DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2016 2017 16 Bicultural Studies Programme 双文化课程 20 Humanities & Aesthetics Programme CONTENT 人文美学课程 24 4 8 Knowledge & Skills Programme Dunman High School in the Words of Principal’s Foreword: 知识研究课程 ’s Prime Ministers: Finding Your Edge in Life Past and Present 校长献词:亮出你的精彩 总理眼里的德明 26 Mathematics & Science Programme 10 数理课程 5 What is the Dunmanian Edge? Dunman High School in the Words of 德明的特色是什么? Dunmanians: 30 39 50 Past, Present and Future Talent Development Programme Why the Dunmanian Edge? Achievements 校友眼里的德明 12 人才培育计划 为什么德明精神如此珍贵? 奖项与成就 Dunman High Programme 德明六年综合课程 6 32 40 52 School Philosophy Student Leadership Development From members of the Dunman High Be Someone with the Dunmanian Edge! 办学理念 14 Programme family, partners, parents and professors 成为我们德明大家庭的一分子吧! Character Development Programme 学生领袖培育计划 学生, 校友,家长和教授们眼里的德明 品格培育计划 7 Dunmanian Outcomes 34 德明人的素养 Co-Curricular Programme 课程辅助活动 DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 4 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 5 Dunman High School Dunman High School in in the Words of the Words of Dunmanians: Singapore’s Prime Ministers: Past, Present and Future Past and Present 校友眼里的德明 总理眼里的德明

一日德明人,一生德明情。 德明的校训 “诚、信、勇、 忠”,一直是我待人处世的 指南针。

Low Yen Ling 刘燕玲 (Class of 1990) 在母校庆祝60周年纪念之 Parliamentary Secretary, 际,深盼处于后现代相对主 Ministry of Education & This space Dunman High is known for its tradition 义的世界中,做为将耒“堂 Ministry of Trade and Industry is reserved of excellence as well as its emphasis on 正君子,社稷栋梁。”的学 Mayor, South West CDC character development and sound values. 子们,能以诚信为立身之 for you. It comes as no surprise to see many 夲,处世之道,齐家之要, Teachers in Dunman High have Prime Minister Dunmanians doing well and giving back to 治国之夲。” taught me that personality is Lee Hsien Loong school and society. only skin deep, and what shapes our destiny is our character. 李显龙, 2006 This act of giving back ensures continuity David Wang Mei Hsiong of our values and traditions and helps us to 王美雄 (Class of 1960) Mastering two languages, English and sustain our past successes. Retired Cluster Superintendent Sng Chern Wei Chinese, gives a person a great advantage for School Cluster East Zone 3 孙振炜 (Class of 1990) in life. Emeritus Senior Minister at Ministry of Education Divisional Director, Goh Chok Tong Late Founding Prime Minister Curriculum Planning & 吴作栋, 2011 Lee Kuan Yew Development 1 at Ministry of 李光耀, 2011 Education

I will always hold dear the lessons, memories and people who have made DHS a place I am proud to call home.

Lim Shuqi Clara 林書琪 (Class of 2014) President Scholar 2015 University College London DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 6 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 7 School Dunmanian Philosophy Outcomes 办学理念 德明人的素养

Mission Moral 学校使命 IntegritY 21st Century To nurture our students to Care, 人格高尚 to Serve, and to Lead Competencies Students are guided by honesty, 培育 “关怀、服务、领导” Motto trustworthiness, moral courage 社会的德明人 掌握21世纪技能 Vision 校训 and loyalty. 诚、信、勇、忠 Students are proficient 学校愿景 Honesty, Trustworthiness, in critical and creative Moral Courage, Loyalty thinking, communication and Active Citizenry The premier school of 诚、信、勇、忠 information skills. Leaders of Honour 具备批判性与创意思维, 体现积极的公民意识 培育 “堂正君子、 Passion 掌握沟通、协作与资讯 社稷栋梁”的顶尖学府 科技技能 Students are global citizens for Life & rooted in Singapore who serve Learning the community, both local and beyond. 热爱生命与学习 Bilingualism & 心系新加坡,回馈社会, 服务群众 Students are always learning Multiculturalism and striving to be their best. 通晓双语及多元文化 自强不息、好学不倦 Students are effectively bilingual in English and Chinese, appreciate different cultures and Idealism navigate them with ease. 兼通双语,欣赏不同文化, 具有崇高理想 并游刃其间 Students have the conviction to make a difference to the world. 致力于创造美好世界 DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 8 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 9

Dunman High School is extremely proud to have nurtured batches of students who who have contributed to multiple fields PRINCIPAL’S to celebrate its 60th Anniversary in 2016. care, serve and lead within and beyond and industries as Leaders of Honour. In Chinese culture, 60 years is of special the school community. significance as it marks the completion As our staff, students and partners FOREWORD of the full cycle of the Chinese calendar. To this end, DHS has been entrusted come together as one Dunmanian As we celebrate this important milestone with various MOE statuses over the years, family to commemorate DHS60, we are in the school’s history, it is also timely becoming a (SAP) reminded of the pivotal role we play in Finding Your for us to reflect on our journey as an school in 1979 and a school offering IP in shaping the future of our nation through established school offering Integrated 2005. These statuses are testaments of education. Moving forward into the next Edge in Life Programme (IP) in Singapore. the school’s consistent achievements 60 years, we renew our mission to nurture and commitment to excellence. The six- Dunmanians to care, to serve and to lead, The history of DHS traces the history year Dunman High Programme (DHP) is ready to make a positive impact in the 校长献词:亮出你的精彩 of Singapore as a modern republic. anchored on the two classic pillars: 为 community, the nation and the world. We Founded in 1956 during a tumultuous 学 (curriculum) and 为人 (character). As hope that you will join us in this journey period of the nation’s history, then, our world becomes increasingly complex and develop your Dunmanian Edge! the school represented a place where and we are unable to predict the future quality and affordable education was roles that our children will assume in made possible for students who wanted life or the challenges they will face, we to focus on their studies and avoid the are confident that they can manage the political entanglements of the 1950s. future when imparted with the right set Over the years, DHS has kept true to of values, skills, and competencies. The this intent. While the political turmoil emphasis on bilingualism also empowers that existed in the 1950s now serves our students to be effectively conversant as precious lessons from our past and in both Eastern and Western culture. Singapore has since developed into a In this way, they can ride both tide and peaceful and prosperous nation, DHS has time. We see this Dunmanian Edge lived also become a reputable school known out through our distinguished alumni,

于学业、避免卷入政治纠纷的学生, 授给他们正确的价值观,培养他们21 提供能够负担得起的高素质教育。多 世纪所需要的技能,我们有信心这些 年以来,我校始终秉持这一建校理 孩子能够很好地面向未来,勇敢接受 念。50年代的政治动荡,已成为宝贵 挑战。我校一贯重视的双语教育,也 Dr Foo Suan Fong, 的经验教训。新加坡现已发展成为一 让我们的学生能游走于东西方文化之 Principal, Dunman High School 个和平繁荣的国家;而德明政府中学 间,左右逢源。我们看到,这些烙印 也已成为闻名遐迩的学府,培育了无 着德明特质的校友,在多个领域和行 符传丰博士, 数届关怀、服务、领导学校和社区的 业都发挥了领导才能,作出了积极的 德明政府中学校长 莘莘学子。 贡献。 2016年是德明人翘首以盼的一年。这 一年,是我们校庆六十周年的大喜之 建校以来,我校也历经了几个不同 今天,我们德明大家庭所有人,包括教 年。在我们华人的传统中,六十年是 的发展阶段,如1979年成为特选中 职员、学生和合作伙伴,一起欢庆德明 一个甲子,意义深远。在这富有里程 学,2005年成为六年制综合课程学 过去六十年的灿烂辉煌的历史,同时也 碑意义的时刻,在我们欢庆之际,且 校。这显示了我校是一间追求卓越、 谨记我们为建设新加坡未来所肩负的责 让我们回顾一下我校成为综合课程学 持续进步、成绩斐然的学府。德明综 任。下一个六十年,我们将继续我们的 校的历程。 合课程建立在两大教育基石之上,那 办学使命,让德明的下一代继续我们“ 就是“为学”(课程)和“为人”( 关怀、服务、领导”的责任和塑造我国 德明政府中学的历史可追溯到新加坡 品格)。世界风云变幻,我们无法预 甚至世界前景的使命。竭诚欢迎您加入 建立共和国的那个时期。学校成立于 知学生未来人生道路的方向及将要面 我们,成为德明的一分子。让我们携手 动荡的1956年,旨在为50年代想专注 对的挑战。但在德明六年,学校将传 并肩,共创未来! DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 10 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 11

At Dunman High School, our edge is The Dunmanian Edge is also sharpened by to better support Dunmanians, some 让德明特色能够发扬光大的,是学校一 What is the defined by a purposeful educational the school’s dedication towards grooming continuing to serve even after their 贯秉持的理念,那就是把我们的学生培 experience founded on a forward-looking and nurturing our students into Leaders children have graduated. Our alumni 养成能自由游走于东西方文化的未来领 curriculum and a strong emphasis on of Honour, who navigate easily between has also contributed tremendously in Dunmanian Edge? character education. We are mindful that the East and West. Dunman High strongly representing well the name of Dunman 袖。我们坚信,未来的领袖要能将思 our students embark on a six-year journey believes that Leaders of Honour balance the High not just in Singapore but also all 想、行动和爱心结合起来。换句话说, with us. Hence, our teaching and learning use of their Head, Heart and Hands. In other over the world. Such is the strength and 他们应该是能有效运用各种知识技能的 德明的特色是什么? and the enrichment programmes enable words, they become effectively bilingual commitment of the Dunmanian Family. our students to experience personal growth individuals who can apply different areas 双语精英;而且,无论在校期间,还是 academically, emotionally and socially as of knowledge. More importantly, they are Aptly captured by the Dunmanian saying 一 未来到社会上工作,他们都能表现出关 they move across the six years. willing to care, serve and lead both within 日德明人,一生德明情, the Dunmanian 怀、服务和领导的精神。 and beyond DHS. Edge offers an invaluable opportunity for each student to embark on a lifelong Above all, the Dunmanian Edge is shaped relationship with the school. This will be 尤为重要的是,德明人有共同的信 by a belief that we are a family that an exciting journey of discovery, full of 念,即:我们德明是个大家庭,每个 moves forward together. This advantage memorable learning experiences which 成员都应该携手并肩,共同发展。这 is best illustrated through the support bring out the best in each child. 是德明特色代代相传的根本保证。在 that the school has from parents and alumni. Many parents commit their 家长会和校友会的共同努力下,我们 energy and time to work with the school 德明大家庭相互扶持,齐心协力,为 德明的特色,就是帮助每个学生亮出 学生发展提供了强有力的支援。家长 自己的精彩。这个特色实现的基础, 们不遗余力地支持学校,有些家长甚 是具有前瞻性的课程设计和对品德教 至在孩子毕业后,仍然为学校服务; 育的强调。我们清楚了解学生将与我 校友们也在世界各地为校争光。这些 们一起度过六年的成长之旅,所以, 都是德明家庭凝聚力和影响力的最好 一切教学及相关活动的设计,都是为 例证。 了让我们的学生无论在学业上,还是 情商和社交能力等方面,都能拥有六 正如每个德明人都耳熟能详的:一 年一贯制的发展。 日德明人,一生德明情,德明精神已 经深深植根于每个德明人的血脉之中 了。让我们大家一起,开始我们精彩 的、每一天都留下美好回忆的德明探 索之旅吧! DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 12 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 13 Dunman High Programme 德明六年综合课程

