





• • • • •



Name. Residence. HON. BENJAMIN F. LANG"lVORTHY, Pres.,. Alfred. REV. NATHAN V. HULL, V£ce President•..•. • Alfred. ELISHA POTTER, 1'reasurer, .. ..•..•.•••.•• Alfred. MARK SHEPPARD, Recording Secreta17h . •.•• Alfred. REV. J. ALLEN, Corresponding Secretary, . •.... Alfred. lIAXSON STILIJMAN, ...... Alfred. HON. GERRIT SMITH, ...... Peterboro. REV. NATHAN WARDNER, ...... Southampton, Ill. REV. THOMAS B. BROWN, ...... Genesee. REV. GEORGE B. UTTER, ...•...... ••.•.. Westerly, R. 1. HON. JOHN R. HARTSHORN, M. D., ...••• Alfred. RON. WOLCOTT HATCR, .•...... •..•..... Belmont. ALBERT SMITH, ...... Alfred. HON. PHILIP S. GREEN, ••...... •.•..•• Alfred. ELISHA . GREEN, M. D., ...... •.... Alfred. SAMUEL N. STILLMAN, .•.. ~ .•....•...... Alfred. ALFRED LEWIS, ...... •...... Alfred. MAXSON J. GREEN, ...... •...... •...... Alfred. JOHNA. LANG WORTHY, ...•.•.•...... Genesee. CLARK ROGERS, ...... •...... Alfred. REV. DARIUS R. FORD, ...... •.•.....•.. Elmira. IRA B. CRANDALL, ...... •...... •.. Alfred. RON. BENJAMIN MAXSON, ...... •... ',' ... Rounsneld. CHARLES D. LANGWORTHy, ...... • Alfred. WILLIAM M. SAUNDERS, ...•...•...... •. Alfred. WILLIAM C. BURDICK, ....•..•...•...... Alfred. DAVID R. STILLMAN, ...... Alfred. 4 ALltRED 1)NTVER5ITY. ALFnED t:NlVl!:nSlTY, I)

Nrtme, lWeidtmce. ALMON E, CRANDALL,,, ..• ,, ...... Alfred. ALBERT B. CRANDALL, ...... Geneseo, ROWLAND A. THOMAS, ...... Alfred, REV, GEORGE E. TOlliLINSON, ..•.••••..• Westerly, R I. FACULTY. OLIVER D. SHERMAN, .....•••• ' •.. , •.• , • Alfred, SILAS 0, BURDIOK.....•...••.•..•••...•• Alfred. OHARI,ES M. MARVIN, ...... •..••...... Alfred. EZRA P. ORANDALL, .•.....•...... •.•• Alfred, STEPHEN 0, BURDICK, ...... ••..• Alfred. Rev. JONATHAN ALLEN, Presi(],,,I, PrOfeS301' of }.[ctapu)'fiic5, Ethics tlml Tbeology,

MARY E. BRO WX, A, L" PnGeptress, Profei>sor of the French Lnugu!\p;C and Literaturo.

Rev. NATHAN V, HULL, PrOfOESOl' of Pttstontl 'l'hcology.

WILLIA~1 A. ROGERS, A. M., George B. Rogers ProfessorsMp of lntlustrial !lfccMuies.

ANDERSON R. WIGHTlI[AN, A. M., Professor of the Latin Language aud Literature.

Rev. ETHAN P. LARKIN, A. M" Professor of Natuml History.

Rav. THOMAS R. WILLIAMS, A, M., Profes.sor of Biblical Litcratul'c.

Hev. A. HERBERT LEWIS, A, M., Professor of CllllrclI RiFtory.

PROSPER MILLER, A. M., profeswr of the Natura] Sciences.

ALBERT WIDTFORD, A. II'!., Professor of MuthemttHcs.

'fljDW ARD M. TOMLINSON, A. B., Professor of the Greek Lmgu:tge and lAtcrnturc. ABIGAIL :trI. ALLEN, A. :trI., Profel31Jor of PaintIng (Iud Drawiug. -.-.-... -.. ...::::-.:-.=-=-=... ==.=. =.-==. ===:::::;, 6 Af,J/m;n UNIVEHSITY. ALl~nED UNl nnSll'Y. 7 --... ~~-~ ... ~~~- IDA F. KENYON, A. ilL, ProfcJ!.sor of the German Language fIlld Literature.

MINERVA F. SHIPS ON, Profl.'a!Jor of lUlltrumentul and Vowl },fusic. STUDENTS,

SARAH SAUNDERS, A. L.t Tooehel' of Primary D(lpartmcnt.

MAIW J. LANPHEAR, Te!Hlhcr of Prepamtory D()par~ment. COLLEGIANS. ANSON E. STILLMAN, SENlOR CLASS. Instructnr in Book-keeping aud I'cnntrtDsbip, til Gentlemen, N rune. Residence. Herbert Engene Babcock, .•...... •... Adams Center. IB.ao Brownell Brown, (N .,J ...... •...... Smethport, Pa. NORMAL INSTRUCTORS. Levi French Compton, •••....•.....•...... Friendship. CHARLOTTE E. DOWSE, Darius King Davis, ...... ~ ...... Leroy, Kansas. MARY E. SETCHELL, Leroy Elliott, ...... Riohburgh. Daniel Lewis, ...... Alfred. 'l'RUMAN W. SAUNDERS. Benjamin Fox Rogers, ...... NewAnbnro,Minn. William Pitt Todd, ...... Andover. Albert Edgar Wardner, ...... •.•...... Ravenswood,W.V. Ladies, Anna Sheppard Davia, ...... Shiloh, N. J. Lavinia Rosalie Kenyon •..•...•...... •.•.... WiTt. Achie Dean V 3ughan, ...... Springville.

JUNlOR CLASS. Gentlemen. Alvan M. Burdiok, ...... Alfred. William Francis P11lOO, ..••...... •...... •..•• Alfred.

Ladies. Emily Louisa Burdick, .....•.•...•.•••....•.. West Edmeston. Charlotte Elizabeth Dowse, .•••.•....••. " .... Bridgewater. Angelie Dye, ...... Richburgh. Mary Ellen Setchell, ...... Cuba. Luoie Wood, ...... Corry, Pa.


Gennemen~ Vernon Marion Babbitt, (S.) ..••...... Ward.

George Jay Crandall, < •••••••• < ••••• < •••••••• Richburgh. II. Le ]i'loyil Kenyon, ...... HLtle Genesee. N. IIenry Lanphear, (S.) ...... Hockvillo, R. I.

,-II======.~~~===-=.. =====.=-=..======.. -.... ~. AU?RED UNIVEUSITY. 9 B ALFRED UNIVERSITY.

Nam», R(l$idcllce. SPECIAL STUDIES. Truinan AlbertuB Saunders, ...... •.•.. Akron, Ill. Gentlemen, . Truman Willcox Saunders, ...... •...... •. West H.llook, Ill. Nume. Rondane'}. Lever, John ... 4 •• # ._. # ••• ~ •••••••••••••• , # •• Andover. Irving Saunders, ...•...•••.....•...••..•.•.. Alfred. Sheppard, ~fark ...... Alfred. J. Ernost Santee, ...... Homensville. W tttkins, Francis lfarion Delancey .•••.•• ~ ••••• Almond. David Frenoh Sweetland, (S.) ...... •..... Hornellaville. John Gillette Swinney, ...... Shiloh, N. J. MUslC AND ART. Morton Smith Wardner, ...... W ..t Halloek, Ill. La

Heury Martin Manon, (S.) .•.•.•.•....•.••.•• Westerly, R. 1. . Amencus Vaspoeius Watkins, (S.) ...... •.... Almond. William Dennis Williama, ...•...... •...•... Alfred. NORMALS AND ACADEMICIANS. David Hathaway Woods, ...... Elmira. Gentlemen. Barker, Edward Plummer ...... Bristol, R. 1. Ladies, Brown, AdelherL ...... '" ...... Cub •. Erzelin Mary Babcock, •...••.••..•.••.•..•... Alfred. Burdick, Adelbert E ...•...•...•...... Little Genesee. Emma Jane Benjamin, ...•...•••..•.....•..•. Independen.e. Burdick, H. Adrian ...... Alfred. Mary Louis. Cooke, ...... , ...... •...... , •.. Milwaukee, Wi•• Ohapel, George A ...... Bolivar. Mary Emma Darrow, ...... Waterford, Conn. Fuller, Wnrren NaLh.n ...•...... •...... Wellsville. Ioez Radcliffe Max.on, ••...... Rodman. Gardiner, Theodore L ...... Nile. Amy Place, ...... Alfred. Griffeth, George .•.•.•....•....••...•..••.... Horseheads. Adelle Rogors, ...... Alfred. Lewis, Orville, ...... Alfred. Mary Louisa Stillman, ....•..•.•..•.•...... Alfred. Lounsbury, David .Milten ...... Wellsboro, Pa. Ann Ophelia Stillman, ...•...... •...... •.•.. Alfred. Lewis, Luther W ...... Alfred. 'Waltha V. Tuoker, ...... :W.rd. ~Ia"well, John W ...... Lyndon. lI1 ..y Franci. Vao Allen ...... Cameron. ~l:cFIale, James ...... '" ...... Shongo. ~,) NOrIDllls. (S,) Sdelltific8. 10 A.LFRED UNIVERSITY, ALl!'RED UNIVERSITY. 11 ------_._.. -- Name. R.esidence. N arne. RoIJideuoo. Moon. Ad.lbert W ...... Wayland. Griffeth. Charlos ...... Horseheads. O'Donnell:James ...... , ...... Shongo. Griffen, Cbarles Truman •....•..••••. , ...•.... Pardee, Kansas. Packer, Hora.oe B ...... Wellsboro, Po.. Halhert, Luther Lee ...... Phillip'. Creek. Perry, Ora ...... •...•...•...... V crona. Harrison, James S ...... Woodhull. Rudiger. Eugene A ...... : •• Brooklyn. Hall, Sam ,T, •..•• , .• , •••.••• + ••••••••••••••• Elmira. Stevens. Charles W ...... Alfred. HaUett, Perry John .•... , .•...••..• , •. ~ ...... Canisteo. Sa.yre, George 1\1. •••...•••••••.••.•••••••••• Horseheads. Hallett. Llewellyn A ..•.....•.•.•....•....••.. Canisteo. Stillman, Charles ...... Alfred. Kenyon, Johu Fronk ...... Greenfield, Pa. Wight, Orin S ...... Friendship. La.nphoar, \\7illiam J ...... Berlin. ,YilHams, Frank 11 ..•...•....•....•....••.... V crona. I,ehman, KarL ...... Port Allogany, P •• W righl. Charles W ...... ScTo. Langworthy. Albert ...... Alfred. Ladles. Langworthy. William Isaac ...... Alfred.

Ayrcs t Sarah M .•••••••••.•.•••.•••••••.•••• Almond. Maxson, Herhert Burdell...... Alfred. Crandall, Helen Vine ...... •...... •..•...• Nile. ~faxson! Emmet Livingstone ....•.••... *. " •••• l~ittle Genesee. Crandall, Mary S ...... Little Genesee. Metcalf, Hubhard •.•....•..•....•••.•.••.••.. Port Allegany, Pa.

Gardiner, Sarah ....•...•...••...•...... ••• Nile. illulkin, A. A .. « •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• East Sbaron, Pa.

Grecne~ Flora E, •.•.•..•.•..•...... •..• , ..•. Verona.. 1\IcIlcnan, Peter ...• , ..•..... ' ...•...•. « •••••• Lyndon. Rogers, Celestia J ... ~ ...... Greenwood. Noble, James C1emeut ...... , .....•.... , ..... 1I1uney, PU. Stillman, Susan E .•.....••...•...•...... •.... Hebron, Pa.. Plae., H. Albert...... Alfred. Thomas, :Flora ~} •••••...••••..••..••...•...• Ward. Place. Ira A ...... Alfred. Potter. William ...... Alfred. Randolph, Franklin Taylor •..•...•...•••.••••. Shiloh, N. J. PROVISIONAL NORMALS. Rogers, Albert Clarke .•.••...... ••....• , .•• Preston.

Gtlntlem~n. Saunders, Earl 1...... Alfred. Baheock. Herhert Clark ...... Ashaway, R. I. Sayre, Willis Fitcb, •..••.....•••.•....••.•• , . Horsebeads.

Bassett, William 0 ...... Canisteo. Simar, Franklin * •••••••• ~ ••• , •••••••••• ~ •••• Port Allcgany I Pe..

Boyd, Oharles Clinton ...... Andover. Sisson t Elmer Eugene .....•••...•.....•...••• Almond. Burdick, Judson G ...... Alfred. Stevens, Santford C ...... •.... Clifford, Pa. Burdick, Alberne H ...•.••...... ••. Little Gen·esee. Stilllllan, Edwin A ... , ...... Alfred. Burdick, R. Emmett ...... Alfred. Stillman. Horace ...... Potter Hill, R. I. Bullard, James Milton •....•.....• , •.•••.••.•. Andover. Stillman. E. Anson ...... Westerly, R. I. Clark. Herman D ...... Unndill. Forks. Tracy, John ...... Ne .. York. Clark, Chester Smedley ...... Alfred. Tro.cy, 'William Houghton., ...••...... •..• New York. Coon, George Stillman ..•...•..•...•....••.... DeRuyter. Utter, George Herbert ..••..•...••..•....••... Westerly. R. I. Crandall. Calvin B ...... Brookfield. 'Vest, :Lueius Crandall ...... •...•....•....• Alfred. Cranda.ll, Maxson Arza .....••... , .....•.•..•• Independ€nce. WilSOD, Robert Kendal1...... , .• Canisteo. Crosby, Byron .•..• , •..•• , ....•...... ••..• Canisteo. Wilson, John R ...... Hornellsville. Coykendall. Edwin ...... Hornellsville. Wheeler. Amos Delano .•...... Wirt. Davis, George J...... , .....••...• Greenwood. Wright, William ...... Sei•.

Dounce, William David ...•••...•...••.•••.•.. Elmira. I· Ladies. Eagan, Jobn ...•...•...••...... •...... ••• Horachends. Beebe, Myra ...... Alfred. Eaton, Arthur E .... , ...... •.....••...... Andoyer. !i .11. Benjamin, W nity A ...... W nrd. Green. Arthur B .•. ; ...... Alfred. ./ . Basset, Mary, ..•..•... , •. , .. , ...... , _ , , " .• Cooper's PlaiuS', ~======--~ r---- 12 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. ALFRED UNIVERSlTY. 13 -_.... _--_.--_.------NlUM, Ut.',ltlCla:c. Namo. Re;;1donce. Benton, Kittie D ...... Port Allegany, Pa. Stillman, ]\Iyra H ...... Almond. Bl.ck, Gedrude 8 ...... Ward. Warren, Riva Victory ...... Alfred. Brewster, Flor. A ...... Alfred. Whitford, E.ther ...... Alfred. Browll, Frank ...... •.•.•.•..•.. , ...... • Ca.nisteo. Whitford, Jlbry D ...... Alfred. Bunker, Emma Ida ...... Eldred, Pa.. Witter, Frank .•....•...... •...... Nile. Burdick, Elizabeth ...... Alfred. York, Kate Seymour ...... Wellaville. Burdick, Ida])I. ., ...... Alfred. Burdick, Elir..beth A ...... Hebron, Pa. Casson, Elizaboth H. ~ .•.•. , .•..••.•• ~ ...•..•• Tusca.rora. Oasson, Sarah S .•••..• '. ~ .•••.•• , •••...... • Tusoarora. PREPARATORIES. Gentlemen. Champlin, Horriet...... Alfred. Baboock, Albert A ...... Alfred. Chrisman, Ell ...... W.lton. Barber, Milo J ...... Alfred. Coon, ~Iina ...... Richburg. Barber, George M ...... Alfred. Cottrell, mora A ...... Richburg. Barber, James W ...... Alfred. Crandall, Helen Mar...... Alfred. Burdick, Rou.e K ...... Niagara. Crandall, Velma Kossuth ...... Alfred. Curry! Daniel ...•... ~ ..•..•....•...... -..• Burns. Eaton, Jossie C .•.....•...•...... • _ ••.....•. Independence. Galbraith) James ...... •...... Dansville. Ellis, Abbie Ann ...... Alfl·ed. Gates, Mark D.L ...... Fremont. Fuller, Eliza Lorette ...... Well.ville. Hadsell, Orville C ...... Almond. Gardner. Ardoette ...... Nile. Hall, Caleb Sackett ...... Ward. Green. Susan K ..•.•...... ~"""".'" . Genesee. Langworthy, D.ni.l Babcock ...... •...... •• Alfred. Green, Ida Azelia ...... Berlin. 3finier, William H ...... •....••••...... •••.• Havana. Greenma.n, Eliza. Gertrude ...... ~ .... Angelica. )linier, }Ia.xwell ...... , •...••• Hava.na. H.nd, Mary ...... AddiBon. Monroe, Charle ...... · .. · . Alfred. Hart, Mory ...... Shongo. Niles, )Ielhille ...... Alfred. ITolmes, Nevada Justini...... Port Allcgany, Pa. Pettibone, Eugene M ...... Alfred. Hull, Addie Antoinette .....•...... Berlin. Potter, Orthello S ...... · .. Alfred. Johnson, Helen P ...... Cub •. Rogers, Frank L ...... Alfred. Kenyon, I~mma. L ..••. , .•...... , ...... Carbondale, Pa. Saunder., Adelbert ...... Alfred. Lamphear, Eva ...... Alfred. Smith, Daniel A ...... " ...... Alfred. Middaugh, Su,an ...... Scio. Smith, Willard ...... Alfred. Rixford, A ...... Eldred, Pa. Stillman, Rogers ...... , ...... Alfred. Randolph, J o.ephin. N ...... Shiloh, N . •T. Tucker, William R ...... Alfred. Saunders, Eva Sarah ...... Alfred. Whittemore, Albert Ogden ...... , ...... Hav.na. Saunders, Mary E ...... Alfrod, Williams. Frank H ...... V cron •. Saunders, Jane ...... Alfred. Ladies, Saunders, Arminda .....•. ~ ...... ••••...... " Alfred. Allen, Evangel...... Alfred. Simpson, Ruby Jane ...... Troup.burgh. Babeook, Ida M ...... Alfred. Shaw, Lucretia M... '" ...... Alfred. Barber, Mary E ...... Alfred. Sinnette, Susie ••.•.• , ...... ••.••••••.....• Southport. Barber, Emma L ...... · .. · .... Alfred. Stephens, Estelle .•...... IIornellsville. Blos._ Minnie ...... Alfred. Stillman, Mary Emma .....•...... " ...... Alfred. Burdick, Snsan M ...... , ...... Alfred. Stillman, IIarriet L ...... Alfred. :Burdick. Juliette .. " ..... , ...... · ... Alfred. AI.FRED UNIVERSITY. 15

. NAme. " Re8ldenoo. Burdic~, Lucy Estolle ••••.•.•....•.•.....•.•. Alfred. PRIMARIES. ,Burdiok, Mary Virginia •••.••.•.•.•••.••.•.•.. Alfrcd. NAme. • Residence-. Burdick, Juli. Adene ••.••.•...... Alfred. Allen, George A ...... Alfred. Burdiok, Amanda M ...... Wirt. Allen, Frederick ...... Alfred. CloBser, Ellen Antoinette ...... Soio. Allen. Elbert ...... Alfred. Ourry, Oaroline A ...... Burn•. Browater, Luther P ...... Alfred. Dunton, Alice ...... , ...... Alfred. Burdick, Herm.n ...••...... · ...... Alfred. EvanB, Adelaido, , • , , ...... Alfred. Burdiek, D.vid S ...... Alfred. Fuller,Oaroline M ...... W.rd. Buskirk, Frederiok ...... Alfred. Green, Alice ...... Alfred. Ohamplin, William E ...... Alfred. Green, Harriet Amanda .•.•.....•.•..•..•...•. Alfred. Ohamplin, Oharl...... Alfred. Green, Jennie Irene ...... Alfred. Crandall, Eugene T ...... Alfred. Hadley, Alid ...... Adrian. Crandall, H.rbert L ...... Alfred. HartBhorn, Sophia J ...... Alfred. Dunn, Mathew ...... Alfred. Han, Emma 0 ...... Ward. Gridley, Lorin ...... Alfred. Hamilton, Sarah ...... '..... Alfred.' Hallet.!, Thomas ...... Alfred. Hadsell, Ol.r...... Almond. Herrill, Alexander ...... '.' ...... Alfred. MoOormiok, Helen L ••...... •.•...... •..• Greenwood. Hewell, Herman ...... Alfred. MeCormiok, Eliza .. ~ ..... ~ ...... ~ ...... Greenwood. Howell, William ...... Alfred. McHale, Sarah ...... Shongo: Lewis, Edwin ...... Alfred. Miner, Mir •...•..•••...... '" .•...... ••••.. Friend,hip. Pettibene, Hawley ...... Alfred. Moon, Alt...... Wayland. Plaee,James 0 ...... Alfred. Moon, Florenoe ...... Wayland. Place, Clark 8 ...... Alfred. :&Ionroe, Angeli...... Alfred. Potter, Adelbert ...... Alfred. O'Donnell, J osephino ...... Belmont. Potter, Thoma. W ...... Alfred. Palmer, Mary 0 ...... Alfred. Potrer, George ...... Alfred. PI.oe, Ophelia S ...... Alfred. Potter, Elmer S ...... Alfred. Pope, bfyra E ...... Hartsville. Sannders, Wilson H ...... Alfred. Potter, Enoy D ... , ...... '" . Almond. Sherm.n, Bertro...... Alfred. Rathbun, Susan ...... Howard. Siason, Charle' ...... Alfred. Ro,e, Ida E ...... HornelIaviJIe. 8i.son, Frank ...... '.' ...... Alfred. Rosebnsh, Celia A ...... Independence. Smith, Byron ...... '...... Alfred. Sn.ntee~ Millie Jane ...... ~ ...... Cameron. Smith, Devillo P ...... Alfred. Siasen, Alice ...... Alfred. Smith, Rowland ...... Alfred. Sisaon, Almina ...... Alfred. West, :&m ...... Alfred. Stearns, Sarah Alida ...... Andover. We8t, Henry .•.••.••.•••.•....••....•...•..• Alfred. Stillman, Pauline Rndiger ... , ...... Alfred. We.t, Eugeno ...... Alfred. Stillman, Ooriqno Fl ...... Alfred. Allon, Mary ...... Alfred. Watkin., Lneeli. A ...... , ...... Almond. Allen, Ida ...... Alfred. Wallon, Flsther Lin •.•...•.••..•.....••••.•.• West Almond. Allen, 101 ...... Alfred. We.l.lda Janette ...... Alfred. Bentley, Eliza ...... ; ...... Alfred. Whitford, Flora Idcn ...... Alfred. Brew.ter,Oora B ...... Alfred. Wise, Olive A .. ". '" ...• * ...... + • ••••••• Birdsall. Brewster, Alio. D ...... Alfred. 16 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 17 ------Name. Re!'-idcnce. Burdick, Ella .....•.•.•.••••...... •...... • Alfred. Burdick, Myra .•....•••.•...... •.• Alfred. Clair, Dell ..••...••.••...... •...... •.. Alfred. Collin" Olive A ...... •...... Alfred. DEP ARTMENTS. Crandall, Cora ...... Alfred. Eaton, Jane .•.....•.....•••..•.....•••..•.. Alfred. Green, N eHie ....•.•••.••...... • '.••...... Independence. The InstHution is designed for both Gentlemeu and Ladies. It has organized the followin.~ Depart'llents, viz: Primary, Prepamtory, Aeademie, Collegiate, and Theo4 Grummon, Julia A .....•...... •...•.....•.... Angelica. logical. It has established lile following COlll'eeS of Study: Normal or Teachers', Hadley, Anna ...... Alfred. Seientifie, CJnssieal, Combined or Ladies', Practical ~Ieeilanies, Theoiogie:ll, the Speeial Herrington, Caroline L ...... •.•.•...•.••.... Alfred. Conrses of Art, )l:mde, Telegraphy, and Book-keeping. Howell, Alice ...... Alfred. Howell, Tina, ..•.•••..••.....•....••..••••.. Alfred. Larkin, Kittie A. P ...... Alfred. McCray, Belle C ...... Elmira. COURSES OF STUDY. McCormick, Harriet...... •••.....••..•.. Greenwood. Palmer, Myrtle L ...... Alfred. Palmer, Minnie A .••...••...... • Alfred. PRIMARY. PetHbone, Estelle ...... -...... ; ...... Alfred. Spelling, Readiug. Penmanship. "Mental Arithmetic, Written Arithmetic, A. and B. Pettibone, Jennie ...•...•••••••••...•••...... Alfred. Geography, A. and n. Grammar, A. and B. Etymology, Vocal )lusic, Drawing. Sherman, Mary E...... • . . . .. • ...... Alfred. Sisson, Nettie F ••.•.....•..•...... •• Alfred. Sisson, Agnes A ••.•...••...... ••..•.•...•.. Alfred. PREPARATORY. West, Cora ...... ••...... •...•.•..•••...•.. Alfred. Reading, Spelling, Penmll.nsbip, Arithmetic, C. and D. Grammur, C, and D. Gcogm­ West, Sarah ...... Alfred. phy, C. and D. Etymology, History, Vocal Music, Drawing. Wightman, Lelia ...... : .. '...... Alfred. For/ull standillgin any of thefollou,oill.9 Course.~. tile studenl ic requi1'ed fo pass the State as jJJ'esc/'ibed blJ the Regellts of tlUJ Unit'ersity of the Slate of New York. Witter, Ella ...... Alfred. ExamillafjO/~,

ACADEMIC. E. Al"ithmeLif', E. Grammar, A. and B. Algebm. Latin Grammar nod Re..'lder, Cf('sar, Cicero f0111" orations. Virgil 8ix boob, Greek Grammur, Anabasis two books, Physieal Geography. Nat-mal Philosophy, Physiology, Book-keeping-, Civil Goverament, SUMMARY. American History. Gentlemen. Ladies. Total. Seniors ...... , ...... •..••..•...... B 3 11 Juniors ..••...... , •..•...•..... , ...... 2 5 7 NORMAL OR TEACHERS' COURSE. Sophomores ...... 11 5 16 JUNIOR YEAR. Freshmen and Novians ....•...... • 13 11 24 E. Arithmctie ...•.. , ...... • , ...... •...•.... Davies. Special Studies ...... ••...•...... •.... 3 18 21 1 t~1~Ii~~!~~i~i~~~~.\:,:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :BUllion. Normals and Academicians .•.•...... 24 8 32 InlelJeetnal Arithmetic ...... Davies. Provisional Academicians and Normals ...... 58 52 110 2 ~h}~l~f~~;::: ::::.'.':.'::.':.'.'.':: :::::::.':.':. ::::: ..':.'.'::::: :~u~~ell~~k. Preparatories ...•.... ~ ...... 25 50 75 Uivil Government ...... •...... •...... Primaries .•••...••.•...•.. ,'" ..••.....•.•.. 35 32 67 3 ~?£~~::~.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :rg~i~~::. Total. .. , ...... 179 185 B63 Drawing ...... 18 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 19

SENIOR vEAR. C, Aigebra ...... RobinBon. 2 B. French, ...... ",., ...... , ...... , ...... Fusqllcllc. 1 ~he:~t?::::.' ~:::: ~:: ~:::::: ~:: ~::: ~ ~::::::::::::::::::: :E:;~6S· Physical GCf,1grup1ly ...... , .• , •••.••• Lectures. Natural PhIlO$Ol'hy ...... , ••.• " ... , .••• , •...•. " "Quaekenbos. Geometry ...... , ...... Davies. Eloeution ... , •• , .•••.•.•••••.•.•..•...... ••••.•...• , ••••.. Allen. C. Al.trebra. •.•.••• + •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••• , •• , •••• Robinson. a~;~;.c.~::::::::::: ::::: ~:::::~::: ~:::::: ~:::~::::::::::: ,#!,:.nqne. 2 Cliemrstry .•.•....•...... •• " •••.••...•...... •.• , .•..•. Youmans, SOPHOMORE YEAR. l"'reparntion for written examinations in Arithmetie, Grnm­ Trl{Conometry .....•.•.• , .••.•••.....••..••••...... • , .• Robinaon. ll:l.r and Geography, prepal'lltorr to graduation. 1 A. German ...... , ... Soden or Woodhnry. D. Frcneb ...... , ...... Rncine. 8 ~~h:O~~~.:: ::: :::: ::: ::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::::: ::::: .~~~uOr~. Spherical Astronomy ..••• ,., .•... , •. , .....•...... ,' .••. , Lecture&. Zoology nnd Geology •••••..••••••.•••• , ...•.•••. , , ••• ' 2 B. Gel'wan ...... , ...... ,." ...... Soden or Woodbnry, E. French ...... , •• , •••.••..••.•...... , ..•••• Louis XIV. C. German •• , ••..••...... •...... •. , .•..•.....•...•... Soden or Woodbury. a Astronomy, descriptive ...... ' .. , ...... Leotures. Perspective .•..•.•••.•••..•..... ' •••.••• , ••••.•...... •... SCIENTIFIC COURSE. JUNIOR YEAR. _ FRESHMAN YEAR. Chemistry ...... " ..... , .. , ...... Wens. 1 Histoq' and COI18titution of United States •••.••••..•.. , •••• I !: ~~~~'.'.'.: ::',:: ::~:::::::::: '.::::::::: :::: :::: ::::::: ::~:~:~~ Rh<:Lonc ...... , ...... _...... , ...... Day. Natnral Philosophy...... •..•. , ...•••• , ••..•....••...... QunekcnboB. D. German .•.••.••.•.••••• ~ ••••••••••••..••••••••••• ~ •••. ,Schiller's Tell. C. Algebra ...... , ...... 0' •••• Rohinson. 2 Zoology., ••.•.••...... • , •..•. , ...... •.• , ...•...... Tenny. 2 RFreneh ..•.•.. , •...•••.•...... " •• ,., •.••••...... l1'aequeUc. Physiology. 0" •••••••••••• , •••• , •••••••••••••••• , • ~., ••••• Httoheoek. Physicnl Geography .. , •...... •.•...... •...... Lectures, E. Germ:tn ••..••.••..••..•••...... , ...... ••.• , •.•.•.. ,Goethe.

Geometry ....••..••..••..•••.••.....•• 0 •••• ' •••••••••••••• Davies, 3 ~ology ...... , ... " •...•..•.•.••••..••..••...•.•...•.•... Dana.. a C. Frcneh ...•••••.• ,. " •• ~ .....•...... •.. , ..•.•• , ..•...Telemaque. hinting or Musie-voluurory...... llot:l.ny •...••..•...... '; ...•....•.•....•..•.••.• ~ ••. 0 ••••• WooJ.. sENIOR YEAR. SOPHOMORE YEAR. Logie .... , .. , ...... , ...... Tappan. Trl.a:onOlUctry ...... " , • , ••••••••. , •••.•..... , .••.•••... Davies. 1 Psycholoe;y ...... ~ ...... , ...... HiCkok. 1 A.Germnu ...... , ...... " ...... 80dcnor Woodhury. Elocution .•.... , ..••.....• ' ...... ••. , • , .•....•..•...... •Allen. D. Freneb ...... ••.•••..•..•••.• , •.....••••.••...... •...• Rn.cine. Pninting or Mrn;ic-voinntary, •. , .....••..... , .•.. '" ...•. ~ Spherical Astronomy ...... , ••... LecLures. - Etbloo ...... , ...... LectureR. 2 B. German ...... Soden or Woodbury. 2 UnivcJ'ool History ....•...••..••. , ••...... , •. , ••....•... Webbel'.

E. Freneh. 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• , ••••••• o.LouiaXrV. lAw ...... , .. , ...... ,. _.•... Woolsey. O. Germlln ... , .•.• , •• :, .•...... •.....•. , .•...... •Soden or Woodbnry. Aesthetics ... " ...... , ...... , ...... Lectures. S Surveying...... , ...... ,...... Robinson. 8: Theology ..•.••...••••.••..•.•...•...••• , .•.•.•• , •• , •.••.•• l,eetures. Astronomy, deseriptl ve •..••• , ...... I.oomi6. History and Philoeopby of' CivilizaUon"." , •• , ..•...••.•.• Lectures. JUNIOR YEAR. Chemtatry ...•o., ••••••• ' ••••••••••.••.•.•••.••••••••••• , •• \Vella. 1 HiM.or)' aud Couetitution or United States ...... •.•. , •. , ..•. RhetorIc .... , •. , ...... Do.y.

D. Germaa ....••.....••••.••• , •..•...••.•...•...• , •• 0 ••••• SchiUcl"8 Tell. CLASSICAL COURSE. ::I Zoolo~y ...... *' ...... , ••••• Ti}nny. FRESHMAN YEAR. Physiology ...•.•..•.••...••..•...•. , •.•••••••• , ..... 0 ••••• Hitchcock.

Analytical Gcometl'Y ...... 0 ...... OF .. '" ...... I{obiuaon, 1 ~~~:::::'. '.:: ...... :: :::'.: '.:'.:::',::'. ','.: .... : .. '. :::'. :'.:',:: ::: :X~l;:~~: a E. German .••..•.• , .• , ...... • "" •...... •. ", •... , ...... Goetho, D. Algebra ...... , ...... ~ ...... Rohineon. Geology., ...... ,., ...... " ...... , ...... ' ...... Dana. Oieero de Senootute et AmieiUu. ...• , ... , ..... ~ .... , ...... Antbon, SENIOR YEAR. 2: Greek Prose Oompuait,Jon •.•..•...•.....•.•...... 0 • ; •••• Arnold.

Logic ••••••• , •.•• , ..••..•..••••••.•.•.•.•••.• 0 •••••• ,. , ••• Tappan. C. Algcbro...... , ...... ", ...... Robinsou. 1 Pa:~·Choli}gy •.••• ,. 0 •••• , •••• 0 •••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••• , •• , • Hickok. 3 Tncitus' Genrnmiu ct Agricoln ...... Tyler. Eloeution ...... 0 ...... , ...... Allen. Mclnol'abUia ...... , .•.. , ...... Anthon. CnlcuiUB •••••• , ....••.....•.•.•.••••.••••• ' ••..•••.• ,' •. , .• Robinson. Geometry ...... , ..... Davies. Ethics ••...... •...•.••... , ...... •. , ...•.•. , ...... Lectures, SOPHOMORE YEAR. 2 Univcraal History .. , ., ...... , \Vcbber. Horace, Odes •...... •..•••••••..•••.. , ...... , .. , ..••.... Lincoln. La.w ..... "_ ...... ' ...... " ...... 0.". Woolsey. 1 Dem05thcnce de Corona ...... , ...... , ...... Aesthetics., •.••.•• " •••.. o ••••••••• , ••••••• , •••••••••••••• uetures, Trigonometry ...... , ...... Roblue-on. 3 Theology ...... ,. Lect.ures. Hlstory and PbUo3Qphy of' CiviHzutlon....•.. 0 ••••••••••••• LeeturcE". 21~~~t~~~~~~::::.:::::::',::',:'.::::',',::::::::::'.:'.::::::', :Lineoln. SpbedCllI Astronomy., .. " ...... , ...... •• ' •• , ...... •.. , .Looiures.

Thucydides .... _.. 0 """"".' , •••••••••••• , ••••••••••• '0' t; .Astronomy. descriptive .... *''' ...... , ...... Loomis. Surveying., •• , .•....• , ••..••.•• , •••• 0 •••••••• , •••••••••••• Robinson. LADIES' COURSE. JUNIOR YEAR. PROTOtdATHEAN YEAR. Rhetoric ••.••.••••••••. , .... , ••.•.•.• , •••.•••.• , ..••••• , ••• Dny. n, Algcbl·a. •...•.••••••••• , •.••...••.•.••• , "'" •• , •.•••.. ,Robinson, 1 NatlUll Philosopby ...... Qnnekenbos. 1 A. French ...... " ...... , ...... » •• Fa8qoclic. Cbemilltry, •.. , ...... • , •.... , ...•. '.0 ••••••••••••••• , •••• ,. \Ve,tl,. Natural Philowphy., ...... , •••.•••.••..• Qnackenboa, History and Const1tntlon of the United States .... 0...... r-======··=·~·~~~=·===·~~·=··~7 20 Al.FRED U.m-vER5ITY, 21

Physiology ... , ...... ',' ...... , •• , .•..••• ,., "" .... nitcbcock. 11. Thc Meebilnlca,l Theory of Heat. 2 Tacitlls' History ....•. " ..... , •• , .•... , ....•..•• , ...... Tyler. Belso,ys. Third Tcrm-:M'twbiue Drawing. Eeclesiaatlea1 History, II. A Course extending through two years, followed hy Q Diploma. hearing the seal History and Philosophy of Christian Glv1Uzation. of the ""(;lliversity. nF.QuruKME:-

l. Ana1yUenl Geometry ot: th. ree Dlmcnsio1l8, nnd application of Ca.I~ F"l'st Term CUJU8 in the Theory or Machines 1 '2. Applied Mechallies ...... Weisbaeh. JLB. IsOmetrical DtIlwing. 22 ALFRED UNIVEnSITY. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 23

G. Leaving school;)r villa!l;e without permission. 7, Absenee fwm examination.

8. 'fhe use of gunpowder, 1n IIny form j about the premises. g, Driving nails, screws! or wekB, ete., into WillIs or celling, without pcrmil»ion. 10. Lonnging on beds, or disorder in study rOOIDll.

MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. REGULAR ACADEl!lO EXEIlCISES. Tile regnlnl' exereises, nt wLieh 1111 tbo Students will be reqnil'ed to ntttmd. nuIcHI especially excused, nre Chapel exercises eaeb day during tile tel'iXl; Ref'itations, from tw'o to fom, five days e.... e11 week, from }'J:onony morning till Fridny c.·cuing; Regular LOOATIO~. oxereiHls in Compositions, DedilIllaLlo~f;, Spelling, Rending, and "\Vritiug; :Literary. The-Institution is lOCi.ted ilL Alfred Center, Allegany Co., N. Y., two mUes from the BeientlHe, and i\Iornl Leetures, b~v tbe 1fficl1liy j PuLlic worship) each week, either Uti Alfred DCj!ot, un the Hue of the Eric nftUway. Satmuay or Suuday, and Bible-erass, aeool'ding as tbe Stll.ilcnts mny be in the Ilabit of The loe.'ltion is retired and bealthy-in n roml district, sUI'founded by rormmlie and a.ltending puillie won·Lip, either on the llCvcnth or the first dny of tbe .... eeli. delightful BCenel'Y, nmhl a people of stern integrity, and of industrious nnd uuobtrll~ ROO)IS AND BOAR)}. sive babits. Stndeu(.s are not CXl)oscd here t1 many of ille ordinary allUtcID('U{S to The Ncw Unlvenit}~ Building eontalns the Boftrding Dcpi\rtmen4 and rooms fO!' Yice nnd dissip.lllon. Few fpotS lire so well ndapted to t.he quiet and aucec~sfnl the o.ceommodlltLuu of about Qne bundred students, hesidc;; rooms fOl" Professors and P1Il'£!Ul.t ot Science ,md Literatnre M the 'lllL-t;;:c of Alfreil. theil' families, and Ill~o Soeiety. }Iusic, find Pllinl Rooms. R,-,omsf01' Ladies are lwttrl­ GOYERN),IENT, lJomciy ffJ.r1liflhed atLd carpetftl, with ft $leepi1lg "00»; aiJi&inill9 ('(tch, lurnidr.w:J occmmno .. Parents who placo tbeir cbildren in tbls Illstitnlion, nnd aJl Students who arc suffi~ ilatioh$ rarelY.101/11d in otlttr Larlie;: Seml'narielJ. The Donrding Hall is under the im­ cleutly old to undel'stand tbe DcC€1" II Provisional Normals ..• , ...... , ,., ...... , 7 00 chnrges. H 10 II HigberDepartmenta., ...... , .•.• , .. " ...... ,. 1000 Board ...... ,. ... "'''''''' ..••..• " ..... " .... " ...... ," .$30 00 to $46 00 Room .•.. ,., .•...... •.. , ...•...... •.....•...... , ... 300 to 6 Oil Fllel ..... , •.•...... ••.•• ,.,., .••. ,', ••.••••..••. , .•••••. , •••.• 300 to {i 00 Washing ..•...• , ••••.•• , •• ", •••.•••.• ,., ••••..••.....••. , ••..••••• 200 to a 00 EXTRAS. SUMMARY OF REGULATIONS. 01lPninL1ng .... , ...... ,,., ...... " ...... "., ...... , ..... , .. $1000 Dl'&.wing •. , ..... , ...... , ...... ,. }: 00 SurveyIug -use of Instrnments .•.. , ••. ,., ...... , ...... , ... " •••.. , 1 00 Grndullt,jonFce ... " •••.••...... , .•...... •• ,., •.•...... , .• , .•• , •••• , •• 500 Piono, Cabinet 0r&-ith nblUty, and (}\'(' important trids to thosc who urc desirous of bC'oomiug g(lQd 5. Oh:mging or oropping a study without permission. wlitera, speakers! or effiei.ent IubOrers- in (be intellectual. moral, or religioua world. 24 ALFRED UNIVEBSITY. GENERAL GATALOGUE OBSERVATORY, Tho objecL DC tbe observll.tory 1s tw(}.fold, viz i tQ faeUitate instruction in astronomy. and to periorm eueh lU.Itronowical work &8 time limited by ehlaa~room duties will allow. OJ~ The observatory buUd1n~ consists of a circular room, surmoun"tcd by 0. rcvolvinK dome 19 feet in diameter. a computing J'QQm 12x13 j 0. prIme yerlicul room 1WS. Ii transit room 12xW, Bnd a elock room 8x2ti. The obaervnklry is furnished with tho following instruments : I. An l3qunwrtal refracting ooleseopc, by Henry Fitz, with Dn objcet glaas of 9- ineb MATRICULNl'ES AND GRADUATES clear IlpertlU"O, nnd 9.5 feet focus. Ylllu8, $1 1600. II. A merldlan circle, by Ww. J. Yooug, witb an object g:1088 by }{erz & }fulller, Germlwy, of B.251neh clea.r npcrtu~ and 4.{) feet foeus. TII.(t circle h ~O iuches in diameter) IIDd reads by 4 verniers to S 8000nOO of space. Value, $1,000. m. An astronomicnleloek. byWm, Bood&80n. Valne, t.wO. IV. A ehronograph, 6r time reeorder, by Wm. Bond &; Sou. Value, $100. V. A. giderlal ebronomct.er. Value, $100. VI. A ttlar micrometer. Value, $125. 'l'he coat Qf the obscrvatory bnilding haa been abont $1,000. Students in Astrouomy haye the privileges of the OMcrva.tory without extra eb!11'g6. ALFRED UNIVERSITY, CABINET OF NATURAL HIBTORY, lNue nnd varied a.dditiQruI bxve been made to the epecimijllij 1n Natural History durlng the pnat yonr. IJBRARY, The Institution. Librnry eouslata' of to ach'l9t!on of Historiea, Blogmphics) Greek IlDd Lntin L1!U1Siee, "Mathemntical and SclcuUfte works. and stondnrd English LUemture. Additions are made to it yearty. GYMNASIUM, A. Gymn!Udum for young Ladies has recently boon established in eonneetion with the BQarding HAU, where aU youn}( I.rullce boording in the Institution will he expected to take daily exerclSc. CALENDAR FOR 1869-7Q. MEMBE1{S 01>' Ll'l'ERARY socnnIES, The Fall Term will begin Wedne&day. September 1, 1869. The W1nter Term will begin Wednesday. December 8. 1869. Thc Spring Term wiJI hegin Wednesday, Marcil 23, IB70. The FnU and Winter Terms will continue thirteen weeks eaeb., the SprIng Term fourt.oon weeks. Commencement, June 29, 1870. Allniversn.ry of the Literary Societies QU the preceding dnys of thc Bame we~k. The AnnMl Mceling of the Alumni AruwclatiOll, on the afternoon and evening of Aunl_Duy, . PRESIDENT WILLIA:f1 Cor,EGROVji~ ImNYON, TbeAnnnnl.Meetlngs of the BtockbolderSlUld Trustees, on the Tuesday preceding Annivcraary. Geneml exnmlnation of d(l8$es Is held the mat week of each term. The publie o.re cordially invited to attend th6 g6ceral exere1ees of the Inatitution enumerated abOve. TIlE INBTrrUTION AND THE PUBLIC. The Trustees of the IustitutioD. in preBonting tbeir Thlrty~thi!"d AnnUM Cutalogu6 to the pnblie, would return their lleknowledgmcnla for Lbe marked favor nnd Ilheral patronnge rooe1ved from ita numCtouS friends nud patrons. Their higboat nmbition and ooly object have been to found an institution tbat shall blcss the ehureh n.nd the world. They hnve apprcclnted ~he oeee.saity of luylng the foundation of Inte1Ie.ctunl aud moral attainments nnd d1seiplice npon a brood and permanent bal!;is i and they have endeavored to provIde the appliances and fnctUtieB for securing t.bcoo objects. G, Il. .;; J, II, UTTER, STE"M PRINTERS, WESTERLY, R. I. They labor to send fortb young merl and women, SO eduen.tod 3B to qual1t'y them for 18@. tbe retilltlea and re&poll8ibiUties of aetive Ufe. TRUSTEES,


PREsmE"'TS. Elc<:f7 PROI'" DAl'>1]EL D. PICKETT, ...... 1859 ACAllE;\UC INCOIU'OHA'rION, January 3], J8·13. 1859 Puo;'. DARWIN E. MAXSON, ...... 18G2 1802 PROl'. WlII. A. ROGERS, ...... 1864 UNIVEllSITT INcOnpOl~ATlON, March 18, 18:>/, 18G2 PRO;'. THOMAS R. WILLIAMS, ...... 1866 186G OLIVER D. SHERMAN, ......

LNIVEIUHTY OUUANIZA'fION) April I,}, 18.37, '1'RE},SURERS. 1837 LUKE GREEN,...... •...... 1841 ISH PROF, W~I. C. KENYON, ..... ~ .... , ...... 1857 1857 CLARK ROGERS,...... 1859 1859 ELISHA POTTER, ...... , TRUSTEES. 1837 DAVID STII,I.MAN, ...... 1841 1837 LUKE GREEN, ...... 1859 1837 MAXSON STILLMAN, ...... 18 .. 1 'MAXSON GREEN, ...... '~18.:iO 1841 IIo>!. SAMlJEL JmSS~:T.L, ...... 1850

NOT E S. .i 1841 JOHN ALI,EN, ...... l8G') III tilt; fol!owim; ()utaioglle, Ull attempt ha;; beell miHl{' to gll"e the U:Ull{;S of all \\110 lHI\'C llec:I I: 1841 ~GEOl~GE W. ALLEN, ...... ~lSG4 memlxm,; of nl.l~ In~tltuthlU, in the oruer of the!r t1UIT:mce, ot' lh,il'lculll!!on, Delng the 1il'st CHARLES D. LANGWORTHy, ...... at!t:rfII1t of th\! kiuO, U. i~ lIt'ecrs(trily YC1'y imperfect This j~ ei,pceially (rile or ,~e,'en!l of tho til'l;t yeftr~, there beiug 110 tecord on wllid. to TQly. Dou1Jlle~~ many lH\lll('S have bct>ll mnllied, II ~:!i SAMUEL N. STILLMAN, ...... or inserted lUlH'.cmatcly. Any )Ilfornwtion that wlll towl (0 gh'c more aeelll'ilry 10 future Cutu­ IION .•JOHN R. HARTSHORN, M.D., ...... log,ws-oiiber Gooernl or Tricunlal-i,s Cftt'lJcsUy solidlea, leformlltiol). 13 C~l1(ltlally twkefl 1'C~ PHINJ£AS C. STILL:\;IAN, ...... !<}JOctiug 111l who ~c!'\·ed our WlIlltry iu i!~ la{c gf'ellt W:lr, It· i~ dedrc(l, as soon IL~ tiiC nctt''J,t'!\l')' II ~~!~ fact" MU 00 {)utllinQd, to Il\luli~h II "noll or Ilouor." ({ire f(tll particular>;, "ISAIAH W. GRlcEN, ...... The I!hr (~) heforc n namc indicates deceased, '''1,<)u rcpo:tloa after !hc l'alllC, it l!igllific" tb,t. i I 1a.J.l i'I 1842 DAVID n. STIU,JIIAN, ...... tim individual died while in officc) or wbilo iu the UultcIl Stntcs Ecn·!tc, ; , ·----'1 L_-=- 4 AY,!<'HED CNIVEHS!TY• 5

.Elccto;(, nc~ignBd, Elected. liDJigncd, 1842 "PUGF. 'IV"r. C. KENyON",...... '18G7 1857 GEN. D. C. McCALLU~I, ...... ,...... 1860 1842 *IlOGEHS CRANDAI,L,...... 1845 1857*Ru. IRA W. SIMPSON, ...... ,.... 1864 1842 DANIEL EDWARDS, ...... ,...... 1845 1857 IIo". BENJAMIN F. LANGWORTHy, ...... 18J2 A)IOS B'C'RDICK, .... " ..... , ...... 184G 185i \VILLIAl\I U. I3URDICK, ..... , ...... ,. 1842 GEORGE SHER~IAN,...... 184G 1857 EZRA P. CR.ANDALL,...... 18G2 1812 ORI{A STILLMAN,...... 185() 1857 WILLIAM lIt SA1JNDERS, ...... 1842 "NATHAN MAXSON,...... 1848 1858 RON. LUCIUS C. ~IAY,...... 18(;2 1845 ALEXANDER BLAOK, .... , ...... , 1848 i i 1858 THOMAS ELLIS,...... 18G5 184.0 PUOJ-'. IRA SAYJ,ES, ...... ,.... 1850 1859 HENHY P. SAUNDERS, lII.D., .... ,...... 1865 1846 R>:y. NATHAN V. HULL, ...... , .. , ...... ,. 1859 MAXSON J. GREEN, ...... , ...... 1846 ISAAO l"Eh"NER, ... , ...... , ...... , ...... 18G2 1850 BARTON W. MILLARD,...... IBM ISH ERASTUS A. GREEN, 1£8.1.,...... 18G4 1800 REV. AMBROSE C. SPICER,...... 18G-I !: 1848 13ENJ. F. POTTER,...... 1860 18Gl AI,BERT B. CRANDAI_L, .. , ...... ,..... 18G7 18,18 ALBERT S:i\IITH, ...... 1862 REV, NATHAN WARDNEH, ...... , .. , ...... 1849 REY. JOEl, W AKEi.\IAN, D.D., ...... ,...... 18G4 18G3 REV. DARIUS FORD, ...... 1819 Ho~. C. D. ROBINSON, M.D., ...... ,.... 18Gl 1804 OLIVEr, D. SHER~IAc", ...... , ...... , .. . 1849 HOl<. OTIS THATCHER" ...... 18G1 AL?!ION E. CRANDALL, Esq., ...... 1849 Ho". J. J. ROCKAFELLOW, ...... ,. 1852 1864 HON. W ALCO'rT HATCH, ...... , ...... 18·10 ~GIDEON GHEEN,...... 1857 1864 PHOb'. GURDON· EVANS, ..... , .... , .. , .... , ... . 18,19 JOliN A. LANGWORTHy, ...... , ...... 1865 SILAS C. BURDICK, ...... 1850 ELISHA POTTER, ...... 18G5 ROWLAND A. THOJIIAS, ..... , , ... , .. ' ...... , , 1850 HON. PHILIP S. GREEN, ...... REy. JONATHAN AI,LEN, ... " ...... 185() 'SAMUEL S. WIIITE, ...... ,...... 1853 lbv. GEORGE E. TO~IUNSON, ...... , ...... 1853 STEPHEN C. llUH,l)1CK; ...... , 1857 ; ; i 1857 'lION. THOrtIAS B. STILL~IAN, ...... , ... , .. "1805 1857 "RE'·. WILLIA~r B. MAXSON, D.D., ...... "18G3 18:;7 Rgy. TlIOilIAS B. BROWN, ...... , .. 1837 RH. GEORGE B. UTTEI{, ...... 1857 REV. LEsIAN ANDRUS, ...... ,...... 1865 FACULTY. 1857 HEV. JAMES R. IRISH, ...... l8GG 18,;7 R>:v. JOSHUA CLAIm:, ...... , .. 1859 1857 PREi.HD-ENl'S. R",·. JAMES SUl\IilIERBELL,...... 1859 i i neslgu('{l. 1857 "GIWRGE MAXSON, ...... ,. *ISGS 1857 '!tEL WILLIAnl COLEGROVE KENYON, AilL, 1865 J8,37 HAMIL'l'ON CLARK,...... 185\) lS()6 REV. JON A'nIAK ALLEN, Aill., ...... , .... . 1857 ELISHA C. GREEN,;)t D.,., .... , ...... 18.17 HON. BENJAMIN 1\IAXSON, ..... , ...... " .... . pm~CIPHS. 1857 A ToFRED LEWIS, ...... , .. 183(; HEV. BETHUEL C. CH'C'RCH, ...... ,...... 1837 J857 CLARK ROGERS, ...... 1837 REV. JAnIES R. IRSH, A.M., ...... "...... 1830 1830 ;\·Ugy. ,VnI, C. KENYON, A.in.,. , . , ...... IB5i 1857 PERRY F. PO'I'TEU,...... 18G3 1857 IHA n. CRANDALL" ...... , ...... "SSOCIATE PRINClPALS. 1857 JOHN HAMU.TON, ...... ,...... 1864 18.!" lHA SA YLES, AM., ...... , ...... 1850 1857 HEXRY C. CHANDALL,...... 1858 1849 DANlEJ_ D. PICKETT, A.-:lI., ... ,. . . . . •...... 1857 1857 Ho". SOJ,ON O. TIIolTCIIEH, ...... ,...... 1858 184D Rr.v. JAMES MARVIN, AM., ...... ,' 1854 .-----... = ..===. == ==..= ..... - G AUJ'RED lJNlVERSITY. 7

_EleeteU. Resigned, Elected. 1849 REV. DARWIN E. JlIA-cXSON, A.iII.,...... 185, REV. JAMES ::If ARVIN, A.M., 1849 HE\,. DARIUS lWRD, A.~I.,...... 1857 1S-J-7 TendlC1' i.n ~rnthomnties [md Langullges,., ..• "., ..••...••.•••• ,.,.,.. lB41l 1819 REV. JONATHAN ALLEN, A.M.,...... 18.;7 184U Prof('ssor of }[llthcmnties, ...... , .•... , .• , ., .... , ... ,. . .. ".,. 180.1 1855 REY . .l

1846 & 1856 AmGAILA. MAXSON A r~LEN, A. M., 1853 & 1861 18-1-7 AdjllDct ]!.todcm Langufl.h"Cp ...... , .... , .... , ••••• 18.J.9 1853 "ELLEN GOODInCH FORD, AL, ...... 1856 18;,9 A{ljuuct }lo(lci'n Luuguogel"'" ...... , .. "' , .... , ...... , . , 1&;2 18G1 EI,YIHA E. I{ENYON, A.~L...... 1866 HEv. DARIUS FOnD, A.nI., 18-18 'l'cllchcr of Normal Dcpnl'tmeut••• , . ., ' •.•. , ...... " .. , ...... " 1&.IJI PROFE8SS0RS. 1819 Profcssor of Greek and Chcmii.try, •..••..•..•.•.••..... " ••• , 1863 'lb,'·. WIU,IAM C. KENYON, AM., 1812 Languages Ilnd Nntm'fllSek_l1ccl<,. _ , ...... ,., .•. , , ., ...... JB4iJ R>:y. ETHAN P. LAHKIN, A~I., 18+5 Nntural nnd :.'Iler/\t Sdcm~c!,., , , ...... , "" . , . '" .•.. . ISHI 18&0 Latin LnlJ,I{u(to'c lind I .. itcl'ittnrc, .•...•..... , ... " , ••. , , ' ...... • 18b1 lS-W EngH;;ll ::lnd Latiu L:HlJ.. ,"U:l'rt'£!.., ::Iud Literatnre,.,. ", , ...... , •• ," 18f,;, 113.'10 Latin LilnglUl~c and LiWr3tlll'C, ...... " • , . , , •• , ,.. • >< • • 11;'(i8 ]856 Math.emat!c!!, 1\1)(\ tlHl Engfish LUIIp;nngc allri Literlltl1r(",. >. 1!:t~; lStii Enghsh LUcmtul'C rmd Bcllc;; Lettres"", .. , ...... "...... , .• , 1860 SUSAN E. CRANDALL LAIIRLV, A.L, l!:1GO I,::ltiUftlHI EIl~ll~h Lall.b"I~g(,3 amI Littl'nturn,., .•• " ...... "" , " , ", ..... *1M6, 1t1.)1 lIlHmlnental )Tnsic, ...... ,., ...... 1658 "MELISSA B. KENYON, A.I" WILLIAlII A. ROGEHS, AliI., 184Ct Primary Department" 1857 )lalhcmatic2-, .• , •• ,., ••.. " .• , •• ,., .•...•...... , •• , ..•...• ,. *CAROI,INE B. ~IAXSON Sl'lLG.lIAX, ELVIRA E. 1{ENYON, A.M., 1Si:? :Modern Langn.agt' ;tnd litH,hema tics, .... '. ' , ...... , . _. .•. ,., .. ,. 184G 1837 Adjunct Lrrtill" .. ,' , •• , •••...... , ..•• , .•. " ••• ,."., ...... , ..

18tH: Gennan, ...... , .•.•. , .. , ..... , .... , ... , ...• , , .. , , ...... < •• _ 18(;t) ORRA STILUIAN, REY. THO::lfAS R. WILLI AllIS, A.JII., 18·t~ Voe11 ;.Iusie,., .••..• _..•..•• , •....•• ,,' •• ,...... '"_ .. " .• ", .• , .. , 184'1 Im<{mtnt'ntnL\fllSil\ ...... , ... ",,,., ...... ,., .... ,. 18':;0 1863 Greek Lmgungc and Litcmture,. '" . , . , ...... , "" ., .. , , . , " . , 1866 IMOU •.• , •.•• " ." •..•.•..•.•• ,.," •• " •.•• " •.•...•••• "., •. , .• , .•. R.w. J AMJ;;S R HUSH, A.M., ANDERSON H. WIGHTMAN, A.M., I1H3 )IOl'rti Sriencc aud Rhetoric" •• , ...... , " .• , , •• ' .•.. ,...... ItW; 1tSG+ Natl1l'!ll Sciencc, .•.•••. , ..•• " .• , •.•..... "., •. , .••...... •.... JOHN R HARTSHORN, MD., lSG6 Adjunct Latiu, •.• "." ••..• , ...; ..•. ".",.,...... ,., ..•..• 1843 .Anatom)-' amI PhYRiolo;,":}·p ..... "'" ." "" " •. " • . • . , , " ,. 1849 SARAH WILLIAl\IS, AL., GURDON EVANS, A.M., 1BGi :O:onnni D(~1JUl'tmeut, ...... , .. , ...... "., ...... ,. ]86,) 18H lfatllcmntJe&I' ...... " •. , ... ,., ...... 1846 JANE S. WIGHTlIIA-c'<, A.L, 1866 NOl'lUul Department, .•.. ,. *' .... , , •..•••. , ...... 186;' 1864 Nonu:ll D('partmcnt, ...... " ...... •.•...... , ... ,' ...... ,..... 11365 IRA SAYLES, A.M., REBECCA T.IWGEHS, AL., ~M Lf\I\,"11f\ges•••...••.• ,., •.•••..•••..••.•..... , .• , •.• 185n ~Iodcrn Languages, ... "" . , .•...... •. , '" , , , ,. , "" 18G1 Nurmal Dcp,tl\mcnt,., .. ,,, .. , ...... ,.,., .... ,., .. ,...... " .. 1B6:i U,:\,. JONATHAN ALLEN, A.nI., IDA F. SALLAN KENYON, AL" 1845 Tcadwr in ;'IathC:Ulatit:~ ...... ' .... " ... " .. " .... " " , , ... " .•. , "., 184!i 186':; Adjunct Latln,,,,.,., ...... ,,.,, .... , .... ., ...... ,, .",.. lRGG 18-1-9 Profef'SOl' of History. MetaphYEie

---~ ....• - ... ------~ -~ -~-"~---- ... _-- TEACHERS. ACADE1UC. ASA O. BURDICK. REY. JOHN D. COLLINS, AM. STUDENTS. ·'REY. IRA W. SIMPSO~, AM. r,,;y. AMBROSE C. SPICER, A.lL Ho". HE~nY L. JONES, A.M. T. DWIGHT ,['HATCHEH 1.1.:IL F. I. P. WEll RUNG. ' ELSTON M. DUNN. PIWF. DA£.lEL D. McGIBENY, A.~I. lS3r.-J:}:j'. ),ltl;.;)).)n, )ullthGW 1,,\lJll:~. (~~:xrLI"1E'" MHtll'd, lsath' lhbtock (/ollirM, Tacy WILLIAM R PRENTICE. Allell, .Jorl.llLllull. )1illcr, .Joseph \\¥. BlakelYl J-Lwrict. Batwoek, DlUliel U" )1.D. J!lnnroe, Orrin BUI'tlit.'1i. Sabine, Ir(;JlC D, A. HEIUlER'r LEWIS, A.M. "Dar bel', Gardner "Pierce. BtilJUlilll HtH'uiek Witter, Lydl.a OSCAR U. WHITFORD, AM. Bnrdick, Edwin $'1 3t.D. Wooiworth) .Io11n Coml AUrll, Esthcr *Colllus, Benj, F., ;\Cn. Gl'uUcmcn, Hi. COUll Major', E~ther REUBEN A. WATERBURY, AB. Collins! .Johu D., Prot: 1,'\1111';", CmndnU 1'lw!!!ua, Martha A. Coon. ;.\l)lOS ,V' Re\'. D:Lhcock rUiCCh!, .<\nni~ i Cmn({:;U l'lJOlllf/Sj )Jtl)'}, RIl". I,EANDElt E. LIVERMORE, A.B. j g~~~i;:;~!:tl~~~. l' ;H:~~~.~~~k !£~:;~:r)cz~~~nC)T i :2::~~~~!.\~~13Jc~~~lId,)lary JOHN R. GIWVES. lIlll!, Olin:r P ... RO\', Coon Of/den, Etecttl. A, OLIVl(>p lJl(l/.:e, Pl)l't\)CllW, MmANDA A. FISHER DBAj\i, A.L. Black iJrc/;, ZOft : f-huupltr{'Y Jlvurlft', S:J1'1lh.J. Lanphear Jvlu/soll. llaunuh J3HI'(\lek VitH'enf, Clneis&'l : JlIaxsQIl (iNH3n, Ha.lTiet N. *Lmphc:,x COOl!, Mmtb:t E. JENNIE CHAPIN, AM, M.D. Collins Babcock, Ama.ritla. : jIftXllOU .lJuJ;son, Lydia. A, :U;lx*nn, Eliza D, Cnmdall rillcCIlt, )Jtlry.:\., 'SltlllHlerlllla/t.£,/f, Louisa -¥)htxsolt 1Jmlfiltm~, Ellzn S. MARY E. COON SIIEPPARD, AM. CnmdnlL DOl'!,', 1Irtrla Sheldon, Ehmncw E. '!tf!lsson, ?lraty A" SARAH L. WATERBURY, A.L. *Cmudall Eo,~.~, Elilli ~ /Stillmall L~w'Ju;or(jlq, ~lat'~ *Picl'ce, Su"an, Hnll PH,Cr', OIJ\'c 1 tlm '&l.lterlec, NunevG. HuH L'lllsf. )IIH't\t(\ ,StHlman, EU$Chia 8l.e\'(lUs Crandall, ae.rClla ;UC81C .UID, AUT. 3.faxwu C. lc'i!is. Armiuda. I""ell!! lfilll, LYf1i.1l Stevens, Sophroni<1. l'llaxwu W/ardc!', l'hi.-\be A, LIHUe", Ii), Stilhmm. U4l'riel; ~IARGARET PAYNE. Maxson ['rft!t'iCJ'j Susan Total .. , .....'" ' ...... ," ,33,) "'Ward Kell!fO.n, 1>Iellssa It MARIA M. G. Sl'lLLHAX. Mnxson B(I(/$a. Samantha i \Vells ]Jurdu:l: E!!tltCl' )liIWI' ". 'lIllffr, Emeline 16$t!-1t<.,HiL I' \Ydl" /'i(,h'C, Sardinia SARAH VINOENT STILLMAX, Satterlee., ~\:\'i" ,t,.;I,:'>'rLF.'IK'i. \Vordell, Sarah HANNAH G. JIAXSON. 8aUllQcr" [Amp/leW', :3tli!fln~ HL'lliclv, .JIJl!tU9 Ladies, 3J. OLAIUSSA LIVERJIORE mil BnJ'(Hck~ L..'1fltyHtc l1'ul;ft1." .. 53 *8piccr, Jlllin ~-\. Bmdkk, "rHo i PROF. JAIRUS M. STILLlIIAN. SpICer Cmmlail, Sophia COOIl, Elis-Oct IB39-18JO, PROl'. JAMES B. i\IcGIDENY. I 8~illmal1 j,. RAge!'!!, Emnw Coon, Elisha B. . Gl:~T!,};.\ll!::;. SHllman, Atnnntlu Coon, \Yells AHun, Cooley C. PROP. CYRUS MAXSON. 8tiHmflll York, StllI.r CrnlHhl11, LOrCll%O D, Allen, Geon:"e lIIARTHA GREEN1I1AN lVlCSTON. StiHman COOII, Elyinl l Crandall, 8anmel AustIn, .Mflt'ylu MARY A STILUIAN. Lndies, 22. IGrCt'-Il, Edwt\rd Dowell. Ezrn TotaL .• ,., .... , . , ... _, .3G. licRd, 8, Brnurlagc).. B. Collins , IIe:l!i.Churlcs R.,~l.D"Ho!1. Bud,lc:\", ~tb 8. l'ENlL\N,5flll'. lB;)7~1838. : *Ltvcl'mo1'c, ~Iux:!on G, Cl:1l'k, l>(l(';\{ur M. (;E'S'I'T.K"ll,,'S. Pl(WC, Pllilip Coon, D,mlcl DELWIN P. BROWN. Bm'(lick. A. Chll'k Pickett, Daniel D" Pmf, Cmudnll, Ira ll. LEIOESTEH COWLES. Dmdiek;HinunP.)Rev.M,D. "Pottel' Georp;e Crllnd.'lll, E:&ra Coon, Lorenzo. Sa~'If'B, Ira, Prof. Ertlll&, Gurdon, Pmf. H.O JOHNS, ESQ. Coon, Stepheu Seott, .Jam<:'l:I L .. Rev, Green, ::\[atthew ·lIoN. SIlIEON 1I. THORP. Coou, NaHHm Sf',,:,tt. Em~t\Ji;: ~\,t Prof, Green, David C, j' Cl':mdnll, '1':. HO!KN'B I' Stillman, Jollll ,~, HtlI't-;bol'll, Charles (Jor" J. H. SYPHER Green, S, C, *\'III(:l'11\' Pm!! )1. ! Hull, V:trllUm, R()y, ALBEW£ J,. CHAPIN. *Hflll, \VilUtun , YilH.'l'l!t, Jooh\l~1 : ""',lO)w*. Lee Lnupbp;)'l', E. ~ \\'(}\'dCll, !.onm7,o 1). )f:O.5OI1, WiUlllJ)l R. MARK SHEPPARD. I I'I )IUXSOll, Lul\.l'. G. ., ~Ll>. Gcntlemcn, ::2. )hmh:k, D, . ~~-----..- AU'RED tiNIYlmSITY. 11 ,I 10 ALFRED 1:l:HVF.HSITY. Wardner, DadO Clark, Pfllll)1. Coon, J, 0, Place, Ahiu .1. )'fajor, ~btthcw Perry Kdf<;, Tber('sslt Wheelcr, LnmUl 'Conts, \\rUlium F. , Cottrell /{fll!IOI<, F:!i7,(t I PoUer, Perry K )'InI10ry. AUj{ustus, :\L C. Potter .IkJJM1'jul, ~Ia\\'inal "Dann, 8u,;un J. ,I , Wldthw!;, Allr?' Cole, Stephen Ueynolds, Levi M"nxsoll, Chades POI\'cr!!', Conleli.'t WHtel', l':ml C. ,CoHi!!~, 'Wlllhm \Y. Fonn'tll, F. Robbins. John 13. ),Iax"on, Bklmrd St'ele), TImber, )JnhetlttJel , Frcll-eh f)illlJllick, HarriDt \Yootll Henjllm-in F. "Goon. (k'Otl i *Scott, Riley W. )la):80n, BC01'P~ U. SHeley K"lis, Hlullmh (kut\('lIlE'll h;;" ' Colton, UVWi\ II. , iloodapDcd, Emily, I flhl'ldofl, Uazflrd H. (o];t('Dml:,tfll, Julm ,8;::eky, EkHll(jr L.\f.IJ.;,;, i Cnmdnll. 'Edwin , Goodwill. Lnnh<:t *8tnl'f-,.-es, Samuel, .;\1. D. :\lcHenry, R. 'V. : 81mw, Au,!!eiiDIl As-tell, L~tlI~j E. C,';1ndflH, C. )1. Gordon Jmw<, :\falT :\1. I Teeter ::\udrcw : ~yl!. HOI't1t'c II., 11.D. i SI.lt'JdOD, F.Ienllor E. Barrett Rfwi, Call1>{(I: Crnll(!:lllj IL ~\. IlarlrnUl Rvs,jr.fi, HiuTict D, I Vlneelit~ Edward, HOll. l'H[mik>r, JU111itlluil : SlwMon, EIIH'nltle,\ B:t~sett KW[Js/;ItI'Y, Bc!£E'Y ',Crandall, Jobn C, I .J;l!ue.;on, Harrid P. 'V;Ir1:lmw, Chtl.tlll(~". Rev. Pel'l'" P i Slwnullu ]Yw:c, :Hutl! B;lssctt ('kru(I,!d/II, Julia .-\, Ilhll(l, J{ls;~j)h L. Kelilcv lj,ltcilin!l. Cl[\rri~s:; ,I W.mIllel'; :Natbnn; Hev, Perry: E: . 8mi~h, :Mnry Beach, Nettie ,Thmicl". \\ !.llia m , Kent' Rice, ~\, .\L \Yeltt>1 John A. Potter, S. Stetson, .F.lizubdh}<'. Ht'ebe LUllpJlf!ar, ESbher I' DMtt!.-:'-\'lIen :\1. i Kenyou, Am"!lllla ){. Gentlemen,30. ,HuBBell, JatllN' SttH'ufln iJ'iiUww, Elminl Britton .:Yub/e, Aunn, Dec, 1). : KDD~;on em)]!, }]enOl' (), L,\lJtEI>, Seely, ,Tulm StUI'fl,'fS, Snfnll Bnrdkk lfamitr(>!i, )telil>M DHnldm, Jamc~ , )[.'I[ellrv eN/I·tf(, Elizubeth Allen lfu('/(im', Hnrl'it:t Seely, E. 8. Thorp, H,lllllUh Burdick, l!'n.nIlY Dye, Georg,~ \\:" Pltlec S/'O'IHun, Phebe Allen (in!h'S, EliZa , Sileldou, Jilux~ol\ V11n {:,Imjwu, L::winb Hums, ~taril.l. : F,,-rry, S. l'Qtlel' l)t(I-row, Elizabeth "Bnheo{'k JJ/ll'did:, Phileua 'Shcl!IV!{: ;,]:t:tsou X'Jv/;:, Samlluill" Vun .1Jleu, Harmall ~ "'Seilj:ullin, Hn1'\-(' .... \V.Prof. ),rtttt('~t)u. ),ftlhnlu I *L!:uph{>nr, ~athan j Ai!lswl~rth\ Hl'Uf." G. 11a:.:.,Qu 11uliuf, 8amanthn VlI1I. Allcn, \Ylllhl111 11. ' ]jeullett, Chnrk8 i). Matti::oD, Lney ":\bIU, Alex::mder ILl lIon, I Alba~ E(lWlH ~L, )1.D. )frtx,;ou lJUt'dick, Susan YlUI C,0I111ClI, Atdn B. ; "'flrn;r\y, ClHlrle" n, ~hxsou ('.jf'jIGl(fl" E:ucUnc I :'I1aj,-w, Cllarlf'ii AU8tln, StcphDn ill. Pottm' llU,/f, ltvi" . Vun Skid.:, Jo1m ~ llurdidt, Chul'l«$ R, Rey. . w. : i\tnllofJ', E. T. " AX'tcll, A!ot17.(1 K Riel; Lanr, :Uar:y .\. 'Wlllkcr. Dtmld ; Cm'jlentcl', Wllllmu MaydolD Gunu.;y, .Jane),l, ,31IlXSQIl, James S. Burh!')', GDoq~e R. SC:tl'lcll, :llfll'tha ill. WeUs, Lynhtn : Ch:lpin, Dennis B. Pel:rv HlJifM, EmUY A. ,!'\[[!X60l1, Horatio Bentou, ,Jobu ! Stearunj Emily n. -White, Clark CoUin~, Amos il., Esq, Pott(~r, Ads ~ i )tcKC(,ll, W. T. Burdick, Th1lllcl T, StU\'gf'.8 Axtell, :\[nry ,\. Whitncy, Ht'llry i Collinf', Lorellzo Potter L(}\'illm :Hoon, Re;!UohlF BlInljek, Henry R. Sturges Joi,;w(ln, J"w~y ~\. Whituey, John A. ' Crandall, \V,·J. C. RUi'$D,i Phebe Nh'el", William G" :U,D, Hmdi.ek, OrIlllldv L.

