United Nations Nations Unies Executive Office of th 'J S ~cr c ta ry-General Cabinet du Secretaire general To: Mr. Nambiar, Please find attached, for your approval, the draft report of the Secretary-General on Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR). Highlighting the deteriorating humanitarian situation in eastern Chad and northeastern CAR, the report proposes a new concept for an international multi­ dimensional presence in the region, aimed to improve the security of these civilian populations. The report calls for closer coordination and liaison between the UN, the EU, and the Chadian authorities in order to realize this proposed concept. It also underlines the need to consider this proposal in the context of rapidly evolving events in Darfur. Finally, the report calls for the relevant actors to marshal the political will to engage in dialogue and reconciliation towards achieving lasting peace and urge the international community to play its role in promoting this. ~ysorn 3 August 2007 cc: Mr. Kim Won-soo/ 7 w/ Note to Mr. Nambiar Chad/CAR: report of the Secretary-General 1. Please find attached for the approval of the Secretary-General, a draft report to the Security Council on Chad the Central African Republic (CAR), submitted pursuant to j,i paragraphs 9( d) and 13 of Security Council resolution 1706 (2006). We have consulted / with DP A, DFS, OCHA, UNHCR and OHCHR in finalizing the text. 2. The report describes the ongoing insecurity: 'u._eastem Chad nd northeast AA and the importance of improving the security situation for refugees, internally displaced people and host communities affected by the violence in those areas. In light of President Deby's acceptance of the deployment of an EU force in Chad we ar.e:-proposing a.Jilew concept for a possible international mtLlti-dimensional presenGe in the region. The mandate, structure and tasks for this international presence are similar to those proposed in your 23 February report (S/2007/97), although the military element would now be provided by the EU. 3. The new concept calls for the deployment of an operation in eastern Chad and northeast CAR, authorized by the United Nations, with three distinct ele.ments. ~ A multi-dimensional United Nat1ons presence, comprised of wide range of civilian staff-- including in the areas of civil affairs, human rights, rule of law and Mission support, and some United Nations police and military liaison officers. ~ A Chadian polic.;e component, made up of gendarmes who would be screened, selected, trained and supported logistically and materially by the United Nations presence. These special Chadian police would be established exclusively to maintain law and order in areas where refugees, internally displaced persons and host communities are most affected by violence. This is a shif1 from our initial proQosal wher.e CJ;tadian police and Gendarmes would serve under Unitoo Nations command-. ~ The EU force, which would, inter alia, assist in protecting civilians at risk, including internally displaced persons and refugees and facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance. 4. The report highlights the requirement for close coordination between the United Nations, European Union and Chadian authorities-- beginning in the planning stages-- if this three pillar a]J roach is to be successfully taken forward. We are also suggesting that a ea o£Mission, wllo would be your Specia epresentati.ve, sl:.ill_uJd be appointed wit responsibility for coordinating all aspects of the operation. 5. The document also stresses the importance of earl agreement on appropriate follow-on arrangement-s to replace the EU force, which would only be deployed fms a 2 · --1 mont period. This is a particularly important issue for the European Union, ""_'h()se member states are wary of protracted obligations in the region. 6. We have been in close regular contact with our EU counterparts on this matter. They will be required to submit final proposals for a military component of the international presence to the EU Council ofMinisters by early September. In this regard it will be important for the Security Council to acknowledge the new concept described in this draft report, perhaps through a Presidential Statement, to give additional legitimacy to EU planning. Security Council authorization of op@ration would only occur after EU planning was Gomp ete-, llowmg the Council to tak a aeGision based on a detai1e propQSal. 7. Given the time sensitive nature of this initiative, we would appreciate the Secretary-General's arly approval of this repo . Jean Marie Guehenno 1 August 2007 cc: Mr. Pascoe Mr. Holmes Mr. Guterres Approved on behalf of the Secretary-General Kim Won-soo United Nations 10 August 2007 S/2007/XXX ~ Security Council Distr. : General • XX August 2007 Original: English Report of the Secretary-General on Chad and the Central African Republic I. Introduction 1. In my 23 February 2007 report on Chad and the Central African Republic (S/2007/97) , submitted pursuant to paragraphs 9(di ~nd 13 of Security Council resolution 1706(2006), I / ~ : elaborated pubmitted e_r~C2_s~l~ ~i !:_h _ r~g~r_9 _!o_ t_lle_ p_?