Index of Cases of Superpower Cooperation James M. Finlay

CHAPTER 2: A SOVIET PERSPECTIVE 1943 Agreements at Tehran 34 1945 Agreements at Yalta 34 1945 Establishment of UN 33-4 1948 Superpowers support creation of Israeli state 34 1953-54 Geneva summits and conferences 31 1955 Austrian State Treaty 31,37 1956 Similar superpower reaction to 34 1960 Zorin-McCloy Agreement 35 1%2 - direct military action avoided 40-5 1%3 Hot Line Agreement 43-4 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty 43,45 1%3 US pledge to avoid direct intervention in Cuba 44 1%7 Meeting between Johnson and Kosygin in Glassboro 46 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty 33,45 1971 Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin 37 1971 Hot line modernization 44,49 1972 Basic Principles Agreement 36,40, 48-50 1972 ABMTreaty 46-7,49 1972 SALT 1 47,49 1975 Accords signed 47 1977 Joint statement on Middle East signed 52 1977 Convening of the Geneva Conference under Soviet-American Co-Chairmanship 50 1979 SALT 2 47,49,52

415 416 Index of Cases

1982- START 56 1985 Hot Line modernization 44,49 1987 INF Agreement 56 1988 Geneva Accords on 57 Negotiations on the demilitarization of the Indian Ocean 52 Negotiations on Conventional Arms Transfers 52

CHAPTER 3: WESTERN EUROPE 1948 Superpowers avoid direct confrontation during Berlin crisis 68 1949,1955 Creation of two-bloc confrontation implicitly limits German rearmament 6S-9 1953 US acts with restraint to Soviet suppression in 71 1956 US acts with restraint to Soviet invasion of 71 1958-62 Superpowers avoid direct confrontaltion over Berlin 70-1 1968 US acts with restraint to Soviet invasion of 71 1971 Four-Power Accord for Berlin signed 80 1972 SALT 1 81 1972 Basic Principles Agreement 80 1975 Helsinki Accords signed 71,80 1979 SALT 2 72-4 1982- START 72, 74, 75 1986 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe 71,81,84, 85 1987 INFTreaty 72,74,81

CHAPTER 4: EASTERN EUROPE 1948-49 Superpowers keep tensions at a manageable level 9fr-7 1951 Soviets permit to join the Nordic Council 98 1955 Austrian State Treaty 98 Index of Cases 417

1955 Soviet withdrawal from naval base in Porkkala 98 1955 Khrushchev makes peace with Tito 98 1955 Khrushchev invites Adenauer to Moscow 98 mid-1950s Resolution of the German question 98-9 1956 US does not challenge Soviet hegemony in Hungary 98,99-100, 108 1958-61 Direct confrontation avoided in Berlin 100-1,107 1968 US limits its response to the invasion of Czechoslovakia to diplomatic warnings 101,108 1971 Agreements over status of Berlin 101 1972 Basic Principles Agreement 109 1975 Certain rules of behavior codified in Helsinki Accords 101,110 1981 US avoids use of force in Polish crisis 102-3 1987 INF agreement 103 1988 Soviets announce unilateral reductions of military forces in Central Europe 114-15

CHAPTER 5: MIDDLE EAST 1947 End of British Mandate in Palestine - creation of the State of Israel 125,126 1956 Response to nationalization of Suez Canal 125,127 1956 Suez and Sinai Campaign 124,125 1957 Soviet Proposal for Four-Power Talks 125 1967 Pre-Six-Day War crisis 125 1967 Johnson Proposal to Kosygin 125 1967 Six-Day War 125,128 1967-70 Negotiations: Glassboro talks; Resolution 242; Two-power talks; Four-power talks; Rogers initiative 125,131 1969-70 125 1971 Prevention of war 125 1972 Moscow Summit 125 1973 Prevention of war 125 418 Index of Cases

1973 Outbreak of 125 1973 Yom Kippur War 128,131 1973 Geneva Conference 125,131 1973-77 Moderation of PLO 126 1974-75 Israeli-Egyptian, Israeli-Syrian Dist!ngagement Agreements 125 1974-75 Preservation of cease-fires 125 1977 Efforts to resume Geneva Joint Soviet-American Statement 126,131 1982 Israeli-Syrian missile crisis in Lebanon 126 1982 Lebanon War 126,128 1982 Brezhnev Peace Plan 126 1984 Soviet Peace Plan 126 American-Soviet presence in Lebanon 126

CHAPTER 6: NORTH AFRICA 1965 Superpowers exercise restraint in Chadian conflict 152 1977 Superpowers support end of French colonial rule over territories of Afars and Issas and transformation into Djibouti 159 1977-78 Change in superpower alliances with Somalia and Ethiopia occurs without conflict 162 1978 Cooperation in containing the Ethiopia-Somalia conflict 161-2 1978- Neither superpower supports Somalll irredentist policy 159 1980s Superpowers press for Mengistu's acceptance of Somali plan 162-3 1986 Soviets do not interfere with US bombing of Libya 152 Superpowers support territorial integrity of Sudan 159-60 Superpowers exercise restraint in Wt!stem Saharan conflicts 152-3 Index of Cases 419

CHAPTER 7: CENTRAL AFRICA early 19608 Zairian crises - real military support for dissidents and insurgents is kept at an inconsequential level by the 188 1963-65 Soviets provide only verbal backing to the wave of rebellions in the region 188 1967-70 Superpowers avoid direct involvement in 188 1973-88 Soviets avoid direct involvement in Libyan interference in Chadian affairs 188 1983-88 Number of African states receiving arms assistance from Soviet Union shrinks from 22 to seven 187

CHAPTER 8: SOUTHERN AFRICA 1960 Superpowers avoid escalation of involvement in ShabaI 205 1961-79 Superpowers avoid escalation in Rhodesian 205 1961-75 Superpowers support Portuguese decolonization 214 1977-78 Superpowers avoid escalation of involvement in Shaball 205 1979 Superpowers avoid interference in the transition to black rule in Zimbabwe and share similar goals 205-6 1979- Superpowers provide financial support for the South African Development and Coordination Conference (SADCC) 215

19~ Superpowers support Mozambican government in civil war against RENAMO 209,215 1983-4 Lusaka Accords 209 1984 Nkomati Accords 209 1986 Superpowers meet to discuss regional conflicts 210 1988 Superpowers support Angola-Namibia Accords with joint Appeals Commission with US and Soviet representatives 209--14,215 1989 Superpowers explore possibility of reducing the costs of peacekeeping forces for Namibia 212-13 420 Index of Cases

1980s Soviets accept idea of Western assistance to Angola and Mozambique 208 Superpower sanctions against Rhodesia 214 Superpower sanctions against South Africa 214

