15 December 2020 Technological Communications, a SUEK-Kuzbass service company, has provided five bactericidal recirculators for the Leninsk- Kuznetsky ambulance station.

The recirculators have been installed in the station's control room, recreation areas for the staff and service facilities.

"Given the current pandemic situation, the need for recirculators can hardly be overestimated," says Nina Fedina, Chief Physician of the Leninsk-Kuznetsky ambulance station. "They help us with continuous air disinfection in various premises. This is especially important in winter, when there is almost no fresh air. Our ambulance teams stay in the station building in between calls. Recirculators provide an additional opportunity for doctors and paramedics to disinfect and to breathe really clean air. We are very grateful to SUEK-Kuzbass Technological Communications for their understanding and assistance."

Already in spring, SUEK-Kuzbass began its own production of SKTS-1-2/30 recirculators for air disinfection in rooms attended by people. The first batch of recirculators was sent to the company's units in April-May to disinfect premises used for employees. As SUEK's experience shows, SKTS-1-2/30 bactericidal recirculators, while continuously operating, guarantee 99.9% sterility.

At the request of the (Kuzbass) regional government, SUEK-Kuzbass increased the production of recirculators to equip social institutions in the region. The company have produced more than one and a half thousand items with the Eurasian Economic Union's Declaration No. RU Д -RU.РА01.В.74189/20 proving their compliance with safety requirements. Among the recipients of SKTS-1-2/30 are secondary schools and lyceums, sports and art schools, private companies and residents of Kemerovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kiselevsk, , Polysaevo, Berezovsky, , , Guryevsk, , , , Novosibirsk, Verkh-Chebula, alongside Prokopyevsk and Leninsk-Kuznetsky municipal districts and Belovo district.

From the first days of the pandemic, SUEK owned by Andrey Melnichenko has been delivering a comprehensive programme in the regions where it operates. The programme is aimed at both improving the technical infrastructure of healthcare facilities and supporting the population. In mining cities and towns, the Company purchases high-tech medical equipment, supplies personal protective equipment for doctors, assists in solving current issues faced by hospitals for COVID-19 patients. SUEK's volunteers have also joined the #WeTogether campaign initiated by the All- Popular Front. They deliver food, fruits and personal protective equipment to pensioners and large families in cities and towns, give voluntary assistance to social institutions.