IUF Organizational Structure Secretariat International Union of Food, Agricultural, Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 Ron Oswald [General Secretary] +41 22 793 22 33 mailto:
[email protected]: Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco 1213 Petit-Lancy +41 22 793 22 38 http://www.iuf.orgText41: and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) Switzerland Regional Secretariats Asia/Pacific IUF Regional Secretariat for Asia and 377-383 Sussex Street, rm 5, 8th Fl. Ma Wei Pin [Regional Secretary] +61 2 9264 6409 mailto:
[email protected]: the Pacific Labour Council Bldg. +61 2 9261 8539 http://www.asianfoodworker.netText41: Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Caribbean IUF Caribbean c/o Barbados Workers' Union LeVere Richards [Regional +1 246 436 7020 mailto:
[email protected]: "Solidarity House", Harmony Hall - St. Michael Secretary] +1 246 426 3492 P.O. Box 172 +1 246 436 6496 Bridgetown Barbados Europe European Federation of Food, Rue Fossé-aux-Loups, 38 Harald Wiedenhofer [Regional +32 2 218 77 30 mailto:
[email protected]: Agriculture and Tourism Sectors and Boîte no 3 Secretary] +32 2 218 30 18 http://www.effat.orgText41: Allied Branches (EFFAT-IUF) 1000 Bruxelles Belgium IUF Africa c/o IUF-UITA-IUL +41 22 793 22 33 mailto:
[email protected]: Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 +41 22 793 22 38 1213 Petit-Lancy Switzerland IUF North America c/o IUF +41 22 793 22 33 mailto:
[email protected]: Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 +41 22 793 22 38 http://www.iuf.orgText41: 1213 Petit-Lancy Switzerland IUF List of Committees and Addressses - 2011 page 1 IUF Organizational Structure Regional Secretariats Latin America Secretaría Regional Latinoamericana Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1229 Gerardo Iglesias [Secretario +598 2 900 7473 mailto:
[email protected]: UITA Oficina 201 Regional] +598 2 902 1048 mailto:
[email protected]: CP.