22nd International Conference Lucerne, Switzerland, November 22-25, 2013

Title Author Abstract Biographical notes

Restoration and re- Patrick Deicher M.A. Bourbaki Panorama underwent a major Patrick Deicher is a historian and an valuation of Bourbaki restoration campaign in between 1996 economist. He works as a consultant in Former Curator of Bourbaki Panorama Lucerne and 2008. The campaign enclosed public management. He is head of the Panorama Lucerne/ between 1996 and 2008 construction works on the historical competence centre for not-for-profit- Switzerland panorama rotunda, an addition by a organisations with BDO Ltd. Member of the Board of the newly built structure and the restoration (Switzerland). Foundation of Panorama of the painting and faux-terrain. From 2000 to 2007 he worked as curator Altoetting, Germany of Bourbaki Panorama, Switzerland. From [email protected] 2003 to 2013 he acted as the Secretary- General with IPC. Since 2011 he is a member of the Board of the foundation of Panorama Altoetting, Germany.

Exhibiting (and thus Dr. phil. Andreas Bürgi Industrial quarters came into existence in Dr. Andreas Bürgi studied German, Selling) Switzerland – many Swiss cities in the 19th century. Philosophy and History of Art in Zurich University of Lucerne - "Tourist Strip" of Their equivalent in Lucerne is the and Berlin. He completed his doctorate Associated Researcher/ Lucerne Tourismusmeile, literally the "tourism with a thesis on German-language travel Switzerland mile" with its Lion Monument (1821), reportage in the 18th century, and [email protected] Glacier Gardens (1873), Bourbaki subsequently worked on several SNSF Panorama (1889), Alpineum Museum research projects: co-editor of the (1901, previously Meyer’s from complete works of Ulrich Bräker; project 1856 onwards), and Stauffer’s Museum of leader and editor of the project "Franz stuffed Swiss animals (1859–1888); in Ludwig Pfyffers ’Relief der Urschweiz’" 1902 opened the "Internationales Kriegs- (Franz Ludwig Pfyffer’s ’Relief of Central und Friedensmuseum" (International Switzerland’); final editing of an edition of Museum of War and Peace). This district Julie Bondeli’s letters. provides Lucerne with a unique urban Main research interests: Switzerland in feature. No other towns or cities in the 18th century, the history of spatial Switzerland or in the Alpine region have a perception, the history of surveying, the specific district like this, with such a history of travel and the travel literature densely packed selection of specially of the 18th century, Ulrich Bräker, created tourist attractions. Construction editorial theory. and expansion of the Tourism Mile was only possible with modern financing models, the latest technology,

1 established tourism infrastructures and media processes and content that appealed to the tastes of a broad public. The paper presents the institutions of the Lucerne Tourismusmeile and shows the broad techniques and strategies of "exhibiting (and thus selling) Switzerland".

The new Thun Panorama Sara Smidt MAS The Thun Panorama originated 200 years Project manager for the new permanent ago, making it the world's oldest show, Thun Panorama Art Museum of Thun, Thun- preserved . However, this Panorama/ Switzerland Responsible Learning Department Art superlative alone doesn't suffice and care Museum Thun and Panorama since 2005 [email protected] must always be taken to make updates so that a visit remains attractive. Both www.kunstmuseumthun.ch the residents of the Thun region as well

as tourists from abroad or Switzerland expect a topical welcome to the idyllic President of mediamus, Schweizerischer picture that shows the panorama of the Verband der Fachleute für Bildung und town at 9.15 one morning. Thus, the Vermittlung im Museum (Swiss currently closed house will open in the Association for Professionals in Education spring of 2014 with a new extension and Teaching at the Museum) undertaken by the architects Graber & Museum consulting in the context of the Steiger based at Lucerne. An open-studio company, www.museumsberatung.ch restoration and a small exhibition all about the architecture will characterize Education: Studied art history, museum the first season. A permanent exhibition and exhibition didactics course in , on the background of Marquard Wocher's and postgraduate degree in marketing cyclorama opens in 2015 and some and business management artists' projects are scheduled. We do our best to involve the public with projects that enhance its appeal and identification with the townscape. The office identifies long-term challenges and outlines approaches as to how the panorama can stay up to date.

