SUMMIT Ll/ Serving Summit Since 188ft

imkSI>A\ JANl'AHY 5, 197b

-^ -, a r lOrrO Mayor, In Message, Cites Costs Mayor and Common Council tor i?/8 # Future Looks Grim While granting Cval "*t The fulure of the city s Summit al equal oi lower j (kfn'l hitve the ritofiey It) do inl..ibu» became mule costs". Ihc Mayor caut-U U>t h\ Maywr l^-hf ini huU-d f*.- much thtb year", Mayor uncertain Monday night "coM to tjtsbuftt ratios and ni>! the subjwt oi i« Lehr rfcortiinendtrd that folW>M:,ig Mnyor Frank II program of invreaswi let's [jew CU\ Hall Noting that s\tefj be considered and lA-ht's "State of the City or "the entire system shouM fas pnrcfOfijifccM'b. M*»>ors arcriec'tural coiiceptioiift tx- message delivered during I Hjv.d K Trufksv&b ani) started! the 79th umiiiai lie noted thai ii'imbu* iJiiirr J Hwinell. had inadc < irgttiiiuiliori meeting cosii could be u&t^J u\ ^ the samtj roctmmiefidaUor! (Mh^r Ueinb toucht^t upon \t\ Mavur 1^'hr included his in Ma stateiiieni. Iilayw iuu:i\ is.ftiij >Ahr< -,. - •• Vhv/w t *4ir Mtbinluinedthht iAiht expressed concern »i gat- grval^r ssutml tw-Tu-f LI- the archaic ; trurTur** tunl r t'commendai i cMi li\a i i ornnton (.'oiyicil dehignaU* no uncertain terms because or to provide tmnv in\ outlived ilh uwl'jlnrhs he claimed the minibus was portant b**r vices '!it -• nut meeting its goals of grCtitt'f lilt!!: |»*(t •)! ftiut.'tHTUs and high ctt^s tu Ihc Housing serving senior ckaens. the underprlviledged, comm liters and shoppers, ul the same time that energy would be conserved anil the Board Appointmenta Listed parking problem in the city derail' n. ••»»> alleviateo •y rtiiul (trtfAnlvfitirtn Mi^lini* it«-hnt<*1 that of UJUIS \V Other new appointments school children, wlu> appointed 29 residents t« Dulcl tu \hv ItuiidiiiK Cmlf requiring coriltrHiaiiou bj comprise approximately 55 various tx>ards and ygeu Board of ^p|>eal-^ fi*r it hve Council were Ernest S per cent of the riders He ties year utras. alM) io cna Kachllttc to the lnj>uran« said that during school Of thie total number <>! "December 31, >«Ba Mi Advisory Hoard for u live vacations ridership drops appointments, 13 were new, Dolcl ff!})lact-s trvderwk K year term ending December dramatically while the balance were 31. 1982. Mrs Madeline He ate said that the cos! reappointments Also apptiitited C'arhmbio to the Sub per rider is approximately Appointments by Mayor were Mrs Helen M Hutei MDndard Housing Board for $1 50, which he Mid was UV Lehr requiring Common and Mrs Jeanne M Harmon it three-year term ending "same as the cost of an Council confirmation in U> ttic iH*v.i> created (on December 31, 1980. Juvenile average taxi ride" Since eluded that of John S sumer Affairs Offtct1 Mrs officer John F Sofie for a the fare on the minibus is zs Tennant to a five-year term lluber will serve for a two- three-year term on the cents, he added, "ThM ending December 31. 1982 to year term rndinK I)«T»'iiibcr Municipal Youth Guidance means that the taxpayers Council, ending December are assuming a lossof $1.25 31, 1980, and James S fw each rider" MacLeod, also to the Youth Guidance Council for the Consequently. Mayor same term t^ftr stsked Common Smith Reebcted Council to "take another Thomas W. Button cold, hard look" at the Janet L. Whitman Watson B. Smith, it. Alftcl E. Schretter minibus service, "along the War I 2 Witri 2 Warl 1 Wari 2 same lines as all budgetary Council President Library Set Items are scrutinized " Watson B Smith, Ward 2 Ward 1 Councilman, was Indicating that there are Common Councilman, was reflected pr«ident pro-tern To Reopen "Numerous ways for in of Council Dr Ross will also reelected President ol It Is expected that thr ilivuiuals to get across setve as chairman of the Council's First 78 Meeting is Brief Common Council at the 79th I'ubllc Library will reopen public works committee and esUiblishing the Planning Granted a raffk* license annual organiiation (or business on Mtuxiay. Common Council opened • Introduction of an or meeting held Monday night ES a member of the welfare dinancc creating (rw and Zoninu boards and to the Oratory Prep Fathers January 9 at 9 a.m. and closed its first meeting Christmas Tree at City Hall. committee, and will be 1 position of a plumbing continuing th" subdivision Club HI)! building has been of the year on Tuesday night The ceremonies were council's representative to within a near record 14 subcode official at a salary of ordinance, with a hearing * Passed a resolut ion the joint Meeting and the closed since mid-October tor $4,000 with the public set tor January i7 related to state aid for Pick-Up Starts marked by the swearing in extensive repairs to the minutes again of Gerald A Hale as Minibus Advisory Com hearing scheduled for * Granted permission (or public assistance. idlings and root. TheiiatiK Apart from routine The city's annual Councilman-at-largc, mittee January 17, Dan pykio and G William * Announced thai an followed initial repairs tu resolutions related to day Christmas tree pick-up James E Lovett as Ward 1 As chairman of the to-day runninK of the city, * Introduction of an ur Calnan to discharge informal appropriations service will begin Monday. the roof when spclious of the Councilman and Alfred E finance committee, Nir ceilings fell, causing eon other action included: dlnance extending lews Jsr.usry 9 Schretter as Ward 2 coun- January 16. 8 p m , Council Hale wit! also s«rve on the cyrii thai asbestos fibers City crews will collect cilman. chambers, and safety committee, on the would permeate the air. discarded trees on regular Dr Murray M. Ross, {Continued art Peg« l&l Local Firms, Residents Honored garbage pick-up days at * A n n o u n c t* d that each residence and deliver Six residents and five Thomberg, William 1, Association. 27 :il Summit Saturday morning sessions them to the Summit disposal local businesses received Machmer, Dr. Ernest M. avenue, and Uawson Ford, when Council members are area where they will be special recognition from the May, Dr Charles W Clarke, 491 Morris avenue available to the public WITC reduced and recycled to city at the 79th Annual jr. Robert L Buttle and Honorable mention for set for the first and third wood chips Organization meeting held Kent P Swanson building improvements Saturdays oi each month The disposal area will be Monday right at City Hpll In addition Mayor Lehr were presented to Suimnit except on holiday vveekeittib open Monday through Plaques of appreciation presented the Mayor's Industrial Hardware ami or as oincrwise mdicaitti Saturday. i:.ioa. in. iti 4 p. for service to the city were Building Improvement Supply Company. % Park The next Council rnre!;ri^ in. '•( residents wish to drop presented by Mayor Frank Award to City Federal avenue, Brown Hardware is set for January 17 off thetr own trees. H Lehr to Frederick K Savings and Loan Residents are reminded to remove all light strands, metal objects and Oak Kno/I Considers Itsoif "Lucky" decorations before discarding a tree Lower School's Benefactor is Cited First on 78 at the school by Lucy Meyer lives in New York City are lucky that, due to the "We are really lucky to generosity of parents we are The l/ower School, pre- Scone Is Boy "Lucky" is the word used klndergarten through sixth to describe the Oak Knoll have so much space given us in solid financial shape, by Mrs. Christopher J Sister Cieraldine Kelly, grade, is coed while the The Summit Area was a Lower School, as 24 years Upper School, seventh little tardy this year in ago, the school was built and Devlne 1 think her grand principal of the Lower children went here And we School, said in an interview through twelve, is (or girls producing New Year's donated by a woman who only The older girls attend babies classes at the "top of the hill The first baby born in while the younger girls and Overlook Hospital to a local boys are at the "bottom of couple in 1978 arrived at the hill" on a nine-acre 12:52 p.m. on January 2 and wooded tract overlooking was the son of Mr. and Mrs Memorial Field John Cieslelski of Euclid "We are an independent avenue. Catholic school which is The first New Providence unusual as most lower baby born in Overlook grades in a Catholic school Hospital In 1978 wasjhe are connected to a parish,:' daugnier Of Mr. and Mrs. Sister Geraldine explained Robert Marsh of Springfield "We are also different as we avenue. She arrived on the have learning centers with scene at 7:21 p.m. on an open classroom set-up January 1. have learning centers with an open classroom set- ADT'SCAMERAfHOP up. However, our open J!l SprlnglltM av«nue classrooms have a great Summit, New Jiruy 0?»OI 171T4J7 deal of direction and XEROX COPIES WHILE UVMIT structure. All basic subjects are taught," she said. OPEN SimdiysfiOO to 12:30 for your convenience. Brown'! Hardware, In the primary grades '!0 jprlitgtwo A«o., Summit. one, two and three there Is a strong emphasis on reading. With 65 primary children SUMMIT IND. HARDWARE SeeaurChrlsimit Sp*cltlst there are four full-tine Open Sun. i&%,H Pirk Ave. reading teachers. Summit. 373-1170 Tftiir.H DEFENSE — Phil Lee shows kind of tenacious defense pla> thrSummll High The Lower schooi is ap- catters played in defeating New Froviiiciite riS-ii in ui^iiii-.g r^iiiK \,'. ' u".s'~ • ' ••«•- proximately half and half A group of children from the Lower School otOakKnuiS respond Co a passage from t»tpn»r Line. nament at Summit High gym. The Jfilltoooers then wenton to beat Chatham Boro 65-57 to boys and girls in the 175 Daily Reuialsil.L0ftiM.ti win the Summit f hristmns Tournmanei play. See today's sports section for full i1e!»i!» Scripture which Father John Egan, St. Teresa's parish, reads to them during n prayer tSftlverRO* Summit service in the recently remodeled Chapel In the School. (Judy Brick Kreedniun phnloi (Continued on Pago 18) J S2MQ00 nnd additional pictures. (J.J. Punne photo> •lilt SUMMIT HMtALD. IHlHSttA Y. JAM! AH Y 5. 1*78

giolutmeiit was fui five Local Firms years, ending December 31, Two Injuries on Roods 19B2 and Supply Company, 480 Hor*«sho« Talk Over New Yeor Weekend Springfield avenue and Weicherl Realtors, 513 At lunch Hour Over the extended New happened around 5:30 po Morris avenue Year's weekend, Friday on January 1 Appointed to the Building Hie second in the Lunch Laurie D Fisher, 24, of a»l listen noontime lecture through Monday, six traffic Code Board of Appeals, Mr accidents occurred, two of Tulip street, was removed ui Ttioinbeig served «» its Series at the Unitarian Overlook Hospital following Church on Wednesday, which involved injuries secretary in 196S arid as its Just after midnight on a collision on River road si McELGUNN'S chairman from 1SW0 through Jenuary ll, will feature Lewie avenue on January j Jerry Hek-k in a discussion December 31, Kathlesn IW7 Kornfeld, 31, of Springfield, at 12:52 p. m. The accident Mr Machmer, who was about modern day hor occurred when Mildred Semi-Annua! Clothing Sale wshoeing was injured when the car appointed to th« Housing the was driving skidded on Clark, 82, of Lewis avenue Authority in November, Helck, woo started his wet pavement as she attempted to make a left 11172, served as its chairman CONCERT MAESTRO - own wholesale farrier traveled east on Mountain turn as the Usher vehicle STARTING THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 from 1OTS through 1876 Summit Community Con- supply business a few years avenue. Her vehicle crossed was traveling north on Dr May, a former certs will present the ago, will talk about the 65 the road, struck a catch River road. Officer John I, Common Councilman, was C&ttiemts Orchestra of horseshoers still remaining basin and tree, spun around, Holly Investigated HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING appointed to the Environ- Kaltburg, conducted by In the four countries struck a pole, spun partially Earlier in the week. mental Commission in 1971 Antonio Jsnlgro, as Its third surrounding Union County, around and struck the rear passenger Helen Keliy was and served as its ehainnan event of the season on various types of shoes GRIEF, AUSTIN REED, CRICKETEER Wednesday, January It at of a car parked in the drive injured December 28 wr»en In 1974 required for different horses at 119 Mountain avenue The the car in which she was Suits, Regularly $165 $270 Now $132. to $216 Appointed to the Board of 8:30 p.m. in Summh High ana terrain and contexts in parked automobile is owned riding collided in the in Health in ltfTO, Dr Clarke auditorium Ttte Camerata the area including a recent by Natalie M Etman of that tersection of Hobart avenue Blazers and Sport Coats Reg $95 $225 Now $76 to $180 served as its vice president Orchestra, a chamber en- event at Jockey Hollow address. The injured driver and the Rt. 24 south service from 1973 through 1975 and semble of 21 founded In 1*52 Lunch and Listen is was taken to Overlook road at 11:45 John ¥ Slacks in coordinated fabrics Reg. $25-$50 Now $20 to $40 as its president in 1877 by Ilernard I'auingmintr. designed for the regular Hospital Investigating was McLaughlin, 17, of Short was originally intended for office lunch hour and is free patrolman Clifford Zimmer llills, was traveling south OR Mr Buttle, appointed to Kenalsssncr and Baroque and open to the public the I'AL Advisory Board in music but noun developed a In the first mishap of the the Hobart avenue bridge HART SCHAFFNER & MARX OUTERCOATS January, iw», served as Those who attended may New Year, no one was In- Th.2 other car, driven hy ipei'UI love for Moiart and take their own sandwiches jured when a motorist from •nmothy M. Kelly, 24, of secretary h iff?3 and 1974, as performed many of his and purchase a hot drink al JACOB SIEGEL vice president. 1975 through lesser-known compositions. Union, driving -lowly In Chatham, was going east on I 18/7, and as president in 196!) the Community House snow conditions, entered the the service road and BI Topcoats, Reg $105 $225 Now $156 to $180 tl ti il th h^hinH th>> rhurrh tl 4 curve of Morris avenue at tempting u> make u ieii turn Now $172 to $236 Appointed to the Mmail piano concerto. VYaktron avenue Springfield, lost control, onto Hobart when slit- Overcoats, Reg $215 - $295 Municipal Youth Guidance Kecogniied by many crossed the parking !o> and collision occurred Council in 1871, Mraward. Including several Follow th« struck the car wash Patrolman Clifford Zimmer Swanson served as chair C.randPrix du Di»(|ues, the building. The accident Investigated ARROW AND EXCELLO man from 1975 through 1977 orchestra loured Europe, Central and South in Nature Film The Mayor's Award for Star* At M.H. Square Selected Dress Shirts 2! nil building improvement wen: i V5 Ji to City Federal Savings and Waits- Berlet, lecturer The Hitchcock Chair offers a complete line ui Loan Association for a new tne Camernta In 1824 World and photographer, will Company of Connecticut, furniture for every room o! tti it building, while Daw&ou renowned as a cellist und present "East Side Story- ibe home. The ccSlectton is BILL BLASS, CHRiSTiAN DiOR, COUNTESS MARA, RESILIO Bahamas to Quebec, ' in the one o; tne nation's leading Ford received Ore award {or conductor, Janigro wan manufacturers of American hlglillgnted by meticulous ENTIRE STOCK OF NECKWEAR 20% OFF u renovated building appointed artistic director third Audubon wildlife film reprsuuetion of the classics In 1975. He •>»• performed o! the current series traditional furniture, will created by Lambert Hit- Summit Industrial »1th the Chicago Symphony. sponsored by the Summli open its eighth "Chair chcock in the early 1800's Hardware and Supply Orhcrttre dr lo Sulsse Nature Club oa Monday, Store" early next year, at It was Lambert Hit LAKELAND & LONDON FOG OUTERWEAR 20% OFF Company received Komasde, Israel January 9 Murray Kill Square in chcock, often described as honorable mention as a new Philharmonic. J»p»n the scini tropu-iil Murray Hill America's mots! famous i " " i i tmildina while Brown iraaiuonaiiy, "Hitchcock LORDJfcFr Hardware and Supply Chair Store" has Deen tne r\t « nt/°\\J D A MTC ALLTURTLENECKSl• i.tmtptui)' uti\i Wwchcjrt ssk and tinues to the Florida Keys, ru£r.c sf csch cf the £rnV? Hitchcock manufactory Selected Sweaters 20% OFF I '- Realtors were cited for Symphony Members are the Everglades, on to retaii outlets But "chair beside the Farmington 20% OFF 20% OFF renovated buildings rn linded to be seated by Okefenokee Swamp and store" Is something of a River in Riverton, Con 8:39 p.m. For nn-mtxvulitp then to Assateague Island to misnomer, since Hitchcock nectlcut. in 1826. The committee making lriforn>ntton. call Verneil see the wild ponies It the selections included Conrad. Z77-ZK55. trave's further north io Harry C Kates, chairman Maine and the Martime "Mr. Kilowan Enrouto H»r» A Great New Spirit in Summit former Chamber of Com Petrona MeNair to the Local Provinces, to Bonaventure Penny L Shearin, coa- dergarten through fifth merce Execulive Director Assistance Board (or a four- Island, culminating in thesumer relations grade, will cover energy John B Sayre, United year temi ending Province of Quebec where representative with Jersey conservation and safety as it Campaign executive December 31, 1981, andthe Berlets explore their Central Power & Light applies to electricity. MSELGUNlSFS director Edward Kaus and Wade P. Cook to the way by canoe through the Company, will present a Building Inspector Marlin Municipal Youth Guidance wilderness of the water- slide program "Look Up and This and other programs Egan Council for a three-year ways. Live" to the students at are available free of charge 5 term eliding December 3i, The program will be Roosevelt School, Thursday, to the public and can be Springfield at Maple St., Summit, 277-1771, Charges Welcome I960 presented in the auditorium January 5. arranged by contacting Minibus New appointments not of the Summit Junior High The program, featuring Miss Ethel Lord, manager £iKW*SS^;.i requiring confirmation School, at 8:15 p.m Tickets "Reddy Kilowatt" and consumer relations for included Dorothy Wood to are available at the door geared to students kin- JCP&L, at 5SM1U. Authority lo work with the the Civil Rights Commission Authority's subcommittee for a three-year term endiaa on senior citizen housing, December 31, 1S80, Mmr which he said the city was Jan D. Reynolds and Mrs. now ready to proceed to Joyce D. Margie to the supply Environmental Commission In addition, the Mayor for three-year terms, also claimed that in order to ending December 31, 1980; maintain a "viable center Frederick A. Roessle to the city area", adequate Library Board of Trustees parking is necessary and for a five-year term ending DETROIT SHRINKS that tiered parking is December 31,1982, and Mrs "financially feasible and Ann Soper to the PAL Advi- necessary sory Board for a two-year Also touched upon by theterm ending December 31, Mayor was the decreasing school enrollment Noting Mrs Reynolds replaces that the "ultimate solutions Df Ernest N May, Mrs should not be based soley Margie, Mrs Susan Watts, upon saving money, "the and Mr Roessle, Mrs «(•..,»* "•*';£ *fc£ GSisiit*' uf Marilyn M. Ptaiti education should be the Also newly-appointed was ultimate consideration Mrs Betty L. Ruffley to the Last year, the Mayor said, Planning Board, filling out he had predicted a slight tax the unexpired term of decrease But, because of Edwards. Olcott, which will the state's new policy of end December 31, 1981 returning monies directly to Reappointments not taxpayers, there was arequiring confirmation slight increase of three- triHiKUwl that nf Matthew quarters of l per cent ZSegner as director nf tlie However, the Mayor Civil Defense Council for a added that he made the three-year term ending There's a new wrinkle in 1978 American and made them look a lot more impressive, same prediction for this December 31, 1980 cars: down-sizing. That's when a big car goes So your choice is obvious: either a new year Also reappointed was The full text of the William L. Machmer to the on a crash uiei io reduce to a more sensible car that's smaller than it used to be or a new aye be Community Development size... a Volvo size. For 78, Volvo has done Volvo that's grander than it used to be. found elsewhere in today's Revenue Sharing Com- Herald. mittee for a one year something different. Volvo's taken ^dMMHHRnfo^ For the latter, see us. term ending December 31, SALE! their line of fully-equipped cars 1978. Vito A Gallo was Boards reappointed as Mr. Mach- mer's alternate for the same Our Johnston & Murphy loafer Mr Kachline replaces period of time. Henry O. Clutsam; Mrs. John H.C. Anderson was NOW 49.90 Carambio, John F. reappointed to the Mullarkey; Officer Sofie, Enrlvonmental Commission An extraordinary value. Our fine glove Sergeant Lonnle A Davis, for a three-year term ending leather loafer was originally 82.50/ jr., and Mr MacLeod, Kent December 31, 1980, while P Swanson. Sergeant Davis William S. Tucker was In the tradition of Johnston&Murphy, was named liaison officer reappolnted to the PAL between Civil Defense and Advisory Board for a two- this shoe has a built-in arch support the Police Department. year term ending December for comfort and all-leather construction 31, 1979 Reappointments requi- for durability. Brown. Sale price: 49.90 ring confirmation included Other reappcintments Gerald A. O'Connor, Ernest Included those of David B S. Hickok and Mrs. Norene Coward and Edwin S. Votey M. Cahill, all to the Rent to the Planning Board and SEE US FOR A FULL-SIZE VOLVO. commission tor three-yeur WiUisis E. Ford !o !h» turns to end December 31, Board of Recreation. Mr. lftfiG. Coward will serve a one- Also reappolnted were year term ending December Elio Spina to the Sub-31, 1978, while Mr. Votey standard Housing Board for was reappointed to a four- a three-year term ending year term ending December LONG-TERM LEASING AVAILABLE* EUROPEAN DELIVERY ARRANGED 31, 1981. Mr. Ford's reap- December 31, 1980, Mrs. .


