Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC)

th The 16 Annual Report on Human Rights Situation in



Table of Contents




During the past seven years, Syrians have been victims to unprecedented violations, exceeding any registered throughout the area and even the world at large at times. At least 500,000 people have been killed in Syria in these past seven years due to direct combat action. Those killed due to indirect reasons like heart attacks, and shortages in medicine, food, and medical attention may number more than this figure. In addition to the dead, estimates indicate the wounded may number at least 2 million, i.e. SHRC 10%+ of all Syrians have either been wounded or documented the killed in these past seven years. It also means that death of hundreds of thousands of Syrians need additional (12,375) people special care in order to receive the already limited during 2017, basic services available. averaging 1031 people a month The Syrian Human Rights Committee estimates that at least 150,000 people have been arrested in the past years for different periods. The Regime’s security apparatuses routinely detain and arrest individuals in all areas under its control. Such detentions may last hours or days; whereas others may die under torture. The number of those detained at any stage since the onset of the revolution is not specifically known as arrests do not follow due process and detainees are held incommunicado. In most cases, families do not know the fate of their sons and daughters until they are released or when delivered as corpses. Also, as there are many arresting agencies, the whereabouts, reason, or fate of detainees is little known. The exceptional security situation has led to an increase of torture in Regime prisons to unprecedented levels. It is estimated that at least 30,000 people have been killed under torture in the past years, most of whose fate is yet unknown. In addition to Regime forces, Iranian backed sectarian militias have been present since 2011. These militias have actively taken part in murders and massacres witnessed in Syria during the past years, and have physically taken part in besieging a number of cities and forcing their inhabitants to flee them, particularly in and Rif Dimashq. The presence of these militias has not been condemned even once by the international community, allowing them to benefit from the international legitimacy the international community preserved for the Syrian regime. This has legalised the existence of foreign fighters in Syria who support the Regime.


Russian military intervention in the last quarter of 2015 raised violations to a new level as it pursued a Scorched Earth policy, using advanced weapons and excessive firepower. Accordingly, tens of thousands of Syrians have died in these two years. Russia also strengthened the Regime’s military status – which was on the brink of collapse before the Russians arrived – as per official Russian statements. The change of instructions given to American air force by the US Administration in early 2017 also led to a sharp increase in victims of US bombing in Syria during that year. The Coalition, led by the US, became the main perpetrator of massacres in Syria in most of 2017. The majority of these massacres centred around the Eastern areas controlled by the “Islamic State in and the ” (ISIL). ISIL also continued to commit violations against civilians living in The number of those detained the territories it controlled, and in at any stage is not specifically becoming a reason for other actors known as arrests do not to commit atrocities against these follow due process and civilian, rendering them paying the detainees are held price twofold, and at high cost! incommunicado. homes. Syria Democratic Forces (PYD), the military wing of the Kurdish Democratic Federation Party, gained international legitimacy by being handed the reigns of the land war on ISIL in ar- and Deir ez-Zour. This action allowed the former to target public freedoms in all areas under its rule such as all its Kurdish opposition and others, and prevented the media, parties, and opposition societies from carrying out their work. It also forced the conscription of youth to fight within its ranks. Analysis by the Syrian Human Rights Committee of the names of the fallen from among PYD fighters in the battles of ar-Raqqa and Deir ez- Zour, which the latter publishes daily, shows an increase in the figures of Arab fighters among the PYD to more than 50%. This is despite the fact that the percentage of Arab fighters within the PYD does not exceed 20% at best. As such, it is an indication that the PYD leadership is deliberately placing Arab fighters at advanced lines of combat. 2017 witnessed a persisted failure of Opposition factions in uniting or coordinating together, rendering them the only non-organised component among all actors. Such disarray manifested, legally, at two levels: First, the diversity of human rights’ abuses between one Opposition region and another, each in accordance with the faction’s ideology and its policy towards civil society; and second, the failure of judicial and criminal establishments in Opposition areas as there exists no unified police apparatus nor judiciary that ensures even the bare minimum of citizens’ rights. Yet this exists in areas controlled by the Regime, the Kurds, and even ISIL itself.


This year witnessed multiple violations by opposition factions, and Tahreer al-Sham Commission as per past years, was the at their helm. Yet this year also witnessed an almost complete cessation of Mortar shells attacks that used to be launched from Opposition controlled areas in and towards civilian areas under Regime control. This limited the number of victims killed by the Opposition this year. Unrelenting violations have forced 50% of Syrians to flee their homes, and in becoming the largest group of refugees around the world, as well as the largest group thereof from a single country. The Syrian refugee crisis became a cause of public opinion throughout most countries, particularly in Europe. The health sector suffered dangerous relapses since the onset of the revolution in Syria in 2011. Those targeted included hospital, medical centres, health workers, and the medicine and equipment thereof was prevented from reaching besieged and combat areas. The widespread targeting of the health sector led to a sharp shortage in medical staff, who 2017 witnessed a were either killed, imprisoned, sought number of forced asylum, or emigrated. This forced the health displacement establishment to rely more increasingly on agreements whereby volunteers who lacked sufficient expertise. about 40,000 people Refugees’ distance from their homes is but were forced to leave one element of the problems they face in their homes. addition to alarming effects that are social, economic, political, security based, and relating to the education of their children. The crises of forced displacement, asylum, colossal destruction of different sectors, and disruption in economic activities have led to a record increase in poverty levels. Two of every three Syrians have been rendered so poor that they could no longer secure their basic needs of sustenance. In addition to forced displacement and voluntary asylum, 2017 witnessed a number of forced displacement agreements whereby about 40,000 people were forced to leave their homes. These agreements came after years of harsh siege and bombardment of many areas, particularly Rif Dimashq, , and Homs. *** In tackling such a scenario, the international community not only declined to carry out any of its duties in halting the bloodshed in Syria, but also exerted its efforts on ensuring an exit for the perpetrators that would allow them to get away with their crimes. It also exerted pressure on all stakeholders to accept a political solution that would allow war criminals – as per international community’s standards and assertions – to lead the

5 transitional period which is expected to ignore committed violations and crimes! As it publishes its 16th report on the status quo of human rights in Syria for the year 2017, a matter it has consistently been doing since 2001, the Syrian Human Rights Committee aspires that the year 2018 will witness a fair resolution of the Syrian cause that ensures upholding victims’ rights and holding perpetrators of crimes and violations accountable.

Syrian Human Rights Committee

January 2018


GENOCIDE Acts of genocide against the Syrian people have persisted for the seventh consecutive year. SHRC documented the death of (12,375) people during 2017, averaging 1031 people a month. At 2776 deaths, Deir ez-Zor ranked highest in number of victims, followed by ar-Raqqa at (2436) deaths. The Committee also documented (457) massacres that occurred during the same year, at (38) per month. Deir ez-Zor and ar-Raqqa were again ill-fortuned to have witnessed the majority of these at 55% of the total 2017 massacres In consistency with actions of previous years, Regime forces and foreign ones fighting alongside it have continued to use banned weapons, although notably lower during 2017. Nonetheless, the decline in the total targeting cases did not reflect on the portfolio of banned weapons in the political and legal arena. The massacre of Khan Shaikhoun on 4/4/2017 using Sarin gas caused international debates on the Regime’s and its international affiliates’ use of such weapons in targeting civilians. The International Independent Investigation Committee on Allegations of Chemical Weapons’ Use in Syria caused international disagreement in the Security Council. Russia opposed an extension of its mandate fearing the Committee may issue a report condemning the Syrian regime for such use. Russia used its Veto on 24/10/2017 and 17/11/2017 to prevent the passage of proposals that would allow the Committee’s work to continue. Russia has hence used its Veto 10 times since 2011 to protect al-Assad’s regime. ISIL The year 2017 also witnessed a decrease in propaganda films usually produced by ISIL to document its crimes. This has mainly been due to the large scale receding of the group whereby it controlled around 45% of Syrian land at the beginning of the year. which then dwindled to only 7.1% by the end of December. Yet the decline in ISIL’s propaganda does not reflect a decline in its level of crimes as it continued with field executions in areas under its control, and shooting at civilians attempting to flee those territories, particularly during military operations, so that it may use them as human shields. On 22/02/2017, Khalid Ibn al-Walid Army, which supports ISIL, charged into many towns controlled by armed Opposition forces, and conducted field executions of the injured present in Tseel field hospital. Also on this day, the civil defence found a mass grave in al-Khazzanat area to the east of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib countryside, a day after ISIL affiliate soldiers of al-Aqsa Brigade exited towards ar-Raqqa in accordance to an agreement with Tahreer al-Sham Commission (al-Nusrah Front). The

7 mass grave was found near the affiliate’s barracks and contained 128 bodies that bore marks of torture. Most of the victims have been identified and are assumed to have been executed a week earlier. On 5/4/2017, ISIL broadcasted a video of its Jordanian members slaughtering five Syrian fighters whom the recording said had trained in Jordan to fight ISIL. On 16/7/2017, the civil defence discovered a mass grave in town in Idlib countryside which contained bodies of shackled individuals believed to have been executed by ISIL when it controlled the town in 2014. On 21/10/2017, bodies of 81 people who were either slaughtered or shot from close range were discovered in al-Qaryatayn city in Eastern Homs countryside. 35 of these bodies were discovered in a single well. Discovery of the bodies occurred after ISIL withdrew from the city. 2017 witnessed a bewildering deal in Jroud al-Qalamoun area in , between Hezbollah and the Syrian Regime on the one hand, and ISIL on the other, whereby the latter exited towards Deir ez-Zor, Syria, on 28/8/2017 under Regime and Hezbollah protection. Coalition air force targeted the convoy to prevent its advancement towards Deir ez-Zor; a matter which led Hezbollah to issue a statement on 02/09/2017 demanding that the international community prevent the US from targeting the convoy. Hezbollah warned that “a massacre would ensue if the convoy is shelled”, as that “would definitely lead to the death of its civilians which included women, children, and the elderly, or that would put them at risk of death due to the siege imposed on them and on aid reaching them,” and that accordingly “the so-called international community and international organisations must intervene to prevent a heinous massacre from occurring.”

Rigged Vehicles and Suicide Bombings Syria also witnessed persistence of explosive-laden cars and motorcycles, and suicide bombings which led to the death of hundreds this year. The Syrian Human Rights Committee documented the rigging of 23 cars, motorcycles with explosives and suicide bombings this year. The most prominent bombings in 2017 were on:  5th January, car bomb, , countryside, killing 9.  7th January, car bomb, populated market in the middle of city, Aleppo countryside, killing around 60, and injuring scores. The explosion caused great damage to the court building, local council, media office, and scores of shops.  24th February, car bomb, Susyan Township, Aleppo eastern countryside to the north west of al-Bab city, killing 75. It occurred a day after the armed opposition, supported by Turkish forces, gained


control of the city which used to be under ISIL, who claimed responsibility for the explosion.  25th February, two suicide bombings at Homs city, killing about 30 as per Regime affiliated sources.  15th March, suicide bombing according to Regime sources, entrance of old Justice Palace on al-Nasr Street, Damascus, killing 30 including 10 lawyers.  15th April, car bomb targeting protection detail of the convoy of displaced citizens of Kafrayya and al-Fouaa, killing 100 including 40 of Ahrar al-Sham and Tahreer al-Sham factions who supervised the move. Other deceased were from the convoy itself.  3rd May, car bomb, Local Council in Azaz city centre, Aleppo countryside, killing 5.  21st May, suicide bombing in Ahrar al-Sham headquarters , Tal al- Tawqan village, Idlib countryside, killing 16.  24th June, car bomb, popular market, al-Dana city, Idlib countryside, killing 12, injuring 20. It occurred on the last day of Ramadan.  2nd July, car bomb, al-Ghadeer Square, , Damascus, killing 19 according to Regime sources.  4th July, car bomb of unknown source, al-Qunaitra Legal Institute of Tahreer al-Sham faction, al-Qunaitra village, Idlib western countryside, killing 6 civilians as well as a number the Institute’s religious legislators.  23rd July, car bomb manned by suicide bomber, striking military convoy of Tahreer al-Sham faction, al-Ziraa Roundabout, Idlib city centre, killing 17.


The year 2017 also witnessed an increase in the number of landmine victims, usually planted by ISIL, as all recorded explosions were either on the outskirts of ISIL controlled areas or in areas it was forced to vacate. The Syrian Human Rights Committee documented the death of (754) people in 2017 due to landmines. The number of landmine victims in previous years was low, except in the second half of 2011 when Regime forces placed a number of them on its border with .



Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon 01/01/2017 5 Aleppo Regime forces Artillery shells shield 01/01/2017 7 al-Bab Aleppo Artillery shells forces Global Coalition 03/01/2017 25 Idlib coutryside Idlib Rockets forces 05/01/2017 9 Jablah Idlib Unknown Car bomb Global Coalition 06/01/2017 8 Swaidiah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 07/01/2017 60 Azaz Aleppo Unknown Car bomb 07/01/2017 21 Deir ez-Zor Unknown Rockets 07/01/2017 5 Assawah Deir ez-Zor Unknown Rockets Kasrat al-sheikh Global Coalition 07/01/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Rockets juma’ah forces 07/01/2017 7 valley Rif Dimashq Regime forces Gunshots Global Coalition 07/01/2017 40 Hakel diro Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces Euphrates shield 11/01/2017 6 Al-Bab Aleppo Artillery shells forces Global Coalition 12/01/2017 8 Babkeh Aleppo Rockets forces Global Coalition 12/01/2017 7 Bza’ah Aleppo Rockets forces 12/01/2017 7 Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 13/01/2017 6 Oram Al-joaz Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 13/01/2017 6 Tadef Aleppo Rockets forces 14/01/2017 7 Maarat Misrin Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Euphrates shield 14/01/2017 18 Al-Bab Aleppo Artillery shells forces 15/01/2017 12 Barada valley Rif Dimashq Regime forces Artillery shells 15/01/2017 11 Job Albarazi Aleppo ISIL Explosion 15/01/2017 7 Mohassan Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets 16/01/2017 6 Homs Regime forces Artillery shells 16/01/2017 6 Onaiq Bajrah Russian air forces Rockets Labourers 17/01/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets neighbourhood Global Coalition 18/01/2017 8 Tadef Aleppo Rockets forces al-jorah 20/01/2017 6 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar neighbourhood Global Coalition 20/01/2017 8 Western Aleppo Aleppo Rockets forces 21/01/2017 7 al-Rokban camp Homs Regime forces Car bomb


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Euphrates shield 22/01/2017 6 al-Bab Aleppo Rockets forces 22/01/2017 10 Homs Regime forces Rockets Explosive 23/01/2017 6 Bza’ah Aleppo Regime forces barrels 24/01/2017 12 al-Salihiyah Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Harabesh 25/01/2017 6 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar neighbourhood al-Mohandiseen Global Coalition 30/01/2017 7 Aleppo Rockets neighbourhood forces 07/02/2017 30 Idlib Idlib Russian air forces Rockets al-Waer 08/02/2017 9 Homs Regime forces Fil Rockets neighbourhood 08/02/2017 5 Bostan al-Qasr Aleppo Regime forces Land mine al-Waer 10/02/2017 6 Homs Regime forces Rockets neighbourhood 12/02/2017 17 al-Bab Aleppo Regime forces Rockets Tariq al-Sadd 13/02/2017 6 Russian air forces Rockets neighbourhood 16/02/2017 5 al-Habeet Idlib Regime forces Rockets Global Coalition 16/02/2017 10 al-Bab Aleppo Rockets forces 17/02/2017 14 Tishreen farm Al-Raqaa Russian air forces Rockets 18/02/2017 19 Rif Dimashq Regime forces Mortar 19/02/2017 10 Tal maaz Aleppo Russian forces Rockets Global Coalition 20/02/2017 8 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 20/02/2017 12 al-Bab Aleppo Rockets forces 21/02/2017 7 Maarat Misrin Idlib Regime forces Rockets 21/02/2017 9 Aleppo Kurdish militia Artillery shells Global Coalition 21/02/2017 7 al-Sohamiyeh ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 21/02/2017 9 al-Sour Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets Global Coalition 21/02/2017 11 Ma’dan ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 22/02/2017 6 al-Farar Deir ez-Zor Unknown Rockets 22/02/2017 6 Aleppo Unknown Land mine Field 22/02/2017 110 Tseel Daraa ISIL execution Field 22/02/2017 129 al-Khazanat Idlib Al-Aqsa soldiers execution 23/02/2017 17 Research area Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets 24/02/2017 73 Sosian Aleppo ISIL Car bomb 24/02/2017 7 al-Bab Aleppo Unknown Land mine


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon 24/02/2017 8 al-Humairat Hama Regime forces Rockets 25/02/2017 5 Khan Sheikhoun Idlib Regime forces Rockets 25/02/2017 10 Duma Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets 25/02/2017 15 Ariha Idlib Regime forces Rockets 25/02/2017 13 al-Bab Aleppo unknown Land mine 27/02/2017 7 al-Bab Aleppo ISIL Land mine 27/02/2017 10 Abo Hanaya Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets 27/02/2017 20 Ariha Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 28/02/2017 6 Bzaah Aleppo ISIL Land mine al-Waer 28/02/2017 6 Homs Regime forces Artillery shells neighbourhood 28/02/2017 7 Abajeh Aleppo unknown Rockets 04/03/2017 7 al-Dana Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 05/03/2017 6 Kafranbel Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 05/03/2017 9 Azaz Aleppo Regime forces Explosion 09/03/2017 5 Kafranbel Idlib Regime forces Rockets 09/03/2017 6 Hamouriyah Rif Dimashq Regime forces Artillery shells 09/03/2017 15 al- Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets 09/03/2017 5 Dar Azzah Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets 10/03/2017 6 Manbej Aleppo Regime forces Rockets Southern ar- Global Coalition 12/03/2017 17 ar-Raqqa Rockets Raqqa forces Alhamidiyah 12/03/2017 11 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets neighbourhood Alhamidiyah 12/03/2017 7 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets neighbourhood Alhamidiyah 12/03/2017 37 Damascus Unknown Explosion neighbourhood 15/03/2017 25 Idlib Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 16/03/2017 36 al-Jeenah Aleppo Rockets forces 19/03/2017 5 Idlib Idlib Regime forces Rockets 19/03/2017 5 Khan Sheikhoun Idlib Regime forces Rockets 19/03/2017 5 Huzaimah ar-Raqqa ISIL Land mine Global Coalition 19/03/2017 10 al-Andalus farm ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 19/03/2017 7 Hittin campus Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets 19/03/2017 5 Harasta Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets Jober 19/03/2017 5 Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets neighbourhood Global Coalition 19/03/2017 6 at-Tabqa Alraqaa Rockets forces Global Coalition 20/03/2017 7 Shabhar ar-Raqqa Rockets forces


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Global Coalition 20/03/2017 6 al-Makef ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Municipal Global Coalition 20/03/2017 6 ar-Raqqa Rockets Slaughterhouse forces 21/03/2017 6 Idlib Regime forces Rockets Global Coalition 21/03/2017 46 al-Mansourah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 22/03/2017 36 at-Tabqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Al-hamdaniyah 23/03/2017 5 Aleppo Armed opposition Artillery shells neighbourhood 24/03/2017 16 Idlib Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 24/03/2017 5 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Russian air forces Rockets 25/03/2017 16 Hamouriyah Rif Dimashq Russian air forces Rockets 25/03/2017 8 Khan Sheikhoun Idlib Regime forces Rockets Global Coalition 26/03/2017 8 Modhar ar-Raqqa Rockets forces On the road between Global Coalition 27/03/2017 5 Idlib Rockets and forces Kafr Daryan 28/03/2017 5 Jesr al-Shughur Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 28/03/2017 8 Deir Sharqi Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 29/03/2017 8 al-Mansourah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 30/03/2017 5 al-Mansourah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 03/04/2017 22 Douma Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets 03/04/2017 5 Saqba Rif Dimashq Russian air forces Rocks Rockets with 04/04/2017 103 Khan Sheikhoun Idlib Regime forces chemical weapons 04/04/2017 7 Jisr al-Shughur Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 04/04/2017 26 Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 04/04/2017 9 Saqba Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets 04/04/2017 16 Hamouryiah Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets 06/04/2017 5 Tareeq al-Sadd Daraa Russian air forcess Rockets 07/04/2017 7 Hish Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Hamrat Global Coalition 07/04/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Rockets Ghanam forces Global Coalition 08/04/2017 25 Huneidah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 08/04/2017 20 Oram al-Joz Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 09/04/2017 5 Yaqed al-Adas Aleppo Regime forces Artillery shells Explosive 11/04/2017 5 Inkhil Daraa unknown device