The Dunman High Programme (DHP) is a 6-year integrated The DHP focuses on building a strong academic foundation programme leading directly to the GCE A-level Examination. Philosophy of Education and providing an enriched, inter-disciplinary and differentiated 教育哲学 It provides academically talented students with an enriched curriculum. It is structured around the Bicultural Studies curriculum that aims to develop higher level thinking as well as In Dunman High School, we view character and cognitive development Programme, the Humanities & Aesthetics Programme, the 德明政府中学向来把发展学生的品格和认知作为全人教育的 intellectual depth, to inculcate active citizenry, develop a global Mathematics & Science Programme and the Knowledge Skills as fundamental to the holistic education of our students. 基础。 outlook, cultivate an innovative and enterprising spirit, build strong Programme. Through these, DHP facilitates quality learning and bilingual proficiency and infuse a deep understanding of China and We seek to equip every Dunmanian with the disposition and prepares students for the GCE A-Level examinations, offering a Chinese culture. competencies needed to thrive in an increasingly complex world. wide range and combination of academic subjects for students to 发展每个德明人的性情和能力,使之能在这个日益复杂的世 We believe every student should have the ability to collaborate choose from. 界里茁壮成长,这是我们孜孜以求的目标。我们坚信,每个 The DHP is anchored on our Philosophy of Education, which forms well, think critically and creatively, and communicate effectively in 学生都应该拥有和他人携手合作的能力,能进行批判性和创 the basis of what we do, how we do and why we do in Dunman High both English and Chinese. In addition to the challenging curriculum in respective disciplines, to provide a forward looking education for our students. students are exposed to enriching programmes such as talent 造性思考,能以双语有效沟通。 In line with Confucian philosophy and our values of honesty, development programme, research work, project work, master trustworthiness, moral courage and loyalty, we strive to nurture classes, mentorships and overseas immersions. These programmes 秉持着儒家思想及德明的校训—诚、信、勇、忠,我们努力 Dunmanians with a passion for life and learning. We are are intended to provide students with an engaging and stimulating 激发德明人对生活和学习的热情。我们希望每个德明人都拥 committed to developing active citizens who care deeply for environment to deepen their appetite for in-depth academic others, have a heart to serve, and take the lead to change the pursuit. There is also a wide range of attachment opportunities to 有积极的公民意识,关怀他人,以服务民众为己任,并领导 world for the better. firms and organisations, learning journeys and workshops to equip 社群创造更美好的世界。 students with important 21st century competencies to enhance their personal effectiveness and gain enriching insights into areas of interest beyond the standard curriculum. Outstanding students are identified to take up H3 subjects at the GCE A-Level standard 德明综合课程通过内容丰富的跨学科课程和差异教学方式, as well as research programmes such as the Science Research 为学生奠定扎实的学术基础。该课程以四大学术架构为支 Programme, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Programme 柱, 包括双文化课程,人文美学课程,数理课程及知识研究 and Future Problem Solving Programme at Senior High. These programmes provide educational experiences that foster a spirit of 课程,努力为学生提供高素质的学习活动,让他们可以从广 inquiry and enterprise, further stretch students’ abilities to realise 泛的学科组合中选科修读,并为他们参加剑桥‘A’水准考 their potential and bring out the best in our Dunmanians. 试做好充分的准备。

除了富挑战性的课程之外,德明学生接触并参与丰富多彩的 德明六年制的综合性课程,让学生在修完课程后直接参加剑 活动,如人才培育计划,学术研究,专题作业,专家指导和 桥‘A’水准考试。该课程为学术能力强的学生提供内容丰 海外浸濡活动等。活动为学生提供颇具启发性和互动性的学 富的学习体验,加强思考的深广度,并发展高层次的思维能 习环境,也激发他们对学术追求的热忱。学校也为学生提供 力。除此之外,该课程也积极灌输公民意识,开拓世界视 多项实习计划,到企业与其他社会机构中进行体验与学习。 野,培养创新和企业家精神,巩固双语能力,并提升他们对 此外,学校也组织多项校外参访活动与工作坊,以提升学生 中国和中华文化的认识。 的专业素养,培养他们21世纪技能,并增广他们对课程以外 的知识的认识。 以教育哲学为指引的德明综合课程,本着做什么、怎么做和 为什么做的考量,为学生提供具有前瞻性的教育。 此外,成绩表现卓著的学生也能选修内容更具挑战性的剑 桥‘A’水准H3课程,以及参与各类深广辅助活动,如教 育部科学研究计划,教育部人文与社会科学研究计划和未来 问题解决方案设计等。这些活动在培养学生的探究与企业家 精神的同时。也让让他们有机会挑战自我并充分发掘个人潜 能,为他们未来的发展打下坚实的基础。 DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 14 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 15 Character Philosophy 理念 Development At Dunman High School, we believe that a meaningful and rewarding 在德明,我们秉持着儒家“大学之道,在明明德”的教育理 educational experience is built on character development. This 念,深信品格培育是全面教育之基础,能赋予学生富有意义 Programme view of education is strongly influenced by Confucius’ “Great 的学习体验。 Learning”. 成果 品格培育计划 Outcome 我校品格培育计划旨在培养学生成为堂正君子:以校训“诚 We strive to nurture Dunmanians to become Leaders of Honour 信勇忠”为座右铭,秉持崇高的道德信念、积极创造与革 who embody the following outcomes: Moral Integrity (Honesty, 新,并且心系祖国,放眼世界。这目标也和我校的使命是一 Trustworthiness, Moral Courage and Loyalty), idealism to advocate 致的,即在内化与实践的同时,使学生成为“关怀,服务, positive change, active citizenry and a global outlook while 领导”社会的国民。德明人发自内心的关怀,将转化为服务 being rooted to Singapore. By internalising and exercising these 他人的动力,让世界更加美好。 Dunmanian Outcomes, we believe that our students will desire “to care, to serve and to lead”. When Dunmanians cultivate a heart to 既定方案 care, this will translate into an impetus to serve as they realise that 德明在培养学生的良好品格方面,依循着“认知、体验、实 service to others is key to making this world a better place. 践”的既定方案,并以《大学》之精神为依归,以“格物” 、“诚意”、“治国”的主从顺序,引导品格培育计划。 Approach How can Dunmanians develop character? By adopting the Head, 在认识层面,“认知”代表理解能力,学生以逻辑性思维 Heart and Hands approach, which is underscored by the “Great 来:一、认识与了解传统美德的深层背景;二、欣赏不同环 Learning”, which states that a cultivated person needs to have three 境对行为标准要求的差异;三、秉持正确的价值观。学生学 elements: i) knowledge to understand matters (Head), ii) sincerity 习从多角度去思考问题,并有知识和能力做出合理的判断。 in thoughts (Heart) and iii) service in different capacities Hands( ). 在体验方面,我们要求学生能真诚思考,推己及人,有很强 The cognitive domain, the “Head”, appeals to our students through 的道德价值观,以不同的角度来看待事物好坏,判断事件对 their logical thinking. This means educating and rationalising with 错。我们坚信,学生在道德责任感的驱使之下,必能展现崇 them so that they i) know and understand virtues, ii) appreciate 高品格,执行正确的道德判断,并有信心为了世界的美好而 contextual differences and iii) stay grounded in the right values. 坚持不懈。 Students will understand things from diverse perspectives and have the knowledge and competencies to make sound judgements 最后,在实践方面,德明学生有机会在不同领域发挥潜能。 in different context. 通过动手实践,学生可以验证对错,将所思所想化为实际、 具体的行动。 The emotional side, the “Heart”, appeals to our students’ emotions to feel, to empathise and to show compassion to others, as well as 实践平台 their endeavor to live by strong moral values. “认知、体验、实践”模式在我校通过三大平台,即环境、 社区以及课程加以落实。通过以上平台,每一位学生均能得 Nonetheless, the “Hand” is important as it propels us to take action. 到健全的品格发展。其中,课程活动包括领导能力的培育、 It is not sufficient to know what is right and ought to be done. By 高等教育与职业指导、课程辅助活动和品格与公民教育等。 using their “Hands”, our students translate what they think and feel into concrete actions and they have the conviction to do so for the 我校致力于为学生营造一个学习氛围浓厚的环境。通过学校管 betterment of others around them. 理层、教师团队、校友以及各领域的合作伙伴的紧密配合与支 持,我们将竭尽所能,使学生的六年学习历程充实而丰富。 Enablers Three areas that enable students to adopt the Head, Heart and 品格培育乃我校教育理念之基础,我们以此引导与鼓励学生 Hands approach are the Curriculum, the Culture and the 运用“认知、体验、实践”模式,充分发掘学生潜能,使他 Community. These represent platforms from which character can 们成为“关怀、服务、领导”社会的堂正君子、社稷栋梁, be developed in every student. Examples of curriculum include 为学校以及社会做出贡献。 leadership development, higher education and career guidance, co-curriculum activities (CCA) and Character and Citizenship Education (CCE).

We seek to create a positive culture for learning. Through the support of a tight community of school leaders, teachers, alumni and partners from different industries, we seek to enrich our students’ six-year learning journey.