2 visualized, Sylvia Alting van Geusau M.A. In 1891 a double semi-circular panorama Sylvia Alting van Geusau, holds a spectacular pilgrimage was on display at the panorama building Masterdegree in Art Studies where she Independent Researcher/ in . specialized on in Amsterdam. Netherlands One side depicted the carying of the cross She is currently preparing a PhD on the [email protected] and the other the crucifixion of Jesus. theatricality of individual exhibited painted spectacles. The panorama was painted by Antonius Brouwer with help of the German specialists Jozef Krüger and Karl Hubert Fosch and the Belgian painter Edmond van Hove. In 1909 the panorama went to auction and experienced an exciting adventure. In the rather protestant city of Amsterdam a spectacular depiction of Christ was however slightly unusual. In this presentation I focus on the emergence of this panorama and other Christian spectacles in protestant Amsterdam.

It takes a large city to Suzanne Wray “It takes a large city to make it pay” said Suzanne Wray lives and works in New make it pay a representative of the Belgian Panorama York City. Her research on panoramas Independent Researcher/ USA Company before they opened their and related “optical entertainments” has [email protected] panorama in . Even in a been presented at conferences of the large city, panorama promoters and International Panorama Council and the managers had to work hard to attract the Magic Lantern Society, at the Coney public: in addition to constant Island Museum, and the “Panoramas in advertising, they offered inducements Motion” symposium in Saco, Maine. Her and novelties to attract viewers, and to research has been published in the Magic tempt them to see the panorama more Lantern Gazette, and the Society for than once. Railroad excursions were a Industrial Archeology newsletter. popular means to bring viewers from nearby areas to panoramas in larger cities. This presentation will discuss some of the ways in which panoramas were marketed, with special attention given to the ways in which the owners of the panoramas in Buffalo, NY attracted viewers.

3 The to Hong David Brill London to China in Two Hours c 1860 David Brill Kong Panorama by John Owner of the Lamb Panorama By John Lamb Primus (1799-1875) and (Poynton, UK) born 1948 Lamb Primus and John London to China in Two Hours/ John Lamb Secundus (1839-1909) Lamb Secundus painter and origami artist. United Kingdom This panorama takes the viewer on a Author Brilliant Origami (1996) [email protected] journey from London to China by ship, Exhibited at the Royal Academy Summer train and on foot through , across exhibition London (1990, 1993): origami the Mediterranean to Israel, Egypt and work has been shown in Tokyo, New Aden. We cross the Indian Ocean to Hong York, San Diego, Tel Aviv, Mumbai, Kong via Ceylon and Singapore. Freising Germany and Reykjavik. The artists (my great-great grandfather

and great grandfather) never made the complete journey themselves, but obtained many images from contemporary literature. Originally for family and friends only, the panorama was more recently shown in Panoramania (Barbican art gallery London 1988), and in Sehsucht (Kunst und Ausstellungshalle Bonn 1993). Painted in watercolor on paper with backlit effects of a mirage, stars and a rainbow, it is 53 meters long, and has been lodged at the Museum of London since 1983. Recently enhanced images viewed with modern technology, along with the original narrative written by the artists, allow us to experience the panorama in a new light.

The Raclawice Panorama Ryszard Wójtowicz M.A. The Raclawice Panorama painted by Romuald Nowak, art historian; manager - tourist attraction of and Jan Styka from of the Racławice Panorama, Wrocław, Conservator of Monuments/ former and Wrocław August 1893 to May 1894, was created – branch of the National Museum, Poland today by 72 shareholders , who passed for this Wrocław. Currently, he is also curator of [email protected] purpose 93,000 gold florins. The the baroque sculpture’s collection in the investment is returned within the first same Museum. months. Monument has been damaged Ryszard Wójtowicz, conservator and seriously during second World War. The restorer of Monuments. He has received re- exposure to the huge canvas waited acknowledgement for being the premier almost 40 years. And finally, the uprising world expert in the conservation and of Solidarity in August 1980 decided to restoration of the Cyclorama art form. He

4 maintain the canvas and exposing it in received an awarded by Minister of Wroclaw. Since the year 1985 up to now Culture and Art and Prime Minister, 1st. more than 8 million tourists visited this class, for conservation works carried out one of the biggest attraction of our town on the Racławice Panorama as well as Wrocław. Panorama was visited annually being honored by the President of by more than 500 000 spectators, of Grand Cross, for conservation including crowned heads and pope John works carried out on the Feszty Paul II. Panorama is important for the Panorama, in Hungary. Co-leader of the region of Lower Silesia as well and conservation in PA, contribute to their development as tourist USA. places of interest. With millions of tourists develops catering, accommodation and travel.

