Notes on the Political Sociology of Chad
The Dynamics of National Integration: Ladiba Gondeu Working Paper No. 006 (English Version) THE DYNAMICS OF NATIONAL INTEGRATION: MOVING BEYOND ETHNIC CONFLICT IN A STATE-IN-WAITING LADIBA GONDEU October 2013 The Sahel Research Group, of the University of Florida’s Center for African Studies, is a collaborative effort to understand the political, social, economic, and cultural dynamics of the countries which comprise the West African Sahel. It focuses primarily on the six Francophone countries of the region—Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad—but also on in developments in neighboring countries, to the north and south, whose dy- namics frequently intersect with those of the Sahel. The Sahel Research Group brings together faculty and gradu- ate students from various disciplines at the University of Florida, in collaboration with colleagues from the region. Acknowledgements: This work is the fruit of a four month academic stay at the University of Florida Center for African Studies as a Visiting Scholar thanks to the kind invitation of the Profesor Leonardo A. Villalón, Coordinator of the Sahel Research Group. I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to him and to his team. The ideas put forth in this document are mine and I take full responsibility for them. About the Author: Ladiba Gondeu, Faculty Member in the Department of Anthropology at the University of N’Djamena, and Doctoral Candidate, Paris School of Graduate Studies in Social Science for Social Anthropology and Ethnology. Ladiba Gondeu is a Chadian social anthropologist specializing in civil society, religious dynamics, and project planning and analysis.
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