Vntfci NtW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE- INC SUMMIT/monday and thursday until 9 i ANOQTHEB LEADING fi»,CMANGE5 r SMYTHE VOLVO mtv C ^ntnioo til", investments ana Advisory Serv RED BANK/ Wednesday and Iridsy until nnt* unnnio Aiic OIIMMIT I I RIVERSIDE 3QUABE MAUL/ monc^y through friday until 9:30 QL.U mUiliiiu n»i.., uuifimi i MORRISTOWN/ Wednesday and friday until 9:00 382 Springfield Avenue ROOTS CHARGE, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTER CHftHGE, VISA Summit, New Jersey 07901 273-4200 201273 2100 THOMAS S.PALUCKIMgr.) Iltt.-IMMII HLIIU II. lilt UStMt.HM \lll . iv.s,

Council s 19/8 Wish L Elderly Aid ANTIQUES SHOW I'omis Ready if Wishing Could Make i! So A-kirrttbh man Dtait \ JANUARY 6-7-8 tit1* rrtt NiiEHitLU tiKl«i> an ttUUittrd tbiti IU> oflk'f hao AT THEMEADOWBRO0K lu a vailis felf Iff iiihui «-s and S8 SUFERB QUALin D£tti.RS h H It I U upplfrtLllcHifc tvt the I^Kfci titht-t'utiitil Ahdlit&Ktfr to jlit(l M Ur II l[ « 11 f I Uif Aged |irt)-g[B3si titht wtH I L'di Ip tit allJ 1 be taking rffct't Wil Jaitutir> i SI 1 ( a full sertt «. I i 4'j M t i ii i Hi i I llttxt hi v, > > 11 I tuttn h - d sif aei > pi ts tribrd a rt.urn tj S-in..i,t _i il ...... ,,i .!.. tm i V.4 o [ In • I'IH Summit Office Services drug. tn&ittUi, tn&uUn liwtfe r ~ d*= I ? t hiipjSN to a ij thru 1 c ti Idr t ii lit 'tx u! iw*t KI > tit resolution ol the sdnwlo dilemma s Comp/efe professional of detliMiig enruUmcnl tiiJ t'ui wtie at hid with for Si. anii thr htalr j^ays th*- Nhtsti Cotomon Council was polled th ll ut6tlb->rl.jods ht ds ln-ed I cltf(ct«-!Ht- secretarial services Sor Its wtsli list lor the new yedr, the rtallii i i !%!• b tmltlbV but tin l-'oriuft ttiifil brothiiitb aft newtxt member, Janet Whitman, said el mt! H loi e> ht btrtlei il >jminlt uU-,> bring dUtiiliuLed u> all * U t>- ht susd (jbur tssti c ie&, Medic a td IBM Mag Card the first pHasity tn her fuiftd w&5 Ussr 1 parking "tt'b des[»erfl,t«ly needed for lo^na'm^illio ins »V But n oa Off Ire* e««iit> office* osi Duplicating Equipment the downtown area M) second di'ftrtit vii-Jifi kr 1WJ8 I! mi ti ^ priority 16 neiilor citiuxi houung 1 «irt i< bjtit t gufw tin btit thit g I fit c s hDti h«-nW ctUieft* Bookkeeping and Accounting Hope to see that dt-vt:k>p€°d timing Ihe t tuld st^ li£i(>|>tn iitid I don f«t ft (rtitt r f. Sritior (s tnUT c^ftled Private Secretarial Services year " h ipptiit V ^ ttmt wt luuid t)ro\ul lit ft-t rU tti^ t*(t a^pIiiBtitKi tre l< jii*iJut> in tin lu isl t«i 1 ti may itiniatt .'V^bfinbh ettuii Mailing Service If Eivceiey *ere EK> ob)wt. Ihe ihur u[> in t 'hi istnta* V*n> SpunMired b> IheSunnnlt Srlghltuihutxl (.alto's wffWc IIMi Uuut*- **; tiling she would like lo do is buy th* vi ouk! » fill (or ol(it r |i«i[«t that tin v Resumes railroad et«ti<>n miHI some way. "Whether it would be good taVt tilt IVput tUIUt) to OB'llllK t) Nuiimilt ihult-lll.Vflkcf rutke-tt ol Uif tiiestlvut Kir ret l>r«|i in Jrlf 8«itC o! Ike ( oumll Notary Public for i» paiice station, a city hull or lead prtxiuclive and dignified hvt>i, nud Klk-li Itrudi-r u! ll'f V V\ Santa, gilti, and iwltsli with |»lm bddnl lo Uif food lo and lor younger people Hint IIK- iSsfcfitStiuil parking could be worked uiiAt a Itstlir tiolaliii j oeiit. Uudy tui'k F v|ult Efficient, dependob/e. quality work out. 1 don't see any value tn redoing bystein would provide th^n with iiitttty opfKS'tUiiities U> reuH^f ttunr that old building, but we could make Mil! Her aid by exp»rt&nc@d personnel great use of the space The city did get full potential," he siiitd Drop-ln C»nt«r Plans S@rl#§ a lettisr fitKE the state saying Cortnnl He concluded that. "We art- usuulh jink fur 273-8395 was considering selling the stations to tlmlted by our finances tn what «•«• A 'liuvie. 'Men'!, Lives A IST71 Acudfim HuSh men tne municipalities Thin wouiu Uv «n ran do and u<"fhiJS>s we don ! drs;aln wiil t>e pri*;tt*Et(ed as list- firs', \',]\ :!IK! lu ' 5 Lafayette Avenue esCiUng cireairi to btiy it,1 ^he siatd < it«cernf( !'ommi-«o Council, Gerald A Half was Cliurcli 0£i Tuesday* tws rink or developing more playing January thruugh May with fields "Itse fields we have eej heavy on the Board of Education Hi' is still me," she pointed out concerned wttii iiic wi-Llare of Ihf public schools far Jsnuar'y 10, H po in Her year ori Common Council hub On his -svish list for !«?6 b» wnulit 1W- film presetiter will \w berai a learning experience, she said, 1 v "as the new kid on the block " She like to resolve the future ol the school Ron Cox of tht Summit Art a dbcovereu how the city was run s::i. system.' 'Particularly in regard to the NOW was pieasea wiiii wnai &t«? unmu flilenima of declintnu enrollment and introducing tn conjunction with the problem of the Mrs. Whitman was on the Welfare and Ri 1 Law committees "I enjoyea those r«tir™d 2tst*^>f\" b* *' ' H^ thoushi committees taid learned a lo!. ' she the railroad station site would be ideal said for a City Hall as it overlooks the village green and Is central to Being 8 Council member wasn't as downtown Summit Ume-consumtng as she thought n would be, although she estimated she "! would like to see that tackled as spent about 15 hours a week with the present City Hall is inadequate for meetings, reading and research anything," he noted He was setting no priorities for his Ward Councilman Murray M Ross wish list, but he would like Council to said he would like lo see a tier obtain approval tor capital funds to parking garage and a full-service Telephone Initiate construction lor lifer parking minibus system "If 1 were Santa during 1978 Claus, with unlimited funds, 1 would Councilman James E Lovett had also like a new city hall and a few four things on his lsit: a new city hall, more recreational facilities With to renovate the railroad station, build sufficient recreational areas, all a permanent ice rink and to complete groups who specialize in a particular Transfer a parking garage "Not necessarily in sport could develop a full program that order, but If money were no Sut ever, if we had upJimi'wi money

PKOMOTED — Robert 0. Cox has been promoted to executive vice president ol Summit and Elizabeth Trtist Company. He was The closest thing yet previously senior vice *<*,.. president, mortgage and marketing division. In his to an interest-paying new position. Mr. Cox will supervise activities in the operations division in ad- dition to his present checking account! /^e^,^; resjMEsibiiiilcts. \ grsdunte In Banking, Insurance mid TELEPHONE TRANSFER The SUMMIT Way is a toiaiiy new War.; ever, more''TELEPHONE TRANSf IR entitle* you lo Heal Estate of Mohawk service that combines our lop-fate SUMMIT Statement ail Itmse benehts too Valley (?NV) Community Savings Account —paying 5% per year, compounded dally • '•«% o*t SUMMIT'S Installment Loan rales College. Wlr. £ ox has bevn ••urn da. oJ deposit tc »sv cl sithdrssu!—***** * *r** designated Member, checking account (Just keep a balance ol $400 tn your • fee tree Citibank tiavtilefj, [hecks Appraisal Institute of the Statement Savings of Checking Account.) American Institute of Real • Ffee notary service Estate Appraisers and Is Here's how fl works. • ?O% discount on Heru ca' [oniijhi also a member of the With TELEPHONE; TRANS'tH HII ti laheb u> d simple phone • S'S i% discounl on V h Aulu L.iub Wotu'nq i)t^-.^. ' Society of Heal Estate can to automatically tr,n>s»tei iundb fmm your Stdtemeut Appraisers, lie serves on Savings Account to youf f'ee checkiny account ^o now HLEPHONE TRANSFER Just one ol "n-- SUMMIT iv,n4 instead ot keeping yum aionoy in a checking account the Mortgage Committee ol to yet you where you want to (jo the New Jersey Bankers w/here il can't earn interest, you can put it to work tor you Association and on the m a SUMMIT Statement Savings Account earning our top interest rate* ol b% a yoar-nght up to thy moment Legislative Committee of 1 the New Jersey Mortgage you need !o wnte a check Ttten just call Si MMIT i Hankers Association. He is a 24-h<»ur. toll-free TELEPHONE TRANSFER line give ut, contributing author to your name, special t 0 number and te^i us how much you Summit and A various professloaa! want transferred to VOUF checking account That s ail (here Journals. His community !S \O !'.' (Mln»«'jm franMiM J 1 00 ItdnslefS muSi be m _ Elizabeth ) responsibilities include multiples of $100 ) (g) TRUST COMPANY member. Board of Con- TELEPHONE TRANSrER is diso available with a built-in MfUBIH OF THE SUMMIT B ANCORPOH A TION sultants, Summit Child Care cash reserve It vou quality you can have a personal hn« of Center, and a Member of the credit that provides from $400 to $5,500 in overdraw SUMMIT: 367 Spnngliold Avanuc 2!' 6200 Bernards Township Board protection So you H not only have th© extra earning BERKELEY HEIGHTS '.46 Soyaei Avenue ! "' b?0l: of Adjustment. (Waliburg power of 51fe per year on you' bill payin MEW PROVIDENCE Ii Soulll Slrnot 277 6JO0 photo) funds, you ii have a lot of extra buying SHOFTT HILLS: 26 Moms-Esso» Turniiiki. iSummm .'" power as well LIVINGSTON; Livingston M.ill (Upper Lo.ol) «»4 ' :w. Other otlrces in £n/i and tun.

A Quarter Century Of Experience Frontier Cabinet

Reductions of 20%to50% ' Custom Crafted on clothes for men, Kitchens young men, boys and women. r

WE CARRY ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES fROOTS Formica Counter Tops dcDtihiens Our RtpuMkxilB In Your Job" Fra* EXImMat VISIT OUR SHOWROOM SUMMIT/ tnonday and thursday until 9

RIVERSIDE SQUARE MAU/ monday through fnday until 9 30 UQnajQTQUUM/ uunrtnnBrtay and fnday until 9.00 377-8961 ROOTS CHARGE. AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTER CHARGE, VISA 146 MMN STREET CHATHAM fe.

FAG I. 4 l'lil M MVll'l HttlAtl) I HI UMIA1 J V «I Smith - Bird U , hit Outside Sunn uf Mi Irs Kredenc h. in safe • special sale • 25% everything bird ol Murray Hill, and Walter Alexander Smilli of 50% somethings riiairMow'ii bcin of WaUer U Smith uf SovithijW N V uiai of !hf UlU- '. it-I-.i Udf A. i'r Sru'tl! wtrc married iiK-tiuiw 'J J Ki-» llrui'i- (.; ini;lt-s pi,-: t.ii M irnlial t'rrSln If! ill!: Oiillrri ixiiiiruii-it tin- il.ailiie- nag a'i i-iiiojiV Ui UR- liu::lt- .s! tbe hl-illriitlUilj.:, hlSti*.- t- [lUS lill^- Ilirt.dlillt- 1 A graduate '{ i'ltw 'iluttt-r S..--I Inrvt-r^lt) ifi.ti! rc.enU> I'III'JII ( ,i!!,-^. Uit- bnde v\o,b ^.!>s»oiaU-d F fi.,!l!«.fl i tin "KI trl,»lutl:i limy of Nurtll Aim-rk-j ii?. ti p I o cl •<,-, L^K.-ak :t[i center ^ytiti-nife iit-Mguer hrtH..iar;.l)i ^,- tf State W'.tlu Stir will rrlut ii !o private Colltgt- (in tfcll flrit fi-tn- [). ptaclkt- aa hi* isKk-p-mk-hl t..nicsn v uii:iE> iiigh bi strrltM of conMillunt in the ili-lil of &t,tiKm-, arsJ ai *• ^!ued ! n u v r! 11 uuiniiu: and dt-velupnien! 11.50(1 lo ic-vtri lull tui* J. clothing ond gifts and word pi ocv.'v^.ng fend i''tivulliiu; urn! 1 Burhruch Photo technical service;. I"' the Mtt, John M l .--finer Jr I elegorua • 225 imllbufn avc. • miilbum fwp partition \n n IVU't S-;tVi I"! V, tE!'»" 1 new (ervey • t£l 201 376 2 129 •—• Geortner - Hailock I>;\IMf.rn bklirig which > ill IH t ry Kpiscupal Church far the evening wedding ;; The c-oi Saturday, Jsiiiu r v ( I KIIMT lii.vis Mullock Blair; !im Sowerwine - Stiles t: II! Mr and Mr:- by ^lione. Inil ai.t& uiubt a c Hnl lock u JuihUi Ntrwi'iimh Stiles brought Phone '.iStbAlti i S r v e r e ! > d I ?, ulilr.: Summit to Jch'i Mf.lviU' Newcomers fiitughtiT of Mi uad Mrt> Ml- \ full cietaili. rstiitk-sit;, ui UnKin c '.>u::( •• c fW: tun .1: ssu! sis Mi oia-.i uru -,ki^ t*. ihi.,. ,..,ii«n,^ r;;urt«; ~\ horik: ti;Ui;h! !. William Strain To S@© Film \ i s Kvc clii\ to i'v\v. <-nrolte ul I'.alluwoi (.oil Newcs-mier •• * "KUi u ^ ,J!;.CI (if Sumnill llev csf Bart>ara S<-tiischi-aan of Interested persons hhuuh: "lub Spi ii!gflf4'-l init l\t-\\ }'t ovld( i t Hi»i:i(c VVehtv.OvK! pet A Kra'luaic iif Antloch Berkeley Heights will be un contact the colk-gt. if?ti 2«<:,- Ssr/iiniie Htt*b of Ksses llcrki-le> Heinlil! ^ ill (cjitm-d tht rererncuiy h{ the X at the i'uuti wus iutiid of honor prf-MTs! fi film '!(>' "• l- \ I nitarian Church A hns taught eeratrucs at Library o! ttse OsaUiams, attendants imiuded View ' J photo^r ip'm Mveptian lollowc^i at the Skieimore CoUegc and the 214 Main street, Chatham tmirtH'V ar(aimi the world J j Hobin Kriini-:hfc!d, J"-sf i;f...;1- ,,! the hruiev f,i*r>.ni_^ Sift'e I'riiverstty ttt N*»w TtK C*|M'iUfig rfyerition, to Maiccjini, ivtsur c UIC«-I tr?*.«, 1 The bride's sister Katiiy Horrock-!> and MOUH conimeutMte cm the flliti 'o .Sowurwine studied at the is Friday. January6; 7 to i» !«. Jin,i ,.l Ih.- I;:n r 1 Deborah Annr Slita was t^-.siii»cl ; iniiid of honor while Charles Best man of Lloyd l rko «f lunchtim of the cluli lit Berkeley, and is also a Kast Ornage Usher* in Watdiung View Inn at IKKIII Sowcrrwine berveti as his brother's lx?st man graduate of Antioch Colh-ge eluded Nicholfih Uangari with cinktails at 11 a in He is a usiz punibt and tllbl!]^ \iuuud llotwrt HolicivMc'n. Thomas For reservation* call 1JO1S> Mrs Sowerwirie is a guitarist '•llIllIjtES ullll )i,Ui.ots lit 1) Wllllamsoii, John H Mullen 464 6642 oi Lois ceramic sculptress. Tht" couple will rtside in tht I nion ( oa' t\ Hiking HuUot-'k and Hic!iar«.l Ci teaching at the University of AmhtTil. Mass Club will hold a slx-nille Fairbanks South Mountain ramble A graduate of the Saturday. January 7, with University of Vermiml, V.K Engagement the group meeting at Locust bride has been associated * Grove, 10 a in , with with the Philadelphia Announced lunch Musi-urn of Art On Sunday, January 8, a Her husband, n graduate Mr and Mrs Harold V 10-mile moderate hike is of i»aint Lawrence planned with the group Engh, ir of Sycamore AKEK — Esther Landa University and the New meeting at the Packanack Illinois, have anrioiuiceu the president of the Nolional York University School of engagement of their Wayne Mall, 9 30 a m Business, is assistant vice COUIKU of Jewish Women daughter Kristine Whit For additional in- will speak at tlw (ireaser president of the l.akc temore Engh, to Jon Cowell formation, call the Placid, N.Y Hank, and a Summit Section's annual Jiurit, sori of Mr. and Mrs recreation •Jjepartnwn! of Cmuicl! Sabba.'i Sffite or. 'Kilee Dell's certified ski instructor at Robert E Hunt of C«*ric the Union County Park Friday evening, January 6 Whileface Mountain, also road Commission Lake Placid at 8:30 at the -Ic--.-. Mi Miss Engh graduated Community Ceritgi- . -\ Following a wedding trip from Sycamore High School NCJW member for almost to Aspen. Colo, the couple In lSTO. and Nortliwestern Value Transfer 35 years. Mm. Landa vkab will reside in Lake Placid. Universsity in 1974, where elected national president in she was a member of Kappa 1975 and again in 1977 For Kappa Gamma Sorority 12 years she served on the Mr Hunt graduated from "Communicating Values Halt Lakr City board of Summit High School in IS69, to Adolescents" is the topic education before becoming and from Northwestern of Lunch and Learn at the vice chairwoman of the University in 1973, with a Summit YWCA on Tuesday, Utah State hoard uf B.A. In economics He is January 10, at 12 noon education and secretary curreniiy finishing work on Continuing the December treasurer of the National his MBA, also at North- Lunch and Learn discussion Association of State Board* western of "Life Choices, for Our- uf Education. Slur..*;.;; b> an Mr Hunt is an officer at selves, Our Families and Invitation to the While The Northern Trust Com Others", will be Louise House in 1865 for the pany, Chicago, Illinois Miss Connolly, director of laiusehing of the Head Slur'. kngh is employed by the counselling and guidance at program. Mrs. Landa was same firm Kent Place School and one of two women CT A F'cbruary wedding is I ,unl»(..j* I »JMII U*dwuCS who pioneered ihe program TO BE WED - Mr. and Mrs. George O. Sprigg of planned counselor at Summit High is Utah. She also served as a Mechaslccburg, PB., have announced the engagement of School consultant with the Bureau their (laughter, Patricia Elaine, to Curt A. Toretl, son of Resident Dr Connolly and Ms of Indian Services. Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Torrllof Caiany court. A graduate Lockett will continue an University of Utah. Director SUITS of Penn State University. Miss Sprigg is a recreational To Preside examination of attempting of the first stale-wide therapist at Penrtiylvanla Hospital, Philadelphia, who to transmit values io young Women's Conference of the Mrs lver B. Dunnder of University of Utah, Mrs util attend North Texas University. Denton, in the fall. Summit, president of the people Louise Connolly Her fiance, a graduate of Summit High School, ttucknell successfully demeded her Landa was the NCJW Past Presidents' Club uf the delegate to the Equal Rights University and Colgate Rochester Hexley Hall Crozer Seventh District of the New dissertation for doctorate at SPORT COATS Theological Seminars, is assistant headmaster at The Fordham University in Amendent coalition and she Jersey State Federation of currently chairs the Stevens School, Plila'leiolua. A wedding is planned for (he Women's Clubs will December Her title was April i. "Ego Development of National Jewish Community preside during the group's Relations Advisory Council winter meeting to be held at Adolesctaii Gifia ui Grades 9, 10 and 11". executive committee task DRESS TROUSERS the Women's Club of force «i eqas! sppsrtunlty Montclair on Thursduy, Open to the public, Lunch for women. Mrs. Landa January 19 at 12:30 p.m and Learn ends at 1 p.m holds numerous awards The program will include Reservations for the Including "Woman of the WINTER COATS prize winning poet, Ruth nominally priced luncheon Year" from Delta Kappa Anderson reading her should be made in advance Gs;r.—,a stti "Utah Woman original material by calling 273-J242. of the Year" from the American Association of University Women. For SHIRTS more information call Chairwoman Miriam Senator. 277-4160,or Sue SWEATERS Sale Greenberg, 63S-59S4. Syble Announces Her First Annual l RAIN COATS Winter Sale 20-50% Off Vi to h off On Fall end Winter dresses • gowns "NXST-Jt J S f A j 0 B! Merchandise sportswear LEARN ELECTROLYSIS' Well-known Seventh At>e accessories and European Labels gifts w ... KI the World-Famous Kree on'c hmitinno * Insiilute ere! »"!Qy B !i!s*1lc"e m • career. The d-'ene^d far i*ttrm«- 0 nenl hair f«mov8l trsolc^enlB _ ma t)riRt»r than ever befote. no bBfrtm Men *nd Dny of evening clestes Tuxedo •'Coin«. wr'le ci phona W^2» C'1/.i/oiH l-'iuinx Major i'rtdil Carils WcUnnw U 7J0-S70O lex tree DocklK "H" MasterCharge Itentals ' O.*r« Artinlan, Woild Acclaimed I27S Spriiiiifiirld VM'IHH'. NI'H l'r«ni(k'iKT665-IIS(HI Viiin'lfcHI \u'lnii- .NniiMiil V"» JCIH'V Aolhorliy. D'recloi. American Express Open *)M •') Moiulin s. i'liiirsilii> - it I richix s rrep i 1 Lifetime Adams Charge '):.lll -ft liK'sil-.ns, \\ i'iliu'vil;i\ v X AJterations INSTITUTE (interest Free) Hours 9. Of) - 5. JO Tfmrs. v - y d(I 1500 Broadway {cor 43rd St )* r-fs* Voin.NY 10535 221 MIUBURN AVENUE MIUJURN, N. I. 07041 ».-• f' M MM! I HUtA.ll>, THMtSUAY, JAMUKY &, l¥7» Art Center To Unveil mm An art exliibition of works Museum at Cornell by French artist Jean University, New York ILEAN Dubutfet from the I)r Florida International Milton t> fiatner family University sn Miami, and LJNES collection will be shown at the University of Texas Art trie Summit Art Center, Museum in Austin from January a through The DubuMtt exhibition ;-E^^HY February 5. The publi, c is represents the Materiologte itivtled to the opening and Texturologie period ol reception u! Sunday, the seventy-six year old Well help you lose as never before January B from 2 to 5 p m w artist's work done between view the » lithographs, oil 1«S1 und 1962 paintings and assemblages A bit page illustrated CHINA VIEWS - Or .X«.!J,;K»»*«» The Summit Art Center catalog with the text by Hue's what these Lean Ltntn kwl aftci 1 week Eugene L Stockwell of the * lib will be the first stop on a Thombs Messer, director ol New Jersey Council ol 'MJI'IS .'US year long nationwide tour the Guggenheim Museum, Churches, recent visitor to which was orgaiaied by WHS edited by Mrs Anne the Peoples Republic of Leslie Paul Curator of the Tishlfcr ol Murray Hill, Chins, will relate his lin Hatner Collection of New curator of the Art Center prrsstons l«* """ ni""1'11) Briiiq In this ad and pay onty York City The exhibition gallery The catalog cover meeting of United Methodisl $4.00 when registering. will travel to the and an art poster which will Women on Tuesduv. Indianapolis Museum of be available at the Cento January 10. in the church on Call collect :^BW 767/ Art, the Birmingham were designed by Jody Kent 1'lacr blvd He will Museum of Art is Alabama, Griffin of Summit with describe in particular ho» the Herbert Johnson layout by Roessner and the Chinese have dealt wlili MeMillin of Summit problems of hunger The Gallery hours al the general ineetlnK at 11 :U> a Summit Art Center are 12 4 m will b* followed b> Reddv Kilowatt Monday through Friday and luncheon al nuon and thr GROWING NUMBEK - Some of the members of the dab", Wtlchtrt again placed ftifct in the state, the fourth 2-4 p m on weekends program Wrirhert Realtor*' »taff are pictured recently during a consecutive year it has done so Welcherl has II i^ales Gallery talks open to the meeting at the firm's home office at 64 Main street. offices Including oiir tii Suinmll al 5i:< Morris aienur Programs Ahead public will be given on Chatham For the number of Associates certified In the near LafavHte avenue January 12 at 2 p m and New Jersey \M. ^ tiusme&a Central J-\iwei and Light the Jewish Community Avenue, has placed first in thai rewards conjitructlvf Com|>any. will pre&exil the Center will speak to the If your haircut is not (he state, for the number of Mike Campbell, Bob real estate firm iKlrmtu°<1 Cooper; Mt Irakis Office, to the club in any one year effort, and referrals from free program, "Look Up ami National Council of Jc»'is!i associates; certified in the satisfied clients is the end Live , featuring Ihe Reddy Women on "The Je*isti becoming to you New Jersey Association of Brenda Klipper, Ardith Gill Klijsibihty wsscvin mort- difficult this year than m result of those efforts Our Kilowatt character, on Family Fact <« Kiction'" Realtors prestigious and Somerset South office, February 3 at Washington on January 10 at 11 3d a in You should be coming to us "MtttSsr. DoUsr Club." This Walter Sherman, Qwt>rt nr(*vinu.s veartj with thr company will continue to F!ir.r. I-cmv C.ip7!=~::G>o School February is at at Temple bsnai. 'im ^ununil is UK itnuu Attaining membership in qualifying standards answers to men tOT (IppOlTHTn&IH cession that Weichert Co , itw "Million Dollar Club" in ,,„(! ;,olutioiis in they Franklin and March 1 at qu«"M!u«t» aitu su JC1ICI3UU Forty -four associates, considered to be the Stan Mr Weicherl concluded. dard for measuring success "Many of our Million Dollar problems. representing the firms of In the real estate field fices were honored at the Based on the present N.J.A.R. convention held in number of licensees in New Attlantic City in December Jersey Million Dollar Those named were Club" achievers in 1877 Summit office, John placed In the upper 99th Brockelman, Barbara percentile of their field in Rancke, Dunnie Burley. overall sales volume Ham Rand, Chatham office, Recipients of the sward are Marge Boyrt, Bob Olpp, Art presented with a certificate Brunner. Rocky DeAngehs, noting their "outstanding Mltil Godfrey, Gib Seward, sales achievement." To Anne Estrey, Betty qualify, associates must Robinson, Jack Babcock; record over a million dollars Morristown office, Philip In combined sales and Waddington, Bill Schultz, marketed listings from Tom Ludwig, Mary Sellin, October ! of th" !>r**'**'1in$: F*st Maaj&£u, JinniE GcrickE, year to September SO Herb Robbins, Lois Noyes, Avril Kalinieh; Clinton James M. Weichert, office, Bob Morey, Bill Ash- president of the firm, by, Guenlher Schraid, John reflected on the company's Tlmm, Ruth Pierce, achievement "Million HOI m<\> (U Kill': - Volunteers help prepare holiday gifts at the Summit Neighborhood Basking Ridge office, Mary Dollar Club recognition Council. Pictured are Cheryl Dagner. preschool teachers aide and Pamela K. Lyles, ai. Lanzara, Barbara Lime, from the New Jersey they discuss gift distribution (BUI Hobinson photo) Mary Kenny, Pam Port, Bill Association of Realtors is McNulty, Lyn Burnett, very gratifying for both the company and the in divlduals Involved. In view START LOS'Hfl of the fact that 44 of our associates are rated in the WEIGHT TODAY toppercentiie in New Jersey Slju tDUKl real estate, they comprise a rare group of remarkably talented and Involved professionals Each suc- ceeding year we have had greater numbers of associates qualify for this distinctive honor We believe this is due to the dedication and discipline of Brooks our associates, their spirit of cooperation, and the overall relationship of the Compnay g interacting with the Lit* Pharmacy associate team " babv sale 375 Springlletd Ave Wail Ortttri Flllca Weichert's 44 Million

