, of the same year, ground was bre poif. Her recovery is donbttul. He from premium, aud tbe expenditures park, public AUCTION street. aud found Terms a; sale COLUMN. on Cumberland ano miscellaneous include $9,016749 Money closed easy at 2 @ 3 per cent, on call. had*, etc., the locatiou aud and particulars ken, and ou the 19th ol September, 1870, th 3 arrested. purposes facilities It CPI'S I YORK Furniture. ...F. O. & llanson and son of Indian and Sterling dull and prime bankers very well adapted to the of au Bailey Co. Mrs. Samuel Portland, Dtalh from a Kick. for the same purposes. pension Exchange heavy, purposes exlii ot I. K. Kimball, road was to Lake 16 miles. O Indians of bills being ottered at lor 60 days and 11$ on bitiou. About the Assignee Army Clothing....Stewart Van Yllet. Mrs K. Jewett and Mrs. S. T. opened Sehago, Nor- show special $7,- 109^ only drawback is the lack Mr. and Gvorge Bangor. Aug. 14.—Cnpt. llauiel B. expenditures—for eight, with considerable pressure to sell. of sufficient hotel r. It, liAlliKY * l'«i, earlionrrr,. the 26th of the following December, passenge leaviug the exneuditures ou pension accommodation*. Belfast is special NOTICE Ta'cott and the Misses Tal* a 767,502, S'ocks closed and COLUMN. Holt, Ptoi. IBs. wood ot tins city, died from the effects ot In of the quie* steady. so situated that it is reached The above sale is ,*o-t|ioned to Tl'KIS cars ran to We»t 33 miles. Ou th account $31,103,390 consequence The arc the o cuuveuiently by Railroad Bonds.... J. B. Brown Baldwin, following closing quotations railroad or St Sons. cott of Bangor, aud F E. Sturghaof Augusta kick in the last Tuesdayviu au made lawr of July 18,1870, whereby Stocks: steamboats, and as tbe lair was **AY, Aug. i.Ill,, at IO o'eloclx. 6.h ol June, 1871, was reached groin,received clunge by IQ-i T NEW oi Fryebury the were made Western Union never holdcn there, au immense crowd would ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. were in London on iln* 29th July. George aff. ay with Elijah Wctsoj. Watson is aid to payment of pensions quarterly Telegraph Co. 605 and ou the loth of August the first train a j instead the the Pacific Mail. he compelled to open their private houses to Portland & Rochester Railroad. d w*- in Dresden ou of semi-annually, payments 4‘Jj \V. Hammond of Poitlai have acted iu self beeu atlack- N. Y. Central and the This Owiralik At.ttjiof and Laud on North came from Portland over tlai s defence, having were incieased about $8,000,000 by Hudson River consolidated... 9Sj multitude. would create some diffi M. C. M. A.A. It. Waite. Conway past year N the 24th ult. ed V. Centra! Sc Hudson River consolidated serin 94; aud dissatisfaction. Tbe trustees met _ by.Norwood. the of the extra pensions cully Spring Mrteet at Auction. Is lor Sower W. A. Win road, showing that the construction of this sixt r payment quarter’s Kne Proposs ship. The internal rev- .2Jj tbe cit'Zsus at a iu tbe Court Another Victin, falling due within the year Erie ter public meeting at 3 P. we sha t Wet DfiE DAVIS miles of road was in pro. red.58 0NJni*?fc,***v' A««#li, VI., Nurse. THE LATE Jt perlected twenty-thre e 50 were House on Wednesday when the sub- de.it l.ot James an about euuc|ieceipts to day $670,000. Subscrip- evening, v.. | i. o leri Hfc Cottage House and St Hannon. Rolliusou, Eoglishman, Harlem.. Girl Wanted. ...Lormg, Short months, and during this time two magnified 1 tions to tbe new loan $50,000. Ha rlem ject was discussed. Quite a number of tbe hou,s eoutaii s 8 rooms. years of fell from a third story window preferred.130 Ouo’il elo.eu”?-®,?0*' lo Rent... .Geo K Davis & Co. age, was struck with men of the were aud hea,c'‘ bv lu,n '•»■**» House iron bridges, as handsome and substantial a Mrs. Mary Chase Barney Reading..11! 114 j prominent city present O CxVelieot upon water, ««"! "•'list and brick cistern. PROCEEDINGS IN TH$ COURTS. this morning while iutoxicated,striking paralysis in (he right side yesterday morning. Michigan (ientr&i.’.*.****.**..*!! .*. 120 irce'y expressed themselves in favor ot nfler- any ou the have beeu thrown s Lake '«». "» whieh Is tru t Affairs. continent, aeros now her li Shore Sc eusure the hold treei ors.»r»n,‘,U ift"®, Ctlty In the Court liis head aod causing a concussion of the braiu, The venerable lady is iu 88 year. Michigan Southern.109] ing inducements sufficient to Municipal yesterday the Saco at Hiram and Illinois A of the Common Council morning^ Conway. As regard s leaves a She is a daughter of Samuel Chase of Mary Centra1.. iugof a lair iu Belfast. A committee til citi- regular meeting iu behalf t f the members oi from which he died .his eveuiug. He Cleveland & 118 Judge Kingsbury, the of the Court aud a Pittsburg.....!!!.!*!* zens was raised to canvas* the Tbe at^^rf?SA*BaTO.si!",u" •— of the construction of the road it is unusuall 1 land, Judge Supreme sign- Chicago Si North subject. and a special meeting Board of Mayot of bed, iu Western.99 the Cumberland Bar, announced the death family England. er of the Declaration of Independence, aud is Sc North Western officers of the society submitted a schedule ol sWfawra&r smooth ani solid been built a fin 1 Chicago preferred. <»li Terms at sale C «u be and Aldermen were held last evening. having by The Slate** the of the examined after 10 A. M. ou Davis and moved an of Bay the last child of any of signers Chicago Rock Island... i.»u8 conditions upon which th'-y would hold ol or »u8 Judge adjournment of contractors surviving «iay .-ale, pievi u,.ou application to John W. BOARD OF MAYOR AND who were the builders of othe r Milwaukie&Hf. the we a an- IN ALDERMEN. The Slate excursionists visited Oldtown that ibstrument. Paul.901*" lair, and understand that dual Dyer, 157 Commereia' street. the Court. He remarked that it was uuneces- Bay Pittsburg SC Fort Wav first class roads in the 9 ue.1111 1. 11 swer whether would De or re- A communication was received from the State; and the cost ha a eu the E. & N. Mftocliug Affray. 99] they accepted F. O. Ik AI Is t-. % Ac sarv of of the this forenoon by special train 4JO., Aaciianwro. lor him to speak in terms uloty The jected was to be communicated to the S»creta Building Luan Commissioners, notifying the been uDsuaily as the contractor 9 "ittter- Dennis Daideu and Joliu lo’lowing were the quotations for Union Pa- augl2id moderate, A. railroad, examing the saw mills aud McCarthy, sport- cific on Board of the election of William L. i utnam deceased, for he wa« recognized by all as a con securities: ry Saturday. were in cash. The business I men, dischaYgi d four pistol shots this even- paid promptly the of Indian Island, troin ing Union Pacific 1st mort.!. 98J one of the Commissioners, vice Ebeu scientious and industrious Some doubt viewing” aborigines was dfcc. at Steele, judge. the road his heeu ing on Buena Vista avenue. McCarthy Union Pacific land Furniture, Auction deceased. especially gratifying to it whom made extensive of grants.8.'»] might, reasonably have been felt in regard to they quite purchases mortally wounded. Union Pacific income bonds.86 Thursday, Aug 17t li, at 10 A M, af Sale-roo-i Leave was granted C. K. Newcomb to erect friends. The first mouth’s earurngs were abou 1 Union Pacific 18 Exchange we shall sell Brusedls and l liis of bis lor uudutible-articles. Cou .hcI far Ike C tilled ‘■inlet*. bonds.] 88J ENTERTAINMENTS ON st, an in front of his on ability at the time appointnn nt, awning store Commercial $3000; aud the amount has increased with lb ! Central Pacific bonds.99 grain Carpets, 1'arlor Suit in hair doth. 1 b!m c leave at two o’clock a. m., for Belfast, It is now known that J. C. Bancroft street. be bad won no distinction at the bar, but be They certainly walnut Chamber Set; 2 pain to 1 Chamber Sets; Ma- extension of the road until the figures lo r The ot A. D. Sweefsir Rockland aud and reaching Boston Davis is to he agent ot the United States wiih Furniture, Extension Tablet*, Feather BciJ ; petition for aheariug soon showed ample qualifications, and his term Portlaud, DaniPHlic market*. CITY ! hogany on his lor reached the sum of .uflicient t Charles C. Bt-aman of New York, to assist him M ittresses, •pring Bed*, Mirrors, Chair-,Cooksiovr, petit’on compensation for damages July $13,000— at8 a. morning. JIALL of of uiue years duration, with a brief m., Wednesday in the cases before the tribunal New York. Aug. 14—Evening.—Cotton morr Picures, Silver Dialed Ware, Crockery and Gla>a on account of the ot of Portland office, the and the bonded debt. No ex preparation of change grade pay expenses active at decline; sales 2636 babs; Middling ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Ware, Kit (.‘lien Furniture, Ac. Was referred. interruption, was mai ked by a demeanor that of arbitration. up- street, tension ut the road the lertui la ds 182- Fion:—sales .0,800 bids; State and West- aulSid F. O. BAILEY A CO., Auct’rs. The as beyond present Di*m‘»»ed. Mayor, chairman of fcbe joint special gave entite satistication, and it was proper that K OKE1GN. ern 5 @ 10c higher on low grades; State 4 40 (ctG 00: uus is this but the Committee on the of a ot the contemplated year, gradioj Lieut. James of the 1st U. S. Cav- round Ohio 5 25 6 Western 4 40 6 75: Tuesday Evening, Aug. 15th. building portion his removal by death should be fittingly no- Carlins, hoop @ 30; ft) Sale of an 1 will be onward aud it is <-x ijouihcm 5 9 00. Wbe.it lc tor Large Army Clothing Marginal Way, submitted the following: pushed very soon, ASIA. alry, haviug been tried by court martial aud 55(a) higher Winter: ticed. found sales* bush.; No. 2 at 1 1 Wintei In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 1 peeled that the work to the Connecticut rive guilty of conduct prejudicial to good 148,600 Spring 35; Equipage. motion Tke Oorraa Trouble. red and Amber Western 1 40 (cC 1 45. Com 2 3c SATSUKI AS August 14 1871. 1 James O’Donnell, E-q., seconded the order and military Discipline in haviug ordered (a] will be completed the 1872. Tin sales common Western Geuer&l’g during year San Francisco, Ang. 14 —The English a soldier to his carbine at a higher; 210,000 bush.; Mixed Deputy Quartermaster Office, lilt special committee to whom was referred of Judge Kingsbury. He reviewed the cir- discharge target do great success of this road has I'ress iu Chiua denounce the return ot the 67c; good to choice 68 @ 69c. Oats irregular; Obic Philadelphia. 1871. the proposition ot the Portland aud Rochester very naturall; before which Trumpeter Lelsey was standing, and Western at 42 51c. Pa., Augnst 10, cumstances under which he was called to the American fleet fo Chee Foo as all the @ Pork steady; new mest the having and was has been dis- be sold at Public auction at SCHUYL- Railroad Company for the building of so much given corporation excellent credit in tin which trumpeter killed, 13 50; prime 1075(g 1 00. Lard firmer at 9@9je. Royal Japanese but be foou showed marked ability, moral effect of a deleat. WIIXKILL AKSE^AL, Philadelphia of the marginal way as extends fiom the north- bench, and missed from set vice. Butter quiet; Ohio 10 @ 20c; State 15 (® :0e. Pa.,«oi»- rnouey maikets, the boDds—gold, 6 pe Two aud one German menringon TUESDAY, Sept i2 l«7l, at in ;H terminus ot Gould’s wbarl to the Gland quick comprehension and sound judgment. In Englishman engaged Whiskey firmer; Western tree 94. Rice steady; Car- Tbe Best Pertotmers liver erly cents—have been sold materials from the wreck of Hie UPf- Patruti, in this A. M.# under the direction of Captain V. P. V in Truok readily, the amount dis saving olina 8jf @ 9^c. Sugar iu fair request; Muscovado 9] railway bridge, having examined the all bis relations be was a useful man. He had Antwerp, M.S. K., U. S. Army, a 'ar^e o of in mau schooner Chusau, on Sir James Hall’s The Commissioner of Patents to day refused @10c; fair to good refining 9| ift} CnffVe Ciiuutry J quantity premises aud heard the parties iu re- posed July being $70,000. 9J Cn\ •> Bm t.ir Hen, Women and Children in Native The above named and ready anpreheusiou ot the bound hand and foot, slung on bamboos and field, Ci., pa strews, 11,000 great coats, railroad comp any, having impartiality three distinct tended that of F. Taft of strained. Petroleum crude refined companies, consolidated in cm packed of to the interior of Corea. I'be Brit- Timothy Worcester, steidy; 13*c; Costume ! 3.000 pans its terminus on Back tiuds itself under law bearing ou a case he would compare favor- Tallow fl rm at 9 @ drawers, Cove, 1 ish fleet sailed from Jnnan lo innuirp into f.he Mass., for shears for cutting metal. 23|c. 9*c. 2.000 fclnris the of enterprise, viz: the Lamoille railroai Freights to Cotton steam imperative necessity reachiug the water with any on the bench. Valley Liver[»ool lower; per id; Giving a Performance wool ably judge matter. Coi u Wheal 29,00<) blankets, front aud establishing a connection with other running from Swanton to West tin 6d; 8}2)c; average lit*. Pa, Bv order ol the master with FRANCE. surrounding Sheet Quarte* General. believed this the Eastern Division. Here we find tin Blilhtly better and Limb-* owing to o fidently volume of trade will be uable to the bis death the persons were also U"der arresf. large receipts The All STEWAaT VAN VLiET, profession. By Thiers’ Fewer. an interior quality were lower th in last week ; com- Original Right l largely increased. same energy that has been manifested on tbi The Ten JIliliMi. Deputy Quartermaster General U.S. Army. Cumberland Bar has sustained a great loss mou to lair sheep 4 (rb 5c; choice 6j @ 6.}; Lambs 6 @ Wiih this Troupe. deod 15t It is no toother Vebsaii.les, 14.—Debate ou tbe augl5 disparagement important latter divisiou. Belore the close of the Aug. pro- 14.—The American cbm- »c. Swine—Live nominal; dressed lower at 6 Doors open at 7 o'clock. Periormanee to coin* railroads and be would add his endorsement to had pres New York, Aug. ja) 7c7 leading to Portland to say that we wtiat longation ol Tha is’ power will begiu in the merce at 8 o’clock. Admission 35 Reserved eut miles of track will com binalion ot banks and brokers which subscribes 14.—Flour cents; deem this season, eighteen be Chicago, Aug. unchanged. Wh«a 8 K. If. among the most Valuable to tlie fu- been said. • Saturday. It is estimated 600 Sea 5® ots. Reserved Seal* tor sale at HAWES & HUNT, already Assembly depu- for ten millions of the new five per cent lean is advanced *e; No. 2 Spring 1 06}. Corn ad van -ed lo ture of our and we Swantou aud Fairfield oi ties are iu favor ot tbe CKAGIN’S Music Store, 77 Middle 8t. prosperity city, believe it Howard said that tbe deceased had pleted, connecting measure. Cooke & Fiske & No 2 Mixed at 47}c Oats declined 2c; No. 2 at 40c would bo Judge * composed of Jay Co., Hatch, H. Director and lor the interest ot Portland to meet the extreme western and mile, OCR MANS. Rye active;No. 2, 57c. No.: Sehuctimann, Treasurer; D. K. Commission Merch*ct and Aootioaee/ end; eighteen Vernrilie & Co., Henry Clews & Co., Leouard, Barley fairly active; H. Davis the of this in a succeeded ou the i«ncb aud did at 57 29c. Hi h Wines at Prescott, Manager; Jr., Contracting aud request company broad aud lib- admirably Not lo Spring @ steady 88c. Livi more further ea9t, connecting South Hardwicl finueuate. Sheldon aud Fostou. The first aud four Na- Business Agent. aulOdtd 316 Congress will sell every eral spirit. himself honor. He was much to Hogs weak at 4 30 @ 4 65. Cattle in good deniani st., evening great grieved bauks of lire The First National large assortment ot and That the and West Danville. On the St. apt Berlin, Aug. 14.—Bismarck has gone to tional city. and advanced at 3 25 @ 5 Pork at 12 75. L in NO. Staple Fancy Goods. Marginal Way, the Johnsbury 62* will be compassing hear of bis death and sympathized deeply Gastein to attend the of bank of Philadelphia, and First National bank salted moats—shoulders at 4* shor Goods sold during the day in lots to sul noitheru and eastern sections of the section the cars will he in motion meeting Emperors. 82c. Dry @ 5c; city must Montpelier b; Washingion. nb middles purchasers at wholesale prices. Cash advanced on at at some time with the family be bad left behiud. The National Z. itung denies that a convention of 5jc. early in the future lie built, your autumn •ascriptions ot goods. Consignments not limited. seventeen miles, or to West Danville has been concluded for the ol The European combination which takes Receipts—3000 bbls. flour, 48,000 bush, wheat, 180 W. T. committee presumes no one who takes a clear S. L. Cailcton aud Albert Merrill also bore evacuation the A. February 11, 1868. dtt includes Cooke, McCulloch & 000 busb.com 98,000 bush, oats, 11,000 bush, rye aud view ot the future and from that point on to South Hardwick lorts about Paris, aud ot the departments of $15,060,000 Jay comprehensive of Port- to the ca- 2.000 hush, 2.C-00 bogs. testimony high private and public the Seine and Seine et Aaise. Co., Clews, Habicht & Co., R. Raphael & Sous, barley, land will question. The invaluable water from On the Essex county, or most eastern sectioi Shipments—50C0 bbls. flour, 12,000 bush, wheat reer of Jndge Davis. Berllmflheiu & Goldsmith, Spaytr Brothers, which skirts the m irgiu ol the eastern section GKEAT HKITAIN. .; n- 32.000 bush, corn, 12,000 bush, oais, 6,000 bu?li First Excursion ! cars will be rnnning upon eight miles this sea Brothers, Aligla Hungarian C. —deep enough at low water to float tin heav- Judge Morris then adjourned tbe Court and Dreadful Calamity. Seligman bank, rye, 8,0 0 bush, bai ley, 3,000 bogs. Annual^ son; on eacl Casemova& Co., Saurml Montague & Suns, iest tonnage of the mercantile aud naval ves- ordered showing nearly equal progress Toledo, Aug. 14.—Flour firm. Wheat advancer The Tone Association the proceedings to be put upon tbe London, Aug. 14.—A dreadful calamity has Foster & Brorlhwaite and Satterthwaite & Wolfe sels ot the world—is not to he forever end uf the and the construction o I Co., 1 ^ 2c; No. 2 White Wabash 1 No. 1 Red Wintei shut out line, leaving visited the small i.daud of in 31; records. Tagalnnla, the of Seligman & Stettlsim, L. 1 Amber 1 No. 2 1 No. AIR London; Speyer 3 OXYGEN from the seiv ee. .‘16; Miclngau 25; do, dc public As fast as demanded. 120 miles to be. lor. The first about 232 Will give their first auuual Excursion to MEETING provided mortgagi Malay Archipelago, fifty miles northeast & Ellisun and & of Frank- No. 2 Amber Illinois 1 26. better anc and toacetaiu extent in advance of aud to OF THE CUMBERLAND BAB. Eimlerlangcr Co., 117; Com bonds of the Vermont iu ol the island uf Celebes. Au outburst ot the ol L. quiet; high mixed 53 @ white 55c. Outs ad- create a demand, this front must At 10 the members ot the Cumber- section, payable gold fort; Lippmau Rosenthal, Amsterdam; 53}c; 371 magnificent ball-past volcano of Buwatig, accompanied a convul- vanced 4c; No. 1 at at 39c; No. 2 34c; 30c. Sebago Lake, August 16tb, 1871. CongresH Street, be opened and utilized. with semi-annual interest, have just beeu pul by Belmoral, of Hamburg; Oppetbeiin Erreua, rejected laud Bar met in the Law sion ol tbe sea and a wave iu Cincinn ati, 14 —Pork firm at 12 Established for the cure ot Library. Judge forty yards height of Brussels; S. Bleecbroder, of Berlin; Mun- Aug. 50 @ 12 75 S ^'he committee take In that Your committee are aware that th'S great upou the market aud met with a flatter Lard at 9c. Bulk pleasure announcing tbe called the to very swept all the human beings, cattle and horses roe & and Andrews & ot Paris. quiet meats dull at 5j tor sboul- cannot be at Howard, President, meeting Co., Co-, have made the enterprise completed once; that, at home. Irum tbe island. Thu deis, 6j tor clear rib, 72 @ 7*c for elea sides. B iccr they following arrangements. CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, ing leception, especially They liavi number of persons who The names ot several other important foreign as yet, there ia uo call that would the order. dull a 16|c lor 7j for clear rib sale: justify the endorsement of perished was 416. mail to the above re- shoulders, sides; so the Messrs. o bouses will be added by of sides at A expenditure of large an amount as would be Oa motion of Thomas B. it was voted Fairbanks, 7} (eg 7*c. Whiskey in fair demand at 88c Grand Four Oared Boat Kace! lined, House of Comuious. ceived cable. CONS UMP T1 necessary to make the entire St. Johnsbury, who are themselves by 14.