CHAPTER 9: THE CARIBBEAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA 1962 Superpowers avoid hostilities during Cuban missile crisis 238 1962- US avoids direct involvement in Cuba 238,239 1962-79 Superpower restraint in Nicaraguan civil war- avoid direct intervention 238 1965 Soviets assume low posture during US invasion of 239 1972- Soviets refuse direct assistance to msistance in EI Salvador and Guatemala 238,240 1972- Superpower restraint in Salvadorian civil war- avoid direct intervention 238,239 1979- US downscales support for the over time and avoids direct invasion of Nicaragua 226,238, 239 1979- Soviets refuse to provide Nicaragua with MIG fighters and keep military manpower low 226,239, 242 1979- Soviets restrict economic assistance to Nicaragua 237,239-40 1979 Moscow refuses aid to Grenada's New Jewell Movement during coup 240 1981 Soviets refuse to air transport weapons to support Salvadoran guerrilla offensive 239,240 1983 Superpowers endorse the Contadol'a initiative 229 1983 Soviets do not interfere with US invasion of Grenada 226,239, 240 1984 Soviets do not interfere with US mining of Nicaraguan harbors 239 1987 Superpower endorsement of Arias Plan 229 1987 Gorbachev proposes superpower cooperation in region at the Washington summit 242 198~90 Soviets pressure Sandinistas 229,241 Index of Cases 421

1989 Moscow assumes low profile during US invasion of Panama 226 1989 Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with Cuba is written with US security concerns in mind 238-9,242 1989 Superpowers meet to discuss Third World regional conflicts 237 1989 to reassess the 1962 Cuban missile crisis 245 1990 Superpowers pressure Nicaragua to hold elections 241,246, 248 US restricts the number of advisers and military personnel in Guatemala and EI Salvador 239 Superpowers agree on UN Observer Group Central America (ONUCA) to end Sandinista arms support to FMLN 241

CHAPTER 10: SOUTH AMERICA 1954 Soviets do not retaliate for US intervention in Guatemala 262 1962 Agreements made between superpowers after Cuban missile crisis 253,264, 266 1979- Acceptance that Nicaragua will not have Soviet military bases, no MIG fighter planes and no subversion of Nicaragua's neighbors 269-70 1987 Soviet proposal that both superpowers cease funding of client states in region 275 1989 US expresses interest in reviving Soviet proposal to end funding to clients 275

CHAPTER 11: SOUTH ASIA 1948 US attempts to mediate India-Pakistan War 292 1962 Superpower support for India in Sino-Indian War 281,283-4, 295 1965 US supports Soviet efforts to mediate India• Pakistan War 284-5,292, 295 422 Index of Cases

1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty 281,288-9 1987 Superpowers urge restraint in Sino--Indian crisis 286-7,292, 295 1987 Superpowers support India in the Maldives 296 1988 Superpowers support India in Sri Lanka 296-

CHAPTER 12: SOUTHWEST ASIA 1945-79 US avoids using Iran as a forward base from which to threaten the Soviet Union 312 1945-79 Soviets accept Western orientation of Iran under Shah 322-3 1961--63 Washington resists Shah's requests for massive buildup of bis military 314 1960s Superpowers evolve tacit policies of mutual cooperation in helping Afghanistan develop 316-18 1950s- Superpowers come to tacit agreement to 1970s recognize legitimate interests of the other in Afghanistan 321-2 1988 Geneva accords lead to Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan 320 1980-89 Superpowers cooperate in ending Iran-Iraq war 320 1980-89 Superpowers engage in limited cooperation involving mine-detection in the Gulf 326 1989- US does not succumb to pressure to invade Iran nor sponsor a resistance group to overthrow the Khomeini regime 329 1988-89 US encourages mujabideen to facilitate Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan 332 1989 Soviet Union provides fighter-plane coverage for exiting US diplomats after the closure of the embassy in Kabul 332

CHAPTER 13: SOUTHEAST ASIA 1954 Superpowers and China collaborate to force Vietminh to compromise at the Geneva Conference 342 1962 Soviet-American cooperation at Geneva Conference over Laos 342-3 1987 Soviet ambassador in Thailand supports a coalition comprised of all warring factions in Cambodia 351 Index of Cases 423

1988 Soviet Union and Philippines propose gradual phaseout of both superpowers' bases from region 357 1988 Soviets provide no support for Vietnamese navy in its clash with Chinese forces in South China Sea 357-8 1989 Superpowers cooperate at Paris conference on Cambodia 351-2,364

CHAPTER 14: NORTHEAST ASIA 1950-53 Soviets avoid military confrontation with US in Korea 376-7,383, 386-7 1953 Soviets provide support for Korean armistice 387 1957 Soviets react with restraint to US introduction of nuclear weapons in South Korea and Taiwan 387 1958 Soviets renege on agreement to provide nuclear weapons to China 387 1958 Soviets exercise restraint in second Jinmen-Mazu crisis 378 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 387 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty 387 1972 Basic Principles Agreement 383 1985 Soviets pressure North Korea to ratify NPT 387-8 1985-87 Soviet nuclear testing moratorium 390 1987 Soviets accept global double-zero for the INF Treaty, requiring them to give up its one hundred SS-20 intermediate-range missiles in Asia 390 1987-88 Withdrawal of approximately 20 per cent of Soviet combat fighters from the Far-Eastern military region 390 1988 Superpowers cooperate at the Seoul Olympics 388 1988-89 Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan 390 1989 Announcement by Soviets of troop cuts in Mongolia and elimination of chemical weapons from region 390 Superpower understanding to prevent two Koreas from becoming nuclear po, ~rs 387-8 Superpowers avoid crisis in region over Japan 388 Index

ABM Treaty (1972), 46-7, 81, 393 186,202,204,208-214 Acheson, Dean, 77 Angola-Namibia Accords (1988), Afghanistan: and Brezhnev 209-11,213,215,216,220,237, , 7; as harsh lesson for 243 Soviet Union, 19,276,287,297, Anti-balhstic missiles (ABMs), 46-7, 334, 392, 406; importance of to 49. See also ABM Treaty (1972) Soviet Union, 23, 316; ANZUS, 38, 355 rehabilitation of, 331-2; Soviet Aquino, Corazon, 308n.13 inability to win war in, 55; Soviet Arab-Israeli conflict: Europe and invasion of (1979),51,53,102, US split over, 79,128-9; 216,267,310,319,321,331,371; superpower interests in, 124; and Soviet withdrawal from (1988),10, US 'partnership' policy. See also 57, 320, 321,322, 390; superpower Middle East cooperation in, 57, 310-11, 316- Arbatov, Alexei, 393 26,330-7; US influence in, 38, 57 Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo, 231 Africa, northern. See Hom of Argentina: increasing independence Africa; Maghrib of, 270:, Soviet relations with, 244, Africa, southern. See Southern 253,267; superpower conflict in, Africa 264 Africa, sub-Saharan. See Central Arias Sanchez, Oscar, 229, 275 Africa Armitage, Richard L., 391 African National Congress (ANC), Arms control: desirability of, 8, 45, 202,218 46,51-2,71,72-3,103,129,139, Aganbegyan, Abel, 113 405; Gorbachev's interest in, 55, Albright, David E., 177 355; widening of, 3. See also Algeria: independence of, 156; Strategk arms limitations Soviet arms sales to, 149; Soviet : in Europe, 72; in Middle influence in, 150,151, 152,165; East, 142-3. See also Arms US influence in, 148, 155,165 control; Nuclear weapons Allende, Salvador, 50, 264, 265 Aron, Raymond, 7 Alliance for Progress, 259, 260, 265, Aronson, Bernard, 241 266,276 Asia. See Afghanistan; Iran; Allison, Graham T., 19, 176 Northeast Asia; South Asia; Amanullah (king of Afghanistan), Southeast Asia 316 Asian Collective Security System, Amin, Hafizullah, 319, 331 389 Amin, Idi, 171 Asian Development Bank, 385 Anarchy, models of, 20, 25 Asian-Pacific Region (APR), 369, Andropov, Yuri, 199 372 Angola: Cuban support for MPLA Association of Southeast Asian in, 50; Cuban troops in, 9, 202, Nations (ASEAN), 304, 343, 344, 204,243,268; Soviet assistance to, 348-9,350-6,358-9,360,361-4, 198-201,204; Soviet support for 406 MPLA in, 50; US involvement in, Atlantic Alliance, 47, 98