Panoramas and Dr Antje Dietze Panoramas and dioramas played an Antje Dietze works as a research fellow in in Leipzig around 1900: important role in the development of the the DFG Research Training Group “Critical DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1261 the urban entertainment city of Leipzig into an entertainment and Junctures of Globalization” at the Centre “Bruchzonen der sector in transition tourist center at the turn of the 20th for Area Studies, University of Leipzig. Globalisierung” century. Panoramic spectacles exhibited Her current research investigates how Centre for Area Studies at the during the Leipzig trade fairs helped to cultural entrepreneurs contributed to the University of Leipzig/Germany attract visitors and prepared the way for creation of modern entertainment permanent exhibition venues in the city. industries around 1900. She holds a PhD [email protected] in Cultural Studies (University of Leipzig, In view of these changes, this paper http://gesi.sozphil.uni- 2012). Her dissertation examines the role investigates how local actors became leipzig.de/staff/ cultural organizations and artistic practice involved in the panorama industry, what played in post-socialist transition in business strategies they pursued and Germany after 1989. She studied Cultural what paintings they exhibited. The focus Studies, Theater Studies and French lies on the two most important panorama Studies at the University of Leipzig and at venues in Leipzig at the time, the Sorbonne Nouvelle, , and has Panorama am Roßplatz and the dioramas published articles in journals and books. at the Krystall-Palast. The paper outlines how these enterprises were integrated both into the culture and economy of the city and into larger networks of the modern entertainment industry. They became part of widespread efforts to turn Leipzig into a cosmopolitan city and a modern metropolis.

5 Victor Meirelles: painter Dr Mário César Coelho Victor Meirelles de Lima (1832-1903), Architect and teacher at the Department of panoramas as youth landscape and battle painter, took up the of Graphic Expression of the Federal Universidade Federal de Santa and elderly Panorama painting way, introducing to University of Santa Catarina Catarina/ Brazil Brazil modernity connected to Universal (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - [email protected] Expositions. Meirelles displayed The UFSC), Brazil, working with drawings Panorama of Rio de Janeiro in Brussels at techniques and the history of design. He 1888, in Paris at the 1889 Universal defended his Doctorate at UFSC and Exposition and at last in Rio de Janeiro, in Sandwich Doctorate at EHESS/Paris in 1891. This immense Panorama canvas - 2006, named “The Lost Panoramas of with over 100 meters long and 14 meters Victor Meirelles” (In the original: Os high - was displayed on the rotunda, an Panoramas perdidos de Victor Meirelles). edifice built especially for this sort of spectacle. At his childhood, the artist painted a little panorama of his small city, Nossa Senhora do Desterro - nowadays Florianópolis – and, with that paint, he was granted access to the Academia de Belas Artes of Rio de Janeiro.

Museum-panorama the Marina Zboevskaya PhD Being an active participant of Moscow Marina Zboevskaya is head of marketing Battle of Borodino as a tourist market, Museum-panorama the department at the Museum-panorama the Museum-panorama the Battle tourist object on Moscow Battle of Borodino operates in high Battle of Borodino (Moscow/Russia) with of Borodino/ Russia map competitive environment. This paper the responsibility for advertising projects [email protected] reviews the perspective plan of Museum- and public relations. She joined the panorama with focus on the increasing its Museum-panorama in 2002. She also tourist attractiveness. served as a member of research groups preparing the publications about Russian Museum-panorama the Battle of Borodino battle-panoramist . She is situated on a memorial place and has a scientific degree of Ph.D. in surrounded with a number of monuments economics. which are dedicated to the Patriotic war of 1812. The project of setting up the thematic park named the Kutuzov-platz on this territory is considered. The expected aims of the Kutuzov-platz project are: - to actualize the complex of monuments around the Museum- panorama with their relation to the Museum-panorama’s exposition and to the history of 1812, and

6 - to create a new tourist comfortable area of museum recreation nearby the Museum-panorama.