—Cotton ON, Marginal Way. that the members attend the funeral services Vt., ver; Charleston, Aug. dud; Middlinj Between the West End But the of the Portland aud In tie House of Commons there Eiplciou of Nlcainboal Bpiler—Several uplands 17c. anil Longshore Men’s Boat proposition Roch heavy stockholders in the liue. The tbisevening Clubs tor a of DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, at the bouse ol 11 popula: was a I.itch l.ul- l l vuiiibii purse One Hundred and Dollars, ester Railroad offers to the a fa- tbe deceased at o’clock; that lively debate upon matters. Wil- arge Injured. Fifty Compauy city towards this is army Savannah, Aug. 14.-Cotton dull; low Middling; to take place at 3 pm. feeling great enterprise showt liam Heury 14.—The steamer af. And all diseases arising from impure blood. vorable opportunity to commence this great tbe District Attorney, Nathan Webb, be re- Smith, member from Westminster, Matsvit.le, N. Y., Ang. 162c. work under encouraging We by the remarkable liberality of the people o attack! d tbe course of tbe and Murray, exploded her auspices. believe quested to notify tbe Circuit Court of tbe government, Chautauqua, Captaiu Mobile, Aug. 14.—Cotton dull; Middling up A Hurling Match! Treated by Breathing “OX YUEN AIR,' the building ot the way the towns which the Mr. Cardwell and Lord respec- ibis afternoon, while wooding at Wliit- lands proposed immediately death of through road runs. Th< Northbrook, boiler, 172c. would secure the Judge Davis and request an and Under Dead Between 24 men selected t r the tor the following results: adjourn- laud tively, Secretary Secretary of War, uey’s landing, 6 miles below Maysviile. New Dei 14.-Cotton Mid purpose, damages iu Vermont have been very light doleuded tbe sans, Aug. steady; prize ol’a Silver Watch valued at $15.00. 1st. It would not only give to this road ac- ment; and that a committee of five be ap- administration of tbe ai my. Both' so far as known, are: Mrs. Hopkins and daugbt dliugs 16Jc. the rich and fertile section of these A Smdli and Wasson Silver-plated Revolver, to be Medicated Inhalations cess to the front side of the and ac- to consideriffg througl geotlemen also spoke in opposition to er, residence unknown; colored cook.of Cony; city easy pointed draft resolutions to be presented at shot lor on the grounds during the day, valued at cess to the wholesale hut would induce which it On the Eastern tbe royal inquiry into tlie manageuieut ot the a colored barber at the House, Mrs. trade, the passes. Divisiou twi Chautaqua Freights. twenty dollars. Abo a Ladies’ Work-Box and a Supreme Jndicial Court in October.— Tbe was aud in connection with other remedies. The ate other such enterprises to look with a tavorab’e station houses have been army. subject finally dropped with- E. Cochran, of Buffalo, drowned, body Gentleman's Writing Desk, \aiutd at ten dollars public built by private en Charleston, Aug 11.—Freights to b' invited call and eye in the same direction. Messrs. Drummond, Bion Bradbury, Webb, S. out action upon Mr. Smith’s motion to that not recovered. Injured, several of whom will Liverpool each, ou exhibition at J. B. 69 to investigate aud steam direct, nominal on uplands; via New \ 1 Lucas', Exchange 2d. Its terprise presented totbe company. effect. are Mrs. Samuel of urk, }< street. tendency would be to build up and C. Stroutai d H.P. Deaue were on probably die, Bartboliuew, on uplands and Id on Sea Islands. appointed OF Cuastwise- In the forenoon will FRKK OF FHAKI.E render valuable the An examination of oi DOMINION CANADA. N. Alviu of ; be played a game of Base large territory now lyiDg the committee. Tbe then intelligent tbe route Pori, and, Y., Plumb, Westfield, To New York, by steam }c $>’ lb. on uplands; Jc 4 meeting adjourned Ball between two Jr. Clubs oi the city tor a Silver ot and treat- comparatively waste aud useless iu that sec- the the directness of tbe The Palaria. N. Y.; Cornelius Shaw, of Jamestown, N. Y.; lb on Sea Islands; $1.25 ^tierce on bv sail Letters inqu.ry promptly answered to tbe members map, line betweer Rice; Goblet. tion of the ami to turn the attention of enable of tbe Bar to attend tbe ot Mur- *c ^ lb on uplands, 40c bt>l on R-sin, $7 8 ft. ment sent if desired. Address, city, Swanton and St. Johns, N. F., Aug. 14.—Tbe Swedish Maj. Cameron, Jamestown; Captain @ ip At 2 p M a Foot Race, for Gentleman’s Portland, with the connection! on Lumber and $9 10 M oo Timber. To Walking traders, mechanics and manufactures iuthat di services at tbe bouse. gunboat 1 iiquord, with dispatches from ray, of Jamestown; N. P. Miller aud D. L. @ $> Bos Cane. West, and tbe increased facilities for buBinesi Capt. Allred of ton by sail, }c ^ tb on upland Cotton; to Provi rection, rendering useful the now useless but PROCEEDINGS IN THE CIRCUIT Hall’s Arctic arrived at Halstem- Craford, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Crodle, At 2 1-2 p m a Sack Race lor a splendid Hat. J. P. COURT. ship Polaris, deuce by sail $8 4> M on Boards; lb on bi Or. BROIYER, invaluable water power of the to be afforded tbe of tbe Pa.; Juo. Bemus, of Bemur. §c upland; Also Foot Ball, Swings, &c. bay. by opening Caugbua oerg July 31st, aud would wait until 5th Alleghany, steam $1 4> bale in addition to New York rates — 31. The At the coming in of tbe Court at 11 o’clock Aug. contemplated street, when built, waga tbe till the airival uf the United States steamer Vessels are in demand to take Lumber fronc 371 Street, Portland* Tie Nathan in behalf of the Cumberland canal, connecting waters of tbe St Heights Music Chandler's Fall Band Congrena would bring into use a large quanity of real Webb, with TBLKUUAPIllfl IT fills. Georgetown, SC. Darien and Satdla nver, anc by Qnadrille Lawrence with Lake event Congress supplies. Ga, estate now of in an Champlain—an al Jacksonville, Fla, to Northern li For in the Hall of H. Burr hardly any appreciable value Bar, brief but fitting terms, moved ad- Fsreiga Hems. Deaths of the week in New York, 630. po.tsand $10 @ dancing the magnificent building Drs. E. Clark, J. M. Cummings and U. most certain to occur—is ail 4> .vl are rates on Lumber aud Boards. erected on the Thas, to that is Decessarv tc ground. journment out of respect the memory of the The Turkish authorities are Jefferson Davis is in Baltimore. to refer to them. tup- 4th. The would taking tbe most visiting New Orleans. 9.— continue dull Refreshments for sale in the commo- give permission Physicians city ultimately, though not convince any of the great value of flie ai Aug. Freights elegmt late road measures lo dious Rooms material in Judge Davis. Judge Clifford said the stringent guaid against cholera. California fruit is being east andrattsare unchanged. Liverpool Continent Dining adjoining the Hall; abundance plied with Oxygen or Oxygenated Water. immediately reap advantages the a business route. The shipped freely. }<1. of and stock subscriptions an New York ft) on Sebago pure Spring water tree to all. jun21 t,t,s d6m ii crease of taxable iu that section Court bad learned of tbe death of Both tbe Keufortb and crews will is warm lc; (steam; j tg> 2c Cotton. property Judge Wiuship The weather at New Orleans and the Tickets 75 ds; children 40 cts. To be Lad ol the and the increase of trade. ample to prepare the road lor the iron, aud thi row in tbe Montreal 3d. j general Davis with deep regret and sorrow, and iu regatta Sept. city healthy. committee and at the depot on the day ot Excursion. That it is for the of Portland to bonds arc now issued to the rails Foreign Itlarkeln. Trains leave K.eniihb?c T HE advantage witli tbe of tbe Bar ad procure aud Steamship Cina, Irom Hong Kong July 12th Boutwell has abandoned the four Depot loot ot Clark st, at compliance request Secretary Aug. 14—11.30 A. M.—Consols a 7 1-2 and 10 a and p encourage every enterprise that will advance the road. aud Yokohama arrived at San Francisco London, opened m. 11-2 m. equip The line, when completed 22d, and four-and-a half per cent loans for the pres- money and account. 1 our general business, promote jourued the Court uutil 10 o’clock to-day. with cabin 93*!or Returning at 5 2 p m. avl2ld manufactures, will be a New Sunday night, ,38 passengers, 283 ent. American securities easier—IT. S. 5-20*8 increase the value ol real England line, owned by the peo- 1862, 93} POPULAR EXCURSIONS estate, and make our THE FUNERAL. Chinese in aud of do do U. ... a the.steerage, 45,500 packages Fire in 1865, old, 932; lf*67, 92* ; S. 10 40’s 92*. “ore is not a de- ple through wbose it and man- merchandise. Jersry C:ty, yesterday morningi inviting, over territory passes, 1871. For the The funeral services the remains of caused the lossol three lives, and $70,000 worth Liverpool, Aug. 14-11.30 A. M.—Cotton openei 8easoa.ol-.187t. Portlaod is to be what aged by officers whose interests are identified Further Davis took at his late residence accounts from Persia corroborate of dull; Middling uplauds 8*d; sales e9timaUd ut 800 l RE-UNION. ges it should a Judge place ptoperty. bales. he, great with those of their the accounts received of terrible famine. Com J one f neighbors along road, previously scow has encing 7th, T15j£f it is our as guard- yesterday forenoon, at 11 in the tPiina nf A I...... I,. ,.P .--- 1_1 Tn#r lumber Scottish Cfhief been duty o’clock, pres- ---—-“ I--- London, Aug. 14—2 P. M.—American securities esent The bonded debt is and is se- J adrilt on Lake aud it is The thh.1 annual reunion ol hut the future, to ence of a of friends unusually small, oi starvation. picked up Michigan, United States 5-20’s do the 1st, 10th and 2Stt large number of tbe de- The country is said to be liter- 1862, 934; 1865, old. 93*;*’ d< Maine mm emed a feared the crew are lost. Regiments will lake place opportunity to attain by property already paying the interesi ruiued and its to other 18«7 92j. ceased. The services were conducted by the ally population flying ne ot earuouc aciu retort in tne Grand Trunk Railway. and with a prospective value a3 a through line lauds. explosion Livekpool, Aug. 14-2 P. M.—Cotton dull: sale > commend the ol uev. ur. ana consisted oi in mm Uoiuu passage v,ariutners, reading A train of errs at. Madrid dashed into a Squibb’s chemical factory, Brooklyu, Sunday Thursday, August 17th, that can be overestimated. The ers. and that the Rort- hardly security set the on Portland to Chicago and return, all rail, good of the Scriptures,remarks ou the character aud standing train Serrano aud other morning, place fire, doing $5000 Frankfort, Aug. 14-Evening.—United State At some island of Cavco Bay. and all who were evei carrying • until Nov. tdroad Company be per- Is, therefore, unusually attractive, aud we -asl officers. Serrano had his loot hurt. worth of damage. 5-20 bonds closed at @ 97 lor 1862s. members ot the regiment ar^ invited to assemble 1st.#3d.OO lite of the depaitej^pn.(l prayer. The retuaius slightly 98J Portland to Chicago or Milwaokie. and eo»m when aboard the Steamer Express, at the end o: CuMom return, ;-— marginal Way made, those v.ho have money to read the advertise There was killed but were in- Win, of with his Aug. 14—5 P. M.—Consols tin were nobody inauy Briggs, Eddyville, O., London, closed at 92 I via Sarnia steamers, good il Nov. 1st ... 34.00 without ior such lime and under such taken to Bro interment. tor House Wharf. 8.45 a. m or 10.15 a. m. charge, aud hired man were money and account. Portland to Detroit and tor 30 orient of Messrs. J. B. Brown & Sons, and con- jured. hrather, son, daughter, The boat will return to Portland in season for tbt return, good rules and restrictions as be established American S. • may by la tiie in an securities—U. 5-20s, 1862,934; do 1«6 * lays. 25.00 Delegate* to the Camoerlaud County Con- fer with the who cau furnish mori Japan is quiet. Immense improvements are ally suffocated,on Friday,by damp country members to go home upou auy oi the rail- the Committte on Streets, and gentlemen, old, 931; do 1867 92$; U. S. 10-40? 92j. Portland to Niagara Falls and return, good tor Highways vention. being carried on the old coal shaft which they intended to re-open. roads evidence of the of as ar by government, including 30 25 00 Bridges. desirability the bonds two bodies were recovered. Liverpool, Aug. 14.—5 P. M.—Cotton close, I Tickets for the round 50. Gould's days. At the W ard caucuses last eve- the widening aud deepening of the canals, the Ouly tripll Maj. Portland to and for 20 Annexed hereto is a Republican dull; sale? JO ■ Montreal return, good communication from investment than we cau do in the limits of; Middling uplands 8|9d; 000 bales, in History of the rtgfmeut will be for at building of railways, new barracks and a new A named Jas. A. McKeon fell 2000 ready delivery 15.00 the City Civil E.igineer, which is hereby made ning the following were elected delegates to carpenter eluding lor export and speculation. the time. augl8id days. newspaper article. palace for the Mikado. from a barn in Lisbon, N. H.. li.iu in- Portland to Moutreal and return, via Quebec, a part of this report: the Convention to be held in this killing Paris, Aug. 14.—Rentes closed at 55f77c. County city A riot took in stantly. good lor 20 days.T.. 17 00 place Londonderry, Ireland, lor 20 [The communication ol tho Engineer is a on next : F. O. Bailey & will this Portland to Quebec and return, good Thursday Co., sell, morning occasioned the a ftoMton Forest Sunday, by police scattering The Fort Scott, Kansas, Monitor gives a very Ntock List. City Trotting Park days. lrt.OQ technical description of the location and inode Ward 1 W. T. S. Asa order of the all the crowd of led a member of Par- —George Beal, Jack, by assignee, carriages apprentices by discouraging account of the cattle trade. There Sales at the Brokers* Board, Aug 12. Portland to Gorham and return, good lor 21 of construction. The of the street is B. John M. Stevens, John liament named Johnson to form a are cattle in the and fresh herds 5.00 length Russell, Cousins, Sleighs, tools, buildings, etc., a't the factory o attempting 40,000 vicinity, Michigan Cental Railroad. 120 day*. W. Parker. Several Thursday, August 17tli. Portland to Fall* and return. 12.00 4910 feet, aud crosses street at a George procession. persons were injured. are constantly arriving from Texas. The cattle Uniou Pacific Rail load... 82 Brompton Washington J. K. Kimball, on Preble street. See auctioi Portland to Sberhrook and return. II 50 Ward 2—Samuel H. Henrv P. A second that the in are very poor, and only bring a cent a pound Vermont State Sixes, 1876. 101 grade of 18 feet below tbe present surlace. It Colesworthy, report says meeting Portland to Island Pond and return. i.flO W. Column. whore two was realized last Eastern Ranroao 120 White, George Green, Geo. C. Littlefield, Hyde Park, London was a failure instead oi nearly year. Match tor Portland to Fal's and return, via Bos- is proposed to bridge over this $500.00. Niagara cut.] Ezra Drew, Ebeu N. Perry. being a success as first reported. Judge Baxter, of Nashville, decides [Sales at Auction.] ton. Net' York. Sound Steamers, ie.timing Mtts. Manchester —The popular Physiciai Tenh., Tk ■ — am The was and the M. Montreal and White Mountain*. repoet accepted accompany Ward 3—Wm. Setter, J. B. Wil- that the tax ot $50 imposed on by the Laconia Manufacturing Co. 490 IUJ VI JL by Toronto, Mathews, has returned to aud cau oe found a lawyers 28.00 ing orders were offered: One directing ttie lard T. Portland, M A8SAC111?SETTS. last ol that State is unconstitutional.' Portland.Saco & Portsmouth Railroad... 135 all rad. Brown,Charles Sampson, Isaac Kuight, legislature Do. do Mail 33.00 Committee on Sidewalks and United States Hotel lor ten Eastern Ra l Road. 119 KTIflile HealN, Best Three in Fire! returning «i Royal Steamers.. Streets, Itridges F. C. Emery. the days only, Drowned. He does not believe they are sinners—not to Tickets to with Bales Manufacturing 117 via Sa uia Steamers— proceed the construction of tbe Way extent of more than uther men. Company. ^ 3td-lw the $50, names Portland to Chicago or tirst-class, to the and of the Civ Ward 4—Josiali C. Shirlev, Wm G. Twoin- j Lowell, Aug. 14.—George W. Warren, a George H. BaGey g. g. Beauregard to Wbgon, Milwaukee, agreeably surveys plans Elisha K. of East R. including State Koon and Meals. 10.00 11 and tho other bly, C. O Leach, Saiu’l A. Nash, George Hall, pou of Ezra Warreu, was drowned in the Paw- Potter, Greenwich, I, J. F Haines names chest. ix. Kalb to Harness j Engineer; autboiizing the Sufferers from and disease should no Sharp TICKETS at lowest rates to Louis Gatcumb. pain tucket Gaual ou School street this afternoon. has been required bv Judge Sutherland to give Hem**. Chicago, Sc. Louie. St. City Treasurer to hire a sum not Cfood and all exceeding at ihe costs iu a suit day and track. To bo trotted according to Paul, Omaha, California, |*oints Wcsi, by delay calling the Atmospheric Tteatmen with was a hornet’s nest security in pending against The census of Great Rritaiu shows ou 11 $47,000 on city bonds, tor twenly years, and Ward 5—A. D. Marr, Frederick Bucknam, He, others, destroying that Fashion rules. either New York, Boston or Mo itreat. which had found ou the bank oi the canal. him for $25,000 damages Orange Day for the tbe same to tbe tbe H. C. Frank Frank B. Hau- looms id Cahoou Block, cor. and Cob they by These horses were an apply construction of Way. Noyes, Merrill, Myrtle of about 31,500,000 people, only 30,000 are land recently matched 1 trotted Pulluiau'a Drawing Room and The hornets attacked him, and in his endeav- seduction of tie latter’s wife in May, 18(59. owner Mlcoping A short aud uninterrupted debate followed, euu, Lyman N. Kimball. gress streets, and consult Dr. Lelaud. AI I holders. Aug i, to drive, lb** rece being won by Kate Cart Aid. moved that the be recommit- ois to drive them away, he lost his footing aud Brooklyn, N.Y., shows 2214 dwellings valued Sharp, and resultitg in the present match lor $500 King report Waii* 6—Frederick G. W. diseases are treated 1 are run on all the trains on the Grand Messer, Joseph with success. Consultatioi tell into the water, from which his lifeless built the Tho rurhl portions of Rhode Island com ail the patrons ot the track and all interested in good Express ted with instructions to strike out the words Thomas H. F. body gt $4,9:50,900 during past year. pi Trunk Railway. Symouds, Haskell, Augustus was taken soon alter. square trotting contests will not be disappointed iL "without and the was so amend- free. in New is that Providence has too much in thei lur.her imormation and Tickets at charge,” report GI-Irish, Giauville C. Tyler, Andrew M. Ben- The death rate York city so high power attending this race. For apply aoy ed aud Vessel Ashore. con- ol ibe principal ticket oflices in New England, at the passed. sou. Fruit Jars at Land & Co.’s. Millville AI from fevers, cholera iulautum, diarrhea, Legislature. It is a complaint never made ii Trotting to commence at 3 o’clock promptly. The order authorizing a loan was passed by Boston, Aug. 14.—The British schooner Ma- sumption,etc., that the board ol health decided Tickets 50 cents. Ladies ir»e. Depot in Poitlaud, or at Ward 7—Stephen R. Small, Charles Green- and Mason Porcelain auy other State.! I). U. BLANCHARD’S, oppo. Preble House,. a yea and nay vote, 5 to 2—Aid. anil tnospheric Cup. tilda of with of make into the cause. aul ltdJOHN S. HEALP, Proprietor. McCarthy G. M. Wm, U. Wm. M., Parsboio, cargo plaster, ran to iuquiry No. 2*2 street, Mo. in the nongh, Chase, Plummer, Frank P. Blair Gratz Brown as a can Congress Portland, Winship negative. jy29d'2w ashore on Great Point Rip, on the urges Eastern M. John W. Rand. ___ Nantucket, Two brothers named Hardwick, killed v‘ WM. FLOWERS, Agent. An order came from the Council Marks, the She lately up fixing uigbL of 13th iust. will be assisted, oil two Chippewa Indians, accused ot stealing. didate for the Presidency on the New Depart )une!2dtt Me the salary of the for the current at The delegates above named are to Fly Screens are at Exchang 3 the steamer Island Home. Grand International ___Bangor, Mayor year requested Lotlirops, by then delivered themselves te the civil ure aud he would receive tb and was They platform, says $1600, it passed in concurrence. meet at the Reception Room, Hall, at 5 street, for 50 cts. Grand H «■ i»d It SlFiTSlSfeatt City Kegatta. authorities. unanimous Western German vote. IN BOARD OP COMMON COUNCIL. o’clock this afternoon, for the of elect- The grand regatta of the Eastern and New has to the Continent. Steamboat purjtose Now is the time to put up your .7elliei Minister Scheuck gone “Smith ou the Evasiou of issai. ! The on Payments,” report of the committee Marginal ing four delegates at York Yacht CluPstook place to-day and was He iuteuds to he absent a mouth. large. J. F. Land & corner and Fee to be the title of a new work in Tb. Ways was accepted, and the orders accompany* Co., Exchange successfully carried out. There was four priz* press. ing orders were passed item. con. The Peopi e of Peaks’ Island were favored eral streets, have just the best Jelly Tumblei 3 es, a enp for schooners valued at $1000; cup tor author probably dedicates it to his creditors ti ; EXCURSION ! Watches and An order was JMETEORO LOGICAL. Jewelry passed that oil lamps be used with a amount of excellent with or without metal sloops valued at $500, to be sailed lor with the whom he is indebted for good preaching out, caps. jy29d2w from the Office. many valuable favors in tho localities where street lights have been Eastern allowance. The residents ol Report Signal last Rev. Mr. of yacht The N. Y. Times wants to know what ha subscriber being about to leave the city, ami ordered and where no Sunday. Langhliu, Mississip- a 14—7.30 e. m.