With character development as the premise of our Philosophy of Education, our students are guided and encouraged to use their Head, Heart and Hands as they develop into Leaders of Honour who will care, serve and lead both within and beyond the Dunman High family. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 16 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 17 Bicultural SUBJECTS OFFERED English Chinese Studies Year 1-2 Language Arts Higher Chinese Language Appreciation of Chinese Programme Culture Year 3-4 Language Arts Higher Chinese Language Chinese Language 双文化课程 Literature in English Literature in Chinese Bilingual Programme Bicultural Studies The Bicultural Studies Programme encompasses subjects under 德明双文化课程荟萃了华文与英文课程,旨在为学生提供富 Programme (Chinese) the Chinese and English Languages. Experience the beauty of 趣味性的优质语言学习体验。课程本着寓乐于教的宗旨,提 Year 5-6 H1 General Paper H1 Chinese Language language through our dynamic programme that incorporates 供的教学内容包括:文化欣赏、文艺创作、文学与电影的批 an appreciation of culture, the spontaneity of creative writing, H1/H2/H3 Literature H1 General Studies in the critical analysis of film and literature, and foundations in 判性分析、哲学思维训练等等。学生亦可通过学习之旅、戏 in English Chinese philosophical thinking. Go on field trips, act in skits, be a film-maker 剧表演、影片制作、辩论等多元互辅的灵活教学策略,体会 H2 English Language H2 China Studies in Chinese and engage in intellectually stimulating debates! Our experiential 语言之美,以及语文学习中的无穷乐趣。德明双文化课程体 and Linguistics H2 Translation (Chinese) approach to learning makes language learning fun, exciting and relevant for students of the 21st Century. 验式教育的课程方针,给二十一世纪学生开启的,是精彩、 H2/H3 Chinese Language ENGLISH 生活化、与多姿多彩的语文学习旅程。 and Literature Language Arts (LA) Explore the wonderful world of language through an interdisciplinary approach where aspects of film, media literacy, literature, drama, sociology and philosophy are integrated into language learning. Act in plays, draw up storyboards, conduct engaging presentations and participate in intellectually stimulating class debates! Through Language Arts, students become discerning viewers, eloquent speakers, and masterful writers!

Literature in English (Junior High) Fall in love with the language of Shakespeare and Edgar Ellen Poe. Write plays, short stories and poems. Literature in English at upper secondary level combines literary analysis and creative writing, and offer students opportunities to interact with writers, watch theatre productions, and even visit the birthplace of Shakespeare in the UK!

H1 General Paper (GP) Why is a urinal placed in a museum considered art? Should euthanasia or designer babies be allowed? Through questions like these in General Paper, students would be able to think more critically about the world around them. To further enhance learning, students get to interact with guest speakers, attend exhibitions and go on field trips to museums!

H2 Literature in English (Senior High) Word. Thought. Deed. How do words shape what we think and do? Find out for yourself through A-Level Literature in English where students deepen their love for literature and sharpen their sensitivity towards the use of language through in-depth literary analysis of texts, from Shakespeare to contemporary authors like Kazuo Ishiguro.

H2 English Language and Linguistics (ELL) Explore the intricacies of syntax and debate the shifting meaning of words. Learn about how language is used in society to influence how we think. Appreciate why the pen is mightier than the sword when studying how language is used to keep people in power or in servitude. Students will never look at English Language the same way again! DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 18 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 19


Higher Chinese Language (HCL) through which students acquire in-depth knowledge on the current At Dunman High, learning Chinese language is interactive and issues concerning the little red dot. Through extensive discussions fun! Participate in debates, be a news reporter for a day, or even and discourse, students analyse and present their unique meet local writers, newscasters, or Chinese radio hosts. Students viewpoints on local issues. develop a passion for the language because they know that at Dunman High, Chinese is ‘cool’. 华语Cool! H2 China Studies in Chinese (CSC) China is a land of contradictions and her economy makes it a force Literature in Chinese to be reckoned with. Through the study of the political, economic, Learn how Chinese poems and novels have evolved throughout and social makeup of China, and her relations with the rest of the history and critique the contemporary literary works of writers from world, students taking this subject will develop insights into the Singapore, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Students will complexities of this ‘Sleeping Dragon’ which is finally awake and read works from the classics and those of modern authors like Lu set to soar! Xun (鲁迅) and Xu Zhimo (徐志摩), appreciating the finer nuances of literary expressions in Chinese. H2 Translation (Chinese) (TC) H2 Translation (Chinese) is a Chinese medium subject designed to BILINGUAL PROGRAMME (BP) develop students’ interest and proficiency in practical translation, Did you know that the Chinese first translated “democracy” to “德 translation strategies as well as critical appreciation of translations. 莫克拉西”? Or that “Science” was first called “赛因斯”? All Year 4 Students will learn to analyse both the Chinese language and the students will spend a semester doing comparative studies on the English language, and perform translations of texts from Chinese to linguistic and cultural aspects, and Chinese and English languages. English, and vice versa. Language learning will never be the same In addition, this programme also provides students with foundation again once you start learning translation! knowledge in Chinese-English translation. H2/H3 Chinese Language and Literature (CLL) H1 General Studies in Chinese (GSC) If you think that studying CLL means chanting boring, out-dated A subject that focuses exclusively on the socio-political climate texts, think again! Students perform in-depth literary analyses of and economy of Singapore as well as the region, GSC is a subject contemporary Chinese literature, from the sword-fighting novels of Louis Cha (Jin Yong), to the classical works of Lu Xun. They even get to pen their own short stories, poems and Chinese pop songs! MOE FLAGSHIP PROGRAMMES

Appreciation of Chinese Culture (ACC) at Year 1-2 Creative Arts Programme at Year 2, 3 & 5 Immerse yourself in the richness of Chinese culture through ACC! If you enjoy the creative process of writing your own poems and Learn the art of brewing and appreciating a cup of Chinese tea. short stories, the Creative Arts Programme is perfect for you! Jointly Try your hands at Chinese watercolour painting and Chinese organised by the Gifted Education Branch, Ministry of Education calligraphy. Unravel the mystery behind the coloured faces in and the University Scholars Programme (USP), National University Peking Opera. See Chinese history, literature and culture come of Singapore, it comprises a Creative Arts Seminar and a Mentorship alive through interactive and hands-on ACC lessons. Attachment. Students who are selected have the opportunity to attend writing workshops and plenary sessions with local writers, and performance workshops under the guidance of professional MOE Bicultural Studies Programme (BSP) (Chinese) at artistes. Under the Mentorship Attachment, students work under Year 3-6 the guidance of an established writer, and have their creative works The BSP (Chinese) Scholars are probably the most well-travelled published in the annual publication “Eye on the World”. students in Dunman High. They go on immersion trips to China, Taiwan and the USA, and participate in extended study Malay (Special Programme) at Year 1-4 programmes in China and the USA to understand more about the The Malay (Special Programme) takes an interactive, hands-on political and social makeup of the superpowers and their relations approach in the teaching of Malay language and culture. Besides with Singapore and the rest of the world. BSP certainly gives formal lessons, students take part in the Malay Cultural Camp, students a head start in navigating the complexities of the Eastern Essay Writing and Scrabble Competition organised by the Malay and Western worlds of today and tomorrow! unit in our school. In Year 3, students get the opportunity to go on an immersion programme to a top school in Malaysia. This MOE Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP) at extensive Malay programme will prepare students for their GCE ‘O’ Year 5-6 Level Malay (Special Programme) examination at the end of Year 4. If you love Chinese language and literature, then take up the challenge of the CLEP programme. Here, students experience the Conversational Malay Programme at Year 1-2 beauty of both classical and modern Chinese literature. Annual Did you know that all Dunman High students can speak at least 3 immersion programmes are held in China or Taiwan, while languages? Through the Conversational Malay Programme, all Year interactive talks and workshops by renowned local and overseas 1 and Year 2 students have the opportunity to learn conversational literary personalities leave lasting impressions on students. Malay that will be useful in practical, day-to-day life. Learn to Students also put into practice their writing and editing skills by converse confidently in our multi-cultural society through a fun producing Chinese publications at a school and national level. and interactive approach to studying Malay such as role-playing! Selamat datang ke Dunman High! DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 20 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 21 Humanities and Aesthetics Programme 人文美学课程

Adopting the Understanding by Design (UbD) curriculum design SUBJECTS OFFERED model, the Humanities Department seeks to enable each student to have a deeper understanding of the various disciplines. Teaching is carried out with the use of essential questions to guide lesson Humanities Aesthetics planning and assessment. The Aesthetics Department aims Year 1-2 Geography General Art Programme to identify and groom potential talents in the Arts and instil in students a greater appreciation of the aesthetics. It offers a holistic, History General Music structured programme to provide all students with opportunities Programme to be creative and innovative, and acquire an understanding and appreciation of different art forms and culture. Life Skills Programme

人文部的教学采用逆向课程设计模式,目的在于完善每个学 Music Elective Programme 生对个别人文学科的理解。人文学科的教学,以提问法为主 要教学方式,设计课件与评估方式。艺术美学部的教学宗 Art Elective Programme (School-based) 旨,则在于辨认与培养艺术资优生,同时灌输学生群体对艺 HUMANITIES 术的更高层次的欣赏。艺术学科完善而全面的课程,让所有 Year 3-4 Active Citizenry Music Elective Education Programme 学生得以享有更多的机会发挥创意,欣赏与洞悉不同形式的 History (Junior High) H1/H2/H3 Economics (Senior High) History education in DHS adopts an inquiry approach to A-Level Economics aims to equip students with an understanding 美术、音乐与文化形式。 Geography Art Elective Programme understand the societies and ideas in the 19th and 20th centuries. of fundamental economic concepts, theories and principles, and (School-based) History We also seek to develop critical thinking skills through the use of develop in students the ability to use the tools and methods of Socratic Seminars and e-dialogic argumentation sessions. In Lower economic reasoning to analyse real-world economic issues from Year 5-6 H1/H2/H3 Economics H2/H3 Music Secondary history, we look into the history of Singapore from its multiple perspectives. Students are expected to be engaged in earliest days as a Malay kingdom to its modern beginning as a discussions to arrive at informed and reasoned conclusions on H1/H2/H3 History H1/H2 Art British Colony in the 19th century and its emergence as modern contemporary economic issues in Singapore and beyond. nation state, Singapore, in the latter half of the 20th century. In Upper Secondary history, we explore how various ideologies and H1/H2/H3 Geography (Senior High) major conflicts in the 20th century shaped the modern world and A-Level Geography is a study of the physical and human society. environments with an emphasis on the tropical environments, the global economy as well as issues on sustainable development. Geography (Junior High) The discipline focuses on teaching a variety of skills, in particular, Geographic education in DHS adopts the inquiry-based learning emphasis is placed on critical thinking skills that require students approach to examine important issues that affect us and the to examine geographical issues from multiple perspectives and at environment, ranging from the management of key resources various scales. Increasingly, there is also a need for the 21st century like water and energy to urban development and transportation. learner to confront and reconcile contradictions and the theme Through the completion of authentic performance tasks in the form ‘sustainable development’ presents the best platform to engage of Geographical Investigation, students learn to gather primary students on these issues. Authentic learning experience is also data and secondary information, examine and analyse them to an important component of the discipline and this is achieved construct meaningful knowledge for themselves. Our curriculum through independent student-centred geographical investigative also connects other cross-curricular concepts and skills including studies in varied geographical settings. the development of desirable attitudes and values like the concern for the environment and the sustainability of our future. H1/H2/H3 History (Senior High) A-Level History equips students with content knowledge, thinking Active Citizenry Education (ACE) and writing skills critical for the 21st Century. Based on regional and ACE provides a platform for pupils to consider key issues impacting international developments in the 20th Century, students study key Singaporean society and the world at large. ACE actively engages forces such as nationalism, the Cold War and global economy that pupils in decision-making, makes them think critically about their explain much of today’s politics, economics and social issues. role in society and of their potential as agents for change. ACE aims to develop pupils to become active citizens who can contribute positively in a globalised world. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 22 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 23