The World's Largest Sara Velas A travelogue of sorts will be presented, Sara Velas is the founder and director of Painting and Other giving an overview of a recent research the Velaslavasay Panorama, a non-profit Velaslavasay Panorama/ USA Recent Panoramas in trip in Asia. This will include museum in Los Angeles which displays Asia [email protected] documentation related to three the 360-degree arctic panorama panoramas in China - Splendid Central "Effulgence of the North." Dedicated to Plains (Zhengzhou, Henan Province), pre-cinematic phenomena and other art Jinggangshan Revolutionary Fight forms which have fallen to the fringe of (Jinggang Mountain Area), Lugouqiao the public’s embrace, The Velaslavasay Incident Semi-Circle Panorama (Beijing) - Panorama has recently presented and also on the panorama at the recently Appalachian folk music, a graphic novel- expanded Victorious Fatherland Liberation inspired puppet show, illustrated lectures Museum in Pyongyang, DPRK (North and excerpts from traditional Chinese Korea). The presentation notes a opera in its 90-seat theatre. Ms. Velas combined use of panoramic painting with has traveled extensively throughout the digital projections in several of the world to experience the unique immersive Chinese panoramas. With information state offered by the panoramic art form provided by Li Wu, an update will be in both its historic 19th century and given on some of the recent activity of contemporary manifestations. Born in the Luxun Academy painters who have Panorama City, California, she received created a few new semi-circle panoramas her BFA in Painting from Washington in China. University School of Art in Saint Louis, Missouri and resides in Los Angeles.

Latest works of the Lyubov Proshina The Studio was founded in 1934 and Head of the department of Information Studio of Military Artists named after the famous Russian battle- and exhibitions at Studio of Military Studio of Military Artists named named after M.B. Grekov painter M.B. Grekov as the first soviet Artists named after M.B. Grekov, Ministry after M.B. Grekov, Ministry of artist of battle and monumental. of Defence of the Russian Federation Defence of the Russian Federation The Studio is included in the Russian specialist in the organization of Ministry of Defence. This unique creative exhibitions and art projects [email protected] team consists of representatives of the www.grekovstudio.ru rare profession – military artists. The main objective from the time of the Studio’s foundation is to dedicate their art to the service of History and the Present of our Country. The Studio sets itself the task of recreation pages of russian arm’s glory and russian soldier’s valour in the memorable artistic images.

7 The Studio has participated in the creation of large-scale government projects for almost 80 years of its work. More than 70 panoramas and dioramas were created by the Studio’s artists. In addition to this work our artists are involved in projects such as restoration. Extensive restoration work took place in the Moscow Museum-Panorama «Borodino Battle» in 2011 and was done again by the Studio’s artists in preparation for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic war of 1812. The large creative team is working today in the Studio. About 30 masters of modern realistic art (painters, graphics and sculptors of the highest professional level) are in the top hundred artists of Russia. The Grekov Studio’s artists continue the tradition of realist art and skill of a panoramic art and preserve the cultural heritage of our country.

Architecture and Marcel Just Starting from the painted panoramas, Marcel Just works as an assistant-director engineering to enhance showing moments of history as in for feature films. Writes articles and Independent Researcher/ the panoramic religious and war panoramas or straight books on alpine and tourism architecture Switzerland experience 360 degree townscape views like the (Arosa - Die Moderne in den Bergen, gta [email protected] Sattler panorama in Salzburg or the Verlag, ETH Zürich). Collector of earliest existing panorama of Thun, we panorama patents together with fellow will enter the world of architectural and member Lukas Piccolin. engineering devices to experience panorama views in the so called real world. Lookout towers in every shape were built from the 19th century up to our days: From the Eiffel-Tower to classics as the Empire State Building in New York. At the same time mountaineers tried to conquer many alpine peaks. But they were driven

8 more by the challenge of the task than the final view the peaks had to offer. Lifts, cog-railways and cable cars made it possible for a wider audience to experience panorama views in the mountains without getting into dangerous situations. A special focus will be on the Lucerne area with it's incredible variety of possibilities to get to exiting viewpoints. The entertainment factor was and still is guaranteed through engineered surprises.