424 Index 425

Atlantic Charter (1941), 37, 65-(? (1952),257; Soviet interest in, Australia, 38 259; superpower conflict in, 264 : neutrality of, 7; rivalry for Boulding, Kenneth E., 25n.1 dominance in Europe, 11; Soviet BPA. See Basic Principles withdrawal from, 98 Agreement (1972) Austrian State Treaty (1955), 31, 37, Brandt, Willy, 70, 75, 79,108 98 Brazil: increasing independence of, Axelrod, Robert, 20 270; Soviet interest in, 259; Soviet relations with, 244; superpower Backfire bombers, 72 conflict in, 264; US assistance to, Badger anti-submarine-warfare 276 planes, 347 Breslauer, George, 125,386 . See Central Treaty Bretton Woods agreement (1944), Organization (CENTO) 76, 79 Baker, James, 241, 275, 279, 397 Brezhnev,Leonid,52, 71, 79,80,82, Bangladesh: superpower aid to, 290, 91,109,113,126,128,129,134, 297; US support for, 290, 291 139,180,199,204,287,317,321, Basic Principles Agreement (1972), 344,347-8,379,383,389,393,395 36,40,48-50,80,109,383 , 7, 10,22,392, Batista, Fulgencio, 235, 254 394 (1961), 40, 41, Brunei, as member of ASEAN, 344 232,263 Brussels Pact, 68 Bear-D long-range reconnaisance Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 50, 51, 53, 95, aircraft, 347 134,156,161, 183, 216, 221-2n.20 , African colonies of, 184 Buchan, Alastair, 47 Bell, Cora, 43 Bulganin, Nikolai, 283 Ben Bella, Ahmed, 151, 179 : assistance to Nicaraguan Ben Guirirab, Theo, 212 revolution, 261; reform movement Benin: French relations with, 184; in, 110 in, 187 Bull, Hedley, 27n.14 Berlin: crisis in 1948-49, 38, 9&-7, Bureau of African Affairs (U .S. 107,109,411; crisis in 1958--62, 41, Dept. of State), 172, 176 69,74,100-1,411; superpower Burkina Faso, Soviet interests in, management of crises in, 22; 186 superpower postwar cooperation Burma, 365n.2 in, 37,42, 68, 69, 109 Burundi, massacres in, 171 Berlin Quadripartite Accord (1971), Bush, George, 51, 57, 175,202,207, 6,37,80 209,229,242,247,274, 39&-7 , 3, 7, 42, 69, 70, 71,100, 107,110-11 Bhutto, Benazir, 292 Cairo Declaration (1943), 368 Bhutto, Zulfiqar Ali, 286, 298, 318 Cambodia: neutralization of, 342; Bialer, Seweryn, 107 Soviet influence in, 341, 343, 345, Blasier, Cole, 252 346; Vietnamese occupation of, Blundering into Disaster 350-1,352,362-3 (McNamara), 42 Cameroon, exports from, 173 Bohlen, Charles, 128 Camp David accords, 130 Bokassa, Jean-Bedel, 171 , and rise of , Bolivia: communist revolution in 11-12 426 Index

Capitalist market system, global, 66, Chernenko, Konstantin, 93 76, 78 Chiang Kai-shek, 371 Carlucci, Frank, 216 Chile: superpower conflict in, 264, Carter, Jimmy, 50, 51, 52,102,104, 265; US intervention in, 259, 264; 132,134,165,166,175,176,201, US subversive activities in, 50 205,216,2200.4, 221n.19, 267, China: assertiveness of, 8; civil war 303,319,377 in, 368, 371, 378; in, Casey, William, 183 13; independence from Castillo Armas, Col. Carlos, 231-2 superpower influence, 406; Castro, Fidel, 158, 204, 224, 232, influence in Northeast Asia, 367, 233,236,238,247,254,257,263, 380,3~,388-9,394-5,397; 278 influence in South Asia, 281, 283- Ceaucescu, N., 111,408 4,290,.296,298,300,305,306; Central Africa: decolonization of, influence in Southeast Asia, 341, 171,183; French interests in, 183- 345,346,349; interest in Central 5; Soviet action in, 177-81; Africa, 174; interests in Latin superpower conflict in, 171-2, America, 270; opposition to 182-3; superpower cooperation in, Soviets in, 135,371; relations with 185-93; US policy toward, 172~ Iran, 315; Soviet relations with, Central African Republic: French 287,348,371-2; US relations with, military presence in, 184; tyranny 47,257,285,348,378 in, 171; US aid to, 175 Chissano, Joaquim, 217, 221n.16 Central America and the Caribbean: Christian Democratic party, Cuban interests in, 224, 235-6; German, 88n.6 importance ofto US, 4, 23, 224, Chubin, Shahram, 276 231-3; international forces for Chunhavan, Chatchai, 352 conflict in, 230; local conditions Churchill, Winston, 65, 289 for conflict in, 227-8; regional Clausewitz, Carl von, 411 conditions for conflict in, 228-30; Clay, Gen. Lucius, 97 Soviet interest in, 233-5; Cold War: definition of, 13-15,31, superpower cooperation in, 224, 116; dc~mise of, 3, 15, 18,32,82-3, 226, 236-49, 274-5; superpower 105,111,253,271,272,405,410, interest in, 224-7; threat of 413; functions of, 411-12; as a communist in, 41 zero-sl1m game, 22, 24, 31,140, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 144,173,177,191,198,205,320, U.S.: activities in Africa, 173, 176, 347,369,373,380,389 183, 193-4n.7, 222n.22; activities Colombia: communist uprisings in, in Latin America, 258, 263, 265 257; Soviet interest in, 259; Central Treaty Organization superpower conflict in, 264 (CENTO), 283, 315, 322 Competitive collaboration, 125. See Chad: coup in (1982),171,186; also a)()peration French military presence in, 184; Conference on Security and Soviet relations with, 188; Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), superpower involvement in, 152, 9,71,81,84,109,388 153; US involvement in, 186 Congo-Brazzaville: French relations Chamorro, Violeta Barrios de, 230, with, 184-5; Soviet relations with, 241,246,278 180, 185, 187; US relations with, , in Czechoslovakia, 112 173 Chemical weapons, 46, 143,153,321 (1960), 41, 44,171,182 Index 427