—The bar- gas mains have been A Full assortment of Paper Hanging; i, Swampscott offer cup for schooners worth Washington, Aug, THEclosing out hie business, otters his stock in'trade, laid down. coDdueted the aud delivered a well has ri-en since after- become of all tho indicted rioters. A montl Boat Races Adjourned. pi, services, Window for sale $800 and a cup for sloops with $400, to be sailed ometer slightly Sunday consisting ot H Spades, Screens, elc., by Mountain sta- written aud very spirited discourse in the par" tor without allowance. The course selected noou at the Pacific and Rocky has elapsed since the riot. Those who attack jyfitf Dkvens & Co., 13 Free St. the and remains north and west At St. John and j lors of H. M. Brackett’s dur- was from startiug point, leaving buoy on tions, stationary ed the last Halifax Biief Jottings. boarding house, Orangemen year, killing several > ■■■ '■ Davis Ledge, off Minot's ou port baud, leaving ot Missouri. It has fallen iu Wisconsin and Gold and Silver Watches, the loienoon. Excellent services were is were let off in a similar manner. In order to afiord tbe traveling public an opportnn Tbe was closed from 10 to 12 ing ULXIYKMS notices. Rock Ktakes on starboard hand to stake Michigan, and threatening weather reported post-office Pig ity to attend the great Match to take Set of in the Methodist the morn- southern Wisconsin and Iowa. Tele- Gen. Rowing p!ac« Chains. Jewelry, UiDR*, preached church,in boat passiug between it and the steam* from Qiiesada, formerly reported shot, noi T at St John N on o’clock yesterday, on account oj the funeral judges with stations in B, Rev. Dr. of and in the a er. graphic communication upper Davis.— ing, by Taylor, Melancholy.—When the nervous systei ou his way to New Orleans, is to have an ex services over the remains of Judge About two o’cock the start is by extensive fires, and the 23d ot afternoon Rev. H. M. of its tone flying was made Michigan prevented Wednesday, Aneu«t Ladies & Gents Buttons by Manning, Tecum- loses and vigor the whole body suffei haze are from tensive reception there. Fins,Sleeve The Custom House was also closed from 11 t< aud the. follwiug is the time of starting aud smoke and reported Michigan between the celebrated Tyne Crew or' England ami scb, Ontario—a young man of rare ability, and in not some on 3 York and Rain and clouds Two hundred the famous John 12 o’clock. consequence; unfrequently returning with corrected time alter making all to New Keutucy. ready-made buildings liav i St Crew, and Studs, Thmbles. Eye Sinsses, a is- well sutlers more than the hence th e allowance: have continued iu Florida and South Caroli- been Spectacles, The U. S. Circuit court came in at 11 o’clock gilted preacher. Sunday generally organ rest, shipped from Chicago to Colorado recent START. RETURN. na, and are now reported from Louisiua east- observed on the island by tho numerous visitors origin of Heart Disease, Consumption, Softer are said to be the easiest t A Trotting Match Plated yesterday morning blit adjourned immediate Hours. Alin. Hours. Alin ward. The maximum temperature has ex- ly. They tilings ; Ware, Forks, Spoons, I as well aB by the resideuts. iug of the Brain, &c. The most direct rnetho 3 Rebecca.It 54 5 37 from Missouri aud Arkansas to West and the readiest to blow down that cai To come oft at tbe same time. ly to attend the funeral of Judge Davis. tended things «ifcn years, having been married Aug. 12 probably May passe< At Halifax on the 29th, 30th, and 31st ot August Foam. 11 59 6 10 rise in the northwest without material change it 813 The of the Frencl The club of this are to visit For 54 years the family have resided Invalids Should Bear through ships. ships FOR THIRTY HAYS city 13,1815. Vixen.11 59 5 7 in the weather. The conditions are favorable ot the Steamers of the line —— 59 5 Maritimes take 28 hours 21 min (independent regular • Bos'ou next week. The Resolutes have made in one spot, No.28Wilmot street. In the In mind that Atwood’s Quinine Tonic Bii Coming.11 35 for a local storm in Missouri aud Illinois to- Messageries Smile.12 69 5 7 Persons calling eirly can obtain a Few |{nr« fire of 18I3G the gutters of the house ters which will be on uteS in through the canal; of the Ital The Steamer New arrangements to play the colored Ite-olutes ol great are lound efficacious for general debility » Rambler.12 2u 6 1* night, probably repealed passing Branswick, Bargain** in Laiben’ Uold Untrbn afternoon in the same region. Light- ian 32 H on burned of! hut do other was Sprite..*...12 1 Tuesday Rubittine Company, hours 30 minutes ; Capt S PIKE, will leave Portland tor St John that city Tuesday, tlie 22d. also ex- were damage dyspepsia, diarrhoea, colic, fever and agu< •oiiio if 911V t,n-miirrnw ran tlwx fin If nnnat. They 1 5 ol the aad fo Sylvia.12 42 of the Austrian Lloyds, 35 hours 12 minutes August 17th, 91st, 96th, 31st and Septem- E. pect to play the Excelsiors on the succeeding doue. _• acidity stomach, loss at sleep, Columbia.12 3 5 8 and increased cloudiness with generally pleas- C. SWETT, and of the Peninsula aud Oriental ber 3th. the Unas c.f Charlestown Thurs- encourging an appetite. Dauntless.12 35 5 56 ant weather throughout the Atlantic coast. Company Wednesday, ■ will i/n w uv I.'O Returning leave St John ATi iv. Ajnno m no) I'OVJU. Juniatia.12 34 5 39 10 miuutes. The and the Athletics of East Boston 48 hours expenses of the yea No. 77 Middle Street, day, Friday who resided in When Life .12 6 5 34 14—19 P. M. August 19th, 94th. 99th, September 9«i Treasury Department, formerly Weather Report—Auk. were $3 and tho ad< I Yesterday morning officer Cammett arrested Wanderer.12 6 5 36 700,000, receipts $2,000,000; and 7th. jy24-dtf Next door to corner ot Exchange, this and was tbe re- Is rendered almost the pang 8 War Department, Signal Service U. S. Army, Di- city severely injured by insupportable by Vesta.12 8 6 7 to this last and he ha. I Excursion Tickets will be two men, named Quigley and for vision of Telegrams and Reports tor the benefit of year's deficit, $1,200,000, By heap issued toi Marcy, being cent railroad accident at writes to a of kidney, bladder and glandular disease; 1, Vindex.12 9 5 4 the trips or 2lst, and at the follow Bangor Commerce. met a total deficit of $2,900,000. Aug 17th, 26th, in} concerned in an assault on some brick-makers Halicon.12 9 5 40 reduced rates: friend as follows: Sholander’s Extract of Buchu should l b ED. B. Alarm.12 9 i It has been announced in circle * ROBINSON, on Washington street on Two political Portland to St John and return,.$ 6.0< Sunday night. a on left brok- administered. Our S Violet.12 11 ^ 5 € A1IOO* RI.OrK.'PORTLAAD, iHG I have broken upper jaw side, leading family, physiciar 2? »h "fl that Gov. Hoffman aud the Portland to Haltiax and 10.5 of the assaulted were hurt. I Glimpse. ,,12 41 Tammany riD| return,. party badly en nose, and badly out moulli and arouud the have confidence in this valuable '* Place i Has the Sole for preparatioi Alugic.12 12 5 42 2 H have dissolved It is concede, [ Sy*At. St John there will he daily connection will , Agency the] The North Stars of and the Shoot- throat. is conuug out is | partnership. Freeport My eye bright—that Dreadna light.12 13 6 11 Halifax from August 21st to September 6th. time will heal the otner hurts. I The “Dollar Reward Soap.” washes wit J o. 8 § £ that has abandoned the idea of norn ing Stars ot Topsham played base ball togeth- saved,—and Narragansett.12 15 l Tammany For Tickets and state rooms apply to shall have to for a to heal 3 .2 3 Celebrated “Weber” er in last keep quiet sped my Soft or Salt Water. Eva.12 1G 5 jf4 g him for the A. R. Freeport afternoon. The Hot, Cold, Hard, observation. ^ u 3 « inating Presidency. STUBBS, Saturday I on a Agent, jaw. live fluids taken through tube, lVn,n,n..R1nnh1i s\ ... □ ~„ i, scored 32 and For sale Chas. McLaughlin '& C< •« The Columbia aud Gracia were the winning « I au!4-foBep6 Railroa-l Wharf, foot ot State st. And the elegant Freeport boys their opponents 28. and I have my face tied up close. by u> H £ boats, taking all the prizes. ‘5 Q cn Kev. John Mitchell, of Yarmouth My bruises are many, but very except Portland. favor of the nomination of Hon. Alexander H McCAMMON FI AMO FORTES Alabama,a slight, The raca was witnessed by thousands o a well known in this on my r'glit cheek bone. Boston.30 09 63 SE Fair Rice as the Republican candidate for Govei Also other first-class makers at redo’el prices. boy, vicinity, is speuding a 15riggs* Pile Remedies are a success, tf. spectators, and was the largest and most sue The ouly wonder is that any are alive, to go Cbarleston.S.C..30.04 78 NE Hazy Business correspunucuto whwhm. few in this city. cessful regatta that has ever taken place ir nor. days Sunday morniDg he de such a and down or 30 feet. Briggs'A llavantor cures Catarrh. tf Ohcyenne.W.T. 29 29 (it W through bridge 25 this The 01 Cloudy an able and country. only thing to complain Chicago.29.93 78 W A New York that notwith livered eloquent discourse at St The car I was in is broken up- Healer, tf. Cloudy dispatch says : Concerl completely Try Briggs’ Throat and Lung was the inadequate facilities furnished repor* Cleveland.29.98 7(5 SE Clear from Psalms floor all and seat torn out or the boasted of the Luke’s Gl:2—“Fron ripped up every s iers lor lumrmauoo. Minn. 68 Fair standing efficiency polici Lary .29.88 NW Cathedra^ broken. Get Briggs’ Corn and Bunion Kemedii geeuug Duluth, I ..*9 95 79 Calm Clear a without its deed of mui the end of the earth will cry unto thee, wher New York auchor to- Iudianapolis.. scarcely day elapses Tqe squadron weigh Mobile.29.93 78 Calm Fair For the Benefit of the heart is lead me to'tli, Serious A Splendid Postal Arrangement.—Tli e at 12 o’clock and sail lor New ac- der. The newspapers briefly chronicle the fac t English Pollockj my overwhelmed; Accident.—A horse and carriage night York, New 1 ondoil .30 11 67 Calm Clear the Coming aad Julia. New Orleans. ...29.93 Calm Clear that the ot an unknown man or woma rock that is higher than L” driven by Mr. Smith Harbour of Westbrook, practice ships Constellation and Saratog a couipanied by 78 body New York.39.10 70 SE Cloudy Maine General 400 Quintals. were the tan on 1 bad beeu touud iu the streets or picked up i | Hospital, Twenty barrels of ale spilled by po away Washington street yesterday af- sailed from Halifax on the 18th ot July,reacbe Norfolk.301<9 74 Ca'm Clear ternoon. PBNIV8Y1.EANIA. the marks of acconi Will be given at the lice yesterday afternoon. Mr. Barbour was thrown out aod Yortlaud via Provincetowu ou tho27lh an J Omaha.29.74 75 S Thret’ng river, bearing violeuco, Pitt-burg. 30 07 76 Calm Fair Mechanic run over. He was ,f l onl mine Explosion. paoied with the formula that acoromr ha We understand that the Portland taken up lor dead, but sub- sailed hence on the 1st iust. On the arrival Portland.30.10 62 Calm Cloudy American Pollock, 1 CITY I aUd “ Pittston, Aug. 14.—A Sre damp explosioi San Frauciseo. .3'».01 56 SW Fair been notified, and in nine cases out of ten thi ; HALL, Blues propose a visit to Providence, K. • "in'tl,0U8h Tery se' the at Halifax a letter was mailed to th s rmusly ships in the shaft 1 lear &_Vtd occurred tliis morning Eagle oper Savannah.30.01 76 E is all the public ever hears ol the case. Satm 200 an of the in thi 1 Even Quinta1*. shortly. office giving account reception ated Alva Tompkins. Twenty men wer. Washington. 30.07 77 S Clear Wednesday ’g Aug, 23,1871 Harper b hy a man was found iu the street > 5 Bazaar.—The Clear day morning Hale has a chrc m entitled Tli number for the and other matters of interest. Last nigl t in a new at the time of the Wilmington_30.09 99 NE magnificent port workiug gaLgway Clear Montreal, C, E..30.07 77 S with his skull Iractured. and died on his wa f of week, richly illustrated, has heea s which tore away the timber sup Tickets of Admission bo obtained at Playmates, which comprises the figures received at it came to hand, having been about six weel explosion, Barometer corrected lor temperature ami elevation may Hawe the of tbe roof, causing it to fall aud leavini to the station house. There is no likelihoo 1 & Cragin’e, 77 Middle street, and Ira 0. Stockbriuge child and at It is one of the fines t periodical depot Messrs. Fessenden on his I porting dog play. the way. If John Bull does all posti behind tbe rocks with ui 158 Exchange street. Bros., Lancaster Hall; ais., D. the men imprisoned that this murder will ever be aug9 COD, by Went- disclosed. of the kind ever iu thi r COMMKKC IAL, pictures published in hooks, business in the same way we do not wood! means to escape till the debris shall be clearer worth,dealers stationery, &o., 337 returns from ! who was outsiih Full filty counties show Leslie 1000 country. His photographs of Paris "are won Congress, corner of Oak street. This that half his are a behin d away. Benj. Davis, working Quintals journal subjects generation tbi ■ the lead or all of the was killed by FareiKii Exports. to he less in those counties tha or retail trade. derful works of art. The cliroinos from Tur ol Fashion takes others, and is a the age. gangway, instantly majority 39,58(5 Suitable tor shipping visitor to the circle. The men imprisoned will prohabl; BUENOS AYRKS. Helen O. Pbinney-29,- in ner’s two series of Hire welcome parlor explosion. Brig that of Stevensou, Democrat, 18(58, notwitl pictures, embracing be dead belore can be reached. 540 feet lumber, 75.000 shingles, 1 mowing machine, EXCURSIONS. Tennessee manners difler somewhat froi u they the fact that Leslie’s total vote in tli pictures each, are beyond criticism. The Japanese.—We give one more extract Second the twenty men work 300 boxes herring, 10 cases matches. standing ; those ol men in some other sections. A t< Dispatch.—Of DMA & CO. of in tlie mine sixteen were on tin Foreign Import*. same counties was greater than Stevenson’ The Steamer CH A*. 1IOUOII To-day is the lOOili anniversary of the hirtl 1 from the New York press, descriptive some ing employed 1 ll3w jected lover took bis touel '■ will Excursioi August \n recently revenge by new gangway and are imprisoned by tbe lallini ST. GEORGE, N. B. Scb. Alma—88,000 teet lum- The difference iu the is due to the it TOW, accommodate of Sir Walter Scott. of the feats the company which majority o performed by ing off a dozen others in different 1 to J. H. llamlen. >1^ Parties, Tuesdays and Wednesdays bombshells under the smok roof. Three working part her, the Sea Hon. Neal Dow ■ crease of Republican vote siuce i- inSSBKS^Beuh the Excursion EDWARD 8. delivered a temperance lec is to appear at the City Hall this evening: house. of the mine uninjured. 18(58, largi week, during BURQIN, When the “old man” looked out tl e escaped sou, at moderate charges. Inquire of tare at Halifax last in a by Railroad* and Mteamboat*. lyTrom tbe colored population not then ei l* & CO. Is admilted a in the Brm Wednesday evening. The trick of Yadsunochi swallowing back doer and THIRD DISPATCH. Receipt* HARRIS, ATWOOD partner of saw a coupfe of thousand tf The India street Uni and taking it out of his sleeve, throwing ponm Grand Trunk Railway.—199 cans milk, 399 franchised. 18.1871. Jyl9 verbalist Society bar s pipe ot bacon in Scranton, Aug. 14.—The bodies of five vie July EDWARD H. dt it his sleeve to liud the bowl red hot in his flying the air, and the wl 601 bbls flour, 1 car wood, 1 do clapboards, 1 do BURGIX CO., a call to the up youth tlie Pitlstou disaster have been recov A member of tbe Republican State Execi extended Lev. George W. Bick smoke, out of a flute was the author tims of ttaves, 29 do lumber, 2 do bark, 1 do tubing, 3 do mouth again, whirling of this rise ol i II re Ironi this and the of N. poik standing ered. A large force of men are at work 1 do neef, 1 do 1 do spools, t do C. pins, 1 tive Committee of North states tbi date, 2 noil, Portsmouth, H., to become tbei with tbe mysteriously balden away, im- a fence corner with oats, pork, Carolina, pipe his thumb to his nose at d the debris, and effort is makinj ashes. 19 do 4 do sundries. IIlaDine* iu tumblers full of wat -r ouly moving every do corn, tbe the convention is Flour, Corn, Tien I aiacl larniii pastor. mersing tbe pipe his who ar East—700 bbls. 3 cars sumlries. majority against 13,00 >* fingers to recover tlie bodies of the others, Shipment flour, ! will he ns 132 street, to make it still more red hot, was only excelled extended,forbearance ceased to 1 ,e STRANGERS continued usual at Commercial sheriff is to be t nod that the are much Anew jury summoned of a virtue, and but for his known to be twelve m number. Maine Central Railway—296 cases mdse, 16 Republican gains grea and Falmouth Mills. tbe swallowing ol rows pius stuck into agility i„ ov, will plesse remember reason of by getting pegs, J0 tdis 29 sundries. a than was And visitors in thfscity lha settle land damages by the construe members ol tlie audience, then the he would bags sheep-kins. pkgs represented. Finest Aug 1,1*71. ant-d3w__ liis mouth by fence, have been can And (be Quality of annihilated o cases they always gen & ■ and to Steamer .Iohn Brooks from Boston—10 The Seatou tiou of the Portland Ogdensburg Railroai to swallow a spool of thread, finally ibe ■ 1.I.1NUIS, House, owned by Mr. John I teel custom made spot. 10 bales do, 65 cases boots atm 15 llorse tor Sale. Hall them out on a string with the dome-tics, shoes, Family The flag on the City was s t take again Fatal Affray. do*, 150 fathoms 100 30 Semmes, iu Louisiana avenue, has been leas* Horae; 7 displayed ol each needle. Satsuma pails, chain, melons, bags AND A very superior Family y». 'bread in tbe eye The Kentucky Election 5 6 m 90 BOOTS SHOES black; out of respect to the men; —The Assoeiati d 14 —An outbreak took plac seed, sewing chines, 1600 teet lumber, boxes the ol the Interior, for the use J old, sonnd. klndaml reliable; color half mast yesterday ami Chicago, Aug. ■ by Secretary and s«-n wonderful astonishing soap, 150 bbls. BOtcs 2 bales 30 and LLuVy Sold on accuuut oi n* perform Press furnishes the following at ilie of tlie Lake flour, lard, gunbia, In all widths sizes at i.'M middle Hired weight 1075. only late Woodbury Davis. leet and Ra- intelligence iel i- Friday junction Superio ihe pension office. The luterior Departmen t, r. ory of the feats of shoulder and balancing, , boxes lemons. 27 bols pipe, 38 window weights, 2 ( -1 A y»»>»iih ot tt .‘ i»n sent .