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Fall 2009

Revolutionary Decision

Meredith Jones-Gray Andrews University, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Jones-Gray, Meredith, "Revolutionary Decision" (2009). Faculty Publications. 987.

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hen the General Conference Au- completion of a brand-new tumn Council convened in October college church, rising on the W 1958, perhaps no one fully knew southern edge of campus. The how the discussions that ensued and the library housed a collection of decisions the delegates made would affect 60,000 books, but was quickly people, institutions and the Church itself. outgrowing its home in what The attendees were about to witness the birth is today known as Griggs Hall. of a new comprehensive university to serve Of the dedicated faculty, 16 the World Church. It would be a long process had doctorate’s and 40 held culminating in the naming of Andrews master’s degrees. University in April 1960. Three institutions In spite of its rural setting in particular would never be the same again: and the apparent slow pace of Emmanuel Missionary College, the Seventh- EMC’s campus life, Ritten- The General Conference building day Adventist Theological Seminary and house noted, “Our campus Potomac University. far more closely resembles an anthill than a calm and quiet retreat.” And the world crept into the peaceful set- Emmanuel Missionary College In the fall of 1958, 929 students represent- ting, as it always had. Rittenhouse reminded In 1958, Emmanuel Missionary College (EMC) ing 23 countries were enrolled in the college. the Lake Union constituency that the campus had been in Berrien Springs, , for 57 The student body reveled in the typical round was not completely isolated: “Influences of years. The school resided on about 400 acres, of collegiate activities: the student paper, the the cold war, the struggle over integration, which included “rich farm land,” in what yearbook, campus clubs, Ingathering, MV labor difficulties, the decline of public and then-president Floyd O. Rittenhouse referred (missionary volunteer) bands, American Tem- private morality, the portents of radically to as a “favored rural region.” Recent building perance Society orations, singing in the Col- differing patterns of society under the aegis achievements included a “modern, efficient legians or playing in the EMC concert band, of nuclear science and the space age, the milking parlor,” and plans were underway the SA (student association) banquet, the competition for students on the part of well- for a student center that would include new, lyceum-concert series on Saturday nights and financed, tax-supported colleges—all these updated dining services. It would be the first so on. In addition to pursuing a rich extracur- things affect us.” change in the cafeteria accommodations ricular life and their studies, the students since the dining room was installed in the worked all over campus—at the bindery, laun- The Seminary basement of the women’s dormitory in 1901. dry, farm, college press and service station, to For the past 23 years, the Seventh-day Adven- The campus was also abuzz with the near- name just a few. tist Theological Seminary had been near the hub of the nation in Takoma Park, Maryland. A new Seminary building had been built on a lot behind the General Conference (World Church headquarters) and dedicated in Janu- ary 1941, but by 1957 the building was already overflowing. Designed for a maximum enroll- ment of 140, it often accommodated around 200 students from 13 countries. Classes were held in the chapel and the Takoma Park Church. In 1958 there was an influx of “fifth-year” ministerial students completing their extra year of training after college (a new church- wide requirement), but a majority of the stu- dents were mature church workers, many of them ordained, who had already served in the field and had returned for graduate training. The Seminary owned 83 apartments where An aerial view of the early Andrews University campus, 1961 the students lived, many married with fami- lies. Students often struggled to make ends

