Lake Union Herald for 1979

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Lake Union Herald for 1979 _ On page 2 of Issue 27 of the Lake Union Herald (dated July 31, 1979) was a brief item entitled "Soulwinning Institute Update." It was a last-minute effort to acquaint readers with the facts that our new training school in Chicago would open its doors for classes on August 5. It was that little reminder that caught the attention of one of our medical families in the Lake Union. Their thoughts immediately turned to two talented and dedicated women in their church. With only two or three days to spare, the necessary contacts were made and now Teresa Moravitz and Angie Reiger of Onaway, SEQUEL Michigan, are attending classes at the institute. I witnessed the interest and participation of these two women in their morning class work, and enjoyed their enthusiasm about plans for conducting Bible studies in the homes of interested people as scheduled for the afternoon. Elder Finley reports that Teresa and Angie, upon completion of their training, will be outstanding Bible workers. If readers of this column are interested in attending the institute on their own, or would like to sponsor other deserving and qualified persons, they should contact Elder Mark Finley, Soulwinning Institute, 6259 South Madison, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521. COVER The Adventist Media Center in Thousand Oaks, California, houses many of the Adventist church's broadcast media programs. For the story of what goes on at the center, read the article beginning on page 4. The LAKE UNION HERALD is entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Berrien Springs, Michigan 49103. Send Form No. 3579 to Box C, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49103. TWO Roscoe Brown decided while serving in the Armed Forces during the Korean War that when he returned home he would become a preacher—something he had always wanted to do. Reaching home, Mr. Brown discovered he just didn't know where to begin. He couldn't even understand the Bible. In frustration, he knelt and prayed for guidance. About two weeks later, Beatrice Hampton, a Seventh-day Adventist Bible worker, knocked on his door and invited him to take Bible studies. For an entire year Mrs. Hampton faithfully gave Mr. Brown studies. Some of those who went with Mrs. Hampton gave up, saying Roscoe would never join the church. However, with much persistence and prayer on the part of Mrs. Hampton, Mr. Brown was baptized. Shortly after joining the church Mr. Brown attended an evangelistic crusade held by Elder E. E. Cleveland. He was so impressed he immediately began giving Bible studies. As a result of his diligence, 10 persons were baptized. Roscoe was not satisfied that he was doing enough for the Lord even with giving Bible studies, serving as the lay activities leader and head usher. He still felt the Lord wanted him to preach and was continually writing sermons but never preaching them. Roscoe Brown fulfilled a life-long ambition when he He decided to move his membership to a smaller became a lay pastor. congregation where his services would be more useful. He chose the Robbins, Illinois, Church. There THE HEART OF THE LAKE UNION he was chosen to serve as a local elder. Elder Jessie Wagner decided in 1974 to give Roscoe the opportunity to hold an evangelistic crusade. He was given a tent and a $500 budget. After WITNESS six weeks of preaching, 13 new believers joined the church. During the same time, Roscoe began to experience FOR dizziness and fatigue. When he checked into the Veterans Hospital it was discovered that he was suffering from a rare brain disease which slowly deteriorates the cerebellum. This portion of the brain THE LORD controls speech, eyesight, balance and coordination. Hoping that the diagnosis was wrong, Roscoe also by Crystal Drake was examined at the Mayo Clinic. They confirmed the diagnosis. There is no cure for this malady and Roscoe's Roscoe was voted Layman of the Year in 1975 for steps have been slowed. He now must use a cane to his soul-winning efforts and tireless work in the assist him in walking and his speech is slightly church. slurred. He is also having problems with his vision Because of his failing eyesight, Roscoe now but he has not stopped working for the Lord. memorizes his sermons but he is determined to He has held several Week of Prayer series for continue working for God. academies and churches and has spoken for com- Roscoe admonishes other laymen not to hide their mencements, camp meeting and on many other talents but press forward. He feels that ministers occasions. should train laymen so that together they can finish In order to meet these preaching engagements, the work. Roscoe uses vacation time from his job as an Elder Brown is married to the former Mildred accounts representative for the People's Gas, Light Maddox and is the proud father of a daughter, and Coke