Der Werkzeugkasten Tools: „Directions“ „KOO“ are also turnt around.

Aufklärung, enlightment Schrein, Schrine Higher and profane genetic connection

Semen of Jesus Fahnenstab Jesu Gartner, Success The Leader Gral M13

Love, Sex Folter, torture

Format Convenant Bundeslade

Titian-Winkel „Banane“, Schatz Templer ....T.-Senkrechte

. Geographical Connection to a shrine Transfiguration Kryptik, Symbole (Kleiner Ausschnitt)

The Grail-dog !

The Grail-Duck ! Grail-Anzeiger Duck „undercover“ I got from analysis masses more of real great „Ducks“ - but searching takes too much time. I am in a hurry.

„Zeisig-Winkel“ - „Wurzel Euklid“ Das Versteck .... The hiding

Schrein-Zeigerwinkel shows up a shrine

Urchristliche Schriftzeichen, vmtl JHWH „Secret Circle“ Hebräisch, alt-äthiopisch ... Das „Zeichen der Antilope“ Zeichen der Khadija? Ali-Islam „invincable by evading“

Afrikanische Antiliope, Ärmel Madonna, Christ, Lavinia, Pomponio in Wedding Canaa Sassaniden-Dynastie. Das Sassanidisches Stempelsiegel, Jesus-Hand, Altar Siloe

Siloe: Antilope with Marguerite of Reformation Christ meets Antilope .. ! Dürer, Selbstportrait als Christus, s.dazu a. „Zeisig-Winkel“, Raffael Anbetung I.

„The angel measures the New Jerusalem with the rod or reed. Note the Lamb of God ...“

Caterpillar: Butterfly-Raupe Himmelreich New Jerusalem

Indicator “Watch Direction !” (geographically?) : F rontal and profile view ... and then ...

Augapfel „Precious Eyeball“

Titian-Auge Nikolaus, the helper of the poor ! Patron of New Church !

Katharer-Faces, s.a. Cranach, Reformations-Altar

„White point“ - Betonung - visual hint : here to MALTA- Bärentatze

Hier hat nach Lepanto-fake Titians Gral-Hündchen hingepinkelt, an Philipps Bein ...

Arche, Noahs Ark

Salomonic Hieram Lodge of the Silver trowel Grabmonument für Titian, Canova Jesus als Gärtner, Corneliz Selfportrait Titian ! Vincis LastSupper Vinci-Triangles „Jesus, we follow you“ .... (Vincis pilgrimage to Compostela ... s. „Mona Lisa“)

On special place on the table-cloth of Vincis LastSupper, under „Barbarossa“: Alfonso I; king of Aragon und Navarre 1104-1134. (Covadonga ... s. „Virgin of the Rocks“ !)

Siloe Altar, Burgos (lunfortunately restored -, see face of Caecila) _Retablo_mayor_y_tumba_de_Juan_II.jpg Kryptisches:

Detail from Earring of the Negro in Dürers blason: The Secret Action .... ? s. dazu Stundenbuch Louise Angouleme: The „Negro“, evtl. a descendant of Barbarossa ..... in love with Louise ... In the background: Dürer und Raffael, sich freudig umarmend... ? Maybe later in LA VUE NOUVEAU : The secret disappearing of Barbarossa to Cyprus, - to get in contact to the „Arc of Convenant“ - and his „reappearance“ as fx .smuggled in descendants at the „Sultans“ Court.

Die Hohe Kunst der Wechselbilder: Kryptik, Cryptic of Changing faces: The Sealing by the 4 Wind Angels

„Der Heilige Kuß“ - The Holy Kiss: Titian und Caecilia Dürer, Duerer : „Apokalypse: Die 4 Windengel und die Versiegelung der Auserwählten“. Beispiel einer Gemälde-Analyse (gerafft). Ich habe hundert mehr davon. „Gesichtserkennung“ ist oberstes Gebot.

„Face-Recognition“ !!

Vgl. „Vinci mit Hund“

Vinci as Stone-Face in „Alis Reiter“ - mit der map: „“ .... Im Zeichen der Antilope ... Der Vergleich der Stein-Quader und Ritzen im Bild ergibt den Ka'ba-ye Zartuscht, „Cube of Zarathustra“ ( Aufbewahrungsort der Schriften der Avesta ).und beweist, mit welcher Akribie mglw.Vinci seine Skizzen gezeichnet hat. 4/as-sabiqun-al-awwalun/ aissance/l eonardo/newportrait/

Aus „Vinci mit Hund“: Abschied von Isabella Ar-Rutba: Sassanidenreich Reiter aus der Sonne des Orient

Vincis Rückkehr aus Orient - mit Pacioli und Pferd-Ideen. Triumphrelief Schapurs bei Naqsch-e Rostam. Pinacoteca_Ambrosiana-Milan_Lombardy.html