16 F o c u s meet, working at a wide derstanding that all three institutions—Wash- variety of jobs throughout ington Missionary College, the Seminary and the urban area. the graduate school—would be integrated. Jan Paulsen, current R.R. Figuhr, General Conference president president of the General at that time, assured him that that would be Conference, shared his per- the case. At that time, Rittenhouse had no sonal experiences during other thought than that the new combined an August 2009 visit to An- university would be located in the Washing- drews University. Paulsen ton, D.C., area. holds degrees from EMC, Rittenhouse, along with the rest of the the Theological Seminary search committee, set his attention on finding in Takoma Park and An- a location to build this new university in the drews University—uniquely greater D.C. area. They found a parcel of prop- positioning him to remem- erty—not far from what is today the location ber the times of decision of the General Conference headquarters—and and change that led to the Potomac University paid down an option with intentions to build creation and formation of the new integrated school there. Andrews University in 1959–60. Paulsen was programs in religion, history and education, “I worked night and day, early and late, just 22 years old when he began his education and made plans for degrees in English, music trying to get a decision to build the new insti- at the Seminary in Takoma Park. The actual and biology as soon as finances permitted. tution there,” said Rittenhouse. “But I soon location of the Seminary, adjacent to the Gen- Then the wrangling over the location of discovered Columbia Union Conference was eral Conference, was of great importance to the new university began. There was no extra very hesitant to move Washington Missionary Paulsen’s experience: “We ate in the Review room on the cramped campus of Washington College.” Money was the culprit. Church lead- & Herald cafeteria if we wanted to. Many of Missionary College or at the Seminary. Would ership felt they did not have sufficient funds the GC (General Conference) people were the University stay in Takoma Park with to build the new institution and soon politics also there eating. We worshiped in the same new facilities to be built on 18 acres next to set in. Eventually, according to Rittenhouse, churches. Some of the GC people would come Takoma Academy? Would the whole school the entire proposal—the bringing together of and teach the classes. The aura of being close move out of the city? There were disagree- the graduate school, the Seminary and Wash- to the GC was impactful on me.” ments among church leadership as to the ington Missionary College—fell apart over the next step. issue of .25 percent interest on a loan Potomac University In June 1958, the trustees decided to call a In 1955, the General Conference had under- new president to Potomac University—Ritten- Autumn Council 1958 taken the issue of expanding advanced study house, president of EMC in Berrien Springs. Things came to a head in October 1958. Rit- in the denomination by forming the Commit- Rittenhouse accepted and began a double tenhouse wrote to Figuhr just days before tee on Graduate Work. The Church—both in life of serving as president to both EMC and Autumn Council began. In that letter he North America and worldwide—desperately Potomac University until a replacement could wrote, “Now these developments clearly needed educators with advanced degrees in be found for his duties in Berrien Springs. indicate that the university as outlined to its secondary schools and colleges. The result Rittenhouse liked to say that during that me does not now seem to be either in the of the Committee’s research and delibera- stressful period he commuted by night and immediate or remote prospect. Thus, the post tions was a decision made at the 1956 Annual worked by day. Known for having a frank which I thought I was to have does not now Council to establish a university that would sense of humor combined with a quick wit, exist nor does it appear likely to exist anytime consist of “an organic union of the Seventh- Rittenhouse was well-known for his quips. in the near future. I do not feel that I would day Adventist Theological Seminary and a Greg Constantine, research professor of art fit very well in the Seminary as such by itself. new graduate school,” as well as an “affili- and artist-in-residence emeritus (and a stu- ... Under these circumstances I feel that I am ation with Washington Missionary College dent at EMC/Andrews University from 1955 to left no choice but to bow out of the picture. as the undergraduate institution.” E.D. Dick, 1960), recalls one of the president’s memo- ... I plan to be in Washington next week for a then-president of the Seventh-day Adventist rable pieces of advice to the students: “One of few days of the Autumn Council, but I cannot Theological Seminary, was asked to serve the things he liked to say was, ‘The door that stay long.” as acting president of the new entity, which let you in will also let you out.’” Back in Berrien Springs, most at the EMC would be called Potomac University. W.H. Rittenhouse agreed to be president of campus were very unhappy Rittenhouse was Beaven, the dean, began to develop graduate Potomac University contingent upon the un- leaving. There was apparently a movement