Contadora conference (1983), 229, renunciation of prewar German 275 claims in, 69; Soviet intervention , US policy of, 40, 94, in, 46, 79, 101, 108, 115; US 197,292,312,374,375,409 forbearance in, 8, 71 Conventional arms talks, 81, 116 Conventional arms transfers (CAT), Daoud, Mohammed, 318-19 50,81 Debray, Regis, 259 Conventions o/Crisis (Bell), 43 Decolonization, 13,34,171,183 Cooperation: and coexistence, 32, Defcon-3 alert, 123, 136 252-3; versus conflict, 9-19, 32, de Gaulle, Charles, 78, 81, 82,184 140; as co-valuation, 5--6,24,117, Democratic Republic of Vietnam 237,252; definitions of, 5--8, 35--6, (DRV), 45. See also Vietnam 125; forms of, 8-9 DePorte, Anton, 69 Cordovez, Diego, 57 Detente, East-West, 17,75,79,80, Costa Rica: anti-Sandinista position 81,82,93,101,102,106,109,123, of, 229; relative stability of, 227; 130,131,132,134,135,161,164, revolution in (1948), 257; Soviet 167,185,190,226,242,248,266, relations with, 261; US aid to, 234 268,314,337,350,367,375,376, Council for Mutual Economic 378,379,382-4,387,395 Assistance (CMEA), 181,200,248 Disarmament, Soviet proposal for, Crisis management: as foreign 43,84. See also Arms control policy, 43; joint superpower, 44, Disaster relief, 174, 193n.5 214,238,244,373 Djibouti: decolonization of, 159; Crocker, Chester, 193n.1, 210, 211 IGADD summit in, 163 Cruise missiles, 74, 80 Dominican Republic: crisis in Cuba: deployment of troops from, (1965),45; Soviet interest in, 259; 268; independence from superpower conflict in, 264; US superpower influence, 406; as a intervention in (1965), 232, 239, model for other Latin American 259,265 revolutions, 248, 259; personal , 307n.7, 324, 394, liberties in, 13; revolution in, 258- 407,408 9, 262-3; Soviet influence in, 7, 42, Drug-trafficking, superpower 106, 225, 232-3,234-5, 267-8; and cooperation against, 58, 321, 326, Soviet interest in Central 309n.19 America, 235--6, 243; as Soviet Dubs, Adolph, 319 proxy in Central Africa, 174, 188; Dulles, John Foster, 37, 39,122,173 and training of leftists, 229; US Dulles Doctrine (1958), 39 exclusion from, 44; US relations Dupree, Louis, 316, 317 with, 247,276. See also Angola, Cuban troops in; Cuban missile Eastern Europe: democratization of, crisis (1962) 17, 71, 87; importance ofto Soviet Cuban missile crisis (1962), ~5, 53, Union, 4, 23, 38, 90-3; increasing 70,96,117,232,237,238,252, freedoms in, 3,17; liberal 263-4,313,323,411 economic reform in, 71; market Czechoslovakia: assistance to economy in, 3, 85; and , 261; membership in European communist coup in (1948), 77; Community, 86; re• political leadership in, 93,111; emerging in, 13; pluralistic reform movement in, 101, 110; governments in, 3, 71, 87; reform 428 Index

Eastern Europe - cont. 82; Common Agricultural Policy movement in, 16-17, 66, 80, 82, (CAP) of, 78; and economic 93,104-5, 107, 110-17, 408-9; and reforms, 85-6; Gaullist opposition stable European security regime, to British entry in, 78, 79; 95-105; superpower interest in, involvement in Central Africa, 191 90-5; and superpower rules of European Defense Community behavior, 105-10; US interest in, (EDC), 68, 342 91,93-5 European Economic Community East Germany. See German (EEC),345 Democratic Republic (GDR) European Recovery Program Economic systems, legitimacy of, 12 (), 68, 77, 95 Economy offorce, 255, 257 Ecuador, superpower conflict in, 264 F-4 (Phantom) aircraft, 137 Egypt: as mediator in Arab-Israeli F7 aircraft, 354 conflict, 142; Soviet i.nfluence in, F-16 aircraft, 354 7,9,42,51,123,127,130,134, F-111 fighter-bomber, 72 135, 136, 137, 174; US interest in, Fahd (king of Saudi Arabia), 165 129,130,141,163 , 255 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 34, 35, 41, Farabundo Marti National 94,104,132 Liberation Movement (FMLN), (1957), 39 225,241,246 El Salvador: civil warin, 227, 228; Finland: neutrality of, 7; Soviet Cuban involvement in, 236; relations with, 12On.27; Soviet invasion of Honduras, 228; withdrawal from, 98 revolution in, 268, 269; Soviet Focotheory,259,26O involvement in, 230, 237,238,240, Ford, Gerald, 44, 132, 319 241, 259, 261, 273; superpower : Algerian relations with, 151; conflict in, 264, 275; US aid to, national unity in, 11; and 234; US involvement in, 225, 226, resistance to US leadership in 230,238,242,256 Western Europe, 13; rivalry for England. See Great Britain dominance in Europe, 11; and Environment, superpower Suez. crisis, 127; support for Israel cooperation to preserve, 166-7, from, 124 321 French Revolution, 13 Equatorial Guinea, tyranny in, 171 Ethiopia: Cuban troops in, 161; Gabon: French military presence in, denied membership in CMEA, 184; oil exports from, 173, 174 181; Soviet influence in, 157, 158, Gaddis, John, 104 159,160,161,162,163,165,187; Game theory: and cooperation, 6, 9; US influence in, 156-8, 159, 160, and methodology, 20-1. See also 161-2,163,165 Cold War, as a zero-sum game Europe: post-World War II military Gandhi, Indira, 286, 291, 298 strategies in, 5-6; reduction of Garang, John, 160 conventional forces in, 3. See also Garthoff, Raymond, 383 Eastern Europe; Western Europe General Agreement on Tariffs and European Advisory Commission Trade (GATT), 14,76,77,78,385 (EAC), 67, 68 Geneva (): conference in European Community (EC): as 1962 in, 343; conference in 1977 challenger to US economic power, in, 50; conferences in 1953 and Index 429

1954 in, 31, 342 Gorshkov, S., 123 (Jeorge,AJexander, 19,49, 107 Graduated Reciprocation in Tension (Jerman Democratic Republic Reduction (GRIT), 390 «JDR). See also (Jermany: Great Britain: African colonies of, assistance to Nicaraguan 184; entry into European revolution, 261; logistical Community, 78, 79; national unity importance to Soviets, 92; political in, 11; and Palestine, 125;126-7; leadership in, 93; political rivalry for dominance in Europe, legitimacy of, 100; reform 11; strategy against Germany in movement in, 110; Soviet control World War 11,65; US relations of, 68, 69-70; as Soviet proxy in with, 135 Central Africa, 174; US Grechko, Andrei, 123, 134 forbearance in, 8 , US military base in, 175 (Jerman Federal Republic (FR(J), Grenada: revolution in, 268, 269; 70,270. See also (Jermany Soviet caution in, 240; US (Jermany: arms production in, 68, invasion of (1983),224,226,228, 72; division of, 19, 67, 68, 69-70, 237,239,240,259 84, 99; invasion of the Soviet Griffiths, Franklyn, 374 Union (1941), 65; national unity Gromyko, Anatoli, 146n.18, 177 in, 11; postwar rearmament of, 68, Gromyko, Andrei, 35, 58 72,73,74-5,76; postwar recovery Grotius, Hugo, 24, 27n.14 of, 67, 76; reparations paid by, 67, Group of 77: independence from 76,77; reunification of, 75-6, 84- superpower influence, 406 5,105, 111, 115,410; superpower Group of Eight, 229 postwar cooperation in, 36, 37, Guatemala: leftist insurgencies in, 67-70,72; superpower rivalry in, 227; revolution in, 268; Soviet 23,66; US troops stationed in, 68, assistance to, 237, 240, 259, 273; 73 superpower conflict in, 264; US (Jhana: coup in (1966), 186; aid to, 234; US intervention in, 39, independence in, 183; national 226,231,234,242,256,258,262 democracy in, 179; Soviet Guevara, Che, 188,259,260 influence in, 42,178,187; Soviet Guinea: French relations with, 184; relations with, 178 national democracy in, 179 CJierek, Eduard, 102 Guinea-Bissau, aid to, 189 , 3, 54, 55, 56, 86, 87,113- 14,143,150,154,409,414 Habre, Hissene, 153, 183, 193-4n.7 CJlobalism: disillusionment with, Haig, Alexander, 58, 216 276; versus regionalism, 175, 190 , 70 CJloballearning, 393 Handel, Schafik, 240 (Jomulka, Wladyslaw, 102 Hanlon, Joseph, 207 (Jood Neighbor Policy, 258 Hassan (king of Morocco), 156 (Jorbachev,~khail, 16,53-4,55, Havel, Vaclav, 111 56,76, 82, 86, 87-8n.4, 108, 110- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 15,140,143,216,218,225,226, 256 229,230,235,237,241-2,243, Heikal, Mohamed, 131 244,246,271,275,346,349-50, Helsinki Accords (1975), 71, 80,101, 351,353,358,359,372,376,381, 110,112 384,385,388,389-90,391,394, Helsinki process, 47, 71 396,408 Helsinki Watch groups, 112 430 Index