General Music Programme (GMP) & Art Elective Programme (AEP) (School-based) General Art Programme (GAP) The school based Art Elective Programme (AEP) is offered from The General Music and Art Programmes aim to engage all Year One Year 1 to Year 4. It aims to expose artistically-inclined students to and Two students in arts and culture. Students get to appreciate a wide range of art forms supported by a deep understanding and music and art better, enjoy ethnic and digital music creations and appreciation of the visual arts. Students can choose to further their express themselves through various art forms. Art education in Senior High with the options of taking Art as a H1 or H2 subject. Music Elective Programme (MEP) The Music Elective Programme (MEP) offers musically-talented Life Skills Programme (LSP) students a choice of either a four-year GCE ‘O’ Level or a six-year The unique Dunman High Life Skills Programme (LSP) is offered to A-Level programme. Immersed in a musically enriched and vibrant all Year One and Two students. It focuses on life skills that range learning environment, MEP students become independent learners from cookery, nutrition, food safety, dinning etiquette and sewing, in the development of their musical skills and their understanding to emergency preparedness. It provides engaging hands-on and of and appreciation for music. teamwork learning experiences. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 24 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 25 Knowledge & Skills Programme 知识研究课程

The Knowledge Skills Programme (KSP) curriculum applies an 知识研究课程(KSP)应用探究式学习方法让学生掌握及应用 SUBJECTS OFFERED • Future Problem Solving Programme - inquiry-based approach for students to acquire and apply thinking 思维能力和研究能力。这些21世纪必备技能是以批判性思维 Global Issue Problem Solving Programme skills and research skills. These key 21st Century skills are primarily • Humanities and Social Sciences Research Programme (R.Paul,2004)和创意思考(P.Torrance,1979)的理论模式为根据。 based on Critical Thinking Model by R. Paul (2004) and Creative Knowledge Skills Programme • Innovation Programme Thinking Model by P. Torrance (1979). The curriculum encompasses 本课程包含各类活动和作业,用渐进的方式引导学生处理和 • Science Mentorship Programme Year Thinking and Research Skills Programme 1 (TRP 1) activities and assignments that scaffold student learning and 解决各类问题,给学生提供化理论为实际操作的机会,发展 1-2 provide opportunities for actual practice and extension of the skills 学生的综合能力,应对未来的21世纪。学生将从思考与研习 Thinking and Research Skills Programme 2 (TRP 2) For TRP 3, students embark on a Values-in-Action (ViA) research in authentic learning situations to develop students’ competencies • Future Problem Solving Programme project in groups. It entails research on authentic social issues st 课程(TRP)和专题作业(PW)中加强个人学习。 for the 21 Century. Students’ learning are enriched through the • Humanities and Social Sciences Research related to the themes of Civil Society and Active Citizenry, subjects of the Thinking and Research Skills Programme (TRP), and Programme Governance and Development, and Multi-ethnicity and Society. Project Work. • Innovation Programme Performance task of the programme is a group VIA Proposal. • Science Mentorship Programme Students will also be required to present their proposal to their classmates and one selected proposal per class will be Year Thinking and Research Skills Programme 3 (TRP 3) implemented as the Class VIA Project in the second half of the year. 3-4 At Year 4, we aim to foster independent learning and thinking, and Dunmanian Odyssey communication skills through the Dunmanian Odyssey, which Year H1 Project Work provides an opportunity for students to take stock of what they 5-6 have achieved, reflect on how our JH core curriculum has shaped and nurtured them according to the desired Dunmanian Outcomes and what they need to do to reach their aspirations or goals in the coming years. THINKING AND RESEARCH SKILLS PROGRAMME (TRP) PROJECT WORK (PW) TRP aims to build in students a strong foundation of critical and creative thinking skills, and research skills as well as positive PW is a compulsory H1 subject for all Year 5 students taking the learning dispositions. It adopts a developmental approach, Singapore-Cambridge G.C.E. A-Level Examination. PW is a learning empowering individuals in enhancing students’ ability to think experience which aims to provide candidates with the opportunity critically and creatively, research on, and present arguments that to synthesise knowledge from various areas of learning, and are sound and fair, while enriching their Intellectual Characters critically and creatively apply it to real life situations. This process, by nurturing thinking dispositions to act for a progressive society. which enhances candidates’ knowledge, and enables them to Students are engaged in experiential learning and perform acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent authentic tasks through TRP. learning, prepares them for lifelong learning and the challenges ahead in today’s dynamic and fast-changing world. TRP 1 focuses on critical and creative thinking skills and research skills in which students are taught to identify, evaluate arguments, Students will choose to do their projects on one of the two broad assumptions and sources of information, applying principles and in themes assessed. A group written report, three individual write- the process to recognise and put forth their perspectives. Students ups and an oral presentation are the assessment products to are also introduced to the Six Thinking Hats to learn various be submitted. They provide an indication of students’ ability to aspects of the thinking skills spectrum. Written assignments and generate, develop and evaluate ideas and to make links across participation in Socratic discussions are part of the programme different areas of knowledge. requirements. For TRP 2, selected students have the option to specialise in one of the discipline-based research programmes that culminates in the submission of a written report and an oral presentation of their projects. The research programmes include DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 26 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 27 Mathematics & Science Programme 数理课程


Mathematics (Junior High) Mathematics in Junior High focuses on the importance of problem-solving, making connections across topics and bringing out the real-life applications of Mathematics. The curriculum is differentiated and caters to students’ learning needs, readiness and interests. Students develop the skills to reason logically, communicate mathematically, and learn cooperatively through oral presentations and projects.

Financial Literacy (Junior High) Financial Literacy enrichment lessons are taught in Year 3 and 4. Through these lessons, students are taught good financial habits and simple investment appraisal methods. The financial literacy knowledge learnt gives our students a head start in managing their finances and some knowledge of how big corporations run their businesses.

H1/H2/H3 Mathematics & H2 Further Mathematics The Mathematics & Science Programme tailors teaching 数理课程以针对性的学习环境和教学方式为学生们营造不同 SUBJECTS OFFERED environment and pedagogies to create different learning (Senior High) 的学习体验。课程的内容覆盖面既严谨又全面,提供深入及 Mathematics emphasises on the conceptual understanding and experiences for our students. We stretch our students with 宽广的内容,以发掘学生的潜能。课程融合课堂以外的学 skill proficiencies. Students learn to conjecture, discover and reason content coverage that is both rigorous and comprehensive and Mathematics Science through Mathematics problem solving. They are also exposed integrate out-of-class experiences, research and project work. Our 习、研究与专题研习,鼓励学生对现实生活中的课题进行探 Year 1-2 Mathematics Lower Secondary Science to mathematical modelling, which involves making informed programme encourages the investigation of real-life problems, 讨。学生在发掘式学习与解答开放式问题的同时,也进而培 assumptions, validations and predictions. Selected students may discovery learning and open-ended problem solving, which enable 养更高阶的思考能力。 Year 3-4 Mathematics 1 Biology also offer H2 Further Mathematics or H3 Mathematics to further students to develop higher-order thinking skills. Mathematics 2 Chemistry develop their knowledge and skills.

Physics H2 Computing (Senior High) Computing focuses on problem solving and computational Year 3-4 H1/H2/H3 Mathematics H1/H2/H3 Biology thinking. Students develop project management skills through H2 Further Mathematics H1/H2/H3 Chemistry the planning, design and creation of applications in the business, engineering, education or entertainment domains. They also H2 Computing H1/H2/H3 Physics gain an understanding of the ethical, social and economic issues associated with technology. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 28 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 29


Lower Secondary Science Lower Secondary Science provides the foundation in developing students with scientific knowledge and social responsibility towards our society. Science is studied using an inquiry-based and exploratory approach to understanding the natural and physical world. The science curriculum is designed to connect students with applications of science in their everyday life.

Biology (Junior High) Biology is the study of the dynamic relationships between living things and the non-living environment. Students examine the interdependence, interactions and processes which maintain life and ensure its continuity. During the course, students create models to enhance their learning, participate in learning journeys to broaden their horizons, and acquire knowledge and skills which would enable them to think critically and make informed decisions about issues.

Chemistry (Junior High) H1/H2/H3 Biology (Senior High) H1/H2/H3 Physics (Senior High) Chemistry helps us understand our world through the study of In the Biology course, students learn about how life works at the Students learn basic knowledge of Physics and its application matter and the interactions of materials. Students think critically cellular and molecular level and also more advanced studies like in the real world, as well as more specialised advanced topics in about the applications of chemical processes in order to discover Proteomics, which integrates knowledge in Biology and Chemistry Modern Physics like the Quantum Theory of Light. In understanding new solutions to healthcare issues, environmental issues, and in the study of the chemistry of proteins. Students become aware of important Physics principles, students learn how the world around energy usage in the future. These concepts are brought alive the applications of Biology and the impact of recent developments us works and develop important quantitative and analytical skills. through practical work and group projects using ICT. on society.