Panoramic images and Taugwalder Matthias The first original panoramas were about Born 1981, grown up in 360 degree content the immersive experience of being at the Zermatt/Switzerland in the heart of the CONCEPT360 GmbH/ nowadays certain location at a specific time in Swiss Alps. Matthias Taugwalder lives Switzerland history. While this was located to now in Zurich/Switzerland. [email protected] panoramic rotundas back then, today’s Master Studies in Business Informatics at technical possibilities bring these the University of Zurich/Switzerland. experiences to your home. Realized several exhibition projects in the Interactive 360 degree images allow you past years about Alpine Panoramic to visit unique locations all over the world Photography for museums in Switzerland. and experience them from your couch. Media companies use such techniques Works since 2010 in the field of using 360 more and more to document day to day degree content in corporate apps and events. 360 degree panoramas are news media. Specialization in multimedia steadily used in the tourism industry. content in web projects, corporate apps New fields like 360 degree videos take and the news media. one step further and allow the viewer to His company CONCEPT360 GmbH is an immerse even into dangerous activities. international image agency specialized on This talk will show these new possibilities interactive content and the usage of 360 based on current projects ranging from degree content for media companies, media companies and commercial museums and advertising agencies. projects. His clients are for example media companies as Ringier, Swiss National Television (SRF) or Gruner+Jahr; or manufacturers of outdoor equipment such as MAMMUT Sports Group Switzerland or Switzerland Tourism.

9 Panorama & Exhibitions Mathias Thiel Ever since its invention in the late 18th Mathias Thiel was born in Brandenburg/ century, the phenomenon of panorama Havel, Germany, in 1980. asisi GmbH/ Germany has been limited to the available technical After graduating with a diploma degree in [email protected] means of its time. In the beginning it was architecture at the Beuth University of necessary to build huge, static structures Applied Sciences in Berlin in 2007, he to exhibit the bulky screens. started working for Yadegar Asisi. Today new technical achievements make After a close collaboration on several it possible to create panoramas in not- panorama projects Mathias Thiel became seen dimensions and exhibit them as Art Director at asisi GmbH. temporary installations around the world. Panoramas can also be part of a Since 2009 he is in charge of exhibition museum, adding to the experience of the designs in interaction with Yadegar Asisi’s visitor by illustrating its knowledge like panorama projects. no other medium can. This lecture is devoted to the topic of the interaction between panoramas and exhibitions in the 21st Century.

3D Laser Scanning – Lukas Piccolin The cicular painting “The Clearworld of Lukas Piccolin works as location / reconstructing the the Blissful” by Elisàr von Kupffer (1872- production manager for film and theater Association Pro Elisarion/ circular painting “The 1942) was the center of the Elisarion, von productions in Switzerland Switzerland Clearworld of the Kupffers house in Minusio and was on Special interest: 360° film systems Blissful” in the original [email protected] display after 1939 in a rotunda added to rotunda the house. Founding member / member of the www.elisarion.ch executive board of the association Pro The exhibition designer Harald Szeemann Elisarion saved the painting from destruction in the and Pascal Werner, dipl. Arch. late 1970s when all of von Kupffers art ETH Zurich/ Switzerland work was cleared out of the house. After Pascal Werner works as research touring as part of an exhibition Szeemann [email protected] associate at the Landscape Visualization installed the painting in a wooden hut on & Modeling Lab (LVML) at the Chair of http://girot.arch.ethz.ch Monte Verità, Ascona, where it has Landscape Architecture of Prof. remaind up to this day. The Elisarion with Christophe Girot at ETH Zurich. He is a the original rotunda still exists and serves founding member / I of the executive as a cultural center. board of the association Cronica, whose As a project the ETH Zurich (Chair of objective is to maintain, publicize and Landscape architecture, Prof. Christophe provide access to the audiovisual heritage Girot) and Pro Elisarion have collected the of the Canton of Graubünden in data of the circular painting and the Switzerland. rotunda by 3D Laser Scanning. The painting can now be visualized virtually in

10 the original rotunda, enriched with historic photos.