Hitler, Adolf, 65, 66 Indochiina: national liberation and Hobbes, Thomas, 24, 27n.14 self-determination movements in, Honduras: civil unrest in, 227; 37, 342; US involvement in, 38. Contra bases in, 229; US aid to, See also Vietnam 234; US involvement in, 226, 229- Indonesia: as member of ASEAN, 30,242 344; lIlationalliberation and self• Hom of Africa (northeast Africa), determination movementS in, 37; superpower interest in, 147, 156- as non-aligned state, 343, 358; 64,165-6,168 Sovi~~t influence in, 39, 42, 345; 'Hot Line', 43, 44, 49, 58,123 superpower cooperation in, 341 Houphouet-Boigny, Felix, 189 Industrial Revolution, 11-12, 13 House of Representatives INFTfI~aty (1987), 56, 72, 74, 81, Subcommittee on Africa, 176 103,141,143,390 : Carter's crusade for, Inter-American Development Bank, 51; postwar conceptions of, 66; 265 superpower cooperation for, 71, Intercontinental ballistic missiles 102, 104, 406 (ICBMs), 39, 263, 267, 302 Hungary: economic reform in, 85; Interm(~diate-range ballistic missiles membership in European (IRBMs): deployed in Europe, 69; Community, 86; Most Favored Indian, 302 Nation status for, 104; political Interm(~diate-range nuclear missiles: leadership in, 93; reform deployed in Cuba, 40; deployed in movement in, 110; revolution in Europe, 53, 75, 103. See also SS- (1956),94,98,99-100, 101; Soviet 20 intermediate-range nuclear intervention in, 39, 108; US missiles, Soviet forbearance in, 8, 71 International Court of Justice (IJC), Hurowitz, J. C., 313 230 International Institute of Strategic Ideology, and disillusionment, 24 Studies, 74 Ilyichev, Leonid, 180 International Monetary Fund (IMF), India: assertiveness of, 8; emergence 14,76,77,181,187,385 as a great power, 299-300, 301, Iran: independence from 305; independence from superpower influence, 406; superpowerinfluence,406; rehabilitation of, 328; relations national liberation and self• with China, 315; revolution in, 52, determination movements in, 37; 53,315; Soviet interest in, 311-12; Soviet influence in, 39, 42, 51, 284, superpower cooperation in, 310- 285,287,289-90; superpower 16,319-30,333-7; US support for, 281, 296, 341; as intervention in, 18,38 supplier to Soviets, 290-1, 299- Iran-Contragate affair, 226 300; US support for, 283, 284, 289, Iran-Iraq war, 320, 326, 329 290 Iraq: independence from India-China war (1962), 283-4 superpower influence, 406; Soviet Indian Ocean: demilitarization of, inflm:nce in, 42, 51 50, 391; Soviet interest in, 122, invasion of Kuwait, 338 130, 160,334; US interest in, 158, Ireland,85 160,334 Isolationism, American, 122 India-Pakistan conflict in Kashmir Isolationism, coercive, 374-5 (1947-48),283 Israel: c:reation of, 34,124,125; Index 431

independence from superpower Keynes, John Maynard, 76 influence, 406; 'legitimate self• Khan, Ayub, 284 defense' of, 58; superpower Khomeini, Ayatollah, 327,329 recognition of, 22; suspicion of Khrushchev, Nikita, 40, 41, 69, 98, Soviets in, 144; US support for 123,124,129,172,183,237,263, and influence in, 7, 9,121,122,124, 283,317,371,378,393,396 129,130,133,135,136,137,141 Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 233 : influence in Horn of Africa, Kissinger, Henry, 47, 48, 890.19, 163; national unity in, 11 106,122,129,131,132,133,134, Ivory Coast, French military 138,173,175,205,256,285,319, presence in, 184 376,383 Kiva, Aleksei, 177, 181, 199 Jackson-Vanik Amendment (1974), Kohl, Helmut, 56 51 KOR, in , 112 Japan: as challenger to US economic Korea: division of, 19,367,368; power, 82, 370, 384; influence in national liberation and self• Northeast Asia, 370-1, 380, 392, determination movements in, 37, 397; influence in South Asia, 297, 369; superpower confrontation in, 300,305,306; interests in Latin 376-7, 378, 386-8, 397; 1)S America, 270; involvement in military assistance to, 44, 368 Central Africa, 191; national unity : Israeli support for 1)S in, 11; as rising economic power, position in, 124; Soviet 47, 367, 369; superpower postwar forbearance during, 8; Soviet cooperation in, 36, 388; US walkout of the 1JN before the relations with, 257, 342 outbreak of, 33; and superpower Jaruzelski, Gen. Wojciech, 102, 103, cooperation in Europe, 68, 78; 108 and superpower rivalry, 37, 3S-9; Jericho missiles, 143 as transgression of superpower Johnson, Lyndon B., 44, 46, 125, cooperation, 7; and 1)S bases in 132,175,232,314 Philippines, 342 Johnson Doctrine (1965), 45 Kosukhin, Nikolai, 180 Jordan: Soviet relations with, 139; Kosygin, Alexei, 46,125,343 US alliance with, 141 Kreisberg, Paul, 397 Jordan, Hamilton, 221-2n.20 Kuwait, invasion of, 338 Jupiter missiles: deployed by NATO, 69; deployed in Italy, 40 Lagos Plan of Action (1980), 189 Laidi, Zaki, 189 Kahn, Herman, 44 Lancaster House Agreement (1979), KAlrOO7, 216, 380-1 206,212 Karimanzira, David, 221n.19 Laos: neutralization of, 342, 343; Kennan, George F., 36, 47,117,375, Soviet influence in, 341, 343, 345 408,409 Laos crisis (1962), 41 Kennedy, John F., 41, 43, 100, 175, Latin America. See Central America 176,183,197,2200.4,263,313, and the Caribbean; South 314,343 America Kenya: reconciliation with Somalia, Lebanon: Israeli invasion of (1982), 163; Soviet relations with, 178; US 9,123,128; superpower influence in, 159; US relations intervention in, 126, 137; 1)S with, 174 intervention in (1958),123 432 Index