BLANKET SLEEPERS v:o/y heavy-vvoifjhr IGHKS-. I) >"b Mt* $499 i«d ~CUI CARTER INFANT SHIRTS 2/S2.39 -.rtau-siide Reg 2-S2 99 2/S 1.89 CARTER TRAINING PANTS Hi?g 2 S3 29 2/S2.59 (Bill Kramer photo CARTER TOYLAND PRINT LayetteGown.Reg S3 50 S2.79 Bassinet Sheet. Rog $2 50 S189 BATH ACCESSORIES GIFT BOUTIQUB Crib Sheet Reg $4 85 53.69 Sacaun Reg $2 40 $1.89 306 MtLLBURN AVENUE SHORT HILLS N J O7O78 CARTER WASH CLOTHS Reg 2, S 1 SO 2/S1.19 376-7113 CARTER HOODED TOWEL Reg $4 25 $3.29 PRINT OR STRIPE RECEIVING BLANKET Reg 2/$4 ... 2/52.99 INFANTS & TODDLER OVERALLS, POLOS, SLACK SETS, DRESSES Reg S32&-S16 S1.99-S9.90 TERRY STRETCH SUITS $3.99 Reg.$55046.50 SNOWSUITS BYTIDYKINS Inf, 2-4 & 4-6X. Reg. $39-551. $29.90 All Bathroom Accessories IN STOCK • hampers • magazine racks shower curto/ns • stools • towels / rugs dressing tables custom flower • tissue boxes • pictures / pillows V7 , arrangements m shelves / mirrors 410 sprlngflold Awe.»summlt»free parking 9 was re bashers hews B a.m. to 5:30 p.m. A fantastic sale of luxurious bath accessories man. and thurs. to 9 • no sale is ever final end boutique items IHl. SUMMIT Ut«A,LIt. mi KiUAI.HM AM V 5 IVTa The Minibus is on the Ropes

In hi* "State of the City" message, thai truth, the minibus may become a Muaduy night Mayor Lthr gave us both tiling of the past There are many who PUBLIC SCHOOL NO 3 in 1908, good news nod bad news woaiti do away vrtlh the service. when the only public schools in town The bud news is Ui*t the minibui b tomorro* since it's a losing were Public School No. 1 tthe present on tike ropes tad Is in diager of being proposition, but there are many, City Hail! at 512 Springfield avenue end decked. The good news is the grantee!, a minority, who have come to Roosevelt School (Kio.2) in East Sum possibility lliti we may get a "slight depend on its service, and to discon- mit, the City Fathers, dtcidad that more reduction" of taxes in 1878. tinue it, would seriously complicate classrooms wtjre nbedeci In the central In between the good news and the their lives section and voted for the construction of bud, Hie M»yor touched on a variety of In order to retain the minibus, why this building - the original Lincoln other items of importance Including couldn't the scheduling be reduced and School — at the S-E corner of Deforest the possibility of st new City Hall iu oar instead of having three , lei's avenue and Maple street {present park collet-live future as well as urban have tvvo and reduce the amount of ing lot), "at a cost not to exceed renewal and senior ctuzen housing routes accordingly In the past we $60,000." it's reinforced concrete con projects thought by reducing fares, more people struction was novel, as was the gymnas- ium area provided OD the roof It served However, to a large cross section of would be attracted Although ihe fares the city from its opening in 1909 until the residents, the future of the minibus is were reduced to 25 cents, ridership still new Lincoln School at BO Woodland of prime importance That the cost per didn't increase by any great amount avenue was opened in October 1953 rider to cover all expenses Is ap Nov. we suggest that fares be in- Fhtb view of the now lonQ-fjone land proxinintely $1.50 and Ine fare is only creased to 35 cents U) 40 cents If some rsiark (razed in January 1955) was taken 25 cents, it doesn't take a ol the riders of the minibus have grown ftom the top float of the even longer mathematical genius to tell us that the so accustomed to the service, we do not gone Beechwood Hotel dazed in Match taKpayers are assuming a loss of $1 25 think they would mind paying a higher 19b3l, which then stood across Deforest for each rider If the City of Summll faiv to keep it avfcnuo on the present site of Kemper was e(jarUnent oi Knerg) during Ilie yeHS* of the iKvt.ies addre^^ed bv iw lu-r o There has been rt-aluation by the k-deral go\ errum-nt that helter skefu-r dropping the minibus service, many m II we can think in terms of a possible al the New Jersey Conservation Foundation It can also U' nul«l lhai tru- '•flort!, to expend money budgeted for sewerage ue«*uis^ni *aniiii^5 can ck; p n wwk marks btart of the eighth year for this column U»ii group 3 33id hsve 'JS r"*<**'s, ">'"• new City Hall in Uie future or an ice more harm Hum good because they frequently prompt dt'\ m the *ir »tm^ rinE uvi' aurelv can liiuik m Much of our aU^ntitiit has been focused on the Pine Harrem* a! MRJihi-r n wrong places Belter planning for placement of such facilities 15 in tire of tiff* «tvl«*s U) compensate for no ^~ Jersey ThC I^r.d^nd^ r^r^**1"' "-ai-K' a «,,wrt<»r ot the Kliitv we re in minibus. hard terms of maintaining a frail j Ciii its well-being hinges much of the quality of Its fulurr !if«' in this prow-is t)y (lomg a better job uf iuvu ing minibus service for an important Therefore, it's gratifying to see how 1977 brought a general av-Dfemuij' m That Summit is an automobile town, segment of our population our tlderly and out of government, to the need to protect the l*melands. ami the \ aM the > enr iind 1 believe it has by this time been widely recogniu*d as ;. phony goes without saying And because of arid our children water resource it provides, from piece meal decay through varied kind;, ul sssue ( omsnudicatiofi on this misunderstanding was enhanced by a development Stale and federal agencies art beginning to move A m,.tveriior Byrne has spoken out strongjy ("Great Society" G.brsts Montclair Times> niiing its criteria for single-family disposal systems against Homing nuclear power plants off our shore Maybe everybody it Cancer made grisly news for New Jersey in l»77 Itevelalion that our stale netting a tx'lii! insight into the perils of "boom or busl " thinking It was a timely report by the House The effect has been for each new may lead the nation in tl>e incidence of cancer spurred renewed awarem-M. l^>oktnj^ i>ack I tx'lieve that the environmental viewrxiint has paused Government Operations Committee administration to forge its own plans about the perils of air and water pollution It started wheels turning lor u v\Hit-r acreptancc sti connection with the intricacies ot present and future which found those Great Society an- and billion-dollar programs with little state toxic substances program and a new emphasis on keeping earner We tipoverty programs still surviving regard for those already in place It is statistics The latter is a necessary first siep toward delineating causes ami There cannot be a 1OT7 won andlost comparison column m relation to the sources of canter New Jersey envirunnietit There were no sinking blacks or whites. Jixsl were mismanaged, sell-serving to that kind of sloppy government which Along the same toxic line, the year brought state and federal solid waste various shades ol grays And that s probably the way it should be But with o those who were employed by them but has multiplied the federal budget legislation into action which will aid resource recovery and better control growing awareness on the part of the public of the legitimate problems. of little use to the people they were several times over in just the last two landfills maytK' we aren't ^omg too (ar wrong m looking forward to an en supposed to serve decades. Resource recovery relates strongly to energy, and creation of the New viruiimentally heallhv New Year' Over the years the federal govern- A few agencies such as the General ment has demonstrated a strong Smack Accounting Office do a good job of for throwing together major and ex- auditing existing programs, but the pensive — very expensive — programs immensity of the task frequently Perplexing Problem Gets More Perplexing in attempts to solve long-standing overwhelms them. It is an important problems overnight. Unfortunately, task of the 95th Congress to see that it by United States Sen for oil There are some who put natural gas, on the sunie timetable as oil the follow-up necessary to make many does not enact additional layers of Clifford P. Cue others^ contend the world has enough natural Has to last ut least another Energy policy issues dominated the Congress during 11(77 and are ex 1,000 years, even at increased rates of consumption of these programs work, If they had a confusion and waste for future congresses and the public to try to pected to continue to do so In 1078 and beyond The differences, at both extremes, stem from failure to consider costs chance to meet their objectives, often Additional supplies of natural gas can be produced If we are willing and muddle through. Congressional energy conferees continued to meet after ('engross ad- is lacking journed in mid-December, two months after its scheduled adjournment, to able — to pay for drilling deeper wells, for the extra cost of drilling offshore break a stalemate over natural gas regulation, one of five bills designed to wells, and for the extra costs of transporting natural gas from fields establish a new national energy policy. developed in remote areas At the same time, it mus! be recognized trial What warranted Ulis Congressional concern at a lime when there were no there is a limit to the capital we can afford to spend to produce dispersed Slings and Arrows lines at gasoline stations, when most income groups were managing gas and that in some areas more energy would be expended than would be somehow la pay for needed energy supplies, and when there was a Rlui uf returned Too Much Washington, D.C.? world oil supplies'? There is no single answer to the problem of ira-cting future energy needs The cause of the concern is not so much current energy problems as it is Rather, we will need a variety of actions With the start of the new year, represents just some more being taken problems of the future There is near unanimous agreement that we will Energy conservation is part of the answer But there it, a limit to the taxpayers know they are faced with out of the paycheck in addition to the have severe energy problems in the next 8 to 10 years if action isn'i taken amount of energy that can be conserved without drastic changes in increased deductions from paychecks, increased social security deduction. now lifestyles We can make greater use of our abundant supplies of coal. But it takes as the social security taxes are paid And, from the employer's point of Like concerned members of the public at large, however Congress is sharply divided over how best to meet these problems time to develop new coal mines and greater use of coal requires a better From both the employee and em- view, that $64 represents very real tax Although oil is our most plentiful source of energy today, il is the biggest transportation system In addition, greater use of coal is limited by ployer points of view, these ex dollars problem for the future environmental and worker health problems associated with it pendltures represent loss of money, Considering the "caps" situation, you Almost half of the energy consumed in this country is derived from oil Current technology makes solar energy useful for heating and cooling ol but that fact of life is endured with the just know that some other public Another 27 percent comes from natural gas Coal accounts for about 2u buildings now But it takes time to convert and heating and cooling accounts hopeful expectation that in the future service is just going to have- to give. percent of our energy and nuclear power plants produce most of the for only 2u percent o! our energy consumption Solar energy's full potential we shall all benefit from these remsindsr ".vith small amounts from hydroelectric solar geothcrmal and will not be realized until additional technology is developed to make it v\atchful observers of the current practical for generation uf eieciriciiy ai'iu other purpose^ deductions. other such sources. scene will recall that public employees Almost half of the oil we consume is imported That creates a supph Similarly nuclear fission, geothermal, oil shale, fusion, hydroelectric, Apart from the fact that many in- have been able to collect unem- reliability problem It also has led to an increasingly adverse balance of tidal energy, wind energy and alcohol fuels all are capable of making a dividuals are concerned about the ployment benefits for the last 18 trade with foreign nations And that, in turn, is weakening the value of I' S contribution but are limited either in the breadth of their contribution, in the financial base of the social security currency on foreign markets, meaning that it takes more dolalrs to buy time span in which they will be available, or by problems associated with months So, where did the money come system, this year public einploye-es in foreign goods their us.e from7 It came from the federal the state of New Jersey will for the first But there are even more serious long ierrn problems 1 believe Congri^s r,;ui,! develop an overall energy policy as soon as government, who has now decreed that time pay for unemployment insurance While there are various estimates of domestic and world oil resources possible And 1 believe it must be a flexible policy to permit and encourage they are no longer participants in a most reliable experts agree that unless consumption is significantly development of a wide variety of future energy resources Naturally, If the employee pays, so program they initiated moderated, world oijproduction capacity will be unable to meet demand In does the employer. the mid-1980s. We still will be a long way from exhaustion of all world nil In this particular case, the Well, there's nothing wrong with supplies but those supplies will not be enough to meet the demand maximum amount the employee will taking care of yourself or your own; Estimates of world natural gas supplies vary even more widely than those pay will be $32. For his part, the em- but, it does seenuobe the ultimate gall Looking Backward ployer wili pay $54. to first provide and then mandate that Now these amounts don't seem the provision must be totally absorbed astronomical; and certainly public at the local level in a state with "caps" Kighty-five Years Ago Beau Geste" employees should also be eligible for regulations Letters to the Editor Much opposition was voiced to the Kihbe unemployment benefits. Is this another example of too much request for the electric light franchise Twenty-five Years Ago Newly-elected members of the Board of But, taken from an individual em- Washington? The, WCTU opened a coffee house in Union avenue, opposite the depot, selling 1 Mrectors of the Chamber of Commerce ployee point of view, that $32 W.S. Backs Ordinance community Editor, Summit Herald Too often, those who have coffee at two cents a cup and soup at five were Robert Sargent, Walter Bluntschli cents, in an effort to offset the 17 saloons in and Fred Abbott The following letter has been attracted to Summit town At the Young Republican meeting: been sent to Common for its various amenities and Council Publication in The attractions and at The need (or a fire alarm system in town Representative, now Senator, Clifford P Summit Herald is tractlveness seek to change was apparent when it was necessary to Case requested its character, usually for send people to the homes of firemen in Mrs Ruth Dudley was named director of order to have personnel to fight fires welfare 1JLBRAI. D WillianiK Giison, commercial reas^rts The 47 Ox Bow Lane tree ordinance is the type of Ten Years Ago *** progressive measure which Seventy five Vears Ago Quality Weeklies of New Jarsey will help prevent that S. Scheuer anil Sons, grocers at the Common Council was bombarded at a SVB E. Forbes, Publishar Audit Bureau of Circulation Common Council 1 have only made a cur northwest corner of Beechwood road and hearing by residents protesting the Norman E. Rauscher, New Jeraay Press Association City Hall sory examination of the Union place offered $2 stamps with the rezoning of CIBA property. purchase of one pound of premium Java A home was moved from Canoe Brook Editor National Editorial Association ordinance. It does seem to Batty McAndrews, Lady and Gentlemen: me it is too restrictive in one coffoc at 24 cents, but no stamps were parkway and Route 24 to Berkeley Heights Managing Editor Published by The Summit Herald ! hope you will pass the aspect Selective cutting offereH. for the purchase of sirloin sleuk at to make way for the road widening. Lucy nnever proposed new Tree should be permitted. As 18 cents a pound At the Strand Theater: Max Von Sydow Every Thursday at 22 Bank Street Ordinance with only minor and Julie Andrews in "Hawaii". Associate Editor trees grow larger they in- The Summit Bank, now SE:TCO, ad Summit. New Jersey 07901 alterations. terfere with proper growth vertised paid-up capital of $50,000 and ***** Thcmss J. PiemontB The original ordinance and some should be cut. The surplus and benefits of $65,000 Five Years Ago Advertising Manager Entered as Second Class Matter was designed to help proposed ordinance forbids Conrad Wagner opened a kindling wood A fire in a Hobartavenue house on New EnttredaftStcond ciaM Matter at October 5. 1889 at trie Post Office preserve Summit as a fine that. By making thai one factory at 70-72 Franklin place Year's Day killed a mother, her child and !t» Pott OHIct at Summit, N.J residential community. We the grandmother 07901. Undar flie Act ot March a, Summit, New Jersey, under the addition this objection can ***** are a well-rounded com Richard Corby, outgoing president of the 1B». Second C!-M Posttsa Paid at Act of March 3, 1879 be met Fifty Years Ago Summit, N.J. mimity, but one noted for its Sincerely. "Through Traffic Highways as They iiniun County Park Commission, was William R.CUsop Affect Summit" was the subject of an named treasurer of the group. ALL DEPARTMENTS: 273-4000 and trees. Indiscriminate (Editor'snote: Mr. Giison address at the Civic Ciub dinner. John ". Sayre wss ap-pointsu cAiiutivc $7 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE BACK COPIES 30c EACH and unchecked cutting - of is a former CounciHnan-a! At the Fortnightly Club: Dr George B manager of the Summit Area Chamber of trees will change the at Commerce, replacing Byron Goodell, who :iillniiltiiil!ii)limi»iiiii[iii:ili!iNiiiiiimti:mHii!iiiniiiimiuiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiinii;i:iiiH[iin!iiiiiiit!nii:iuii iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimirE Large and Planning Board Cutter, president of Colgate University iitniiimiinuimiiiiiiiiiiiini tractive aspeel of our member, i At the Strand Theater: Ronnld Colman in had resigned mt ii»UAi.)A.M

