PUC's AAA Reaccreditation Proposal
PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE SELF-STUDY Prepared for: The Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities January 2012 An Introductory Message from the President elcome to Pacific Union College, the oldest Adventist institution of higher learning on the West Coast. W Founded in Healdsburg in 1882, PUC moved to Howell Mountain in 1909, in part on the advice of Ellen White, whose final home, Elmshaven, is nearby. We are happy to host the members of the Adventist Accrediting Asso- ciation to our campus early in 2012, as we move into our 130th year as a college. PUC is still committed to its original mission—residential, undergraduate, Seventh-day Adventist Christian education. As in the early years, our graduates are still learning to serve as health care workers, pastors, and educators, as well as business managers, graphic designers, social workers, journalists, computer scientists, aviators, and many professions the founders had never heard of. We are also teaching in ways those early professors could not have imagined, with digital projectors, electronic portfolios, and “turnitin.com.” Indeed, many things have changed in the past 130 years, but the important things remain: a commitment to educating the whole person, to integrity and service, and to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are still “educating for eternity.” We want to thank you, our peers, for taking time to read our self-study and visit our campus, to meet us, and to encourage us as we strive to go “from good to great” in the service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and our Creator God.
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