Corruption in Media Construction: Superstructure Analysis of Corruption News Texts in Indonesian National Private Television

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Corruption in Media Construction: Superstructure Analysis of Corruption News Texts in Indonesian National Private Television Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 247 International Conference on Science and Education and Technology 2018 (ISET 2018) Corruption in Media Construction: Superstructure Analysis of Corruption News Texts in Indonesian National Private Television Hari Bakti Mardikantoro1, Haryadi2 1,2Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang 1Corresponding email: [email protected] Abstract One of the topics that always appear and attract attention is the news of corruption on television. This topic alwaysappears to be headline news. This happens because corruption almost always occurs in Indonesia even it has been entrenched. Corruption has become the lifestyle of our officials. This research is aimed at analyzing textual practice in corruption news texts in Indonesian national private television. The research is descriptive qualitative study by employing critical discourse analysis theory proposed by Van Dijk. The method of data collection employed simak method by using the advanced rekam and catat technique. The analysis used in this study is the discourse analysis technique proposed by Teun A van Dick. The results showed that the textual dimension of superstructure aspects of corruption news text in television tends to stand up for refusal and critics of the corruption. The news reporters from Metro TV tend to use informal style, euphemistic expression, and passive voice. However, those from NET use simple diction, active sentence, and metaphor. From those findings, generally, the news reporters tend to marginalize the corruptors and give a positive image to the law enforcement. Keywords: critical discourse analysis, Teun A. van Dijk, corruption news text 1. Introduction occurs in Indonesia even it has been entrenched. Language has the main use as a Corruption has become the lifestyle of our communication tool. Communicating by using officials. The problem of corruption tends to be language can be done in oral and written form. endless. From day to day, it always happens. One of the written forms which are commonly Thisis evidenced by the Indonesian Indicator used is press language. Within the context of the (I2) indicating the total number of corruption language used in the press, languageis used as reports which reached 152,346 out of a total of the information conveyer. It is in line with what 1,872,234 reports from January 1st to December is proposed by Brown and Yule (1996:2) and 9th, 2013. This means that corruption cases Leech (1997:47) which stated that although the account for 8.14 percent of all news in Indonesia language has various communicative functions, apart from infotainment. Corruption news in language as the information conveyer is the 2013 which is as many as 12,656 per month most prominent. increased compared to those in 2012 which Press media is often referredto as the reached 107,936 news or about 8995 news per fourth estate in socio-economic and political month. Researcher I2 noted the frequency of life. This is mainly due to a perception of the corruption is high enough than other themes role that media can play about the development such as poverty which reached 2,724 news per of the socio-economic and political life of the month (Ridwan, 2013). community. As a tool for conveying news, In this study, the texts of corruption judgments or general descriptions of many reports on Indonesian national private television things, the press media has the ability to act as were analyzed with critical discourse analysis. an institution that can shape public opinion Critical discourse analysis is an attempt or among others because the media can also process to describe a text (social reality) that is develop into a pressure group on an idea and studied by a person or a dominant group whose even an interest or image represented to be tendency has a particular purpose to obtain what placed in a more empirical context of life is desired (Jorgensen and Phillips, 2007). This (Sobur, 2002: 30). means that in a context, there must be an One of the topics that always appear and awareness of the importance (Darma, 2009: 49). attract attention is the news of corruption on In addition, the critical approach places television. This topic alwaysappears to be discourse as power (Asher and Simpson, 1994: headline news (Mardikantoro, 2014: 216). This 940; Fairclough, 1995; Dijk, 1988). Renkema happens because corruption almost always (2004: 282) views discourse as a reflection of a Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. 