SjjrinjjfieJd of Summit, three grind She died Sunday at home ctiildren and three great Mrs. Birofka was past grand children. Special Swim president of the Sons of Rev. David Muliord of the Poland and honorary C h a t h a m T o w n s h i p Lessons Set member of the Rosary Presbyterian Church John S, Special fiwhtiming lebsoit* Society of St Teresa's conducted services on fur hkudh'«|>|»rd people »iU Julin S. Ite&nck of Kansas Church, Summit Tuesday at the Bruugh (Ity, formerly of Summit, be held ut the S>uinmil Born in Poland, she lived Funeral Home, ii& VWCA |»uul, begiimiriH died December 2jf at horns in Summit for the last 75 Springfield avenue Be was «S Saturday, Jknuai) 7 i'he yenrs. * Intel t.rt>k!on »itl run (or a Bom In New Vork City, E'lmutni Arthur Vnsuit- Surviving aje two sons, m •wtck perlwt, t-stdttt^ on //.. Mr Hearick ha& been a Joseph C, and John J March 11 The le-hMjn* ure resident of Summit from Edmund Arthur Venue, Birofka, five daughters, long lime resident ol scheduled Iroiu 10 li> 11 " i» Will until he moved to Mrs Vera Siergipj, Mrs eat it SuUudu> City in 1»54 An Summit, died at liu> home on BROUGH Julia Moore, Mrs Monday He was 72 llidt^tttual luRtrutltull engineering consultant, Mr -I'HIM.I II I II \\ I i nil \|(M( lil-- Mae' Kane, Mrs. Amelia A native of Portland. where needed and &U|ier Reartck held an AB degret Lloyd, Mrs Cttrolyn Hyan, trurn Hamilton College, and Oregon and a graduate ol ttstoi v»itl br pro\ld«l by a brother George Jedrysik, Hie University of Oregon, he volunteer i»d»pti><- in|uatlc» in :m.i u masters degree in a sister, Mrs, Anna Nova. 2b chetMcal engineering from Joined the technical staff of tiutructurt arnl ald«-» from grandchildren and 28 great Bell Telephone labuhtarieh the » ;i o II ) t> i I n K Columbia Urjiversity, New- grandchildren York aty In 1927, where his principal orgliltiiatlon. the siuninil Ares I ha|il<-i ol the Mr Rearick was a past work was on the develop Mrs. Maria Magliaro ment of repeater tubes foi Amrrtrmi ««• Engineers The author of Church, following the I E K K Prolt'fjSiona 1 Scbotanhlin are ii\Kil»hle sn bren itituied in tin- several technical papers, he funeral from (he Paul Technical Group on upon request phut iitatrulU ats division (it iwld seven Urated States Ippolito Summit Metnorial, reliability fur his sound ami Mrdlrul f «n in•> u'e < IB\ (.elRv <;i-." )«ii>r i« Men of Bi iciicf" Mr Born m Italy, Mrs technical journals vuluntrri I" handle the tirsk » \t CIa ((f Herkele) Iftbl. was appointee co|>> Keitrick was a member of Magliaro lived In Mr Ve&7.k* Is J»UI vlvi:cl h) Jicirk Is also »ekuin«- All llelchts ha lierri uppuintrd ^uper-vt^yr in iy70. and holds. TakfeA Break bevera! v r u f e s s i <•> n a MfepSewoo1 d before moving Internlrd |>ei-sons mo* jail » |iharntac> degree ilOIll ijrgiyiliati(jib im'ludmg lit*- his wife, Isabel Iwu rttrettor vt Niblf^ prwiK to Summit a year ago Mft, lielte V\ MrlX-tuioll. mid Jat it Mar itihr u lenvple mid a HA horn by Al Stone Missouri Society ol daughters, Mrs Susun Surviving ure a daughter, [HOKraiii ci>-«rdni»lor "I HasUng IUtwo sisters Mrs Mechanic. *! F.rtgmtws wmi Ciriueo Kabruio a lister the Ani**ncim Petroleum Miss Giuseppina l-'abmlo /^\ Wash anu Mffi Harriet Council of the Slate Board of 11 grandchildren and 16 /\ Retnliani of Sen Kr anct&i-o Engineer Exaniuicni. Mr grrait -grandchildren Cal Ilearick was also a member \M) 1 Ol WHI 1 OH I Id M 509 Sprmgfis.M A.. of St Andrews Episcopal Vim. Bri'iyel Smiroo Funeral services nri- ot Irving Ploce Churi'h. Kansas City A Mass for Mrs Bridget private In lieu of flow^rh menioriula to the American l-U is tuirvivt-ri by Ills wlf<: Nommo, B7, oi Summit WHS offered Tuesday in St C£rscsr Society would IH? Mrs Mane M H&unek appreciate.) Burroughs and four soils. John S , )r of Teresa's Oiurch, following 77ic /ifc'/ll «/ »i<'« is justice: f irrj/l .'/it' '-"filrar) ui/l(/.i <»/ itfipres- Ippolito Summit Memorial, avenue were iri charge ol l,awrence, Kansas, Peter funeral arrangements sinn iiiitl tYtaiittt- M f.( Rule™ Mo and7 Summit Aversue Paul C , at home, a sister, She died Friday in Mrs Joseph W Allen of Overlook Hospital Ham Radio Club BrookviUe, Me , and four Mrs Sommo wa& txirn iti a grandchildren Brooklyn and lived in A memorial service Summit (JO years Installs Slat® was held last Friday at St She was a member of the The New Providence Andrews Church Rosary Society o! M Amateur Hadio Club is The family will receive Teresa's Church' beginning the 1978 season friends today from 7 to 9 Surviving are four sons, with plans for an active year, according to Robert I. p in at the Burroughs and Ralph, Daniel, Richie and HKALIZIN(i POTENTI Kohr Kuiieral Home, 309 Joseph jr , a daughter, Mrs Brown of Berkeley HeighU, Insurance Springfield avenue Burial Mary Palritlo, eight newly elected president of RUTt- the organisation Uunnell. murrla^e and was private grandrhildien and 1(1 great ramll> eounsrllor. «(ll Corner grandchildren Serving with him are John slrt-ul. on Making (lit- Mos! Myrlck of New Providence, U\ SI'r V< M -VU1-.N Mrs. Herbert i\ Cawlry of What Vou Are " un Sun vice president, James Mrs Dorothy Tomkins Mm, Kalherine It. Rose niaii^t If vi.ui htansp IT *t"n "•! .!«s.-rioraiti In.Irx.iin itfttmn Born in Newark to one of Born in Charleston. S.C . charge uf programs and special events spans three f*eri«*rali«ns lli> I he original founding 5he had been associated for grandfather »a» supervisor u-rath < amto: On January !), Webb families of that community, 15 years with the Doris for 50 veark of o mental tKte, kind of Ltnimayer will discuss the ir Mf« Cawley also lived in iirak? Hay and Son Realty health hospital. Prince ' ''artful lo reception lm» the first year in which they twosistersarealsHheranistft i (r,.qUenil>, y»-.: V and In private practice In !„„„., , ,„ , tore were issued in New Jersey Vrcl u bimk and taugl.t many of the LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE V\ eMflrld.-hr has conducted I („!,,, |, ^ rll elds training conferences for , fthat truck drivers in her family's )<>ur pl »lt<-all> wholesale construction PKNDIUG ORDINANCE laymen ami mental liealtli ! ,„„!,! 1,, sed 1. t ' 0 AWE NO A^ 0HDir\ft'K 1: I M i H 1 [1 '• N p r (i I e f. h i o n a I s o n | li> n^ tin Ii a> K-ii | I If l<- material business how m To ^ iX *i iALAlJY AAtif: OW '•- O Vil> f N i A I lON U' 1 be n*\(-liiiliifrajl\ These I Itnal : .;( thi- drive During World War 2 « W D i O»MftHS AND t: WKI.U t tit i uf ' -if C ; * " "' Mrs. Cawley worked with H[- COUNT V 0^ UNION fcND iT»'[- II'.NU J( t< lectures, the secoiui of .alurl i- Meet John! Collins ,..lh a . Hii nfu and for the United States BE if OH DAuNLDliV Tut: i" OMMON L INt ' L. 0* ' Ht '.. 1 ' ' U' which will be given at the ^aine time next Sursdav are Hi.- -,«!.- bnm Army Air Corps She was NF fjl'S fcND fAM ! T ,Wt h). SPI-JS«:KH tilt WlSffcl 1 A.' part of the 9:M seminar !,, ih< i also a 1910 graduate of :...(. MAHl-.Y ^t-. SO »••< of Chatham in Newark Normal school ami series which the church has ...MHI lid.. Summil, I'll.. was a member of Calvar;, conuueieu »iut»- o«i»l» ;r.«cr kes Episcopal Church A ti:»f for "ue^iJon? "ill t. ftftin i tomplt-U- Cornel! University letter follow ^itb cuflet- avtiilnhle •'">• .1 i-ollr •liblt- by Mrs. Cawley was the 'llle public Is invited f I., widow of Herbert C Cawley who died in 1937. She had B.S.194O 5 of riOHCEOF PENDiNGOWDiNA jits spent her summers and had ntial a residence in Malletts Bay. ke it Vt. since 1906 Sebn S-te!! University She is survived by a son. John A Cawley of New a Vernon, a daughter, Mrs BS.198? lthe Ann C O'Connor of Rye and \ with trom f A memorial service was 'jnyrnecrmq I RESTLAi I as • held on Monday at Calvery i-r'.rl r ;r rage Episcopal Church con '•* in.twii'diji- ;r^ (iin:lMt-r '1i .- .[liutp and he i ifoiled as an t.eyhsh dueled by Rev William M,i|f-r .N 'mi,,.- M;I,I . iiwi...-,,ty ., Si,. ct'Sf. Ih:ougn [duiatior, Strain Burial was private . i ,.;r :-i' ,','( (M Mr S-.-is tliui 'I WHS om> ul the smartest sleii', • .- -. i'.i.-f 'i\;ir|i' A h,.s, i'>i--.;,tivi" Mr Collins values Ins assoi Mrn. Caroline Birofka ,it .j' vvilfi Sel^n Hall Lii:ivtjrsity s ST r.P-Proy-am He's taKen ^>ne A Mass for airs. Caroline Wll i.iirv urn- semestpr al a time He's deadly serious about Birofka, 93, of Lafayette Rfll otjl.lining in,II «-.ficorii1 Bachelor s Degree an-1 plans lo graduate avenue, will be offered at --.i.metuno m the 1980s 1030 am today in St Vlcsifit-ld.N PARK ii Vmii \ Mililiiil iii\! Whelhef you intend to obtam your iirsi oeyree (ies,''n an Teresas Church, following the funeral from the Brough • (.iv;,,,r,.,I ,nr o, simply vvanl lo study to' the pure |Oy ol it Funeral Home 535 Founded i I 868 Solon Hall s SH P program can lailor a schedule lhat Ms your fcrd ol "SERVING MORRIS & ESSEX SINCE 1932" needs m sublets Irom Antique Restoration lo Zoology and rce On of Vcu' Jersey' eveiy'huu) HI between John T Collins finds the almospheie al iichli Faced With A Seton Mail wonderful and he says that you're treated like a per finest cemeteries • son not a number He's get- Sting Drinking Problem ting better riot older II you'd ird P Are vou sick and lired ol like to ]otn him. call Robert G Dung sick mil In ad? fctor of /Von profit and Kahrmann Jr today at (201) SETON Perhaps Alcoholics 762-9000, exl. t>67 Or niaii Anonymous "Son-sectarian the coupon below II could RKSTLANIVS FAMOl'S MEDIEVAL CHAPK1. I n I/AM L-"-, •• Can Help be one ol the most important i at a SJEi-'S you've ever taken UMVERSITY the Write P.O. Box 315 ONE YEAR DEFERRED PAYMENT IH'KIAL PLOTS URN SPACES- MAL'SOLEUM CRYPTS PERMANENT CARE INCLUDED NEVER AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE iBrook PLAN, INTEREST-FREE, AVAIL- (Under supervision of The N.i. Dop't. ol Banking! Jights Or Call 7631415 D' Robert G. Kahrmann, Jr ABLE FOR PRE-NEED BUYERS SENSIBLE PRICES WITH BUDGET TERMS c/o Office of Continuing Education Bydow II someone in vow tamiiy Seton Hall University (201) 887-2050 South Orange, N4 Q?0?9 has i dunking problem, you YES~Please send me complete details on Seton Hall's STEP program' can see what it's doing to Executive Office Supt's Office MAH COUPON F OR FfU'E BROCHURE INTERESTED IN I am interested in D evening programs D daytime programs I New ! | MAUSOLEUM them 12S Elm Street RESUANCi I and I100E. Broad St EAST HANOVf-fl N J 07<33f) [ , EARTH BURIAL G special programs But can you see what it's AD 3-0 BO AD 2-0781 Name _. _ _ _ | of the doing to you? was For infotmation and hoi p contact icutive' (,ates Close al r>:OO p.m. City State Iber of AL-A NON J Telephone Number P, who I Write P.O. Box 487 Oi Call 672 7231 PAGE b TlifcSt MMll HIKAUI. f HI KSUA1 JAM *HY 5, »<<7tt Women's Convo Theme At YW Welcome Coffee

"Women on the Move", Wednesday January ll at employee. Myrs Terry Morhous? membership theme of the National 9:*5 Bin Meisrier, young homernaker committee dunrpKi i>s>n and Women's Conference al Newcorowb m the area and interior decorator from Cyiilhia Frilh, Kaf- Houston, will be discussed are especially encouraged Mountainside; and Faith ! clutirperbun. at the Welcome Coffee, a to attend and become Schindler of New Also free of charge lor this Rock free introductory program acquainted with ihe YWCA Providence, active m local program are the Rhythm at the Summit YWCA on at this first u! the winter politics und League of and Dance classes for Concert season's. Kafltchlat&ch Women Voters, YWCA children 3 5 y«ar&. and programs. National Board Member UabyiHtlug for siilarits 18 Twee women who were and Summit YWCA Board months and over Further at New Jersey State Delegates member, arr (he guests information nin> Im "h to the Women's Conference Extending the welcome tatnwl by calling the YWl'A. lust November will share will be YWCA President •irsA'li'l their experiences. Ruth Mrs, William Rusen arid Chatham Township High School McClatn elected leader of Executive Director t«enice Army Private the N J delegation, a Larkin In charge of the 221 Layette Ave, Ed Courter Newark city government program is> Hobin Gets New Post can help. Hickory Chorus Fetes a Decade Private Msryunn II January 14th at 8 P.M. MbriKilla, tlauglits-r ni Mrs The Hickory Tree Chorus years and a fehor* program Mar> Maithsllii Mar Ttckete 3.50-4.50 of Chatham, which includes of J*ongs Women interfeU'sS TOPS IN TIIICIH KIKl.I) — Martha Hgmiliun, SsU> MoCitukK-k, and Barbara Whilc-nrLf six Summit members, is in singing four-part bur all aww iiilt-d v»ttti the Hobsit-s* Agency, havp been honored by Hie Nev* Jcrs-*-) .\fts*>ciauon planning an inlerchapter iuoriy may >slbo atli-ml ni'trohmm u 11 & uttd «»( lU-utUHh lor tf iistMtrtiitg owi uitc niiUiott ((iktis in rural t^thtv pti»p>t-vnvt> duitiig i*Ji. party to celebrate its Kith HefreK!inu*nth wti! 1*' M-I lubricants liaruik': VMWI tht- Presented by A11-i.. i anniversary as a chapter »f ved 22Mh Supph uitd Srr\irt* mam office wat, Uu-r Long Hill Volunteer Fire Co. Sweet Adelines, Inc Hickory Tr«' chuplcr a Three Thefts ind the Y»or tiibrovei wi iri a ru^iirb> ioi ''/instate The party .fill be held at H 7(1 volet' wufririt s rhuri^ (it-nnany ,. flit- Volkswagen dc<»ii'rfcf:i|j plticed second in regional Siiiiiniil I'lidfil 11177 willi S|>n»gfK'U!a\i-mn' i« n«- h^ ,.xperieiiced it-veral i> FTI on B r*?£"ji?if r*^hciirhal Pvt MtULSilLl enU-fi'i! thr 11 Tickets Available at: night. Monday. January f. rinnpetitiuii last April and it Army in June iMT- thiw more nws •>( tin-uk Im^inrsb, dlsliltl, I"" N1IIli)ar lm identb during iti>- st St Patrick's Church in now preparing iur the hf/H Sht- allt-ntlt^i S*afli*7'i Mil: ;,!!•! m\!S whseh d color lek-vislon set • ;i[ Adams Clothing Store-New Providence competition to tw held ut tlit- •|\i,, thrll.-. »ni' r("jxi! I l|>un - Ed Courter IK-cfinlK-r 1: -\routu! n Inter ii-coverril m ll»| Show Canc©H»d chapters, will share the Includes local resiiii-nl.s .In Her laUirf R,-,mon a!*.* Chatham Township Deli rairmount A»e Lund uf Nt'vv PruvulcsHt- an, [mho- MM-ivnt w;>rc! vlrtnitv Knlry was tsmm1" evenlng!i festivities in ltV«^ III N('v\ f'i (r\ |(J« iir«' The I Mill Playhouse Office /// /fal 3 Bobby ("ulleton and Sue Ilia! jew <'li > Mlu-rvi around through tin- ccllai (ludliiii a fashion show of I "Suite in TV., Home i i /-us/y costumes from Hickory khiikt'r ui Mufiav Hiii siiiu a fui .-oat. ai a total Approximately $:>u 111 imh _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ Tree Chorus shows arid Louise Cairns'. Linda estimated value 111 » Ja >loien fluff l>^i^- ,....u. ^.ii^u,e,. .,- ufa -i, i ...-• [._-.,. 1 ,.'.•••>• ! ,, a Mtitors '«i Morris avenue Jiitiiiiirv II and run UL'ougl) roinpetUi'tft^ f°i' 'hf [kisi ui Doaiis. Gave Franklin. Aim !»of! Si I ll); ^ """' I 'i Ihf r m I'ethlck. Hubs Vaughn ami Numnilt Her aid s \riiit ^ \i> i'."Mdi-7.hniar> :, Theatre got'i s I/use Tumill. all of Sum Ihe editor < ulumii •„•(•.»«• Tt>,. ,<-.,r -!,..! !>«d around Id 1. m on Januar> «Ir, hav.- purchased tu-keth m it t>riidtlllt- \Ullltia> ii\ noon >«.,.., I,,.!-.-! -IK-II iwiu-e J TtH-(i' "-"st'-r >,ul«'ricilioi, M-rii- ' liiat sanH-t-'-rniMii. police cording topuiice Trie empty should rail the- IKM oflu;.- CERTIFICATES wen' cjilled to i. IKMIK- on ra&li '*« Uken from Use Vt. 4?,« i I


GUARANTEED — 6VEARS $1,000 00-- MINIMUM INTEREST FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT haircutters etc. 4S7-9797 fSt IIOftRtS TPK (Next Id She* Town) SHORT HILLS HOLIDAY ENTEKTAlNr.llR — Vrrnelle Conrad, harpist. Ijiura Alton, vocalist and J«H-V Saraluiji pianist.rHtfrtaineil SA(iK Spend-A-Dny members during their Chrtslmah pan* THIS IS THE HIGHEST RATE ALLOWED 762-9577 OPEN MONDAYS at Kdlson Hetreatton Outer. The program was arranged tfy Mrs Atton. i i'iiirtugraph i^ BY FEDERAL REGULATION J (.ten II Hansom I federal regulations per mil withdrawal Before ma lunty provided the rate ot interest on the amount 3O Fine Shops withdrawn is reduced to me passbooh rate and 3 OKetlng Spectacular Values ;< ot-f's "'teresi at thai rate is forfeited

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TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL December's Sloom't

COMPOUNDED DAILY, CREDITED QUARTERLY Vtl O V« tt>r ihelwih A boudoir Counlrv Clothier $100°° MINIMUM casual cttrtlin for ihccnme (amily January 5th, 6th and 7th Tho ChlldT*n't Acod»my titttnoni (or the young Th« Cablio!mak»f Save at our Storewide Semi Annuai Clearance Sale. carl> tiandcrafl«! fwrrtilure OTHER HIGH YIELD CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS Come early and choose from savings ot Dittincliv«Cr*aHont AND SAVINGS PLANS AVAILABLE riiimkr.iri«l|Eifts fur everyone 50% off our regular prices. Th» Plant Shop

Ebfff* taMiul furniture BIQVO lanon, J*w*!or» new dimensions in Friendly Financial Services Since 1891 For 1978 we offer you more stores, more special events precious gift^ and more value for your doiiar. T!mcp!sc*s Ltd Summit Federal Saulngs fvan't shoes ol fashion for women and Loan Association MURRAY HILL SQUARE MacHugfc, Inc. nitn's&tadiesapparcl 393 Springfield Ave., Summit 273-8150 441 Springfiolii A»e., Berkeley Heights Flora! Avenue, Murray Hi!!-, New Providence.. New Jersey (201)464-5097 Wm Pepp*r*tl Ltd. Momlny i» Saturday V:JI> to ?:30 / Thmsday lil! 9:00, SunJav t2:(K) to 4- M) (sclei-icd ^ho\^) Vour Savings up to 540,000 are fully insured hy the federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. Major Credit Cards Honoitd Th»Kltch»nHac* Open Daily 8 AM 3 PM Thursday Evenings 6 P.M. 8 P.M. cvcryihiii? foi the kitchen andtrteciwk Do(ionHou$0ltd. (n-tli. ilncd&<.iik flower*. IHt.MIMMI'I llUULO. THl KSUA1. JAMIAKY 5, t