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon 11/04/2017 6 Bdama Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 12/04/2017 10 ar-Raqqa Unknown Land mines Syrian democratic 13/04/2017 6 Huzaimah ar-Raqqa Artillery shells forces 14/04/2017 5 al-Sukkariyah Idlib Russian air forces Rockets al-Rashidin 15/04/2017 104 Aleppo Unknown Car bomb neighbourhood al-Sukarieh Global Coalition 15/04/2017 8 Deir ez-Zor Rockets neighbourhood forces Harabish 16/04/2017 7 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Artillery shells neighbourhood Global Coalition 17/04/2017 12 al-Husayniah Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces Global Coalition 18/04/2017 18 al-Bokamal Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces 18/04/2017 9 Maarat Hurmah Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 18/04/2017 5 Orum al-Kubra Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 20/04/2017 5 Maysalun ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 24/04/2017 8 at-Tabaqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 25/04/2017 5 Kudairan ar-Raqqa Machine Guns forces 27/04/2017 10 Bsaniqol Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 27/04/2017 5 Maar Shurin Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Ramlah Global Coalition 27/04/2017 11 ar-Raqqa Rockets neighbourhood forces 29/04/2017 8 Hama Russian air forces Rockets al-Wahb Global Coalition 29/04/2017 8 ar-Raqqa Rockets neighbourhood forces Shah-shabo 29/04/2017 7 Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Mount al-Shayah Explosive 30/04/2017 10 Daraa Regime forces district barrels 01/05/2017 16 Owayjel Aleppo Regime forces Artillery shells Global Coalition 01/05/2017 16 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 02/05/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Explosive 02/05/2017 6 al-Latamneh Hama Regime forces barrels Rajm al-Salibi Artillery 02/05/2017 37 al-Haska ISIL checkpoint Artillery shells 03/05/2017 5 Azaz Aleppo Unknown Car bomb


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Global Coalition 03/05/2017 18 at-Tabqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 07/05/2017 12 al-Kanawiyeh Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets ar-Raqqa – Coalition 08/05/2017 8 Hama Rockets Hama Road international al-Jourah 08/05/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Rockets neighbourhood 09/05/2017 16 Rasm al-Faleh Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets 09/05/2017 5 al-Latoum Homs Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 09/05/2017 8 at-Tabqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 09/05/2017 12 al-Salhiyeh ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Explosive 10/05/2017 14 as-Samoumah Aleppo Regime forces barrels Global Coalition 10/05/2017 9 al-Sour Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces al-Hamidiyeh 10/05/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets neighbourhood al-Ordhi 10/05/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor Russian air force Rockets neighbourhood Global Coalition 11/05/2017 13 Beir al-Hashm ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 12/05/2017 5 al-Quriyah Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces Syrian democratic 12/05/2017 10 Ya’rub ar-Raqqa Shell forces Global Coalition 12/05/2017 7 Shunainah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Syrian democratic 13/05/2017 13 al-Assad farm ar-Raqqa Shell forces 13/05/2017 5 al-Dahik Mount Homs Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 14/05/2017 22 al-Okayrachi ar-Raqqa Rockets forces ar-Raqqa Global Coalition 14/05/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Rockets countryside forces al-Fillat 14/05/2017 7 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Rockets association al-Qusoor 15/05/2017 7 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar neighbourhood Global Coalition 15/05/2017 56 al-bukamal Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces 15/05/2017 10 al-Rukban camp Daraa Unknown Car bomb 16/05/2017 6 Hamouriyah Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets Rasm al- 16/05/2017 5 Aleppo Regime forces Rockets Hamam


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Harabish 18/05/2017 9 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar neighbourhood al-Kashif 18/05/2017 6 Daraa Armed opposition unknown neighbourhood 20/05/2017 14 al-bushams Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar 21/05/2017 14 Tal Attofan Idlib unknown explosion Global Coalition 21/05/2017 15 Kudairan ar-Raqqa Rockets forces al-Ordhi 22/05/2017 8 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets neighbourhood Global Coalition 23/05/2017 16 al-Barudeh ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 24/05/2017 13 al-Mansourah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 24/05/2017 16 al-Barudeh ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 24/05/2017 11 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets al-Jourah 24/05/2017 7 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar neighbourhood Global Coalition 27/05/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa rockets forces ar-Raqqa Global Coalition 27/05/2017 17 ar-Raqqa Rockets countryside forces Al-Jourah 29/05/2017 11 Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar neighbourhood Global Coalition 30/05/2017 5 Ma’adan ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 30/05/2017 12 al-Boushams Deir ez-Zor unknown Rockets Kafr-Shmas – Explosive 01/06/2017 9 Daraa Regime forces Road device Kafr-Shmas – 01/06/2017 6 Daraa Regime forces Rockets Aqrab Road 02/06/2017 5 al-Sukhnah Homs Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 03/06/2017 15 al-Raqqa al-Raqqa Rockets forces Khan al-Subol Explosive 04/06/2017 6 Idlib Unknown way device 05/06/2017 12 Tafas Daraa Russian air forces Rockets 05/06/2017 10 Okairibat Hama Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 06/06/2017 5 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 06/06/2017 6 Hittin farm ar-Raqqa ISIL Land mine Global Coalition 07/06/2017 9 al-Quriyah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Global Coalition 08/06/2017 5 al-Boughah ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 08/06/2017 14 Ara-Raqqa ar-Raqqa ISIL Land mine Global Coalition 10/06/2017 10 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Syrian democratic 10/06/2017 5 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Artillery shells forces Global Coalition 11/06/2017 8 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Kisrat Sheikh Global Coalition 13/06/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Rockets Juma’a forces 14/06/2017 9 Tafas Daraa Regime forces Rockets Kisrat Sheikh 15/06/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Regime forces Rockets Juma’a 16/06/2017 7 Murat Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 16/06/2017 8 al-Nuaimiayah Hama Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 17/06/2017 5 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces al-Alwah (al- Global Coalition 18/06/2017 5 al-Hasaka rockets Jallal) forces Global Coalition 18/06/2017 12 Tal al-Jayer al-Hasaka Rockets forces

Global Coalition 20/06/2017 5 al-Isr al-Jadid ar-Raqqa Machine guns forces 20/06/2017 14 Khasham Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 20/06/2017 8 Hunaida Hama ISIL Land mine Sheikh Yasin 21/06/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets neighbourhood Global Coalition 21/06/2017 10 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 23/06/2017 5 Hazzah Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets 23/06/2017 11 Mohaimdah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 24/06/2017 6 al-Dana Idlib unknown Car bomb 24/06/2017 7 al-Dana Idlib unknown Car bomb Global Coalition 25/06/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 25/06/2017 5 Mo Hasan Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets Global Coalition 25/06/2017 12 al-Quriyah Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces 27/06/2017 6 al-Harrah Daraa Regime forces Artillery shells al- 28/06/2017 7 Nabi' al-Sakhr Russian air forces Rockets Qunaiterah 28/06/2017 25 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 28/06/2017 8 al-Soor Deir ez-Zor unknown Rockets


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon 01/07/2017 5 al-Husain Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets gathering of 02/07/2017 16 displaced at al- al-Suwaida Russian air forces Rockets Hiqaf

al-Dariyah Global Coalition 02/07/2017 12 ar-Raqqa Rockets neighbourhood forces surroiunding of Global Coalition 03/07/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Rockets al-Atiq forces Global Coalition 03/07/2017 10 al-Zayanat al-Hasaka Rockets forces car bomb exploded opposite al- Qunaitira Sharia 04/07/2017 6 Idlib unknown Car bomb institute/ of Ahrar Al-Sham in the village of al-Qunaitira Landmine left by ISIL exploded west al-Qarah village 04/07/2017 5 al-Hasaka ISIL landmine on the road between al- Hasaka and Deir ez-Zor Global Coalition 04/07/2017 15 Tal al-Shayer al-Hasaka Rockets forces 08/07/2017 5 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets Halab al-Jadida 10/07/2017 5 Aleppo Armed opposition Mortar neighbourhood Global Coalition 11/07/2017 10 al-Zayanat al-Hasaka Rockets forces Global Coalition 11/07/2017 20 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

Hisham bin Global Coalition 13/07/2017 9 Abdelmalik ar-Raqqa Rockets forces neighbourhood 14/07/2017 10 Ain Turma Rif Dimashq Russian air forces Rockets al-Salihiya 14/07/2017 7 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets neighbourhood 15/07/2017 7 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 16/07/2017 11 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets Global Coalition 16/07/2017 7 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 17/07/2017 7 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Nazlet Shihadeh Global Coalition 18/07/2017 11 ar-Raqqa Rockets area forces Saifuddawlah Global Coalition 18/07/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Rockets neighbourhood forces Global Coalition 19/07/2017 10 Zor Shummar ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 19/07/2017 15 Ayyash Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 20/07/2017 6 Madan ar-Raqqa Russian air forces Rockets al-Dariyah Global Coalition 22/07/2017 6 ar-Raqqa Rockets neighbourhood forces 23/07/2017 15 al-Khudairah Hama Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 23/07/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 24/07/2017 8 Arbin Rif Dimashq Russian air forces Rockets 24/07/2017 5 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets al-Juwaizat camp near al- 24/07/2017 9 ar-Raqqa Russian air forces Rockets Shurayda village 24/07/2017 7 al-Jaber ar-Raqqa Russian air forces Rockets al-Dariyah Global Coalition 25/07/2017 5 ar-Raqqa Rockets neighbourhood forces Global Coalition 26/07/2017 9 al-Tayibah Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces Global Coalition 26/07/2017 11 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces 26/07/2017 15 al-Sabkhah ar-Raqqa Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 28/07/2017 15 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 29/07/2017 5 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

popular market 01/08/2017 5 at Ain Terma Rif Dimashq Regime forces Fil Rockets was targeted

Global Coalition 01/08/2017 12 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 02/08/2017 12 al-Tabni Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 02/08/2017 5 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 02/08/2017 11 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 04/08/2017 17 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon

12 people drowned in Euphrates River when their boat 06/08/2017 12 was hit by ar-Raqqa Russian air forces Rockets Russian air force while they were trying to flee Madan city

Global Coalition 06/08/2017 22 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 09/08/2017 5 Rif Dimashq Regime forces Artillery shells Global Coalition 16/08/2017 11 al-Motaz Street ar-Raqqa Rockets forces al-Tawasuiyah Global Coalition 17/08/2017 11 ar-Raqqa Rockets neighbourhood forces Global Coalition 18/08/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 19/08/2017 5 al-Haddaj Hama Russian air forces Rockets 19/08/2017 7 Abu-Shihri ar-Raqqa Russian air forces Rockets Raid on a Global Coalition 19/08/2017 22 at al- al-Hasaka Rockets forces Jaza'a village Global Coalition 20/08/2017 23 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 20/08/2017 27 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 21/08/2017 8 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 22/08/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 23/08/2017 6 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 23/08/2017 8 al-Ruwaidaha Hama Russian air forces Rockets 24/08/2017 5 al-Okairishi ar-Raqqa ISIL Machine guns 25/08/2017 5 Abul-Fashafish Hama Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 27/08/2017 10 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 28/08/2017 12 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 28/08/2017 5 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Landmine planted by ISIL while 30/08/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor ISIL landmine withdrawing from Abu- Khashab village


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon

6 civilians slaughtered by 01/09/2017 6 Deir ez-Zor ISIL knives ISIL at al- Bokmal city

04/09/2017 18 Deir ez-Zor ISIL landmine Global Coalition 04/09/2017 10 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 05/09/2017 6 Misraba Rif Dimashq Regime forces Artillery shells Global Coalition 05/09/2017 5 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

Regime supporters opened fire at a 05/09/2017 18 Hama Regime forces Machine guns short distance on civilians at al-Howat village

Global Coalition 06/09/2017 13 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 07/09/2017 10 Abu Khashab Deir ez-Zor ISIL landmine

12 detainees killed when Global Coalition Global Coalition 09/09/2017 12 Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces bombed forces ISIL prison at al-Bokmal

10/09/2017 34 al-Bolail Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 10/09/2017 7 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 11/09/2017 10 Hawa'ij Thiyab Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Russian air forces bombed 11/09/2017 8 displaced tent Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets near Thughair Shamiah village

Global Coalition 12/09/2017 11 al-Shahabat Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces Global Coalition 12/09/2017 11 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 12/09/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar

Raid on a school sheltering 13/09/2017 7 displaced Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets people at Mazloum village


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Global Coalition 13/09/2017 7 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Judaidet 14/09/2017 13 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Bakkarah 14/09/2017 10 shakham Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets 14/09/2017 10 Bokros Tahtani Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 14/09/2017 5 Tabiah Shamiah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 14/09/2017 10 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 16/09/2017 5 Mo Hasan Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 16/09/2017 8 al-Bolail Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets Global Coalition 17/09/2017 8 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces 17/09/2017 5 shakham Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 18/09/2017 6 al-Marashdah Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces 19/09/2017 7 Mazloum Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets 20/09/2017 5 Jarjanaz Idlib Regime forces Rockets 20/09/2017 12 Qal'at al-Madiq Hama Russian air forces Rockets 21/09/2017 6 Khan Sheikhoun Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 23/09/2017 51 Tal Moraidekh Idlib Russian air forces Rockets al-Sheikh 23/09/2017 5 Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Sindyan 25/09/2017 17 Jisr al-Shughour Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 26/09/2017 6 Marat Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets 26/09/2017 6 Howair al-Eis Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 26/09/2017 21 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces Global Coalition 27/09/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces 28/09/2017 8 Mazrat al-Tis'a Idlib Regime forces Rockets 28/09/2017 17 Marat Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Global Coalition 28/09/2017 6 Markadah al-Hasaka Rockets forces 29/09/2017 5 Oram al-Kubra Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets 29/09/2017 6 Bait Suwa Rif Dimashq Regime forces Artillery shells 29/09/2017 9 Harem Idlib Russian air forces Rockets Explosive 29/09/2017 7 Talbiseh Homs Regime forces Barrels 29/09/2017 29 Idlib Russian air forces Rockets 29/09/2017 5 al-Sabha Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Shelling in the surrounding of a vehicle 29/09/2017 10 carrying Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets civilians from al-Sukhneh at al-Bolail village 30/09/2017 10 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets 01/10/2017 7 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

01/10/2017 10 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

01/10/2017 16 al-Tob Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

Global Coalition 02/10/2017 19 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

02/10/2017 10 Bokros Tahtani Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

02/10/2017 11 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

03/10/2017 5 abu-Alzohoor Idlib Russian air forces Rockets

Global Coalition 03/10/2017 16 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

03/10/2017 5 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

Global Coalition 04/10/2017 15 al-Kattar ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

Water crossing between al- 04/10/2017 30 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Qouriah and al- Shanan village

04/10/2017 36 al-Asharah Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

Global Coalition 04/04/2017 7 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

05/10/2017 9 Deir ez-Zor Deir ez-Zor ISIL Mortar

05/10/2017 6 al-Sokariyah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Water crossing between al- 05/10/2017 7 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets Bokmal and al- Baghoz village

06/10/2017 5 Douma Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

Global Coalition 06/10/2017 8 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

Khan 06/10/2017 6 Idlib Regime forces Rockets Sheikhoun

06/10/2017 10 Mahkan Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

07/10/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Global Coalition Rockets


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon forces

Global Coalition 09/10/2017 7 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

10/10/2017 9 Sobaikhan Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

Hawi 10/10/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Mohaimedah

Global Coalition 10/10/2017 11 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

11/10/2017 16 al-Quriyah Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

11/10/2017 14 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

11/10/2017 8 al-Abbas Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

11/10/2017 8 al-Mojawdah Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

11/10/2017 21 al-Quriyah Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

Car went off among gathering of civilians at 12/10/2017 20 check point of al-Hasaka Unknown Car bomb at Abu- Fas village

al-Hajar al- 13/10/2017 5 Damascus Russian air forces Rockets Aswad

Global Coalition 13/10/2017 10 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

Global Coalition 13/10/2017 6 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces

14/10/2017 14 al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

15/10/2015 7 Sal'o Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

18/10/2017 8 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

19/10/2017 20 al-Bokmal Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

20/10/2017 5 Mowayleh Hama Russian air forces Rockets

81 bodies were found after the White 21/10/2017 81 exit of ISIL Homs ISIL Weapons & from al- Fire Arms Qaryatain city

21/10/2017 15 Deir ez-Zor Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Global Coalition 23/10/2017 5 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets forces


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon 26/10/2017 6 Douma Rif Dimashq Regime forces shells

explosive 27/10/2017 5 Zamrin Daraa Regime forces device

29/10/2017 9 Hamoriyah Rif Dimashq Regime forces shells

30/10/2017 5 al-Sosah Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

Primary school 31/10/2017 7 at Jisrin was Rif Dimashq Regime forces shells targeted

01/11/2017 5 al-Sayyal Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

al-Salihiya 02/11/2017 21 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets neighbourhood

02/11/2017 6 Douma Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

03/11/2017 6 al-Suwaiy'iah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Global Coalition 04/11/2017 6 al-Sokariyah Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

Global Coalition 04/11/2017 8 al-Baghoz Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

05/11/2017 5 Moaizliah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

06/11/2017 9 al-Hirri Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Artillery 07/11/2017 6 Saqba Rif Dimashq Regime forces shells

Water crossing at al-Shou'fa 07/11/2017 5 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets village was targeted

Global Coalition 10/11/2017 5 Sobaikhan Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

Global Coalition 10/11/2017 6 Howaijet-Kati' Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

Tents of displaced people on Euphrates bank 11/11/2017 32 Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets at al- Sokkariyah village were targeted

11/11/2017 7 al-Ghabrah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

12/11/2017 6 al-Sosah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

12/11/2017 5 al-Sho'fah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

al-Atareb town 13/11/2017 82 Aleppo Russian air forces Rockets Market


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon 13/11/2017 8 Howaijet-Kati' Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Tents of displaced 13/11/2013 5 people at Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets Gleeb-Ghanem were targeted

Tents of displaced 14/11/2017 5 people at al- Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets Owaynah were targeted

16/11/2017 6 Arbin Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

16/11/2017 7 Sawh-Alrifai' Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Artillery 17/11/2017 13 Douma Rif Dimashq Regime forces shells

Tents of displaced 17/11/2017 7 people were Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets targeted at Mahkan

Gathering of displaced persons at 17/11/2017 15 check point of Deir ez-Zor Unknown Car bomb SDF in Abu- alnaitel village were targeted

18/11/2017 6 Madyara Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

18/11/2017 5 Hazzah Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

19/11/2017 6 Madyara Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

20/11/2017 5 Kafr Batna Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

Water crossing 23/11/2017 13 at Sawh-alrifai' Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets was targeted

Tents of displaced Artillery 25/11/2017 22 people at Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces shells Sawh-alrifai' were targeted

26/11/2017 16 Misraba Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

26/11/2017 7 Madyara Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

26/11/2017 51 al-Sho'fah Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets

27/11/2017 9 Madyara Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

27/11/2017 5 Misraba Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets


Date Victims Area Province Actor Weapon Artillery 27/11/2017 5 Douma Rif Dimashq Regime forces shells