Company. Beverly, and a son, Jeffrey. The key to Elder Brown's success is found in his Crystal Drake is the secretary in the Lake Region own words, "I just enjoy being a witness for my Conference communication department. Lord." THREE ADVENTIST MEDIA CENTER MEDIA MOVES MESSAGE by Suzanne Hula Beyond the stately architecture and beautifully Along with Adventist Media Productions, which landscaped grounds of the Adventist Media Center produces all films, cassettes and audio-visual lies its one, all-important goal: to "go into all the materials, they share the facilities at 1100 Rancho world and preach the Gospel" as Jesus Christ Conejo Boulevard. commanded. The center was established by the General And that task is being accomplished. This Conference in 1971 to bring together, in one 19-acre complex in Thousand Oaks, California, location, the various broadcast media. houses the broadcast ministries of the Seventh-day While maintaining their own separate identities, Adventist Church—beaming Christ's message of staff and budgets, these groups share their salvation across the air waves to millions. expertise and centralize their use of studios, "What we have here is simply a concentrated recording, production, printing, computer services, effort to spread the Good News via the electronic mailing, accounting and administration. media," says Robert R. Frame, center president. Church leaders chose the Thousand Oaks site to The Adventist Media Center is headquarters for take advantage of Southern California's year-round the "electronic" ministries. They include the Voice filming conditions. Located 42 miles northwest of of Prophecy radiobroadcast, and the Faith For Los Angeles, the land offered proximity to technical Today, Breath of Life and It Is Written telecasts. personnel and equipment, and to labs for film processing. Visitors to the complex are impressed by its Suzanne Hula is an assistant in the public attractive, well-organized appearance. The center relations department at It Is Written. won a "Los Angeles Beautiful" award for both FOUR TO MASSES architecture and landscaping in the field of speakers and musicians associated with the business and industry in 1978. broadcasts produced at the media center. The proposed six-building complex is still in the These dedicated broadcast founders total more process of development. The completed than 130 years in Seventh-day Adventist media administration, radio, and television buildings have work. And each ministry has a fascinating story to a production and office space of 160,000 square tell. feet. About 340 people are on the staff. Plans for the future include the construction of a chapel, The Voice of Prophecy visitors' center and dining facility. Hundreds of visitors each year take advantage of guided tours through the center. Their first stop is Dr. H.M.S. Richards founded the Voice of just inside the lobby of the Administration building Prophecy radiobroadcast nearly 50 years ago—in at the Founders Wall mural—a tribute to the fulfillment of his dream about using the radio to pioneers and major figures in S.D.A. broadcasting. reach millions with the Gospel. Artist Greg Constantine of Andrews University As a dedicated and successful young evangelist, created the 152-square-foot work without a single Pastor Richards came to California in 1926 to brush stroke. He used instead a unique method of conduct crusades. The next year he experimented random lines applied directly from paint tubes onto with radio announcements of his Bakersfield the canvas to simulate the electronic rendering of meetings, and in 1930 his first, regularly scheduled an image. "Family Worship" programs were broadcast daily Featured in the painting are the founders, from KNX in Los Angeles. Fl VE Faith for Today William A. Fagal believes the secrets of television communication were given by God "as a key means of reaching people with the Gospel right in their own homes." And Faith For Today, the telecast he founded in 1950, has been doing just that for nearly 30 years. The first church-sponsored telecast, Faith For Today also has the distinction of being the longest, continuous-running religious program in the history of the medium. Pastor Fagal explains how the In 1937 the name of the telecast began. "I asked my New broadcast was changed to the York congregation to pray that Voice of Prophecy. somehow the Lord would open What Dr. Richards says is doors for us to make use of perhaps the greatest thrill of his television," he says. "And when entire ministry came with his first the invitation came to conduct a coast-to-coast broadcast over the denomination experiment for one Mutual Broadcasting System in year on WABC-TV in New York, 1942. Faith For Today was born." Also in that year, the Spanish To reach an audience with varied broadcast, "La Voz de la interests, Faith For Today chose a Esperanza," joined the V.O.P.
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