library Board t or In-depth leaning on 'in- Urf liMa.1 went, "fad Uir Whatever \bufieed Mayor Reflects on 1977 and Outlines Suminll H«r»M r>«r> vitek, Sets Meeting -t •( -t The KeguUr monthly JK OFFICE MACHINES meeting of the trustees uf .Li'iie' wt Si>"ir<"( A veil lit «r«S b»"*- Si i eel buf*>' >•) the Public Ubrai y wit! held Some Future Plans In Annual Message ul the library HI H p.m OH 273-M11 ~" January 11. The following Is the library services and poptunity for everyone to must ask you to look at it in returned it to you as in- r complete text of Mayor reciprocal borrowing provide input into the the s»fcr»e objective dividuals rattier than to the Prank H. Lehr'a third privileges. Our citizens can decision. businesslike manner in city so we had a blight tax '"State of the City" message use the libraries of New The final outcome will which nil other expenditures increase of lets than ** Uorn The Hu.tle | delivered during the 78th Providence, Berkeley have a decided impact on are reviewed The minibus of 1 percent in 1ST77 Hustle" dance classes annual Organisation Heights, Chatham, our community, and 1 am has nol provided the an This year, I'll make the will be offered at the Meeting of Common Council Madison, and Morrislown. it asking everyone to be llcipated overall social same prediction as last Summit Area YMCA on held Monday night at City Is no longer necessary for concerned now while the benefits I have always year We Imve field the line Sundays. 3-4.10 pm I Hall each library to purchase various alternatives are believed that a government on the city taxes. our school beginning January 15 "During this annual reference material on all under consideration should only provide services board is planning a tight Instructed by the Maria I reorganization meeting, the subjects. Each is assigned a In the area of finance. I which citizens cannot budget, find if the county Prladka Studio of East mayor has traditionally specialty — Summit's am proud to say that we provide for themselves budget Is reasonable, we Orange, the six-week course delivered a State of the City specialty is business. In have maintained our high There are numerous ways will see no increase In fact I will include American, SUMMIT. NEW JERSEY message which reviewed 1978 we are planning to double a financial rating for Individuals to get across. believe there will be a slight l^attn, and Line "Hustles" I the activities within the city expand this reciprocal We are rated every year by Summit at equal or lower reduction in taxes in I97B and the new touch disco during the past year, briefly service with nine other both Moody's and Standard cost titan the present With Ihiit happy Classtss are open to udutts outlined the city's future libraries and Poor s. This rating minibus system as provided possibility, ! will conclude (.enior high students, I needs, and recommended While our library was attests to the sound financial by the city Cost to benefit my message and take this singles, or couples, 8 course LET OUR SUPPLIES methods of meeting those closed, the other Federates strength of the city and is ratios should be carefully opportunity to wifh the See is charged, and advance needs libraries were extensively important in selling long assessed and a program ul (Wincil and all of you a registration requtred Call The year 1977 was a utiliied by students and term bonds or borrowing IhulfcMeti fees should bt' happy and pi c*t»-ri>us New the YMCA. 273-333(1. '"r I KEEP YOU relatively quiet year No other library potrons short term money formulated and announced Year frrthpr information startling changes were During this period, our We managed to provide now or the entire system made No major capital library clerks worked in city essential services at n should be abandoned The I I improvements were com- and school board offices and minimal tax increase last amouiil budgeted to operate TOASTY WARM: pleted It was a year of our librarians worked in our year Members of tlie the minibus system could be modernizing, upgrading, school libraries ur were Council and the Board of used in so many, many other Valley Stamp & Coin Center I and building from within. loaned to other federation Education are now at «w» ways to gain greater social I We Carry Combination Windows and We have improved. We have members. When they return preparing budgets for 14T7B benefits or to provide more OFFERING... become more efficient, and next week, they will bring Ilie city budget will be Important services for ;i Storm Doors, Measured and Installed, | we will do more along these new knowledge gained from ready shortly, utid the greater number o! citizens U.S. COINS PROOFS YEAR SETS I lines in 1875 diverse experience in these school budget will be ready I'd lik** trt touch upon ;i FOREIGN COINS SACKS ALBUMS STAMPS Despite the relative quiet varied, positions in February We are hoping riew subjtx'l Us unly new in COVERS SETS SUPPLIES ALBUMS Zonolite Pouring insulation on the surface during 1977, A multilevel parking to hold the line on taxes that the subject has nol CATALOGS HARRIS SCOTT MINKUS "i despite many uncontrollable been discussed lately I'm I there are many projects garage has been in the news ANCO CAPITOL WHITE ACE SHOWGUARO where the groundwork has this year The-businessmen cost increases The city has talking about a new City Cook & Dunn Paints & Paneling been laid, and we are read) and merchants In ttw the same problems with Hall budgets as homeowners do HARRIS WHITE ACE I for tether action Senior central business district t'eei I am recommending U>a! MSNXUS SCOTT I with fuel, insurance and the citizen housing is one that more inner city parking the Council initiate the first SUPPLEMENTS Fire Wood Cannel Coal example. This item has beer, is necessary They are the many items subject to steps to acquire a new ad ARRIVING DAILY on the public agenda since willing to rent parking inflation. ministration building to I 1S74 We have conducted spaces that will help a Our pension costs were up bring all of our scattered WISHING ALL OUB FRIENDS A VERY f'ire f*Eace studies. We have major portion o; ihe cusi of a $S9,eoe last year. We esptct li! d documented the need. We new tiered parking garage a $97,000 increase this year under one roof This same tmgm I have studied some sites We The central business to $S7O,000.You can see by recommendation has been 8 are now ready to proceed in properties account for these dollar figures why we mad* by my predecessors VALLEY STAMP & COIN providing housing (or senior approximately 8 percent o! passed several formal Mayor Trucksess and VALLEY MALL j citizens. 1 am asking the our taxes; but, more im- resolutions, wrote many Mayor Bennett The last GILLETE, N.J. 847-6550 portantly, this attractive letters, and made numerous major improvements to this I council to designate one Open Tues Ftl 1»5, ThuinOB, Sal 10-6 councilman as a liaison to shopping and business area phone calls to the state building were made in 1958 the housing authority to helps to make Summit a legislature strongly op while Dave Trucksess was work with the authority's desirable community and is posing the police and fire chairman of lh« Building subcommittee on this ible, in part, for our "20 and out" pension bill and Grounds Committee It Important subject. ty values, This bill was defeated, but it was the intention to eon Baincgat Bedmmster Berkeley He.qhts Bemarcbv.ile Blackwoo.) Bnck Town Camden Carle-el Cherry H,ll Cantod f „•,! H,^ iber of Com- will almost certainly be strucl a new building 10 In other areas, the Introduced again in the Mousing Authority has merce informs me that they years later - in 1968 I have receive one or two calls a legislature. We will continue not brought up this subject acquired the site on Weaver to oppose it, and 1 would street, has completed ar- week asking about vacant previously because of the stores in Summit, but there urge everyone to be aware state of the economy and the chitectural plans, has let of this type of legislation contracts, and expects to are no stores available. financial crunch which we which brought New York went through as a city as break ground next week on We must maintain this City to its knees. You can be 30 units of housing. When viable center city area, and well as individuals There with a h assured that your council are serious problems and these units are ready, the I am pleased to see that the and \ will not let the relocation at families from council is proceeding with high costs involved in our Community Develop- further "architectural problems from across the maintaining and repairing account only» ment area will begin. The studies on the two most Hudson reach Summit, if we this archaic structure. community deveSopniKnt tirornising lots. 1 believe have control of the situation. The parking deficiencies area is located between the that adequate parking is However, you should be and inconvenience to our your choice of these special gifts with CUy Hall, the Post Office, necessary and that a tiered aware that much of your tax citizens, not just employees, and the library. The parking garage is finan- bill is beyond our control are some of the drawbacks a deposit of $300 or more! relocation will, in turn, open cially feasible and and has been mandated by to this building High the way for acquisition, necessary to insure the our stale government. ceilings, loose windows, and demolition, and clearing of continued vitality of our Our insurance cost have lixClY Ot iiiSUiSitGS* i*C£|bUrX* the rundown housing in this business area r*sen 20 percent, up $77,000 excessive amounts of CD. area. Over the pst 3 There were no major new to $463,0O0. This may appear energy for heating and years. Councilman projects undertaken by the large, but we are fortunate cooling. There are many Schrctter and William Board of Recreation in 1977. to get by with such a small reasons to prove that this Machmer of the Housing Instead, it was year of irscresse. Costs for many old school has long ago Authority have represented upgrading. The fieldhouse communities have risen 40 outlived its usefulness — not to 60 percent and some over Sttectfeom Summit in the County tit Memorial Field was to mention the fact that this GO Gift* Community Development modernized. New 100 percent. Our'insurance Is the only City HaU 1 know program. They have been restrooms were built coverage and costs are of where we cannot come in with* successful in obtaining over which will now ac- reviewed by our very by the front door We don't one-half million dollars to commodate the han- versatile Insurance have the money to do much date. This money will be dicapped. The heating Advisory Board headed by this year, but we can con used to improve and rebuild system in this building was Patrick "Joe" Gibbons sider sites and start some the CD area. Only a small also modernized and This board and a very architectural conceptions. knowledgeable insurance amount of this money has designed for zone heating to It has been my custom to heesi spent so far to acquire conserve energy. Our agent, Spencer Maben, review and vary our in- be at City HaU on Saturday and develop the Httle pocket swimming poo! sUl start its mornings io meet wlili the park at the intersection of seventh season this year surance carriers, where necessary, to provide the Police Chief, other city Broad street and Morris with no increase In fees. It officials, and civic groups. I avenue and to acquire one has been self-supporting best coverage at the lowest costs. am also available and would building on Railroad avenue with the same fee schedule be happy to meet with any which will be demolished that was used when we first In discussing finances, citizen, by appointment, '•vi!hiri th— ssyi few rlnvR opened this facility. Our golf there is one srea which during these Saturday NlneteenSeventy-Eight will CuUrse saw 28,000 rounds of troubles me deeply We s^siOfiS. There ;s a!se a be a dramatic year for this golf played last year, and strive hard to t{et the Council member available area after many years of Wilson Park is now in its maximum benefits from on the Saturday preceding planning third year providing diverse every dollar that we spend Council meetings. types of recreation. Six of taxpayer's money. In the hundred people are playing area of the Minibus, 1 am It's always interesting at The most expensive this time of the year to guess Improvement made last paddle ball straight through concerned about the these cold winter months on benefits to the community at our tax rates for 1978. The year was a new ceiling in the actual rate will not be library. We've invested the courts at Wilson Field. and the dollars expended to No major problems were gain the benefits. The known until April — after SSHOOO in removing and the city. the school, and the replacing a potentially encountered in our school minibus was conceived system in 1977. Our teachers against the backdrop of the county budgets are hazardous asbestos ceiling. finalized. This project caused a are working on the second energy crisis. Although not serious disruption of library year of a two-year contract. considered a viable idea, it Last year I predicted a service. The library has been was put on referendum by a slight tax decrease. I was closed since October 11. The sympathetic Council, it was counting on the state to final clean-up work is this year. The year approved by voters with a return some of our state aid scheduled to begin be important because of our social conscience. It was from 19*76. but the Governor tomorrow and hopefully we decreased school hoped that it would serve will reopen a week from enrollments and our need to senior citizens, the un- Local Resident today on January 9. review the effect of this derpriviliged, commuters, decrease. To study this and shoppers; and at the During this three-month problem, we are appointing Admitted to Bar period, cur citizens w*ers same time, it would con- a broad-based committee serve energy and alleviate served by the other five which will analyze statistics Paul D. Stern, son of Mr. libraries in our Morris- the parking problem in our and Mrs. Seymour Siern of and make recom- center city. Union Library Federation. mendations. "funtley road, has been This Is an opportunity to admitted to the New York Statistics indicate that it Bar. remind you about our It appears that some has not accomplished these NOW is a fantastic new type of account because it ena- continue to oani at the annual rate of S^o (no mter Library Federation. Inter- changes should be made in aims to any marked degree. A graduate of Summit bles you lo pay all your bills with one quick phono call earned (or the period tl your average monthly balann community sharing of our system. The number of It does provide a service to High School, he received his and at the same time earn interest1 Sails below $5Q| services is not new to students is decreasing to the our school children. bachlor's degree from Summit. You are aware that point where it is becoming Approximately 75 percent of Lehigh University, You can pay any bill with wOW-your credit card our Board of Health has not only expensive but our riders are children on Bethlehem, Pa. where he charges—you' utilOios — nvon youf mortgage or renl pay been expanded to serve not difficult to provide a proper the way to school. Riderahip majored in political science ments At the lime you open your account, you authorize Open a WOwfuccouni today Ftou Gitt available for a only Summit but several of variety and spectrum of drops automatically during and was graduated summa us in writing, as to who we should pay—thereafter you limited time only In New Jersey call us toll free - our neighboring com- courses. The ultimate the summer or during school cum laude. Simply phone Toll-free 800-492-4099 and tell us how 800-492*4099 for additional information' munities. You know that we solution should not be vacations, Stern received his juris much to pay and we will h;in'1le everything s 0 built our refuse Transfer based solely upon saving The cost per rider, to doctor , degree from Plus other High Rate Accounts up to 7 :* * available at Station to serve both money. The quality of the Syracuse School of Law, vour NCWf account wilt earn 5% interest Iroro day-ol- New Jersey s Billion Dollar Family Financial Center Sub- cover all expenses, is ap- stantial interest penalty is required lo'r early withdrawal on Summit and New educational system should Syracuse, N.Y. where he deposit to day-o(-withdrawal Interest is rompountJed and proximately SI .50. This is cortificatos Providence. be the iiiOSi important the same as the cost of an graduated magna cum credited munihiy i! youf cnoriiniy sversgefca:sOC£ !=':= = Our library, too, in an factor in any. final average taxi ride in Sum- laude. He also received the below $300 thore s a nominal charge of 50e. but you effort to reduce costs and recommendation. Decrea- mit. The fare on our minibus American Jurisprudence provide better service, sing the size of a school is 25 cents which means that Award for achieving the helped to form a cooperative system is a greater problem the taxpayers are assuming highest grades in civil In New Jersey call Toil-Free 800-492-4099 for more about federation with our neigh- than expanding a system. a loss of $1.25 for each rider. procedures. He was elected bors. Six of us formed the The ad hoc Committee will I am asking the council to to the Justinian Honorary 'c Morris-Union Library hold numerous open take another cold, hard look Law Society, and to the iy Phillipsburg Perth Arr.boy Parsippany North Newark North Elizabeth New Providence Mornstown Moorestown Menlo Park Federation with combined meetings with ample op- at the minibus service. ! Order of the Coif SO THL SUMMIT HERALD, THrKSDAY, JANUARY S. WT« Masco, Setco Cagers Score Easy Victories Kranepool 1 In the Summit Basrd of sparing six consecutive with additional scoring from shooting by Ucrardu and At Stove Recreation Men's pints, to give Masco a 16-15 Manning and Scoll, put the Pieluuus turned the game Basketball League, two lead Later m the half a game out ol Chubb'b reach. around, giving Setco a 47-2/ tntar-divisian games were jumper by Manning tied the Manning (33), Fairfax hatflime lead Dinner played lilt week Masco score, 37-37. (18), Scott (18), Thomas Setco dominated Turner breeitx) by Chubb and Son, After a Chubb time out (13), provided the scoring throughout the second half, Kddie Kranepool, the best 98-73, while Setoo trounced MBSCO came out in a man to for Masco, Weiss, (24), Doyle controlling the boards of- piKh-hitter in the National Turner, 111-63 man press which caused (19), Ericson (17), Gubemat fensively and defensivel) lx-agje, will be one of the MBSCO struggled with numerous Chubb turnover!) (13 i lead the Chubb offense SMco's defense denied featured speakers at the Chubb in u seesaw battle and give Masco a 46 31* Setco had an easy time Turner the good percentage 42nd Annual "H "Hot Stove through most of the first h&lftime lead with Turner Turner led shot and forced Turner to League" Baseball dinner half Manning came off the In the second hall tix tarly 12-6 but Setco was not make mistakes which This annual affair wili be bench early in the first half, straight points by Fairfax, going to be denied Good resulted in fast-break held on Tuesday, January 24 situations to widen Setco's at the Town and Campus lead Banquet Center, Union Prehinus isu), Liecardu Krgnepool, the senior Amherst A' Letter To Tear© i at), Owren 1141. and Heppc members of the New York < 121 furnished the povivr for Mets, enjoyed another who o*ns over 100 cart-ei Christopher M Teare, a second-place limb!) m the Setco McUlynnn <22], creditable year while ap- Little Three victories m tub Amherst Turner U7) arid Boff (if), pearing In 108 games sophomore at Amhersi coaching career, said of College, was recently After losing the opener to headed the attack for Steady Kddie batted 281. Division 1! Springfield Teare awarded Ins first varsity T u r n e r IN NKW I>OST — R with it* home runs and 40 College, Amherbt went "As a backup quar lerback KBI'S "A" for his performance on this season, Chrih inadf h Malcolm Srhwarti ol the Amherst College football unbeaten LII its next MX Krimepooi. one of the outings until suffering « great contribution to the team success of the 1S77 Amherst elected u \tee president ol original Mets, had the tough 21 13 defeat to arch New Classes distinction of being the most After two non winning rival Wilh&ms (Viege m it team He impressed me ttooi-Allen and Hamilton, a 4s. JSS'W. seasons the Amhersi greatl> with his poise on the I e tt (11 n g management dependable pinch hitter in game that ctin-ided the Little the National league For College Lord Jeffs Three title field ami with his fine At th» YAACA t-omiilltnK, ir<»iiolog> and rebounded in IU77 and market leM-nitli firm. Neh- the past four reasons HtlNOKKD - John Soloway, left, bwincsn lolumniM »f Ihr M.u l^-dgn r.-,«i>. Cooeh James OsU-mlarp, throwing arm He will see posted a 5-2-1 mark and a considerable' action in his Thr Summit Aifii YMCA u-arU h tut inermtve In Krane's pinch-hil averages* congratuiationfi trom t'nion County 20U Club President Jainrx Mi( u\ as pj»( |n~M(ii i.i- remaining two seasons at will add an adult learn to Houi-Allen't Manngement have been 486, 400, «w and Kussell Bauef. ttummlt. Itoberi Heilly, Westfiel') and I huimnln I H/u!jt!li I •' Amherst " swim class on Mondays (oiiKUlting dfoup and huh 448 His 448 figure was on Mr Suiowa> received a plaque In recognition of bis Mipifoit uf tlif ;i>0 (tub .<:id il.i from ;»• 15 10 p m in addition been baked in \rw York lor good enough to lead all Mnuuciiil aid It give* lo families of slat*- polite, firemen and local police killed in the Hut- »f Teaie is the son of Mr and f Mrs Malcolm M Teare uf :•> *c Wed"™diiv r^orninj^ <*nt the iiitit tuti \ears. He »B» pinch swingers in the league duty Hobin Hood Road. Summit Thursday evening classes, formerly un e»ecullv» vice tntf year Hia liieumr KEEl'S Me is 2 !W« graduate of beginning next week presidem i>( a comumer batting average as a pinch Summit High School Kcsumin^ lins wi;,Wr. :•! c 11 r o?n • ^ nrnducls hitter is 292 Beacon Hill Skaters BiankCranford, S-Q also, hi "Mommy and Me" dlvtston «l V\esliiighouse Kranepool has taken u»« TEiiiS Sm SPSIIiTSWUli Mittereti in the atiijuij an exercise program tor 1 3 Klectrk (or|Kjratlon I'tlur the club aW-tifne leadership The Beacon Hill Ciub's Badgley led the team'fi January Clearance Sale year olds and mothers to jsniiUig "Ai-aiingheas*-, he in home runs. KBI's. oast Bantam A's were victorious scoring with two goals pt-xiod. Jttn Combies will be desigiu^l to guide mothers in hrid man»K<*iiul r«»sUl«n» hits, and extra base hits and over a tough Cranlord ice fVther goals were e/'or*'*! lost to his itam for several Ctit's Pro Shoo now ranks first in eight by Jim Gornbias, Ronnie weeks r helping children In physical with Internjlional .Silver hockey team, 5-0 in departments as the all-time Matt Zanelli was out Turko and Billy Gump Livingston skated at the 50% off p Met leafier. Plaza Lints luslk-o ( urporstion and for standing in goal while Duff IJue to a shouider injury On a!! sale racks and im-niai development > Squirt A team last Saturday and self-confidence through five > t-ul>, will, * rtHU«» 6. The score was tied, 1 -1. with men's, women's & children's movement exploration (•uuible Maiiufacturini; six minutes to go when twu Special txcrcisci CSsss"" will meet ( ompain Hi' gradu'iteil successive penalties against wearing apparel Thursdays at 1 p.m . in- frc::: P««w,*,**,r', l!»ivethU\ Beacon Hill gave Livingston 3MC structed by Linda Liebiedz and is a member of the a two-man advantage auu |$if& $2 specials vaiues to *15 > Al1 seven week winter l*rUu-i'tms Club of \» w they uere able to score two classes for pre-school, youth York Scbwarti is chalrm,ui, quick goals lo win 31 SALE STARTS JAN. 5 (kidadw iDiDMwttnM g and adults will resume the of tht- riiy llriiioiialic Beacon Hill's effort was •ndckHUn)) week of January 9 at both Cotntnitlt-e. a mrmbfr of the exfcutive t'ommUtfc ui highlighted by Tom Bock'b 10-5 P.M., Mon.-Sat. MVMttMM the Summit "Y" and the unassisted goal in the first Witt, ftaw. team the I i.iiin (ountv Cmnm »nm% DrUiMt* Branch "Y" in Berkeley 1 period and the strong Closed Thurs. nights in Jan. & Feb. Heights, with advance Uc-iiiocratit (^oni niittei and wvW a inenibrr of the Cre*t\irw goaltending effort by John «4 Pleasant Vsllej W»j, West Orange II Yaara t registration required Call Club Shipley 731-2760 337-8919 273 3330 or 464 8373 for The Beacon Hill Varsity brochures and further in opened IDs season with a formation strong effort against Essex Hunt. Steven Keller came through with three goals and the defense held Essex Hunt scoreless. Bob Mortality puttered a hip injury and will be lost to Beacon Hill for the season. During Christmas week the Varsity team came In fourth in the Kssex Hunt Club Tournament. John Gump was selected most valuable player of the tournament for Beacon Hill Kl.MKMHHAM'K »>K \ dltAM) OPENING — hi the opening o! the new f-'artrrel C!t:b David Lawrence LINCOLN • MERCURY • DATSIIN Savings and Loan Association rniliibmnch office at the Shop-Bite supfnnurkcl. IV played outstanding goal in Morris avenue. Ciirlcret President Kobert It O'Brien. Jr., right, of Summit passps a the tournament. memento of the opening to a pair of youthful shoppers; Stephan and Alexander Klauser. with their mother. Mrs Hans Klauscr. in center, common Couucti President Watson B. S;s!t!i lo"k« »•> Klausers are visitors lo Summit from Switzerland. The new mint-branch Kor iikdepth reporting on Is 2Hth Curlricl oftlce in II couniles, and represents first uranch iu I..!,™, Coiiniv. ihe Iscs! sccse, r«d !!»• Summit Herald every week


e ii(3e w*l'V- autSRiltic, t cyltntr r iie*ring. power fortkev tit AM You Are Cordially Invited To Come In And See A d'rf fere it kind o Wtfh t|,41? miles Stock No SSCP The STUTZ Black hawk V! ofusec car 75 BU1CK CENTURY CUSTOM One Of The World's Most Expensive Motor Cars from a diferent S3595 '76 CUTIASS SUPREME BROUGHAM eaSer. F> a Power tavintUwi. kind of $4,695 The used cars listed here aren't ordinary used cars. •73 CHEVIf UMAR0 350 TYPt U Because they don't come from an ordinary dealership. green m*t*!!ttureen clsfti b«t At Face, a customer is respeiled as the owner t, «ut«., • CyltiHMr. P. J Pi, *ir. mptrifur* A im of a fine automobile, not dismissed as a trouble some- accessory lo it. S3195 75 BUICK CERTURT CUSTOM Because of our service, we're Selling more and Red. white bucKct tt*tt, white tftndvu (op. automatic, 6 cyltnfler. power itccr more new Buicks. And taking in mure and more fine ing. power brakes, power wififlowv «tr, cars as trade-ins. The cars listed ere are the hl itlM (3895 X- Before we put a used car up for sale, we inspect it 77 BUICK REGAL inside and out. We fix what needs fixing -;uid if we Four cuor. Blue-wiiite vinyl root, ttiui ilt-eftng, air, A^t radio, power win can't we simply don't sell the car to you. 6awi, power doer ioekx. white sldi r;idi»is- > cvlinc^r. 6.012 rntie* Stoci Then, we protect every used car we sell with Pace No SO0P Power brake* Buick's own double warranty: 3 months or 3,(KX) $5495 A limited-production motor-car of advanced design ... built entirely by hand. miles, whichever comes first, on the entire car plus 76 BUICK EUCTRA 225 Feurooor tetian. Wntwlfh Wut60-tocieth 6 moiiths/6,0(X) miles (whichever comes first) limited ie*ti, power drive Mat, I cytifttfer, P.S., p B . P&w«r wtndowt, auto., cruli* con trol, powrtr door locks. AMFM sttreo I to the engine and drive . tricic, r«tr window *«foaotr-icer Ratfiat Hand Crafted In Torino, Italy whit* tldswail*. 15,441 mit» Stftch No Best of all, when you buy a used car from Pace, MOtfi $ New Zealand Lambs Wool Carpeting 64,500. you receive the same attentive service that's winning J4595 Finest Bark Tanned Leather Interior la* and N J Lie us more and more new-car customers. 76 BUICK REGAL Four door Blu»-illver virtyi, top, blue By Connolly Bros., Of London cloth interior, power steering, power So. if you're tired of looking at the same old kind of brakes, sir, AM radio, white side wfetH. 24 Karat Gold Plate Interior Appointments • .'] Others in stock used cars, come to Pace. You'll find the kind of used e cylinder, 31,?*) mil«. Slock No i»P VH- Turbo Hydro-Matic Transmission car you can trust—because you can also trust the $4495 dealership they come from. 7S BUICK CENTtm CUSTOM ftsd-whlts U(«#»tf tw^ wWt» bucket uatt. I cylindtf auto., P.S., t*.B., P»wtr win- flow*, Air. AM-PM iterto, M»0- wheels, l*,7« miiei. Stock Ho. MIA 68 RIVER ROAD SUMMIT $3850 VCAQ" . — -r% 1000 yard* (torn Short Hills Mall 72 CADILLAC COUPt D£ V1UE Tan-green halo vinyl root, tan leather o22-iGGG 6M0 power drive seat, S cylinder, Auto., P.5., F.B., r.W., RfK-rjw. Citiu?*? "^trs! air conditioningg , tilt and telescopipc steer- BUICK CORPORATION i Ing wheell , 58,474 3 milesl . An exceptionallil y 68-72 Franklin Place, Summit, N.J. 07901 I clean cor, x (201 522-1111 t $2395 PAUt n Ht.KAl.I), [Hi. KSW..HM'AHt 5, IV7B year-round course will be developed with l>r liana 5 Summit Youths, Receive Awards offered in six week Missions Kr*u& and conducted by Participaritii will review Marjorie M. Murphy of trie The Morrulowilksard Aril and Charles Cave and be monitored on all lb YMCA professional staff, is School has awarded athletic received Junior varsity exercises and be retested designed lo prevent, letters to five Summit soccer awards, while Wit! with the Kr«u8-Weber test alleviate, or ehrmnatt- back Summit Cagers (5-1) Win residents lor their par- and Albert Haiback were Individuals will then be pain through regulai, ticipation in lire bchool's tall members of the Middle reevaluated. and have their corrective exercise Classes bports program School soccer learn exercise programs meet twice weekly on Richard Wigdon. I'eter Mike Hill of Summit was redesigned if neces&ary Monday and Thursday among the football lei- The six week winter evenings or Tua»du; and Friday noons League If a player is not a term en this e-eason at session of "Y's Way to a member at the lime, up Marion Military Institute Healthy Back" will also Holiday Tournament Title plications will be available i'rep in Marion, Ala begin nex! week The Call the YMCA 273 3S30, Recent bridge winners (it Tom Brady of Summit has national YMCA wurw for further iirforrruilion -_„ With ..landing liitlfutw lead Mike received Ms second varsity Having won the Summit Providence High (MMU and Us bid (<« the Suburban Wilkerson had eight points, the dub included Wally TOT) showing, have lo be Meyer of Berkeley Heights soccer letter at Northern- Christmas Tournament title Chatham Boro <65-i7>, Conference championship for the Hllitoppers, while Ed Illinois University, De Kalb. 40 Years t »(>et«!icc wltli a t»ir of iinpreosive Summit High's basketball this week curistttervd a bolid contender and his son from California. for inference honors Their Morgans 16 paced New Ill Brady helped Northern victories over New team 15-1) was set to open Tom OOIMII » ft-ovtdence Mr and Mrs William only loss this season ha& Hacek o' Marlinsvitle. l*e Illinois post a 74 record this t*en to Delb&rton School ol New fYovidence 11-4) look Grove of Summit and M season Murristown, a oner-beaten third place with a 4742 Klguindy of Short Hills Al prep school power which lias victory over Bay ley Ellard Hodapp of Union and lxmise New Bock Car© PBDETT! four starters back from a Regional High of Madison Lippc of Springfield, and •ll(IMH0> M&UttO • klMtlfHCf 0* learn thai was 21 3 a year The Pioneers had a 21 * edge Catherine Clark and Wynn al ihe foul Uii£ against Bathroom, Kitchwi. Red. Room, AlttratHKii ago ( 1 Hunter, both of Morristmra Courts at YM Hot WstBr Hasten The Hillloppera turned m Bayley 1 5 Morgan tossed Starting Tuesday in nine free throws and one of their mini im January 3. the King of Club-, "Backs Anonymous, a Specialistt in Steam sod Hot Weter Heariiny prtssive triumphs of Iht'(o'llgan t-ight l(>r newwill be mi its regular Providence nev. back can- review Cot"nmftrcial arid Industnsl \Hork season with a strong schedule at o|R*n games on program for all alumni of Sewer Connection* comeback against a well Jerry Carbone paced New Tuesday, Friday and "Y's Way In a Healthy regarded Chathan: Boru lYovidence with 11 points. Saturday. 8 \> m urn! back" will be offered by the CALl - while Andy Malrieiano squad in the Holiday Sundays. 1 30 am* 7 [i m Summit Area VMCA 464 1810 Tournament linal tallliti 14 fui Bnyley-Kllani }• or further information beginning Wednesday, Chatham Noro a Chatham Boro hud reached tail Fled llurwilt S77 BU67 January 11 a! 7 :«i p m Tin- possession ball type ol the title round game with team, stunned Summit with Summit with u victory over a 22 point first period uhieh Hayk-y Ellard in :S2 lead Savings BanK Bt haUtime Summit built ]an. 5, Ian H its edge to 52-46 in the third period mid protected its 'Hie King ol Clubs will margin during the linal start It'78 with two Mem eight minutes of play hers hip Bridge Games. Inxon finished wilii 23 Thursday, January 5, at I) points (or a two-game , and Sunday January tournament tosa! ut 43, a I u Bietm Providence The Pioneers rallied in the Classes third period to cut Summit's margin to 3022, but the high-powered HUItoppers Summit blew the game open in the tnroll Now just a year ago! final eight minutes of play Dixon finished wiLh 2" JERSEY I points, including 10 in the fourth quarter Jordan, who DOG COLLEGE had 17 points, accounted for We wish to thank everyone for eight in the second period as Ci!l 654-6632 Summit built up its com- their warm and responsive LEASING & DAILY RENTAL reception to our first year in SERVICE town.