Physics (Junior High) H1/H2/H3 Chemistry (Senior High) Physics explores physical laws governing interactions in the Students learn basic Chemistry principles in physical, organic world around us. To enable the deeper learning of the physics and inorganic chemistry, and progress to more advanced studies curriculum, many activities using data-loggers, activity kits and like Pharmaceutical Chemistry, which delves into drug chemistry. Physics demonstration toys are brought into the lessons. Physics Students will understand and apply Chemistry concepts and students also embark on hands-on school-based projects such as principles in solving problems and appreciate its applicability in designing and constructing prototypes of vehicles and participate other disciplines and in everyday life. in engineering challenges organised by local tertiary institutes. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 30 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 31 Talent Development Programme 人才培育计划

Dunman High’s school-wide academic Talent Development Dunman High Research Programme (DHRP) Department-based Talent Development Programme (TDP) Academic Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Programme (TDP) is adapted from the Enrichment TRIAD Model by As an advanced extension of the Thinking and Research Skills TDP is also provided at the departmental level where various Year 5 and Year 6 students who have special aptitude, capacity Renzulli (1976). TDP is provided through four main platforms: Programme (TRP), students with the aptitude and passion for departments offer differentiated advanced learning opportunities and passion for the Humanities, Mathematics or the Sciences have research are offered the opportunity to participate in DHRP that develop students’ cognitive capacity, creativity and sense the option to be a member of the academic-based CCAs such as • School-based Gifted Education (SBGE), organised by the school, MOE or by external agencies. of empathy and appreciation for the human condition. These International Strategic Affairs Council (ISAC - Humanities Society), • Dunman High Research Programme (DHRP), learning opportunities may form part of the core curriculum or co- Mathematics Society and Science Society, as TDP. They are given • Department-based Talent Development Programme, and Selected students in Year 1 to Year 6 who display interest and curriculum and are held during or beyond the curriculum time for special training and research mentorship opportunities and are • Academic Co-Curricular Activities. aptitude in the humanities, languages or sciences are selected selected group of students. also involved in organising local and/or international events such to embark on research projects that will deepen their knowledge as the ASEAN Plus Summit. in a particular area. Students are provided with opportunities to Examples of Department-based TDP: 德明人才培育计划改编自Enrichment TRIAD Model (Renzulli, interact with teachers and experts from the various fields in order to • Art Elective Programme (School-based) 1976),此计划涵盖各个学科。学校有四个主要平台提供人 learn about the latest research developments and to be challenged • Bicultural Studies Programme (Chinese) by the intellectually stimulating process of research work. • Music Elective Programme 才培育计划: • Competitions training (e.g. Olympiad training) The annual Dunman High Research Programme (DHRP) • Enrichment Programmes or courses at advanced level of • 校本高材教育 Symposium, a school flagship event, provides a key platform to knowledge and skills celebrate our students’ achievements in honing their thinking • H3 academic subjects (Year 5 to Year 6) • 德明研究计划 skills, research skills, communication and information skills, and • MOE – Local Student Attachment Programme • 部门人才培育计划 other 21st Century competencies. Students also learn from the • MOE – Overseas Student Attachment Programme • 课程辅助活动 field experts through the Keynote Speaker segment and research community dialogue sessions. Students who achieved excellence in their research work share their work and learning reflections with fellow Dunmanians from Year 1 to Year 6. School-Based Gifted Education (SBGE) The SBGE is a programme for high-ability learners where their Examples of School-Based and External DHRP: learning experiences are differentiated in terms of curriculum • Creative Arts Programme / Young Writers Programme content, teaching and learning processes, assessed products and • Future Problem Solving Programme learning environments (June Maker Model). This platform allows • Humanities & Social Sciences Research Programme students to maximize their academic potential in different subject • Moot Parliament Programme discipline. • Nanyang Research Programme • Science Mentorship Programme / Science Research Programme In Year 1 and Year 2, students who are formerly from the Gifted • Research@Young Defence Scientists Programme Education Programme in their Primary Schools are placed in SBGE classes together with other high-ability students. Students in the SBGE classes will experience all-round core-curricular enrichment. In Year 3 and Year 4, admission to SBGE classes is based on merit and teachers’ recommendation. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 32 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 33 Student Leadership Development Programme 学生领袖培育计划

Adopting a spiralled approach, Lower Secondary students are 我校旨在培育学生成为“关怀”、“服务”与“领导”学校 introduced to fundamental leadership skills and knowledge 以及社群的未来栋梁。我们笃信品德发展是领导能力培养的 through programmes (e.g. Strengths Explorer and Strengths Finder) 核心,故设计并推行学生领袖培育课程,一方面为全校学生 that foster the development of self-awareness and relationship management competencies. At the Upper Secondary and Senior 提供基础的领导能力培训,另一方面鼓励领导能力特出的学 High, students put their leadership skills to practice as CCA Leaders 生肩挑大梁。 and Student Body Leaders (e.g. Class Committee and the Student Council). The Student Council is a cohesive student leadership organisation that works closely with various stakeholders to 我校以循序渐进的方式,首先为初中低年级学生提供入门级 enrich the lives of Dunmanians by inspiring positive changes and 的领导培训,以培养学生的自觉意识和人际关系管理能力。 fostering a family culture in the school. Student Councillors are 到了初中高年级以及高中阶段,我校则为学生提供各种机 given opportunities to develop their leadership abilities and core 会,让他们将先前所学,以社团领袖、学生组织领袖的形式 competencies through the planning of major school events and student-initiated activities. In caring, serving and leading, student 付诸实践。其中,学生理事会便是众学生领袖组织中的代 councillors are able to leverage on their strengths to unleash their 表性组织。它通过与校内及校外合作伙伴的协作,优化德明 potential, experience the fulfilment that comes with being a servant 学生的学习生活,培养德明校园团队精神。在锻炼学生理事 leader, and be motivated to further their leadership journey. 会学生成员领导能力和素质方面,学校提供机会,让学生参 A differentiated programme, Dunman High Leadership Programme 与策划校方重要的活动项目,以及推动学生自发组织活动。 (DHLP), is developed to enrich and value-add to their leadership 在“关怀、服务和领导”精神培养方面,学生理事会成员能 experience from Year 4 to Year 5 through varied platforms like 有机会发挥自己的优势,发掘自己的潜能,并体验作为一个 dialogue sessions, workshops and mentoring. The purpose of the DHLP is to ensure that students, who are high performing 服务领导者所带来的满足感,进而得到激励,并继续其领导 and have high potential in their holistic development (academic, 的征程。 character, leadership and CCA), are able to maximise their capacity in leadership so that they are ready for an array of opportunities 领导能力更强的学生,则可通过参与德明领袖培训计划 that come their way after graduating from DHS. The DHLP is offered from Year 4 and student leaders in the DHLP will graduate into (DHLP),在中四到高一阶段,通过对话会、工作坊、指导等 the DHScholars Programme, an exclusive programme for Year 6 方式和平台,强化领导能力。此德明领袖培训计划的目的, students, such that a multi–pronged approach can wholly develop 是为了确保高素质和有潜能的学生在领导能力上得到最大限 our student leaders. 度的提高,为他们未来迎接德明毕业后的一切机会做好准 The DHScholars Programme complements the DHLP by supporting 备。德明领袖培训计划为中四及以上年级的学生而设。该计 our student leaders in the area of scholarship and higher education 划下的学生,是学术、社团活动或领导才能方面的模范学生 application. It is a structured mentoring programme that aims 领袖。学生在完成培训后,将在高二年级直接进入特设的德 to provide participants with more opportunities to explore scholarship and higher education options, and eventually make an 明奖学金计划(DHScholars Programme)。这样多管齐下的方 informed decision about them. Through mentorship and a range 式,使学生领袖得到层进式和系统化的培养。 of developmental activities, the programme aims to strengthen students’ scholarly attributes, and to refine their relevant skills for 纳入德明领袖培训计划的学生,在德明奖学金计划下,将能 Dunman High School aims to develop Dunmanians as Leaders of 德明政府中学旨在培育学生成为“关怀”、“服务”与“领 scholarship and higher education applications. 在奖学金和高等教育学院的申请方面得到有力的帮助。德明 Honour who will Care, Serve and Lead. We believe that character 导”学校以及社群的未来领袖。我们笃信塑成优良的品德是 development is the central tenet of leadership. With this in mind, Through a curriculum that is intentional in focus and spiralled in 奖学金计划是一套系统化的培训辅导计划,旨在让学生更了 培养领导能力的核心,学校以此为理念设计并推行了一系列 a Student Leadership Development curriculum has been designed approach, we believe that this would prepare Dunmanians to rise 解奖学金和高等教育学院的选择,并最终做出明智的筛选决 to secure the base by providing opportunities for every Dunmanian 学生领袖培育课程,一方面为每一位德明人提供基础的领导 up and tackle challenges in their journey as a leader beyond school. 定。该计划通过辅导和一系列培训活动,培养学生学者气 to learn about leadership while stretching the most capable of 能力培训,另一方面鼓励领导能力特出的学生肩挑大梁。 our student leaders through a series of leadership development 质,为他们申请奖学金和高等教育学院做好 相关的准备。 programmes. 通过上述目标明确、循序渐进的方式,我校期望所有学生都 能够成为社稷栋梁,日后服务社会,回馈国家。 DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 34 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 35 Co-Curricular Programme 课程辅助活动

Co-Curricular Programme 课程辅助活动

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) are an integral part of life in Dunman At Senior High, students will be given greater room to propose and 课程辅助活动是德明校园生活中不可或缺的一部分。本校的 在高中部,学生在自己所属的活动团体里,拥有更大的自主 High School. Our CCA place great emphasis in developing skills, run their own activities within their CCA so as to encourage them to 课程辅助活动重视培养和提升学生的各项技能、灌输正确价 空间去策划和进行活动,从而建立责任感和友谊。高中部的 inculcating in our students the correct values and desirable take greater ownership of their CCA, follow their passion and build 值观和健康的社交心理,为学生提供健康的娱乐和休闲活 课程辅助活动也与初中部的起到相辅相成的作用,重点开展 social attitudes, and providing them with healthy recreation and camaraderie. The Senior High CCA complement the Junior High enjoyment. Provision is also made for the training of the talented. while enhancing its focus on student-driven activities. 动。此外,资优生的培养也是课程辅助活动的重点项目之一。 以学生为导向的活动。



To encourage student participation, Dunman High School provides a wide range of CCA ranging from Sports, Uniformed Groups and Performing Arts Groups to Clubs and Societies for all Junior High students joining Dunman High School in Year 1. Students are required to attend audition/ trial/ interview for the CCA they have opted for before admission into a CCA.