fall 2 0 0 9 17 culated through the summer months arguing for the university to be moved out of the D.C. area. It didn’t name Berrien Springs specifi- cally, but it collected a number of quotations from Ellen White about how denominational schools should be established in rural areas. It also argued, with the late 1950s conscious- ness of the Cold War, that if there were to be atomic warfare, D.C. would be one of the first targets in the United States. It implied that a university located even within 25 to 30 miles of the capital city would not be safe enough. It began to be clear that the idea of relocating to Berrien Springs was gaining ground. Once the Columbia Union realized a move to Berrien Springs was quite possible, they also realized the impact that losing the tithe of seminary students, faculty and staff would have on their budget, according to Ritten- General Conference Council session in the Takoma Park Church house’s account. They went to Figuhr and asked for a decision to be postponed to give afoot, starting almost immediately after he point. Rittenhouse recalled one individual’s them time to reconsider. Rittenhouse remem- accepted the Potomac University position, to opposition to the Berrien Springs location: bered that Figuhr’s “dander was up,” and he argue for the newly-combined university to be “’What’s the use of taking a great educational said, “Absolutely not. You had your chance. located in Berrien Springs. institution and putting it down in the middle Before we adjourn tonight, the decision is Discussion about the university began on of a tomato patch?’” going to be made.” Thursday morning, October 23, 1958. Only Over the course of Autumn Council, Rit- Rittenhouse had a speaking appointment about 200 in the Council had voting privileg- tenhouse made a number of speeches. At at EMC back in Berrien Springs, so he had to es, but the Takoma Park Church was packed this point, he was clearly advocating for a leave Takoma Park early, before a final deci- with around 500 people. Figuhr made the first move to Berrien Springs. Charles Weniger was sion was made. public announcement to the assembly that emphatic about the advantages of being in “I didn’t know what the decision would there was a proposal to move the university a cultural center like D.C., with access to the be,” said Rittenhouse. “I only knew I was in to Berrien Springs. So many people wanted Library of Congress, and at the center of the terrible mental turmoil and perplexity be- to speak to the issue that the discussion Seventh-day Adventist power structure. cause I was so disappointed that we couldn’t continued all afternoon and resumed again Leona Running was then a faculty member have gone out towards Columbia on that spot. on Friday morning. at the Seminary in Takoma Park but also That would have answered a lot of the objec- Rittenhouse later recalled of the Autumn a Michigan native and alumna of EMC. tions and [it] would have been a new place to Council, “By that time, the Lake Union had She said, “Several of the people that made begin all over again, but [that didn’t happen] decided maybe they should make a plea to speeches in the debate ... talked about the because of the lack of vision on behalf of the have the graduate program moved to EMC. need for a rural location and following Mrs. people in the Columbia Union and because Not having really thought it through thor- White’s advice. They were very much aston- the General Conference was not willing to oughly, but with a hasty decision, Elder J.D. ished afterward to find out they had been un- give more time to consider it. I came home Smith, president of the Lake Union Confer- derstood as supporting the move to Michigan. that night by plane, and when I reached ence, stood up and said, ‘We’d like to offer They had meant to support the move to the home the telephone rang. It was a message the graduate program 40 acres of free land countryside [in D.C.].” that they had voted 3-1 to come to Berrien if you’ll come to join [us with] EMC as the Some of the misunderstanding that day Springs. That was the beginning of tribula- undergraduate part of the institution. You can may have been caused by events that took tion as far as I was concerned.” bring the seminary and the graduate school place before the meetings in Takoma Park. Running, professor emerita of the Seventh- here to Berrien Springs.’” A campaign had been mounted during the day Adventist Theological Seminary, Then the arguments began. For two days summer to bring the university to Michigan. was in the balcony of the Takoma Park the Council discussed it from every stand- An unsigned, anonymous memorandum cir- Church during the Autumn Council. When