-wn live to the late election in & Northern Pacific in which Join an5 is m. O. st. attention of our readei s Kotzko introduced a new teat. Railroad, hor-es 2 bdls Ho to older of groum I, PAI,mHH. BIS SOS’S S 1A LiLK. Green We would call the ninsan and Kentucky: shot. Th whips, pkgs though occupying the entire square end3w_ seen at Ru a Turill, sheriff, was dangerously For Canada and bbls. oil. 13 bales ’M.,y Tins is done the former supporting ladder The official returns trom 84 up Count-y—12 building tf ___ of the Inlernatioui 1 by counties gb e tb J of the Aug8 the advertisement trouble originated in file suppiession of 32 bols. 25 bdls 82 16 aud one of the largest public I*___ to on bis bare shoulder, while the hoy ascends 110,443; piner, clue, leather, wheels, ii in r Leslie, Democrat, Harlan, Republics N. B. ^ bdls 25 to order. that a number ot WriiJVT E D. which appears auolht the o, one "j liquor traffic along the road. Wrigli bags, bales wool, 75 pkgs is now so overcrowded Company, and s. ais bimselt on top of the 74,124 The lull relurns froru the State w 11 Steamboat wrre b For Nnle. Nr v and John Smith of Wisconsin ordered to resort to quarte. It will he seen that the steamer sides. Then, by some magic influence, the probably make Leslie’s majority about 40,0( 11 bureaus are compelled column. slieriff Wadeot Trembleau county to surren New Yark and Maaey marlin* ~i f\ OR IB g lod female Book to whon other side and all the lu the 5391 ou .Black their business to be transac compositors, Kiore. (near to St. John t o gives way, tings falling counties giveu Leslie gaius le to tliable a is to make four trips der. Tbe slieriff was answered a volley t New outside Av constant employment and good wages wi! 1 First-class Apothecary Brunswick out a terrible crash ensues and Kotzko. still vote of in the last by York, Aug. 14.— Morntng.—Gold opened at witness tl Stevenson, Democrat, G shots. Wade then tb Semmes will receive |10,000 p( r be given. to A Temple) dclcitbttolly l»te“,. Tetti.a those who wish to on the i'2 shot Wright through 111*. ed properly. Aj ply 1i;i“ accommodate preserves his positiou remaining side of bernatorial electiou, and Harlan gains 50,3 l1 „ | “““‘.'’SJ ,t, bead, killing him and also wouude The follow ing are the forenoon quotations of Soutb- A ihjsjcisn. 1 Ft.ltK*, Soylsion> Boston, the ladder. This feat met with on in the sat iustautly, year. Jttaiifl, Avery Frye, ea ty. Address auUdlV regatta at Halifax* deservedly the vote ot Baker, Republican, Jc I Smith. cor eru States securities: great rowing They were suspected of being of )U>iton footed u Ml thi s and continued applause. election. 1 Tennessee 75J Tbe ale trade last year p aug9*lw No. .* Cornhill, Bailou. US. William Thompson and Fred Harris, of great cerned in various robberies. 6s, new. ;i ivp 5555?^5 ■ __ I—— wi,k a Pair of wooleL hose for each, two schools, one of which to be in in -II.IJJ as agricultural dians, and auy other to their civ* said othaf rsstieot to proiuoU “ * per same article, fire thousand nine hundred ami and industrial school, In respect promote Indians, and In any LAWS retenth May. .lyhleen bun! keeping repair school build, | filiation and improvement, two thousand six hun- seventy in r h u .1 tto« twenty tlrae dollar-. and for providing suitable their civilisation, comfort and improvement, lngs, fUrnlture, books dred and sixty dollars. „n "*• 10 b“ OF THE For third oi and fifth j five thousand dollars. .xpenrd V'T'eA ten instalment*, to be used by the stationery, per article treaty June eleven' the ,er'tlen'1”rU‘t:,: °* For Peaks1 Island, NAI-ELT AND Interior, fifteen Beuru,a,» ; secretary of the Interior in the pm chase df sucu ar- eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dob | QUI QU1L-LEII-UTK INDIANS. 8’KLALLAMi.g thoSrt 3oU.»* ticles as from t lavs. NEW b me to lime ths condition and necessi- For the second of five instalments on MEXICO. Peak> lalsfturf Stfiiinbenl t'ompunf i"’*r£n"ere“‘per* four" anffi ties For twelfth of twenty-five For second of five instalments on sixty thousand i„rF°ihe1 i»yWo,*'i" may indicate to he proper, the sum ot ten dol- twenty instalments for the ernulov- thousand dollars, (being the first for beneficial For the general incid* ntai tr.atv October, eighteen hiurirt-d and series) dollars, the fifth under the direction of expenses »h« t, ,« tuU.tb toitj- lars ior each Indian roaurn j. as same article, a ment of one suiteriutendent of under the (being series,) service in New MTEAnER UNITED STATES. article treaty thirtieth per teaching and two object*, direction of the President, per the Mexico, presents T ,wo ind eiebih September, aum not ex thousand dollars. teachers, per fifth article President, per fifth article treaty January twenty- Hi aud and ceding five treaty June eleven eiahb fourth article of treaty of one. hun- tural and other useful ! PA8SXD AT TUB budreii third article a“d July eighteen six, eighteen hundred and two thousand implements, article “SI1,?11,1' eiabieen tjity-lour, *or pay ol a one thousmd four buu- tm3’*iTe> t!,ree 'housaud dred and fiftv-tive, one fi(tv-five, them to locate in It K seventh via?, eighteen hundred auc physician, tWo huu- thousand dollars. four a^ist permanent K V l* H.S, treat? iixty-3 died dollars. dred doftars twelfth of hundred dollars. abodes, kndVus- no For Instalments for the tain themselves by the ol ■ 1 SESSION OF THE FORTY-FIRST tour hundnd lxrs. | For twelfth- twenty support For twelfth of for the pursuits civilised life tn ~aa- THIRD loax, For second ol twenty instalments lor pay ot of.twcnty instalments for of an and industrial tweaty instalments support under the direction ( API. A. N. tor nnh oi ten instalments of the second the em- agricultural school, and for pay oi an be ex|»etided of the Secretary OLITBK. CONGRESS. series in teacher aud books and siatio- of one superintendent of of suitable agricultural and industrial school, and for pay ! lour ill art'cle *urnishiug necessary ployment farming, and two instructors, per tenth article treaty for oi the Interior, filly thousand dollars, Will leave ibc goods, per treaty touith October, eight- Ut-rv 'hiee ihou- farmers, two two .July suitable per eleventh article Oc- including live cm,-.e On.torn Home Wbart tor Natckk—No. B2.J ed under seventh ariicle same treaty, millers, blacksmiths, one thiner .one, hundred aud two thousand teachers, treaty thousand to be expended in daily [Genkual een bundl audloriy-iwo, and article one eighteen tifty-flve, tober dollars establishing Krrrgrrra eighrh tioatf saud d dlars. gunsmith, one carpenter, and one five hundred dollars. twenty-six, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, I.Aftdl.tg touching June-' l.nnd- ACT ioi tbe current aud thinieth September, eighteen wagon and thousand five schools among the Pueblo Indians. :u M3 and 10 1.3 AN waking Appropriations hundred and ti tv-t ui F.r first ol 'hree leatalmm's tor the purchase ol plow-maker, per fifth article For twellth of hundred dollars. AM, an I M3 anil3.13 P M, and o' tbe lud-au Department, ai.d thiid article treaty eleventh June twenty instalments for support ot For inrjoiics contingent expense? treat? seventh * iidi'een hun- seeds as shall con- hunSred and twelfth of twenty instalments for the em- OKEGON. Landing only *r 7.1.3 A M.and 7.ISP M. wub T»ru>u» and May, aud implement tor such In Dus e.gj‘teen fifty-five.teu thousand smith aud carpenter slinp, and to provide the ueces aud tor m li hag treaty stipulations dred bixty-iour, three thousand five two For twelfth doltaS ployment of a and a incidental expenses ol ihe Indian nniornti.* leave tuny, hundred tinue to farm. ^sa> souls ) one thousand ot twenty instalments for sarv tools therefor, tenth article blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, For the general Kvcrgreen Landing at 11 A M and *or ilie year ending June dollars. Illy pay of a per treaty July on •, who insurance and trans- ind.au meet, o hundred aud doll tis. physician, per fifth article hundred physician, shall tarnish medicine for the sick, service in Oregon, inolud ug *' 7:,°'9 “",J died aud and tor For bit!) ol ten rftty treaty eleventh June eighteen and fitty-five, five hundred dol- tigii eou bu. seventy-two, i»»ialuieuls ol tbe recon.l For I on and ■•eel, as per treaty June hundred and of and presents, (where no »p"m:* series, pay ol second blacksmith. a,,d *i«J-five, one thousand tour lars. twenty-six, eighteen portation annuity goods »»-n".MvrM K‘“ou'8. per touiih article fourth dollars. hundred four thousand six hundred dollars. therefor is made treaties,) ami OJVv u* *>0Il(v treaty per ei 'btn ai tide tame t eaty, wo thousand dollar!^ For twelfth of instalments for the tiny-fm*, ipeeial provision by hy ap* In, the Senate c guteeu hundred the For twenty employ- For support of a smith the removal and sub- K'ttw “"‘*£<2’/Anton->» toper and rorty-two,:.na eighth For second ol ten instalment?, to bo used twelfth oi' instalments for ment of a and carpenter shop, and to lor deirayiug the expenses of p'^tooSoKitao“i^rsccoa‘mod‘,ted sent.ve. o, the United State, of SMer.ca amcie by twenty keening in blacksmith, carpenter aud farmer, and a the to 2S treat? thirtieih September, eighteen huu- oi tbu Intel ior in the o' such ar- repair the for the vaiious who shall provide necessary tools therefor, five hundred listenccof Indians in Oregon, (not parlies auy r'*T,t!*, hi'.Pen hal* price. ihal iho ireu and Secretary purchase buildings employees, ana physician, furnish medicines for the sick, dollars. 830^* Will roil1r»n ? grte. a.lctnlAed, „‘llv uioiiet iu Uu?-iour, and third article treat? seventh tu* eg as from time to time the con lition ami nec«*s- lor providing the furniture itentli article treaty,)and for pay of necessary employees, forty or. Evening trip only i„ pleasant weuh- approprunud‘“{'“"‘“A otay. e necessary therefor, per per treaty July one, eighteen hun- lucyaiu hereby, iuo pui- ghiecu hundred and sixty-tour, six hundred sities ot the Indians indica e t * be proper, the eleventh dred and four TABEGTJACHE BAND OF INDIANS. thousand debars. the nol o,(wiwiae appruprta a * m*y “a *£“c'e treaty June, eightewi hundred fifty-five, thousand one hundred UTAH Portland,.tune 23,187!. treasury S| dollars and cents. sum of dollars tor each Indian engig»*.d in and For this to allot lands in sev- | t«33dtt and cont g w* « ^"b4X sixty-seven twenty hfty-fivo, three hundred dollars. her the of amount, survey and p.aeui paying the current r*u tiuh oi cellars. eighth ten instalments for the purchase .nd iwflUng ireaty ieu instalments, ot te.ond »-iits,ior as r ninth article the same treaty, J> or twelfth of ot to tho Indians at Grande Koude reservation ul tile luu Ian agriculture, p( twenty instalments for the salary RIVER goods, under the direction of the of ?ralty Ucpur^eui, the puichase oi ai d Inurth thou>an l dollars. ot such CROWS.’ Secretary iu for Ihe rh« various Indian piovisions tobacco, per a mm n it exceeding twenty person as the tribe may select to be their the Oregon, who nr ay uesire and be fitted atipulatiuns wnii aiti.-le lou to Interior, jier eighth article treaty of October 8'«*‘ in eudeuts ot Indian an tlrg, treaty th October, eighteen hundred and For second o' tour insiaiman s »o him sli said In head fifth article For this amount, be expended for such lame, under tho of the ol Janu- [or ua, Ol eight uupei chief, per treaty eleventh Juue. goods, seven, eighteen hundred and ami Sen- provisions Treaty tor tbe iilut a east ol eighth ancle treaty tbirtioth Sep- diahs with Hour and no at. as per ninth article eighteen hundred and five provisions, and other articles as the President from sixty-three, ary hundred and flliy Jive, i »o gupeiinicudeuia torty-twj,and treaty fifty-live, hundred dollars. ate amendment of March hun- twenty-second,e ghteen Uicjltilsmds. uaineiv:5 uue tor .one eighteen hundred aud aud thrd hundred and one r or time to time may twenty-five, eighteen with the eonlederate bsinls in ibe Kooky ?J uutaina; ioi tember, fitiy-lour, May seven, eighteen sixty-eight, salary of two subordinate chiefs, as fifth determine, including, insurance dred and ten of lmiWtis residing Ojegou; article oi per sixtv-tbur, thousand dollars. u‘ie mi the ot t ea'.v scv inh May, e’ighie-ii hundred hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred dol- article treaty of June nine, hundred and transportation thereof,'in instructing in agri- tor the Wlllamet e Valley, the title thereto n lo be alien Wagbiugton Tertuory, lerntory and eighteen and eighth of ten instalments, per eighth arti- f t Caulariha; one tor the Terri- sixty-tour, six hundred and tiny seveu dollars lars. sixty-three, one thousaud dollars. cultural and mechanical pursuits, in em- cle ot iited by sal Indians without the eo sent of the Hec- Kew Mexico; oue. providing said treaty, for the purchase of provisions, un- and oue lift and sixiy-bevcn cents. For second of three instalments, to be For sixth of sixteen instalments educating children, medicine and der ol the Iu lour thousand dollars. tory ot Arnr.ura; Moutaua, uineuur expended for board lug and ployees, procuring the direction ot the of the retary erior, dollars. For filth ol len instalments ol the second series, in to the ten of said tribe medical attendance, care for and Secretary Interior, For at thousand one buuorcti presents persons who, in clothiug the children who shall attend the schools, support of the teu thousand dollars. repairs Grande Koude agency, two thous- ot loi the it oi two .‘■uiith-’ iucln iing the the of the the sick, and infirm, tor the and dollars. Peak's and For pay oi cixiy-two agents Indian atlaiis, bUpp. shops, judgment agent, may grow inoet valu- providing the schools and boarding-houses with aged, helpless orphans of For the puic'iase ot Cushing’s oi two and in iron, steel, and tool* necessa- Islands, ihreo Dr tbe tunes lour lor pay smiths aud as>istauts, and furnishing able crops, as per twehtli article same five the of said Indians, any other respect to promote WASHINGTON TEBB1TOKY. namely: inOre^pu; treaty, necessary furniture, purchase necessary wag- ry tor blacks mith’s shop. as temh article o( said in New one i»o a and ste» fourth arci. le fourth Octo- hundred dollars. their civilization, comfort, and per tlio tnoe? additional tor tbe 1, per treaty ons, teams, agricultural implements, and so improvement, thirty tie-»ty, tw" hundred and For the iuciKeulal of the Indian MONDAY JUNE Aejj|o; and ar- For of tools, dollars. twenty doilais. general expenses 12tbf Did ai.s in New UelicHout lor ibe tribes in New ber, eighteen numbed and forty-t*o, eighth pay carpenter, millrr, engineer, forth, and f »r of such lands as thousand For cl h iu hundied farmer, fencing may be need- pay acksnnth and a^sisant as per same service Washington Territory, and for defraying one in ticle thirtieth ."Cptember, eighteen and blacksmith, us per fifteenth article of same ed for and Mexico; tor.tbe uil^i Utah; oue addit.Oual treaty trea- gardening farming purposes for the ROGUE RIVERS. article ot sume one the of removal and subsistence ol Running as follows, until further notice: and thud artic.e ot seventh five thousand two treaty, thousand oue hundred expenses Indian', ioi tne Indians in Utah;-oue tor me trib. s in ihc and tiity-tour, treaty ty, hundred dollars. schools, three thousand dollars. dollars. For second of five instalments in (uot parties to any treaty,) ami for pay of necessa- Leave Custom House-VVliart. foot of Pearl for ui eleven lor the May, eighteen hundied »nixtor the Inmans the For flub ol ten in-talmcu’s series, DELAWARES. er, one and two September eighteen fifty-three, and stock Rocky east ot carpenter, millers, seven thousand dollars. as per tame article ot same two as herein provided shut! be in the estab- lor pay ot two tanners, per third article treaty May life six threo thousand treaty, expended Hctnr» in/, leave Island for Portland at itocky mountain?, namely, Sioux, seiniuole, Omaha, For annuity to chief per article to hundred dollars. thousand dollars. lishment of schools and the education of Indian Cushing's hundred ami three private sup- AND FOXES OF THE 9.30 A M. and 2.30 P Kicxapoo, Kansas, and Neosho agencies; tnieetor seventh, eighteen sixly-tou-, plemental treaty For twelfth of twenty instalments for in SACS MISSISSIPPI. children iu said M. hundred anu dollars and twenty-fourth September, eighteen keeping WEEMI Territory. ilio tunes east ot tuo one tor the ^thirty-three thiit?-three hundred aud the and the TABKUL'ACHK, MUACHE, CAPOTE. Leave Rocky mountains; twenty nine, to treaty uf third October, repair hospital, providing necessary med- For permanent annuity in goods or otherw ise, per UTAH TKBB1TOBY. Cushing's Island, t.inching at Peak’s Island Indians in tbe Stale oi cents. and the furniture ukanu river, and New k'.rk; one lor Greeu eighteen hundred aud one icines, therefor, three hundred dol- third article treaty November hun- UINTAHiMMmi'u „YA*JPA- For the general incidental of the Indian 11.15 A M, and 5.15 P. M. !■ or seventeenth ot instalments ot annui- eighteen, hundred dollars: three, eighteen RANDS OE UTES. expenses Ray, Wisconsin; three tor the tribes iu washinton twenty / roouled, That lars. and one thousand service !■ Utah of of satisfactory evidence shall be shown dred four, dollars. Territory, present-* goods, agri ITSTi 'ickets down and back 25 cfs. un- oue lor ty In money, per third article treat? twemy-sec- to For For pay o two Children Territory; tbe Wichitas (and the mighoor- tlie of the Interior that the repairs of houses, mills, and tools, and nec- For interest on twro hundred thousand dollar^ at carpenters two millers, two far- cultural and oilier useful and der 12 oud Februrary, eighteen hundred and Secretary chief provid- and one implements, articles, years of age. hall price. Jc7dti ing nines west ot the Chickasaw*; fifty-five, ed for said article is essary materials, three thous and five hundred dol- five centum second article mers, blacksmith, ss per Hiteeuth article to assist them to locate in and |Lhoctaws .and thousand dollars. by private still alive. per per treaty October ol March permanent abodes, one lor the trines eastoi the Roc mouiai. s; oue twenty For interest on lars. treaty two, eighteen hundred and sixty- sustain themselves the of ay For ol to forty-six thousand and dol- twenty-one, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, ten by pursuits cMiized life, W tor the iu one tweuiy-tttrh twenty-six instalments, be eighty eight, nine thousand dollars. ALOOBOliU <*■ DAMAR1S- Luuiaus tbe territoiy ol New Mexico; lars, at live per centum, the value of thousand dollars. to be expended under the diiecltou of the tiecreia- lor pa d the * hippewas oi Mississippi,'per third article being thirty- NISQUALLY, PUYALLUP. AND OTHER For par ot two the Ponca tribe; one lor the Pawnees; one tor six sections oi laud set For interest on eight hundred thousand at teachers, p«r same article, two ry of the Interior, fifteen thousand dollars. treaty of August second, eighteen hundied and apart by treaty’ of eighteen TRIBES AND BANDS OF INDIANS. dollars, COTTA. tne kaukton Sioux; tnroe tor the tunes iu the Xei- forty- hundred and five centum, second article For this amount, to c oet the action contem- seven, one thousand dollais. twenty-nine for education, per Senate For seventeenth in per per treaty October Kor irry ot oue lor tne Grand Kivcr and instalment, part payment for tbe purchase ot Iron anil and tbe neees- 1 act of riiory Washington; For lourtli or ten resolution June hundred and thir- eleven, eighteen hundred and thou- iteel, plate* by Congress approved May five, eigh- oi- instalments, lor the oi thirteen, eighteen of to to be forty-two, forty tool* tor blacksmith’, Mi.yi.nuit Uinlau banus ot Indian* iu the Territory oi lo support and relinquishment title, lands, applied to sand dollars. sary ,hop, two hundred and then hundred and slxty-lour, entitled “An act lo ARBAivoK.yiK.yrT. a school or schools upon said reset in ty-nine, fifth article treaty May sixth, eighteen beneficial fourth dollars. a«io; two tor the Missouri aud tne country -atlou, accord- objects, article twenty vaca e and sell the Indian In Upper ance with I hiru ar icleol of hundred and fifty-six, two thousand three hundred per treaty twenty- For third of five instalments for support of a present ienervations oue tor thr oi treaty Maich nineteenth sixth December, hundred and For third ot to be adjao.nt thereto; Ottawa?, uhippewa- and four dollars. eighteeu fifty-four and of one thousond thirty instalments, expended Utah Territory,and to settle saidiudiaus iu Uiutali Indians eigbieeit buuchod and lour thousand one thousaud dollars. physician purchase medicines, under the direction ot the Swaucteak a: d Rlack river, aud chiisLau sixlj-scvcu, five hundred dollars Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. The steamer CIIAS, dollars. For seventeenth of Valley, HOUOH- in three for the State ot California; D’WAMISH AND OTHER ALLIED TRIBES IN twenty instalments for ol tor clothing, blankets, aud such other articles as tie Wyoming tebbitoby. Alilen Kansas; agents F«»r fourth ol teu pay For third of five instalments for siiid TON, Capt. Wincbeobach. oue io. tne and comauche Indians; instalments, to be in WASHINGTON TERRITORY. instructors, smith, and supplying think -proper