200 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 247 power relation within a society. The critical consists of three structures is macro structures, approach understands discourse as a form of superstructures, and micro structure. social practice (Fairclough and Wodak, 1997; Wodak and Meyer, 2006). In social practice, a 3.Results and discussion person always has a discourse purpose, In the superstructure, the observed thing including a goal to exercise power. When that is the schematic of the whole series of topics or happens, discourse practices will display the the global content of the news or the news flow ideological effect of producing and reproducing from the introduction to the end. This unequal power relationships between the male superstructure organizes topics by arranging and female social classes or the majority and sentences or news units based on the order or minority groups (Subagyo 2010: 177). desired hierarchy. Dijk (1988: 52) formulates a The critical discourse analysis of the van number of categories of news schemes or Dijk model views how the produced text works. sections that construct a news scheme namely Van Dijk (in Eriyanto, 2011: 225) describes (1) a summary, commonly characterized by two three dimensions or buildings used in discourse elements: title and lead, and (2) story, ie the analysis namely the facet of text, social content of the news as a whole from the cognition, and social context. These three introduction to the end. dimensions of discourse are the parts The first news analysis is concerned incorporated into the unity of analysis. withthe case of bribery quotas of sugar imports The text dimension in critical discourse that ensnare Irman Gusman. According to the analysis of van Dijk model is divided into three news on Metro TV, the newsis constructed structures namely macro structure, under the title "Bribery Case of Irman Gusman" superstructure, and micro structure (Eriyanto , (October 4, 2016).The title of the news is only 2011: 226, Dijk, 1988: 17-94). This section only utilizing the subject phrase so that it looks discussed the dimensions of corruption news focused emphasize on the bribery case text reviewed from the superstructure according committed by Irman Gusman. The phrase to the Van Dijk model. Superstructure is the "Bribery Case of Irman Gusman" led to the structure of discourse related to the framework understanding of the community that the of a text, how the parts of the text are composed mastermind of the bribery case is Irman into the news as a whole. Gusman. After the title, the news is followed by the leads as follows. 2. Methods The problem investigation in this research (1) Team 10 or team formed by DPD to review uses two approaches, namely empirical cases related to Irman Gusman again held sociological approach and critical approach. The hearings. This time Team 10 hears the views empirical sociological approach understands of the President Director of Bulog, Djarot discourse as a speech event that is bound by the Kusumayakti. (Bribery Case of Irman context of the situation (Asher and Simpson Gusman, Metro TV, October 4, 2016) 1994: 940). This research also used a critical approach. This approach places discourse as The lead is an introduction or summary power (Asher and Simpson 1994; Fairclough, of what to say before entering the complete 1995; Dijk, 1988) or views discourse as a news content. The lead or terrace of the news reflection of relationships within society. contains the intention that the Irman Gusman The data in this research were collected case is so important that the DPD formed Team by using the simak method (Sudaryanto 2015: 10 to examine specifically the bribery case of 203). The method was followed by the use of the sugar import quota. rekam and catat techniques. The data The main event in the Metro TV news analysis in this research used critical discourse entitled "Bribery Case of Irman Gusman" is the analysis model proposed by van Dijk (Wodak assessment of the DPD on Bulog bribery case and Meyer, 2006). Van Dijk divides discourse that ensnared Irman Gusman. The assessment analysis into three dimensions, namely the was carried out by listening to the opinions and dimensions of the text, the dimensions of social views of the Bulog Director, Djarot cognition, and the dimensions of social Kusumayakti who had contacted Irman Gusman context/practice (Dijk, 1980; Dijk, 1988). A text about the telephone. Djarot confirmed that he got a call from Irman Gusman regarding the 201 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 247 state of sugar prices in West Sumatra and Irman public can conclude its preference from the recommended Memi as a sugar distributor in news. this case. After reporters reported directly on the Viewed schematically, the above news course of the hearing with Team 10, journalists shows the truth of the bribery case by holding a inserted Djarot's footage to corroborate the hearing. The news has a sequential scheme by broadcast news report, and the news ended with presenting facts that support the main idea. the next agenda plan. The background of the Analysis of the second news is about the hearing held by the Team 10 was because the case of illegal levies in the Ministry of suspect, Irman Gusman is the DPD chairman, so Transportation.
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