Celebrating 50 Years of Adventist Forum on Earth As It Is in Heaven • the Madaba Plains Project Comes of Age • Compliance Review Committee System Set-Up
Celebrating 50 Years of Adventist Forum On Earth as It Is in Heaven • The Madaba Plains Project Comes of Age • Compliance Review Committee System Set-up VOLUME 46 ISSUE 3 n 2018 ABOUT SPECTRUM SPECTRUM is a journal established to encourage Seventh-day Adventist partic- ipation in the discussion of contemporary issues from a Christian viewpoint, to look ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYRIGHT © 2018 ADVENTIST FORUM without prejudice at all sides of a subject, to evaluate the merits of diverse views, and to foster Christian intellectual and cul- EDITOR EDITORIAL BOARD tural growth. Although effort is made to Bonnie Dwyer Beverly Beem ensure accurate scholarship and discrimi- Walla Walla, Washington Richard Rice nating judgment, the statements of fact EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Riverside, California Alita Byrd are the responsibility of contributors, and Wendy Trim, Linda Terry Dublin, Ireland Charles Scriven Gilbert, Arizona the views individual authors express are ASSISTANT COPY EDITOR Alexander Carpenter not necessarily those of the editorial staff Sacramento, California Gerhard Svrcek-Seiler Ian Fujimoto-Johnson Vienna, Austria as a whole or as individuals. Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson DESIGN Roseville, California Gil Valentine Riverside, California SPECTRUM is published by Adventist Forum, Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson Fritz Guy a nonsubsidized, nonprofit organization for Riverside, California Kendra Haloviak- Valentine SPECTRUM WEB TEAM Riverside, California which gifts are deductible in the report of David R. Larson income for purposes of taxation. The pub- Alita Byrd, Pam Dietrich, Bonnie Beaumont, California Norman Young Cooranbong, Australia lishing of SPECTRUM depends on subscrip- Dwyer, Rich Hannon, Steve Hergert, Juli Miller tions, gifts from individuals, and the volun- Bellevue, Idaho Wendy Trim, Alisa Williams; tary efforts of the contributors.
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