Trnru:m.J wid,w, Harriet Gcntlemen, tiD, Crnn(\a~r ",'clr:Ont(' Spircr, 'T11('Y Nyc, Eli S., U, S. A. Clmli'ccj ~\HllJrofle \V, Van Alten Fowl,",", .fane C. LAD)F!'l. i Cl'fllldal( lIOnl.L'l' Spice)', 'F'ruelow 0, P:llmltcl', H()nH~e \Y. ! "Clapp, Edwin D. 'Ycnycr E. AlIcnlJw!tiiloJ/, ;\hnln K i Cnn.HIt)}1," ,L~; Stillmat) Lydia E, ~'pctribonD, Daniel .1. " Cl'ItlHl.lll, WiIHalll W., !ltD. VVliL'1'!, 2;;;. , *.BnMwtL arcu" ;\[,ll'ia DrlYli>, JillbJ E. StHluum', Saf'uh, Piel;:d[.. 110l'ace W. Frltseur, Frank Tot,!!. " " . ..l8. 'Bowcn I'f-f"!}, Hetl';{'Y i Pnrit, .fobn Vall Aileil 111ft;/, Sarah A, I 1'1':IrsQt!! John S, Ford, D:H'it1~, R<'y., Prof. Bnttliek, Bct;:1cY, i DUnn, M, Yan Siclilr, Harriet A. , Pottl'!', G00rgc W. ; Gl'('{"ll, ThotnlU! l-I. lS·Hl--1B-lL BunUck C/Youlrlff, CclPslia , FUfllll!d, CIH';eOll *YuH Sickl(l1f"llJid(l!l(,H[jl1~! Powers., Jolm 1\1. I HiliLec, Syln:f'tcr )1. (~E'T!'L")U<"', Ihm:lid;;, l)lJllcnn i F'lH'oald CYl'tts Iliih' I Prick, SlIumd R TIig;:rinf', All)} ,\ddey, C. H. Btlrdi('1~ Slm,'IIS, Emily i Gl'{,-On,.l. \V, 'V1Hl';WOl"tll, Emt>linc }'dee, Ira P. ' Holtlcu, lIoralX' Alleu, Austin K Clark. ?lIarv Breen, .T. Clwudh-r 'V,mim;t'SI'(lII, Emily Hnndolph, _-\~~)L F., Prof, : Hoo};:I'1', LloYll Bnbt:oek, A. '1', Conts; HUliict : Gn.'cUlllf!)l, Orluudo S.,~I.D. Wcllti Cl~Ji*,n Rlecl Newton ! Hull, p'rnnldin Bas;;dt~ Thtylics 8. Coot) FaiiQtl'lb, )Jdho;.,'i : llnseUitlC, ,J, *Wbite lhll'lI B('ujamin F. CmudnU, Phinl:(lS, lk"" Han llarfs/wr", C')I'dt'}i,t : Pnttl'i., 'William n. HOll. Al'mstl'OIl;';, W. E. T ttl" 8 " :11o(lll. E!i;;:h[l Dun'S, H('.UTY ~ ""HlIl'tshorn, )Iadc!ia I Hichal"dH;H, Thuma" Axtell, 1m A. , \\~~I\~.:~I~pr~SimC{ln S. ' NJdltl'iSOh. :\mhrosp DUlll!, Edwin K. lhwlcy l1otUduy, ,J IJNlVEHSI1T . 13

.~--.~ .. - ... Van ~\ntw(,l'PJ John, Ro" ,Burdick, E1):;}\(\ D. 1TIddgcman, Sarah E, Carte-f, \Villil; Dl'undtlgc,1in)'), I Redfield, Angclie.'I. Whitm:y, Jobu A. : Bnnlillk) llhtllicw S. ,Bnrrows 13"';'('r/!J, Rachel Ghomo(>l'lnin, "William \V. Bull:ll'd '''is/if:!", Hannab A. ! H.cTtlolds, ~lnry)L Whitovy, Henry Burdick 1ielriu A, W. ; eMul)\' (J£tberl. ,\drlin A. Cburry. Jall~es Burdick Ph:rci·. Eliz:lbeth : *Hl(ler, 8U1mu Worden, L01'OI)7.0 S. ; BlllXii-::k; 'fhoTDf\;\ A. I C:JPro'u sma, ""Fillthy)L Co:lt&, lllorn" n. C,mllJllell .. taOI, .,\, JCll('ttc Riley !lUl; Lucy A. G-euUemCll, iG. ,Burdick \VHlimu C. ,Curtner . lldi'idj''', Evellnc C. Corey, Joseph L. eM'tICr, .Mahdubel ,almlldel'll ['OGII, Emeline j CnmouH, Leoll(tl'd D. Ctlse, Caroline E. i :iuyl('(11 :.'l!m·thn B. B. },ADtES. i <;nld'rc~l, Jl~n~e~ _~. Clark GrecH, cltl'omw • Adams iris/,. J.La'), S ,enmp))!;:!!, elutlk~ A. . Clark JJraflu)P:) ~ehWl'l CnmdnH, H!ldcl 1", Cuulki1l5, eb:Il'iLY 1.1. i 8nyles, Kezin .K. Alp(\, :Uaria i Cltlrk, W.Iliam S. Cuun Bllf't/ick, }funcy S. Cnllldall, J,\irns h-\.' ~bE"tr)", Min;'!" .,:\.: i Scott, .-\lmillft UlIl'diek Beeve, Lavlnia : Corllwall, _-i.. R., ReY, Pro(.· COQn Ji,m,'f/i', Samh erosR, Ralph ft" Cherry, f:klmh ::;herm.fll) KenYON) Hulda E, Smith. Anlltl1(ht Burrows, Elizl1b01h e. Cmlldall, W. L, V. . "'Cotlrell .l[OiH, )Illl)' :.\L Fllllmt'!" WHllmu 11. , Clark EN!"!;!, Gmce .\.. Coon ,,)'piceJ', SUf:l1l If. Cmndall, Jamc5 H, Cl'ft1H1llI lludlmt, I.1JliS Gaston, Schnyler:'lf. : Colcmlm. !rene Sorter, :'llary A. CUHld.lll, Ad,lUne . Dimmick, IHr:1'oliuc F.. Goodl'ieh, Dwlght \Y, COr1:weH .11<11'$4. Lydia )L I Stllhuall Jo.:lsworf!" Eleanor Crandall La/k.llI, Sld3:tll. E. ; l~tly, Huel 'Downing) Corilclln Goodl'i«ll, 'I'imoth\' ll, Dllllt!'C1UOllt, 80phh I 11. U!.I!I,t;lll'nJcott,Am!l.nd'l~r Fenncl', 'VillinlD H. . E:;~(()lllJruN:, Rhoda C. GravcS,Ol1{mflH . Ihvis ~lm,wN. Jllli/i, B,'tscy (Tile." Wmhm H. : G-tmuD'~ J[ol"rilll/fOIlI Jnl!;L-1., Leonuul, Wuitel' I FUITllllll, E. Antoindte , Whitlll'.\", NOlley , WiLeox, Hellen' Hmt BloWJw'ijdu/e,Phebe)I. Gl'~l\'es, JCl'cm!!lh I' GOl'tOJ~ )!Rt.i1d;) E. V:wis, L\"lIWll H, i "'Pisk ,,"'.J<~'ICfl', ,Tulia .:\f. Hill, MuWd:t' ~ Grccn, V;mhnn L. ,Ihle, )bl')' T. Lymttll; He-nr~', ]iLD. I Fnl1mcr Sf'))l'. ~\tlnlinc ! 'YiHl;rlllS };((/('I', Harriet Grecn ~'Niftl}l(fJi, J.lnJ"t.ha 1L GllilI(il'd, ItrcdlCl'id, 'V. I lI:ilt" Enuml )'Iajor, John 1 Genun;;; Browll, :.'ll:lry J. , , , LadieR, ItJ5. __ GfCDU .1/II.1-'JOll, H,munit A. 'Iblc. W11li;,lIn Hemphill WldfjO)',I, Ruth ,:U:lr\'lu! Jmncs, Re", Prof, Gcnung jJi,ron, )Iari.'1 P. .IutaL. .. I,;). K(':t'f Alba, ,Jf\nctlc H\dc, Eline E. Kenyon IVtf}:;)",", 8:unll K 1tbytlole, Arobd (fe-num::, Amunda )L "'Ken, ALn'lhn E. Hillc, A[atthcw Keuyon ('/,amp!;u, HilUll!lll )feC{Jl'mi-ek, Pafriek I "'G'lodrich 11m!. Elltn B. 12,1G~18±" Li't: Furr!, El"lrn )L Hale, Knowlton ill. )Icl'rimau, Joel R .• Rcx, Gregory, SI121m >., UK':"Tl.I·:.\jf·:.:-<, Lee Hum/g, Orpha C. "'IIllllct, Snmuel Kiug, :-'fnl'la. A. :'llc,'l'iman, Setb II, Hnk [/lI.<;>ttl, Sflmh '1', 1 *.;\.l1on, Lyman *Leonard ROJt, )ol'\111 Hamblin, :;\(nrtitl E. LeSner Burrill, Armilla ]Iinior, Will1nu, S" )LD. Hnye.s, Cor(!liue. R. , Allcn, Joseph S. I ... mg:worthy l'ay[of,Sr\l1tltE, f{Mltill.Q;S, Hobert::'lI. "'LeSuer Iluui, Phebe K Nichd~ol1, Hu;lJcrt K H(>~gellOn.'\ (bum, ),fltJ'tha A I AI·m"t;·ol.lg, G~'Olf!:(' H. LrmgworthJ', Eli .....'t A, Hiteheoek. Luke H.. Llclon:;. l)Jeri/biIlY, Su.rnlt p, O"UOrl1, Fn'dcrif-l;: S. Hessclton Bf,e!'tJ".1, Clelll<:.n~ I Beaeb, Chitrks~, ~I:ix30n> M;\l'lette ; Hitchcock; Arnd ~IHg"ce JIi:r, :Mary R P,tltnct" Cbnrlc6 linc.. i13ell, Peter ~IaHOll J{.. Crtfy,.Jel'ltsJl:l~L Hoppcl) .flfl'etl R. )'InttCBol! )/0011, El"ira P!llmiter, Gcorg-e J. Hopkltls, Al'nllu 'I fleunett, Gcul'~e D, Pecl;:hnn:L 1.01;:11 H. : Hoytj J. Wcslcy Nodo/l, Slunh Pahni.wl'. Silas' Hoppe\" /:l1'mpum, EUBB!l F. .i3lnghnm, William }L l-'enfiehl, 13elindn ::;. : Huglw:', Rol~l't II. Pingry, A udill, Elmll'ft PlII"ke\" ZalmHna IIop[!t;(, CIWIIIPr-d(fill, Chris- ! Bllm;, DavId E. Picrce, Elenor IIun, Tykr Plnt'k. i'il,,>n;wi() )Icrjjhl Pnttt'l'wn. r: og-Cl' tinnu ; Bmtt, George W. Peny, Benjamin Hurlhcrt, Lrdin ' BI'('. C('phu~ '-"Porter [Junlid, Emilv Kenyon1 J:m:d, Rt.'v. : Pirr!!t', J!1lH.) I'otteI'CralldHll.RnphclDl;tE.: LeS\ltW, [1':1. ; PoUi'l... £1\'11';1. PdTY, LUIllft\l Kennedy', Itebe('ea Brewster, Delancy 1.. l'vttcl', Elvinl. I>t!,ri,;, 8iu;eon H. : PottVI' pope, .Allgr.Jinc Ph'n.:c, Ira B. Kenyon, S~ll'ah )l, Browning-, Judso'n, Sr,ttCl'tfC .1hl"l'ift,:\1l11'tlill)'f. Llwnnore. PhHanililll P. ' '~Pot[0r J/URt'f)(', liannah Pitt~, James L. l.a.u!!:worthy iJt!l.ifllllill, )[a1'- Brundage, CharleB W Saun,ders Lnl'irthy W(':.'('{,fl, Har- *Bt'llmltig(>, ;\.udl'cW J, Sheldon, )l!u... A. M0rrlL~, Cb:wiei\ Shcnillln Bo,"o,~"Hl1111tnhJt. HiCl\ n, l'iet A, Rn.rdiek. 8tC\)llen, Hcv. Sheldon 1"0"'((1'1 Phehe i )Iootl. Andrew F. Smitb iVo,,/";"orl4:! Lvtlho IUdwrdwn, 'l'JlOIWIS ILanphear .lIaN{)ft, Llll·Y P. H\U'dit'k, Joe ,\~, SllcJ'uwu GJ'''~)t, Emily : :Moon: Dl:llllli:o, L ~ Smi~h, E!h::lheth.~. ' RO){Ol'R, 'VUihHll H. l.t\WI·ClW1', ClmrlnILc:11. Burdick, Avlmer D., Prot. Simmons..'{tcwad, :\It\ry , ~Iurt\m'th) 13n me" 1 Staunton n·;j.J,tiiltill, .Jane ~\, &'Wles, C. Lorin f.l1wr<:mce, ;'hl')' J. Btm::!ick. Stl1lmnn H. StcIJh<1I1:;, .J'I1\('. 'Ohn;,teot"i, Wlllillill TL ~t'lIT, Plu:lw E. Silnp>,on, George B. ILeollnrd ]>l"t"I'. uu·ollnc "'BufJldd-:, Smnuci S. StlUman )."!!is, 'LUlllo:a A. : OlnlAU'JHi, &mmel 'Stlllllll.l.lt, Amelia E. Snnth, Bkhnl'll G. I LewJt! Prisf)((~, )'l:!tilda.:\f, CnUJpbeH, Ori;on S. Stlllm3u. lliebanl 13, 'lllt.;.I;ce, .-\mella D. ell fey, Clinrks S. "Stmman Blu·did.:, Hilnll~h' Payu0, WHlia:n \V., :M.D. 'RtHlu1ftll l L:nlkl E. E. l'Uts, Samuel D., ~M.}). 'StHlmau WiUiwil.', ('hnl'- 1\:lylur, Cliurtei\ -::.tr1", Huntet _,\.. Chllrin, Chnlks W:" S('ott, )Iul':',lwll ' WilInnlW!,Ibl<'#,EllznbelhP Wheeler, William ,,,', ~nll1nll{}nl 8tU'!lh W. Cb!l8e, 'f. Sclon, \\,!lUnrtl ; Wlll£lt I Bl'Ildlo¥, WLHhuu H, V:l1l Sidde, Petcr Rlrllcy, '\\.. l~man ,.:\P!lkhee Harhft .llcli~l'a Par!,:c]', 'j'll!lllkflli R. ! l')1"war(\.1, Al1wrt C. llridgc·rnun. Quar/u.s D. Waite, :Kewton B{'oj;lmin, D:\ulel O. Beil, Harriet' Parkcl' Pulrrl(J", JOflnn!l I Eldred) P()l'JT 11)'owu, Joseph H. Wond, JOf\eph)'1.. Blld,,'sj EphraIm Hell. CMh!lrlnc \~~Hibolle }f,d,!, Esti!cr ~L I ~ng'le, :~I:l. .. I{ingtoD .\. 1 BClllwtt .IIlC!/, Syh'ln Imgrey, ,\IUlll'n ~\. ,Englo, L );r. , l3l'ow\)~on, LC-;'l C_ G{'ntkmelt, liH. Bmndt, Thomns W. Bl'OWllliOn, S;ll1mel I l.MJn:s.. Bl'owu, H!lryoy '~Bellnett Sewf#,.(1I!, Adnlinc Pottl:r BaiJl'G!"!.', EliZlt : :Enil'ett, Ifa:w~ncY, , fill.cl;:hW, George R­ Allhotf. ,'ii/yd,;)', l1m,;I:t Hrnmla);l" \rictol' D. Uostwick .!{If/FI!, Flur:, J, Pottt'l' (,(/1m, Lucy A, : Ferl'Y, Elij.'l.h . ; Bmdi.c.k, BUI'l"OW';, ~t 0'1 Aldridg·e _.J !f<:,;,. FltiyjJla Umneron, Jl1mes T •• Hon. Bostwick P1.limpf!m, Ann Randolpu, Emily E. , v""llJeh, JMn('s B. i IlOll. , Benjamin Pafmifcl·, Sal'I!l! CnIT, Geol'ge N. . i Briu'oll, ~I(lry Haymond, Virgini:l ' Fllimcr, H~~,m I' 1_ ... 14 AU'RED UNIYEHSITY. ALFn~;D CNIVERSITY. 15

Flllton, ,T08Cph ,Yo IAxtell, ~r:wy H. Rllthboue Cll.'IMJII{'k,Fr~nCf!s (hge. Moses D. Bn,%ctt C!'.Il"l:, Ahl1'J S. B. CrlttetHlell, Lcwi." ISllcrwln, TI'l1l1Ultl H. ! Haywood, ;\fury M. G.:rdncr, 8yh-anus, : Bcl(kll lhU,i'l, Ami Rathhone Cilltij})u('k,Jcrtliilw DllYfJIlPOl't, DwlglIt SimpAoll, Julm E. i Hougland, Elleu Gouduo, IS"ltlnh : Bell, )(ul'thl1 B. Davie, 3IHe" K . 'SmtIh, JIll\' G, HOAgland, Hftllllah Honlon, GeorKe It : IknjillllilL Emoril1a 'RtltltllmH:Spi"I,rtf"Doren:; E. D1\vitl, N('isOll D. , Sm.ith, ~, IT. : 1ml"l ;<'fnn' E. i (tl'Nm, tnkc ,Brownillg" Jla!lll1lh E. HtWllOhls }lrVe lJurJiri:, EliUlOl.'N. Faulkuer ·Jume.s H. : Tracy, SOIOllli.m .1olm~nll, 8:trah ,1. Fellner, JUdl'OW J. Vnn Crnnpeu, "\Villbm ! JoltUf;(m OUY:l HUI'Hmt, Myron B.nn:" hno'!';l11 SaulHkr,"., Hannah L 1 Hmlbm, Henry )'r. CadHc, Belinda : 81.~$Oll, Emma E. Femler:l~llshuP,,~\I::j U.S.A.' 'lall Cumpell, Ambrose S, JOlles, &U'ul1 A. HnrlLlllt, Ch:wh:,; :4. ChrHnDerl;;',ll, H{lAl!IJI1 'Stetwn, OVhelin. Fifch, D",,11; ~, V'al'rs, Phibnd{'rR ,JOllC~. Fralleps O. p'obei>', :JII1t{)l\ D. Webb, Shc]Jpllnl ' J\tnt, AlIl'illa Jatjueih, \l'H~){'r Cll,'1mlJ<:d .. lu. Lw:y W. i t\tcyenll., )'I::u'Y.:'I1. ,rHlbm JOlles, Hivl1mond ; Chamberl:lhl, Ala)'\' .J. : Stone, Lyilb ~\. p'ox, Itrc~lcliek n, \Velltttan, ,J, : Kt'nyol1 Jlm'''r.m, Joonua Fox, Cllarks .\, \\'11('<:1('1', ,Tnlllcs 11. Kiune, i{ezl.aIJ p, ru\lT, JO~()I)lt K : C1HI}lin, Frnuc(''J .t . Stnue. :f;\rah K. Lewis, WH Illn) H. : CiH'l'l'Y, Sarah ,Sw(>('f, LUl!r.,t r:(r'~~~;U,~.CI:.,j:;.·. ( Whitmiln, Og-den II. I.. llIlIJ!tCftl', 1-lar)" R. Lewiil, ,,'llii'cd i:"l. 'Corcy, II:'l'ri('t 8, 'Thomas, Pruilont;e O. G "" ~ ~~". i Wllbcrtoll, Geon.;c 'L:mpIJ()[lr, AUnlE Z" Loveland, William T. Core,.. Pel'UH'lki ~L Tl'ttUltUl, )Inria GI'(~ell,' Orsun n ; Wlkox•• Jnnw(l C, : Le:l;;:I1. Loui:i'fI :Hl111ory, Hil'nlll W. tnlHdall UJI'ld".id:. 1.. ..\I:trh.' Yall AUel1l!llllf, 8:mlLI.L Halbel'tl ~\le"',;is L ,'Ylllitl.illS, LcUo1' N, Ll'Ona~l'd Hfll, Anu)'L i Leonard. 3Iarin. ~[tdl(}ry, Rllflh! CnmlblL Xa!"eb,;n' 1.. V fin ~\llell, Cynthia Hnll, Ij'(j K_ Wixon, Aaron • ?Illtrsil, 1.eyj C. *Cnlur.:,H RUl'dick, H!tHlltlh, *\'a{) lloos('u Fa.'" Lydifl J. H~dge8, AIJrllUl. D. I \\'ood, Janl{'$ ~\, : uwls, Sophl:l E. "laxson, J;1mcil It ~L ; Wean']', Hal'l'id. I1ooKlnud, GeOT1{i'~ II. I \\'oodward, .UmHlt S.,Sl'l'~'t. Lewis, Cluriudn E. Hoor;ltmtll.. Coll1Tnbus S .•\. 3fnllury, Rimel' }leCooll, George H. Edw:mls Rich, )!ll.IT E. ; Wells Po/tCl', Snliy ~'l, 'u. McCray, Holx:rt II., Hey, Em(,l'"on, .MM·\, E. ' . W()US, .Emma E. HolUdn\', Jlomcr • G('IltlemclI, W'l. ;\lttrUn ,Wt", Jmw L ..\Ierriman, D:t"rJd B. ' Farnum. E:iza' A , \Yhirc Haliel', )'Illlcr\'11 N" "HolUill\\" Lorton I U,UU0i. *3fnxWJl P!J('J.i.~, .-l:nal·Ub Uid(b.ug;h. EmmetL Fnrunm; Mary V. : \'.'1litue,:;:! Fid('lin ),1. Hollid:l~". Amos O. ~-lHH'I'lon, )!;1ry AlcC(H'tll(!}" EHxab[';[h NeW()Olllb, ,Tol$eph C. .i<'ml'lll', )[c1i&;;a L. WHber, t)arah A, IIubb..'lJ:.r, William ~I, j lleaeh, C:I]'ulim.' )L )leDuii"tcf), Elanor Hull, Himlll D, ''''Bdl, )hl"l-{ltl'dtt1, )ll';iail', }larh~H1;W\ Parker! Cllndes C. ~'111'I'd1. .:\In .. )' :K : lYHnn:, "\!l0nall 1:'enney, C. Cyrenm: Foot, Hrtfrid ' Will',:)"';:, ,Emeline Hunt, l':'l'Ly,:.n:..... Killg', Johu CmnpIJl:Jl, 3TafrieL(a Ostnmtiel", habclla POTpie) Kli,,!Pl ,J., ),1.0. French, Cnlharhw , Abbott, Dnuiel Lnngwo~'t.Ly. C.hark:> '.y, CalTolI, Abigcl11 P,'ltcllCII, Eliza R~t.llbolle. Job B. Fuller, . Hjn'i()t : AdnuB, .Tobn LNeh, :EIJ.5hj, Onl'tf'l' JlcNt'mtw, :XmJcy 3L Pellll!:Y, ,\I:u'" 0, Rathbone, \\tUUalll B. FuJu:u;'r. Zel'Uyjah : Allen. Joseph L, LClwlJ, Jl\lUI?S H. Cory, 3b.ry S. Plckelt, LUl'fmla RaUlbonc, J:lllle!l- D. Gilhllmf:. Lydkl A. , *.-\l1e:I., XOI'lllitn;l}J.pLl' .S,A. .l11ll'tJIl, Allen H. eMt', Comc:1i:t.K Potter, EUy.abetll Hc\'nolds, St('phen p, Gorum, Senlplmia C. Allnn, Joseph )1. SInrtill, JoLm Chaffee, :Uamhmll ]~. H-t'ynolds, Lyoi,' ,L Ro/,!;en<, William 31. GortOll, Mary .n. Ameut, .;{athnu B. )L'Ilmu, Chal'l!';;, W. Chtlmbj~]'bin, Llleiudll . Hiclwto~un, ~[ftl'Y ,I. HO!l-s, Ak)l1;1o S. Guyou, Ahigail Atherton. Cyrus C. .llaxsoll, Darwiu K, ]{n·., Ch:llullel"hiln, ~blvjna Hohcrknn, SArah 3L RonnRcwll, ,Jaml's H. JImL. :\[urv A. , Buk('!", Beuj;lmin )'J, Cbaplajn U.S.• ", CO:HS LaIlIJwonk,!, BHlly L, Rubill:i'otl. Ann E. Sayles, Atll'id K. Hart, Al1llev .1. . Bingh:nu, };.ndl·CW ,1. *'}[UX2011, Seltuvlel' ~\., *L Conldin, S:u'nh ~-t Satterlee, 'Lw:n:!iu. )'L slicloOll, William, P. Hemler, Sa~rah 8. Black, Elon G, S, ~\. " Conklin Ll:r, }lnrg1l.l'l?1t. H. 'Saunders, 3frrry O. Sintl';;lon, Amlrcw J. *Hoa!';L.'I1ul, EIUli{'!'.'\. Bradley. Solomo)l )lcCnftnf'Y, JIIBlC;; (;'0011) Ellza A. Sdwuuon:I', .Juth. SiSWll, Alouzo C, HUlle Emellull Bl', Rcdmorvlll, L('Oli;wd, COI'llCli:l i Brown: COl'o(]on Newell. \Ym. A DllYis, 3h!t,I' Smith, BctllC,Y Stcvens., J:Hllc:< H, Lrmn;11'd. Sophh , JlI'own' WillinlH Nowell; Pe)'I'Y, DaYis, J,IB0.\. Smilh, Hnrl'lct SylYest0f', George Lewb p,}[f~j', Phehe p, Brown: Benjamin F. Nwhoh:., Ilclll'v C. Dolbec-, ;\fm',Y StC"llhCllS, :\h!\·v)]. Nit'lloj,!" Edwiil "'Dmr, Sophia Lnct'lla T~l1acller, Solol! 0., HOll, )l:Jjur. Julictt{, n. Burdielc Onltllel IL S. Stc"o.:l1~ Vall Blll'()f), LiYiugslon 1. 3[(l1hll'\'. AbiUi1il Bnnlkk. :E::1\'l"in 1(" )LD. Norton, John *DOlT .:Iwlel'flUf/. 8:,lina St(,ycn$; Surah OrtOIl, Thnl1l:l8 Do~y }Jurdid.', HenrieHa Slillml)ll, Ahby E. Van Vchml', Elii'lm ,:\1:,'\7.011' J/ciT,mulI, Ellleline Burdick, RUhl'. : ]rOWIN'. Charlotil; :\L \YHlil1flM Williams, ~al'ah Woolt;:\'er) In.U)Of>. Pierce. Eliza H. COOpty, Stephen P. Rohitl~OIlI Lnciall H, G0WOll, Su;;;mL. "'\YHlhtlllS CU1'

*YonD,!! King, Ebnot' B. JOIl(,S, Is:.mc ! 1Valh.'. E. G. York, K. H. Y. King, George N. 'I \Vnlkc"t·, Simeon ;\IcAlmOllt IVa,.,,, r, )lll'a~\'1 HU$wol'tu, UJark Kima:y, WilU:uu La(Ueil, 123. Kittk, Samuel p, WC-:1YtW, William E, )IcGollum iJrai;;trd, Kfl.t·lm~ IBl'ai$t('rl, John I, 1...a.neili;!Cl·, Gcorp:c TllhL •.• , ...... " ., .. ?.i:,G Larowe, EUJ.!;Cfl(' P. . Wells, WUJiulll 11, rlllc Brown, Lewj" \ L'\.I~gwortbJ', D\\llld A" Lewis, William II. , Whccle-r, Alnnsou )tt,Co)"llli<..'k, KatllQ)"jl)(: Brown, ,Ja11lc~ 1.. Capt. U, ti. A. 184:3-1B4t1, Leach, EU;1-1m ; Wheeler, Jmli!.» 1tlcUUl'dy, )Ial'gtH.'et :U. i Brownell, Henry H. Lfl1lgWUithy. Edwin flK);TL1'.;Ul'::-:. Lesner. Cyrtl'lV;. IWhIpple, V"':'llusinn ~fcNilirj San,b W. RlJl'{]jek! Orkmdo Laupho.1r, Erwin Abt)()H;, WiIli:Ull p, ,Lord, C(lI'llc!i\IS H. White, lsoflc Norton j)(JUIlt.. 't:, Oplielj,l C. Burdick, F. LeWIS, AIV"in.\ .. He\,. Aldt'idgc, ~]\llrles U;tllory, Rufus Whltmnu, C. C, Ostrander. Sylda L. Burdick, Edmmlll LO\'CJllUd, David A, Alleu, ~'ayctt0 :'fnson, Eli1$ 8. Wil!i;lm=>, EdselT'. PaJmiter Pl1llRf:/', Phil,;)l:l lim'ling,mll:, LUUh~1' H, ,Mallory, Almcr E. Allen Fr:mck: )ll'lttlie,y:), Chttdes n. WHson, Bt}uja:nin Pm'kef, :'!arg;net A, Bnr]jn~IHlm, JoJm :'\Inro:elf, .John 1'. Amulet, Beujamin F. 1ra~wt1. l\hH''1h;\l Wittcr, Chut'}(''' II. l'cck, FAther 1.. Bt;"l1Htlll, ,f~lmes \V. )far.+hnll! Frflllklln .1. Bale_om, HClll'Y C. }{W£;;oH', GbDJ1!::C W. GcuUemcu, li}L :Pcct,l'hcbe g, Calkin'), Phineas W. Mnxsoll, .J'jjlll Bf'"<'m, Henry )1. )IcGn.rLhn, Philip W. LADIES. "'I'oUor ElvJr:t tJampheJl, William ~1[lXBOIl! :'\liltV,ll H. Bell, )brUt! A. )tcC~IUUmj Finley Bbkcly, Harriet F. Potter, Elmim . CaJ1)t;llkr, Phil;md"I' H. )1ax$(11I, DaVIdS, nell, Hobert 31cGoont:JI, Beuton Uosem\):uk Slu'ens,Lucy .\, Potte~W.!tilw)!;l(.~. ,Clark, ,1,..i\. )!cComln"w1 Higlltcll K, BeITY, Riclmnl W. 1.feCunly. Amlt('w Bowell, Julia }'. H€UWlCk, }i.1l1I1Y E. Clark! llil'lillt )IeGoHlwll, HB1ltull B1b;S-, Bcnjamiu'!'. lIcIl(if(lv', fL W. BrewCl', Eli,m G. R~YI.lold:'l J1(!~lH!. 31>1ry .i. Clark, GcOJ'~~' :'IkD01VcJI, FrAnk Biivcu. ULlllrk); II, ~fcIIcllry, Hcmy Brimutci', ).Iilry IhcJmlOlld, N1U\t:y J4, Clark, TIemy McHenryl HOt(WH BOllton, W"lIl.i:Ull }IeVt'Plt, Camel"0!) ,Brittall, Alid~l, ,\, HklllllOUd, l::!URftU ;\, tJolc. A!JIll'!' ·IS. Mitchell, ,1. H. Bowell, .h:mrtLliflll II. ~IcVcall, ,Juli:m I' Brown, )1;)1"Y E- 8ftunde~, Sarah Cole; Jhvhl NettUy, Frltnklln ti, HI'iUlUlel". Bnrnabas },fcY/o,Ill, JImncr Browl': 8nl':dl A. Sel!olll ..Jane 1.. , Conklin, RtHigli Renny, WilHam L Britt;m, Lcwi~ )H1hml. Eclwnl'd S. : Browlllug, ltulry .\. SCHOll, )I:u'Y ~t Cook, I<::dwln Nc.wcomu, 8olmnoll A. HTO\,I1.. Alldl',;W *:iHllC!'; Edwin It, BulklU, lIann;;!! A. I J. Sn~ith, }~lUc1im:, 'iI(;UOI\. Ahlll'l' ll. "SUl'~, lj, Norl'1r>, :1('th H. Bmwn, Philo )Ioujton. Hiram ' BUl'll1ek, (Jyntllitt J. Spmti!, EllHUll.1. $. ,\. Olin, .:\lnr(-eJJo ""Calllp!)clt Ed"l.\'Ill K, 1"I'\)f, ;'[uHell, I~n!\e V. • i DunIkl,; :Elt"im .\. Sf-an', ElizabmJl CotlrelL 1... 0!Jt)e.lll:! .:'Ie, RcY. l)uddock, Boswell A. Chudwlek,' Chlll'Irs n. N"ewll1;ll1.:L n. ,Cndy, l::hH'lIh E. I Starr, S:mt1.i ~f. 'CrmujaH l{, L. P{liuc, Cllltl'l{'s N. Cb.amuet·hill, Thomas J. i{cwlmm: J. H. : CrlIllIJbclll'iekd, Laviula ~\. ! Srebbim, EugctJi;\ ; Cfllmlrtn: EdwiIl .B. Parkhill, Reuben A., :31. lJ. Glltunplin.SanmeLL,l: .:1,A, Norton, D'l"d~ H. 'CmnplJdl. )L1\'g~H'Crt[l ~turdevnut"t e)Jloe ~\.. ! CT"..lud.'lllLDlllllel H. Plll'nteTltt'l', j)lwid V. C!KIIO:C, HOI"aet) .\, ~OyCA, Albcl't G. C;WP C!1t(:!'\ AUl111Ul(. ,ThIlll)fi») ,.YUl'glll'"!!t I Crou(>h, ~vi l'cck" M{lUficC A, Cole, Dayju Osl;oru, Lester T. ~halre(1,:\ an' L. '; ~ fnuller. Susall ,CrutteudOll Lewi:;::; Peck, Dauiel O. Cole, GCOl·>'l'~. Parker, Bcuj!\miu Champlin, )(:ut!nt Taylor, Soplllu.lt. : l>l1uham, :.\iincr B. ' I1c.n'l, WilJil:UlI Y. (JoIliu!;, WilHotH W. ' \"t),w,Y, OIh ('I' L. "'CMliub IVlltJi,ourfn, !SUlleY Thoma.., Braum, TJ\.'Jell)1. i Eusigll) Elisha D. i"'ettlUonu, Hif',llll C. Conkliu, EllSi~n I cck, H<:my A, :\1. Tll~nwa, Mal'Y ,Estci1. OeOJ'g0 )L Pierilou. Ephrllirn C\)Oll, Christopher 1'r(:l, Jmne:;, Hc\'. Comlot't KHJlt/ore, S:trrth E, 'Ymto JJUl'tml, AUa:U6tH : E:::tll.<' Elijah Pi.crsol! John H. Cot.tou. Samuel p,)!'t. (;!\lII"!C'" E. COllVel'0e, ElIldil10 I "'Waite Hall, 1tltl'j':E, 1<~il.1'T.,'1', Bymn Pitt, WIUhull W. CramhlIt. Nnnis _L i I>otter Alonzo Cooper, C;lrollnc C. Wal'tcn Lo,:duurl, L0UI~H l<'ic}{l, WilJj,uu ~\. POltCI', 8hmiey Crandull, Ahoond l\;. I PowelL &.mmcl Coruwdl, F~mlH' ~\. II 'Wells Lum:, Altllllll. Frnt:borll, l>(d:mcy Pottcr, John U. Cmntlnll, Joel Jl. ; PraU. Daniel;\L CnHldllll Cf)I!I'·o·~·(" Lu('y 1'. ; I '~lJ~dorj R~lOdll:\L Frec:)Ol'Il, D(lvld U. RCl,~!l, Edward l<'. Davis) .AndrcwJ, I RrYU{ilds G00!'''e l~. '~Crllndtln /'.(!'/JII!l'd,Jull:tl'. \\1 h!f.!ng, ywuu:t (~a~C', Edwin lkyn"td~, NeW(>( L, Hi'\". Da\'ls, Aetn:. j n~;ot1ril, BlI,'ii!- R~ : D.lOl\, Di;mtha Jl, ! Wh:t~m.;, Zerdda Gt111Ull;.!', WilliaJ'il W. }{OKCI':;, Eli ,J. Davis, •.l,ndrew I RHo(", ~. H. ! Denn, )I\ram\:l. B. 'VhTtlll,l{, Aug:cllCtt ,1. GlIlett, Hco!·;.{l..' R~er~, JlllllC'''' If. Dnvis, HeHl'v 'Rief', .1IlIt'<> : Dewey. )Hncrvtt Whiting", Emer.1. Gihn,llv .hAiu }{'HV{" .\Fa'V. DewmlOre, NOl1.nan i Hichfm.I:;Qu, ,T:w[,:;;un ' *Dlekinsoll, )'Ilnerva I •. \V!Ic::,x Jinww, )larj,. H)"cCJl. Lnmllx,) ltowJt'y. J. W, Doolittle ulmlwroou ,Rogers, ~\lbertu.& C., Vent. ,Dol", )J:lrftal'(Jt j W!'kmtl, .'\melia , (i-rcell, WHIhllll }{Ufit'l'~ n. Y. Doey, Frankliu B. ; (T, 6. ~L IEn;fllf'o(;01!(fI':c!I,ElbtuethL. \V~ll!:-nllil hlll'u;·((,". HIHTid : *Gn;el!, },.therill$ H, Rut;'Jl'j Lr:wb.\1. Drake, Peter I Rns~clJ, Cll:a'les C. 1 Fi)!.k~Emc1hlt). \~lIhllm", ~f:u'Y L i GTeeu, AIVel"O J. S:mmlt'h'. ,\llJel't \V'j 'U.S . ..", i 8tiilm(l/I, Dunhutll, T!iomlu StHlIH.lcn;, I&a:u;.lf 1 Greenottp;ll :\I"l'in Worm!.r Ihln/;'il, .1m)\' R ,GI'I:(;I:, ~!tdd<.H1 i5::mnd,:I'I', ,JmwiJh No Entoll, Geor;4tl B. ; SV'JI'k, 'F. D. I :\1. Wl'l:~hl, t::arah I;. HrLiClJ, .HllIcr H. i:ll))>i<.':o, L'JliCl] U. Gordon. JallH'>! L. ,gllaw, Romine Gt'c!!.'Ory, Emil... • J. Sd},,:. William \\" f L1vlirl, Io-l. Gn~l'Il!Uan, Willimu g. Grt'co, ,Vmulln L. ; 8h:l.w! George R Ihlher " }{Ul'tim 'rotn!. .. " ..... , ..... , .::.')1:. tJrt)('llm:m, Jolw :31. l::HlIlon~, Andn~l,\' ,], Green, \yUtiam H. i Shaw, E. Hak, Clal"is~a 1..., GrccllllHIIl, }{cyn"ld~ Simoll.'::, Fav~'lte L. Grc.(')}! GOOl',I!;C H ,O::;heldoll, Jolin ; HDniilll.(. I3Uii;IU (iriffiH, ,1:1('1-:;:;011 SiIllOUl", \Vflliam Gl'o"\'el" J,oou:ml P. ! Smltll, Rollin H. I II:ll'tl)',·)l..tl"Y F. (.I;X'l·I,L)[LX. Hliftlll, Bolon Slai;.:ht, Alotllll> T. Gruver, Lt'ol):l.l'd B. SwH.h, D, C. I IInt~fl JJuft;)!nry ;\. Atkn, ,JohJl Hallsd!, n:ll'lilll'r Smith, Frmtd'., 3L Halsey, Ttwmns j Smith, Henry D. i flatt, Jane .\m\er"ull, G:ll1ll'll:l, IJ . .D., Hrll.ben, Hornet· BmW., (feu¥g(' IInD!lo!), .J. L : Spnlgnc ,}:lIne" T. : IIcoyon, Emeline j Prof. Han, {1~'Jl'!-!:e .\. ~]lol)"l't:r, FrankIiIl Ibrtrutll, WiUbm 1... : 8t~mtoD, H. P. 'I HenvQIl, iJ;1l'{Jliue Avery, Andrew 11. ll;u'(!, Ge'II'gc L. HtillIlWl~, CJlc;ltel' E, H'ltch, George, Re\,. '8h1rk!!) Alphens IInllel.li)cek, Ann }:. H.-tLI>, n, 1.. Jhtelt, Charles F. Stmmlln, Albcl't 8. Hnwlcv, 3Iiles II., Licut. 8tdJ[;Clll!. Ai)!';"1I1l : Hnbb_H'd. Antoinette linlib. Lcnmlt'r I:. HaWI1;':, ThOlIllI,; W. ~tYt'jgJJt, ,Jmuts U. S: A. Stcwal't, Aolm B. ! Hnllb,trtl; .\.Inty B. Bakor, .Ieftt'f,;on, Hoa,l;laml, (}1,,'()j'w, II. Tlmt('hl.:l·, 'f, Dwl~ltt IIcd:man, Lewis n. Stoue, nnO;ec\l 'Hubh:1rd, Emily "Hake:', NlIt/!:Io t'., Cnj1t. HOlJit1:l.y,l)allit>lJ1, 'J'jHlHlltF, SHa.., Hemphill, J,.m('~ II. Stone, ~atll:Hl R ! Hurlbert, VcliUtt li. $, A. nnllll"~\ I,ntller *Tltol'p, Simeon .\f., HOl!. HenrJ, \Iorcills \V. SW{!rtwoQd. J;.mr:~ l!;, I Kin2:, ~-\nll E. lLUltel'. Alllm Hulton, I,ntheJ" II. 'l'wHdu:ll, Dwh!bt S. Holliday, ClItl\"ll'H H. : Tde.r, !,[OlT1.s ; King", E;;:lJet' C. Htlssctt, (h:Ol'#,'(~ ll. lIOHild, Jollll V:!lllfol'ell. V, ;;: UoHirlav, D:miel :T~;l'rl'. DOll 'Lnlig.w(!rthyBni.i'.~JII;II, lI:ll'- "'B:lteulIl!l, ,J;)}1lI n.. 1'n,1'. JIulll.:l.rd, 8(lhllllOll U. Vf\U /:l.ieklk (Jht\rk,; S . Holme.s: LYlltml : 1'h~iJ~(;1i, Victor ' tUfl.J. .MaxIeI'. Hemv . Hul~l~(1rd. Ni'tl;ILllkl 11., ·"V:l.ll Biekk, A, Nc!~\>H IIolOlCi!! Samnel ! 'nWltIV$On. Harris I Lord ••-inn L. Hc:teh, 'LI11\y~lti; AdJ, (JOll. L. ~. ~L W:lrn".l', S. D. Hostl':", ,Albrrt : Fowl!', )<:\)in : LYOlI, ~\uJ'cli:l. p, ! 'Vatcl'hury, Afirm\)L ; , Bc'aeh, ~'lt:x;;mh:r I!. IIubixlrd, 'I'lUHllll;1 H. Hubhell, S;HllUd \V. 'I VUll CUfllpf'U, W1UiillU ; Lnm, Deborah Bene-h, )lar!in 1 Whc('lel', j:, C:nnp{!ti, H:mdlll)l\ I :\f:trks, I !Iunl, W, W. Hyde. Rlishu Van ~~bl'is"a .:U. ! fic;l)l., WiUi;tnt W., I'1'l)f. 1 <'.Inhll,;on, CVl'tl:m(i T. WllILf'. E. Ing:hntn, 0,<;,((1' S. Vlt-l f{oo.·,,:l1, L3md .\.L1rion, .:\[cl't:.y"L I BCllU, Jacob 8, ~ Jl)UCS, Gcorg!~ ,K W(J!ltl;Willinll: W. Ingl'ulmm,. j bmJ'Ol.'(l Van Se,)tel" ,fohn . )hxsfJH, .Julin. A. 1 : HigeJQ\\' ••JalUe)! H. KclIoJ4. Hol.'l·l't S. 'Yuodbmy, .J. .1. . Jones, ;\[;\Jor : W,;HQ, D. R. '[[IX301l, )ltu,),.L Blaek, (iltaTlc" 1 K~l!Y.m, ,101m L WOO(hVIU"f! .J;tn)t16 \Y. 1 Room . .Jon:Hhali H. I Kril~l(').. Lym;m 1$, ! WooleYl'!', :\h·:xallc!t'r l~ AI,FIU;!) eNtYI~nsn't. 10