本校为了鼓励学生积极参与课程辅助活动,在体育、制服团 体、表演艺术和学会各类活动中,为学生提供了多项选择。在 录取前,中一学生必须先通过所申请加入的团体的面试选拔。


Offered at Offered only at Junior High & Senior High Senior High Chinese Society • Chinese Dance Chinese Society • Chinese Drama (Junior High) • Chinese Drama (Senior High) • Theatresports

• Modern Dance Chinese Orchestra Dance Society • Hip Hop (D’ Movement)

Choir Guitar Ensemble

English Drama • International Dance (Junior High only) Society • English Drama

Guzheng Ensemble

String Ensemble

Symphonic Band


Offered at Junior High & Senior High Offered only at Senior High Offered at Offered only at Junior High & Senior High Senior High Air Weapons Club (Girls only) Bowling Girls Guides Girl Guides – Badminton Golf Young Adult Leaders Basketball Netball National Police Cadet Corps NPCC - Cadet Inspectors Softball (Girls only) Outdoor Activities Club (NPCC)

Table Tennis Sailing Scouts Scouts – Ventures

Track & Field Singapore Youth Flying Club St John Brigade (SJB) SJB - Cadet Leaders

Volleyball Soccer (Boys only)

Wushu Taekwondo

Tennis DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 38 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 39 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES* Why the Dunmanian Edge? Offered at Offered only at Junior High & Senior High Senior High 为什么德明精神如此珍贵? Art Club Culinary Club

Infocomm Club Environment Club

Robotics Club International Strategic Affairs In understanding why the Dunmanian Edge provides such a 因为德明精神给每个人都留下了特殊难忘的记忆,德明人的 Council meaningful experience, the story is best told by four important 故事由四组人为我们讲述: groups of people: Japanese Cultural Club 1) 德明大家庭成员 1) Members of the Dunmanian family; 2) 德明学子的父母 Only available as 2nd CCA Mass Communication 2) Parents of Dunmanians; in Junior High Society 3) 德明的合作伙伴 3) Partners of Dunman High; 4) 世界各地大学教授对德明毕业生学业表现的评语 Chinese Society Mathematics Society 4) Professors from universities around the world who share their • Beijing Opera thoughts on our students’ strengths. • Chinese Literary • Chinese Calligraphy

Library Society Oratorical Society (Debate & Public Speaking)

Lion Dance (for Scouts only) PA Crew

Oratorical Society (Debate) Photographic Society


Science Society

* Admission into the CCA is by merit. Only students who have passed the audition/trial and/or interview set by the respective CCA teacher-in-charge will be admitted. * 学生必须通过由活动负责老师安排的面试或甄选,才可获录取。


The Senior High CCA serve the needs and interests of the Senior 高中部课程辅助活动旨在照顾高中生的学习需求与兴趣。除了 High students. In addition to having the option to remain in their 让高中部的学生选择留在初中部所参加的活动团体,以进一步 current CCA from Junior High, where they can further develop their 发展自己的才能,学生也可以选择参加另一个活动团体。这两 talents, students may also consider joining another CCA. Both options provide students with opportunities to plan activities and 项选择给予学生策划活动的机会,提供适当的平台,让学生培 events, providing them with platforms to develop their leadership 养领导才能、开阔视野、发挥所长,建立长久坚固的友谊。本 competencies, deepen their knowledge of their interest areas and 校秉持着让学生培养爱好和兴趣的宗旨,在各个领域设立课程 forge lasting friendships with their peers. As DHS recognises the importance of allowing students to pursue their passion, whatever 辅助活动,以满足学生的需求。 they may be, new CCA were set up for Senior High to meet the needs and demands of students’ interests. 此外,学校成立了许多兴趣小组,给学生提供更多平台,让他 们按自己的兴趣发挥所长。 In addition, to provide more platforms for students to further pursue their passions and interests, as many as 10 Interest Groups (IGs) 这些以兴趣或活动为导向的兴趣小组由学校教师督导。兴趣小 have been set up in the past few years. IGs may be interest-driven 组活动也为校园增添了不少活力和色彩。 or event-based and are guided by a teacher. IGs have undoubtedly added vibrancy and colour to the school. 高中部的各项课程辅助活动,让学生的校园生活和体验更添 The Senior High CCA have certainly enriched students’ lives and 姿彩。 experiences. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 40 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 41 From members of the Dunman High family, partners, parents and professors 学生,校友,家长和教授们眼里的德明

MEMBERS OF DUNMANIAN FAMILY Lee Yi Xian 李奕贤 6C24/2015 Huang Bo Ning 黄泊宁 I am positive that what sets 6C35/2014 us apart is our community. A community where you are given room to stumble and It has been two years since fall (albeit sometimes flat on Ong Si Hui, Olivia I graduated, and I cannot your face), then pick yourself emphasise more how much I 王思惠 have come to appreciate my Lim Shu Qi, Clara up stronger than before. I have 林書琪 made countless of mistakes 6C34/2015 days in DHS and what I have in my 6 years – delivering a learnt from it. In addition to a quality education, my most 6C34/2014 substandard speech to the My favourite place in school is school, failing my literature important takeaway is how to be the school canteen. It is where 用心 - my experience in Dunman Soh Jingzhi Ryan Zhang Han papers, being horrendously a leader who makes decisions I have spent hours with friends High truly defined what it unfit…and the list goes on. anchored by values and 苏靖智 张晗 in joyful conversation, where means to put your heart into Yet, none of my teachers ever principles, a mindset that the juniors run over to me for your work. 2B/2016 6C24/2016 has ever given up on me. school’s character education Ho Zhi Hui advice, and where I catch up has inculcated in the students. Neither did my friends. I could with graduated seniors who are Going to school is never dreadful because 何芝慧 Why am I a Dunmanian? We always Furthermore, despite mounting Throughout my 6 years, I have still recollect the innumerable back to visit. It is where I bump it feels like home at Dunman High, with question the Dunmanian Identity; but what workload and stress back then, seen my teachers go the extra evenings spent in consultation into teachers who always ask friends and teachers who genuinely care 5C22/2016 truly makes us a Dunmanian is the set of that the spirit of mutual help mile to help us with our studies with my teachers; the sleepless if I am doing well, and where for me. As the captain of the C Division values and principles that the school has never gave way to excessive, and beyond in various stages Dunman high has unleashed my potential nights that were made a tad friendly uncles and aunties badminton team, I get to serve and inculcated in us. Along the way, we may unfettered competition, is of our schooling lives, because in my pursuit for excellence beyond my less painful with the company remember my favourite food contribute to the school that provides me stumble, we may fail, be it academically or what I cherish the most. I they genuinely care for us. I self-perceived limits, be it academically, of my friends. I am thankful orders. It is where I experience abundant opportunities to learn, grow, take non-academically; but what keep us going vividly remember how, as the have witnessed my batchmates realising my passion for music, being to have shared my growing the strength of the Dunmanian on responsibilities and make decisions. I are the supportive environment, and the A Level Examinations drew put in an enormous amount of effectively bilingual or being a leader of moments in a place of patience spirit when we cheer and get to learn more about cyber issues being numerous platforms for us to try again. Why near, the top General Paper effort into their CCA practices honour. Dunman high has defined the moral and understanding and a scream standing on canteen an ambassador who helps to advocate do we fall? So that we can pick ourselves up students in my class offered and train hard for their compass of Dunmanians which allows home of love and inclusivity -- tables during orientation. It is responsible usage of social media and again. We are taught to become “Leaders to have consultations with the competitions, because they us to be highly respectable people of the Dunman High. where friends have generously cyber etiquette. Dunman High is more than of Honour”, and the first step is to honour weaker ones and shared their take pride in what they are society in the future. The teachers have shared their resources and just academics. It is an enriching journey those around us. This spirit, this mind-set good practices. That sense of doing. I have met graduated no obligation to help me in catching up time to help me out as we mug of growing up and self-discovery. I believe and this environment, are just some of the camaraderie gave us the much- seniors who would return to with the lessons I have missed due to my for our examinations together what makes us stand out from the rest is things that I will dearly miss 10 years down needed strength and confidence school week after week to performances, neither do my friends have on late nights. Adding up all that Dunmanians are warm, friendly and the road. to face the final challenge. patiently guide their juniors, to sacrifice half a day of their holidays to these pieces, I find myself ever unassuming. Teachers and staffs, including because they want their juniors help me with my campaign banner, but they grateful for the warmth and love the canteen uncles and aunties are patient, to excel. did anyway, because they care. For that, I Dunman High has given me. caring and nurturing and I, am proud to be am deeply indebted to all my teachers and a Dunmanian. Thank you Dunman High, for peers who have given me a unique Dunman teaching me that beyond what High experience that is beyond fulfilling. we do, it is how and why we do things which leave a lasting impact on others. DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 42 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 43


Dunman High has provided the perfect platform for my son to deepen his mastery of academic subjects and in parallel, enriched his learning journey through CCA When we came for the Open House, we felt Although my son is only halfway through and leadership initiatives. As a Dunmanian, the school environment was like a family. the Dunmanian education, it is safe to 身为德明校友,将孩子送回母校就读, the values infused into him by the school The students and teachers mingled well say that he is in good hands as I too have 就是希望孩子在西方文化的影响下,也 will anchor his sense of responsibility and and looked genuinely happy. After being benefitted a lot. The close knit relationship 能具备以儒家文化为代表的东方社会核 self-consciousness, as he travels on the in Dunman High for a year, the school has between the school management and 心价值观。还记得几年前在台湾旅游 journey of life long after school days. indeed been a second home for my son. parents is something I really am in awe of, Dunman High School fosters a caring and He enjoys going to school and teachers are especially the efforts to integrate parents warm family environment. The teachers 时,一位当地资深导游告诉我们,让他 Dunman High is not just an education truly caring. The school believe in bringing in our kids’ lives. I am sure that by the are very engaging, passionate and do their 留下印象最深刻的一团就是德明政府中 time my son has completed the six years institution, it is an extended family with out the best in each child. In addition, we utmost in helping my son’s school work and 学学生,除了有礼貌态度好之外,学生 caring and high calibre teachers plus school 昔日矗立在加东的德明,教育了我和我 like the emphasis on biculturalism and programme in Dunman High School, he his personal development. He is now very leaders working as one in bringing the best character development by the school as would have the essential life skills and motivated to acquire more social skills and 们也坚守纪律。这更增加了我们对德明 先生。很庆幸如今丹戎禹的校舍,正培 of every student, regardless of background. these are important element of education. knowledge to benefit the society in future, inspired by his teachers to discover more 百年树人的信心。更值得欣慰的是,多 That is what makes Dunman High special, 育着我们的女儿。 Thank you Dunman High! in life. As a parent, I believe these skills 名校友更重返母校,回家执教,继续传 and that is why I highly recommend parents will be a very critical part of his success as 承德明校风。 without reservations to choose Dunman he gets older even more important than 我关注,但不专注,于她的学业发展。 Name of parent : Janet Choy High as their school of choice! Name of parent : Kim Beh his academic skills or intelligence. We are 我深信文凭只能帮你踏出第一步。而德 Name of student : Goh Qing Khang Name of student : Liew Jian Wei 刘健伟 indeed very honoured to be part of the 吴庆康 Name of parent : 胡仰安 明身教言教中所贯穿的个人品德修养, Class of student : 3C, 2016 Dunman High family. Class of student : 4B, 2016 Name of student : Foo Jing Xian 胡静仙 却能让你鹤立鸡群,走得更远。 Name of parent : Alvin Lee Class of student : 6C22 2016 Name of student : Lee Sin Yuen 李幸元 Class of student : 4M, 2016 Name of parent : Andrew Lim Name of parent : 谢爱玉 Name of student : Brandon Lim Chee Name of student : Lim Tjiong Hann Yeung 林智融 林炯含 Class of student : 2K, 2016 Class of student : 5C24, 2016 DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 44 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 45