Water crossing at al-Ramadi 28/11/2017 11 Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets village was targeted

Water crossing 01/12/2017 5 at al-Sayal was Deir ez-Zor Russian air forces Rockets targeted

02/12/2017 7 Arbin Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

03/12/2017 16 Hamouriyah Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

Car bomb went off in al-Haram 05/12/2017 6 street in Homs unknown Car bomb Ikrimah neighbourhood

Global coalition 05/12/2017 15 al-Jorzi Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

05/12/2017 7 al-Shou’fah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

Global coalition 13/12/2017 29 al-Jorzi Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

08/12/2017 6 al-Zarzour Idlib Russian air forces Rockets

18/12/2017 9 al-Shou’fah Deir ez-Zor Regime forces Rockets

20/12/2017 19 Ma’ar Shourin Idlib Russian air forces Rockets

21/12/2017 7 al-Shohail Deir ez-Zor ISIL Car bomb

Global coalition 24/12/2017 6 Garanij Deir ez-Zor Rockets forces

25/12/2017 5 Tal Toqan Idlib Regime forces Rockets

Explosive 25/12/2017 5 Jarjanaz Idlib Regime forces Barrels

Explosive 28/12/2017 15 Sahban Idlib Regime forces Barrels

28/12/2017 6 al-Taman’h Idlib Regime forces Rockets

29/12/2017 5 Harasta Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

30/12/2017 9 Harasta Rif Dimashq Regime forces Rockets

31/12/2017 8 Kafr-Sijnah Idlib Regime forces Rockets


ARREST AND KIDNAPPING Regime forces persisted in committing wide scale arbitrary arrests ever since 2011, but the harrowing average of arrests declined this year. Regime forces continue in detaining tens of thousands of Syrians in its prisons on the premise of “terrorism” related offenses, i.e. its pseudonym for political arrests. Thousands are currently carrying out sentences ranging 3-20 years after having been presented to the so-called “Terrorism Offenses’ Court”; whereas thousands of others are held without charge. Most of such arrests are characterised “geographical” more than “political” as almost all detainees in the past few years are or were from areas outside the Regime’s control and hadn’t actually acted against it. Those arrested on the premise of taking part in anti-Regime political or military action are not usually transferred to regular prisons, but rather detained within the confines of the security apparatuses and end up dead under torture. Geographical or sectarian arbitrary arrests conducted by the Regime’s varied apparatuses are considered one of the Regime’s members’ and supporters’ main sources of funding as the prison personnel and employees are allowed to blackmail detainees’ family members for the latter to receive information about their loved ones, see or call them, or provide them with means of livelihood. These are dubbed “privileges” in the Regime’s jails; or they may use blackmail to free the detainees, or provide them with travel documents to smuggle them out of the country. “Mandatory Conscription” is considered another form of financial blackmail whereby well-off families pay bribes so their sons may avoid being called upon. Such has been common practice since before 2011, but whose occurrence increased exponentially in the past years due to the risk of conscripts’ death in combat. Accordingly, bribes mandated by officers have also increased in amount. Military police erect stationary and mobile checkpoints within Regime controlled areas to apprehend those wanted for military conscription, and have conducted scores of operations in different areas to capture them. The Military Police has also conducted scores of raids in different areas to capture men wanted for conscription. The Syrian Regime has also incurred amendments to Legislation no. 30 of the year 2007 Military Service Law whereby all who have been excluded from conscription or postponed it due to medical reasons must see a specialised medical committee. It also annulled all exceptions under the previous law which were encapsulated under “All who the general directorate deems excluded”; a provision which was the source for grand bribes at the Ministry of Defence in previous years. Thousands of

28 youth wanted for conscription are believed to have postponed their service through this provision. Neither the Syrian Human Rights Committee, nor any Syrian or international law organisation knows the actual number of political or geographical detainees due to many reasons. Most important of these are: The large number of parties who conduct arrests (security forces, military police, army, sectarian/foreign/party-based militias, Shabeeha, among others); families’ fear of announcing the detention of their loved ones so that it may not cause any of them deadly harm; exceptional security conditions that prevent families from communicating with each another normally; discrepancy in detention length from one or two days to many years; death in detention due to torture. Accordingly, documentation of detainees must go hand-in-hand with that of those freed, which is almost impossible under current political and security circumstances. The Syrian Human Rights Committee has documented the death under torture of (159) people this year. Many of these registered deaths are from previous years as the parents of those who died due to torture are documented only after police inform their kin of them, either officially or through paying bribes. In many cases, the bodies are not surrendered and the families are only notified thereof; a matter which may go back months or years. The Syrian Regime practices the most severe forms of psychological and physical torture leading to fast or slow death. It utilises all degrading means and does not hold sacred any values, laws, or international conventions in its jails. Bewildering means of torture have been reported by male and female former detainees, and about the high percentage of those dying under torture. Other reports have surfaced on means of disposing of bodies through cremation in special furnaces. A human rights’ report stated that Sednaya Prison was fitted with such furnace to cremate the bodies of detainees who die under torture or who are executed. On 17/10/2017, detainees in Homs Central Prison began a food strike to protest the bad living conditions there. The prison lacks the bare minimum standards, prisoners are routinely tortured, they suffer of malnutrition, there is no separation between sentenced and non- sentenced ones, and those guilty of criminal offences roam freely within the prison’s general population. Approximately 2100 people are detained in Homs Central Prison, a quarter of whom are classified under “Terrorism Cases”, i.e. the term used by the regime to describe political detainees. Yet most detainees there and in other regime prisons have not been actually caught red handed, but are rather arrested due to belonging to certain cities or villages that are or used to be under non-regime control.


ISIL also actively conducts arbitrary arrests, and murders detainees while torturing them in interrogations. ISIL detains people in the areas under its control at its security checkpoints, during raids, or “religious” patrols, among others. Documenting detainees in ISIL areas, as is the case with other violations, is an extremely difficult process due to the group’s cruelty in dealing with activists and people who film or document. This is in addition to bad telecommunication networks in those areas coupled with security difficulties facing any who wish to use the Internet there. Asayish Forces under the Autonomous Kurdish Administration persisted with political arrests of activists opposing it. Political detentions by these forces range from several days to many months with detainees rarely presented to any court.

(Republican Guard fighter Miqdad Fteiha (a.k.a Abu Jaafar) boasts stepping on a detainee’s head in a photo he posted on 19/09/2017) The year 2017 also witnessed two major campaigns of political arrests. On 5th March, Asayish forces arrested 33 leaders from Kurdish parties opposing the Kurdish Democratic Federation after fighting occurred

30 in Khansoor village (Khani Soor) in the Iraqi-Kurdish region of Shinkal on 3/3/2017 between Roj Ava Peshmerga forces of the Kurdish National Council and Shinkal Protection Units of the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK). On 12th September, Asayish forces waged an arrest campaign against supporters of the Kurdish National Council upon the latter’s endorsement of the independence referendum poll which occurred in the KRG on 25th September, 2017. The campaign also aimed to prevent the launch of any celebratory activities within the Kurdish region’s autonomous area in Syria. A total of 25 political leaders and activists were arrested. In addition, Asayish forces waged campaigns to arrest youth and force them to serve in the military alongside Syria Democratic Forces (PYD). Arab areas were included in this year’s raids; whereas in the past they were limited to Kurdish villages. Targeting Arab areas was a consequence of a decree by the “Defence and Self-Protection Commission in al-Jazeerah province on 15/6/2017 which mandated that ”Gumur ” shall also be included, i.e. forced conscription, after those were earlier exempted. PRISONER SWAP DEALS Prisoner swap deals among different actors in Syria constituted one of the major forms of releases this year, as per past years. Swap deals this year included women, children, the elderly, and dead bodies. Swap deals occur either through local or regional intervention, or when fighters exit a certain area in a deal. The latter means that fighters must do away with the prisoners or corpses they hold as they will not be able to take them along. The following are the most prominent swap deals that occurred in 2017: On 7th February, Latakia, armed opposition factions and Regime forces, 55 Alawite women and children for 54 women arrested by Regime. On 12th April, Idlib, Regime forces and al-Fatah Army, 19 arrested by Regime in Kafrayya and al-Fouaa prisons, and one body for 16 prisoners and 8 bodies from the same villages. On 15th April, Democratic Syria Forces released 8 prisoners and 5 bodies of the Opposition fighting in al-Furat Shield; al-Mutasim Brigade released 5 prisoners and 5 bodies of the former. On 21st April, Regime released 1500 prisoners under the four cities’ deal which included the forced displacement of people from Kafrayya, al- Fouaa, al-Zabadani, and Madaya. All those released turned out to have been detained two months earlier or less. None among them were political activists and all seem to have been detained arbitrarily. On 11th May, the prisoner swap deal between the Army of Islam and Regime forces in Rif Dimashq was continued. Regime forces released four women and two men in exchange for a Palestinian couple. The man is member of the Palestinian Popular Front – General Command – a


Palestinian militia fighting with the Regime. The man had been arrested while attempting, with his wife, to bring poisoned medicine into Opposition controlled areas. On 21st May, Southern Damascus, Army of Islam and ISIL, two prisoners each. On 30th May, Aleppo countryside, Ahrar al-Sham and al-Sham Legion on one hand, and al-Najbaa’ Iraqi Movement on the other, released three Opposition fighters including a military leader in exchange for four Iraqi fighters. On 30th July, Lebanese-Syrian border witnessed completion of captives and detainees swap between Hezbollah and Fatah al-Sham Front. Phase I: Hezbollah released a Syrian female detained in Lebanon in exchange for bodies of five of its fighters. Phase II: Three Hezbollah fighters and nine bodies were exchanged for three prisoners detained in Lebanese Rumiyah prison. On 1st September, “al-Sharqiyah Lions” and “Ahmad al-Abdu Forces”, agreed with the Regime on its release of 100 female detainees, as well as other terms, in exchange for a Regime fighter pilot whose plane was downed on 15/08/2017, and 31 members of Regime forces.

(A Red Crescent vehicle during a prisoner swap in Aleppo on 21/04/2017) – (Photo Credits: SHRC)



Forced displacement persisted for the second consecutive year and at high rate due to long sieges and barbaric shelling. Forced displacement is directly connected to understandings between the Regime or any of its foreign backers and representatives of the local community or military factions therein. It is also sometimes connected to deals beyond Syria’s borders. In all evacuations which occurred in 2017, except in al-Wa’er district of Homs, authority in areas that used to be controlled by the Opposition were regained by the Regime. Accordingly, citizens there fell under the Regime’s classification of who is or isn’t “wanted for justice”. Those considered “wanted” included workers in the medical sector, members of local councils, and media and humanitarian activists. This led these groups to leave along with their families, alongside the fighters and those known to oppose the Regime. The other inhabitants who were deemed “not wanted” were told to pronounce allegiance to the Regime and its leader via writing a document that must be signed by finger print. Some families tended to sign the document in blood to ensure their loyalty, as per that prevalent prior to 2011. Youth in these areas were immediately enlisted in forced conscription, with reports from Barzeh and al-Qaboon districts stating they were sent to hot zones. Forced displacements which occurred in previous years are characterised as in contradiction with International Law, and are in no way legal even if agreed upon between faction representatives and the Regime. Furthermore, they are directly connected to war crimes as they came after years of stifling siege where food and medicine were prevented from entering. In addition, the wounded and sick were not allowed to be transferred and were denied medical aid, indiscriminate shelling was rife, and citizens livelihood was targeted. Accordingly, forced displacement is an illegal action that is based upon a series of violations and crimes. The most important deals Syria witnessed in 2017: On 29th January, an agreement was reached between Regime and Hezbollah forces that 1200 Opposition fighters in Barada Valley either leave or surrender. The fighters left for Idlib with light arms accompanied by around 900 civilians. On 20th February, a deal Rif Dimashq was reached between a committee representing citizens of Sirghaya in and the Regime, guaranteed by Russia. All fighters left the city with their families and headed for Idlib in

33 exchange for partially lifting the siege on the city, and allowing the flow of services and farmers to return to their lands. Army deserters and dissidents were also given six months to be mobilised later under a special force whose sole mission was securing the area under Regime supervision and Russian guarantee.

(Hizbullah and Syrian regime made a deal with ISIL in Jrud al-Qalamoon, so the latter fighters left to Deir ez-Zor under their protection on 28/8/2017)

On 13th March, negotiating committees of representatives from al- Wa’er district in Homs and the Regime reached agreement of forcefully displacing fighters, along with any wishing to leave, to Idlib and al- Furat Shield areas in exchange for ending the siege of the district and handing it over to the Russian guarantor. Fighters and families completed leaving on 19th May. That district was the last Opposition stronghold in Homs city. On 12th April, implementation of the four cities’ deal began. It mandated the exit of all citizens from Kafrayya and al-Fouaa towards Regime controlled areas in Aleppo in exchange for the exit of fighters and their families from al-Zabadani and Madaya towards Idlib and al-Furat Shield. This ended the siege laid on the four cities which had lasted several years. The above deal, considered one of the largest scale forced displacement of Syrians since 2011, occurred after secret discussions in Qatar between Iran and Hezbollah on the one hand, and Ahrar al-Sham and Tahreer al-


Sham factions on the other. Its outcome was made public on 28/03/2017 and included the release of kidnapped royal family Qataris who were abducted in Iraq in 2015 by Shiite militias, most probably Iraqi Hezbollah, and a large sum of money paid to Tahreer al-Sham Commission for sealing the deal. On 8th May, a committee representing Barzeh district in Damascus reached agreement with the Regime allowing fighters, and all who refuse to accept the Regime, to exit towards Idlib. The exodus was completed on 29th May and with it the Regime’s control of Barzeh, al-Qaboon, and Tishreen districts in Damascus was complete. The Barzeh deal formed the first exodus of Damascus citizens.

(A man carrying a baby girl in the eastern after the bombing of the system air on 6/12/2017)


SIEGE AND LACK OF DAILY SUSTENANCE NEEDS Regime forces mainly used siege as a weapon to punish residents of area under armed factions’ control. But in 2017, this method was used less than in the 5 years before it with regards to the area of besieged territories or number of besieged inhabitants. The decline registered in 2017 is due to two main reasons: First, regime forces’ control of a number of areas it had besieged in previous years – under the duress of siege, the regime was able to reach agreements with fighters therein that ensured the exit of the latter along with civilians who preferred to go with the fighters, in exchange for surrendering the area to regime forces – and Second: regime forces’ ability to break the siege imposed by ISIL on the city centre for many years. In 2017, approximately 700 thousand Syrians suffered from direct siege. These civilians were in 4 four main areas: - Damascus Eastern Ghoutah – 400.000+/- - Homs Northern countryside– 150000+/- - Al Wa’er District, Homs – 40000+/- (removed from list of besieged areas in May 2017) - Deir ez-Zor City Centre – 100000+/- (removed from list of besieged areas in early September 2017) The UN delivers convoys of land aid to besieged areas upon previous arrangements with the regime government which imposes many obstacles for the aid to get there in time. Yet on 24/02/2016, the UN did exceptional work in ensuring the air delivery of aid to the besieged area of Deir ez-Zor which was under regime control, and continued to do so till 17/09/2017. The UN said that the lack of technical capabilities and political agreements for conducting the same for all individuals under siege in other areas controlled by the opposition are what prevented it from doing so; a matter which led to the death of scores, and which forced tens of thousands to leave their areas. Regime forces also intentionally targeted agricultural crops within besieged areas to incur more duress of citizens, preventing them from overcoming the siege. Since 2012, these forces have been cluster shelling agricultural lands, targeting farmers and tractors, so that they may not be able to grow crops. The same method was used on a wide scale in previous years in Aleppo’s and Idlib’s countryside, and this year in Eastern Ghoutah. The prevention of foodstuffs and essential medicine from entering besieged areas have led to many deaths, particularly among children, the

36 sick, and the elderly. Many diseases also spread, with some causing chronic deformities. SHRC has documented the death of 66 people this year due to siege, more than two thirds of which in the last two months of this year. Most deaths were because of lack of necessary medicines for treating renal failure, blood transfusion, cancer, and malnutrition. Other than to besieged areas, UN and other organisations’ aid does not arrive fully or intermittently to a number of areas classified as Hard-to- Reach. These areas include all those under ISIL control (dramatically diminished area in the last 3 months this year), and areas of military engagement. According to UN estimates, the number of Syrians living in Hard-to-Reach areas by end of 2017 was approximately 2.5 million. This figure does not include the 1.5 million residents of Eastern Ghoutah and Homs countryside. A large number of Syrians in other areas also face dire living conditions despite the ability of reaching them. Harsh economic circumstances and absence of employment opportunities limits their ability of buying necessary sustenance without help from outside. The UN has estimated that around 6.5 million Syrians require food assistance, in addition to 4 million others who are endangered.

(Russian Military Police stationed opposite to Aleppo Citadel 14/9/2017)


TARGETING MEDICAL & EMERGENCY AID SECTOR Targeting the medical and emergency aid sector was one of the most prominent characteristics of the war in Syria. These attacks witnessed a sharp increase since the onset of the Russian military intervention from the end of September, 2015 till this very day. The months of February, March, and April witnessed the worst targeting of the sector this year. It is firmly believed that not a single hospital or medical centre in Daraa and Hama countryside has not been shelled at least once during these months. The tracking of attacks conducted by Regime and Russian air forces shows that these attacks come in a systematic and deliberate manner, targeting hospitals far from residential areas, showing clear intention of these forces in targeting hospitals and health centres with certainty. Targeting the medical sector is one of the most main forms of directly impacting the lives of the civilian population in the targeted areas. The closure of hospitals and health centres leads to the deterioration of general humanitarian situation, even in areas where medicine is available, such as in Idlib province, while stopping its flow to besieged areas leads to a complete collapse in the community's ability to resist. This appears to be the intent of the Regime and foreign forces supporting it. It is estimated that six out of ten health centres in the targeted provinces have been subjected to some kind of destruction, in whole or in part. In addition to the destruction of health centre buildings, medical equipment in all targeted areas needs to be fully replaced or repaired, owing to the lack of spare parts over the past years. The civil defence apparatus has also been a major target for Regime and Russian air forces, as the former plays a parallel role to that of the medical sector and an important role in recovering the wounded, providing first aid, and delivery to hospitals. Documentation by the Syrian Human Rights’ Committee shows that the year 2017 witnessed the targeting of (61) hospitals and medical centres, (22) of which in Idlib alone. It has also documented the death of (24) medical staff. It is believed that those killed in Syria during previous years as a result of lack of access to medical services, their inability to reach it, or those who suffered complications as a result of the war (like cardiac arrest) number more than those killed through direct targeting.



Date Victim Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Member of civil defence, Wadi Barada 04/01/201 Mohama was killed Rif Regime Not (Barada 7 d Sawan while Dimashq forces identified valley) rescuing the wounded Member of Yahya Factions of 14/01/201 civil defence, Artillery Mahmud al-Bab Aleppo Euphrates 7 was killed by shells Pacha Shield artillery fire Civil defence member, 06/02/201 Zaher died of Maarrat al- Regime Idlib Rockets 7 Sorani wounds Nu’man forces sustained earlier Member of Mohama civil defence, al-Waer 28/02/201 Regime Artillery d Rajab was killed by neighbourho Homs 7 forces shells Dabdub, artillery od shelling Director of civil defence in Daraa, was killed Abdullah Near the 20/03/201 while driving Regime al- granary, Daraa Rockets 7 in Daraa forces Sarhan Daraa eastern countryside near the granary Member of al- 21/03/201 Riyadh Rif Regime Artillery civil defence, Mohamadiya 7 Olaiwi, Dimashq forces shells was killed h Civil defence member, arrested as a child among others on 27/2/2011 Aladin due to their Rocket 27/03/201 Regime Archidat anti-regime al-Shiyah Daraa launcher 7 forces Aba Zeed graffiti on s school walls, released on 20/3/2011 after being tortured and his nails


Date Victim Incident Area Province Actor Weapon blocked.