';VordeH, .\k:wmlcr P. ,·~lo!Ti(!, ?lfa!iu,h '('nrr, Jobn F. ShaW, Unrlt,s • : Glblili, ElL'!. . JkllC%, Q."t:tt C. I H:11JSOUl 'Yonnley, John L, i ~('wcl, h'\ltno Carrington. Cal "hi Sbeldon, Jolin 1\ Green, SeHudn L !llcekWith, lV,\'lly<" )Yin/,lm II. : NcwmJu, ':\Il1ryO. Colgrove, L '1" Shelden, Arthur H. i U:tle, f\i:1l'Y J. .BC'cebel' Eitlrld"'(' Gl'nticmcll. H)i. . i Nichols, ElizAbeth G. Conldin, Chnrlcl'! J[, ShcP:1!'d, C. H(,JlI'Y i H~tell, Eliza : Ikll, J11':W. .., j,AI)t!(K : :':ieho!::.on, EU1.abctll.1. . Cooo, C. C. stJcn¥Oud, .-\Ifr('(\ I H,weuf\ l'm"rtl, l':lrtllt'n:l K, : Rhwk, .Tame" ,\:eX.lil(\;:e AtfUl, Eliza ,L ! Ostrander, Zahella 8, ('HrliF~ Chnl'lc>, L. SilnlnOlM, Clwrle" H. ''''Head, Annn p, ! Hillel.:. DaVId ,\1. .\\l'Ymuler. Martha .J. , I'nltuf\', Cbrjo;l'ft t. . D::wi~~ UolJ.:;rt It Sn.iOl, Gcor:;l\ A. I I1ullullrd, Jlar,r A, : Britton. Lcwj" AUtll Wood, Emelim· . Pillmiter. ',\L'tl'Y A. ' DuviE, Gideon W. t;lllltll, Ezra • IIublm.nl. AIm" B. . Brotl",", 'Yells I', 1 I Pkkt,t };,.iglll. 1.1,('\' ,\, I hlnwl', 1IllLtiu Stewart, JO]iU W. ,L:lUjl!I(..',H Lovini.:t I BrIltHlrigt', "'altcrS, Haht), 3flll'i!( D. I J>h.:k('L Haunnh S. ' :. Ell1.{h\ Willlalll A. f/tickne;'·. ~\d(lm \\. T. . finrdkl.:, -81epllt'u I'., .}L D. Ihhh: :U;ln' E. f'iile'e (.."'ilNdall. Uarr1l't ,Erwin, Artiwr I ~ Sll.dw(:'': J:lm(>~ \Y. i I,auphear (.'rid1f:!!, Si;YJllia i Chapin, :.rf)~es P,ah[" Sm:\ili K i Plaec {.'W.rJ'f'MtJ,?!, }intI; , Estabn::wl.;, H. 1,. Stilhnfll), Etbftl1 ! Lt'",1;> }JfS,." Santi! ; Clmmberiain, Alonzo B. Knlltf, Hn.nlt'~ +'13.('<: /il,rdid,', Ludllfln : Feuu('I', Elh'h~ P., Li('Ilt. F. Svpl.er1 Jo"iah H. 1 J.i\'t'1'0101(; If(l~i'ltr/lt'·,.irmiH~' Chnt'ehiU, GOOl"gc W. llrtnmr:l, 31aria A. , POOl. 1'I aU(,C.f l' 8 . .i\. '(:"lYlo)',1m : d;l I" Clad;:, .lothl1m tlklllOll, ~f:try }', Poth r. A.m E. Finf'll. \Yillhul1 11. 'fiJ.l.ltll, Allwrt C. I LOOUli::;, Sophrm,in. It Cl;)rk, nc.wit C. Bl:d,dY \Vealthy lbthb!H\ ,.;"" , \lal"'),1. : Fiudl, ..\tl"'U!'till(' \Y, Van Al\JW(Ti'. ,\Yllriam H. Low.;!l, &1I'a1\ I CoJ~l'on'. John P. 11(Jorn. t~i[!ntllt\ A. !{oocr!"ou V( n,,,mll S(ll'a<: FishN, 3r:-;-hin \'. 1L Waite, L;nlill11 I )Ir-Dufth', V. COmll~, I.;;l't'n:w W. Hr;,!\ Halllln/. E\il.. w~wJl\e!', Philip,'I. I .\(CHmw: ;"\~Hl(·\· .1. COIlt'h, Edwin J. Hu::lard ',';'/,UI'1'. Ellen I.'. ~HUI'th',~, ~Lu(h I C I Ih!li!i('r, Kill.!.!,' H. Wdmlllu, F. I. P. : .l!ctt'~ir Fub,IN'; 1.0(.'\ itlia ('mndall, Albert II., C:-11JL HnnUek, LOI" S. S,llmtle1'~ ~C.\I!ha n (.oiL ,J. Dimick Wdeh, \YHiiam \r. )U!l('r, 3bl';- .c. C S .•\. "'}{nrt1l(·k IhHll1nh ,\. 8atllHkr:i J'{'ikill.~. 1';111/11'1 E, i Gorton, tealldel' W{~ldl, .\I(llJ)w \Y. 'PatlC'llgll fJrM(lI, J,e[it];1 T. CnllltblJ) )[Qr!on 1)" r,S . .A Hurt. So E. ' S:mnd(>rJ. ),fur\' t. ' IfdlHmoud, Gcor,14"{' \\-. WeH!ngtoH, quitwy W. . Prod;, ~ophroHia)1. ; ('mndaH, Wilford W. C,lll!\Jbrll Jrtl~I>!( . •\L1Ilf;! '8ckh(·t ~\11l1)\:'\' ibrt, Hem'\' C. White, G(:"Ol!i~ : l'ecJ" 1·~LI)o..T L. Cramlnll. W. M\' C:\I'Iner, E!lzah.::tli C. Shcrmnll lJur(lirl:. S:\!";(!! ,n'lrt. lIaniclL Wij.:·htnHlll, ~\;l!kr.~!ln It. i POtlN CMm, },jlllirn -'. 'l'wtoldon, L{'tyis l3 Prof. : PQilN. \Y(':lIHn' l\. 'flll'!!:>:(', Hemy J, 1:;U'j'>('nt<'r, ~l:lry A. ! Smith, Ellcn)1. : 1T::skill$, B';Htnll W, C:u·pnltl·r, C. E1iz!tlw:h. : Smith, \fIlii:! -'kilgo. Joel C. WlIkhli', .\lorl'is i Hp!Hl, BC'tl!l'Y '\1. , (;\11'11(,(" Fran,,!s )1. Calite-rliuv, .\\1it'Jia Staunton Wi'lidmwl,Jnm' _\, I Jllp,'h'i<. trw!" \Y. WUlhull)1, Syh'C'Rt,:r ,(, I Bo~.~. I.l('nrir(t,t )1. Cntler. All'l'cd Cill't,.;lit'. C,lfh~1rh)(' ,Bt()untoll Fui-lwfd,Z:dphn]{. ~ Kenlltdy. L. Witll),('. Ephraim i Rou, 1:<'1'(01('(')1, Vi,il)" W,H(' C. : Kinllt.>y, _-\ndn:w Wvorl, Hnlph T. I &a:re, Harriet .Flwd!, Ell\vill C CIlmn" 0, ;'It, P. Fi,k:i:1 SI illlH:ll' J.:{"t!·"rlll,Rhnllr)l. : J.:lug-,\orfhy, i.,.:JlariCh \\. i' 'I Couldin Jkf!. 8diu:1 Tho!ll:i><, i"r"n('·y. F!'ederl{'h: : B(·orille. ,H:llY , ,I·:lt7.0eml;], Th('Hla~ Dnl](,', Panlw!"iv Y:n:gim, L. )t. L~\\TnWl'l Andrew ,I. I \Yl'h:;ht, 'lhuit:: K. : ;:k'iUs J[uTlimlii. lInrrv't .,\, : l<.o"llHl':', Orsun B. I)r..«c. ,}uih Wnrn'll~ )hll'~' L Low' .•-\lmt'r H. ra!\', Il('lllY O. I !::iede!" .\.I:n!hil d. .' : l«JI'B,Yth, Q"?rgc A. }:ddy, S,lrnh }:. Whitlll~~', _\1111 D, "'L;ml!m, Edwin I - (il'litlt'IUt'IL }.'};;. 811,,1\' j,ol<[!wurth:h Lyd\;l;}I. ,FI;i"kr. \\ Ill\,'lm J), L\!Hl';"'. ! I:Ilhl!?"C'l'hllld /I,'I<'(U, Sll':an~' l<'nmJ:lln, ,Jeromt' B. EII\I':I:',I" Cl''-W, .\IH~m(h 0, . Whitnt,,>, 8amh r:. )!;Il'li.'! . .Iohn 'V. I E~h'''. Emil;- :\. ~ WlIto",: Luvy .:'Ibrl~~, JlHm\~ 8. I: ),lw,ml. C!H\\,!nt((· '\' : ll:l A. . FI'{'llC'h., C;ll\-iu AmiL'rton, H:!lnlah D, : ~mith" J.oui"J 1::. : VmKlIilou. Gtl)l"!{tc E. E.tL~. )!,;iI'iIH Wood ..\h1l'Y A. '·:'l:J.xHJ!11 ~:!anHwl H. I; II '~c\llr;dl '/ ,'nw!tU, (':li!t:\l'ill(': Smith, )lat11tlu p, Gage, Joshu:-_ Elmer. n,.'I${'"Y p, '\,"onnll:!. Ellll.!!';' "')!(l~);:2a. V:alit! H" Lieill. , ' li;tlTal.. Lj)tli~ :\L Latltt';<. II L f , ;::-. -"". F. I Smith, ~\ln:iln 31. (;;:llt'l>, OI'"OU C. r"lIllt'\' jljll'l'<, l,1!{'imb Tut;\l. .. ,:(if;, )k-GH.l{,"Il.",". l'iI"itllL Prof. .-\l'llold. HJ''Yid S. '':;pelltC'r Ih,d.tI,·"'],, 1. oI:ric: Gilbert. Elm('y ! '~Felr1s lhl/'"r. ClIl'OlllW )f(>Omber. Hell}'\'.\[' :1 Benjamin, Iklt.>ll _\_ I J, Hilmort', G{,ol'.~e E. (;nl.;;;, Cordelia lo':(I-IfI:d., ::':;t.>I\·11IlLll, Lewh;'\Y. I, Henjtlmi!l, .E\Vit~l ~ Slewl\rL Lnlb I Hallett ••Jolm L i ]>, Glimor(' T!wdti'r", i');1I';11! ;\l. F1:);TI.UW;\'. ' :<:ohie. Jarn('5 r'. , Bern', Emlly~" 1\lggarl, Ha:'rld .If. IIflf(', Bolli:!"! (~n'H'5 JI"!Jw(lI)d. Lut're!iil>L i Ad'lm~, Hobert .J. I :-;~.hk: Cl,nr!!'" Jr, BCITY, Eunkt, L ITltomaB Brown, l!t·l!t-lI)1., tbnnond, Luke C:. Grcen 11,,/f, Mp\'ey A, 1 ~\.llcn, Willi:tm)L XolJk'. Ectg-ar G. B()~l\\'kl" Eliz,l ITltOnliW. Snralt Illa!'!, ,"'mes (.rCt'H, )1\:1 riC'lt~t' I ~\ lIl'u; ,,\wpll Orlan. RohC'rt O. Bl'lt(U ... y, Lydia ,\. , ntpe, :'Iinrla U. Hkkork, L('w1$ A, urC'e1l0pr:lll·t', .. Pr:Hj'~11{TO.! :\m~, FI't"cll()Hl 0, PlItt{'rrOlJ, Elia~ C. BraUlt' ...·, Eli:!;). C. I Van l':U1llwll jJl,,';Jlll L{l~ I Hotdlldsf, Bellton W. GrC'en Jl'iUillll/'{, Eh'im .\, i .\Ilgdl, .Fmllhli.n :'II. : PC"k, John C, Browtl~ (;n'1'fI, &tndt II. \ "iub A. : Hyde, ~Irlvjfl. Gdilin, Lav\uh. IBahco;;k, }todolpIHk' , Peu,';, Bcnj:Huin L. Brundagc. Doull" )1.It'i.l \'iuecllt ;;;!iit!lI1w. Sar;lh : J;UUi;;Ollj Hugh (}riBwoltl, Fr,u!eC'$ E. _ Baker, ,Ioi.m : Pius, LefotCl' C. BUl't, G. Cnibari.ue "',,kCIWUi, 801>!Jio )1, ' J;tlfliwu, :'Ito:rdie:1. I C:ltr1pbdl, Jy:dia A. W("Ir(ll\N\ Emc\iuc 11. I Jones, G. T, Il"dsell 1 Chlrintla B. IB:l!;;er, Orl!mdo.:'lI. Plat!. ,;{ath:ln K, Halbert, Elmim "'Dakel'. RoUen T., ~L D., j POWeril, WiDi.ulli B. tfl!l)cnLCI·. HeUen \YelHngtoll, S:mlh:.\l Kclknger, Thomas J. Carpenter, Susan It. ",YeUi! Slfu'.ul, )lyrtu E, KCell(;\', Israel p, Hale, Emma )1. I 8ur1(, "'U. 8. A. I PuIn:r. Walter If('uac'rwn, ~\l\'iua I,. . B('acb, Clark W, ' Ibbimoll, Jo~eph W .. )1.1>" Cnn:y !J·i!J!li1l..~, JIuI',i",J. WUHama.All"olJ(ll SoplIl;1. l'\\'orthy Ctrw:soll, A. A. Braekl J:l.(:olJ E. ' HO$.s, Geol'l!:C' Enll;le. PhHnna A. Tol,,!...... • 1!2S .\lhttin. Allen H. I LampbC<\e, )'hmh..'l A. Bro(>[{way, Hemtm i Ro[!-." How.nrd Estabrook, Rhod" R. JlarVili, Leonard LeSueI', Grefll, Hul,b.ll P. Drown, .Jo('1 RtlJlScll, George G. Folsom, Eliza J. 1~;'1-1~r.2, )lax:>oll, Edwin Lord, Orphia A. Bruudage, (Jllarle3 L i SalludC!'8, ThoUl:lS Fr{](:hol'o RrJlnolds, Lcyantia (JE:'il'L10!l::'i. lbxl!on, Rklmrd L. )bx.'lO'uj'wJ((1t'f,I.omlra A, Bruudage. Franklin '8edboer, Fredcl'lck:\1. W. Abllott, Groves McHcnrv. Morris ..\laxson, 3fcrcin C. Burdick, \VL'Sley C. : Seam:ms, WllUam B, FJcc[,oru, Hellen)L AUeu. ",\n~og R, ~ftOH\bct, Stepheu H • }tcGlay Spic(!1', JllUC A. Grn'lller, John D. '8bater, John M. l"llller, Martlm J. Armtttronl{, Jnmcs R )'IHlcr, ).1"1'0" :\:IcC\'lJ.v, J<;lizab('tlt Cary, HuLlnrd O. 8llaw. Cheater R. Fullm('r, Zerilvinb Ba.KCr, ,Jadcrlialt ~L, MarTi", Belli R. A1.. 1i'1('I:)1) lJNIVERSl'ry, 21 Au'nED rNIVEH$lTY· 20 ~--.------~ ~-~ .... --~ ... *Lew16, Thomas lL.*IJ.S.A'1 WtlllH'ld. ge, JOShUll, UOl.!. I .:'Ifnrtjn, Lois J. )!orri;;. O&'Ul' L. Cnmd;lll, Eljzl\llcth J). ; Allell, .Tobu G. Lewis, Et·han Wnh\ce1• .I.tloes R. ! )lnn'in, Mary Norturi. A. D. Dakc, ..\Iary ;\, ~ ~"ms, Almond J:,'. Le1"ls, 'Villiatn Wcol, Bdw,mt 'V. ,·":'!axson, L. AugdiTlll. Prmnentcl', Cll.lvin E. DayIs. Rhoda S, ,Alw:1Td, Ocoq,(e H. Lippincott, David : Wcll;;:, Jameil ~L ')J;n:fiOu LiceHf}()/'f;, L. Ettiu GCOI'gC GCOl"';C PattCl'Wll, \Vlllimn H. Ems, 'fhcooociu :\1. I' Anderson, Charles n. J~OC(lY, fl, Wells, N. , M(;HcIlQ', .'hH'Y E. Peck, John C. Flin t. )I:U'), E. Applcltce, 'fhmll".S Loop, Dimiel WellB, Wllltc\' G. .alanis. Ellzabctb 0, Pcrry, H. W. Flint, J{cllrJU:\1. Bal)hitt, Davitt Ii. Lord, .J. S. 'Vbitucy, Estill J. nIckerson, Mary E. Pin~rc:r! .\llJcrt'V. Fren{'tJ, .\lmim Baird, ,T(j.;fnm Main, Fl'lluhlil1 *Wildm:m, K, ~U, S ..\. ·1' Patteng-iU }J{Li.."(r, J,eom~ iI. l'ortcl', George Gates, Loyinia E. Ifumcs~ Edwllrd 'IV. lIfuc1uley, TlIomas A. Wileo:x, Clark PUlltly IVolhlc, Calvin Willet, Andrew i Ptl'Juns, Mnry E. l'otkl't Thomas W. Green F,u, Kcsiah)(, -15arncy, Alvin G. }{a,x:dOll; Henry *WilUatrlB, Geor~ A. i Pottcr, i11arolla P. Reeil, Thmlltte H. JIaIl. :.'Ilnrtbrt A. 1B(lf!Selt, Fl'3.nC'is )t. $)luxsou, David S. \Vill601l. J:l.meS E. , Pottel' lhl1JliUou,tAmauda. Robinson. FI':tl1(;iil :'II. ll:lllott, Eliza. 1'{, Bell. Hiram W. MeH()llI·v. Hamilton Withey, William fl, I Powell, Dclorn , Robi.nson; ,loscph '1Y. Hallock, H:ulth A. BeHnett, llL'lIl'y)L ~(cKay, 'r:faffinel Wormley. F, n. Pra.tt, Luey H. Rogers, TllOUJfI&}{. ll,uniltoll, Sophl'onh .-\, IlJrown, Fntnkllu lfcNaughtou, J()lm D. Y(ltes, Vt'--llUllm G. R()nwick~ ~farg'n.ret Rosa. Edward D. Hmdy, lJ~)Jmuh "BnrdiC'k, Thomp'n" U.S.A. bl~~eil~ Jllrot W'l Rev. Gcnth:mleI1,lG:J. I; Heyuolds, 1I1ar1 on. Howe. -OOOf''';C H. Hawley, CnroUnc ,13urt1kk ,r. W. )[cuns. John It LAmES, Rogers!. Augfilme O. SallmlcJ's, A. H. lIurltml't:...,FJizttbcUl' lintler. j lo:dd H. ]'fcrrHtt,..Jobn Abltott, Ethie A. ltoss, :\laryH. 8<'amall!$, lJ. HydOl'lll J:!i1('Jtllor C. : Camphell•• J.)lmT. :Miller, Jllmes H. Aber, Matilda Rowe, Elizabeth L. ~~Iey, Sherwood Hydol'll, Elizl~ i Carroll, }dfred "'"_Miller, WHlja.ll D. Annst.l't.mg Brown, :Mary R. Rowe, lluth E. ~h('ldon, Freilerick Kcllogl-r, Frances .\. ICas tOll, hmel :MOLt, MtlriOll D. >i, .\nSOll 'V. Kenyon Loie,\ A, ,CntHn, Lewi~ L. put'khm, Albert A. *Hlll'tiw]omew, Anlt K , "hcl"rlllm Bartle!" Mury E, SbnOlltl r.evi W. LMlgwt)rUiy Trw!;!I!/, bn·:Ul!n(lwick, OM)'g" W. Patterson, A. D, DccD.c,hCl' C':imiUl, SquIre ,L i Mi1l~rd Vin,:cll(, Luc:r t.X>1JU, Cortland Reynolds, James- Bull, Sarah P. Yan Dl13ell, Elh:n l!!. Rice, ~mton M. Ballock, lImy i:i!mHh, S. Norlol! I *Pnlmi18,' (keeN, EI\'u, Wm. A'J Prof., U. Cbapman, --,-,fmy C. ''lunl, Lndndl1 G. Tuttle meh:il'H DUTlll, Elfit(JII :\1. Rowe, Lucius B. Coroy, Lucy J. Wood, V:mr.ie N. G"Wl Col. U. 1'5. A. r Duull~ .·\kx:md('l' l1. now]ey, Jolln S, Cmndall j Anrcli!l. A, Ladiea:. !:IS. Wbitak\.'l', William -\. OIIStHl.nden; SaJ'nb Dtmn•• JIl"l'V h Saunders, Albert A, CrnudnlI BJ'OICIt, Ellen Total, ...... •• ,." .••• 261. }.;C'W.'~' I Scoville, Lcd 0mndnlI A,f/l#rOllg, Elllora "'hitney, .-\Jln~!'t H. Scovill, Lnurk Ihn«mbvl'1Y, lIt'my B. \~l'j~Jlt! D:}llivl H. "8!Jl'I'lIHIU liunltd:, Sq~lll)lL En~k, K II. Shank, Jerome V.}'L 1853-1851, Wyxotl, ,,'. )1. _ hltunW:lY, H"xallH:i Evtlll:S, Hjlbert N. Sllaw, (ffiorge W. Crandall, Lucy M. GE';l'f.I{1I.fEN. (kll1.kmell, 1:!.i, I ~t;Hjiih, :\[nl'),'J. I}·anlq!l~. >inth:m :\1., :\1. D. Slterman, Arthur M. Darley, SaI'nh A. ; Al1bott, Clmrlcs J, L-'ollfF";. Smith, :\bl'y O. Fall', \\, 11. Sherrnun, ,]. S., U. S. A.. Eastou, AnnIS S. . Adaml>t Henry AlldnnL Snphl:\ ,1. Smith, ),heltc K ,~~(Il'$ytll. \':\11;\'11:-- L. Blmpsen, J. E. GilbertI Nallc" ~L I Allen, limes H"inl, Cllll'il"";\ tsmitl! S:I.l':th F. : FOt6},i-h. H;uud Suyder. p, ,T. Gilbert, Jane 'K Allen, 'flmoth:r Hoal'tl, Ella I'5Hlith: ~1:H'Y ,t : FJ!.:uch. ,John W_ Bmith,"Ezra Goodrich Tufllej ErviU1l. ! AlruY1 Hnrvy S. Hett;; .•-\lili \V'! U. a A. t'm)lkl." L, ~. ,\, Titswortbj J. Hown.rd J U,8. LeS!~er Baldwin, EmlUa It: llurch! St;;phcu E. Chadwl:~k H"'. IKllight. 'lilum .\1. 1~5-1-1f;iJ;;. Il~lll!p!i()ll. IJir:tlll .!, Ward, Jamea Lewis, Euuiec II. i Ca.rey 'John Coli]), Emellilt' !S. ,.t:'ULE.\ltC'l;. I LI',n'('pwOIth, A. h. Wellh, Shepard Lockln.ud, Mll.rtba A, l Carpc~tel', Albert S. Colvin, Sanlh A. .\dnHl::-. Ephr:..im : Leonclrd, W(·~lcr H. Wnlbrroge, Jobu Love! Harriet H. : Cuflt:l:l.do.y, ,John ~.t }jon. enry, }

Chaffee, LYUlllU ; l'uturrm, Alexander ' Ji'aili'ett, Lney 1. 1851-1855. Johuson, Altira J. Youngj Samuel n. Kenedy, Henry .M. Gentlemeu, H·1, Ch,jse, Sumner V. ! }{mllcy, George ; Flint, }f(!ry )T. OE:'\TLE}tEN. I C1::trk, Edwllrd , Rending, ,1. K. ! Ford, 1fnry Alabaster, ll. ,T, : Kenedy, ,JoLn M. . J.Allll;tl. ,Langworthy, Geo. L Lleut. Alfeed, Jan\) D, Cortt;;, Hiram ,*RO§{Crs., On'a S., *u. S. A. '.t:ord, Sn~q,n A .• Alger, Jnmea D. j Coltistcr, Jonns R Rowley, A, n. }or&ytll, Ji.ngeUta 0, Angier Audrew,T, i U.S. A. Allis, SnmhL. l Babcock, L H. (iole, Beojamin C. ISe1lllHll1r;, Willtiilll B, Hullock. L. E. Bahcock, James l", , Lewis j Amos C" U. S ..\. Jkran, Cornelia- Coon, BYl't)1I N. SC~lrl, MiHon nil-Hock, Melissa E, Darker, Jaekson ; Lyman j George W. Corey, 'WiIli"m C. Sbaw" J, S. Roltnes, .brmy A. Buket', ClI,)l'les E:. Murah) C. W. Budd, A llifilJila Dulloe1., H, Crandall, J, ~L, E. S, A, SmHh) N. H. Jacobs, J nUa J. :Buker, Elillhn A. "';!,[axson, S. Ray IhmUek, Cbarity L. CrandnU, Waiter, ltnjor U. Smith, Ammmlctte Ja('obs, Nancy A. Balcom, ~Iil,lilon MeCnHum, Auj...'clo ,Yo 8. A. Smith, Will1am KcnyQuRichat'dslftl, ?l.tulia:all. >l'B::mkl!~ Ji:ngeue B.!*C.S.A. MeG.lheuy, James B. Burdick, C:lthariuc O. Cralldnll, L. S .• Scrgt. U.S.A. Smith. A. D. A. Bartle, Stephen G. Me[ntosh, C'. W. Burdick, UatMl'ine _c.... Davidson, Heury Spencer, A$n Knight, Lucinda A. Beael\. Daniel, Hon. 3[e11cor)', Lester H. Burdiek, Eunice J, Dav)a Amos L. S~ilhnan, '1'. Edgur ,L'lngwortly, Ellen Boyilln, fSfUH! F. :UeNl$h, Gt(wgc W. Caufield • .Tmmie:\1. Cline. lm7.1l. ).[, Dcnull>, Rodney; Hon. Stlllmn.n, SHuil I Lewis. S(lI';]11 :Y. Briggs, John 8, , Mctc.\,U·, ,;1,1. J!:. Duke, '1'11o;oa$ Stillwtm, DaVid .;\L I Locey, Cut.harine E. Beowll, b~mnk H, Mevers. 1', )j, Cobb, Al~ReliHe }L Conley, Mlen "'Dunn, Walt-er H., *U.S.A. Stillman, Elisha. P. 'I Loonsberry, ~rl\11ette Brown, J. Albertt Lieut. U. ],n(ls, SnUB A. Easton, I:}ll.ue N., lJ. 8. A. Sweet \Villium K. LU3k, Celia.K B.A, ~IHehell, H:H'risOn O. Cook, Fmneei! ~L Ellsworth, LorellzQ Tefft, WilliaUl S., U, S. A. . l.ymun, Emily E. *Brown, Lucius A., *"{;,S-,A. )-fonroe, John Coon JJw;lley, Vel'Otl.'1 Farnum, William C. Thacher, Otis i Manon, Mereia C. BurdIek, Eugene Nortou, Bcnjamin D. Cottf('U ~lf(ll'ri'l, Frank A. i<'tltl, James E. Thompson, Charles A, ~ MaXEou, Marv L. 131'y:m, WitHam .r. Osgood, Blish;\ S. Crandnll, M. Eti%a ll'ul'l'flnd.. Clmueey Thor!? Thomas, Brig. Gen. i Max-son AUu;, ~rl1r&ha A. Catroll, Thomas M. Puuner, Henry L. Cnmd'll1. Ann P, 1)11:\,13 .-llli$04 .Jaue A. Ford. CuodeR L. n. ~. A, I Maxson, EmD)n A, Caston, Isuflc N. Palmiter, Hiram t Ford, Jo1m B. 'furner, C. J. }(c(;artncy, RaehelJ. Chapin, D. L. Pattcng;ill, Alticus A. Euston, Ann .L, Freeborn, MelfaN D, Van OstrAJldel', WilHnm i ~lenenI'Y, Emily T. Ch:ll)in, St:uCCll. D. ]~itts, Ralph B. EdWArds Riel" }c'[ary L. Fulton, Johu Vincent ThomM. I MeRenry, Ahigail Chupin, ,Vesley C. Porte!", Osear Freeman, Hulda C. Garnet.t, WiUlnm S. Wllldo. DaulelD. i ~loNair, Frances W. Cbase, C. D. Porter, Edwin Fr-cmlHl.n, Permeliu. A. Forti, Sarah Oilbcl't, Ebner ~eaver, .Joseph n. I)'1cQ~IC1O-n, LUCBbill; F. Clark. Calvin Potter, Riley W., C. 8.~, Goodspeed, Sltnlnf'J Vii hen.tOll, 8. M. .brehm, L Josephme Cla:rl{; Byron F. , Hedman, J, D. Gn.'en E. J. Green) Lon'-Dzo Whipple, A. }fonehan Rurdick,Cutherlne Cbl'k, Pcter F. i nice, George lL Hnll, Haunnh A, Hall, Elizaheth 01'OW, Allen White, J. 11. I Mosicl', Elizaheth}t. Clltneuhagt:, }tartill , Hieb:on, Rosetta 8. .FonLel', Edward H. StUhuali, Alonzo Perkins, Nnuey Lllevenwortb, A. E, Bovd, Mary A. Rowo BrolCf/., "'o\"iannn p. Fn,ukUn, Fmncis M. St.urdevnnt, Gcorge Pin,!{ry, ElYil'a E. I.cwis, Jallles N. Brfggs) Cbadotte L Rudiger Daubsch, i'nulina Frcchorn, D. G, Taylor, George Saunders, Lorinda A. Livermorcj LcnudcrE"Rcv• Brimmer lValker,VirginiaJ. SuIltm Kenyon-, Idu. F. Galpir., C. W. Taylor, Juwcs D. Sb:1.w, L,.:'>L Lymau, C. p, Bronson, Thankful A, SecleYI ).ta,ry A. Gardner, Fl'nuk 'I'raey, Seth H. ShaW', Ilrillnah 13. Scott, Helen E. ':'\In.pcs j Bnscom p, Brown, Thankful Shuart, AoaHne Gillette, Jeffrey W. Upson, JohuP. Mal'lott, W. Burdick, Snimn S, Shuart, MarUm E. Goodhue, Reyillond Utter, George L., U, S. "'" SlleppurdSkfppant,Uebecca ltIarvJn, H. L. Cnrman, Catherine 8muUey 1l:'cJ;;s, ~rary A. Green, L. J. Vall Clunpen, Aildison Smith, Caroline E, ltInrviu, WilliAm N, Carpenter, Lydia.A. Smitb, EI1za. G. Guilford, L, "Voorbeis, (ieol'gc;"U. S. A. Stnunton _~Vdld!ir(}l Mary A. Stevens, Cath::u'lnc E. Maxsouj Asll L. Oatlin, Mum Smith, Clarindn G. Hall, WUlilUll A. Voorheis, John D. ~IJixson, :Feruauoo S, Chapin, WiUrotna C, Smith, Diantba 0. IfrJler, L, }f. Wentworth, Wurren B. Thacher JluU, Mhry ;\1. McDowell, George W. Ohevalior, JaDe E. StevCIls Crandall, Charlotte IIarril<, Willialll H. Whipple, A. B, C. Thomas, Frnneena 8. ~iekf~m~, ~iebftrd ChBYalier, Munon C, StC'fcns, ~f. ,Emeline Hrtl'rj)Jon, HcnryJ. Wbite, I .. ut.hcr M. Thompson, Hellen N. Cline, Frnnces L. Taylor Burdick, ~fnry A. WhitncY, John W" U. 8. A. Todd, Nancy "I'e, t:!. lill'flro. H:lt.hornJ Edw()rd L. o m.&tea~ O. P. Conley, }[al'glll'ctte Tefft PlaUs, Emma ii, lIeekok. Daniel H. WU(',ox "Robert 'l'ruey, Hlm·i.etC. 'ruhl:t.'1,l"lfinyJ, Orcutt, u:micl CUl'lisa, Lovlnia A, 'l'erwHiger Palmi'c,,,JuliaA. Rcnd.cl'ilboll Hiram WiHin.ms, EozIT!, U. S. A. Dram, Jmncs Curtis, Loretta C. Towles, EliZ'J. L. HClldcI'I5hot, David W!mnm~J....George N. Val'S Pollt)'! Addaide )r. Palmer! Benjnmin *DeIID, T. Eugenia Towner, R. R. H€es, Jcromi~h Winnie• .IS, W nlbriogc, Elizabeth S, Well$, S. ~[Hrjn Parkerl Joseph F. *Dlckel1l()n, Sll.1'1lh Van Allen, J"ue A. Hltcbeock.., George 8, Wood, Henry S. Pineh, ,TlU,llce W. Edwl\rds, Catharine A. Williams, Lydia E. IlohnC}!, Ndson WQodeock~Elijnh '1'. White, 'MlilY Witter Rebeccu S. PUt, John Elliott .Tuad, Arol\- A. Wil};;OD. W. J. *Howell, Luther C,! Major Woodruff, .ue-nry L. l Pitt, William e, }!:Uia, ~fury Willson. Flom U.S.A. Woodward, 'Frank A. Wlt.ter, Catharine A. *PoHcr, Reuben T., "'U.S.A. En$worth) Ambrosia L. York, Ruill p, Howen, D. C ·Woodward. Orestes U, Wright! Emma L'Idies (i~L Pottert.!!cromc B. Fassett 1'!t0l'PJ Hellen D. Lndies 10!t Iugrtlbnm, E. J. \VooHver, Samuel J Ptl-tt., llorace W, Fassett. J()UU, Gertrude L, Total"., •..••.•.••.••• 237. JOhns, Hiram C. Wykotl, A. Ii'. TotaL., .....•... ·,····'2[S, .---.~ .. ~.======... ==-= ==~-~~-

24 ,o\1,}<'nED UNIVERS1TY. AI.-i!mm VNIYEUSIT).", 25

1&53-18.5(;. Hall, WitHam A. Stillmnu. Chester A. J:{opkim;., Fanny A, Biwker, .:.Iottimer 11. X~If'h, Eull",eue S. Ol;:::-¥Ra.ndo]ph, Sylvester W. Bmtt Vun Lii;U, !HnerV<1 Stillman, ~L'try A. Gnrdnel', Allen ThQUlpwl1, Omnr D. 0100/;\ Ambrose) Lient. U. F., *U. S. A.~ Buwdey 3.!c;(iibeny, Minerva Stlllmml Slw,l), FanDv n. Gilmore, .Ttlme8 A. Thorn pWl1, Helin' A, g,A, Stone. CeJC\!ttfl A, - Gmnniss, Thoma;; P. Tuckcl'j 'William vG. Rundolphj Silas F'I C.S. A, A. Cobb, D:m.:lcl H. *Rnndolpb, JudsOn E, Hundy, HeUen l'bnc!ler Halt, )'fal'Y lI. Green, Lewis H. VtluOrsdllIe, Sllmes C. Cobh, Henry H. Randolph, P.l'C$t(m 11'. Busby IV(,l1'te, Jnlh. A, Thornp,on, Lu(\y A. Grecn; George \V, VanSickle, Authony~. Cole, JohnS. Read, Albtrt S. Cnmpbell, J.lnry M. Tltsw()rth Rcgtl'lJ, Rebecca GroyCS, William ,J. G. Vnr)' John I. Haight, George W. Wllniner, William H. CuUins D:l.lliel W. Re:td, Itcnben ],1. Chentlier, !II. ~\L J, l Hul\ett, Mortllller WeHman, Joeelyu G, Colli:u.s, Nelson W. Riebmond, }Innnv J. Ctml'eh PiUs, nary E. l)'llman.t J. R. (''ol1rer, Gool'ge Rbodes, William.Ii" Collver) Betsey A. Upson) U. It HalleH, James A, Well", David C, "'Coon, W. )1- Rbodes, Abr,'llll J, COOpel\ .i.\IitWo E. .R. Vorhels, Mill'Y E. Hll.mlc-t, C. Jame'l Whltford, DaYid C. Cowles Orl'iun I. Riddle, N. Cnrbett, Mllry E. WnlSOH, lfo.ty HHebeoek, Fr-:tuklin Whitf(ml. 8ylmuus C. Crandail! Ahlru. J, Riddle., William Cottrell Jlaill-,E1umn L.S.E. Well:! Br()w,.,., Ann E. Hogarty, lIieheaiJ., Ueut. \','hitJ:ley, Scent 1;. ~Cmndall, Haymon R, *U. Roberts, A. p" U. B. A, Cramlall JJyde, Rnzina Wheeler, Ann S. A. "'Whitney; Edwin H, 8,A, Roger&, T, A. Dnvis, }'l. E. WlghtmtU) Et(in(t, Elb:a ;\L Hopkins, l;]hcl't C. Wielihnm, Harris CrJllvford, John A. I N. H., U. S. A, Davis! :U. ""hite, A. *Hnuse, Le:lnde.' J, W cob G'I U~ S. A. Hog-ol'!!, Hllrd, S:lHmeI II. W !'les 1\ • Duke, 13enjilmin ~f. Rogers, ColOnel D, Denn, liurriel ;.\. White, Amclh JOlle;;, Georgt; B. W hU$ D. Darrow, Albert n. Rogers. Calvin C. Downing', J. Witter, Loyinla V. Wit.kr, Luerctin Keller, TIllrrisoll 'V D('",'ill)Stcllilen '1'., Rev. HnseeU, Wm. H. lI. I)rtlke, },Iary J. Kenyon, Lewis 11., G. K A. \Vorden, nsselS. Dexter) SeVnlmXl) U, S, A. Sutkett, Edward B. FAlwal'ds, S. A. Wood) Chrit A. "'Dexter, Newton S" "Cupt. Saunderf., Tbomas C.,LleuL Engle, Sar::th A. L:uHea, lU2, Kt.'lU1Cdv, Zibn C. ' , Wrlghtt Jumes U,S,A, U, S. A. : Ewers, Rlen W. Total ,'tuB. Krcn;:e1}, bUlle A., l'. $, A. : Y!llt\ Amos S .• Hc\". *F,'i'er(iI, Josiah G, LaWTIlllCe, '''illet : YC:lfHlIUil/ Emer::;OIl SHunders, George 'V. 'l"runuul, Loitm wnJjLea.r. Clml"leH :\, Geutlcm&tt, Hl. Ewell, Joseph E. Saunders!,...Erwin C Gilcbnst. )L .T, 1$5~lS:"i, Fellows Y. W. ! t:I;:'''TL£1IKX. Leol1ard, Wesley ll. LimE:>. ScOfield, J.<.;ugcnc R. Glover, Loi&\ M. Da.niel, Luey A • Flint, 'Vee ton, )'lnj. U,S.A. Seott; James S, Gl'OOll, H. L. .:\.Ckd'l1l;}U, Lewis U". Lient. Lewl!!, r. s. :i. ,.:\rhullS, Lord, Fel'1lll.ntio C. Alue" Fl'dnccJ~ Rate C. Fornl'tb, WllJi:uu. &Licff'elin, Eo, Col. U. S, A, GretD, J. J. Ad)Hm, Thomas n, Fow el\ !>lortimer AilllS,nJrth, Willftl'(t (J. .lIajOI', JQ~eph \Y" r;, S. A. nitbeock H(fl'lltau, Elnom Shepp:ml, lIflrk..!. U. B. A. Greeu, L, }". !11f1thcr, HCtDfUl Ikl)('Qck Waile, PheLe .T. Galpin. O. \y, Shultz, Dewitt IJ. Green 1m!) lial')' E. Allen, J. Allslin Amell) Howard ..'.IaXSOI1, en'US *nflilcv Kate "'Grooe, Luther Smith, Andrew W. Gre.:n, E, .!.llgelo Baker; Green, Albert C. Smitll, Cnrton Eo Gridley).. }fn.ry J. Austin, Fredrick L. ~IeCfillum; Emeline Gregury. Jubn liftbbit, GharlCB S. .McGihcny, George D. Bowler Greenman, AuuE. Speneer, James B. Hll\tct, iI. Millel'l Joseph Brewster Eliza Grey, John H. SteIJheo&, W. E. ' HmnU1ond, EllA R. B-;lbeoek, Uri ;\L Groves, John H., U. 13. A, BnekusbHenry $. Morcv, Homer Brown! Marando. F. StcpLcus, H. T. Il{QlUd, R. :\fol'rli!, R, Bnllmanr Adrluunu. T. lIackett) FI':