~s.ipl_e _m~n~a!:_e _,__ structure and concept of operations of a multi- dimensional United Nations presence in eastern Chad and northeast Central / --{ Deleted: In it I called African Republic (CAR) . .The report envisaged_,tb_e_d~p!.O}'ll~nt:: of / - -{ Deleted: for a United Nations Mission,__ c~mpr1-s~d__ o_% J-n_t~l'2_at:_iC2_n~l _m~li, t~ry and _ __ -( Deleted: to the area, police elements, as well as civil ~fiairs , human rights and other civilian components. 2 . These recommendations were made with a view to addressing instability .along the borders between Sudan, Chad and the / --{ Deleted: this Central African Republic and the threat po_s~d _tC2_ !:_h~ ~afe_t::y_ o_! civili~n populations , including in particular refugees and / --{ Deleted: and internally displaced persons , as wel l as th~ ~-o~d~ct::_ ~f __ l ~ - -{ Deleted: also to humanitarian activities in the area. =:J 3. In Chad, the aim of these proposals was for the United Nations to contribute to the improvement o f the securi ty Deleted: ing 9-- ------ - ---- ~ ---- - -- situation by supporting national law enforcement activities in Deleted: improving twelve major refugee camps in eastern Chad and Internally Displaced Person (IDPs ) in the v i c i nity of key towns in the / Deleted: associated with ~- -- refugees/ Internally eastern part of the countr y . Displaced Person (IDPs) and civilian populations 4 . The proposals called for a Chadian and United Nations police presence to be complemented by the deployment o f a mobi le and well equipped military force , which would be capable of taking robust action to protect civilians at risk, deter conflict, facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance , / -1 Deleted: n J reduce tensio~ e_n~ ~o~t ~ i e u_!e_ t_9 ~ E!O_Ee_ ~ec::._u~e _e~v:h_r~n!_ll:e.!:!_t_i~ _ / J -- ~ted: and deter conflict, its area of operation . This force would also provide wide area security, which is a pre- requ isite for the deployment of a police presence . 5 . Although the Chadian authorities agreed, in principle, to the deployment of a multi- dimensional United Nations presence to eastern Chad, President Deby and h i s Government expressed concerns relating to the military component of the proposed United Nations mission . 6 . On 23 March, the Security Counc i l he ld informal discuss i o ns with the Chadian Minister of External Relations , Mr . Ahmat Allam- Mi , who :e_r~s~nted an a_! t~r_!la_!:i_ye_ ~o~e~ ~o~ an international presence. The Chadian proposal wa s significantly different from the options recommended in my 23 February report (S/2007/97) and did not include a United Nations military component . Nevertheless, during his discussion with the Council , Mr . Allam-Mi stressed that the Chadian Government's position was not "finaln and t hat it remained open to discussions. 2 7. I therefore dispatched a United Nations delegation , led by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) , to Chad and the Central African Republic , in order to consult with the authorities of both countries , clarify the options contained in the 23 February report (S/2007/97) , and consult with relevant 1 Deleted: inte rnational stakeholders on the ground . / ·- ___ __ _/ 8. In addition to providing a brief update on relevant de v e lopments i n Chad and CAR, this report summarizes the activities of the United Nations delegation and describes a revised concept for a United Nations Mission in eastern Chad and northeastern CAR . II . Update on recent developments l . Chad 9. Since my last report, there have been some positive ---{ Deleted: p o litica l ,d~v~l_9PE\e_!l~ _i12_ ~h~d _a~d _ i!:J: _!h~ _Ee_9i_9n_. _ C2_n _8 _F~b£u~ry ~O_Q7 _!_ the / Chadian Government initiated the inter- Chadian dialogue with members of t he political opposition . Although no definitive conclusions have been reached to date , a number of areas of agreement were identified, including with regard to the electoral law, the status of the national electoral commission , the conduct of a national and electoral census and civil and __. ---{ Deleted: A political rights . The a rm~d_ o_rp_9sj tjo_!l _9r:_o~~ ~i~ ~o~ i o~n_ t~e_ dialogue , reportedly objecting to the Government ' s insistence that they disarm and confirm their recognition of the authority of President Deby and his Government in order to participate. ~ Deleted: 4 J / 10 . On i_March,_ ~OQ_7 _,_ ~ :r:!e~ ~o~e_EnEle_£lt_ w_a~ cp:e_o-!:_n~e~ ~ns:!eE _!h~ leadership of Prime Minister Nouradine Delwa Kassire Coumakoye , ---{ Deleted: appa rently a political opposition figure.
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