Member of civil defence, was killed. One of the children arrested in Feb 2011 for writing Alaa 30/03/201 phrases on Rif Regime Mansour Rockets 7 school walls, Dimashq forces Archidat, then released in March 2011 after being subjected to torture and nail removals Obada Member of 14/04/201 Mohama Tariq as-sad Regime Artillery civil defence, Daraa 7 d Eid al- (Dam Road) forces shells was killed Karrad, Ghassan al-Dallal, Mustafa al-Najjar (Hama), Ahmad Khalid al- Mustafa, Ahmad The Civil al-Hallaq, Defense Amer al- Center 107 Abboud in the town (Kafr of Kafr Zita 29/04/201 Russian air Zita), was shelled, Kafr Zita Hama Rocket 7 forces Mazen killing eight al- members, Sijnawi & including an Abdul- ambulance Halim driver Shahin (al- Latamine h), Ahmad al- Hussein( al-Zakat) Fadi al- Four Turchan, members of Busr al-Harir 02/05/201 Nasr al- the civil Regime – Nahteh Daraa Rockets 7 Olayan, defense forces Road Khalil al- were killed in Ali & Daraa as


Date Victim Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Abdullah they were al-Olayan heading to rescue the wounded, bombed by the regime Civil defense member killed during 10/05/201 Walid dismantling al-Bab Aleppo ISIL Mine 7 Britawi of mine planted by ISIL He died from landmine 15/05/201 Fahd explosion on al-Bab Aleppo ISIL Mine 7 Sowaid 10/05/2017 planted by ISIL Member of the Civil Defense was Ghazi killed after 08/06/201 Mahmud being hit by Regime Artillery al-Sotaihat Hama 7 al- a shell while forces shells Shukaiti treating victims of previous bombing Member of Civil Defence Centre 103, 01/07/201 Hamed killed while Rif Regime Machine Rif Dimashq 7 Bakdash working by Dimashq forces Guns shooting him by Regime elements. Civil Defence member, died from a 20/07/201 Samer gunshot Rif Regime Artillery Douma 7 Rizq wound while Dimashq forces shells doing his duty on 19/07/2017 Civil Defence Director in Rif Dimashq, died from a gunshot 05/09/201 Mahmou Rif Regime Artillery while Misraba 7 d Qadado Dimashq forces shells rescuing wounded persons from an earlier shelling.


Date Victim Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Civil Defence member, killed during air bombing 17/11/201 Mohama Rif Regime whilest Douma Rockets 7 d Alaya Dimashq forces rescuing of previous bombardmen t

Civil Defence member, killed during air bombing Mohama 17/11/201 whilest Rif Regime d Douma Rockets 7 rescuing Dimashq forces Haymour wounded of previous bombardmen t Civil Defence member, killed during air bombing 17/11/201 Ahmad whilest Rif Regime Douma Shells 7 Ka'kah rescuing Dimashq forces wounded of previous bombardmen t Civil Defence member, killed during air bombing 19/11/201 Ala-uddin whilest Rif Regime Hamouriyah Rockets 7 Joha rescuing Dimashq forces wounded of previous bombardmen t Civil Defence Wa'el Director of 22/11/201 Omar al- Awareness Shalakh Idlib Unknown fire arms 7 Omar Department in Idlib Member of Civil Defence Centre , 26/12/201 Bashar killed due to Khan Regime Idlib Rockets 7 Dodo bombing of Sheikhoun forces gathering of civil defence centres.


Date Victim Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Member of Civil Defence Centre, killed by rocket Abdullah 28/12/201 launchers Regime Ahmad Bdama Idlib Rockets 7 whilst forces al-Sheikh rescuing wounded of previous bombing. B. Causalities

Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Twenty members of ِ Ariha and Bezabour 13/01/201 Russian air Civil Defence Centres Ariha Idlib Rocket 7 forces were injured after their place was shelled

Three members of Civil Euphrates 14/01/201 Defence were injured Artillery al-Bab Aleppo shield 7 after their vehicle was shell factions hit by an artillery shell

Four members of the 25/02/201 427th centre of Civil Regime Bennish Idlib Rockets 7 Defence were in injured forces in Bennish

Wael al-Bakri, member of Civil Defence, Centre 26/02/201 Regime Not 412 was injured while Idlib 7 forces identified rescuing wounded individuals.

Musa al-A’araj, volunteer 22/03/201 Regime Not of Civil Defence, Bdama Idlib 7 forces identified Centre 445 was injured

Number of Civil Defence members taking part 04/04/201 in treating the injured of Khan Regime Idlib Rockets 7 chemical massacre of Sheikhoun forces Khan Sheikhoun were also injured.

Mohamad Badi’ al- Ibrahim, member of Civil 17/04/201 Russian air Defence was injured Shannan Idlib Rockets 7 forces after shelling al-Ikhlas hospital.


Ahmad Sheikh Ibrahim, 26/06/201 Jisr al- Regime volunteer of Civil Idlib Rockets 7 Shughur forces Defence was injured.

Majid al-Dakheel, member of Civil Defence al- 26/06/201 was injured while Nabi’ al- Russian air Qunaytira Rockets 7 treating the injured Sakhr forces h because of shelling the central sector.

3 Civil Defence members 19/08/201 al-Marj & Rif Regime Artillery were injured partially or 7 Zamalka Dimashq forces shell slightly

08/09/201 Member of Civil Defence Regime Artillery al-Rastan Homs 7 was wounded forces shell

19/09/201 5 Civil defence members Regime al-Habeet Idlib Rockets 7 were wounded forces

Member of Civil Defence Mohamad Abu Qasem 06/10/201 Rif Regime Artillery was wounded whilst Douma 7 Dimashq forces shell treating wounded persons. A Member of Civil 06/10/201 Defence was wounded Rif Regime Artillery Madyara 7 whilst treating the Dimashq forces shell wounded persons

11 civil defence Rockets 17/11/201 members were wounded Rif Regime & Douma 7 in air bombing and Dimashq forces Artillery artillery shelling shell

A civil Defence member 18/11/201 had chest bruising due Rif Regime Madyara Rockets 7 to the Regime's aircrafts Dimashq forces bombing

A member of Civil 27/11/201 Defence was wounded Rif Regime Misraba Rockets 7 due to Regime's aircrafts Dimashq forces bombing

A member of Civil 02/12/201 Defence was wounded Rif Regime Harasta Rockets 7 due to Regime's aerial Dimashq forces bombing


A Member of Civil Defence of centre 250 25/12/201 was wounded whilst Rif Regime al-Shifoniah Shells 7 treating wounded Dimashq forces persons due previous bombing. 2. TARGETING OFFICES AND CENTRES OF EMERGENCY WORK Title/ Date Targeted Damage Area Province Actor Weapon building Surrounding of Slight Khan Regime Barrel 03/01/2017 Civil Defence Idlib damages Sheikhoun forces bombs Centre Red Crescent Global Substantial 01/02/2017 in al-Hai al- Idlib Idlib Coalition Rockets damages Junubi forces Civil Defence Partial Regime Cylinder 08/02/2017 al-Waer Homs Centre Damages forces bombs Slight Civil Defence damages + Busra al- Regime Artillery 12/02/2017 Daraa Centre vehicle Sham forces shells destroyed Red Crescent Partial Regime 25/02/2017 Ariha Idlib Rockets Centre damages forces Civil Defence Substantial Regime 26/02/2017 Ariha Idlib Rockets Centre damages forces Civil Defence Slight Jisr al- Regime Cylinder 24/03/2017 Idlib Centre damages Shughur forces bombs Slight Civil Defence damages + Khan Russian 04/04/2017 Idlib Rockets Centre Ambulance Sheikhoun air forces destroyed Civil Defence Substantial Russian 04/04/2017 al-Habit Idlib Rockets Centre damages air forces Civil Defence Substantial Russian 06/04/2017 Idlib Rockets Centre Damages air forces Office of Local Development &Small Projects Slight Rif Russian 07/04/2017 support + Douma Rockets damages Dimashq air forces Organisation of Violations Documentation in Syria Substantial damages + Civil Defence Ambulance Khan Russian 16/04/2017 Idlib Rockets Centre + Fire Sheikhoun air forces engine destroyed Civil Defence Substantial Russian 29/04/2017 Kafr Zita Hama Rockets Centre (107) damages air forces Civil Defence Substantial Regime 12/06/2017 Daraa Daraa Rockets centre damages forces


Substantial Civil Defence damages + Regime Artillery 30/06/2017 Kafr Zita Hama Centre vehicles forces shells destroyed

Civil Defence Partial Rif Regime 04/07/2017 al-Marj Rockets Centre (114) Damages Dimashq forces Civil Defence Substantial Khan Russian 19/09/2017 Idlib Rockets Centre Damages Sheikhoun air forces Civil Defence Partial al- Regime 19/09/2017 Idlib Rockets Centre Damages Tamani'ah forces Civil Defence Substantial Russian 19/09/2017 Kafranbel Idlib Rockets Centre Damages air forces Civil Defence Partial Khan Russian 21/09/2017 Idlib Rockets Centre Damages Sheikhoun air forces Civil Defence Substantial Khan Russian 22/09/2017 Idlib Rockets Centre Damages Sheikhoun air forces

Damages to ambulances belonging to Al-Sham Central Hospital in Kernabal , Idlib countryside after the raids carried out by the Russian warplanes on 26/9/2017) (photocredit: SHRC)



Targeted Weapo Date Damage Area Province Actor Target n Surrounding 25/01/201 of civil Substantial Rif Regime Harasta Rockets 7 defence damages Dimashq forces ambulance Surrounding 03/02/201 of civil Partial Rif Regime Douma Rockets 7 defence damages Dimashq forces ambulance Surrounding 04/02/201 of civil Partial Regime Artillery Homs 7 defence damages forces shells ambulance Surrounding Al-Waer 08/02/201 of civil Partial Regime neighbour Homs Rockets 7 defence damages forces hood ambulance Surrounding 15/02/201 of civil Substantial al- Russian air Hama Rockets 7 defence damages Latamnah forces ambulance Two Medical al- 27/02/201 centre Substantial Rif Regime Nashabiya Rockets 7 ambulances damages Dimashq forces h o 24/03/201 Civil defence Partial Regime Al-Rastan Homs Rockets 7 ambulance damages forces Surrounding 08/04/201 of civil Substantial Russian air Daraa Daraa Rockets 7 defence damages force ambulance Explosion Substantial al-Hai al- Suicide 13/04/201 inside Red damages to Junubi – Idlib Unknown bike 7 crescent ambulances Idlib bomber centre

Ambulance Surrounding 17/04/201 Partial Rif Regime Artillery of Arbin Hazah 7 damages Dimashq forces shells surgical Hospital

Ambulance of Martyr 25/04/201 Substantial Kafr Russian air Wasim Idlib Rockets 7 damages Takharim force Hassino Hospital Seven ambulances 27/04/201 Substantial Russian air of Sham Maarzita Idlib Rockets 7 damages force medical group


Targeted Weapo Date Damage Area Province Actor Target n Surrounding 11/05/201 of civil Partial Regime Bdama Idlib Rockets 7 defence damages forces ambulance 12/06/201 Civil defence Substantial Regime Fil Daraa Daraa 7 ambulance damages forces Rockets Surrounding 14/06/201 of civil Partial Regime Artillery Tafas Daraa 7 defence damages forces shells ambulance Ambulance 01/07/201 ofCivil Partial Rif Regime Sakba Rockets 7 Defence damages Dimashq forces Centre 215 Ambulance 18/07/201 of Civil Slight Rif Regime Ain Turma Rockets 7 Defence damages Dimashq forces Centre 103 Ambulance 09/08/201 of Civil Partial Rif Regime Artillery Kafr Batna 7 Defence damages Dimashq forces shells Centre Ambulance 11/09/201 of civil Partial Rif Regime Madiara Mortar 7 Defence damages Dimashq forces Centre 2 19/09/201 Ambulances Partial Khan Russian air Idlib Rockets 7 of al-Rahma damages Sheikhoun forces Hospital Ambulance 19/09/201 of Civil Partial al- Regime Idlib Rockets 7 Defence damages Tamani'a forces Centre 3 Ambulances 19/09/201 Partial Russian air of Civil Kafranbel Idlib Rockets 7 damages forces Defence Centre

Ambulance and moving 22/09/201 Substantial Khan Russian air vehicle of Idlib Rockets 7 Damages Sheikhoun forces Civil Defence Centre

2 Ambulances 26/09/201 Substantial Russian air of Sham Kafranbel Idlib Rockets 7 Damages forces Central Hospital Surrounding 06/10/201 of civil Slight Rif Regime Artillery Misraba 7 defence damages Dimashq forces shells ambulance


Targeted Weapo Date Damage Area Province Actor Target n Surrounding of civil defence 06/11/201 Substantial Ma'ar Russian air ambulance Idlib Rockets 7 Damages Shamarin forces and evacuation vehicle 4 ambulances were hit 12/11/201 Substantial Rasm al- Russian air when Sima Hama Rockets 7 Damages Zahiriyah forces Emergency centre was bombed Surrounding 18/11/201 of a civil Substantial Rif Regime Madiara Rockets 7 defence Damages Dimashq forces ambulance Surrounding 19/11/201 of a civil Substantial Rif Regime Hamoriyah Rockets 7 defence Damages Dimashq forces ambulance Surrounding of an ambulance 19/11/201 Slight Rif Regime Machin when Civil Douma 7 damages Dimashq forces e Guns Defence team was targeted Surrounding of 25/11/201 evacuation Partial Rif Regime Artillery Ain Turma 7 vehicle of damages Dimashq forces shells Civil Defence centre 103

Civil Defence 02/12/201 Substantial Rif Regime rescue Harasta Rockets 7 damages Dimashq forces vehicle

Ambulance of Martyr Hasan al- 28/12/201 Substantial Russian air A’raj Kafr Zita Hama Rockets 7 damages forces hospital (al- Hospital)



Date Title /hospital Damages Area Province Actor 11/01/201 Surroundings of Partial Tafas Daraa Regime forces 7 Tafas Hospital damages 02/02/201 al-Hayat Surgical Substantial Russian air al-Qabun Damascus 7 Hospital damages forces 03/02/201 Modern Medicine Partial al-Bal’um Russian air Deir ez-Zor 7 Hospital damages al-Mayadin forces Kafr Zita 06/02/201 Substantial specialised Kafr Zita Hama Regime forces 7 damages Hospital 13/02/201 Substantial Daraa al- Russian air Field Hospital Daraa 7 damages Balad forces 15/02/201 Substantial al- Russian air Field Hospital Daraa 7 damages Yadodeh forces 15/02/201 Border Nasib Substantial Russian air Nasib Daraa 7 Hospital damages forces 15/02/201 Substantial Russian air al-Jizah Hospital al-Jizah Daraa 7 damages forces 15/02/201 al-Ghariah al- Substantial al-Ghariah Russian air Daraa 7 Sharqiah Hospital damages al-Shaqiah forces 15/02/201 Daraa al-Balad Substantial Daraa al- Russian air Daraa 7 Hospital damages Balad forces 15/02/201 Tariq al-Sad Substantial Tariq al- Russian air Daraa 7 Hospital (Isa Ajaj) damages Sad forces 15/02/201 al-Naimah Substantial Russian air al-Naimah Daraa 7 Hospital damages forces 15/02/201 Substantial Russian air Saida Hospital Saida Daraa 7 damages forces 16/02/201 Substantial Global Coalition Field Hospital al-Bab Aleppo 7 damages forces 19/02/201 Substantial Russian air Field Hospital Nasib Daraa 7 damages forces 21/02/201 Partial Maarrat Idlib Regime forces 7 damages Misrin 24/02/201 Substantial al-Hayat Hospital al- Damascus Regime forces 7 damages 26/02/201 al-Huda Surgical Substantial Hur Aleppo Regime forces 7 Hospital damages 27/02/201 Syrian University Substantial al-Deir Idlib Regime forces 7 Hospital damages Sharqi 27/02/201 Medical centre at Substantial al- Rif Dimashq Regime forces 7 al- Nashabieh damages Nashabieh Kafr Zita 07/03/201 Substantial Specialised Kafr Zita Hama Regime forces 7 damages Hospital 25/03/201 Kafranbel Surgical Substantial Russian air Kafranbel Idlib 7 Hospital damages forces


Date Title /hospital Damages Area Province Actor 28/03/201 Substantial Kafr Medical Point Idlib Regime forces 7 damages Nabudah 28/03/201 Substantial Russian air Health Centre al-Mahdom Aleppo 7 damages forces 02/04/201 Substantial Marraat al- Russian air National Hospital Idlib 7 damages Numan forces 03/04/201 Surrounding of Substantial Jisrin Rif Dimashq Regime forces 7 Ibn Hayyan Clinics damages 04/04/201 Substantial Khan Russian air al-Rahma Hospital Idlib 7 damages Sheikhoun forces 07/04/201 Surrounding of Partial Russian air Haych Idlib 7 Haych Clinic damages forces 09/04/201 Nabdh Houran Substantial Russian air Dael Daraa 7 Hospital damages forces 17/04/201 Substantial Russian air al-Ikhlas Hospital Shanan Idlib 7 damages forces 22/04/201 al-Markazi Substantial Russian air Abidin Idlib 7 Hospital damages forces 25/04/201 Martyr wasim Substantial Kafr Russian air Idlib 7 Hussino Hospital damages Takharim forces 26/04/201 al-Latamneh Partial al- Russian air Hama 7 Surgical Hospital damages Latamneh forces 27/04/201 Syrian University Substantial Deir Russian air Idlib 7 Hospital damages Sharqi forces Substantial Medical Point of damages & 27/04/201 Russian air Sham Medical 4 medical Maar Zita Idlib 7 forces System personnel killed Surrounding of al- 28/04/201 Partial Kafr Russian air Walid Maternity Idlib 7 damages Takharim forces Hospital Zafr Zita 29/04/201 Substantial Russian air Specialised Zafr Zita Hama 7 damages forces Hospital Medical point of 01/05/201 Substantial Hamouriya Russian air Irbin Surgical Rif Dimashq 7 damages h forces Hospital

28/05/201 Slight Russian air al-Risalah Hospital Tal Abyadh ar-Raqqa 7 damages forces 09/06/201 Substantial Jadid Russian air Field Hospital Deir ez-Zor 7 damages Okaidat forces Fatima al-Zahra 10/06/201 Substantial Russian air Hospital al-Mayadin Deir ez-Zor 7 Damages forces (Obstetrics)


Date Title /hospital Damages Area Province Actor Unknown explosive device 16/07/201 planted in a car in Slight Idlib Idlib Unknown 7 front of the damages Specialist Surgical Hospital 24/07/201 Substantial Russian air Obstetric Clinic Madan ar-Raqqa 7 Damages forces 05/08/201 Substantial Global Coalition al-Watani Hospital ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa 7 Damages forces 08/08/201 Substantial Global Coalition al-Salam Hospital ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa 7 Damages forces 09/08/201 al-Sihi (health) Substantial Russian air al-Tabni Deir ez-Zor 7 clinic Damages forces

Syrian 24/08/201 Substantial al-Watani Hospital ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Democratic 7 Damages Forces

30/08/201 al-Mowasat Substantial Global Coalition ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa 7 Hospital Damages forces 31/08/201 Substantial Global Coalition al-Watani Hospital Tal Abyadh ar-Raqqa 7 Damages forces 13/09/201 Partial Kafer al-Fateh Hospital Rif Dimashq Regime forces 7 damages Batna

