UNRWA Gaza Headquarters, Department of External Relations Telephone: + 972 8 677 7720 Fax: + 972 8 677 7698 email:
[email protected] website: www.unrwa.org UNRWA Report on Emergency Activities In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, July-September 2003 Progress Report 22 22nd Progress Report on Emergency Activities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 22nd Report on UNRWA Emergency Activities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Covering Agency Emergency Activities, July-September 2003 Introduction During July, both the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli Government undertook steps towards the implementation of the Quartet’s Roadmap for peace, leading to cautious optimism about the future of the diplomatic process. Following the April accession of Mahmoud Abbas as the Palestinian prime minister, and the June announcement of a truce by several Palestinian factions, Israeli forces redeployed away from Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip and Bethlehem in the West Bank. Israeli forces were only partially successful in removing Jewish settlers from a number of “illegal” outposts in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). The Israeli government released some 350 Palestinian prisoners - out of a total of 6,000 held. Israel continued the construction of the separation barrier (also referred to as the “wall”) in the West Bank, announcing the completion of the first 145-kilometre span – traversing the Jenin, Tulkarm and Qalqilia governorates - on 31 July. The barrier is already having adverse impacts on the local Palestinian population. These people have lost agricultural land to the barrier itself and often cannot access their land and water sources now isolated on the other side of the barrier.