and under eleventh ar- Ki. ot Dako* promoting the progress oi the in who shall furnish medicine to the salt, titty ticle ot same ibe abpetou people agriculture For twelfth instalment on one hundred and sick, per tenth ar- treaty, thirty thousand dollars. ser»ice ill Territory, presents of goods, loot 01 ln,lia and assisting them to fifty ticle dollars. Wyoming Street, Portland tan or Sioux Indians; oi.eior the bauds ol Sties become self-sustaining, in ac- thousand of the Presi- treaty twenty-sixth December, hun- For annual amount, to be expended under the ti- and other and to every Thursday, a, 6 o*cl c.k A. tor cordance dollars, under the direction eighteen agricultural implements, articles, V„ Waldobo- aud i'ux.s o< tbe Aii?sis»ippi. now in lama Countv. with tbe third article or oi dred and six thousand seven SACS AND FOXES OF MISSOURI. rection of tbe ot th- in boro, touching al and treaty March des, sixth article twenty-second Janu- fifty-four, hundred dol- Secretary Interior, supp'ying assist teem lo locate iu peunanent abodes, and aus- Bnotbbay Rouod Ponil, an* one Jor tiielnd.au* in me btaie oi huudied and per treaty lars. fa d Indians at 7 A M Auwa; Nevada; nineteenth,eighteen sixty-seven, six ary, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six thousand For interest on one hundred and fifty-seven thou- with beet, mutton, wheat, flour, beaus, every Saturday, ., lor hamariscetia, touch- one lor me C.ow tribe ot thousand dollars- For seventeenth of ing at Boothl'av and Indians; one lor the dollars. twenty Instalments for the sand four hundred dollars, at five per centum, under and potaroes, as per twelfth article same treaty, be expended under the dir.ction ol the Secretary ot H«.dgdou's Mills. Shoshones and for fourth ot ten of an He will Bannock*; and one tor ihe Sioux ln- instalments, for the support ot For twelfth of instalments for the estab- support agricultural and industrial the direction of the President, second article thirty'housand dollar*. the thou-and dollars. tinning, leave Damariscotta a twenty school, per Interior, twenty every Monday dians W Devil's physician, in accord nice with thiid and support of Smith and For at 8ocl‘K*k A. oron the arrival of Bake, uinety-th.ee thousand six article treaty lishment and support of au agricultural and indus- carpenter shop, and pro- treaty of October twenty-oue, eighteen hundred and insurance and transportation of goods a* may For transportation, and necessary expenses ot Stage ifoii hundred auiiara: Thai it shall ot March nineteen, bundled the tools in be rovultd, be the duty eighteen and sixty- trial school, and to provide said school with a suita- viding necessary therefor, conformity thirty-seven, seven thousand eight hundred ami sev- purchased for said Inuians, keven thousand five the delivery ol annuities and provisions to the Iudi Rockland; a’id|Waldoboro every Friday at 6 o’- ui ihe President to with seveo, one thousand two hundred with tenth article of the of clock A. M.. at dispense the services of such dollars. ble instructor or fourteenth article treaty December twen- enty dollars. hundred dollar*. nit tribes in Minnesota and ten thousand touching intermediate landings, con- 1 no uni For instructors, per Michigan, agents aud upeiinlaudeula heieiu fourth of ten lor the of ty-sixth, eighteen hundred ana one on necting with ihe Boston Boats at mention- instalments, purchase treaty twenty-second January, eighteen hundred fifty-four, thou- For Interest eleven thousand six lmndred and (COW CHEEK dollars. Portland, and with ed us ina> he aud neces-ary medicines in accordance with sand five hundred dollars. UMPQUAS, BAND.) the Boston anti Maine and Eastern piacticabie; wheie it i* piacii third arti- and fifty-five, three thousand dollars. fifteen dollars and twenty-five cents, at five per cen- r or this amount, or so much thereof as may be Railroads, arriv- ue shall cle ot March For of instalments in ing in Portland in season ca.de, require iho same to tieaty nineteen, eighteen hundred and »uui ''uiic icon eighteenth twenty blankets, lor ptr*ou perlorm For twelfth of twenty instalments for the support NORTHERN CHEYENNES AND ARAPAHOES. uuuuiuu aim necessary, to pay the expenses of the commission of passengers to take tha the uuiios ot two oi sixty-seven, three hundred dolJais clothing, provisions, and stock, per tbird article afternoon train for Bos on. agencies su| enniendeucics for of a smith and carpenter and it For third of sixty-five, to January oue. eighteen hundred ami citizens serving without pay, appointed by tin* Pres- one For shop, furnishing thirty instalments for purchase ol salary, msurauce, transportation, and necessary cost with tools, five hundred dollars. iwo thousand six hundred aud treaty September nineteen, eighteen hundred and ident under the of the fourth section of Through Tickets sold at the offices of the Beaton nmi-u.miu necessary as sixth article of ol seventy, thirty-six provisions Tui p«y of six One tor ot d°livcrv ot ;iiinnuii>> .iml cii...... clothing, per treaty May ten, Arty-three, live hundred and filly dollars., and .value and Eastern Railroads, and special agents: the Puebla For twelfth of twenty instalments for the aud dollars and forty-nine cents. the act of April ten, eighteen huudred and on hoar the ind am, iu wan ol iu accordant e wifli the employ- eighteen hundred sixty-eight, fifteen thousand sixty- Boston Boats. AiexiCo; one I .t ihe Muquis Pueblos sixth ar- ment of a blacksmith, and UM PQUAS AND CALAPOOlAS OF the sum of fifteen thousand and sanl Freight received after one o'clock on ticle of the treat? of carpenter, farmer, phy- dollars. SEMINOLES. UMPQUA nine, dollars; iu Aiikona; one lux ihe Pi-uie* in one ior March nineteen, eigureen hun- who shall fufnish days previous to sailing. Nevada; cician, medicines for the sick, per For third of ten to be VALLEY,OREGON. commission is hereby continued with the powers tue uud outers in dred and fcixiy-seveu, oue Uioutaud five hundred Instalments, expended by For five per centum interest on and Freight and P.tpagoes Aiizoua; out lor the fourteenth article the two"hundred For ot and duties heretofore law: passengers taken as low as by any dollars. treaty twenty-second January, Secretary of the luterior, teu dollars for eaefi thousand to bo secoud five instalments of tbe fourth reties provided by Provided, other 9 9 Co.oiauo liter agency; ana ior me Bannocks and hundred and four thousand fifty dollars, paid as auuuity, per no route. eighteen fifty-five, six Indian roaming, (one thousaud hundred ot annuity lor beneficial objects, to be expended as That hereafter payments shall t>e made by any o: lie 1* ai the Fori ii*i 1 reservation in Idaho Aeui- C HIP PEW AS OF THE hundred dollars. eight souls) eighth article treaty August seven, eighteen hun- ■ •i«|uuc vi MISSISSIPPI, PILL A- directed by the Pre*i lent, third article officer of the United States to contractors for goods HAKRIS, ATWOOD & CO toiy, nine ihciisan.. dollais. HEIt AND LAKE WINN E RAH dred and tifty-six, twelve thousand live hundred per treaty OSH ISH FLATHEADS AND OTHER time the condition and November twenty-nine, hundred aud or supplies of any sort furnished to the Indians, or Toi bix T'uiir lor the tribes iu oe CONFEDERATED necessities of the Indian* dollars. eighteen ttlty- Portland. May*, 1871. bUb-agent*; Oregon, bands chipiewa Indians. TUI Hit's one for the thereon, or for aud may indicate to be proper, as same For tour, thousand dollars. transportation any buildings two ior ihe tubes iu Wushin ion hi a per treaty, eight interest on two hundred and fifty thousand or on Territory, Fjr eighth of ten instalments tu tur. i ll said In- eeni thousand dollars. For seventeenth of twenty instalments lor the or machinery erected placed their reservations, thousand dollais. For the third of five instalments on one hundred dollars, at five per to he paid as dians with ten joke 01 good w irk 1* or third of centum, annuity of u teacher and of books aLd sta- under or by virtue of any contract entered iuto with Norfolk and Baltimore aod For ol clerk to lor oxen, tw.ntv log and thousand the four instalments, as per same their pay purchate Wasfcimrton D. 0 pay superintendent California, two hundred twenty dollars, being third series, treaty (they having joined brethren west,) per eighth the Interior or branch on chains, grubaing lioes, ten ten to furnish said Indians per sixth article November Department, any thereof, o*-e thousunu right hund.ed do Jars. plu.s for beneficial objects, at the discretion of the flour aud meat, sixty-sis article treaty August seven, eighteen hundred and tionery, troaty twenty- SteamsiuD giindstones, one hundred thousand five hundred and fl one thousand the receipts or certificates of the Indian agents or su- Line, uor tempera y e.ciKo to six ihou- axes, (handled,) twenty President, per fourth article treaty sixteenth hundred and seventy-six dollars. twelve thousand live hundred dollars. nine, eighteen ty-rour, superintendent, spades, aim other July, For of tifty-six, lour hundred and fifty dollars. perintendents for such supplies, goods, transporta- saua *ix nu^died dollars. tanning implements, per tilth ar- eighteen hundred aud four thousand dol- pay physician, teacher, carpenter, miller *or interest on fifty thousand at the rate of ticle treaty titly-tive, dollars, tion, buildings, or machinery beyond fifty per cent, Steamship* tbit Line sail from end For pay oi ninety mieipre ers, as lollows: May seventh, eighteen hundred aud lars farmer, blacksmith, and engineer, seven thousand of five per centum *‘to be AND OTHER AFFILIATED Ueniral Twenty s one thousand j»er annum, paid annually WICHITAS, of the amouut due until the accounts aud vouchers Wlmrf. Boston. one me iu ily-loui, live hundred Hollars. seven hundred dollars. Tuesdays lor irihes Oregon and tho lerri tones oi For twelfth of twenty instalments for the support for the support of schools,” as per third article trea- BANDS, AND INDIANS IN COUNTRY LEAS- Sat at 12 ’or For the pay ol two one For last of three shall have been submitted to the executive commit- unlay* m., NORFOLK Washington, U tun aud .Nee at live carpenters, thousand e'ght of an and industrial in instalments, to be expended in ty of March and ED FROM CHOCTAWS. MBamkiU' HAL Mexico, hundred hundred and agricultural school, keeping twenty-one, eighteen hundred sixty- tee of the board of commissioners the TIMORK. Uolai* cacn: for dollars, two blacksmiths, one thousand the to the ten persons of said tribe who, in the two appointed by thirty-six the umea ad repair buildings, aud providing suitable furni- presents six, thousand five hundred dollars. For this to be in such of United aud under Stesn-'ships:— eisowheu, emht hundred lour lartn of the the most valuable amount, expended goods, President the States, organized lour nunureu uoilar* seventeen extra lor dollars; laborets. two books, and fifth article judgment agent may grow For interest on thousand at the "Willieim Lawrence.” each; ihe thousand lour ture, stationery, per treaty twenty dollars, provisions, and other articles as the President may the of the fourth secllou of tiie act of tube* ai huudied dollars; oue crops for the five huudred dollars rate of five provisions enewhoro, lour hu. dreu dollars thiee physician on. sixteenth July, eighteeu hundred and respective year, per centum jier annum, “to be an- from time to t me and "George Appdd.” e.»ch; thousand iwo huudred fifty-five For paid determine, including insurance tefith, eighteen hundred aud sixty-uiue, " * hi ihe iuuian service m dollars; and medicine lor three hundred dollars. insurance and transportattion of goods, sia for the of the April William Ulan,'*t live huuuied uoi- the sick, five nually,” support Seminole govern- aud transportation thereof, in instructing in agri- the third section of the act April fifteenth, Kennedy. iais one ior handled dollars, per Huh article For thousand dollars. as third approved "McClellan (’act. each; the Shoshone* ana one ior ihe treaty twelfth of twenty instalments for ment, per article of March cultural and mechanical in em- huudred and for re- May seventh, eighteen hundred and providing treaty twenty- pursuits, providing eighteen seventy, examination, ttabs, at one thousand douais one Ior sixiy-lour sev- suitable instructors fifth article OMA1IAS. one, eighteen hundred and one thousand of said Freight forwarded from Norfolk to eacR; ihe en thousand .evee therefor, per treaty sixt3'-six, ployees, educating children, procuring medicine and visai, and approval; and it shall be the duly Washington* bissu on and YS an hundred dollars. sixteenth dollars. by Steamer oi the Ijike pc ion bands oi iour hun- July, eighteen hundred and one For the of medical care for aud of the board of without unnecessary l*ady bioux, For this to be fifty-five, fourth fifteen instalments of thii attendance, support commissioners, delay, rorwarded dred and one lor ihe Sam and amount, applied toward the sup- thousand hundred dollars. SENECAS. so Freight from Norfotlr to uolhus; coxes oi me ot a eight amount, third series in or otherwise aged, sick, aud infirm,for tbe ftclpl ss orphans of to forward said accounts ami vouchers submitted Peterthurg and now la port saw-mill, to be built lor the common use For twelfth of being money Htchniond, by river or Mississippi, lama county, loui hun- twenty instalments for keeping in fourth article For in said and in other to to them to the of the Interior, mil; and by th^ Va. t Venn tlied Jowa, oi the (. hlppewas ot the and per treaty sixteenth Maroh, eighteei permanent annuity specie, per fourth arti- Indians, any respect promote Secretary Air l.ine toi all dollars; nine ior the Indian teivice in Mississippi the Red repair blacksmiths’, tin and for their or of in Te the Tcr- Lnice ana f*cmbina gun smiths’, carpenters’, hundred aud fifty-four, thousand dollars. cle treaty September hundred their civdixation, comfort and improvement, forty with the reasons approval disapproval joints Virginia. nurture, Ala iHones oi bands oi CbijipcwtU, as per and and makers’ and twenty twenty-nine, eighteen attached the Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, sixth article wagon plow’ shops providing For sixth of ten instalments for in aud seventeen, tiro hundred dollars. thousand dollars. the same, in whole or in part, thereto; and Seaboard and Wo and me Mate treaty of May huu- keeping repaii »<*«“• ,:f0\9,a\bo all fo»«tin A oi at live hunaiei damns seventh, eighteen tools therefor, per fifth article six- a For said shall have to sustain, set aside, point* or lb and South Carolina Isevudi, dred and one necessary treaty grist and saw mill, aud of blacksmith permanent annuity in per fourth arti- AND UMATILLA Secretary power £ ‘a thousand sixty-four, thousand dollars. teenth huudred and five support specie, WALLA-WALLA, CAYUSE, of said * ,>>Un *' *’ *° *a£a» alli loliy tim hundreddoinus. ol July, eighteen fifty-five, per article March sixteenth cle treaty Septeuiber hundred or the action board, aud cause pay- Wa“h'"<,t‘“ and a Tor Fo< pay services and ol a hundred shop, eighth treaty seventeen, eighteen TRIBES. modify bunuiug* ai agencies, and lepain oi ihe tiavelling expenses dollars. huudred and aud live hundred ment to be made or withheld as he may determine. I&nnVirj/' same, hoard ot visitors, to consist ot not eighteen lifty-four, and third articl* eighteen, dollars, For second of five instalments of tbird series, to rate* ten thousand dollars. mote than three For twelfth of instalments for the em- For this or so tuucb thereof as be Through given to South an,1 West. to alien : twenty treaty March six, hundred and For blacksmith and and iron under the direction of the amount, msy Tor persons, the payments to the Ii,- of eighteen sixty-five j assistant, shops tools, be expended President, Fine acco vaccine matter an A vaccination ot annul.y ployment tw’o farmers, two millers, one black- three huudred dollars. and to be necessary, tor the purchase or provisions tor Red Passenger Halations. Indians, uianB, and to inspect the steel, applied as stipulated in seventh arti- per second article troaty Juno nine, eighteen hun- Pare luciudiug lor currcui. tiscai fields, buildings, mills and smith, oue tinner, one one and For cle Cloud's band of Sioux to relieve their including Berth a,hi Meat# to detlcieucy year, live other as gunsmith, carpenter, sixth of ten Instalments for of one en treaty of hun- and lour thousand dollars. Indians, pres- Norfoli$12.M, thousand do.lais. improvements, stipulated in the seventh ar- one and pay February twenty-three, eighteen dred fifty-five, Baltimore wagon maker per fifth article treaty one thousand two dred and instalment* for the ent wants, and to subsist them until first, »gh- h™":t0 *13, time US hnuta. ticle treaty May seventh, plow gineer, hundred dollars. sixty-seven, one thousand and sixty dol- For twelfth of twenty pur- July UU'iNorfolk. 4„ 4K hours. To Tor piesenis to and lor eighteen hundred and six- sixteenth eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, sev- For sixth of ten lars. teen hundred and one hundred and Baltimore *»5 hours. provisions Indians,* ten ty, four, not July, instalments for pay of one mil chase ol all mill fixtures and mechanioal seventy-one, For thousand exceeding any oue year more tbau en thousand four hundred dollars. necessary thousand dollars: farther inbirmatiou to dollars^ ler, per same treaties, nine hundred dollars. For the of the President, and stores, books and at »- sixty-five Provided, That so much apply twenty days’ service, ai fl.e dwllai* per or more For tw’elfth of instalments for in miller, during pleasure tools, medicines, hospital E. °f day, twenty keeping For sixth of ol the amount as be ntces- _ SAMPSON, “eermanont annuity, in lieu of interest on under the direction 01 tbe President ot January m i. .fie vations to instruct Indian in dollars. For twellth of twenty instalments for tbe and New Line ; hmcur‘eu’ girls domestic econo- five hundred dollars. act bun- pay oi Steamers prisoner- from l..d.au one thmsand fifty-five, For fourth often instalments for of black stock, per of February nineteen, eighteen of one ot twmty-thi d, eighteen huudred and seventy-one. ^ le?VUe my. dollars. lor twelfth of instalments for in support subsistence superintendent farming oper- * tLcm lo ditif and tor twenty keeping smith and tools for the dled and thirty-one, six thousand dollars. For this to on the work of in- f. Uotn.s, CUIPPE the shop, supplying same, thra ations, one inrmer, two millers, one blacksmith, amouut, carry expense, lui.dc.t to llie a. lest WAS. PlLlAfiEB, AND LAKE IK/V- repair hospital and providing the necessary med- hundred For in lieu of oil and the Indians of the Central su- arm conlim-un-nl dollars. interest, investment, seventy- one and plow maker, one and structnig aiding °‘ lhK NKBAOOSISH icines and furniture therefor, tilth article five at five act of wagon carpenter BANDS., per treaty thousand dollars, per centum, per and two uer fourth perintendency in the arts ot civilzatiou with a view <£jfe Yarmouth & oio,,a,n‘.,%a'I/‘U,,J' sUch oi U“>te“sca>“der sixteenth hundred USAGES. joiner, one physician, teacher*, Boston otneera, ertons «a July, eighteeu and three June hundred aud under the di- ihaiged wim crir For seventeenth ol thirty Instalments of annuity fifty-live, twenty-seven, eighteen lorty-six, article treaty June nine, eighteen hundred aud to their self-support, to be expended against lira Indians, live hundred dollars. For Interest on thousand one three thousand seven hundred and fifty thous- .Uou.au .1 uo.la s. in money,* per third article sixty-nine hundrec fifty dollars. eleven thousand two hundred dollurs. rection of the Secretary of the Interior, forty Toi treaty twenty-second For twelfth of for of a and at five;, contingencies, including incidental bundled and twenty instalments pay twenty dollars, five per centum per annum For interest, at live per contum, on forty-three and or so much thoreof us he may dueiu STEAMSHIP CO. ana travelling, February, eighteen fiity-flve, ten thou- | Fortwe'llh of twenty instilments for the pay of dollars, cuneni, cm.sga,, o. physician, per fifth article sixteenth value of sections of laud set thousand ami transferred from the On- expenses .into., dint, sand six huudred and dollars treaty July, being fifty-four apar fifty dollars, chiefs of me use necessary. The A 1 and and supt sixty-six and sixty-six3 each of the head Walla-Walla, Cay W. E. Soule ageuts, oi thou eighteen huudred and one thousand four by of June two, hundred aud twen- tario Rank to the United States act of In is authorized Steamship •■LiNDA,” Com- offices, thirty-eighty *»,u tnou-thou cents. fifty-five, treaty eighteen treasury, per and Umatilla the sum of five huudied do.lsrs The Secretary of the terior hereby mander will have Gill* Band hvehundieu hundred dollars. tor educational resolu June hundred and bands, Wharf, Portland, lor Tar- dollars.