iNDiVIDUM CJN Stfwr-xwxwKv-tS^ HHt 1(»S1W f«ii piwuci uinvtm FREE To help celebrate the I FLETCHER occasion we will be offering for a LINCOLN MCRCURVOftTSUN limited time only an opportunity to . 68 RUtRHflRD, SUMMIT OOOD HEASON TO C!!EER - Sumsu! HSgfe's cheerleaders bad plenty to yell about as | Hllltopper.' basketball team wmi Somtnlt Christmas Tuxarnanieiit with vktorks ever j Will ciinceith i a iv unniviwjr wv*i\w wt w. fie* Prsvidtsss and Chatham Boro. (J.J.Dunne photo) SmokeGard Smoke Detector, FREE! Hot Line • And maybe a for admission tow truck charge to Union College hite Cail Union College s Admissions Hot Line to iearn how you can btjyin vt resume CGiit5y6 stuutGS ;n the Spr:"g Ss^icstcr Ths Hot Line will be open Monday through Friday, through January PACE BUICK 13th. from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. to answer your questions about WINTER PERFORMANCE admissions, programs of study, financial aid. career planning AND SAFETY SPECIAL: registration D Tune-Up. To enter the competition simply stop by our office and fill | D tngme periorrnance analysis D Battery load test. 212-8580 out an entry form between January 23 and January 31. | Q Cooling system inspection including pressure check 272-8581 Q Complete safety inspection You tie not have to bs a depositor to enter. Winners will be I UJ Di~3kc iiMtr,g;r,3pcctio" (If kusv. call ?7R-?600. Ext 263) notified each day of the drawing. Good Suck! I Q Full, written report on the Begin careers in condition ol your car Business. Engineering. Nursing I Regularly $54 95 (plus parts) Law Medicine Dentistry Again thank you from a proud 85 year old establishment | Now to January 31, 1978, Education Accounting. Biology. with a very promising one year old office in | Chemistry. Criminal Justice Union College only $34.95 (plus parts). Communications Social Work. Craniord'Elizabeth iPlainiield New Providence. | Public Administration If you don't want to take advantage ol our Winter Special, we'll make il '.vorth your while t" come in and say hello. We'll give you an on change (filter additional cost if needed), and lubrication MEMBER FWC complete for only $7 95—just for Ihe chance lo meet you. Both offers expire January 31 1978 QNTCLAIR

BUICK CORPORATION VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER • NEW PROVIDENCE 68-72 Franklin Place. Summit N i (201)5221111 464-5788 tKQi. 12 HtH/UiK Hit HSDAY JAM \ti\ 5 l»7B Government by "Consulting Firm" Is on Increase, Rinaldo Says Federal agencies are year for approving the consulting and n o n • existent ul government goes up It is dodgtng orders to reduce the Government agencies and contracts later took publications to justify the making a mockery of number of government officials, Rinaldo warned, lucrative jobs with the same consulting firms' contract government job freeies and workers by hiring thousands are becoming increasingly companies. proposal It was not un- attempts to reduce the of outside consulting firms reliant on the studies and Tttt inquiry also turned up covered until the contract tiuinbtr oi federal trn at a cost of $2 billion a year, recommendations devel evidence of duplication m was £ war dtd pioyees " according to Rep Matthew oped by consulting firms consulting services At "The invasion of nm Rinaldo, who is a member J Rinaldo rather than on their own times, different federal sultants has created an of the House Oversight and He said Washington "has experts inside of govern offices of the same federal invisible bureaucracy," Investigations subcom- become the consulting ment agency have ordered will Kinaldo said "Ab won m> mittee, is supporting capital o! the world" with The New Jersey [thill for similar studies one tentacle of the measures in Congress to ; more than a thousand firms Congressman said a In one case, Rinaldo bureaucracy is cut off. impose tight controls on the located there. They compete Congressional investigation pointed out, the writer of an another consulting firm hiring of consulting firms. for as) estimated 30,000 found evidence that some application for a consulting takes its place and tht> cost and wants t« use uniform government contracts a federal officials responsible contract used fake quotes metho-is of reporting their presence in the federal NEW MANAGEMENT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT budget so that they can UNDER NEW mote easily be spotted arid Begin the New Year With the eliminated NEW WEST SUMMIT LUNCHEONETTE 1- "W^-X Court Cases Involve Two All Meals Home-Cooked Two non-residents who were arrested in separate New Hours • New Menu • All Menu items available to go., Incidents in Summit lust August were recently • Daily Newspaper* charged and Mtntenced EN ,-\T TIIK COTILLION — Voting ladies Iran (he Summit Mary Beth (loss. (slurry C'OIMMI and Susan Gavoon. Union County Court area wlio attended Utt* mmuut Summit Cotillion at Canoe- (third row! Karen Hail. DcWif Geddls, Uuicn Miller. Ask about our Lunch-Dinner Specials lit H Dwemtx-r Hi eouil Krook t winln Club on [>j-eeinlx-r Z'i Included (left U» Beth Gilson, Pamela l*rar»t> Klinberiry Bartlett, WeiMh appearance. Gregory C tight. (irM ro» > (.aj llulletl, Stephanie stll«-l. Marguirl YVtmliK k. KaUinkir Hi-iist-l, Leslie Hilling, W «idy Wood. Open 7:00 to 7:00 Monday-Friday Ceffaralti of Livingston was Harris. (arul>ti King. Klleo Mr( urdej and AUis«*ss Ain> lastiilu ttiid MaOirvn Hullisler (Vtalllburg photo» charged with drug Foatn. ^tt oud row i C;ir«hn t«]inell. Trae> llurmer. 7:0U to 2:00 Saturday possession In Summit on AgLust 5 three years' probation lor Children Shop With Jayc&es 789 Springfield Aw«. ACTORS from Kings eUenipting lo pas>s u lorgwi On Saturday December for otter mcmlwrs of lh«ir Chrsebi-ough Koundalion 1 On December 23. in court. -• ?«rMng !n rear - r»«r entrance - S22-193 ? I'aul A Marsden of New prescript ion in Sumnui on 17, some 6b under-privileged fainllies. The monej ui«! b> After shopping. the UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT UNDER WEW York CHv was sentenced to -,hi!dr£ri, ages 6 \'l per thi» chiidrtm was donated bs' children were escort«i back ticlpatcd ui the Annual the Summit to the church ior a party Chrislmaii shopping tour Trust CY Kompt'r where Santa Claus spoEi2*oreo by rijs!r!t»iiti*d gifts, folluwing These fine re»taurnnl» are Jaycees C.E1GY orp nr snacks of soda, cupcakes, recommended for your dining The children assembled at K«>«arch Coo ,, Bell i,d the Central Presbyterian Alrco, liic Hartua The refreshments were food and pleuniriM atmosphere Church in Summit and wer«' Chevrolet Fine hi man s supplied by Hill Oily Coccrtcc by vsri™^ J^y''*^- Da wson Kurd, Sumrnit Delicatessen. Urookdale's. that make each meal an exper- niembers to Woolworth's Federal Savmgt and lx>nn 'frost 'b Bakery and Summit ience. where they purchased gifts Association ,i n t! Bakerv mufpsrs's Restaurant Save on Special Full Course Dinners

Prime Rib Steak "; >b Fried Filet of Sole, Tartar Suuco Grilled Calves Liver with Bacon FOR BREAKFAST LUNCH OR DINKER TRY Broiled Halibut, Lemon h Butter Sauce , U«t\iili'H!< miIlii-S IN THE SPOTLIGHT Chicken Cutlet White Meat, French fries. Tomato i " CHARCOAL MLIOH.' Malpere's Italian Baked Lasagne For Gracious Dining Homemade Sftip • Wlj S*«tia!s Sandwiches with Fresh Ground Beef , . Murray Hiii Square Tender Sliced London Broil CEHHOUS fOKTIOKIOF from Choice Hank Steak 45 Floral Ate., Murray Kill, N) S&LAD, POTATOSS, VSOSTABLES Open DailY lor Lunc^cn £ Dinner MM.-Fri.4:M*ni-l»mSll.MII> AS dir-rieri include Jute*, Soup of me Day. leased wtec choH* of d 383 SpriitftaW Aw-. Summit • Call 273-9722 ' Ina, (linnw icrfie, cftotec of 2 vaaetewm, »K otv* ol ou? &p«cis!iie« rt Brunch Swvxl on Sunday 11 AM 3 PM baked pcuto, 6emtm, plu« poi ot csfiee for relti.oiion! - 484- QtkBt, Rea. Puddings - Hoitwmsfa on Pieiniins

CHARLEYS AUNT Charleys Aunt, commonly reiened to as a watering place of distinction, is not only known for its large, well NOTM1N0 ELSE made cocktails, but it is quickly becoming one of the most SE6MS COMPARABLE. COMBINED W.II-H f AHTASTTC DINING VALUES' MAKE THE popular restaurants in the area. Why? The luncheon and NOTHING ELSE IS. dinner sandwich menu, of couise. Ride'N Hunt Club It you ha*en't ttied a Charley's Aunt Special Steak- THE PLACE TO DINIE ... 1UMBO SANDWICHES EH burger, you don't know what you are missing. It's a full »1 Man is *v« , tprlnsf Icltf 17* JH» one-half pound steakburger with cole slaw, potato chips and a pickle, with your choice of either Roquefort, Ched- S495 DINNER SPECIALS S4.95 dar, Swiss OI American Cheese toppings There is also a selection of delicious ten ouiics open sandwiches ifr JffiHJM OF IHf. WEEK, INCLUDING APPETIZER. SALAD; BAR_AND 635-2323 eluding the Reuben Special ."" . -- -. CREPE DESSERT ' "" ~~ The atmosphere is loose and comfortable, fitting for a CHARLEY'S AWT )ilUatafUtluti| business luncheon oi just a friendly chat with an old CHOICE OF ENTREES: SANDWICHES tSTCAKBURGERS friend For a great drink and or sandwich at a fair price, ' Quality codftaill-Critfit C*rdiHonor«<] • VEAL.PARiVIUiliWA'^-fTSHERMAN PLATTER » LAWBCHOPS - BUSIHCSSMEN'tl-UNCMEONS F AV«LV DINNING GRACIOUS stop at Charley's Aunt, 8 So. Passaic Avenue, Chatham, • PORK CHOPS • TERRYAKI. STEAK COLONIAL ATMOSPMEBE New Jersey "Optfl 7 Da vl" LUKCMEOMS O»H * - •JMni MCKBT M601MMD Wr«R» JO ttt-an Dlnnvs: So.vxi ham 4:30 Sun. 12 - 8 %io. )"M«ltA»«. « Morrijtown «d JAZZ FESTIVAL SUNDAYS 4-8 P.M. Ch»t»>«m (»t. lOJl ssr.-isr?:;;;^

S Highland Place f ^^^ i it 11> "1 r Maplewood Center | ,'ME 766-O0O6 ,inqueta • Weddings 647-1079 THE «H»i..*Nr CaM 7fm°83 liP^J Rt. 202 3 Rooms Available Bernardsville "EsqultlK Centlnintal Cutliw" A fttendlv Plaw to en|oy 9 dslictous meat ^-^-" AFTON uneh«on • Ala Cartt Dinners - Cocktails b Extraordinary Banquet Facilities oi jentood oi oonthwoal, Amsrkan diihos Accommodatlru from HIM irojn our extemivs menu. * Cocktatts • Dinner Malor 2ES5- 7Qayl uaTio'js yn i»»- Entartalnnunt Nightly LUNCHEON - DINNER - COCKTAILS l«» Route UcMountalnsllle, N i i3!«K ^ T.k, •* ne ivt H 1 HO South

* MBTAUMW. | (!I»C1 19101 ON A Famous for its Ice Cream, candy & Flm Food FREE SALAD BAR 7NightsaWeek with Dinner 6 to 10 P.M. MftriEWOOD MIUBURN PUINFIEID PLUS ~ Ltve EnrerUlnment Gladstond New Jersey i sm si. W South Orange Ave Open til 11 P M. Mon TM W««. till « ThurnJay thru Sunday 6 to 10 P.M. OpentilllPM Fn. aSal.tlt JJfl M T^rs Fri. 111. 11111 I Suit til 8 P I* 468 Sptfngfield Aw., Berkeley Heights 464-8585

(FORMERLY CHU DYNASTY! VALLEY DINER BT a AT Ml LL LAW» AttbllTAI N5IPUM-IOM CHINESE I, POtYNESIAN Special BmaMist from $1.10 8 LARGE PIECES BUB6ER EXPRESS COMPLETE • BUSINESSMEN RESTAURANT AND LOUNOE Special Luncheons from $1.95 I LuncH«jn • Dinner iiffpn • Tak* Out With This Coupon 586 MORRIS AVE. Breakfast I tuRCheon me : CompMt Dinners from $4.50 (ComtrMlllburnAva.l I-* SMORGASBORD >— Offer Expires 1-31-78 OPEN Specials from 99c • f| iiom "OPBH1 DAYS" t A.M'to HM •• ; DAYSI co ee Mon.iTuci. „„ Children SPRINGFIELD, N.J. inc. coffee * - U-- (ExctplHollllnyi) •6,/5 11.50 FRtg SAUD BAR WITH ENTREES" DAILY HOMEMADE RT. 22 W. SPRINGFIELD 379-9550 JAKJNU DONE ON PREMISES aJtltland.8tawr.ldmd, 2845 rtytM>«)4 An SIIRHNti 647-i DINNER SPECIALS BURGER EXPRESS BLACK RIVER & RARITAN LUNCHEON $ 00 e DINNER-COCKTAILS 1 OFF OKA A Unique Restaurant. .^ urnring to the SUNDAY*BRUNCH BOX OF CHICKEN With This CaiisiOri m\ Offer Expires Jan. 31,1978 Op«n 7 (lavs A>.JAM>Am i, 1 PACE 13

Summit to Host Finals For Music Competition For quick buvondkt-11 action, use the Summit Herald's (Unified ad- Summit will be host to the auditions me open to all should contact Judith Wednesday, Thursday or New Jersey pianists, Nacheson, Young Artiita Friday, Susan E, Kdehnwi, vertising columns Just oil finals of the \m Young 273-4000 and * !» LARGE MO Br»*dt Duvid Block, president of Lasky Advertising of Bloomfleld. The yearly competition, UP 101*1 \ sponsored by the Financial Advertising and Marketing Asia, of MetropoM*"> Nf* York cited the local bank for its newspaper ad promoting "Telephone Transfer - the Sl'MMIl Sh»«pdog* '25. H.FAIRUE& WILSON, Way." ' COMfOKT/ Grooming and Pet Supplies • Wholesale tnd Retail \ t wvumry _ y W Servhetr Seminar Views Class of 1938 Seeking MALI 41 SHOBT MILLS CALL FOR APPOINTMENT P.O. BOX AA, SUMMIT Phone: 2734006 Metric System Classmates for Reunion 377-3710 College Juniors The Summit High School Class of 1938 is planning its Ptospect St., s (next to Jasgsf lumber) will sponsor a seminar 40th reunion on October 7,1978. The steering corrrmittee, explaining conversion to the consisting of Winnie Boyc Curtis, Marge Helms Srieer metric system on January Lucille Levesque Trengrove, Ruth Gordinser Warner and 17 at B p in ill the home of Madeleine Grim Dehmel, have sent notices to all class Mrs Norman Schryer of members whose addresses were known Stiil unknown are the addresses of 22 members in- cluding Helen Becker, Dolores L)ei Mar. Dorothy Th«» Seminar was; Eastman, Joseph Gray, Ruth Hanser, Louis Kisseieff, arranged through the Mane Koerts, Wendell Wiikie, Harold Werner, iionier Square Ecumenical Lowenberg, Barbara Mac Cauley arri Glaiya Mair Education Center, a non- Also. Martha Maxfield, William Newton. William Gel SilveSilverr For Your Gold profit federally-funded Orton, David Poole, William Proctor, Lei?>h Rhett. organization offering free Henry Robertson, G Parker Robinson. Webster seminars to supplement the Strucken and Joseph Tobm Metric Conversion Act of The steering committee asks that anyone who knows 137S, which rn&iiuates that these addresses inform the committee members or get in touch with Lucille Trengrove at Summit and Elizabeth At Investors Savings the U S adopt the Inter- Trust Company national System of Units by v 1 I.I thr pi'upli1 ul \i-v\ Ji-rsi'v. We're now ,i S-l^l' 1980 A -U-ili!>^,. pt!n e-u itir ^U'braltun ttf thi merger million l.imilv Itintt instiluluin with .1 total ot II 1 Speakers are Cheryi well u>nvbini!H;,i £nliU-n histurv of imin than "»(• ulliifr. olkimg vmi tin- l>i-st tit banking Zahaire and Edward High School Juniors vcir^ ot sum sstul financial gu»\%*ih aiiti SCIAKI.1 Landir.o Prepare for March 11 S.A.T.'s Members of the Summit • College Ciu'o interested in attending may call Mrs. Convenient Livingston Location Richard Gamborg, 665-1020, for reservations er in- formation before January LIVINGSTON College Board Review IS. Summit College Club Ellen Kurlz, Director Juniors is comprised of members of the American 0,4.0339 W29041 Assn. of university warden u>i» hsv» been graduated from an accredited college or university within the last IS years.

Specialists In Ihtusital and Charming llanos hnisitnfiit and Country PrnfH-rtits 522-1230 Summit. A'. J.


SHORT HILLS. NEW JERSEY Rusa cl}ance ID win a Ford Tliunderbird RFGUl.AR ... and we're also giving away a $25 savings account, JOINS SETCO — Robert T. every week for seven weeks, at eyjay Investors office. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Cassel of West Orange hat Joined Summit and Elizabeth Trust Company as senior vice president, trust and Investment division. He brings to his new position i (MLH more than 20 years of SUMMIT IND. HARDWARE banking experience. A graduate of Seton Hall "Supplies For All S«oscm" SAVINGS Cr.KTiFiCAII-.S University and The Stonier i IMIIID ism i School of Basking. %1t. Open Daily 8 • 6 Sun. 10 • 2 Cassel also studied at the Seton Hall University Graduate School. An active 96 Pork Av«. 273-1170 community member, he serves as second vice AMPLE PARKING president of the Montclalr Grand I'ri/.o — 197H Ford ThuniU'rbini. Complete with vinyl MINIMUM ONLY $1,000 MINIMUM ONLY $1,000 MINIMUM ONLY $500 Lions Club and is director top, power steering, power brakes, radio,' heater, automatic f> yt'4> rn^Iunty 4 year maturity Choose your (TwhirUy and secretary of the Nor- Iransmission, V-B engine, electric clack, r.idial tires, white walls t omjnfunded and Compounded And I li> 2Vj yonrs f tiicrB N £n Jersey and wheel covers. pavabk' t}uartcrlv {wvabk- ^uartrrtv (."timpounded and payable quarU-rlv Fiduciaries Asoclutlon. He ju^t !i!! out an ei^rv l"*i;">nM 01 .inv investors Savings ofiice. Aii holds membership in the entries must he handwritten on official entry blank. Drawing K-di-Ml h*Kul.itu«^ p.-rmil w itluir.iu.iK tr,.ni S.m,.^ <. t-rnfu.ii^ Northwestern New Jersey THE SUMMIT EXPRESS CO. INC. 1 Estate Planning Council, for j;rand prize will he held .U our 13.11 Springfield Avenue office Ivi-n itt,\lnnt> pniMdiin; llu- r->U- ot mloitM on jinounf \vithiir.ii\n is r»xliu*-d I,, |\T,vlm il. x,\w .HUI 1 months isiU-ri^t i«. hirU'iUti and the Northern New 66-76 RAILROAD AVENUE in Irvington on Tuesday, l-ebruarx' !4th at 3 P.M. You need not t Jersey Estate Planning be present ID win. Council. (Wailburg photo) Agent For Radeen's HOME DECORATORS 351 MMton INVESTORS 37S74M •Opw Tim. U I A SAVINGS CURTAINS ALLIED VAN LINES BEDSPREADS 277-0315 HOME OFFICE 249 Millbtirn Avenue. Millburn • EAST ORANGE: 27 Prospect Street • f-RtbriULu; Highway a ana AtJBiptiia Hoaa HILLSIDE: 1128 Liberty Auenue • IRVINGTON: 34 Union Auenue. 1331 Springfield Avenue, 1065Stuyvesant Avenue NAVESINK: Highway 38 and Valley Drive • PLAINFIELD: 4DQ Park Avenue • SHORT HILLS: The Mall (Lower Levell SPRINGFIELD: 173 Mountain Avenue • SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS: Highway 71 and WarrenAvenue • UNION: 977-979 Stuyvesant Avenue «UMKETS • PUS TONEU • TUUEtMEIU MOVING & STORAGE KO t-IHEHS • RUtt VISIT 0U(t6iFTSw lilt SUMMIT HKIULU, THE NEW PROVIDENCE, bKhKLLEY HtJGHTS DISPATCH, TOE CHATHAM PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 5,1978




SUMMIT zur IF YOU THINK BIG r WORDS WON'T DO IT- in You mull u* tnii MMttv, MOr COLON1*L HI 2?) Vummlli Honh Site. Eltewtt ConMr Hull, OrtcNxlt MINT CONDITION Y(ru mutt *** it>r y&ursitlf tht» very ch«rmm« 1 Llvln* hmm. Form»l DtnlDf IIM, CftMrM Libr»r, - IDEAL LOCATION A haw* with cWitt 1 b*i>rot>mt - H-s b*tht tlf %(M*cii (A tivina re«ni chrimg room Bearo&m COLONIAL it'* meft ttl»n yov'd btttrve Ml wtflt FtrapllMt. Lttf M«<«r- Kllcb» Witt Cttll» v»*> wilt "Oh" «nc "Ahh" wtitn you in 1h» 1*1-9* ArM, Butur'i P.Mry, (>D»Mr Room M«l L.ui»Jr> »ll m ft«rfe»t*y H«tghfk, tMft* to train, vchoott and reer** taf»* new khthtn panell»ti ten »ftd l*v on Hi eompleivfy <*««jfeC(irjtttHJ riih unlto taf»* new khthtn pa Living Root* with (ts ftartttwma Ftn&ptiict - hith on tint Itaor Ftwr k«trwant iw Taw »•<*• en HUM fiofi*t lecilltitfc, 1 w 4 bwiroomi, IVt bathi, family room Otl3 In Hit *W» a) &«rlwelfr¥ H«>«hU Otl«r«3 In Hit *W». c«iHtis tiid a O mitt 9 R&wm tartgc enough to nil alt Hit floor slip* Four ttettroMik, Siltir^ Room Sao tath on with ttreplaci and * y#*ri yown» *t4,*W MARO&ftttT nurnvirs floor. L*rt* P«t*M«1 KCC. Monti with ro*s«< ytittkii you'll watti t» *n. CB&ia to tfea Kitchtn U a toi K SHGHRD, AOtKO U3»nt t*« Mn Qa»l. INVESTMENT Famity ftoem and downstairi a nict paMlltHl I4et ftoom. r^uli Kltenon and Slor*vo Art* In BHomtmt. «* £(Wt i an 3rd Living r r>i»H uii >er an nxwlntm.m. ti »>,OM ! raams nttr lawn ftoom A(ko. ntc* to know the house \l butEt with 6ric* ft Nl wlfh itrept«tft 0$ch suit pof th lovtly bis filtl b*ffi w&uMJ you b«li*v«, tow Wi i Stone. C#M ut right away it'* • v«;y tpt&ial ntw luting THE STAFFORD AGENCY 10 Bank Si, Summit 273-1000 WE ARE MKMMRS OP 4 MULTIPLI LISTING BOARDS THE STAFFORD AGENCY Ewnings & Sufldifi Peg Close, 277 2788 ATTRACTIVE YOUNG 10 Bank Street, Summit 2731000 COLONIAL f»enings & Suntiap l>e*n Soward, 273 8779 kVin> alt the *m#»i(ltei tui living. * b*arot>tm. l u#ths. t*mitf room wttn fir«ptata and p*«f*d floor piu» SUMMIT TUDOR o*n itfft deck OH mastftf b*dnM»m tOfiteel «Sr *eH i^vitvtn*»'uuuueuuauauuaECTKULiunuu ei««nms oven, and cthtr extra* Lovely *<"«» o. 4um BRATTOH SCHOOL, WITH k ?M»llt ROOM NATIONAL MUSI BE SEE« TO BE HPFlECtHTEO. M Soutti FAITOUTSi E New provid RtlOCATIOM 2735522 ALMOST NEW PWaOTOICU OUNNDER 4641703 I Hstftraairi*,. 3>.-t fenttit, P*mii> Suufn wif AGENCY \ 3 M09»((tcett! v.evx Aikmfl HIS.5O0 WALTER A. Ncrm« Otni Taked, 414-47*0 Santfyr Lofigt , 279'SVtl € jj &*st on our t»t*Jfcfr«rd Us!. •l-.vckt em • •n*n£i*i J J J 27J-SM6 ll—'• 11)1 lim **^lllll" ^' **"-^ 2 jfiifi Diif f&fsiiiii iti siCe !SCiw5ei h&efEi t£KErtii = t