Legvold, Robert, 384 Methodology, of regional approach, Lehman Doctrine of Maritime 19-25 Supremacy, 379 Mexico: increasing independence of, Liberia: human rights in, 174; US 270; US assistance to, 276; and US interests in, 173, 174-5 interes.t in Latin America, 271 Libya: independence of, 156; Soviet Middle East: arms race in, 142-3; arms sales to, 149, 188; Soviet Carter administration attempts for llrnfiuencein, 150, 151, 152, 165, settlement in, 50, 130; crisis 174; superpower concern over prevention in, 143-4; missiles and chemical weapons in, indepe:ndence from superpower 166; superpower conflict in, 153-4; influence, 406; instances of US bombing raid on (1986), 152, superpower cooperation in, 125-9; 153 limitations on superpower Lindblom, Charles, 373 cooperation in, 132-6; reasons for Linkage, concept of, 51,131,139, superpower cooperation in, 129- 141,143,161 32; Soviet interest in, 122-3, 124; Lippmann, Walter, 73, 375 superpower interest in, 121-5; US Lumumba, Patrice, 44 interes,t in, 121-2, 123, 124; Western dependence on oil from, McCarthy. Joseph, 374 79,121,126 MacFarlane, Robert, 216 MiG-21 aircraft, Soviet, 284, 354 McNamara, Robert, 42, 43, 48 MiG-23 lighter planes, Soviet, 137, McNaughton, John, 28-9n.25 226,267,269,364 Madison, James, 27n.13 '', 42 Maghrib (northwest Africa): detente Mitterand, Fran~is, 56 in, 164, 167; superpower interest Mobutu, Sese Seku, 176 in,147-56,164-5,166,167 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (shah of Mahan, Adm. Alfred Thayer, 253-4 Iran),312-15,322,323,326,328, Malaya: Soviet influence in, 342. See 334,407 also Malaysia Molotov, V., 98 Malaysia: as member of ASEAN, , 41, 231, 254, 258, 344; as non-aligned state, 343, 358 263,264,378 Malenkov, G., 124 Morocco: independence of, 156; Mali: French relations with, 184; Soviet influence in, 150-1, 155, national democracy in, 179 165; US influence in, 148, 153, Manglapus, Raul, 356 156, Hi5 Manila Pact, 342, 344 Most Favored Nation principles, 76, Mao-Tse Tung, 27n.12, 371 104 Marcos, Ferdinand, 407 Mozambican National Resistance Marshall Plan. See European (RENAMO), 209, 217 Recovery Program Mozambique: denied membership in Marx, Karl, 199 CMEA, 181,200; Soviet Marxism: and economic recovery in assistance to, 198-201; US postwar Europe, 77; and relations with, 200, 201, 207, 208- expansion of global welfare, 11-12 9 Mediterranean Sea: superpower MPLA. See Popular Movement for interest in, 149-50, 154, 166-7 the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) MengistuHaileMariam, 157, 163, 187 M-48 tanks, 354 Mercier Vega, Luis, 257 Mugabe, Robert, 205, 212 Index 433

Multilateral nuclear force (MLF), Nixon, Richard M., 47, 48, 79, 82, 72,74 109,132,197,266,285,315,319, Mutual assured destruction (MAD), 343,376,383 34 , 47 Mutual interdependence, as Nkomo, Joshua, 205 cooperation, 24 Nkrumah, Kwame, 178, 179 Non-aligned movement: - independence from superpower Nadir Shah, 316 influence, 406 Namibia, US involvement in, 209- Non-aligned nations, 39 11,213,217. See also Angola• Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968), 33, Namibia Accords (1988) 45, 288,294, 307n.l, 387, 388 Narcotics. See Drug-trafficking Nordic Council, 98 Nasser, Gamal, 39, 124, 127, 174 North Atlantic Treaty Organization National Endowment for (NATO): Greece and as Democracy, 274 members of, 38; Nuclear Planning National Liberation Front of South Group of, 74; overlap of Vietnam, 46 membership with European National liberation movements: Community, 85; security strategy superpower support for, 34, 42, for, 104; solidarity among 203; in the Third World, 37, 39, members of, 174; and superpower 197,200--1 division of Europe, 68, 69,107; National Republican Alliance as member of, 36, (Arena), Salvadoran, 247 68,73,75,98 Nepal, superpower aid to, 290, 297 Northeast Asia: crisis management Newell, Richard S., 330 in, 392-8; superpower cooperation New Jewell Movement, 240 in, 373-91; superpower rivalry in, New Zealand, 38 367-72. See also China; Japan; Nguema, Francisco Macias, 171 Korea Nguyen Van Linh, 351 , 14. See also Arms Nicaragua: Cuban involvement in, control; Nuclear weapons 236, 239; independence from Nuclear deterrence: as impediment superpower influence, 406; to military confrontation, 31, 73, revolution in (1979), 53, 227,228, 381. See also Mutual assured 233,268,269; as safe haven for destruction (MAD); Salvadoran guerillas, 229, 233; Superpowers, nuclear stalemate Soviet involvement in, 225, 226, between 229,230,234,237,238,239-40, Nuclear-free zones, 46,149,166. See 241,242,243-4,261,273; also Nuclear weapons free zone superpower conflict in, 264, 274-5, (NWFZ) 278-9; superpower cooperation in, Nuclear testing, 3, 9, 56, 288 248; US involvement in, 224, 225, Nuclear weapons: deployment of, 226,230,238,239,256,269-70 44,45; non-proliferation of, 43, Niger, US aid to, 175 45,46,281,288-9,294-5,301-2, Nigeria: civil war in, 171; exports 305,321,326,341; strategic, 3 from, 173; Soviet relations with, Nuclear weapons free zone 178,188; as volatile political state, (NWFZ), 355, 359. See also 192 Nuclear-free zones Nikolayenko, Valeri, 244 Numeiri, Col. Jaafar, 157 434 Index

