L T. WOOD Iiatirljphfpr Ietfpnttm Mrrau)
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■ I t THURSDAY. MARCH St. I f I f ^RonrlfPMtpr Eofttbisi iffraUi Averat* Dalljr Nat Pram Run Far tha Waek Badlng The Woathar Miss Nancy Ooslse, 48 Manh n , 1881 raramw at 0. a Woothat • Church street, was maid of honor lAbout Town last Saturday at the ^ WANTED Mias Julie M. F « and ^ b e r t R F / l l YOUR 10,145 TMay UMstly olonflyt 8i iiatirljPHfpr iEtfpnttm MrraU) oleeay, nght rata talst Bat r u n S ^ i • utun <tf Carlson in the chapel o f 8L Bar b u bMB ■ppotnted to tholomew’s Proteetairt h^lscopal An Expnrinnctd rala at maw early. ele««r 1IHm* Um |t«***«» <i< SuporriilBC tJndor- churdh In New York City. Manejwster-^A City of ViUago Charm writer «t tho PIttiburgh branch Captain Ernest H. Larson, son LINOTYPE oflto* of the Jlartford Accident of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Larson A4vartWag m ■Dd Indemnity company. Prior to of 14 Laurel Place, and 1st lieu OPERATOR TOL. LXX, NO. 146 14) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1951 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E CENlif lotnUuc the staff of the Pittsburgh tenant Earl W. Smith, rmn of Mr ^ e « in m # . Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of 93 Appir 1" Pepwi is^r as an underwriter In the Liability Hemlock street, graduated re HERALD OFFICE deoartment at the cently with the Officers’ Intelli Says Truman Pennsylvania War Prisoners In Korea, CJiinese Say Hutford for two years. From 1M2 gence CTass No. 4 at the Anny 13 BISSELL ST. to 1*47, he served ss a General School. Fort Riley. Kan .bomber pilot In the United States sas. \ 'M r Force. Pours Taxes 53 Aboard Plane Vanish f eASK£rt/Y/TH THesa # # # • H ALE'S In Rat Holes FOR THE ERSTER HOLIDAY Headquarters Jeffers Writes Barkley In Atlantic Fog, Rain PUR F o o i f Values at HALEYS Peo^^le Have Lost Con fidence in PresMent, HAMS-HAMS-HAMS Blasts Fast Spending U. S. Air Force Trans Miss Janet YVUson SeifSerpe Health Market Com inifigioiier” Reds Battle Chutists port on Way to Britain, \ Washington, March 28—(IT)— Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wllioo 0 HALE’S LARGE LIBBY’S I8milam H. Jeffera, World War n Report Army General 'f .18 Jensen street announce tbs HEALTH MARKET boas of the Federal rubber pro Behind Their Lines With Passengers; Last ■ipagement of their daughter, GRADE A gram, aaya President Truman la lis s Janet M. Wilson to Pvt. pouring the taxpayers’ money Tokyo, Msrrh 2S.—(/T) - Ameri- the one-mile drop area on expreas Report Places Craft r>rge R. Hubbard, son of Mrs ' t i ) "down a hundred rat holea’’ and ran paralrooper* bolslrrod by train schedule. The paratroopers 800 Miles Southwest tliel E. Hubbard of 186 Green Juice Happy Easter baa lost.the people’a confidence. tough Rangers jumped today be had only 20 seconds from signal to EGGS "hit the silk." Of Ireland; British, .iad. Hiss Wilson la s graduate of 46 Oz. Can "Any thinking man knowa we hind Communist lines north of cannot look to the President for Seoul and ahorked some 20,000 Ammunition caaea, jeepa and 'lanchester High' School In the A happy holiday means Joyful feastinR and Hale's artillery billowed down after them Irish Join in Hunt declared In a letter to Vice Presi Red tro o p s into ha.Hty retreat. i lass of 1940. She is now employed Meat Department is always ready with a full supply and , ,,,, . , , "It would be beautiful — rrallv Ranges, Refrigerators dent Barkley. The parnirnnpers filled the sky . hrautlful - If It weren’t so ter . as assistant clerk at .the local I vuiety to help your dinner planning. "He la still operating on the with their hrtghtly-hued para- London, March 23.—-</P)— I I'own Court, Washers and All eld principle of ' t « and tax, spend chutes like a ma.isive Easter bou- rible," said a lieutenant colonel, A giant U. S. Air Force trana-, Pvt. Hubbard graduated from and spend, elect 'and elect!’ That quet. describing the drop. Purpose of the Opermtion port plane with 68 persons’ I .Manchester High School in the Other Appliancea policy was bad enough before this But the Communists rallied lat EASTER HAMS Ridgway, tight-lipped, told cor- aboard vanished in fog and class of 1948. He was formerly country waa debt-ridden, but this er anh were fighting desperately employed by the Carter Chevredet READY-TO-EAT OR TENDERIZED country now la In a aerloua finan to surround and wipe out the 3,- respondents: "The purpose of this rain over the Atlantic ocean company, Inc., of Manchester and H a J W H A j j c O M 15 OZ. TIN HUNT’S cial condition. 