„Adoration of Magi II.“ wurde m.E nach der Rückkehr aus Orient sowohl von Vinci, als auch Titian und Raffael fast identisch gemalt. Titian couldnt do Camels, but changing faces of Vinci/ Nikolaus. Vinci was better with Isabellas breast ! The Grail-dog tells, what Vinci brought with him .... Lepanto was a fake. Vinci back from Orient - with Pacioli, visiting Titian M.E. Titian, The Adoration Of The Magi. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Atlanticus Admission in Milan s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1517713855&sr=1-11&keywords=Heilige+Drei+K%C3%B6nige The Adoration Of The Magi. Prado.. M.E. von Vinci The Poster Corp Titian

m.E. Raffael. Er kopierte genauer von Vincis Skizzen. „Titian“ MONASTERIO LORENZO DEL Escorial, Madrid,,_de_Tiziano_(Museo_del_Prado).jpg adoracion-de-los-reyes-magos-bekannt-image208961691.html War der Magi-Komplex eine „Kooperation“ von Vinci, Titian, Raffael? War es ein malerisches Freudenfest der Freunde, nach der Rückkehr Vincis ? Malte Raffael erst später – auch nach Vincis Skizzen ?

Compare Titians style in works and the dates: The Holy Family with a Shepherd, ca 1510 - The Three Ages of Man, Tizian, dated 1512 The Tribute Money, 1516 - Laura Dianti, etwa 1523

Gesichtserkennung: Raffaels früh verstorbene Mutter ist bei ihm die Madonna. Gut erkennbar sind Vinci, Pacioli und der „ Alte vom Berge“, der dem Kind von Titian und Caecilia die Füße küsst, sowie auch der junge Ritter von Haag zu Fraunberg, ein wesentlichster Ko-Agent der Geheimaktion, seit Generationen verbunden mit dem Hof der Louise Angouleme. Wir finden zudem das von Raffael in seiner „Disputatione“ in Bezug zu Barbarossa gesetzte „Harems-Mädchen“ - und deutlich die Decke der Bundeslade! Raffael ist immer ein lieber „Verräter“. Danke Raffael! Man hält Dich für Titian?:,_de_Tiziano_(Museo_del_Prado).jpg

Raffael kann auch gut Vincis „Kamele“ . Compare the colours !

Did VINCI bring knowledge of Kryptik from the since hundreds of years secretly acting Sassaniden ?

„Subh al-a 'sha included a section on cryptology.“

The S assanids were descendants of Abrahams son Ismahe l, who was together with his mother Hagar cruelly and un-christian expelled by his father.

„Ismailis believed themselves to be the holders of a cosmic mission. In time of peril the Ismailis had hidden their beliefs to survive in the world, the true Ismaili mission . Ismailis reappear in sixteenth century .“ But they saw their star decline .... ! Being present with their spies at all European courts, I think, they decided to „bring their star to Titian“. There is enough indices for this unbelievable story. (s.a. Babenberger Stammbaum, Donau-Schule) „The Fatimid theology was a sophisticated, urban intellectualism: the pious could find a Tradition and Qur’anic teaching. There was a philosophical framework to sustain the intellectuals; an emotional and personal faith with the promise of the Truth to the spiritual; and a well-organized opposition movement with a real chance of overthrowing the established order to the discontented.“

A stronghold was .

(coulours change by contrasting) Do you recognize the face-sign from „Alis Reiter“?? It is „Der Alte vom Berge“. Khadija bint Khuwaylid's zodiac sign is Capricorn. Steinbock Antilope, 1553 Im Zeichen der Antilope ? lang=en&pz=tor&nz=langballe&ocz=0&p=fatimah&n=bint+muhammad Woodcuts of Titian?

Der Alte vom Berge: Sassaniden %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%A8%D9%84_%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%AF_ %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86_%D8%B3%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86.jpg

Das Reich der Fatimiden:

Fatima was daughter of christian-islamic orientientated Khadija, and was wife of Ali, persued legal successor of Mohammed.

Der „Alte vom Berge“ Raschid ed- Din Sinans kissing the feet of Titians child?

Stronghold Masyaf v gl. Licht und Farben in Titians „SacredLove “.

Compare the direction of the again uprising sun ! 1553 Khadijah bint Khuwaylid was the first wife of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Published by Guillaume Rouillé (1518?-1589) " Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum "



‘Khadijah binti Khuwailid’ (Khadijah al-Kubra ,خديجة:Bahasa Arab) Khadijah berasal dari golongan pembesar Mekkah.

or Khadīja al-Kubra (خديجة بنت خويلد :or Khadīja bint Khuwaylid ( دKhadijah (Khadija the great) (c. 555 – 620 CE) was the first wife of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. She is commonly regarded by as the mother of Islam. She was the first person to convert to Islam. Khadija bint Khuwaylid was born on the 1st of January 0555. Khadija bint Khuwaylid's zodiac sign is Capricorn.

Did Titian do this woodcut ? Who painted allegedly „Alis Reiter“ and this „camel rider“? (namens Abbas bin Abdul-Muththalib oder Abdullah bin Abdul-Asad/Abu Salamah)?

%28Galer%C3%ADa_Borghese%2C_Roma%2C_1514%29.jpg awwalun/


Vgl. Vinci: Virgin of the Rocks Virgin and Child: colour ! ry_London).jpg Hassan ibn al-Sabbah - der Alte vom Berge - Vinci

. The White Horse !