Brund.'lge, Elizn M. i Paddork, Rhodn )1. !Co:tts Hlruru ~1.., Cllpt. G, Stasey, Stephcn '1'. I Grccn, Hellen 'V. I*~\Ueu, Gideon S., "'U, S. A, 1 "'Stephens, ;\Inrsl!:tU P. i Greell, Adrtline.r. Allcn, Beuac:.t, CllPt. t:.~.A. Bundy. France3 V, I·rem' /)oml$, Brunette I S. A. B\lfflick, Elizabeth H. Phelps Willcr, Frant'.('s J. !Cole, DanfOl'd Stel)hcWl, Clayhml}. ~ , Green, Elvira J. AllIS, Ira B, StiHman, Homec, U. S ..A. Hatley, C:.troline Babbit, Vernon )1., U. S. ~\ Bilrdiek, )fary S, i Potter KtU!l0Il, Janette "'Cooul Adelhert C. Bmdicl;:, 'Vealthy A. ; POWf'll. Anna )L Coon, Aaron W. Stillmau, Oni!1c M. Humphl'cv Bliss, 8mah)1. Babcock, ,Tames L, Burdick, )'rarthn N. : Powell, Thelt'su CmmlulJ. Himm P. 8tilhU:nheth E, Seoy"l MmT DeWolf, WillLlfil fl. 'robie; ,\IartinJ. '*Kello,hrg- Pwl.eU, JuHett.\ II Bell, l·ran.k, Cnpt. U. S. A. Burr, Seliua },[. *Slvtw! COOll~ T:leY).1. Drake, John R. 'fodd, John C., U. S. A. IKenyon, Ann:}L Bennett, )'[{)rtimcl Carpenter. Lucy ~L Shoff, Elizabeth (}, Earley, '''lI1iuUl A, Trowbridge, ClliTt'le~ E. *LrtngnOl'thl' (Jawliue S. Illennett, Hnn!sOll Chapin, Eliza J., :M.D. SlmllHVtty, llOX:Hla. S. E-.'ltOll, Ch"d('$ L, Tuttle, Rnl;Scl ':11.; Lit'll!, U. I Lnupltc,,'!J', )fary J. J3c),e",1, l?I'lUlcls)1. Chapiu, Wilminn O. Smith, Lnn' E, Edgar, Josiah S. A. I Lunpllem'j Harriet A. 11Il,l.';hOP' Le"'1'13 G. Cbnpin. Eugcrllm Starr) LayiIjja 1, GirOd\ Hemy L'l G. B. A. Ya.n Skk!<;, Robert 1.,. i Lewis, Sarnn E. B1ackmlln! Gl!ol'gel1.,Uent. Cbase, )Io.r'o' A. SliUnltm, M. Gmee "'GoO( spedd, .Jllme(l 'Vatsou. l:Hmry n. ll:iplX'UCOU, Agne" U. S A. Clark, EUz; A. Sweetland Cadogan, C()l'riu~ Grayes, CUSw,cc Wells, I<~li(>ha P'. Lymnn Uluc/1. Grace L. *BlaeI:man, D::nid G.,Licut. CJnJ'k, Matilda W. ne , _Grecn, Joseph \y, West, Ddos8 R., U, S, A. I.ymau, Bertha , U. S. A. Conklin Bdl~ 8elina 8. S'wectlnml Rose, Frnnces)1. i Gleen, Jolm T. White~ VliUin.m B. .Marlin 8eamans, IIrtrrici C. t mood, Iryin A. ()onowr .Vimrod. Fr-,lUI!C!! A. 8)1)11('1', )Imy A. IGref:'llIllaU, GCOl'g~~ II. Whitford, Daniel :Marviu) Suphronia H IBroWIl, Albert L U. S. _.\. L J, . ~l"pher, )Iargm'cttt:>_ A. GridJey, AlhC'lt D. Whitmore, Jo.;eph R. :MattCSOl\ Ptthliter, .\nn £rownhlg, Olin it Cooper. EleetaE. IlIllworth JJaaw(Jn, ~\manda GroyCS, Wnl\mll J. Whitut')', ,John W. *)[,p;sohCleavdalld,}I L!:•• Bnrdick, Eugene B. Cornelius Bl1.rd-iik, Harriet ~L . Ibll, Daniel Willli, Leander, Llcut. U. ,erne IBlUilick, ~>\1ll011 G E. Traey lIoIr',)mb, Hamet C. Hamilt()u Emo),'\'){ S, A, *)Utldough lJarnlt, Ber~om *BUll'O,\\S, Pemull D" *U. ·Corwin. .TllUl!tte 'frumao JflJore, Josepbine A. Hardv, R'ililwln"- • \Visner, SigiBll1U1U] E. u. S. A, Coryell; EhiJ'a TmHlan, Eliza A. HarrIs, RolJert. Gentlemen, 122, 1liUer, Ann E. Culkin", John H, Cory;;!!, U!tU'ii 'ruel,cr, Inma :XL Hiteheoek, FnlllkHo It LAIll!~~, ),lorey, Flora E. Campbell, Oscor J. AlI?u, Janett~.\1. )'Iullcr, :\Im-y Cnl'r, Ml('haeI Cmndall, Sarab E. VlInAllellj C011l1thfl C. IHill, Stillson K, U, S. A, CrnlldaJl Bassef/.t.1IurecUa Vincent Audl'nf's, Elanor Hoffman, John ji Uent. A11l$, Stu-ah E, Palmctct' (iTetJI, Eh'im Curnochall) Warner j l.,Cullt. Deau, E-ugeIlh.t{c ' Witter CrUll, Plu:Ue E. H:U'ris(Jl!\ So OIUlm D. Mujm' Crary Emily R. Burgett, )[urtin RowleYI John W. ).~~·ert!l, Snriilt J. : Yoftng, .1Illpo" K . Hoaghul!, lUclmnl J. MattlROll Brilz, Elizabeth Burt, Benjamin F., Rt1diger, Theodore H. Ji,isher lJerptl ){;}{'Ul)da.:L I _ t:vUe~l 110. I Horncl', G1IM1C$ W. Maxson, Emily L. C!Lh1erOl~ James G. Sanders, George I }oste1', Ehza T(}l::lL ..•.•..•. ~'.~" .232.! HUbb:lI\11 Tjleodore S. Mnxsoll, Eathel' L. Cnrroll, l ..eiltcr B, SlJ1.'4tl'e, Judson L: G:mliuor. Hamel A,' 'I' Hubbnrd, Albert W. Gmottc, AryiHa A. 1858-····18,')9" Hun"!l .Fredric ,",L MeGoy,'enJ.Ma~arettA, Chapinl Sobiskie Scott. Addison L. Mitchell, J!llizabeth ' ClarK, Joseph S. Scott; !tufns, Col. U. S. A. Gorton, Ell1.\\betb. 'Yo , G~~'STLl·:)'IV.~. : HWl-&<'Y. JalliC!I, ;\faj.U.8.A. I Monroe Iiamluon, &rnh S. [: Clmk, Albel·tus L Shaw }fI1o Gorton, E1izabl',~h L, IAdnms. William P. Jru!obe j Geot'frD ~. }fOn1!l, ElizOcbe:th A. C1nT~ Stephen B., L S. A. Shcppard, D;tvill D, Gorton, l.uey S. IAllen, W::mell W. : Kellogg, Silas Pac~cr1 'MinnIe E. Cline, Charles :;J. ,SIl(}l'er, Grey Gumcs, Annette Alien, Sylycstcl'D., 'C'. S. A. : Kellogg, Hmbcrt 28 A1.ImEJ) 'Ch'1VER5ITY. AI.:FllliD U}flVETI:SITY. 29

11,0.:50° Charles A. Colgrure S(W1ifiers) Harrlet! *KellYOllbOhCar ~\, •• U. S.A, I Cnl'lUx'm SfepJt.rN4, ~Indha J. ! W:dkCl'; JUlle A. 1 I lH60~18GL Kenyou, ennis B. I CUl't('l'. L'tYllli:( 'Wardnel', )Il1rYett,,· *)Iax8ou:Hol'nee J.l.t~U.S,_-\. A. OEX,\'LRJ\fE:"-i. "'LltUgwortby. Olin J. 'Clof",. AmcJi:t Wdl,;, ~\biguit K Me(;:iheny, 'VHber .t<'. ' Conk Cat!tll, Diana, "-t. ; AckermuH) D. J, Lnugwonh/ John J!' .. 1J.S. \. Cole,' Caroline D. ',\Vhitwootl, 1ukhlid{' V. ,kHt;.nrv, Lewis ).1. : CookY, Cbestilm ; Amllibalu, Jobn *Lun~rwortn. EdmoJid COOll, Hozell:! c\.. ,\Yilett, Loi~ l.kKitt.r1ck Philip i Coon,~Bdlc J" : Armstrom::, Wellington LanpllClIr, Charles '-;OOll, l\rloniue Ii:. . I \\:~l!~ltln':) ,.\.;m,n r.. :.'>1cNish, Jolm T. CmlHlall Gl''!cu. Orrilla Uabeock, JJWtlw. D. )f~,XfJOH, Henry N., c. g, A. (OOll SPW)', Cordella A, i" tin;;, ,:\t:1l'") C. ~rcOmhel'J W AlliSON, Jrllni(' E. : Babcock, D. A. jfmison, Prentice C. Cralldnll.l1r;;wfl, Am:Lmtn :'If. : Wittey, Lucy K ]!lcdbury, ~-ttomm H. Farnam, A(ldic E. I B.1bL'OC}{, .:\1l}t!)U IS" U. S. N. )[cCol'mic}t, JUlie» J, Ct'aUdllH, Lucv.\1. ""l.tkA' Pof/,:y' l" 'Villi{'_ lfedlmry, Willill.lll C" *Fassctt, Emlliu B. ; B!tl)eock Joel J. - )fcGiocuy, ])nallC D. 'CnlH·1'.LYlMl1l, Belku}L ' l,jcUn!", fl3. 1\rl'$.!tl El11:,rt't. J. Edgal' lioura Si$#iII! Ibehc·J .\. ; Bcycn, T. :.\1. Perkiu$, Faul B. Holmc!>, Thel'('~11 ' B1ake;,;leu, D. A-\.yt'-l'S Middaugh, Jollll E. : Dunning 1]t'£1U', Sandl A, : Allenl .\rtLur T., U. 8, ..i. 11el't'ill, Henry is. I Dwi!:(ht, .Mary , _Allml, Cb:trle.<; P].'l£C! ]t l!'l'ilni;:iin JamC'l1oH, Emeline . Bo~_embl\rlt, Wlilillm D. 1IliUikcllt,...WiHllu.n .J. I *Ed:;'i:anh:, Joot:phlnc : _-\.ndrewp. TowllcrP.,U.S .\. Pope, Jamcs II. Kan, Jnne . Bowers. 011.'11'1C6 H. Alorton, l'..:.henezer J, ' En>r!", F.llnkc i BUDbitt M('niek P pottcr, ~\delbel·t E., P.~L\, Karr, Eliza : Browlliilt{. GCiJI'gf'D. ~lurd{illgh. Chest(']' P. Ft'lTV, ).[al"iu, i Babbitt: Joseph L.: r. s. ..\., Pllalv; Audrcw J,,)I. D" Kenyon, Nom,Ha L. : Bltr~: 111, 11. :Newtoll. Alonzo C. i-~nnl, Cal'oliue A. ' BabeoeJ(, George U. "'Ran'dolph, Lcumrl A~, "'t.:. Le'wis, I-brrlet ,\. 'Cull:ilifw, G, W. Oti8, Chntlos D, Gallup,1Iz:do I Billdwin. HonlCc D. S. A. Uvermore. Htul'let , Carpenter! William D, Pcnnell, George lV, Gardner 8uIJiI(fo-s. IIenriei~ I Danks, .Iarmue Re('se, Eli O. ::UatlH'l', Eliza ' Carringtoll, K T. Plngrey, J)1l!'ius If, to C. Ihrucy, OnHln L, e. S. 2,,_. Robelt:s, Addisou P. lIattisou T!t()7IIps'lJl, Justina' Cusson, 1!'. S. PhH'C, Thom!l.i; J .• D, S . .1. GJlJbe. RHzaoctj. C, Bruch, Sun ford H. Saunders, Henry C, ,ChUfW, \\'Ulinm H. l'ottel; Nil.tbnlliel G. Gibhi>; Lonisn L Be.;:lnvith, Samuel R.,Ueut Setl.fF. :Ell))!:'r }fllttii'OU, :mrn E. Cbatfield, Charles J., I.leut Qua.w, Daniel H. Goff, Sarahctte L S, A. Sbfl-uucssr, }'Imtv lIax"ou, SIlStlll U. S. A. ShCl'wood, FmukHn D. )Iax!;ou, )'Iu1'Y F. Clark, H. L. Hnnt1olph, UelirY C' I Livnt. Green, Jo-rmurl H. BCD!.}Y) GC-Qrgc :;\L l(. iI,:;'. }" Groves, 1'lury M. TIoWllInn L, K. Shongo1 AleXlInder A. )IdI.elll'Y, R('~ct'a Dads. G. neece, George \V. Harrison: Sahtll -A" Bozard, Barn:u'(l S, SbnmoHI!1 JosJnll lIcGII-'CllY~ EJpLC W. DeWitt, Orris Reld, TLoJnlls R. Hopkhlll', AdelL... ,-" Hrelystcr, Edward R. Slingerlund, Waltei' )ful1'itt, iydin P. DOfltlC, H, R, Richmond, FI'lwk O. Hydorn. E, Cordelit\. Brnudag'C, Llld:Ul \V. Smith, &mucl A. )Ij(ldallgb, :Nallcy C .•J. ErmIs, WilHam :U. Shaw, GUllett ll. Johnson, CUl'vlinc A. BulImIl, Leroy L. SLt:phCllS. Wmllllll E. ¥:\HllCr Hflls, Adele M. :Edwards, Dmliel R. Sheriililll, Charlc~ n. , Karl', Hellen ~l. Bundy, Clinton D. Sorter, Hanford )1ingtls Hazeltim:, Fuuny II. ! Fl'f!st_l Willllllll JL, I.kont. Shermull;. ~hH'k H, S. : "lAngworthy, l\iBlll:l)1. Button, Peter ·r. It Stllimal1, James :\lortoo, )Ian' L. .! 'L. t\. A. Shields, 0hnl'les T. i Lmgworthy Ba{H';IY''-', Lacy Cfdkill, John }L StHlmllll, Rockwell S, Ol'll)sbl'.y Roberf$!JlI. Lucmdil 'FUlkl', C, p, Sl.sson, George, n, S ••\. I C. 'Cal'ner, tfiram H. Bt.iJ[m:tfL A. Sh~'Y\lrtl Lient. G, GHbcl'~, E. Smith, Chnrws L. 'LClrldn, Caroline 1L C:1t'uoeufin, \Yfll1ler II. IT. S. A. OUo, Elht GortOllr Wlllianl H. Stephen/!:, Jet'OnH~ J, : Lew\:,; RUNNel:. Al1lftu(\(L jL C~eter, Hcmy'V. Titsworth. Juuson A" L, Perkins, Nuney A.. O1'cc_11, 101. A. SWH;llll, M;lrtin V. : Lellox, .,\lmif, D. Clmse. WIHi::nll N. S, N, Perkill:;;', ~1!\.I''r' E. Harri"on, Gllb{'ft B, 8tillh1nH, A~hel' ,Lockh:n'i Clwmbu-Z(lill, TlI- Cokl'Q.\·c, James P. Thacher, Theodore O. ,Phelp.s WWo:' Emma L. : Hill, &nnuel E, Sto(hlnnl,Iucrca!;c B. ,lie Cottr~n, Albert ll., t,-./S, A, *Thaeher, Emtenc .A. '1'iel'ce, 8tlSltll 'E, i Hogarthy, \VnUamP.,Lit'lll. Stnrdeyunt. JameR n. : Lyon, )Ja\T J. C'rambll, Alburn Tho-milS, Lorenzo L. IH!1mlolpll, B(\Hc i C. S. A. Bwlt7.cf', .\: Jtm r\' 1 1flddnngh! };lmH'lt T. UI-;nisoll, Charles \V. :ott *VnnSir.ltle, Robert~. Bhongo, tAlcintl;) : L:mphe1-'l'! E. H. W}I~t~. Andrew ~ }ti(tdlHl~h Hi>II])Wff, Aunn::;r. *Dcnulp, :lIo);!:!>, *lJ, $, Ii. Ynn;.Jilc Pllillp'L, CaN. G, 8imlJSOn, JIn1HtnbA. Lewi!', ClntonR. Wllltmg, Joseph 'rOllr()('~ Clara A. Edwafot', Sarah Potter, D, ,K C'trmuJl Phehe ~\. ,Withe)', .AmeBa Polh~I', Jel'ome N.] U. S. A. "'BurdICk, C('lmdu :'11. StmxIC\'i1nt, Imbcl J. L(;Yer, WillillDl C. l Burdick, .\Iary.O. _'l'rowhl'idg-e, L{Jlli~u l.nu)lsiJ('rrY) ,Vil!irtlll 'I Cnrmun, Rlir.uhetll P. Witt('!', :llal'g

Rooks.., L. H. I Reynolds, Milney I Raw;;on. 'Valter It Ni-rbols ComJiot'k,Janulte E, : L!mgworthy.;. Lesli~ P. DUllll, Hflrriet)1. Ryunt. ~atll D. J RooklMal'j' D, . Rrnvson,Hubburd .A., U.S,A. Parke}' Slll'flh ' Lauphcnr, Nathan }L 'Ellisl Abbie A. S!lvag&... Audl'CW ~'l LT, S, ~L. SuuO( CI'S, Hanuah 'SnnnocI'B, Walter G. p~lJ"(]y:)Ittry A,. ; L'AuOlll'CUX, Charles W, "B'nllruer, Harder Seal'$, Lt. P. . Sauni!en; l~'I'Wla, :.\f:wth!' E. SLepprHd. l1~dwaYd Rawson, JHuette:'lf. ' Latbrop.; WilUmIl IFllrnlildo, EHen E. ;;,hcpimrd, Albert ! Sbcppal'd, Fanny H. I SllCppard. 'rhcodOle F iUppenbark! Flora J, ' Level', .Iohn J. Gilbert. Harric/. S. I 8bermflll, E. I ~beppi1l'(l, A. I Smtih, George N Robbins, EmllL'l r. Lippincott, ~bvld C. ' Gruen, "Elllergcllc A. I , Simpson) DIH'ins I ~herm!tl.l, };. I Smith, lSilnc If, Rogil!,d Wheeler, Mary ~L 3-1:mlcy) LU('llIs N, Hurman JlcUlal'!!; }1. Alice , ' Spencer, Peter S., IJ, S.)", : Simpson, }finclT.[l F. ~nnth, .Jnmes B. Sheehy, Ann 1l Yantey, Rielwrd D. Holler, Kat.ic J. 8t:\rkc~, :;\faxw('ll ~ Slb1gcrhnd SlilImall, Uclc}~ I Shf'ppurd, Chnrlcs B. Sbel'm:ul, AUBie S. "\fa~'"Eon, Chester A, Hulburt. (;1'f'~nJ Emma :.\1. !I ate,c)M) II. 'Ilml'h{~r i tin L. swrman, Edwurd N. Sinunons, 1>.101'), B. :'Ihxwn, Engene A. Karl" Amy .1. , ' Stt'Tcns, A, S, ,Smitll Eus,MIl, ;\1. OrcHa i "'Swinney, Awl' E .• "'(i,S.A. Sinnet£., Loyini;t , MeCnrmkk, Polinell LeHnc!, 8m'ab J. Stillmun, "'\. U. ISpencer H;I,!U'!tQlI, ;{;,t!;cyY. ~ '~~tswortb AIleI 15.; V. S A. Smitb, Abbie D. i }feKittrick, Robert Lane, hlrt E. I Stillmall, Rowse S. Stevens IJ'l',glit, TIarnet II, \ Ulccnt, Jeseph E. 'I ',l'homr»!Oll, )Inrth., L. : Millard, Herru-311 Langworthy. EIlluIl1l0 .L I SWilt, H. J. i t::;tHhnflU, Adnlide ~l. Wardner, )Iorton S, Vincent Kerr1! E!ln ~~. ; Miller, GeOl'/:til A. Icc; Kittle-· Thoma... William G. ,Stmman, J.l, A. Whitlol'd, (hear U .. Prof. !II' t \Va, Ym Dn~(:l', . Alllnndi' J. !j Bartlett, S, A. I Ahbott, Emmel ~oll. II. lL . I i Brewlitcr, ,IeIJ;:w60n Wnl'dncr, Albert B. Buuktte, HflllImh }L Ben~nll1!n Lymall, )Inry ~\., _\UCfij Geo!!re L Burdiek Dads, SUMj} E, lkown. '!'alcott G. Waruner, WmlP.m C, RtWl, Alice S. llellpmlll T('lIIIJ), I Sophin E. Audrcw;:., .Iolm T., ticaL Burt'cll, Syl\'b E. llurdielc, Judson G', I Watterbnry, Ephl'ilim:\L Sf!.l1llders. )IaI'Y fl, lk':t,iamtu <1vluiJl, Chloe U. 8, .\. C'ullfldd, /S:mlil 0arl,wrlght, OhArles,A., ! W..:hL, WilliAm B. Shaw, ( Bllmrnet· lin'eel, Sarah K Biuoer, Ira F. i G'::mfidd, Sophronia .\1. I ; Cn.s!>-'lda, J.flles P. f WeUs, Henry::\1. SUerlntlH Tlfoma$, )I:uirt E. Brown, Eli7nbefh S. Barbel', (!!l.:lrlcs H., t, S.• \.. ; Colemnn, )fn~y ,L Casson, :'forueeai : \"\~est, Lucius C, Si~son, Snsan lL lJrowncll, ~rnry K BellU(1tt, Su.muel Cmndnll, :\[nry A. Chapin, Arthur H. I' "u(>('h~r, S~mnel R, Hey. Smith, Flom 111. Burrows, Harriet E. Beebe, N,uhnn L. ; Cmhttcc, Snrah iii Churt('.l', Andrcw J. Wllit[onl, Syl\':mu$ C. T;ikoU, Jlaxl/oll. Lntll'il E. Cnmr:.belJ, }Inry K ,Beebe HmHT F. ! Depk, YIII/{))?da!e, ~:!rah P. i' , Clade, Woodford S. WlliUeur Dclos!> Taylor, FAnny K. Qnnfic1(l Gillette, lleliBSft E. i Bl1.~\\ s'ter, G~orge \Y. Dem&" S,1.:;til E. CL'U'k, WilHnm I Witter, O;1'ion M. _ Thorp, _\.nna ~mT, .'Mory , ,"D,nrdick! Adtlisou ~\., *t:, I *Dexter TheodOlli,• .If. Colilrove T1H:JQ{lotu , Gentlem('u! 8... '1'n1'Oc1', &'U,;\!J A. j I !, t C:lrlngh...t. HnDnnt C, i 8 .•\.. I Duke AJlllhba, ~Inl'Y , ColwvU, Albert L. i J,.\DlES. VI\DSickle BUTOS, Ella c:.nllfy, ~.'llH1Y AI. ; Bnrdi-l'k, Fn'n~i(',e, t I Dwight, .\L E. , Dc:!n, .Herrit!, ; Freeman, Angie ! Cuttl',r, Judson C, , 1 Dflnks, Clara W.(It(,rblll·v, SAr.'lh L. Copp, _\., ;.\1. I Deml) \\'nllcr G. ,fHffnru, E1i7:ibcl·h D:wis, J"mGS B.. TJ. S. A. Bauks, GQOl'gl!t Wethel"hy: Cornelia A. CoPP. J01>l\j)hiOe ..\1. I FnfuIlltm, Homy L. : Gridley; .:\l~I"imt Dllyton, .TOllll E. i nJtl'mtl~ Juliette O. West Re!lIlO/dl, Hellen)1. *CrnlJdnJ~ ,. E*tcHe : Goff, WiIllnUl D. Grow, 3LllT E. Dennison, Byron F. I Beehe. Louisa A. Whedcl'J Sophh FCI'unld DuL-e, Ella l:'. , GrculI, BvrOll A. HaU, Julin ·c, .i Dric~bnf'.b, hilac i Bre\V8"ter, Swmn D. Willson, 1I1n.ry T. GtJ(tfrrYl .lhry J. j lInli, lk:;y D. Ibmilton. Rozen(\. Eatou, EdcltlCrt l7. Bowler, }lary 1<;. Witter ]J(>.(d, Rul:m .\, Hullett, Emma L. I IInmilton, John Higl'tlni', LU('lnda R. Emmery, Frauds : Browu, Uru'V E. "'WOl'den, ~Inry L. Hallock, g'-'nih A. i lIllrrpns, Sellt II. HooKur, Lucy A. Enuis, Dud!.e}, IL ; Brown, Adei"ide E. Wright, Fl'tlClOY01':. Horrison Van3£c.Ht'.Eliz~A, IIlumilll, Guy C. Irons,OHyc EarllmuJ Henry G. i *Burdlck, Ft'auet's 8. Wright, Emilv J. Hnwk'Yl C. -'\' - I LllUdeU, J01m ,)awb. Luey Fassctt, I.'lSf)'C N. : Burdick, Sarah 3f. L'uilied, $11. H~g14'ins, EUll~~~, S. , i LanJ.:;,nJrfli}" Isalle )[" 'F. .lame!! TlwlJl(ts, J.:':lb,fl .L Forbes, Burr. U. S. A. I Bm'tlkk Btillman, FtJ.lmie?li. ,Tob!.. li3. Hlteurocli lhdlOJilt, Cllar~ i B. A. Jimm{,,son, Jenoie Foro, Will. V. D., U. 8, A" Cartwright, JuliftA. II Intt C. I L'lngworthy, WilHam 1. J01111B, Emma P. Fisk, J:llncs n. 'I Clark, Ameli:. )1. 18li3·-1SU4·. I, .Jacobs KemjOll1 I-Iel1en)1. L:mroncv, ,rllliiun V. Rnple, JUl'Oshn K. Ulffont, George Chtrk, :'t!nry A. m:sn.r,:\H;!">., , ,101n;;01" }Iary .T. ! Lewis, A. Hcrbert, Re'·. I' Kenyon, l.()"yini~. R. Gillett, Rnln!! O. I Cline, Evalinc.lL aekerman, l':li.slm ' Keating, Ann ) i'lIcCOl"mici" Jamrs J. LnAky, Adrhide GI'OVCS, Dnnie! S, ' Cooper, .l!Jiel:m J. Josi.'lh 0, I, I A0Iu~rnlltn, Lnwnesbnry Jlfajo.,",EmmnS'1 )feGill. Ch:il'ic!! W. L'"lll:J"'orth,lT, )1111'in A, Green, George d. Crand"ll, HcHf'.n ;; . .:\rmstrongl ... nm , ~iaxs()n irisk, Cbfll'lotte E. ,reXish. C!J':II'I(':l' W. 'I UlHe, Ellen Green, Arthur n. Cl'lmdn.ll,~ Volma Ie.I Armstl'ong-. "kJJohu ,".,1 )IcCOl'mi<:kj Thirza i .:\[iH.+, Cho:tel' D. )'Inlone, 1.Ia2'g'ie A. 1/ II,mliaon, A. Arthur Ora.ndall) Robit L. Bll.beock, Eruol'Y 3IcCormiek, HalTiet Noetou, \Villi.-un II. ; ~IllJOllC:. En;\ A. HankS, &'lUlllel f'. Crandalll1trll3ctt,:\InrcellaR Bal'tlelr, Ro!!wl;lI~. :'lullin, ·JlllicttD OIT, John : :U:nCSOli Cilln:rt, Hrmiet L, I Ib.tmttn, ],JUes \Y. ' Cummings, wnian Borrett, John C. I ' 1\1idflnugb, If, p, : P,H.'kcl' Jnuws L. I '\[ux';01) 81111111, Gnl'pllClin JI"arrlu)!ton. Tbeodore A_ I "'Dovls Kellu!J!J. Get/rude 1hrloo: J('~S$() 'II OrmsbYI ilfudt'lh n. : .Park, james H. I' )let-;;'lbbeny, Lovinla A. Hawkin!!, Cfllvl.n Dans B<,rclI1Y, '}Iyl':~ r;"nnl, Asher 111. Palmitcl', Nt'llie PettilJ(tue, Eugene M. ..\IelIcmy, ~It!l'Y _'-. I Hollis, George H. D. elln, Marilla Beebe, Fl'auli: II. *Pe-nny, Huldn I Plnell, 'fhom:1 Dunn, Aggie W. ! BCJ~ncUI Com~~_.t ___" _,~ 32 ALFRED UNIVERSITY. ALFRED UNIYERSITY. 33 ______0 ___ 000 ____ ooo_~_ ~~~_ooo~_~~_ ooo __ o_~

I Vrechmd, Oll,er S. Rip(Yllb:.nk, .J\I1ia S. Black, Eldridge N. Whmard, Demnrus )1. Prosee;, )fnry E. Edwurds1 D::miel R. Eh\ke, ClmYles .,A. Wight, Leroy 0.' Robins0ll1 )!;lry E, Elliott, A. Leroy Ward, }'redri~k Runner. Murv E. Breese, t:litrence D. WHbcl', l1icbttrd n. R(ISS, Sftll1h Elliott, Eugene ill. Wehb1 _;\lfred SaUerle'e Bw~dicl~, Amella Browll, l\"illittffi 8. Wilber, \Valter )f. ; lhtedigcr, AUl(usta 1. EyrneI', Lcol)iud Well,:;, George e. Sll1md('1'il, M.ftl',Y E, BUllGe, Sanford C. Willit, Charles ~\, . $atterh.1(', Emma Fn.rnba'tn, WilHam L. White, .J[ltnC$ L. Sel'ilmef, Lodaey C. Burdick, StilhDlm O. 'Vitter, 'VHlbm S. Suul61nlI'V, ",\l1n;J. Frende. \VHlin,ffi g, Whitney, Ezm Shaw, Ha.nnah nUl'tlick, rOOM H. Witter, HHnlcc D. S,:rnhilmrv-, Amanda E. Gleen, RoiJert A. Yonng, \Vr1come H. Shc)'m:m, Abbio Burt, Welling E. York, Elztl. S. Sauuder5, Al'minda 11. Gro\"()s, James IT. Young. liemy \V. 8imp;;01l, ,Mary A, Unrpcntcl', William L. Yang, Coe .F. SlIeppltnl; LoU·ic E. Halsey, John L, Yonng; V:wis A, "";3imp,:;,.n, GCl'trmtc Glise, Churles P. Qcntlemen, 97. ShCl'm:m .."it;:s, A. ~\ltnll:\. TInmUtou, 3nmcs D, G('lltlC'lllell, 12[,. Si;;wu /I(lonl, ff3l'ri.et E. I Ulnrk, Danie.l A. r,AD!l'~fi, Stillrtll'tn, A. Ol'phelb HlUl1mo:lll, Henry L. I,AI).I:.'3. 8mi1h. Lucinda

Clnrk, ~[clyjn S. ,Albi.WU, Ernestine Stillmall, .i\f. Louiii:t Hal,jog, ,John J{, Aller, TIvaeintIJ StcphenSOll j Ell7.a J. Clow, AHw:rt ' Andrui!. Amelia Stillman, 1\Iary E. Helmcr, IHlrte)L Abel', lI\Il'rict. Stillman, "Annrt. A. Cloos, Lcl'Oy ; Babcoek. Emma Talllnnu, Oliye Horton, Loren t:. AU!}tin. J8abetlc E, Stillman, LOlll;1. T('ullr{)celi:. ~lary J, Ct'l1nd{l.!i, Sherman G. Benjnmill1 'Yaity i 'ri!lntwn, Flom Jewf:, L-yman L. . Bartoo, }brtbi~ Thomas, :\l:uy L. Crnndall, Ira E, Blivin, Tl:u:odwDI"th. Luey A. Cummings, Lowell ':iI, Brewster, Emtlm :\L Tit.~wOJtb, Lucy c. J{al'r, William N. Benuett, Alelisift. Tnekcr, .Amnndtt C. GurominWatson. Jnli~ Laekey, WHIlom Breesc. 1<'lo]"cnec C. 'Yal"llcr, Lucy J, Df{'.w, J01m E. : Ca.prQo; Snsan D, 'Ycntworth, Jennie Latimer, Fel'ris 13rowne·n, Jennie :n, Well;;, :.\Iartha. L. EdKCt} Ricbn.rd ' Cl:tl'k, Burnh :hi. Wbitford, :'>Ial'Y Lee. Riet.mrd H. Bn~t't{" ~1:llry E. 'Vt~st, Phebe S. Elliot, Luther E. Cobb~ Saxah.A. Wygl.mt, Aug:tlitft LCilt, Hin"ltu S. Hrmliek; SU$fl.ll E. Whitford. Flora. Elliot, Jullns C. Cole. Delia S. L:.tdi':fr, :<1. Lewis, Onille Buskirk, Adclh J'. Wi!!!!t, :Mnrtllt\ A, Elliott, .Avis A, Goleman, Sophia Tot·IT! .... ", .. ' .... LSi', Lord, F. C. ButtOll, ~hry T. WiJ;;hL Frnll<.x:~ L. Evnlls, Frt',dric W. Corit:ile, Snmh j,ord, J.lartiu CnnIield Githa, Lizzie : Yaic, llos,\ 8. Forbel'l DOlT. U, S. A, Ct"tlbtrec, Stllnb 1861-1€1f,i), Lnttt"cU, Creed P. C11I!!-:on, Sa)"."h S. , lOUI1::-i, Emma Green, Fronk L. Cl'Iwd.nll. frena S. hl;STU:)II",,,,;: Lntlrdl, 'Brownlow 1'. Chapin, )Jonteray ! . L ... dies 9;:'. HillI, .H-oyal A. Orandan, EUza n, Allen, Alh0rt -\' , .:IItllonc, TIJoll)3fl Cheever, Jenie ! 'Toul., .. "" ...... 220. Hancock, EHas Cl'fln~llIU, ],L-try D. Allen, Chal'leR F. II Maxson, Herbert B. ,Contiel'lnan, Liz;>.ic

IL-tnow, Jarn.es O. C'fnudnll. IIll.reiet 8, Andl'ewe, Charle::; H .. L,8,~\. 0 )TUls, Gilbert D, : Cook, Eli,.a ),1. 18G5_18{i{i, Haskins, Cyrus Dnvis; JUliit A. Buh()()rk, Forrc:"t M. Mill!!, Clmrlcs . Cook. R\vIl"tt '-r. (H!S'l'j,E)1 EX, Hershey, Fr.lOk P. Darb., Lizzie Builey; SHHman li.. }liIls, George F. , CnllltblL Jll1lCttc _-\Uritij{C, H~lrrbon C,