我能对社会做出一些小贡献,是本着取之社会,用之社会的精 神,借着新加坡给我的这样一个平台。德明“诚、信、勇、 忠”的校训深深地扎根在我心上,使我明白人必须懂得饮水 思源。当我有能力的时候,我就会回馈社会,不遗余力。

Sam Goi 魏成辉 Chairman, School Advisory Committee, Dunman High School CEO, Tee Yih Jia Food Manufacturing Pte Ltd 身为德明政府中学的校友,我以儿子能 够成功进入德明就读而感到高兴、自 豪。这其中除了对母校的那份归属感,

更重要的是,德明政府中学过去这些年 Our daughter was in the Chinese Orchestra 来各方面的迅速发展和蜕变,比起当年 (CO) in her primary school and we are 在德明的日子,是亭亭松影、习习海风的丹戎加东旧校舍孕 happy that she continues in the same 已经更上一层楼,不可同日而语。 除了 育了我。当年参加女童军活动与乒乓校队,让我学习了生活 CCA at DHS, especially because the DHS 学校里老师们的谆谆善诱以及优质的教 技能,也锻炼了我的体魄。校园内的礼堂、集思楼、正心 从同学们走进德明、成为德明大家庭的一员时,我希望大家 CO is well known for its high performance 楼、格致馆等,都留下了我们成长的足迹,见证了我们光辉 能够深刻记得生命中这个宝贵的时刻和时期。今天你以德明 学理念和设备之外,其极力弘扬中西双 standard. The orchestra has helped 的青春。母校还为我掌握双语打下了稳固的基础;母校的校 为荣,明天德明为你感到骄傲。 文化价值的求学环境,更是对于今后孩 Dunman High is fun. This is my daughter’s to inculcate the value of teamwork, 训“诚、信、勇、忠”,也是我处世待人的指南针。纵然我 feedback after spending more than a year friendship and leadership in her as well as Teo Kek Yeng 张克荣 子的个人发展极重要的一环。我希望他 们的青春都终将逝去*,母校精神已深植心中,永不磨灭! in Dunman High. We chose the school for a better appreciation and understanding CEO, Teo Tjoe Tjoen & Sons Pte Ltd 通过这六年的学习过程,不仅能充分体 its high academic standards, bi-cultural of Chinese culture. We are sure that she Alumni President (*以此句记录当下中国最卖座的电影--赵薇导演的《致我们 现德明校训,诚、信、勇、忠、的传统 environment and close proximity. It is also will have pleasant memories of her time 终将逝去的青春》。让我们谨记:我们正值青春时,和青春 价值观,同时也养成优越锐利的逻辑思 heartening to know that the school is a fun in DHS; not only just memories of serious 逝去时的世界会变得不一样。所以我们正值青春时,必须把 维,以备将来能够更好的驾驭自己克服 place. In particular, my daughter enjoys her studying, examinations and project CCA, Girl Guides very much. She treasures deadlines but also the fun and camaraderie 握时机,为我们青春逝去时的世界作最充分的准备--与同学 各种挑战,有能力走得更远,从而回馈 the camaraderie and looks forward to the forged together with her friends during 们/校友们共勉之!) 社会。自从进了德明,他也体验到并喜 physical and mental challenges during the the long and hard practices for the CO 在这里,我学到了做人的道理,交到许多同甘共苦的同事与 CCA. Academically, I believe that the 6-year performances. 欢上了老师关爱,学生恭敬,同学互助 刘燕玲 朋友。从当学生到身为老师,心目中的德明永远是一个温馨 的良好校风。 IP program also provides a very stable and Alumna 的家! supportive environment for the formative Parliamentary Secretary teenage years. Dunman High is the place for Name of parent : Vivian Kwee Ang Eng Choon 翁英俊 张玮凌 Ministry of Education & Ministry of Trade and Industry you if you identify with its culture, vibrant Name of student : Teo Wei Ling Head, Corporate Relations Name of parent : Chow Eng Hwee Mayor, South West CDC environment and holistic approach to Class of student : 4L, 2016 Dunman High School Name of student : Axl Chow Shi Kai 赵士凯 education. Class of student : 1G, 2016 Name of parent : Foo Chin Yuin Name of student : Sophia Ang Yong Zhi 翁涌芝 Class of student : 2G, 2016 DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 46 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 47


On behalf of the Marine Parade CC Youth Executive Committee, I Dunman High students are polite, enthusiastic, cheerful, fast and keen Many of our students have gone on to pursue Higher Education in 我们校友的足迹,遍布海内外。最近,我们通过校友会联络到 would like to thank all of you for your support in making Enterprise learners. They show aptitude in being patient and good listeners; Singapore and around the world. Recently, through our alumni, 了来自不同大学的教授,请他们就我们德明毕业生在大学的表 for a Cause 2014 a success. potential to be good physicians. we requested different professors to pen a few thoughts on how 现谈谈看法。从教授们积极的反馈当中,我们很高兴看到了德 our Dunmanians have stood out during their course work at As an alumnus, I feel extremely proud to have witnessed my juniors Dr Cheong Lee Ching university. The professors were very forthcoming to help in our 明精神在校友们身上熠熠生辉。 Thai Shen Family Clinic, conceptualise and execute a relatively large-scale project at such a endeavor, demonstrating how our students have developed a Our Partner since 2012 tender age. I was especially impressed by a few students who were positive impression whilst under the tutelage of these established 我们以校友们为荣! particularly vocal and persuasive when marketing their goods, as academics. well as the class who sold the earrings - the students managed to communicate to me at the start of the event an estimate of the proceeds assuming all goods were sold, this reflects careful Commitment, hardwork, initiative, DHS students are able to cope thought and planning on their end. with a fast paced environment of work. They are willing to work as a team to deliver a successful event. They show aptitude setting up the Miss Kristin Hoo groundwork in order for the production to run smoothly. They have Marine Parade Youth Executive Committee clear expectations of the working force and appreciate what happens Our Partner since 2013 “on the ground”. This is especially needed in industries such as the Arts industry where textbooks cannot help.

Aqram, Little Arts Academy (The Arts House) Our Partner since 2008 Tan Bao Jia 陈葆佳 The enthusiasm and hospitality shown by the student volunteers from President Scholar 2009 Dunman High School, particularly those from the Environment Club, Dunman High School, Class of 2009 Peking University, Class of 2013 have enriched the YED participants’ environmental awareness and Stanford University, Class of 2015 experience. The students’ commitment is a reflection of the care and guidance of their teachers and reflects well on Dunman High School’s Reliable, good attitude in learning, DHS students are respectful and vision of developing students’ potential to the fullest to enable able to follow instructions well. They are also keen and inquiring Through my interactions with Bao Jia, she has shown herself to Bao Jia was my Research Assistant for half a year and we co- them to Care, to Serve and to Lead… We look forward to continued learners. They are eager to learn about the law and the Singapore legal be a deft thinker, contributing meaningfully to class discussions authored a published paper together. I got to know Bao Jia after partnership with Dunman High School as we work together to think, system. It is a pleasure to have DHS students with us. with her novel approaches to the questions at hand, backed by strong recommendations from her department and my colleagues, care and act for our environment. rigorous critical analysis. For example, when we broached the topic and have been thoroughly impressed. She possesses quick wit, Sim Kwan Kiat of transitional institutions and fiscal federalism in China, Bao Jia excellent communication skills and a healthy sense of humor. stood out from the class by challenging the assumption that the Her mathematical foundations are very strong, and this has Paula Kesavan Business Finance and Insolvency, Rajah & Tann central government would not predate on the local government complemented her deep understanding of political-socio affairs National Environment Agency (NEA) Our Partner since 2010 simply because of the tax contracts put in place. She understood and her bilingual abilities to allow her to produce very insightful Our Partner since 2006 the fickle and realistic nature of contracts made, and showed an research on China affairs. Her work ethic is unsurpassed, and she The above partners represent part of an extensive network of partnerships cultivated and outstanding ability to grasp concepts quickly when she could point is focused, good-spirited and highly intelligent. Unsurprisingly, she appreciated over the years. out the dynamics between the central and local governments. has won the hearts of her peers and is not only the top student Despite not being native to China, Bao Jia has shown a remarkable in the department but also President of the Student Association. capacity for adaptation, quickly developing a deep understanding Despite all her achievements, Bao Jia is very humble, and she is of China’s complexities rarely found in foreigners. kind not just to everyone generally, but specifically to those who needed a little extra kindness most. I have been delighted to work In addition to Bao Jia’s strong intellectual ability, she embodies with her, and believe that big things lie ahead for this exceptional a deep sense of humility, always being open to alternative young lady. viewpoints and ready to learn from others. Her willingness and ability to connect with other students has made her an Professor Karen Eggleston invaluable asset to discussion and project groups, where she Director of the Asia Health Policy Program at the has consistently been a leader and mentor to other students. Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center These qualities of hers will make her an invaluable asset to any Center Fellow at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center academic community she joins. Center Fellow at the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research Professor Tao Ran Faculty Research Fellow of the Renmin University National Bureau of Economic Research Professor for “China’s Economy and Growth” Peking University under the 2011 Peking-Yale Joint Program DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 48 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 49

