Lacon 1 Film Program
BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION This film program represents for the most part an extremely personal selection by me, Bill Warren, with the help of Donald F. Glut. Usually convention film programs tend to show the established classics -- THINGS TO COME, METROPOLIS, WAR OF THE WORLDS, THEM - and, of course, those are good films. But they are seen so very often -- on tv, at non-sf film programs, at regional cons, and so forth -- that we decided to try to organize a program of good and/or entertaining movies that are rarely seen. We feel we have made a good selection, with films chosen for a variety of reasons. Some of the films on the program were, until quite recently, thought to be missing or impossible to view, like JUST IMAGINE, TRANSATLANTIC TUNNEL, or DR JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. Others, since they are such glorious stinkers, have been relegated to 3 a.m. once-a-year tv showings, like VOODOO MAN or PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. Other fairly recent movies (and good ones, at that) were, we felt, seen by far too few people, either due to poor distribution by the releasing companies, or because they didn't make enough money to ensure a wide release, like TARGETS or THE DEVIL'S BRIDE. Still others are relatively obscure foreign films, a couple of which we took a sight-unseen gamble on, basing our selections on favorable reviews; this includes films like THE GLADIATORS and END OF AUGUST AT THE HOTEL OZONE. And finally, there are a number of films here which are personal favorites of Don's or mine which we want other people to like; this includes INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, MAD LOVE, NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, RADIO RANCH, and SPY SMASHER RETURNS.
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