Hl,ghJ" Orton DenD, :Frnn('c8 C. Bitlley, Squire J. )Iorun, Hnmlnglon S. Crandall; )fyrja. . ~\1lcn, 1htl">:hnH 1I.j lJ, 8. A. Holmc!l. Alom O. Dean, Fidella S, B~rd: E, Hmbert .Unndy, George E. DaYis, Jtll\;\ P. Allen, He.ll~· E. Hopkins, Etlwtu"d F. DnntOJ11 Alice G. Bard; Leslie 8'1 \.:. S. A. Nash, Hart E., U. S. A, Dft\'is, IlnWc B. Armsbtuy, Charlrs R Hume, Fronk Ed~ct, JlInr;;'llrett Boene,;, Jerome Onnsby, Dnritu; Eaton, Jomphlne C. Bn.beoek, Dunne D. .Tonea, Willard R, Frcebol'n, Aucm.; A. Baxter; Dewit C. PackeT; Romee Farnbulll, Agnes R. BaiJeoc-k, Willifnll H, Knox., Osca D. ' Frost, EHzaheth L. Bell. Rolland n. Pnlmer, George .Fikh, ?Iinn R. nnbeo!!k, .Tames G. Kru6ell. Norman J. Galusha. Anna. 1. BenJamiu; ltl:w.l1lnr Payne; Benjamin I'" FOl"d, RnHlll.l ),1. Bartl, John C. Lanphear, WaIter Gavitt; :.\lul"y O. Blake, Joun R. Penny, John A, Ford. RIb S. BllrD0Y, Jotlllth.."1n MeCl'ftokeo, Gf'..orge L, Glllett.c, ],b.'y J'. Blendl. S ...'"klhert Platts, Lewis A,t.~RQY. Gilbert, UnHic Bnscomh, Hemy MeCray. A.• Jndson Gordon) Mnry L Boss; ~'\lartin P. .Potc..'r, Cbarlrs ~. Ilaistc,tld, Nancy ]L Bennett, Jamcs :Miles, William A. Greenmttu, lAura ;,\, Brown, RlIiOh P. Potter, Jnliu/! A. HlImmou, Maty.f. Benjamin, Ethan Ii', .:\-Hnpl", John R. Hull, Addie Bundy) Cnssius:\1. Rathbone) ERtes G. Hf1l"~t :Mmiet,ta E • Bower, Fmnk P. :Mitchellt., Win. F. Hallett., SUSltll : ~urt;et.t, lItu'Hn V, Reynolds) Calvin Harns, C:llT1C S. Brewstcr, plIi.letus ~[or.rlsj lmltoll Halscy; Adelia : uurt, ~"bmill ~. Rcynold", Jamea L. Heinemann, )1al'Y Bromncll, Henry Loufs~~ PaekhaU, Jobn n, Harri81 Samh A. ' Burt, Wl11tun S. Ri~bYl Charles W. Heinemann, Bullock, Asa W: Palmiter, Horaec L, Hcmpblll, Ad~lin{'· E. Crll1Jcuwr, George H. Rogel'S, AlYln Hemphill, Detsey BuriHek, Charles A" Rev. Hendershot, Elizabeth nnrdiek Ellull R II Pieree, Wm. W. : Hemphill. Angeline C:trpenterLT:l\l'uoo,nd p, Roge.ra, Elias G. j PierCE', Wnlnee A. ' HnIUl, Hettie Casson, Wllh;:tm ('. Rowley; Ol'ln.ndn HtH, Susan, llunlicl., Emmet R. ,I Hieilcy, »hvanl),1. Joseph Cb.I'I:, EliZtt Casson; John C. SrHlodel's, Ezekiel U. Hooker; Morcia J. Burg-ett, William H. Rldel", Geol'ge i\I, Kenyou, Ann E. Catlin) Fmuk Scott) Wisner O. lAl.oF{wOl'thy, Esther M. earllcr, Homm' Rig~s, Lcwi$ C. Lauc; EU11 Catlin, Giledl!. Seofield, 3IerrHt D. LU\HCnCe, Adelia G, Carpenter, Sanford Robertson, Alcx::tmkr L. Lanphcar, )lfil'Y ;.\, Clark, Benjamin G, Sbcrwood, DeMott , l(,D, EmilIa J. Chnpin, Herbert F. Rogers, Chnl'les J. Lec, JLlliett E. CaMut, E\lf~enc Shislel', 1£(h,1£. W. : J.I..-du, }Iindie I Chuhbt~('k, Tl'um:m H. Rogers, Fmnk W. Lewis, Elht Coon. Hcnry C. Short, Allred : :\In.xsoll) Lizzie , Glnrk, A. Perm!, lloJl;cra., Lewis T. Lord, lbl'y E. Cornish, 9 TU;; i i Sibley, Frank I,Maxson, Sa!'!\.!! F, Clark, ByroH 1< • HO$s, John H. Lyman, LUCl'etia E. Crondall. WilHam H. I! Simll1', Frnuk ,-MeDougl1ll FJb '1'. Clnrl" On;ille G. Ro!)>>, ArtemllS LymllJ.l., )Inl'Y L. ' ,Cmwford, Alben C. : ~ Smith, Charles W. i ;\[ix, Mumnda L. Clark, ~ath.,'miel :\1. Ih\Cdlger, :EUi.;CIlD .\. ~lath(;ws, Abbie K UI'Osby. G00\',£(e Stillman, Asber J 'Morris, Cal'ric 8. Clemcns, Daniel O. Saundel"f;, ~n'in!) )'IcKtlllt', Lucy A. ,D,Widf,OD\ James O. StiUrrum, Edwin A. , Mundy, J.lal'Y E. Comstoek, Edgal' V. Soarl~, OI'I'lll )nJhml, Phebe K I Davis, W lllma U, StiUman, Cb:.t.rle.'i i ~oble, Annot(ie Comstock, l;'n}«criek.A. Shirts, Fmnklin .Mll1eL" .Ioseplitli\':' i D,wis, Elbmr '£nlbott, T. n. C. : N orto1" 'AIllrle E. : Coon, DeFrance K. ; ; Thacher, Clll1.ric[J B.. ;\Hller. Haniel.:\. : Davis. )fonl.ce W T<::fft, Lueius C. : l'bippin, Addlc ~, GurtlE, Jotm P. I r 'Titswort.h, Wardner C. ::Uoycr, E\l1111ft:M. IDean,· William A. 'J.'b..flyer, Henry S. : Pierce, Orpha C. Cutter, Addison J. I Todd, Wm. P. ~\Iulkjn rVif!I.'/\ Jennie 1I. Dickinson, Clark L. I I Thompson, Rlolt'do F. '0 Potter, Aug·usIa E. Davidson, Irvin H. I Trum!lD, W. Adclbc~e ,Phili.p~j Lydltt S, IDickinson, ,YlIli:un I' 1'illden. Chnrlc3:J.L 1Pl'C':iton, 13;;'1':'\1 A, Dayis, Jolm P. j I 'Vatkins, Ameriens 'I' Pbilips, l<'tol'cnc-e J. Dunham, Franklin A, I ~ Titsworth, Da.vid E. I Preston, Emma. J. Demming, Leroy L , Righy, l1Ial"glll'ct Diekinson, GeQI'gC II'Jl==w::e=ou=,=, =Sh=e=r==mfi=n=D=_ ====P=I.::,*=,=E=,l=le=,,=H=. ===::::==E="d=ge=,=,~=o ="=10=,=CS===:;:;=:::::::l' I I ~_~~be;t:~ I __ oo ___~ _____~.o_~A_L_FRE_D_U_N_I_V_"_R_S_IT_Y_. ______~ __8_5_

Enrly, Marshall I , !lfeCormicl" Francis : MeCol'miok, Nancy Pottle, Frank M. "=, II I' Edwards, 'Milo :N. ~=:~:-~YanOlsdale, N, Reynolds 8at!lh C. - .. Medbury, J-ames H. :McCormick. 'Marv 11, I Rcigg, Theodore Ennis, John O. Vincent, Charles Rnnner, C~'H1JHt Mentzel', Daniel B. F McCormick; AngeJll M. , ReynoJd9-. ChHl'lcs W. Est('e, Daniel M, Wells .M: S Sallllder~, Jennie Nfiijb, George Ii!. 'I'lfert'ill, Anna B. : Roynnlds, Harrt-,on W. :Estec, James A, WhiUcor\ James I.. Setcl1cll, 1.bry E. Norton! Lur-jus Iii. ; .afiddaop:h, Sus.'lU jL Rogel'S, Frederick T, Gilbert! Calvin lif. Willard, Cllurles i Sis3Qn, Ida E. I Nichola, Adelbert S. i MOI"{l-Y Jcnnie E. 8mmdel'#, TrulIll1n Wileox Nobles. James C. I Nash, Harrlel J, Groves, Dotr Winegar, Peter P. i 8;5&on 1 Elmlnt\, Sannders, Trnrnflu A, I'almel') Gl:orgc Platts. ),fattie J. Green, 'fLo0Ul5 C. Williams, WU\. D., 1;.S.A, : Stoolfire lf~li~R'l R. ISnyr~ Willis FHeh Gruen, Milo B. Wing, Chnrles G. ITaylor •• J VUl.'!. E. Paril'h, Eugene Potter, Eva P. , Sayre, George M. Green, Charles A. '''illlr, Wllltnn Tliomnr" linr;r Parker, Clarence 1. Potter, Nettie E. Stcn::ns, Cllru'l!'s Wesley Griffinj Charles TrUman Wisner, Hector I.. j Tnekel', \Ycalt11v V. Perkins, John C. Potter,Oleu",..\.. Stillman, Anson E. Griffin, Edgar A. Wright, Wiilialll B. Tucker, Alm)IlftS, Power!'!, Ivon Reynolds, Augnsta J. StiHmanJ.Herbert Wayland Grisw-old, Daniel Gentlemen, 121, Vl'IllACl'lUfUl f~\dore G. neynoWs, Tbeodt;Jre , Rl.!igs, :Muttie Strong, liermnn D. Groves, Daniel D. LAPn;g. Vluillleu, Ij eUa Reynolds, Fredenek C. IROQ"er& LO\'i<:fl A Tennant, 'Moses D, G, Hamilton, Jo1m C. Babcock) Ctteolinc A. VanCise.\. Lucy Rogel's, BenJnmin Fox,He,'. Roget's: Nora~ ~L . To!.ten. Stacy G, Hargro.ves, James Baldwin PlfH'e, DcEttc W. Wight) lA.rrle Rogers, Alnn E. RogeTSJ Adnline 111. Tnrnel:, Alonzo 8. Hielilll Jnmes Ualdwin, Loui&'l l\f. \Velch, Hannab Snmcc, ,J, Ernest B. , Rogers, Celestin J. Waterhul'Y, Albert M. Homer, George W, Barber, ],fttry E. Wbitford, Demari;; }f. Snunders, Enrl I Sa.unders, Alziuf( !II. Wight, Odn 8. JIotlk, Lewis!. B:n'iter, Anna R. L:ulics1 78. Sberman, Eugene 'Saunders Rhoda \ViUson, Dehin H1l1~ Almon M. Simon!>, Oharles A. IS.'lundel~: Eva Willson; Robert R. Hunt~ Alliwn F. M!~i~~ N:~~1f. I' Total., '1'~6°6° o_'I'~6' ~~.' .. 202. Sin!1cttc, Joun F., U, g. A. Speueer, Cbu.rlotte E. Willner, Gabriel Joseph. 'I'bomas Beebe, Mary],1. 0 _ 0." SmIth, LuC'ius ,H. Smell-, Harriet E, Wright, WlUinm B. Kart, ,Joseph. W. Boyd, Mnl'Y. :if. I (mXrL:r;~mN. BpeusDr, Adonrrum J. i StUlmnn, SU&ln E. Young, Lewis A, I Staunton, Jobn 'Tneker lVeultby A Kellam, 1m P. Bracy, ]bthe Aldeuj AnJrew D. Gentlemen, £0. Kellogg. R. Jasper Bnrillck, Elizabeth : Allen, William H. I StiUmnn, E~win A. I' Tucker: Sal'nh • LAJHf';S. Strongl Len C. Ylllli Fl-cneh, Rev. Wood". Dayid Hathawav BassDtt) William C. CoatS; Lel10m Norton, Elmel' K. .Tt~aton, Elln U. 8. A. Yonng; DeWitt E. • Browning, lio,,~<,e ~fHnu Crandall, Lucy C, Owen, Francis E. Earley, .lIary J. Compton, Orville, U. 8. A. Gentlemen, Bft Buck, George lV, Dan-OWl Mary Emma Packard, IfJ'edrlck lG,."stt>n, Josaplline ,Cottrell, George?!I. LADlES. Bllrdick, Rusgell EU\ott Dhnmick, E. Lonis... A, Palmiter, Charles D. E:lSton, Mary Crandall, Goorge Jay, Rev. Allen j Evungei Burdick, AdellJ('rt :Elvcrta-n Dowse) Charlotte EliZAbeth Pardon, George H. EVans! Carrie g, Cr'.lDdnHI. \V m. IT. JStlbC'ock, Erzelia M, Otmpel George A. wsley, Ettie PhiliPS .. Marquis Freehoro, Viola CrawfOl'1I1 Albert Burney, Ella.lt. Coats, \VH:ium W. EVlms, Caroline S. PlaCf>, un A. Gallagher, :i\fary Cullom, Uaren8 Buss, Emma J. Coou, Geologe SHUman Gardner, 811mh RandOlph, Lewis F.,1:. S. A. Gordon. Emma Davis, Charles E, Beeile, Mtu·y P. Corneli;;on, Robo}'i F, Gilrdnet; Ol'tlootLa Randolph, GeDrgc W. F. Gmves,'Tda Dnvid80ll J, Oakley Beil, Flora. A. Cottrell, E(4,."fIr H. Guyton", EliJ:o. A. Randolpb) Alexander F. G:rcen -Della. G. De Puy, ,Jnstin.r. Beujamin. Emma. J. Crandall) Cah-iu Bvron Grecll, ld.'l A. ReynQlds" Emory W. lleueb, Flom ,<\-1. Crosier J'ntnes T •• HaU, Emma A. Dimmick} Therou B. j Green, Flora Eliza RiddeHj Joseph M. Hazeltine. i\rminda L. TJounf'e, William 13. Bentley, .hL'\ry E, Dimmick, ]Olul'CUS F. Hall. Leru Rogers, Horace A. Heggie, B'ctsey L. Dunn, David Bentlev. M!tt'v In k r h Q R Blnck:(;cl'trude S. 11. 0- 11 • • H:millton, Sarub Row ley, George H. Hendershot, Florence I, Evans, Fl'cdcri('k 'V. e,,, B1oolomout"oo,o,oo U Eaton, Arthul' E, Hnnd, Mary Satterlee, James C. Hendt'rshotJ Marie E. F-tn'Mld, iUrtTCUI! A. "'V ~ .. i>" '\ J.: o H-auilcll, OrviHe G. Hart, MitT}' &unde1l!l.-;Adelbert C. Harm:>!', Cornelia Gatdnel:1 Theodore Li\'ing~ Canfield, ~tJHT 11, Hall, Henry::'lf. Hart, Kate Snvllge, "\y illiam H. Horton, Emmn L. stone Champlin, HltITiet Adelia Hnll, Samuel J'crcmi.nh IIuU, Addle A, Sbeldon, Charles R. Jobuson, Isabella llulbcrt, Luther Lee CIl\l'k, Florcnce E, IInmllton, James D. Keenan, &trob A. *Sheppard, Willinffi r. Johnson; Helleu Hallett Lewellyn A, Com~toekJ ~r\dcnu Hrn:l'iaon, Jumes Salmon lluning, RaIn Aliee Sheppltrd, Jilmea :'f. Lee Btan, CarOline I' Hut, J. )of orton Coon, Lllrna Annio< House, Josepb F. Mclennan, Anno. Smith, Frank W. Lewis, Abry E, Hll,skeU, Mosca Cnmdall1 Lim A. Hoyt, Oliver R. Oviatt, Alieia Spader, Georgc Loper, .Mary F. Haskell, Bennett) DaViS, Anna S. J{~mes, 1'hnden$ S. Pnlmer, Abbie Stanntonl.- Marion M. McCormick, Harriet IBuzard, Frank DaYlon, Emma L. Lewis) Wdcome WayJaud Palmer, CredelIie Stearns, ,John Sardis MeCormkk. 'fj:ieITesst'l. Horton, Alva L., U. S. A. Dexter. Leuora L Lord, Hnt\'cy PalmitCl', Renin. Stillman, Dwight R. Miller, Sarah Horton, James W, Goodwill! :Mary A. Ma.nning, Slcplum Clmpiu Stillman. ThoIDAS B. Palmiter, Eugenia Moon, ElizaheLh II Hull, Joseph Gl'lIl1Lh, A, Maxwell, Habel'L Pilrtlng~on, Hrt.nnaD Stoddard, James R. ,\forey, Jennie E, ItlKhnrn. Kirld:;md W. lIamiHon, Fmnces E. _McElheouy, VnloJ., t.S.A. Place,Emily J, Swinney.:. J.G.,Lieut, U.S.A. MouHon, Lucy J. Jtimes, ~()hn C, Harris, Man· ftIeElnle • .ritincs Potter, H!it'rict E. Taylor, .irrnuk Napier, Mliggie ' *Jooe5, Lee O. Riueher, Mitrv G. 1fcLelllL'lH, Pet.el' Potter, Aturnsta D. Thacher, Charles G. Napier, Mary ILllngwortby, DfHllcl B. Hunt, NelUe A. Metc:llf) Hibb:n'd Rogers, At'felin Marla. Thurber Frank Pardou1 Eliza Lanphear; :Sathan Henry .Tennillgs) Rosa B. Jfulkin) Albert 8u.uudenl, Sarah E, Tit.worlb, Jo,",ph lIf. Parmenter, E. E, Magee, Henry B. Karr, Rulli Nichols, Willinm D. SnunderB, Phehe Arminil Titsworth, Lew16 T. Place, Orpllelia .i\raxso~ Byron D. Kenyon. Angle C. O'DonejJ. Jnmes Bimpwll, Ruby Jennie Titswortl:\. B. ],i'rank, U.S.A, Lord, Aliee A. Plnce, Albert A, Preston, Vilhritl. 'l.Maxwell1 John W. Stillman, :Myra H, Tifllworth, Thea. H' J U. a.A. Raymond. Lavinia H. Mllyberry, Isaiah Loverage! Nettio J, Potter, Wilfutm I Tcnn~mt Cntlldtlll, Carie E. 3G ALFRED t7NIVERSITY. ALVliED T:lUYERSITY.

---- ~-

Thornns, Flom. ! Peitlbol!{;. Hawley i Fullc!', EHzttbeth Lorette Totteu, Eney C. PIner, JrlUles CoclJriUl I :Fuller, ()ttroHne 1.1. Truman! N cute Plnec, CJnrk S. Green, Aliee VlUL\\lcn, l:'eunkk ).f. Potter, Adelbert ; Green, Harriet Amandn. Warren, lUra V, P(lttr:r, Oetbello Bb0]Jpanl Grecn, Jellilie lrellf' Wight) ,Tmmie Luelln Po!tcr, ThOli:llts W. ' Green, N('llie Wi!!:;htman, L€lin Potter, GCQl'ge Grceu; SU;;~1ll K. , :Mary J, Potter Elmer E. S. Grecn, Ida Ang-dirt ALUMNI. 'Yllitfonl, Mary n H:md(llplJ, Fratk T:lylut : G~ummou, Eliza Gertrude LfnI1!'?, 58. ROJ,!cm, Albert Clark , Gmmmoll, Julin A. TH!al. •.. ,,' ,. ,UB. Rogel's: }<'rllllk Lewii; : Hudle)" Alll];l. Sbt:tll.llm, Del'tl'o : Hadley, Ajid:. lB!):j·~l8CiL Slnmr; FI';.ml;li.n , Hodscll, Clam 81,,0(1), EhrwJ' »~ng'enc ' H.'lll, Emma O. GL:STT.R~US, 18-1-1. Durius Ford, A. j\f" Rov" Prof. Allen, GeoYgt A. BissotJ, Clutdea n"rbbol'O, Sopbi,',I. OEliTf-Ii::\IJt,X. Smilh, Wllhtnl Herringtou, C,w)l1ne L. . ,Jared Kenyon, Rcv. Allen, Fred.wit'k Jouftthau Allell, A. ;'1.. Rev., Prof, Darwiu Maxson, )I. HOll, Smith, Dtlulcl ~L Holmes. Nlwada Justin!{\. i E. A. , Rc\t" Allen, Elbert Dnniel C. Babcock: )1. D. Jod R. )'I('rriUlHll, Hev. Allen, Fnmk Nathnn Smith, 11)'1'01) Howell, Allee Ezra Bowen Smith, Dtrillo 1'. Howell, '1'10a J;':ffic Ell.ooock4)Iel'bcn Chlrk As:; Olark Blmllek Bnrbel', ~\1\lo J. Smith. R()'wltmd Jacques, Addie Emily J(llm D. Collins, Prof. j849. ll:nber, ueoq.;c )of. 8tcyen'$, s.'lIlford V. KeD} on, Emmu L. Gurdon Enmg, A • .:\L Eg,I, , I.AIJlEll. BltrlJer, Jtlillt'll \Vi!",on. 8tUlmau, ltogers : L'tnpheur, E\'a Erastus !t, Gr~cD, ESQ. . ! SU&uu E. Crmldl.lll J:.ar/:in narker, Edmund Plumrw:!" 'frlH',Y, .Jonn I uui.ln, Kittle A, P. Charlet Rollin Head, )L D., Eon. 'I *Ellen iL Goodricb Pard, "'1857 Boyd, Olludes CHniun Tmt'y) William Houghton II Mndlw£I, Alta. Luke Greon Max;;ou, At D. RutlJ Hemphill WAi!{ord Brewster, LuUwr Palmer Tucker, \\'illilllll R. MnxsQll, Inez Rftdelifiu Daniu! D, Pickett, A. ?II •• ProL 'Emma F. Hopper SimpliOIl Brown Atldllcrt G;:lCr'. GeoJ'r?"cJlcrbcrt.. I ~IcGorm~t:k. El.~cn LQuisa Armina Le!J.eur 1Uul'l'in, 1m S!tyleaJ A. M., PI'O£. BulinI'd, James lIiHon \\ lukm". )Ial'l;tn Fr:lll!>i8 D. :\fcConmck, Elp;~. Entstus A. Scott, A. )1. Bm'dick, II, Adriall WbSr., :Mnc~ McDonald;: lhtrdct "'PaUl Maxson Vincent., *J865. 1.&"10. Btmllek, HCntHlU "\VCgt, Eu~ctle .McCray, Bdle C. J.ADll-:s. . lJI;XTIJ·:)r};x. Burdick, 8hctmnu ~:(,BL.. Heuty 1IeHaJe, Sarah A. Aulftrilla Collins Babcock i ",ciJlj~m W. Belin, A. ;\1., S. Com. W Illttemore, Albert Ogdell Miner, bljr(l. BUl'oick l Rouse K. Olin: B. Forbes Warduer I *EdwlU R. Unmpbcll Prot. *J866 Burdick, Fl'c(liwick WHliamS', Frnnk 11. Mour(lc, AngeU:t Hnniet:N. )ta~Wn Green , Wi1Hi,IU W. Crandall' M D' Chnmpllu, Willjam If.. Wilson, John Hichard )Ioon, Florence AlJig,til A. Maxson A 1l1:'1l., A. :\f., Prof. John A. Drlikc ,.. Cbamplin, Cuarles Wrigllt, William. NolJle, EUa Arminda. Maxson Codtrnn Ellis lioll,wt H. 1>feCruYI p, ::'ILl nCY. GemlemcIl, jll. O'DunneU, ,ro;;cptJine Clarke, Chester Smedley Emma. StiHmttll Ro.qers I LA!)lES. Clarke, ilorman D. L\I)U:"'. Puilller, )Lyrtlc [.. *Mcliss:t B. 'Yard K':NYM *1864 , La.vinia A, CrtmpllBll pjcI:etf Coy ken dull, Edwin Allcn, M:1y PUlmer, .Minerva Atmn Serena C. 'Vhltc Sayles. ' i }fa.llnnh A. Green ~11({j't;(m Cmudil.ll, Maxllon Arsy Allen, Ida Pet.tilJoue, SLelia : Jcruslw lI. :Jfuxsou A!eCm.!j1 A. ::'Ii., M, D. Cl'Hndull, Calvin ).J\en, lola Pettibone, Jennie 1&45. Snsuu l.Iax;;:on BunNd.: Babcock, Idu 1.l. Pope, }1Yn~ E, Cl'Unduil, Eugene T, (}F.:XTU:'IR);. )Iary A, Bh('lduu Crflndnll./.,.llerbcl't L. Barbel', Emma Lucretia Potter, Eney C, Hiram P. llunliek, :\1. D. Rev. LomEli A, Stillman Rltlit Crosby, t'lYI:OU Barbel', :Mary K Plaec, Ellen A. I: fO.8ophin C. White lIUTlsfu))'tl., *1866. Bussett., :Mal')' C. ' RuurJolpn, Josepbine B, Asn W. Smith, Esq. ' CUlT)" Darucl *Nflthan MllUOU, ¥ 1855 Bentley, Lizzie ,Rathhuu, Stl&an ])nvis, David Herbert NaJba:u Wardncr, A, J.L, Rey. Bell ton, Mary K. ~ Hixford, A!geuia 1651, Davis, GCOl'#;6 L. L.\DIY". Dunn, :MaUhew moss, Minnie i Rose, 1dtl. E. I Gl::;l'LE)IKY, Lydia A. ::'I-Iuxson Jfu.rsm Orm:lllZO ~\~lcn, lIoll. EaJ~HuJ J"obll .HrewstCiT, Alice D. : R08Chusu., Celia A. BrewEt(W, Cora HeU ; Stlntec, :.\lillie Jane HartieL Nyc Crandall I*Lymnn _"!len. Hon., +j864 Etlwn, A.E. J\funha Gl'ec:u StiUTtl(W. i Gn.lmhil Auderl>{!n, D. D., Prof, Fnllerl Wnrl'el\ Nathau Brown, Fraukie Louis , Shaw, Luct'eti;t ~L ClJatlo~ RollJn lJunlick, Rev. GalbraitlJ, Jmne~ Bun;"'c!', Emma Id;t I Shennan, :Mary E, GatC8, }lurk L. Burdick, l!:mUy Lonha Slmpson! Rnby June 18J6. AU)Q5 ~ll$Se!l COl'nwell, Hey.! Prof. GE:-'TLEMEX. ~olm H, 1.. Jouos, Eflq, Gt'itlct~ Geurge Burdick, SmHl.n 'lI. Sinnett, Snsrm I Griffeth, Charles Bnnlicl;;:; Ella, Sissotl, .;\[ctt..'l T, Ethuu P. Larkin, A. M., Rev., Prot ,'"'DauleIJ. Pcttibon~ +-1859 *It'a WortlJer Simpson, A, )'1., Rtw., "'1868. i Alio.)-[. F. RrmriolptJ, Esq. Gridley, Lorin Burdickl )lym Si$son, Agnes A. Caleh Suej{ctt BUI'dl13k, Juliaette Sisson, Alice J,,\DIE'l. I ~cwel [., Rcyuoldll, Rell. nau, J:;usan }OL Goon SpitJu·, A. 1\1, ! George Bhnw, :\1. D. Hallett.. Perry Julin Burdlok) T~l;t'y Estelle Si13~ou, Addie Aim'n:. n, .Mary Simons Blewm·t I Hcdmond D, StevellS E$q, HaUctt, 'I'1.101H.<'\E Burdick, Julia. AddIe : Stearnsj 8al'r.b Alida· I Hnrt:'ihorn. :Frcdcl'ick Burtlick, Elizabeth A. 'Stephens, Efjt(~llc Elvira E. StiHmuu Coon, A. :\e Prec, I LA1J1ES, ~lizaheth Bartholomew1 A. :;\1. llerrellj Alc':'::lUldcr Buntie)" Julia Addn StiHlll:m, Pauliue R. Howell, Herman Burdick, Amaud30 ].1, Stillman, Corinne E. 1847, Selinu, Don AJlderlJon, +-1861 Howell; William CaSROu. Ellzabetb II, Vaugh\lI1, Jmmle Amamla GUXTUOIE:'i. Surah M. Gilmore l'hadlc)· Huffmuu, John Livingi'lton Vialr, DeH Watkius, Lu('clln A. }'ranklin W, K1JOX };sq. : LncreUo.],1. Grn.y(~B lloywoorl Kenyon, Alphcus .Hul'tlick Clil:sacr, Ellen Antoinette Watson, E;;.t!lt>r Lh:IO. .Tames )fruTiu, A. Itt, Rcv., Prof. i :Mary A. Hutch Dull Kenyon, Jolin Francis Collin~ OH\'(;~ ~-\., West, Ida Jauette Horace H. :Nyc, )1. D. ISarah E. Langwortlly Taylor Cullins. Rlma E. Weet. 8oJ'nh Joseph W. BmiCh ~, }<;npl!emia-Pott~r (]rant/ail Lanphier, WilHam d. Ambrose C. Spicer, A. :\J., Rc,', Sarah Williams WltliaJM. Leinmw, Carl Collinsl Elull- E. , 'West, Cora Lounsbury D. ?triBol! Cooke, 'Mary LOUise : \Yhitaker, CorneIitl. 8, LAIHE>!•• }faxs;)l!, lLmry )lartin UOOll, }Iim' \ Wise, OIlve A. Abby.T. Allen Burdick 1852. J.uvlnL-t A, Griln-mId (;l;~'J:"1,ic.MY.N, !tinxwrI,Emmctt LiVingston Cottrell I<'hmt .A. l Winerj Fmuk Minier, WHli:un Hoffman Cn:mthlli, ;\tllry SUHU\ 1 Wittet, Ell •• C<.'Irvlinc Hu;dtce Butillt. *J. Emory J3atemflU, Prof., *186- Minier, j\fr)X well (;mry. C.'aroHoe A. York, Kate Seymour Aylmcr D. Burdick 18,[8. :Monroe, Chftrl~ l?yc, Angeli.. Ladiesl 109. Lchbcml M. Cottrell, Rev. GESTLEMKC'{. ~iLes, )IclvHlc E:Lt(lU. Jane Tota1., ... " ,,.., , .•• , .:!U3. Joel C, Greeu, Esq. Amos West {JOOli. Re\,. Perry, Ora Evan~ Adelaide l "'Alvin A. Lew1B, A, :.1., Rev., ·18138 38 AL);'RED UNIVERSITY. ALFRED UNIVERSITY. 39 ------

Prosper Miller, A. M., Prof. LADIES. 1858. Luis U. Kenyon Egbert Nicholsou Eliza A. Alexander A Uen GE:STLI-;:MEN. *J. Edmnnd B. Mnxson, *U. B. A., 1862 Solon O. Thacher, Hon. Cynthia A. Babeoek, U. D. Silas U. Burdiek "'Henry C. Randolph, *18G- TholUus R. Williams, A. M., Re\'" Prof. Clara T. Beard Francis M. Bassett Thomns C. Sunders LADIES. Samh A. Brown G,'eell John P. Blll't G. Asher Williams, A. B. Emeline Allen Wood *8ara11 J. Diekinson, "'185- *J081ah G. Everts, Rev., "'18&­ LADlES. A. Janette Campbell Cm'penlel' Ehza Durant Weston Flint M. Libbie Brownell Rogers Margaret R. Conklin Lee A. Mirauda Fenner, A. M., Pree. George H. Greenman E. Jennie Chapin, A. }'I., M. D. "'Hannah A. Crandall Em'dick, "'18G­ "'Jnlia A. }Iaxsou Cossod!}, *1856 Emory M. Hamilton Miranda L. Cobb Emma L. E. Cottrell ..1Iain Abby K. Edwards Willer Lurelia F. McQueen Lowel L. Rogers, Rev. L. Allen Jaoe A. Shmtoo Wiglitllwn Luin K. Thaeher Lucioda L. Fenner Davis Jane :Martin Selinda Green Lydia M. Pickett Smith Helen M. Thomas B"OWI! Charies A. Thompson I. I Cbllrlotte C. Hitchcock W-ill-iams, A. L. Luey A. Pickett KlIight Elizabeth C. Wright, A. M., Ed. J. Byron Whitford Eliza Potter Babcock Ezra Williams R. Cordelia Hydarn Amos O. Yale, Rev. C:tlTie Rooks StU/lWb Harriet A. Sears JielTillian I 1856. Myrta E. Wells Steward GENTf,E::In::s. LADIES. *.\1. Etti.e Stelle, *1862 "'Barbara A. Williams Cornu:all, *185- Maxson J. Allen, Prof. Samh A. Blakeslee Chase, ::\1. D. .:'II. Grnce Stillman, A . .M. "'Rollin T. Baker, M.D.,*Surg.U.S.A.,1864 Currie IJ. Brown Ellen F. Swinney, A. 11. 1853. Daniel Beach, E~q. Emily Brown Mary A. Ta~'lor BUI'dick GE~TLE~ur,:!i". 8tephen Burdick, Hey. Adriana Bnllman, A. M. Ellenoir E. Weayer Dextel', A. M. Elston M. Dunn I Chal'les L. Brundage Angeliea Burt William A. Engle, M. D. ,Rodney C. Dennis, Esq. Lney M. Carpenter 1862. Thirza D. Pingrey DeLaney Freeborn, L. Rep. Benjmnin F. Dorrance (jE:STLIDIE~. William H. Lewis Nathan M. Farnnm, M. D. Elizabeth L. Rowe Stephen T. Dean, Rev. Lester U. Rogers, Rey. Hiram C. Johns, Esq. Ariana P. Rowe John R. GI'o\'ea Maxson J. Stillman William V. Peny Ann E. Wells Stewart. Willinm P. _Maxson Albert Whitfol'd, A. 11., Prof. William H. Rogers, A. ;\I., Rev., Prof. Henry R. Manol!­ LOl'enzo J, Worden. James 8tillman 1850. Alanson A. Pltlmlter LADIES. Josiah R. Sypher, Ed. GI£:S'l'LE::IIH:S. Darius H. Ping-rey Keziah M. Green Fox "'Simeon]oI. Thorp, Hon., *1864 Philip L. Beach *Heuben T. Pottel', *U. S. A., 1865. Myra C. MeAlmont lVamer Daniel D. Waldo Belhuel II. Braisted, Rev. William R. Prentice, Capt. "'8amh E. 8uundcl'S Evans, ""18&9 Alanson Wheeler, A. M., Prof. "'Luther C. Howell, .:'II;lj., *1866 Preston F. Randolph Hannah Sherman BOlCe7' Anderson R. Wightman, A. M., Prof. WesleyB. Leonard, Esq. Charles Tubbs Amelio. Stillman J,A01I':S. Leonnrd H. ;,!Iarvin Luin K. Thllteher, A. M., Maj. :Mtlry A. Willson Sears .:'IIinervn. A. Bueklev McG!bellY, A.M., Pree. James B. UcGibcny, Prof. Thomas Thorp, A. :H., Gen. Jane E. Wormley Word-en. Jane U. Cnmpbellllutchins William H. Rogers, A.M., Rev., Prof. *Jnmcs W. Williams, A. B., *1862. Julia J, Ja('obs Ree!J(] Rohert T. l'nrner, Esq. L,\DIES. 1854. Letitia 1'. Pattengill Brown Daniel D. Van Allen, A. M., Rc\'., Prof. Euphemin. E. Allen Whitford, A. M. GE:STLI·;:.m:s. ldo. F. 8allln Kenyon, A. i'll., Prof. ,.Aoms. Ella Crandnll Brown James Black Helen E. 8eott *Harriet A. Dean, *186- Elizabeth S. Gorton .i.1Jiddauglt Franldiu Babcock Lydin. L. Thacher Miranda .:'II. Fisher Deall, A. M. Emma I. Robbins, A. M. Ira D. Clark, Rev. Rebeeea J. TitsWOl'Lh Rogers Mary A. Green Adelaide M. W nlker Lovell• .rohn N. Davidson Catharine A. Vincent. Sarah M. Hnmphrey Bliss Daniel A. Langworthy, Capt. E. Elvira Kenyon, A. 111., Prof. 1857. 1863. George W. Maxson, A. B. GE!'TI,EMEN. William A. Rogel'S, A. M., Prof. GE:STL1~~IE:';;. 1860. Towner P. Andrews John H. l'itswol'th Jaeob B. Armstrong GE~TLE::IIEN. John T. Andrews T. Dwight l'hacher, Ed. J. Albert Bmwn Thomas D. Bower W. Lewis Clark Hornee D. Baldwin, A . .:'II.. Eeq. LADIBS. Baseomb P. Uape9 A. Herbert Lewis, A. ~I., Rev., Prof. Charlotte A. Alward Joseph E. Ewell Engene A. N:1Sb, A. 111., Esq. Darins H. Pingrey, A. B. Harriet A. Canfield Browit William H. Pite Duane D MeGibeny, A ..M., Prof. James H. Pope Almira Campbell Mason Ell J. Rogers, A . .:'II. Eli J. Rogers, A. M. Andrew J. Pnrdy, A. )1., 11. D. Go.len B. Se.'lman, Esq. Parthenia K. Havens Copelwul LADIRS. Audrew N. Sa\'age Eh'iro. E. Kenyon, A. M., Prof. Eleazel' Stangland Phebe Jane Babcock Waile, A. )1. *Am1' Estee Swinney. A, B.,*U.S. A.,1864. Martha J. Lnngworthy BClljomil~ Samuel R. Tbayer, Esq. Lydia S. Bridgeman Thomas Vincent. P. Taylor Van Zile, Esq. Leona H. PattcngilllJaJ.·er Mary ?>1. Cnmpbell, A. M. Oseo.r U. WhHfol'd, A. M., Prof. Jane A. Porter "'William P. Willis, M. D., *1865. Lueetta Coon HU7Itillg J,,\OII£S. Daniel Whitlord. Elizabeth B. Stelle Brant Pbebe Evans L\DIES. *Hannab E. Stillman Bm'dick *1858 Mary S. Bassett CIG/'k *Lodemia A. Green C011WJatl, *1863 Frances A. L. J. Conover _\lice Brnndage NiUeI' Sarah A.. Weed. Addie Hubbarcl Amelia E. Campbell, A. M. Leyantia P. Cooper Moiher Lucy C. Laagworthy BaT/croft Frances A. Cottrell Mm'vill E. Jennie Cbnpitl, A. M., M. D. 1855. .Minerva A. Buckley JIcGibcny, A. M. _Mary E. Church Pitt GEN'I'J,E:lIIE:S. Bertha E. Doty E. Emily Randolph Amanda O. Edwards Casc Mary E. Coon Slwpal'd, A. M. Ellmuud Burdick Eleanor M. Stillman Ellsworth, A. M. Armina French, A. M., Prec. John B. Cassody, Hon. Mnry L. Edwards Rich Hannah Shermnn Bowel', A. L. Helen ~1. Gr€en Amos W. CraudaU Emily Goodspeed Celestin A. Stone, A. U. E. Willette Gorton A ndrclfs Adelaide Ladley, A . .:'11., Ed. *Daniel B. Maxson, Lieut. *U. S. A., 186-1 I,emira A. Maxi;Oll Premlicc David D. :l!feGibeuy, A. M., Prof. Jennie E. Jennings Grace L. Lyman Olney 1861. L. Ettie :Maxson Liverllla1'e Jarot W. MeNel1. Rev. Al{lleS A. Mitchell Zimmerman Girmrd 8. Nye, .llisq. Rnth E. ROlVe GE:STLElIIEN. Mary A. Smalley nicks Wallace W. Brown, A. M., Esq. Marie ReynoldI'! T. Edgar Stillman, Esq. .:\-Iul'y).1. Hogers lVheeler David F. Stillman Charlottc Stevens Crandall B. Frnnk Burt Eleanor U. Stillman EllsW07·th, A. U. Abiro. J. Crnndnll, A. M. 8[1.rah Saunders, T. John H. Vau Allen .Mary A. E. Wager, A. )I., Ed. Joshua Walbridge, A. M., Esq. In.ne A. Van Allen, A. M. Seymonr Dexter, A. )1., Esq. • __••• ______M_ ••• _____••• __••• ____ --••• -


_ •• ___••• ______•• __••• _____M __••• ______••• --

1861. ~1artett». E. Hart, A. L, GEXTLt:CUl\:S:. Emeline A. Lallgworthy, A. L. Chllrles A. Chapin, A. :'If. *Gnuie S. Langworthy, A. L.t *1858. Albert L. Cbapin IPrulore R Van ACl'Uum, A. 1., Abjro J, Crnnd.:til, A. M. Anahell, \Y1l.tliC, A. L. Seymour DL'XOOf, A. )1., Esq. SUMMARY. Andrew J. Purdy, A. ::.1,. M. D. 1867. L.unES. CEXTLEMF~. . OhArlcs A. Burdick, A. n., Rc\', -.- ...--- ... -~ ... -----,.---... - ... _-- Sarah E. Brimmer St<:eef. Josephine 7>1. Copp, ,d, ~f.. T, John Hcndershot, E, It ~mos Cnmd::lIl LcWis A. 8., Prof. I! I' Addt. J. GrlJCo, A. M. l ! Matricu- I Term Yearly Alum- Reuben Addison Waterlmry, A. R, ReY, Years. Amnnda A. LaugworthyCltnrsou, A. ~L lales. i Registers. Attendance. ni. MI),rin A. L...'tllgworthy Prof. t,ADY. ------_._-, , Hnnnnlt A, Simpson 1--3~-i--3~6' --I~-··- Mary E_ Wildmall. Sarall L. WaterburYl A. L, 1836-31 36 186;'), 186.'1. 1837-38 35 44 44 GS)1'rJ,);;)IKY. , HF.:>:TLF:'IfA}i. Horace D. Baldwin, A. ),1" Esq, : Henry Clrrrk COOD, A. li., Prof. 1838-39 53 102 90 A!tWSDll A. FnlUlitol\ A. B. ! LAtlIBR. 1839-40 58 108 74 'l'bDodore F, Bllepanl. P. B, ! Mary E. Brown. A. L, Pl'e~, }fnry L WUber, 1'. L, 1840-41 116 146 104 Olm.fIes Rollin 'l'ltftcbert A. B. Edward C. Vt:loDuzcr, ~'i. D. Enscbi:l A. York, A. L. 1841-42 101 182 161 LADniS, 1842-43 111 273 239 l\I(l.l'tllll. J, L. Bwiamill, A. L. I, 1So!]. S. },Taoorll Breese, A. M. GE~T1.1':>tE.:. >.,. , •.. ,", •• , ,18&9 203 652 i 365 11 PI'of. Thme Kumclien, ... , •.....•... , .•... , .... , .... 1868 I :i_:~~=~~i ~ -:\---- Tot.l, , 5,779 15,393 I 10,439 389 ----'---...--- .... ~-~-- Ii ALFRED UNIVIIiH,SlTY. 1


AI/FRED DEBATING SOCIETY, Organized December, 1836; reorganized June 15, 1842, as the

FRANKLIN LYCEUM; l\Ierged January 26, 1848, in the


ALPHADELPHIAN SOCIETY, Organized October, 1846; merged Ja.nuary, 1848, in the DIDASKALIAN ASSOCIATION; Reorganized, 1850, as the LADIES' LITERARY SOCIETY; July, 1864, took the name of ALFRIEDIAN LYCEUM.