Organization for European with, 261; superpower conflict in, Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 264 77 Petrov, Gen. Vasily 1.,379 Oil prices, 79, 315 Philippines: as member of ASEAN, Operation Brass Tacks, 286, '2J!,7 344; US military bases in, 175, Operation Mongoose, 238 342,347,348,356-7,358,360-1, Organization of African Unity 391; US support for, 343 - (OAU), 9,157,184 Podgomy, Nikolai, 158 Organization of American States Poland: economic reform in, 85; (OAS), 2'2J!" 230, 231-2, 248 logistic~al importance to Soviets, Ortega, Daniel, 278 92; martial law in, 81, 102, 103, Osgood, Charles E., 390 108; political leadership in, 93; , 79,108 reform movement in, 102-3, 110; in Soviet bloc, 69, 115; Soviet Pacific Economic Cooperation intervt:ntion in, 99,102-3,108; US Conference (PECC), 389 forbearance in, 8 Pakistan: independence from Popular Front for the Liberation of superpower influence, 406; Saqiet el-Hamra and Rio de Oro superpower cooperation in, '2J!,5--6, (Polisario), 152, 153 296,318; US influence in, 38, '2J!,3, Popular Movement for the 290,291,317 Liberation of Angola (MPLA), 50 Pakistan-Indian war (1965), 9, 284-5 : African colonies of, 180, Palestine, British Mandate in, 125, 184, 197, 198; rivalry with , 126-7 11 Palestine Liberation Organization , 36, 67 (PLO), 126, 141, 142 Powell, C., 216 Panama: repressive rule in, 227; Prisoner's Dilemma, 20, 29n.28, 150 Soviet assistance to, 265--6; Prussia, rivalry for dominance in superpower conflict in, 264; US Europe, 11 aid to, 234; US invasion of (1989), Puerto Rico, superpower conflict in, 226 264 Panama Canal, 231, 254, 271 Paris Agreements (1954), 36 Qaddafi, Muammar, 52,153,154, Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT), 43, 156,164,165,188 45 Pavlov, Yuri, 241 Radio Free Europe, 94, 99 Peace Corps, 259, 265 Radio Marti, 246 , 3, 54, 56, 86, 87,114, Radio Pe:ace and Progress, 241 141,143,192,243,394,409,414 Ramos, Fidel, 366n.17 Peresypkin, Oleg, 146n.18 Rapid Deployment Force, 53, 148, Perez de Cuellar, Javier, 165,213 156 Pershing II missiles, 72, 74, 75, 80, Rapoport, Anatol, 36 138 Reagan, Ronald, 53, 56, 75, 81, 102, Persian Gulf: Iran as protectors of, 103,110,122,132,138,153,175, 314,315; Soviet interest in, 122, 176,190,201,202,209,210,216, 130 242,269, 274, '2J!,8, 322, 327, 348, Peru: Soviet assistance to, 252-3, 370,374,379 260,265--6,267,273; Soviet , 22, 225, 226, 239, interest in, 259; Soviet relations 379,392 Index 435

Realistic deterrence, 48 Shamir, 1.,142 Red Sea, superpower interest in, Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 285 160,167 Shevardnadze, Eduard, 143, 241, Regime theory, 26n.5 275,357 Reuter, Ernst, 97 Shriver, Maria, 236 Rhodesia: Soviet assistance to, 198; Shultz, George, 207, 216, 237, 357 US involvement in, 198. See also Siad Barre, Gen. Mohammed, 157, Zimbabwe 162-3 Ribbentrop-Molotov agreement Sigur, Gaston, J., 391 (1939),65 Sihanouk, Norodom (prioce), 352, Rogers, William, 132, 133-4 363 Roh (president of South Korea), 390 Singapore: as member of ASEAN, : reform movement in, 110, 344; as non-aligned state, 343; US 111; US diplomatic policy in, 91 bases in, 356, 358,362 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 34, 65, 66, Six-Day War (1967), 123, 125, 128, 258,289,368,376 138 Roosevelt, Theodore, 231 Smith, Ian, 205 Rostow, Walt, 307n.7 Soccor war (1969), in Central Rusk, Dean, 285 America, 228 Russia: rivalry for dominance in Social Democratic party, Germany Europe, 11. See also Soviet Union (SPD), 74, 88n.6 Socialism, demise of, 12 Sadat, Anwar, 52, 137 Sokolov, Oleg, 354 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Solarz, Stephen, 176 (SADR),152 Solidarity movement, 81, 102, 108, SALT 1 Treaty (1972), 47, 75, 81, 110 343 Somalia: British influence in, 162; SALT 2 Treaty (1979), 47, 52,102 Soviet influence in, 51,158-9,160, SA-3 missiles, Soviet, 123, 137 163; US influence in, 157, 158, SAM systems, Soviet, 137 159,160,163 Sann, Son, 363 Somalia National Movement Saudi Arabia: independence from (SNM),159 superpower influence, 406 Somali-Ethiopian war, 52 Savimbi, Jonas, 202, 217 Somoza, Anastasio, 224, 227, 407 Schelling, Thomas, 6 Sonnenfeldt Doctrine (1975), 107 Schlesinger, James, 44, 377 Sorensen, Theodore, 100 Schmidt, Helmut, 74 South Africa: defense of Schroeder, Paul, 413 in, 207, 218; destabilization SCUDs, Soviet, 137, 143 campaign by, 209, 219-20; Sea lines of Communication invasion of Angola (1975), 50; (SLOCs), 347, 360 nuclear testing by, 9; Soviet Seas: denuclearization of, 46, 391; assistance to, 198; US involvement rules of cooperation on, 154-5 in, 198; as volatile political state, Security complexes, 307n.2 196 Selassie, Haile, 157,407 South African Development and Senegal: French military presence Coordination Conference in, 184; Soviet interests in, 186; (SADCC),215 US relations with, 173, 174, 185 South America: communist Sen Gupta, Bhabani, 319 encroachments in, 252, 257-61; 436 Index

South America - cont. arms exports from, 58,122,136, Soviet interests in, 259, 260-2; 143,149,152,159,187,201, superpower cooperation in, 262- 221n.18, 224,313,314; and 79 passim; US interests in, 252, centrally controlled economic 253--7 system, 14-15; democratization in, South Asia: rules or codes of 3,17,.55,86,87,113--14,409,414; behavior displayed in, 294, 297-9; economic problems in, 54, 85,113; superpower conflict in, 281-2; long-term instability of, 15; superpower cooperation in, 294- market economy in, 85, 113; 306 passim; superpower policies military build-up in, 102, 113, 114; in, 282-93, 304--6; water system military reduction in, 390; Most of,302-3 Favored Nation status for, 51; South Asian Association for reform movement in, 16, 17,55, Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 56,80,86,409-10; socialism and 282,297 communism in, 15; strategic Southeast Asia: military bases in, nuclear forces of, 47, 73; strategy 360-2; Soviet policy toward, 347- against Germany in World War II, 8, 349-58 passim; strategic 65 importance of, 341-2; superpower Space: denuclearization of, 46, 391; conflict in, 341-7; superpower use oj[ weapons in, 56 cooperation in, 347, 358-60; US Spain: African colonies of, 184; policy toward, 348-58 passim. See intere:sts in Latin America, 270; also Cambodia; Indochina; rivalry with Portugal, 11; US Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; interest in, 148; US military base Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam in, 175 Southeast Asian Treaty of Amity Spheres of influence, 39, 87n.3, 106, and Cooperation (1976), 364 262 Southeast Asian Treaty Sputnik, 41, 69 Organization (SEATO), 38, 45, Sri Lanka: Indian occupation of, 51,353 287; superpower aid to, 290, 297 Southern Africa: mineral wealth of, SS-20 intermediate-range nuclear 196; and sea trade routes, 196; missiles, Soviet, 44, 72, 74, 103, Soviet interest in, 198-201; 110, 116,390 superpower cooperation in, 203-- Stalin,Joseph,13,34,77,90,91, 20 passim; superpower interest in, 95-6,97,98,111,123,124,289, 196-8,214;USinterestin,197-8, 312,317,368,371,387,393 201-2 Stefansky, Ben, 257 South Korea: withdrawal of US Strategic arms limitations, 47, 49, 52. troops from, 51. See also Korea See alro Arms control South West Africa, Soviet assistance Strategic arms limitation (SALT) to, 198 talks, 56, 74. See also SALT 1 Southwest Asia. See Afghanistan; Treaty; SALT 2 Treaty Iran Strategit; arms reduction: by Soviet , Soviet influence in, 51 Union, 114-15, 116 Soviet Far East (SFE), 369, 372 Strategic arms reduction talks Soviet National Committee for Asia- (START), 56, 72, 74, 75 Pacific Economic Cooperation, Strategil: Defense Initiative (SOl), 372 81,110 Soviet Union: arms sales by and Strategil: weapons, definition of, 72 Index 437

