EANAEANA I gog wwhere I lollove..... EurythmyEuryythmy ~ Christtina Beck Speeech/Acting ~ BBeatrice Vo Mussic ~ Several coollaboratin Performances/Workshops Begin Fall 2018 Sponsored by Lemniscate Arts Tax deductible donations may be made to: Lemniscate Arts a 501(c)3 corporationtion (#20-2307129) noted for Amaranthth Eurythmy Theater and sent to 114 Tuscarora Dr.,, Hillsborough, NC 27278 or online at amarantheurythmytheater.orgntheurythmytheater.org Contact:
[email protected] AMMARANTTH EURYYTTHMY TTHEEAATTER VOLUME 95 Spring 2018 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE EURYTHMY ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTER 2 Eurythmy Association of North America Mission Statement The Eurythmy Association of North America is formed for these purposes: To foster eurythmy, an art of movement originated and developed by Rudolf Steiner out of anthroposophy; to foster the work of eurythmists on the North American continent by sponsoring performances, demonstrations, and workshops; and to main- tain, develop, and communicate knowledge related to eurythmy and the work of eurythmists by means of newsletters and publications. The Eurythmy Association of North America is a non- OFFICERS OF THE EURYTHMY ASSOCIATION profit corporation of eurythmists living and working on the President Emeritus North American continent. Any eurythmist holding an Alice Stamm, 916-728-2462 accredited diploma recognized by the Section for Eurythmy, Treasurer Speech, and Music at the Goetheanum, may join the Gino Ver Eecke, 845-356-1380 Association as a member. Eurythmy students and non- Corresponding Secretary accredited, but actively working eurythmists, are warmly Alice Stamm, 916-728-2462 welcomed to join as Friends. Recording Secretary The Newsletter is published two times annually. Laurel Loughran, 778-508-3554 Annual dues are from January through December.