300 outnumbered American Jump operation Is to kill the enemy.” today while en route from the HALE’S FRESH Earlier, some 60,000 Reds had Is now serving with ths lOSrd "On top of that, the people have ers. United States to England. FERRIS HICKORY SMOKED loat confidence in the President, been reported in the area, with Fighter Wing, IT. S. A. F., which Is GROUND An armored column spearhead One of the paasengers was I temporarily stationed at Braln- FRUIT Medium which la net going to help." This picture was distrlbotcd by Eastfoto, New York Picture Agency whicii advised It was received from ing a fresh Allied drive by three dug In defenses 26 miles wide and FORST FORMOST HICKORY SMOKED Jeffers, retired president of the the Chinn Photo Service In Conunnal*t-controUed Peiping. With the plctnre came this Identldrntlon 16 miles deep to the Red Korean believed to be a brigadier ard Field, Hartford. No definite Size Hams divisions north of Seoul linked up date has been set for the wedding. Read Herald Advs. COCKTAIL Union Pacific railroad, wrote of the men described a« prisoners In n Korean camp: “ Private WIIHam Baker, Bucks County, Pn.: Hteff with the paratroop.s near the drop border. It was not immediately general. SPERRY t DARNES b. Barkley to urge that the Senate Sgt. PhlHp Aaronson, Harrisburg, Pa.; Pfc. Robert E. Meyers, Greencastle, Pa.; Pfe. James Hill, Phil- area south of Munsan. reported whether the bulk of this Search and rescue planes from do aomethlng to "get better prln- adelphla; UpL Joe W. Howard, Philadelphia; Pfe. James Veneris, VandersKraft, Pa.; C'pl. Gilbert Herek, Lines of infantrymen trudged force had fled across the border three nations, scoured the wind- 2 cans eiplea In American government Philadelphia; OpI. U F. Ciawford, Phlladrlphla; CpI. Lem Hemphill, Philadelphia; Pfe. U'allv ,\. Mil up the road for miles behind, mov or was making a stand. They were tossed seas In a thus far fruitless FOSTER MELLOOOLD Smoller Hams at 69c lb. than taxing, apending and elect lar, Plttoburgh; Pfc. Ossaldy Boyd, W. Renors, Pa.; Pfc. Richard W. Krepps, Belh. Vemop, Pa.” East ing to the aid of the hard-fighting identified as elements of the North search for some trace of wreck ing." Barkley is ths Senate's pra- foto said awing to dlffieutty In dedphertag slgitaturea, thera may he errors In spelling. No left chutists. Korean First Corps. age, survivora or life rafts. AUMADYTOIAn aiding offlcar. to rigjit wna given.______________________ ________________________________________________________________ A second column rolled through In Central Korea, an American James J. Catron of St, Louis, i Officials at Shannon airport in The Vlca President’s office said the road renter of Uljongtal and patrol pushed within two miles of betting commissioner, denies bC' Ireland said the big plane, a C-134 lb . Jeffera* letter had been received fanned out to the east, north and the border north of Chunchon. It fore tbe Kefauver Senate Crime which is known as Globemsster AU ONE m CE! but that Barkley had not seen It west. met no Reds but was halted by the Investigating committee In Wnsli IJk radioed at 1 a. m. that it had Butt Half HAM 6 9 - yat. It wras dated March 16 and Extends Rent Ington that he knows New York Reds Win Back Peak deep and swift Pukhan river. 63 persona aboard including a VIP was mailed from Jeffera’ home in mekeleer Frank Costello. Com W H O L E w S H A N K H A W Act to Avert Strike But the Reds won back a com Realstanre Is Rlepped Up (very important person) with tha Pasadena. Calif. Copies went to mittee qUHit loners charged him manding peak four miles north But elsewhere in Mia central rank of brigadier general. Smaller Ham Butts at 79c •ach member of the Senate. Curb 90 Days with contradicting earlier leotl- At the time of that report the March 16 waa the day after the west of Uijongbu and late Friday area, a field dispatch said. Red mony before another Congression were pouring heavy artillery and plane crew gave their poslUon oa deadline for millions of Americans By AFL Meat Packers Koreans stepped up their resis al committee. (AP Wirephoto). WHOLE DADY PORK LOIHS lb. 59e B e e c h -N u t Our increased poultry busines.«i is our assurance that mortar Are into the Allied posi tance. The Communists were dug 600 miles southwest o f Ireland. S-S Pmind# Avwmga. ___________ to shuck out billions of dollars in Truman Signs Measure tions. in 10 miles south of the border The plane, of a type used to we have the quality and variety that you want. This teoom* taxes to Unci* Sam. Munsan Is 31 miles northwest of around Red-beld Mt.