"Iloi+L'ua. T"Rr., Lio.O7z7oo7z013 Ac(Pwc), Dated- The. 28Th-February' 2014 Or
OFFICE OF THE STATE HEALTH SOCIETY' MANIPUR MEMORANDUM ImPhal, the l* March, 201'1 No. 122/E/CS/NRHM- 13 : On the approval of the Chairman, Governing Body, State tlealth Society, NRHM, Manipur, to the recommendation of the Selection Committee' 13 MBBS 02-Denta'1 01 SpecieilistDoctor lGynecologistl, 02 Pediatricians, .Doctors' Doctors,76-AYUSH Doctors, 02 Psychologists,0I-Consultant for AdolescentHealth' 01 Distrrct Consultant RBSK, O1-HR Consultant, og-Counselors(FP), 01-MCTS Officer' 01 Data Manager, o.r_Block Program Managers, o2-Block Data Managers' 02-Managers 02 Biock OZ-So"ir-fWorkers,02-Early interventjonists cum Special Educators' 1nfnO), 02- iinance Maiag..", 0l-Distnct i''inzLnce Manager, 06 District Accountants' & Speech PhysiotherapistJ, 07 Accountants (Distict Hospital), O2-Audiologlst Assrstants' Therapists,bZ AyUStt Pharmacists, 04 Dental Technicians' 02 Ophthalmic at OS n.lu n"ttf C)perators and 05 Laboratory Technicians appearing- "ANNEXURE" Februa-ry' 2015 on are selected lor engagement on conlract basis for a period up-to 28th "p"v post U^"t. plus performance based honorarium sho\r'n agalnst each """-""i under process ii'. .".t"ft"f ot ttte poir of nN'us, pnarmacisrs (Aliopathicl & Drivers ale and will be declared soon as per directives of the Honble High Court (PIC)' Governlnent of As per instruction contained in the FinancreDepartment March 2009' all these M"rip;;6.M. No. 2016197 FD(Pic) (Pt.lv), dated the 30d Agrcement form \&'rth contractua.l staifs who are belng en8aged have to sign the Contl act Memorandum- the undersigned within 02 (t\\'o) t..''a" ftorrl lhe date of lssuc of thls llonbte High Court dated' the 28ih Further, as Per the Judgment Ordcr of the & WPIC)No 104 n.rr.".ry, iOii or''We1C1No.
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