A & E Exterior 19/09/201 Substantial Khan Russian air annex of al- Idlib 7 Damages Sheikhoun forces Rahma Hospital al-Rahman Substantial charitable Hospital 19/09/201 Damages & Russian air (Known as al-Tah Idlib 7 a nurse forces Obestetric killed Hospital) Surrounding of 19/09/201 Partial Russian air Kafranbel Surgical Kafranbel Idlib 7 damages forces Hospital

Surrounding of 20/09/201 Partial Russian air Sham Surgical Hass Idlib 7 damages forces Hospital

Specialised Centre 26/09/201 for Rehabilitation Partial Douma Rif Dimashq Regime forces 7 and care of Sinal damages Cord injury

27/09/201 surrounding of al- Partial al- Russian air Idlib 7 Sihi Centre Damages Bashiriyah forces 27/09/201 Substantial Russian air al-Amal Hospital Dar Azzah Aleppo 7 Damages forces Emergency clinic 12/11/201 Substantial connected to Sima Kafr Batna Rif Dimashq Regime forces 7 Damages organisation 20/11/201 al-Kahf Hospital Substantial Kafr Batna Rif Dimashq Regime forces


Date Title /hospital Damages Area Province Actor 7 Damages 04/12/201 Surrounding of Slight Um Russian air Aleppo 7 Medical point Damages al-Amad forces 13/12/201 Substantial Um Medical point Aleppo Regime forces 7 Damages al-Amad 26/12/201 Surroundings of Slight Khan Idlib Regime forces 7 al-Rahma hospital Damages Sheikhoun 26/12/201 al-Latamna Substantial Russian air al-Latmna Hama 7 surgical hospital damages forces Martyr Hasan al- 28/12/201 A’araj Hospital Substantial Russian air Kafr Zita Hama 7 (al-Maghara damages forces Hospital)

(Members of Civil Defense center (403) in Khan Sheikoun, Idlib countryside after being targeted on 19/9/2017)


TARGETING THE MEDIA AND JOURNALISTS In 2017, Syria ranked Second highest on the list of the world's most dangerous places for journalists, having ranked First from 2012 till the end of 2016. SHRC adopts the definition of "journalist" for everyone who works for a registered media organisation with journalism as his/her main source of livelihood, whether be they strictly journalists or in journalism support such as photographers. The Committee adopts the description of "media activists" for those who work in an unregistered media organisation, such as Facebook pages, or whose main income is not dependent upon their media work. This definition is applied by SHRC -and by most documentation institutions - in an approximate manner. In the Syrian case, it is not possible to ascertain whether media work carried out by an activist is his/her main source of livelihood nor whether the media institutions inside Syria are officially registered outside the country. SHRC considers media workers of any armed entity as media activists, unless evidence shows that they have participated in armed action. The Syrian Human Rights Committee recorded the killing of (24) journalists and media activists during 2017. The Syrian Human Rights Committee documented the killing of (24) journalists and media activists and the injury of (17) others during 2017. Injuries and deaths occurred due to indiscriminate shelling and due to shelling and gunfire while covering the clashes. In 2017, no kidnapping of foreign journalists was recorded, unlike in previous years. This is mainly due to the fact that foreign media journalists have completely ceased entering opposition controlled areas, which have seen the vast majority of kidnappings in recent years. In monitoring violations against the media, it is noted that the Regime ranks last in number of arrests and targeting of the media, followed by ISIL. Armed Opposition and Kurdish Asayish forces rank higher in committing such violations. However, this indicator cannot be used in a void as it refers to a reverse in media freedoms, and freedom of opinion and expression in general. Harsh policies of targeting the media and journalists by the Regime and ISIL, as well as the execution of opposition journalists under torture have led to the cessation of any opposition media work in Regime and ISIL controlled areas, transforming such a job therein into a "complete suicide mission". However, the status quo of the media in armed Opposition and Kurdish self-administration areas did not reach any extreme comparable with that in Regime and ISIL controlled areas. There have been no executions of journalists by Opposition and Kurdish authorities even though they are

54 sometimes accused of being behind anonymous killings of journalists, or that they have at least turned a blind eye to cases of assault and kidnapping of media activists. Tahreer al-Sham (al-Nusra Front) ranks top on the list of violators against journalists in areas controlled by the Opposition, followed by the Army of Islam faction. Tahreer al-Sham has detained media activists for periods ranging from days to months, and detainees have been tortured in a number of instances. The faction often confiscates photographic and computer equipment, temporarily or permanently. Tahreer al-Sham and the Army of Islam impose restrictions on media activists under the pretext of undermining Islamic sanctities, non- observance of rites, or other charges. For example, on February 24, 2017, the Shari’ah office in Kafranbel, Idlib countryside - a branch of Tahreer al-Sham, requested the suspension of "Niqash Program” which was broadcasted on “Fresh Radio” based in the same town. The officer in charge threatened the programme presenter if he refused to heed the order. On 9/3/2017, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Douma (an Army of Islam affiliate which controls the city) decided to close all offices belonging to the magazine “Talaana Aal-Hurriya” and “Hurraas” network due to an article which the court said questioned God’s existence, and “Was in clear violation of God’s right, blasphemous, and abusive to ." Asayish forces of the Kurdish self-administration increasingly arrest opposing journalists. The arrests usually last from one day to several months. In a number of cases, those released have reported being subjected to psychological and physical torture. Regime authorities do not allow any independent media outlets to freely function within its areas of control. Freedom of movement is limited to its official media institutions and to those affiliated with Iran and Russia. Nonetheless, the year 2017 witnessed the Regime restricting media loyal to it. On 15/3/2017, the Regime’s Ministry of Information decided to withdraw the license granted to al-Mayadeen Channel’s reporter, Rida al- Basha, after airing a news report on corruption and bribery on the Aleppo- Afrin road. But the Syrian Regime began to increasingly grant western journalists permits to film media reports with members of its army, and sometimes in streets within areas controlled by it. However, these permissions are usually granted to journalists who are known to side by the Regime. Also, the Regime, in effect, manages the movements of these journalists and programs their interviews, even those which seem to be spontaneous. The policy of controlling western media’s rounds in Syria has been an essential part of security services' strategy for managing the Regime’s

55 image for western viewers even before 2011. Scores of western media writers have spoken of experiencing "trips engineered"by the intelligence. In 2017, no public executions of journalists by ISIL were recorded, as per previous years, given its increasingly weakening state this year; a matter which apparently affected its propaganda apparatus. Also, no executions or arrests of journalists have been recorded in its areas due to the state of terror it planted there during previous years, which led to the drying up of media and civic work in them. As per the past five years, media activists accounted for the largest share of victims of the media sector in 2017 as they are on the front lines of armed confrontations, and due to their lack of safety equipment used by professional journalists such as bulletproof jackets, in addition to lacking safety and protection courses. Despite great sacrifices made by media activists since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, they do not receive adequate coverage from the media when they are killed, and almost no entity compensates them financially when injured or even when they lose their equipment, despite the dependence of most international media on what they film or broadcast.

(Regime military aircraft targeting Daraa on 04/06/2017)



Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Media activist Ammar Al-Kamil (also known as Abu Obada) was killed due to a warplane Khirbat 10/01/2017 bomb. He was a Daraa Regime Rockets Ghazala member of ‘Houran Free League’ and was a reporter for ‘Aljisr Channel’. Media activist Obaidah Al-Ghabaghibi was killed due an artillery shell explosion whilst covering clashes Artillery 13/01/2017 between armed Yarmouk Valley Daraa ISIL shell opposition forces and ISIL. Al-Ghabaghibi worked for the armed opposition faction ‘Omar bin Abdul-Aziz’. Media activist Shabaan al-Taweel was killed due to shrapnel from a car bomb whilst he was Rif 20/01/2017 Bait Jann Unspecified Car bomb covering the departure Dimashq of opposition factions from Bait Jann in Rif Dimashq. Cameraman Ahmed Dak was killed due to a landmine explosion, that is believed to have been planted by the 28/01/2017 Al-Bab Aleppo ISIL Landmine regime’s forces, whilst he was covering clashes between ISIL and armed opposition factions. Cameraman Majid Al- Turk was killed due to the shrapnel of an Artillery Shell, whilst he Rif 03/02/2017 was covering the Douma Regime Artillery Dimashq shelling of Douma city. Al-Turk worked as a cameraman for ‘Syria Direct’ channel. Media worker Basil Al- Duroobi, reporter for the ‘Syrian Media Organisation’, was 12/02/2017 killed whilst covering Daraa Al-Balad Daraa Regime Tank clashes between the regime’s forces and armed opposition factions.


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Media worker Abdul- Salaam Mohamed Al- Hareeri was killed whilst covering clashes between the regime’s Sniper 13/02/2017 forces and armed Al-Manshiyah Daraa Regime Machine opposition factions. Al- Guns Hareeri worked for the armed opposition faction ‘Aamoud Houran’. Media worker Omar Ahmed Abu-Nuboot, reporter for ‘Nabaa Media Foundation’, was Sniper 13/02/2017 killed whilst covering Al-Manshiyah Daraa Regime Machine clashes between the Guns regime’s forces and armed opposition factions. Media worker Mohamed Baraa Riyadh Al-Halaaq (known as Abu Al- Yazeed Al-Taftanazi), reporter for ‘Jisr TV’ Al-Shanabra Russian Air 22/02/2017 channel, was killed due Hama Rockets Front Force to a warplane bomb whilst covering clashes between the regime’s forces and armed opposition factions. The Civil Defense team found a mass grave after the ‘Jund Al-Aqsa’ group, an ally of ISIL, left Idlib. The media worker’s bodies identified are: Mohamed Khalid Al- Shot within Esa, Hakam Zaydan Khan Jund Al- 22/02/2017 Idlib close and Basil Al-Darweesh. Sheikhoun Aqsa /ISIL proximity They worked for the armed opposition faction ‘Jaysh Al-Nasr’. They are believed to have been executed around one week before their bodies were found. Media Activist Mohamed Al-Qasim Abu Zaid (known as George Samarah) was killed during a warplane Russian Air 12/03/2017 Daraa Al-Balad Daraa Rockets bombing whilst he was Force covering clashes between the regime’s forces and armed opposition factions. Abu Zaid worked as a


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon cameraman for ‘Nabaa Media Foundation’. Cameraman Ali Sulaiman was killed due to the explosion of a landmine believed to have been planted by the regime, whilst he Eastern rural 15/03/2017 Aleppo ISIL Landmine was covering clashes Aleppo between ISIL and the regime’s forces. Suleiman worked for the regime’s ‘Syrian News Center’. Cameraman Hussain Khasiki was shot and killed by armed opposition factions whilst covering clashes Armed Al-Waer Machine 16/03/2017 between them and the Homs opposition Neighbourhood Guns regime’s forces. Khasiki factions worked as a cameraman for the regime’s ‘Central Military Media’. Media activist Mahmoud Al-Jabawi was killed whilst covering clashes between ISIL and Machine 20/03/2017 Yarmouk Valley Daraa ISIL armed opposition Guns factions. Al-Jabawi was a reporter for ‘Houran Free League’. Cameraman Abdul-Hadi Imad Bakdash (also known as Abu Russian Air 22/03/2017 Al-Tayyibat Idlib Rockets Mahmood) was killed Force due to a warplane bomb. Media worker Mahmood Al-Naaqooh (known as Mahmood Al-Ghaabi) was killed due to a warplane bomb. Al- 28/03/2017 Naaqooh was a media Kafr Zita Hama Regime Rockets worker for ‘Central Division’, one of the armed opposition factions.

The body of Mohamed Ali Bakhoor, who was a reporter for ‘Maara Media Center’, was Machine 30/03/2017 found on the path Rural Idlib Idlib Unknown connecting the cities Guns Areehah and Idlib after he was shot dead.


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Media activist Mussab Ahmed A’arabi was killed due to a warplane bomb. A’arabi worked Russian Air 26/04/2017 Al-Janudiya Idlib Rockets with ‘Qatar Red Force Crescent’ and had his own journalism channel on YouTube. Media activist Ahmed Nayif Al-Hussain was Russian Air 29/04/2017 killed due to a warplane Kafr Zita Hama Rockets Force bomb.

Media activist Alaa Karam (known as Mohamed Al-Qabooni), who was a reporter for both ‘Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Qaboun 04/05/2017 Damascus Regime Rockets Office’ and ‘Kaboun Neighbourhood Media Office’, was killed whilst covering clashes between the regime’s forces and armed opposition factions. Contacts of media activist Usamah Al- Habali came to know of his death under torture in Sadnaya prison. On 18/08/2012, regime Rif 23/05/2017 Sednaya Regime Torture forces had detained him Dimashq on the Syrian-Lebanese border when he was returning from a medical trip due to a previous injury. Media activist Mahraan Al-Karjoolsi was killed Rif 23/06/2017 due to a warplane Hazzeh Regime Rockets Dimashq bomb.

Media activist Mussab Al-Azoo was shot and killed by members of ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’, Hay’at Machine 19/07/2017 when he partook in a Saraqeb Idlib Tahrir Al- Guns protest demanding the Sham’ end of clashes between ISIL and the ‘Ahrar Al- Sham’ movement. ‘Russia Today’ reporter Khalid Al-Khateeb was killed on his way to Machine 30/07/2017 Al-Sukhna Homs ISIL cover clashes between Guns the regime’s forces and ISIL.


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Media activist Usamah Nasir Dhahir Al-Za’bi was killed with two of his family members due to the explosion of an improvised explosive device (IED) from an unknown source near Daraa 21/08/2017 Daraa Unknown IED their car. They were on countryside the road connecting the two villages, Al-Karak al-Sharqi and Rakham, in eastern rural Daraa province. Al-Za’bi worked with ‘Syrian Media Organisation’. Media activist Abdul- Ghaffar Qasim Al- Badwi, reporter for ‘Shahed Media’, was Thermal 28/08/2017 killed by a thermal Yarmouk valley Daraa ISIL Missile missile whilst covering clashes between armed opposition factions and ISIL. Media activist Adnan Khalid Al-Akrad was killed whilst covering clashes between armed Al-Manshiyah Machine 12/09/2017 opposition factions and Daraa Regime Neighbourhood Guns regime forces. Al-Akrad worked as a Media Director in the ’18 March’ faction. Media activist Khalid Omar Al-Shami (also known as Khalid Al- Amri) was killed due to his wounds from arbitrary shooting, near Rif Armed Machine 16/09/2017 Hamouriya Humouriya town, by Dimashq opposition Guns members of an ‘Al- Rahman Legion’ checkpoint, whilst passing them in the car he was riding. Media reporter of Hawar media agency was killed by a car 12/10/2017 Abu-Fas al-Hasaka Unknown Car bomb bomb explosion at SDF check point in al- Hasaka Media reporter Hoker Mohamad of Hawar media agency died of his wounds sustained 15/10/2017 Abu-Fas al-Hasaka Unknown Car bomb by a car bomb explosion at SDF check point in al-Hasaka on 12/10/2017.


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon Media reporter of al- Jissr satellite channel Rif Artillery 29/10/2017 was killed by the Hamouriyah Regime Dimashq shells regime artillery bombardment. Body of media worker Omar Owaiti (known as Omar Jolani) reporter of “Syria Direct” was found following his Machine 10/11/2017 Daraa Unknown abduction earlier in Guns Nov. by unknown armed elements from Jasem city where he lived. Pro regime Sama channel team was shelled whilst covering confrontations between regime forces and Armed Artillery 29/12/2017 opposition groups in Um Hartin Idlib opposition shells southern Idlib suburb groups which resulted in the killing of the cameraman Karam Qabisho


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon

Cameraman Ahmed Al- Hamdoosh suffered shrapnel injuries from a drone bomb on his way to Deir ez-Zor with a South Deir ez- Deir ez- 05/02/2017 ISIL Drones Russian media Zor Zor delegation. Al- Hamdoosh works for the regime’s ‘Syrian News Channel’. Mohamed Al-Saraheen, reporter for ‘Aljazeera’, suffered shrapnel injuries from a Russian Air 17/02/2017 warplane bomb, whilst Daraa Al-Balad Daraa Rockets Force he was covering the bombing on Daraa, that resulted in the amputation of his hand. Media activists Saif Al- Abdullah, reporter for ‘Orient News’, Al-Shanabra Russian Air 22/02/2017 Mohamed Huwaish, Hama Rockets reporter for ‘SMART Front Force News Agency’, Tim Al- Yusuf, reporter for ‘Aljisr Channel’, and


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon

Iyad Abu Al-Jood, reporter for ‘Assi Press Agency’, were all injured whilst covering clashes between armed opposition factions and Syrian regime forces. Media worker Mohamed Al-Ali was injured from a warplane bomb that targeted the ‘Syrian Southern Idlib Russian Air 22/02/2017 Press Center’ Idlib Rockets countryside Force headquarters. Al-Ali works as a director for the Hama office within the centre. Media worker Mohamed Al-Ahmed suffered shrapnel injuries from a artillery shell whilst he was covering clashes between Syrian regime Artillery 01/03/2017 Al-Bab Aleppo Regime forces and armed shell opposition factions. Al- Ahmed is a cameraman for the armed opposition faction ‘Ahrar Al-Sharqiya’. Alaa Suwaid and Jameel Al-Hasan, reporters for ‘Radio Fresh’, were injured due to a Russian Air 05/03/2017 Kafranbel Idlib Rockets warplane air raid whilst Force they were covering the Russian bombing of Kafranbl town. Maher Shams Al-Deen, cameraman for the regime’s ‘Syrian Arab News Agency’ (SANA), Armed Damascu Machine 22/03/2017 was shot whilst opposition Neighbourhood s Guns covering clashes forces between regime forces and armed opposition factions. Thirteen media workers and activists were injured when Khan Sheikhoun was targeted with poisonous gases and then air raids that Rockets & Khan 04/04/2017 followed the massacre. Idlib Regime poisonous Sheikhoun According to the ‘Syrian gases Center for Free Journalism’, the injured media workers are: Anas Al-Diyab, Abdul- Raoof Qindar, Mohamed Hasan Al-Dugheim,


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon

Abdul-Qadir Mohamed Al-Bakri, Abdul-Hameed Al-Qutaini, Adham Al- Hussain, Ahmed Jirkis, Ahmed Islam, Hussain Abdul-Munim Kayaal, Yaman Al-Khateeb, Fadi Al-Halabi, Mohamed Hardaan and Abdul- Qadir Habaq. Media activist Odai Awdah, who works for ‘Kaboun Media Office’, was injured whilst Kaboun Damascu Machine 29/04/2017 Regime covering clashes Neighbourhood s Guns between armed opposition factions and regime forces. Alaa Abdul-Salam, reporter for ‘SMART News Agency’, suffered shrapnel injuries from Mashleb Ar- 09/06/2017 an ISIL drone bomb, ISIL Drones Neighbourhood Raqqah whilst covering clashes between ISIL and the ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’. Media activist Rustum Hasan, reporter for ‘Itehad Press’, suffered shrapnel injuries from Mashleb Ar- 09/06/2017 an ISIL drone bomb, ISIL Drones Neighbourhood Raqqah whilst covering clashes between ISIL and the ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’. Media activist Ridwaan Rasheed Othman (known as Ridwaan Biraz), reporter for ‘Kurdistan 24’ channel Mashlab Ar- Artillery 09/06/2017 ISIL suffered shrapnel Neighbourhood Raqqah shell injuries whilst covering clashes between ISIL and the ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’. Media activist Mohamed Omar Al-Nabki (known as Diham Al-Mazawi), reporter for ‘Damascus Media Center’ suffered Jobar Damascu Poisonous 22/06/2017 from suffocation due to Regime poisonous gases and Neighbourhood s gases shrapnel injuries in his hand and left shoulder, due to a regime bomb containing poisonous gases followed by an