Large –size curved shape Katarzyna Górecka M.A. XVIIIth century M. H. Loder’s painting Katarzyna Górecka, restorer of fine arts. canvas painting „Admiration of the Magi” from the St. Born in 1978. Graduated in conservation Academy of Fine Arts in „Adoration of the Magi” Aubain Cathedral in Namur (Belgium) has from the Faculty of Conservation and / Poland from the cathedral an untypical form, adopted to the round Restoration of Art in the Academy of Fine church in Namur [email protected] shape of the apse wall. The main Arts in Warsaw (2006) also holds a (Belgium). Conservation conservation problem is a serious degree in history from the Warsaw works carried out “in deformation of the canvas. Textile University (2004). From 2006, an situ” as a spectacle. support deformation were analysed by a assistant to professor Joanna Szpor in the complex photographic documentation of Lab of Conservation and Restoration of the painting surface and digitalized using Canvas Paintings (Academy of Fine Arts 3D laser scanner. In July 2013, the in Warsaw). Member of the conservation painting was taken down from the wall team of Marcin Kozarzewski worked on and spread horizontally. Due to unusual preservation of large-size paintings from shape of the painting we built two Saint – Lawrence church in Zhovkva working platforms: convex and concave. (2008 – 2011). Now, coordinator of the The conservation works carried out “in scientific project: “Innovative situ” in the lateral chapel are very measurement of deformations in large – spectaculars and attract a lot of tourists. size canvas paintings by remote optical It is ideal opportunity to spread methods” in collaboration with specialists knowledge about the Loder’s canvas and from the Polish Academy of Sciences. the logistic problems related to the Project manager and leader team of maintenance of the large – size painting. conservation and restoration works on Research and the conservation is the 18th century big – size curved canvas achieved as a scientific project executed painting “Adoration of the Magi” from together by restorers from the Academy Saint – Aubain cathedral in Namur of Fine Arts in Warsaw and specialists (Belgium). from the Institute of Basic Technical Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The project is financed by the polish National Science Centre.

Inside the Memory Blagovesta Momchedjikova A prominent exhibit at the 1964/65 New Blagovesta Momchedjikova is a Palace of a Scale Model PhD York World’s Fair, the Panorama of the Performance Studies scholar and a Senior Misnamed “Panorama” City of New York—a comprehensive scale Language Lecturer at New York New York University/ USA model of the metropolis—has been on University, where she teaches writing, [email protected] display in the Queens Museum of Art art, and the city. Her latest book since 1972. Commissioned by the Captured by the City: Perspectives in controversial urban planner Robert Urban Culture Studies (Cambridge

11 Moses, who also misnamed it after the Scholars Publishing, 2013) explores how popular circular paintings from the 18th scholars and artists from different and 19th centuries, at the fair the disciplines study cities, and how their Panorama was experienced as a sky-ride: multiple perspectives, when joined from circumferential moving railcars together, give us a better understanding simulating a helicopter ride, accompanied of how cities are experienced, by a recorded narration. Today, visitors remembered, and represented. She is the control their agency of observation in a guest editor of Streenotes: Urban Feel. sky-walk: they stroll above and around Her work has appeared in The Everyday the miniature city on an ascending of Memory: Between Communism and peripheral ramp, following a tour guide or Post-Communism, Robert Moses and the alone, with labels around to guide them. Modern City, The Journal of American and Such walking, pointing, and narrating Comparative Cultures, Tourist Studies, transform the lifeless miniature into a Streetnotes, Genre: Imagined Cities, and dynamic memory experience—a memory PIERS. She chairs the area on Urban palace—both individual and collective. I Culture for the Mid-Atlantic Popular and will show how. American Culture Association (MAPACA) and leads specialized tours of The Panorama of the City of New York scale model in the Queens Museum of Art.

Crankies – Reinventing Sue Truman A small but ever-increasing number of Sue Truman had been a musician and the as artists are reviving the art of the moving folk art artist for nearly 40 years when [email protected] Contemporary Folk Art panorama, but on a smaller scale and she discovered crankies, today’s version with a different twist. They are called of the moving panorama of the past. She “crankies.” had found a way to combine her music and folk art and excitedly began hand- Crankies are hand-decorated scrolls stitching scrolls from felt and fabric. In stretched between two spools. Loaded 2013 she was honored to perform in two into an illuminated box and hand-cranked exciting events: Seattle’s First Crankie past an open frame, the scroll reveals the Fest and the Turning the Crank story to the audience, one scene at a lecture/performance featuring moving time, accompanied by a tune, a song or a panorama expert Erkki Huhtamo PhD. story. She also became interested in the history Find out how crankies are being used, see of the moving panorama. In a desire to examples of different artist’s work, share this information with other crankie experience a short “crankie show” and artists, she created perhaps become inspired to make one thecrankiefactory.com website, a yourself. gathering place for crankie artists around the world to share their work and to learn more about moving panoramas.