OROPHILIAN LYCEUM, Organized September 28, 1850.

A'fHEN.iEAN LYCEUM, Ol'ganized 1858, from JJadies' Literary. 2 ALlmED UNIYr,USITY. 3 ALFRED DEBATING SOCIETY, Van Aniwcrp, John, Rc\', IWardner, Horace,:\L D. IWitter, Paul C. FRANKLiL'l LYCEU~I, Vrm Veelltcn, Dl:1l'dr.k Wells, J. A. Witter, Goorge, Vlneent, Edward Whitney. Henry . Total ~. DIDASKALIAN ASSOCIATION. Wardncl", Cbnunooy. Rev. I WHlitl.rlliJ, Thomas H., Rey.! 1

(Incomplete List.) IBnrher l GeOl'J~'C R IHltU, 11'. O~'FICEnl$. ill,mey, Levn.ut A. Hurlbut, )Iyron 1. Bnssett, lluylies S. . JohusoDJ E. It. Charles Hartshorn Bean, !"lll~flm W. 'I .Tones, li<-'Ury L. Daniel C. Bnbcoek, M, D, ' "'Boyce,)" GlHll'les D. Kent, Reuben Hon. John R. Hatt8horn, I Bridgmn~, Q:;;ayws E. I Kenyon, Jared.; Rev. ~I D I BIOWU, Delwm F. ; Lungworthy) Chtttles W.

L~k~ G: :~laXSOl).)1. D, ,Brown, Sewall W. I LcouardJ lienssc1ncr, :'1. D. *BeJljamin F. Colllns) M.D. Brown, Phlto H. ; «Lewis, ~\l\'ln A., He\'. AI,PHADELPHIAN SOCIETY, Orl"u !:Stillman Bruce, Elleek I J~c'\'is. Lvman H. Erastus A. Green Brundllge, Charles 'V. I Lewi$, O~rren:U. DIDASKALIAN ASSOCIATION. Edwin S. B,lIwek BuekIcy, ~['h 8. ' Lewis, William II. Rey. .1l1lOd W. Coon Bunhek, Hmull p" ltev, ' Lh-ul'lIlore, p, P. (Incomplete I-iat.) Ienafee BrQrlJlJ.., Mandana p, I Kenvon, E, Elvira ·Uathan Maxson Burdkk, Stephen, He\·. Lyman, Henry 1... ~L D, OHICEliS. Comfort KemRfJrt:, Srmili E. : Killg, Janelte A. Clnrk Burdick Burdick, D. M. Magee, ThomAs S. AhigaH A. ;\fnxSOll Allen . CO}lklin /,ee, :lffl!'Wll'ettc R. i King, Ann M. Hon,Charles R.liend, )1.D. Burdick, Allmor D. ]Objor, Cll~l.fles Serena C. SrL"vles ,Coon Spicer, Susan P. . L;1.Ilgwol'thyTdylm',SfimhE. *Pnul M. Vincent Bmdick, Juilo Marvin, James, Rey. Cumline M. JIngnes Smith Comwltll, FaUll,}'" A, I'L:mgwot'thYBer:jamine.Ma:r- Ezra. BOiven. Butdtck, Charles n. Maxson, Matthew Harriett N. Cr:mdnU Corc;r, Pel'lllcliu. )1. thu J. H. Burdick Edwin ~ ilIaxeon, St.ephen Lydia A, 3hn:s(Ht Max-um. CmndaH Lur/:in,8u5allllll. K Lilon-s .l{;:Gwen!l; Sarah p, Prof. 1m Sayles *Butt,s heWitt c, I1if,l'xSQu, DarwIn E., Rev. E. Elvira StiUll1llu GMU Crrmdall Onmr!uU, Harrh::tt: Leuli:ml Bell, Ann M. Francis Goodspeed 1 George It Allison, Riehard F. ureeninan,01'1andoS.,M.D. Smith, .Joscph W. Ament, N. B. Harmanl JohnJ.t M.D. St~venSl J. H. Andt'lYws, M. L. Hitchcock, Amd 8t!llmm, R. Armstrong, William E. Hiwbcock. IJuke R. StlllIW>H, D, Arnold Benjamin F. Horton, J,' G., M. D. Stout, WilHam Austin. Marvin Hoslev. Ahel ,Taylor, Cbarles Bahcoek, FrankUn I. ·HuH: Oliver P., Rev. i ·ThOl'p, Simenn M" Hon. 4 ,AT,}'RED t;NI VERSITY. ALlmED U'NIVEHSITY. 5

ALLEGHANIAN LYCEUM, Clawson, 8. '1'" U. 8, A. Everts, J. G,t D, S. A. i ~ewi;:;, DnllleJ, C. S, N. Cl'nndfl.H, W, H. Estcc, J. A. I Lee, H. C. Put!tHlm::-'T!;. PH!mitcr, A. A. i B:!bbitt, V. )L, U. S. A. Oottrell, G. M. Enllis, John C. ! ~Ltllgwortby. E. (Sinet: :'lny 25th, 1853.) Pluce, W. F. Blmk&, Eugene B., U. 8. A. Crfl.odalt, 1. n. E\l;;lisu);:., C. L.'Ing.\I'QlthYI J. F., U. S. N. AI m -troll"c}".'l, W. A. BllnRlI, ll. J3. Ct'.'!ndal!, ~L D" U. S. A. EU!!,lc. \·\ ••L i LlIl'l;lu, B. ,8. Craud:lll A. D, Eut:lll'orth, S. D. i Lord, 1<'. C. • nyl:i H "" ' . Bogert!; R J. Baker, 0. )[. , J ){ Rngers, O. 1\1. BIH!eOUl, G. H., n, S. A. *Clarkt-..~. T .. U, S. A. Evcrt.'>, C. H. LivCIUlorC-. ,J(lmes ta Eatoll:E. Lewis, A i~~ws T p Rogel'S, R. }l'. Bailey, E. S. Obrk Will. L Al'llmr A, lIcrbc:rt m ,. I{ R(,;'mnlds, s.. E. "'Burber, Cbade:>, "'U.S. A., emo<1 all, S. G, ,Forbes, Bur!', U. S. A. Loekll(tl'L, James Anu8t'ljOng,~. . H0'tH:l't~, 1. E. Capt. "'CllilC, Geor,ge B. Forbe>i; Dot', U. S. A. Lanphear, C. ~-\. ~TdtC.\}8.~r" Randolp.h, Il. O. i Bell, Frauk, U. 8, A., C:tpt. Unrpentel', A. S. Forbcs, J. X, t;, S. A. LnupLcrtl', N. Helin' . ~t y, L' L' l:3enmnu, G. U. Bent1-'!', George)1- Clarki D. W. Frieud, Sulomon . Lanphier, -WID,.L • Ufl.l'm , T. M. Farnum. N, :.\1. I LC4g'ct, J0510pll BIIHmn,Bower C .H . b:ltul(" 1 Dr", 'f"• v I J~ediellt, }I'rauk "'Campbell, E. R. FmnkHll, O. B. ~ Laugwol'ttlv, S. p, 1" A ~I Gtillm;m, g. T. : BarneYl F. D. Bun . . FT , I Blsboj', L G Cobb, P. lo~l!lbeJ'. M. V. B. Lewis,OI,juc Beeman,l(~k, 8. 8y,,"''''',v.l-· J. , ,.. C;u'r, S. 3. i Fiteh, )) I Lewl~ :\ H Bl'OWll, H. P. bllerrmm, O. D. I Bend., Augn8.tus Cobb, D. H. Pat1'!\lld. Cll&l1cc:y *J Burdick, C, A. ,Swinney, A. E. I lllend. It \V, I QC,,1~lt E B .. m,n!Jw J H I Sheppnnl, lltll'k i Bknd; S. A. Cl'ItlldJlll,. D. i\f. Flmt, 01 \'u.!e L ~llg'WOl diY, 'W. 1. ",,' . . I Swwus. H. T. i Bhck, J, A. Carpenter, GeorO'c Fall, J, J, ll, )'IaJor, J. W. Dean, ~.1' Wi!:;'htlllfln, A. R, I Bl'uudu,q~ C. U;1'OY Cr;U1(hlll, J. K. Gre(;nlJllll1, Gaor;,;e H. }Inxsou, It, S. E~~j:: Do,rldH. \Villi"mB, J. W. I*BrolV'~ kp .. U.S.A"CuPt, Colg-rove, J. Gatrelt, 8. }.L ;\(tlX"Dn~ 'Ym, E. Chase, \y, M. Galled, J. H. )'Hller, li. J. J ' Whitford, O. U. "'Burdick, A. G.• U, S. A. Estcc, . f~. ( .• R B.-o'vuin!!, O. D. COlleh, E. J, Groves, J. G, , JIiddauglt, J. E. Flint, Weston \Vhcclcy,,;), . •• ~'. J H Cottrell, T. GIven, _-l. U. I ,:UiddtlHg-lJ, W. N. F:lI'l'fllld, Chauncy Wardll\~\,,'>f. 8. Browniu;.;, . • Carpellu:r, W. M. Green, T. L. : Jfdx,80n, (J, A. Forbc~. lJ. Wrli<:\Ln:3(lU, J. E R," U S,A, G~~d~;Cl: C: C, Aldml, A. D. . EnITnUl, L. 1.. Dlmu, 1. D. Hnlsc,\ Johu L. )1e(JOJ wlek J ,r. Griffin. C. G. W. Ba;,ldn .." A. S., U. 8, A. Dll.Vi$l C. Eo II<.,ffll;~D, John B., U. S. A, )'JHl;;, G, D.' clmmnn '~\.\c.xaudcr, D:wls, D. K. H"rc, George L, ~1illflrtl, ItcnrW,ll HrHl1t1tull, E, :;'1. I' Alkn, G. 8. BurdH'k, S. .E. IInffwlllI, John I.. *Allen, N. IT" "'e, 8, A. Brown, b'. II. Dunn, .:\I.atttlcw i Hart, D. L. 1l<)I<. H. Allen, J. A. i Campbell, W, Da\'is, J. D., U.8. A. *HorrlDr. C. W. j Nor~on; A; D. Lockhart, .James ~Hen, A, R Davis, J. T .. D, S. A. H.ltch,O< Nash, G. E. Lewis, Seth Almy, H. 8. I' GOOll, Byron )fUX,sOll, 8. &'\y AHis, F, (L Coon, H. C. Dtnu, S, 1'. House, D. n, f Nn.~h, S. E. M (' W Armstrong. J. R. Coou, A. W. Duon, W. 1-1. HlltfUlflo John L. ,:NilcIl10eylon ~In~r~I' /\V· Anrln.lW",,~(;. H. Coon; n, 1.. Delln, W. A., D, S. A. "'Jones, S. O. Noble, J. C. ~ c_ ('1.. . T P U 8' , Call1sler, J. R. D;lVls, G. A. Jones, G. T, Nol"ton, L E. }laxson, J. E B. Andrews, . " ' . ~'1., 'CC" Denson B. J. JUl', Andrew Nonoll E J Mapes, B. P. Al'mSl..rollg. Frank H, I Htie, ,r. DaVis, l>dvid II. : Jacob,. G, 'I, ' ' , Maxson, W. l'. Babcock, H. E. Cole, J. , - Nyo, S, G. "!Ifaxson. Cyrns Bubcoek, ,T. J. Crowner, E. A.. Ellston, J, N., U, S. A. I"Kenyon.!.. O. A·LU. S. A. O1mstefio"P. :'IiHary~I12:abcth Palmiter I )or. SlmmollS, J. 1JPlOU, W. G. Mary Grace SWhll!\lI BeArd, (ilal'n : Dwigbt, ~ydia

"'Palmiterj E. S" ·U. S. A, Sp~ne, C. D, . Uttcr, Georg.o H. SarahL.L:mgwort.hyTlwtcll- Bnbcock. En:elia : ¥Denul.,.TIl1ttie Pulmiter, A. A. ' *Swmney, Azul' E.,*Ti.8.A, Vreeland, 0,8, er *B!\sset, 'Samh A, Dot)"l ,1;1. E. PutmAll, J, !;T. Swinney, John G., U, S, .1,); Vincent, Thomas Amandn A, Langworthy Bmwn G,Tot, Sarah II. Dcall, E. F. Place, T. J. J.icut, ! Vincent, J, E. ChJ.i(·fmJ~ Hecrnau. Adl\h Dayj~l L, Pluce, W ..F. Bemnanl Gillen n. I *Yoorlu;cs, Q,l..;oU. S. A, Lydia. :\ie1'l'itt Bost\,kk Plimpton, E. Daily, 8. _-\, Place, L. J. Stepllcns, H. Thurber ~Whjtncy, ;\, ,11;., *U. S. A, Elizn LaJlgwol'thy 1311beock, C, .A, Downing~ H. S. pariah, E Stepl1eus, A. A. I"'\vllitnev, }1~. H.. U. 8, A, R.EIll?llemla Allen WMt{()l'u: Burdick. Ida Dow, S, Perry,Ol'rfl. Sbl1.w, AmoB A. Whitrnoj'c1 J. Ie A(lci:nde L. Ladley Ber;jamln, Emma Dake, M. A. Pltl.M. H. Albert +~;tmwl He.nry W .• *U, S.A. "'Y~lls, George C'l U. S. A. Barttb E, Slimmer Bri.!{j{sl C. *Diokinsou, Surn.b A. PIne<;, Im SMppard, J_ ~L ''Z'ghtm('ll1, A. R. JOSCl)bille M. Uopp Btuw>ou, '1'. A. Dow;;e, Ch.-ulottc E. Eobert!;, 1, E, SUel)lmrd, l1:trk U. S, A. ,'\ieber, J. A. Brundnge ~IIillu, J.Jh'e DIl.r1,()w) Mary E. *Hose, EIlslli'i, *U. 8. A. Sheppard. Da\'j(l D. 'Woodard, A. B., U. 8. A. 11v;t Pottm: . Blatt Bullard, EIIZlt D)'e, A ngcJia. Reedl T. R, "'Sheppard, Will. 1', ' Witter, 0, .i\L Burdick, Libbic Edw/\l'ds Rich, M. r" Rouerts, A. P. Stout, J. R. Wright., W. B. Snl'.lh Snundcrs HellIon, Kitty ElUs, A, A. Ransom. W, S. Stickney, L)1. Wright, C, W. Enl>Cbia YOl'k Burdick, Emily L. Evans. HatHe Rosebusb) G. \V caley Sypher, J, R., ~L C.; C. S. Woodcock, E. T. *Clnra LongworthySlillmr)Jt BIH'{liek1 'EHzabetlt A, EnlUs, Corrie Reyuolds. O. S, A.) BrIg. Gen. 'Vhipple, A. B. C. &l'!th )!, Burdick Colegrove BUllndus, IT

RlUldolIJll. Bibs F.j U, S. A, StlHuall. Ed. A, 'Villiums, T. R Condcrmnn, t.lzzic ".F'asset. Emma Rltndolph! J. F. Stillman, H. W. ,*Willim:rusj Aldll A" *U. 8. )rV,'llHms. Coou, Adistal. Freuch, Carrie M. Randolph, A. F, Stillnum, Jluncs l\'. A. An.1erron, Dell H. Crandnll, Helen]!.f, French, L. Ro.ndolph, Lewis F. StillmAn, E. }1, ,WiHlc.ml<, George A"U,B,~A.. AI'mKtrong Brown, A, S. Crandall, Volma KOE5uth Frene_h, Armina I Rogers. A. C., U. 8. A.. StilImftll, Dlwrlcs Williams, R Alword, Charlotte A. Ct)lcgro\-O WlllwliISl Jennie Furnald, Elln Rogers, C. D. StJlluHtn, I-lnrncB, U. S. A.. WiUi... ~ms, W. D., LT, 8. A. Allen Wld~{ord,EuphemjuE. ; Chlrk, Flont Green [Joltatld, Elvira Rogen;, K J, 8t.iUm:m, Orville ! WhltJord, Albert Alley Smith, Rhoda A. Campbell Allen, A, Janettc IGreen i'itf, Vloltl. "'Rogel's. J. W.! >! ~ortoll S, A1Lenl, Ernestine Campbell ..llUilOllj Amelia. ,Groves, :Mary Chltpluin Stllhuan E. AUSfm ,WmdnCl, Nathan Allen I+'itlm', Eliza;N. Conklin Lee, l\fargaret R. 'Green FfJ''''iKezlilh M. Rogers, W. A., U. 8. N. 8tHlman; E. P. 'Wardner, W. G, Ayars, Sarllh Coopel', I.dtvuntttt P. Green, E .•. Rogen;!, B. '$. Stillman. J. M. I' WHli>on j Augustus E. Henj3miu\. :"bry Caufield Bm/tw, H. GNeu, Selindtl. 1. Rogcl's, J~. T. St!Ullllln~, Ed~n. r T. W!llsonl Gh~rJes Burdick, t:. GampbcH. Mary M. Gl1.llin, AddiH J. Rogers, A. E. Shllman, Dwight n, 'Y,Uwu, ,T. E. Bowler Gff'fllUmHl, A, E. CottrcH JfftTl'in, Frank A. Green, )!ary L, Roge~ Alhel"t C. 'l'hOl'P1 Thos. J., If. S. A'I Wheelerj AruosD. Bowler FifkeJ", Augnsto. Cottrell Jfuin, Emma GraClI, Ida Rogem, J. R Col. I \"l}celcl', S. R. Bowler, )'IuI'Y E. Conklin fJel/; Selinn Grecn, Flom E, l\ob"Crs, H. C. *Tllorp, S. )'L I Whceiel" OI'hlUdo Brown, 'lIIU'y R CmndnlllJrowu, EUn GoodSllccd Emily "Rogers, 0, S., vl}. S. A. Trexler Clinton : Woodm1f, Oliver Burritt Ridtard80J1.: L. E. Uodcl1 CmnptOJi, ElvlrA ,Godfrey: :i. E.

RogerB j Orson Titswo~th L. T. : Willis, Leander, U. S. A., Breese, Caudoec Donover Frank L. i Hydol'U, E. 0. ShCldon, Johu '1'itBworth: J. )1. ' L~cut. Brcese, Flomm:'c Church Pitts, M. E. ; Hopkins, A. F. Sweet, W. n. Tit.sworth, B. Frank,u.S.A, *WIUI.~, W. P., *U. S . .8.., Bttrtholomew, E1I7.abeth Clark JJunn, 11(']en E. ' Hart, »1. E. Strawn, 1 •. O. Titsworth, '1'. B., U. S. A. Surgeon Burdick, Sftl'ah }l. Carpenter, Lucy A. film;!}, Mal-Y Stl'JlWU", H. D. Titswor~hl A. J., U. S. N. Wood, W. C. Barbour, Libbic Cobb, Mimnda L. Hutch, C Seely, 1$. E. Titswortll, W. C. 'ile, Ida E. Tit'>wort.h ~JJaxsolI, Amlmdl\ Yale, Amos S. Good~peed, James L. ~ ,\!exandcr, ,1. H. Blake, C. A., }'. ' Ladley, Sarah Sinnett Coon, Lavinilt :ntsworth, Lucy Allen, N., CaI)t.Art. USA Blakc, J. C. Lamphc[1r Babcock, Hattie Sinnett Kenyon, Fmnkie flwteher llaU, Mary ~L Cloos, Ambrose "'Bl'own, .Lrnold I '"'Allen, Lyman ... Black, E. N., F. *Lec, Ruth" Stilhnun CMiI, L. Elyil'a Tallman Stillman, A. A. Allen, Scnel'a D Capt. U. Bliss, E. S. Ser'~t.U S A La wrence, S. *.8tilhllttn lJllnfick, II:lllnah Tubbs, Fannie Hill, J. E. S.A. ~l. ,,., ...• Bnek, P. L. :Maxson Smith, Gam E Thomas, Nellie AlIcn, A. F. Bidford, E. :UHchel Zimmerlium, Agnes Stillman, Euniee '1'owner, R. 1. ~IeGibeny, D. D. Brown, W. W. Allen, ~L N. Bmb;ted, B. H., Hev. "'MeKune, L. Stillman, Amelia E. Teft Platts, Emma A. Allen, J. ~I. Bwwn, J. A., Lieut. V.S.A. Maxson, O. A. Stillman, Clotilda E. Vincent, C. De~tel', ).I. Seymolll' N. SWItzcr, A. J. Allcn, 0., Pro.).fal'. USA BrowIling', M. Maxson hish, Cilal'lottc Slillm:lll, Hattie Van Aerman, Isidore G. Allen, ;\1. M., U. S. A. 'F: Browning, L. D., F. ~Iaxsoll, iUollic SHllmltll, Anna Van Allell, Jane A. Bower, Thomas D Whiting', Joiln W: Allen, W. H. 'Boggard, B. S. "')IiddangilllarrtU, O. B. SLi.llman, Mary E. Vtlll Henson, S. R. Allen, Artilnr V S A ~r Bowen, F. P. Mathel', 1'II. E. SLillmau El!s/I'orth, E. )1. Van Henson, S. E. NaSh, En

Cheevers, C. J. Remlershot, MD.l'ia E. , Palmitf'.1', Annn. M, ShCnnlln\E., F. Voorhees, J. D. Whitney, E. 1. Clu1smlln, Elln Heaselttne, Fanny ll. I Palmiterj Rcuo. E. Sauders, V. A" C. S. A. Val'''Y, J. F. Wheaton, S, M. Wbiting, .r. W" T. Ulnrk, JIary A. IIorncl'! OOl'ucll:t I Patten, Ann A. 8wc(){hlld, D F, Vtlris, J. D. Cllue, Eva Hnmphrt;y Bliss, SA1'1l1l W. , Pntten, Alice J. Swift. S. VanslekJce, C. Williams, R, H:; F. IWtluct, R. R, Cline' OrUmwe:n, :\1. A. Humphl'ev, Alire I Phillips, Florcnce StBlmau, L. A. VUll11ureul. 1<', Dlo2&er, Nellie A Hulbert,. Emlly : Place, Amy M. StlHtnau. Thomas, 8. VIHlftect. 1... Willett, C. A. IWi,zht., L, O. Cole }J(;j,,'tr, Ca.r~ie Hugo, uettis E. Plane, Ellen A. Swirl, A. H. J., S. Wuldo, D, D., L. ColcmfHl. EYn Hubbard, Addu. Plaee Ophelill I,Wiener, H. 8, j Switzer, A, J. Walbridge; 1., Dept. Att. Colem::m; }\Jury J,1mcs, Elb:a .1. PlmX! , Winegm, r. n. R!.I,wJ .S31'nh SypllC",.J. K, Col. D, S. A. Gen. Colemaa, Sopbia Jacques, Adilie E. Potter, L y. TftyJor, fL H.; )1. D. Wardner, A, E. I, Wiug, Cbarl;:s G. "Viug Willlam W C,)OO Lirermorf', ArlouincC. J emmcEoll, JemilIlR Potter, ~\my A. Tbomas, Edward, lJ, S. A Wutldne. A. V" F. l COOk f/a.llill, D. A. J Oh1l80U, Helen Priest~ Frankic Thomal', CbUIl., e. S. A" 1L Wa.ll, Thomn!!, tl. I WimtJe, E" M. D. Williams, Thomas It, nev. Coon HutlUlIgtr;n L, KiltI', H'lttie Ri.m1qlph. DeUe 'l'ildCll, C. ;\L. F. Wuzer, I. D., F. Crfludu,ll, WUdllHlU, l<~. ROS(>Ul~ Knrl' L(1Il.1R'tJ1'tk!l, Anll!l TIaw&,>u, Rlttie Todd, J. C., U. S. A" F. Wuffio, A. A, UfflllduH.Annstrfirl.'br E. Keating, Alln HiLd, Lizzie E. T.],ld, W. P., K Wt)lmth. H. 8. wmilHt:l~, Ira Williams, E., U. S. A. Crandall, J .. nmndfl ~\l. KCllY()!l, Emm(\ L. Rile\', A(ld!.c Tubhll, Chnrk~, S. WutCl'hliry. R. AddiiKIll, Cr:mdttll) ;\Illrv A. Lane, ldn mxiot'd, A11'tenio. Tracy. 8. H., L. Rev.; Prof. Wickham, il. Witter, C. L Crandall, .Myra. tll~gwortby 1)ur.crofr, Ctll'~ Hoger", E. :U. TlIitle, R. ~t. LicuLlT.S.}" WalbrIdge, John UmndalJ, M: L. 1'lflL. Hogere., CcleSlin J. Turner, R. T., J.... Walker, '1'lleotl,JH; "\'oods, D. n. : Waterbury, A. :u. Unttl(lulL H. N. L!Unp8011 • .A1Jaj,{IlH l:\. 8,ulndi'l"s, II. ~L Turner, ~'\. S. Wnlh1'1dgc. Josbu,\ CorncH, ~ .1... LeUbHl. Carolme SaUllUC!lO, .;i.linnic l'otten, S, ,VaTtlen, IT, H., Jr, \ \\lilson, n. Wilsou, R. Cun::r, Adili.Hda C. IK'e, Kfule O. Shuw, H(lnu,th R. 1\mncnt, "}1. D. Wulr:ttll, J. H. Dlms, lJY1":l n. "'Lec, Ruth Shaw, ~litry J . 'flmchcl', M. 0" Hon'J.L, W.'iti'on, H. 1L , \Y,,"WI', G. W. I \YiHSOll, .J. .... D!l.,·js Kellaf/!J, Gertrud(> LIllie, N(>llie Slwpp:mJ, Fannie TIUlcller; L. K; }[a.j. U.S.~-\. W!)rd(llt, Jose!," })enn1.3, C:ltde' Li vert!lQl'C, Florrt J. "'Siml)SOll Tayt(JT, Sarnh J. Thaeher, 1'.8. Walrlltll, A, j\ • ,Whtllr, C, .;.r. IWieuer, S. E. *Dexter... .!lleodosia LI\Tct'UlOl'e Gnen, ITonora Silnpson. R. Jennie. Tbl\cbcr, C. R. Walrath. J. A. Dcxlcr, J~()ta Lloyd, &rall Sh~WIl, Eltlllllll, ! \\'ilIal'tl, V. A .. L. Tlmcher, 1', J. O. \Vchll, W, Dimmick, E, A. LOllne-bul'Y, Emnw SlbRon, Alice Thachcr, '1'. D., Ron., Ed. West, L. C, Wood, Dell. B.. T. \Yoodhury, L G, Enk'.\'j Ettlv ]'failionc, Maggie A.. Sbtcl', :Mary Thacllce, S. M., Ed. 'V('~l, Deloss, U. S. A, Edg;;t, :'IIary Malllone, ~flwy Smith, Allbie D. "'1'hil.eller, Em{CllcQ.,*U.S.A Wells, }'1., C1. Won1eu. I" L, :F. n. \Yol('ott, T.8. Emlls Rfigtnt, Aliec J, ;'Ianllillg, Hula SLene, Mm,}, E. 1'1l[\e1\el', C. 0 .• 1<\ \Vebb, A" F. Evarts, Euuiee B. Mattison Lr.m.'l, :lIar}' E. St(>IJhcns, 5Inrtba J. C. Tracy, J. "'Wenycl'. *U. S. A, Woleott, I. }L Freeborn, Viola Wycoff, W. },f. 1\l1ls:aon, M!l.lJ' 1'. ~ti!!man WRitlont, S, L, Tracv, W. H. Wehll, Slwvpunl, F. FI'flebol'll, Adena )'lnx...~(:m, 1... F. Stooliil'e. }L It Uttci·, G. L, Wells, W. S'j L. S. A. Yale, A. 0" Rev. Yale., L. B. l<'Heh,1Uua }InxSI}U SluFm(J!/, AdeUa Taylor, Frank K. Vun Allen, J. IT" F, \Ve1>h, F,.\. l<'uller, Cnrolinc].1. Maxson, SalT\u L. Teunant Crandall, CrrrrieE. V flU Allen, D, D., Prof, Wells. K S. "Young, A. 0./ *1], S. A. Yonng/ C,}ii, F!1hne!', Kettle McCormick. ITat-ric V(ln Campell, 1J:UZtI A .. Von S1ckle, A. l[',.F. \Vr.ight, I. L. Fulmer, 8. C. McCormick; l'hel'c2;;a Von Cl.lmpen, Bnttic A. Vnu Duzcr. 1<'. C. Whiting, L W ,S. Yonng-, C. T. Ooodrie.b 3uale nUn I Young;, S. 11. j MeCorm~ek, EUzer Van Clf'e, Lou Vun Dtl7.er, J. 8, White, A. A" T. Goo~. ~nnerva.. Berry, r;llen Simpson, Hflnnah ll3eU. Flom A. Cltal)iu, Jennie Eo, }L D, ISimpson, )fury k\' ! Bridgeman. Lydia S. ~O()lle- Rhtppard, }'fnry I 8i",:"oll, Hattie : 11re~e! S. Madora E. Jennie Crandall, l-L L, I 8toue, Cclct'-till A. : Brownoll, M. CUl)uning;;, Louise . Swinuey, Ellen 1'. *Unl'dick, Sejjnda Df!yis JJarclw/. ].Ivra : Waffle, AuuaireUc 1 Brewster, SUS-fill D. : Bl'owneU Rog,·rlJ, Hel'rln~tou. it L~ 'Wntel'bury, Sarah L. lIliWe E, Howdl, Etloiee E. 'V~\terbnry, Hannah ,Bunker, Emily L Lampbenre, :\Inry June 'Weavel' l)(xler, Ella Burgett! Mal'Y E. Livermore, Lmm E. Woodard, P. C. BuncH T;'clIwin, S. }.iattiSO)) TMmpiiOn,J(cS~icO, Wood, Lucie M. Canfield! ·UCii.Snll ICfll'lner, E. P. )It\X:Wll Prellttee, L. A. Ch.Wiek Wf"t!, Ada Reynolds, ~llnllie },f. !lV;:HllY.ltS. I Runner, ),fnry E. Andyews, A. i CllallllJlin, If!\.ttie ;'If. Srnmd('r6., Sarab i Allcn, Evnngel , C!ut!>':;, C. I. UFE AND LAnORS OF l'UESIDI~NT WILT.U:U C. KENYO~. I


~\. :\[elllOl'inl :uldl'cs:;, dcliY(!red byappointmont of the Trustees of .Alfred Lllin'l':-lity, at the clo:,>e of COllunencemcnt F.xel'ci;;t:s, July 3d, by JOX.l..l'IUX ..:\I.U:X.'~

-----+----_. -

Four years ngo, these Anniversary Exercises were begnn with the aaa funeral rites of ~Irs. :Melissa "\Val'd Kenyon. Thjs year, the same exercises have been shrouded with the pall of sorrow, because of the dea.th of Pl'esident Kenyon himself: who was at once the father, pl'c:::;ident, chief support, and glory of this Institntion. ! ! Thus runs t.he brief ancI only direct account thus fill' }'eceivecl hy his relatives of this sad event: lIe had. been failing very fast fol' a week, getting perceptibly weaker f!'Om day to day, almostfl'om hour to hoUt'; bnt such W~18 his intense desire to reach home, that his home passage had been paid, trnnks packed, and a man engaged to take him to the ship next clay. About midnight, the forerunner of the death strnggle appeared; he waR better toward morning; but at six o'c1ock he commenced sinking rapidly, and at thirty-five min­ ntes past ten on tpe mOl'ning of the 7th of June, 18G7, ,. he was at rest, till the glorious l'eslU'l'cction morn." The last letter from himself, brief: and with weak and trembling hand, was to hi!:! brothel', dated at Towel' Hill, London, ~mc1 thus begins: "lUay the Lord bless YOIl alLH .And continues: "I am not much but a shadow, but hope the shadow will last across the ocean. 'Ve have ovel'y possible comfort where we arc, but shall so rejoice to reach America." His stricken companion has not yet had time to come hither; but if Providence has been propitious, is on her lonely voyage across the Atlantic, and doubtless is to-day approaching the shores of Am­ erica, and searching through tenrs for it.;;; first faint outlines. :May the Father of the widow ana broken-hearted gt'acionsly have her in

* "'hcrca:;, we h:wc jb;tr-ncd with dcpp interest :md great satisfaction to the Address of Prof. ~\'Il{'n, dGIh'el'cd in respo1lse to a rcsolution of this Board of rrl't1stees, thereforc, R,·s(ilud, 'rlw.t we [lsI;: of Prof. Allcll, for publication, It of the cloquent and touehing address dcliycred by him on 'iVcdl1csday last, before the Tnlstccs nIHI Students of Alfred Ullin:rsity, 011 the lire of Prc,:ident Kenyon, nIHl his services iu the eanse of Education ill COllllCCtiOI1 wHh Alfred Academy and Alfred UuiYcr":'U,', By ordcr of the Trudcos of Alti:ed Ullin:rsity. B. F. LAXGWOHTIIY, rl'('sidnif. O. D. SIIElDUX, Secretm'!J. J.IFE AXD 1,ADOn:~ OJ? l'ltESWENl' WILt.lA)r C. KEhl.'ON. 3 2 keeping, tempering wave and storm, and be3tow upon bel' from His '" At about fourteen years of age, he united by baptism with the FIrst Church of Hopkinton. 1'be three following winters be spent infinite compassion and tenderneHs tbe consolation and support lD Dea.. Daniel Lewis' and Dea. John Lang",rOl'thy's families. at­ which He alone can give. t()nding !;()hooJ. He ever after looked back to these Gathered as we arc in the valley and shadow of death, where the Chri~tian home~, with their high social, refining and elevating influences, as gloom is so thiok that we can see neithel' besid.; nor before distinct­ bright spots in his life, and awakening noble life purposes. Those ly, we can but look above. How repeatedly, as these closing exer­ who knew him in tbose times testify that all work was driven with cises of the year have been in progress, and we have instinctively ~~.--~ .. -~-.-... sli:rlltJy nnd his eo:lllfc!Umct' HI". QUI' 8ought, but sought in vaiu 1 for the presence and guidance of him ~l()(ltt;d, ('are\\:~'~:;'--- h(\l:l"~'~~~nh'mlJer~f 8:h;:~~ ~ purt of the i1lU~, the t,\ Q p::wt. wInters; but nn on{'·ll~d ever tllilde him n e(!mIA'\n~ who, for 80 many years, bas presided on these occnsi~nsj have we lQl~J or t\u;;ught or do!og· so. Jl<,. appearf'd meinncholy Hlifl hetll'c-stdcken, .mid hOle tQ been led to repeat: h My Fathm', roy Father, the chanot of Israel 'I~! .iHl£, and ("Xh~!~lf.~d ~llO. p.'wuet:lar lillXicty to ~llj.{;lg(' in the spm'ts t1l:1t del1glltcc\ t;t]~L t:,.Htlrcn. The) (' ::.eulnt:d notll!llt\ had nhout OUI). He 'was not adtlit:ted to nlfl­ and the horsemen tbo1'oo£" And that other BCl1pture is this day lleJoue f;l:k.t>--:ldtller a UlI",~iI!cf-10al,{'t' 1101' mal'ignmlt.; yet., when tensed Clnd Yexed by othct Chll(liell, l~" hc ~m<:tmles W:lS; he woahi, now :lud tlwn, :ly!;))):;e himselfhy Q fulfilled llOfOl'e QUI' eye8-: "One soweth, and another reapcth." Butld('11 o.athm·Bt ~,t f'..'ympathy,.and \nth ehe;:rful t,ol"ds, that won uptll1 the (;onfi­ dence~! :lll" songl1t ~o e:ti('~ 111$ e.~·e (\.~ lw (!I!mc iuto the room, n11.111):18S a ehccrful open band, watched and watered and cultivuted, through long years word HAth hun; .!:mt it wu,;. BUPOliIHh:C. Withoul. lool;;ln~ at ttlt'teacher or,1ny one ~l,~e) he j;\tl.,d(d nOl,,;':te~ ..,ly tn, the r"Il)O~tC)5t ('ornel',. ~n(l $J,t down iu n plnee' }JHI'Uy eon~ of toil and paio and sorrow. Let HS) then, gathered nndf'r such cir­ \.:-,tl~ed fro;:t Oh.<:CfHltl?n IJ~ t~l:!. dosl", of Hie wnt1ug beuehe.s. Wheu tlHl t(-aciwr. iu cumstances in these halls consecrated by such services, from this Jus H:tl~g 1nth the ~eh(lLnl''' jIHlrndua!ly, f10ally retched him, ])(~ pInecd bifi haud H>peal{ h:intl1y to him r.efore audllatl m;\-el' lH'ilnl anyone do so. It arOH$t:tl in n~ more th:m ll,,-ual illterl·"t.. Hi~ to 1eurning and re1igion, sketch in bl'lef worus as we may his life­ [;1':0 lighted up 'rit!t a smile, and 1118 nycll Iw:;med 'with a ~uddCJl gkalll of int('lIiucncc. A!tI:t It lllonwnl.;; OOf~i'j\l('nl~loll, the boy 1nl$ folll, among OllieI' thing;; 10 Ilt {loue; sorvices and charaoter. tlSlt he must st-Ufly antllmetJe, uni] to be jlf'{'p:;red lJexl monting wHlI arithmetle uud ghUe. H~ Ira" tJ'(':lftd by l]1C other ilcholal'i\ that d:ly with Ii J,illtll1(.'1!\l nercr befote ,\Villiam Colgrove Kenyon was b01'Il in the town of IUehmond, e:liown. &om(:.h:r\\', tho CX:lwjlJe eN by the teClehel' t'cctncd to be ctmtrutiollR_ Alllw­ R. I., on the 23d of October, 1812. Of poor and bumble pal'entago, [:Ul to ioo!, upon hIm ::s oue of the school. /)o!1l1,tblui;" ;s('l'llwd W ].ifJdtleu 111m alJd dl:!IW itW;))' illS nSlwl sudnesli; but tile uext morning he Ctunc ,,;-ilh hi~ neCl:l1'tolllcllllp­ be was at the age of five years bound ont to a guardian. He eXM IJe1.l'mlc0. alld when asked fJY the tcneJ101' for hili urHiHlldlc !HId "late,---' Hn\-'Ht oot uny,' \la;; bis eeflpOUSI!,' mH' folk" "i\V I shan't hrn'e IUlV 11m£' I tnU"t learn h r~1!1 perienced the severity and nngraciousnes8 not unfmqucntly attach­ ii,:::t.' .' D<)UbtJei.'5 your l'QJkil wilin.How HIe to bc jud'rc 0/ wllflt l'On"llllt.!lt do whlk. ing to the life of it ward. 'Vhcn he became old enough, he was I!t/;CUdlllP: s{'liool,' Tcpi'ie5 followil: bitter at the time, united with his naturai tenderness) gave him that II Among t.he few 'who lwve writ-ten Theil' u;)me~ fl.E with it pen of irol1, lipon tile fitly. unrelenting grasp with which he put his hand to every undertaking, lei;,: of our hC!1yt~). llO~lC stand bi~hel" thl1U Prof, \Vm. C, 1{euyon. We deplorc his IO;1g .. I1ml t~Il':1 IIl,HIIlCtly"Jy 10 pay ;t tribute to his memon"1 and nekllowlNig-e wHll and the unyesting energy fl.nd drive with which it was urged f'ol'~ ,l.i:ratItnde hi... ml1nenee III &ti1'l'illg: so Ulliu}' }n;"Jl'ts with it nol)lc cntlw:h nttixi­ t.>, light e9IUJ)~C\:lOn. hl!!ll 101ciltad. w:H1! eurly IInlr. blui' (';"c~, JI~Hl a fr:I\1I" (IIH'll fiH'(', The following wl'iltl'U b)' ono who knew, lull <.it intercst: IIls pecl1l.llu:IUCS ",""(,fe nel~nowINl~ed by hi:; I\sf'oei"teil. Itc was full of ptut'k. He 1~ skc:t,h, i~ lOnthin~ WilE nnt !l1nm1 of bOy;; tw!('c his sl.%e. In tlR'f, hi;! fum1 slendel', Lrrg .AND I ..\IJOns or PRr:SUH:NT WILLLUI c. l\'ENrON'-'"~··-~ .. ~!