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon

artillery shell. Media activist Mohamed Fatih Ahmed Raslaan, reporter for ‘Step News’ and ‘Aleppo News Network’, suffered from shrapnel injuries to his Dhubeidh 25/06/2017 head and a perforated Idlib Unknown IED Neighbourhood eardrum. This was due to the explosion of a waste container that contained an IED (from an unknown source) as he was driving past. Media activist Zaher Karnaba, cameraman for ‘Unified Media Rif Russian Air 25/07/2017 Office’ in Arbin, was Arabin Rockets Dimashq Force injured by a warplane bomb whilst covering the airstrike. Media activist Ibrahim Al-Dhaheek was shot on his way to cover clashes Machine 28/07/2017 Talbiseh Homs Regime between regime forces Guns and armed opposition factions. Cameraman Mu’taz Yaqub and driver Mohamed Waheed Hamham, who both Machine 30/07/2017 work for ‘Russian Al-Sakhna Homs ISIL Guns Today’, were injured on their way to cover clashes between regime forces and ISIL. Laith Ahmed Al- Abdullah, media worker and cameraman for the ‘Civil Defence Center’ in Tal Muraydikh Russian Air 23/09/2017 Saraqeb, was injured Idlib Rockets village Force by a warplane bomb whilst covering the work of the civil defense team members. Rizkar Diniz and Hawker Mohamad, media workers at Hawar Media Agency 12/10/2017 injured due to car Abu-Fas al-Hasaka Unknown Car bomb exposition near Syrian Democratic Forces check point. Hawker died later. Media worker Omar al- Rif Regime Artillery 29/11/2017 Dimashqi, camera man Hamouriyah of al-Jisr satellite Dimashq forces shells channel was injured


Date Incident Area Province Actor Weapon

due to the Syrian regime artillery bombardment of Hamouriyah Russian journalists: Elia Oshinen, Timur Voronov of NTV, Konstantin Hodoliev and Dmitry Deir ez- 07/11/2017 Starodobsky of the Deir ez-Zor ISIL LAndmine Zor Zvezda channel were injured in a landmine explosion believed to be left by ISIL Unknown assailants beat members of Rif White 09/12/2017 Damascus Media Rif Dimashq Unknown Dimashq weapon Center, injuring several of them moderately. Team of Pro-regime Sama channel was shelled while covering clashes between the forces of the regime and the opposition Armed Artillery 29/12/2017 factions in the southern Um Hartin Idlib countryside of Idlib. opposition shells The channel's correspondent Abdul Ghani Jaroukh was injured

3. MEDIA WORKERS ARRESTS Date Incident Area Province Actor Members of the ‘Al-Shamiah Front’ arrested media worker Amir Al-Hasan after raiding his office in Azaz city. On Armed 07/02/2017 he was released after being opposition / 13/01/2017 proven innocent of the charge of Azaz Aleppo Al-Shamiah collaborating with the Kurds and Russia. Front Al-Hasan works as a reporter for the organisation ‘Eye on Homeland’ and ‘Imagine’ media agency. An anonymous group kidnapped Saif- Allah Ahmed, an ‘Orient News’ reporter 22/01/2017 Talbiseh Homs Unknown and then severely beaten him. They released him within the same day. Asayish forces detained Jilnik Kano, reporter for ‘Kurd Street’, at one of their Al- Asayish 04/02/2017 Al-Hasaka security checkpoints, then released him Jawadiyah forces the following day. Members of ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’ Armed arrested Mohamed Sabeeh, reporter for opposition / ‘Madar Daily’, from his place of 23/02/2017 Kafr Sajna Idlib Hay’at residence in Kafr Sajna town. They then Tahrir Al- confiscated his media equipment and led Sham him to an undisclosed location.


Date Incident Area Province Actor Asayish forces arrested Jawan Abdul- Aziz Shihab, cameraman for ‘Arta for Asayish 04/03/2017 Amouda Al-Hasaka Media and Development’, then released forces him on 13/03/2017. A court sentenced Alan Mohamed Saleem Ahmed, reporter for Asayish 08/03/2017 Qamishli Al-Hasaka ‘Yekiti Media’, to one year in jail after he forces was arrested on 16/08/2016. Asayish forces arrested Bawer Maroof Mullah Ahmad, reporter for ‘Yekiti Asayish 11/03/2017 Qamishli Al-Hasaka Media’, then released him on the same forces evening. Members of the ‘Turkistan Islamic Party’ that is affiliated with ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al- Armed Sham’, arrested media activist Baraa Al- opposition / Jisr al- 18/04/2017 Jisri whilst he was passing through one Idlib Hay’at Shughur of their checkpoints. He was released Tahrir Al- two days later but his camera and Sham equipment were confiscated. Members of ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’ Armed arrested media activist Ghiyath Al- opposition / 04/05/2017 Rajab, reporter for ‘ Media Halfaya Hama Hay’at Centre’, after he was summoned to one Tahrir Al- of their centres in the Idlib province. Sham Asayish forces in Afrin arrested Human rights activist and media worker Rudia Asayish 25/06/2017 Ismail Ibrahim. Rudia lives in Turkey Afrin Aleppo forces and was on a visit to her family during the Eidul-Fitr holiday. Members of ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’ Armed arrested Abdul-Ghani Al-Aryan, reporter opposition / 20/07/2017 for ‘Qasioun News Agency’ in the Idlib Salqin Idlib Hay’at province. Tahrir Al- Sham An anonymous party kidnapped media activist Jumah Khalaf from his place of 20/07/2017 Idlib Idlib Unknown residence in Idlib city. Khalaf works for ‘Radio AlKul’ in Idlib. An Asayish checkpoint in Afrin city arrested media activist Yahya Subaih, Asayish 15/08/2017 Afrin Aleppo Broadcasting Manager for ‘WatanFM’. He forces was later released on 27/08/2017. Members of ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’ Armed arrested Ahmed Baseem Al-Haneeni, opposition / 17/08/2017 reporter for ‘Syrian Press Centre’, from Kafranbel Idlib Hay’at his location in Kafranbel city. Tahrir Al- Sham Members of ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’ arrested media activist Ali Khalid Al-Mari Armed as he was passing through one of their opposition / checkpoints on the road connecting Idlib 20/08/2017 Idlib Hay’at Hazareen village and Darkoush city in countryside Tahrir Al- western rural Idlib province. He was Sham released the following day after his equipment was confiscated. Members of the ‘Jaysh Al-Islam’ faction Rif Armed 22/08/2017 Douma arrested media activist Muneeb Abu Dimashq opposition / Taym, reporter for ‘Damascus Media Jaysh Al-


Date Incident Area Province Actor Center’ after raiding his place of Islam residence. He was released on 10/09/2017. ‘Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’ arrested media activist Ali Khalid Al-Mari after Armed summoning him to one of their centres opposition / Jabal Al- 10/09/2017 to collect his equipment that had been Idlib Hay’at Zawiyah confiscated when he was detained on Tahrir Al- 20/08/2017. He was then released on Sham 23/09/2017. Asayish forces arrested Ez-Eddin Saleh, reporter for ‘ArtaFM’ radio, from his Asayish 14/09/2017 Ras Al-Ayn Al-Hasaka place of residence in Ras Al-Ayn city, forces then led him to an undisclosed location. Asayish forces arrested Ahmed Soufi, reporter for ‘ARK TV’, from his place of Al- Asayish 15/09/2017 Al-Hasaka residence in Al-Malikiyah city, then led Malikiyah forces him to an undisclosed location. Asayish forces arrested Parzan Sheikhmus, editor for the ‘Yekiti Media’ Asayish 15/09/2017 website, from his place of residence in Amouda Al-Hasaka Amouda city, then led him to an forces undisclosed location. Asayish forces arrested Ibrahim Ali Al- Sulaiman, reporter for ‘Euphrates Post’ Al- Asayish 15/09/2017 foundation, from his place of residence Al-Hasaka Shaddadi forces in Al-Shaddadi city, then led him to an undisclosed location. Al-Rahman Battlion arrested media activist Anas Saleh from Kafr-Batna, he Rif Armed 26/10/2017 Kafr-Batna was taken to a detention centre but was Dimashq opposition released the next day. Al-Rahman Battlion arrested media activist Ali Bakr from Kafr-Batna, he was Rif Armed 26/10/2017 Kafr-Batna taken to a detention centre but was Dimashq opposition released the next day.


4. TARGETING MEDIA CENTERS Date Incident Area Province Actor The public prosecution of ‘Jaysh Al-Islam’, located in Douma city within the Rif Dimashq province, closed down multiple civic organisation offices within the city. This included: ‘Violation Documentation Centre’ office, ‘Syrian Child Protection Rif Armed 08/03/2017 Network’ office, ‘Rising for Freedom’ Douma Dimashq Opposition magazine office and the ‘Local Development’ office, on the charge of sharing an article with ‘a clear transgression on the right of God’ that was published in ‘Rising for Freedom’ magazine. The Syrian side of the Bab Al-Hawa border Bab Al- crossing released a statement announcing Hawa Armed 08/03/2017 the prohibition of entry for the ‘Rising for Idlib Border Opposition Freedom’ magazine that is printed in Crossing Turkey. The regime’s air force targeted the Eastern Ghouta reporters office in the Rif 23/06/2017 Hazzeh Regime town, which caused the total destruction Dimashq of the premises. Members of the ‘Popular Movement’ that supports ‘Jaysh Al-Islam’, physically attacked officers from the ‘Violation Rif Armed 13/08/2017 Douma Documentation Center’ in Douma city Dimashq Opposition (Eastern Rif Dimashq) and caused partial damages.

Kafranbel civil defence rescue vehicle targeted on 19/09/2017


TARGETING THE EDUCATION SECTOR The multitude of violations during the Syrian crisis have had a profound impact on children and the young who paid the price of the war two-fold. They have been subjected, along with older individuals, to death, displacement, as well as multiple psychological and health effects being of a group with a lesser ability to resist. But the deeper impact on children and society goes beyond the immediate violations that Syrians are facing today. This impact is linked to the state of education in targeted areas which has forced an entire generation of children out of the educational process, and thus outside Development. The suspension of the educational process in the targeted areas is due to several reasons, most important of which are the damage to school buildings, the drain in educational staff, and the difficult economic situation. Since 2012, schools have been directly targeted by air and missile strikes, including shelling while students are attending classes. The Syrian Human Rights Committee documented the targeting of (101) schools in 2017. According to international estimates in 2017, the years of war led to the total and total destruction of 14.5% and partial destruction of 14.7% schools in Syria respectively. The highest percentage of schools destroyed is in Aleppo, followed by Daraa. The percentage of schools operating in Syria today is estimated at about 57%, as the rest, including those not destroyed, are either used as military headquarters or as shelters for the displaced. Schools have been the primary destination for most displaced persons as the buildings can accommodate large numbers of civilians and can be easily used (especially in the absence of the educational process in many areas). The estimated number of schools used as shelter for the displaced is at least 800. The removal of displaced persons from schools is an extremely difficult task as it requires the provision of alternative accommodation for them. The displaced refuse to leave a building to a camp, and it is not usually possible to use force to remove displaced people as such measures impact public opinion. Such a situation in areas outside Regime control, and the circumstances of children and their families in countries of asylum, have led to a large number of children discontinuing their education. International estimates indicate that some 3 million Syrian children have exited the educational process, and that more than half of them have received no education at all. The massive drop in the number of children in the educational process will result in an unprecedented rise in the illiteracy rate among


Syrians, especially given that the conditions which led to the interruption of education in previous years still persist, and have even multiplied. Hundreds of thousands of children have also reached the age of education in previous years, without having received any. The concentration of children deprived of education in provinces opposed to the Regime (Aleppo, Idlib, Deir ez-Zor, ar-Raqqa, Daraa, Rif Dimashq, Homs) will lead to demographic and economic imbalances in the Syrian society and will have profound long-term economic, social and developmental effects. Parallel to the denial of education, the educational process in various areas of influence in Syria is subject to the effects of political strife created by the years of war. Accordingly, students in Syria study different educational curricula, each reflecting the political will of the entity in control. Students in Regime, ISIL, and Kurdish self- administration areas study curricula reflecting the visions of the controllers of those areas, while students in Opposition areas study a number of curricula, according to each school and whoever is in control of that respective area. In this year, the Regime made the most wide-scale change in curricula since the establishment of the Syrian State. About 50 textbooks were modified and changed at the same time. But these curricula have been widely criticised even by proponents of the Regime. Following the promulgation and distribution of the new curricula, the Regime’s Minister of Education issued a decree to delete a poem included in a music book for Year I after it turned out that the author of the poem, Yasser al-Atrash, opposed the Regime.

(Damages to the Northern Rural School in Maarat Harmah village, Idlib’s southern countryside, after a Russian raid on 25/09/2017 (Photo Credits: SHRC).



Date Title /school Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Miznaz primary Partial Russian air 01/01/2017 Miznaz Aleppo Rockets school damages forces

al-Mahdum Partial Regime 11/01/2017 al-Mahdum Idlib Rockets primary school damages forces

Surrounding of al-Dar al-Kabira Partial al-Dar al- Russian air 13/01/2017 Idlib Rockets for essential damages Kabira forces education

Partial Regime 13/01/2017 al-Rifiah school Kansafrah Idlib Rockets damages forces Internation Vocational Substantial al 21/01/2017 secondary at-Tabqa ar-Raqqa Rockets damages coalition school forces Informatics Substantial Deir ez- Regime 23/01/2017 al-Mayadin Rockets school damages Zor forces

Vocational Substantial Hawayij al- Deir ez- Regime 25/01/2017 secondary Rockets damages Boumasah Zor forces school

Building of Slight Regime 30/01/2017 Veterinary Idlib Idlib Rockets damages forces medicine faculty

Surrounding of al-Mutanabi Substantial Regime 03/02/2017 Idlib Idlib Rockets secondary damages forces school

Ibrahim Hanano school for Partial Regime 03/02/2017 Idlib Idlib Rockets essential damages forces education

Informatics Partial Deir ez- Russian air 03/02/2017 al-Mayadin Rockets school damages Zor forces

Maarrat Hurmah Partial Maarrat Regime 06/02/2017 secondary Idlib Rockets damages Hurmah forces school

Partial Maarrat Russian air 07/02/2017 al-Rifiah school Idlib Rockets damages Hurmah forces

Surrounding of Partial Regime 10/02/2017 al-Anwar Idlib Rockets damages forces Nursery

Sfohin school for Partial Regime 11/02/2017 Sfohin Idlib Rockets boys damages forces


Date Title /school Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Shu’aa al-amal Partial Al- Russian air 16/02/2017 Daraa Rockets Nursery damages Nu’aimah forces

Armed Musa Bin Nusair Partial New Artillery 20/02/2017 Aleppo opposition school damages Aleppo shells factions

Surrounding of walid Sha’ban Partial Jisr al- Regime 23/02/2017 Idlib Rockets secondary damages shughur forces school

Partial 24/02/2017 Susian school Susian Aleppo ISIL Car bomb damages

Surrounding of Partial Regime 02/03/2017 Alwaer Homs Rockets al-Kindi school damages forces

Partial Daraa al- Regime 03/03/2017 Infants nursery Daraa Rockets damages Balad forces

Partial Regime 04/03/2017 al-Kindi school Alwaer Homs Rockets damages forces

Otaya primary Substantial Rif Regime 07/03/2017 Otaya Rockets school damages Dimashq forces

Surrounding of Substantial Regime 09/03/2017 Martyr Fadl al- Kafranbel Idlib Rockets damages forces Khatib school

Eastern Dar Substantial Russian air 09/03/2017 Dar Azzah Aleppo Rockets Azzah school damages forces

Abdel-jabbar al- Substantial Deir ez- Regime 09/03/2017 al-Mayadin Rockets Rahbi school damages Zor forced

Party Substantial Russian air 19/03/2017 preparation Idlib Idlib Rockets damages forces school

Abdul-Rahman Partial Jisr al- Russian air 20/03/2017 Idlib Rockets al-Naser school damages Shughur forces

Nabi’ al-Hanan Substantial Rif Regime Artillery 21/03/2017 Jisrin nursery damages Dimashq forces shells

Global Substantial al- 21/03/2017 al-Badiah school ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages Mansurah forces

Global Substantial 21/03/2017 Maysalun school at-Tabqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages forces

Vocational Substantial Russian air 22/03/2017 Kafranbel Idlib Rockets school damages forces

Armed Abdul-Fattah Partial Artillery 23/03/2017 al-Rashidin Aleppo opposition Ba’ath school damages shells factions


Date Title /school Damage Area Province Actor Weapon

Surrounding of Substantial Russian air 24/03/2017 Abu al-Alaa’ al- ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets damages forces Maarri school

Faculty of Partial Russian air 25/03/2017 Idlib Idlib Rockets Education damages forces

Partial Regime 27/03/2017 Qunaitirat school Qunaitirat Aleppo Rockets damages forces

Kanisat Nakhla school for Partial Kanisat Russian air 01/04/2017 Idlib Rockets essential damages Nakhla forces education

Ibn al-Haitham Substantial Regime 03/04/2017 Helfaya Hama Rockets school damages forces

al-Huwaiz Partial Regime Artillery 10/04/2017 al-Huwaiz Hama primary school damages forces shells

Surrounding of Walid Sha’aban Partial Jis al- Russian air 13/04/2017 Idlib Rockets secondary damages Shughur forces school

Sulaiman al- Jazzar Substantial Regime 15/04/2017 Kafrlaha Homs Rockets preparatory damages forces school

Global Substantial 17/04/2017 Primary school al-Abbarah ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages forces

Ali bin Abu Talib Substantial Russian air 18/04/2017 Dar Azza Aleppo Rockets primary school damages forces

Global Halima al-Sadia Substantial 21/04/2017 at-Tabqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets school damages forces

al-Hambushia Substantial al- Regime Artillery 22/04/2017 Idlib school damages Hambushia forces shells

Global Substantial 22/04/2017 8th March school at-Tabqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages forces

First Saqba Substantial Rif Russian air 01/05/2017 elementary Saqba Rockets damages Dimashq force school

Bdama school Partial Regime 11/05/2017 for essential Bdama Idlib Rockets damages forces education


Date Title /school Damage Area Province Actor Weapon

al-Rashid Global Substantial 27/05/2017 elementary ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages school forces

School at Global Substantial al- 28/05/2017 Northern ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages Mansoura neighborhood forces

Global Faculty of Substantial 29/05/2017 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets Sciences damages forces

Surrounding of Global Slight 29/05/2017 Alia bint al- Ma’dan ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages Mahdi school forces

Surrounding of Global Partial 02/06/2017 elementary al-Suwaida ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages school forces

Global al-Intifada Substantial 06/06/2017 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets school damages forces

School Partial Regime 14/06/2017 sheltering Tafas daraa Rockets damages forces displaced people

Substantial Regime Artillery 08/07/2017 al-Ikhlas School kafr Zaita Hama damages forces shells

Global Secondary Substantial Deir ez- 15/07/2017 al-Mayadin Coalition Rockets School for girls damages Zor forces

Global The Preparatory Substantial Deir ez- 17/07/2017 al-Kashika Coalition Rockets School damages Zor forces

Global Substantial Abu Deir ez- 17/07/2017 al-Amin School Coalition Rockets damages Hamam Zor forces

al-Mushirfeh Global school for Substantial al-Ghanem 17/07/2017 ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets Essential damages al-Ali forces Education

A school at Substantial Russian air 20/07/2017 Ma'adan ar-Raqqa Rockets Ma'adan damages forces

Surrounding of Partial Regime 30/07/2017 Martyr Fayez al- Kafrlaha Homs Rockets damages forces Ahmad school

Global Fayez Mansour Substantial Deir ez- 11/08/2017 al-Bokmal Coalition Rockets School damages Zor forces