18 F o c u s the decision was finally made, she was thought it sounded too “highfalutin.’” The administration making a decision that the dumbstruck: “We were just numb. What name lost by three votes. And that is how university should be built with an under- about access to the Library of Congress and Andrews University got its name, a tribute to graduate, a graduate and a seminary faculty. the other libraries in the area? What about all a dedicated scholar and the first official -mis So the intriguing question is: Does a Christian the jobs our students and their families had sionary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church church that has defined itself that way also access to in that area?” to serve outside North feel compelled to start a university, a real uni- says Running. “There were America. versity? Which is what Andrews was intended just all kinds of problems Choosing a name to be. The more I hear the dialogue, the more I that we saw, not the least didn’t solve the angst felt think the answer is ‘Yes,’” says Andreasen. of which was three or four in the community. Rit- “These people thought a real Christian faculty members had just tenhouse later reported church that wants to get rid of the sectarian built lovely new homes that some of the faculty connotations wants to embrace a university out in the countryside members [at EMC] said where Christian faith and Christian thinking in the area where they we don’t know what and theology are informed by theologians, thought the school might we’re up against. And seminary teachers and missionaries returning move to.” Rittenhouse told them, from the field,” says Andreasen. “Our mission “The sentiments Dr. “I can tell you: we’re is to see to it that our church is a strong Chris- Running expressed were up against a revolution. tian church in the world, something we know what the teachers felt, That’s what’s going to cannot happen without a commitment to and filtered through into happen. This institution Seventh-day Adventist Christian education.” statements they made to will never be the same Rittenhouse’s vision at the dawn of An- the class,” says Paulsen. again. And it will be a drews University placed the institution at the “There was a general fine opportunity to serve. helm of Seventh-day Adventist education. sense of dismay and Floyd O. Rittenhouse The objectives are the “We have the benefit now of being able to look anger. They felt a coup same and I believe it’s back on the period of several decades. We can had been made. They felt this was a day of under God’s providence that we came here.” clearly see the experience we’ve gained and real gloom that the church had made this Niels-Erik Andreasen, president of Andrews look at the service that has been provided by decision.” University, remembers the old-timers at the institution, how it has responded to the EMC were not so happy about the newcom- needs of the church and done so in a wonder- Andrews University ers living in fine brick houses on University ful manner,” says Paulsen. “We have been Nonetheless, the decision had been made. Boulevard or that faculty in the Seminary had blessed.” And now that this newly-combined institu- one full-time secretary for every two teachers. tion was underway, a new name was needed. “I remember thinking, Is this ever going to be The background information for this article was tak- A Potomac University in Berrien Springs did one university?” en from primary documents—minutes, letters and transcripts of reports—in the General Conference not seem to make much sense. In April 1959, Archives and the Center for Adventist Research. the Board voted the name Lake Michigan Education as a DefiningF actor Comments by Drs. Rittenhouse, Running and University, but the EMC campus rose up in Two years before Andrews University was Giddings were made in a panel discussion entitled protest. The name was all about location, born, the book, Questions on Doctrine, was “The Birth of Andrews University,” held on May 14, they said, and told nothing about the nature published. It was a response to the ques- 1988. It was recorded on videotape. of the school or its mission. They argued that tion asked of the Seventh-day Adventist Remarks by Greg Constantine, Jan Paulsen and the alumni and the constituency would not church: Is it a Christian church or a religious Niels-Erik Andreasen are taken from an interview conducted by Brent Geraty on August 14, 2009, for be happy. sect? “That had been asked in the 1950s, I the vespers program of Fall Fellowship at Andrews A number of possible names were sug- believe, and the book was written to answer University in celebration of 50 Years as Andrews gested and discussed: Lake Central University, those questions. The answer was: We are a University. Lake Arbor University, Pioneer Memorial church,” says Andreasen. University, Griggs University, Farnsworth Uni- “One of the things that distinguishes a versity and Emmanuel University. Two strong church from a religious sect is education. I’ve possibilities were Maranatha University and often wondered if a historian could figure out Meredith Jones Gray (BA ’76, MA ’77) is professor of J.N. Andrews University. if there is a relationship between making that English and Andrews University campus historian, and Keri Suarez (BA ’01) is the media relations Rittenhouse preferred Maranatha Uni- decision about our church by the adminis- specialist at the Office of Integrated Marketing & versity but when it came to the board, some tration of R.R. Figuhr and then by the same Communication.

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