Sudan: Soviet influence in, 157, 160, against, 58,142, 309n.19, 320, 161, 165; lJS infiuence in, 157, 326,388 159-60,161,163,165 Terry, Sarah, 93 Sudanese People's Liberation Tet offensive (1968), 46 Movement and Army (SPLMlA), Thailand: as member of ASEAN, 160,165,166 344; lJS defense of, 343, 344, 353- Suez Canal, 125, 127, 149 4,358,362 Suez crisis (1956): superpower Thatcher, Margaret, 56 reactions during, 34, 124; lJN Third World: balance of influence in, peacekeeping forces used in, 9 40,44; increase in superpower Sukarno, 341, 345 interventions in, 81; national Superpowers: avoidance of direct liberation movements in, 37, 39; conflict between, 43-4, 49-50, 59, rapid deployment force for, 53; 94,99,100,103,129,138,154-5, recognition of GDR in, 70; Soviet 205, 238-9, 341; balance of involvement in, 51, 53, 102, 106, influence between, 40, 47, 58, 99, 113,114,123,130,135,136,149, 107; bargaining between, 22, 199,207,272,317,318,333-4, 300.32, 72; 'brother enemies' of, 383; lJS 'partnership' with, 48, 51 7; code of conduct for, 50, 52, 57, Thor missiles: deployed by NATO, 100,105-10,136-9,203,237,239, 69; deployed in Turkey, 40 262-71,297-9,319-26; constraints Tiananmen Massacre, 395 on use offorce by, 33-4, 35, 43, Tito (JosipBroz), 96, 97, 98 57, 137, 203,232; cutbacks in 'Tonkin' resolution, 46 military spending by, 3, 57; Transitional NationallJnity definition of, 15-16; maintenance Government (GlJNT), Chadian, of status quo by, 35; mutual 152,153 distrust between, 49, 225; and Treaty of Rarotonga, 355-6 national liberation movements, Trujillo, Gen. Rafael, 232 34; negotiations between, 48-9, Truman, Harry S., 94, 95, 97, 122 58,101-2,108-9,127; nuclear (1947), 22, 37-8, stalemate between, 4, 8, 15, 105- 77,95 6,381; regional resistance to, 4-5, Tucker, Robert C., 387 18; relaxation of tensions Tudeh party, Iranian, 315 between, 4, 48, 49, 84; shared Tunisia: interest in regional unity in, ideas of world order between, 34, 155; as mediator in Maghrib, 165; 49-50; strategic parity between, Soviet influence in, 150-1 47, 48; waning power relative to Turkey: lJS interests in, 336; lJS other states, 17, 19,22 military base in, 175, 323; lJS Suslov, Mikhail, 134 withdrawal of missiles from, 264 Syria, Soviet influence in, 135, 141, TV Marti, 246 142,143 26th of July Movement, 263

Taiwan, lJS involvement in, 38. See lJganda, tyranny in, 171 also China lJllman, Richard, 389 Tambo, Oliver, 207 lJN Charter, 34, 52 Tanzania, aid to, 189 lJniAo N acional para a Taraki, Mohammad, 319 Independencia Total de Angola Tehran conference (1943), 34, 36 (lJNITA),173,201,202,206,210, Terrorism, superpower cooperation 217 438 Index

United Fruit Company, 258 79; Soviet forbearance during, 8; (UN): and British US defeat in, 269; US involvement Mandate in Palestine, 12(r7; in, 129, 197. See also Vietnam, FDR's confidence in, 66; superpower rivalry in peacekeeping forces in Suez crisis (1956),9; and peacekeeping in War: cold versus hot, 31, 26~, 370; Central America, 230, 231, 237, definition of, 30n.35; just versus 248; superpower cooperation by unjust, 33; limited nuclear, 75 means of, 32, 33, 44-5, 50, 58-9, War of Attrition, 125, 137 212-13,245,320 : demise of, 14, 85; and : defense spending in, superpower division of Europe, 38,47,84,370,379; as a European 68,69,107 power, 71; expansion of nuclear Warsaw Treaty Organization, 115 strategic capabilities of, 75; as Watergate affair, 269 pluralistic democracy, 15; security Weinbe:rger, Caspar, 216 of, 10-11; strategy against Weinbe:rger Doctrine of Horizontal Germany in World War 11,65; Escalation, 379 waning influence of, 15,408; and Western Europe: importance ofto world economic system, 14, 15 US, 23, 36; superpower postwar United States-Taiwan Mutual cooperation in, 65-6, 80-7 Security Treaty (1954), 378 Western European Union (WEU), UN Observer Group in Central 68,72 America (ONUCA), 241 Western Somali Liberation Front Uruguay, superpower conflict in, 264 (WSLF),159 US Aid Mission, 151 Wilder, Thornton, 414 US-Japanese Peace Treaty (1951), Wolpe, Howard, 176 36,38 World Bank, 14, 76, 385 Ustinov, D., 379 World Court. See International Court of Justice (UC) Vance, Cyrus, 51, 52,134, 161,216 World Politics group, 20, 22 Vasilyev, Alexei, 146n.18 Wright, Quincy, 300.35 Venezuela: increasing independence of, 270; Soviet interest in, 259; Soviet relations with, 261; (1945), 34, 36, 71, superpower conflict in, 264 368 Vietnam: as harsh lesson for US, 19, Yom Kippur War (1963), 9, 50,123, 276,297,298,334,392,406; 125,126,137,138 independence from superpower Yugoslavia: membership in influence, 406; Soviet influence in, European Community, 86; 42,51,341,343,345-6,350-1, rejection of Soviet control in, 93, 352, 357-8, 362; Soviet 96,97; Soviet influence in, 42 intervention in, 18,45; superpower rivalry in, 45-8; US Zahir Shah, 318 intervention in, 28-9n.25, 45-8; Zaire: exports from, 173; human US withdrawal from, 10; as a zero• rights in, 174; rebellions in, 171, sum game, 18 186, 188; Soviet relations with, Vietnam Peoples Army (P A VN), 178, 188; US relations with, 173, 345 174-5,.176,182,185; as volatile : monetary support for, political state, 192 Index 439

Zambia: exports from, 173; Soviet Zimbabwe African National Union assistance to, 198 (ZANU),205-6 Zartman, William, 408 Zimbabwe African People's Union Zhdanov, Andrei, 95, 374 (ZAPU),205-6 Zhukov, G., 35 Zone of Peace, Freedom, and Zia ul-Haq, 286, 318 Neutrality (ZOPFAN), 349, 350, Zimbabwe: Soviet assistance to, 199, 354-5,359,361,362 205-6; US relations with, 201, Zorio-McCloy Agreement (1960), 205-6 35