^ For seventeenth of instalments of ty-five, purposes, per Senate twenty-seven, eighteen forty-six. fifth article to defray the expeuses'of delegations of Indians visit- N. thirty annuity For twelfth of instalments for in tionof two per annum, per treaty-June nine, eighteen mouth, S., every Salurilav, at B p. m„ leave Yar- A1JA nltiss, K to VV AN D in third article twenty keeping January nine, eighteen hundred and thirty thousand ouo hundred aud fifty-two dollars and the of of the Unit- mouth for AS, COM goods, per treaty twenty-second Feb- hundred and fiity-iive, one thousand live hundred ing eity Washington by authority Pottlaud every at 4 v, m., con- ANCHKs repair the buildings required lor the various era- ; eight, thtee thousand four hundred and dol fifty cents. ed to the first of Thursday lor.ourilr ot iliiriy iu-ta:monia ruary. eighteen hundred aud filly-live, eight thou- fifty-six dodars. States, subsequently day January, necting at Yarmouth with Steamer ”M A. Starr’ ployees, and flunishing the necessary furniture 1$LTS. and and to be exponued under il.e to sand dollars. SENECAS AND SHAWNEES. WINNEBAGOES. eightteen hundred seventy-one, purchase amt Davidson's Line of lor .tutu ..rifel^o?rovided therefor, fifth article sixteenth For interest on three hundred thousand Coaches, Halitaa and all oi eclooer For seventeenth of Instalments for per treaty July, dollars, a presents for the members thereof, out of the amount intermediate nous. twenty-one, eighteen thirty pur- hundred and five ceutum For permanent in fourth arti- For interest on hundred and thou- hundred sixll* poses ot third eighteen titty-five, three hundred dol- per per annum, to be paid semi-annual annuity, specie, i»er eight ninety-five on the of De- Tickets lor sale seven, cjiic.uded at Medicine utility, per article treaty twenty- lars. cle fif- remaining uuuxpeuded thirty-first day in Portland on board of Xaodg, iieflk i,, ?0' secund ly, in money, or such articles as the of tin treaty September seventeen, eighteen hundred sand four hundred and ninety-three dolltAPs and hundred aud of the sum of Steamer, »*», wim ihe ixiowas and Kuu" eighteen hundred and fifty-five Secretary and cember, eighteen sovonty, in Boston at Boston and Maine, a*d Eastern Oomanclies and .. V February, For twelfth of instalments for the of Interior as first article of eighteen, one thousand dollars. >een at five per cemum, per fourth article Depots, «■“» ft. tic.e ot “ >b® tour thousand dollars, twenty pay may direct, per treaty Sep ceiAs, fifty thousand dollars appropriated resolution autl. n board ot Portland tfte t.ealy o. each of the head chiefs of the tember For blacksmith and assistant, and iron November hundeed and by Steamers. iSS Wlin l“* For reventeenth ot Flatheads, Kootenay, twenty-nine, eighteen huudred and sixty-five shop tools, treaty one, eighteen thirty- number one hundred and ten, entitled ‘‘A resolution Apaches, mil .y ihuusand dollais. twenty instalments for pur- and aud one thousand and dollars. JOHN PoKTKOUS, ot Upper Tend d’Oreilles tribes, per fifth article fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That each half steel, sixty a.veil, aud joint resolution July seventeen, eighteen to of of Indians visiting the Age-it, For puichabc oi as poses education, per third article trea'y pay expenses delegations Cmtuing, providfil in° m»x. twenty sixteenth huudred aud bleed or mixed blood of hundred and thousand seven Portland, Maine. the 8auie second e hundred treaty July, eighteen fifty- the Usages, being twenty SENECAS, MIXED SENECAS, AND SHAW- sixty two, foity-four city of Waahington,” approved July thirteenth, al>2*__ ireatits, twen»y-six thousand February, gluten auu flity-five one dollars and dollais three thousand dollars. live, thousand live hundred dollars. one years of age, or the head of a un NEES, QCAPAWS, CONFEDERATED l’EORl hu ored aud seventy-tour sixty-six hundred and sevent y; and the paragraph ol For family, shall, eighteen insurance and transportation of annuity goods der such rules and regulations and on such proofs ai AS, AND PIANKE- cents. the act entitled “An act making appropriations for I CHIP PE WAS OE RED LAKE AND and IvASKASIAS, WEAS, of instalments of Interest Summer PEMBINA provisions to said Indians, per fifth article trea- shall be prescribed by the of the Interior OTTAWAS OF BLANCHARD’S cor twentv-fllth thirty the current and expenses ot the Indian Arrangement a4%M,:KrC^?^ TRIBE OE CHIP Secretary SHAWS, contingent ^ lwo PE WAS. ty of July sixteenth, hundred and be entitled to without on thou an i one hundred and sixteen teiitbe'> thousand eighteen fifty-five, enter, cost, withiu the dirain FORK, AND ROCHE DE BCEUF, AND CER- seventy-six department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations Fare* and Keduccd itZXZ&'SSS? For this amount as to he two thousand dollars. ished reservation of the Indians in TAIN dollars and ninety-two cents, at five per centum, with various Indian for the June Freight* lor last o. annuity paid tier capita Usage Kansas, WYANDOTTS. tribes, year ending tlr.ee to the Red Lake band ot tract of in form and iourth article tte&iy October thirteen, eighteen huudred aud and for same instalments,:* provided in tUa Lhippewas during the GUOS VENTUES. land, compact by legal subdi For per thirty, eighteen seventy-one, tieaties, to be in third of five instalments for blacksmith and three thousand hundred expend©*, presenia to il»« i*.n pleutur. of the President, per third article visions, not exceeding one hundred and acres hundred and forty-six, eight other petBous o. .Ue s»,t tr.aiy For this amount, to be in such sixty assistant, and iron and steel for shop lor purposes,” approved July fifteenth, eighteen INSIDE LINETO BANGOR. rrfues ecoud expended goods, pro- which half-breed or mixed shop tools, aud five do lara andci.hty-lour cents. which viz: the ftho.CTnelSdlm^,' , October, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, visions and other upon blood have hereto five hundred hundred and seventy, is as follows, “For a.eiu, may g ow .Ue mos. aud secuiid article articles as the President may from Shawncca, dollars. For interest on one huadred and thou- valuable eropsb tor0 tbitb,i supp ementaiy to fore actually settled and made improvements: Pro seventy-nine this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessa- Three Per per.,.d uarne.i, five treaty April time to time insurance aud trans- For third of six instillments for pay of black- dollars and Trips Week! Uunured doi.ats iweive, eighteen hundred and ten thou- determine,including vicUd, however, That such half-breed or mixed sand and ninety-eight sixty-three cents, for subsistence of the Indians in New sixty-lour, portation thereof, in in and blooc smith, and for necessary iron and steel tools for Pe- the direc ry N'avajoe 01 tfUOl,H> Uve sand dollars. instructing agricultural so such land shall forfeit *t five per centum, to i e expended under Toi “r,r'S'2l“a.Un lUousand dollars. I mechanical in entering thereby all clain and one purchase oi sceos and For this amount to the Pembina pursuits, providing employees, edu- to lands within the Indian orias, Kaskaskias, Weas, Piankesliaws, lion of the flecrctary of the interior, for the erection First of the reason! agricultural mime- b»nd of Ch.ppe- Territory which hav< thoilttiLlid min li muired ;unl went.ilnlhiru ami hundred and seventy, to be ex{»emled under the di- Trip ment. w be nrru.sne.. earn cating children, procuring medicine and medical at- of their allottments of Utad ol a was, during the pleasure of toe been or shall be purchased out of the o of houses, improvement land, rection of the of the woo lain.ly or |JLe Piesident, per same tendance, care lor aud of the proceeds nine cents, Secretary Interior, seventy-five .menus .o comme support aged, sick, and twenty ui oi-. e. euU.vat.nz treaty, five thousand dollars. the sale of the land of the Usages, in the State o imreuasn vo, r-, thousand and the same is THE STE om Uunured th/soil u!* infirm, for the of said and thousand nine dollars," be, hereby, 4MEB .amide.,) ten tuousauu » or eighth ot fliteen instalments for the helpless orphans Indians, Kansas And /%inker, That the SHAWNEES. aud other leneficial purposes, eight amended out the words hun- dollars. purpose ot in other to their provided land s« i by striking "eighteen the Rid Lake band any respect promote civilization, entered shall not be alienable such hundred and titty-four dollars and ninety-three Al-ACnES OE supplyiug ot Chippewas wi'h and by half-breed o For permanent annuity for educational purposes, dred aud seventy, and inserting in lieu thereof the CITY OP KICll VI4>.> D, ARIZONA 4N1> NEW cotton comfort, improvement, thirty-five thousand dol- without cents. MEXICO. gibing twine, matter, calico blankets lars. mixed-blood, the consent of the Secretar per fourth article seventeen worcs "eighteen hundred and Tor lint to be llnsey, treaty August three, the ot one hundred and seventy-one." amount, expended under m© ni. -belting, flannels, provisions, tanning and lor of the Interior, approved by the President. hundred and and third Article For proportion sixty per- For this to enablotlie of the In- CAPT. rec.iou Ol rU, icols, ninety-five, treaty May to the credit ot amount, Secretary DENNISON, in such other useful articles lOYV AS. — sons of one million i-.e.tdeul, toe and tor such other useful t-- --e> aiu dollars,plac'd terior Alvin N. Black Ar.Sona coliectlog ApaedeB o. •-r; i ten, eighteen hundred and titty-lbur, one thousand to pay lidge for services render- and .'ew Mex.to purposes a-m,y he deemed lor their and said Indians in stdd Indians on the hooks of the treasury, as per Will leave Railroad Wharf, foot oi State Street,ever* upon reservations, lur best inteiests. For interest in lieu of investment on fifty-seven clothing, aiding estahlishint dollars. ed and money oxjieiided in taking the census of tlie niBUiog tuern sub sun„.sicnce third article themselves in their new fourth article « f the of November one, eigh- MONDAY,-'WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY and o her necesnay per supplementary tieaty or twelfth homes, fifty thousand dol For permanent annuity, in specie, for educational treaty Cherokee Indians, nmlcr the provisions of the Evening* articles, ana to promole Apr-1, elgh-een hundred and to be reimbursed to the United teen huudred a d who e number of the at 10 o’clock, or on arrival ot 6 o'clock P. M. peacsandtiv.iization amour sixty-lour, eight thou- dred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, lars, States from thi purposes, i>er fourth article treaty September twenty- thirty-seven, t welfth article of the treaty of eighteen hundred and Express tUern, Seventy tnousand dollais: sand dollars. to Interest on the of the sales of tribe one thousand five hundred and Train from Boston, Prooitltd, thai^ the first of J uly, eighteen hundred aud seventy- proceeds the lands o nine, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and third ar- being thirty-one sixty-six, with said Indians, nine hundred and thir- approp.mi.ou snail os For eighth ot fltteen instalments'or at the said Indians in Kansas: one hundred and four thousaud live hun- expended only m’uehall m same oblccts one, rive per centum per annum, for education Provided, That the law tide treaty May ten, eighteen hundred and persona, ty-eight dollars and fifty-five cents. for Bangor, touching at Rockland, LincolnvlllA taoselud.au. wUo aud for Pembina band of of the United states to fifty-tour, six d-dlars and cents. go remam upon said reset va- Chippewas, p9r same treaty and other beneficial purposes, under the direction relating town sites be ex two thousand dollars. dred and eighty-fi.e For this amount or so much thereof as maybe neces- Camden, Belfast, Seaivport, Sandy Point, Bucks- lions, and rctraixi iiom lour thousand dollars of the tended over all the lands obtained of the For the of one hundred and hostilities. President, per ninth article of of Osagw in For interest, at five per centum, on thousand proportion sixty per- sary, for the rtmoval of the and othem port, Winter port and Hampden. For of treaty May of Kansas. forty thousand to the Kickapoo AUIUKaKEES. URDS Vlt-V’l'LB-L. sir. eighth fl'tten instalments tor ol one seventeen, hundred aud dians in the Statu for educational sons or eighty-five dollars, placed American on pay eighteen fifty lour, two dollars, purposes, per third article Indian tribes roving the borders of Returning, will leave Bangor, every MONDAY blacksmith, one physician, who shall furnish medi- thousand hundred and CHlPPEWAS h credit of said Indians on the books ot the treasury, UAHS. eight seventy-live dollars. OTTAWAS AND OF treaty May ten, eighteen undred and fifty-four Mexico and Texas to reservations within the Terri- VEDNKSDA Y, and FRIDAY at ft oYWk cine lor the one and one MICHIGAN as fourth article treaty October thirteen, eigh- nooning, For tbiB sick, miller, farmer per KANSAS. two thousand dollars. per tories of the United States, and for their settlement touchin:; at the above named amount, to be in gueh article of same For last of lour equal annual instalments in and whole number one thou laming*, arriving al expeuded goods tourlh treaty, three thousand nine coin o teen hundred torty-aix, and subsistence on such thousand Portland in provisions, and oilier the sum of two hundred and six SHOSHOXEES. reservations, forty time to connect with 0 o’clock P M. Ex- articles as ihe President mar hundred dollars. i For interest in lieu of investment on two thousand dollars sand five hundred and thirty-one, eight thousand horn mno to hundred dollars. press Train tor Boston. ume of fliteen thousand at the unpaid part of the sum of EASTERN BANDS. and dollais and deteimme, .ncludiug insurance For eighth instalments lor the dollars, five per centum per annum, being principal fchre< eiffht hundred eighty-three eight For this or so much thereof as be For and Iranpportanon in purchase per hundred and six thousand dollars to be amount, may fun her particular* inquire ofROSS & STUR- thereof, instructing In null VI livu au,. Bivw, apiuuiuci IU.JCS iOl L>i!iCK Kill 11 !l second article of treaty of distribute* [ of cents. to enable the cultural aud January fourteen, eight- in the usual For eighth twenty instalments, to bo expended necessary, of the Interior to DIVANT, 1~9 Commercial S»., or mechanical in em- same as teen huudred and ten percapita, inftnner of annuities of one hundred and per- Secretory pursuits, providing ing purposes, per treaty above, one thou- forty-six, thousand dollars, paying under the direction of the in the Hor the proportion sixty cause settlements to be made with all persons ap- Fares irom Toil land to ployees, eaucaung third article of the of President, pur- to the Rockland, Camden and children, procuriugauediciiio and sand five hundred dollars. per treaty thirty-first chase of such articles as sons of two huudred thousand dollars, placed mtrUicai KICKAPOOS. July he may deem suitable to by Indian councils, to receive money due Lincolnville $156. aUcuoance, c.ie ior aud of hundred and I on the books of the pointed B.llast, Searsport and support ol the For eighth fifteen instalments, to be eigtheen fifty-five, fifty-one thousau* [ their w ants, either as hunters or credit of said Indians treasury, or act Sandy <*nd lor expended For instalment of five hundred dollars. herdsmen, per fifth incompetent orphan Indians, i>er of July five, Point $2 60. Buck sport, Win ter port, liliim, the helpless orphans oi for and other eighteenth interest on one hun- two the amount in part taken irom their tribal Hampden and *m**jl»said and in carpentering purposes, per same article treaty Juiy eighteen hundred and being eighteeu hundred and (Statues at Large, Bangor $2 50. ludiaus, any other to one thousand dred thousand dollars, at five per centum an- sixty the of their removal Irom sixty-two, fespect pjomote treaty, dol'ara. per OTTOES AND MISSOUKIAS. three, ten thousand dollars. funds to pay expenses volume pages five hundred ami twenty-nine CYRUS num, for educational and other beneficial for in act number ou* twelve, STURDIVANT, General Agent. improvement, lorty For eighth of li teen to ex- purposes, Minnesota, provided public and five hundred and Instalments, defray of For fourth of fifteen instalments being the thirc WESTERN BANDS. thirty,) five thousand dollars. Portland Juue 1st 1K7I. dunl in penses oi a board or to consist of not per treaty May eighteen, eighteen hundred and hundred and eighty-seven, approved July flfteou, visitors, moro in or fourth 1 For such reservations in under five thousand dollars. series, money otherwise, per articl* For of whole number one surveyiug Oregon, ASS IN ABO than three persons, 1o attend the fifty-four, eighth twenty instalments, to he expended eighteen hundred ami seventy, as be rendered INKS.; annuity payments For instalment on two treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred and the treaty stipulations, may necessary, For of the said Chippewa each member ot eighteenth hundred thou- fifty under direction of the President, in the purchase thousand tive hundred and thirty-one, twenty thou- this amount, to be expended in Indians; the sand to be in four, nine thousand dollars. twenty thousand dollars, International goods, pro- board to be paid not more than five dollars, paid eighteen huudred aud of such articles as he may deem suitable to tlieir sand nine hundred and one dollars and thirty-seven Go. visions, ana sucn other articles as dollars per day For the erection or purchase, at the discretion of Steamship the Presioetit f*r not more than seventy-two, per second article treaty eighteenth PAWNEES. wants, either as hunters or amounts for said, one hun may from time to time twenty days’ service, and ten herdsmen, per seventh cents. The foregoing the of the Interior, of suitable buildings determine, including in- hundred aud five article October h are from the Secretary surance cents per mile tor not more than three May, eighteen filly-four, thousand For at least one half of treaty one, eighteen undred and dred and sixty persons appropriated Eastport, Calais and ana uauspoitaiion in hundred dollars. perpetual annuity, whicl for the Upper Missouri agency, near Fort Bertbohi. St.John, thereof, instructing miles’ three hundred and and such articles as sixty-three, live thousand dollars. sums named standing to the credit ol aU<1 “a*cnanical travel, nine y dollars. to be in goods may be deeme* respectively provided the same shall be thousand pursuits, in pro- on the books of the am. necessary, eight WINDSOR vidingvidfniI1C11mUral employees For insurance and transportation ot annuity KLAMOTH AND MODOC INDIANS. necessary for them, per second article treaty twenty NORTHWESTERN BANDS. the Winnebagoes treasnry, dollars. DIOBY, AND HALIFAX educating children, procuring ana shall be deducted therefrom. 