Date Title /school Damage Area Province Actor Weapon

Aliya Bint al- Substantial Russian air 11/08/2017 Ma'adan ar-Raqqa Rockets Muhtadi School damages forces

Surrounding of al- Armed Law Faculty at Partial Rashideen Artillery 16/08/2017 Aleppo opposition Aleppo damages neighbourh shells factions University ood

Surrounding of Slight Regime 19/09/2017 Ma'arzita Ma'arzita Idlib Rockets damages forces Primary School

al-Yarmouk Partial Russian air 19/09/2017 al-Habit Idlib Rockets School damages forces

al-Dar al-Kabira Substantial al-Dar al- Russian Air 20/09/2017 Idlib Rockets Primary School damages Kabira Forces

Surrounding of Ahmad al- Partial Russian Air 21/09/2017 al-Tah Idlib Rockets Ramadan damages Forces Primary School

al-Dar al-Kabira Substantial al-Dar al- Russian Air 25/09/2017 Idlib Rockets Primary School damages Kabira Forces

al-Rifiah al- Substantial Ma'arat- Russian Air 25/09/2017 Shamaliah Idlib Rockets damages Hurma Forces school

Bashir Hilli Partial Jisr al- Russian Air 26/09/2017 Idlib Rockets School damages shughur Forces

Qanater village Substantial Russian Air 26/09/2017 Qanater Aleppo Rockets school damages Forces

Batbo village Substantial Russian Air 27/09/2017 Batbo Aleppo Rockets school damages Forces

Quorqinia Substantial Russian Air 29/09/2017 preparatory Quorqinia Idlib Rockets damages Forces School

Substantial Deir ez- Regime 30/09/2017 Baydan School Granij Rockets damages Zor forces al-Halbah Substantial Regime 06/10/2017 al-Halbah Idlib Rockets primary school damages forces al-Hamzat Partial Regime 07/10/2017 Gharibah Idlib Rockets School damages forces Female Partial Regime 12/10/2017 preparatory Aleppo Mortar damages forces school Tahtayah School Substantial Russian air 15/10/2017 for essential Tahtayah Idlib Rockets damages forces education 18/10/2017 Hammoud al- Partial Granige Deir ez- Regime Rockets


Date Title /school Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Dhabit school damages Zor forces

Partial Regime 24/10/2017 al-Ba’th school al-Bokmal Rockets damages Deir ez- forces Zort Educators Substantial Kafer Rif Regime 29/10/2017 Association’s Shells damages Batna Dimashq forces nursery Mohamad Naser Substantial Rif Regime 31/10/2017 Ash’oush Jisrin Shells damages Dimashq forces primary school Tal al-Dhaman Partial al- Russian air 07/11/2017 Idlib Rockets school damages Monbateh forces Excellence Substantial Hamouriya Rif Regime 08/11/2017 Rockets nursery damages h Dimashq forces Substantial Rif Regime 08/11/2017 al-Baydar school Saqba Rockets damages Dimashq forces Substantial Abu Russian air 11/11/2017 Aleppo Rockets sharqi school damages Hamam forces Surrounding of Partial Explosive 15/11/2017 al-Khansa’ Qabbasin Aleppo Unknown damages device school Sanabel Substantial Rif Regime 03/12/2017 Hamouriyah rockets al-Fustat school damages Dimashq forces Substantial Rif Regime 03/12/2017 Iqra Nursery Saqba Shells damages Dimashq forces al-Simariyah Partial al- Russian air 04/12/2017 Aleppo Rockets primary school Damages Simariyah forces Um al-Amad Partial Um al- Russian air 04/12/2017 Aleppo Rockets primary school damages Amad forces Partial Abu Russian air 06/12/2017 Primary school Idlib Rockets damages al-Zohoor forces al-Hanota Substantial Russian air 07/12/2017 al-Hanota Aleppo Rockets primary school damages forces Surrounding of Substantial Russian air 09/12/2017 Job Olais Job Olais Aleppo Rockets damages forces primary school Tal al-Dhaman Substantial Tal Russian air 16/12/2017 Aleppo Rockets school damages al-Dhaman forces Compound of Partial Regime Explosive 28/12/2017 pabolin Idlib three schools damages forces Barrels


REFUGE AND DISPLACEMENT In 2017, the number of refugees in the world reached 22.5 million, the highest figure recorded in humanity; this is in addition to 40 million displaced people and 2.8 million who have applied for asylum around the world. Syria ranks first in number of refugees seeking asylum elsewhere. Abuses of previous years have caused the largest forced displacement crisis in the world since World War II, during which more than half of Syrians have been forced to leave their homes for refuge or in displacement. On 09/03/2017, the number of Syrian refugees according to the UNHCR exceeded the five million mark for the first time since 2011. On 31/12/2017, the number of Syrian refugees 5.4 million, 459000 of them living in camps. The number of the internally displaced within Syria reached 5.7 million, 56% of which remained within their provinces. These figures have rendered Syria “First” internationally in the number of displaced persons and refugees. The year 2017 witnessed a decline in the rate of Syrian asylum, compared to the past five years, particularly with the high rate of reverse migration. About 600 thousand Syrians returned to Syrian by the end of July2017. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), return patterns are mainly spontaneous, but not necessarily voluntary, safe or sustainable, and 10% of those returning to their homes tend to become displaced again. Fear of security persecution in Regime and ISIL controlled areas, security and economic instability in Opposition areas, and the loss of many of them to their homes, are the main reservations most refugees and displaced persons have for returning. The year 2017 witnessed a large number of arrests of refugees returning to Syria, and a number of cases of returnees’ death under torture were documented. Regime security authorities arrest all adult male returnees, and in a certain number of cases females have also been arrested, especially if the woman was alone or was head of a returning family. Detention can last from a few hours to longer periods. The period of detention seems to depend on the nature of the activities conducted by the person and his/her family members during their asylum, their financial situation and that of their relatives, and whether or not they can pay exorbitant bribes for their release. On 10/9/2017, Regime official media outlets broadcasted statements by a senior Regime commander threatening to kill returning refugees even if the State allowed them so. Brigadier General Essam Zahireddin said that he begs those who left Syria for any other country not to return, and that if the State forgave those who left, "we will not forget nor forgive." He did

78 not specify whether he was speaking on behalf of the army or the Shabeeha groups which he led in previous years. The year 2017 witnessed a Syrian asylum crisis on the Moroccan-Algerian border. On 17 and 18 April 2017, the Algerian government transported 54 Syrian refugees to the Feguig region on the Algerian-Moroccan border. The refugees remained on the border for about two months after both governments refused to allow them to enter either country. On 21 June, 2017, the Moroccan authorities allowed most of them to enter its land.

(A Syrian refugee meets with his son in a refugee camp, Nicosia, Cyprus, 12/09/2017)

Targeting the Displaced Most of the actors in Syria continued to target IDPs in their temporary places of residence or even during their process of embarking on it. The motives for targeting displaced people vary according to the targeting group. The most prominent of these motives is to prevent the remaining civilians from moving or in order to use them as human shields (a strategy largely used by ISIL), forcing the displaced to move to other areas or cross Syrian borders for geopolitical ends, or to punish a community supporting a faction - a strategy generally followed by Russia and the Regime. Among the most prominent incidents targeting IDPs during this year: On 15/1/2017, the Regime targeted a group of civilians in the village of Deir Qanoon near Barada Valley in Damascus western countryside with tank shells, killing 12 people. The bombing targeted the Reem Hall which

79 houses displaced people. The shelling was carried out by a tank stationed in the village of Kfeer al-Zayt. On 21/1/2017, an unidentified car bomb exploded inside alRukban refugee camp on the Syrian-Jordanian border, killing seven people. On 23/1/2017, helicopter gunships dropped an explosive barrel on a school sheltering displaced people in the town of Baza'a in Aleppo countryside, killing six IDPs. On 24/2/2017, a car bomb exploded in the town of Susyan in Aleppo’s eastern countryside, northwest of the city of al-Bab, killing 75 people. The car targeted a gathering of displaced people from al-Bab. The blast came a day after armed Opposition forces, backed by Turkish troops, seized control of al-Baab which had been under the control of ISIL who adopted the bombing. On 27/2/2017, Russian warplanes targeted a gathering of displaced persons in the village of in Aleppo countryside, killing 10 people. On 21/3/2017, coalition aircraft targeted al-Badia School of al-Mansoura town in ar-Raqqa’s countryside, which homed displaced persons, killing at least 40 people. On 15/4/2017, a car bomb exploded in a gathering of individuals protecting a convoy of displaced persons from Kafrayya and al-Fouaa areas, killing about 100, including at least 40 members of Ahrar al-Sham and Tahreer al-Sham factions who supervised the displacement process. The rest killed were from among the displaced. On 26/4/2017, Regime military aircraft targeted Jidar Miratah Camp east of Talmans town in Idlib’s eastern countryside, killing two people, and causing significant damage to the camp. On 30/4/2017, Regime helicopters dropped several explosive barrels on a gathering of displaced persons in the Shiyah area south of Daraa, killing 10. On 2/5/2017, ISIL targeted a gathering of displaced people near Rajm al- Sulaybi checkpoint in al-Hasaka countryside with artillery shells, killing 37. On 3/5/2017, warplanes targeted "Aleppo 1 Camp" for the displaced west of Darkoush town in Idlib’s western countryside, killing a little girl, and burning more than 50 tents. On 11/5/2017, Global coalition aircraft targeted a gathering of displaced persons in Bir al-Hashim village in ar-Raqqa’s northern countryside, killing 13 IDPs from the province. On 14/5/2017, Global Coalition aircraft targeted a camp for displaced people between Marouda and Shanina villages in ar-Raqqa’s northern countryside, killing five displaced people. On 15/5/2017, an unidentified car bomb exploded in al-Rukban Camp for displaced persons at the Syrian-Jordanian border, killing 10.


On 14/6/2017, Regime air force targeted a school sheltering displaced persons in Tafas city in Daraa’s western countryside, killing nine people. On 2/7/2017, Regime air force targeted a gathering of displaced persons in al-Haqaaf area in al-Suwayda’s north-eastern countryside, killing 16. On 24/7/2017, Russian warplanes targeted Juweizat Camp for the displaced in ar-Raqqa’s south-eastern countryside, killing nine people. On 13/9/2017, Regime air force targeted a school sheltering displaced people in Mazloum village in Deir ez-Zor’s eastern countryside, killing seven people. On 06/10/2017, regime military aircraft targeted a camp for the displaced on the outskirts of al-Halba village in Idlib’s Southern countryside killing (1) and injuring others. On 12/10/2017, a car bomb exploded in Abu Fas area south west of al- Shaddadi in al-Hasaka’s countryside in the midst of a group of displaced citizens from Deir ez-Zor near a PYD roadblock, killing (9). On 06/11/2017, regime helicopters targeted al-Farjah camp for the displaced in Idlib’s south eastern countryside with many explosive barrels, causing minor damages. On 09/11/2017, regime warplanes targeted the outskirts of Tal al Sheeh camp for the displaced, east of al-Tah village in Idlib’s south eastern countryside, causing some damage. On 11/11/2017, Russian warplanes targeted a number of displaced citizens’ tents near the Euphrates bank in al-Sukkariyah village, al- Bukamal, Deir ez-Zor eastern countryside, killing (32) displaced citizens. On 13/11/2017, regime warplanes targeted a camp for the displaced in Jaleeb Ghanim, Deir ez-Zor eastern countryside, killing (5) displaced citizens. On 14/11/2017, Russian warplanes targeted displaced citizens’ tents in al- Awinah, Muaizlah village Badia, Deir ez-Zor eastern countryside, causing major damages. On 17/11/2017, Russian warplanes targeted a gathering of displaced citizens in the Badia of Mahkan Township, Deir ez-Zor eastern countryside, killing (7). On 17/11/2017, a car bomb of unknown source exploded in a group of displaced citizens near a PYD roadblock in abu al-Neetil village, Deir ez- Zor northern countryside, killing (15) displaced citizens. On 25/11/2017, Russian warplanes targeted displaced citizens’ tents in Sooh al-Rifai ares, al-Bukamal Badia, Deir ez-Zor eastern countryside, killing (22) displaced citizens. On 25/12/2017, regime helicopters dropped many explosive barrels on the outskirts of Ijaz camp for the displaced in Ijaz village, Idlib’s eastern countryside, causing damages to a number of tents.


On 26/12/2017, Russian warplanes targeted Rasm al-Abed camp for the displaced south of Sinjar Township, Idlib’s eastern countryside, causing major damages to a number of tents. On 27/12/2017, regime helicopters dropped many explosive barrels on the outskirts of al-Tal camp for the displaced near al- village, Idlib’s eastern countryside, causing minor damages to a number of tents. Situation in Lebanon The conditions of Syrian refugees in Lebanon are considered by far the worst in comparison with the rest of Syrian asylum countries. Violations against refugees in Lebanon include arbitrary arrests, and degrading treatment and torture of refugees by the Lebanese army and its various security services and paramilitary groups. Refugees are also denied access to UN assistance, provisioned for them, due to the refusal of pro-Syrian Regime political groups to establish official refugee camps as per other countries of asylum. On 30/6/2017, the Lebanese army – accompanied by Hezbollah members – raided Syrian refugee camps in Arsal and arrested scores. The army and its militias humiliated and degraded the camp’s youth and tied them bare- chested on the ground in soaring temperatures. Eyewitnesses said that the army and security forces used foul language to insult the refugees, including the women. Eight detainees, believed to be severely tortured, died within a day of their arrest. The Lebanese army issued a statement saying that the death of the detainees was due to chronic diseases they suffered from and climatic conditions. The army handed over the bodies to the Mayor of Arsal, who supervised the immediate burial of the bodies, and prevented their relatives from photographing or conducting autopsies of the bodies. On 8/7/2017, the Lebanese army raided a camp and gatherings of Syrian refugees in the town of Brittal in Hermel, and arrested 50 Syrian refugees on the pretext of “not having all legal documents”. The army also confiscated 20 motorbikes and a number of cars from the camp. Refugees in Lebanon suffer from poor living and health conditions, coupled with poor financial capacities, lack of health insurance, poor services provided by international organisations due to the Lebanese Government’s mismanagement of the Refugees’ Portfolio. On 5/5/2017, a Syrian refugee died at the doorstep of the "Islamic Charity Hospital" in Tripoli after it refused to allow her entry pending approval from the insurance company. Parallel with all these violations, the language of hatred, racism and incitement against Syrian refugees has escalated dramatically with the collusion of a number of politicians, artists and media professionals. Television channels and newspapers have also facilitated the dissemination of such language of hatred. Social media also witnessed the

82 publication of dozens of videos of Lebanese citizens inciting the expulsion of Syrians and calling for the beating of those among them who walk in the streets at night. Social media also witnessed death threats against Lebanese activists who demand investigating the army's violations, and has branded them traitors and liars. Among the most prominent activists who have been threatened because of their positions: Journalist Fida Itani, lawyer Diala Shehadeh, and lawyer Nabil Halabi.

Lebanese army and its accompanying militias treated Syrian refugees in a degrading manner during the incursion into their camps in Arsal on June 30, 2017.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil has been one of the most prominent contributors to hate speech against Syrian refugees over the past years. Those who joined the hatemongers this year included artists Maya Diab and Nadine al-Rassi. Al-Jadeed, MTV and LBC channels have also shown comedies bearing clear racist remarks or hate speech against Syrians. This year, Lebanon witnessed two deals between Hezbollah on the one hand, and al-Nusra Front and ISIL on the other. On 2/8/2017, al- Nusra Front fighters, their families, and refugees wanting to leave with them began exiting Jroud Arsal in Lebanon towards Idlib province. Included in the deal was a total of 7,777 civilians and military personnel from Arsal refugee camp, which is under control of the Lebanese army,


1000 fighters, and 560 refugees from Wadi Hameed and al-Malaahi areas, not under army control. On 28/8/2017, ISIL fighters exited Jroud al-Qalamoun in Lebanon towards the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor after a deal was made by Hezbollah which included the departure of 670 people from the Lebanese town of Jroud Arsal to the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, including 331 civilians, 308 armed men from ISIL, and 26 injured. After Coalition forces targeted the convoy in the middle of the Syrian desert to prevent it from reaching Deir ez-Zor, Hezbollah issued a statement calling on the international community to prevent the United States from committing what it called a "heinous massacre" against those in the convoy.

Syrian girl in Moriah camp, Lesbos Island, December 2017


TARGETING PLACES OF WORSHIP, ARCHAEOLOGY AND HERITAGE Places of worship are protected from military targeting in International Humanitarian Law. However, like other protected places in international law, such as schools and hospitals, they received no immunity during the years of war in Syria. On the contrary, tracking attacks by the Regime's air force in particular, from 2012 until this day, shows a deliberate targeting of mosques, both during and without worshipers present. In 2017, the Syrian Human Rights Committee documented a total of (90) mosque and one church. On 10/3/2017, Coalition forces targeted a compound attached to Omar Bin al-Khattab Mosque in al- Gina village in Aleppo countryside, killing 36 people, including five children and a woman, who were attending a religious lesson in the mosque. The Central Command of the US forces issued a statement in which it adopted targeting the mosque, saying that the raid killed a number of terrorists while they were holding a meeting. But the repercussions of the incident prompted the US military to investigate the incident, who then concluded that "the cell which launched the raid was unsuccessful in identifying the religious character of the building." Direct targeting of archaeological sites during military operations conducted by all actors decreased in 2017. Nonetheless, the looting of archaeological artefacts by robbers and smugglers continued. Dealing with artefacts and archaeological sites differs from one actor to another. Regime and Kurdish Autonomous controlled areas have official offices to deal with these matters; whereas opposition controlled areas do not possess such capabilities. As for areas controlled by ISIL, which have been substantially diminishing since early 2017, interest by the faction is either in destroying these sites or supervising the smuggling and sale of the looted artefacts. Stealing and Smuggling Many reports this year have noted that Iranian backed Iraqi militias looted ancient manuscripts in late 2016 and early 2017 from the Secondary Shari’ah Library and al-Waqfiyah Library in Aleppo, as well as statues and pottery from al-Khusrawiyah School in Aleppo after the militias entered areas previously under the armed opposition’s control. In May 2017, the Wall Street Journal published a lengthy report on the smuggling of Syrian artefacts. The report included interviews with smugglers who sell and smuggle ISIL acquired artefacts into Europe, and who said that excavations for artefacts in ISIL controlled areas in Syria is supervised by foreign members of the group.


Also in May, internal security forces of the North arrested two men who were smuggling and selling religious artefacts from Syria to Lebanon. They were found in possession of an ancient holy book imitation and coins of unknown ancient origin which they were attempting to sell for 100000 USD. On 13/09/2017, the General Director of Jordanian Department of Archaeology announced that, “the Department possesses a large number of artefacts that were seized in previous years while attempting to be smuggled from Syria into Jordan.” He added that the Department allocated a holding area for Syrian artefacts that were seized on Jordanian territory. He also said that Daraa was the theatre for illegal digging, excavations, and controlled explosions of archaeological sites, as well as the use of heavy machinery in the theft and smuggling of artefacts into Jordan, , Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and some European countries. In early October, Turkish authorities arrested a Syrian citizen in Ankara who was carrying a smuggled Byzantine Bible from Syria estimated to be worth between 1 and 1.5 million USD. Targeting Archaeology On 09/06/2017, fire broke out in the Omari Mosque, Daraa, after regime warplanes targeted it and its outskirts with Napalm. The historical mosque’s minaret was destroyed on 13/04/2013 due to regime shelling. In September, bulldozers of the Islamic Turkistani Party in Syria, which is in alliance with Tahreer al-Sham Commission, destroyed many Roman ruins located on Tal Qarqoor, Idlib. On 04/10/017, a video was posted showing a number of unidentified fighters destroying a Byzantine structure in Deir , Idlib countryside, by firing at it from close range. Idlib is under the control of Tahreer al- Sham Commission and a number of armed opposition groups.