Lim Yan Chun 林衍竣 Koh Liang Wei 许良玮 Dunman High School, Class of 2009 Dunman High School, Class of 2010 Peking University, Class of 2014 Fudan University, Shanghai Chulalongkorn University, Class of 2015 许良玮同学于2014年选修了我所教授 力也十分强,很成功地带领他的组员完 的《宏观经济学》(全英文)课程。 成课堂项目,深受同学的喜欢。他能进 林衍竣的思维批判能力较强,沟通能力 例如,他长期在VJoin公益咨询询询组 我们在一个学期的学习过程中,相处 行系统性地学习,逻辑性强,十分适合 较高。曾多次在课堂上发言,与同学分 织兼职,为公益机构提供能力建设的服 十分愉快。我十分庆幸能有许良玮这 学习经济学,因此,他成为很少能在我 享讨论自己的研究学习心得,展示出其 务。 样优秀的学生来修读我的课程,我本 的课程上拿A的国际学生。而让我印象 有效的沟通能力和清晰的思路。另外, 人感到非常荣幸。许良玮应该是我在 最深刻的是,相较于他的同学,他对自 林衍竣也多次受邀为其社团和组织的宣 身为新加坡政府公派奖学金得主,林衍 复旦任教七年以来教过的最优秀的5% 己未来的职业规划有相当清晰的认识, 讲会进行公开的双语演讲。由此足以证 竣认真学习、刻苦钻研、锻炼自我能 的学生之一。 因而学习有更强的目标性,这会让他将 明林衍竣的公开演讲能力较强,自信心 力,学习毕业后返回新加坡政府部门工 来在职场上有出色的表现的。 较高。 作,必能为新加坡的发展及新中两国的 许良玮十分勤奋,每次上课都坐在第一 关系作出卓越的贡献。 排,凡是我在课堂中提出的问题,他都 总而言之,对于贵校能培养出如此优秀 同时,林衍竣热心公益,在课外积极 韦民 会积极思考,并回答问题。他的课程参 的学生,深表钦佩,也希望贵校会有更 参与北京多家公益机构的志愿服务。 副教授 与,带动了其他同学的积极性;他回答 多如许良玮这样优秀的学生选择来我们 北京大学国际关系学院 问题的视角给其他同学提供思考问题新 复旦留学。 的角度,总之,他对我们的课程有着积 极的贡献和正面的溢出效应 (经济学术 Yan Chun Lim is presently completing has interned with the HomeNet Foundation 李丹 语:positive externality)。他的英文 副教授 his studies on the MA in International utilizing his skills to support community 非常棒,沟通技巧非常好,而且组织能 复旦大学经济学院 Development Studies program in groups promoting labor rights in Bangkok. Bangkok, Thailand. On the program, he has proven himself highly motivated For both the staff and his fellow students, and committed to his studies, and to it has certainly been a pleasure to have Yan Foong Ke Wei 冯可惟 international development itself. Yan is a join the program. He has demonstrated Dunman High School, Class of 2011 sophisticated writer and articulate speaker. a great potential for future leadership University of Cambridge He has creatively engaged in class debate through his personal conduct, academic drawing on his sharp analytical skills and ability and strategic thinking. I have little I am delighted to write a testimonial for I have been very impressed by her past experience in Singapore, China and doubt that whichever career Yan choses to Ke Wei Foong. Ke Wei is one of the most inquisitive and insightful nature and Cambodia. Outside of the classroom, Yan pursue, he will be highly successful in it. talented students that I have taught. meticulous attention to detail. On a She is a highly motivated individual who personal note, I have found Ke Wei to Dr Carl Middleton has shown an enthusiastic and mature be thoughtful, considerate and a truly International Studies Development Programme approach to all aspects of her studies. She delightful individual. It has been an Faculty of Political Science, has an outstanding ability to assimilate absolute pleasure to supervise her. With Chulalongkorn University, Thailand information and apply this knowledge. these attributes I have no doubt that Ke This is demonstrated by her exemplary Wei will be an exceptional, caring and academic record and well deserved first in compassionate doctor. BOD Tripos. Christopher Siantar 佘东发 Dunman High School, Class of 2010 Dr Helen Parfrey University of California, Berkeley Consultant Physician at Papworth Hospital I had the pleasure to teach Christopher in a lecture class dedicated to contemporary Buddhist traditions in Nepal, Sri Lanka and 吴佳颖 mainland Southeast Asia. Christopher was an amazing student. Goh Jia Ying Dunman High School, Class of 2013 He read the extensive readings (some 1500 pages!) with great care National University of Singapore and critical acumen, and he also followed the lectures with close attention. More importantly, he not only absorbed and digested Jia Ying is a resident of King Edward VII Hall her way, she remains resilient in tackling the extensive and complex materials but he really thought through at NUS. More than a resident, she is also challenges and nimble in handling evolving the issues and questions and in the process proved himself an a student leader of the Junior Common situations. All these resulted in a productive independent and creative thinker. He richly earned the A+ he Room Committee, the Hall’s highest level committee that pulled off a successful received for this class, a grade I only rarely award. of authority within the student body. Inter-Hall Games campaign amidst other During her tenure as the Sports Director events in the Hall’s sporting calendar. She Professor Alexander von Rospatt of JCRC, I had the privilege of working is a highly valued member of JCRC who is Buddhist and South Asian Studies alongside Jia Ying who impressed upon me well-liked and respected throughout the Director, Group in Buddhist Studies as an outstanding leader - committed to hall community. These attributes will set Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies the tasks and sure-footed in her decisions. Jia Ying apart and help her go very far in life. University of California, Berkeley At times when circumstances do not go

Dr Chen Zhi Xiong NUS, King Edward VII Hall, Senior Common Room Committee DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 50 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 PROSPECTUS 2016/2017 51 CCA Achievements [ TEAM) 课程辅助活动奖项与成就(团体) Shaun’s notable achievements in Long Jump include the following: • represented Singapore at SEA Games in 2015 Other Achievements in 2015 • represented Singapore in YOG AAQ in Bangkok SPORTS AND GAMES 2015 • achieved 1st in ‘A’ Division Boys Long Jump at the National Schools Track and Field Championship Dance Society Champion in DanceWorks! 2015 Team Awards in National Best Sports Boy and Best 2nd in The 50th Anniversary of Canada-Singapore Diplomatic Relations Webpage Design Schools Championship Sports Girl Award 2015 Competition

Uniformed Group Best st 4th in National Schools 1 (Team) in National JC/HS Coding Competition Air Pistol ‘C’ Girls The Best Sports Boy and Best Sports Girl Award recognise the most Championship outstanding student athlete for the year for each of the Council Unit Award 2015 Top Participating School in Google Code-In 3rd in National Schools Sailing ‘A’ Boys sport, by gender. To be nominated for this award, an athlete has to Top JC in Hackathon@SG Championship demonstrate outstanding achievements and character. Infocomm Club 1st and 3rd National Software Competition (Mobile 3rd in National Schools Girls Guides Gold x 2 Puan Noor Aishah Award ‘A’ Girls Apps) Championship Table Tennis NPCC Gold Unit Overall Proficiency Award 4th in National Schools Top Female Coder (JC) and Top Male Coder (Sec), ‘C’ Girls nd Championship SJB Gold Corp Achievement Award 2 (Team) and Top Coding School (Sec and JC) in Ace of Coders 4th in National Schools Scouts Gold Frank Cooper Sands Award ‘C’ Boys 2 Gold Awards at SiTF Awards Championship Ventures Gold Frank Cooper Sands Award 4th in National Schools 2 Merit Awards at Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards ‘A’ Boys Championship Volleyball 5 Outstanding Delegates at Harvard Model 3rd in National Schools ‘B’ Girls Congress, Asia, 2015 Championship Best Ruling Party Parliamentarian at Singapore 2nd in National Schools ISAC Wushu ‘C’ Girls Performing Arts Model Parliament 2015 Championship Groups 2014 2015 Outstanding Delegate at Yale-NUS College Asia- Vera Tan Yan Ning Pacific Model United Nations At the 45th Singapore Schools Sports Council Colours Award Team Awards in East Zone 2nd (Team) in Qiuping Cup 2015 School - Junior Ceremony, Vera Tan Yan Ning was awarded the Best Sports Girl for Junior High Category (Sec1-2) Schools Championship Wushu. Mindsports Club Chinese Orchestra Distinction 2nd (Team) in National Youth Weiqi Championship 4th in East Zone Schools 2015 ‘B’ Girls Vera’s notable achievements in Wushu include the following: Chinese Society (Chinese Drama) Accomplishment Championship Champions in MOE-ACJC Inter-Collegiate • represented Singapore in SEA Games in 2015 and achieved the Chinese Society (Chinese Dance) Distinction Oratorical Society 2nd in East Zone Schools following: (Senior HIgh Debating Championships 2015 Badminton ‘C’ Girls Choir Distinction Championship - 1st in Compulsory Taijiquan Debates) Champions in DA(S)-ITE Singapore Speaks! 2015 1st in East Zone Schools - 5th in Optional Taijiquan EDS (International Dance) Accomplishment ‘C’ Boys 1st for Best Presentation (Gold) in Singapore Championship th - 6 in Optional Taijijian EDS (English Drama) Distinction Amazing Flying Machine Competition 4th in East Zone Schools • represented Singapore in Asian Junior Championships held at ‘B’ Girls Guzheng Ensemble Distinction Championship rd Champion in 11th National Air Race (Group) Inner Mongolia in 2015 and achieved 3 in Compulsory Taijijian. Robotics Club (JH) 3rd in East Zone Schools String Ensemble Accomplishment 2nd in 11th National Air Race (Fighter challenge) Basketball ‘B’ Boys Championship Symphonic Band Distinction 2nd (Sumo Category) in Asia Pacific Youth 1st in East Zone Schools Robotics ‘C’ Boys Senior High Championship Chinese Drama Distinction Champion in 2015 Sngapore Robotics 2nd in East Zone Schools ‘B’ Girls Games(Picomouse JC/ITE Category) Championship Chinese Orchestra Distinction Overall Champion and 1st in Best Presentation 2nd in East Zone Schools ‘B’ Boys Choir Distinction Singapore Amazing Flying Machines 2015 (Cat C Championship Table Tennis Dance Society Accomplishment Robotics Club (SH) Fixed Wing Plane) 2nd in East Zone Schools ‘C’ Girls Best Learning Award Winner, Judges' Choice Championship EDS (English Drama) Accomplishment Winner and Entrepreneur Award in National 2nd in East Zone Schools Guitar Ensemble Distinction ‘C’ Boys Junior Robotics Competition 2015 (Tertiary Championship String Ensemble Distinction Division) 4th in East Zone Schools ‘B’ Girls Symphonic Band Accomplishment 2 Silver Awards in Singapore Science and Championship Engineering Fair 2015 Volleyball 4th in East Zone Schools Shaun Moh Heng Feng Science Society ‘B’ Boys th Commendable Poster Award in Institute of Championship At the 45 Singapore Schools Sports Council Colours Award Physics Conference 4th in East Zone Schools Ceremony, Shaun Moh Heng Feng was awarded the Best Sports Boy ‘C’ Girls Championship for Track and Field. Be someone with the Dunmanian Edge! 成为我们德明大家庭的一分子吧! We hope that you have been 看了以上的故事,希望你已经倍受鼓 inspired to be someone with the 舞。所以,赶快加入我们,让我们帮 Dunmanian Edge. 你亮出你的精彩,你还等什么! Join us and find your edge in life! DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 10 Tanjong Rhu Rd Singapore 436895 Tel: +65 6345 0533 Fax: +65 6344 2316 Email: [email protected] Website: www.dhs.sg

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