1 goods piovisions, and iion and steel for Mack- For the first of live to fourth September, eighteen hundred and For this or so much thereof as l»e ^tendance, care tor and instalments, be applied un- fifty-seven For eighth of twenty instalments, to be and of that amount, may moi ?hthe T pur- smiths for the Chippewas ol Red Lake and Peiubi- thousand dollars. expended, For insurance goods to the port aged. sick, a.id lor the der the direction of the President, as per second ar- thirty uuder the direction of the in the transportation necessary, defray expenses of determining the infirm, helpless na tribe, three thousand dollars. For of two mannal-labor President, pur may be purchased for said Indians, one thousand location orphans oi said and iu mi ticle of October fourteeu, support schools, pe chase of such articles as he and re-marking with suitable monuments Indians, other respect to treaty eighteen hundred may deem suitable tc five hundred dollars. promote Lheir For this amount, or so much thereof as be and live thousand dollars. third article treaty September aud establishing the of the me- touriori. c,v,ligation, aud may sixty-lbur, twenty-four, eighteei their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per third position ninety-sixth improve-* nec. wary, to be used at the discretion ot the hundred and ten thousand dollars. TRIBE SNAKE INDIANS ridan west from the of' to Three TRIPS men(, thirty thousand dollars. Presi- For filth of twenty instalments tor keeping In re- lifty-seveu, article treaty July thirty, hundred and six- WALL-PAH-PEE OF| longitude, State Kansas PER WEEK. to carry on the work oi For of one two blacksmiths eighteen the north line of the dent, instructing and aid- pair one saw mill, one flouring mill, buildings for the pay farmer, and tw< five thousand dollars. For last of five instalments, to be under Creek country, in the Indian tbe ol Red one miller and ty-three, expended BLOODS, AND PiEGANS. ing Chippewa* Lake, the Pembina tribe blacksmith, carpenter, and wagon and apprentices, apprentice, one engineer of the as seventh arti- Territory, five thousaud dollars: and this amount, ^BLACKF’EKT, of aud other plow maker, GOSH1P BAND. the direction President, per 0,1 an<* after For Chippewas, Indians of the the manual labor and and two teachers, five thousand seven hundred an* or so much thereof as may be to the MONDAY this amount, to be expended in Mississippi school, hospital, as per cle treaty of August twelve, eighteen hundred and necessary, pay 3d §ucb ami. Chippewa agency (not tbe ot fourth article of dollars. For of of a council" of the Cher- July the s earner* ot “In- provision-, auj other articlea as the including Chippewas treaty October fourteen, eighty eighth twenty Instalments, to be expended, two thousand dollars. expenses holding "general Pree deni Lake in the arts of eighteen of sixty-five, ternal tonal Line will le«v« irum time to time Superior,! civilization, witn a hundred and sixty-four, one thousand dollars. For pay physician and purchase of medicines under direction of the President, in the oi okee, Creek, Seminole, and Choctaw and Chickasaw deteiminc, including insurance view to purchase rAKAMA NATION. Railroad whan loot ol State and their sell-support, twenty thousand dollars. For sixth of for the one thousand dollars. such articles, cattle for or Indians, in the Indian the trausportaiioir (hereof, in in twenty instalments, purchase including herding other Territory, as.provided by instructing For the of and instalments of pcries for treaties with said in _-_ Street, every tural auu mechanical in CHOCKTA JFS, tools and material for saw and Hour mills, car- purchase iron steel and other nec purposes, as he shall deem suitable to tlieir wants For first of two third tribes eighteen hundred and sixty- Monday pursuits, providing em- for Wednesday and at G P. M. tor penter, blacksmith, wagon and maker's essaries the shops, five hundred dollars. and condition as hunters or one beneficial objects, under the direction of the Presi- six,for the fiscal year ending dune eighteen Pr‘d*y Fastport and ploye*, educating chudreu, procuring medic,ne .77,1 For permanent annuity, per second article treaty plow shops herdsmen, thousand thirty, St John. leave St John and medical aud books and for the For the of utensils and stock fourth article June nine, hundred and thousand live hun- Keuruingwill East- attendance, care ior aud sixteenth hundred stationery manual-labor purchase farming dollars., dent, per treaty eighteen seventy-two,thirteeu on tbe “up “rt Sf the November, eighteen and five, and fourth twelve hundred dollars. six thousand dollars. dred dollars: That other tril>e port same day.*. aged, sick, and infirm, lor the article school, as per article treaty of October four- SHOSHONES AND hundred and fifty-five, Provided, any Indian tielpiesi orphans o® thiiteenih treaty twenty-second June, eight- For oi and BANNOCKS. instalments for the in Connecting at Eas part with steamer Belle Brown said Indians, aau in and teen, eighteen hundred and one thousand repair grist saw mills, three hundre* For twelfth of twenty support permanently located said Indian Territory shall every other respect i,. promote een hundred filty-five, three thousand dollars. sixty-four, SHOSHONES. tor St Audrews and Calais and wuh N. B. & C. their five hundred dollars. dollars. t of two schools, one of which is to bo an agricultural be, and is hereby, authorized to elect and send to civilisation, eouiturt, aud fifty For permanent anuuity tor supfiort ot horse- Ih ilway for Woodstock and HonHon. at thousand dollars. improvement,» ^ light For sixth of fifteen for For transportation and and necessar For first of three instalments for the and industrial school, keeping in repair school said "general council" one and in addition Connecting men, per thirteenth article treaiy eighteenth Octo- instalments, pay and sub- insurance, purchase ol delegate, Sr John with steamer lor Frtdeiiokton and sistence of one of cost of of annuities for the tw* seed and to the heads aud lor t-uitable furniture, oue delegate for each one thousand Indians or frac- with hundred and and superintendent farming, one delivery Pawnees, implements of families or buildings, providing steamer mr and CALAPOOIAS, MOLALLAS AND ber, eighteen twenty, article thir- thousand dollars. fifth article Junt tion of a thousand Empress Digbv Annapolis, thence CLACKAMAS farmer, one blacksmith, one sawyer, one lodges who shall continue to one books, and stationery, per treaty greater than five hundred, being obk* of WiLliAMbite teen, treatjltwentj-second June, eighteen hundred carpenter farm, (say hundred by rail to Windsor and Halifax. With K & N. A. .valley. and one wagon and plow maker, as per fifth article families,) two thousand five hundred huudred and fllty-flve, five hundred members of such tribe, on the same terms and con- and fifty-five, six hundred dollars. PONCAS. dollars. nine, eighteen lor She lac and intermediate stations. At For second of live ot of October For second of ditions. and with the same and Railway iu.-talments the iourtli *c- For for of treaty fourteei, eighteen huudred aud thirty instalments to purchase eight dollars. rights privileges,in- Shtdidc with steamer tor permanent support For eighth of ten t* the em- to Charlottetown P. E. I. annuity blacksmith, sixty-four, six thousand dollars. instalments, (second series), hundred suits of for males over For twelfth of twenty insta’ments for cluding right compensation, as is provided lor dele- °"JettS> “Ve ,h<“ per sixth article treaty eighteenth be to them or lor clothing fourteen Kfr*Freight received on ol until 4 o five October, eighteen For sixth of twenty instalments to paid expended their benefit, tei 1 of the of one of and gates of the tribes herein-before and a days sailing hundred*(joUajk^-'^"1*1 hundred aud ninth a* tide pay salary and years age, flannel, hose, calico and domestics ployment superintendent teaching mentioned, Cock P. M. twenty, treaty January thousand dollars. Juno sufficient sum to the subsistence of one physicau, one miller, aud two for eight hundred females over the of twelve two teachers, per Aflh article treaty nine, pay per diem and mileage of CHEliENNES AND AHAPAHOES. twenty, eighteeu hundred and and For this amount to be the age Jmi24-ncw1wA. R, STUBBS, Agent. twenty-live, school teachers, as per tilth article of expended during pleas years, and such goods as he needed to hundred and filty-five, thioe thousand two such additional delegates is hereby appropriated, thirteenth article treaty twenty second treaty Octo- ure of the President in may make eighteen For fourth ol June, eight- ber hundred and furnishing such aid and as suit* for hundred and dollars. thirty Insta'ments provided to be ex- een hundred and six fourteen, eighteen sixty-four, three eight boys girls, thirteen thou- hundred INTEREST ON TRUST FUND STOCKS. under temh fitty-five, hundred dollars. sistance in agricultural and mechanical in for the pended article treaty October twentv- thousaud six hundred dollars. pursuits, sand eight hundred and seventy-tour dollars, For twelfth of twenty instalments employ For permanent annuity for per second the of the as For ot interest on certain abstracted and Summer *Ua education, eluding working mill, provided For first of ten instalments for ment of one of farming and two payment Arrangement 8Ul*'Be™. article twentieth MAKAU TRIBE. of the of j the purchase ot superintendent stocks to ‘™7 treaty January, eighteen hundred second article March twelve, such one non-paying Stale belonging v«ii«>us Indian ltifota^“doUaDr.hU,‘'lr®a and and treaty eight articles as may be considered the farmers, two millers, two blacksmiths, tinner, twenty-five, thirteenth article treaty twen- For second of ten instalments of een hundred and sixty-eignt, as the of thi » proper by tribes (and held in trust by the Secretory 0l the In- INSIDE LINE TO thirty thousand Secretary Secretary of the Interior tor one thousand hun- one one carpentei, and one wagou and arlitd®» June, eighteeu hundred and six the fifth under Interior may consider advantageous and eight gunsmith, terior.) tor the fiscal year ending Juue eigh- lourteeu^housaninive^em^red doViarB®®111® ty-second fitty-five, dollars, (being series,) the direction necessary dred persons and six hundred maker, per fifth art cle of treaty of Juue nine, thirty, For thousand dollars. seven thousand five hundred dollars. roaming, persons en- plow teen hundred and vis: JUT. DESERT pay ol phys eau aud teacher, as of the President, as per fifth article, of of in thousand hundrod and five, eleven thousand seventy-oue, per thirteenth For permanent of Iron and treaty For this or so much gaged agriculture, thirty dollars. eighteen fllty- For interest on the Cherokee national arftcle same treaty, two ihousand five annuity steel, per thirty-one, eighteen huudred aud amount, thereof as may b< For of dollars. fund, eigh- hundred d,,l- ninth article treaty twentieth January fifty-five, pay physician, teacher, carpenter, four hundred nine hundred January, eighteen one thousand dollars. necessary, to be used at the discretion of the Presi engineer, teen thousand and eighty dollars. AND hundred and farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article For twelfth of twenty instalments for keeping ir. MACRIAS. ol twtnty-flve, and thirteenth article of of to carry on the work of and instruct treaty For interest ou the Cherokee school Forpay carpenter, farmer, miller For twelfth twenty Instalments for support of a dent, aiding three, hundred and saw and flouring mills, and for furnishing the lund,thiee aud blacksmith, ireaiy twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and the Poncas in the arts of July eighteen sixty-eight, six repair thousand and ten dollars. Bunmevr.ae per same five smith and carpenters' shop, aud to provide the nec- ing civilization, with thousand tools and article article, thousand two° niiv-five, three hundred and eight hundred dollars. necessary fixtures, per fifth treat} the Chickasaw TWO Tit IPS bundled dollars. twenty dollars. tools therefor, per eleventh article view to their self-sunport, and for subsistence an* [f For first of five hun- For interest on national lund, flt- PER WEEK. For interest on three huudred and essary treaty three instalments to be expended in June nine, eighteen hundred and fifty five, For purchase of seeds and ninety thou- hundred and clothing, ten thousand dollars. teeu thousand one hundred and lorty dollars. agricultural imole- sand two hundred and dollars thirty-first January, eighteen fifty-five presents for the ten persons who grow the most val- dred dollars. menu, to he luruished emih fitiy-seven and ninety- five huudred dollars. For iuterest on the Chickasaw incompetents' fund, The tavorlte Steamer head o. a y or two cents, at five centum POTTAW ATOMIES. uable crops, under same act and five For twelfth of twenty instalments for keeping In LEWI 9- ten thousand fam.Ty per per annum, tor educa- For twelfth of treaty, hundred two hundred dollars. lodge, dollars. ot the twenty instalments for the support dollars. repair the end the necessary TOS. Capt. Charles Deering, will Foi last oi tion, support government, and other bene- For annuity In silver, fourth articl* hospital providing For interest on the land three to be of an agricultural and industrial school, and of permanent per For of and fixtures filth article Ohoctaw general twenty- Railroad Wharf, instalments, expended in ficial purposes, under the direct on ot the pay3 third seventeen and nine pay second blacksmith and iron medicines therefor, per \leave Portland, prevents to Ihe ten pe-song of said general teachers, two thousand five hundred treaty August, hundred furnishing seven thousand dollars. and tiibe who, in the council ot the in dollars. and steel and other uuder same article June nine, eighteen hundred and 'every Tuesday Friday Kve’ugs, of the Chocktawe, conformity with the For twelfth ol ty-tivc, four huudred and eighteen dollars and materials, of treaty fifty-five, For interest on the Creek five thou- Judgment agvht, may grow the most valua- contained in twenty instalments for the employ- thirty said two thousand five huudied dollars. orphans' fund, ■at 10 o’clock, or on arrival ble tar provisions the ninth snd thirteenth ar- five cents. treaty, dollars. crops the respective year, as ment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and of instalments for in sand two hundred and eighteen dollars. ot Express Tram from Boston, (commencing on per fourteenth ticles of the treaty twentieth phy- For in third articl* For twelfth twenty keeping article same treaty, five hundred January, eighteen sician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick permanent annuity silver, per BANNOCKS. For interest ou the Delaware lund, nine the 16th inst.) tor Koek’and, D er dollars. hundred and and of tour repair blacksmith’s, tinsmith’s, gunsmith’s, general Casting, Isle, 0n °‘ twenty-five, treaty twentv- thousand six hundred dollars. treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred an* For second of carpen- thousand seven hundred and ton dollars. So. West good8> 8cven ihousand five seeond ef hundred thirty instalments to purchase four and wagon and plowmaker’s shops, and for Sedgwick, liarbot, (ML Desert,) Millbridge doTiars!aUI,POrUt June, eighteen and filty-five nine, two hundred and nine dollars and eighteei huudred ter’s, For iuterest on the Lowas’ three thousand and nineteen thousand five hundred and MENOMONEES. suits of clothing for males over fourteen providing necessary tools therefor, per fifth article fund, Jonesport Machiasport. twelve dollars cents. of the three hundred and toriy dollars. will and nine cents. years age, flannel, hose, calico, and domestics June nine, eighteen hundred aud fifty-five, Returning leave Machiasport every Monday CHICKASAWS. eighty For sixth of fifteen ft station's of For permanent annuity in silver, per third articl* for treaty nor Interest on the ami annuity upon four hundred females over the age of five hundred dollars. Kaskakias, Weas, Pcorias, and Thursday moinins* at S o’clock, (commencing permanent In CONFEDERATED TRIBES AND two huudred and forty-two thousand six treaty second October, hundred and (twelve Pianke-baws’ six thousand and annuity goods, three thousand BANDS OF hunured eighteen eight years, and such flannel and cotton as he For twelfth of instalments for the of fund, seventy dol- 15th inst) touching at the above named landings. and dollars, for cession of one thousand and dollars and goods may twenty pay lars. I(^r INDIANS IN MIDDLE OREGON. eighty-six lands per een, forty-five eighty needed to make suits for four hundred fifth article June Tbe Lewi«tou will touch al Bar I>e- fourth article twelve, seven cents. hoys and a physician, per treaty nine, eight- Harbor, (Mt. BOISE FORT BAND treaty May eighteen hundred six nine For interest on the Menomonees* tuud, nine hun- irom June 170 to OF CHIPPE WAS. For second of five Instalments, third for and thousand hundred and tliirty-seven een hundred aud fifty-five, one thousaud two hun- ser()each trip September 15th, in series, and fifty-lour, Senate amendment thereto six- j/vwowuvuv in IIIUUCV, BPUUIIU HI dred aud dollars. For sixth ot beneficial objects per second article treaty * |JCI 5iris,ollars. dred dollars. fifty addition to her usual lauding at South-West Har- twenty Instalments, lor the support twenty- teen thousand one hundred aud tide treaty twentieth hundreii For interest on ol fitth June, eighteen hundred seventy-nine dol- .September, eighteen For second of ten instalments for of instalments for in ihe Ottawa* and Chippewas. two bor. one blacksmith and assistant, and tor tools and fitty-five four lars and six cents. and the purchase of For twelfth twenty keeping non thousand twenty-eiglit, eight huudred and thirty-six dol such articles as be hundred aud thirty dollars. For further or and steel, ana other articles necessar lor dollars. may considered proper the Sec- the buildings required for the various em- particulars Inquire y the blmk- MIAMEES OF lars and sixty-nine cents. by repair For interest on the Pottawatomie*' education ROSS & STURDlV smuh shop, as j*er third article For twelitb of fifteen instalments for and sub- KANSAS. retary of the Interior for eight hundred persons and for the necessary furniture lund, \NT, treaty ot April sev- pay For permanent in second arti ployees, providing •lx thousand seven 170 sistence o' one one annuity specie, per and four hundred in fifth article Juue hundred dollars. Com men ial Street, or a’,d °“a farmer, blacksmith, and oue For permanent provision for blacksmith and as- tide roaming, persons engaged agri- therefor per treaty nine, eighteen "iItj -8iX- and low treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen huudrei sixteen thousand For contingent expenses of trust finds, heretofore CTKUS STURDIVANT, Gen’l Ageut. wagon maker, per lourth artlclo treaty sistant, aud iron and steel for fifth article culture, dollars. hundred and fifty-five, tbiee hundred dollars. flMdte'd,dh„,,‘.a?sr.ld shop, per and twenty-nine, six thousand six hundred ant For and to be hereafter three thousand Portland, May, 1*71. For sixth ol twenty-tilth of Juno, eighteen hundred and treaty sixth October, eighteen hundred and purchase of seeds and agricultural imple- For twelfth of twenty instalments .for tin salary iueurred, dollars; my 18tt twenty insialments lor the support ol fiity- eighteen, ninety-three dollars and cents. and the ot the is author- one three thousand five hundred dollars. and fourth article June fifty-eight ments to he furnished liearls of families or of such as the said confederated tribes and Secretary Tieasury hereby school-teacher, and or nooks and sta- five, treaty five, eighteen hundred For life to lodges person necessary For of annuity chief, (Alexander Robinson who desire to commence select to be as per third article twelfth twenty instalments tor pav and and nine huudred and dollars. • article farming, ten thousand dol- and bands Indians ma their head, HOSTOW tionery, treaty of April seventh, fifty-four, forty per third treaty of October y oi the United States to (he amount ot two hundred subsistence ot one physicist), one one For for in twenty, eighteer lars. fifth article June nine, eighteen hun- idghieeu hundred ai d nundred sawyer. miller, permanent provision miller, lieu of gun- hundred and and third treaty a< t sixty-six, eight dol- one ot thirty-two, article treaty Sep For i»av of nhvsician. teacher. cAmeidnr piurim>or huudred dollars. and fllty thornaud dollars, as d rt-cted by ihe of superintendent farming operations, and one smith, per fifth article treaty sixth October, eighteen Umber Scrred aud fifty-five, five twenty-six, eighteen hundred and thirty farmer, and six thousand March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled For sixth ol school-teacher, per fourth article ot treaty twenty hundred aud eighteen, fifth article live hundred dollars: blacksmith, eight hundred YANKTON TRIEB OF SIOUX. twenty instalments lor (be instruc- treaty twenty- three, Providtd: That sat dollar's. “An act making appropriations tor the current and PHIL A tion ol Indians in fl'th June, eighteen hundred and five third October, eighteen hundred and and shall be HELP HI A farmiug, and pnrehaso ol seeds, filty-five, thirty-four, isfactory evidence shown to the 0 For second of three For third of ten to contingent exp* uses ot the Indian department, and and so thousand six hundred dollars. fourth article tiftn Secretary instalments, to bo expended Instalments, (second series) tools, lorth, as per third article of treaty June, eighteen huudred the Interior that the said chief for sale s with various Indian treaty ol For twelfth of provided by in pi^sents for the ten persons who the be paid to them or expended for their benefit, com- for fulfilling treaty ipulatious LU‘“1"d and twenty instalments for the and lift)-four, six hundred dollars. articles is still grow most Line. 8ilO-Hx, eight salary living. valuable crops, five huudred dollars. intmeing with the year in which they shall remove Steamship huP|dre®dV®o!lhar®.’