Painting style - of Camels a.o. ...

Aus Vinci, Last Supper Hypothetische Story : Titian, ca 20 J.? (*1477) was just about to paint an „Adoration of Magi“ ? Da kommt Vinci von seiner Reise aus dem Orient zurück. Aufgeregt erzählt er von seine Erkundigungen über seine genetische Spurensuche, schildert seine Erlebnisse und was er gesehen habe. Titian malt derweil weiter. Vinci mischte sich dann in Titians Bild ein: Sieh mal, so malt man Pferde ! Vinci tells: Paint horses this way !

So begann Vinci in Titians Bild zu malen, Titian war begeistert,– und Vinci? complements the picture with himself as a secret eminence in the cente r – proud of being an „arabic precious eyeball“, as he had found out. He brought from his genetic research a whole ancestors- „precious eyeball-bundle“, not only for himself, but also for Titian and especially his wife Caecilia.

Vinci describes to Titian the good and interesting sides of the persued Ali-Islam, fx. Ali – Lion of Allah. Titian was highly interested.

Vinci brought also the Sign of „Antilope“ with him, ein Zeichen des Ali-Islam, das Titian übernahm s. Titian-Statue in Pieve Zeichnete sich Titian später nachdenklich als Alter vom Berge ? Raschid ed-Din Sinans „in einem Sketch (1966 ??)“ %D8%A8%D9%84_%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%AF_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86_ %D8%B3%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86.jpg

ttps:// Din-Sinan

Malt Vinci sich in Titians „Anbetung“ – als Alter vom Berge - with sun-glasses ? Eye - glasses were already invented ! Ich denke, Titan malte es so, aber nicht allein ... Rashid al-Din Sinan, (1132/1135– 1193), was a former missionary, leader of the Syrian bran, leader of the Nizārī Ismā‘īlītes and the founder of the order known as Assassins. Nizari Ismaili state (the Assassins), and a figure in the history of the . Based on the Nizari stronghold Masyaf, he controlled the northern Syrian districts of Jabal as-Summaq, Maarrat Misrin and . s. Shīa-Islam, Isma‘ilism Ismahel, Ali LöweAllah

Stone ruins of Masyaf colours

Hassan-e Sabbāh was a missionary who converted the Nizari in the late 11th century in the heart of the Alborz Mountains of northern Persia. He later seized a mountain fortress called Alamut. The Owl - Orient !

Detail from „Magie II“, painted prbl. by Vinci The „Alter vom Berge“ presents to Titians child - the „OWL“ of wisdom and enlightment.

Under the Owl as feet, Titian shows his „Titian-Winke l“, that in „Madonna“ describes a „turning point“

Die Eule zeigt den schrägen Fall von Sonnenlicht und Schatten wie die Äthiopien-Burg in Sacred Love, jedoch umgekehrt . (Legastenie ..) Die Hand weist ein Blut-Mal Jesu auf.

It is a reference to the, through persecution by dogmatic Islam, vanished sun of Ali- (Ismahel) Islam – the followers of Ali - who by wisdom - put their last hope, their star, (laboriously without vanity?) - into another culture - on Titian's new Christian child: Pomponio?


Fatima-Islam, Followers of Ali

We find distinct connection to Titian and wife in 'Martyrdom and assassination of Ali ibn Abi Talib by ibn Muljam“, by Yousef Abdinejad, Iran 1983. To analyze this, is a long difficult story Best, ask the painter himself. See: SacredLove %C3%ADa_Borghese%2C_Roma%2C_1514%29.jpg

Rider on „White horse“, rushing to „Ethiopian Origin“ ... and the „Convenant“..

Myrrhe-Gefäß Räucherfaß und Teller orientalisches Muster

Very daring suposition: The “direction indicators” refer geograpically to Mekka ? – and into the direction of the “footprints of Abraham there. (Druckfrische, sensationelle Beschreibungen, Fresh Maps of the „World-Discoverer“ kursierten in Venedig) .... .((Titians Legasthenie?) %20vespucci&sort=mostpopular Ist das weiße Alabaster-Pferd auf dem Sarkophag-Brunnen ein weiterer Hinweis ?

The White horse

Under the horse in Titians Magi II Anbetung we find the face of Alī ibn Abī Tālib „Asadullah“ (Löwe Allahs) ?

At the horse of „Alter vom Berge“ we find a „T“, rather similar to a „T“ on Vinci in his „Last Supper“.

The later torn hope of a New Jesus for a New Church: Pomponio as Jesus in Vincis Last Supper Vinci and Pacioli in Vincis „Last Supper“

Compare the blood-Stigma on the hand of Pacioli

and in the hand of „Der Alte vom Berge presenting the Owl“ in Vincis Anbetung. One last question:

Did Vinci possibly prefer the red chalk color to indicate his Arab gene mix of negroid and white race?

A last Warning ! Man muß sich auch Gewahr sein,

that by lightening up and darken to contrast also very falsifying results can arise !!!

Vincis Last Supper ....

Here is "face recognition" hardly possible! .... Im Zeichen der Antilope ...


And search for the “Antilope” in the “Madonna” of Website: !