< 0 0 H E K tiOWS T OTS"B1?M! TI fc*ii 4 Sunj Iteisn SKfcdl, «4-MW, JfiKf) Steunien 277 QUITE: LIKE WE DO GJVfc US MOUNTAIN AGENCY BartwaEnghih 273-012'


9 f^vei & sum zn 36s4. mm*, merg?. 444 S7&8 HEW PROVIDENCE BERKELEY HEIGHTS 4 BEDROOMS COLONIAL PRIME LOCATION TrtI* btaufffvl ctnter h«tt CotoniKl has * btare&nu. 2u«ft6ui Start ffTI on ftie fiflht track with us) We havt mme wner* tor oaty «l,4O6 Caii us lotlay lor an apootntmem and (eafurlAff tverytwdy'i lavarft* c&nftr tuper n«w (ijltfigj tomtng to tor our proipecfs and towel halt dftUfitt, tt iiKltidfts format room wm* i#p*f anKteus pxefcpvcn tor all of you t>stn««wn with ftrtpiaca, tfinlflf r«»ra, fully e^ulp cr* eul tttcv about io icii Let «t put you «&i togef h«r PM) feHthcn, itam < b*tfroemt, (tantiliKt ret THE GILLAND AGENCY room, work room, taunoVy and 3 full b*tf» 441 Springfield Avtnue, Summit 277-U98 277-*7;i l»iui 3 Naif batfti. Many. m*ny eitciiiAg Bejllors •!.-!?r^'l, H.J lunury Jtatwrt* - central air, pluth Bvaa >9 Uriiort Clsct carpels, *fM3 br*«iy deck to n«mt («$t Kathryn Tennanf, VI-G4« Ttteresa McEnroe J7J ?*OT f-vei Call M5 l»a» or J'MO*' ISm Terry SlelnXauser, 17! Ml) a few. A fln# ftzacutive location fte*r (Bit COMPLETELY REDONE abfiui tvery convcftttncv. *vi»,tw

Here's a churning twin* far your family'! new year. s SUMMIT GILLETTE Recently revamped insMa * autsMe. and looking out upon a well trert setting In the Breyton School era* of CUSTOM COLONIAL GOOD INVESTMENT BUY Summit, its new features are much too many to list '• SHORT HILLS here, but IsclMde «tmt)ve new carpetlnaj, ail rafIntsk- i ESTATE i (amity apt. house. «tfi matntetntd invetf mttnt prop- »!i«*r» - wi:sSmSet ftewtes !.i fs!=!!* rrR. - SB »»- j CUSTOM RANCH erty that is ccnvtniiflfty tscatvd to everything. I apt. i* Tr wiinm.i! sssstf. :-^! =!>»0 Ity ih» » ffiapJii witti J tXF3r«am», 2 turn*, ttm porch, livln« dated kitciwv, and a tremendous 31' redwood ft cedar A tin m deck. 4 BRi, iVi baths, kaMMnte lirtpuce |B Mving Ian VtioUiHi K ZH*r. fcr !-.i: ;-- vtt Pftvfiie sad pw*0n*t - t^ls custsrn c%£ room with orapiacA, ann a tuti frasomtm wttlcfi m*k 1 or S Mdroams. lamlly rtwm, ttetl oaHn, Many wwdirlul ana eicltlwa faa. or Jid bedroom. Private jrourrfi Walk la tures. Professionally landscaped park- shopplny ami schools. Call us and let us CO.V.SINATION BUSINESS Weicnen & RESIDENCE n n tv room hovsa with modern bath «nd brand n«w hitchan Centrally OcattrS Asking J55,&M. Realtors tat- u» 1u inipeti SUMMIT-SHORT HILLS OFPICE 174 Merrla Ava., Summit 2771200 OiLLt-TTC — U>ve THIS MOMfJ. ideally awtad l«r Associates, lite. Realtors 3)3 Sprin, dm. rm., lovely tilt., ftanated fam. rm. 1 273-7010 bedrooms. Enclosed parch, central air conditioning and 102 SUMMIT AVE., SUMMIT • 273-8224 Atk tor our current Hornet t^er uvin? tAm^tiins tt>) cars i!vi!r.!« sWlrM- U?.s» OPEN HOUSE. SUNOAY, JAN. eth CHATHAM • 6350800 E venings and Sunday Call !-4 P.M. — PLAINflELD AVE TO BEOMINSTER • 234-9494 Lillian McTemtwy. 27)^57* LACKAWANNA AVE., GILLETTE Serving You in 9 Cuuninrs Robert 1. Buna, inc., Realtor Rt. Iti at MsdltSnvllle So. Basking nidge, N.J. Contemporary Split, 3 betfreonns, 2 bathi, central atr, recroationroom. Summit, $7a,f 60 766-1212 BERKELEY HEIGHTS Spacious expended flancri, 4 btdroomt, 9 baths, lamlty room MounninildeSllt.VM New French Provincial, 4 bedrooms, tVt baths, levsl NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: property Milllngton, SDO.JO0 CLASSIC COLONIAL nruTKI C Executive Colonial, very privately trceo ami thrubitea. EAL ESTATE nciiim-" Beautilul er»» ot Summit. 1103,00° $79,900 Ultra mooerrn ranch house, in a prestigious area. "FOR SALE Fabulous kitchen and baths, beautiful family room, GRACIOUS OLDER HOME WITH S BEDROOMS, 1' i 44' panelled and carpeted recreation room. BATHS, DEN AND 11' * !•' PORCH. 5 MINUTE WALK Rooms Furnished Watchung, t) 15.000 TO SHOPPING IN DOWNTOWN SUMMIT. OFFERS SUMMIT WAHTEOI SUMMIT, lurnlshed room for MEMBER OF 7 MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEMS HOLMES male Call J77-4511 8 Offices to S«n» You SUMMIT — Lovely sunny first OLSON ASSOCIATES floor room. Call Peg Brown. RICHARDC. FISCHER, inc KM 741 after 1 P.M. REALTORS 464-9500 1301 Springfield Ave., New Providence COMMERCIAL SUMMIT — Comfortable room, 10] Springfield Ave Berkeley Heights Eves & Sun.: Mn. Moore, iiiitu. uooklno for valuef Of course! MHMSA74» residential neighborhood i semi- But you also need potential, private bath; gentleman only. and this retail store location 571 1014 has lost mat...value and poten. Mai.' Located lo the neart 01 NiW PROVIDENCE - Select thriving Summit this 1.100 neighborhood, nicely furnished square foot store on Spring- room, private bath, kitchen privi- field Avenue Is psrtMt for your leges t suitable business man. 444- active business. 7410 HOLMES Eves.» Suns ^ak, BROWN To live in this smashing 'bedroom Spill Level higti on e Berkeley Height! Kill with a tail Oewae ftollman, 1 Apartment Unfurnished § stunning wall-wide Dattis. New security. No pets. Call for appoint- family room, brick patio, f^- SEE 60 HOMES AT ONCE! ment. 4U-I11e. 20 OFFICES Call or write (or Niw January Homing In, Our niece lit »»!ns room, flnuneo &«.!. wall-to-wall carpetlns SUMMIT. 1 rooms, Ind floor. 127 TO HELP throughout. Fenced yard One car Real Estate Guide and Area Facts Brochure Summit Ave. Call 1734041. SELL YOUR HOME OR sarao*. ITJilTl SUMMIT, s room apartment. 3 TO HELP YOU MOVE TO MADISON bedrooms, kitchen living room, heat and hot water supplied. No. ANOTHER PART OF Pets. »!Wi and security. Call after S 377-4714. NEW JERSEY COLONIAL CHARMER Through our Home-To-Homa Real Estate Offices, over 125 energetic Sain Asioclatei are working io find |ust A DELIGHTFUL HOME On corner lot, K"oll«ood s«- House Unfurnished tion. 4 t>«drooms, I full Baths, the right new home lor you tn New J*rteY' sna to bring You'll want to see fhU attractive Colonial style home IWM9 room with •"»•*'«•• s lergs wmlar of oualified buycrt to your present befcr; ?t'«toa lata. From the brick and wood exterior to RCAltORS i Hinina roam, kttctian home when you place it on the market, AH these 5«i« the well decorated interior, this home reflects high vnnlw*i PW center, large Atiociates have been carefully trained and are highly pride in ownership. Ther* ira 4 bedrooms, a handsome family room, enclosed braew- service-oriented •- your need! come (int. We have a rmr. room, and V/i bithi. Call us today for more Infor- 5 Mountain Ave. y, Jcsr tmttwt saraoe, •ar#* Auftibftr ai ins mtrai tycseSaJa; tSaf^m!-! 5;!s? mation on this and other Summit arsa nomeii WS Attoclatei In the State, end tney are at your disposal to Murray Hill maximum storage space plut give you the best tvrvlee available. i Call us many closeH and cupboard*. ^ves. ft Suns. Call Mouse, freshly painted outslcle, Jantt Laino, 414-7101 or Barbara McGlnley, 277-0441 273-8000 now in Short Hills MAOISON - Superb location Call us to find out more about our Real Estate Counsel- Summit alto has evergreen screenea adlolning 90II course 3 or 4 patto with fireplace and 1 room mm ling Service, our Tailored Listing and Save-a-Oay Warren $47-2001 You'll be bdrooms * "»"»' """"' Plans, and to learn about the multitude of Marketing i»i sh«d or playhouse. Con- Chatham 635-8200 so glad venient lo pool, etc. A'*'?" Services we offer. 291 MORRIS AVIM'l esl:MMI I.N.I, e (|7i)lll Hunterdon County 526-8080 you did! «7»,0M. Principals only. J7J- SS JWJ. mo. THE Short'Hills 376-5200 tors, 173-7S10. OUR EXPERIENCEMSK THfc SUMMIT HLKA.UI, THUHSB*. Y, JANUARY 5, i»7S PA(,L 15 House Unlurnished HELP WANTED 1L HELP WANTED SERVICES Smith COMMIT t, AREA. YH, Wl ItMl itCHETARY tor Summit iam PAST TIMft wersi datirad c««t JUNK can aM trucks up to >»• I UttmMtvon Contncim (Corttirtuaa trum rgy* t) rentals *i»Hli«| el MM MA up eff It*. €•!( tar kppointmvnf. * is J, atM. i ram wi»H Hctup' i>t J yttiri off.t. all kinoi and v»t»rpr«>tlne. »" tu B iDfatnter of the Board ul STIM.INO: Jcniwry IS eccu tttictt, Mine twt r«^«i* td, OUi. School Estimate p*ntv Home or btislusi combift RESUMES! WMTEOTOBUY | tiler* I btdreemft, living re«m Mr Lovett, cbalrm»n o! with ttrceltxe. »«tl munlfc SwMt* • r*tull at in- TELETYPE tALTUSKOL CONtTKUCTION the safety committee, witl ttllti, Uttlllif Wt JW1 £m AHTIOUBt, oW coins, >M am CO. tfnpirh Intttrvlwi kind gcnvtM PMtTTIME •xriRti«Ci0>r« raar aiutlilniMr. also be a member ol the conctrn tor yaar it*Mt Cult Mason contractor a «vH6ar finance committee, the Civil tor *n • will hlHiwtli, t«H> planH, ANTiaUtt KKSTORID ilun., trie* alAeoalKs All typas • ROOM vtctariari, Hill Section »l . antf-er crtildrvn this M J. Marinlani, »)s-m$ tenrreta wort arts cortttfructiori Right* Commission, tt* I ?» Summit j in* fcllcli*ft with to*« Conlail SuMr) Wllm.r, H Ruitltl, luminM en Hill Ad Hoc CominitUse arid Use evvnlnuk tar e«(re»m »»"• window, dittlnft room with tire. e*p#rt«r»ci cit Board of Schooi Estimate place, dtn ing lev on 1*1. 3 ftAHO WANTED bedrooms, sleeping porch and SECRETARY tor Summit taw W. AMD i MtUCAKDATi - Named chairman of the tewine root* 4»n 2nd. s*40 firm tffftt* Fulltime. CofflfMtent typ GOODCONDITfON Ma>or> aom Water oralnasa immtdlat* occupancy. Cast tos ability r«M)U.r*tt L»9»' •Krj»«r 227 USb sump pumps installed «M HJS buildings and grounds ULOHIA FAITOUTei. ftekltcr. ttntfe site. mtwrfftitwl |M**l«rr«(. committee, Mr Schretter :>jiiu, or «M-I7M. Parking prevlfed 271-3.]. LICENSf £> ftvri* will tin tur will also serve as a v&ur child In my home. By hovr Executive rental, < or ata*k >i rcgutar ilttar'l ratal •OOK* member of the public works STOCK penans nMM}*d full nmt BRAUN bedrooms,) loll b»ir.», > tn .pin 1JJ-4II* »OOKS M>U»MT. rill* cash committee, on the Com- Mu nesdws - Wkitrtun, part far need eht saaka, TMvMnas es emittacvtatt* tetidifiort All turn AppJr at Btlt Lkbor«torlc& munity Development oall-towall cssrpallntj. MM. per M Her.atti livas.) «%• WINDOW daantoa. »«»•' ct**" k«U*ui*nl. Murray HiH.SwMlut S7JI Ssunmll. Revenue Sharing Program month LOISSeHNfiDlK.Reel MUHitAY HILL^KiW JEKiEY fc/t/4 ed and r«palr«i r De An»»l»», O 6ti*ft. $t2-]U6, stOOKi fO* (ALE. Tntirt lor 1)1 lltt An Eousl CrflperitfRlly Empl&ytr M P and on the recycling com antf> ef •*>« ota owu wl»ia rnltte* NEW PRCVIOENCe-1 t»Br»«n salt. PrlcM i» •IMloofiilei. LIOKt trucklna ana «eli»»rl«» i anch In quiet netvhrjorhood; near A daalan. Came ,.ii... »nt phono *fti*w«r!nfl Mitte* WstTramovaa tn-»l« or JJJ-SUi Ward ! councUwoman, is tterv friaiy, I,» to £ M IKWHANCE chairman of the welfare C*f Wish, l?t >S6* "THItTAlLI" CMfcmAM 5 bedreomt, 1 balrts LAWNS claanM ana cut, cellars, committee, who will also dart, living room wlfh turnpike*. RATERS, Vftsimmlt Ava. r*ar Summit attics and oara»e cleenlna Ll«rit serve on the law committee, MlcRcn. dtnlns roam, cfrnlrcl im TiREO W COMMUTING? 13 to4 p.m. Wed. thru Sat. naullna aits ruutilsri r«Af««) p*r*9«, no pitti. Avfeil Feb Is! Reasonable ratn Call BMMt the Local Assistance Boerd, V4» per month plus utilmet C*H Apply In gwrian, Root* tfe, Then tali us,. vVa art eft« et H«w J#r*sy'i le*diit^ •tt«tr I V M 4«i 4J11 the Youth Guidance rminril iotfon. NO |M.(>n« Csift, pl«Cfc* property ckkualty ctfrnpariiti *nd v»t hav« *n imm«[di BOOKS Oses books purchased IUOK S Appliance (alas and Ser and as the liaison with •t* opening tor • bright tndividuvl wif* at \*m%i on* Chatham Keokuller. a Oreen VII vice on all appliances including SPftlHOFtELO ? room aupltt Overlook Hospital y**f» rstlnft «Kp«rttnc«. Yew will work in but conv«n !*•• Rd.. Madlaoti. all IUI roam air conditioners, electrical Nkc l&calHsn, ofefcr tfore* iS4i, 1 i, I *.m to 3:30 iferrtly lecftlte Short Hill* off ic« W* oft*r m good v»l*r y, garden equipment. toasters, tiles »ut?pu«d fcvfttuti p m W*it«r~W«ltr«ti>« *nfl but twutandtng bemfita *ni •Kc«ilttit, growth potent sat JIM (.ANT will buy used end an vacuum cleaners, Irons, etc 110 Thomas W Button. Waru immediately Ci!( U* 4*23 p«rson» from I a.m. to J p.m mntt Pi«i*« cftlt Smploymttit iw(M»rv(*or it til &0J* tor *r» tt«» furniture, chine, tlaxware. Fark Ave.. Summit m M» itmi bknquvt waiter waif CHATHAM QALLEHIES. 2 Councilman, is chairman Ave, Chatham, silver, lewrolry, etc. Call a) The r«ii4«fi Apply in person, Hoft- Second Hand. !7) *trll of the law cammiHei\ ub tnn, of LJvstiBivton, Route 10. Liv /lot WE BUY AND SELL fu SHOW PLOWING — BY HB Vacation Rentsh nttui e and fine painfingv change, Meyersvllle will be open well a» a member of the ingsvofl. Ua phon* c«ll», picktM SNOWFALL or monthly contract CHUBB & SON INC. every day now. I* iv i, thru ;sfi. s Call Fran* at tt»« » or uiuu buildings i:;ci grounds JAMAICA — LuKurltwl AC I thru Jan tFeb stMHI. oommiitefc, the Environ PART TIME TRADING POIT AWTlQUtS liMICY HERMANCE ALLTVPSSOP mental Commission and thr r TavefB ££ »40MS1 ftepAIBS OmgNTAL BUOJ AuiheniU From m n*ll to a room No job too Planning Board In Me-nttrtw Bay. Call lor bro- K,nTI3wE SifVISS Apply iii (K. son between 3 4 ftokert, Kef man. Tabrli K»»h*n small chure MILO ASSOCIATES MS Equet Opp«rt«mTy E f time clock, ornate oak Kenneth DeRoberts. im chest, reaewood music cabin- Pin* Ouatlty Hfeit price. U1-9HZ «" Hlgtser prices ImmeOlale city's office of the director I f rttumil oak conlerenca table. cask lori Jewelry, For YOUNG PROF£SSIOr(AL Dine dry link, lit peer mirror, of administration, will S F ui niihatfApiutnwnt ! I FIREPLACE WOCO — SAiiSj nlture. Silver, Cnlna. c^ifls withes to hou wicster tvrnlfura, rovml oak O*H; tpHt. qu*rrtr»*. Msawaww. Oiaas, Dells, oriental tier tin* f«t«*»i » U S^'^rQ CGn!iE>%iC tc ^cr\t or, Ihv | I Bank mm pedestal tables, Vtctorlsn fur H*M tsrd, full cord. ttu.rU* Vln run PaMlnfJ. etc nitura, oak corner cntna catMn- Civil Defense Council, while SMALL FURNISHED WITH EXCELtEKT EARN c«il, A4M2M. (M-»»#r *Mw«rSn9 J7J JIM, US 771) or Donald F Nelson was a|> I Teller ma&i Sail vitaisi temousco t ets L«« of l«rnttur« In the wrv.c«) • | f ) !.«_ C i,rM.»''' home sitting (&< vecaltiiiitng (am metics, quality famitv n«*«t, nn n n r ily C»» «4ff-.IM uwrinfl norms, Setco, or>a &< N.J.'i letdins (uvular fragrances. No **p#< fcEOKD New Wt.kte "*W toy*. L allramat* to the Community bitnkt, n««(ti «x|urtenc«rd p«o iemt n-tctmary. £•» *eo*v « offfc* hours. Bookkeeper an4 ft»m*i tar unttcr- fUBHIlURt WIOVINS AKO Development Revenue pie for: prlvilestg c hi! Or •« 9 te J ye*r» American ftymr. HAULING Charlie Vincent 647- o!d C.1I2TTM7I >m*auifa «;«avh wiii |t Sharing Program 12U- 24-tiOur fcervtce Other Council ap- I Offices J WORD PROCESSING Stenographer 1 Painting Oecoiating I pointments included thai 'of 1 O^TlCB SPACE SUMMIT CLERK EXERCISER Oaod condition John F. Mullarkey tu the ClERiCAl 1 BUlUBEMt SUPER SAU Reaunable price Phone I71-MI1, Zoning Board of Adjustment •pace. 7 oftltw. J cos( rmi.. phone skull necessary. G*fi«r*. clerical vmr*, m *«••• ! MANT h£Vf IICM3 »t ior a tour-year term ending r«cpt. ro«m, malt raon, Cent. Kt(7E.St.t OjJJMtrt unity &ut.i* Otfk* EsutricncM prt 1 HpCttoWptfOFP Ct.lNAtOAKDEN A-C, ample (sarkins. 2»<* *lr.. r^or kam working conditions i«rred, but wtil tram pt.ton 1 ON MOST ALL ITEMS Everything on sale Piinting I Paper Httifini December 31, 1980. 1419 SORTER OPERATOR with appropflet* badtftround |Wt are n«w MiliRf twiew i Another new appointmeut 1 whotenri* priest. D«aler» wtt INTERIOR 1 EXTERIOR Entry levtl position at our •ntl •trtHv4$* tor tleures. <*••»• SERVICES was that of Deborah R. Cave imt worfctnfl cendittom wltti 1 com*. CHIHIU GARDEN SWIMMING POOL MRVICH PHIMC NEW PROVIDENCE Computer C«nt«r, Berkelty tn fi fiy(k.v»or l«!*m ()ft the The Chatham Trust CRcetlcnt btnvfttt. . incliftl.nt. DRIVEWAY SLACKTCr LOCATION - Center ot Town He.^htt Operations C*nttr M7 Main St 6355400 Chatham SEALER Housing Authority, Otflc* Ipau tor rent - perfect lor 1RO SHIFT. IliWHijS a.n. Urpcnlry FULLY INSURED No txp«rienc« required. ctotttt* Call Mrt- Kambeur, | Chifttst furniture ft accMasr UM»a replacing Willfam 1. Mach lawyttr, Insurance, antiitue shop. i i«s, Uth t 19tl, Century Wl art ttudio. etc. 4 roomi plus lav 177 IMS. MANY BARGAIN) , ar« still burtnf firn anllquti, mer. Mrs. Cave's term will M» m« IlKlCMtlBO Ml MtllUin Amu •»•>! rf>>na.w Ask For Mrs. Nail 1 s 2734385 end December 31, 1982 Avail immedlstely Call Oloria UUI'tsAi rrtiunt M-F equal opportunity room, aefJ £ ££fss Reappointments included FallouX. FAITOUTE AOEMCY Exceltcni typing and diet* employer QUALITY EXPERT paperhanglng plus fine i (4 w. Main Vi Mamtham MEYCRSVILLC ORAHCtE Rtlllor, Vi-iStt: u* WOO ption* ifciltt nec«SMry. Hour* HifeOOTs Minting and plastering Lowest those to the 1-78 Ad Hoc / ill \WW 1 D 1 Tu«i thru Sun. FLCA MAttKBT t 5;30«)o«r Summit office CARPENTERS rales Quality European work. Committee and were Dr Sundays, (AM to lf>M menship. Free estimetet Can . .———— Free coffee tvas. Tee-MM AND ROOFERS Ernest M. May, Miltoa J SUMMIT - Office Space. Com COLLECTOR DavMI 174-*144 after a p.m Pappas, Mrs. R.P Margie. ptataty turntah*4j 4 carpeted prl-1 Clerical ALL NEW — trim. Colonial, clam v*te olllca. Pull time receptionist Must hsve valid N.i. driver's DISHWASHER PACKER, part Dr. Martin B Barmatz, then, assorted maldings. Indoor jPartonat tctephiHia answerlna. license. Po&Hltm i% \n cur tn- Opportunities time Taylor Rental. «M-»III Completel} insured KEN CROSS Mrs, J.W. Cooper, Robert 'Conference room for your m*et- itaUmant Loan Departttient at and eotdaor mhutten. Assorlao Futnitutt alu. cemtttnatiwi wlrtOom. Wood- 30 YeifJ Eipsriente M. Ryder, Dr. David D |n« BANK iTBBer PROFtS- our BerMley Hal^ts Op*r«- There'* «ic«»« in NUKXS-AIDIt full or part iimj, PAINTING 1 PAPERING lion Ctnttr. EKp«rienca pre- en storm olnoows. 4 ami e penny SiCHAL CENTER. CALL 17!-USS| I AM-J PM. BxisarlsMict prelerr Cat! 647 5224 INTERIORS * EXTERIORS Wood and David C Costine (srrttd BtORS with tomt typing your future! ed Must h»»cwn transportation nails. S47-1M7. FULLY INSURED .kills. We are one ol the cwrrlrles GLENSID! NURSINO HOME. SUMMIT — ?»4 U| fl USO-mo FULL SUED hlde-a-«*d Convert flLOHDi tMOKtau bed, match FREE IMdlnt insurance companm Call weefcdayj » AM-JPM W Other Council reap- liso ut ft. aru alto svjinble, Ibfe ssfa. Best otter. Call 173 Ki» Ing triple dresser and mirror i ESTIMATES All positions offer a good sal- with openists tor amMtiovt MOO pointments included that of M3S-mo. Center of Summi!. Parit- As* lor Mr-Mrs Froct brown desk, white desk with ary ana pleastnt surround- neople locking *or unlimited equal op|»rtunlly employer Ing provlcttd. Central air. all chalrsi oval occasional meho- 2734471 EDen 0 Merrit as deputy Ings. Ceil our Personnel Oepf. carear Brmtfh Start rt§M now CARPENTER •nutlet furnltlHd, Avail immul SAL6S PE(>*OM, MF. Full lime. gany table i bl«* upholstered city clerk, David L. Hughes in ona ot tisa fcltewlns posl. EXPERT iatelv THE RiCHLAND CO • ». Mon-Ftl. SELL ORUOS, II chair i li» h.|>. mlni-bilw. Call lions ADDITIONS EXf>etticNceD pAiHTesi. m as secretary to the Mayor ' Rs»l:ors 27] 7010. South St., New Providence ««*- Gsrage Sale usun any evening after s p.m. or before noon ALTERATIONS tertor-eiterlor painting Free es and Common Council TYPIST BASEMNT timates James Plgnatelle, J7J- Rugg^lT Kerby ir as city HELP WftNTED 5tifT»nif dnd A Type slwpm or ttrlier. no «K- SNOW TIRES, one season's use, KITCHENS perlHKe n«es»»ry Olyarse FREE ESTIMATES M«sar«>s-uii. soUcitor, Arthur H Garvin, SECRETARVi share (56-») a Three D House Sales 071; is, studded t*o. »4S IIS4 ffgabeth J dultn in our Summit Ofllce full-time, permanent position 3rd, as municipal AUTOMOBSLE MECHANIC - House I estate near downtown Chatriarri. Re Let us price and sell your wosecutor, and Ether V lull time/ salary open. Must b« FIGURE CLERK qulret e«celle»t lypln». Initiative, Household contents. Musical Instrumtnts 277 3031 TEXTURED CEILING Martin as assistant city able to work with tools. Many 147 SpriftfliteiOAve., »*in.*ntt« Must Have neat handwriting brains, and attention fo deteil. No treasurer bunetlls. «J t3». and a good mitfi bacttaroums Call IU-IMO Sheetrock and speckling. Fully work In hour. Ex You'll be pleased with all you tor children afst I and a. Hours CARPENTRY Additions, Alter SECRETARY to take minute* lor ry Lane, Morris Township, oil win s Largest Dealer. Rental J. Douglas Bird as fire perianced couples preferred. e«t from Hamper, a fine sal- 1,15to*. Part-week pesWWe. Call atiens, repairs No work too ', the New Providence Recreation South St. Saturday, Jan, 7, »-4. Purchase Plan Available Tuning Repairing Must have car. Call 243-3717, 4 ary, comprehensive benefits W4-1S4« after ! P M. small Good work at reasonable director-chief, and Touche Comtntsilon Shorthanet desir- r Antique glass, hanging lamp. GEORGE M. DELANEY ipn\ Aik for Bob. and room to B *«- P**a*e prices in till able. 2 evening meetings per World War I memorabilia, wood- 351-2000 itoss and Company, Sidney apply In person at: DRIVERS with vehicles for Mon- month and occationst additiunsi day>Saturday AM newspaper de- an dust. Belli lanterns, wicker ALTENBURS PIANO Luckey and Roger B bassinet and batty scale, enaultlte MOUSE, INC \u~j~ i~ riuliun »r«a. Sio bi.l- MDUC DBBllDC FOR FINE PIANO TUNING Flanagan as muncipal Director of Recreation, ftfrS-UOO inVi 'no euiectlms. alMoaa or to piece cherry dining mom set, itM>is. ierMv iif"' A.f*OKer>AiRtifis Elliabeth. NJ. A IMPROVEMENTS auditors. for p*rt©n*i interview. i3)4«7) old Birdsayo maple bedroom CALL L. HORVATH, 1'7-lin A SECOND INCOME suii*, maHeswy B«4rss:a •--!"• ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS Free Estimates For the man or woman capable porch sat, ether tornlture, lamps, TUNING REOULATINO Alsoreappointment were R.N.-3TO11 ot ^vstuating ttie writing or ihe LEOAL SECRETARY. Pr-ttlme old paintings and prints, old pat- DAVID PETRACCORO Joseph R. Angelo by the lor IS bad adesJctcent unit In ipeech of others Good Summit-New Providence area. em glass, china, books, ster 7537610 REPAIRING 1J7-61S. Board of Health as dog private psychiatric hospital tanguage skfllt, writing or Experience preferred but will eo, dehumldlller. cf.arcoai cook Pats Therapeutic community concepi. ipwikins •»•!•:>' ssscntut. U OeFore&t Avenue train. Salary commensurate with sr. Mstpste! sldeby-sl«e relrlger- warden—utility man, Psychiatric experience prefwrred. Write briefly to: L.-R Common Summit, N.J.07M! ability. 271-1922. atorfrMiar 21 cu. ft., RCA color Joseph F Stewart as Excellent benctiti Call Person 511-4202 FRIENDLYcuteayear old mned Plastering .cation Systems, int.. Box K, TV, l- HP Slmpiiclt? tractor with breed dog to b« given to good director of the Youth Center net, Fftlr Oaks Hotpttal, Suntmtt, Summit, N.J.07W1 Equal Opportunity Employer PART TIM1. Driver with car tor snow blower, and other attach- N J 277 014J M-F home. Spayed, e«cellent with and Walter Paul as con Sunday morning only newspaper ments, tools, and more. Sale children, doss, cats, 271-212]. Clean Up delivery. »8 AM. No collection! conducted by Linda J. Dswson, stable 277-om. 746-1O7. PLASTERING CLEAN and remove appliances, INSURANCE BOYS - GIRLS, li years or older BASEMENT SALi — Sun, Jan. I, Used Cars furniture, brush, etc. irom house Expert rtpsir or ntw slwftt for morning newspaper route, s U noon to I. Old furniture, clem- and yard. All types landscaping rock ft Uplng - pr*p»r4tlon tor INSTRUCTION TYPISTS! TYPISTS' Commercial days, Monday-Saturday. No col- es. etc. 141 Oat Rldg* Ave., and tree work. Fireplace wood pstntlng • W* coop*r»t« with l»ctk>nt, «.».7*;M iJi-aus J "Oo^u-yftor-Mihir." Known CHASLIE vmCSNT. 44M1M SETftSUITflB r»c«mm*n(Jiw) Summit • Short Lines Rater 24 hour service. FOR CHRISTMAS? COMPANION (or elderly lady, H(l!i »rea PhD EplKOpo TYPISTS! BASEMENT SALE. Saturday, Well even II you didn't or don't Kemper, one of the natien's weekday mornings- Do light January u, ?-<. 33 Watt Rd.. Short Memt lmprovem«nt 4 Repair. housekeeping and cook. Refer- Gfise even have one, the Musicians leading insurance- companies. Hills, loft Hobart Sag; Hrsl right 3/3-Sttt. Think Ahead To ences necessary. Must have own Electrical workshop Is the place to call. has an immediate opening for alter crossing Rt. 24.) We'll rent you a guitar with option t rsier witti ftt i«u; J y«!°>*: condition, oerage irianiainvii, S tuirs awl re-flnishlna. Antiquas 21M. LOST • 5itSpi*ii.S "S •• —• — BERKELEY TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE dressers, clottios. misc. household door sedan. Ac, P», PS. «m-lm bou»tit - so:4. sil Morris Ava. SNUW riuninu & yard Hems. No children's (rear). Summit. 277-M0I. mas presents between Argyle ct. 1O8SPRINQFIELDAVE. BERKELEY HEIGHTS radio, H.OM miles. Price MIS. ft Olenslde Ave., Summit. Christ- An equal opportunity employer ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR for things, lav Rotary Dr., Summit. Evenings I77.17M. 2S Deforest Avenue Summit Doctor, organlutlonal mas Eve. Please return. Reward. • Summit, NJ. 07701 and office skills, social graces too. SN0WPLOW1NO. Free estl 273-OOSa. 464-4000 1970 PONTIAC Catallna, PS, PB. 522-4202 To M hours per week. Flexible. mates. Low rates. Fully Insured. radio, heater, snow fires. Call CHAIR-MAN Equal Opportunity Employer 277-4437. Sal Florotto ol Summit Lawn a Household Goods W4-7H] oilers pm. LOST - Passbook No. S4M-4, II AH types of chair repairs - Sweep. 277-2U7. lound please return to First Nat ATTENTION TYPISTS! MOVING TO CALIFORNIA. Musi turniture reflnithing • hand lonal Stata Sank. Mlllnurn We can piace you in excellent stripping - rush- -cane spill - RAPIDLY Orowlnj Summit sell '74 PINTO HATCHBACK, Branch, Mlllburit, N.J. BANK OPENINGS spots in banking. Insurance, press cane seats done • toueh- practice needs experienced CO. good condition. *m or bast offer. medical, advertising, Industry » ups - cleaning » rewebblno. Upholstering Full service commercial bank hei the following A. Musi know 4-hanaed dttntistry. Call L. Jonnson, tlMIW. others al top ts. Call Kate, 17]- Antique* restored, openings (or qualified applicant*: take x-rays. DiversMled duties, SUPER SALE I PERSONALS pleasant surroundings. Call be- H73 MERCURY COMET, 2 dr. MARTIN O.UKBANSK I Plants, Planters and M7-l«St UPHOLSTERING. Re-cover that FULLTIME TELLER tween eam-epm. 277-2222. deluxe model, excellent cond- chair or sofa. Fabric or Nauoa. Plant ilatidsJvBct. oil ition ; fully equipped and low Meyersvllle. NJ. Rewebblno, Re-building. Call 277- HAVING A PARTYt Need a CLERK TYPIST PERSON ABLE to work up data mileage. 27XIM, 2192. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Casseroles 25 pet. off. Limoges Q twrttnderf Call Pater, »MM1. Applicant (or the CterivTyprsi position should possess lor Income tan forms. Flexible .Vana-warf » OCt. Oil SpOdO, M l;» CUrk. ex- Siyi SK! Sssr:. Ar!!h:s;!!c sBi!. spnd, new drakai, engine good COLLEOE sTuucfiT — »"»rc- cant should possess basic math skills. Hours: S AM • perienced preferred but will Ity required. 277-1111. _Horrenil Olltwaro 10 ptl- off condition, tins. Call Paul. 271- expenses to Raleigh'. N.C. Jan. s 4:39 PM, plus half day on alternate Saturdeys. Fult train perton with appropriate g Royal Warc«t»r M Bet. oil Mason Contractors -1.17M401. MI v*.ll*bl*. C»U Kenllwortn State Bank. 272-4SOO background ana aptitude for HOUSEKEEPER. Monday^ and KltchwAids 49 pet Off. Sao-UM jj nu. figures. Pivissnt wsrltlng can- STUDY DRUMS WITH 1170 PLYMOUTH valiant sedan, e tin ions with axcallant benellti. houHkeapIng, washing, Ironing, ECKAHKAR: ifi« ir.cisr.i iCis;:;s cylinder,»tires, J studdod snows. DAVID PETRACCORO . .including liberal dltcount on and simple cooking. Own trans- Many Bargains of soul travel offers the truth Excellent ctnditlon, stood gas JOSEPH EPISCOPO your clothes. Call Mrs. Kam- portation • relerences. Call ets- Learn all there Is to know about seeker a direct path back to the FACTORY HELP WANTED mileage, excellent transpertatlwt. MASON CONTRACTOR lmur,177-ll!«0 1S30 alter t pm. playing drums. Reading, set-work true home on the inner planes) We have openings in our Production Department CHINA & GARDEN SIN. Call 4e4->17t after 5 p.m. liUILDER Jail, Rock and Latin. For more "Man is a god clothed In rages'." SMALL COMPANY needs de- 2S7 Main St. CONCRETE WORK - steps-walls information call 377-015J. An introductory lecture and !»« CHEVROLET BelAIr, Excel- for machine operators, inspectors, material pendable person to assist wllti - Chatham •patios • fireplaces • plastering ' — movie will b«i held at the Berkeley handlers. Benefits manufacturing and general shop lent machanlcal condition. Body grading and drainage work car- GUITAR INSTRUCTION Heights YMCA in the. Fooatown duties. Will train. Full time fair. Radio. Good Interior. UK. pentry work • wood decks - repair Beginners to advanced students. Shopping Center Friday. January Phone 665-Q3M! psrmsnsa! petition, e;!! !!}-5!!4. 513 JSll. »-4:!0 or 4»4 3194 afttr 5 dr new fret advice A designing r»n stichard Damieh Fusco Now. a at 7; JO PM. Admission free. Ceil HARRY C. BRADSHAW CO. Bon p.rh. 277.0214. m-1W 4M-3W 'Or details. FAGt 18 THKM'MMri HHUU>. TH» KMH1 JAM AM 5. W7» use it tn anotner way I'lays tnfcrwon, t>t a fviterlnu uf »•" with approximately «00 Class aha ranges from religion duly There are Dreamboat" written by the aU day Much of the work The children go up the lull Ojmmixi Council tb b* K«td H now are given in the tilgli LtGM. NOTICE eight to 13 "1! we accept a involves experimenting, for lunch at the high school Cily Ho.ll Kibftid City on -Sfcnuar'y '*tr* members in the United special classes but a same author who did "Jesus school gym," Sister »»l e:SOo'cioth P.M., ajnoslurin Sthlta 'I"he mtuion given child, we commit ourselves, "Christian atmosphere Christ Supersiar " Thediscovering and long-term cafeteria and also to use the week pilot H* stie up to ettfl In Geraldine said KNlNNCS p the S»ter» by Mother Cor- to producing the best permeates the school," primary (iiidrea in the projects However, they sit gym, Physical education AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING ihe of stkrts at pre-kindergarten fOR ONE YEAR "AN OR tp of fti3 otmoer& ot About 25 percent of the 2ONING BOARD OF AD ! pubii: wha shall rVQuekt In each child you teach." Seaming is, to me it's at,children are nan-Calhoue One ol the Sisters who On the other side of the sixth grade The fourth, fifth Knoll Lswer School, the JUS1WEN1 FUKSUAKI 10 THE important to see the and sixth grade have an boys go on to DelbttrUni or DAViOL Loving faculty but study religion, loo used to be at .be Oak Knoll hall, aJio for the primary, PROVISIONS Of- CMAPltk 2V\ City Cserk after-*ehool varsity Oratory mainly, some to V- L 1*75, PROVIDING FOR THE "Our (acuity Is what children happy in their "There is more to religion convent in Summit. Sister four rooms open into each POWtHS OP SAiD BOARDS program and play other 536.JO make* Oak Knoll special. learning. Aiid 1 see this in than just the Catholic faith Marjorie Gilbert, wrote a other for reading One Flngry and Newark nxtN& ih£ HRoeeousts There is a warm relation- the school There's a Sot of Our children learn about child's version o! "God-reading center has theprivate schools Academy, the girls U> the &QV6RNIN& APPLICATIONS 10 SAID BOAWDi Ai^b APPEALS ship between student* and experimentation going oa, a diflereni religions," the spell" which has been audiovisual approach, two The topfloo r of the Lower Upper School on the hill 'In tH£8fc»-KUM, AND PRGVIDirtO teachers. It's a happy en- lot ot discovery on the part f*aW published The Lower centers are teacher directed School is devoted to the fifth the last five years I eao'i f 08 the CON! INUANCf O¥ 1 HE tXlSTIWO ZONING OK-DiNANCfc vironment, a place where o( the students," she said Other than religion, itw School will use thai script with a more traditional and sixth grades With 18 think of anyone going on \o AND 1HE iuBOlVISIOH Ok children want to learn and The principal noted the school jiittee, t-mphasis on l-iio* muub space program and ijje fourth children in a learning center public ones " UINAT4CE OF 'ME CITY Of SUMMIT ' u(i*p#i itifitil« i do learn," the principal teacher* were always the fine urts. Classes are Since the l^ower School center is for phonics at a tone, they stay there WMEHEAS. pjrsw&w 10 me Mew N J i A 40A emphasized looking lor ways to improve given in dance, singing, has fi wealth ol $pac£, Xha On the lower Door, what from 50 to f*t minutes J*>fce* MUnKipel Luna Uw; Lftw Parents send their ! e the children's education. drama and mstructiuii on used to be a cafeteria, is now Besides the basics in the N J h 40 i?»ii ^ * *> y • Common Sne said the children du primary grades. have children to the l«wer School Council on Fewunry I 1W7 pasted well on standardized tests, whether an individual indivtdubl mutticui in Learning (Vniers fur devoted solely to the fourth learning centers, the (MI oramemt wititlea AN OR j not only for Ihe rt-tlgious OiMANCE E51A61 ISMING A but that was not considered student or a classroom Tin- strumc-nls The children tnathemat ics, &cu fice, grade With 34 children and students study drarua ui PLANNING BOARD AND A the most important thing teachers' salaries are less learn theory and coin social studies and for two full-time teachers, two fact, the whole school training but also for the ZONING BOARD G^ AD methods of teaching JUSTMENT PUHiUANT 10 tHfc "It's what we see them than the public schools but position They compost reading The walls can be part-time teachers are also studies drama as a regular PROVISIONS OF CMAPrfcK 2VI learning, the skills they are equal to other private thetr own t,or^^. openedbelwei-n three rooms on hand "So we always par! of the curriculum "Parents like our learning PI IV^i PROVIDING * OK 1K1 centra type of instruction POWERS 01 SAID BOARDS developing The students scnoois, slit said Fifth and sixth graders for learning projwts have three teachers, and the "The lop floor was once MN1N0 IHfc pftOCtrDUHfcS who leave us come back and Besidei the regular performed a rock opera "Thp children move children are sn groups o! 11 planned for a and the individual attention UUVEkNhNO APPt iCAi lOh*S TO given each student," she iAiu BGARCS *VND M'Pf ai S tell us they were well academic subjects. Oak railed "Joseph and thearound, back and forth In a learning center." the Shakespearean-type she !n£Rfcl-R0V>. AtiU PROVIDING MVU't School iliis Amantig TethnHuiuf prlnripi*! fK plained ater-intbe-round. but we summed up I-OH 1 HE CONTINUANC EOF 1 ^t prepared " IVev ar«- nui stuck at dt-sks fcX'SlING ZONING ORDINANCE 1>D IKE SUBDIVISION OR OINANC'C OF THE CiT* O' f