“ll,®en ol the head chief of said confederated bands, For interest en fifty thousand at five educational per dollars, per For purposes, five thousand dollars. For of that to a.ud settle and reside upon their reservation, Sec. 2. That the act apptoved July tiiteen. eigh- For sixth ot tourtn article treaty twenty fl'th centum, for educational third transportation goods may be purchased per twenty instalments ol annuity in June, eighteen purposes, per article For permanent provision for payment of money, it for the Shoshones and fourth article eighteen hun- teen hundred and seventy, “making appropriations money, to be paid per as huudred and fifty-five, fivo hundred dollars. fifth June, hundred Bannocks, fifteen thousand treaty April nineteen, Leave each capita, per third a.Hrte ot treaty eighteen and filty-four lieu of tobacoo, iron, and steel, pet; second artloh thousand dollars. tor the current and contingent expenses ot th-s In- port every ot Apr.f seventh, two thousand five hundred dollars. dollars. dred and fifty-eight, forty WeclneeilaviSatarday treaty eighteen hundred and CREEKS. twentieth hundred and of for dian and for slx. three theusand five slltv-g For twelfth of treaty September, eighteen AND For Insurance and transportation goods department, fulfilling treaty stipula- hundred dollars twenty instalments two hun- and tentli article of the SHOSHONES BANNOCKS, AND OTHER tions with various Indiau lor the For sixths of For permanent annuity in money, per fourth ar- upon twenty-eight, treaty of tin the Yankton*, one thousand five hundred dollars: trities, year ending From twenty insialments ol' dred thousand dollars, per third article fifth fifth and seventeenth BANDS OF IDAHO AND l,otig Wharf, Boston, at 3 p.m. annuity in ticle treaty seventh August, seventeen hundred and treaty June, eighteen hundred and SOUTHEASTERN That hereafter no Indian nation or tribe June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy one, and provisions, and as June, eighteen hundred and seven OREGON. Provided, From Pino street ammunition, tobacco, per third and filth article seventh fifty-four, thou- forty-six, ono hundred aud tweuty-tive dollars and of States shall be ac- for other be amended by the fol- Whirl, philadal- an le treaty of ninety, treaty August, saud five hundred dollars. within.tfie territory the United purposes.*’ adding phia, al 10 a. m. April severnli, elghtesn hm.dred huudred and For this to be in which was omitted iu and B'Xty-six, one Ihousand eighteen fifty-six, one thousand live fifty-cents. amount, expended such goodB, knowledged or iccognized as an In tependent nation lowing section, inadvertently Inshrauce one-hall dollars huudred dollars. MI AMEES—EEL RIVER. For for three or other articles as enrolment said viz: the rate ol sail- For sixth ot permanent provisions blacksmith! provisions, the President may tribe, or with whom the United States may the or act, vessels. twenty instalment of In and assistants, and for iron and steel to time power ing and annul:, For permanent annuity in money, per second ar- For in or for shops pel from time determine, insurance contract That nothing Sec. 14. And b* it further enacted, That nothing goods other articles, aa per third permanent annuity goods otherwise per sixteenth including by treaty: Provided, farther, Freight lor the West by the Penn. K. R. and article treat, ticle treaty sixteenth June, hundred and fourth article third third article treaty October, hun- and transportation in in to invalidate or in this act contained, or in any ot the Sooth ol April seventh, eighteen treaty August, seventeen hun- eighteen thereof; instructing agricul- herein contained shall be construed provisions by connecting lines for war. led Iree ol eighteen hundred and alxtv-?x* the filth article seventh dred and tweuty-Bix, second article in shad so construed as to rat commission. six thousand five hundred dollais. i x* two, treaty August, eighteen dred and ninety-live, five hundred dollars. treaty twentieth tural pursuits; providing employees, educating impair the obligation of any ueaty heretofoie thereof, be tv, approve, huudred and Ii'itr ixirnilliuiiit miinillv in irnswlu m I._ hundred and TEN For fiity-six, three thousand dollars. September, eighteen twenty-eight aud children, procuring medicine and medical attend- law ratified with any such Indian or disaffirm any treaty made with any tribes, bands, PASSAGE, DOLLARS. transportation aud necessary cost of Second article ully made aud of delivery For permanent annuity in money, per lourth ar- articles treaty treaty twenty-ninth July, eighteen ance; care for and support of the aged, and in- or parties ot Indians since the twentieth of J uly, For Freight or to annuity goods and as s twenty-first August, eighteen hundred sick, nation or tribe. Passage apply provisions, pel xtb article ticle twenty-tourth and two hundred and hundred and twenty-nine, one thousaud ono for the of said hundred end seven, or affirm or dis- treaty ol treaty January, eighteen hun- five, titty dollars. hundred firm; helpless orphans Indians; and EXPENSES OF THE eighteen sixty WniTNKV A- April seventh, eighteen liuudred and sixty- dred and and tinh and seventy-nine dollars aud other to GENERAL INCIDENTAL affirm of the ol the MAnPMON, Agent., one iwenty-stx, |artide sev- For permanent annuity iu or seventy-four cents in any respect promote their civilization any powers Executive and Sen- six, Ihousand five hundred dollars. treaty goods otherwise, per * INDIAN SERVICE. enth August, eighteen hundred and third and articles of For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt comfort and thousand ate over the subject l.»ng Wharf, it..ion. filty-six, twenty separate treaty of thirtieth of improvement, forty dollars. _Jnrs-ly_TO thousand dollars. per second artiole treaty of ARIZONA. i>ec. That terealter no contract or CHIPPEWAS OF September, eighteen hundred and three twenty-ninth Julv' OF 3, agreement » LAKE SUPERIOR. nine, hun- hundred and SIX NATIONS NEW YORK. 1JT_ Ml 1 ■ M For permanent for blacksmith and dred and dollars. eighteen twenty-nine, one hundredeQ ami ot kind ehall be made with 01 annuity assist- fifty aneuts in ant. and for aud eighty-three dollars and three cents. For anuuity in and ot or utaiuo n«rfnm?h®;«fSth, coin, shop tools, per eighth article treaty Ml AMICES OF permanent clothing other uso- dian service in the Territory of Arizona, presents of tribe Indians, Individual Indian not a citizen INDIANA. For interest on two hundred and ful per sixth article Qieainsmp uompany twenty fourth January, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight thou articles, treaty November sev- and other useful ot the United States, tor the payment of any m For interest on two hundred and sand nine hundred and seventeen hundred goods, agricultural implements, >ney and fifth article trea y seventh twenty-one thou- ninety-eight dollars and sev enteen and four to locato in or other thing of value to i.r other *Ba^3SW*2S35aar twenty-six August, at live ninety-four, art cles, and to assist tnem permanent him, auy person, NSW ARRANGEMENT. " ° hundred aud sand two hundred and titty-seven dollars and entoen cents, per centum, iu thousand five hundred dollars. consideration ot boutebo <1 furniture. g*,as’ eighteen fitty-six, eight hundred and eighty- conformity with and sustain themselves the of in services for said Indians relative amfco’ Vn S m six cents uninvested, at five per of article seven of treaties abodes, by pursuits article treaty thirtieth forty dollars. centum, per Senate provisions of Juno five SIOUX OF DIFFERENT INCLUDING civilized to be under the direction ot to their lands, or to any claires growing out ot or in JL.ine feeutenu ?,,K5rlottrtb amendment to fourth article tilth and seventeen, eighteen hundred and TRIBES, life, expended Seroi-’W eekly I dred and h°n- For permanent annuity for Iron and steel for shop, treaty June, eight- forty-six thir SANTEE SIOUX IN THE STATE OF NE- the of the Interior seventy thousand dol- reference to annuities from or treaties with the m^-.bar. een hundred and eleven thousand and teen thousand four hundred and forty-nine Secretary/ United Bor seventeenth oreigVKSlfddol fr per eighth article treaiy twenty-fourth fifty-four, six- uonars BRASKA. Stales, unless such contiact or he twenty iiJ'ainl. T.J January, dollars and cents. and cents. lars. agreement cultural or Qiglitecn hundred aud twen y six and fifth ar'Icle ty-two eighty-nine ninety in writing and by the implements and entile, can S ,n*ri" For this amount to be For the erection of a steam circular saw with CALIFOfiNlA. approved Commissioner oi In- Steamers Dirigr. and Franoni.lt,, wtS d ',,U' seventh hundred AaOLELS. charged to the I’ottawattn mill, dian Affairs and the ot e< t ol.. a. building .naterials treaty August, eighteen andfift)- and machine thou- of the Indian Secretary the Interior; and nti» farther notice, ruu as J‘r in “i"'"1 mie fhnd, to enable the President ot grist-mill shingle attached, eight For the gmeral Incidental expenses all such contractu ^ follows; treaty thirtieth x, two hun tred and seventy dollars. the United dollars. or agreements hereatter rn iu ML'amysit Gaits September, eighteen bundr.“irt '’,e. For pay of teachers of manual-labor for States to out the of sand service in Cal i/ornia, pay of employees, presents ot .de. Leave Wh&rr, Portland, every three h“"n, thousand dollars educating children, procuring medicine and medi- tifty-Bix dollars agricultural implement, articles, the the kx. St. and all of nity iour five thousan and or bo suits for and girls, one hundred and to locate in ?ame, and the other halt shall be paid into Halil John, part* Maine. Shipper! /oily dollars. * ai!r‘'ul,“ral cal attendance, care for and of the and sixty-five cents, much thereof boys fifty-nine and 10 assist them permanent abode*, up«at1ons. two support aged, as four hundred dollars. ol ibe United for the u.-e ol the In- *re requested lo send their freight to the 01 iwee'y insiaimeu's for the and infirm, for the of said be necessary to comply with the thousand and sustain themselves by the pursuits of c'vilized treasury States, Steamen «imnL!*v“,lt?eni0 :hou8aiei^doHar8. sick, helpless orphans In- may provisions of dian or and the as as 4 r. :h, on the "nil I hi,’ second said of which amount For second of thirty instalments to purchase such to be under the direction of the Sec- tribe by or for whom it w*»s so paid; early nays they leave Portland. shop*, per and fifth For five per centum inteiest on two dians, and in any other respect to promote their civ- treaties, forty-five thousand life, expended and For or tn arfic?ea trca.i hundred articles as may be considered proper the person so said monev, and his aiders freight passaae apply dred hun- housand dollars lor purposes of ilization, comfort, and improvement, eight huudred and seventy-one dollars and by Secreta- retary ol tne Interior, twenty thousand dollars. receiving OKNRY FOX. md ttitiyiolilVrUe'1l^*pt*m,,er> education ner twenty-live- fifty-six Interior for in to ihe toroicurc of said t.ult’s Wharf, ou* ltkJUSUU|J three hundred aud lixih article serci.tli thousand dollars. oeuts, or so much thereof as may he ry of tlie persons roaming and for i»er- abettors, shall, addition Portland. iweniy tieaty August, tiglitecn'huu- necessary is in DAKOTA TERRITORY. be lor misdemeanor in J.F. AMES, Pier88 E. It. New dollars'.0^ ired and 11 ten iliou-and NAVA JOES. In coin, as sons engaged agriculture, two hundred and sum, subject to prosecution York. tty-six, dollars. hereby appropriated contemplated in thirty- on conviction May 9-dtf treaties of November fifteen, six thousand dollars. For the general incidental expenses of the Indian auy court of the United Stales, and smith lDvtbl,I;entH tor the seventh For interest on six hundred and For third of ten instalments of such eighteen hundred and dollars, and and*a»staumea»d seventy-lire articles of and March For second of four instalments for of service in Dakota Territory, presents ot shad be lined not less than one thousand ond and tti.b ot sec- 1 bousand one hundred and sixty-one, twenty-nine, eighteen hundred purchase goods, ag- be shops, per sixty-eight dollais, at clothing, or raw material in lieu thereof, for and under tenth ricultural and other less than ill months, and it shall centum er eight and And the of beef flour, article of implements, useful articles, imprisoned not eighteen bandied t*lirSeptember. he rate ol tiv* per j annum to be ex thousand Indians, not live sixty-six. secretary the lnte treaty April ol the United Mates FOR add Navajoe exceeding dol- rior is authorized to sell two eighteen hundred and and and to assist them to locate in permanent the duty ot all oistrict attorneys RONTON; sixty dollars. “‘ly-tour, one thousand and 1 ended und r the dire ctiou ot the oi the lars as hereby hundred aud twenty-nine, sixtv-eight, anodes, do so. and Secretary per Indian, per eighth article of oft of Yankton arid themselves the to such cases when applied to For of third treaty fifty twenty-one-bundred-and-eightieth for subsistence Sioux, one million three suatpun by pursuits of civilized prosecute Kuppoit ol smith ami nterior, under provisions article tieaty June one, eighteen hundred and parts of the fourteen shall be tor their re- of the sixty-eight, fortyJ several classes of bonds held hundred and thousand dollars. life, to be expanded undet the direction of the Sec- their failure and refusal ground Then** and su|.»,,„r tea President, an per pleasure * line fourteen, eighteen hundred aod sixty-six, thousand dollars. originally (before the Indian or other going seventhand* lng l!18 distribution made to the six For pay of physician, five one ot the Interior, twenty thousand moval from office And any agent, ot ol April fArt'cl*is l thousand seven hundred au;l For last of three hundred Pottawatomies teachers, carpenter, retary dollars. MK. “5 treaty seventh, ei fllty-eight Instalments for seeds and ol the UnllBl ■ »''*« TKK **-hteen te W»C lirty-tbree agri- act of one miller, ofie engineer, one and one in ttie employment VI,, ',ro;,ks blxty-six. six hundred “ttu<*red and ended expenses the Indian advise, sanclion, or In any any tweutltul state President, as per twelfth enth article same treaty, thousand dollars- proceeds there- service hi Idaho Tft or >“ euatain„ Li will r an the reason K,,om„* arUciS6jTMUr® For thirty-live of without in in to the ten persons w ho the rritory, presents of goods, agrl- such ciniriut. or agreements, as follows thirtieih, °r third of instalments to supply male For second of ten instalments to any deduction, compliance with the presents grow most cultural m ad Insu, September eighteen hundred audfinv? thirty be used by the said it five hundred Implements, and other useful and as are heie shall, and sevenlb article ot 1 ersou-, six hundred In over fourteen years of Indian provisions of treaties, being the share of valuable crops, dollars. articles, payments prohibited, Wharf, P.rtl.n.1 »t 7 ..-clock trealv ol Anrii .7‘u“r' number, Commissioner A Hairs in the purchase of the to assist them to loc ate In and ou In* (>« »nd*«£» India abovo-mentioned two hundred and fifty Demons For insurance, transportation, and the permanent abodes, to the punishment bereia imimsed Wharf, Boricn, a very dav at 7 o’clock P hundred and sixty-six', twelve W|th a suit el good substantial woolen such articles as from time to time the condition and necessary sustain the ssid money, hundred doll 5 | the bonds to said Indians. expenses of delivering goods to bo purchased for the themselves by pursuits of civilized life, making said contract, or receiving M, (Sandays excepted.) jnghteen consisting ol coat, hat, pantaloons, flannel necessities of the Indians indicate to be belonging to be tho o1 may different bands of the Sioux Indians, under exp«ndod under th£ direction of theSeoietary on convicti n, dismissed from Oablnlare.. •< an transportation, and reat'v n'r u*00'*11 socks, as per ninth article ol proper, the sum of ten dollars to each person who POTTAWATOMIES OF HURON. treaty ot the scrji'eIrnni hold- ol..F?ri lD*aran.?e’ol necessary cost of April eighteen hundred and Interior, twenty thousand dollars. United Stales, and lie lorever disqualified delivery annuity and provisions lor ,cveni hundred and in or mechauical twenty-ninth, sixty- the same. .VS Chippe-m ight eifft,»?.y eighteen sixty- engages farmiug pursuits, (one For permanent annuity, in money or thousand dollars. office ol or trust under wss ol Late three hundred four huudred as otherwise eight, seventy-five MONTANA TERRITORY. ing auy profit Freight,taken.» mtui. Superior, thousand dollars. Vot TKd 5t"nf,n? ,0.U1 dollars. thousand families,) per eighth arti- per second article treaty of November J. ti. BLAINE, For this or so seventeen’ S1SSETON AND WAHPETON AND For amount, much thereol aimurra I smale, seven to each cle of the same treaty, fourteen thousand dollars. hundred and seven, four hundred SANTEE the general incidental expenses ol the Indian the House of Representatives. -U. BfLLdNBH. Agnnt.F necessa y, to I e used al huudied »“PP,T eighteen dollars SIOUX OF LAKE TRAVERSE AND Speaker of May 1,186a-dt; the dlscrelion ol the Presi- « f sge, with a 0Ver twe‘ve >ears For of two teachers, two thousand dollars. DEVIL’S serv es in Montana presents f goods, COLKaX “ n,‘ flannel FhirfUmber- pay territory, SCHUYLKK of Insti < l» lhe and of OUAPAWS. LAKE. agricultural useful and President .n i,tof?,8,'ry the. acting and aid- make the si,m"a goml- necessary For insurance transportation goods, fifteen implements,(ami othe^ articles, Vice-President of the United States LlkL' For this amount, to be In and to Superior, Including rite 3 ards of calico, and [thousand dollars. expended such goods For this amount, to be expended in such assist them to locate in permanent abodes, the Senate. BolaeBoise Fort bandhand "fn°/lin the arts twilve vl'XTrn?, bosf' tw*‘l7e and other articles as the goods of of civilization, with a * h per same provisions, President mav or other articles as the and tc sustain themselves tbs of civil- view to their artide, eightK ttiouSL,?.ousaua !on d<*me?tlc. NEZ PERCES INDIANS, provisions, President mav by pursuits Approved, Man h 3, 1871, FOR SALE ! seli-support, fifteen thousand dollars. * ollars. tour hundred from time to time determine, including insurance irom time to time determine, ized lile, to b< undtw tlie direction of the ^ URANT. instalments of third series for and in including insurance expended CHI PPM iV A S Ob' THE For third of thirty instalments ffor second of five transportation thereof, instructing in agri- and thereof, in in of Vhe Interior,-fifteen thousand do.lars. MISSISSIPPI. of the cultural transportation instructing agricul- Secretary "tidredandI ‘beneficial at the discretion President, and mechanical pursuits, In em- tural and mechanical WENT Working and Driving Horses, also first For flfth or ten instalments fitly hoys and three objects, providing pursuits, in providing em- NEVADA. AN» THEV of the second series In huSdreS^dSn® nor fourth article treaty of June eleven, children, cla-as teams to let at Th, under the ages named, su. h eighteen ployees, educating procuring medicine and ployees, educating children, medicine So aoe» I.ATHAM S money, per fourtharticle treaty fourth flannel and son'X dollars. medical care for and procuring and For the expenses of the Indian tor that Heathen Chiuee. SAWYER’S October, oods as he needed to (hundred and fifty-five, six thousand attendance, support of the aged medical attendance, care for and genei *al incidental all STABLE, eigh“ l may make each a suit as support of ths of agricultural CATHARTIC EXTRACT eleanout Impurities a“or9“ For twelfth of twenty instalments for support of lick and Infirm, lor the helpless orphans of said In- sick, and inllrin, ibr the service in Sfevi da, presents goods, _api22 8m Cor. Market and Federal aged, lisipleas orphans of other useful articles, and to assist In the Blood. st.'j implements, aij J