(Car bomb explosion near al-Maytam Mosque in Azaz City, Aleppo countryside, 03/05/2017) (Photo Credits: SHRC)



Date Mosque Damage Area Province Actor Weapon

Surrounding Partial Regime Artillery 12/01/2017 of al-Fateh Hazerma Rif Dimahq damages forces shells Mosque

al-Shimali Substantial Rif Regime Artillery 12/01/2017 Madaya mosque damages Dimashq forces shells

Surrounding Partial Russian air 18/01/2017 of al-Kabir Idlib Idlib Rockets damages forces mosque

Abu Jabbar al- Substantial Russian air 18/01/2017 Shimali Khurbet Kiar Aleppo Rockets damages forces mosque

al-Noor Slight Regime 20/01/2017 al-Bulail Deir ez-Zor Rockets Mosque damages forces

al-Tabia Substantial al-Tabia al- Regime 23/01/2017 Deir ez-Zor Rockets mosque damages Shamia forces

Sarj Fari’ Partial Sarj Fari’ Regime Artillery 10/02/2017 Aleppo mosque damages villsge forces shells

Shu’aib Partial Regime 26/02/2017 Idlib Idlib Rockets mosque damages forces Surrounding of Abu Bakr Partial Regime Mortar 27/02/2017 al-Qaboun Damascus al-Siddiq damages forces shells mosque Global al-Toba Substantial 16/03/2017 al-Jinah Aleppo Coalition Rockets mosque damages forces al-Kabir Partial Jisr al- Russian air 20/03/2017 Idlib Rockets mosque damages Shughur forces

al-Kabir Partial Maarrat al- Russian air 20/03/2017 Aleppo Rockets mosque damages forces

Khalid bin al- Partial Regime 21/03/2017 al-Amiqa Hama Rockets Walid mosque damages forces

al-Shimali Partial Rif Regime Artillery 24/03/2017 Madaya mosque damages Dimashq forces shells

al-Kabir Substantial Russian air 25/03/2017 Helfaya Hama Rockets mosque damages forces

Ahmad al- Substantial Russian air 25/03/2017 Helfaya Hama Rockets Rifa’i mosque damages forces

al-Rawda Substantial Rif Russian air 25/03/2017 Hamouriyah Rockets mosque damages Dimashq forces

al-Rahman Substantial Jabal al- Russian air 28/03/2017 Idlib Rockets mosque damages Arba’in forces al-Rawda Partial Russian air 04/04/2017 Salqin Idlib Rockets mosque damages forces


Date Mosque Damage Area Province Actor Weapon al-Kabir Substantial Rif Regime 07/04/2017 Irbin Rockets mosque damages Dimashq forces

Indefinite Partial Russian air 07/04/2017 al-Zahiriyah Idlib Rockets mosque damages forces

Hamza bin Substantial Jisr al- Russian air 08/04/2017 Abdulmotalib Idlib Rockets damages Shughur forces mosque

Indefinite Substantial Regime 10/04/2017 Tishrin locality Damascus Rockets mosque damages forces

Indefinite Partial Rif Regime Mortar 12/04/2017 Kafr-Batna mosque damages Dimashq forces shells Global Ja’afar bin Abi Substantial 14/04/2017 al-Rahiyat ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets Talib mosque damages forces Surrounding Substantial Regime 24/04/2017 of al-Kabir Taldou Homs Rockets damages forces mosque

Indefinite Partial Russian air 25/04/2017 al-Tawama Idlib Rockets mosque damages forces Surrounding of Abu Bakr Partial Russian air 27/04/2017 Maa’r Shurin Idlib Rockets al-Siddiq damages forces mosque Abu Obaida Substantial Russian air 29/04/2017 bin al-Jarrah Kafr Zita Hama Rockets damages forces mosque Global Hamada al- Substantial 03/05/2017 Hunaida ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets Olaiwi mosque damages forces al-Orwah al- Global Substantial 06/05/2017 Wothqa Hunaida ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages mosque forces Hamouriyah Substantial Rif Regime 16/05/2017 al-Kabir Hamouriyah Rockets damages Dimashq forces mosque Abu Bakr al- Substantial Regime 17/05/2017 al-Zakat Hama Rockets Siddiq mosque damages forces Global Bayoudh Substantial Bayoudh 19/05/2017 ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets mosque damages village forces Indefinite Substantial Russian air 25/05/2017 al-Turn ar-Raqqa Rockets mosque damages forces Surrounding Global Substantial 27/05/2017 of al-Illo ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages mosque forces Surrounding Partial Regime 28/05/207 of Othman bin al-Quriyah Deir ez-Zor Rockets damages forces Affan mosque

Abu Bakr al- Substantial Russian air 02/06/2017 al-Juwaim Aleppo Rockets Siddiq mosque damages forces


Date Mosque Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Global al-Hussein bin Substantial 06/06/2017 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets Ali mosque damages forces al-Gharbi Substantial Jadid al- Regime 09/06/2017 Deir ez-Zor Rockets mosque damages Okaidat forces Global Abu Bakr al- Substantial 10/06/2017 Mohaimdah Deir ez-Zor Coalition Rockets Siddiq mosque damages forces al-Noor Substantial 10/06/2017 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Rockets mosque damages

Surrounding Partial al-Hamidiyah Regime 13/06/2017 of al-Shuhada Deir ez-Zor Rockets damages locality forces mosque Syria al-Kabir Substantial 13/06/2017 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa democratic Rockets mosque damages forces Abu Tharr Partial Bike 16/06/2017 Idlib Idlib unknown mosque damages bomb

Herwail Substantial Regime 24/06/2017 al-Ordi locality Deir ez-Zor Rockets mosque damages forces Global al-Hinni Substantial 27/06/2017 ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets mosque damages forces Abu Dali Substantial Russian air 04/07/2017 Abu Dali Hama Rockets Mosque damages forces

al-Mushirfeh Substantial Russian air 05/07/2017 al-Mushirfeh Hama Rockets village Mosque damages forces

Khalid bin al- Substantial Regime 05/07/2017 Murat Deir ez-Zor Rockets Walid mosque damages forces

al-Iman Partial Regime 16/07/2017 al-Sabha Deir ez-Zor Rockets Mosque damages forces

al-Aqola Partial Rif Regime Artillery 17/07/2017 Douma Mosque damages Dimashq forces shells

al-Rahman Global mosque Substantial al-Ghanem al- 17/07/2017 ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets (known as al- damages Ali forces Humaidat)

Sa'ad Bin Substantial al- Regime 24/07/2017 Deir ez-Zor Rockets Muath Mosque damages Shumaitiyeh forces

Othman Bin Substantial Regime 28/07/2017 al-Mayadeen Deir ez-Zor Rockets Affan Mosque damages forces

al-Rahman Substantial al-Khamisieh Russian air 31/07/2017 ar-Raqqa Rockets Mosque damages Foqani forces

al-Noor Substantial Rif Regime 08/08/2017 Hazzah Rockets Mosque damages Dimashq forces

Sayedat al- Global Substantial 08/08/2017 Bisharah ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages Church forces


Date Mosque Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Abu Bakr al- Substantial Russian air 09/08/2017 Hamadeh Hama Rockets Siddiq mosque damages forces Um al- Global Substantial 10/09/2017 Mominin Rowayshed Deir ez-Zor Coalition Rockets damages Aysha Mosque forces al-Shamti Global Substantial 17/09/2017 Mosque (Omar ar-Raqqa ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages Bin Abdelaziz) forces Surrounding of Abu Bakr Partial Russian air 20/09/2017 Jarjanaz Idlib Rockets al-Siddiq damages forces mosque the big Substantial Regime 26/09/2017 Mosque of Bdama Idlib Rockets damages forces Bdama Surrounding Partial Jisr al- Russian air 27/09/2017 of al-Iman Idlib Rockets damages Shughur forces Mosque

Surrounding Partial Jisr al- Russian air 28/09/2017 of al-Kabir Idlib Rockets damages Shughur forces mosque Albu Awad Partial Regime 10/10/2017 al-Quoriyah Deir ez-Zor Rockets Mosque damages forces Abu Bakr Substantial Regime Artillery 12/10/2017 al-Siddiq Anadan Aleppo damages forces shells Mosque The Big mosque (known as Partial Regime 15/10/2017 Horbinifasah Hama Rockets Omar Ibn Al- damages forces Khattab mosque) al-Furaij Partial Regime 17/10/2017 al-Jala’ Deir ez-Zor Rockets Mosque damages forces al-Ta’is Partial Regime 01/11/2017 sobaikhan Deir ez-Zor Rockets mosque damages forces Omar Ibn Partial Regime 01/11/2017 al-khattab al-Assharah Deir ez-Zor Rockets damages forces mosque al-Furaij Slight Regime 06/11/2017 al-Jala Deir ez-Zor Rockets mosque damages forces The Big Substantial Rif Regime 08/11/2017 Kafr Batna rockets mosque damages Dimashq forces al-Tawhid mosque Substantial Regime 08/11/2017 (known as al- al-Asharah Deir ez-Zor Rockets damages forces Izzawi mosque) Othman Ibn Partial Regime Artillery 11/11/2017 Tabisah Homs Affan mosque damages forces shells Abu Bakr Partial Regime Artillery 11/11/2017 al-Siddiq Talbisah Homs damages forces shells mosque Mosque whose Sham Partial Mortar 12/11/2017 name not Kafrnaha Aleppo Liberation damages shells specified commission 14/11/2017 al-Kholani Substantial Hamouriyah Rif Regime Artillery


Date Mosque Damage Area Province Actor Weapon mosque damages Dimashq forces shells The Old Partial Rif Regime Artillery 15/11/2017 hamouriyah mosque damages Dimashq forces shells al-Tawhid Substantial Russian air 17/11/2017 al-Ghabrah Deir ez-Zor rockets mosque damages forces Burj Sabnah Substantial Russian air 19/11/2017 Burj Sabnah Aleppo Rockets mosque damages forces Omar Ibn al- Partial Regime 22/11/2017 Khattab al-Kishkiyah Deir ez-Zor Rockets damages forces mosque The Old Slight Rif Regime 27/11/2017 Misraba Rockets mosque damages Dimashq forces Abdul-Ra’ouf Slight Rif Regime Artillery 29/11/2017 Douma mosque damages Dimashq forces shells al-Hashish Substantial Regime 05/12/2017 al-Sho’fah Deir ez-Zor Rockets mosque damages forces Job Abyadh Slight Russian air 08/12/2017 Job Abyadh Aleppo Rockets mosque damages forces al-Zarzoor Substantial Russian air 08/12/2017 village al-Zarzoor Idlib Rocket damages forces mosque Tal Partial Russian air 09/12/2017 al-Dhaman Tal al-Dhaman Aleppo Rocket damages forces mosque Zamalka big Substantial Rif Regime 14/12/2017 Zamalka shells mosque damages Dimashq forces The Big Partial Explosive 15/12/2017 taldao Homs Unknown mosque damages device

Destruction caused by a Russian airstrike on Abu Obeidah bin al-Jarrah Mosque in Kufrzeita, Hama Countryside, 28/04/2017 (Photo Credits: SHRC)



Date Title Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Substantial 05/01/2017 Bakery al-Qasimiah Aleppo Regime forces Rockets damages Main Slight 07/01/2017 Abu al-Dhoor Idlib Regime forces Rockets market damages Main Partial 12/01/2017 Binnish Idlib Regime forces Rockets market damages Global al-Andalus Substantial 13/01/2017 Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets bakery damages forces Wholesale Substantial Maarrat 14/01/2017 Idlib Regime forces Rockets market damages Misrin

The first Partial Maarrat 14/01/2017 automated Idlib Regime forces Rockets damages Misrin bakery

Al-Tharrah Substantial 03/02/2017 Idlib Idlib Regime forces Rockets bakery damages

Ariha (near Main Substantial 25/02/2017 Bazar Idlib Regime forces Rockets market damages roundabout) 9 persons Livestock killed + big Russian air 04/03/2017 Okairibat Hama Rockets market number of forces livestock Surroundin g of Substantial Russian air 15/03/2017 Aleppo Rockets automated damages forces bakery Jisr al- Ba’jano Substantial Shughur Explosive 24/03/2017 Idlib Regime forces bakery damages (western Barrels locality) The big Substantial Rif Russian air 25/03/2017 Hamouriyah Rockets market damages Dimashq forces

Automated Substantial Russian air 01/04/2017 Kafr Zita Hama Rockets bakery damages forces Global Wholesale Partial 21/04/2017 at-Tabqa Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets market damages forces 7 persons Popular killed + Khan 24/04/2017 Idlib Regime forces Rockets market substantial Sheikhoun damages Automated Substantial 24/04/2017 Taldou Homs Regime forces Rockets bakery damages Global al-Nadheer Substantial al-Mansoor 17/06/2017 Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets bakery damages street forces


Date Title Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Popular Partial Rif Artillery 10/07/2017 Kafr Batna Regime forces market damages Dimashq Shells

Popular Substantial Rif 18/07/2017 Ain Turma Regime forces Rockets Market damages Dimashq al- Automated Substantial Russian air 31/07/2017 Khamsiysieh Ar-Raqqa Rockets bakery damages forces Foqani Global Popular Partial 08/08/2017 Markadah al-Hasaka Coalition Rockets market damages forces Automated Substantial Russian air 11/08/2017 Ma'adan Ar-Raqqa Rockets bakery damages forces

Popular Substantial Rif Artillery 04/09/2017 Ain Turma Regime forces market damages Dimashq Shells Global Commercia Substantial 12/09/2017 al-Dashisha al-Hasaka Coalition Rockets l market damages forces Popular Substantial Jisr Russian air 25/09/2017 Idlib Rockets market damages al-Shughur forces

Livestock Partial Russian air 28/09/2017 Abu al-Dhoor Idlib Rockets market damages forces Popular Substantial Kan 06/10/2017 Idlib Regime forces Rockets market damages Sheikhoun Surroundin g of al- Partial Deir ez- 07/10/2017 Ak-Asharah Regime forces Rockets Jamil damages Zor bakery Popular Substantial Ma’arat al- 08/10/2017 Idlib Regime forces Rockets market damages No’man

Popular Substantial Deir ez- Russian air 27/10/2017 al-Basirah Rockets market damages Zor forces

Popular Partial Rif Artillery 29/10/2017 Kafr-Batna Regime forces market damages Dimashq shells

Popular Substantial Russian air 13/11/2017 al-Atabrib Aleppo Rockets market damages forces

Popular Partial Rif Artillery 27/11/2017 Douma Regime forces market damages Dimashq shells Abul-Dhour Substantial Russian air 06/12/2017 automated Abul-Dhour Idlib Rockets damages forces bakery Popular Substantial Rif Artillery 22/12/2017 Douma Regime forces market damages Dimashq shells

Popular Slight Rif Artillery 31/12/2017 Kafr-Batna Regime forces market damages Dimashq shells



Date Title Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Bridge Rendering it Shuaib al- Global 20/01/2017 Shuaib al- out of Thikr/ al- Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets Thikr service Tabka forces Bridge at Rendering it Global al-Ansar 29/01/2017 al-Ansar out of Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets farm farm service forces Rendering it Global al-Mansur South of Ar- 02/02/2017 out of Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets bridge Raqqa city service forces Rendering it Global al-Moghlah Near town 03/02/2017 out of Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets bridge of Ma’dan service forces al-Mansur Rendering it Global bridge 20/02/2017 out of Ar-Raqqa Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets known (old service forces bridge) Rendering it Global al-Ashaara Deir ez- 16/03/2017 out of al-Ashaara Coalition Rockets bridge Zor service forces Wadi al- Rendering it Global Outskirt of 19/03/2017 Salmani out of Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets at-Tabqa city bridge service forces Rasm al- Rendering it Falih Russian air 23/03/2017 out of Maskanah Aleppo Rockets village forces service bridge Rendering it al-Romani Jisr al- Russian air 06/04/2017 out of Idlib Rockets bridge Shughur forces service The bridge between the two Rendering it Deir ez-Zor Global Deir ez- 28/08/2017 villages of out of eastern Coalition Rockets Zor al-Ramadi service countryside forces and Abu al- Hasan 3- ELECTRICITY SECTOR

Date Title Damage Area Province Actor Weapon Electricity Global Substantial al-Omar oil Deir ez- 06/01/2017 generating Coalition Rockets damages field Zor plant forces Idlib Partial Russian air 23/03/2017 electrical Idlib Idlib Rockets damages forces company Power Syrian generation Substantial Artillery 24/03/2017 at-Tabqa Ar-Raqqa democratic filter damages shells forces station Khan Sheikhoun Substantial Khan Russian air 22/09/2017 Idlib Rockets Electricity damages Sheikhoun forces Staion Saraqeb Electricity Substantial Russian air 22/09/2017 Saraqeb Idlib Rockets Station damages forces (Shabour station)



Date Title Damage Area Province Actor Weapon

Substantial damages + Global disruption of 24/04/2017 Post office Idlib Idlib Coalition Rockets surface forces communicati on in idlib

Surroundin g of Tishrin Partial al-Na’ora 03/02/2017 Idlib Regime forces Rockets post office damages locality branch 5-WATER SECTOR

Date Title Damage Place Province Actor Weapon Drinking Substantial Deir ez- 25/01/2017 water Hatlah Regime forces Rockets damages Zor station Water tank al- Global Substantial 08/03/2017 at al- Ghassaniya Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages Ghassaniya villge forces

Boats and Global Waterway ferries in the Deir ez- 08/03/2017 al-Bulail Coalition Rockets at al-Bulail crossing Zor forces destroyed

Substantial Water tank Global damages + Hamrat 10/03/2017 at Hamrat Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets disruption of Naser Naser forces water

Water tank Global Substantial Khass Ujail 13/03/2017 at Khass Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets damages village Ujail forces Surroundin g of Syrian drinking Substantial Artillery 24/03/2017 at-Tabqa Ar-Raqqa democratic water damages shells forces filtering station High water Substantial Russian air 25/03/2017 Halfaya Hama Rockets tank damages forces

Main control Euphrates Global room burned 25/03/2017 Dam at-Tabqa Ar-Raqqa Coalition Rockets + substantial facility forces damages

Waterway Global Substantial Hawaij Diab Deir ez- 28/03/2017 at Hawaij Coalition Rockets damages village Zor Diab forces Southern Water tank Explosive Substantial enterance of 22/04/2017 at al- Ar-Raqqa ISIL device damages Ar-Raqqa Panorama (bomb) city Water Substantial Deir ez- Russian air 04/10/2017 crossing damages & a al-Quoriyah Rockets Zor forces between number of


Date Title Damage Place Province Actor Weapon al-Quoriyah ferries burnt city and al- Shanan village Substantial Water damages & a Deir ez- Russian air 10/10/2017 sobaikhan Rockets crossing number of Zor forces ferries burnt Substantial Water damages & a Deir ez- 14/11/2017 sobaikhan Regime forces Rockets crossing number of Zor ferries burnt Substantial Water damages & a Deir ez- 16/11/2017 al-Abbas Regime forces Rockets crossing number of Zor ferries burnt Substantial Water damages & a Deir ez- 27/11/2017 al- Regime forces Rockets crossing number of Zor ferries burnt High Substantial drinking Deir ez- Explosive 24/12/2017 damages Abu-Hardub ISIL water tank Zor device

High Substantial drinking Russian air 26/12/2017 damages al-Latamna Hama rockets water tank forces

Damages to the Northern Rural School in Maarat Harmah village, Idlib’s southern countryside, after a Russian raid on 25/09/2017 (Photo Credits: SHRC)