fey <;i tv'B a' i 10 p m iell-;i To celebrate the opening of our office in the

fll.y U>-t.r..t't

iiOnt C"y «t wen ass 'eviiKif. ,r S Ruflm. ¥ 6K1 ZontftO Ordinance and Reyula I OF* lt*fiEt E ,, u (»,,,iili«ti Am,

UiP Lev? am) lias aypiopr Springfield ShopRite

tew ono (where Springfield, Summit and Millburn meet)

Summit has r.eio I Ount.O '«>> lor = OF CONTR AC* lu*n,^,lny ii.hjf, we're giving you more than money for your money..

. J ; ve< v .r ? '--

ofiuftii' ic NJit 40A II HI) y finding* :r.spf.

Planning Flrrn lo conipie'e US wor ^ ano it pe*mii ir,e appropf tale putti't oeji, mti% to tie iield prior ru suopHng e n«w ^^BSter Psan ana iorimy llrll Or rjrnancv ffirtO Regkilarionb ontl WHEREAS, N J S 40 SSD 90 s mat ira lote WOTiCS OF CONTRACT (jy Qjmiw Cou ii AWARDED 20 beautiful gifts to choose from when you open a savings account.

If you open an account tor $100 or more at our new And. as part ot our opening celebration, we invite you to H.jb A 40A U •dp action tahen by the Cny Springfield ShopRite oltico you may select one of the stop by and enter our Disney World Sweepstakes It s your NOW, 1MEREFOHE, BE *T ott- Bv«llal}IP 'ur OW CJA' N e 0 a V T K £ COW.WCN many beautiful gitts described below Come open an chance to win an all-expense-paid vacation lor three to COUNCIL Or THE CiTV or SUMMIT AS FOLLOWS account today and start enjoying the convenience ol iabuious Disney World iot S1OQ0 cash)-you need not Section l The ordinance entitled saving where you shop open an account to enter or win AN ORDINANCE fciTABt-l£>MlNG A PLANNING GOAHD AND A ZONING 80ARD OF AOJUS1WENT PURSUANT TO lyCUr* THE PROVISIONS D^ CHAPTER J91 P L Wf>, PfiOVlDtNG POR S.M Jariuafy 5, $4.80 IHE POWERS OP SAID BOARDS; -tr f~ IXING THE PR0CEDUR £S OOVtRNING APPLICATIONS TO it SAID BOARDS ANO APPEALS TMERKPH0M. AND PROVIDING Oak Knoll it t^OH THE CONTINUANCE OF THE (ConKnMd from i"e3* 1) EXISTING ZONING ORDINANCE; ii ANO THE SUBDIVISION OR student body The DlNANCE OF THE CiTY OF SUMhfitT" pasien February 1, sn? enrollment is going up. "We ii &e and hereby is ew-tendea tor o had 128 five years ago. 1 see period o' one r"e«r !« expire it Pebr ufir y, 1979 ur.lciS eonsr the total capacity at 160 We Sin ended or supplement efl or are filled completely for the Open an account tor $100 to 11 Ooen an account ta $1000 to 11 Open an account to $5,000 mil Open an account for $100 to II Open a>> account tor $1.000 to repealed by passage ol a municipal ^o^lng Ordinance pursuant to me fourth, fifth and sixth $999 Your gilt: An attractive It $4,999 Youtgiti Acoloftulted II more Ywi gift An attractive 11 $999 Your gift A Hanson II $4,999. Your gilt. A lovely Tea provistor.4 o< the Municipal Land grades with a waiting list for cnoppmg block and knife ComJoiiei Butcher Block Wall Clock Prmccsse Bath Scale Pot Lamp. Use Law next year for the fifth and • a ouiuier oiucn ndii wuw mm fiinccsse uam scale .a r Section 1 This ordinance stiaii .JL take ettect immedieielv upon *m«i sixth," Sister Geraldine psisogt; ana publ icfltlon In the said. manner provided by l»w NOTICEOF PENDING Of the 23 teachers in the ORDINANCE Lower School, 17 are full- Trie ordii>a*ue published nerewith »»> ^..mrti.fta and passed uuon time and six part-time, firsi readtng ai a meeting o* the including the principal Common Council ol lie tit y of Summit, m me Countv o' Union four, including Sister New Jersey, hetdon January 3 t976 Geraldine, are Sisters of the it will be further considered for f m&i pssiage after puonc neaririQ Holy Child, a small order

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