a view to gain time for bis r;tndics, reuding and studying by -fire­ col1ectioo of the R~\--.-J~i-t-I-r-i~~l-,-,-\,h~· was hili J:o-o-l-n-'I;;-~~e~l1il:l: ,I light when no better was at Iland. ·vVhen 0 t work Oli the fal'tD, he college, and t.o whom 1 am indebted for these facts, he recited with kept a hook bandy, tbat all odd spella might he improved. 'Vhen classcs in a school known as the Lyceum, He cntered Union Col­ about nineteen years of age, he bought Li~ time of his guardian, lege in the summer of 183G, baving gone over only abollt half of I! iviua his note for the same. ffhis he paiJ, principal und interest, the studies usually requircd for entering. g ~ i with money carned by teaching in this Institution, lIe commenced o wing to this circumstance, he had to work very hard in order to the tl'aJe of a machinist working at '''esterly, R. 1, Schenectady, keep up with his classes, standiuff, at first "medium ,. ri-;iuO'" «:0011 1 b. l 'b ""'

and New York city. He prepared foJ' college whHe working at bis to .. max" in mathc.matics1 and" good)] in languages, The ,,\,intel'

trade in the machine shop.* Ilis life, as :!kctcbec1 by himself at that of 183G~ 7 he spent nt work in the •• Novelty 'V"orks H of New York time, was diversified with study,. work in the shop, anu running city: being employed by the late Thoa., n, Stillman. He neurly kept with the engine to fires, as he was, it seems, a melubcr of a fire up with his collegc studies during the time, One vacation nnd a company. He did much of his study in the sbop~ lcul'ning: hi~ les­ part of a term be taught a dii'triet schooL Anot~cl' term '!,vas nearly

sons while working with the lathe and file, and, according to the re- 1~6t by lwving the small-pox, H That 8eemitig misfortune saved han io n~ and to the world, hy helping nn.tul'e throw ofr a gm'ere spirit of r<:\'vl1,.:re. U ';Y11S fI triaL or.~tn·l'X~hJ f!;il)1l1ng' y:('torie5 ant!. .AlldllJ:g' fu ,conr,lg"e bv confikt. Thes0 iI'Mti of ch.:.lTttctcl', 1ylll<:)\ marked him as fI hoM, P('I'f(;y;;rltl.!:!,', iln relllilrks. Ibs, (11.'$11'(' deeply llltcrested in him, chcer;ng him on in his se','ere stt'ugglee, tM -educat'iol1 wns TC<'"l1rded fl.S tlmbition to ~jn~ ,\lthout work. Yet. ~lS II(' pm~tlC(1 his cnurse of "huly tl.ll.ough years of top, h,~ rosc!n i.ntdh~(;[l~;11 p01YC,', in dltillt0l'estr·tl aud t.ried to get aid for him from the Ameriean Education Society, labor, ann the (:l1te(;ID find loye of In.,;. compfll:lOwi, tll1td ilme' (t11f1 neal worth hWi e, pifltx'{llll.m at the bC:1.d of tllC uo~lc rew who lwxc f'flCrillet:d J:\l'ge1y for tb: .£;00;1 of bllt a,Ill was rcfllRcd~ on the ground that he, being n Sc\'C'nth-day othCf... , Hi" s~'mpf.thic:; cl!ll)l'ac~(l eyer): l!eneNlt'lil ~!)3ect. Thl', P~!W ~:B\'~ to~md iu Baptl!3t, was not orthotiox. 'f1w lJoj)kinton S{ywina codety aided him a boltl advomte: tll(' incb,'ll1ttj ;, tlhmtcn's~~'d :IC'llmtl; the (. hl"j~wm IJ11(!nm, ltD ... 0 lIl:'lh'llt brothel'. But' tltl', g-re'at cculml jll~·tt '1\ lli~'h C011!fOlkrl. ,,21 the tor-ees of hill th,'. u1:n somewhat, aA also did another local society, 'The money re- 1\"1""1'; the ci1ucMiou and mont} c:enttloll of tlw yOUllg'. 1n Hll,; work lH' W~\'" 1))0"t, emI­ nently &llcecs~ful, (\i the lurtltntion which rose IIndl'!'. hh ro~I(':~n; caf(: ('l(,1lrly :lldi~ ceIv,ed,from thcflc .filoeicties, he paid back after lle l)egan tcaching, eflfes, How mInty of this eln~8, 1\"!10 1m\"(' gl'i"ct~'fllil!ll H;, tlwII'tc"ehcl', who !l11\'C testtfJH~g that th~lr rnallifc~tation of confidence in hi.m ,"vns worth been cueonr:ll.{etl bv hi8 ·word,:. of cbeer, an(l h~"plr('(l by hw noble ~x:uj}ple, do l)le",,, thc d!rv they c'Y['r t;amo under ])1* tlllhlenee: ~\utl a", Hmn ilh:lj! revert} hi" "'ol'th, they as mueh 3S the moncy, giving him nCW' inspiration to prcHS forward. will dse np ,'111d edl him bles:,{'(L While we dl'JllOl'C his (lr'atl~, , \, <.; WOl!ld eO:Ji'\:eutc hit< memory, and eltct'h.h hls fnithfulnc~f' I"ith fk\'~Ul fhll.ubgwlllg. !,lll'; hody rt'~ll'! In the !5pdng of 1839, while in hi" jnnior yell', tile ncv. James. n, w.lth Lhc (lcml; put he !r\"1!;; in onr ht'll.'.'('" nnd ltl!! llIilueH.cP will coutmcc to pxci't n>$ \\'110 ckvnting pow,,'\, 1!U1il l'Iu,g;el$ ): with dhim' r]'provJL" Irish, was lhon Principal of this sehool~ beinp' c[JUed to the PttS­ tOl'lltc of the church in this place, .sectlred a,;; IllS 8UCCC!:SOl' the .')Cl'vi­ *' Ite\', GCQ, D. Gtter, in n brief sketch of Prof. Krnyon\; life, sa:;$ ; ccs of Pl'of, Kenyon. "It wus here that t11(' writer Jlr);t 2fl1',-ldlll, flling: awnyon a v!.c.-ee of iron, rmd in Ill! nndCl'toli0 (h"clinin.f!.' (he adj('etiw ' bom;s, IJ01W., hom.IIll~' 1'1'0111 n ~at.ln Gl'!lllILllH'lyinp; Prop;tring himself for the ntinistry} he had intended to cle\'ote his all the ix'llch {x'fvre him, "for a \'('lI!' (j~' two tl-uceec(\ln;! that llllroduC'liou, w" lllt't hIm I'cgubll'ly nt, {he weekly dcllf1teiJ of the ApprellLicC9' Lih;ary AE!"od~ljjun in Srjw­ life to tbe mis;)ionl1t'y work, At the rJrne of eorning here, he e:;qJE>ct­ ul'Ctwly "lIl1 often dl:'etl1'H'(l t!i(' rnelits or the bQ(Jk" ..,.,.c wen; rNldIU,'o(' ll'om the .f'\11all hIll. ehotee )lbrur}, of 1haL ill~tHIJLloll-Olie of which, cntilled 'Bio;:r:q)ili1:£ Hf Self~ ed to l'cmain only two or three Y{:flJ'S at most, then to turn his at­ madl' .::\J.ell.' llC ~lwavs rC,'4:tl'd()cl tIS JI3.villg'lwcu of u:rt'at se;'\'iee to him, und sp;];!; of tention to foreign fields; but he fonnd this to b(; a mission field, in tlut lj'rht nt 001' Llst In!cniew, just 11c:'ol'c he snifutl fo:' .Europe. 'fll..: "tep was an CfhW Oll.C·i'OV hi.m from Ole }q'lm:l~ti:eel\' Uhl'Ul'Y Ai±oC'intiOll to l111ioll (\,llt'g:e; jb)m though f,omewbat diftbrent from the oue he Wi1B contemplating, It wl11el1, after 11 few yCl\l'S of 5tody. int('nnptcd "oIllCWlJ,\t, by tlle m:l.l;llfll labol', and I tc:tdling n;:ee:'i-s~~~' to ryel' undcnak;:>$ to write a l)lOgr.lphy otPmf Kt'1l.yoll, Wlll b~d!ll his p\'chm~~ receive t.he seed of culture, He opened his first tmlll with twent,y- nary dudlcs ahumhmt proof thot ' ~he e]liJd Wilii fathe;' of !lte mllJ),' Ilncf and ha"ty ilHlUil"ic.'lof UWf'5 lwd n book w\lfl"e it ly dnties in school, he pl'os{'enteu his eoHege studies) fi'equciltJy could be Cflo:1Iy takNl up wheneycr t.li(,.l'e was a S}":1H' lliO'-:H~!lt l!efon.~ &lltl:tu,' d~'nl ~o 11 meal. Anotllt'r, of about hi;:; own a::£', who Ol~t' wjn!'.'\" 1:"clt'it:l good H).I;ht to re:.d by. 8:i:1 >111(),11('1' tole1 us, thnt Wl.lf::1\ that ft'equently, on waking tmv3rd;; morning, he [ouml him standing worldng ou l.i [11'1111)), tIw montll, he 'IW,"t;l' 1I1":;ll5tcd Oil a job Hmt he did 1\ot I)Ot'" lle~ at his studi('.<:, just as he left him on rctiring. was cx;mlined fOft it wns tlu'ollh]},' 'fbi:" rClUill.de..i. ~i' of tlle drM·l'iptln~ 1l:l]llC by v;l:kh we u;;(0 til He i~ hear him ealkd ;it .A.lfred, in the best 5j)itH, and witi10llt a t!iO\l;rltt of impropriet}'~. some of his studies, at least, and in clue ti.me re('eh'cd the d<:gl'ce of , Boss Kl'll\'Oll '.··-ll Litle ,\"h!eh we .1h\',lys 1"('g':mlt:,l [\'; !t!lW:!tlLlg. that whenever he took baItI 'of flllythinj1;, it W;~5 with a will, ::mt in a Epiri.t whieh i11l1)rC~5et1 [hOff':. as­ Alaster of .Arts, 'Vhethcl' he had previously received the lluchel- Stitkttetl witb llim, thll.t (.hey w(;1'e s'lfein fol!nwlng." 01'18 degrec~ we are not able definitely to state. '---"---"~""--'------"----.. _-.--' LIFI? ANn LA-BOBS OF Wll.l,lA3I !.IFE AND LABORS OF PRESIDENT WILLlA)l C. l-:T.NYON. l"HESlnENT

HiB work here was a hard, pioneer work, as must ever be the onr little gatherings, voted him, save in a few mun living. His whole being appeared to our youthful eyes con­ founding 01' building up of a school in a region without wealth. It imposes a life fun of toil and sacrifice-full of varied and many-hand­ densed, intpnsified, spiritual energy, with strange fascinating power. ed service and sacrifice. l\fost eUiphaticaHy is it trne of lhis school, As the chemists assert that each drop of water contains electricity which has e .... er heen the school of the poor. Not many sons and enough to produce, when set freo, 3 small thunderbolt, so he appec.l'~ daughters of the rieb have entered its portals. lleginning its mis~ ed to Ollt' youthful imaginations as possessing in each minutest gloh~ sion in a small upper room or ch:unbCl\ it has ever since been able ule of his blood) life~force f.lufficient to electrify and stir into action to gi,'e a proof of its divine work siJnilal' tD that given by Christ of any natUl'e, howevcr dormant. The chief excellency of a teacher the divinity of his mission, It was divine) becanse the poor had the does not consist in the nlImher of facts he may store away in the iUilidA ofhls pupill~, hilt in awakening theil> individual powers to in~ gospel preached unto tl)etll; RO the miH~ion of tbl~ ::5(;11.001 has been to the POOl'. Herein is the especial nohility of it~ calling. n-Iay it dependent action j in. disvelling stupidity, drowsiness, quickening them into vitality, fervot', kindling aspiration, spurring on to sclf­ ever continue thus. irn1Jl'Ovement, high cndeavo,', thu~ leading on to noble achievement. 'fhe work enlarging on big handtl~ he gavp himself entirely to it. President Kenyon sometimes said that the noblest inscription which It wa~~ in his (lstimation~ ;( worthy of a true and noble ambition, to he could have for his tombstone, would be> that be had been good at build seminaries and coHegcEl Hnd fill them witb young men and t drill, and sccueed mental concentration, steadiness of mental nenc women who~ properly tt-ained. might go forth to exert an influence and eye, ~teadfll.stness of purpose, leading to an appreciation of the as lasting as time." For the first two YOftl'St the school continned infinite importance cf life's oppOl-tunitief< and l'caponsibilities. to occupy the Bmall one-story building erected in 1837. Tbh; be­ coming too smaH, it YlM Dluch enlarged in the summer of HBl, and On the .Hh day of August) 184.0, he was married to Miss Melis~a the accommodations thereby greatly ilnpronld. In the ntH of the n. \,yard) whose life thenceforward ~as inseparal)ly interwoven with same yefir, Prof. Kenyon \Vila appointed Snperintendent of Cornmon the life of til{; Institution~ and who, like her husband) gave aU, even Schools for thi!; county. He spent the wintcl' and a pal't of the fo1- to tho offering of lifo itself, for its welfare. In the sumlller of 1842, lowinrr summer in the discllit1'ge of the duties of his ottlee~Eld. he secured the senlces of Miss Caroline B. :Maxson as Pl'cceptl'css, Irish ~akiitg his place as Principal of the schooL Visiting and talk­ The schooll'eceivcd, on the 31st of J'unuary, 18-1-3, an Academic In~ ing to the ISchoolK in the (hy time) and addressing the patrons in the corporation fl'om the Hegents of the University. In 1845, Prof. evening, he awakened an intercst whercvcl' he wenL, -The grcat Ira Sayles became Associate Principal, and in the following year event of the winter, to many of lUi cummon t;chool teachers, was his Miss Abigail A, Maxson took the place of Miss Caroline n, l\Iaxson. visit., with itR stil' anc1rush and enthusiasm. Returning to his du­ as Pl'eceptrC&H. The facilities (If the In~titutlon were greatly in~ tics in tbe Institution, maIlY of the teachel's to whom he had comc cl'eased1)y the c1'ection of three additional buildings; the funds for as an inspiration in the weary tontine of the ::5chooll'oom, followed which, some ten thousand dOllUl'B, were mostly flJrnlfhed by the in­ him to Alfrcd, desiring to he still farthe1' vitalized, and to submit dividual e-ffol'ts and credit of'the Associate Principals. The foUow~ themselves to hi:; guidanee and instruction, ReceiVing thus an in­ ing Rtatistics show the rapid growth and vigor of the school ill those Cl'crr:.::c of patronage front tcachCl's-the very hest kind of patronage early times, ll. waR ol'ganir.ed in 1836~ with thirty~six students. for such an Institution-the school immediately took an upward The next year there werc forty~fonl'f and in 1838-9 abont one hun­

bound. It was found t,hen, as eVel' afl.crt that his pcn:;onal}H'esence di'cd. In 1842-3 there ~ere two hundred and thil'ty~nine; in W;;L'i, tbe \'ery best [Jcssible kind of ndvel't.isement for the: Inst.itution, 1843 .. ·4 two hundl'ed nnd six; in 1844-;'5 two hundred and forty~ three; in 184S~ three hundred and twenty-seven; in UHJj~7 three One of those slender, compact~ nervous, magnetic mcn--a man hundred an;] nilJoty~two; nnd in 1817-8 four hundred and fifty-fiv0-­ Vl.~l"y earnest, very incisive, Bornewhat. radical, even eccentric, if you please, yet very genuine-the first sight of him, on his 3lTivul hal'e a IHlmbrl' that has not been cxeeUed or equaled but thl'ee times since. Not to mention other cau~es, there bas 8pmng Up, since tbe origin to tutte chnrg(:l of the scuool, stil'l'f'd one young lifo to the core 'l~he firet address that we heard him deliver roused Jwd thrilled us as no ofthislnstitlltion, witl1in the sUl'1'ounding region, which was Owu a eomplll'atively unoccupied field, Rome fiye colleges, and ftorn forty other, and \\>~e worked for days in a d team; and his teaching Wil5 Buggestivf'J olectric, inspiring. "\Ye students iu those early days, in to fOl'ty~fi\'e aCa(lClllic institutions. __ ~I J.IFE AXD LAHons OF PR1~SIDENT \\"jf,f,BlI C. IiJ,;SYQN'.

On the ·1tb of July, 1810, live other individuals, who had pl'cdong­ Prussia, for the Orient, intending to take steamer at Iy been moro or leH9 employed as teachers in the Institution, were tl'rieste directly for Alexandria; t.hence, aftor traveling through por­ associated with the Principals, with equal rights, privileges, and tions of Egypt, to go to Palestine. But soon after starting they l'Cgl)Onsibilities. rl'hough tho membel'8 of that band of teachers flt~e wcre compelled, on account of his in 11ealth} to turn· aside to Genova,. scattered, be is the first to be called np higher. To those left, hIS in Switzerland, spending foul' weeks thcre; but as he was getting doath coules as an admonition to labor with hisfcl'Vol', for the shndes weaker from week to week, they turned their faces homeward, stop­ of niaht fast draw on. 'rho \\resterning sun aln>ady beglns to cast ping a few weeks at I'm'is, thence to I .. ondoll on the 2d of May. fast l~ngthening shadowfil! anJ homeward footsteps C

lettel's, published ft'Olll time to time, fl'om Europct were V01'y fine shine along tbo path wbich they trod, and exerted " beneficial in­ specimens of that kind of literature. Sc!dom, i~' e\'~r, Ij,WC .we tend Huencc as lasting as life itself:" Thus he wrote in 1835} while pl'e~ letters of tnn'e1 with sO much useful ilml mterestmg Informatwn con­ paring for college, and hi. wbole life was its exemplification. He densed into so small a t:pnce. Spending the winter with Mrs. believed with tbe great Cardinal Uiebelieu, t·hat in all tbe vocabu­

Kenyon's frienc1s in Pl'ussia, he had reported continual improY!~ment lary of youth, there was no such word a.s H fail." The neglectod of his health. All hegan to look forward to the titHe whcn he would boy, heaten about by advers(l circumstances, trained by necessity to be at his work again in thc Institution. rfhosc more especially in­ self-reliance, becoming thus initiative, incisive, a leader that others tcrested were gladly anticipntiug working again under his lend rtlld instinctively follow, and by selecting bis life-work and holding sing­ guid[lllCe, for tlw Presicleuc.y was only tilled, during hig absencc, on ly and perseveringly to it, be was enabled, through the power of an the cx\}ress a~J'eemont thnt it should tcrminate in his filvor whenever indomitable will, to work out his great mission. his hc~lth \}·o~t1d permit of his resuming his duties; SQ that} at his Alfred Academy, taking on the name of University as it grew, denth he was \'il'tnally President of the Institution, another simply was bis only child, and nO parent ever watcbed morn sleeplessly, or I· acting in that capacity during his illness and absence. toiIed more unremittingly, 01' prayed more earnestly, than he for it. In early spring, President and 1\11's. Kenyon Lad started from \Vas it in want? The hread of carefulness was kept from his own MIrE AND LAuons OJ<' l'RE8IDEN'l' WILl,lAJl C. KENYON. 10 LU'E A1'{D LAllOnS 01~ PRESIDEl'{,l' 'YILLlA"l c. KE}fYO~. 11

mouth, that it might be fed. 'ro onr personal knowledge, he bas hands be strengthened, and your hearts cheered, in the grana suc­ gOlle for weeks, even in times of ill health, without meat 01' butter coss of the good work in which you are all eug:!ged. And I want for his own table, while all of his own l'esonrces were being used fot' to congratulate the good people of Alfred on their liberality in do~ the good of the Institution. He with his assoeiate teaChf'l"8 carried ing for thoi!' Institution. It seoms to me like a dream, too good to for yea1'6, with sncb aid as a Board of Trustees, not rich in this be a reality, and at the same time I am satisfied that it is only world's goods, could give, a load of harrassing dehts, incurred by the handtiomc beginning of wha.t they will do hereafter." the increasing demands of the ~cbool. Was the Institution sick? Snob was Pl'csident Kenyon's definite object, and tho inspiration With fingers ul,on its pulse he watched its every symptom through of his life work; and after an experience with him reaching through the long weary hours of night. IUsing early from his sleepless twenty-eight yea.rs, most of the time, with short intervals here and couch, his rush np und down stairs in early morning was more ef­ there, in the intimate relationship of stll.dent 01' assisting teacher, feotual than alarm clock 01' chapel bell to arOllse the sleepers; be­ we can say, without rescl'vatioc, that in many of the c!;sential at,tl'i­ ginning betimes the toils of an anxious day, closing his wearisome butes~ hi/:! was one of the trucst and noblest of natures, eyer full to labors at night to gain some relief through intermittent sleep. sel­ overflowing with noble impuh:les. He had his faults, but his very dom for years sleeping after three or four in the morning, fl"cquent­ faults worc his virtues intensified) leaping beyond bounds. r-rhey ly not Ilftel' one or two. Not unfrequently have we seen him, in sprung not from wrongness of moti."c, but were the abnormal or in~ times of prostl"ation, compelled to rest by the \vay in going to and tense action of right. forces. .It took no ordinary rein and curb to from his olasses, or depending on tho help of some one; and in the hold such a fie,'y natm'o iu chock. If he desceuded like a thunder· class~room, wIlen no longer able to stand or sit, lie upon the bolt upon the stupid and the lazy, the frivolous 01' the rowdy; if benches, and thus go throngh with the lossons. rrhus, thl'ongb days gloved hands and anointed locks, those symhols of affectation and of suffering and toil, and nights of agony so depressing tbat death foppcry, found no favor in his eyes i if school girl prim and simpf:l' would have been gladly aceeptorl, was he over at his post. 10 all and frippery, thoso signs of shallow mothers and silly daughters, hours of misfortune, of doobt and despondency, be had faitb that were an abomination to him; yet. the e8rnest soeker after knowl­ amounted to assurance, and rising from the sshes of' frustrated 01' edge, the lUlrd worker, and the needy, found in him the gentleness blighted prospects, and letting" the dead past hury its dead," he of the dews of liermon, the saerifiee and help of a fatbor. Did used all fuilures as stepping.stones to higher effort and nohler m!Gl' a noody student go to him for nid, and not receive it, if it was achievement. in his power to assil,t'1 Nay, times many has the help been frcely, Was the fair name of the Institution assailed ~ lIe came to its generously proffered, without the asking~ as many an one, from a rescne with nIl the intense earnestness of an outraged father. He full heart, can testify. To him life was a fiery battle, and his voice onen said that he earcd little what was thought or spoken ~f him· ever rtfllg out to the young as the hattie shout of a leader tried and self, so he they spared the Institution. Hownv"" intense tbe con· true, Ever riding carn(;stly, even furiously, ahead amid flame and test in reference to the numerous issues arising, hut convince him smoke, 1,e had words of cheer for those that would spur up to his that the high interests for which be was working demanded it, and side or pl"e68 bard after; but woe to tho laggard or the coward. the question was settled. 'fhere is " vit1;uc in duly culing for the body, but the higher sym· As illustrative of this deep interest, we make the following quota. pathies and admiration of tho wodd go witb him who subjects the tion from a letter written by him shortly before sailing for Europe; animal; even making it give way to the spiritual, using up all life "Alfred University is much dearer to my healt than my life. Its forces fm' the ends of public good, persevering through hunger and interests are: my interests, its pl'OSpCrity will delight Ole more than weakness, nervous exci.tement, and depression. Frugality is a viJ'­ any personal emoluments that could possibly accrlle to me. I am tue; but humanity is kindled into enibusial::1tn in beholding arId now urged to accept a position in connection with the Normal sharing the sacrifices and henefits of a generous natUl'e. 'fhe pub­ Schools about to be opened, and at a salary that might gratify my lic soonol' or later crown with especin.l honor those who I:!acrifice amhition; but I have no desire to accept any such place. I have wealth and life for othen/ sake. Thero is virLuo in discreetness and no expectation of teaching in any oLher Rchool than that at Alfl'ed. prudent reserve, but the hearts of men, and most especially of youLh, May the Lord prosper and ble" Alfred os never before. ]\fay yom open most readily to bim who is found earnest, even intense. 'l'he ======::=c:::-:c--:::-=::--:...... _-=-=-===" 12 LIFE AXD LABORS OF pnF.SID1i:~rr '\nLfJA31 C. lCFNTON. UFE AND I,Anons OF PRESIDENT WILLIA:'\I C. KENYON, 13 lUan of noble, generous, intense impulses, is the one to stir the dor­ ments, you guther in bere to pay the tribute prompted by gratitude mant energies of the soul, to awaken the l:i.tent forces of youthful nnd love: hav~ng done tb~s: msy you return to the hot and hU8y natures. Humanity bows beforo a positive character, one who ways of lIfe WIth clearer vlslOn of the fm'~reaching relationship and rushes forward amid opposition and ill-will, if need be, pressing solemn issues of all labor. fearlessly forward, with his eye fixed on the great. purpose of life Tkl'ustees. and ~Pe!lcberSJ co~)aborers with him, continue the good set before him,elf. Wor wbereunto you have given your hands i taken up wbere it has been brought through toil ana saedfice and suffering, may it not fail President Kenyon WItS a man whose life was constantly over1oap~ ii nor falter, but gather strength anel nobleness, as the years go by, ing these prudential virtllCS, and tnking on the heroic and Christian ones of self-abnegation, with entire consecration to n definite and anel. thus the noble work of tbe past become the typo of nobler aohlCvements yet to come. high pUl'p05e, achieving through self-sacrificing emlcavor, And upon the l'elati yes of the departed, may tbc benedictions of What are the fruits 1 Some of the most tnanifest arc: He began the all~compassionate :Futhcr d{lscend, and rest fore vermOl'e. And bere in a building costing some foul' or five hundred dollars; he left unto us all Dlay thero he gh'cn abundantly of the Dl vine Spirit buildings and other property worth sarno fifty thousand, Dot the re~ enabling u~ to pre!;ent oursclves an offering of peace and good wlll: su1t of gift from some ric.h ~euefactor, but an outgrowth of toil, and 3. free. sa.cl:rfice: consecrated to the high heroism of advancing all sweat, and struggle, where each bdck; and board, and nail, came by elevatmg mdustl'ies, the building up of aU ennoblinO' .institutions the- hardest, through the lahor of ~Cflchel'st assisted by the free but fitting ourselves and others for the fast-gathering ;lories of th~ small gifts of' those whose hearts were much larger than their purses heavenly world. Amen. -an endowment fund 80 far advanced as to promise much for the in~ stitution-thc last ,\\o~l'iting that we '\fltnessed of h't;;, being the sign~ ing bis name ltB the largest subscriber to thc same. Five thousand young men and women emile as pupils under his instruction. rl'hey are more than monumcnts, more than riches or worldly titles, They are living powers-many an one l awakened to new life, inyigol'ated, inspired, cltltnred in various degrees, going forth to the world's work, pre.,sing into tll(:: rarlout! positions of influence and power, moulding and dh'ccting thousands of other minds, insomuch that though dead, he speaks, and will continne to speak through on ~ coming ages, in a language many-voiced. He lives, and will work on through multitudinous hantls, in diverse pursuits :lull ca~ings~ teach in schools, think, and write, and print, speak from the vu1pit, plead or decide in courts, baa1 the sick, make laws in legislative hall •. Gmduates, maya double portion of the spirit of YOllf departed President rest upon and be with you in aU of lifo~s labors. l11ay his forgetfulness of self in his labors for you, be no ens:lwple and an Re,'Jolutwns adopted b,!j the Slvilcnts of A f:ll'eil Um'$l'fJJ, at a meetil1g Judd inspiration to you. Emulate his many excollencios, Go forth to JUll€ 28th, 1867. your life work, taking upon you labor as a glad service-a continnal IVl!fre(l$, in the Provid('uee of God, ProfB:;sor Willinm C. Kellyon lws bf(,ll l-cmuyed J~ly t.bC' hil!ld of dcttth; aud tt}/tcN!(/iJ, in dcmtin,g his life to illc C3U.'>C' of educ-!Itlon und thank-oft'oring, romembel'itlgj that aU truly great Hying i:il. ever suc­ l,ollsceratll1;!', all,llis p"eu1"s, as at the present, ,; lurge portion of oin' Faculty friend, wilOse Ufc-long cx[unple of carnest endeavor umi lliltirill,g" energy is lllost have been educated ut Alfred while seyeral or the Trllsteesure of the same clu~". The worthy of Ollr earnest emulation. wife who ~nl'\'h'e>l Pl'ofesmr 'Kenyon WIIS formC'rly a lIllich-respected and sueccssful Resolved, Thut we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved companion find teacher in ou\" schooL Bl'iug" thus related, we feel it fitting" that we should sit as l'clutin's of the deceased, :llld cOlllmeud them to Him who afflicts in10Yc, and wounds mourners with others who mourn the los>! of Professor KC'nyon. ouly to heal. Few men, indeed, IUI\·e lived so 1011[1 a life in so.!:' 1/' years. TIis life seemed !tt all end Resoh'pd, That a copy of thc:;c resolutions be prcsmted to the willow of the dceells­ tweuty years ugo, Hlul yet, feeling thut he had uot finished his work, he would Iwt die. eel, and tilat their publication be rcqnc~ted, in the Cuba PO(I";'ol, 'Vdlsvillc Fl're l're8!;, For nit that time he has worked on reserved life forces, SllllllllOlWd to action b~' that Angelica Reporter, Cnni&teo V;llley l'imf.~, Elmira AdeerfiseJ', and S.\HHATII Ih:c(mDlm. illdomitnille will which surmollnts fill obstacles. ~lore truly, find .:Iiil.'J~IJ, was he de­ ]{1·:unKx c'\.. 'YATElmun:,"1 voted to the cause of edueatioll, iu its hroadest f:.ense, thaumost educators. He g"ave a)(Os C. LEWIS, I COlli. nIl to the eUllse. '''heu common Jll"lldenee might havc laid by sOlllethill~ for self, his :\L\ltY E. Dnowx, I zeal for the cause guvc it nIL He did not 10Y(~ Alfred becall~e it was _1..lfred, but ile­ S,\lUH L. 'VA'l'l-:JtHl"J{Y, ) cause it, represented the e'lilse he loyed. TIe loyed :\IiltOll too, and eyer" other school that worked with a spirit like his own. He wa.g onrs, and we 'vcre his. ~ You will pal'(10u the PlllOtiOUS which choke my utterance, as I reyert to facts \"hieh Dil',qe sung at llw Commencement of A{/I'ed Cnivel'sity, July 3d, m .2JJem.­ have hound so much of my life with his. He onee worked with the hummer and file OI'!J of Pm]. lVm. C. }":ell!Jon. in u maehinc-!'liop on the bauk of the Pawcatuck, From that shop he went to his work as 1m educator, and from that SHllle shop hi,: manly voice 1111(1 encnllrnging wordt!­ L slllllmoued me to the Sllllle avocution; and for fifteen ye'll"s we ~tood side ily sidc in ),[onrnflilly, tcndcrly, lillc;m' we herc, the work. His memory is dear to me. I stand with a lIod to-day, whose iu;;piratious '1'0 bl'e~the Olll" !'ad requiem. over tile bier; to a manly life-work wcre kiudled by the flame thut Imrnl so brig-hllr on the altar God's hmHl in aflliction is Inid Oil Oll\' head; A " godly mun ceu~eth "-u loyed olle is cle:Hl. where he laid himself:t willing" !!!lerifiee. Such n mau needs not the cold testimony 01" inseriptioatl on marble mOnmllellt~. It matters little that the remaills of hi" \\'orn~out u, hody lie "dth the unknown dend in n forei.£;nland. His memor.;' is cllshrincd in a IIllshecllJC the voicer! ofgladne~s aucl mirth; thollsand heart!' that beat warmer aud stronger because thry huYe beC'n so elose to his. Silence becometh the erenture.~ of earth, He wns a lllurtyr to the eallsc he low~d. Hnd he been eonteut to ,,"ork less, he mi.g-ht "Then the )f:lster !!oe.~ forrh in Ilis terrors alolle, haye liYed lonp,"el'. Bllt it is not in sHeh uatnres to almte 11 single energy. when a good '1'0 gnthel' Ilis tre,\~ure.~, ahd garner Ilis own. canse lag~ behind his g-lowing ideal. TIc had mtht'J" work than rest; he hnd ruther (lie In. than live to uo purpose. 'Yhen the people, ou whom he pre~sed tile <:\aims of his MOlU"nflllly, teuc1crly, bid we aclien en use, tilile(l to Icspond, he oIlly g-athered lip a new energy of his own, to do whnt '1'0 him who lies Hrieken, the loying" ami true; others should h'1.YC done. Thns he not only workcd for himself. but did yicnrious F:lther, lIud lll"other, lIud teueher, IIlld friend, He~l, rest from (hy labor; thy toil hllth an eud. work. Sneh is the nature of loye for what is !reod, that, snCl"ifice comes of the uature itself. Lovc is e~sentially vicariolls; else the ":world had nevcr l{!lown its Christ, Al­ IY. fred had ueyer known its LuiYersity. Dn~t seek>! its cln'!t, aIHI Lhe I'ph'it it~ God; I am not fOI'[;etl'ul of the noblc men ,vho haye stood togclher to build liP tht' ..:'I.lfred Yet still thon ~llal(. Lln~ where Ihy footstel)~ have trori interest. in the great work of education, when I thus spe:1l~ in the, praise or the ohle;;t ,\"e C:lnllot for!:i<'1 thee; thy \I'orks nIHI thy uamel Are trcn~\lres immortal, "'hidl Death CHllllO[ ebull. amI first-fnllen of the baml. They, too, have their reward in thc g"mtitmlc of the Ulany they haw~ blcsscd. A~ one !Jy one of these heroie educators falls, and as we ,', }lause to llro}l a ten!' over their g\"H\'es, h~t m up und on to thc work, eonfident that lIe Lift lip, kiml Father, thy ~e\"\'aJlt, we pray, who, in his earth mission, delights to lin the lowly, delig-ills ]Jot less iu all tho;;c \rho 'Yho, toil-wom und weary, h:l~ droollecl iu the ,yay; And 0 tuke him tell{l(!riy nil iu thy love, ~o to their work with n. f-lith Lhn neyer fnlters, 11 zC:ll that neYer Jlag;;. and n hope HOUle, home, to hi~ rest in rhe mansions abow'. that is like nn auchor to the soul.

ilesolutioJ/s 'adopted by the T1'ustees of jlfilton College, at their annual meeting) held in J1Iilton, July l~t, 1867, tt'ith 1'emarks of Ret'. D. B. JlIm;son, oj/el'ed to tlte Board on the occasion.

"')n:ll]':At;, the cau~e of Edncution is 011e in its origin and aim~, and [11\ tme eduentors:., wherever located, nre linked togethcr by the strotlge~t ti('>'1 of commOll interests und !ljm~, ~o thut w]I(!Ue"el' all educnto\" ce:lse,; from his work, all friends of the ('au~e "hnre in thr lo~s; rhel"efore REsol.Yl'.n, 'I'hut in the death of Reverend ami Profe~sor "William C. Kenyon, fUnnel' Pre5i­ dellt of Alfred Univer"ity, not only hll,; that in~tituti()n suffered an irreparable lo~>-, bUl the cause of eduention everywhere has lost it mOHt eftkient worker and Hre-Ioll!.'; friellrl. HES01.\Tl>, Thal us Tru~teeH of .Milton C()llege we ex:tend OUI' ~.\·1L1pnthr to tilC Tnl~tees of Alfrerl lTniyersitv, aud to the friends of the decell~ed, praying" that his noble al1d lIn~elliHh devo­ tion to the cause' of Education muy relllain fresh in memory, to in~pire tho~e who may follow him in the grent work to which he (l<,voted his lif(~. • RI;f..Ol.YJCll, Thut the Secretury of ihi8 Board rmward a copy of the~e resolutions to til(' T\"ll~­ tees of Alfred i'niyero

nT,~r.\HKS. To be edueated truly, is to be unselfish. The tl"lle educator rises above all personal motives, all loeu1 prrjudiee8, and Vlunt>l himself on a plutfoi'ln that overlooks the whole Held of humUll wunts. Furthe~t po:-~ible f!"Om him are all feeling's of euvy and jcalousy at the sueccss of' other iU8litutions lhun the olle he huppens to be couneetetl ,,·itb. Onr educational institutiolls must g'o even pa('e with our ciyilization !ts forma­ tive influences. As the army of emigration moves 011 to\l"nn18 the Pacific, our sehool8 must plullt thelllHelyes on the f!"Ont liue of rneb advllncill!!,' column. 'Yhen DeRuyter amI Alfred Bend out tl,eir graduates, with thc parting' benediction they 6ay," Go, and as ye go. educate." '''hen the :llilton S('hool took it;; place on the front of om' 'Westel'll movelllent., it was obedicnt to that yoiee whieh thus spoke for the future und for the 'Vcst.